100 Soal Latihan US Bahasa Inggris 2022 - 2023

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Hamid : You’ve got incredible violin skills!

Hannan : ....
1. Which of the following is not a suitable response to the compliment?
A. Thanks a lot! It’s all thanks to my mom.
B. Thank you so much!
C. Thank you! I got it for my birthday.
D. Thanks a lot! You play even better than I do!
E. Aw, thank you! That’s very sweet of you.

Adesatya : Hey, you’re the new student, aren’t you?

Adam : Yes, I am. My name is Adam. …?
Adesatya : My name is Adesatya, but you can call me Dede. Nice to meet you, Adam!
Adam : Nice to meet you too, Dede! Are you going home already?
Adesatya : Of course. I always go home as soon as school ends. Where do you live? If it’s near Klender
station, I can give you a ride.
Adam : Oh, I live …. Just across the street from the station.
Adesatya : Great! I’ll take you there.
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct expressions!
A. What’s your name; in Ngurah Rai Street no. 12
B. What’s yours; at Ngurah Rai Street no. 12
C. And your name is; in Ngurah Rai Street no. 12
D. Isn’t it nice to meet me; on Ngurah Rai Street no. 12
E. How are you?; at Ngurah Rai Street no. 12

Hi, Alex from BKE Management!

My name is Pratama Anggraini, and you can call me Anggi (1). I read on Twitter that your company
is doing a giveaway of free Beach House concert tickets to six lucky fans, and I’d like to take my chances on
it (2)!
Let me tell you just how big of a Beach House fan I am. I’ve been a big fan of this band since 2011, and
I even own all their albums on vinyl. I love all of them (3), but I’m partial to their fourth album, Bloom.
Their sixth release, Lucky Stars, is also fantastic! Its (4) title track is not my cup of tea, but I’m mad about
the rest of the album.
As for the giveaway requirements, I have attached all of it (5) to this email. I’m so looking forward to
winning this giveaway and seeing them (6) perform live. Thank you so much, Alex!

3. Based on the email, ….
A. Anggi likes every Beach House album except for Bloom
B. At the time of writing, Anggi’s favorite band has released six albums
C. Anggi likes every song in the album Lucky Stars except for one track
D. Anggi likes listening to vinyls more than streaming
E. Beach House’s sixth album drives Anggi crazy

4. What is the purpose of the email?

A. To show the sender’s love for the receiver
B. To introduce the sender’s self to the receiver
C. To inquire about joining a concert ticket giveaway
D. To submit a query on the requirements of a giveaway
E. To submit the requirements for a chance to win a ticket

Dear Henri,
Congratulations on advancing to the final stage of Indonesia’s Next Top Musician!
I cried in front of my TV as I listened to your song in the semifinals last night. The audience and judges
must’ve been really moved by your singing as well. Also, you looked stunning in that new haircut and
leather jacket! Whoever styled your hair last night deserves a raise.
It’s so sad that I can’t celebrate with you in person right now because I can’t travel to Indonesia until
next month. Even so, I want you to know that your determination to become a successful singer will always
inspire me, no matter how far apart we are.
Oops, my sentimental side was showing. Anyway, you’re just one step away from winning the contest
now. Good luck for the finals, bro! I wish you only the best.

Lots of love from Singapore,


5. Which of the following is not a proper response to the email?

A. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Ade. Indeed, my stylist was fantastic! I’ll tell the
management to give him a raise.
B. Thank you with all my heart, Ade. The semifinals was a piece of cake, I always know I’d blow the
judges away.
C. Thank you so much! I will dedicate my performance in the final stage to you!
D. Thank you very much for the kind words, pal. Indeed, it’s sad that you can’t be here, but we can
always celebrate together by phone!
E. This is the most touching message I’ve ever received in my entire life. Thank you so much, Ade.

6. In the email, which of the following aspects is not complimented on?

A. Henri’s personality
B. Henri’s physical appearance
C. Henri’s possession
D. Henri’s kindness
E. Henri’s performance

7. Which of the following is not a suitable compliment to fill in the blank with?
A. You’ve got a sick voice!
B. You sounded like an angel.
C. Your voice tore my eardrums.
D. You’re the best singer I know.

In Australia there are three levels of governments, the federal government, state governments and
local governments. All of these levels of government are necessary. This is so for number of reasons. First,
the federal government is necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and look after like
defense. Similarly, the state governments look after the middle sized things. For example they look after
law and order, preventing things like vandalism in school. Finally, local government look after the small
thins. They look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would have disease. Thus for the
reason above, we can conclude that the three levels of the government are necessary.
8. What kind of text is this?
A. Analytical Exposition
B. Explanation Text
C. Report
D. Descriptive text
E. Hortatory Exposition

9. Who is responsible for defense?

A. Federal government
B. State Government
C. Federal and State Government
D. Federal and Local Government
E. Local Government

10. An example of a compliment that you should avoid saying is ….

A. Your hair is gorgeous, sis! I wish I had such lustrous hair.
B. You are so beautiful now that you wear makeup!
C. I love just how comfortable your living room sofa is!
D. I didn’t know you could play the piano so beautifully!
E. There is nothing more delicious than your cooking.

