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General Survey Data (to be filled out beforehand by GIZ via preload)

I.1* Project number Text (minimum 7 digits) 1920404


II.1 Start of activity Date (Activity start date must not be before the start date of the overall project and
supported by GIZ not be after the activity end date.) January 1 2022
II.2 End of activity Date (Activity end date must not exceed end of project phase and must not be
supported by GIZ before the activity start date. & Activity end must not be before the activity start
project date.) November 30, 2022

II.3 Activity type Single-select (yes/no), see for further definition of activity type III.4

Activity type
(a) vocational education measure
(b) higher education measure
(c) labor market measure

II.4 Activity location Single-select Ethiopia


II.3 Activity location Single-select region/


II.6 Activity status Single-select


III.1 Name Sub- Text Corporative training

E.g., “Core employability skills training in Hebron 2021” or “Technical training for
vocational teachers in Gauteng 2022”
III.2 Sub-Activity/Task Date cooperative training start date:

03.04.2023 KC 4B10 / GEP Digital Tracing Solution (DTS) 1

(Sub-activity start date cannot be before the activity start date nor after
the activity end date)
III.3 Sub-Activity/Task Date nov 30 2022
(Sub-activity end date cannot be before the activity start date nor after
the activity end date nor before the sub-activity start date.)
III.4 Sub-Activity/Task Single select (yes/no)
(a) vocational education measure
- prevocational training (e.g. introduction to an occupational field)
- initial vocational training to become a skilled worker
- vocational updating training (e.g. company based updating to bring skills an
knowledge up to date with new processes, materials, and technology)
- vocational upgrading training (e.g. master craftsman courses)
- vocational retraining to enable individuals to access new professional
- continuing vocational training any action undertaken to improve professiona
performance (e.g. acquisition of skills not required for the existing job
situation but rather for developing new skills in relation to other fields)
- micro-credential (e.g., certificate programmes)
- vouchers/scholarships
- other
(b) higher education measure
- Associate programme
- Bachelor’s programme
- Master’s programme
- PhD programme
- micro-credential (e.g., certificate programmes)
- internship
- vouchers/scholarships
- other
(c) labor market measure
- skills development (e.g. soft/life skills training, literacy/numeracy training)
- employment services (e.g. career counselling / career guidance, job
matching and placement services, job search assistance, skills certification
- promotion of (micro)entrepreneurship (e.g. entrepreneurship/business
training, access to finance, access to markets, business advisory services)
- employment subsidies (e.g. cash for work, public works, wage subsidies)
- micro-credential (e.g., certificate programmes)
- other

IV.1 Survey type Single-select

1. Baseline
2. Tracer with Baseline
3. Tracer without Baseline
IV.2 Survey start date Date

03.04.2023 KC 4B10 / GEP Digital Tracing Solution (DTS) 2

General Interview Data (to be filled out beforehand by the interviewer)
V.1 Interview date Date

V.2 Interviewer Text

V.3 Treatment status Single-select
Yes ☐ / No ☐

Question # Question Answer(s) Dashboard

reference t
Section A: Introduction and consent to data collection
(this section applies to Baseline AND Endline with Baseline OR Endline without Baseline)
Dear Sir / Madam, thank you for participating in [name of activity] by [name of GIZ module / project], which aim
to [objective of project]. To comply with our reporting requirements and improve our services, we would like to
collect some information from you. Please be aware that you have the right to refuse participation in the survey
and to end participation in the survey at any time. For further information, please refer to our data protection
notice at the end of the survey.

Adopt to your self…..

0 Do you consent to the collection, and processing of the Single-select
information collected in this questionnaire? ☐ YES
☐ NO
Section B: Contact data
(this section applies to Baseline AND Endline with Baseline OR Endline without Baseline)
1 What is your name? Text

Please use this order:

given name, middle
name, last name.
3 What is your cellphone number? Numeric

Please note that an

international dialing
code should not be
☐ I do not want to /
cannot share my
cellphone number
4 What is the cellphone number of your closest parent or Numeric
relative? _______

Please note that an

03.04.2023 KC 4B10 / GEP Digital Tracing Solution (DTS) 3

international dialing
code should not be

☐ I do not want to /
cannot share
are the cellphone
number o
f a close parent or
5 What is your email address? Text

