Research Pankaj Tunnel Importance

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Indian Journal of Orthopaedics


How Important is the Tunnel Position in Outcomes Post‑ACL

Reconstruction: A 3D CT‑Based Study
Vikram A. Mhaskar1,2 · Yogesh Jain1 · Pankaj Soni1 · Rajendra Fiske1 · Jitendra Maheshwari1,2

Received: 17 May 2021 / Accepted: 10 August 2021

© Indian Orthopaedics Association 2021

Background  Drilling the femoral and tibial tunnels at their anatomical locations are critical for good outcomes and involve
seeing the footprints well. We intended to compare two techniques of drilling the tunnels and the patient-reported outcomes
and knee stability of patients undergoing single bundle ACL reconstruction using 3D CT to evaluate if the tunnels were
anatomical or not.
Materials and Methods  Sixty single bundle ACL reconstructions were analyzed, 30 each with Technique A and B. Pre-
operative and after a minimum 27 month follow-up Lysholm, IKDC, Tegner score, hop test, and Lachman test were noted.
3D CT was done to classify femoral tunnels positions as being well placed, slightly or grossly misplaced and tibial tunnels
as optimal or suboptimal and compared.
Results  Sixty ACL reconstructions had full follow-up with a mean follow-up of 34 months. There was no significant differ-
ence between tunnel positions between the two techniques. Well-placed femoral tunnel had better Lysholm score (62.2 ± 16.2
v/s 48.5 ± 17.2, p 0.002) and IKDC score (62.5 ± 14.3 v/s 52.7 ± 15.1, p 0.012).). Those who had their surgeries within
3 months of their injury had better hop test (4.4 ± 0.9 v/s 3.9 ± 1, p 0.034) and IKDC scores (62.5 ± 15.8 v/s 33.2 ± 13.8, p
0.026) as compared to those that had surgery done after 3 months
Conclusion  Tibial tunnel positions were optimal in most cases and did not differ between the two techniques. Well-placed
femoral tunnels and surgeries done within 3 months of the injury produced best results.

Keywords  ACL · ACL Reconstruction · Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction · Biological ACL Reconstruction ·
Stump Preservation ACL Reconstruction · 3D CT · Tunnel position · Transportal ACL reconstruction · Accessory portal ·


Anatomically reconstructed grafts have been shown to be

* Vikram A. Mhaskar biomechanically better than non-anatomical grafts [1,2]. They also have better stability and earlier recovery than non-
Yogesh Jain anatomically reconstructed grafts [3]. To achieve more ana- tomical graft position, Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)
Pankaj Soni surgery has evolved over time. ACL reconstruction is done using a single or double bundle techniques and transportal
Rajendra Fiske or transtibial techniques. The transportal technique is shown to have distinct advantages as compared to transtibial tech-
Jitendra Maheshwari niques as it produces more anatomical grafts [4, 5]. How- ever there have not been significant differences in outcomes
of single and double bundle reconstructions [6–11]. The
Department of Orthopaedics, Max Smart Hospital Saket, ideal location of the femoral and tibial tunnels is where the
New Delhi 110017, India
native ACL was, but in chronic cases, the tibial and femo-
Knee & Shoulder Clinic, F7 East Of Kailash, ral remnants may not be present and we rely on anatomical
New Delhi 110017, India