A : You look too old to join this club! When were you born?
B : No, I’m not too old! ….
11. Fill in the blank with the correct expression.
A. I was born in June 21
B. I was born at June 21, 1998
C. My birthday is on June
D. I was born on June 21, 1998
E. I was born on June 1998

Mrs.Citra Dwi Hapsari

PT Leafy Wood
Jl.Pahlawan no.45
11 th February 2018
Mr. Chandra Perwira
PT Angkasa Jaya
Jl.Merpati no 78

Dear Sir,
We would like to invite you to attend the inauguration of our subsidiary located in Denpasar Business
Centre building at Jl. Melati no.34 Denpasar. The inauguration will be held on 25th February 2019 at 9 a.m.
It is our honor to have you as our best client. We are hoping that we still have good relationship in
our business and increase our cooperation. We have been in this business for quite some time now yet we
have always managed to stay on top of our competitors. This is not possible if not with your support to our
business. We have prepared something for you as our patrons as a way of our gratitude. Please come early
so that we can find a comfortable seat for you and so that you will be there as we acknowledge our best
clients and you are definitely in the list.
Please confirm your attendance by 18th February 2019.Hope for you presence on that day. Thank
you for your attention.
Yours Truly,

Mrs. Citra Dwi Hapsari

PT Leafy Wood
12. The aim of the text is . . .
A. To invite a person to attend an event
B. To inform the location of a new business
C. To express gratitude for being good partners
D. To announce the inauguration of a new business
E. To notify the schedule of the new business inauguration

13. From the text we can conclude that . . . .

A. The invitee is the honored guest
B. The event will be held in the main office
C. The invitee is expected to attend at 9 a.m. sharp
D. PT Angkasa Jaya is PT Leafy Wood’s subsidiary
E. The companies will make a new business agreement

14. What should the receiver do after receiving the letter?

A. Arrange the inauguration
B. Confirm his attendance
C. Propose to be a partner business
D. Come to PT Leafy Wood in Surabaya
E. Send the product to PT Leafy Wood

Mega : What are you planning to do this weekend?

Rina : ….
Mega : Really? Wow, that’s very brave of you.
Rina : Thanks! It’s not that scary once you’ve done it several times. Also, an expert will be there to
supervise me. Anyway, what are your plans for the weekend?
Mega : …. It depends on my brother’s schedule, though.
Rina : Your brother?
Mega : Yeah. If he has to go to work this weekend, then no one will take me there.
15. Fill in the blanks with the correct expressions!
A. I’m going to go for a run at the park ; I’m going shopping with my brother.
B. My mom and I are going rock climbing ; I’m going shopping.
C. I’m staying home with my kitty ; I’m going to go to the park.
D. I’m going cliff jumping with my friends ; I’m going to go to the library.
E. I must be exhausted from surfing ; I’m going to go to the mall.

PT Putri Indah Makmur is looking for suitable candidates to join our new branch in Pekanbaru. We invite
applications from interested candidates for the following positions:
1. Graphic Designer
2. Copywriter
3. Content Writer
For full job descriptions and qualifications, please visit our website at www.pim.id. Send your CV and
cover letter to ratna@pim.id bfore Thursday, 15 April 2021 with “Position_Name” as the subject.
For inquiries, please contact 0801-3846-494 (Ratna).

16. What type of announcement text is the text above?

A. Job vacancy D. Public service announcement
B. Missing person announcement E. Advertisement
C. Wedding announcement

17. What should you do if you want to ask some questions regarding the announcement?
A. Send an email to Ratna.
B. Visit the company website.
C. Contact Ratna by phone.
D. Visit the company’s Pekanbaru office.
E. Accept the invitation to join the company.

Ivory Coast, officially known as Republic of Côte d'Ivoire is a country located on the coast of western
Africa. Its de facto capital is Abidjan, and the administrative capital designate (since 1983) is
Yamoussoukro. It covers an area of 322,463 km², slightly smaller than Poland, or slightly larger than the
U.S. state of New Mexico. Its citizens are called Ivorian people. Like many other African countries, Ivory
Coast is linguistically rich.
1 All African languages represented in Ivory Coast belong to one of three subgroups of the Niger-

Congo family. 2 They are Kwa in the south, Mande in the northwest, and Gur in the northeast. 3A trade
language, known as Dyula-Taboussi and akin to the Mande Bambara, is spoken by many Ivorian Muslim
traders. 4Another major language is français de Moussa, a pidgin French widely spoken in Abidjan. 5The
official language is French, spoken throughout the country.
Although Ivory Coast was colonized by France for more than a century, its traditional arts still
flourish. The Senufo people carve masks, decorate doors with esoteric symbols, and dance to the slow,
majestic rhythms of drums supported by xylophones. The mountaineers of the Man forest wear masks
showing horrifying faces, and they dance to a pace governed by the sound of drums and led by stilt-
walkers. Versatile Baule artists make fine gold jewelry and wooden sculptures.
Source: britannica.com (with modifications)

18. Which sentence in paragraph 2 does not contain information about a place?
A. Sentence 1 D. Sentence 4
B. Sentence 2 E. Sentence 5
C. Sentence 3

The amount of water on Earth remains constant, but it is continually moving around the Earth and its
atmosphere in a process called the water cycle. It exists as a liquid (water) in seas, rivers and clouds; it
freezes into a solid (ice) as snow and hail; and it also exists as an invisible gas in the air.
When the sun heats up water in rivers, lakes and seas, it changes from a liquid into a gas called water
vapor. This process is known as evaporation. As the water vapor rises into the atmosphere, it cools and
condenses and forms clouds. As the cloud droplets move around, they collide with each other and grow
bigger. When they are heavy enough, they fall as rain, and the water flows back into rivers, lakes, and seas.
19. When does water change from a liquid into a gas?
A. When the amount of water Earth changes.
B. When the sun heats up water in rivers, lakes and seas.
C. When the water vapor forms tiny droplets.
D. When the cloud droplets move around.
E. When the droplets collide with each other

