Enhanced CX LEED v4 BD+C

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ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE CREDIT Enhanced Commissioning This credit applies to: New Construction (2-6 points) Data Centers (2-6 points) Core and Shell (2-6 points) Warehouses and Distribution Centers (2-6 points) Schools (2-6 points) Hospitality (2-6 points) Retail (2-6 points) Healthcare (2-6 points) INTENT, To further support the design, construction, and eventual operation of a project that meets the owner's project requirements for energy, water, indoor environmental quality, and durability. REQUIREMENTS Implement, orhave in place a contract to implement those required under EA Prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verifi he following commissioning process activities in addition to Commissioning Authority ‘The CxA must have documented commissioning process experience on at least two building projects with ‘similar scope of work. The experience must extend from early design phase through atleast io months of The CxA maybe a qualified employee ofthe owner, an independent consultant, or adisinterested subcontractor ofthe design team OPTION 1. ENHANCED SYSTEMS COMMISSIONING (3-4 POINTS) ath 1 Enhanced Commissioning (3 points) ‘Complete the following commissioning process (CxP) activities for mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and renewable energy systems and assemblies in accordance with ASHRAE Guideline o-2005 and ASHRAE Guideline 11-2007 for HIVACSR systems, as they relate to energy, water, indoor environmental quality, and durability 27 a8 ‘The commissioning authority must do the follow + Review contractor submnitals, + Verify inclusion of systems manual requirements ia construction dacuments. + Verify inclusion of operator and occupant training requirements in construction documents Verify systems manual updates and delivery. Verify operator and occupant training delivery an effectiveness. Verify seasonal esting, + Review building operations 1o months after substantial completion. + Develop an on-going commissioning plan. Include lence commisoningtrsin the OPRand OD, bath: Bahanced snd Monitoring Based Commissioning (4 point) Achieve Path Develop monitoring based procedures and idemtly points to be measured and evaluated to assess performance of cenergy-andwater-consuming systems Include the procedures andl measurement points in the commissioningplan. Address the following: + rolesand responsibilities; + measurement requirements (meters, points, metering systems, data access); + thepoints tobe tracked, with frequency and duration for trend monitoring; + thelim of acceptable values for tracked points and metered values (where appropriate, predictive algorithms may be used to compare ideal values with actual values); + the elements used to evaluate performance, including conflict between systems, out-of-sequence operation of systems components, and energy and water usage profiles; + anaction plan for demifying and correcting operational errors and deficiencies; + ainingto prevent errors; + planning for repairs needed to maintain performance; and + the frequency of analyses inthe frst year of occupancy (at least quater ‘Update the systems manual with any modifications or new settings, and give the reason for any modifications from the original design, OPTION 2. ENVELOPE COMMISSIONING ¢2 POINTS) ‘Pull the requirements in BA Prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Vefiation as they apply tothe building's thermal envelopein addition to mechanical and electrical systemsand assemblies, ‘Complete the following commissioning process (CxP) activities forthe building's thermal envelope in accordance with ASHRAE Guideline o-2005 and the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) Guideline 3-2012, Exterior Enclosure Technical Requirements forthe Commissioning Process, as they relate to energy, water, {indoor environmental quality, and durability. snmissioning authority must complete the following: + Review contractor submittals, Verifyinclusion of systems manual requirements in construction documents + Verifyinchision of operator and oceupant training requirements in construction dacuments me + Verify systems manual updates and delivery + Verify operator and occupant training delivery and effectiveness, + Ver seasonal testing. + Reviewbuilding operations 1o months after substantial completion. + Develop anon-going commissioning plan. DATA CENTERS ONLY Projects tha select Option 1 must complete the following commissioning process. or small projects with peak cooling loads less than 2,000,000 Buh (600 kW), ora total computer room peak cooling load less than 600,000 Beufh (175 KW), the CxA must perform the following activites: + conduct atleast one