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By RAMOS SOLORZANO, Ernestor Leonides


SCHEDULE: 5:55 – 10:00 PM


Nuevo. Chimbote - 2020


This work is dedicated to my family,

especially my parents who encourage
me to continue studying and become
a better person.

To my English teacher Jhonatan why

supportedme in this course of my work

and being my advisor at all times.


CHAPTER I.......................................................................................................................................1
1. BIOGRAPHY...................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Life................................................................................................................................................1
1.2. Education......................................................................................................................................2
1.3. Political life...................................................................................................................................2
1.4. The knight carmel in rome............................................................................................................2
1.5. Pseudonym....................................................................................................................................2
1.6. Trips from Valdelomar to the cities of Peru.................................................................................2
1.7. Genre.............................................................................................................................................3
1.8. Awards & Achievements..............................................................................................................4
1.9. Death.............................................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II.....................................................................................................................................5
2. IMPORTANT LITERARY WORKS............................................................................................5
2.1. Literary Genre.............................................................................................................................5
2.2. Novel..........................................................................................................................................5
2.3. Story...........................................................................................................................................5
2.4. Poem..........................................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER III....................................................................................................................................6
3. STYLE AND LITERARY ANALYSIS.........................................................................................6
3.1. Tristitia Poem.............................................................................................................................6
3.2. Story Caballero Carmelo............................................................................................................7


This monograph, entitled "Peruvian post-modernist writer: Abraham Valdelomar", talks about the

impotent events of his life, some literary works as well as the influence he had in the postmodernist era.

Likewise, the literary genres he has cultivated in his narrations, making him recognized as one of the

best writers of literature of that time.

This work is divided into three chapters. In the first part it will be about his life, his studies, political

relations, his most important literary work, the author's pseudonym, the trips he made through Peru, the

literary genres and finally his death. In the second chapter he will cover his literary works that he

wrote, both in short stories, poetry and novels. In the last chapter it is about his literary style, and the

analysis of his two most recognized works in Peruvian literature.

The objective of this work is to make people know about the best postmodern narrator in Peru .



1.1. Life

He was born in the city of Ica on April 27, 1888

a. Abraham Valdelomar was son of Anfiloquio

Valdelomar Fajardo and Carolina Pinto.  Followed his

primary studies in the city of Pisco and the Municipal

school of Chincha, and secondary in the Colegio

Nacional de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Lima

(1900-1904), where he founded the magazine La Idea

Guadalupana (1903) beside his partner Manuel


In 1905 Valdelomar enrolled in the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, but left the following

year classes to be used as an Illustrator in the magazines applause and whistles, monkeys and

Monads, News, Cinema and Gil Blas, where he also worked as artistic director.

In 1909 he published his first poems in the magazine contemporary modernist style and the next year

decided to resume his studies, although the University never interested him much, and in 1913 ended

up abandoning it definitely.

In 1910, following a conflict with Ecuador, Abraham Valdelomar sat square of soldier as a member of

the "University battalion", formed by students from San Marcos, and during the cantonment wrote a

series of Chronicles under the heading "With the Algerian in the wind" which were published in the

newspaper and the National Opinion of Lima between April and June, 1910 , and which earned him a

prize from the municipality of Lima; He later traveled with a University delegation to the South of the

country, visiting Arequipa, Cuzco and Puno.

1.2. Education

As a child, Abraham Valdelomar attended a public school, the Municipal School No. 3 of Chincha. In

1900, he enrolled at the National College of Our Lady of Guadalupe of Lima. He attended this school

until 1904. He later attended the National University of San Marcos, beginning in 1905. He later

dropped out in 1906 to pursue a career in writing. He later returned to school in 1910 but left again in


1.3. Political life

In 1912 he participated in the presidential campaign of Guillermo Billinghurst, being elected President

of the University billinghurista Center, and, after the victory of their candidate, came to be named

Administrator of the State printing press and editor of the official newspaper El Peruano (1912 -1913).

1.4. The knight carmel in rome

In 1930 ,Valdelomar is appointed Second Secretary of the Legation of the Peru in Italy , embarking to

Europe on May 30. After passing through Panama, Cuba and New York, reached Rome , assuming

their functions immediately. Your stay in this city took it to write a series of articles published in the

Lima daily " the Nation" and "the National Opinion" under the name of "Chronicles of Rome", but

definitely most importantly staying in Italy was their participation in the literary contest organized by

“The Nation” with the story "El Caballero Carmelo" which won the first prize (1914). After learning of

the overthrow of President Billinghurst, he resigned from his diplomatic post and returned to Lima in


1.5. Pseudonym

Besides the pseudonym " El Conde de Lemos " he also used the name " Val del Omar ," so as to

remember an old Arab. Why Valdelomar used such pseudonyms goes from the literature not clear.

High-spirited, agile and extroverted, he lived a public cult of snobbery and scandal. When Mr. an

excellent literary inspiration he dipped his works in a wide variety of literary genres.

1.6. Trips from Valdelomar to the cities of Peru

In January 1918 he resigned from his position as editor at La Prensa and began a brief collaboration

with South America Magazine. It is then when the writer decides to visit the Peruvian territory as a

lecturer, for which undertook a journey to the North of the country (V-1918 to XII-1918) by visiting

the cities of Trujillo, Cajamarca, Chiclayo and Piura, as well as several towns in which gave lectures on

aesthetic, patriotic and social issues. Meanwhile, both had applied to the regional Council of Ica, and to

be elected to the position (24-VIII-1919), traveled to the city of Ayacucho, headquarters of the

Regional Congress of the Centre.