When my younger sister and I visited Batu Bolong beach, we drove through Jalan Gunung Agung, Jalan
Raya Canggu and turned left onto Batu Bolong beach road (1). We still saw a lot of rice fields, local
community housing, and villas. Restaurants, guest house cafes, spas, and shopping places were also seen
on the side of the road. Besides that, we also passed a children’s playground named Taman Segara Madu
Water Park.
As soon as we set foot in the Batu Bolong Beach sand, we could see a long stretch of beach shoreline
(2). Possibly the beach stretched as far as 2 kilometers. Anywhere I walked, I saw that there were many
sunbeds for rent (3). I also saw many small shops on the beachside selling roasted corn and soft drinks.
From the left side of the beach, I heard music coming from Old Man’s Bar.
After we rented two surfboards, we rode the waves with some foreigner tourists (4). Unfortunately,
because it was getting dark, __________. We hated the interruption but we immediately followed the
instruction for our safety. We spent the rest of the evening watching the sun set. Since my sister is a
photographer, she took many beautiful pictures of the sunset (5).
By the time the clock struck 7PM, we were enjoying local cuisine for dinner at the aforementioned
Old Man’s Bar. I had satay while my sister had nasi jinggo. We were going to visit some shopping malls
after that, but we were way too tired from surfing. So, we went to our hotel in Denpasar instead, to end the
fantastic day.
Source: water-sports-bali.com (with modification)
20. Based on the text, which of the following statements is true?
A. The writer and their sister had the same meal for their dinner.
B. The writer and their sister went shopping after they had dinner.
C. The writer walked through three roads to get to the beach.
D. The writer enjoyed their trip to Batu Bolong beach.
E. The writer rented a sunbed during their trip to the beach.
21. Fill in the blank with the most suitable clause!
A. The lifeguards told us to get back to the shore while we were having fun.
B. The lifeguards were telling us to get back to the shore when we surfed.
C. I accidentally hit my head on a rock while we were surfing.
D. I was hitting my head on a rock while my sister was surfing.
E. The surfboard was breaking in half when we surfed.

Hotel Cannero
28051 Cannero Riviera, Italy
Phone: 323788046
Waiter/ waitresses (2), Swimming Pool Attendants, Bar Staff
Around $ 150 per week, 12 hours per day, 6 days per week. Free board and accommodation. Knowledge
of German, Italian or French required. Period of work 3 or 6 months between end of March and end of
October. Applicant should be fit and healthy, organized and clean. Applications from 25th March to the end
and sent to Maria Caria at the above address.
22. What is the text about?
A. A week tour to Italy.
B. A job Vacancy in Hotel Cannero.
C. A healthy and clean environment.
D. The description of Cannero Riviera
E. A three -day tour to European countries.

23. Those who are accepted to work for the hotel ….

A. are mostly Italians.
B. will get accommodation
C. are under control of Maria Caria
D. will take control of each department
E. will start working between March and October

The Two Candle

Once a wax candle and a tallow candle were having a conversation. The wax candle was very vain
and boasted, “I will be placed in a silver candle stand at tonight’s party.” The tallow candle answered, “It is
certainly better to be made of wax than of tallow but I am happy that I burn in the kitchen where food is
Suddenly, a rich lady came and picked up all the candles. Seeing the tallow candle along with the wax
candle, the lady gave it to a poor boy who was passing by.
The poor boy took the tallow candle home. Seeing the small cottage, the tallow candle thought, “How
lucky the wax candle is to be in its rich home.”
Meanwhile, the mother lit the tallow candle. One of the children said, “Oh, we have light in the house
today!” The tallow candle saw the joy in his eyes and was happy to be in the cottage and did not envy the
wax candle again.
24. How was the wax candle characteristic?
A. Nice D. Sly
B. Wise E. Kind
C. Arrogant
25. How did the tallow candle feel in the end after being in poor boy’s cottage?
A. Happy D. Displeased
B. Envy E. Not satisfied
C. Strange

26. What is the moral value of the story?

A. We have to trust each other
B. We must be confident to win someone else’s heart
C. Be confident because you are the best
D. Don’t be jealous of other people’s life because you are matter
E. Show yourself off

27. What is the synonym of the word envy?

A. Jealous D. Fear
B. Trust E. Brave
C. Suspicious

What Causes Weather?

Weather is the physical condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place. It includes
temperature, air pressure and water content.
Weather is produced when air move from place to place. This moving air is known as wind. Winds
are formed when the cooler air moves in to replace the rising warm air. Warm air is usually less dense than
cool air; therefore, it creates low air pressure. Cool air is denser and creates high air pressure.
Usually we have fine weather when the air pressure is high and there are clouds, rain and snow when
the air pressure drop.
28. Which of the following is not true according to the text?
A. Weather is the physical condition of the atmosphere at a particular time.
B. Weather is fine when the air pressure drops.
C. Cool air creates high air pressure.
D. Warm air is usually less dense than cool air.
E. Weather happens when air moves from place to place.

