Sanskrit Sentences

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श टाचारः ( Common formulas or Good practices)

• ह रः ॐ ! = Hello !
• सु भातम ् |* = Good morning.
• नम कारः/नम ते । = Good afternoon/Good evening.
• शुभरा ः । = Good night.
• ध यवादः । = Thank You.
• वागतम ् । = Welcome.
• #$यताम ् । = Excuse/Pardon me.
• %च ता मा तु । = Dont worry.
• कृपया । = Please.
• पुनः मलामः । = Let us meet again.
• अ तु । = All right./O.K.
• *ीमन ् । = Sir.
• मा ये/आय- । = Lady.
• साधु साध/ु समीचीनम ् । = Very good.

मलनम ् ( Meeting )

• भवतः नाम .कं ? = What is your name? (masc.)

• भव0याः नाम .कम ? = What is your name? (fem.)
• मम नाम .....। = My name is .....
• एषः मम म ं .....। = This is my friend .....
• एतेषां 4वषये *त
ु वान ् = I have heard of them
• एषा मम सखी .....। = This is my friend ..... (fem.).
• भवान ् .कं (उ7योगं) करो:त ? = What do you do? (masc.)
• भवती .कं (उ7योगं) करो:त? = What do you do? (fem.)
• अहं अ;यापकः अि म । = I am a teacher (masc.)
• अहम अ;या4पका अि म । = I am a teacher.(fem.)
• अ%धकार= = Officer;
• उ>?ककः = Typist
• तं @ः = Engineer;
• ा;यापकः = Professor
• ल4पकः = Clerk
• यायवाद= = lawyer
• 4वA:यकः = Salesman;
• उप यासकः = Lecturer
• म धा रन ् = Consultant
• शासन- ाCत आ?.कक: = Chartered Accountant
• अहं य ाकारे कायE करो म । = I work in a factory.
• कायाFलये = in an office;
• महा4व7यालये = in a college
• 4व0तकोषे = in a bank;

• %च.क0सालये = in a hospital
• ौढशालायां = in a high school;
• य ाकारे = in a factory

• भवान ्/भवती क यां कIयायां पठ:त ? = Which class are you in?
• अहं नवमकIयायां पठा म । = I am in Std.IX.
• अहं .कIयायां पठा म । = I am in I/II/III/B.Sc. class.
• भवतः Kामः ? = Where are you from?
• मम Kामः .....। = I am from .....
• कुशलं वा ? = How are you ?
• कथमि त भवान ् ? = How are you ?
• गह
ृ े सव- कुश लनः वा ? = Are all well at home?
• सवE कुशलम ् । = All is well.
• कः 4वशेषः ? ( का वाताF ?) = What news?
• भवता एव वMतNयम ् । = You have to say.
• कोऽ4प 4वशेषः ? = Anything special?
• भवान ् (भवती) कुतः आगPछ:त ? = Where are you coming from?
• अहं शालातः, गह
ृ तः, ...तः = I am coming from school/house/....
• भवान ्/भवती कु गPछ:त ? = Where are you going?
• भव:त वा इ:त पSयामः । = Let us see if it can be done.
• @ातं वा ? = Understand ?
• कथं आसीत ् ? = How was it?
• अ?गीकृतं .कल ? = Agreed?
• क:त अपेT#ता:न ? = How many do you want?
• अ7य एव वा ? = Is it today?
• इदानीं एव वा ? = Is it going to be now?
• आग तNयं भोः । = Please do come.
• तदथE वा ? = Is it for that ?
• तत ् .कम4प मा तु । = Don't want that.
• न USयते ? = Can't you see?
• समाCतं वा ? = Is it over?
• कि मन ् समये ? = At what time?
• तथा4प = even then
• आवSयकं न आसीत ् । = It was not necessary.
• :त ठतु भोः । = Be here for some more time.
• मर:त .कल ? = Remember, don't you?
• तथा .कम4प नाि त । = No, it is not so.
• कथं अि त भवान ् ? = How are you?
• न 4व मरतु । = Don't forget.
• अ यPच = besides
• तदन तरम ् = then
• तावदे व .कल ? = Is it only so much?
• महान ् स तोषः । = Very happy about it.
• तत ् तथा न ? = Is it not so?
• त य कः अथFः ? = What does it mean?
• आं भोः । = Yes, Dear, Sir.
• एवमेव = just
• अहं दे वालयं/कायाFलयं/4वपVणं गPछा म । = I am going to temple/office/market.
• .कं %चरा7 दशFनं ? = What is the matter ? You are not seen these days.

• भव तं कु ा4प U टवान ्। = I remember to have seen you somewhere.

• भवान ् स$भाषण श बरं आगतवान ् वा ? = Have you come to the conversation camp ?

;यातYयं: Note:

• श दाः 'भवान ्/भवती' is used for the convenience of Samskrita conversation

• The verb used for 'भवान ्/भवती' is III Person Singular instead of II Person

• तZहF कु U टवान ् ? = In that case where have I seen you?

• तZहF त व
ै U टवान ् |= I must have seen you there in that case.
सरल वाMया:न (Simple sentenes)

• तथैव अ तु । = Let it be so/so be it.

• जाना म भोः । = I know it.
• आम ्, तत ् स0यम ् । = Yes,that is right.
• समीचीना सूचना । = A good suggestion indeed.
• .कं%चत ् एव । = A little.
• .कमथE त7 न भव:त ? = Why can't that be done ?
• भवतु नाम । = Leave it at that.
• ओहो ! तथा वा ? = Oh! Is that so ?
• एवम4प अि त वा ? = Is it like this ?
• अथ .कम ् ? = Then ?
• नैव .कल ! = No
• भवतु ! = Yes
• आगPछ तु । = Come in.
• उप4वश तु । = Please sit down.
• सवFथा मा तु । = Definitely no.
• अ तु वा ? = Can that be so ?
• .कमथE भोः ? = Why ?
• ाCतं .कल ? = You have got it, haven't you ?

सामा य वाMया:न (Ordinary sentences)

• य0नं करो म । = I will try.

• न शMयते भोः । = No, I can't.
• तथा न वदतु । = Don't say that.
• त कोऽ4प स दे हः नाि त । = There is no doubt about it.
• त7 अहं न @ातवान ् । = I didn't know that.
• कदा ददा:त ? = When are you going to give me ?
• अहं कथं वदा म 'कदा इ:त' ? = How can I say when ?
• तथा भव:त वा ? = Can that be so ?
• भवतः समयावकाशः अि त वा ? = Are you free ?
• अ7य भवतः कायFAमः कः ? = What are your programmes for today ?
• अरे ! पाद य / ह त य .कं अभवत ् ? = Oh! What happened to your legs/arms?
• बहुZदने_यः ते प र%चताः। = I have known him for long ( shouldn't be 'them' for 'him'?
May be plural 'te' is used for a VVIP)
• त य .कय7 धैय/E धा `Fयम ् ? = How dare he is ?
• भवान ् न उMतवान ् एव । = You have not told me..
• अहं .कं करो म ? = What can I do ?
• अहं न जाना म । = I don't know.
• यथा भवान ् इPछ:त तथा । = As you wish/say.
• भवतु, %च तां न करोतु = Yes, don't bother.
• तेन .कम4प न स;य:त । = There is no use/nothing hppenns on account of that.
• सः सवFथा अ योजकः । = He is good for nothing.
• पुनर4प एकवारं य0नं कुमFः । = Let us try once more.
• मौनमेव उ%चतम ् । = Better be quiet.
• त अहं .कम4प न वदा म । = I do not want to say anything in this regard/No
comments, please/I must think before I say anything.
• तZहF समीचीनम ् । = O.K. if that is so.
• एवं चेत ् कथम ् ? = How to get on, if it is so ?
• मां .किaचत ् मारयतु । = Please remind me.
• तं अहं स$यक् जाना म । = I know him well.
• तदानीमेव उMतवान ् .कल ? = Haven't I told you already ?
• कदा उMतवान ् भोः ? = When did you say so ?
• यि0कम4प भवतु । = Happen what may.
• सः बहु समीचीनः = He is a good fellow.
• सः बहु b#ः । = He is very rough.
• त74वषये %च ता मा तु । = Don't worry about that.
• तथैव इ:त न :नयमः । = It is not like that.
• कतुE शMयं, .किaचत ् समयः अपे#ते । = I/We can do it, but require time.
• एतावत ् अ4प कृतवान ् ! = At least he has done this much !
• c टुं एव न शMयते । = Can't see it.
• त व
ै कु ा4प यात ् । = It may be somewhere there.
• यथाथE वदा म । = I am telling the truth.
• एवं भ4वतुं अहF :त । = This is O.K./all right.
• कदा%चत ् एवम4प यात ् । = It may be like this sometimes.
• अहं तावद4प न जाना म वा ? = Don't I know that much ?
• त ग0वा .कं करो:त ? = What are you going to do there ?
• पुनः आगPछ तु । = Come again.
• मम .कम4प Mलेशः नाि त । = It is no trouble (to me).
• एत7 क टं न । = This is not difficult.
• भोः, आनीतवान ् वा ? = Have you brought it ?
• भवतः कृते कः उMतवान ् ? = Who told you this ?
• .किaचदन तरं आगPछे त ् । = He/It may come sometime later.
• ायः तथा न यात ् । = By and large, it may not be so.
• %च ता मा तु, Sवः ददातु । = It is no bother, return it tomorrow.
• अहं पुनः सूचया म । = I will let you know.
• अ7य आसीत ् वा ? = Was it today ?
• अवSयं आगPछा म । = Certainly, I will come.
• नागराजः अि त वा ? = Is Nagaraj in ?
• .कमथE तत ् एवं अभवत ् ? = Why did it happen so ?
• त आसीत ् वा ? = Was it there ?
• .कम4प उMतवान ् वा ? = Did you say anything ?
• कुतः आनीतवान ् ? = Where did you bring it from ?
• अ यत ् कायE .कम4प नाि त । = Don't have any other work.
• मम वचनं शण
ृ ोतु । = Please listen to me.
• एतत ् स0यं .कल ? = It is true, isn't it ?
• त7 अहं अ4प जाना म । = I know it myself.
• ताव7 आवSयकं न । = It is not needed so badly.
• भवतः का हा:नः ? = What loss is it to you ?
• .कमथE एतावान ् 4वल$बः ? = Why are you late ?
• यथे टं अि त । = Available in plenty.
• भवतः अ भ ायः कः ? = What do you say about it ?/What is your opinion ?
• अ य .कं कारणम ् ? = What is the reason for this ?
• वयमेव करो:त वा ? = Do you do it yourself ?
• तत ् न रोचते ? = I don't like it.
• उMतं एव वद:त सः । = He has been repeating the same thing.
• अ यथा बहु क टम ् । = It will be a big botheration if it is not so.
• .कमथE पूवE न उMतवान ् ? = Why didn't you say it earlier ?
• प टं न जाना म । = Don't know exactly.
• :नSचयः नाि त । = Not sure.
• कु आसीत ् भवान ् ? = Where were you ?
• भी:तः मा तु । = Don't get frightened.
• भय य कारणं नाि त । = Not to fear.
• तदहं बहु इPछा म = I like that very much.
• .कयत ् लdजा पदम ् ? = What a shame ?
• सः मम दोषः न । = It is not my fault.
• मम तु आ#ेपः नाि त । = I have no objection.
• सः शीeकोपी । = He is short-tempered.
• तीfं मा प रगणयतु । = Don't take it seriously.
• आगतः एषऽवराकः । = Camped here.(?)
• युMते समये आगतवान ् । = you have come at the right time.
• बहु जgप:त भोः । = He talks too much.
• एषा केवलं .कंवद ती । = It is just gossip.
• .कम4प न भव:त । = Nothing happens.
• एवमेव आगतवान ् । = Just came to call on you.
• 4वना कारणं .कमथE ग तNयम ् ? = Why go there unnecessarily ?
• भवतः वचनं स0यम ् । = You are right.
• मम वचनं कः शण
ृ ो:त ? = Who listens to me ?
• तदा त7 न फु रतम ् । = It did not flash me then.
• .कमथE तावती %च ता ? = Why so much botheration ?
• भवतः .कं क टं अि त ? = Tell me, what your trouble is ?
• छे , एवं न भ4वतNयं आसीत ् । = Tsh, it should not have happened.
• अ यथा न %च तयतु । = Don't mistake me.

