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F R I DAY, AU G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 t h e e d g e m a l ay s i a . c o m
ISSUE 614/2023

CEOMorningBrief HOME: Fed Court: Departure levy does not impinge on right to travel abroad p2
Malaysia resilient in face of Covid-19 challenges — World Bank p4
MRCB’s net gearing could exceed 0.49 times if KL Sentral,
Shah Alam Sports Complex redeveloped concurrently — HLIB Research p7
WORLD: China spooking commodity traders with probes into suspicious deals p15
China investment shrinks in almost one third of provinces p16

Vinvest’s ‘missing’
EA Holdings shares
in the limelight
Report on Page 3.


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Fed Court:
PUTRAJAYA (Aug 3):The Federal Court on appeared for the Finance Minister and the
Thursday (Aug 3) ruled that the Departure Malaysian Government.

Departure levy
Levy Act 2019, which imposes tax on Malay- Kengadharan, who is also a DAP member,
sians who travel overseas, is a valid law and filed a challenge to the Departure Levy Act

does not impinge

does not impinge on the right of its citizens 2019, wherein he sought a declaration that
to depart from the country to travel abroad. the orders breach Article 5(1) of the Federal

on right to travel
Federal Court judge Tan Sri Nallini Path- Constitution and cannot be enforced.
manathan, who chaired a three-member panel, In his affidavit to support the suit, Ken-

said this in a unanimous decision to not grant gadharan said any form of tax imposed, in-
leave (permission) to lawyer R Kengadharan, cluding on those who wish to go on a pil-
who sought to challenge the imposition of the grimage or to perform the haj, is a violation
levy on his right to travel abroad. of fundamental liberties.
“The Departure Levy Act merely pro- BY HAFIZ YATIM On Feb 27, 2020, the High Court dis-
vides a tax on a departure from the country. missed Kengadharan’s judicial review ap-
The right to travel abroad is not an issue in plication to challenge the imposition of the
the Act. It does not impinge on the right to 96(b) of the Courts of Judicature Act, for tax, when then High Court judge Datuk
depart from the country or to travel. this court to grant leave (to hear the case Seri MarianaYahya (now a Court of Appeal
“In other words, the right to travel abroad on its full merits),” she added. judge) ruled that the court was bound by the
is an accepted right (to all Malaysians). As Article 96 of the Federal Constitution decision of the Federal Court in former Da-
this right is not the subject matter of the stipulates that no tax or rate shall be levied mansara member of Parliament Tony Pua’s
Act, it does not bring the issue of the right by or for the purposes of the Federation, ex- case, and in Loh Wai Kong’s case, where
to life or personal liberty stipulated in Ar- cept by or under the authority of federal law. the right to travel overseas is not absolute.
ticle 5 [as being] contravened,” she said. The court did not make an order as to LohWai Kong vs Public Prosecutor is a case
Nallini added that the ability to depart from costs, noting that it was a public interest where Loh sought a ruling or declaration from
the country is not an issue here, so Article 5(1) litigation. the courts that Malaysian citizens were enti-
of the Federal Constitution is not breached. The other two judges who heard the mat- tled to travel overseas, as it was a fundamental
“As to the levying of the tax is concerned, ter were Federal Court judges Datuk Seri right as accorded under Article 5 of the Con-
this court finds it appears the law is valid Hasnah Mohammed Hashim and Datuk stitution regarding the liberty of the person.
and in accordance with Article 96 of the Nordin Hassan. The Court of Appeal on March 14 this
Federal Constitution. For this reason, this Kengadharan was represented by A Sri year upheld the High Court’s decision and
court rules that the appellant (Kengadha- Murugan and Dr Shamsher Singh Thind, dismissed the appeal resulting in Thursday’s
ran) has not passed the threshold of Section while senior federal counsel Suzana Atan Federal Court hearing.

JITRA (Aug 3): Kedah Menteri Besar Da- despite the Kedah Land and Mine’s Of-
tuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor has Sanusi told to fice director (Datuk Md Shumaime Abdul
been urged to explain his visit to the Bukit Rahmah) being a member on the Ment-
Enggang Forest Reserve, Sik on Feb 19, explain visit to site eri Besar Incorporated board of advisors.
where illegal mining activities of rare earth “...he (Md Shumaime) is also a member
elements (REE) were believed to have been of illegal rare earth of the state Mineral Resources Committee,
conducted. which is the authority responsible for in-
Home Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Sai- mining in Kedah vestigating matters related to the Mineral
fuddin Nasution Ismail wanted an expla- (Kedah) Enactment 2004...the effects of
nation following the disclosure of several illegal mining and REE theft go beyond
photographs of the alleged visit. Bernama environmental concerns.
“...actually, there has already been a “ has a huge economic risk. It is im-
visit, [based on] the photos that were taken do nothing, [but] he continued to deny portant that those entrusted with the respon-
on Feb 19, which means as early as Febru- that he had information about this inci- sibility of upholding the law take decisive
ary this year, the Kedah menteri besar had dent,” he said at a press conference here action to protect natural resources,” he said.
visited and witnessed the theft (of REE), on Thursday (Aug 3). Saifuddin Nasution claimed that Mu-
he saw for himself the destruction of the Saifuddin Nasution said the situation hammad Sanusi knew all operations related
area, how the mining was done intensively, raised serious concerns about the issue of to REE in the Bukit Enggang Forest Reserve,
involving such a large area. transparency and accountability of the leader. urging the Kedah menteri besar to explain
“…but from that day on, no serious ac- He also questioned the lack of investiga- these in detail, including the involvement of a
tion was taken... he did not just leave and tion papers into the illegal mining activities, Chinese national who has now disappeared.


Vinvest’s ‘missing’ EA Holdings

shares in the limelight
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): Vinvest BY HAFIZ YATIM & LEE WENG KHUEN 2023, it incurred a net loss of RM17.47
Capital Holdings Bhd’s allegation of million.
losing its 17.82% stake in EA Holdings For Vinvest, its 18-month financials
Bhd has caught the investing fraternity ended Dec 31, 2022 show a net loss of
by surprise as to how this could happen RM70.82 million, while in the latest
without the knowledge of the parties quarterly results ended March 31, 2023,
involved. it recorded a net profit of RM743,000.
Vinvest’s share subscription in EA Vinvest stressed that Vinvest’s major shareholders are its
Holdings back in November 2021 was it had no intention to chief executive director Datuk Seri Chia
aimed at opening more opportunities dispose of the shares, Kok Teong (30.4%), Golden Key Port-
for both companies to collaborate and and it was done folio Sdn Bhd (17.5%) and EA Hold-
leverage on each other’s strengths. For without a company ings (6.5%).
example, Vinvest’s property develop- In the legal suit, Vinvest has also
ment and construction projects could
resolution — no forms named a 30-year-old stock market an-
benefit from the smart solutions in the
were signed — and alyst from Ipoh as the second defendant.
technology field to be provided by EA without its knowledge. Vinvest is alleging that fraud has been
Holdings. committed by both EA Holdings and the
Having held the shares for more than analyst, stressing that the appointment
a year, Vinvest noticed that all its EA of the analyst was on EA Holdings’ rec-
Holdings shares had been sold on the ommendation. Sometime in May, the
open market via its TA Securities cen- analyst suggested that the company
tral depository system (CDS) account opened a second CDS account, and sub-
between June 23 and July 11. Vinvest Capital Holdings Bhd sequently a second account was opened
The selling price was half a sen per Vol (mil) Sen at TA Securities Holdings Bhd on May
share or a total sum of RM5.486 mil- 350 30 22, with all the EA Holdings shares then
lion, a huge discount compared to the deposited into the second account.
acquisition sum of RM23.21 million 300 Vinvest stressed that it had no inten-
back then. 250 tion to dispose of the shares, and it was
And this prompted Vinvest to take done without a company resolution —
200 20
legal action against EA Holdings over no forms were signed — and without
the matter, including “urgently applying 150 18 sen its knowledge. It is perplexed as to how
for the necessary prohibitory injunc- EA Holdings and the stock market ana-
tive orders to stop further derogation of 100 7 sen lyst, either individually or together, had
the company’s rights over those shares”. 10 failed to detect or observe the significant
Vinvest has been granted an interim in- change in the shareholding.
junction by the High Court against EA 0 5 Vinvest is seeking a declaration that
Holdings. Aug 3, 2022 Aug 3, 2023 the transfer of the 1.1 billion shares
In its statement of claim filed on from its TA Securities account, either
Source: Bloomberg
Thursday (July 28) through Messrs on the open market or via off-market,
Wilson Lim and sighted by The Edge, is null and void. It further wants a dec-
Vinvest said the 1.1 billion EA Holdings laration that the trade and transfer of
shares were originally kept in Maybank the shares on June 23 is declared illegal,
Investment Bank Bhd’s CDS account EA Holdings Bhd and that Vinvest remains the owner of
for safekeeping and not used for trading. Vol (bil) Sen the shares.
It claimed that the defendants were re- 2.5 1.5 It is also seeking general damages
sponsible to look after its interests since for the losses as a result of the alleged
the company held the second-highest 2.0
fraudulent sales and illegal instruction
stake in EA Holdings. 1.2 or transactions.
EA Holdings’ annual report 2023, 1 sen A report was lodged with the Secu-
however, shows Vinvest was the single rities Commission Malaysia, police and
largest shareholder in EA Holdings with Bursa Malaysia between July 17 and 21.
a 17.1% stake as at June 21 this year, Shares of EA Holdings are down
followed by EA Holdings CEO and ex- 0.6 33% year to date to close at one sen on
ecutive director Mohammad Sobri Saad 0.5 Thursday, giving it a market value of
at 7.8%. 0.5 sen RM64.5 million.
EA Holdings is involved in ICT ser- 0 0.3 Closing at seven sen on Thursday —
vices, software solutions, automation Aug 3, 2022 Aug 3, 2023 for a market capitalisation of RM67.8
systems and F&B distribution. For the Source: Bloomberg
million, Vinvest’s share price has de-
18-month period ended March 31, clined 63.2% since early this year.


KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): Malaysia has line” measures — and relatively low on di-
emerged with notable resilience and a poten- rect support to households.

resilient in face
tial for recovery amid the challenges brought “Targeted payment deferrals (taxes or
about by the Covid-19 pandemic, said the loan repayments) were more effective than

of Covid-19
World Bank. income and liquidity support to address
In its report “Building Malaysia’s Resil- working capital crunch.

challenges —
ience: Lessons from Covid-19’s Economic “Wage subsidies helped workers from
Impacts and Policy Responses”, the World shouldering the full brunt of the economic

World Bank
Bank said Malaysia led the way in a survey crisis and preserved the relationship between
which included Cambodia, Indonesia, Mon- employers and employees while social as-
golia, the Philippines and Vietnam. sistance eased the burden on households
The survey examines the economic con- during the crisis, but the level of benefits
sequences and government responses to the Bernama remained largely insufficient,” she said.
pandemic in the six economies. Moving forward, she said given the tight-
The six experienced the crisis differently inequality, with the Gini index remaining ening fiscal space and continued distress,
and implemented various measures to con- relatively high for an aspiring high-income better targeting and consolidation of sup-
tain the spread of the virus and to mitigate country,” she said, adding that the pandemic port instruments is needed.
economic impacts with varying degrees of provided valuable lessons to build resilience Active labour market programmes, which
success, the bank noted. and manage future crises. include rescaling and upscaling to empower
Country manager for Malaysia Yasuhiko “Governments should prioritise equi- the people to help themselves, are also need-
Matsuda said the Covid-19 shock reduced table recovery, leverage technological ad- ed. These measures are more sustainable
employment and household income, but the vancements and strengthen social safety and beneficial over the longer term, she said.
report showed that Malaysia did relatively well nets to protect vulnerable groups. On the use of cash transfers, Matsuda
compared to the other five on a macro level. “Continually evaluating and improving said although the government was able to
“Sales shocks in Malaysia were more sub- policies and investments in data-driven de- cover a large segment of the population, the
dued, while work stoppages were moderate. cision-making will be crucial in effectively nav- amount was relatively small compared with
However, the impact of the pandemic was igating future challenges and ensuring a more those received in other countries. Hence,
uneven. resilient and inclusive labor market,” she said. the impact of cash transfers in Malaysia is
“Within Malaysia, smaller companies During the pandemic, aid from the gov- limited.
and poorer, more vulnerable households ernment comprised a diverse mix of instru- Some, who were on the receiving end,
suffered and they have less access to gov- ments for firms and households, but they did not get quite enough to really make a
ernment assistance as well. The problem is could have been better targeted and cali- difference, he said, adding that reach and
digital divide, for example,” Matsuda noted. brated; support to firms appeared to be bi- coverage is important.
Senior economist Ririn Salwa Purnamasa- ased towards more productive, larger firms, “The crisis boosted digital technology
ri in her report presentation highlighted that while support to households was pro-poor adoption, highlighting its potential to drive
Malaysia’s economy was stable and growing but not as responsive to shocks, Ririn said. productivity and innovation. Governments
before the pandemic, with a 5% annual growth She noted that compared with other and businesses should invest in digital in-
rate and was the wealthiest among the six. countries in the region, Malaysia relied more frastructure and remote work capabilities
“Despite the progress, Malaysia still heavily on support to firms in the form of to enhance resilience and efficiency during
faced challenges in reducing poverty and liquidity, credit and lending — “below-the- future crises,” he added.