29. What does the text explain?

A. Moving air
B. Air pressure.
C. Low air pressure.
D. Types of weather.
E. The formation of weather.

The Lion and The Mouse

Once when a lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon awoke
the lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and open his big jaws to swallow him. “Pardon, o King,” cried
the little mouse,” Forgive me this time, I shall never forget it; perhaps I may be able to do you a good turn
some of these days.”
The lion was so tickled at the idea of the mouse being able to help him. Then, he lifted his paw and let
him go.
Sometime after, the lion was caught in a trap. Some hunters, who wanted to carry him alive to the
king, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him in. Just then, the little mouse
happened to pass by and see the sad plight in which the lion was. The little mouse went up to him and soon
gnawed away the ropes that bounded the king of beasts. Soon after the little mouse had finished gnawing
away the ropes, he asked the lion to run away.
30. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To entertain the readers
B. To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case.
C. To inform the readers about the events of the day which are considered newsworthy
D. To explain something
E. To present at least two points of view about an issue.

31. What is the moral value of the text?

A. Don’t look at someone because of his clothes
B. It is best for prepare for the days of necessity.
C. Common people may prove great ones.
D. United we stand, divided we fall
E. Honestly begins at home

32. Paragraph three mainly tells us that….

A. The little mouse asked forgiveness.
B. The hunters carried the lion a live to the king.
C. The lion was tied to a tree by the hunters.
D. The little mouse could prove that he could help the lion.
E. From the first, the lion believed in what the little mouse said.

Toni : “Dinda, I think you should finish the task one at a time. If not, it’s going to overwhelm you.”
Dinda : “________. Thanks, Toni.”
33. Which of the following is the correct answer to accept the suggestion?
A. That’s a good idea, but I’m afraid I can’t do that
B. I think you shouldn’t think about it
C. I think you’re right.
D. I’m good at this
E. I don’t think so

34. The following sentences are the expressions that show prohibition, except ...
A. You will have to get at least 550 for TOEFL if you want to enroll to that university.
B. Everyone will be banned to travel to other countries due to the pandemic of COVID 19.
C. You must not eat any heavy meals before tomorrow’s exam.
D. It won’t be permitted to talk to your friends during the test.
E. It will be forbidden to cook some foods if you are sick.

Anne : I should buy this red jacket. I love it. ….

Brilla : I’m with you. I think you’d look cute in it.
Anne : Never mind, it looks so ugly! I think ….
Brilla : Didn’t you just say you love the red one?
Anne: I changed my mind!
35. Fill in the blanks with the correct expressions!
A. What do you think?; the black one looks prettier than that one.
B. You can’t be serious!; the red jacket is the prettiest jacket ever!
C. Do you agree?; I don’t have any opinion about this.
D. What do you think?; the red one is prettier than the black one.
E. Do you agree with me?; so, too.

Ana : “What do think about the music festival?”

Rina : “__________”
Ana : “I’m with you! It was the best festival I have ever been to”
36. The appropriate expression to complete the conversation is….
A. It was the worst. I regret it.
B. It was the most amazing experience for me.
C. I didn’t come to the festival last week.
D. Can you tell me about the event?
E. I’m not sure about this.

Dear Mr. Rohan,

On behalf of McMillen Holdings Pvt. Ltd, I am glad to invite you for the business summit 2022 that is
going to be held at the head office on Monday, January 28, 2022. The subject of this meeting is for chiefs of
all divisions to report on business review, growth, and plan from the past to the upcoming year. We have
enclosed a business meet imitation containing all essential details of the summit including venue, meeting
hours and subjects of discussions for your ready reference.
We specifically request you to bring all official documents needed in order to discuss all sales and
distribution issues and plans of all saleable products.

Yours Sincerely,
Executive Assistant

Abdul Majid
37. According to the text, we can assume that Mr. Rohan is a ….
A. Division manager D. Chief executive officer
B. Executive manager E. Chief marketing officer
C. Marketing officer

38. The underlined word “imitation” could be best replaced by ….

A. Replication D. Result
B. Duplicate E. Dupe
C. Document

The Advantages of Online Learning

There are several problems with the traditional system of education. You need to pay thousands of
dollars per term to attend a prestigious school. With all those budget cuts, busy classrooms, and course
shortages, you won’t always get the chance to study exactly what you want.
It’s no wonder why millions of students from all around the world opt for online degree programs or
take at least one college course through an online platform. Online learning has to be the greatest
revolution in contemporary education. It made a huge change in the system and opened great
opportunities for everyone who wants to learn something.
Here are some advantages of online learning that will make you reconsider your attitude towards
this type of education.
Firstly, you can take any program or course present in traditional four-year universities with online
education. On the other hand, in traditional education, you would involve traveling away from home, living
in a completely unknown city, and struggling in an extremely competitive learning environment.
Secondly, all lectures and needed materials are provided via online platforms, so you’ll easily access
them from the comfort of your home. You will not take public transport to get to campus, so you won’t
have to spend money on gas for your car and you won’t have to get up early to get dressed for class.
Thirdly, you’ll notice the Self-Paced label on most of them. Self-paced learning means that the
students can start completing the targets at any time, and they can arrange a learning schedule that meets
their individual needs.
Therefore, Online Education is totally worth the effort. You only need passion for learning and a quick
online search that will take you to the right course. From that point on, you will be the master of your own
Source: https://elearningindustry.com/ (with modification)

39. According to the text, which paragraph illustrates that the students can arrange their learning
schedules based on their needs?
A. Paragraph 1 D. Paragraph 6
B. Paragraph 2 E. Paragraph 7
C. Paragraph 4

40. The flood is coming __________ the heavy rain. The appropriate conjunction to fill the blank is….
A. because D. yet
B. so E. because of
C. therefore