Indian Journal of Orthopaedics

landmarks to make our tunnels. These landmarks are based femur and an interference screw on the tibia in all cases.
on previously done studies [12, 13]. Clinical and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was used
There have been studies in the past to evaluate the role to diagnose the ACL tear, meniscus tear, or any associ-
individual factors on patient-reported outcome measures and ated injuries. Patients with multiligamentous knee injuries,
stability post-ACL reconstruction. Tunnel position has been tibial avulsion, osteoarthritis, previous femoral fractures,
found to be an important variable in these outcomes. Tunnel and congenital femoral and tibial abnormalities were
positions can be assessed via X-ray and computed tomog- excluded from the study. All patients had a single bundle
raphy (CT) scan with CT being potentially more accurate ACL reconstruction. Pre-operative Lachman (International
as it gives a three-dimensional picture of the femoral and Knee Documentation Committee) IKDC, Tegner, hop test
tibial tunnel apertures [14, 15]. There have been studies done were done 24 h before surgery and at a minimum 27 month
in the past to assess femur and tibial tunnels positions in follow-up. Age, Body Mass Index (BMI), and time since
various techniques of doing ACL reconstructions [16, 17]. injury were also noted in the patients. The ages was clas-
Femoral tunnel position has been shown to influence patient- sified into < 25 or > 25 years, BMI into < 25 or > 25, and
reported outcomes more than the tibial tunnel position [18]. times since injury into < 3 months or > 3 months.
Tunnel malposition is an iatrogenic complication and studies Meniscus procedures were classified into medial
have been done in the past which showed that when view- meniscectomies, lateral meniscectomies, medial menis-
ing the femoral footprint end on while drilling the femoral cus repairs, or lateral meniscus repairs at the time of
tunnel produced tunnels that were more anatomic, but it was arthroscopy. Cases where chondral lesions were present
not statistically significant [19]. were excluded. Graft diameters were noted at the time of
Studies in the past have focused on individual tunnel surgery.
positions and based their acceptable tunnel positions on the
basis of the variation of individual tunnels from a set stand-
ard deviation [20]. However we have classified our femoral Surgical Technique [19]
and tibial tunnels based on whether they are optimal or not
based on previously done studies [21]. Apart from just tun- A single bundle ACL reconstruction using semitendino-
nel positions, we have tried to compare individual surgical sus and gracilis grafts was done in all cases. Two tech-
and constitutional factors that may affect outcomes in our niques were used to drill the femoral tunnel, either viewing
cohort population. through a high anteromedial portal and drilling through a
The ultimate result of a surgery is measured by the far medial portal (Technique B) or viewing from a high
patients return to activity and pre-operative functional lev- anterolateral portal and drilling from a far medial portal
els that may be different for different individuals. However, (Technique A). The surgeon intended to drill the tunnel
instrumented objective methods can also be used to measure at a distance of 5 mm from the posterior articular margin
stability of individual ligaments. Studies in the past have and 5 mm from the inferior margin of the lateral aspect
shown that even though there may not be statistically sig- of the notch. The tibial tunnel was drilled at the centre of
nificant differences in the objective arthrometric measure- the tibial stump which was preserved, along the posterior
ment before and after surgery, subjective scores do show a border of the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus either
significant improvement [20]. viewing from the high anterolateral portal (Technique A)
The primary objective of this study was to evaluate if or the high anteromedial portal (Technique B) Figs. 1, 2.
optimal femoral and tibial tunnel position translated into
better stability and post-operative outcome measures. The
secondary objective was to evaluate if viewing the tibial
footprint from a high anteromedial portal while identifying
and drilling it gives a more anatomical tunnel position.

Materials and Methods

A total of 60 patients underwent arthroscopic ACL recon-

struction between Nov 2017 and Oct 2018 who fulfilled
the criteria of this study. Our inclusion criteria was single
bundle ACL reconstructions done by a single surgeon, the
first author VM in complete ACL tears using semitendino- Fig. 1  Guide pin tip at the centre of the ACL tibial stump seen
sus and gracilis grafts fixed with a particular button on the through the high anteromedial portal

Indian Journal of Orthopaedics

Fig. 2  Graft seen passing from the tibia to the femur viewing from
the high anteromedial portal