Former minister urges gradual fuel subsidy rationalisation,

more effective communication from govt
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): The gov- Bernama portation spending while part of it can
ernment should update its approach to go into increasing the allocation for cash
rationalising the fuel subsidy programme subsidy can be spent in ways that are assistance.
and make sure this is done in a gradual very easy to understand by the people He was of the view that taking away
manner for it to be successful. and also impactful to them. the subsidy and giving back to the people
The use of savings from the rationali- “For example, part of the savings can directly in the form of cash or some sort
sation process also needs to be well com- be allocated to the Health Ministry so that of card which they can use to buy fuel
municated to the public to avoid backlash, some of the contract doctors can be giv- was not going to work, because the whole
said former deputy international trade and en permanent postings, queues to receive system will be more prone to leakages.
industry minister Ong Kian Ming. treatment can be reduced, for expansion of Commenting on the findings of the
“It should be gradual, not a sudden certain wings in certain crowded hospitals World Bank report, he said during Cov-
increase like it was done previously. For and more,” he said id-19 pandemic, there was a need to have
example, the government could increase He told reporters on the sidelines of the a whole of government approach towards
it by 10 sen monthly so that the market launch of the World Bank report entitled fighting the crisis and also to be able to
can adjust. “Building Malaysia’s Resilience: Lessons address some of the longer term issues.
“Secondly, the government should from Covid-19’s Economic Impacts and
announce a series of measures where- Policy Responses” that allocation could
by the amount it saved from the fuel also be channelled to increase public trans- Read the full story


PJD Link: A high-stakes

project for Selangor

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): The termi-

nation of the controversial Petaling Jaya
Dispersal (PJD) Link project by the Sel-
angor state government, with less than two
weeks before the state polls on Aug 12, is
perhaps an indication of just how much is
at stake for the Pakatan Harapan-led (PH)
government that is trying to keep the state
under its administration.
While the move was welcomed by many
Petaling Jaya residents and non-govern-
mental organisations who have been call-
ing for the project to be scrapped due to
environmental and social concerns, Parti
Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu), one
of the main component parties of Perikatan
Nasional (PN), has questioned the right
of the caretaker Selangor government led
by Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Amirudin
Shari in making such an impactful deci-
sion ahead of the polls.
Bersatu also slammed Amirudin for say-
ing that the PJD Link project might be
revived if it complied with requirements
set by the state government. The party,
however, did not state its stance on the
project, which was approved under the
PN-Barisan Nasional (BN) government
in April 2022.
Should the project materialise, it would
cut through four constituencies within the
state — N30 Kinrara, N33 Taman Med-
an, N34 Bukit Gasing and N36 Bandar
Utama — that is home to over 300,000
voters. The four constituencies are located
within three Parliamentary seats, name-
ly P105 Petaling Jaya, P104 Subang and
P106 Damansara. Muda’s Lim Hooi Sean and PN-Gerakan’s to win the seat in 2018 with a margin of
With 313,017 voters representing rough- Nur Aliff Mohd Taufid. 29.1%. Ahmad Akhir will contest against
ly 8.3% of 3.75 million Selangor voters, the In Bukit Gasing, Ranjiv Rishyakaran PN-Bersatu candidate Afif Bahardin.
four state seats will see the PH-BN unity (PH-DAP) is up against Nallan Dhana- PJD Link is also in close proximity to
government, PN and the Malaysian Unit- balan (PN-Gerakan) and Kalyana Rajase- N35 Kampung Tunku, which has 58,357
ed Democratic Alliance (Muda) vying for karan Teagarajan (Muda). Ranjiv won the voters — 15.7% of which are Malay voters.
votes in the coming days.While Kinrara and seat in 2018 after securing 29,366 votes or This election, in terms of number of
Taman Medan will be a straight fight be- 86.9% of the total, with a winning margin voters, Kinrara has the highest among the
tween PH-BN and PN, Bukit Gasing and of 76.5%. four at 123,782, while the number of Ma-
Bandar Utama will be three-cornered fights Over in Kinrara, the incumbent Ng Sze lay voters is highest in Taman Medan, at
as Muda has fielded candidates there. Hen (PH-DAP) will be taking onWongYong 68% of 61,959 voters.
All four state seats were dominated by Kan (PN-Bersatu). Ng took the seat in 2018 Amirudin said his administration can-
PH in the last state election in 2018, with with 52,207 votes polled, or 83% of the total, celled the project as it was not satisfied with
Bandar Utama recording the highest win- with a winning margin of 71.8%. the impact assessment reports submitted by
ning margin among the four, at 81.4%, For Taman Medan, PH-PKR has nom- the concessionaire, PJD Link (M) Sdn Bhd,
after PH-DAP candidate Jamaliah Ja- inated Ahmad Akhir Pawan Chik as its and because it did not meet certain condi-
maluddin secured 90.5% of the votes cast, candidate, replacing Syamsul Firdaus, who tions set by the state government, particu-
defeating the BN candidate. This time, Ja- secured 21,712 votes or 57.8% of the to- larly the social impact assessment reports.
maliah will be defending her seat against tal votes in the predominantly Malay area CO N TI N UES O N PAGE 7


MRCB’s net
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): Malaysian ment of the station is complete. From what
Resources Corp Bhd’s (MRCB) net gear- we gather, demand has been strong histor-

gearing could
ing levels could surpass 0.49 times if it un- ically, with residential developments seeing
dertakes the redevelopment of transport take-up rates of 85% and above.”

exceed 0.49 times

hub KL Sentral simultaneously with that of Woo believed that there are five acres
the Shah Alam Sports Complex, said Hong of land that are not developed yet in KL

if KL Sentral,
Leong Investment Bank (HLIB) Research. Sentral, out of the original 60 acres, and
In a note on Thursday (Aug 3), analyst thus the redevelopment is a timely oppor-

Shah Alam
Edwin Woo said rough calculations show tunity for MRCB to widen its commercial
that net gearing levels could rise to 0.49 exposure in a prime and strategic location.

Sports Complex
times if the redevelopment of KL Sentral According to him, KL Sentral has a
alone — which is estimated to cost over gross development value of RM18 bil-

RM1 billion — took place after the disposal lion while over 200,000 commuters pass
of Menara CelcomDigi to Sentral REIT. through the station daily.

concurrently —
According to the group’s financial state- “At a designed daily capacity of
ment for the year ended Dec 31, 2022, its 100,000, the station has been due for up-

HLIB Research
gearing level stood at 0.45 times. grades for some time,” he noted.
MRCB was given a letter of intent by Woo kept his “hold” rating on the stock,
the Selangor government to create a pro- with an unchanged sum-of-parts derived
posal for the redevelopment of Shah Alam target price of 34 sen, which implies a
Sports Complex in Section 13, Shah Alam, BY LAM JIAN WYN price-earnings multiple of 30.9 times
which includes the area’s namesake stadi- for its forecasted FY2023 performance,
um and its surrounding Malawati Stadi- 22.7 times for FY2024, and 21.4 times
um, Shah Alam Mini Stadium, and Shah for FY2025.
Alam Extreme Park. At the midday break, MRCB shares
On Wednesday, Transport Minister were up 1.5 sen or four sen at 39 sen, for
Anthony Loke said the Cabinet had ap- a market capitalisation of RM1.74 billion.
proved in principle the redevelopment of
KL Sentral.
According to him, the project will be
done via privatisation at an estimated cost
of over RM1 billion, which MRCB will
shoulder, in return for the rights to develop
the area above the station with commercial
and residential buildings.
Woo, in his note, said: “Given that the
(KL Sentral) project will be done on a pri-
vate-finance initiative (PFI) basis, MRCB’s
monetisation timeline will be a relatively
long one — when residential and/or com-
mercial units are developed and sold.
“This will take place once redevelop-

FROM PAGE 6 the concessionaire PJD Link (M) Sdn Bhd The concessionaire is a private con-
RTO of Scomi Energy cancelled announced in October 2022 that it was struction company with Amrish Hari
The proposed PJD Link is a 25.4km elevat- seeking a listing on Bursa Malaysia via the Narayanan as its chief executive officer.
ed highway with two-lane dual carriageway reverse takeover (RTO) of Practice Note He was previously involved in the now-de-
(four lanes). 17 (PN17) company, Scomi Energy Ser- funct RM2.42 billion Kinrara Damansara
Aimed at dispersing traffic congestion vices Bhd, whose share surged following Expressway (Kidex), which was rejected
in Petaling Jaya by providing major con- the announcement. by the then Pakatan Rakyat-led Selangor
nection with existing roads and highways, The RTO was to be part of the regu- government in 2015 due to its failure to
the project was first approved in principle larisation plan that would lift Scomi En- submit traffic, social and environmental
by the Cabinet during BN’s administra- ergy from its PN17 status. In June this impact assessments within the stipulated
tion in November 2017, before the state year, the concessionaire also said it had deadline.
government then approved it in principle secured RM922 million in funding from Scomi Energy’s shares had been sus-
in September 2020 — subject to satisfac- MCC Overseas (M) Sdn Bhd — a subsid- pended since July 24 as it had failed to
tory impact assessments done. iary of China Metallurgical Group Corp submit its regularisation plan to Bursa
The highway, which was to be 100% — as part of its project financing for the Securities on time and could not secure
privately funded, was to start after the project. another extension of time to do so. Del-
North Klang Valley Expressway (NKVE) But Scomi Energy suddenly announced isting was possible on July 26, but it had
toll plaza on the SPRINT Highway, Da- on July 17 that the framework agreement submitted an appeal to the regulator to
mansara and end at the Bukit Jalil highway it inked with the concessionaire for the prevent that. Scomi Energy’s shares were
interchange. RTO had been “mutually terminated with last traded at half a sen apiece, giving it a
With the project in the pipeline then, immediate effect”, but did not elaborate. market capitalisation of RM2.34 million.


KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): Fraser & Heading into the final quarter of the
Neave Holdings Bhd’s (F&N) net prof- financial year, F&N is maintaining a cau-
it increased 1.9% to RM99.37 million F&N 3Q profit tiously optimistic outlook amid the vola-
for its third quarter ended June 30, 2023 tility in commodity prices and foreign ex-
(3QFY2023), from RM97.50 million a year up on higher change rates, and inflationary pressures
earlier, driven by overall higher prices, margin on its costs and its impact on consumer
and cost management, as well as contribution prices, maintains demand.
from Cocoaland Holdings Bhd, which the “Although some commodity prices have
group acquired in November 2022. cautiously stabilised, challenges persist in prices of
However, earnings were partially offset tin plates/cans, raw milk and palm oil, and
by one-off non-operating items (fair value optimistic outlook the upward trend in sugar prices. We have
loss on investment properties, impairment purchased substantially our raw material
loss on property, plant and equipment, and amid volatility in requirements for the fourth quarter,” the
inventories written down), the group said group said.
in a filing with Bursa Malaysia. commodity prices Nevertheless, F&N said it will remain
Quarterly revenue jumped 19% to vigilant and proactively navigate this vol-
RM1.33 billion from RM1.12 billion, atile and inflationary environment, lever-
thanks to robust festive sales, improvement BY PRIYATHARISINY VASU aging on its diversified brand portfolio.
in the food and beverage (F&B) markets “We have taken a significant stride to-
in both Malaysia and Thailand, recovery wards our vision of becoming a leading
in export markets and the additional Co- milk producer in Malaysia with the recent
coaland contribution. ground-breaking ceremony of our integrat-
For the first nine months of FY2023, ed dairy farm in Gemas, Negeri Sembilan
F&N’s net profit increased 40.5% to marking the beginning of our journey into
RM399.34 million from RM284.32 mil- the upstream fresh milk sector,” it said.
lion in the previous corresponding period, F&N shares closed up two sen or 0.08%
while revenue improved 12.7% to RM3.76 at RM24.92, valuing the group at RM9.14
billion from RM3.33 billion. billion.

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): QL Resourc- accused parties had failed to disclose the
es Bhd said its wholly-owned subsidiary, QL Resources data and information requested by PCP.
QL Oil Sd Bhd (QLO), has commenced In December 2021, PMI, Chia and QL
arbitration proceedings against two Indo- launches arbitration Mutiara obtained an interim injunction or-
nesian firms to resolve disputes relating to der against PCP to restrain PCP from con-
a master joint venture agreement (MJVA) proceedings against tinuing with the Indonesian proceedings.
signed by the three parties in 2006. However, PCP had, in breach of the in-
QLO filed the notice of arbitration Indonesian JV junction order and the MJVA, deliberately
against Hang Ting Pte Ltd (HT) and PT proceeded and continued with the Indo-
Pipit Citra Perkasa (PCP) at the Singa- partners to resolve nesian proceedings until around March
pore International Arbitration Centre on 2022, claimed QL Resources.
Thursday (Aug 3), said QL Resources in disputes In March 2022, PCP applied to with-
a bourse filing. draw and annul the lawsuit against PMI,
Under the MJVA, QLO and HT formed Chia and QL Mutiara.
a joint venture company known as QL Mu- BY JUSTIN LIM QL Resources said QLO is now launch-
tiara (S) Pte Ltd, which in turn owns a ing the arbitration to seek relief from HT
95% stake in plantation firm Pipit Muti- and PCP, and specific performance or-
ara Indah (PMI), with PCP holding the PMI to suffer eight years of continuous loss- ders to compel HT and PCP to comply
remaining 5% stake. es since the commencement of its operations with their obligations and duties under the
QLO thus has an effective interest of between 2012 and 2020. PCP on its part MJVA. QLO is also seeking damages from
74.5% in PMI, whereas HT and PCP col- allegedly suffered losses due to not receiv- the two firms.
lectively have an effective interest of 25.5% ing any distributable dividends from PMI. Apart from the potential damages to be
in PMI. PCP is also challenging the accuracy of assessed and costs which may be awarded
QL Resources said PCP and HT are the losses reported in the annual financial against HT and PCP, and the correspond-
affiliated companies owned by the fami- statements of PMI presented by Chia, as ing legal costs on the part of QLO, QL
ly of the Kristianto Kandi Saputro. Juliet the basis of the non-distribution of divi- Resources said the arbitration is not ex-
Kristianto Liu is the spouse of Kris. dends by PMI. pected to have any other material financial
The group said that in August 2021, The minority shareholder also alleged impact on the company for the financial
PCP initiated a lawsuit in Indonesia against that QL Resources’ two subsidiaries and year ending March 31, 2024. The arbitra-
PMI, QL Mutiara, as well as QL Resources Chia have not performed in accordance tion is also not expected to have any busi-
director Chia Seong Fatt in his capacity with good corporate governance required ness and operational impact on the group.
as a director of PMI, for alleged manage- under Indonesian law and under the con- QL Resources’ share price closed up
ment negligence and sought compensation tractual arrangement between PCP and the two sen or 0.37% at RM5.37 on Thursday,
amounting to about RM221.87 million. accused parties regarding PMI’s annual giving the group a market capitalisation of
PCP claimed that the negligence caused financial statements, as it alleged that the RM13.07 billion.