41. Offline classes are cancelled __________ a new variant of COVID -19.
A. because D. due to
B. since E. for
C. as a result

Mike : I read on the internet that brief naps can be restorative and reduce fatigue during the day. However,
I felt groggy and disoriented after waking up from a nap. (__________)
Sara : It is true that taking a nap is a great way to give the body and mind a short rest, but the duration of
a nap is important. Taking a long nap may leave you feeling tired and sluggish. The ideal nap is about
20 minutes around the middle of the day.
Mike : Oh, maybe that’s why! Usually, I nap for an hour in the early evening.
42. Fill in the blank using the appropriate expression!
A. How come I feel so rubbish after a nap?
B. Do you know why napping is good for you?
C. Could you explain why my body dislikes a nap?
D. Why the internet does spread misinformation?
E. Could anyone tell me why nap length is important?
Shena : “I have additional Rp2.000.000 in my bank account."
Rara : “The money __________ by your mother."
43. Fill in the blank with the correct answer!
A. may transferred D. may have transferred
B. may transfer E. may have been transferred
C. may be transferred

From a nutrition standpoint, NASM-certified personal trainer and nutritionist Donna Burke says starting
the day with protein isn’t a bad idea. It provides a boost of energy and also gives you time to space out
your protein intake throughout the day. “Excess protein isn’t stored, it’s excreted,” she tells Bustle. “It can
be useless if packed into one sitting.” That’s why it’s better to have some protein every three to four
hours to ensure your energy lasts.
44. Energy boosts __________ by protein at the start of the day.
A. are made D. can be supplied
B. is being produced E. were produced
C. is eaten

Tita : Hi, Sinta. You look so pale. Are you okay?

Sinta : Yes, I’ve got headache.
Tita : (28) _________________.
Sinta : (30) _________________ but I just need to take a nap.
Tita : Alright. Get well soon then.
45. According to the conversation, which expression is suitable?
A. Should you bring some medicine?
B. May I ask you to bring some medicine?
C. Do you want me to bring some medicine?
D. Can you help me to bring some medicine?
E. Would you help me to bring some medicine?

46. Which expression is NOT suitable for conversation?

A. No, it’s all right, really. D. It’s very good of you to offer.
B. That’s very kind of you. E. Thanks. That would be excellent.
C. Don’t think so, thank you.

June 25, 2019 Ms. Rosemarie Norbe

Personnel Manager
Milestone Company
Don Pepe, Balanga City
Dear, Ms. Norbe

Your advertisement in the June 22 issue of the Manila Bulletin calls for an executive secretary who is
proficient in communication skills, computer literate, and with pleasing personality. I sincerely believe that
I meet your requirements for the position. I am Erica J. Navarro, a graduate of Bachelor of Science, major
in Psychology at La Salle University, Manila this March, 28, 2019 as a cumlaude.
I consider as my assets: my proficiency in both written and spoken English and Filipino, my computer
skills, and my leadership skills which were honed in my capacity as the editor in chief of my school's
student publication and as a Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman of our Barangay. I am a hard worker,
efficient, and highly driven, and I am willing to undergo training to further improve my capabilities.
For your perusal and evaluation, I have enclosed my resume which includes my special skills, training
and accomplishments and awards as a student, and a photocopy of my official transcript of records for
your evaluation. Don’t hesitate to ask about my personal traits and capabilities, I have also included a list
of references for you.
I am willing to come for a personal interview with you during the office hours.

Respectfully yours,

Erica J. Navarro

47. What does the applicant attach with the letter?

A. Resume and photo
B. Awards certificate and resume
C. Photocopy of awards certificate and photo
D. Photocopy of awards certificate and resume
E. Photocopy of his official transcript of records

48. What major did the applicant graduate from?

A. Social D. Technology
B. Science E. Administration
C. Psychology

49. “… my proficiency in both written and spoken English…” (Paragraph 2). The underlined word has
similar meaning to….
A. Efficiency D. Personality
B. Oratorical E. Qualification
C. Leadership

Mr. William Chan

Personal Manager
Wong and Lim Consulting PO BOX 583, Kwai Chung Kowloon
Dear Mr. Chan,

I am writing to apply for the post of Management Trainee, which was advertised on the student
Affairs Office notice board of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 1 March 2021.
My working experience at Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited improved my leadership
skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment. I have fluent spoken and written
English. I also have fluent spoken and written Mandarin, and therefore work in mainland China.
Currently I am studying B.A. in Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, graduating in
2021. Subjects which I am studying that are relevant to the post of Management Trainee include
Operations Management, Human Resources Management, Accounting, Marketing and strategic
During my studies, I have had the post of Executive in Management Society activities I have improved
my ability to lead and supervise subordinates effectively, ability to work under pressure and ability to
work in a team environment.
Working for Wong and Lim Consulting appeals to me because it has a good reputation and it provides
excellent training. Your organization produces a high-quality service, and I can contribute to this with
leadership skill and may ability to work under pressure.
I am available for interview at any time. I look forward to meeting you.

Yours Sincerely,
Wong Wilfred

50. What is the name of the company Wong Wilfred applying to?
A. Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited
B. Hong Kong Polytechnic University
C. Marketing and Strategic Management
D. Wong and Lim Consultant
E. Executive in the Management Society

51. Where does Mr. Chan live?

A. In the city of China D. In the city of Singapore
B. In the city of England E. In the city of Hong Kong
C. In the city of Malaysia

52. What subject of study which does not have relevancy to Management Trainee?
A. Accounting
B. Management Society
C. Operations Management
D. Human Resources Management
E. Marketing and Strategic Management

Last holiday I went to Paris. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a
few words of French. Then, he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Every
day, I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send any cards to my friends. On
the last day I made a big decision, I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in
my room, but I did not write a single card!
53. Whom did the writer meet in Paris?
A. A man that take him to French.
B. A man that gave him thirty-seven cards
C. A man that lent him a book.
D. A man that worked in museum
E. A man that give him a job.