☐ Please enter "NA" if

the respondent cannot
or does not want to
his/her email address.
Section C: Core socioeconomic data
(this section applies to Baseline AND Endline with Baseline OR Endline without Baseline)
6 What is your gender? Single-select
☐ Male
☐ Female
☐ Other/Diverse
7 What is your age (in completed life years)? Numeric

Section D: Geographic data

(this section applies to Baseline AND Endline with Baseline OR Endline without Baseline)
9 What is your place of residence (principal subdivision)? Single-select

10 How would you describe your area of residence? Single-select

Section E: Past relationship with GIZ
(this section applies to Baseline AND Endline with Baseline OR Endline without Baseline)
12 Have you received any other training / support from GIZ Single-select
project? ☐ Yes => 15
☐ No
☐ Don’t know

03.04.2023 KC 4B10 / GEP Digital Tracing Solution (DTS) 4

13 What was/were the name(s) of the training(s) / support? Text

Section F: Secondary socioeconomic dat

(this section applies to Baseline AND Endline with Baseline OR Endline without Baseline)
Section G1: Labour market status 1 (this section applies to Baseline AND Endline with Baseline OR
Endline without Baseline)
20 Have you ever been employed? Single-select
Skip if 18 ☐ Yes
answered ☐ No
☐ Don’t know
Section G2: Labour market status 2
(this section applies to Endline without Baseline)
23 Have you ever been employed since the end of GIZ’s Single-select IND3.4,
support / activity or within the past 6 months (whichever ☐ Yes IND2.6 (if
Skip if 20 is shorter)? ☐ No agricultural
answered sector, rura
☐ Don’t know
with “no” area)
☐ Prefer not to say
24 At the time you started the programme/participated in the Single-select IND3.4,
measure/activity, what was your employment status? ☐ Unemployed (i.e., IND2.6 (if
not working or agricultural
studying but looking sector, rura
and available for a area)
☐ Economically
inactive (i.e., not
working or studying
and not looking for a
☐ Education /
☐ Working (at least 1
hour per week) => 25
25 Have you changed jobs since you participated in the Single-select IND3.4,
measure/activity? ☐ Yes => 26 IND2.6 (if
Skip if 20 ☐ No agricultural
answered sector, rura
☐ Don’t know
with “no” area)

Section H2: Labour income 2 (Endline without Baseline)

(Skip section if 18 answered with “No”)

35 Has your monthly income increased since the end of Single-select IND3.5
GIZ’s support / activity or within the past 6 months ☐ Yes
(whichever is shorter)? ☐ No

03.04.2023 KC 4B10 / GEP Digital Tracing Solution (DTS) 5

☐ Don’t know
Income is understood to mean a person’s entire earned ☐ Prefer not to say
income from their economic activity/activities. Earned
income corresponds to income in the form of money.

Section I: Non-employment
(this section applies to Baseline AND Endline with Baseline OR Endline without Baseline)
(enable section if 16 answered with “unemployed” or “economically inactive”)
37 How long have you been available and looking for a job? Numeric
Enable if 18 _ _ weeks
38 Why didn’t you search for a job in the last six months? ’t know
Enable if 18 Please check the answer that applies best.
lly inactive”

Section J1: Job search 1

(this section applies to Baseline AND Endline with Baseline OR Endline without Baseline)
39 How often did you engage in job search activities over Single-select
the last six months (e.g., reading newspaper ads, ☐ never
preparing/revising resume, filling job application, ☐ once every few
contacting employment agency)? months => 40
☐ once per month =>
☐ once per week =>
☐ multiple times per
week => 40
40 What was your main way of looking for a job? Single-select
Skip if 39 is ☐ Asking relatives
answered and friends
with ☐ Contact employers
☐ Sending job
applications to
☐ Responding to
online job platforms
☐ Responding to
newspaper job ads
☐ Register with
private employment
☐ Register with public

03.04.2023 KC 4B10 / GEP Digital Tracing Solution (DTS) 6

employment services
☐ Register at an
employment website
Section J2: Job search 2
(this section applies to Endline with Baseline or Endline without Baseline)
41 How many job interviews have you secured since you Numeric
have completed the programme? Please enter integer
>= 0

