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1. Tulis nama dan nama kelas pada kertas jawapan anda.
2. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi lima bahagian yang terdiri daripada 40 soalan.
Jawab semua soalan.
3. Baca arahan bagi setiap bahagian dan soalan dengan teliti.
4. Tulis jawapan anda pada kertas jawapan yang disediakan.
5. Sila gunakan pensel untuk menulis jawapan pada kertas jawapan anda.
6. Serahkan kertas jawapan anda kepada pengawas peperiksaan selepas tamat
1. Write your name and class in the space provided.
2. This question paper consists of five parts consist of 40 questions.Answer all
3. Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
4. Write all your answers in the space provided in this question paper.
5. Use pencil to write your answer on the answer sheet
6. At the end of the examination, hand in this question paper to the invigilator.


1 8
2 10
3 8
4 6
5 8

Prepared by, Checked by, Verified by,

……………………….. ……………………….. ………………………..
(Pn. Aida Azura binti Ali) (En. Mohd Rizalmi bin Hasan) (En. Abu Pzize bin Hasim)
English Teacher Head of Language Department Senior Assistant of Curriculum

NAME :………………………………………………………………………………



Part 1
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C.
Questions 1 to 8
A 2-day motivational workshop for
parents are shopping. students in Form 5

. Date: 9 - 10 May 2021

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Venue: YMC Hall, Sunway
Fee: RM100
Sign Sign up for the workshop at Tan Tuition
Centre, Petaling Jaya.

First 30 participants to sign up get a

20% discount!

1 Which of the following statements is true?

A The workshop will be held at Tan Tuition Centre
B There will be a discount for the first 30 students who sign up.
C This workshop must be attended students who scored well in the SPM examination.

Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my concern about the attitude of
parents towards their children's safety while shopping. Many
of us have seen children being left alone while their parents
are busy choosing clothes or stuff they are interested to buy.
There have been many cases of children being kidnapped and
still parents do not seem to care about the safety of their
Disappointed Mum

2 Disappointed Mum is mainly concerned about

A children being taken along for shopping.
B children not being attended to while parents are shopping
C children choosing clothes on their own while parents are shopping


While exercise, healthy eating and other lifestyle changes can improve your health, drugs
may play an important role too. Drugs are taken to improve certain health conditions such
as high blood pressure and diabetes. However, people are advised to follow a healthy
lifestyle and find time to relax

3 From the text above, we know that Centre.

A people need to take drugs to relax
B some health conditions can be improved with drugs
C drugs are usually taken by those people who exercise.

Dear Bavane,
I have left some steamed chicken for you since you do not eat
fried chicken. I have also kept some fruits and salads and boiled
your drinking water. I hope you enjoy your lunch.
Love, Sis

4 From the above note, we know that Bavane

A is a pure vegetarian.
B does not like hot drinks.
C will have a balanced meal for lunch.

Minecraft, I realised. was something I knew nothing about. It was

about time to get acquainted. One evening I announced to my son my
intention to give myself a crash course in the game, interrupting his
search for obsidian to build a portal to the Nether dimension. For
anyone as mystified about it as I was, Minecraft is now one of the
world's biggest computer games, a global phenomenon that has
clocked up over 100 million registered users.
Adapted from Reader's Digest

5 Which of the following is true?

A Minecraft is only played by teenagers.
B The writer is not familiar with Minecraft.
C The writer went for a course on Minecraft.


CYBERJAYA: A 3-year-old boy died in hospital yesterday just two hours

after falling from the 13th floor of an apartment block in Precinct 7 here.
The body of Muhammad Adam Muhd Tahir was found on the grass
beside the futsal court located on the ground floor by one of his neighbours.
District Police Chief Commissioner Razlan Bin Rahman said the
victim fell when he was left alone. His father was taking a bath after
returning home from work.

6 Which of the following statements is true?

A The victim died while playing at the futsal court.
B The victim died before being sent to the hospital.
C The victim's father was taking a bath when the victim fell.

How to Press Flowers

Pick some flowers from your garden. Dry them in the sun or
microwave oven. Place them in old newspapers. Stack heavy
books on them and leave them for a week. You will then have
beautifully pressed flowers which you can use to make lovely
greeting cards. Simple, isn't it?

