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Deadlines Affecting the Capacity on Junior High

School Students of St. Patrick Math-Sci School

Accomplishing School Tasks

A Research Paper Presented to

the Faculty of St. Patrick Math-Sci School
in Partial Fulfillment for the Subject
Practical Research 1


Burgos, Donel Christian J.

Drajido, Karlo A.

Montero, Brendan Jaire C.

Reoja, John Christhian L.

March 2022



ACCOMPLISHING SCHOOL TASKS” prepared and submitted by DONEL
MONTERO, and JOHN CHRISTHIAN L. REOJA in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree in Senior High School, has been examined and is
recommended for acceptance and approval for oral examination.


Research I Adviser

Approved by the Committee on oral examination with a grade of _____ on May 18,



Member Member



Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Senior High School


St. Patrick Math-Sci School


Deadlines are the latest time or date before which something should be completed.

This study aimed to identify and define the relationship between deadlines and students’

capacity, as well as the concept behind deadline impact and the actual influence of

deadlines on junior high school students' performance in terms of performing and

completing projects and requirements. The research design employed was qualitative.

There were fifty-six (56) respondents chosen randomly from St. Patrick Math-Sci School

located in Davao City. The stratified random sampling technique was employed by a

selection of participants. The survey method of research was applied to conduct the study

and the questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. In the research process, the

researchers used a tailored questionnaire. Based on the students' perceptions of deadlines,

it was shown that deadlines are beneficial since they enhance the students' development of

time management skills and make it easier for the students to complete school tasks. It also

indicates that junior high school pupils of St. Patrick Math-Sci School develop a more

comprehensive strategy when completing their academic responsibilities. Comparing the

students’ preferences between long-term and tight deadlines, it suggests that long-term

deadlines are extremely beneficial to students because it can provide students adequate

time to complete their schoolwork. It can also assist students to minimize stress and time

pressure while completing assignments, resulting in high-quality work. The alternative

hypotheses that resulted from the findings were accepted. The pupils are aware of the

various types of deadlines and how they affect and influence their performance in terms of

accomplishing school tasks. Students encountered certain difficulties when submitting

their assignments, and it is critical that these aspects be considered. Students must learn

how to be flexible and creative, and learn how to seek other strategies that could help and

encourage them to fulfill or complete their school tasks by the deadline. This study should

promote teachers to set reasonable deadlines that are suitable for and acceptable to students,

as well as parents to be less strict and not put pressure on their children when accomplishing


Keywords: Deadline Impact, Students’ Capacity, School Tasks, St. Patrick Math-Sci

School Junior High School Students



First and foremost, praises and thankfulness to God, the Almighty, for bestowing

His blessings on the researchers as they worked to successfully finish the study.

We, the researchers, would like to thank Ms. Ivy Rose Balolot, our research adviser,

for allowing us to carry out this study and offering crucial help throughout the process. She

has taught us how to do research and how to present our research works as simply as


We also want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our Filipino, Math, and Science

teachers who gave up their time to help us finish our research. Special thanks to Mr. Klinton

Lie Convicto, Ms. Ivony Panaguiton, and Ms. Rica Mariz Noro.

This research would be impossible without the time allotted to us.

We are grateful to our families for constantly encouraging, assisting, and lifting us

when the study was not progressing well.

We would also want to thank Ms. Mary Christelle Burgos and Ms. Jessu Cristie

Burgos, SPMSS alumnae, for letting us borrow their books, lending us their router when

we needed internet access, and lending us their time and effort to assist us with our research.

A thesis is never simple; it will need time, patience, and creditworthiness to

complete. It's difficult to express our thanks to the people mentioned above in words.

Thank you once more, and may God bless us all.


TITLE PAGE …………………………….…………………………………….……… i

APPROVAL SHEET ………….…………………….………………………………… ii

ABSTRACT …………………….……………………………………………………… iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………….…………………….…………………………… v



Introduction ………………………….…………………………. 3

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………. 4

Significance of the Study ………………………………………. 5

Scope and Delimitation ………………………………………… 6


Review of Related Literature…………………………….……… 8

Related Studies …………………………………………………. 18

Conceptual Framework …………………………………………. 21

Hypotheses ……………………………………………………… 22

Definition of Terms ……………………………………………... 23


Research Design ………………………………………………... 28

Research Locale ………………………………………................ 29

Research Respondents ……………….…………………............. 30

Research Instrument ……………….…………………………… 31

Data Gathering Procedure …………….…………………............ 33

Statistical Treatment ……………….………………………….... 34


Presentation of Themes ………………….……………………... 35

Results and Discussion ………........……………………………. 36



Summary of Findings ………………...……………………….... 46

Conclusions ……………….……….…………………………… 47

Recommendations …………...……………………………......... 48

BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………………………. 50

APPENDICES ……………...……………………………………………………… 59

a.) Letter of Permission to the Principal ……………………………………………… 59

b.) Survey Questionnaires …………………………………………………………….. 60

c.) Validation Tool ………………………………………………………………...….. 62

d.) Gathered Data Tally ………………………………………………………….……. 69

e.) Grammarian’s Certificate ………………………………………………………….. 79

f.) Curriculum Vitae …………………………………………………………………... 80


Chapter I


“Everybody knows the power of deadlines – and we all hate them. But their

effectiveness is undeniable.” – D. Eagleman, 2019

Deadlines are extremely helpful to students. Teachers, employees, and others could

also benefit from them. In society, deadlines play an important role in achieving goals,

particularly for young students whose objective is to graduate school and obtain a degree.

(G. Kuh et al., 2020). Some Junior high school students of St. Patrick Math-Sci School

have observed that their teachers are giving them more challenging tasks and activities.

The students' primary objective in these circumstances is to complete the tasks and

assignments by the deadlines that have been set for them.

Meeting a deadline involves pressure for the students. According to Durrette, C.

(2020), academic pressure is formally described as a situation in which a student is

burdened by time and energy demands to meet certain academic goals. This stress can

originate from a multitude of places and have a wide range of emotional and academic

consequences for students. Many junior high school students are currently fussing about

their academic tasks because the given deadlines are so short, and some of them are unsure

of how, where, and when to begin, complete, and finish the tasks.

Moreover, students seem to exhibit low levels of motivation when it comes to

learning and grades, and it is not unusual to have upwards of 20-25% of the students fail

to turn in any given assignment, particularly if they were expected to spend time on it

outside of class (M. Walsh, 2019).

Contrasting to an offline class, online learning requires learners to be self-regulated

in order to succeed. Self-regulation is the process by which learners acquire and implement

key skills in planning and organizing learning activities in their learning environment,

allocating study time, seeking help when needed, and monitoring the achievement of

learning objectives (N. Batbaatar & G. Amin, 2021). Based on this phenomenon, the

researchers would like to evaluate how deadlines affect the capacity of St. Patrick Math-

Sci School Junior High School Students in accomplishing academic tasks.

Statement of the Problem

The primary goal of this study is to evaluate how deadlines affect the performance

and behavior of junior high school students of St. Patrick Math-Sci School as it comes to

accomplishing school assignments and requirements. In order to gather all of the essential

knowledge, data, and information, the research aims to answer the following critical


1. How does the deadline affect the capacity of St. Patrick Math-Sci School junior high

school students to accomplish school tasks when it comes to:

1.1. Short Deadline; and

1.2. Long Deadline?


2. How do St. Patrick Math-Sci School JHS students deal with the deadlines

that have been set for them to accomplish academic tasks in terms of:

2.1. Self-efficacy; and

2.2. Time Management?

3. What are the other factors that affect the capacity of St. Patrick Math-Sci School junior

high school students to accomplish school tasks in relation to:

3.1. Academic Challenges?

Significance of the Study

The study focused on explaining how the deadline affects the ability and

performance of St. Patrick Math-Sci School junior high school students to accomplish

school tasks. Moreover, the presented study aimed to benefit the following:

a. The Students. The findings of this study will assist students, specifically junior

high school students of St. Patrick Math-Sci School, in becoming aware of the

potential effects of a deadline on their capacity, as well as the issues that they may

experience in performing school activities.

b. The Teachers. This study will be very useful to teachers in order for them to be

aware of the potential impacts of a deadline on the performance of their students,

to be able to determine the suitable deadline schedules they may provide to their

students, and to assist their students properly.


c. The Researchers. This study could be used as a study guide and reference for

future researchers. This research also gives information that may not be readily

accessible on the internet. It is also useful for them to understand how deadlines

affect the ability of St. Patrick Math-Sci School junior high school students to

complete school tasks.

d. The Parents. This research will assist them in understanding what their children is

up to. If they have children that do have a lot of missing and/or writing assignments,

they will be able to understand why such things happen to the children and assist

them in performing the right things.

Scope and Delimitation

The purpose of this study is to determine how deadlines affect the capacity in

accomplishing school tasks of the junior high school students of St. Patrick Math-Sci

School located at Calle Sta. Ana, La Verna Hills Subd., Brgy. Angliongto, Davao City,

with the age bracket of 12 - 18 years old.

The researchers considered conducting such research to open the minds of all

students and teachers to the significance of a deadline and its negative and positive impact

on students' performance in completing tasks. This study will assist the researchers in

answering all of the questions linked to this topic, discussing every aspect of that as well,

and proving that the deadline really has to have an effect on the performance of the junior

high school students at St. Patrick Math-Sci School in accomplishing their schoolwork.

It delimits that the study may not be generalizable to other demographics or youth

who are not junior high school students of St. Patrick Math-Sci School or who are not

included in the study's scope.


Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Deadlines Overview

Deadlines are always impactful. You can handle your projects on time if you keep

to your deadlines, no matter how hard or simple the assignment is. Large activities can be

made more manageable by setting deadlines. You start by breaking down a large

assignment into smaller projects and assigning deadlines to each one. This is how you can

effectively and efficiently manage your time. You are also less inclined to delay if you

keep track of these deadlines. These deadlines will keep you on your toes all of the time.

In fact, they are an important aspect of goal-setting (G. Chung, 2021).

