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Shailesh Bhute
Sr. Technical Lead | .Net Solu on Architect | System Design | Azure Cloud
Over 18 years of experience in designing, developing, and implemen ng enterprise-level
so ware solu ons. Proficient in leading so ware development teams, defining technical
strategies, and providing technical guidance throughout the so ware development life
cycle. Strong exper se in developing distributed, scalable, secure, and high-performance
so ware systems.
+91 988 644 1268
 Provide applica on architectural solu ons to meet business requirement.
Bangalore, Karnataka
 Recommend new technologies to management to develop robust applica ons.

SKILLS  Contribute to build and maintain IS strategy framework such as API cartography,
iden fica on of obsolete systems, decommissioning, etc.)
 Experience in design & development of enterprise Client/Server and Web-based mul -
Microso .NET .NET Core C# Tier applica on using .Net, Node.js, Angular, HTML & CSS frameworks and FIX
ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET WebAPI Protocol (QuickFix/N) in the Finance, Banking, RFID, Healthcare domains.

WCF WPF JSON XML  Deep understanding of so ware architecture pa erns, such as microservices, service-
oriented architecture (SOA), event-driven architecture (EDA), and other modern
ADO.NET ODP.NET IIS architectural paradigms such as Clean Architecture Pa erns and Prac ces, SOLID
Web Principles.
HTML CSS Bootstrap  Extensive experience in designing and implemen ng complex so ware architectures
using .NET technologies. This includes designing so ware systems with architecture
Angular React Javascript
pa erns like MVC, MVVM, Microservices and applying so ware design principles and
Node.JS SignalR Sass/Less pa erns to create scalable, maintainable, and high-performance systems.
Database  Comprehensive understanding of full-stack development, including front-end
SQL Server Oracle mongoDB technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, as well as back-end technologies
like NodeJS, ASP.NET, Web API, and databases such as SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL.
 Solid understanding of performance op miza on techniques, such as caching,
Cloud & Automa on indexing, and code profiling, and be able to design and op mize .NET applica ons for
GitHub Jenkins Sonar performance and scalability.
CI/CD DevSecOps  Experience in designing, developing, and deploying applica ons on cloud (Azure)
pla orms, u lizing services such as virtual machines, containers, serverless compu ng,
Azure Docker Kubernetes
databases, and other cloud-based technologies.
Others  Familiar with DevOps principles and prac ces, including Con nuous Integra on (CI)
Design Pa erns SOLID Principles and Con nuous Deployment/Delivery (CD). This includes using tools such as Git,
NUnit MSTest Rhino Mocks Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, and other DevOps-related technologies to automate
build, tes ng, and deployment processes, and ensuring that so ware systems are
Moq RabbitMQ Ka a delivered in a reliable and efficient manner.
 Extensive experience in rela onal database design using SQL Server, Oracle. Design
COMPETENCIES and op mize database schemas, query performance, and data storage strategies,
considering factors such as scalability, data consistency, and data security. Exposure to
- Technical Exper se
PostgreSQL and NoSQL database such as MongoDB
- Cloud Compu ng Exposure
 Solid understanding of so ware security principles and best prac ces, including
- System Design and Analysis authen ca on, authoriza on, encryp on, and other security measures. Able to design
- App Moderniza on and implement secure so ware systems, ensuring that sensi ve data is protected and
that the so ware is resistant to common security threats.
- Security Awareness
 Knowledge of so ware tes ng methodologies, including unit tes ng, integra on
- Problem Solving
tes ng, and other relevant tes ng techniques. Should be able to design and implement
- Leadership, People Management effec ve tes ng strategies to ensure that so ware systems are reliable, robust, and of
- Communica on and Collabora on high quality.
- Adaptability  Par cipate in Agile ceremonies including daily standups, sprint planning, sprint review,
and retrospec ve mee ngs.
Sr. Technical Lead Societe Generale Global Solu on Centre – Bangalore
Since Jun-2013 Corporate & Investment Banking

Solu on Architect REPLAY (Repor ng Layer)

