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Supercapacitor Energy Delivery Capability During a

Constant Power Discharge Process

Hengzhao Yang
Department of Electrical Engineering
California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach, CA 90840, USA

Abstract—This paper studies the supercapacitor energy deliv- and load [5], accommodate fast and slow power components
ery capability during a constant power discharge process, which [6], and improve the power quality [7].
refers to the amount of energy delivered by a supercapacitor To exploit the supercapacitor technology, a comprehensive
when a constant power load is applied. Extensive constant power
discharge experiments are conducted using three supercapac- and in-depth understanding of its characteristics at the device
itor samples with different rated capacitances from different level is crucial. Modeling and characterization of supercapaci-
manufacturers. The relationship between the delivered energy tors have been of great interest. A variety of equivalent circuit
and the discharge power is examined. In the upper bound case models have been proposed [8]–[13]. Moreover, numerous
corresponding to a fully charged supercapacitor, the delivered frameworks have been developed to identify supercapacitor
energy increases when the discharge power decreases if the
discharge power is above a certain threshold, i.e., Peukert’s parameters and estimate supercapacitor states [14]–[17]. Re-
law applies. When the discharge power is below the threshold, cently, the impact of supercapacitor physics especially the
this law does not apply anymore. In the lower bound case charge redistribution process on various aspects of the superca-
corresponding to a partially charged supercapacitor, the delivered pacitor behavior has been investigated. Charge redistribution
energy peaks at a particular discharge power. These relationships is a relaxation process originated from the porous structure
are due to the combined effects of three aspects of supercapacitor
physics: porous electrode structure, charge redistribution, and of the supercapacitor electrodes. In addition to the physical
self-discharge. This paper also compares the bounds of the mechanisms [18] leading to charge redistribution, the effects
delivered energy and shows that the difference is significant. of this process on power management strategies in wireless
Index Terms—Supercapacitor, energy delivery capability, con- sensor networks [19], [20], supercapacitor terminal voltage
stant power load, charge redistribution, self-discharge. behavior [21]–[23], supercapacitor charge capacity [24]–[26],
and supercapacitor capacitance characterization methods [27]
I. I NTRODUCTION have been extensively studied.
Energy storage has been increasingly recognized as a crit- This paper investigates the supercapacitor energy deliv-
ical asset in many applications such as smart grid, electric ery capability during a constant power discharge process.
vehicles, wireless sensor networks, biomedical devices, and Specifically, this paper studies the upper and lower bounds
cyber-physical systems. For instance, 1676 operational or of the amount of energy delivered by a supercapacitor when
announced projects totaling a rated power of 194.02 GW have a constant power load is applied and analyzes the underly-
been reported to the DOE Global Energy Storage Database ing physical mechanisms. A constant power load is present
as of March 2018 [1]. The significant growth of global when a power converter tightly regulates its output and a
energy storage installation is due to the huge technical and destabilizing effect is introduced, which is usually referred to
economic benefits introduced by a variety of applications as the negative impedance instability [28], [29]. Therefore,
and use cases of these systems. In fact, 17 energy storage a better understanding the supercapacitor behavior during
applications grouped into five categories have been identified a constant power discharge process can facilitate designing
and analyzed [2]. Energy storage technologies are different in and implementing more effective and reliable energy storage
terms of various characteristics such as energy density, power systems. This paper adopts a methodology similar to the one
density, cycle life, leakage rate, and ramp rate [3]. In general, established in [24], [25], which is developed to study the
supercapacitors and batteries are complementary technologies: effects of supercapacitor physics on the amount of charge
high power density, low energy density, and long cycle life for delivered during a constant current discharge process. This
supercapacitors versus the opposite for batteries. Depending on paper also extends [23] in which a preliminary study of the
the application, an energy storage system may employ a single supercapacitor energy behavior is conducted.
technology or a combination of several. For example, different The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
configurations of supercapacitor-based energy storage systems tions II and III examine the upper and lower bounds of the
[4] in which supercapacitors are employed as the sole tech- supercapacitor energy delivered during a constant power dis-
nology or combined with batteries in hybrid systems are used charge process, respectively. Section IV compares the bounds.
in microgrids to balance the power mismatch between source Section V concludes this paper.