Sunview Group aborts plan to

Sunway Property acquires venture into biogas renewable
245-acre freehold industrial land energy sector
for RM115 mil KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): Renewable
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): Sunway energy player Sunview Group Bhd has
Bhd’s property arm, Sunway Property, aborted plans to venture into the biogas
announced that its wholly-owned renewable energy industry after it
subsidiary — Sunway Rawang City terminated the proposed acquisition of
Sdn Bhd — acquired a 245-acre land in Provectus Bioenergy Sdn Bhd. Provectus
Kuang, Rawang for a cash consideration Bioenergy is engaged in the operation of
of RM115 million. In a press release development of the 245-acre land will generation facilities that produce electric
on Thursday (Aug 3), the company be carried out via a joint venture with energy. In a bourse filing on Thursday
said that Sunway Rawang signed a Amal Resources Sdn Bhd for a proposed (Aug 3), Sunview said the termination
sale and purchase agreement (SPA) industrial tech park comprising factories, was due to the parties’ inability to reach
on Wednesday (Aug 2) to acquire the warehouses and commercial components, a consensus on the terms of the share
freehold land from Kauthar Equities carrying a gross development value of at sale agreement (SSA) for the entire
Sdn Bhd. The acquisition and proposed least RM2 billion. — by Reyanna Ng shareholding in Provectus Bioenergy.
Under the earlier deal, Sunview was to
own 20% in Provectus Bioenergy while
AWC secures RM10 mil sub-contract Suntech Energy, Warrants RE Assets,
works from Crest Builder unit Intechcity Construction and Pasir
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): A unit of AWC Lembayung were to own the remaining
Bhd has been awarded sub-contract works 80% post-acquisition. — by Kang Siew Li
for a multi-block mixed development
in Klang, Selangor, from a unit of Crest Serba Dinamik’s liquidator calls for
Builder Holdings Bhd worth RM10.01 meeting with creditors in October
million. In a Bursa Malaysia filing, AWC said KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): Serba Dinamik
Kumpulan Kitacon bags RM62 mil its unit Qudotech Sdn Bhd had on Aug 2 Holdings Bhd’s liquidator has called for
contract from KL Kepong to build accepted the letter of award from CBTech a meeting with the group’s creditors in
cluster houses (M) Sdn Bhd for the project’s water and October to provide a status update on
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): Kumpulan Kitacon sanitary plumbing system and rainwater the liquidation as well as to consider
Bhd has secured a RM62.3 million contract downpipe system for CB Land Sdn Bhd. the appointment of a committee of
from Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd (KLK) to The engineering services provider said inspection. Serba Dinamik said four
build houses in Bandar Seri Coalfields, Sungai Qudotech will supply, deliver, install, test separate meetings had been scheduled
Buloh. The construction group said its wholly and commission the systems.  The sub- with the creditors of the group as well
owned subsidiary, Kitacon Sdn Bhd, was contract works commenced on July 1, 2023 as the creditors of its subsidiaries Serba
awarded the contract by KLK’s wholly owned and would be completed by June 30, 2026. Dinamik Group Bhd, Serba Dinamik Sdn
unit, KL-Kepong Country Homes Sdn Bhd, to — by Anis Hazim Bhd and Serba Dinamik International Ltd.
build 128 units of two-storey cluster houses  The meetings are scheduled to be held
within a period of 18 months. The group said on Oct 11 to 13, said the troubled oil and
the contract will not have any effect on its gas group in a bourse filing on Thursday
share capital and its shareholding structure, (Aug 3). “A separate announcement
but will contribute positively to its earnings to all contributories calling for the
and net assets for the financial year ending contributories meeting will be issued at a
Dec 31, 2023 and until the expiry of the date closer to the meeting date,” said the
contract. — by Anis Hazim group. The liquidator for Serba Dinamik
and the three subsidiaries, Victor Saw
Seng Kee of PriceWaterhouseCoopers
Ge-Shen to buy controlling stake in rubber and medical device maker Advisory Sdn Bhd, had in May filed
for RM17 mil an application to the High Court for a
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): Johor-based plastic injection moulding and metal stamping meeting of creditors and a meeting of
company Ge-Shen Corp Bhd is buying a controlling 60% equity interest in Kedah-based contributories. — by Anis Hazim
Kibaru Manufacturing Sdn Bhd (KMSB) for RM16.8 million cash. This is in line with the
group’s objective of acquiring strategic stakes in companies involved in high value-added
industries with potential for future growth. KMSB is involved in the manufacturing
of and dealing in all kinds of rubber products and medical devices. Ge-Shen said the
proposed acquisition will enable the group to further expand its overall engineering
and manufacturing capabilities and product offerings to its customers. “The proposed
acquisition will expand Ge-Shen Group’s scale of operations and further complements
the group’s presence in the medical device segment, which is higher in value per unit and
yields better profit margin,” it said in a bourse filing on Thursday (Aug 3). — by Kang Siew Li


Zahid’s prosecutor Datuk Mohd Dusuki Mokhtar.

She said this was done sometimes to

ex-secretary: pay for objects for charity which couldn’t

be paid for by cheque.

He never asked She further clarified that this was done

on only a handful of occasions, adding that

me to use “not all” Yayasan Akalbudi’s donations Rajan Paramesran

were done this way. is MARC’s new CEO

Yayasan Akalbudi Zahid’s contention in this case is that effective Aug 1

Rosiah’s successor Major Mazlina Ma-

funds to pay zlan @ Ramly, who took over in Decem-

ber 2011, was negligent in handling his
MARC appoints
personal bills accounts as well as finances in Yayasan
Akalbudi, which led to him being charged.
He said among the negligence Mazli- key executives;
na committed was failing to understand
BY TIMOTHY ACHARIAM and read his credit card statements, which Rajan Paramesran caused her to make either insufficient or
excessive payments. named new CEO
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): A former Zahid said Mazlina had used Yayasan
secretary of Deputy Prime Minister Da- Akalbudi cheques to pay his credit card
tuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi told the bills without his instruction, knowledge BY KAYLA CHAN
High Court during his corruption trial that or agreement.
he had never asked her to use his charity Testifying before judge Datuk Collin
Yayasan Akalbudi funds to pay any of his Lawrence Sequerah, Rosiah said that dur- KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): Malaysian
personal bills. ing her 18-year stint with Zahid, he had Rating Corporation Bhd (MARC) an-
Datuk Rosiah Osman, 71, who was Za- never given her orders to pay his person- nounced a slew of new appointments,
hid’s executive secretary from 1994 to 2011, al credit card bills, vehicle insurance and including Rajan Paramesran as the new
testified that while she was serving him, all road taxes using Yayasan Akalbudi funds. chief executive officer effective Aug 1.
his personal bills such as credit cards, road Rosiah testified that there were always Having joined MARC in 2008, he
taxes, and insurance policies were paid using sufficient funds in Zahid’s personal ac- had been the rating firm’s chief rating
his personal Maybank accounts. counts to pay off these bills. officer since 2014.
She also testified that it was the same Zahid, who is also Umno president and In a statement released on Thursday
when it came to his wife’s credit card bills. Barisan Nasional chairman, is facing 47 (Aug 3), MARC said: “With over 38 years
Upon questioning from Zahid’s lawyer charges, of which 12 are for criminal breach of extensive experience in the financial ser-
Datuk Ahmad Zaidi Zainal, Rosiah said of trust (CBT), eight for corruption, and vices industry, he now oversees the ratings
Yayasan Akalbudi funds were strictly used 27 for money laundering, involving RM31 operations. Prior to joining MARC, Rajan
for charitable activities and donations via million of Yayasan Akalbudi funds. held various positions at prestigious insti-
cheques to worthy causes. For the 12 CBT charges, Zahid is alleged tutions, including Peregrine Fixed Income
She then testified, however, that there to have used the funds to make payments Ltd and BNP Paribas.”
were occasions when Zahid had to use his for personal credit cards, insurance policies Meanwhile, Hafiza Abdul Rashid is
personal credit card to purchase items for and licences for his personal vehicles, remit- the new chief rating officer of MARC
charity and then he would get reimbursed tances to a law firm, and contributions to the Ratings. She had served as the head of
by Yayasan Akalbudi. Royal Malaysian Police football association. ratings portfolio for infrastructure and
“Datuk Zahid used the credit card to Each of the charges, under Section 409 telecommunications since 2019 and later
pay for items to be donated, from there we of the Penal Code, carries a maximum of assumed the role of deputy chief rating
paid (him back) using Yayasan Akalbudi’s 20 years in jail, whipping and fine. officer from September 2022.
cheques to (reimburse) his credit cards,” she The trial continues before Sequerah On the other hand, Badrul Hisham
said upon questioning from deputy public next Monday (Aug 7). Zawawi has been MARC’s chief com-
mercial officer since June this year,
ZAHID IZZANI/THE EDGE bringing in 25 years of seasoned com-
mercial banking experience.
Moving on, Ray Choy is the new chief
economist of MARC. He has 21 years
of experience in financial areas includ-
ing economic research, foreign exchange,
commodities analysis, funds management,
equities investments and credit risk ratings.
MARC also announced the promo-
tions of two key heads of portfolios. Sha-
ridan Salleh has been appointed as the
senior head of ratings portfolio for oil and
gas, and power, whereas Taufiq Kamal has
been promoted to the role of senior head
of ratings portfolio for property, conglom-
erates and automotive services.
f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 12 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): A special task “This special task force will also study

force will be set up next month to review issues related to AI (artificial intelligence)
and strengthen the country’s laws, espe- involving technology fraud and whether

force to look into

cially concerning investment and business, we are prepared to manage businesses in
said Minister in the Prime Minister’s De- this field,” she said.

law reform in
partment (Law and Institutional Reform) The Madani Economy framework was
Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said. launched by Prime Minister Datuk Seri An-

line with Madani

“We will look into laws involving big war Ibrahim last Thursday (July 27) to boost
businesses and online trade, sale and Malaysia’s economy and generate benefits

purchase contracts, and trade, including for the people to enjoy a better quality of life.
(countering) scammers. The laws of many Azalina said the task force would work
countries in Asean like Indonesia and Thai- together with local universities and related
land have changed. So we will look into agencies to conduct studies and the review.
this,” she said. Bernama She was confident that if everything pro-
Azalina said it was important to empower ceeded smoothly, the task force’s proposal on
the country’s laws to help realise the unity legal amendments and enhancements could
government’s agenda of developing the coun- Bernama be tabled in next year’s Parliament session.
try under the Madani Economy framework. She said investors would feel more con-
She said apart from good governance, a fident and safer if the country’s laws could
well-functioning legal framework can give con- offer all quarters adequate protection, with-
fidence to investors to invest in the country. out favouring or marginalising anyone.
She said this on Thursday (Aug 3) when “Given the country’s peace and security
speaking on RTM’s “Selamat Pagi Malay- and leaders who are now seen as capable
sia” programme entitled “Tatakelola Baik of protecting them with good governance
Asas Ekonomi Madani” (Good Governance without issues like ‘back payments’, inves-
the Basis of Madani Economy). tors will come to Malaysia,” she added.

BATU KAWAN (Aug 3): Penang Devel- PDC collaborated with Solarvest Holdings
opment Corp (PDC), an agency under the Bhd, which is responsible for consultation,

state government, plans to grow its pres- design and engineering, procurement, pro-
ence in the renewable energy (RE) sector, ject management and construction.

Corp to turn
particularly solar energy, and turn it into The solar PV system has been installed
one of its core businesses in the future. at Marelli Automotive Lighting Malaysia

solar energy into

Chief executive officer Datuk Aziz Sdn Bhd’s factory in Batu Kawan, with
Bakar said this initiative is in line with the PDC investing RM12 million.

a core business
state’s aspiration to transform into a green Aziz said they signed a power purchase
economy as well as the country’s effort to agreement with Marelli Automotive Light-
ensure that RE accounts for 70% of the ing Malaysia, an automotive component
country’s electricity generation by 2050. manufacturer from Italy, in February
“We expect investments in RE to be Bernama 2023, and construction began the fol-
ramped up exponentially and we believe lowing month.
Penang has an exciting and major part to wards a net zero future,” he told reporters Following the completion of the project,
play, being home to multiple multinational at the launch of the PDC Solar Photovol- PDC will continue to own, operate and
corporations in the manufacturing sector. taic (PV) System here on Thursday (Aug maintain this solar PV system with a ca-
“PDC is committed to doing its part in 3), which was also attended by caretaker pacity of 3,149.56 kW on behalf of Marelli.
helping others embark on the RE journey, Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow. “PDC and Marelli are long-term part-
thereby expediting Malaysia’s transition to- He said for its first solar energy project, ners since 2013 as it is leasing the land and
building from PDC for 20 years commenc-
Bernama ing 2013. PDC will provide exceptional
solar system solutions through our sub-
sidiary company, Solar Voltech Sdn Bhd.
“In the immediate future, we have two
more projects with Solarvest to install
this solar PV system at other factories in
Penang,” he added.
The solar power system was developed
under Solarvest’s solar financing programme,
Powervest, which enables businesses to adopt
clean energy with zero initial capital outlay.
The system is anticipated to generate
4.4 gigawatt-hours of clean energy annual-
ly, enabling Marelli to offset 2,410 tonnes
(From left) Caretaker Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow and Penang Development of carbon dioxide per annum and achieve
Corp CEO Datuk Aziz Bakar about 20%-30% in electricity bill savings.
f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 13 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e


KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): Sultan of

Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah was ac- Yang di-Pertuan Agong
corded a state welcome at Istana Negara Al-Sultan Abdullah
on Thursday (Aug 3) in conjunction with Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa
Billah Shah with Raja
his three-day state visit to Malaysia. Permaisuri Agong
On arrival at the palace at 11am, Sul- Tunku Azizah Aminah
tan Hassanal Bolkiah and his consort Raja Maimunah Iskandariah
Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha were greet- and Sultan of Brunei
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah
ed by Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan with his consort Raja
Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Isteri Pengiran Anak
Shah and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Saleha at Istana Negara
Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah. on Thursday (Aug 3)
Also present were Prime Minister Datuk
Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his wife Datuk

Brunei Sultan
Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Deputy also to witness the signing of several bilater-
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof al instruments between the two countries.

accorded state
and Cabinet ministers. On Thursday night, the Brunei Sultan
The state welcoming ceremony began with is also scheduled to attend a dinner host-

welcome at
the singing of the national anthems of the ed by the prime minister at the Malaysian
two countries by the Royal Malay Regiment Petroleum Club located in the iconic Pet-

Istana Negara
central band, followed by a 21-gun salute. ronas Twin Towers.
The Sultan of Brunei then inspected a In 2019, Al-Sultan Abdullah undertook
guard of honour mounted by four officers a three-day state visit to Brunei to strength-
and 103 rank-and-file personnel of the First en the existing ties and bilateral relations
Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment. Bernama between the two countries.
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah and Al-Sultan Brunei was the first country visited by
Abdullah then planted a Simpor tree (Dille- tions between Malaysia and Brunei. Al-Sultan Abdullah after his appointment
nia Suffroticosa) in the palace compound, wit- Yang di-Pertuan Agong and Raja Per- as Malaysia’s 16thYang di-Pertuan Agong.
nessed by Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha, maisuri Agong also hosted a state banquet In 2022, Brunei was Malaysia’s 26th
Tunku Azizah, Anwar and Dr Wan Azizah. in honour of the visiting monarch. largest trading partner and the sixth largest
The two kings then held a meeting, The Sultan of Brunei is scheduled to within Asean with a total trade amounting
during which they discussed matters con- have a meeting with Anwar at Seri Perdana to RM13.22 billion, an increase of 68.%
cerning the long-standing bilateral rela- in Putrajaya on Thursday afternoon and compared to the recorded value in 2021.