According to the study "Deadlines: How Effective Time Constraints Can Boost

Productivity" by Shatz, I. (2022), deadlines can be distinguished based on a variety of

factors, including whether the deadline marks a point by or at which something must be

actively done (e.g., undertake a certain action), or the point by or at which a goal must be

met (e.g., pass a certain threshold), or whether the deadline is concrete (e.g., “by Friday at

5”) or abstract (e.g., “by the end of the week”). Deadlines are frequently categorized

somewhere on the concrete-abstract spectrum (e.g. “by Friday at 5” is more concrete than

“by Friday”, which is more concrete than “by the end of the week”), depending on whether

or not meeting the deadline would have any implications, and if so, what those

consequences are (e.g., positive consequences, such as a reward for getting something done

by the deadline, or negative consequences, such as a punishment for not getting something

done by the deadline). Other factors, such as the possibility of the consequence being

implemented, may also be properly considered.

Short-term deadlines help people stay focused on a task, capitalize on the

momentum, and produce higher-quality work. Interim deadlines help to avoid a massive

pile of work accumulating after the project, which is frustrating for everyone concerned.

(A. Gomez, 2017).

In the research “Why We Procrastinate When We Have Long Deadlines” by Zhu,

M. et al. (2018), a short survey about retirement planning was distributed to volunteers at

a local community center. They made two unanticipated deadlines. The online survey could

be accessible for the next seven days in one group, but 14 days in the other. Participants

who had a longer deadline wrote longer responses to the survey and spent more time on it,

according to the findings. However, there was a catch: those same participants were more

likely to procrastinate and less likely to finish the project than their time-constrained


Based on the study “Why Deadlines Are Important” by Robinsons, R. (2021),

establishing and achieving deadlines may assist you in achieving both personal and

professional objectives by providing a defined timetable. Setting deadlines is a common

and efficient technique to help you finish activities in the order in which they are most

important. Because time is finite and there are many ways to spend it, determining what is

most important to you and setting deadlines for those activities might help you make better

use of your time. Prioritization could assist you in concentrating on the tasks that are most

likely to yield positive results. When setting a deadline, you must decide how much time

you will give yourself to finish a work. This requires you to think about all of the steps

you'll need to finish an assignment, as well as how long each one will take. After going

through this thought process, you should have a better understanding of your objectives

and what it will take to attain them. Setting a deadline for finishing a task might help you

stay motivated to do it on time. There may not be a direct incentive for you to accomplish

a work until a specific point in time if no deadline is specified, which typically means it

takes longer than it should. A deadline can motivate you to complete tasks on time, even if

it means foregoing time spent on less important things.

When you're under a tight deadline, you'll need to think outside the box to get the

job done. People are more inclined to be creative when they are forced to be so, therefore

a well-defined deadline may aid an individual or a team in reaching their maximum creative

potential. Setting and keeping to deadlines would assist you to avoid making promises you

won't be able to meet. It's usually simpler to figure out which activities you have time for

and which you don't when all of your chores have a clear deadline. This is crucial

information to have when considering whether or not to take on a new task, since having

deadlines for all of your current activities may help you assess if you have time to take on

a new one (Robinsons, 2021).

According to Key, K. (2022), the problem is that we have become deadline-oriented

in our fast-paced, internet-speed (faster than microwave-speed) culture, and the prices are

worrisome. Putting off a task until its due date not only causes tension, but it also destroys

brain cells, reduces creativity, and the stress it causes can be detrimental to one's health,

according to studies. Worse, it creates a vicious feedback cycle, making a person as reliant

on deadlines as a caffeine addict is on their morning cup of coffee.


Student’s Capacity

Based on the book entitled “Inclusive Theory and Practice in Special Education”

by O'Neill, S. (2020), student’s capacity is often used in reference to ‘developing student

capacity’ as to improve student capabilities. It is a metric that assesses a student's academic

talents, skills, performance, behavior, and/or knowledge in a particular subject area.

Sternberg, R. (2020) define gifted and academically talented students as those who,

as a result of academic dedication or a synthesis of cognitive skills, demonstrate specific

behaviors that suggest the opportunity of achieving. Others believe that academic talent

and abilities are socially determined and that schools have a responsibility to "level the

playing field" and enhance the capacity of all students, particularly children of

minorities, and pupils from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds (J. Oakes, 2018).

According to Dennis, C. (2017), academic skills are the aspects of behavior learned

by students that are required to operate successfully at the level of higher education.

Practicing these skills leads to the development of graduate attributes, such as problem

solving and analytical ability, effective communication, and creativity and innovation.

Academic skills are made up of essential skills like academic writing, public speaking, and

referencing, which serve as a foundation for more sophisticated skills like critical thinking

and reflective practice.

The student’s capacity is linked to student performance. It is a critical component

of education and is regarded as the center of the entire educational system (R. Rono, 2018).

According to Narad, A. & Abdullah, B. (2018), the success or failure of any academic

institution is determined by the academic performance of students. It is the knowledge


learned as measured by a teacher's marks and/or educational goals set by students and

teachers to be reached over a specified period of time. They further said that these

objectives are measured by ongoing assessments or examination outcomes. Farooq, M. et

al. (2018) said that students' academic performance acts as a foundation for information

acquisition and skill development. They highlighted that the academic success of kids is

the main concern of all instructors.

Academic behavior is also evaluated by a student's capacity. It is commonly

associated with being a "good student," according to Farrington, C. et al. (2017), and

includes arriving ready to work (with necessary supplies and materials), attending class on

a regular basis, paying attention and participating in class, and devoting out-of-school time

to studying and completing homework.

The capacity of students is also tied to their academic mentality or mindset. It

relates to students' ego, beliefs, perceptions, and inclinations about themselves, their

academic potential, and their connection with school (C. Dweck et al., 2017). The student's

capacity is likewise linked to a fixed-ability mindset. This is the concept that intelligence

and academic ability are fixed attributes that students either have or don't have, and that

these qualities can't be changed through effort. It is also known as an "entity" hypothesis

of intelligence and is a dimension of academic attitudes. We must also consider

performance avoidance while considering the student's capacity. It is the tendency to

change behavior in order to avoid failure or shame, such as disguising effort and avoiding

academically demanding circumstances. The idea is similar to, but not the same as, having

a fixed-ability attitude (C. Farrington, et al., 2017). It's a feature of intellectual thinking.


According to Maddux, J. (2020), self-efficacy is the perception that one can

coordinate one's talents and abilities to attain desired objectives in a certain subject or

scenario, and that one can take activities that will lead to those goals. It is a resource that

equips people with the skills they need to choose and achieve the life objectives they want.

Its focus on one's potentials and possibilities rather than limits, as well as its view of

individuals as active agents capable of initiating change in their own and others' lives,

establishes self-efficacy as an important notion in positive psychology.

According to Lent, R. et al. (2020), self-efficacy is a critical aspect in professional

development, particularly in terms of academic and career interests, choice, and

performance, as well as objectives and results expectations. On the other hand, it is defined

as a dynamic set of ego about one's performance in various areas that interacts with

personal, behavioral, and environmental factors and is heavily impacted by personal

successes and goal achievement.

Self-efficacy is linked to the idea of self-control and the ability to change your

behavior in order to achieve your objectives. It's more of a plan for accomplishing one's

objectives, as well as the belief that one can succeed, particularly when it comes to learning.

Self-efficacy is often associated with motivation, and vice versa. Those who have a high

level of self-efficacy are more likely to not only achieve, but also to bounce back and

recover from failure (C. Ackerman, 2022).

While success boosts self-efficacy, repeated defeats tend to lower it (R. Lent et al.,

2020). Self-efficacy has been associated with increased persistence and academic

achievement among college students, according to Wright, S. et al. (2018). Moreover,

academic self-efficacy was linked to effort management, deep processing methods, and

mastery goal orientation, all of which helped students do better in school (T. Honicke & J.

Broadbent, 2018).

Pupils with higher levels of self-efficacy were more likely to practice self-control

and persevere in the face of adversity. Furthermore, self-determined motivation and

contentment with one's course and academic status were found to be determinants of career

self-efficacy among young adults (M. Komarraju et al., 2018); and career choice self-

efficacy was correlated to career flexibility (C. Hou et al., 2018).

Students' self-efficacy in this area has lately gained attention as the educational

system increasingly emphasizes the importance of profession and talent development,

which comprises helping students enhance and optimize certain talents essential for

succeeding in a given sector. As a result, domain-specific profession and talent

development self-efficacy was developed. Self-efficacy in profession and talent

development enables the development of self-directed lifelong learners capable of realizing

their full potential, improving their quality of life, and contributing positively to society

(M. Yuen et al., 2020).

Time Management

Students' academic performance and achievements, including their ability to

complete schoolwork, are all determined by time management. Every student should be

able to manage their time well, which involves defining objectives and priorities, utilizing

time management mechanisms, and being well-organized. Self-motivation is required for


time management; performance, ability, and motivation are all required as well (J. Brigitte

et al., 2019).

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to time management; yet, it is critical to get

to know ourselves so that we can make informed decisions about how to spend our time.

Similarly, in the process of completing homework while meeting a deadline, this topic has

been debated and stressed on numerous platforms, and an effort has been made to measure

and analyze time and time management attitudes and behaviors of students in educational

institutes (J. Denlinger, 2019).

Time management is a skill that every student should not only know, but also apply.

A lot of students complain about running out of time when asked to do a certain task, they

get frustrated because they are not able to make it before the deadline. Time management

is extremely important, especially when it comes to university students because it will

boost their grades and enhance their productivity (A. Laurie & M. Hellsten, 2020).

However, most of the time students face problems like task aversion and uncertainty, so

they start to procrastinate because they lack organizational skills. As a result, students will

not be able to organize duties according to their priorities, so they get distracted easily,

ending up procrastinating. As we can see, time management is quite essential to any

university student, or even a simple student, and it is one of the keys to higher academic

achievements (M. Kelly, 2018).