978-1-5090-6684-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 1958


Sample 1 2 3 30
Manufacturer Eaton AVX Maxwell

Energy (J)
Model HV10302R7106R SCCV60B107MRB BCAP0350
CR (F) 10 100 350 28

VR (V) 2.7 2.7 2.7


3 26

2.5 25 −3 −2 −1 0
10 10 10 10
Power (W)
Voltage (V)



Energy (J)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 260
Time (s) 4
x 10
Fig. 1. Upper bound case: a 1 W constant power discharge experiment for
supercapacitor sample 2.
230 −2 −1 0 1
10 10 10 10
Power (W)


A. Experiments and Results
As revealed in [24], [25], the upper bound of the super- 1050
capacitor charge delivered during a constant current discharge 1040
process is reached when the supercapacitor is first conditioned
Energy (J)

by a long time constant voltage charge phase to ensure that 1020
it is fully charged. Similarly, the upper bound of the energy 1010
delivered during a constant power discharge process can be 1000
measured by discharging a fully charged supercapacitor. To 990
study the supercapacitor energy delivery capability, the three 980 −2 −1 0 1
samples listed in Table I are tested using an automated Maccor 10 10
Power (W)
10 10

Model 4304 tester at room temperature. The rated capacitance (c)

and rated voltage of the samples are denoted as CR and VR ,
respectively. Fig. 2. Upper bound case: relationship between delivered energy and
discharge power. (a) Sample 1. (b) Sample 2. (c) Sample 3.
Depending on the supercapacitor sample specifications and
the supercapacitor tester capabilities, a set of constant power
discharge experiments is performed for each sample. For
instance, Fig. 1 shows the measured terminal voltage when during the experiment. For sample 2, the highest power is
the constant discharge power is 1 W for sample 2. During therefore 13.5 W: Pmax = Imax Vmin = 10 × 1.35 = 13.5 W.
this experiment, the supercapacitor is first conditioned by This maximum value is scaled down as follows: 6.75, 1.35,
ten charging-redistribution-discharging cycles to minimize the 0.675, 0.135, 0.0675, 0.0135, and 0.00675 W. Together with
effect of residual charge. It is then charged by a constant 13.5 and 1 W, nine power levels are swept, as shown in Fig.
voltage source of 2.7 V for 3 hours, which is designed to fully 2(b). Similarly, the discharge power is swept for samples 1
charge the supercapacitor. After that, a 1 W constant discharge and 3, as shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2(c), respectively.
power is applied and the supercapacitor is discharged to The following observations can be made based on Fig. 2.
1.35 V, which is a typical minimum operating voltage for First, the relationship between the delivered energy and the
supercapacitors. Taking 2.7 V as the initial voltage and 1.35 discharge power is similar for the three samples, which is
V as the cutoff voltage, the energy delivered during this partitioned into two pieces: Peukert’s law applies when the
experiment is E = P t = 1 × 271.08 = 271.08 J. discharge power is above a certain threshold and does not
The discharge power is swept to examine its impact on apply anymore when the discharge power is below the thresh-
the delivery energy. The highest power level is determined old. Originally developed for lead-acid batteries, Peukert’s law
based on the maximum continuous current specified in the [30] states that the delivered charge of a battery depends on
supercapacitor datasheet and the minimum terminal voltage the discharge current: the larger the discharge current, the less

! % ' + $ 280
,! ,% ,' ,+ ,$
"#"!$ "#&! !!#()$ %')#$ +)$"
*! *% *' *+ *$
)" !& ( + % !"""" 240

Energy (J)

Fig. 3. A five-branch RC ladder circuit model for 100 F supercapacitors. 200


the delivered charge, which can be written as 160

I k t = Q0 , (1) 140
−2 −1
10 10

Power (W)