7 Which of the following shows the correct sequence in preparing pressed flowers?
A Dry the flowers → Stack heavy books→ Wrap in newspapers Use pressed
flowers to decorate cards
B Pick some flowers — Place in old newspapers → Stack heavy
books → Use pressed flowers to decorate cards
C Dry picked flowers — Place in old newspapers Stack heavy books → Use
pressed flowers to decorate cards


45 minutes · Petaling Jaya
I bought my sons two shirts, two pairs of trousers and two pairs
of shoes each, amounting to about RM300. These are quality
items and this may have added to the cost. However, the more
expensive brands tend to last longer so I prefer such goods.

Like. Comment . Share

35 people like this

Thana S I have spent about RM350 on

uniforms and books alone for
can still fit into last year's shoes,
so I don't have to spend
anything extra on that.
35 mins. Like

Halimah Pity those with four

children in school!
20 mins · Like

Write a comment……

8 From the extract above, we can conclude that

A Mrs Thana only buys branded items.
B uniforms and school shoes are of low quality.
C the prices of school supplies have increased

[ 8 marks]


Part 2
Questions 9 to 18
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, choose the
correct answer A, B, C or D.


Tsunamis are generally caused (0) by earthquakes and very rarely by a large meteorite
impact in the ocean. To generate tsunamis, earthquakes first (9) ______________underneath
or near the ocean. They are likely to be large and create (10) _________________in the sea

In all oceanic regions of the world, tsunamis can occur. In the Pacific Ocean, (11)
_________________, there are frequent occurrences of large and (12) _________________
tsunamis. This is because of the many powerful earthquakes that occur along the margins of
the Pacific Ocean. In less than a day, these tsunamis (13)____________________travel from
one side of the Pacific to the other. People living near areas (14) _______________________
deadly earthquakes occur may find the tsunami waves reaching their shores within minutes of
the earthquake. For these reasons, the tsunami threat to many areas can be immediate. If you
think a tsunami might be heading your way, or you hear a tsunami warning or you feel the
ground shake, move (15) ___________________to higher ground.

The deadliest tsunami was the Asian tsunami that occurred in 2004 in the Indian
Ocean. Apparently, the tsunami was (16) ____________________by an earthquake that had
the energy of 23,000 atomic bombs! The waves that followed were so huge and (17)
________________, hitting the coastlines of 11 countries from Thailand to Africa. Cities were
(18) ______________________ and an estimated 283,000 people were killed. The incoming
water from the tsunami was so powerful that it picked up aeroplanes, ships, houses and
everything else in its path and tossed them about like bottle caps!