Post‑operative 3D CT Evaluation
Fig. 3  Technique to determine femoral tunnel position on a 3D CT
The post-operative three-dimensional (3D) CT scan of the image of the lateral wall of the femoral notch
knee were done within a week of the arthroscopy and femo-
ral and tibial tunnel positions was evaluated.
the anterior-to-posterior and medial-to-lateral distance. A
Femoral Tunnel Evaluation region-of-interest tool was used to fit the best-fit circle on the
tibial aperture and its centre was marked. A perpendicular
A true lateral view of the medial wall of the lateral femo- was drawn from the centre of tibial aperture to the anterior
ral condyle with neutral rotation was reconstructed and the (DA) and medial border (DM) of this grid and noted [21].
medial condyle subtracted to see the lateral wall of the notch. The individual tunnels were categorized into optimal or
The femoral tunnel position was evaluated using the quad- suboptimal, DA < 31 or > 44.2 and DM < 36.3 or > 52 was
rant method by Bernard et al. [22]. A reference frame was considered suboptimal based on previous literature. Even
drawn with the superior border at the Blumensaat’s line of one measurement out of this range classified the tunnel as
the intercondylar notch and inferior border at the lowest mar- sub optimal.
gin of the lateral wall of the intercondylar notch. The ante-
rior and posterior borders of the frame were drawn touching Rehabilitation
the anterior most and posterior most points of the lateral
wall of the intercondylar notch, respectively. The footprint Those patients that had an ACL or an ACL with meniscec-
was covered by the best-fit circle using the region-of-interest tomy were allowed to bear weight as tolerated on post op
tool (ROI) in the CT software that covered all borders of the Day 1. Static quadriceps and range of motion exercises were
femoral tunnel. After marking the centre of the circle, per-
pendiculars were drawn to the length and breadth of the rec-
tangle. DS represents distance from centre to superior border
and DP the distance from centre to posterior border (Fig. 3).
The individual tunnels were categorized according to their
relationship with the lateral inter condylar ridge. Type I
(well-placed) tunnels, Type II (slightly malpositioned), and
Type III (grossly malpositioned) were those located superior
and anterior to the ridge [19].

Tibial Tunnel Position (Fig. 4)

A craniocaudal view of the upper surface of the tibia was

obtained after subtracting the femur and patella from the 3D
CT image of the knee. A reference frame was drawn aligned
with medial-to-lateral and anterior-to-posterior anatomical
tibial axes. The total width of the tibial axes was between Fig. 4  Technique to determine tibial tunnel position on a 3D CT scan

Indian Journal of Orthopaedics

begun after 24 h of the procedure. The patient used crutches of improvement in scores for Repair Type variable. P value
for 10 days till they felt confident of walking independently of < 0.05 was considered significant.
and the quadriceps had started contracting well. No running,
jogging, or sports was allowed for 6 months post-surgery.
Driving was allowed after 1 month of the procedure. In those Results
that had a meniscus repair, the only difference in the reha-
bilitation was that they were kept non weight bearing for A total of 60 knees were evaluated (52 of them right and 8
6 weeks with a range of motion brace. Range of motion was left knees). There were 41 male and 19 female patients. The
commenced after 24 h but limited to 0–90° of flexion for mean follow-up was 34 months with minimum follow-up
6 weeks. The rest of the rehab was same. of 27 months. There were 32 Type I femoral tunnels and 28
Type II femoral tunnels and no Type III tunnels (Table 1).
Statistical Methods There were 52 optimal and 8 sub optimal tibial tunnels.
Technique A had 24 optimal tunnels and Technique B had
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Statisti- 28 optimal tunnels (Table 1). The mean DM distance was
cal Software version 22.0 and R.3.2.0. Two-sample t test 43.03 ± 1.973 in Technique A and 43.43 ± 1.959 in Tech-
was used for the comparison of means of improvement in nique B. The DA in Technique A was 35 0.67 ± 5.168 and
scores between group created based on Quality of treatment, 38.32 ± 4.327 in Technique B with no statistically significant
Tibial Quality, Injury to Surgery month. One-way ANOVA difference between the two techniques p 0.434 (Fig. 5).
(Analysis of variance) was used for comparison of means Other than the preop Lysholm score which was lower in
the Type I femoral tunnel group (32.4 ± 16.2 v/s 43.4 ± 18,
Table 1  Number of Type I & II femoral tunnels, optimal and subopti- p 0.016), there was no statistically significant difference in
mal tibial tunnels overall, and optimal tibial the postop Lysholm score, pre- and postop Lachman test,
pre- and postop hop test, pre- and postop Tegner score, pre-
Femoral type 1 tunnels 32
and postop IKDC score, age, and BMI between Type 1 and
Femoral type 2 tunnels 28
Type 2 tunnels and graft diameter.
Total optimal tibial tunnels using both techniques 52
However, there was a statistically significant difference
Total suboptimal tibial tunnels using both techniques 8
in the improvement of the Lysholm score (62.2 ± 16.2 v/s
Technique A optimal tibial tunnels 24
48.5 ± 17.2, p 0.002) and the IKDC score (62.5 ± 14.3
Technique B optimal tibial tunnels 28
v/s 52.7 ± 15.1, p 0.012) post-surgery in those with good