Zafrul: Infineon’s
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): Global semi- our competitive position of best-in-class
conductor company Infineon Technologies SiC trench technology, the broadest pack-

RM25 bil Kedah

AG has announced the expansion of its age portfolio and unrivalled application
Kulim facility to build the world’s largest understanding,” he said.

investment sign
200-millimetre (mm) silicon carbide (SiC) Meanwhile, Minister of Investment,
power fabrication (power fab) plant, with Trade and Industry Tengku Datuk Seri

of confidence in
an additional investment of up to €5 billion Zafrul Abdul Aziz described Infineon’s ad-
(RM24.9 billion) over the next five years. ditional investment in Kulim as a strong

Madani govt
It said the investment will lead to an an- vote of confidence in the Madani govern-
nual SiC revenue potential of about €7 bil- ment’s investment policies.
lion by the end of the decade, together with “This expansion will not only create
the planned 200-millimetre SiC conversion high-skilled employment opportunities
of Villach, Austria and Kulim, Kedah. Bernama but also position Malaysia as a frontrun-
“This highly competitive manufacturing ner in driving green technologies, a cru-
base will support Infineon’s SiC market sia’s new economic growth agenda premised cial aspect of achieving global sustainable
share target of 30% towards the end of the on inclusivity and sustainability, enabled by development goals.
decade,” the company said in a statement strong policies on knowledge transfer, qual- “We value the trust, confidence and rec-
on Thursday (Aug 3). ity investments, business enablement and ognition in Malaysia’s promising growth
According to the statement, Prime Min- socio-economic wellbeing based on equita- prospects shown by esteemed German
ister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim expressed ble sharing of the nation’s wealth,” he said. corporations like Infineon.
his appreciation for Infineon’s commitment Infineon chief executive officer Jochen “The cutting-edge power semiconductor
to creating a significant wide bandgap hub Hanebeck said the market for SiC shows technologies produced in Infineon’s SiC
in the country. accelerating growth, not only in automotive Power Fab is a milestone development to-
“Malaysia’s continued appeal as a pre- but also in a broad range of industrial ap- wards elevating Malaysia’s position in the
ferred investment destination comes with a plications such as solar, energy storage and semiconductor industry, while also fos-
well-established landscape for developing high-power electric vehicle (EV) charging. tering a partnership focused on creating
innovative and sustainable technologies. “With the Kulim expansion, we will se- a more sustainable future for our nation
“Infineon and other well-established cure our leadership position in this market. and the world,” he said separately in a joint
German corporations’ continued faith in “With the industry’s leading scale and statement by the Malaysian Investment De-
Malaysia is a vote of confidence in Malay- a unique cost position, we are leveraging velopment Authority (Mida) and Infineon.
f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 14 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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The Edge file photo

Barisan to give
way to Amanah
in Simpang
Jeram, Pulai by-
elections — Zahid

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): Barisan Na-

sional (BN) will give way to Amanah to
contest in the by-elections for the Pulai
parliamentary and Simpang Jeram state
seats in Johor on Sept 9.
BN chairman Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad
Zahid Hamidi said the decision was made
in the spirit of political collaboration in the Madani government, we support both seats The by-election for the Pulai parliamen-
unity government. to be contested by Amanah,” he told the tary seat and the Simpang Jeram state seat
“We respect equality in the unity gov- media after launching the TVET Jelita pro- follows the death of incumbent Datuk Seri
ernment and we know that the Pulai par- gramme at the World Trade Centre Kuala Salahuddin Ayub on July 23.
liamentary seat belongs to Amanah, which Lumpur on Thursday (Aug 3). Salahuddin, 61, who was also the do-
is a political partner in the government and The Election Commission (EC) onThurs- mestic trade and cost of living miniter, died
they are the incumbent. day fixed polling day for both seats on Sept 9. at the Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital in Alor
“The Simpang Jeram state seat also be- Nomination of candidates will be on Setar, Kedah at 9.23pm after undergoing
longs to Amanah. So, in the spirit of the Aug 26, with early voting falling on Sept 5. brain haemorrhage surgery.

the necessary precautionary measures, like
wearing a face mask. Dr Mahathir
“Among the symptoms of influenza are
fever, body aches, frequent sneezing, runny admitted to IJN
election officials
nose, sore throat, cough and headache,”
she told a media conference after a meeting for infection
with influenza
with the Joint Council of the President and
the Secretary General of the Ministry of

Health’s Trade Unions (MAPSU KKM) Bernama
here on Thursday (Aug 3).

advised to wear
Also present was MAPSU KKM pres- KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): For-
ident Ajulahin Japin. mer prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir

face masks
Zaliha said this in response to media Mohamad has been admitted to the
reports of overcrowding in private hospi- National Heart Institute (IJN) for
tals in the country due to the increase in treatment of an infection.
the number of influenza patients. In a post on Dr Mahathir’s official
Bernama Last Monday (July 31), the Malaysian Facebook page on Thursday (Aug 3),
Association of Private Hospitals confirmed two photos were shared showing him
PUTRAJAYA (Aug 3): Candidates and a report that many hospitals are reaching going through some files at the ward.
election officials involved in the six state their capacity, causing delays in admissions. “Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
elections are encouraged to observe pre- According to its president, Datuk Dr writing and going through some files
cautionary measures by wearing face masks Kuljit Singh, the increase in bed capacity at his hospital ward at the Institut
and exercising social distancing if they are in many hospitals was due to many factors, Jantung Negara on Thursday.
having symptoms of influenza. most notably the influenza virus. “Dr Mahathir was admitted on
Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa On Wednesday, Defence Minister Da- Tuesday (Aug 1) and treated for in-
said wearing a face mask while cam- tuk Seri Mohamad Hasan, who is also fection,” it said.
paigning can curb the spread of infec- Umno deputy president, was confirmed The 98-year-old former Langkawi
tious diseases. down with influenza and was instructed Member of Prliament was admitted
“Influenza is a contagious disease. For by his doctors to rest for three days. to IJN in January 2022 to undergo
those who have symptoms regardless of an elective medical procedure.
whether they are candidates or election Dr Mahathir was again admitted
officials, if they are having the symptoms, Read also: PN confusing voters on central to IJN after he was confirmed posi-
they should see a doctor quickly and take govt change via state polls — Loke tive for Covid-19 in August last year.
f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 15 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

China spooking commodity traders with

probes into suspicious deals
(Aug 3): Chinese authorities are intensi- by Alfred Cang The payments range from 200 yuan
fying a crackdown on some commodities Bloomberg to 500 yuan a tonne for copper. The in-
transactions they view as offering little eco- centives aren’t delivered immediately, and
nomic benefit, leading to a pullback by in- ground of counterparties and inquiring are usually handed out only monthly or
dustry participants that’s poised to reduce about details like financing and logistics quarterly. Some traders are concerned they
both trading volumes and volatility in the to check if there has been any misuse of might not be able to receive some of the
domestic market. local government funds or fabrication of money because of the probes.
Authorities have escalated probes into data connected to commodity trades, ac- Chinese traders, especially small pri-
trades they suspect are being used to ob- cording to the traders, who asked not to vate ones, already suffered from declin-
tain cheap financing or government sub- be identified because of the sensitivity of ing margins from a slow economic recov-
sidies rather than serving the real econo- the matter. ery. The troubles of copper trading titan
my, according to traders and officials with The Aluminum Corp unit, China Alu- Maike Metals International Ltd left some
knowledge of the investigations. minum International Trading Group Co, hopeful for larger market shares and more
Chinese commodity trading and its has notified several traders about the can- profitable imports. But that resurgence
financing is vast but often opaque, and cellation of the trades for the second half didn’t come.
Beijing has long been eager to curb firms’ of the year, some traders said. The Chinese benchmarks for refined cop-
ability to deal in and hoard industrial com- Aluminum Corp of China Ltd, known per have been below the ones on the Lon-
modities for profit, thereby pushing up as Chalco, didn’t respond to Bloomberg don Metal Exchange for most of this year.
prices for manufacturers and ultimately requests for comment. The chairman of For some other large-sized traders and
consumers. The recent escalation of offi- Chalco’s parent firm said the company their counterparties, the investigations in-
cial efforts comes at a time of regulatory must resolutely put an end to false trade troduced another challenge.They were told
leadership transition and as strained lo- and fraudulent accounts during its mid- by the governments that so-called back-
cal government finances make it harder year conference, according to the group’s to-back transactions, an arrangement in-
to crank up economic growth. official WeChat account. volved one trader selling one cargo and
Nearly 20 traders, warehouse manag- Some traders estimated that the Chal- purchase the same good back from an-
ers and smelter executives interviewed by co unit logs more than 300,000 tonnes other trader after rounds of deals, would
Bloomberg since April said the investiga- of primary aluminium sales each month no long be counted as valid sales for ac-
tions have made some Chinese firms more and most had been suspended, although counting purposes because some deals are
hesitant to initiate new contracts in met- no actual number has been disclosed of- clustered without any physical movement
als, chemicals and coal and have led to the ficially. This means large volumes of the of the materials.
termination of some existing supply deals. metal are likely to be delivered directly to The move, if fully executed, might re-
A trading unit of the Aluminum Corp of manufacturers, bypassing traders. duce the revenues of these traders and the
China Ltd, the country’s top state-owned The move, together with a produc- credit they could obtain from lenders.
metals producer, cancelled some alumin- tion resumption by aluminium smelters Now, traders said some state firms have
ium contracts with independent trading in the southwestern province of Yunnan, started attempting to acquire processing
firms last month. quickly cooled the physical market. Data capacities so that their trades can be linked
Traders said they expected the probes to from consultancy Shanghai Metals Mar- with production facilities.
lower trading volumes for some metals, re- ket show that aluminium premiums —
ducing their ability to cash in on volatility. incentives paid by buyers to traders —
“The move to intensify compliance have already fallen from a peak of 400 Read also:
checks into local subsidies and other sus- yuan (RM256.60) per tonne to zero in
pected irregular behaviors on commodi- five weeks. PBOC pledges more financial resources
ties trades is a proactive step to squeeze Trading opportunities might be reduced for private firms
financial bubbles out of the industry and together with lower volatility in spot pre- The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) said
bring the market back to a more trans- miums due to less hoarding in warehous- it would ensure the private sector received
parent order,” said Jia Zheng, a Shang- es, traders said. But the impact on Chi- the extra resources it needed to grow, a pledge
hai-based trader with Shanghai Dongwu na’s commodities imports is still unclear that came after the central bank made a
Jiuying Investment Management Co. “I as global supply and demand is the dom- rare disclosure about meeting with company
believe it will create a fairer market in the inating factor. executives.
long term, even as some traders might be
hurt seriously during the checks.” Local subsidies
China’s State-Owned Asset Super- From Shandong to Zhejiang, some local China rally is just an opportunity to sell
vision and Administration Commission governments had been offering trading for many global funds
warned in April that it will investigate firms incentives to register their trades US and European long-only fund managers
trade financing used to inflate sales or in the region in order to boost economic were net sellers of Chinese and Hong Kong
those deals serving as collateral to access data. Traders would import the commod- stocks in July, according to Morgan Stanley,
bank loans. ities from the free trade zone into local which is now advising clients to take profits
Government investigators have been au- warehouses based on agreements with the on the recent rally and has downgraded
diting trade books, reviewing the back- governments. China to equal weight.
f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 16 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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China investment
(Aug 3): Almost a third of Chinese prov- and making it difficult for the Ministry
inces recorded shrinking investment in of Finance to meet its income forecast

shrinks in almost
the first half of the year, the most wide- for the year.
spread decline for the same period since Guangxi and Tianjin were among

one third of
2020, as financially strained local gov- the 10 provinces cited by Fitch Ratings
ernments and companies cut back on where local government-related debt

spending. was most at risk of refinancing pressure.
Some of the most debt-laden provinc- Tianjin’s debt was almost three times
es, like Guangxi and Tianjin, had the big- its income last year, according to data
gest contraction in fixed-asset investment compiled by Bloomberg, while Guangxi’s
in the period, according to a Bloomberg Bloomberg was 144%. Yunnan and Guizhou, which
News analysis of reports published by lo- were also highlighted on the Fitch list,
cal governments. had debt ratios of 172% and 164%, re-
The decline in investment is weigh- spectively.
ing on the economy’s recovery, which Along with Guangxi and The provincial data also showed weak
has lost momentum since China’s reo- Tianjin, Jiangxi province economic growth in several places. Ji-
pening surge in the first quarter. Weak- also reported a double- angxi’s economy expanded just 2.4% in
er economic growth, in turn, will make digit contraction in the first six months compared to a year
it difficult for some provinces to service investment in the first earlier, the slowest pace of all the prov-
their debt, resulting in a further pullback inces, while Guangxi grew 2.8%.
in investment.
half of the year, according Shanghai’s 9.7% expansion was the
Along with Guangxi and Tianjin,
to the data compiled fastest, although some of that was likely
Jiangxi province also reported a dou- by Bloomberg News. due to the low base of comparison with
ble-digit contraction in investment in last year, when the city spent months un-
the first half of the year, according to der a lockdown, which crushed economic
the data compiled by Bloomberg News. activity. Industrial output in Beijing and
Another six provinces saw fixed-asset in- Heilongjiang shrank in the first half, while
vestment declining in the period, while retail sales in Ningxia fell.
six others reported slower growth than The financial strain means provinc-
the nationwide rate of 3.8%. Investment es are curbing fiscal support when their
rose only 1.8% in Fujian and 1.4% in economies need it the most. The main
Chongqing. budget deficit in 19 provinces shrank in
Local governments have pulled back the first half of the year, while Shanghai
on investment following a slump in land was in surplus. However China’s top of-
revenue, a key source of income in many ficials have vowed to do more to support
provinces. In the first half of 2023, in- growth and consumption in the econo-
come from land sales dropped 21% from my, but have stopped short of providing
a year earlier, reducing revenue for the direct fiscal support to consumers and
various government fund budgets by 17% companies to increase spending.