Any time management approach must include flexibility. That includes setting

priorities so that the most important tasks are completed first. We can build a flexible

attitude by getting the most critical stuff completed, or almost so. This not only allows us

to get more done, but it also fosters an atmosphere of being open to what happens, putting

concern aside, and going with the flow (S. McGregor, 2018).

According to Rybacka, O. (2020), productivity is part of time management. Setting

deadlines in time management is critical to achieving the latter. For many people, this is a

common objective. Whether you're at work or at home, you'll almost certainly want to be

productive, which means you'll need to be efficient.

Academic Challenges

Students frequently struggle to balance their personal, career, and academic

obligations, including meeting their most basic necessities while paying for their courses.

While many of their most major obstacles occur outside of the classroom, they can

nevertheless have a big impact on their academic progress (M. Blankstein et al., 2019).

In American-based research titled “Why Millions of Teens Can’t Finish Their

Homework” by Wong, A. (2018), students who lack the means to finish their projects or

schoolwork are being overlooked in the push toward technology-focused education.

Students used to be able to do their studies with little more than paper, pencils, and time.

But this is no longer the situation for the great majority of pupils. Most schoolwork

nowadays requires the use of a computer and an internet connection. According to a

government poll, 70% of American instructors offer online homework, and 90% of high

school students claim they have to complete it at least once a month. Almost half of all

students report they receive such tasks on a daily or near-daily basis. Despite the apparently

increased acceptance of digital learning in schools, access to the essential gadgets remains

uneven, according to a new Pew Research Center survey, which found that 15% of U.S.

households with school-age children lack high-speed internet at home. The situation is

especially serious for low-income families: one out of every three homes earning less than

$30,000 per year does not have access to the internet. This is despite the fact that, as “The

New York Times” noted, poorer youngsters are attending schools that preach technology-

based learning while their more affluent peers are "returning to wooden toys and the luxury

of human connection." It's a glaring irony that it's also a primary driver of academic

attainment gaps depending on race and class. According to the latest Pew study, which

polled 743 adolescents aged 13 to 17, the "homework gap" inhibits 17 percent of teens

from completing their homework assignments due to uneven access to digital gadgets and

high-speed internet. The homework gap affects black youths the most: one out of every

four of them struggles to finish tasks at least occasionally due to a lack of technology at

home. Close to half of teens in the lowest income category are forced to conduct their

schoolwork on their cell phones on a regular basis.

While children in more affluent areas are more likely to play games, participate in

other recreational activities, or receive additional tutoring, children in less affluent areas

are more likely to work after school, care for siblings while their parents work, or deal with

an unstable home life. Adding homework to the mix adds another layer of complexity, and

if a kid is struggling, the prospect of finishing schoolwork at the end of the day can be

overwhelming (J. Lathan, 2022).

According to Parker, C. (2018), a researcher found that too much schoolwork may

have a detrimental impact on children's life beyond school, wherein family, friends, and

hobbies are important. Students in high-achieving communities who spend too much time

on homework experience more stress, physical health problems, a lack of balance, and even

alienation from society. More than two hours of homework a night may be

counterproductive, according to the study.

Researchers are still figuring out the truth about the benefits and drawbacks of

homework after decades of discussion. They can agree on one thing: Quality assignments

matter. Homework conflicts have raged for decades, according to Weir, K. (2022), for as

long as children have whined about having to complete their homework, parents and

education reformers have complained that homework's benefits are dubious. Many

teachers, on the other hand, think that take-home lessons or modules are essential for

students to learn. Now that schools are transitioning to the new (and contentious) Common

Core curriculum requirements, educators, administrators, and researchers are reconsidering

the importance of activities. However, homework is everything but an open book when it

comes to interpreting the study literature on the subject.

Related Studies

As shown in the study "Effects of Deadline Conditions on Learners of Different

Procrastination Tendencies in an Online Course" by Wang, P. (2021), there were

significant differences in perceived learning and course satisfaction among high, medium,

and low procrastinators, but no significant differences in academic performance. The major

goal of this study was to see how three distinct deadline circumstances affected students

with varying levels of procrastination in an online course. Low and medium procrastinators

had much higher perceived learning and were significantly happier with the course than

high procrastinators, according to this study. There were no significant variations in


reported learning or course satisfaction across the three deadline condition groups, but there

was a significant difference in academic achievement. The flexible deadline group

outperformed the frequent and self-imposed deadline groups in terms of academic

achievement. On any of the dependent variables, there was no interaction impact between

procrastination and deadline circumstances.

The study entitled “The Relation between Academic Procrastination of University

Students and Their Assignment and Exam Performances: The Situation in Distance and

Face-to-Face Learning Environments” by Yilmaz, M. (2017) looked into the relationship

between university students' assignments and exam performance and their academic

procrastination tendencies in both distance and face-to-face learning environments.

Academic procrastination is associated with poor academic achievement, according to

empirical research conducted in both face-to-face and online settings. Students' academic

procrastination and assignment scores were negatively correlated in both environments,

but mainly in the distance learning setting, according to the study's findings. Academic

procrastination and exam scores, on the other hand, were solely connected in the Face‐to‐

face context. In the distance learning group, however, there was no link between total

assignment and exam scores, whereas, in the Face‐to‐face group, there was a moderate

positive correlation.

Ojo, A. (2019) examines the impact of procrastination on students' academic

performance in secondary schools in Nigeria in a research paper published by the European

Centre for Research Training and Development UK titled "The Impact of Procrastination

on Students Academic Performance in Secondary Schools." It demonstrates the causes of

procrastination among pupils. Many forms of procrastination are reviewed, as well as the

impacts and implications of procrastination on students' academic performance, and why

people procrastinate. Many students, understandably, achieve nothing in their academics

as a result of procrastination. Many students, on the other hand, waste a lot of time on

unimportant things when they should be reading their books to gain knowledge. Instead,

they are enticed to focus on irrelevant topics, which leads to their bad academic

performance. As a result, many children drop out of secondary school each year, while

others perform poorly in Nigeria due to their inability to cope with their academics. In

conclusion, students should avoid procrastinating so that they can devote more time to their

studies, which would help to alleviate the low academic performance that is prevalent in

Nigerian secondary schools.

Local research by Peteros, E. et al. (2021) entitled "Understanding the Effects of

Time Management and Self-Efficacy on Math Performance Among High School Students

Working Part-Time in Cebu, Philippines" looked at poverty as one of the most prevalent

problems faced by Filipino students in their pursuit of basic education. Working students'

time management has little effect on their arithmetic proficiency. However, it cannot be

discounted as a possible factor influencing their efficiency since, when considered, it may

have an impact on performance, especially if these students have poor time management

abilities (M. Balduf, 2019). Although it has been established that students' performance is

unaffected when they practice time management modestly (F. Miqdadi et al., 2018).

Students' self–efficacy, on the other hand, has a significant impact on students'

performance. As a result, in order to improve their performance, students must improve

their problem-solving effectiveness. It is strongly recommended that time management

skills be integrated into all disciplines to shape and motivate students' good reactions to

demands. From a theoretical standpoint, students are expected to manage their lives and

endeavors more productively once the skills have been learned and put into practice, and

as a consequence, their school and job objectives will be met.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 illustrates the research's conceptual framework. It is a summary of the

literature on phenomena. Among the variables presented, deadlines are independent

variables. They are unaffected by the person’s capacity, and they may have a positive or

negative impact on the students' ability to finish coursework. Depending on how long or

tight the deadline is, a student's capacity to accomplish schoolwork will be affected in a

range of ways. On the other part, time management is associated. Time management is a

collection of ideas, philosophies, rules, practices, abilities, instruments, and schemes that

work together to help people get the most out of their time (M. Gerard, 2022). Because

time cannot be stored and its availability cannot be increased or decreased from twenty-

four hours, time management structures the distribution and delivery of time-based

priorities among competing demands (N. Khanam et al., 2017). This variable represents

the relationship between deadlines and students' capacity as a mediator. Self-efficacy is

included as a moderator variable in this paradigm. If a student has a high level of self-

efficacy, he or she may be able to overcome these academic challenges and complete

substantial and high-quality work (S. Heirweg et al., 2019). Academic challenges may also

affect a student's capacity to accomplish his or her schoolwork. These factors are both

control and independent variables that may arise in unexpected situations when students

are completing schoolwork. As a basis, these factors must be considered.

Time Management


1.1. Short Deadline Student’s Capacity

1.2. Long Deadline

Academic Challenges

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework


This section of the research paper explains the hypotheses based on the predictions

of the researchers. A research hypothesis is a prediction or statement of expectation that

will be tested through study. It is an essential component of the scientific method and serves

as the foundation for scientific experiments (U. Bhosale et al., 2021). These statements are

expected to be the outcome of the study and may be accepted or rejected. The following

are the hypothesis statements:

Alternative 1: It is hypothesized that deadlines have a big effect on the capacity of

students to accomplish academic tasks.


Alternative 2: It is hypothesized that deadlines positively affect the capacity of students

to accomplish school tasks.

Null 1: Deadlines have less impact on the ability and performance of students in

accomplishing academic tasks.

Null 2: Deadlines negatively affect the capacity of students to accomplish school tasks.

Definition of Terms

This section of the research specifies the terminologies for the ideas the researchers

employed. To emphasize the definition and usage of the terms in this study, they were

defined in two ways: conceptually and operationally.

Academic behavior. Conceptually, it refers to stimulus-driven behaviors that take part in

the learning process, or how students respond in the school environment in response to

what is going on or present around them (W. Thibodeaux, 2020). Operationally, the

researchers define it as the influence of a student's behavior on his or her capacity to

complete schoolwork.

Academic challenges. Conceptually, this might include issues such as learning difficulties

or disabilities, underachievement, lack of attention from teachers, and bullying (R. Maday,

2022). Operationally, the researchers utilize this term as another factor affecting a student's

capacity that may arise in unexpected scenarios when students are completing schoolwork.

Academic mindset. Conceptually, academic mindsets are the psycho-social attitudes or

beliefs one has about oneself in relation to academic work (C. Farrington, 2012).