Fig. 5  Mean tibial tunnel posi-

tions by the two techniques
versus Tsukada et al. and Flor-
ent et al. that are the other two
3D CT-based studies

Indian Journal of Orthopaedics

Table 2  Comparison of improvement in scores (post–pre) by type of Discussion

femoral tunnel
Parameters PROMs and stability scores ACL reconstruction has evolved over the years into a more
Type I Type II p value anatomical technique so as to replicate the original ACL
origin and insertion. Tunnel position has taken prepon-
Lysholm score 62.2 ± 16.2 48.5 ± 17.2 0.002 derance in recent times as it has been identified as one
Hop test 4.2 ± 0.9 4.0 ± 1.0 0.435 of the most important aspect of the procedure that deter-
Tegner 4.0 ± 1.2 3.6 ± 1.1 0.181 mines outcomes [23]. Outcomes have been measured on
IKDC 62.5 ± 14.3 52.7 ± 15.1 0.012 the basis of patient-reported outcome measures, stability
Lachman 2.6 ± 0.6 2.2 ± 0.8 0.062 of the knee, and activity levels.
This study used two techniques of doing an ACL recon-
struction, which were different from each other as viewing,
Table 3  Comparison of improvement in scores (post–pre) by quality and drilling from the medial side gives an end on view
in optimal tibial tunnels of the femoral footprint and shows the whole course of
Parameters Quality of treatment the ACL graft from tibia to its femoral attachment in one
Type I Type II p value
frame. However, the other technique views the femoral
footprint from the side, and hence, it was hypothesized
Lysholm score 61.3 ± 15.7 50.9 ± 17.6 0.031 that the femoral tunnel position may be less anatomic.
Hop test 4.2 ± 0.9 3.9 ± 1.1 0.421 Though the number of optimal tibial tunnels and well-
Tegner 3.9 ± 1.1 3.6 ± 1.2 0.337 placed Type 1 femur tunnels was more in Technique B,
IKDC 61.5 ± 13.4 55.2 ± 14.2 0.113 this was not statistically significant [19]. Future studies
Lachman 2.5 ± 0.6 2.2 ± 0.8 0.145 with larger numbers should be done to evaluate whether
doing an ACL reconstruction with viewing through a high
anteromedial portal and drilling through a low far medial
femoral tunnels (Table 2). There was no statistically sig- portal produces better tunnel positions.
nificant improvement in any of the outcome measures when The results of our study seem to suggest that femoral
the optimal and suboptimal tibial tunnels were compared. tunnel position and time since injury are the most impor-
There was also statistically significant improvement in the tant factors affecting outcomes. Tibial tunnel position was
Lysholm score of patients who had an optimal tibial tunnel more or less constant in the study with most of the tunnels
with a Type 1 Femoral tunnel in comparison to an optimal being optimally placed at the location. This could be the
tibial tunnel and Type II femoral tunnel (61.3 ± 15.7 v/s reason as our technique of drilling the tibial tunnel used a
50.9 ± 17.6, p 0.031) (Table 3). definitive anatomical landmark as its location, which does
Those that were < 25 years did not have any statistically not change with flexion or extension of the knee. Using the
significant improvement in any outcome measures as com- SAMMBA technique of remnant preservation at the tibial
pared to those over 25. Those that had their surgery within stump is shown to give near anatomic tibial tunnels, which
3 months of the index injury had better hop test (4.4 ± 0.9 may be another reason for more consistent tibial tunnels.
v/s 3.9 ± 1, p 0.034) and IKDC scores (62.5 ± 15.8 v/s This suggests that the view of the tibial footprint is more
33.2 ± 13.8, p 0.026) as compared to those that had surgery or less consistent with either portal being used to view
done after 3 months. There were no statistically significant it and is consistent with the current literature [19]. The
differences in outcomes of those with BMI < or > 25, those femoral tunnel position was made 5 mm from the posterior
that had lateral/medial meniscus repairs or excisions or inpa- and inferior articular margin, which could make the tunnel
tients with graft diameter > or < 9 mm as all the patients had position change depending on the degree of knee flexion.
a graft > 8 mm. This may be the cause of more variability in the tunnel
position as compared to the tibia, though none of the tun-
nels were grossly misplaced. The improvement in Lysholm
Complications and IKDC scores were significantly better in those patients
who had well-placed femoral tunnel as compared to those
Two patients had stitch abscesses at the graft harvest site with a slightly misplaced tunnel position indicating the
that healed with antibiotics and dressing. One patient had importance of avoiding misplaced tunnels. Techniques that
persistent pain in the medial compartment knee at 30 month provide better visualization of the femoral footprint need
follow-up that was diagnosed as early medial compartment evaluation in larger series of patients to have more consist-
osteoarthritis of the knee. The knee was stable, the femoral ent tunnel positions.
tunnel was Type II, and the tibial tunnel was optimal.