54. Then he lent me. Whom does “he” refer to?

A. French tourist
B. A nice waiter
C. Annoying waiter
D. An old man
E. A friendly tourist

55. The social function of caption text is….

A. To understand the readers or viewers with series of picture or photo
B. To tell the readers or viewers if a picture or photo has a meaning in it
C. To gain information from the readers or viewers to understand a picture or photo
D. To help the readers or viewers to understand information that may not be in picture or photo
E. To entertain the readers or viewers through information that may not be in picture or photo.

56. Which caption does not tell about earth and nature?
A. The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.
B. In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
C. Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
D. Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
E. A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space.

57. “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” –
Jimmy Dean. The purpose of the caption above is….
A. To tell the direction drives us to our dreams.
B. To tell that everyone where they should bring their life.
C. To explain that the direction is a God’s way for a human living.
D. To tell that all the things people can do are trying for their best.
E. To inform that people have to wait for the direction to reach their dreams.

To All International English College Students

All students can borrow up to 6 books at a time. Books may be kept for a maximum of fourteen days. A fine
of Rp. 5.000.00 a day will be charged for overdue books. Magazines and newspapers may not be brought
home. The use of a card belonging to another person is not permitted.
58. How long can students borrow books?
A. One week
B. One month
C. Two months
D. Three weeks
E. Two weeks

59. What will happen if the students are late to return the books?
A. They should pay the fine
B. The librarian will be angry
C. They must make a new card
D. They will nor be permitted to borrow again
E. They should replace the books with the new ones

(Reuters Health) – Half of all heart patients made at least one medication-related mistake after leaving the
hospital, and guidance from a pharmacist didn’t seem to reduce those errors, in a new study.
Consequences of mistakes – such as forgetting to take certain drugs or taking the wrong dose – can
range from side effects like constipation to more serious drops in blood pressure. Two percent of errors
were life-threatening.
Hospitals involved in the study were already taking steps to prevent medication mistakes in addition
to the extra pharmacist intervention, said Dr. Sunil Kripalani, the study’s lead author from the Vanderbilt
University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.
“We were surprised to see that in spite of these efforts that 50 percent (of patients) were still having
these medication errors,” he told Reuters Health.
Although the pharmacist visits didn’t help the average patient, he added, certain ones seemed to
benefit – such as patients who were on multiple drugs or had trouble understanding health information.
As for traditionally lower-risk patients, he said other strategies to prevent errors may be needed.
60. The text tell us about….
A. The patient’s medication errors
B. The doctor’s medical treatment
C. The hospital’s medical treatments
D. The uncontrolled medical treatments
E. The pharmacist’s medication mistakes

61. What is the effect of medication errors?

A. Life-long time D. Problem in healing
B. Life-threatening E. Health information
C. Bleeding on heart

62. “…. and guidance from a pharmacist didn’t seem to reduce those errors….”(paragraph 1). The
underlined word has a closest in meaning to….
A. Improve D. Degrade
B. Upgrade E. Increase
C. Decrease

Mobiles: Good or Bad?

Everywhere you go nowadays, you see people using mobiles. From school children to retired people,
you see them talking in the supermarkets, on trains, in the street, everywhere! So what are the advantages
of mobiles?
First of all they are very convenient because you can phone from nearly anywhere. Another
advantage is that they are really useful in emergency situations. For example, if you are alone in your car
and it breaks down, you can get help quickly. In addition, you can also use your mobile to text your friends
or connect to the internet.
However, there are disadvantages such as the cost. Some mobiles calls still cost more than normal
calls. Furthermore, it can be annoying if you are on a train or a bus and you have to listen to someone else’s
boring conversation. Another disadvantage is that people can contact you anywhere, at any time, unless
you switch your phone off!
In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to mobiles. Personally I feel mobiles are a
good thing because they give us more freedom and make communication easier.
63. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To present an issue from two point of view.
B. To explain why something happens
C. To describe the way things are
D. To criticize a literary work.
E. To entertain the readers.

64. The following are the advantages of having mobiles, except …

A. We can call someone from everywhere.
B. It is important in emergency situations.
C. We can connect to the internet.
D. We can send messages to friends.
E. People can contact us anytime anywhere.

65. What is the writer’s opinion about mobiles?

A. He/she thinks that mobiles are not good for people.
B. He/she thinks that mobiles are beneficial.
C. He/she doesn’t need mobiles
D. He/she thinks that mobiles are unnecessary.
E. He/she thinks that mobiles are the best gadget for communication.

66. “If I __________ harder for the test I would have gotten a better grade.”
A. Were studying D. Did study
B. Had studied E. Studied
C. Will study

67. “If I got the ticket yesterday, I would make a long trip now”. It may be concluded that I ….
A. Prefer staying at home D. Enjoyed the trip
B. Have to stay at home E. Stayed at home
C. Are enjoying the trip

Rina : Why don’t you buy new laptop? You will need it for your final project.
Alina : _________. I think I have to save my money first.
68. The appropriate expression to complete the sentence is….
A. If had money, I would do it.
B. If I lost the laptop, I could buy it.
C. If had dollars, I would have done it.
D. If I have new laptop, I would save my money.
E. If I had bought the laptop, I would have finished my project.