1.7. Genre

Valdelomar developed almost all genres of literature and evaluated in his work the importance of the

everyday things, like the home, the province and the peculiarities of the coast. Much of his work is

characterized by a soulful, nostalgic and intimate tone. This profiled to a certain degree in the narrative

and in the poem Valdelomars. In these he regularly describes family events of his rural childhood

village tied to the sea and the countryside of Pisco. The contents territory is rural, provincial and

provide a loving, family impression. Formally considered it maintains a sleek, modern writing style

with a cosmopolitan influence. This is mainly influenced by the Italian Gabriele D' Annunzio, the

Englishman Oscar Wilde and the Spaniard Ramón María del Valle Inclan.

The significance of his postmodernist work is rooted in the representation of provincial innovation.

This is becoming the companion of poetry on the coast of Peru. He is also known as the initiator of the

"Cuento criollo " and revealing biographies, by letting incorporate local themes into the narrative.

1.8. Epochal

Together with Enrique Bustamante y Ballivián and José María Eguren represented Abraham

Valdelomar a postmodernism, which was to be regarded not only as an aesthetic movement, but rather

as the revision of certain mannerist that have become stylistic method of modernists in the metric or in

the area of poetic images ". Formally, the stylistics but not enough to here to distinguish modernism

and postmodernism, but a much more important aspect is the content part, because the goal of the

modernists is to establish, as in any literary movement, a specific culture of writing with a high

recognition value.

1.9. Awards & Achievements

He received a national prize for 'El Caballero Carmelo (The Cavalier Carmelo)’

In 1917, he received the competition prize for ’La Psicologia del Gallinazo (The Psychology of the

Vulture)’ from the ‘Circle of Journalists’.

1.10. Death

On November 1, 1919, Abraham Valdelomar was in a tragic accident. Abraham Valdelomar died on

November 3, 1919, because of injuries related to his accident. He was only 31 years old when he

passed away.



2.1. Literary Genre

2.1.1 Novel

 1911 - La Ciudad de los Tísicos

 1911 - La Ciudad Muerta

 Yerba Santa

2.1.2. Story

 1918 - El Caballero Carmelo

 1921 - Los hijos del sol

 1924 - El vuelo de los condores

 1927 - El Caballero Carmelo

2.1.3. Poem

 1916 - Las Voces Múltiples

 Tristeza- 1888, PERU

 El hermano ausente en la cena de Pascua



3.1. Style

Valdelomar writer was a complete, included all known genres. The best of his fictional creation focuses

on the field of narrative storyteller. Write two books: The Carmelo Knight ( Lima, 1918 ) and The

Children of the Sun ( posthumous, Lima, 1921). They are the first evidence of the Peruvian neocriollo

story of postmodernist features, which marked the starting point of modern narrative of Peru. In the

story The Carmelo knight that named his first book of stories, uses an archaic vocabulary and rhetoric

of the romances to tell the sad story of a gamecock, nostalgic tale set in Pisco, during childhood the

author. In Children of the Sun, looking for inspiration in the historical past of Peru, dating back to the

time of the Incas.

3.2. Literary Analysis

3.2.1. Tristitia Poem

My childhood, which was sweet, calm, sad and alone,

slid on the peace of a remote village,

between the tame rumor with which a wave dies

and the painful ringing of an old bell.

The sea gave me the note of its melancholy;

the sky, the calm stillness of its beauty;

my mothers kisses, a sweet joy,

and the death of the sun, a vague sadness.

In the blue morning, on waking, I felt

the singing of the waves like a melody

and then the dense, scented blow of the sea,

and what it told me, still in my sould persists;

my father was quiet and my mother was sad

and no one knew how to teach me joy.

The in poem the author he tries to convey to the readers a feeling of loneliness and sadness, above all

as he felt and lived his childhood. He also admires nature and every little detail where he lived, as well

as described in his poem. The love with his family from a very child age was somewhat affected,

because he did not feel the affection of his parents.

3.1.2. Story Caballero Carmelo

In the story The Carmelo knight that named his first book of stories, uses an archaic vocabulary and

rhetoric of the romances to tell the sad story of a gamecock, nostalgic tale set in Pisco, during

childhood the author. In Children of the Sun, looking for inspiration in the historical past of Peru,

dating back to the time of the Incas.

- Abraham Valdelomar is one of the best postmodern storytellers Peru. He developed all literary

genres, such as novels, short stories, and poetry; for which it was recognized nationally. This

recognition led him to travel through some cities of Peru as a teacher and finally culminating his

existence with an atragedy that had him two days full of agonies.

- In the works of Abraham Valdelomar, the everyday things of the home are expressed, the

meaning of the province and the characteristics of the coast, which are reflected with a

nostalgic, tender and intimate tone and with a rural and provincial content or background,

expressing a loving family desire something that the author did not have in his coexistence, as

shown in some of his writings.

- Valdelomar's prose is rhythmic, simple, with a pleasant fluidity and great vitality. The style in

relation to the language, is characterized by simplicity and brevity, which are reflected in his

work. The environment that the author shows is from his own context that surrounds him, with

melancholic themes or descendants.


1. The famous people. (n.d). Abraham Valdelomar Biography. Retrieved from

2. Cuya.V. (2013). Art and culture. Retrieved from

3. Memin encyclopedia.( n.d). Abraham Valdelomar  . Retrieved from

4. WIKI DIDACTIC . (2015). Collaborative Wikiblog. Find content with the Search . Retrieved


5. LYRICS. (2008). Tristitia (English translation). Retrieved from

6. SUN SIGS. (2017). Abraham Valdelomar Biography, Life, Interesting Facts. Retrieved from


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