Indian Journal of Orthopaedics

The age and BMI of the patients did not seem to affect 3D CT on stability and patient-reported outcomes. How-
outcomes, as most of the patients were of a similar age group ever, the follow-up was only for 12 and 30.3 months only.
and there were no obese patients in this subset. There was They also just reported on the PROMs and stability based
no statistically significant difference in the age and BMI of on individual tunnel positions and not on whether they were
patients in the tunnel groups compared. considered anatomic or not [3, 20]. Our study also had the
Patients that had their operation within 3 months of their advantage of having the longest mean follow-up as compared
injury had better IKDC and hop test scores. This could be to previously done studies.
attributed to the fact that lesser injuries to surrounding struc- There were a few drawbacks of our study the inclusion
tures or their capacity to heal are better when operated upon of cases with meniscus surgery could have potentially
early. A chronic ACL deficient knee may lead to degenera- affected outcomes. Also not having an objective measure
tive changes and injury to secondary stabilizers over a period like a KT 1000/arthrometer machine to measure transla-
of time worsening outcomes. tion could make AP stability subjective. However, the hop
Meniscus surgery did not seem to affect outcomes as in test is a practical measure of stability with the whole body
most cases, there was either no meniscus surgery or they weight being on the operated limb while hopping [25]. Also,
were repaired, that is shown to preserve the biomechanics of previously done studies have proven that though objective
the knee. The minority of cases that had a partial meniscec- methods of stability may not change significantly, subjective
tomy was smaller in number and could be a possible reason scores do improve and ultimately patient satisfaction is of
for not influencing outcomes. Also, the follow-up was for paramount importance and an improvement in subjective
34 months, longer follow-up might be necessary to conclu- scores are indicative of that.
sively identify the role of meniscus surgery on outcomes. None of the patients had persistent instability or any
Studies in the past have used CT and X-rays to measure tun- major complications only minor ones like two stitch
nel positions as well as outcome measures for stability and abscesses, indicating that tunnels that are not grossly mis-
PROM’s post-ACL reconstruction. Behrend et al. that ana- placed produced stable knees in this study.
lyzed 50 ACLs done by 17 surgeons of different experience We can conclude that in our subset of patients, femoral
levels by doing X-rays for tunnel position and IKDC scores tunnel position was the single most important factor affect-
for PROMs and the KT 1000 for stability and showed that ing outcomes post -ACL reconstruction.
tibial malpositions were better tolerated than femoral mal-
positions, which was consistent with our study [24]. More
experienced surgeons had better outcomes; our study had Declarations 
the advantage of a single surgeon (VM) doing all the surger-
ies. Sadoghi et al. analyzed single bundle BPTB and dou- Conflict of interest  The authors declare that they have no conflict of
ble bundle hamstring ACLR’s with short 1 year follow-up
showed better stability and PROMs when the reconstruction Ethical standard statement  This study was approved by the Max
was more anatomical. Mild alterations within the anatomic Healthcare Ethics Committee.
ACL footprint did not have significantly different outcomes.
Informed consent  Informed consent was taken from every patient
This study used 2 SD from the mean value of the tunnel recruited in this study as per the protocol sanctioned by the Max
positions as the cut off for the tunnel being anatomic and this Healthcare Ethics Committee.
was not compared to any anatomic study or previous studies
about the ideal tunnel position. Our study took all previously
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