म मलनम ् ( Meeting the friends )

• नमोनमः । = Good morning/afternoon/evening

• .कं भोः, दशFनमेव नाि त ! = Hello, didn't see you for long !
• नैव, अ व
ै सaचरा म .कल ! = No, I have been moving about right here !
• .कं भोः, वाताF एव नाि त ? = Hello, not to be seen for a long time !
• .कं भोः, एकं प ं अ4प नाि त ? = Hey, You haven't even written a letter !
• वयं सव- 4व मत
ृ ाः वा ? = You have forgotten us all, Haven't you ?
• कथं 4व मरणं भव:त भोः ? = How can I forget you ?
• भवतः स?केतं एव न जाना म म। = I didn't know your address.
• महाजनः संव0ृ तः भवान ् ! = you have become a big man !
• भवान ् एव वा ! दरू तः न @ातम ् । = Is it you ? I couldn't recognise you from a
• iयः भव तं मत
ृ वान ् । = I remembered you yesterday.
• .कं अ आगमनम ् ? = What made you come here ?
• अ व
ै .किaचत ् कायE अि त । = I have some work here.
• 0व रतं कायE आसीत ् | अतः आगतवान ् । = I am here as I have some urgent work.
• बहुकालतः ती#ां करो म । = I have been waiting for you for a long time.
• यानं न ाCतं, अत एव 4वल$बः । = Could not get the bus,hence late.
• आगPछतु भोः, गह
ृ ं गPछामः । = Come, let us go home.
• इदानीं वा, समयः नाि त भोः । = Now? No time, you know.
• Sवः सायं मलामः वा ? = Shall we meet tomorrow evening ?
• अवSयं त व
ै आगPछा म । = I'll come there without fail.
• इदानीं कु उ7योगः ? = Where do you work now ?
• य ाकारे उ7योगः । = I work in a factory.
• Kामे अ;यापकः अि म । = I am a teacher in a village.
• इदानीं कु वासः ? = Where are you put up ?
• एषः मम गह
ृ स?केतः । = This is my address.
• यानं आगतं, आगPछा म । = Bus has come, bye, bye.
• अ तु, पुनः पSयामः । = OK. Let us meet again.
• पुनः अ माकं मलनं कदा ? = When shall we meet again ?
• पुनः कदा मल:त भवान ् ? = When are you going to meet me ? (again)
• तZjने .कमथE भवान ् न आगतवान ् ? = Why didn't you come that day ?
• वयं आगतव तः एव । = We have already arrived.
• भवतः समीपे संभाषणीयं अि त । = I have something to talk to you about.
• भवान ् अ यथा गह
ृ =तवान ् । = You have mistaken me.
• भव तं बहु तीT#तवान ् । = I very much expected you.
• बहुकालतः त य वाताF एव नाि त । = No news from him for days.
• भवतः प ं इदानीं एव लYधम ् । = I have just received your letter.
• .किaचjूरं अहम4प आगPछा म । = I will walk with you for some distance.
• म ल0वा गPछामः । = Let us go together.
• :त ठतु भोः, अधाFधE काफk 4पबामः । = Wait, let's have a by-two coffee (It appears to
mean sharing one cup of coffee between two persons)
• अ तु, 4पबामः । = Fine, let us have it.
• थातुं समयः नाि त । = No time to stay.
• गमनात ् अनु#णमेव प ं लखतु । = Write as soon as you reach there.
• पुनः कदा%चत ् पSया म । = Meet you again.
• यदा कदा वा भवतु, अहं सlः । = I am ready any day.
• तेषां कृते मम शुभाशयान ् :नवेदयतु । = Convey my good wishes to them/*him(Only
if that person is a VIP).
• .कं भोः, एवं वद:त ? = Hey, why do you say so ?
• .किaचत ् कालं :त ठतु । = Please wait for some time.
• भवान ् एव प रशीलयतु । = Think about it, yourself.
• अ प ालयः कु अि त ? = Where is the post office, here ?
• .कयjूरे अि त ? = How far is it ?
• 4व0तकोषः .कयjूरे अि त ? = How far is the bank ?
• .कमथE एवं 0वरा (संmमः) ? = Why so much of confusion ?
• इतोऽ4प समयः अि त .कल ? = There is still time, isn't it ?
• सवF य अ4प म:तः भवेत ् । = There should be some limit for everything.
• .कय7 इ:त दातुं शMयम ् ? = How much can I give him ?
• कि मन ् समये ती#णीयम ् ? = When shall I expect ?
• ृ े उप4वSय .कं करो:त ? = What are you going to do by sitting at home ?
• भवतः प रचयः एव न लYधः । = Could not recognize you.
• .कं भोः, बहु कृशः जातः ? = Hey, You have become very weak.
• अवSयं मम गह
ृ ं आग तNयम ् । = Please do call on us.
• सः सवF दवn चालय:त । = He pokes his nose everywhere.
• यथा भवान ् इPछ:त । = I am game for whatever you say.
• प रहासाय उMतवान ् भोः । = I said it in fun, You know.
• एषः भवतः अपराधः न । = It is not your fault.
• नैव, %च ता नाि त । = No, no trouble/botheration.
• वयं इदानीं अ य7गह
ृ े मः । = We live in a different home now/Changed our
• भवान ् मम अपे#या dये ठः वा ? = Are you elder to me ?
• ओहो, मम अपे#या क:न ठः वा ? = Younger to me, is it ?
• भवान ् 4ववाZहतः वा ? = Are you married ?
• नैव, इदानीम4प एकाकk । = No, still a bachelor.
• भवतः 4पता कु कायE करो:त ? = Where does your father work ?
• सः वषF7वयात ् पूवम
F ेव :नव0ृ तः । = He retired two years ago.
• सः वl
ृ ः इव भा:त । = He looks aged.
• भव तः सव- सहै व वसि त वा ? = Do all of you live together ?
• नैव, सव- 4वभMताः = No, we live separately.
• भवतः वयः .कयत ् ? = How old are you ?
• भव तः क:त सहोदराः ? = How many brothers are you ?
• वयं आह0य अ टजनाः । = We are eight.
• भवान ् एव dये ठः वा ? = Are you the eldest ?
• मम एकः अKजः अि त । = I have an elder brother.
• सः इदानीम4प बालः । = He is still a boy.
• भवतः अनुजायाः क:त वषाFVण ? = How old is your younger sister ?
• भवान ् मा ददातु, मा वीकरोतु । = Neither give, nor take anything.
• अ यं कम4प न पP
ृ छतु । = Don't ask anyone except me.
• तZहF सवE दा:य0वं भवतः एव । = In that case the entire responsibility is yours.
• सवF अKे सर:त । = He takes the initiative in everything.
• भव तं गह
ृ े एव पSया म । = I will see you in your house.
• सः :न ठावान ् । = He is very orthodox.
• यावदहं 0यागPछा म, ताव7 ती#ां करोतु । = Wait till I come.
• 7वयोः एकः आगPछतु । = Either of the two come.
• त य कृते 4वषयः :नवेZदतः वा ? = Have you informed him about the news?
• त य कृते सः अ0य तं ी:तपा म ् । = He is closely related to him.
• भवता एत7 न कतFNयम ् । = You should not do this.
• यZद सः यात ्\.\.\. । = Had he been here...
• अवSयं आग तNयं, न 4व मतFNयम ् । = Don't forget, please do come.
• .कयत ् कालं :त ठ:त ? = How long will you be here?
• एषा वाताF मम कणFम4प आगता । = I have heard of this news.
• सः तोकात ् मुMतः । = He escaped narrowly.
• भव तं c टुं सः पुनः आगPछ:त .कल ? = He is going to come back to see you. Isn't
he ?
• अहं .कमथE अस0यं वदा म ? = Why should I tell a lie ?
• भवान ् अ4प एवं वद:त वा ? = Of all the people are you going to say this ?
• भवान ् एवं कतुE अहF :त वा ? = Can you do this ?
• भवान ् गPछत,ु मम .किaचत ् कायE अि त । = You proceed, I have some work.
• वथ
ृ ा भवान ् %च तां करो:त । = You just worry unnecessarily.
• दै वेPछा तदा आसीत ्, .कं कुमFः ? = It was God's will. What shall we do ?
• अहं अ य7 उMतवान ्, भवान ् अ य7 गह ृ =तवान ् । = I told you one thing. You
understood it differently.
• एताव7 अनत ृ ं वद:त इ:त न @ातवान ् । = I never expected that he would tell a lie.
• मादतः संव0ृ तम ्, न तु बु7;या । = I did not do it purposely. It was just accidental.
• एषः एकः श:नः । = This fellow is a bugbear.
• भवदM
ु तं सवFम4प अ?गीकतुE न शMयम ् । = I cannot agree with all you say.
• अहं ग तंु न शMनो म । = I cannot go.
• 4वषय य वधFनं मा तु । = Don't escalate the matter.
• सव-ऽ4प पलायनशीलाः । = All these fellows take to their heels in the face of danger.
• अस$बlं मा लपतु । = Don't talk foolishly.
• सवF य अ4प भवान ् एव मूलम ् । = You are the root cause of all these.
• सुलभेन त य जाले प:ततवान ् । = He fell into his trap easily.
• अ माकं मलनान तरं बहु कालः अतीतः । = It is a long time since we met.
• इदानीं आग तुं न शMयते । = I cannot come now.
• भवान ् अ4प अ?गीकरो:त वा ? = Do you agree ?
• भवान ् अ4प 4वSवासं कृतवान ् ? = Did you believe that ?
• सः 4वSवासयोoयो वा ? = Is he trustworthy ?
• .किaचत ् साहाpयं करो:त वा ? = Would you mind helping me a bit ?
• समयः कथं अ:तशीeं अतीतः ! = How quickly the time passed !
• युMते समये आगतवान ् । = You have come at the right time.
• एक :नमेषं 4वल$बः चेत ् अहं गPछा म म । = I would have left if you were late by a
• अहम4प भवता सह आगPछा म वा ? = Shall I come with you ?
• .किaचत ् कालं 74वच.Aकां ददा:त वा ? = Would you mind lending me your bicycle
for a few minutes ?
• इदानीं मया अ4प अ य ग तNयम ् । = I have to go somewhere now.
• भवान ् वकायE पSयतु । = You mind your business.
• शीeं 0यागPछा म । = I'll be back in a short while.
• आवSयकं चेत ् Sवः आनया म । = If you want it, I shall bring it tomorow.
• {\rm `}मा तु{\rm '} इ0यM
ु तेऽ4प सः न शण
ृ ो:त । = I said no,but he doesn't listen to