Alibaba rolls out

HONG KONG (Aug 3): Chinese tech gi- institutions worldwide,” the company said.
ant Alibaba Group’s cloud computing unit However, for companies with more than

open-sourced AI
released two open-sourced artificial intel- 100 million monthly active users, they will
ligence (AI) models on Thursday (Aug 3) need to seek a licence from Alibaba before

model to take on
in a bid to take on Meta Platform. using the two models. Similarly, Meta’s
The Hangzhou-based company said Llama 2 also requires a licence from users

Meta’s Llama 2
it has open-sourced two large language with more than 700 million users.
models (LLM), a type of AI model, named Alibaba said Tongyi Qianwen has ver-
Qwen-7B and Qwen-7B-Chat on Thurs- sions with higher number of parameters
day in a press release. which have not been open-sourced, but
Each model has seven billion param- by Josh Ye it did not say how many parameters its
eters, which is often used to measure the Reuters biggest model contains.
strength. This marks the first time a big The biggest version of Meta’s Llama 2
Chinese tech company has open-sourced Alibaba Cloud announced its LLM features 70 billion parameters.
its LLM. named Tongyi Qianwen in April which China has been trying to catch up to
It also comes after Meta unveiled a comes with multiple versions featuring the US in the field of AI as Beijing en-
similar open-sourced model named Lla- different numbers of parameters. Alibaba courages Chinese companies to quickly
ma 2 last month, a move that has garnered said Qwen-7B and Qwen-7B-Chat are two develop homegrown and “controllable”
widespread interest. Some analysts said small-size versions of the Tongyi Qiawen AI models that can rival those developed
that open-sourced models can chip away which aim at helping small and medium by US companies.
the current market dominance enjoyed by businesses to start using AI. Other than Alibaba, tech giants such as
OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, and The two models’ “code, model weights, Tencent Holdings and Huawei have been
Google whose AI models charge users ex- and documentation will be freely accessible aggressively developing their own AI mod-
pensive fees. to academics, researchers and commercial els in recent months.
f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 17 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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(Aug 3): Saudi Arabia extended its unilat- as they try to taper interest-rate increases.
eral oil production cut by another month, Saudis extend 1 mil The Saudis introduced the extra mil-
and said it could be prolonged further or lion-barrel cut earlier this summer as a
even deepened. barrel oil cut, say can unilateral move, with most other mem-
The leader of the Organization of Pe- bers of the Opec already pumping below
troleum Exporting Countries (Opec) will be deepened their assigned targets and unlikely to re-
prolong the cutback of one million bar- duce supplies further.
rels a day — launched last month — into It since has been joined by Russia, a
September, according to a statement on by Grant Smith member of the wider Opec+ alliance,
state Saudi Press Agency. That will hold Bloomberg which appears to be finally delivering on
output at about nine million barrels a day, pledges to lower shipments. Moscow had
the lowest level in several years. Crude fu- But with the economic outlook still cloud- maintained exports for many months in or-
tures jumped. ed by lacklustre data from China and fears der to maximise revenue for its war against
The measure — which comes on top of of recession in the US, Riyadh is showing no Ukraine, but tanker-tracking data show
supply curbs Riyadh was already making signs of relaxing its grip. Besides, the king- that flows are starting to come down.
with others in the Opec+ producers group dom may need prices of as much as US$100 Defending the market has come at a
— is intended to “to reinforce the precau- a barrel to cover government spending, ac- cost for the Saudis. The kingdom suf-
tionary efforts made by Opec+ countries cording to Bloomberg Economics. Brent fu- fered the sharpest downgrade to economic
with the aim of supporting the stability tures surged as much as 1.7% after the Saudi growth projections by the International
and balance of oil markets”. announcement on Thursday (Aug 3). Monetary Fund, which sees the country
Oil prices have recovered recently, The decision to extend was in line with expanding by just 1.9% this year, a frac-
reaching a three-month high above US$85 the expectations of traders and analysts sur- tion of its performance in 2022.
(RM386.99) a barrel earlier this week in veyed by Bloomberg last week.The kingdom’s The Saudis and Russia will chair an
London, as the post-pandemic recovery hawkish approach has drawn criticism from online review of market conditions by key
in fuel demand, combined with output major importing nations, which fear that ris- Opec+ nations on Friday (Aug 4). The full
curbs by Opec+ countries, begins to tight- ing fuel costs may inflict another inflationary 23-nation Opec+ alliance is due to meet
en world crude markets. spike on consumers and thwart central banks in late November.

(Aug 3): Spot rates for shipping containers Shipping rates jumped tenfold to record
jumped by the most in more than two years, Global shipping costs highs during the height of the pandemic as
a sign that a 16-month slump in ocean-freight consumers loaded up on household items and
costs that helped ease the sting of goods in- sailing higher after Covid-19 led to clogged logistics networks.
flation is over. The costs to move containers have since re-
The Drewry World Container Index 16-month freefall turned to levels reached before the health
composite increased 11.8% to US$1,761 crisis, weighed down recently by bloated in-
(RM8,018) for a 40-foot container, the ventories and subdued consumer spending.
fourth straight advance and biggest week- by Brendan Murray Matson Inc, a Honolulu-base container
on-week percentage gain since June 2021.The Bloomberg carrier that runs an express service from Chi-
composite — which reflects short-term rates na to the US and charges a premium for the
across eight trade routes connecting Asia, Eu- tainer unit, an 11.3% gain from the previous faster route, earlier this week said retailers are
rope and the US — had fallen in 15 of the week and fifth straight increase, according continuing to manage inventories carefully
16 months through June. to Drewry. From Shanghai to Rotterdam, amid weaker demand.
The costs for shipping from Shanghai to the rate jumped 25% to US$1,620, the most “Absent an economic ‘hard landing’ in the
Los Angeles reached US$2,322 per 40 ft con- since January 2021. US, we continue to expect trade dynamics to
gradually improve for the remainder of the
year as the transpacific marketplace transi-
tions to a more normalized level of consumer
demand and retail inventory stocking levels,”
Matson CEO Matt Cox said in a statement
on Aug 1.
Matson shares this week reached the high-
est level since June 2022.
Last week, closely held French carrier
CMA CGM SA laid out a gloomy outlook
for the industry, especially on more estab-
lished trade lanes. East-West shipping routes
are “under more pressure and dropping faster
than the North-South trade, which remains
pretty dynamic,” CMA CGM chief finance
officer Ramon Fernandez told reporters.
On Friday (Aug 4), Copenhagen-based
AP Moller-Maersk A/S, the world’s No 2
container carrier, is scheduled to release an
interim report for its second quarter results.
f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 18 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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NEW YORK (Aug 3): Billionaire investor

William Ackman on Wednesday (Aug 2)
said his hedge fund Pershing Square Cap-
ital Management has placed a bet against
US 30-year Treasuries, calling it both a
investor Ackman
hedge on the impact of higher long-term
rates on stocks and a good standalone bet.
says he is shorting
“We are short in size the 30-year T,” Ack-
man wrote on messaging platform X, for-
30-year Treasuries
merly known as Twitter. He argued that if Billionaire
long-term inflation is 3% not 2%, the 30-year by Svea Herbst-Bayliss investor William
Treasury yield could rise to 5.5%, adding Reuters Ackman
“and it can happen soon”. On Wednesday,
the yield on the 30-year Treasuries climbed
to 4.16%, the highest close of the year. at companies ranging from Chipotle Mexican and also I think we need the hedge.”
“We implement these hedges by pur- Grill to railroad Canadian Pacific, has recent- He remarks on X were made after rat-
chasing options rather than shorting bonds ly used the social media platform to opine ing agency Fitch on Tuesday downgraded
outright,” Ackman wrote. on economic policy and presidential politics. the US government’s top credit rating, a
Ackman said higher defence costs, energy On Wednesday, he wrote: “There are few move that drew an angry response from the
transition and the greater bargaining power macro investments that still offer reasonably White House and surprised investors, com-
of workers all point toward higher inflation. probable asymmetric payoffs and this is one ing despite the resolution of the debt ceil-
The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates of them.” In 2020 Ackman was among a ing crisis two months ago. Ackman didn’t
aggressively to curb inflation and signalled small number of investors to call the Cov- address the Fitch move in his posting.
last month that it is keeping its options open id-19 crisis early and put on a hedge that A spokesman for Ackman didn’t respond
after having raised rates by a quarter point earned his fund proceeds of US$2.6 bil- to a Reuters request for additional comment.
to their highest level since 2001. lion (RM11.84 billion) early in the year. Traders’ immediate response to the
Ackman, once one of Wall Street’s most “The best hedges are the ones you would Fitch downgrade was to embark on a
voluble investors who cemented his reputation invest in anyway even if you didn’t need the safe-haven push out of stocks and into
as an activist investor by pushing for changes hedge,” Ackman wrote. “This fits that bill, government bonds and the US dollar.

after it chalked up a 27% increase in sec-

Singapore bank ond-quarter earnings.
Besides higher interest rates, Singapore Warren Buffett
DBS’ 2Q profit banks have also benefitted from strong inflow
says not worried
of wealth amid global uncertainty due to the
beats estimates; city-state’s status as a financial safe-haven. about Fitch’s US
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp is due to
expects record year announce its second-quarter results on Friday. downgrade — CNBC
DBS, which is also Southeast Asia’s
largest lender by assets, expects another
by Yantoultra Ngui record year, projecting full-year return on by Anirudh Saligrama
Reuters equity at above 17%. Reuters
“We think we will have a record year,”
(Aug 3): Singapore’s biggest bank DBS DBS chief executive officer Piyush Gupta BENGALURU (Aug 3):Warren Buf-
Group said on Thursday (Aug 3) its sec- told reporters in a briefing after the bank’s fett said he is not worried about the
ond-quarter profit jumped a forecast-beating earnings results. recent US downgrade by Fitch, but
48% to a new record as higher interest rates “We do benefit from interest rate noted the concerns are valid, CNBC
helped drive income growth, and forecast hikes,” he said. “Our focus on digitising, reported on Thursday (Aug 3), cit-
growth in its net interest margin (NIM). on cash management, on both the cor- ing comments by the billionaire and
DBS said the outlook for NIM, a key porate and consumer side and on wealth chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
indicator of profitability, had improved due is really paying off.” Berkshire bought US$10 billion
to unexpected US interest rate increases DBS said April-June net profit hit a quar- (RM45.6 billion) in US Treasuries
in the second half and a rise in the Hong terly record high S$2.69 billion (RM12.3 on Monday, the CNBC report said,
Kong Interbank Offered Rate. billion) from S$1.82 billion a year earlier. citing Buffett.
It looked forward to continued support This exceeded the average estimate of “The only question for next Mon-
from one-fifth of its commercial book yet S$2.41 billion from four analysts surveyed day is whether we will buy US$10
to reprice and lower deposit repricing pres- by Refinitiv. billion in 3-month or 6-month,” Buf-
sure than it had expected. DBS’ NIM rose for sixth consecutive fett said.
DBS shares rose 0.5% by midday onThurs- quarter to 2.16% during the quarter from
day amid a slightly lower broader market. 1.58% a year earlier.
DBS’ views followed that of smaller peer Read also: Yellen: Fitch down-
United Overseas Bank, which last Thurs- grade ‘entirely unwarranted’ amid
day said it had a more positive outlook Read also: DBS CEO sees more inflows US economy’s strength
for NIM following the latest US rate rise to Singapore from China doldrums
f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 19 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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India mandates
NEW DELHI (Aug 3): India on Thurs- ics, Lenovo and HP Inc, are some of the
day (Aug 3) said it will impose a licens- key sellers of laptops in the Indian market.

licensing for
ing requirement for imports of laptops, The move is expected to benefit con-
tablets and personal computers with im- tract manufacturers like Dixon Technol-

laptop, tablet
mediate effect, a move that could hit hard ogies, whose shares rose more than 7%
the likes of Apple, Dell and Samsung and on the news.

imports in blow
force them to boost local manufacturing. “The move’s spirit is to push manu-
Current regulations in India allow com- facturing to India. It’s not a nudge, it’s a

to Apple, Dell
panies to import laptops freely, but the new push,” said Ali Akhtar Jafri, former director
rule mandates a special licence for these general at electronics industry body MAIT.
products similar to restrictions India im- India’s government has extended a
posed in 2020 for inbound TV shipments. deadline for companies to apply for a US$2
Industry executives said a licensing re- by Aftab Ahmed & Munsif Vengattil billion incentive scheme to attract big-tick-
gime would mean prolonged wait times for Reuters et investments in IT hardware manufac-
each new model they launch, and would turing, which covers products like laptops,
come just ahead of a festive season in In- Laptops, tablets and personal comput- tablets, personal computers and servers.
dia when sales typically surge. ers account for about 1.5% of India’s total The scheme is key to India’s ambitions
The government notification gave no annual imports, with nearly half of those to become a powerhouse in the global elec-
reason for the move, but Prime Minister from China, according to government data. tronics supply chain, with the country tar-
Narendra Modi’s government has been Many of Apple’s iPads and Dell’s lap- geting annual production worth US$300
promoting local manufacturing and dis- tops are imported into the country, rather billion by 2026.
couraging imports under his “Make in than being manufactured locally. The country has imposed high tariffs in
India” plan. The intent seems to be “substitution of the past on products like mobile phones
India’s electronics imports, which in- certain goods that are imported heavily”, said to catalyse domestic output.
clude laptops, tablets and personal com- Emkay Global economist Madhavi Arora.
puters, stood at US$19.7 billion (RM89.8 Apple, Dell and Samsung did not imme-
billion) in the April to June period, up diately respond to Reuters’ requests for com- Read also: Apple and Amazon results pose
6.25% year-on-year. ment.They, along with Acer, LG Electron- tech rally’s toughest hurdle yet