Operationally, in this research, this term refers to how students deal with the process and

the outcomes when performing tasks.

Academic performance. Conceptually, it is the measurement of student achievement

across various academic subjects (“Ballotpedia”, n.d.). Operationally, the researchers use

the term to describe the process in which students' capacity to complete assignments is

influenced by their performance.

Academic skill. Conceptually, academic skills are abilities and habits that help students

succeed in academic endeavors such as studying, research, report writing, and

presentations (J. Spacey, 2020). Operationally, this term is used to define a student’s

expertise and competence in accomplishing school tasks.

Academic talent. Conceptually, according to the book “Encyclopedia of Giftedness,

Creativity, and Talent” by Kerr, B. (2009), academic talent is the ability of a student to

perform well on tasks that require higher-level thinking. Operationally, this phrase refers

to a student's innate capacity to deal with things when completing schoolwork.

Accomplishment. Conceptually, it is something that has been accomplished with success

(“Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries”, n.d.). Operationally, this word is used to characterize a

student's performance when accomplishing schoolwork.

Deadlines. Conceptually, it is a date or time before which something must be done

(“Merriam-Webster’s Disctionary”, n.d.). Operationally, this term refers to the date or time

set by the teachers for students to complete the task or schoolwork given. This also acts as

the study's independent variable.

Deadline impact. Conceptually, this simply means the strong effect of a time or day by

which something must be done on someone or something (“”, 2022;

“Cambridge Dictionary”, n.d.). Operationally, this term refers to the positive and negative

effects or impact of a deadline on the student’s capacity to accomplish school tasks. This

subject is reliant on the research's independent variable and has yet to be determined.

Fixed-ability mindset. Conceptually, it is a phrase used to describe the notion that children

have a set amount of ‘ability’ or intelligence, which we can recognize and use to determine

how they should be taught (D. Gillborn & D. Youdell, 2001). Operationally, this term

applies to how clearly learners can envision the results of their competence in completing


Long-term deadline. Conceptually, long-term refers to occurrences over a long duration

of time to seek long-term solutions, and deadline refers to a date or time when something

must be completed (“Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary”, n.d.a). Operationally, long-term

deadline is a more abstract and longer deadline that instructors provide to their students for

accomplishing schoolwork.

Performance avoidance. Conceptually, it refers to the desire of a person to avoid

performing more poorly than others do (C. Darnon et al., 2007). Operationally, it refers to

a student's lack of confidence, which drives one to delay completing important school


Procrastination. Conceptually, it is to be slow or late about doing something that should

be done (“Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary”, n.d.b). Operationally, the researchers use

this term to define an active process in which a student chooses to do something other

than the work that he or she is supposed to be doing.

Schoolwork. Conceptually, it is the lessons done in class or assigned to be done at home

(“Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary”, n.d.c). Operationally, the researchers refer to this as

the school tasks given by the teachers to students within a certain deadline.

Self-efficacy. Conceptually, self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in his or her

capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments (A.

Bandura, 1977, 1986a, 1997b). Operationally, this is characterized as a student's ability to

perform assignments that is influenced by his or her self-confidence.

Student's capacity. Conceptually, it is referred to as critical thinking and problem-solving,

collaboration across networks and influence-based leadership, agility and adaptability,

initiative and entrepreneurialism, effective oral and written communication, accessing and

analyzing information, and curiosity and imagination skills of a student. (“Asia Society”,

2022). Operationally, this term is used to describe a student’s academic performance,

behavior, skills, talents, mindset, and/or ability to accomplish the given schoolwork within

a given deadline. This also serves as the dependent variable of this research and is affected

by the means of a deadline given to students.

Tight deadline. Conceptually, this denotes a limited period of time to make a work

(“Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary”, n.d.d). Operationally, this refers to a shorter and more

specified time or date for a deadline provided by the teachers for learners.

Time management. Conceptually, time management is the practice of managing and

planning how to allocate your time between various tasks (“MindTools”, n.d.).

Operationally, this refers to how students manage their time when completing assignments

at a certain deadline and in a certain environment.

Time pressure. Conceptually, time pressure refers to how rushed or pressed for time

people feel on a daily basis (J. Rose, 2015). Operationally, the researchers introduced this

term to illustrate the concept in which students struggle to manage their time in

accomplishing their schoolwork.


Chapter III

This chapter covers the research design, subjects, locale of the study, instrument,

data collection technique, and analytical methods.

Research Design

This study applied a qualitative research design. In the social sciences, qualitative

research methods were established to allow researchers to investigate social and cultural

phenomena. According to Myers, M. (2008), observation and participant observation

(fieldwork), interviews and surveys, documents and texts, and the researcher's impressions

and reactions are all examples of qualitative data sources.

According to Denscombe, M. (2007), the qualitative descriptions can be useful in

pointing out potential connections, causes, consequences, and dynamic processes.

Qualitative approach allows for data inconsistencies and contradictions, which reflect

social reality. The goal of every qualitative research project is to get a deeply detailed

understanding of a certain topic, issue, or meaning based on firsthand experience. Because

gathering data can be time demanding, this is accomplished by having a small but focused

sample base; qualitative data is concerned with depth rather than quantity of findings. The

goal of a qualitative research design is to figure out the whys and how’s of the phenomenon

in issue (unlike quantitative). As a result, qualitative research is frequently defined as

subjective (rather than objective), and findings are recorded in writing rather than

numerically. This means that the data gathered during a qualitative research project cannot

usually be quantified using statistical approaches because there may be no commonalities


among the varied findings. However, if common categories can be determined during

analysis, a coding method can be adopted. Although qualitative research questions and

observations are not designed to elicit a specific response, the capacity to code findings

occurs more frequently than you may imagine. This is because the researcher 'steers' the

research in a certain direction while urging the responder to elaborate on certain topics

expressed (in an interview/focus group) or activities taken (participant observation). A

qualitative research design should take into account not just what is said or done, but also

how something is said or done by a participant. Body language and the tone of voice used

by responders are important concerns since these habits can sometimes hold answers to

questions in their own right (D. Sims & J. Gaynor, 2022).

Research Locale

This research was conducted in the St. Patrick Math-Sci School - La Verna

Hills Campus in Davao City, where the SPMSS junior high school students who are

the study's respondents are enrolled.

Figure 2. Locale of the Study

Source: Google map (2019)


Research Respondents

Fifty-six (56) junior high school students from St. Patrick Math-Sci School were

the respondents of this study. The researchers used a tailored questionnaire to assess the

data. A stratified random sampling method was used to select the respondents. As per

Thompson, S. (2012), stratified random sampling divides the population into regions or

strata and selects a sample from each stratum using a design. If the design inside each

stratum is simple random sampling, the design is called stratified random sampling. It

describes how to estimate the population total and mean. The confidence intervals and the

stratification principle are then discussed. Following that, the chapter outlines stratified

random sampling allocation. A simple model for a stratified population assumes that the

population Y-values are independent random variables with normal distributions and

means and variances that are proportional to stratum membership. It also includes

derivations for stratified sampling, as well as calculations and a stratification simulation.

The researchers used the following formula in distribution of the respondents:

𝒔= × 𝒔𝒔

Junior High School

Students Population (N) Respondents (n)

Grade 7 16 10

Grade 8 23 14

Grade 9 25 15

Grade 10 28 17

Total: 92 56

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents

Research Instrument

The researchers prepared a tailored questionnaire. The questionnaire was

used to determine how deadlines affect the performance and behavior of junior high

school students of St. Patrick Math-Sci School as it comes to accomplishing school

assignments and requirements. In social science research, a questionnaire is one of

the most extensively used instruments for gathering data. In research, the basic goal

of a questionnaire is to collect relevant data in the most accurate and valid way

possible. As a basis, the questionnaire's correctness and consistency are an essential

part of this process known as reliability and validity. The draft of the questionnaire

was constructed based on logical viewpoints and perceptions, which cover all areas

of the topic and answer all of the particular questions posed in the statement of the

problem pertinent to the study.

For validation purposes, copies of the questionnaire were given to the

teachers of St. Patrick Math-Sci School. Each instructor referred a person of authority

to validate the self-made questionnaire. The researchers interviewed these people

after they had validated the copies to find out their assessments of the questionnaire.

They were asked whether all of the items were clear and unambiguous to them; if the

number of items was sufficient to capture relevant data for the study; if all of the

items were not biased; and if all of the items were relevant to the research problem.

The copies of the questionnaire were then handed out by the researchers to

the respondents.

The questionnaire tailored by the researchers and validated by the three

instructors of St. Patrick Math-Sci School:

Part I. Do Deadlines Help Us Get Stuff Done?

1. What effect does a short deadline have on your ability as a student to accomplish


2. How does a short deadline influence your capacity to complete school tasks?

3. Is it beneficial to have a short deadline for schoolwork? Why?

4. What effect does a long deadline have on your ability as a student to accomplish


5. How does a long deadline influence your capacity to complete school tasks?

6. Is it beneficial to have a long deadline for schoolwork? Why?

7. What type of deadline do your teachers often give you?

8. What type of deadline do you prefer? Why?

Part II. Why do I Struggle to Meet Deadlines?

1. How does the deadline affect the amount of time you spend on doing schoolwork?

2. How do you handle your time when you're doing schoolwork?

3. What can you say about the way you manage time when doing schoolwork given

that there is a deadline?


4. Do you think that the time allotted to you by your teachers is sufficient to

accomplish school tasks? Why?

5. What do you do at the moment when your teacher instantly assigns you a school


6. What efforts do you utilize to ensure that you complete and submit academic

assignments on time?

7. How do you keep yourself motivated in order to accomplish all of your schoolwork

by a certain deadline?

Part III. Other Factors Affecting the Student’s Capacity

As a student, what obstacles make it tough for you to keep active in performing

school tasks on time?

Data Gathering Procedure

After the questionnaire has been validated, the researchers modified their

tailored questionnaire on Google Form, which is accessible to all junior high school

students of St. Patrick Math-Sci School. The researchers had given a brief

explanation of the benefits that respondents would obtain from participating in the

survey, which may have piqued the respondents' interest and persuaded them to


Throughout the study, the researchers clarified and provided crucial details such

as the study's objectives and what the respondents will learn and gain from it.