याणम ् (Journey)

• चीZटकां कु Akणा म ? । = Where shall I buy a ticket ?

• शीeं आगPछत,ु यानं गPछ:त । = Come quickly, the bus is about to start.
• इदानीं एव एकं यानं गतम ् । = A bus left just a few minutes ago.
• अहं भवतः पाSव- उप4वशा म । = I'll sit beside you.
• .किaचत ् समaजनं कुमFः । = Let us adjust a bit.
• महान ् जनस$मदF ः । = Terrible rush.
• प रवतE ददातु । = Give me the change.
• अKे गPछतु । = Go forward.
• कदा वा :नगFPछ:त ? । = What time does it start ?
• शीeं अवतरतु । = Get off quickly.
• अ%Kमं :न थानं अ माकं वा ? । = Is the next station ours ?
• मgलेSवरयान य का संqया ? । = Which bus (Route No.) goes to Malleswaram?
• .कंसंqयाकं यानं जयनगरं गPछ:त ? । = Which bus goes to Jayanagar ?
• फलकम4प नाि त, .कम4प नाि त । = No signboard, nothing.
• अये, पादपथे आगPछतु । = Hey, walk on the footpath.
• मgलेSवरं ग तुं कः मागFः ? । = Which is the way to Malleswaram ?
• बहुदरू े अि त वा ? । = Is it very far ?
• एषः स?केतः कु इ:त जाना:त वा ? । = Could you possibly tell me where this
address/place is ?
• इतः केवलं दश:नमेषाणां गमनम ् । = It is just ten minutes walk from here.
• यानं न लYधम ् । = Missed the bus.
• यान य :नगFमनाय इतोऽ4प अधFघsटा अि त । = It is still half an hour before the bus
• यानं दशवादने आगPछ:त । = The bus arrives at 10 0'clock.
• पaचवादने एकं यानं अि त । = There is a bus at 5 0'clock.
• यानं तदानीं एव आग0य ि थतम ् । = Bus has already arrived at the platform.
• आर#णं नाि त । = No reservation, please.
• एवमेव अKे गPछ तु । = Go just along this road.
• अ व ै कु %चत ् यात ्, अ वेषणं कुमFः । = It will be somewhere here. Let us search for
• त व ै अि त | त वै यात ् । = It is there./It might be there.
• अहं न जाना म, अ यं पP
ृ छतु । = I don't know, ask someone else, please.
• भवान ् शीeं न गPछ:त चेत ् यानं न मल:त । = If you do not walk faster, you will
miss the bus.
• एषः मागFः कु गPछ:त ? । = Where does this path lead to ?
• भवान ् आर#णं कृतवान ् वा ? । = Have you reserved your seat ?
• सवE वीकृतवान ् .कल ? । = You have taken everything, haven't you ?
• कृपया सवFब धकं वीकरोतु । = Please take your hold-all.
• यूतम ् = the bag.
• एत7 = this.
• चीZटकाम ् = the ticket.
• यान यूतम ् = the air bag.
• यानपेZटकाम ् = the suitcase.
• व:नता यूतम ् |= the vanity bag.
• धन4वषये जागbको भवतु । = Be careful with your money.
• ततः आग तंु एतावान ् 4वल$बः वा ? । = Such a long time to come here from there ?
• एकं अ4प यानं न आगतम ् । = Not a single bus has come.
• षि टसंqयाकं यानं गतं वा ? । = Has Route 60 bus gone ?
• अहं इदानीं एव आगतवान ् । = I have just arrived.
• कkUशः मागFः अयम ् ! । = What a road !

वासतः :त:नवतFनम ् (On Arrival)

• कदा आगतवान ् ? = When did you come ?

• अ7य ातः आगतवान ् वा ? = Did you come this morning ?
• कथं आसीत ् वासः ? = How was the journey ?(cf. my remarks on the `heading')
• वासे Nयव था समीचीना आसीत ् वा ? = How were all the arrangements during the
• क:त Zदनानाम ् ? = How many days ?
• एकाकk गतवान ् वा ? = Did you go alone ?
• एकाकk .कमथFम ् ? प रवारसमेतः गतवान ् = | Why alone ? I went with my family.
• Zदन यं त ि थतवान ् । = I stayed there for three days.
• मागFम;ये अपघातः अभवत ् । = There was an accident on the road.
• 4वशेषतया कोऽ4प न fVणतः ? = No one was seriously injured ?
• व तू:न तावि त एव वा ? = Only so much luggage ?
• बहुधा *ा तः अि म भोः । = Very tired, you know.
• च.Aका .कमथFम ् ? = Why rickshaw ?
• लोकयानेन गPछामः । = Let's go by bus.
• लोकयानेन = By bus
• च.Aकायाम ् = In a rickshaw
• सुखयानेन = By luxury bus
• पादा_याम ् = On foot
• सा मसुखयानेन = By semi-luxury bus
• संलप तः = talking
• कः ती#ते भोः ? = Who waits for ?
• च.Aकायां एव गPछामः । = Let's go by rickshaw only.
• .कमथE वथ
ृ ा Nययः इ:त ? = Why waste money unnecessarily ?
• बहुकालतः ती#ां करो म । = I have been waiting for long.
• कदा ि थतः ? = When did you start ?
• काशीं रामेSवरं सवE U टवान ् वा ? = Have you visited Kashi and Rameshvar ?
• .कयत ् सु दरं अ ती:त जाना:त वा ? = Do you know how nice it is ?
• मह7 अtत
ु म ् । = Fantastic.

