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This agreement document is between “Wintutor” and “Tutor”, and is made for the purpose of setting
forth the terms and conditions between “Wintutor” and “Tutor” to ensure a long-term collaboration.

Article 1(Duties)

Wintutor shall perform the following duties:

1. To match Tutor with potential students.
2. To provide Tutor with teaching materials.
3. To provide Tutor with 24-hour online supporting services.
4. To pay Tutor biweekly the agreed payments.

Tutor shall perform the following duties:

1. To make proper evaluations of students and choose suitable teaching materials.
2. To teach scheduled online classes by Zoom / Zhumu (Chinese version of Zoom) software.
3. To mark and fill out feedback, class content and homework for each successful lesson on SchoolPal
(our lesson management system).

Article 2 (Term of Agreement)

The term of Contract shall begin on Nov. 22,2022 and remain in place as long as Tutor is doing online
English tutoring through Wintutor.

Wintutor agrees to pay Nikola Moraca (Tutor name) at the pay rate $14 per hour. Wintutor will send
Tutor payment biweekly. Tutor needs to send a summary of the total teaching hours every Sunday and
Wintutor will process payment no later than Wednesday of the second week.

Tutor agrees to give a 30-minute demo at $5/ lesson for each new student that Wintutor introduces to
Tutor. For a one-hour demo, the first half hour will be paid at $5 and the second half hour will be paid at
the regular pay rate.

Article 3 (Technical Requirements)

• Computer & Software

Tutor must use a computer or laptop to teach online class, using phone or iPad or Chrome book is
not allowed unless the student is willing to do free talk or conversational class and Tutor has
notified Wintutor before the lesson. Failure to do so will result in "NO PAY" for that class.

Tutor must install the software "Zoom" and/or “Zhumu” on the computer and test it before the
class. Tutor must ONLY use Zoom and/or Zhumu to teach. Using other software, such as skype, QQ,
WeChat is not allowed and will result in NO PAY for that class.

• Internet Speed:
Minimum 5 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload speed is required. Tutor can use the following
website to test his /her internet speed ( ). If the class is
disconnected or interrupted many times, or has a serious video or voice delay, or cannot connect to
the Zoom/Zhumu server, Tutor should notify Wintutor immediately and consider cancelling the
lesson with the student.

If Tutor's internet speed is consistently poor and parents have complained more than 5 times,
Wintutor may cancel all the scheduled lessons with a written notice to Tutor and end the contract.

Wintutor recommends that Tutor use a wired connection when teaching class, because it is more
stable than Wi-Fi. But if Tutor's Wi-Fi connection is stable and fast, it is acceptable to teach with Wi-
Fi connection.

• Webcam:
Tutor should use either a built-in or a high-quality Creative, Logitech or comparable webcam.

• Headset:
Any headset with sealed headphones and a swivel boom microphone is acceptable. Wintutor
recommends Logitech USB headset.

Article 4 (Dressing Code)

Although the teaching is online, Tutor should not wear sleepwear or undershirts to teach. Tutor should
wear at least "business casual" or “office casual” style clothes to perform teaching. Plain T-shirt is not
recommended; and Polo shirt is acceptable.

Article 5 (Teaching Environment)

Teaching should be conducted in a quiet room with a laptop or desktop. Tutor should NOT teach in a
noisy room or be frequently distracted by other people in the room.

Tutor should avoid background noises, like a crying baby, a yelling family member, or friends talking
during class.

Article 6 (Attendance and Punctuality Policy)

Wintutor encourages Tutor to fulfill their scheduled classes and be punctual for each class.

• About Cancelling Class

1. An absence or rescheduling notification of at least 24 hours before a scheduled class is highly

appreciated, which will allow Wintutor enough time to notify the student and/or make appropriate
2. Any class may be cancelled by Tutor with a 12-hour or more notification; and no punishment
is given in this situation.
3. Cancelling class with an absence notification within 4-12 hours prior to the scheduled class
will result in a fine equal to half payment for the class.
4. An absence without notification or cancelling with a notification less than 4 hours before the
class start time will result in a fine equal to the full amount of payment for the class.
5. An absence because of unforeseen reasons (sickness, power outage, internet blow down etc.)
can be appealed if Tutor can provide proper evidence.
6. If Tutor is absent without notice for MORE than 5 times within a month, Wintutor will have
the right to cancel all scheduled lessons and end the contract.
• About Being Late for Class

7. If Tutor is between 5-10 minutes late for a scheduled class, Tutor will only receive half
payment for that class and Tutor should finish the remaining time of the class.
8. If Tutor is more than 10-minutes late; the student has the right to cancel the class and no
payment will be made for that lesson regardless of meeting the student or not. And Tutor MUST
give a FREE class the same length as the scheduled class to the same student next time.

Article 7 (Cancellation or Delay of Class Because of Students)

1. Wintutor will try to give Tutor notice as early as possible if any student needs to cancel or
reschedule a lesson. We try to give at least a 24-hour notification if any student wants to cancel a class.
2. Wintutor may cancel any class on behalf of student with a 12-hour notice. No payment will be
made to Tutor for the cancelled class.
3. If a class is cancelled within 12 hours, Tutor will receive half payment for the class.
4. If a student is late or does not join the class, Tutor should notify Wintutor through Skype message
1 minute5 minutes and 10 minutes after class start time. After 10 minutes (for a 30-minute class), or 15
minutes (for a 45-minute class) or 20 minutes (for a 60-minute class), if the student still does not join class
and there is no response from Wintutor on Skype, Tutor can end the meeting and leave the
Zoom/Zhumu online classroom. Tutor should mark the lesson as "NO SHOW without notice" in the bill.
5. If a class is "NO SHOW without notice", Tutor will receive half payment for the class (e.g. for a half-
hour no show lesson, you will be paid for 15 minutes). Tutor is encouraged to use the scheduled class
time to work on lesson plans, etc.
6. If a student is less than 10 minutes late for a class, Tutor will still receive a full class payment. Tutor
is encouraged to extend the class a little bit if he/she does not have an engagement immediately after the
class. This is optional and is for Tutor to maintain a good relationship with students.

Article 8 (Communications/Contacts with Wintutor)

Any communication with Wintutor should be through Celine Chen, Wendy Wang, Jingjing Fan or
leave messages in your Wintutor group. Please don’t communicate with Wintutor team members
other than the above mentioned in private.

Wintutor asks Tutor NOT TO:

1. Discuss politics, race and religion in any format with your students.
2. Discuss with students or their parents /guardians about payment or pay rate.
3. Share his/her contact information, including but not limited to email, phone number, Wechat,
Skype, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter ID, with students or their parents/guardians.
4. Directly take a new student introduced by a current student or parent/guardian. Any new student
must be enrolled by Wintutor.
5. Send additional teaching materials directly to students or students' parents/guardians. These
materials should be delivered by Wintutor.

Article 9 (Exit Procedure of Tutor)

1. Tutor is required to give at least a 30-day notice before ending the contract with Wintutor.
2. Failure to give a 30-day notice will result in a $50 deduction in the final payment.
3. Tutor still needs to follow this agreement for the remainder of the 30 days.

This agreement may be terminated by Wintutor with a 15-day notice explaining the reason.
Both Wintutor and Tutor enter this friendly contract with the intention of having respect, mutual
understanding and communication for a great and long-term collaboration.

Both Wintutor and Tutor agree to all the terms and conditions once the contract is signed and stamped.
Each party should fulfil their duty as planned.


By: Nikola Moraca


Date: November - 25-2022


By: Celine Chen

Date November-22-2022

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