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Name : Oliver, Lovely Dimple R.

Yr/Section : 1st Year Collage ( BEED 1A1 – 2 )

Subject : Understanding the Self

Submitted to : Maam Maricel Nuestro


Complete the sentences below.

1. For me, beauty means`

 feeling good about yourself, whether it is because of makeup or nice clothes or exercising, it is having confidence in yourself.” “Beauty
is a means of empowering yourself. Beauty even means loving yourself for who you are and accepting others for who they are”

2. A beautiful person is
 being kind to to others and also being kind to yourself, because beauty is being able to give and receive love. It is about what they
have on the inside and who they are, to accept yourself for who you are and standing tall in that truth.

3. I am beautiful because
 I am beautiful because I am true to what I say, what I do, and especially about who I am.

4. List down names of people you know who are beautiful.

 For me, we are all beautiful in our own way, but these are the people that I think beautiful, and most importantly they are all special for
me because they play a huge part in my life to develop about who I really am.

 My Mama, who serves as my papa also.

 My kind, lovable and very understandable teacher, Ma’am Maricel
 My Siblings
 My Tita’s
 My other relatives
 Michelle
 Divine
 Tea
 Angel
 Yhzza
 Arianne
 Marifel
Fill out the table below by listing the common secondary sexual male and female

Male Secondary Sexual Characteristics Female Secondary Sexual Characteristics

Growth of pubic hair Breasts grow, nipples enlarge

Upper body muscular build Hair develops under arms and in pubic hair

Voice become deeper Hips become larger

Chest becomes larger Uterus and vagina becomes larger

Growth of testicles Ovaries start to release eggs and period begin ( menstruation )

1. When do we usually observe the changes listed on the previous slide for males and females?
 People usually start going through puberty between ages 8 and 14. Females often start puberty before males do. Puberty doesn't
happen all at once. It comes in stages and takes many years. You might have some signs of puberty at an early age, while other
changes show up years later

2. Were you able to experience the same changes? When?

 Yes, because when I was at the age of 13 until I reached puberty or I became elder, I noticed the changes in my body. How? Because
the changes in my body have gradually changed. I grow taller, also my physical and my attitude changes normally cause I noticed it
while my physical apperance is developing.

3. If you were not able to experience the listed changes, what might have caused such difference?
 Regarding the changes that people go through during puberty, If you were not able to experience the above-listed changes, It´s
probably due to a hormone disbalance or the delay of my puberty. Because normally, puberty begins between 8 and 13 years old for
girls and 9 and between 15 years old for boys. However, every body is different, and there are many chances that puberty starts
outside of those age ranges. Nevertheless, if that happens it´s recommendable to visit a doctor, just in case.

4. How does the society shape the sexual behavior of an individual?

 Our culture shapes the way we work and play, and it makes a difference in how we view ourselves and others. It affects our values
about what we consider right and wrong. Like for instance, If we were raised in a place where most people, for religious or cultural
reasons, feel that sex is bad or to be feared, we might suppress our own early sexual exploration. This is how the society we live in
influences our choices. But our choices can also influence others and ultimately help shape our society

5. Can we really change our natural or innate sexual organ and sexual response?
 Physically, yes, our innate sexual organs can be changed. Science has advanced and can prove useful in providing gender change
surgeries for those who wish it. This might not work too well functionally, however, and the replaced sexual organ might just be good
appearance wise.

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