छा ाः (Students)

• अ व
ै कलाशालायां पठा म । = Studying in a college here.
• सlता कथम ् अि त ? = How is your preparation ?
• पाuयभागः एव न समाCतः । = Portions have not been completed.
• गVणत*वणमा ण
े मम शरोवेदना । = Mathematics is a head-ache to me.
• गाढं अ_यासः वा ? = Studying very hard ?
• अ7य .कम4प न पZठतवान ् एव । = Couldn't read much today.
• मम अ#राVण न सु दराVण । = My handwriting is not good.
• एतां काद$बर=ं पZठतवान ् वा ? = Have you read this novel ?
• बहु स$यक् अि त । = It is very interesting.
• बहु पूवम
F ेव पZठतवान ् । = I read it long ago.
• शीeं पZठ0वा ददा म भोः । = I'll return it early after reading.
• अ7य उ0थाने 4वल$बः सaजातः । = Got up a bit late today.
• अहं गह
ृ े एव 0यM0वा आगतवान ् । = I have left it at home.
• अ7य तु 4वरामः । = Today is a holiday, anyway.
• भवतः वगF श#कः कः ? = Who is your class teacher ?
• अ7य समव ण
े ग तNयं वा ? = Do we have to go in our uniforms today ?
• यावत ् शालां गतवान ् तावत ् घंठा ताvडता । = The bell went by the time I reached
• *ीमन ्, अ तः आगPछा म वा ? = May I come in, sir ?
• *ीमन ्, 4वशेषकIयां वीकरो:त वा ? = Are you going to take a special class,sir ?
• लेखनीं एकवारं ददा:त वा ? = May I borrow your pen ?
• ZटCपणीं .किaचत ् ददा:त वा ? = Would you kindly lend me your notes ?
• iयः एव %गर=शः वीकृतवान ् । = Girish borrowed it yesterday.
• अहं तZjने वगE न आगतवान ् आसम ् । = I did not attend the class that day.
• आगPछतु भोः, Akडामः । = Come on, let's play.
• पठनीयं बहु अि त भोः । = I have a lot to read, you know.
• .कं मम पठनीयं नाि त वा ? = Do you think I don't have anything to read ?
• पदवी अशी:ततमे वष- समा4पता वा ? = Did you take your degree in the year 1980 ?
• स$यक् न मरा म भोः । = I do not remember exactly.
• :त ठत,ु अहं मरा म तत ् । = Wait, I know it.
• Sवः आर_य सहा;ययनं कुमFः । = Let us do combined study from tomorrow.

पर=#ा (Examination)

• पर=#ार$भः कदा इ:त @ातः वा ? = Do you know when is the examination going to
begin ?
• वेशप ं वीकृतं वा ? = Have you taken the admission ticket ?
• पर=#ा अKे गता । = The examination is postponed.
• वेलाप का आगता वा ? = Has the examination time table come ?
• पर=#ा कथं आसीत ् ? = How was the exam. ?
• Sन प का .किaचत ् िMल टा आसीत ् = The question paper was a bit tough.
• अतीव सुलभा आसीत ् । = It was very easy.
• अहं थम*ेsयां उ0तीणFः । = I have passed in I class.
• iयः फ लतांशः कZटतः । = The result was announced yesterday.
• अ?क7वयेन थम*ेणी न लYधा । = I missed I class by two marks.
• Sनेषु 4वकgपः एव नासीत ् । = There was no choice at all.
• फ लतांशः Sवः @ातः भ4व य:त । = The result will be announced tomorrow.
• रमेशः उ0तीणFः वा ? = Has Ramesh passed ?
• एकं प ं अव श टं इ:त उMतवान ् । = He has told me that he has to complete one paper
• पZठतं .कम4प न मरा म भोः । = Don't remember what I have read, you know.
• दशवारं पZठतवान ्, तथा4प न मरा म । = I read it ten times, even then I do not
• ायशः 74वतीय*ेणी ल_येत । = Most probably, I will pass in II class.
• अ माकं गणे सव-ऽ4प उ0तीणाFः । = Everyone passed in our batch.
• :तशतं क:त अ?काः ाCताः ? = What is the percentage ?
चलन%च म ् (Film)

• मासे क:त %च ाVण पSय:त ? = How often do you go to films in a month ?

• 74ववारं वारं वा ? = Twice or three times.
• %च मि दरं पूणE आसीत ् । = It was house-full.
• महान ् स$मदF ः आसीत ् । = There was a lot of rush.
• चीZटका न लYधा वा ? = couldn't you get a ticket ?
• %च ं कथं आसीत ् ? = How was the film ?
• करमुMतं इ:त U टवान ् । = I just saw that it is tax-free.
• कः :नद- शकः ? = Who is the director ?
• तZहF समीचीनं एव यात ् । = In that case it should be good.
• संवादः/कथा समीचीना अि त । = The dialogue/story is good.
• एत7 74वतीयवारं पSयन ् अि म । = I am seeing it for the second time.
• एकम4प %च ं स$यक् नाि त । = Not a single film is good.
• परiयः एव U टवान ् अहम ् । = I saw it the day before yesterday.
• केवलं :न सारं , जा मता भव:त । = Just bogus, terribly boring.
• तZहF .कमथE c टNयम ् ? = Why should you see it then ?
• मया4प एकवारं c टNयम ् । = I must see it once myself.
• सव- म ल0वा गतव तः वा ? = Did you all go together ?
• केवलं धनं NयथFम ् । = Just waste of money.

श#कः (Teacher)

• भवतः वेतन*ेणी का ? = What is your scale of pay ?

• इदानीं सवF समाना .कल ? = Now it is uniform everywhere, isn't it ?
• ाचायF य आदे शं U टवान ् वा ? = Have you seen the Principal's memo (orders) ?
• अहो! त0तु सामा यम ् । = Oh!leave it. It is common.
• अ%धवेतनं लYधं वा ? = Got your increment ?
• ल4पकं U टवान ् वा? = Have you seen the clerk ?
• एवं चेत ् कथं जीवामः ? = How to live in that case ?
• महान ् कोलाहलः इ:त *त
ु वान ् । = I heard, there was a lot of noise.
• प का पZठता वा ? वेतनं व%धFतम ् । = Read the newspaper. A rise in pay is
• कदा आर_य अ वयः ? = When does it come into effect ?
• इदानीं कIया अि त वा ? = Do you have classes now ?
• अ7य कIयां न वीकरो म, इ:त सूचयतु । = Tell them, I am not going to take classes
• ाचायFः आगतः वा ? = Has the Principal come ?
• अि मन ् मासे क:त 4वरामः ? = How many holidays (are there) this month ?
• परSवः 4वरामः अि त वा ? = Is there a holiday, the day after ?
• Sनप का सdजीकृता वा? = Is the question paper ready ?
• अि मन ् वष- फ लतांशः कथम ् ? = How is the result this year ?
• एताव तः अ?काः कथं लYधाः इ:त ? = How did he manage to get such high marks ?
• पर=#काणां औदायFम ् । = Examiners' large heartedness.
• पर=#ा अ या, योoयता अ या ! = Examination is one thing, ability another.
• मौgयमापनाथE गPछ:त वा ? = Are you going for valuation ?
• मौgयमापनं कु ? = Where is valuation going to be ?
• अ व थः अ4प आगतवान ् । = I am here in spite of being ill.
• इदानींतन बाला तु ! = The students of the present day !
• अये अ आगPछतु ! = Hey, come here.
• गVणत य अ;यापकः अि त वा पSयतु । = See, if the mathematics teacher is there.
• ते तु बालाः .कल ! = After all they are students.
• .कं भोः स$यक् पठ:त .कल ! = You are studying well, aren't you ?
• संशयः अि त चेत ् पP
ृ छ तु ! = Ask if you have any doubts !
• @ातं .कल ! = Understand !
• पुनः एकवारं वदतु । = Beg your pardon (This means please repeat).
• एकं अ4प गVणतं न कृतवान ् वा ? = Haven't you worked out a single sum ?
• एवं चेत ् पर=#ायां .कं करो:त ? = At this rate how are you going to face examination?
• सेवकं .किaचत ् आiवयतु । = Please call the peon.
• घsटा नाZदता वा ? = Has the bell gone ?
• ZटCपणीं लख तु । = Please take the notes.
• एकोऽ4प न जाना:त वा ? = Does not even one know the answer ?
• भवान ् @ातवान ् वा ? वदतु .किaचत ् । = Have you understood? Come on. Repeat.
• अ7य एतावदे व पयाFCतम ् । = Enough for today.
• अ य अनुPछे द य अ ते समापयामः । = Let us stop at the end of this paragraph.
• Sवः एत7 स$यक् पZठ0वा आग तNयम ् । = Read this well when you come tomorrow.
• गह
ृ े .कम4प पठि त वा ? = Do you read anything at home ?
• .कं भोः कोलाहलः । = Whaat is the noise there about ?
• iयः .कयत ् पयF तं पाZठतवान ् ? = Where did we stop yesterday ?