Replay is a shared data integra on and repor ng pla orm which uses daily extrac ons from
various business Back Office Applica ons to produce Bonds, DPS, Equi es (classic and OTC),
Commodi es and OTC Deriva ves (CDS/TRS/IRD) Transac on Repor ng.
REPLAY GUI (Web Client), The primary goal of web client is management of the rejects sent
by regulator. Further, it has been extended to manage resubmission, Manual trade /
transac on Crea on & Cancella on.
Financial Informa on Exchange-Convertor (FIX-C)
Financial Informa on Exchange (FIX) is an electronic protocol for financial transac ons. FIX-
C is a u lity or connector designed to talk to Source (TIBCO Queue), get the reports (one
transac on at a me), convert it to FIX protocol and send to an external applica on.
Similarly, on the other route, get the feedback from external applica ons and push it to
internal messaging system.
Central Bank Repor ng (CBR)
A primary dealer is a firm that buys government securi es directly from a government, with
the inten on of reselling them to others, thus ac ng as a market maker of government
securi es. CBR reports trades on bonds, debs and securi es issued by Debt Management
Offices (DMO). CBR GUI is used for report segrega on based on the regions like ASIA,
EUROPE, regulatory cut off management, connec vity to SAP BO and also used for
conven onal and special encoded forma ed reports.
Technology Stack Microso .Net, C#, ASP.NET MVC, REST API, Win Forms, WCF, ODP.NET, HTML5, CSS3,
Bootstrap, AngularJS, JavaScript, XML, JSON, NUnit, Karma, Oracle, Tibco EMS, RabbitMQ,
SG Dashboard, IIS
Responsibili es  Responsible for preparing architecture documents for modules. Ensuring quality
deliverables as per expecta ons with close coordina on with team.
 Par cipate in architectural mee ngs and analyze all technical requirements.
 Provide technical direc on for all development, maintenance and architecture
ini a ves ensuring adherence to overall IT architectural direc on.
 Monitor applica on architecture and ensure appropriate implementa on of all
solu ons.
 Encourage and built automated processes wherever applicable.
 Partner with development teams to improve services through rigorous tes ng and
release procedures.
 Review of specifica on documents & working with team on Development effort
es ma ons for regular releases and ad-hoc requirements.
 Work with business, external stake holders and internal teams on func onal
requirement, manage deliverable and melines using agile methodology.
 Work with internal technical resources to ensure proper applica on infrastructure.
 Ensure overall project documenta on is completed and so ware development standards
have been met.
 Sprint refinement, planning, perform gap analysis on exis ng func onality and processes.

Technical Lead Client Money (CM)

Client Money (Investment): Money a Firm receives or holds for or on behalf of a Client in
the course of or in connec on with stocks and shares or designated investment business
which a firm treats as Client Money in accordance with the Client Money rules.
It is used for reconcilia on and adjustments of trade breaks. It is also used as a repor ng
tool to monitor and report the daily changes in customer assets held by the organiza on.
Regulatory Eligibility Determina on (RED)
Regulatory Eligibility Determina on is a single and centralized Rule Engine that manages
decision trees (workflows) to determine regulatory eligibility. It processes around 12 million
request every business day. RED is a Web Service applica on and does not have any UI. The
calling applica ons are responded back with Eligibility result in JSON format.
Technology Stack Angular, TypeScript, Java, Sprint Boot (REST APIs), Hibernate, JPA
.Net Framework, C#, REST API, ADO.Net, XML, WCF, Visual Studio 2015, PostgreSQL, Oracle,
VS Code, SQL Developer, GIT

Responsibili es  Highly involved in Design & Development of the applica on.

 Designed and implemented generic DBEngine to easy communica on between WCF
services and database.
 Architected the System Landscape, Integra on, Client and Deployment Strategy.
 Conduct code reviews to maintain quality of code.
 Widely used utmost features of Infragis c grid and other widgets.
 Use of GIT-Hub to manage versioning.
 Established tes ng standards and infrastructure to perform tes ng procedures.
 Responsible for coordina ng and conduc ng User Acceptance Tes ng
 Led the team that performed an ini al needs assessment and defined the func onal
 Sonar Qube configura on- code analysis, unite test results, code complexity.