Section K: Current employment characteristics

(applies to Baseline AND Endline with Baseline OR Endline without Baseline)
(Skip section if 18 answered with “unemployed” or “economically inactive” or “in education/training”)
42 Which sector are you working in? Single-select
☐ Agriculture,
Please refer here to your main occupation, taking into forestry, fishing => 43
account the amount of time you spend on it and the ☐ Industry => 44
income you receive from it. ☐ Services => 46
43 Which subsector of agriculture, forestry, and fishing were Single-select
you working in? ☐ Crop and animal
production, hunting
☐ Forestry and
☐ Fishing and
44 Which subsector of industry are you working in? Single-select
☐ Manufacturing =>
☐ Construction
☐ Mining and
☐ Electricity; gas,
steam and air
conditioning supply
☐ Water supply;
sewerage, waste
management and
remediation activities

45 Which subsector of manufacturing are you working in? Single-select

☐ Food products
☐ Beverages
☐ Tobacco products
☐ Textiles
☐ Wearing apparel

03.04.2023 KC 4B10 / GEP Digital Tracing Solution (DTS) 7

☐ Leather and related
☐ Wood and products
of wood and cork
☐ Paper and paper
☐ Printing and
reproduction of
recorded media
☐ Coke and refined
petroleum products
☐ Chemicals and
chemical products
☐ Pharmaceuticals,
medicinal chemical
and botanical
☐ Rubber and
plastics products
☐ Other non-metallic
mineral products
☐ Basic metals
☐ Fabricated metal
☐ Computer,
electronic and optical
☐ Electrical
☐ Machinery and
equipment n.e.c.
☐ Motor vehicles,
trailers and semi-
☐ Other transport
☐ Furniture
☐ Other
☐ Repair and
installation of
machinery and
46 Which subsector of services are you working in? Single-select
☐ Wholesale, retail
and repair
☐ Transportation and
☐ Hospitality and
food services

03.04.2023 KC 4B10 / GEP Digital Tracing Solution (DTS) 8

☐ Information and
☐ Financial and
insurance activities
☐ Real estate
☐ Professional,
scientific and
technical activities
☐ Administrative and
support service
☐ Public
administration and
defense; social
☐ Education
☐ Human health and
social work
☐ Arts, entertainment
and recreation
☐ Other services
47 What is the category of your occupation? Single-select
☐ Managers
☐ Professionals
☐ Technicians and
☐ Clerks and support
☐ Service and sales
☐ Skilled agricultural,
forestry and fishery
☐ Craft and related
trades workers
☐ Plant and machine
operators and fishery
☐ Elementary
☐ Armed forces
48 Is the business in which you are working registered? Single-select
☐ NO
☐ Don’t know
49 What is the size of the establishment you are working at? Single-select
☐ Own account

03.04.2023 KC 4B10 / GEP Digital Tracing Solution (DTS) 9

An establishment refers to an economic unit (e.g., a ☐ Micro (1-4
factory or an office) at a single geographic location, employees)
where business is conducted or where services or ☐ Small (5-19
industrial operations are performed. An establishment employees)
can be but is not necessarily identical to an enterprise,
☐ Medium (20-99
which may consist of one or more establishments.
☐ Large (100+
50 When did your current job start? Numerical
Month: _ _ Year: _ _
52 Do you have a written work contract? Single-select
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Don’t know
☐ Prefer not to say

Section M2: Change in working conditions (applies to Endline without Baseline)

(Skip section if 20 answered with “No”)
82 How many weeks have you been working in total this Numeric IND3.4 (in
year within your current main occupation? _ _ weeks combinatio
questions 2
and 22)
91 Do you have a permanent contract now, which you did Single-select IND3.6
not have before the measure/activity or 6 months ago ☐ Yes
(whichever is shorter)? ☐ No
☐ Don’t know
92 Does your job comply with occupational safety and Single-select IND3.6
health requirements now, but it did not before the ☐ Yes
measure/activity or 6 months ago (whichever is shorter)? ☐ No
☐ Don’t know
93 Do you have access to protective equipment at work, Single-select IND3.6
which you did not have before the measure/activity or 6 ☐ Yes
months ago (whichever is shorter)? ☐ No
☐ Don’t know
Section N: Highest level of education
(applies Baseline AND Endline with Baseline OR Endline without Baseline)
103 Have you ever attended school? ☐ Yes, in the past =>
Skip ☐ No, never
following ☐ Yes, currently
questions in attending => 104
this section
if 103
with “No,
104 If you are currently attending school / education / training Single-select