ि यः (Women)

• गह
ृ कायE सवE समाCतं वा ? = Finished your household work ?
• समाCत ायम ् । = Yes, finished for all practical purposes.
• .कं 74व ीVण Zदना:न न U टा ! = Not seen for two or three days ?
• अहं मातग
ृ ह
ृ ं गतवती । = I had been to my mother's house.
• एषु Zदनेषु 4वमला म लतवती वा ? = Have you met Vimala recently ?
• कायाFलयतः त य आगमन समयः एषः । = It is time he comes from the office.
• ममा4प बहु कायE अि त । = I have a lot of work to do myself.
• अ:तथयः आगताः सि त । = Guests have come.
• .किaचत ् {\rm `}शकFरां{\rm '} ददा:त वा ? = Would you kindly lend me some sugar ?
• शकFराम ् = sugar
• #ीरम ् = milk
• काफkचण
ू म
F ् = coffee powder
• सु4प टम ् = wheat flour
• पथ
ृ क
ु म ् = beaten rice
• चालनीम ् = sieve
• भवतः मातः .कं करो:त म ? = What was your mother doing ?
• अ7य ातः आर_य बहु कायाFVण = I've had a lot of work since morning.
• तेषां पुzयाः 4ववाहः :निSचतः इ:त *तु वान ् = Their daughter's marriage is fixed, I
• वरः 4वदे शे अि त । = The bridegroom is in a foreign country.
• क यायाः कृते .कं .कं आभरणं दा यि त ? = What jewellery are they going to give
the bride ?
• म0ृ तैलं लYधं वा ? = Got kerosene ?
• म0ृ तैलं 4वAkयते इ:त *त
ु वती । = I heard, they are selling kerosene.
पाकः (cooking)

• पाकः समाCतः वा ? = Finished cooking ?

• अ7य कः पाकः ? = What cooked today ?
• भोजनं अभवत ् वा ? = Have you had lunch ?
• भव0याः गह
ृ ं किSच7 आगत इव । = It seems someone has come to your house.
• अ यत ् .कम4प नाि त केवलं सारः । = Nothing ewxcept soup.
• अ मत ् गह
ृ े एकैक य एकैका {%चः । = In our house every one has his/her different

वेषभूषणा:न (Dress, jewellery)

• भव0याः शाZटका नूतना वा ? = Is your saree new ?

• नैव, गतवष- एव Akतवती = No, it was brought last year.
• तथा4प नूतनं इव :तभा:त = Still it appears to be new.
• एताUशी शाZटका मम समीपे अ4प अि त । = I have one saree like this.
• अहं नूतनशाZटकां Akतवती = I have bought a new saree.
• अaचलः बहु स$यक् अि त । = The border is very beautiful.
• इमां कु Akतवती ? = Where did you buy this ?
• अ याः शाZटकायाः अनुbपः चोलः न लYधः । = I could not get a matching blouse for
this saree.
• वलय य 4व यासः आकषFकः अि त । = The style of the bangles is really attractive.
• शाZटकया सा ौढा इव USयते । = This saree makes her look taller.
• प रणाहः बहु यूनः । = Width is less.
• अहं अ4प एकां Aेतंु इPछा म । = I would like to buy one.
• बहु सु दरं अि त .कल एत7 ? = It is very good, isn't it ?
• _व0याः एत7 युdयते । = This suits you well.
• .कय7 द0तवती । = How much did you pay ?
• मु$बईतः मम अKजः आनीतवान ् । = Brother brought it from Bombay.
कायाFलयः (Office)

• भवान ् क:त Zदना:न 4वरामं वीकरो:त ? = How many days of leave are you taking ?
• एषु Zदनेषु महान ् कायFभारः । = Of late the weight of work is unbearable.
• इमां सूचनाफलके थापयतु । = Put this up on the notice board.
• अ ह तांकनं करोतु । = Sigh here, please.
• सः 4वरामं वीकृतवान ् । = He is on leave.
• अि मन ् 4वषये पुनः अ4प %च तया म । = I will think about this again.
• आगा म सCताहे मां पSयतु । = See me next week.
• अि मन ् 4वषये अन तरं वदा म । = I'll tell you about it later.
• एतत ् अहं अवSयं मरा म । = I'll certainly remember this.
• भवदM
ु तं सवE @ातवान ् भोः । = I have understood what you said.
• अ त य एव सवाF%धकारः । = He is all in all here.
• मम कृते काऽ4प दरू वाणी आगता वा ? = Any phone calls for me ?
• भवतः कृते दरू वाणी आगता आसीत ् । = There was a phone call for you.
• भवान ् कि मन ् थाने :नयुMतः अि त ? = Which post do you occupy in the office ?
• एषः सवFदा आग0य पीडय:त । = He troubles me always.
• इदानीं समयः अतीतः । = It is getting late.
• कृपया Sवः आगPछतु । = Come tomorrow,please.
• सः आगतवान ् इ:त मरा म । = I remember, he came here.
• पaचवादनपयF तं अ व
ै आसीत ् । = He was here till 5.00.
• मां आहूतवान ् वा ? = Did you call me?
• त7 Nयव थां अहं करो म । = I will see to that arrangement.
• कायाFलय य समािCतः कदा ? = When does your office close ?
• एत74वषये Sवः पुनर4प मारयतु । = Remind me about this tomorrow.
• तं अ आग तुं सूचयतु । = Ask him to come here.
• .कमथE इदानीं अ4प कायE न आरYधम ् ? = Why hasn't the work begun ?
• अ येषां उपहासेनैव कालं यापय:त । = He spends time criticizing othere.
• मया .कं करणीयं, वदतु । = Tell me what I should do.
• अहं .कं करो म भोः ? = What shall I do ?
• अ तु, प रशीलयामः । = Be it so, let us see.
• आगPछत,ु .किaचत ् काफkं 4पबामः । = Come, let's have a cup of coffee.
• भवान ् शीeं 0यागPछ:त वा ? = Are you going to be back soon ?
• कृपया उप4वशतु । = Please, sit down.
• पaच:नमेषेषु एत7 कृ0वा ददा म । = I'll get it done in five minutes.
• अ7य सः अ नाि त .कल । = As you know, he is not here today.
• सः एकसCताहा_य तरे आगPछे त ् । = He may be back in a week's time.

आरोoयम ् (Health)

• मम आरोoयं समीचीनं नाि त । = I am not well.

• महती पादवेदना । = Terrible leg pain.
• सामा यतः शरोवेदना तदा तदा आगPछ:त । = Generally I get headache now and
• .किaचत ् dवरः इव । = Feel a little feverish...
• वै7यं पSयतु । = Consult a doctor.
• मम वमनश?का । = I feel like vomitting.
• वै7य य :नद- शनं वीकरोतु । = Get a doctor's advice.
• .कमथE कsठः अव{lः ? = Why is there the blocking of the throat ?
• अहं अतीव *ा तः । = I am very tired.
• त य आरोoयं कथं अि त ? = How is his health ?
• अ7य .किaचत ् उ0तमा (दे हि थ:तः ) । = A bit better today.
• ातः आर_य लघु शरोवेदना । = Slight head-ache since morning.
• आरोoयं तावत ् स$यक् नाि त । = Somehow, my health is not good.
• वै7यं कदा U टवान ् ? = When did you see the doctor last ?
• उ0साहः एव नाि त भोः । = Don't feel active, you know.
• iयः तु व थः आसीत ् । = He was all right yesterday.
• .कं अ7य अहं भोजनं करो म वा ? = Shall I have my meals today ?
• अ7य dवरः कथं अि त ? = How is the fever today ?
• यथावत ् । = As usual.
• तदा तदा उदरवेदना पीडय:त .कल ? = You get stomach-ache now and then, don't
you ?
• dवरपीvडतः वा? कदा आर_य ? = Fever ? Since when ?
• अpयो! रMतं }व:त ! = Oh! Blood is coming out.
• अपघाते सः जी4वतः इ0येव 4वशेषः । = It is a miracle, he survived the accident.
• सः %च.क0सालये वे शतः । = He is admitted to the hospital.
• मम शरः mम:त इव । = I feel giddy.
समयः (Time)

• कः समयः ? = What is the time?

• सपादचतुवाFदनम ् । = A quarter past four.
• 74ववादने अवSयं ग तNयं अि त । = I must leave at 2.
• वादने एकं यानं अि त । = There is a bus at three.
• पादोन ष~वादने भवान ् मल:त वा ? = Will you meet at a quarter to six ?
• साधFपaचवादने अहं गह
ृ े :त ठा म । = I will be at home at half past five.
• पaच ऊन दशवादने मम घट= थ%गता । = My watch stoppped at 5 minutes to 10
• सं कृतवाताF सारः सायं दशा%धक ष~वादने । = The Sanskrit news bulletin is at 6.10
• साधE 74वघsटा0मकः कायFAमः । = It is a programme for two and a half hours.
• ष~वादनपयF तं त .कं करो:त ? = What are you going to do there till six o'clock ?
• शाला दशवादनतः .कल ? = The school is from 10 o'clock, isn't it ?
• इतोऽ4प यथे टं समयः अि त । = Still there is a lot of time.
• सः ष~वादनतः सCतवादनपयF तं योगासनं करो:त । = He does Yogasana from 6 A.M.
to 7 A.M.
• मम घट= :नमेष7वयं अKे सर:त । = My watch goes two minutes fast every day.
• समये आगPछतु । = Come in time.
• अरे ! दशवादनम ् ! = Oh! it is 10 o'clock.
• भवतः आकाशवाणी समयः वा? = Is yours the radio time ?
• इदानीं यथाथFः समयः कः ? = What is the exact time now ?
• .कमथE एतावान ् 4वल$बः ? = Why (are you) so late ?
• इदानीं भवतः समयावकाशः अि त वा ? = Are you free now? (Can you spare a few
minutes for me ?)
• र4ववासरे कः Zदना?कः ? = What date is Sunday ?
• र4ववासरे चतु4वEश:ततमZदना?कः ? = Sunday is 24th ?
• पaचदशZदना?के कः वासरः ? = Which/What day is 15th ?
• भवतः शाला कदा आरYधा ? = When did your school begin ?
• जून थम Zदना?के । = On 1st June.
• भवतः ज मZदना?कः कः ? = Which/What is your date of birth ?
• अ टादश दश षडशी:तः । = 18-10-63 (Should be 18-10-86).
दरू वाणी (Telephone)