Respondents were required to provide biographical information as well as consent to

the survey's terms and conditions. The participants were given instructions and

directions on how to fill out the survey form. Respondents to the questionnaire will

only be able to express themselves in the form of an opinion. By chance and for

clarity, the researchers responded to and clarified all the questions on the items. The

researchers then informed how participants may complete the survey and provide

feedback through submission.

Subsequently, the results of the survey respondents' input were tabulated.

The data were examined and interpreted using the most appropriate analytical


Statistical Treatment

The researcher employed a thematic analysis to examine at how deadlines

affect a student's ability to complete schoolwork. Thematic analysis is a technique

for finding and understanding meaning patterns in qualitative data. The purpose of

thematic analysis is to determine themes, or relevant or intriguing patterns in data,

and then use these themes to address the topic or make a point about an issue. An

effective thematic analysis does more than simply summarize the data; it analyzes

and makes meaning of it. Using the main questions as the themes is a common

oversight. This usually indicates that the information has been summarized and

structured rather than studied (V. Clarke & V. Braun, 2006).


Chapter IV

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data gathered from the

foregoing study, which aimed to identify and characterize the relationship between

deadlines and student ability, as well as the concept of deadline effects and the actual

influence of deadlines on performance in terms of completing projects and

requirements, among the students of St. Patrick Math-Sci School in the junior high

school department. The data found in this chapter was arranged according to the

problems treated in this study.

Presentation of Themes

Concept of Deadline Impact

I. Short-term Deadline

A. Effects

B. Influence

II. Long-Term Deadline

A. Effects

B. Influence

Determination and Characterization

III. Self-Efficacy

A. Utilization

B. Motivation

IV. Time Management

A. Flexibility

B. Productivity

Factors to Be Considered

V. Academic Challenges

A. Unexpected Events

The researchers were able to extract a total of five (5) themes from the data

obtained. The themes for the reasons and factors: (1) Short-term Deadline, and (2)

Long-term Deadline; for the description and understanding: (3) Self-Efficacy, and

(4) Time Management; and lastly for the other factors to be considered: (5) Academic

Challenges. Each theme is supported by one to two sub-themes, as evidenced by the

study's fifty-six (56) respondents.

Results and Discussion

Concept of Deadline Impact

I. Short-term Deadline

According to Gomez, A. (2017), short-term deadlines help maintain focus on

a task, leverage the power of momentum, and ultimately lead to higher quality work.

Short-term, interim deadlines also help to avoid a huge pile of work bunching up at

the end which is stressful for everyone involved. However, the data collected

contradicts the study in some ways.


A. Effects

Most of the junior high school students stated that having a short or tight

deadline forces them to complete and finish their tasks as soon as feasible. R56

responded that:

“Short deadline pushes me to complete and finish my assignments as

quickly as possible.” (R56: KII, 04/04/22).

Few students stated that having a short or tight deadline prevents them from

mismanaging their days and hours when doing assignments. R2 responded that:

“When it comes to preparing and performing schoolwork, my days and

hours would not be squandered/mismanaged.” (R2: KII, 28/03/22).

Some students stated that having a short or tight deadline enhances their

ability to resist procrastination. R32 responded that:

“It improves my advantage of avoiding procrastination.” (R32: KII,


B. Influence

Most of the students stated that having a short or tight deadline allows them

to think and act more efficiently and decisively. R47 responded that:

“This would enable me to think and act faster and more effectively.”
(R47: KII, 01/04/22).

Few students stated that having a short or tight deadline helps them

concentrate and prioritize the most critical tasks. R3 responded that:

“My ability to concentrate and prioritize the most important things

would be improved.” (R3: KII, 28/03/22).

Some students believe that having a short or tight deadline may result in

tiredness and academic pressure because completing schoolwork within a short

deadline necessitates a great deal of energy or labor. R44 responded that:

“Although this will lessen time mismanagement, it will result in

weariness and student pressure because accomplishing schoolwork
within a short deadline demands a huge amount of energy or
exertion.” (R44: KII, 31/03/22).

II. Long-term Deadline

According to Zhu, M. et. al. (2018), A brief survey was distributed to

volunteers at a local community center. Participants with longer deadlines spent more

time on the survey and produced longer responses. Those same participants, on the

other hand, were more likely to delay and finish the project than their time-

constrained counterparts. As per the data collected, longer deadlines are likely to

benefit pupils' performance.

A. Effects

Most of the students stated that having a long deadline enables them to plan

ahead of schedule and complete their schoolwork. R1 responded that:


“It will allow me to have a great amount of time to plan ahead of

schedule and do my schoolwork.” (R1: KII, 28/03/22).

Few students stated that having a long deadline will result in higher quality

and exceptional assignments since they have more time to complete their tasks. R4

responded that:

“Since I have more time to accomplish my assignments, this will result

in higher quality and remarkable assignments.” (R4: KII, 28/03/22).

Some students stated that having a long deadline helps them to be less

concerned about what and how they will begin their tasks because there is still plenty

of time. R46 responded that:

“I no longer have to be anxious about what and how I will begin my

schoolwork because I still have a lot of time.” (R46: KII, 31/03/22).

B. Influence

Most of the students stated that having a lengthy deadline relieves them from

tension and anxiety. R5 responded that:

“Long deadlines can help students feel less stressed and anxious.” (R5:
KII, 28/03/22).

Few students stated that having a long deadline gives them more confidence

in their ability to accomplish academic projects, resulting in high-quality and

excellent academic achievement. R51 responded that:


“Long deadlines will boost a student's confidence to complete

academic tasks, resulting in high-quality and impressive academic
performance.” (R51: KII, 02/04/22).

Some students stated that having a long deadline would have a negative

impact on them and cause them to procrastinate. R23 responded that:

“Since the deadline is quite lengthy, this would have a negative

influence on me and induce me to procrastinate.” (R23: KII, 29/03/22).

Determination and Characterization

III. Self-Efficacy

According to Ackerman, C. (2022), self-efficacy is related to the concept of

self-control and the ability to modulate one’s behavior to reach one’s goals. It is more

of a strategy for achieving one’s goals, as well as the belief that he or she can succeed,

especially in relation to learning. Those with high self-efficacy often have high

motivation and vice versa. Those with a high level of self-efficacy are not only more

likely to succeed, but they are also more likely to bounce back and recover from


A. Utilization

Most of the students stated that when a teacher gives a school work, they plan

out a thorough strategy for how they will begin and complete their assignments.

R54 responded that:

“I establish a detailed strategy for how I will begin and finish my

assignments.” (R54: KII, 03/04/22).

Few students indicated that they keep a strategic distance from activities that

aren't related to their academic tasks. R8 responded that:

“I maintain a strategic distance from things that aren't relevant to my

academic tasks.” (R8: KII, 28/03/22).

When a teacher assigns a school task, some students claim to be strict with

themselves in every way. They would focus on doing their assignments on time if

they had to concentrate on them. R20 responded that:

“I am being strict with myself in everything. If I had to concentrate on

completing my assignments, I would focus on finishing them on time.”
(R20: KII, 03/04/22).

B. Motivation

Most of the students responded that they are motivated to complete their tasks

since they want to finish them before the deadline. They also state that completing

assignments will provide them with satisfaction and allow them to feel free of

anxiousness. R36 responded that:

“I always thought that if I finish my school work on time, I will be able

to have good grades.” (R36: KII, 30/03/22).

According to a few students, when they consider their future, they become

more motivated. They are driven to achieve their duties as students by remembering

the people who helped them get to where they are now, particularly their parents,

families, friends, and inspirations. They also believe that completing the assignments

is necessary in order for them to graduate from high school and acquire a degree.

Students stated that they want to earn a decent job and that in order to do so, they

must be committed to completing their schoolwork. R53 responded that:

“I keep myself motivated by remembering those who and that inspire

me.” (R53: KII, 02/04/22).

Some students remark that listening to music relaxes and comforts them.

According to the students, listening to the beat of the songs stimulates them to do

better when completing schoolwork. They also claimed that the faster the beat of the

music they were listening to, the better their performance on tasks would be. R10

responded that:

“Listening to lo-fi music.” (R10: KII, 28/03/22).

IV. Time Management

McGregor, S. (2018) claims that, one of the most important aspects of time

management is flexibility. That includes setting priorities so that the most important

tasks are completed first. We can build a flexible attitude by getting the most critical

stuff completed, or almost so. This not only allows us to get more done, but it also

encourages us to be open to whatever happens, to put our worries aside, and to go

with the process. Productivity is another aspect of time management. Setting

deadlines in time management is crucial due to the limited amount of time you have

in a day. If you don't keep track of your time, you're likely to miss a lot of important

details, which leads to a basic accumulation of tasks. In time management, setting


timelines is crucial to attaining the latter. This is a common goal for many people.

You'll almost likely want to be productive, which means you'll need to be efficient,

whether you're at work or at home (O. Rybacka, 2020).

A. Flexibility

Most students responded that in order to avoid time squandering when

completing assignments, they prefer to focus and prioritize work or tasks that are

more crucial than others. R52 responded that:

“I prefer to focus and prioritize work or tasks that are more important
than the others.” (R52: KII, 02/04/22).

Few students stated that they used to establish a schedule or timetable to

determine exactly when they may begin working on their assignments. R7 stated that:

“I used to make a schedule or timetable to decide exactly when I could

start working on my assignments.” (R7: KII, 28/03/22).

Some students stated that when they manage their time when performing

tasks, they effectively make use of it to accomplish their assignments on time. R50

responded that:

“I make efficient use of my time to ensure that my schoolwork would

be completed on time.” (R50: KII, 02/04/22).

B. Productivity

Most of the students agreed that a deadline is helpful since it improves

students' time management abilities and creates an opportunity to complete school


tasks. According to students, deadlines enable them to think efficiently and increase

their confidence in their ability to complete a project. R43 responded that:

“Deadline is advantageous since it improves the students'

development of time management skills and makes it easier for us to
accomplish school tasks.” (R43: KII, 31/03/22).