How to Make Pempek Palembang

Main Ingredients: Sauce Ingredients:
 250gr tengiri fish  5 minced chilies
 125 gr tapioca or corn flour  100gr palm sugar
 Salt and pepper  2 tbsp sugar
 1 tbsp oil (to prevent the dough sticky)  Salt and pepper
 5 eggs  2 tbsp light soya sauce
 2 tbsp ebi (dried prawn)
 Handful diced cucumber
 4 tbsp vinegar
 1 tbsp tamarind
 250ml water

Making the Sauce:
 Boil all the sauce ingredients into a soup pan.

Making the Pempek:

 Blend all the ingredients into food processor until it mixed and become dough, you could put splash
of water if you need it.
 Whisk 5 eggs in a bowl.
 Put some oil into your hands. Put some dough, shape it into a bowl then pour whisked egg in the
 Close the dough by pinching the top side of the dough.
 Put into boiled water until it float.
 Drain all the water, deep fry the pempek.
 Finally, serve the fried pempek with the sauce.

69. The text tells you about….

A. How to eat Pempek Palembang
B. How to make Pempek Palembang
C. The soup ingredients to make Pempek Palembang
D. The equipment needed to make Pempek Palembang
E. How to prepare the ingredients to make Pempek Palembang

70. The following are the main ingredients you need to make Pempek Palembang, except…
A. Salt D. Corn flour
B. Sugar E. Soya Sauce
C. Pepper

71. What is the use of the food processor?

A. To fry the ingredients D. To blend the ingredients
B. To boil the ingredients E. To measure the ingredients
C. To heat the ingredients

Let me photograph you in this light (1)
In case it is the last time that we might (2)
Be exactly like we were before we realized
We were sad of getting old, it made us restless
It was just like a movie
It was just like a song
72. According to the lyric provided, what is the song about?
A. Missing someone D. Regretting the love stories
B. Forgetting someone E. Wondering someone’s presence
C. Looking for someone
73. What does the language features contain in word light and might in line (1) and (2)?
A. Simile D. Metaphor
B. Rhyme E. Personification
C. Alliteration

74. “It was just like a movie”. What does the language features contain in the sentence?
A. Simile D. Metaphor
B. Rhyme E. Personification
C. Alliteration

The Sumatran elephant’s habitat is Sumatra, Indonesia. The average male elephant reaches eight feet
high and weighs up to six tons. A baby elephant can weigh up to one ton. The males are always larger than
the females. They are massive creatures.
An elephant has a trunk, two tusks, two eyes, two ears and two lumps on its head. It is known to be a
clever animal. When an elephant is hot, it fans itself by flapping its ears back and forth. When an elephant
herd wants to move, they use their ears as a guide. Their hearing range is very large. Elephants hear some
noises that cannot be heard by human’s ears.
Sumatran elephants have enough strength to knock down a tree. They can also pick up a log using
their trunk and their tusks. They trunk is their nose. They also use it like a hand. Just below their trunk,
they have their tusks. Only make Sumatran elephants have tusks. A baby elephant is called a calf, the
females are called cows.
75. The text describes....
A. a wild elephant
B. a baby elephant
C. the Sumatran elephant
D. the Indonesian elephant
E. male Sumatran elephant

76. Which statement is NOT TRUE about the Sumatran elephant?

A. The males has tusks
B. They have big ears
C. They flap their ears to cool themselves
D. Male elephant are larger than the females
E. The Sumatran elephants are not easy to rain

77. Ari: My teacher gave me an assignment to write a book review. Can you tell me what book I should
Adi: Well, __________ you’d better review The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
A. sorry to say that
B. I’d like to suggest that
C. if I were you
D. I have no objection
E. Thanks

Once upon a time, there was a king of the Antah Berantah Kingdom who wishes Dewi Sekartaji to
become his wife. To do so, he kidnapped her. Fortunately, the god Narada saved her by changing her into
a golden snail: Keong Mas. The god told Keong Mas to drift along the river in order to find her husband,
Panji Asmara Bangun.
One day a poor window, Mbok Rondo Dadapan, who always fished along the river, found the golden
snail and took it home. There, she put the snail in a jar and took care of it. All of sudden, unexpected good
things took place in Mbok Rondo’s life.
Coming back from her daily fishing, she would find delicious dishes on the table and the house cleaned.
She wondered who had been so nice to take care of her house and to do cooking. When this went on for
several days, she could not resist the temptation to find out who the mysterious kind person was. So, one
day, instead of fishing, she peeped through a hole in the wall of her house.
78. Who found the golden snail?
A. the King of Antah Berantah Kingdom
B. the god
C. Keong Mas
D. Panji Asmara Bangun
E. a poor old widow

79. There, she put the snail in a jar and took good care of it. What does the word “it” refer to?
A. the river
B. the dishes
C. the snail
D. Mbok Rondo
E. Poor old widow

80. What did Mbok Rondo Dadapan do to know who the mysterious kind person was?
A. She peeped through a hole in the wall of her house.
B. She went on several days.
C. She ate delicious dishes on the table.
D. She came back from her daily fishing early.
E. She asked someone near her house.