03.04.2023 KC 4B10 / GEP Digital Tracing Solution (DTS) 10

programme, which level are you attending? ☐ Primary education
☐ Lower secondary
education: general
☐ Lower secondary
education: vocational
☐ Upper secondary
education: general
☐ Upper secondary
education: vocational
☐ Post-secondary
education: general
☐ Post-secondary
education: vocational
☐ Short-cycle tertiary:
general education
☐ Short-cycle tertiary:
vocational education
☐ Bachelor’s or
equivalent level
☐ Master’s or
equivalent level
☐ Doctoral or
equivalent level
☐ Not elsewhere

105 Which is the highest level of education / training Single-select

programme that you have completed? ☐ Early childhood
☐ Primary education
☐ Lower secondary
education: general
☐ Lower secondary
education: vocational
☐ Upper secondary
education: general
☐ Upper secondary
education: vocational

03.04.2023 KC 4B10 / GEP Digital Tracing Solution (DTS) 11

☐ Post-secondary
education: general
☐ Post-secondary
education: vocational
☐ Short-cycle tertiary:
general education
☐ Short-cycle tertiary:
vocational education
☐ Bachelor’s or
equivalent level
☐ Master’s or
equivalent level
☐ Doctoral or
equivalent level
☐ Not elsewhere
☐ No level completed

107 What was the end date of the highest education / training Numeric
programme you completed? Month: _ _ Year: _ _

Section P2: Assessment of last education and/or training programme

(section applies to Endline with Baseline OR Endline without Baseline)

164 How would you rate the study / training conditions and Single-select
provisions you experienced at the last educational / ☐ (1) Very bad
training institution you attended regarding availability of ☐ (2) Bad
technical equipment (e.g., lab equipment, measuring ☐ (3) Moderate
instruments, computer lab), on a scale from 1 (very bad)
☐ (4) Good
to 5 (very good)?
☐ (5) Very good

Section Q2: Relevance of last education / training programme

(section applies to Endline with Baseline OR Endline without Baseline)

03.04.2023 KC 4B10 / GEP Digital Tracing Solution (DTS) 12

191 How did your education / training programme prepare Single-select
you for work on a scale from 1 (very badly) to 5 (very ☐ (1) Very badly
well)? ☐ (2) Badly
☐ (3) Moderately
☐ (4) Well
☐ (5) Very well

192 How would you rate the up-to-dateness of the teaching Single-select
content with regard to practical requirements in your ☐ (1) Very bad
education / training programme on a scale from 1 (very ☐ (2) Bad
bad) to 5 (very good)? ☐ (3) Moderate
☐ (4) Good
☐ (5) Very good

193 How would you rate the relationship between theory and Single-select
practice in your education / training programme on a ☐ (1) Very bad
scale from 1 (very bad) to 5 (very good)? ☐ (2) Bad
☐ (3) Moderate
☐ (4) Good
☐ (5) Very good

194 How would you rate the practice-orientation of the Single-select

teaching contents in your last education / training ☐ (1) Very bad
programme on a scale from 1 (very bad) to 5 (very ☐ (2) Bad
good)? ☐ (3) Moderate
☐ (4) Good
☐ (5) Very good

197 To what extent are the knowledge and skills you acquired Single-select
Skip if the during the education / training programme utilised in your ☐ Not at all
answer to current job? ☐ A little bit
18 is not
☐ Fair
☐ A lot
☐ To a very high
Section S: Digitalization and employment
(Section applies to Baseline AND Endline with Baseline OR Endline without Baseline)
(Skip section if 20 answered with “No”)
213 Did you use a computer to perform your job in the last Single-select
week? (or the last regular work week before that) ☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Don’t know
114 Did you use the internet to perform your job in the last Single-select
week? (or the last regular work week before that) ☐ Yes

03.04.2023 KC 4B10 / GEP Digital Tracing Solution (DTS) 13

☐ No
☐ Don’t know

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