Lecture 12

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4 Deflection of Beam-Determinate Beam Double integration method Lec#12 Deflection Is limited in order to provide = integrity and stability of a structure or machine, and prevent the cracking of any attached brittle materials such as concrete or glass. = code restrictions often require these members not vibrate or deflect severely in order to safely support their intended loading | « Most important, though, deflections at specific points on a am or shaft must be determined if one is to analyze those tare statically indeterminate. Deflection DOUBLE INTEGRATION METHOD | Elastic Curve The deflection curve of the longitudinal axis that passes through the centroid of each cross-sectional area of a beam is called the elastic curve, mR PB ElaSHC CVE, ,eefeeimeny » ¢ — he — H Ql Elastic Curve ot Ye Moment Curvature Relationshi | go —- ‘+4 ee a deformation deformation (@) Moment Curvature Relationship a = (ds’ —ds)/ds ds = dx = pd and . ds’ = (p—y)d0 € =[(p — y)d0 — pdé]/pdo ve a7 Moment Curvature Relationship iy If the material is homogeneous Hooke’s law applies Im a e=— iB Flexure Formula; : Tes «(1+ My oo eae cence, fermion ® Moment Curvature Relationship Combined the equations peo Mye.. 1ne Ee oe ty) 1M p &El is Moment Curvature Relationship M where Fi p = the radius of curvature at the point on the elastic curve ( 1/p is referred to as the curvature) M = the internal momentat the point E = materials modulus of elasticity 1 = the beam's moment of inertia about the neutral axis DIR The product £ in this equation is referred to as the flexural rigi and it is always a positive quantity. Slope and Displacement by Integration d The equation of the elastic curve for a beam y=f@) 1 d2y/dx? p (+ @y/axPh? substitute 1 Mo oe p Et — F(t @/axyyr Slope and Displacement by Integration | M d?y/dx? El [1+ (dy/dxy2 2 second-order differential equation. _gives the exact shape of the elastie curve, since dy/dx is very small (dy/dx)*is negligible therefore @y _M s : Beng Equation of elastic aa Double Integration of the differential equation 5 aly _M dx? ~ El’ equation of the elestic curve; y = f(x) Ely = I Mdxdx + C,x + C) ‘where C1 and C2 are constants of integration to be determined from the prescribed ‘constrains [for example, the boundary conditions) on the deformation ofthe beam possible to write this equation in two alternative forms. dy M dx? EI dM d(_ dy va $a =V(x0) aw B fi_6B vo iain (pe ey, dx dx? ( 2) a Vix) Sign Convention and Coordinates. +0 ina k ~( {EEE -« 4 Positive sign convention i Continuity Conditions at the junction reween Il segments: = The deflection for the left-hand segment must equal the deflection for the right-hand segment, and = The slope for the left-hand segment must equal the slope for the right-hand segment. il Boundary Conditions. ' f A=0 Roller ! \ A=0 M=0 A=0 Pin Pin 1 Boundary Conditions. ’ 5 == o=0 A=0 a Fixed end M=0 Internal pin or hinge Deflection of Beam-Determinate Beam Double integration using Bracket Function ulh ‘Segment Osx<2m 2mex<3m 3msxsSm “"] M(N-m) 80x 480x ~500(x~2} 480 — 500(x 2) —§8(x— 3}? Macaulay bracket function/singularity po ifxa [o-oo c a — | Deflection of Beam-Determinate Beam 2 Superposition Method a5 Method of The two requirements for linear Superpositon are; + The method of superposiion,a = (1) the material must obey Hooke's law; popular method for finding and slopes and deflections, is A , based onthe principle of = (2) the deformations must be suffciently ‘superposition small so that their effect on the geometry It the response of a structure is loads acting simutaneously can be obtained by \ superimposing (adting) the fects ofthe individual loads. linear, then the effect of several is negligible -( ee Bine-e |e + laetthct ates ayaalt o a wore] oe trey sare : Plato meree- aes — leat fea eae ieee | re Feen-») mw ie Pt OE edt ow-u0) eared m= fy a - Biat-a ee asaya oy igh st Hbcteneey + ene 2_ pay? Fas = PE BY ‘OVSLET [P-B atx

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