commissioning verification review of the owner's project requirements, basis of design, and design documents before mid-constnuction documents development; + back-check the review comments inall subsequent design submissions;and + conduct an additional full verification review at 95% completion ofthe design documents and basis of design. For projects with peak coolingloads 2,000,000 Btufh (600 KW) or more, oratotal computer room peak cooling load 600,000 Btufh (175 kW) or more, the CxA must conduct at least three verification reviews ofthe basis of design: + one verification review of design documents before the start of design development; + one verification review of design documents before mideonstruction documents;and + one final verification review of 100% complete design documents, verifying achievement ofthe owner's project requirements and adjudication of previous review comments. 590 A BEHIND THE INTENT Enhanced commissioning isanatural extension of the fundamental commissioning (Cx) process It provides ‘owners, via the commissioning authority (CxA), further oversight and verification that the building will meet their expectations and requirements beyond the frst day of occupancy. Enhanced commissioning gives the CxA the pawertoact asthe owner's advocate by conducting in-depth reviews of the basis of design, design documents, and construction submittals, Training and a postconstruction verification vistare some ofthe enhancements that contribute to ongoing quality building controland operations “The CxA may make additions tothe Cx plan toverify thatthe building operators willhave the proper tools to ‘manage the building's equipment efficiently and effectively. Monitoring-based commissioning (MECX) gives the building owner, operators, and the CxA a continval stream of information that helps them identify operational issues asthey occur, thereby saving time, money, and energy consumption over the lifetime of the building ‘Asecond option in this credits building envelope commissioning (BECx) to test and verify the building's thermal envelope, achievingbetter building performance and less energy expenditure over its lifetime. Adding envelope commissioning ensures not only that active energy-consuming systems ate considered but also that, passive load-defining envelope systems are understood and verified. Early introduction of BECxhelpsmeetan ‘owner's requirements for envelope performance through the review of design documents and contractor submittals, ‘Such actions can help prevent problems with envelope design and construction that would be castly or impossible ‘oaddress ater construction, Additional benefits of BEGxcinclude improving occupants’ confor through glare contro, infiltration testing, and reduced solar heat gain STEP-BY-STEP GUIDANCE STEP 1, SELECT ONE OR BOTH OPTIONS Use input from the CxA and the project team and selact one or both options. Review the building type, the assumed oecupancy type, and the project goals and scope. The team should be familar with the credit requirements so that any gaps in scope or skill can be addressed (see Further Explanation Planning the Cx Process and Choosing an Appropriate Cx) + Option thas two comoliance paths. + Path |, Enhanced Commissioning + Path 2, Enhanced and Monitoring-ased Commissioning Thicis often appropriate for projects that are energy-intensive and will benefit from real-time data and the abilty to track trends. The adaitional first costs may be offset by maintaining the proper eneray usage over time. Option 2 is beneficial for most projects but especialy for thoze that are envelope dominated, located Inan extreme climate or microclimate, or subject to potential eakage or infiltration of contaminants STEP 2. UPDATE DOCUMENTS TO INCLUDE ENHANCED CX ACTIVITIES Project documents should reflect the enhanced commissioning activities included in the project scope. Update the ewner's project requirements (OP), basis of design (BOD), and Cx plan (see Further Explanation, Enhanced Commissioning Plan). + The CxA must ensure that the OPR, the BOD, and the Cx plan include all adclitional commissioning activities that will be conducted throughout the design and construction phases of the project Option 1, Path 1. Enhanced Systems Commissioning STEP 1. DEVELOP SYSTEMS MANUAL SCOPE AND FORMAT During the design development phase, outline the scope and format for the project systems manual to Include all the information necessary to operate, maintain, and tecommission all eneray-consuming systems building ‘The CxA is responsible for working with the ewner to develop and outline the requirements of the systems manual. Include operating staff in preparing the manual ifthe team isin place during éesion, Information for the systems manual is generally collected