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Dear Iza,

I haven’t heard from you for a long time so I have decided to drop you a line. How have you
been up to lately? I’m writing to you to tell you that I’ve changed my lifestyle.

Firstly, I made decision about 4 month ago because I wanted to be healthier and I wanted to
lose some weight. I conceived that I won’t eat any sugar, junk food. I won’t drink fizzy drinks and
coffee because I am used to drinking. I also conceived that I will go tot he gym four times a week to
be stronger.

Secondly, On the other hand, I could manage to keep almost every vows except one that is
the coffee. I am fond of coffee and if I don’t drink any I would be so tired all day so I must drink it. In
spite of this, I’m doing well with the lifestyle change. I have been losing about 4 likos and I feel very
well and healthier lately so I am happy to made that decision.

Lastly, I suggest that you should try to change your lifestyle not for weight loss but you will
feel better than now and it must help you to be healthier than ever and people will tell you how good
you look. I really recommend that.

That’s all for now. I’m looking forward to your answer.

See you,


Winning the lottery could be a real blessing but also a terrible curse
I go along with the statement that winning the lottery could be a real blessing but also a
terrible curse. On the one hand, it could be a real blessing because you becone really rich and you
don’t have to worry about the money if you go to a shop. You can buy anything you want and you
don’t have to look at their prices. You can just go through the shop and you can put anything in your
basket or your trolley. Besides this, if you want you can help tot he poor and homeless.

On the other hand, it could be a terrible curse because if you get suddenly a lot of money,
you would spend it fast or you might buy a lot of unnecessary stuffs which you don’t really need.

All in all, I should say that I am quite convinced the statement.

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