81. What is the function of the caption?

A. To make the picture look beautiful
B. To give description more detail of the picture
C. To tell about who was the viewer of the picture
D. To explain how beautiful the flowers are
E. To make readers see the beautiful flowers
82. According to the caption on the picture, when was the photo taken?
A. July 19 2018
B. February 1 2017
C. May 3, 2019
D. December 7 2015
E. August 15 2014

83. Only half of the exercises ____ so far, but the rest ____ by Saturday.
A. have done / will be finished
B. were done / are going to be finished
C. done / have been finished
D. have been done / will have been finished
E. are being done / will be finished

84. English ____ at state schools as a compulsory lesson for 20 years until last year.
A. is taught
B. has been taught
C. was being taught
D. is being taught
E. had been taught

85. What is the purpose of the letter?

A. To announce activities during a community care program
B. To suggest a certain action to committee
C. To propose a community care program
D. To reply negatively to a suggestion
E. To reply positively to a suggestion

86. “.... about the money we earned from our fund-raising program.” What does the underlined word
A. A festival to earn money
B. An ability to manage money
C. An event to collect money for a charity
D. An activity to distribute money to the needs.
E. A program to motivate people to contribute more money.

87. Why does the chairman of the committee reject Mrs. Angela’s suggestion?
A. Because the suggestion does not make sense.
B. Because Mrs. Angela is not part of the committee.
C. Because the community care is a non-profit program.
D. Because the committee does not have enough money to follow the suggestion.
E. Because the committee had made its decision before Mrs. Angela came up with her ideas.

How to Make Strawberry Juice

5 larges strawberries
2 tsp sugar
½ glass of water
Milk or Yogurt (Optional)
Ice Cubes

First, wash the strawberries and slice them.
Then, put them into blender.
Next, pour water, sugar and ice cubes.
If you like it creamy, add milk or add yogurt if you prefer sour taste.
After that, blend them for about 2 minutes.
And the last, pour into the glass, add straw and the juice is ready to drink.

88. What should we do if we want to make creamy strawberry juice?

A. Add more ice cubes
B. Add milk
C. Add yogurt
D. Add more strawberries
E. Add more sugar

89. Which statement is not true according to the text?

A. We need 5 small strawberries
B. Add yogurt to make it sour
C. Blend the juice for about 2 minutes
D. We need a blender to blend the juice
E. We need to add sugar to the blender

When I see your face

There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for a while
Cause, girl, you're amazing
Just the way you are

90. What is the theme of the song above?

A. Life
B. Love
C. Friendship
D. Relationship
E. Motivation

“The whole world stops and stares for a while.”

91. What figurative language does the writer use?
A. Personification
B. Simile
C. Alliteration
D. Metaphor
E. Onomatopoeia

92. According to the song, we may conclude that….

A. The song is how a man adore to someone
B. The song is telling about someone’s girlfriend
C. The song is telling a tips about how to be beauty
D. The song is about an amazing way of being beauty
E. The song is about how she look and how she feel about herself

“There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew.” – Marshal Mcluhan
93. What does the caption mean?
A. You can’t just sit down and coast to live.
B. There’s no free ride for the passenger.
C. A life spent as a crew is better than as a passenger.
D. Expecting the rest of humanity to keep its eye on the ball for you.
E. When you’re living on this planet just pretend that you are a passenger.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed."- Mahatma Gandhi
94. What does Mahatma Gandhi try to tell the readers?
A. To save the environment
B. People need to be greedy
C. People need to save the earth
D. Earth has given us advantages
E. The earth has been forgotten by people

95. “Those kids wouldn’t be hit by the car if they didn’t ignore the traffic light.” What does the statement
A. Those kids drive a car
B. Those kids were hit by the car
C. Those kids leave her house
D. Those kids don’t ride carefully
E. Those kids stand next to the traffic light

Boy : Hey, what are you doing?

Girl : I’d like to take the book on the top of the shelf, but I can’t reach it.
Boy : Which book?
Girl : That one. It’s entitled Creative Ideas.
Boy : ……..
96. How will the boy likely respond?
A. Don’t worry. I’ll take it for you.
B. I think the book is interesting to read.
C. I believe many people will read the book.
D. I am proud of having a friend who likes reading.
E. I’ve read the book.
97. Which of the following sentences that is used as if clause to show a dream?
A. If you want to successful man, you had better study real hard from now.
B. If you want to get a job, you have to apply for a job.
C. If I have my own company, I will hire my friends and neighbors to be my employees.
D. What if I give you a job vacancy, so you can try to apply a job?
E. If you want to pass the test, you have to join the course seriously.

98. Emanuel: My little brother always tells me that he wants to go back to the Jurassic era. He wants to
live at the same period with the dinosaur.
Owen: That’s funny, you should tell him that….
A. if he lives the dinosaur, T-Rex eats him alive.
B. if he lives at the dinosaur, T-Rex will eat him for breakfast.
C. if you lived at the dinosaur era, T-Rex would eat you alive.
D. if he had lived with the dinosaur, T-Rex would have eaten him.
E. if you lived at the dinosaur era, T-Rex will have eaten him.

99. “I was typing a resume in my bedroom”. The passive voice of the sentence is….
A. A resume were being typed by me in my bedroom
B. I was typed a resume in my bedroom
C. A resume is being typed by me in my bedroom
D. A resume was being typed by me in my bedroom
E. I am being typed a resume in my bedroom

100. “Riska writes an application letter”. The passive voice of the sentence above is….
A. An application letter was written by Riska
B. An application letter is written by Riska
C. An application letter was wrote by Riska
D. An application letter were write by Riska
E. An application letter writes by Riska

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