Qualcomm falls
(Aug 3): Qualcomm Inc, the largest maker suddenly had more inventory than they
of smartphone processors, fell 8.7% during needed.The reduction in spending on com-

as smartphone
premarket trading in New York on Thurs- ponents for phones and other electronics
day (Aug 3) after giving a tepid sales fore- will drag on until the end of the year, Qual-

slump drags on,

cast for the current quarter, indicating that comm executives said on a conference call.
demand for mobile devices remains weak. The company is taking steps to reduce

job cuts loom

Sales will be US$8.1 billion (RM36.87 its expenses, Qualcomm said, even as it in-
billion) to US$8.9 billion in the fis- vests in new products that will capitalise on
cal fourth quarter, Qualcomm said on the spread of artificial intelligence to smart-
Wednesday (Aug 2) in a statement. The phones. Already, it’s been reducing head-
midpoint of that range is well below the by Ian King count. Last quarter, Qualcomm recorded
US$8.79 billion average analyst estimate. Bloomberg US$285 million in restructuring charges,
The outlook renews concerns about mostly from severance payments, and ex-
a smartphone industry in the grips of its pects to conduct more workforce reductions.
worst downturn in years. Qualcomm and “We are taking a conservative view of the
its chipmaking peers saw a steep drop in market and will be proactively taking additional
orders from handset manufacturers, which cost actions to ensure Qualcomm is well-po-
sitioned to deliver maximum value for stock-
holders in an uncertain environment,” chief ex-
ecutive officer Cristiano Amon said on the call.
The shares fell as low as US$118.71 in
extended trading on Wednesday following
the earnings announcement. Before the
report, Qualcomm’s stock had increased
about 18% this year.That underperformed
a broader rally for the chip industry, with
the Philadelphia Stock Exchange Semicon-
ductor Index gaining about 47% in 2023.
Minus certain items, profit will be
US$1.80 to US$2 a share in the current
period, Qualcomm said. That compares
with a US$1.94 projection.

Read the full story

f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 20 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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BOJ conducts
TOKYO (Aug 3): The benchmark 10-year ing to keep moves gradual given the
Japanese government bond yield hit a fresh large global uncertainties, particularly

emergency bond
nine-year peak on Thursday (Aug 3) before for the US economy and interest rates,”
pulling back after the Bank of Japan again said Masayuki Kichikawa, chief macro

buying as yields
intervened to cool the speed of the rise. strategist at Sumitomo Mitsui DS Asset
The central bank offered to buy ¥300 Management.

push to fresh
billion (RM9.55 billion) of bonds with “If market moves continue to be too
5-10 years left to maturity and ¥100 bil- fast, the BOJ will continue to intervene.”

nine-year peak
lion of paper maturing in 3-5 years at Investors and analysts had expect-
0400 GMT, after the 10-year yield rose to ed the BOJ might increase the purchase
0.655% for the first time since April 2014. amounts at its fixed-rate buying operations
The BOJ had also conducted an un- on Wednesday, and took the decision to
scheduled ¥300 billion purchase of bonds by Kevin Buckland leave them unchanged as a signal of ad-
with 5-10 years to maturity on Monday, Reuters ditional upside for yields.
when the yield climbed to 0.605% for the Other JGB tenors, whose yields had re-
first time since June of 2014. bloomberg newed multi-month highs earlier on Thurs-
The benchmark yield was last one basis day, eased from those levels.
point (bp) higher at 0.635%. The 30-year yield, which had risen as
Investors and the BOJ have played a cat- high as 1.57%, was last at 1.56%, just 0.5
and-mouse game all week, feeling out the bp higher than Wednesday’s close.
appropriate speed for the 10-year yield’s The 20-year yield had risen to 1.305%
ascent after the central bank took the un- but was last at 1.295%, a 1.5 bps increase
usual step on Friday of leaving the official from the previous session.
ceiling at 0.5% under yield curve control The five-year yield rose 1.5 basis points
(YCC), but shifting the yield for its regular to 0.2%, after earlier pushing to 0.21%.
purchase operations to 1% — a de-facto The two-year yield, which is more firm-
doubling of the cap. ly anchored by the BOJ’s negative short-
“The BOJ of course made the YCC term interest rate policy, remained 0.5 bp
framework more flexible, but it is try- higher at 0.015%.

BOJ makes bold shift as yen risks grow too big to ignore
TOKYO (Aug 3): The Bank of Japan’s by Leika Kihara ceiling, the sources said.
surprise decision last week to raise a cap Reuters More substantial moves toward pol-
on interest rates was partly driven by pol- icy normalisation, such as interest rate
icymakers’ growing worries ultra-loose The focus on yen moves also means hikes, will come after close scrutiny of
monetary settings would spark a repeat policymakers are now prioritising dealing data for clues on next year’s wage and
of the bruising yen selloff that the econ- with the side-effects of decades of mas- inflation outlook, they said.
omy saw last year. sive monetary stimulus, such as Japan’s “It’s clear the direction the BOJ is taking
The tweak to the BOJ’s bond yield yawning interest rate gap with economic is towards an exit from easy policy,” a third
curve control (YCC) was the result of peers that has pummelled its currency. source said. “But it will take time, perhaps
brainstorming sessions that came to a “Deep inside, Ueda probably feels the entire five-year term for Ueda.”
head in May, say sources familiar with the role of YCC has ended and is wor-
the decision, just over a month after Ka- ried about its side-effects,” said an offi- New priorities
zuo Ueda succeeded his dovish predeces- cial who has known Ueda for decades. The BOJ’s policy decision last week sig-
sor Haruhiko Kuroda as the bank’s chief. “There’s also a small but probable risk nalled to investors that it would now al-
Pressure from Prime Minister Fumio of inflation overshooting in Japan, which low the 10-year government bond yield
Kishida’s government also played a part, gave the BOJ reason to act.” to move closer to 1% before it intervenes.
suggesting that future policy tweaks will This account of the BOJ’s decision UnderYCC, first introduced in 2016,
be driven not just by the inflation out- last week is based on conversations with the central bank seeks to rev up stagnant
look but market moves — notably the over a dozen government officials, Kishi- consumer demand by keeping credit ex-
yen, the sources said. da administration aides and sources with tremely ample, specifically by guiding
“Yen moves have been and will remain direct knowledge of the central bank’s short-term rates at -0.1% and the 10-
a very important factor shaping Japan’s deliberations. year bond yield around 0%.
monetary policy,” one of them said. “The Most spoke on condition of anonym- That policy runs smoothly when infla-
BOJ made that point clear this time in a ity as they were not authorised to speak tion and economic growth are subdued,
way unseen in the past.” publicly, or declined to comment on re- but hits trouble when prices creep up, as
The BOJ’s decision shook markets on cord due to the sensitivity of the matter. they have over the past year, putting upward
Friday (July 28) and contrasted sharply Last week’s move means the BOJ pressure on the 10-year bond yield and
with Ueda’s more cautious comments will likely refrain from further tweaks forcing the BOJ to ramp up bond buying.
in recent months about the dangers of to YCC unless inflation perks up much
retreating too quickly from accommo- faster than expected and keeps the 10-
dative Kuroda-era policies. year yield elevated near the new 1% Read the full story
f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 21 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Mahindra’s EV
BENGALURU (Aug 3): Mahindra and future leadership in electric SUVs,” Ma-
Mahindra has raised US$145 million hindra CEO Anish Shah said in a press

unit raises funds

(RM660.8 million) from Temasek for release.
its electric vehicle unit at a valuation India’s EV market is small but grow-

from Temasek
of up to 805.8 billion rupees, the latest ing, attracting interest from global play-
fundraising by the Indian automaker as ers including Tesla.

at US$9.8 bil
it looks to ramp up EV sales. The world’s biggest EV maker is in
Temasek will take up to a 3% stake talks with the government to invest in a

in the company which last year raised potential factory that would build low-
up to US$250 million from British In- cost EVs, targeting a price of around
ternational Investments (BII) at a val- US$24,000. Analysts say this could pose
uation of as much as US$9.1 billion. stiff competition for local automakers.
The automaker is aggressively trying by Chris Thomas & Aditi Shah Rival Tata Motors in 2021 raised
to lift the share of its electric SUVs in a Reuters US$1 billion from TPG’s Rise Climate
market that is dominated by larger rival Fund at a valuation of about $9.1 bil-
Tata Motors, as the government pushes lion.
to grow EV sales to 30% by 2030 from Mahindra had been in talks with
less than 2% on Thursday (Aug 3). global investors, including green funds
Mahindra said it expects electric and private equity players, for nearly a
models to make up between 20% and year to raise between US$250 million
30% of its total SUV sales by March and US$500 million to accelerate its
2030 — pushing back an outlook it gave EV plans, Reuters has reported.
last year of meeting that target by 2027. Mahindra shares fell as much as 2.5%
“Temasek’s investment is a step for- after the deal and were last trading down
ward, as we execute our strategy towards 1.2%.

(Aug 3): BMW AG is stepping up spend- tric sibling, the i5, which is set to help

BMW boosts
ing on its electric-car rollout after the lux- boost volumes during the second half of
ury-car maker’s battery-vehicle deliveries the year. The shares fell as much as 3.1%

electric car
more than doubled during the first half in Frankfurt trading.
of the year. While demand for its luxury cars re-

spending to
The level of buyer interest in EVs mains strong, BMW warned Tuesday that
means BMW is “investing more than increased costs for parts are reducing its

catch up with
originally planned in the global ramp- cash flow while also citing logistics issues
up of e-mobility,” chief financial officer as a constraint. The company will incur

Walter Mertl said Thursday (Aug 3), add- higher costs from increased inventories to
ing that investments in batteries for the ensure meeting customer demand, Mertl
current and next generation of EVs are said Thursday in speech notes.
“massive.” Several carmakers face new logistics
During the second quarter, develop- by Wilfried Eckl-Dorna constraints after a shortage of semicon-
ment spending jumped by nearly a fifth Bloomberg ductors eased, allowing them to produce
to €1.84 billion (RM9.1 billion). more vehicles. Volkswagen AG lowered its
Battery-powered car sales made up delivery outlook last week as shortages
about 13% of group deliveries during the of trains and truck drivers left finished
first half led by demand for models like vehicles stranded at factories. Porsche
the i4 sedan and iX3 SUV. Next year, AG had to restrict sales of its electric
the proportion of EV deliveries is set Taycan after grappling with sourcing
to rise to at least one-fifth, BMW said. certain components.
Incumbent carmakers are battling BMW group earnings before
to catch up to Tesla Inc, which is interest and tax increased 28% to
pulling away in the global EV sales €4.34 billion compared to the second
race following aggressive price cuts. quarter of last year, beating average
In China, the most important market analyst estimates of a €4.23 billion re-
for Germany’s Volkswagen, BMW and sult. Automotive returns rose to 9.2%.
Mercedes-Benz, local manufacturers
like BYD Co are increasingly dominat-
ing in EV sales. Read also:
BMW kept global prices stable for in a profit, which will increase as the car-
its pure-electric models, chief executive maker has now started to offer pure-elec- BMW reports solid revenue growth in
officer Oliver Zipse said in a call with tric variants in its higher 7-series and first half
reporters, adding that the company is 5-series segment, Mertl said.
currently “rather content” with its EV BMW also increased its car sales fore-
pricing in China. cast for 2023 to now expect solid gains Tesla’s China-made EV sales slump 31%
All of BMW’s EV variants are turning with the new 5-Series sedan and its elec- m-o-m in July
f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 22 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

A 14-year high
(Aug 3): Local-currency investors from Asian currencies rose 1.5% versus the
emerging Asian nations aren’t shying away dollar in July as they snapped three straight

hedging cost is
from hedging their overseas investments even months of losses, according to a Bloomberg
as the cost of protection rises to the highest in Index. Meanwhile, asset managers boost-

hardly scaring
14 years amid concern dollar weakness may ed their short dollar bets to a record level
erode the value of their portfolios. in July, while hedge funds also flipped to

Asian investors
The aggregate hedging cost for funds a net short position on the US currency
from seven emerging-Asian economies has in the same month, Commodity Futures
risen to the highest since at least 2009, Trading Commission data show.
according to data compiled by Bloomberg, “If investors are bearish on the dollar
mainly due to the divergence between their by Marcus Wong until the year end, then of course hedg-
monetary policies and those of the US. Bloomberg ing now would be the best strategy,” said
And while the prospect of a Federal Re- Stephen Chiu, a currency and rates strat-
serve rate pause ensures that gap doesn’t Bloomberg egist at Bloomberg Intelligence. Hedging
widen further, increasing bearishness to- costs may remain elevated as long as the
ward the dollar is prompting investors to Fed doesn’t appear to entertain any rate
safeguard their holdings. cuts in the near-term, he said.
“Local funds will increase hedging of The aggregate hedging cost is the dif-
their dollar investments after the Dollar ference between the three-month onshore
Index slumped past the 100.0 level in July, forward implied yield and the equivalent
with hedging interest to also pick up on con- US secured overnight refinancing rate. Lo-
cerns that a further gap lower in the dollar cal forward implied yield moves relative
will incur an even larger cost of hedging,” to equivalent US rates have made it less
said Christopher Wong, a strategist at Over- favorable for emerging Asian investors to
sea-Chinese Banking Corp in Singapore. offer local currency in exchange for dollars.