during censtruction and after completion of a project, The basic scope and format of a systems manual are outlined in ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005, Annex ©: ‘the manual usually includes the folowing: Executive summary Owner's project requirements + Basis of design System single-line diagrams Construction record documents and specifications + Approved submittals + As-buil drawings ‘As-built sequence of operation Original setpoints forall systems commissioned + Recommended schedule for recommissioning Recommended schedule for zensor recalibration Equipment operations and maintenance manuals + Equipment preventive maintenance schedules Confirmation of completed training for the owner and occupants Ongeing system optimization procedures + Final commissioning report STEP 2, DEVELOP TRAINING REQUIREMENTS Create training requirements. Verify that they meet the scope of the owners’ requirement for the operator training, + Training requirements must be completed before the bid documents are final Integrate requirements into the commissioning specifications, to be issued as part of the bid package: during the construction document phase. Training reauirements inchide the fellowing + List ef those who should receive operational training, by position or name List of systems that require operator training Level of instruction required for each system + Determination of whether the training provided by the equipment manufacturer is acceptable ‘Tracking method to ensure that all required positions or persons receive training STEP 3, ENSURE ENHANCED CX SCOPE ITEMS ARE INCLUDED IN CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Confirm that the following items are included in the construction documents to be issued for bid + System manual requirements Operator and occupant training requirements STEP 4, REVIEW CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTALS Ensure ongoing compliance with the OPR, BOD, and Cx requirements by reviewing the HVACER contractor's submittals Conducta auomital review by the CxA concurrently with the design teams review or atthe lates, efota isle tance ete eer retrial The CxA must document all sues discovered durin the review process in a log, tobe striouted to the projects design and construction teams (ee Further Explanation. Examples, Tablo 2). The CxA must alo confirm that al issues recorded in the log ae addressed of resolved by the #ner design or constuction teams + Establish the submittal review process atthe commissioning kickoff meeting included inthe fundamental commissioning steps STEP 5. VERIFY TRAINING Confirm that the training program has been completed according to the ewner's requirements forall commissioned equipment. a1 a2 Training is required to ensure that the building's operating statt i fully knowledgeable about ‘operating the equiament and systems. Typically itis provided by the equipment manufacturer, general contractor, or subcontractors. ‘A good training program covers all new HVACAR equipment and associated controls as well as, rmenitoring equipment and software (if Option 1 Path 2 is pursued). + tis recommenced that the training caver all operating scenarios to help the building engineering team Understand the most effective and efficient way to operate the building ‘As outlined in ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005, a robust training program will address the following Emergency instructions and procedures + Operation instructions and procedures + Troubleshooting procedures + Maintenance and inspection procedures + Repair procedures + Upkeep of the systems manual and associated maintenance documentation logs STEP 6, DELIVER POSTCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Complete and deliver the necessary operating decuments and reports to the owner befere building occupancy to ensure a smoath transition from construction to operation. The project CxA must confirm Option 2. Envelope Commissioning Incorporate envelope commissioning into the Cx plan by extending the requirements of EA Prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification to cover the building's thermal envelope and completing EA Credit Enhanced Commissioning (Option 1, Path I) as it relates to the building envelope. Its net necessary to complete the enhanced commissioning for building systems to meet the requirements of this option. However, doing seo will help to ensure a better-performing building, Ensure that the building envelope is fully accounted for in all commissioning documents and testing procedures (see Further Explanation, Building Envelope Commissioning Basics). Tene ® PLANNING THE COMMISSIONING PROCESS Table outlines the tasks required tome «the intent of EA Prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification, FA