• ह रः ओम ् । = Hello
• :त ठान य कायाFलयः वा ? = Is it the Pratishthana office ?
• राजुमहोदय य गह
ृ ं वा ? = Is it Mr. Raju's house ?
• एषा ष` शू य शू य शू य च0वा र वा ? = Is it 60004 ?
• कः त ? (कः संभाषणं करो:त ?) = Who is speaking, please ?
• अहं कृ णः । = I am Krishna, speaking.
• कः अपेT#तः ? = Whom do you want to speak to ?
• कृ णः गह
ृ े अि त वा ? = Is Mr. Krishna at home ?
• #$यतां, सः गह
ृ े नाि त । = Sorry, he is not at home.
• कृपया एतत ् कृ णं सूचयतु । = Would you kindly pass this on to Mr. Krishna ?
• कृपया तं आiवय:त वा ? = Would you please call him ?
• अ तु, एक#णं :त ठतु । = Yes, wait a minute, please.
• कः दरू वाणीं कृतवान ् इ:त वदा म ? = Who shall I say phoned him up ?
• सः Sवः आगPछे त ् । = He may be back, tomorrow.
• अ तु, Sवः पुनः दरू वाणीं करो म । = O.K. I will ring him up again tomorrow.
• .कं, इदानीम4प न आगतवान ् वा ? = What ? Hasn't he come yet ?
• त य दरू वाणी संqया का ? = What is his phone number ?
• गह
ृ े मलेत ् वा ? = Will he be available at home ?
• मcासतः इदानीम4प न आगतवान ् । = Not yet returned from Madras.
• अवSयं सूचया म । = Certainly I will inform him.
• थापया म वा ? = Shall I put down the phone ? (Shall I hang up ?).
• .किaचत ् उPचैः वदतु । = Speak louder, please.

वाVणdयम ् (Commerce)

• bCयक य क:त फला:न ? = How many a rupee ?

• एकैक य पaच4वंश:तपैसाः । = 25 paise each, please.
• bCयक य पaच । = Five per rupee.
• शुlं नवनीतं ददातु । = Give me good butter, please.
• पु तका:न समाCता:न । = The book is out of stock.
• एत7 पु तकं नाि त वा ? = Don't you have this book ?
• तsडुलः स$यक् नाि त । = The rice is not good.
• दशपैसाः यूनाः सि त । = The amount is short by 10 paise.

• मम Nयवहारं समापयतु । = Please settle my account.

• भवतः पर=विृ 0तः कथमि त ? = How is your business ?
• त गमनं मा तु भोः, सः बहुमूgयं वद:त। = He is very expensive, let us not go to him.
• कृपया दे यकं / ािCतप ं ददातु । = Please give me the bill/receipt.
• 4वंश:तbCयकाVण वा ? तZहF मा तु । = Is it Rs.20 ? Then I don't want it.
• आवSयकं आसीत ्, पर तु भवान ् मूgयं अ%धकं वद:त । = I wanted it, but you quote a
very high price.
• भवतः कृते इ:त यूनमूgयेन ददा म । = I am selling it at a lower price to you.
• पाSवाFपणे पP
ृ छतु । = Please enquire at the next shop.
• एतावत ् यूनमूgयेन अ य कु ा4प न मल:त । = You can't get it cheaper anywhere
• एकपaचाशत ् b/ वीकुवF तु । = Please take Rs.51.
• नैव, त 4ववादः एव नाि त । = No, no haggling, please.
• एत7 व ं कु Akतव तः ? = Where did you buy this cloth ?
• भवान ् अ%धकं (मूgयं) द0तवान ् । = You paid more.
• {\rm `}.कलो{\rm '} कृते क:त ? = How much is this per kilo ?
• फेनक य मूgयं .कयत ् ? = How much does this soap cost ?
• {\rm `}.कलो{\rm '} दाल य कृते क:त bCयकाVण ? = How much is the pulse per kilo ?
• द तफेनः अि त वा ? = Have got toothpaste ?
• :त ठत,ु ददा म । = Please wait, I'll give you.
• क:त/.कयत ् ददा म ? = How much shall I give you ?
• इदानीं मा तु, अन तरं आगPछा म । = Not now, I will come later.
• एत7 समीचीनं अि त वा ? = Is it good ?

वातावरणम ् (Weather)

• वायुः एव नाि त। = The wind is still.

• आरा विृ टः आसीत ् । = It rained for the whole night.
• घम€ घमFः । = Very hot indeed.
• .कं भोः ! िMल नः अि त ! = You have perspired all over.
• ातः आर_य एवमेव विृ टः । = It has been raining like this since morning.
• अ7य विृ टः भव:त वा ? = Is it going to rain today ?
• .कं एषा उ णता भोः ! = What sultry weather, you know.
• शै0यं अहो शै0यं ! = It is very cold indeed.
• महती विृ टः । = Heavy rain.
• विृ टतः एव भयम ् । = I am frightened only of the rain.
• Zदने Zदने शीतं अ%धकं भव:त । = The cold is increasing day by day.
• य7वा त7वा विृ टः । = Too much rain/It is raining cats and dogs.
• वायुरहो वायुः । = Too much of wind/Too windy.
• अ वायुः सु ठु वा:त । = Nice breeze here.
• बहु औ sयं .कल ? = It is very hot, isn't it ?
• अ7य .किaचत ् शै0यं अ%धकम ् । = It is a bit colder today.
• भवतः दे शे विृ टः कथम ् ? = Have you had rains in your place ?
• कु ा4प विृ टः नाि त । = No sign of rain anywhere.