When performing school tasks and managing time, a few students claimed

that having a deadline reduces their productivity and adds academic pressure. R11

responded that:

“Deadlines add academic pressure to students.” (R11: KII, 28/03/22).

Some students said that deadlines affect them in some way and cause them to

cram, driving them to rush through their schoolwork in order to achieve it on time.

R55 responded that:

“It causes me to cram, and as a result, I have to speed through my

schoolwork in order to submit it on time.” (R55: KII, 03/04/22).

Factors to Be Considered

V. Academic Challenges

According to Blankstein, M. et. al. (2019), students often struggle with

balancing their personal, professional, and academic responsibilities, including

affording their most basic needs in conjunction with course expenses. While many

of their most significant challenges take place outside of the classroom, these

difficulties nonetheless can have a substantial impact on their academic success.


A. Unexpected Events

Most of the students responded that tiredness is one of the most common

unpredictable situations that affects them and prevents them from performing school

responsibilities. They lose interest in doing the work when they are sleepy, which

causes them to delay. R49 responded that:

“Exhaustion, I know it isn't only me who gets exhausted from time to

time but, mental and physical exhaustion can badly affect my
performance, like procrastination. Not only it affects my personal life
but also my school life.” (R49: KII, 02/04/22).

Few students reported that a poor internet connection has a negative impact

on their ability to complete tasks. They lose concentration, interest, and confidence

in finishing their assignment due to a poor internet connection. R19 responded that:

“The most tough one is poor internet connection because you can’t
listen to your teacher because of lag and sometimes when i will send
the activity it keeps on loading.” (R19: KII, 04/04/22).

Some students admitted to being easily lured or distracted by the objects

around them, particularly when using their phones while doing schoolwork. They

stated that when they use their phones, they are easily swayed to play online games,

watch videos, and read social media posts, which causes them to lose attention and

stops them from completing schoolwork. R6 responded that:

“Influenced to play games online.” (R6: KII, 28/03/22).




This chapter contains an overview of the data gathered, as well as the researchers'

conclusions and recommendations.

Summary of Findings

The research’s main objectives are described in the first chapter, notably in the

statement of the problem. Three primary questions must be addressed to fulfill the

requirements of the study. Through the courses made by the researchers to answer these

questions, the results were acquired:

1. The data shows that deadlines, especially long deadlines, have a substantial impact

on the capacity or performance of St. Patrick Math-Sci School junior high school

learners. According to the students, longer deadlines are far more helpful when

accomplishing tasks than short deadlines since they reduce anxiety and increase

confidence in their ability to complete school work.

2. Students can effectively manage their time by developing a comprehensive strategy

for meeting a deadline. However, the data indicates that they are less satisfied with

their time management skills. The majority of students are more likely to be

motivated to complete tasks because doing so allows them to feel less worried after

completing them on time. According to students, they choose to focus on and

prioritize more important tasks to avoid wasting time; this simply demonstrates

their flexibility.

3. Based on the data acquired, it was determined that there are six (6) critical extrinsic

factors that affect students' performance when completing activities. Tiredness or

sleepiness, inadequate internet connection, surrounding distractions, lack of

instructor direction, stress and worry, and finally, being preoccupied with

household obligations are all cases of academic challenges. The majority of

students claimed that being tired causes them to delay finishing their homework.

When students are performing schoolwork, these factors may come up

unexpectedly and thus must be considered.


After gathering data from fifty-six (56) respondents who came from St. Patrick

Math-Sci School Junior High School Department, the researchers determined that there are

two main factors of deadline impact, the effects (physical) and the influence (mental and

emotional), which both have a positive significance on the effectiveness of a deadline as a

driver for the students’ productivity when accomplishing school tasks. When it comes to

completing school responsibilities, the majority of students preferred longer deadlines over

short deadlines. Alternative hypotheses based on the findings were accepted since it was

revealed that deadlines had a significant impact on student performance. The study

indicates that learners are aware of the various kinds of deadlines and how they affect and

influence their ability to complete school work. It also shows that most students can meet

their deadlines by establishing a precise strategy for completing assignments, however,


certain students will most likely be unable to do so. Students also had some difficulties

submitting their assignments, and it is crucial that these issues be taken into account.

Therefore, the researchers came to the conclusion that deadlines of any kind had a

favorable impact on students' capacity or productivity in accomplishing school tasks.


The following recommendations are suggested to St. Patrick Math-Sci School

students and teachers, as well as parents and future researchers.

1. Though the study indicates that students develop a comprehensive strategy for

completing school tasks and meeting deadlines, it is still suggested that students

must learn to be more flexible and creative, and learn to seek out other strategies,

not just a detailed one, to help and encourage them to complete their school tasks

in a timely manner.

2. If students are having difficulty completing projects by the deadline, they may seek

assistance from others. They could delegate work to someone else, allowing them

to focus on activities that require their expertise.

3. To complete the activities by the deadline, students should avoid procrastinating.

For many students, being overwhelmed by the task at hand is a common source of

procrastination. This may cause them to become stressed and put off getting started.

Taking away distractions is one technique that could help individuals avoid


4. The majority of students prefer longer deadlines to shorter ones because they feel

less stressed. However, the researchers do not recommend that teachers give

students long deadlines all of the time because they may encourage pupils to

procrastinate and become demotivated from completing assignments. This study

should encourage teachers to set reasonable deadlines that are appropriate for and

acceptable to students in order to ease students' academic pressure.

5. The study also advises that parents should be less demanding with their children

when it comes to schoolwork performance. Giving also their children extra chores

and obligations outside of their competence causes academic pressure and anxiety

in the students, resulting in low-quality work and decreased performance.

6. Assignments, according to many teachers and parents, help students develop study

skills and review principles gained in class. Others consider homework to be

inconvenient and unnecessary, leading to tiredness and disengagement from

school. With this, we advise teachers not to assign pupils successive tasks with the

same deadlines since it puts them under academic stress. Teachers should also avoid

assigning excessive amounts of homework to students, as the quality of the tasks is

more important than the quantity.



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Republic of the Philippines

St. Patrick Math-Sci School
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Angliongto, Davao City

April 04, 2022

Jeanah Mae D. Gillesania
St. Patrick Math-Sci School

Dear Ma’am Mae,

Greetings of peace!
The undersigned Grade 11 Senior High School students of St. Patrick Math–Sci
School are planning to undertake research entitled “Deadlines Affecting the Capacity on
Junior High School Students of St. Patrick Math-Sci School Accomplishing School
Tasks” in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research I: Qualitative

In connection with this, the researchers would like to ask for your permission from
your good office to conduct the said study to the selected junior high school students.

Rest assured that whatever the data gathered from this investigation will be treated
with confidentiality. The researchers are looking forward for your favorable action on this

Thank you and God bless you more.

Respectfully yours,


Research Leader Research Member


Research Member Research Member

Noted by: Approved by:


Research I Adviser Principal


Informed Consent Form

Title of the Study: “Deadlines Affecting the Capacity on Junior High School Students
of St. Patrick Math-Sci School Accomplishing School Tasks.”

The researchers are conducting a study entitled “Deadlines Affecting the Capacity on
Junior High School Students of St. Patrick Math-Sci School Accomplishing School
Tasks.” This study seeks to identify and define the relationship between deadlines and
student behavior, as well as the concept behind deadline impact and the actual influence of
deadlines on students' performance in terms of performing and completing projects and
requirements. Furthermore, the information will be gathered in order to contribute good
understanding and knowledge to the students' development and progress.

In line with that, the researchers would like to ask for your participation by answering
this survey questionnaire containing 16 questions designed to evaluate how deadlines
affect your performance and behavior as it comes in accomplishing school assignments
and requirements. The questions are divided into three parts: Do Deadlines Help Us Get
Stuff Done?, Why do I Struggle to Meet Deadlines?, and Other Factors Affecting the
Student’s Capacity. It could be much appreciated if you could share your views
answering these questions. There are no right or wrong answers.

DATA PRIVACY AGREEMENT. The researchers respect your data privacy. By

providing personal information and responses to us through this survey questionnaire, you
consent to the collection and use of that information under the provisions of the RA 10173
or the Data Privacy Act of 2012. Rest assured that this information will be handled and
secured properly and will be used research purposes only.

CONSENT. I have read, and I understand the provided information. I voluntarily agree to
take part in this study.

1. Yes, I agree with the data privacy agreement and voluntarily agree to take part in
this study.

Please include general information that is asked in the questionnaire:

Name (optional): _______________ Date: ___________

Grade Level: __________________ Age: ______________


Instruction: Please indicate your answer based on your own experiences.

Part I. Do Deadlines Help Us Get Stuff Done?

1. What effect does a short deadline have on your ability as a student to accomplish
2. How does a short deadline influence your capacity to complete school tasks?
3. Is it beneficial to have a short deadline for schoolwork? Why?
4. What effect does a long deadline have on your ability as a student to accomplish
5. How does a long deadline influence your capacity to complete school tasks?
6. Is it beneficial to have a long deadline for schoolwork? Why?
7. What type of deadline do your teachers often give you?
8. What type of deadline do you prefer? Why?

Part II. Why do I Struggle to Meet Deadlines?

1. How does the deadline affect the amount of time you spend on doing schoolwork?
2. How do you handle your time when you're doing schoolwork?
3. What can you say about the way you manage time when doing schoolwork given
that there is a deadline?
4. Do you think that the time allotted to you by your teachers is sufficient to
accomplish school tasks? Why?
5. What do you do at the moment when your teacher instantly assigns you a school
6. What efforts do you utilize to ensure that you complete and submit academic
assignments on time?
7. How do you keep yourself motivated in order to accomplish all of your schoolwork
by a certain deadline?