Technical Lead Perceptron So ware Labs Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

Aug-2009 to Jun-2013 A Product based e2e Solu on Provider in the RFID Space

Technical Lead RFID enabled Ore Tracking System (OTS)

OTS, the system designed to track ore movement throughout its transporta on process,
provides granular and accurate data records from each RFID enabled touchpoint. The value
behind the system lies in its ability to automa cally collect accurate informa on of ore
movement throughout the en re value chain (from the mines to the shipping vessels).
Web enabled Logis cs Dashboards and reports means that the REAL TIME ac vity
of the mines can be monitored from anywhere in the WORLD!
Academia (An RFID enabled Campus)
The challenge was to handle the transac ons of the Classroom A endance, Library,
Cafeteria, Photocopy Counter, and other facili es on college campus for the students.
All these transac ons of each student are available on a web portal as a statement
of account, thereby easing the work load of the accounts department.
Technology Stack C#, Winforms, ADO.Net, ASP.Net, HTML, CSS, XML, WPF, WCF, Threading, Windows Service,
Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2008, SSRS.

Responsibili es  Highly involved in design and development of UI, BL & DAL.

 Individual contributor for ERP integra on adapter for SAP.
 “OTS Robot” is a tool design and developed as Windows Service to communicate with
integrated ERP system to process and complete the transac ons.
 Responsible for Database Modeling/Implementa on.
 Design, developed and deployed tool for Handheld device to extract data from SQL CE
hosted on handheld device and transport extracted data to centralized datastore.
 Completely responsible for repor ng solu on of the system.
 Designed and developed server-side reports (rdl) using SQL Server Repor ng Services
and hosted on IIS and client-side reports (rdlc).
 Developed website using ASP.NET as a repor ng solu on for the system

Sr. Programmer MAS Holdings, Bangalore

Jul-2007 to Jul-2009 Garment Manufacturing, IT Dept.

Sr. Programmer Material Management System (MMS)

MMS is the windows-based applica on used to manage en re process flow right from
receiving order to shipping of finished goods. The applica on is very specifically designed
for Garment Manufacturing Industry to make the process completely automate with the
inten on of minimum manual interven on. Applica on has features like Order
Management, Purchasing, Store & Material Quality Assurance, Cu ng, Produc on and
Finished Good Warehouse.
Technology Stack C#, Winforms, ADO.NET, Crystal Report, XML, SQL Server 2005, Visual Basic 6.0, Visual
Studio 2005, Visual Studio 6.0

Responsibili es  Involved in requirement analysis, design and development.

 Worked on UI designing and layout using C# Winforms.
 Responsible for design and development of Business and data access layer.
 Manage excep on handling and logging using log4net.
 Involved in migra on of exis ng legacy applica on into .net framework.
 Responsible for data modeling, database design and architecture.
 Coded stored procedures, func on, triggers in SQL Server 2005.
 Responsible for crea ng reports using Crystal Repot 8

Sr. So ware Developer GC’s Technologies, Bangalore

Nov-2005 to Jun-2007 Product & Service Provider

Sr. So ware Dev. GC-HealthCorp

It is windows-based applica on and designed for large scale hospitals. It is completely
integrated / networked with all the departments, such that once the data entry is done at
one computer is automa cally available at all the concerned departments, for example
once the pa ent details entered at IP/OP registra on counter will be available at any of
the computer terminal of any department.
The primary objec ve of this applica on is to integrate all departments into one
umbrella by designing and developing department wise module like Administra on, Billing
Manager, Doctors Module, Nurses Module, OPD (Out Pa ent Division), OT (Opera on
Theater), Pa ent Manager, Radiology, Stores, Laboratory, MRD, Accounts, Human

Technology Stack C#, Winforms, ADO.NET, Crystal Report, XML, SQL Server 2005, Visual Basic 6.0, Visual
Studio 2005, Visual Studio 6.0
Responsibili es  Heavily involved in client interac on to gather department wise requirements and
 Responsible for applica on design and development
 Applica on coding in visual basic 6.0
 Involved in designing of database structure
 Responsible for crea ng database objects like stored procedure, triggers, func ons and
also involved in database performance tuning like index crea on, use of SQL Server
 Generated reports which can export into PDF format using Crystal Report.
 Involved in debugging and tes ng of the applica on.
 Package and deployment
 Was involved in the final release on site
 Worked on most of the modules of the applica on
 Involved in user acceptance tes ng.

Master of Computer Management (MCM) from Kamla Nehru College, Nagpur in 2003, Nagpur University.
P. G. Diploma in Commercial Computer Applica on (D.C.C.A.) from J. M. Patel College, Bhandara in 1998, Nagpur
Bachelor degree in Commerce (Computer) from J. M. Patel College, Bhandara in 1997, Nagpur University.

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