ृ स$भाषणम ् (Domestic)
• अ7य ातराशः का ? = What have you cooked for breakfast ?
• अ7य पाको नाम पाकः (अ7यतन पाकः बहु स$यक् अि त । = Today's cooking is
really grand.
• .कमथE अ7य {%चरे व नाि त । = Why dishes are not tasty today ?
• {%चकरं नाि त वा ? = Aren't they tasty, really ?
• लवणं एव नाि त । = No salt at all.
• Nयaजने लवणं यूनम ् । = This curry has no salt at all.
• अ नं बहु उ णम ् । = The rice is very hot.
• त7 .किaचत ् प रवेषयतु । = Serve the other dish a bit more.
• जलं पूरयतु । = Get me some water, please.
• एकचषकं जलं आनयतु । = Get me a glass of water, please.
• .किaचत ् Nयaजनं प रवेषयतु । = Get me some dry curry.
• अ नं = rice
• Mव%थतम ् = Sambar
• तAम ् = buttermilk
• Nयaजनम ् = dry curry
• सारः = soup
• उपदं शम ् = pickle
• तैलम ् = oil
• उपसेचनम ् = Chutney
• लवणम ् = salt
• घत
ृ म ् = ghee
• पपFटम ् = Pappadam
• .कं, न रोचते वा ? = Aren't they tasty ? Don't you like them ?
• लवणं .किaचत ् अ%धकम ् = A bit too much of salt in it.
• .कं अ$ब, :तZदनं सारः एव ? = Dear, why, only soup/Rasam every day ?
• अ7य अ4प सारः एव ? = Just soup today also ?
• .कं अ$ब ! .कयत ् प रवे4षतवती ? = Dear, you have served a bit too much.
• .कय7 अि त तत ् ? = Oh ! That is not much.
• अ$ब ! .किaचत ् उपदं शं प रवेषयतु । = Mummy, get me some pickles, please.
• अ$ब ! अ7य कदा वा भोजनम ् ? = Mummy, What time are you going to serve
lunch/dinner today ?
• सावधानं प रवेषयतु । = Serve slowly, please.
• अ7य भू र भोजनम ् । = Today we have a grand meal.
• अ%धकं जलं मा 4पबतु, शीतं भव:त । = Don't drink too much water. You will catch a
• अनेन Nयaजनं करणीयं आसीत ् । = You should have cooked dry curry with this
• तेमनं न प रवे4षतवती एव । = You have not served 'curd sambar' at all.
• पुनः एकवारं पायसं प रवेषयतु । = May I have a second helping with 'payasam ' ?
• उि0त ठत,ु भोजनं कुमFः । = Get ready, please, let us have meals.
• इद मदानीं भोजनं समाCतम ् । = I have just had meals, thank you.
• अहं रोZटकां न खादा म । = I do not eat 'chapathis'.
• रोZटका अि त चेत ् समीचीनं (अभ4व यत ्) । = It would have been wonderful had there
been 'chapatis'.
• .कं भोः, भोजनमेव न करो:त ? = Why dear, you do not eat anything ?
• अ ने केवलं पाषाणाः । = A lot of stones in the rice.
• द;य नं प रवेषया म वा ? = Shall I serve curd-rice ?
• तAं न इPछ:त वा ? = Don't you want buttermilk ?
• भोजनं स$यक् करो:त चेत ् Akडनकं ददा म । = Eat well, please. I will give a doll.
• ृ े .कं खाZदतवान ् ? = What did you eat in their house ?
तेषां गह
• शीeं भोजनं करोतु, 4वल$बः अभवत ् । = It is getting late, eat quickly.
• इदानीं मा तु, अन तरं ददा म । = Not now, I will give it to you later.
• .किaचत ् वा द;य न य भोजनं करोतु । = Eat at least a little curd-rice.
• अ7य मधरु भIयं .कम ् ? = What sweets have you prepared today ?
• बहु मधरु म ् । = It is too sweet.
• अ$ब, बुबु#ा भव:त । = Mummy, I am hungry.
• मम तु इदानीं अतीव बुब#
ु ा । = I am very hungry.
• भोजनं सlं वा ? शालायाः 4वल$बः भव:त । = Have you finished eating? It is getting
late for school.
• भोजनं कृ0वा :नcां करोतु । = Have a nap after meals.
• अ तु, प रवेषणं करो म । = Yes, I am going to serve in a minute.
• .किaचत ् वीकरोतु । = Take a little.
• मा तु, अ%धकं भव:त । = No, thank you. It is too much for me.
• प रवेषणाथE .कयान ् 4वल$बः ? = Dear, how long do you take to serve ?
• याव7 रोचते तावदे व वीकरोतु । = Eat only what you can.
• सव- म ल0वा भोजनं कुमFः । = Let us eat together.
• अpयो, घत
ृ ं एव न प रवे4षतवती अहम ्। = My goodness ! I haven't served ghee at all.
• भवता वMतNयं आसीत ् .कल ? = Shouldn't you have told me that ?
• .कयान ् 4वल$बः भोः, शीeं आगPछतु । = How long do you take,come quickly.
• सः इदानीं अ4प न आगतवान ् वा ? = Hasn't he come yet ?
• था लका था4पता वा ? = Have you laid the table ? (Have you set the plates for
meals ?)
• था लका एव न था4पता ! = You haven't laid the table yet !
• लवणं .किaचत ् योजयतु, स$यक् भव:त । = Add some salt. It will be O.K.
• ह तं #ाgय उप4वशतु । = Wash (the hand ) before you come for meals.
• मा तु, यथे टं अभवत ् । = No, thank you, I have had enough.
• स?कोचः मा तु, आवSयकं चेत ् पP
ृ छतु । = Please feel at home. Ask for anything you
• न, मम स?कोचः एव नाि त । = No, I do not have any reservations.
• .किaचत ् । = A little more.
• अ$ब, अ .किaचत ् प रवेषयतु । = Mummy, get me some more.
• कः लवणं आवSयकं इ:त उMतवान ् ? = Who has asked for salt ?
• Mव%थतापे#या सारः एव {%चकरः । = The soup is tastier than the `sambar'.
• एकैकशः वदतु नाम । = Speak one at a time, please.
• 4वना शYदं भोजनं कुवF तु नाम । = Eat without making too much noise.
• थमः कः ? सः वा भवान ् वा ? = Who is first ? He or you ?
• पाकः शीतलं भव:त । = Dishes are getting colder.
• पाकः तदानीं एव सlः । = Lunch/Dinner is ready.
• Nयाघरणं कृतं चेत ् पाकः सlः । = Everything is ready. I have to season the curry,
that is all.(?)
• शाकः नाि त, अहं .कं करो म ? = No vegetables, what can I do ?
• भवती पMतंु एव न जाना:त अ$ब ! = Mummy, you do not know how to cook.
• iय तनं Nयaजनं .कयत ् {%चकरं आसीत ् ! = How tasty was yesterday's dry curry !
• क:तवारं उMतवान ् एत7 मiयं न रोचते इ:त ? = How many times did I tell you that I
don't like it.
• तथा चेत ् Sवः भवान ् एव पाकं करोतु । = In that case you cook the food yourself
• अ य {%चं पSयतु । = Taste this, please.
• #ीरं द4ू षतम ् |= Milk has become sour.
• तू णीं भोजनं करोतु वा ? = Will you eat without comments ?
• पुनः पुनः चवFणं कृ0वा खादतु । = Chew the food well before you swallow it.
• प रवेषणं कृतं, शीeं आगPछतु । = Food is already served. Come quickly.
• भवान ् .कम4प न खाZदतवान ् ? = You haven't eaten anything.
• पुनः प रवेषयतु । = Serve again.

4पतरः पु ाः च (Fathers/sons/mothers)

• एताव0पयF तं कु गतवान ् ? = Where had you been so long ?

• कु ा4प न, अ व
ै आसम ् । = I was just here.
• पठनं .कम4प नाि त वा ? = Nothing to read ? (Don't you have anything to read ?)
• वMता टा कोऽ4प नाि त वा ? = Is there no one to keep you under check ?
• सह}वारं उMतं, *त
ु वान ् वा ? = I told you a thousand times. Did you listen to me ?
• मम गह
ृ पाठः बहु अि त । = I have a lot of homework to do.
• अ7य एव शुgकं दातNयं अि त । = I have to pay the fees right today.
• अि तमZदना?कः कदा ? = Which is the last date for payment of fees ?
• अ7य एव दातNयं वा ? = Have to pay it right today ?
• .कं, अ7य दातNयं वा ? = What, do we have to pay it today ?
• अ$ब, एकं नवीनं युतकं आवSयकम ् । = Mummy, I would like to have a new shirt.
• गो4व द, आपणं ग0वा आगPछ:त वा ? = Govind, will you go to the shop to get
something ?
• अ$ब, वेणीब धं करोतु, शालायाः 4वल$बः भव:त । = Mummy, twine my plait, it is
getting late for school.
• कः समयः इ:त जाना:त वा ? = Do you know what time it is now ?
• .कमथE 4वल$बः ? = Why are you late ?
• 4पतरं एकवारं आiवयतु । = Please ask daddy to come here.
• भवतः कृते कथनापे#या वयं करणं वरम ् । = Better do the work myself rather than
asking you to do it.
• भवती अन तरं उप4वशतु । = You sit down a little later.
• त य कृते च0वा र द0तवती, मम कृते तु ीVण एव ! = You gave him four, only three
to me.
• सवE भवान ् एव खाZदतवान ् वा ? = Have you eaten everything yourself ?
• एकं कायE क:तवारं वMतNयम ् ? = How often should I tell you about that ?
• कु ा4प थापय:त, अन तरं मां पP ृ छ:त । = You misplace it somewhere and come and
ask me.
• भोजनसमये आiवया म, इदानीं गPछतु । = I will call you during meal time, off you go
• {\rm `}तेन सह न गPछतु{\rm '} इ:त दशवारं उMतवती । = I have asked you ten
times not to go in his company.
• पाSवFगह
ृ ं ग0वा प कां आनयतु । = Get me the newspaper from our neighbour.
• अहं सवE Nयवि थतं थाप:यतुं, सः Nय तं कतुम F ् । = I keep things in order and he
throws everything away.
• अ$ब, .किaचत ् सीवनं करोतु । = Mummy, stitch this up, please.
• कृपया एत7 बZहः T#पतु । = Please, throw this away.
• शाकं .किaचत ् कतF:य0वा ददातु । = Cut the vegetables, please.
• एकवारं एव सवE वदतु भवती । = Tell me everything at one go.
• भवान ् धीमान ्/कुशलः बालः । = You are a good boy.
• अ$ब, अ .किaचत ् वेदना अि त । = Mummy, it pains me here.
• :नcां करोतु,स$यक् भ4व य:त । = Sleep well, you will be all right.
• रा ौ कषायं करो म । = I'll make some concoction (medicine) at night.
• पी0वा शयनं करोतु । = You may drink it and then sleep.
• इदानीं ग0वा .किaचत ् पठतु । = Go and read now.
• .कं, इदानीम ् एव :नcा वा ? = What ! feeling sleepy so early ?
• {\rm `}गVणते दश अ?काः एव{\rm '} इ:त मर:त वा ? = Do you remember, you have
secured only 10 marks in Mathematics ?
• अ$ब, तान ् अ य पZठतुं वदतु । = Mummy, ask them to read in separate rooms.
• एतावत ् धनं न पयाFCतम ् । = This much money is not enough.
• शर स तैलसमु#णं करोतु । = Please apply oil to my head.
• :नcया आ दोलनं करो:त, पSयतु । = See, he is dozing.
• शशुः रोZद:त । = The child is crying.
• संमाजFनं कृतवती वा ? = Have you swept the floor ?
• इदानीं अ4प र?गवgल=ं न लVखतवती वा? = Haven't you yet drawn designs in front of
the house ?
• क:तवारं वMतNयम ् ? = How often should I tell you ?
• कु गतवान ् ? गह
ृ े नाि त वा ? = Where has he gone ? Isn't he at home ?
• 0यु0तरं न वदतु । = Don't answer back.
• उMतं न *त
ु वान ् वा ? = Haven't you listened to what I told you ?
• अ7यतन प कां ददातु । = Give me today's newspaper.
• सः आगतवान ्, एषः ि थतवान ् । = He has arrived and this fellow has
• कटं सारयतु । = Spread the mat.
• रजकः व ं नीतवान ् वा ? = Has the washerman taken the clothes?
• व ाVण शु क:यतुं सारयतु । = Spread the clothes for drying.
• ग0वा शयनं करोतु । = Go to bed and sleep.
• एकं आस दं आनयतु । = Bring me a chair.
• इदानीम ् अ4प :नcा न आगता वा ? = Haven't you slept yet ?
• पSयत,ु कः शYदं करो:त ? = see, who is making that noise ?
• .क मदं , सवF अवकरः ? = What is this ? It is dirty everywhere.
• 7वारं 4पदधातु (7वार4पधानं करोतु) । = Close the door, please.
• एत7 .किaच0कालं गi
ृ णातु । = Hold it for some time.
• म;ये स$भाषणं न करोतु । = Don't butt in when I speak.
• कोलाहलं मा करोतु । = Don't make noise, be quiet.
• द=पान ् dवालयतु । = Put on the lights, please.
• द=पान ् :नवाFपयतु । = Put off the lights, please.
• Nयजनं चालयतु । = Put on the fan,please.
• बZहः अ धकारः, करद=पं गह
ृ =0वा गPछतु । = It is dark outside, take the torch with you.
• अवZहतमनसा करणीयम ् । = Do it with some interest, please.
• *lया करणीयम ् । = Do it with your heart in it, please.
• तं यानं आरोCय आगPछतु । = Please see him on to the bus.
• पाVणपादं #ालयतु । = Have a wash,please (Wash your hands and feet).
• कु~मान ् योजयतु । = Button your shirt, please.
• आरोoयं :नलFIय मा पठतु । = Don't read too much and spoil your health.
• इतः परं एवं न कतFNयम ् । = Don't do this again.
• cा4वड ाणायामेन न वदतु, सा#ात ् वदतु । = Don't go on beating about the bush, speak
• स$यक् द तधावनं करोतु । = Brush your teeth well.
• 4वना कारणं कुCय:त । = You get angry and shout unnecessarily.
• वथ
ृ ा कालहरणं करो:त । = You are wasting time.
• मां न कोपयतु । = Don't enrage me.
• हठं मा करोतु । = Don't be arrogant.
• .कमथE भवान ् #ु_य:त ? = Why are you shouting ?
• थमं शरोमाजFनं करोतु । = Dry your hair first.
• आcF व ं न धारयतु । = Don't put on wet clothes.
• शीeं नानं कृ0वा आगPछतु । = Have your bath quickly.
• भाsडे जलं अि त वा ? = Is there water in the barrel ?
• आकाशवाणीं चालयतु । = Put on the radio, please.
• 4व4वधभारतीं योजयतु । = Switch on to Vividhabharathi, please.
• वाताF समाCता वा ? = Is the news over ?