Part III. Other Factors Affecting the Student’s Capacity

1. As a student, what obstacles make it tough for you to keep active in performing
school tasks on time?

March 13, 2022

St. Patrick Math-Sci School
Calle Sta. Ana, La Verna Hills Subdivision, Brgy. Angliongto
Davao City


The undersigned, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

students studying at St. Patrick Math-Science School, Davao City, are currently conducting
research for this semester entitled “Deadlines Affecting the Capacity on Junior High
School Students of St. Patrick Math-Sci School Accomplishing School Tasks.”
In connection with this, we are asking for your assistance regarding the validation
of our questionnaire necessary for the study. Knowing that you are most fit and capable to
provide such, the undersigned would like to ask approval from your good hands to be the
Its purpose is to identify and define the relationship between deadlines and student
behavior, as well as the concept behind deadline impact and the actual influence of
deadlines on students' capacity in terms of performing and completing projects and
requirements. Furthermore, the information will be gathered in order to contribute good
understanding and knowledge to the students' development and progress.

We appreciate your favorable response to this request.

May God bless you!

Respectfully yours,


Research Leader Research Member


Research Member Research Member

Noted by:


Research I Adviser


Name of Evaluator: Rica Mariz P. Noro

Position: Science Teacher

Institution: St. Patrick Math-Sci School

Educational Attainment: BSED major in Biological Science

Direction: To establish the validity of the instrument, you are requested to encircle the
appropriate number that reflects your rating. When needed, you may write comments and
suggestions to improve its validity.


5 Very Highly Valid The instrument is very highly valid. It
provides unbiased data, allowing 0-5%
4 Highly Valid The questionnaire is highly valid. It
provides unbiased data, allowing 6-10%
3 Moderately Valid The questionnaire is moderately valid. It
provides unbiased data, allowing 11-15%
2 Less Valid The questionnaire is less valid. It provides
unbiased data, allowing 16-20% error.
1 Not Valid The questionnaire is not valid. It provides
unbiased data, allowing 21-25% error.

1. The direction of the instruments is easy to 5 4 3 2 1

2. The concepts, vocabulary, and structure are 5 4 3 2 1

suitable to the level of the respondents.

3. The items of the instrument are definite and of 5 4 3 2 1

single interpretations.
4. Each item is appropriate to the variables of the 5 4 3 2 1
study since it measures what it intends to
5. The number of items is adequate to represent 5 4 3 2 1
the coverage of the research or study.
6. The items and ideas presented are organized 5 4 3 2 1
7. The instrument can be used as a tool for 5 4 3 2 1
gathering data that is free from biases and
8. The instrument can be used as a tool to 5 4 3 2 1
generate comprehensive information within the
given time frame.
9. The instrument can be used as a tool to 5 4 3 2 1
generate data that are of value to the concerned
10. Generally, the instrument serves the purpose 5 4 3 2 1
for which it is constructed.

Excellent 9.4


I’ve made some corrections with your letter and questionnaire. Kindly, look into it

and revise. You must include the Data Privacy Act since you’re gathering your data through

online/google form. Moreover, you need to separate the questions by parts according to

your variables.

Rica Mariz P. Noro

Validator’s Signature over Printed Name



Name of Validator: IVONY F. PANAGUITON




To the evaluator: Please put the scale on the appropriate box for your ratings.

Scale: 5-Very 4-Highly 3-Moderately 2-Less Valid 1-Not Valid

High Valid Valid Valid
1. The test directions and the items are written in a 5
clear and understandable manner.

2. The vocabulary level, language, structure and 5

conceptual level of participants.

3. The items of the instrument are definite and of single 4


4. The item appropriately presented the substance of 4

the research. The questions are designed to
determine the skills that are supposed to be

5. The number of the questions per area is a 4

representative enough of all the questions needed for
the research.

6. The items are presented and organized in logical 4


7. The questionnaire has the ability to gather factual 4

data, eliminating biases and subjectivity,

8. The instrument can be used as a tool to generate 4

comprehensive information within a given time

9. The questionnaire is capable of generating data that 4

will be of value and practical use to the sectors
concerned in the investigation.

10. Overall, the questionnaire serves the purpose for 4

which it is constructed.

Good 8.4



Validator’s Signature over Printed Name



Name of Validator: KLINTON LIE C. CONVICTO




To the evaluator: Please check the appropriate box for your ratings.

Scale: 5-Very 4-Highly 3-Moderately 2-Less Valid 1-Not Valid

High Valid Valid Valid
1. The test directions and the items are written in a ✓
clear and understandable manner.

2. The vocabulary level, language, structure and ✓

conceptual level of participants.

3. The items of the instrument are definite and of ✓

single interpretations.

4. The item appropriately presented the substance of ✓

the research. The questions are designed to
determine the skills that are supposed to be

5. The number of the questions per area is a ✓

representative enough of all the questions needed for
the research.

6. The items are presented and organized in logical ✓


7. The questionnaire has the ability to gather factual ✓

data, eliminating biases and subjectivity,

8. The instrument can be used as a tool to generate ✓

comprehensive information within a given time

9. The questionnaire is capable of generating data that ✓

will be of value and practical use to the sectors
concerned in the investigation.

10. Overall, the questionnaire serves the purpose for ✓

which it is constructed.

Excellent 9.4



Validator’s Signature over Printed Name


Item #1: What effect does a short deadline have on your ability as a student to
accomplish schoolwork?
Significant Statements Frequency Code Category Theme
1. It pushes me to complete IIIII-IIIII-IIIII-
and finish my assignments as IIIII-IIIII-IIIII- Stimulate
quickly as possible. IIIII-II
2. When it comes to IIIII-IIII
preparing and performing
schoolwork, my days and
hours would not be
3. It improves my advantage IIIII Get
of avoiding procrastination. Organized
4. Instead of playing online IIII
games, I could easily focus Effects
Prioritize Deadline
on accomplishing my
5. It pressures me to do my I
task in a little amount of time
and in result, my work may
lack effort and neatness. In
addition, my work may not
reach my teachers
expectations. Therefore, in
the end might have low
Item #2: How does a short deadline influence your capacity to complete school tasks?
Significant Statements Frequency Code Category Theme
1. This would enable me to IIIII-IIIII-IIIII-
think and act faster and more IIII
2. My ability to concentrate IIIII-IIIII-IIIII-
and prioritize the most IIII
important things would be
improved. Influence
3. Although this will lessen IIIII-IIIII
time mismanagement, it will
result in weariness and
student pressure because
accomplishing schoolwork
within a short deadline

demands a huge amount of

energy or exertion.
4. It would benefit me in IIIII-III
improving my effectiveness Efficacy
in time handling.
Item #3: Is it beneficial to have a short deadline for schoolwork? Why?
Significant Statements Frequency Code Category Theme
1. No. I have already IIIII-IIIII-
experience this and I IIIII-IIIII-
think instead of thinking IIIII-II
about answering, you are Disadvantageous
thinking more about the
deadline because you
have less time to answer.
2. Yes, so that students IIIII-IIIII-
would focus on that IIIII-IIIII-
assignment and not II
become distracted when
performing the task,
since if you become
distracted while
performing the task, you Short Deadline
will forget your
assignments or tasks.
3. It depends on the IIIII-II
schoolwork given, if it's
a heavy one then a long
deadline would be
necessary. But, if it's a
simple task and could be
It Depends
done in a short time, then
a short deadline is
enough. As it also
challenges the students
to pass on time in such
short time.
Item #4: What effect does a long deadline have on your ability as a student to
accomplish schoolwork?
Significant Statements Frequency Code Category Theme
1. It will allow me to IIIII-IIIII-
have a great amount of IIIII-IIIII-
time to plan ahead of IIIII-III Plenty of Time
schedule and do my Effects
2. Since I have more IIIII-IIIII- High-quality
time to accomplish my II Work

assignments, this will

result in higher quality
and remarkable
3. I no longer have to be IIIII-IIIII-
anxious about what and I
how I will begin my No Worries
schoolwork because I
still have a lot of time.
4. I could spend my time IIIII
well and perform both Perform
classwork and online Effectively
Item #5: How does a long deadline influence your capacity to complete school tasks?
Significant Statements Frequency Code Category Theme
1. Long deadlines can IIIII-IIIII-
help students feel less IIIII-IIIII- Feel Less
stressed and anxious. IIIII-IIIII- Anxious
2. Long deadlines will IIIII-IIIII-
boost a student's IIIII
confidence to complete
academic tasks, resulting
in high-quality and
impressive academic
performance. Influence
3. Since the deadline is IIII
quite lengthy, this would
have a negative influence Procrastination
on me and induce me to
4. Long deadlines will III
induce students to lose
interest and be unable to Lose Interest
prioritize and complete
Item #6: Is it beneficial to have a long deadline for schoolwork? Why?
Significant Statements Frequency Code Category Theme
1. More time = better IIIII-IIIII-
results. I think if we have IIIII-IIIII-
days to plan, and do this IIIII-IIIII-
Beneficial Long Deadline
task, it can make this IIIII-IIIII-
activity to be more than IIIII-III
good, better.

2. For me, it still depends IIII

since some students will
procrastinate since they
know that the deadline is
still long. However, it is
also helpful because you
don't need to rush things
and just answer the
activities or assignments
carefully. It will also
help your knowledge to
It Depends
learn more if the
deadline is high and for
you to explain the
assignment nicely.
Moreover, long
deadlines make you
more creative about
finding solutions and
help you break down
tasks, and keep you well-
3. No, it may be a bit IIII
beneficial because you
could do the other tasks
who have shorter
deadlines. But the
student may set aside the
schoolwork because it
has a long deadline and
this could cause the
student to forget the task.
Item #7: What type of deadline do your teachers often give you?
Significant Statements Frequency Code
1. It depends on the IIIII-IIIII-
teacher most give us IIIII-IIIII-
short deadlines but some IIIII-IIII
give us long deadlines.
2. The teachers often IIIII-IIIII-
Concept of Deadline
give us long deadlines IIIII-IIIII
since they know that
Long Deadline
there are also important
things we need to work
3. Mostly the short IIIII-II
Short Deadline

Item #8: What type of deadline do you prefer? Why?