UK banks set to
(Aug 3): The UK’s biggest banks stand to said Justin Fox, group treasurer at Virgin
gain billions this year from hedging against Money UK plc. “In reality treasury is a

reap billions from

rising rates. critical business partner to the commer-
Structural hedges, the balance sheet cial teams, helping balance risk and reward

hedging against
exercise which reduces banks’ sensitivi- pricing strategies.”
ty to interest rate moves, were worth well The number of Treasury staff who work

rising interest
over £1 billion (RM5.9 billion) at each on the structural hedge can vary from 50 to
of Britain’s top lenders in the first half of 500, depending on the bank’s size, with asset

2023. At Barclays plc, hedging income for and liability management analysts and exe-
2023 is expected to surge more than 60% cution teams mostly involved. Decisions on
to £3.6 billion. the hedge are also made at banks’ risk com-
Finance chiefs this quarter confirmed mittees which typically include board mem-
that the hedge, which could also be de- by Leonard Kehnscherper bers, the finance chief and chief executive.
scribed as a bank’s fixed-income portfolio, Bloomberg
will be a major contributor to earnings as Caterpillar or dynamic
swap contracts reprice at higher interest reuters There are two main approaches.
rates. This trend is widely expected to help The first one — called ‘caterpillar’ —
lenders offset income hits from tougher doesn’t see a bank take a view on future
mortgage competition and pressure to interest rate moves, while the other, ‘dy-
pass on a greater share of rate hikes to namic’ approach is employed by banks that
customers. make calls on the market and time pur-
This year’s collapse of US regional chases of swap contracts accordingly.While
lenders including Silicon Valley Bank has Barclays and NatWest follow the ‘cater-
underscored the importance of lenders’ pillar’ approach, Lloyds Banking Group
asset and liability management, which plc’s treasurers are known for applying a
can come under particular pressure ‘dynamic’ one.
when depositors withdraw huge sums One of the most profitable moves in Brit-
or switch to higher-yielding savings ac- ish banking was overseen by Antonio Hor-
counts. Ivory towers ta-Osorio, who was chief executive officer
Lenders therefore buy financial de- The hedge is implemented by treasury of Lloyds between 2011 and 2021. When
rivatives with the effect that rate moves teams, one of whose main responsibilities Horta-Osorio took over at the then-partly
don’t impact interest income as fast as they is to secure banks’ wholesale funding.They state-owned lender, he repositioned Lloyds’
would without a hedge. have a reputation for being more academic hedge which allowed the bank to earn bil-
“The reason that we have the struc- than a typical trader. lions from rightly predicting that rates would
tural hedge is to smooth the income of “I’ve heard the term ‘ivory tower’ a cou- stay low for a longer period.
our banking book businesses over time,” ple of times in my career, seeing treasury
Barclays chief financial officer Anna Cross as a place for technical discussions that feel
told analysts last week. disconnected with the rest of the bank,” Read the full story
f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 23 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

CK Hutchison
(Aug 3): CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd CK Hutchison has been reducing its
warned of global risks from inflation to exposure in the region’s telecommunica-

warns economic
geopolitics and climate change as the con- tions sector. In June, its Britain-based car-
glomerate founded by Hong Kong billion- rier Three UK agreed to merge with Voda-

risks building as
aire Li Ka-shing posted its biggest drop in fone Group plc’s unit, in a deal that will
profit since 2015. create the biggest wireless company in the

profit slumps
The group’s net income tumbled 41% country if it gets approval from authorities.
from a year earlier to HK$11.2 billion Vodafone will have the right to acquire the
(RM6.53 billion) in the six months through entire merged business after three years, if
June, it said on Thursday (Aug 3), amid a it reaches a value of at least £16.5 billion
strong dollar and higher operating costs. by Shirley Zhao & Shawna Kwan (RM95.11 billion) including debt.
Revenue fell to HK$223.9 billion from Bloomberg The conglomerate also cut holdings in its
HK$229.6 billion a year earlier. The con- Italian mobile and fixed network business,
glomerate, now led by Victor Li, announced climate change may be intensifying with forming a partnership with Swedish private
an interim dividend of HK$0.756 per share, impacts which are increasingly difficult to equity group EQT AB, which will see CK
compared with HK$0.84 a year before. anticipate.” Hutchison hold 40% of a newly formed firm
The firm warned that the outlook for that will own and operate the business.
the rest of the year is clouded. While Chi- Ports, telecom Retail was a rare bright spot in the earn-
na’s economy bounced back strongly in The company’s ports business was hit ings report, posting a 17% increase in Ebit-
the first quarter after the country reopened by stagnant global demand for consum- da. That was driven by gains in Europe
from three years of Covid zero, growth is er goods, weak Chinese exports to major and Asia, particularly the robust recovery
losing momentum amid a property market Western markets and elevated inventories in demand for health and beauty prod-
slump, weakening consumption and falling in the US and Europe. That overstocking ucts in mainland China at the start of the
exports. Elsewhere, Europe’s outlook re- is likely to continue to hinder the recovery year, it said.
mains gloomy as inflation pressures persist. in cargo demand in the second half, but CK Hutchison’s sister company CK As-
“Consumer and business confidence in volumes are expected to increase in late set Holdings Ltd, which focuses on real
particular may continue to soften as the 2023 as global demand rebounds, it said. estate development, reported HK$10.3
longer term effects of higher interest rates The telecom unit saw a 20% drop in billion in net income in the first half, com-
and more constrained credit environments earnings before interest, taxes, deprecia- pared with HK$12.9 billion in the year
weigh on sentiment,” chairman Li said in tion, and amortisation (Ebitda), partly due before, according to a separate filing on
the earnings release. “Although energy and to foreign currency revaluation of some Thursday. Property sales revenue slumped
commodity prices have eased from their monetary assets. But CK Hutchison also by almost 60% in the period. The interest
2022 highs, they remain volatile and the said it faces rising energy costs and higher rate environment may cloud the outlook
risks of supply side driven spikes cannot capital requirements to expand existing for the business and Hong Kong’s office
be ruled out. Further, risks associated with mobile networks especially in Europe. leasing market remains under pressure.

Viu ramps up Asian expansion after Canal+ deal

(Aug 3): Viu, the streaming unit of Hong by Shirley Zhao Media Partners Asia, which predicts fur-
Kong billionaire Richard Li’s business em- Bloomberg ther growth to US$5 billion by 2028.
pire, is considering an Asian expansion and But Viu’s regional dominance faces
creating more premium content through a after reporting its first annual profit last growing competition and the strategy it
partnership with Canal+ that could see the year. A deal in June saw Canal+, part of deployed to build its presence — supple-
French broadcaster eventually invest US$300 billionaire Vincent Bollore’s media con- menting paid subscriptions with a free,
million (RM1.37 billion) in the firm. glomerate Vivendi SE, pay US$200 million advertising-supported tier — has become
The platform is assessing the potential for a 26.1% stake in Viu. The investment commonplace. Smaller rivals such as In-
of new markets across Asia, as well as the could swell to US$300 million if certain donesia-based Vidio and Tencent Hold-
possibility of utilising Canal+’s extensive conditions are met and the French firm ings Ltd-backed WeTV operate tiered
presence in Europe to strengthen its dis- could then increase its holding to 51%. subscriptions, while international names
tribution networks, chief executive officer “We want to look at growing ourselves like Netflix Inc and Walt Disney Co are
(CEO) Janice Lee said in an interview, in our markets more rapidly, but also con- doubling down on investment in premium
without identifying specific countries. sider strategic partners who can bring and content, from Korean dramas to local-lan-
The collaboration could also provide reinforce what we want to achieve,” said guage shows targeting specific markets.
opportunities for Viu to adapt some of Lee. With the backing of Canal+ and Viu’s
Canal+’s biggest offerings for Asian au- parent PCCW Ltd, “we are set up well for Critical mass
diences, Lee said. Some of the French the next stage of growth,” she said. The deal with Viu is also a boon for Ca-
company’s best-known titles include the Global streaming services are increasingly nal+, which will expand its footprint in Asia
Paddington films and the crime thriller looking to expand in Asia as growth stalls in beyond its current presence in justVietnam
series The Brigade. saturated Western markets. Southeast Asia is and Myanmar, Canal+ International CEO
One of the largest streaming plat- particularly attractive, with its increasingly Jacques du Puy said in an interview.
forms in Southeast Asia, the firm set up wealthy population of 675 million pushing
by Li Ka-shing’s younger son Richard the value of the streaming market to US$3.2
Li in 2015 wants to accelerate growth billion this year, according to consultancy Read the full story
f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 24 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

news In brief

Hong Kong’s new crypto regime awards

Vote for Thai PM postponed, uncertainty prolonged first exchange licence to HashKey
BANGKOK (Aug 3): Thailand’s house speaker said on Thursday (Aug 3) that a (Aug 3): The first licence under Hong Kong’s
parliamentary vote for the next prime minister would be postponed, prolonging a political new crypto regime went to HashKey
deadlock that has raised questions about stability since a May general election. Many Exchange, legalising the retail trading of
voters in the May 14 vote rejected nearly a decade of rule by the military and a military- tokens in the city as officials seek to foster
backed government but the progressive party that won, Move Forward, has been blocked a global hub for the digital-asset sector.
from taking power because of conservative opponents and a nominated upper house. HashKey will be able to “expand its business
Parliamentary speaker Wan Muhamad Noor Matha said the vote for a prime minister, scope from serving professional investors
which had been scheduled for Friday, could only be held after the Constitutional Court to retail users” after receiving an upgrade of
rules on a appeal by Move Forward against the thwarting of its bid to appoint a premier. its existing licences, the company said in a
“We have to wait for the constitutional court to make its decision on August 16 before Thursday (Aug 3) statement. A spokesperson
determining when we will have the vote again,” Wan Noor told reporters. The Thai baht at the Securities and Futures Commission
has weakened this week on the political uncertainty. Pheu Thai, the latest incarnation (SFC) said the licensee “shall at all times be
of a party founded by former telecommunications tycoon Thaksin Shinawatra, came in compliance with the requirements” of the
second in the polls and is hoping to get its candidate elected prime minister to form Guidelines for Virtual Asset Trading Platform
a government. After the election Move Forward, along with Pheu Thai and six other Operators, which went live in June. Hong
parties, forged an alliance to try to form a government. But Move Forward’s leader, Kong started a mandatory crypto framework
Pita Limjaroenrat, was twice blocked by parliament from becoming prime minister. On this summer in an effort to restore its image
Wednesday, Pheu Thai said it would seek to form a new alliance without Move Forward as a cutting-edge financial centre. The pivot
and would nominate real estate tycoon Srettha Thavisin for the premiership. — Reuters stirred substantial interest and contrasts
with a US digital-asset clampdown, but the
city has yet to win big investments from an
Morgan Stanley upgrades India to reuters industry chastened by a market rout last year.
‘overweight’, terms it top pick among HashKey said it has partnered with Standard
emerging markets Chartered plc to provide fiat currency deposit
BENGALURU (Aug 3): Morgan Stanley and withdrawal services. The company also
has upgraded its view on Indian markets announced the launch of its virtual asset over-
to “overweight” from “equal weight”, the-counter trading service. — Bloomberg
citing easing valuations as compared
to October 2022, when the global Read the full story
brokerage identified the onset of a new
bull market in Asian and emerging market France’s AFP sues Musk’s X social Decline in euro zone business
equities. India is now the top ranked, media, cites refusal to discuss activity accelerated in July
most-preferred market among emerging payment for news LONDON (Aug 3): The downturn in euro zone
markets (EMs), rising from the sixth spot, (Aug 3): Agence France-Presse (AFP) business activity worsened more than initially
due to supportive foreign inflows, macro said on Wednesday (Aug 2) it filed thought in July as the slump in manufacturing
stability and positive earnings outlook, the a lawsuit in Paris against Elon was accompanied by a further slowing of
brokerage said in a note late Wednesday Musk’s X social media platform, growth in the bloc’s dominant services
(Aug 2). “We see a secular trend towards formerly known as Twitter, accusing industry, a survey showed. HCOB’s final
sustained superior earnings per share it of failing to discuss potential Composite Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI),
(EPS) growth versus EM over the cycle,” payment for the distribution of compiled by S&P Global and seen as a good
Morgan Stanley analysts said, adding the news agency’s content. France gauge of overall economic health, dropped to
that a young demographic profile is in 2019 enacted a copyright rule an eight-month low of 48.6 in July from June’s
supporting equity inflows. Sectorally, dubbed “neighbouring rights” that 49.9. That was below the 50 mark separating
the brokerage remains overweight on compels large online platforms to growth from contraction for a second straight
financials, consumer discretionary and open talks with publishers seeking month and shy of a preliminary estimate for
industrial segments in India, and has remuneration for news. “Agence 48.9. “The final euro zone PMIs confirmed
an “add” rating on Larsen & Toubro and France-Presse has expressed its that economic conditions deteriorated in
Maruti Suzuki India in its Asia Pacific concerns over the clear refusal from July, with the composite index consistent
focus and Global Emerging Markets lists. Twitter (recently rebranded as ‘X’) with GDP declining slightly,” said Franziska
The situation in Indian markets is in stark to enter into discussions regarding Palmas, senior Europe economist at Capital
contrast to that in China, with the country the implementation of neighbouring Economics. Tuesday’s manufacturing PMI
at the start of a long-wave boom at the rights for the press,” the news agency showed factory activity across the euro zone
same time as China may be ending one, said in a statement. Musk criticised contracted in July at the fastest pace since
it said. “We think returning India to an AFP’s move in an X social media post. Covid-19 was cementing its grip on the world
“overweight” rating and downgrading “This is bizarre. They want us to pay and Wednesday’s services PMI showed
China to “equal weight” is warranted,” *them* for traffic to their site where slowing growth in the industry. The headline
analysts said, referring to the Indian they make advertising revenue and we services index fell to 50.9 from 52.0, coming in
markets’ outperformance over China as a don’t!?” he said. X did not respond to a under the preliminary 51.1 reading. — Reuters
sign of a structural breakout in favour of request for comment. — Reuters
India. — Reuters Read the full story
f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 25 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