माता4पतरः (Parents)

• अ7य .किaच0पूवE आगPछि त वा ? = Will you come back home a bit early today,
dear ?
• .कमथE ? कः 4वशेषः ? = Why? anything special ?
• सायं आगमनसमये शाकं आनयि त वा ? = Bring home some leafy vegetable, will
you ?
• र4ववासरे तान ् आiवयामः वा ? = Shall we invite them on Sunday ?
• बा लका .कम4प आवSयकं इ:त वद:त म । = The girl was asking for something.
• अवSयं म0ृ वा आनय तु । = Please bring it without fail.
• .कमथE :तZदनं 4वल$बेन आगPछि त ? = Why do you come late everyday ?
• कि मन ् समये आगPछि त अ7य ? = What time will you be back today ?
• कुिaचकां पाSवFगह
ृ े द0वा गPछा म । = I will leave the key with our neighbours.
• .क म:त पदे पदे आiवयि त ? = Why are you calling me again and again ?
• सवE त व ै अि त, .किaचत ् पSय तु । = Everything is there. Look for them a bit more
carefully, please.
• भोजनाथE कोऽ4प 4वशेषः ? = Any special arrangement for meals ?
• अ7य अ माकं कृते काफk अि त वा ? = Is there going to be some coffee for us ?
• इदानीम ् अ4प नानं न कृतम ् ? = No bath yet ?
• भव तः .कल मा तु इ:त उMतव तः । = It is you who said you did not want it.
• समये एकम4प/.कम4प न मल:त । = You do not get anything when you need it
• वेतनं लYधं वा ? = Got your salary ?
• #ीराथE अ7य एव दातNयं अि त । = We have to pay the milk-man today.
• ते सवFदा कलहं कुवFि त । = They always quarrel.
• तथा .कमथE वद:त ? = Why do you say so ?
• त अि त वा नाि त वा इ:त थमं एव c टNयम ् । = You have to see first if it is
there or not.
• अहं कायाFलयं गPछा म । = I am going to my office.
• अ य जतुलेपं कारय तु । = Get this vessel gilted.
• माग- सौ%चकं 4वचायF गPछ तु । = Look up the tailor on your way.

सुताः (Children)

• मम लेखनीं वीकृतवान ् वा ? = Have you taken my pen ?

• 4पता अि त, तू णीं उप4वश तु । = Daddy is in, be quiet.
• कृपया मन स पठतु । = Read silently, please.
• भ%ग:न, मम कृते गVणतं पाठय:त वा ? = Sister dear, will you teach me mathematics ?
• मम श#कः एवं एव पाZठतवान ् |= My teacher has taught one just this way.
• भवतः लेखनी कु ? = Where is your pen ?
• मम छ ं भवान ् .कमथE वीकृतवान ् ? = Why did you take my umbrella ?
• त य कृते .कमथE द0तवान ् ? = Why did you give it to him ?
• त0कारणतः इदानीं अनुभवतु । = Now you suffer on account of that.
• न, अहं 4पतरं सूचया म । = No, I am going to tell daddy.
• पठनं नाि त, .कम4प नाि त, केवलं अट:त । = Doesn't read at all, just roams about.
• भवतः सवE अहं जाना म । = I know all your secrets.
• भवती बहु पठ:त, जाना म । = You read a lot,I know.
• अ7य भवतः म ं माग- म लतः । = I met your friend on the way.
• भवतः म ं अहं म लतवान ् = I met your friend.
• सः .कम4प उMतवान ् वा ? = Did he say anything ?
• पर=#ा कदा इ:त मर:त .कल ? = You remember when your examination
commences, don't you ?
• रमेशः भव तं आiवय:त । = Ramesh is calling ypou.
• पSयत,ु ना सका }व:त । = Look, you have a running nose.
• ना सकां वPछं कृ0वा आगPछतु । = Clean your nose, will you ?
• वMतNयं आसीत ्, करो म म । = You should have told me, I would have done it.
• अ?क या मा तु, लेख या लखतु । = Write with your pen, not with a pencil.
• :त ठत,ु युतकं प रव0यF आगPछा म । = Wait, I will just change the shirt.
• एत7 युतकं बहु स$पM
ृ तम ् । = This shirt is a bit too small.
• अपरं युतकं एवं नाि त । = The other shirt is not so.

स?कkणF वाMया:न (Miscellaneous sentences)

• उPच0या उभाव4प समानौ । = Both are of the same height.

• अ माकं गह
ृ े सव- अ व थाः । = Everyone is ill in my house.
• मशको मशकः ! = Too many mosquitoes.
• म0कुणो म0कुणः । = Too many bugs.
• मशकजालः कु ? = Where is the mosquito net ?
• अ तः कोऽ4प नाि त वा ? = Isn't there any one at home ?
• द4ू षतः कालः । = Times have changed for the worse.
• कमFकराः एव दल
ु भ
F ाः । = You don't get labourers at all.
• महती घो रका भोः महाराव य । = This big fellow snores loudly.

अ:त%थः (Guests)

• पानीयं .कं ददा म ? = What would you like to have for a drink ?
• तZहF पानकं आनया म । = O.K. I will bring juice.
• भवान ् काफkं 4पब:त उत चायम ् ? = Do you prefer coffee or tea ?
• .किaचत ् 4व*ाि तं अनुभवतु । = Have some rest, please.
• अ7यैव ग तNयं वा ? = Do you have to leave right now ?
• भोजना तरं गPछतु । = Go after lunch.
• Zदन7वयं :त ठतु भोः । = Stay for two days.
• रा ौ :नcा स$यक् आसीत ् । = I had sound sleep last night.
• रा ौ :नcा एव नाि त भोः । = I did not have even a wink of sleep last night.
• बZहः गतवान ्, इदानीं आगPछ:त । = He has gone out, will be back in a few minutes.
ु ाशयाः (Greetings)
• द=पावल= शुभाशयाः । = Wish you a happy Deepavali.
• युगाZद शुभाशयाः । = Wish you a happy New Year.
• मकरस?Aमण य/पो?गल ् शुभाशयाः । = Wish you a happy Sankranti/Pongal.
• नववषF य शुभाशयाः । = Hearty greetings for a happy New Year.
• नववषE नवचैत यं ददातु । = Let the new year bring a new life.
• भवतः वैवाZहकजीवनं शुभमयं भवतु । = Wish you a very happy married life.
• नवद$प0योः वैवाZहकजीवनं सुमधरु ं भूयात ् । = Wish the couple a very happy married
• सफलतायै अ भन दनम ् । = Hearty congratulations on your success.
• भवद=यः समार$भः यश वी भवतु । = Wish the function a grand success.
• शतं जीव शरदो वधFमानाः । = May you live for one hundred years.
• शुभाः ते प थानः । = Good bye (God be with you)

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