where Q0 is the nominal charge capacity rated at a certain

discharge current, I is the actual discharge current, t is the Fig. 4. Upper bound case: simulated relationship between delivered energy
and discharge power.
actual discharge time, and k is the Peukert constant. As
shown in [23], this law can also be used to characterize the
supercapacitor energy delivery capability during a constant between the delivered energy and the discharge power, which
power discharge process: is consistent with the experimental results shown in Fig. 2.
P k t = E0 , (2) Specifically, Peukert’s law applies when the discharge power
decreases from 27 to 0.02 W and does not apply anymore
where E0 is the nominal energy delivered at a certain discharge when the discharge power decreases from 0.02 to 0.00338 W.
power. This paper develops [23] and reveals that Peukert’s law The effects of supercapacitor physics on the delivered
is applicable only when the discharge power is within a certain energy pattern can be illustrated using the simulation results
range. Second, the discharge power threshold above which shown in Fig. 5. The supercapacitor terminal and branch
Peukert’s law applies varies with the supercapacitor sample: capacitor voltages are extracted from two simulations: the
0.00675 W for sample 1, 0.0135 W for sample 2, and 0.09 W discharge power is 1.35 and 0.00675 W in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b),
for sample 3. In general, the peaking power increases as the su- respectively. Consistent with [25], three aspects of supercapac-
percapacitor capacitance increases. A systematic investigation itor physics contribute to the delivered energy pattern: porous
is being conducted to examine the dependence of the peaking electrode structure, charge redistribution, and self-discharge.
power on various factors including the supercapacitor ratings, Due to the distributed nature of the supercapacitor capacitance
terminal voltage, operating temperature, and aging condition. and resistance, a slower RC branch with a larger time constant
B. Effects of Supercapacitor Physics will be accessed during the extended discharge phase when
a lower discharge power is applied, which means that slow
To illustrate the effects of supercapacitor physics on its
branch capacitors are more deeply discharged and therefore
energy delivery capability, the five-branch RC ladder circuit
more energy is delivered during this process. In the meantime,
model for 100 F supercapacitors shown in Fig. 3 is analyzed,
since the supercapacitor is fully charged at the beginning of
which is conceived in [25] to investigate the impact of superca-
the constant power discharge process, charge is redistributed
pacitor physics on the charge delivered during a constant cur-
from slow branches to fast branches, which decelerates the
rent discharge process. The supercapacitor terminal voltage is
voltage drop in fast branches and extends the discharge phase.
denoted as VT . The five RC branches (R1 through C5 ) capture
Therefore, charge redistribution also results in an increase in
the distributed nature of the supercapacitor capacitance and
the delivered energy when the discharge power is lower. On
resistance, which is a result of the porous electrode structure
the other hand, when a sufficiently low discharge power is
and also the origin of the charge redistribution process. The
applied, the discharge phase is significantly extended and self-
parallel leakage resistor R6 models the self-discharge behavior.
discharge leads to a noticeable energy loss, which ultimately
It should be noted that this model is only constructed to capture
results in a drop in the delivered energy.
the supercapacitor physics: porous electrode structure, charge
redistribution, and self-discharge. Therefore, the component III. L OWER B OUND OF D ELIVERED E NERGY
values are assumed with certain arbitrariness and they are not
determined by characterizing the 100 F supercapacitor sample A. Experiments and Results
2 listed in Table I. The procedure of selecting the component The lower bound of the delivered energy is achieved when
values is elaborated in [25]. In particular, the component the supercapacitor is only partially charged to the desired volt-
values are tuned to generate time constants that can be used age using the largest possible current specified in the superca-
to characterize the supercapacitor behavior on various time pacitor datasheet. For example, Fig. 6 shows a 1 W experiment
scales: τ1 = 1.05, τ2 = 10,Pτ3 = 100, τ4 = 1000, and for sample 2. Similar to the upper bound experiment shown in
τ5 = 10000 s, where τi = Ci k=1 Rk . Fig. 1, this lower bound experiment also includes three phases.
This model is simulated using LTspice. The initial voltages In fact, the first and third phases use the same settings as those
of the five branch capacitors are set to be 2.7 V and the dis- in Fig. 1: ten charging-redistribution-discharging cycles and a
charge power is swept. Fig. 4 plots the simulated relationship 1 W constant power discharge process, respectively. During

2.8 23

2.6 22

Voltage (V)

Energy (J)
VT 19
V2 18
1.4 V4

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 16 −3 −2 −1 0

Time (s) 10 10 10 10
Power (W)
VT 210
2.6 V1
V2 205
2.2 V4 200
Voltage (V)

Energy (J)

1.4 185

1.2 180

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 175 −2 −1 0 1
Time (s) x 10
4 10 10 10 10
Power (W)
Fig. 5. Upper bound case: simulated terminal and branch capacitor voltages.
(a) Discharge power is 1.35 W. (b) Discharge power is 0.00675 W. 930

3 920

Energy (J)


2 890
Voltage (V)

1.5 880

860 −2 −1 0 1
10 10 10 10
0.5 Power (W)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time (s) 4
x 10 Fig. 7. Lower bound case: relationship between delivered energy and
discharge power. (a) Sample 1. (b) Sample 2. (c) Sample 3.
Fig. 6. Lower bound case: a 1 W constant power discharge experiment for
supercapacitor sample 2.