Scientists say they’ve detected a huge

methane leak in Kazakhstan
(Aug 3): A natural gas well blowout in a by Aaron Clark & Nariman Gizitdinov top end. The geoanalytics company said it
remote region in Kazakhstan has triggered Bloomberg was likely the worst methane leak attribut-
a huge methane leak, scientists say, show- able to a single source this year.
ing the risks of prospecting for fossil fuels. SRON said the mean emissions rate
Satellites observed giant clouds of meth- from methane plumes it attributed to
ane spewing from the site at least nine the incident using observations from the
times in the month leading up to July 23, The Kazakh explorer Sentinel-5P satellite was about 100 metric
French geoanalytics firm Kayrros SAS developing the well, tonnes of methane an hour. Of the approx-
said. Its findings were broadly corrobo- Almaty-based Buzachi imately 1,200 methane plumes the group
rated by scientists at SRON Netherlands Neft LLP, confirmed in has detected so far this year globally, only
Institute for Space Research. an emailed statement Aug 10% have exceeded 100 tonnes an hour.
The Kazakh explorer developing the Satellites detect concentrations of meth-
well, Almaty-based Buzachi Neft LLP,
1 there was an accident ane from space by analysing the way sun-
confirmed in an emailed statement Aug
at exploration well No light reflects off the Earth. As light passes
1 there was an accident at exploration well 303 in the Karaturun through a cloud of the gas, its intensity is
No 303 in the Karaturun Vostochny gas Vostochny gas field in weakened on certain wavelengths. Meth-
field in eastern Kazakhstan on June 9, and eastern Kazakhstan on ane absorbs light in the short-wave infrared
said the site has been burning continuous- June 9, and said the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
ly since then. However, it claimed satellite site has been burning Methane is the primary component of
images likely show hot vapour clouds with continuously since then. natural gas and has a devastating impact on
minimal traces of the greenhouse gas. the climate because its warming power is
The Kazakhstan Ministry of Energy more than 80 times that of carbon dioxide
didn’t respond to a request for comment. during its first 20 years in the atmosphere.
Scientists who use satellite observa- Although Buzachi Neft said that the As the planet rapidly warms, triggering ex-
tions to track greenhouse gas emissions fire was combusting the leaking gas, sat- treme weather events from wildfires to heat
disagreed with Buzachi Neft’s assessment. ellites have previously observed significant waves, countries are getting more serious
“It is extremely unlikely to mistake wa- methane plumes coming from blowouts about tracking and halting avoidable leaks
ter vapour for methane on multiple images and even dedicated flare stacks that mix of methane in what could be one of the most
captured by two hyperspectral satellites, the fuel with oxygen with the aim of com- powerful steps to slow global warming.
whose very high spectral resolution leaves busting the gas into carbon dioxide. Both the European Union and the US
little doubt about the nature of the gas Kayrros estimated emission rates from are working on new rules that are intended
observed,” Kayrros said in a statement. the site ranging between 35 and 107 metric to limit methane emissions and some 150
Hyperspectral satellites collect data across tonnes of methane per hour based on the countries have joined the Global Methane
the electromagnetic spectrum. satellite detections. If that’s accurate, then Pledge, an initiative that aims to reduce glob-
At least two satellites — the European the methane spewing continuously from this al releases of methane 30% by the end of this
Space Agency’s Sentinel-5P and the Italian site since June 9 has inflicted the same short- decade. Although Kazakhstan isn’t a signa-
Space Agency’s Prisma — have observed term climate damage as the annual emissions tory, the nation signed a memorandum of
the plumes. Sentinel-5P’s spectrometer was from roughly 814,000 US cars at the lower understanding with the European Bank for
designed specifically to detect methane. end of the range and 2.49 million cars at the Reconstruction and Development in Sep-
tember to work towards joining the pledge.
Bloomberg The epicentre of the fire in Kazakhstan is
blazing at about 650C, burning natural gas
leaking from the site and generating steam
from water, Buzachi Neft said.The company
said in a statement sent to Bloomberg on July
31 that the site was spewing about 12,000
cubic metres of natural gas a day.
Buzachi Neft, its contractor which drilled
the well, Zaman Energo Ltd, several other
companies and the Ministry of Emergency
Situations are pooling efforts to seal the leak.
Workers are drilling two directional re-
lief wells that they hope can divert the gas
to controlled flares, the exploration firm
said.There are also plans to flood the blow-
out with water to stop the flow of gas and
allow workers to seal it. That work will be
carried out this month and is expected to
be completed by Sept 1, it added.
f r i d ay A U G U S T 4 , 2 0 2 3 26 TheEdge CEO morning brief


CPO RM 3,823.00-92.00 OIL US$ 83.09-0.11 RM/USD 4.5553 RM/SGD 3.3935 RM/AUD 2.9752 RM/GBP 5.7698 RM/EUR 4.9790

Top 20 active stocks

(%) (RM MIL)
UEM Sunrise Bhd 141.20 -0.02 0.490 92.160 2478.70
Classita Holdings Bhd 136.90 0.04 0.160 -56.160 197.20
Malaysian Resources Corp Bhd 73.60 0.00 0.375 27.120 1675.30
Mudajaya Group Bhd 68.30 0.00 0.185 -17.780 347.00
Komarkcorp Bhd 47.50 0.00 0.040 -27.270 46.20
KNM Group Bhd 46.40 0.00 0.090 80.000 364.00
Widad Group Bhd 37.00 0.00 0.430 0.000 1309.60
YTL Power International Bhd 34.40 0.01 1.460 104.200 11829.10
Sarawak Consolidated 32.60 0.00 0.435 200.000 278.50
RGB International Bhd 31.80 0.01 0.365 102.780 562.40 World equity indices
Tanco Holdings Bhd 27.80 0.00 0.555 65.670 1072.00 CLOSE CHANGE CHANGE CLOSE CHANGE CHANGE
YTL Corp Bhd 25.80 0.03 1.210 108.620 13266.50 (%) (%)
Daythree Digital Bhd 25.54 -0.04 0.455 N/A* 218.40 DJIA * 35,282.52 -348.16 -0.98 INDONESIA 6,898.08 43.57 0.64
Advance Synergy Bhd 22.60 0.00 0.165 -5.710 417.30 S&P 500 * 4,513.39 -63.34 -1.38 JAPAN 32,159.28 -548.41 -1.68
Catcha Digital Bhd 21.40 0.01 0.480 159.460 212.70 NASDAQ 100 * 15,370.74 -347.27 -2.21 KOREA 2,605.39 -11.08 -0.42
Dagang NeXchange Bhd 19.50 -0.01 0.455 -10.780 1436.10 FTSE 100 * 7,561.63 -88.82 -1.17 PHILIPPINES 6,576.76 93.48 1.44
Top Glove Corp Bhd 19.40 -0.02 0.900 -0.550 7207.30 AUSTRALIA 7,311.68 -42.92 -0.58 SINGAPORE 3,304.06 -20.96 -0.63
Bahvest Resources Bhd 19.00 -0.02 0.305 0.000 378.10 CHINA 3,280.46 18.77 0.58 TAIWAN 16,893.73 -319.14 -1.85
ES Ceramics Technology Bhd 17.90 -0.02 0.300 36.360 158.80 HONG KONG 19,420.87 -96.51 -0.49 THAILAND 1,529.01 -21.27 -1.37
Artroniq Bhd 17.50 0.00 0.765 7.750 301.40 INDIA 65,323.54 -459.24 -0.70 VIETNAM 1,210.95 -9.48 -0.78
Data as compiled on Aug 3, 2023 *Listed in July Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Aug 3, 2023 * Based on the previous days’ closing Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by %) Top losers (ranked by %)

(%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
EA Holdings Bhd 0.010 100.00 360.100 -33.33 64.50 Top Builders Capital Bhd 0.005 -50.00 16,375.1 -75.00 3.5
DGB Asia Bhd 0.010 100.00 1360.00 -33.33 18.8 TECHNA-X Bhd 0.010 -33.33 4556.5 -60.00 22.1
Key Alliance Group Bhd 0.010 100.00 164.000 100.00 36.8 Nexgram Holdings Bhd 0.010 -33.33 111 -85.71 6.5
MMAG Holdings Bhd 0.015 50.00 1259.6 -40 36.3 Ivory Properties Group Bhd 0.060 -14.29 8,086.3 -25.00 29.4
Green Ocean Corp Bhd 0.015 50.00 82.500 -25 31.7 Reach Energy Bhd 0.030 -14.29 100.6 -33.33 63.9
Metronic Global Bhd 0.015 50.00 2557.900 -25.00 23.0 Kanger International Bhd 0.035 -12.50 680.2 -12.50 22.7
Mlabs Systems Bhd 0.020 33.33 0.500 0.00 29.0 Fitters Diversified Bhd 0.035 -12.50 1,208.8 -50.00 81.9
Classita Holdings Bhd 0.160 28.00 136924.000 -56.16 197.2 China Ouhua Winery Holdings 0.050 -9.09 44.0 -23.08 33.4
Handal Energy Bhd 0.220 25.71 12894.400 41.94 58.6 Concrete Engineering 0.930 -8.82 3.0 -11.43 69.4
G3 Global Bhd 0.025 25.00 589.500 -16.67 94.3 Hong Seng Consolidated Bhd 0.055 -8.33 13,813.1 -75.00 281.0
Wegmans Holdings Bhd 0.230 21.05 15124.800 15.00 126.4 Daythree Digital Bhd 0.455 -8.08 25,546.8 N/A* 218.4
SMTrack Bhd 0.030 20.00 681.500 -40.00 35.8 Pan Malaysia Holdings Bhd 0.060 -7.69 11,820.5 -14.29 55.7
Saudee Group Bhd 0.030 20.00 419.500 -33.33 34.2 Kia Lim Bhd 0.325 -7.14 32.0 0.00 20.1
Johan Holdings Bhd 0.060 20.00 1.000 9.09 70.1 Oversea Enterprise Bhd 0.065 -7.14 1,658.2 -17.89 81.7
Ahmad Zaki Resources Bhd 0.265 17.78 17085.900 60.61 158.1 Icon Offshore Bhd 0.065 -7.14 1,472.2 -31.58 175.9
PDZ Holdings Bhd 0.035 16.67 210.100 -12.50 20.3 Puncak Niaga Holdings Bhd 0.345 -6.76 4,105.9 46.81 154.3
BSL Corp Bhd 0.040 14.29 935.1 -40.83 77.3 Southern Acids Malaysia BHD 3.370 -6.39 233.7 -7.67 461.5
Sapura Energy Bhd 0.045 12.50 8850.000 28.57 719.1 Luster Industries Bhd 0.075 -6.25 1,261.6 -21.05 226.7
WMG Holdings Bhd 0.095 11.76 3.400 0.00 42.2 TSR Capital BHD 0.225 -6.25 7.5 12.50 39.3
Infraharta Holdings Bhd 0.110 10.00 85 -12 41.7 Paragon Globe Bhd 0.230 -6.12 2,120.6 27.78 171.7
Data as compiled on Aug 3, 2023 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Aug 3, 2023 *Listed in July Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by RM) Top losers (ranked by RM)

(RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
Nestle Malaysia Bhd 133.000 1.000 51.9 -5.00 31,188.5 HextarTechnologies Solutions 26.200 -0.400 5.1 53.58 3,370.6
Batu Kawan Bhd 21.400 0.300 22.00 -4.04 8,418.4 Malaysian Pacific Industries 28.280 -0.380 93.4 -1.67 5,624.8
Heineken Malaysia Bhd 26.040 0.240 48.1 3.33 7,866.6 Ayer Holdings Bhd 7.220 -0.230 2.0 9.39 540.4
Hong Leong Financial Group 18.540 0.200 1,096.7 -0.32 21,232.8 Southern Acids Malaysia BHD 3.370 -0.230 233.7 -7.67 461.5
Allianz Malaysia Bhd 14.84 0.180 29.8 4.80 2,641.1 PIE Industrial BHD 2.640 -0.110 1,687.8 2.16 1,013.9
Frontken Corp Bhd 3.370 0.130 7,944.2 9.42 5,299.0 Imaspro Corp Bhd 4.790 -0.100 501.5 -18.12 383.2
Kotra Industries Bhd 5.520 0.130 0.7 -16.36 818.7 PMB Technology Bhd 3.830 -0.100 246.9 -8.81 6,207.9
Petronas Chemicals Group 6.850 0.100 4,410.7 -20.35 54,800.0 Maxis Bhd 3.950 -0.090 4,277.1 2.86 30,936.7
Greatech Technology Bhd 4.580 0.100 745.7 -5.37 5,741.4 Concrete Engineering 0.930 -0.090 3.0 -11.43 69.4
Petronas Gas Bhd 17.100 0.100 238.1 -0.12 33,836.3 Hengyuan Refining Co Bhd 3.310 -0.090 271.7 -5.97 993.0
Malayan Cement Bhd 3.200 0.090 183.1 50.94 4,192.6 Paragon Union BHD 2.800 -0.090 9.6 50.54 234.7
KLCCP Stapled Group 6.850 0.080 53.3 2.09 12,366.5 Petronas Dagangan Bhd 22.640 -0.080 305.1 -0.91 22,491.8
CELCOMDIGI BHD 4.500 0.060 4,868.4 12.50 52,791.8 Ajinomoto Malaysia Bhd 16.220 -0.080 76.3 24.01 986.2
Riverview Rubber Estates BHD 3.170 0.060 90.8 -12.50 205.6 Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia 20.720 -0.080 225.7 -9.44 6,335.1
Dutch Lady Milk Industries 21.420 0.060 24.6 -29.17 1,370.9 Apollo Food Holdings Bhd 4.430 -0.080 244.3 14.77 354.4
Nationgate Holdings Bhd 1.580 0.050 4,366.2 0.00 3,276.8 Bursa Malaysia Bhd 6.720 -0.080 1,011.4 1.05 5,438.5
RCE Capital Bhd 2.250 0.050 162.8 33.14 1,648.9 Sarawak Oil Palms Bhd 2.500 -0.070 332.7 -3.85 2,225.7
Kuchai Development BHD 1.400 0.050 22.8 6.06 173.2 TIME dotCom Bhd 5.350 -0.060 1117.2 21.33 9880.6
Pertama Digital BHD 3.050 0.050 3,340.8 73.30 1,336.5 United Plantations BHD 15.920 -0.060 108.3 6.06 6,603.4
Infomina Bhd 1.820 0.050 1,415.5 26.39 1,094.3 Rapid Synergy Bhd 22.700 -0.060 73.9 42.23 2,426.6
Data as compiled on Aug 3, 2023 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Aug 3, 2023 Source: Bloomberg

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