Significant Statements Frequency Code
1. The type of deadline I IIIII-IIIII-
prefer is the long IIIII-IIIII-
deadline because most of IIIII-IIIII-
the time short deadlines IIIII-IIIII-
pressure me the reason IIII
why some of my tasks
are made in a hurry.
2. Short Deadlines. I am IIIII-III
a very forgetful person
and if I have schoolwork
that has a longer
deadline, I tend to think
that I could do it later Tight Deadlines
until I forget. Although Concept of Deadline
short deadlines may Impact
stress me, I prefer it
better than forgetting to
do the task.
3. I prefer the right IIII
amount of time for the
deadline because I don't
want a short deadline
that can make me
stressed and there is less
pressure but I also don't
want a long deadline
because it can make me
forget about the
Item #9: How does the deadline affect the amount of time you spend doing
Significant Statements Frequency Code Category Theme
1. Deadline is IIIII-IIIII-
advantageous since it IIIII-IIIII-
improves the students' IIIII-II Improves Time
development of time Management
management skills and Skills Time
makes it easier for us to Management
accomplish school tasks.
2. Deadlines add IIIII-IIIII
Adds Academic
academic pressure to

3. It causes me to cram, IIIII-IIIII

and as a result, I have to
speed through my Causes to Cram
schoolwork in order to
submit it on time.
4. Deadlines are IIIII-IIII
stressful, which causes
Lose Confidence
me to lose confidence in
completing schoolwork.
Item #10: How do you handle your time when you're doing schoolwork?
Significant Statements Frequency Code Category Theme
1. I prefer to focus and IIIII-IIIII-
prioritize work or tasks IIIII-I Focus and
that are more important Prioritize
than the others.
2. I used to make a IIIII-IIIII-
schedule or timetable to III
Make a
decide exactly when I
could start working on
my assignments.
3. I make efficient use of IIIII-IIIII-
my time to ensure that III Make Efficient Time
my schoolwork would be Use of Time Flexibility
completed on time.
4. I am unconcerned IIIII-IIIII-
about the time. Instead of III
monitoring and fretting
about the time, I
About the Time
concentrate more on
completing my
5. I do what I feel like I Do Whatever
doing. Wanted
Item #11: What can you say about the way you manage time when doing schoolwork
given that there is a deadline?
Significant Statements Frequency Code
1. I am not satisfied with IIIII-IIIII-
the way I use my time. IIIII-IIII Not Satisfied
2. I feel I use my time IIIII-IIIII- Use Time Determination and
effectively. IIII Effectively Characterization
3. I never miss a deadline IIIII-IIIII-
Never Miss a
because I always do my II
assignments on time.

4. I can meet deadlines IIIII-IIII

without having to rush at Confident
the last minute.
5. I do my schoolwork at II
the last minute. Indecisiveness
Item #12: Do you think that the time allotted to you by your teachers is sufficient to
accomplish school tasks? Why?
Significant Statements Frequency Code
1. Yes, since the teachers IIIII-IIIII-
are mindful that there are IIIII-IIIII-
also other school IIIII-IIIII-
activities that other III
subjects give. The
allotted time the teachers
has given us has been
estimated by them.
2. It honestly depends on IIIII-IIIII-
the work they give us. III
For example, if they
gave us a task that could
take days to make to get
Determination and
a passing grade. They
It Depends Characterization
should give us the right
amount of time to finish
it and not pressure us by
giving us only until
11:59 midnight, it gets
me anxious.
3. No, they give us a lot IIIII-IIIII
of time but we as
students, of course, have
a life different
Not Enough
circumstance that may
occur in our life that may
hinder us from making
our school tasks on time.
Item #13: What do you do at the moment when your teacher instantly assigns you a
school task?
Significant Statements Frequency Code
1. I instantly start IIIII-IIIII-
thinking about how I will IIIII-IIIII- Start Thinking Determination and
create my assignments. IIIII-III Characterization
2. I initially play online IIIII-IIIII-
games to relieve I Relax

boredom before doing

school assignments.
3. I go to sleep first to IIIII-III
replenish my cells before Sleep
starting the schoolwork.
4. I am a precrastinator. I IIIII-III
begin doing school tasks
as soon as they are
assigned to me so that I
can proceed to do other
things, such as playing
games, after completing
my assignments.
5. Depends on the day I
I'm having. It Depends
Item #14: What efforts do you utilize to ensure that you complete and submit academic
assignments on time?
Significant Statements Frequency Code Category Theme
1. I establish a detailed IIIII-IIIII-
strategy for how I will IIIII-IIIII Detailed
begin and finish my Strategy
2. I maintain a strategic IIIII-IIIII-
distance from things that II Get Rid of
aren't relevant to my Distractions
academic tasks.
3. I am being strict with IIIII-IIIII-
myself in everything. If I I
had to concentrate on
completing my
Disciplined Self-
assignments, I would Utilization
focus on finishing them
on time.
4. I avert procrastination IIIII-IIIII-
so that I can finish my I Procrastination
schoolwork well before Avoidance
the deadline.
5. I estimate how long it I
would take me to do it
and make sure I free up Estimate Time
some time for the
6. None I Effortless
Item #15: How do you keep yourself motivated in order to accomplish all of your
schoolwork by a certain deadline?

Significant Statements Frequency Code Category Theme

1. I just keep reminding IIIII-IIIII-
myself let's get this over IIIII-IIIII-
Wrap Things Up
with to lift the IIIII-IIIII-
anxiousness I feel. III
2. I will think of what I IIIII-IIIII
will become when I will
finish this school year
and what my parents
think if I will have a
passing grade.
3. I will just listen to a IIIII
song to finish it. Self-
4. I go to sleep before IIIII Efficacy
doing my assignments to Sleep
motivate myself.
5. I guess interacting III
with friends. When they
complain and tell me
they can't do this, same.
It gives a sense of Friends
feeling, that you are not
alone. And somehow, it
motivates me to do
Item #16: As a student, what obstacles make it tough for you to keep active in
performing/completing school tasks on time?
Significant Statements Frequency Code Category Theme
1. Exhaustion, I know it IIIII-IIIII-
isn't only me who gets III
exhausted from time to
time but, mental and
physical exhaustion can
Tiredness or
badly affect my
performance, like
procrastination. Not only
Unexpected Academic
does it affect my
Events Challenges
personal life but also my
school life.
2. The toughest one is IIIII-IIIII
the poor internet II
connection because you
can’t listen to your
teacher because of lag
and sometimes when I

will send the activity it

keeps on loading.
3. The obstacle that IIIII-IIIII
makes it tough for me is II
being easily distracted by
my phone, games, and
4. There are a lot of IIIII-III
roadblocks. One is the
chores at home. Aside
from your work at
school, you still have a
job here at home, like
washing the dishes,
cleaning the floors, etc.
As the oldest, I have
household chores that
tend to take a long time.
5. I don't have enough IIIII-II
motivation to do my
school work. I always
feel tired to do anything.
Stress and
The pressure and time
limit are also a problem
since there are a lot of
activities that need to be
6. It makes it difficult IIII
when they give school
work, activity,
performance task, etc.
lack instructions on how
we are going to execute
their given task, and
Lack of
when we are going to
ask, they will answer
back either mad or
irritated and if not in a
loud voice and angry
way of saying it again
and it usually
discourages student to


Calle Sta. Ana, La Verna Hills Subdivision, Brgy. Angliongto, Davao City

Tel. No. (082) 234-8237



This is to certify that the undersigned has reviewed and went through the pages of the

thesis/research paper/feasibility study entitled “Deadlines Affecting the Capacity on

Junior High School Students of St. Patrick Math-Sci School Accomplishing School

Tasks” developed by Donel Christian J. Burgos, Karlo A. Drajido, Brendan Jaire C.

Montero, and John Christhian L. Reoja aligned with the set of structural rules that govern

the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in the English language.

Signed this May 2022 at St. Patrick Math-Sci School, Calle Sta. Ana, La Verna Hills

Subdivision, Davao City.


University of Mindanao

Grammarian’s Signature over Printed Name



Name: Donel Christian J. Burgos

Home Address: Atis St., Ciudad de Esperanza,
Brgy. Cabantian, Buhangin Dist., Davao City
Mobile Number: 09212213706
Email Address:


BIRTHDATE: September 10, 2004

SEX: Male
FATHER’S NAME: Eldon Socrates D. Burgos II
MOTHER’S NAME: Joy J. Burgos



Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics
Angliongto, Buhangin, Davao City


Angliongto, Buhangin, Davao City


Cabantian, Buhangin, Davao City


Name: Karlo A. Drajido

Home Address: Block 4, Lot 29, Ciudad de
Esperanza, Brgy. Cabantian, Davao City
Mobile Number: 09556473577
Email Address:


BIRTHDATE: February 4, 2004

SEX: Male
FATHER’S NAME: Carlito B. Drajido
MOTHER’S NAME: Analyn O. Drajido


Humanities and Social Sciences
Angliongto, Buhangin, Davao City


Cabantian, Buhangin, Davao City
Sasa, Buhangin, Davao City


Cabantian, Buhangin, Davao City


Name: Brendan Jaire C. Montero

Home Address: Antipas, North Cotabato
Mobile Number: 09454430481
Email Address:


BIRTHDATE: January 3, 2004

SEX: Male



FATHER’S NAME: Elmer O. Montero

MOTHER’S NAME: Evelyn C. Montero



Humanities and Social Sciences
Angliongto, Buhangin, Davao City


Angliongto, Buhangin, Davao City


Antipas, North Cotabato
Antipas, North Cotabato


Name: John Christhian L. Reoja

Home Address: La Verna Hills Subd., Davao City
Mobile Number: 09085384416
Email Address:


BIRTHDATE: November 20, 2003

SEX: Male
FATHER’S NAME: Juan G. Reoja
MOTHER’S NAME: Maria Victoria L. Reoja



Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics
Angliongto, Buhangin, Davao City


Angliongto, Buhangin, Davao City


Angliongto, Buhangin, Davao City

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