power range is narrower compared to those in the upper bound

the second phase, the supercapacitor is first discharged by a case. For sample 2, the delivered energy increases from 233.01
constant voltage source of 0.01 V for 3 hours to approximate to 293.15 J when the discharge power decreases from 13.5
the ideal initial condition that the supercapacitor is completely to 0.0135 W in the upper bound case. On the other hand,
depleted. It is then charged by a constant current source of 10 the delivered energy only increases from 194.67 to 206.64 J
A to 2.7 V. After that, the third phase begins and a 1 W when the discharge power decreases from 13.5 to 1.35 W in
constant discharge power is applied. The delivered energy is the lower bound case. As for the second piece of the delivered
205.17 J during this experiment. energy pattern in the lower bound case, the drop rate of the
The results for all samples are plotted in Fig. 7. Again, delivered energy is higher and the discharge power range is
the delivered energy pattern is similar for the three samples, wider. For sample 2, the delivered energy decreases from
which is partitioned into two pieces: the delivered energy 206.64 to 176.74 J when the discharge power decreases from
first increases and then decreases when the discharge power 1.35 to 0.00675 W in the lower bound case while it decreases
decreases, i.e., the delivered energy peaks at a particular from 293.15 to 292.78 J when the discharge power decreases
discharge power. If the discharge power is relatively high, from 0.0135 to 0.00675 W in the upper bound case. Moreover,
the delivered energy increases when the discharge power de- the discharge power leading to the peaking delivered energy
creases. However, the increase rate is lower and the discharge varies with the supercapacitor sample: 1 W for sample 1, 1.35

140 3
135 2.5
130 2 V4

Voltage (V)
Energy (J)

125 1.5

120 1

115 0.5

110 0
−2 −1 0 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
10 10 10 10 Time (s)
Power (W)
Fig. 8. Lower bound case: simulated relationship between delivered energy 3
and discharge power. VT
2 V4
W for sample 2, and 1.8 W for sample 3. The discharge power V5

Voltage (V)
at which the delivered energy peaks shifts to a larger value in 1.5

the lower bound case. The dependence of the peaking power 1

in the lower bound case is also being investigated.

B. Effects of Supercapacitor Physics 0

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
Time (s)
The model shown in Fig. 3 is simulated to illustrate the
effects of supercapacitor physics on the delivered energy (b)
pattern in the lower bound case. The initial voltages of the five Fig. 9. Lower bound case: simulated terminal and branch capacitor voltages.
branch capacitors are set to be 0 V. First, a constant current (a) Discharge power is 1.35 W. (b) Discharge power is 0.00675 W.
source of 10 A is applied and the supercapacitor terminal
voltage reaches 2.7 V at 20.3 s. After that, this source is Sample 1
45 Sample 2
removed and a constant power load is applied. Fig. 8 shows
Normalized Energy Difference (%)

Sample 3
the simulated relationship between the delivered energy and
the discharge power, which is consistent with the experimental
results shown in Fig. 7. Specifically, the delivered energy peaks
at 139.38 J when the discharge power is 3 W and decreases
when the discharge power deviates from 3 W.
The effects of supercapacitor physics can be illustrated
using the simulation results shown in Fig. 9. After the 10
5 −3
A constant current charge process, the supercapacitor is only 10 10
−1 0
Power (W)
partially charged: the five branch capacitor voltages V1 − V5
are 2.550, 1.471, 0.116, 0.001, and 0.000 V at the end of Fig. 10. Difference between upper and lower bounds of delivered energy.
this process. When a discharge power is applied, charge is
first extracted from C1 . Although V1 drops continuously, it
is still greater than V2 − V5 during the early stage of the IV. C OMPARISONS OF D ELIVERED E NERGY B OUNDS
discharge process and charge is therefore transferred from
C1 to C2 − C5 . As the discharge process continues, the This section compares the bounds of the delivered energy
charge redistribution direction is reversed during the late stage. by quantifying the difference between them as follows:
Therefore, different from the upper bound case in which Emax − Emin
charge redistribution is unidirectional (i.e., from slow branches δE = × 100%, (3)
to fast branches), charge redistribution is bidirectional in the
lower bound case. When a sufficiently low discharge power where Emax is the upper bound and Emin is the lower bound.
is applied, the discharge time is significantly extended and In (3), ER is the delivered energy calculated using the rated
self-discharge contributes to a drop in the delivered energy. capacitance CR :
Therefore, the delivered energy decreases when the discharge ER = 0.5CR V12 − 0.5CR V22 , (4)
power decreases from the peaking value, which explains the
second piece of the delivered energy pattern. As for the where V1 = 2.7 V and V2 = 1.35 V. The difference between
first piece in which the delivered energy increases when the the upper and lower bounds is normalized to compare the
discharge power decreases, the mechanisms are similar to results for the three supercapacitor samples with different rated
those in the upper bound case. capacitances. The results are shown in Fig. 10.

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