0 A by B of C from D through

9 A occur B occurs C occurred D to occur

10 A move B moves C moving D movements

11 A since B besides C however D moreover

12 A fatal B fierce C destructive D disadvantageous

13 A need B can C must D have

14 A where B which C whose D what

15 A slowly B gently C quickly D frequently

16 A happened B initiated C affected D caused

17 A destructive B hurtful C harsh D vicious

18 A wiped up B wiped out C wiped down D wiped away


Part 3 Questions 19 to 26
You are going to read an extract from a magazine. For questions 19 to 26, choose the correct
answer (A, B, C or D).
As social problems increase among Malaysian youths, youth crimes too have risen especially since the
late 1990s. Sad to say, youth crimes are becoming more violent and alarming. Young people are
responsible for 40% of crimes committed today! For instance, crime activities involving youths especially
school students have shot up to more than 1,000 cases in the past few years.
The most common crime committed by youths is shop theft. Youths are also involved in violent
crimes such as murder, rioting, extortion, buying and selling of drugs, sexual misconduct and unlawful
assembly. Besides committing offences like shoplifting, extortion and other serious crimes, youths have
also become involved in gangs. This can lead to serious and tragic consequences, such as becoming
victims of rival gang clashes.
Youth crimes are caused by various factors. Most problem youths come from homes lacking in
parental guidance. They have low self-esteem and are usually underachievers in school. The factors
include poor attainment at school, truancy and school exclusion; deprivation such as poor housing or
homelessness and peer group pressure. Family factors include troubled home life, poor parental
supervision, criminal parents or siblings, parental abuse or neglect and the poor quality of the parent-child
Parents usually do not accept that they are to be blamed when something goes wrong with their
child. Instead, they are quick to blame the system and others when their child commits a crime. They refuse
to accept that due to the lack of parental attention, the teenager turns to wrong company and gets
influenced to commit crimes. These youth criminals commit crimes either to fit into the group or to impress
the group leader.
Tackling youth crimes is a priority for the government today. One move taken is to introduce major
changes to the youth justice system, which together with preventive measures, are aimed at reducing
offences committed by young people. The prevention efforts implemented are comprehensive in scope.
They include activities such as substance abuse education and treatment, family counselling, youth
mentoring, parenting education, educational support and youth sheltering. All these come under the
delinquency prevention programme. The aim of the programme is to prevent youths from becoming
involved in criminal, or other anti-social activities.
Increasingly, governments are recognising the importance of allocating resources for the prevention
of delinquency. As it is often difficult for states to provide money necessary for good prevention,
organisations, communities and governments are working more in collaboration with each other to prevent
juvenile delinquency. Schools can play a big role in this. A school based programme has been initiated to
provide support and advice to young people aimed at improving behaviour and reducing truancy. When
students show greater interest in their studies, they are less likely to be influenced by bad company. So
far, 5,587 of the almost 10,000 schools in the country have formed the Crime Prevention Club in an effort
to achieve zero % crime rate in schools. The Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) has
allocated RM100,000 for the setting up of the club in schools and its activities.
Youth centres too are a big help in this issue. Most of them require parents to attend counselling
and guidance sessions where they receive help in dealing with their children. Youth offending teams are
an important part of our strategy to deal with youth crime. They include representatives from the police,
social services, health, education and housing. Their job is to identify the needs of each young offender as
well as their problems and then measuring the risk they pose to others. This enables the team to identify
suitable programmes to address the needs of the young person so that he or she can be rehabilitated.

19 In paragraph 1, why does the writer use the phrase ‘sad to say’?
A The writer found out that things were going from bad to worse
B The writer is extremely sad to write on this.
C Youths are in a sad state as the days passed.
D It is sad when youths commit crimes.

20 In Paragraph 2, why is it dangerous for youths to become involved in gangs?

A Gangs take advantage of youths.
B Gangs make youths do bad things.
C Youths cause gangs to fight over them.
D Youths may die when gangs fight each other.

21 In paragraph 3, what seems to be the main cause of a youth's decline?

A Peer group pressure
B His or her poor family life
C His or her low self-esteem
D Poor achievement levels in school

22 In paragraph 4, it is stated that parents are "quick to blame the system and others
when their child commits crimes". Why is this so?
A Parents think school and society should be responsible for their kids.
B Parents are too busy to know what is happening to their kids.
C Parents feel they have no control over their children.
D Parents don't want to take responsibility.

23 In paragraph 5, which word(s) conveys the meaning of 'a matter that takes
A priority
B preventive measures
C delinquency prevention
D comprehensive in scope

24 In paragraph 6, what is the effect of the Crime Prevention Club in schools?

A Activities are conducted to help improve student behaviour and truancy
B The local community is involved in helping to reduce crime rate.
C It helps students concentrate on their studies.
D It has achieved zero % crime rate in schools.

25 From paragraph 7, what is the role of youth offending teams?

A To create new progrmmes for young offenders.
B To identify the needs of young offenders.
C To identify problems of young offenders.
D To rehabilitate young offenders.


26 What is the purpose of the writer in writing this article?

A To report on how the crime rate among youth is increasing by the year
B To inform of the need to involve the community in solving problems
C To inform of the reasons and the steps taken to rectify the problem
D To report on what the schools are doing to help solve the problem

Part 4
Questions 27 to 32

You are going to read an article about online learning amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Six sentences
have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A to H the one which fits each
gap (27 to 32). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.

Write your answers in the space given.

Online Learning
The term COVID-19 pandemic has been a term since the beginning of this year but most
of us did not give it much attention. The reality set in when the lockdown was announced by our
The virus seems to have been at our doorsteps, raging across our nation destroying livelihoods
and creating fear in people belonging to all age groups and those from all walks of life. 27
Our natural forms of greeting others such as handshakes, hugs, besides parties,
gatherings, weddings and social meals had to be put to a stop till we were advised to move on.
Everyone's life came to a halt in various ways. 28 This brought about the government,
through its authorities concerned, having to offer assistance. 29
However, just as the saying goes, "every cloud has a silver lining", this standstill has been
a blessing from an education standpoint. 30 As we are already in the 21st century and
the Ministry of Education with its vision and mission having enforced the 21st century learning
(PAK-21), the progress or transformation towards this enforcement was, however, slow.
It is due to the MCO that lessons moved online with teachers having had to galvanise into
action all the potential digital platforms accessible for home schooling. 31 Most of them
were intending to upgrade their skills in the field of digital knowledge before the pandemic came
into the scenario. However, it is because of their workload in school that they were unable to do
32 There are various digital resources available and teachers as the frontliners
in the progress of the nation intellectually, mentally, physically and emotionally, are aware of the
Education Ministry's aims and objectives in moving forward during this crisis.
As such, teachers are always optimistic as they move along with the requirements of the
higher authorities as well as the needs and wants of their students.


A Teachers were instructed to teach from homes though they had no knowledge about
digital learning.

B We were introduced to the terms known as MCO (Movement Control Order), EMCO
(Enhanced Movement Control Order), social distancing and so on and so forth.

C We were taken over by sudden colourless, lifeless and boring routines.

D It is because this pandemic has enforced transformed teaching and learning through
digital platforms.

E All those belonging to the teaching fraternity were forced to use these platforms for

F They have provided counselling and advice for those affected by overwhelming depressed
and distressed emotions.

G The government announced the do's and don'ts from time to time to guide the people on
how to overcome their problems.

H As the saying goes, “necessity is the mother of all inventions", teachers who have become
proactive to teach using these platforms are in the midst of mastering these digital

[ 6 marks]


Questions 33 to 40
We analysed six well known higher learning institutions in the country. Read the texts below and
answer the questions that follow.


The university campus is located in the best suburban part of the country. It is within walking
distance to shopping complexes, markets, and bus and train stations. We offer courses m
Engineering, Chemistry, Medicine and Veterinary Science. Foreign students upon graduation
can secure jobs in the country. Please surf our website for more details on programmes and


This university is the oldest in the country. We offer fine arts-related courses such as drama,
performing arts and fine arts. Most of our lecturers have hands-on experience in their
respective fields and we provide career advice on campus. Feel free to access our website
for details on courses, semester intakes, fees and accommodation.


Offering the best undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the fields of heart surgery and
plastic surgery, our academic staff are highly qualified and experienced in their respective
fields. We also provide practical training at reputable hospitals. Our graduates are working in
specialist centres. For further information, please visit our website.


A new concept of learning through long distance, the university is renowned for its
postgraduate studies, particularly in social sciences. Our lecturers are very experienced and
they rank among the best in the world. We also provide free English language classes for
overseas students who are not native speakers of English or who need language assistance.
Please see our website for more details.


We are well known for our Journalism, Mass Communication and Public Relations courses.
We also provide free English language classes for foreign students as well as local students
who need language assistance. We provide career advice on job availability. Please visit our
website for further details on courses, scholarships and other financial assistance. Students
from families earning an income of RM3,000 or less can apply.


We are one of the top music schools in the world. Courses offered are undergraduate
degrees and postgraduate courses in Classical, Jazz, Contemporary, Production and Film
Music. During their final year, our students will get to perform with famous musicians. Most of
our lecturers are from the corporate sectors. For further details on scholarship and open
days, please visit our website.


Questions 33 to 36
Which university (A-F) is the most suitable for each person below?
Write your answers in the space given.

Statements Paragraph

33 Dave wants to take up a course in social sciences. _________

34 Siti loves teaching young people. She wants to work as a music teacher. _________

35 Ali wants to be a good heart specialist. _________

36 Kala wants to work in a well-known magazine publication firm. _________

Questions 37 to 40 Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more
than one word from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in the space given.

About Higher Education

• If students are unable to further their education due to financial constraints, they can apply for

• Some higher learning institutions send their students for (38)_________________________ to

get hands-on experience before landing a job.

• Students who cannot speak well in English are given free (39)________________________

• Parents and students who want to know more about the courses offered in a university can
visit the (40)_________________________________

[8 marks]


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