Credit Enhanced Commissioning, Oprion1 Path 3, Option 1 Path a,and Option 2, aswellas suggested ‘ming. ‘TABLE. Comm Enhanced Phase cxtate a reed | cx | pecx ‘Sehematie devon Dewan 80D. retaing | Oesgn com x x x x meterng. ana tending _ Deon erate GA une x x x x rece evope| own x eee Enhanced Phase ext on reed | macy | aece ecument Preswe items manual | GHA owner x x x Incirenin ba/pert Poche envelone asad | xa x econmersed) ‘constuction UndsieoPRana 80D ae | CHA owner devan x x x concurrently with oretere | Updo PR. 800.cxpan | cea x x x sue contvacton checttats | Gx x x x eve funevoralpetrmanee | Gx. contractor x x x isunreven comottea | Contact, A x x x pevlomance texte . rea " ‘Compile finaleereme anal | Ova x x x a5 396 eres) Enhanced Phase cxtat Responsbteparty | cx mined | ocx | meee ‘conatuction come fa xa x x x x comple Falster manual | Ox x x x efor seasenaltesng | Cx contactor x x x BECK= lng enelpe commissioning process BOD = basis ot aesian (A = conmisionng starts 2 ® CHOOSING AN APPROPRIATE CXA 3 Review he guidance on qualifications for commissioning authorities in BA Prerequisite Fundamextal & Somnissioning inciting Table, Whocan be the CxA? The following poinsalso apy 3 Different Ges cane engaged ro complete the fundamental, enhance, monitoring ar envelope portions ‘ofthe commissioning scope. However, one CxA must oversee and coordinate all activities and deliverables provided by the commissioning team, The CxAs can be employees ofthe same company or employees of separate firms, provided they all meet the basic requirements forthe taskto which they are assigned + Notall CxAsare qualified to perform ll aspects and types of commissioning activities, For example, HVA commissioning specialists may not have the experience or equipment to commission building envelopesin accordance with the NIBS guideline, The owner and the design team must carefully review the qualifications of allpotential CxAs R @ ENHANCED COMMISSIONING PLAN ‘The GxA develop issioning plan with input from the project team. Updates duringthe design and construction process are the primary responsibility of the CxA. A sample table of contents for the enhanced ‘commissioning plans provided in ASHRAE Guideline o-2005, Informative Annex G, Commissioning Pian. The recommended components of the commissioning plan are the following: ‘Commissioning program overview + Goalsand objectives + General project information + Scope of commissioning Systems (Option s, Path) '» Monitoring, which may include points, meters, and tending logs » Envelope (Option) » Commissioning team (Option, Path) «+ Team members roles, and responsibilities + Communication protocol, coordination, meetings, and management + Commissioning process activities © Reviewing the OPR + Reviewing the BOD + Documenting he systems commissioning review process (Option, Path) + Documenting the monitoring-based commissioning review process (Option, Path) + Documenting the envelope commissioning review process (Option) «+ Developing the systems manual + Developing systems factional test procedures documentation + Verifying system performance via functional performance testing «Reporting deficiencies and the resolution process: monitoring system analysis (Option ,Path2) must be conducted at least quarterlyon an ongoingbass during occupancy. + Verifying the vraining of operations personnel-monitoring system traning (Options, Path) must be ‘conducted onan ongoing during building occupancy + Reviewing building operation after o months of operations ® ONGOING COMMISSIONING BASICS ‘Ongoing Cx, an extension of enhanced Cx process is essentially a repetition of the functional performance testing and reporting procedures that occurred im»mediately ater construction, during the initial occupancy and operations phase. Ongoing testing s required to ensure that the building continues to perform accordingto the OPR, BOD, and approved design and construction documents. The commissioning activities should occur approximately ice year, to correspond withthe summer and winter seasons, Those who conduct the Cx activities should use the functional performance tests and issues log templates provided as part ofthe original Cxreport. Ongoing Cx activities can be conducted either by in-house operating staff (in addition to their normal preventive ‘maintenance activities) or bya third-party Cx who is responsible for all testing and issues reporting. Using the operating staff to perform the functional performance tests may be beneficial to their understanding of the building operations. However, as the facility requirements change oras systems re retrofitted over the lifetime ofthe building. CxA may need tobe retained o ensure all test scripts and procedures are up to date and properly documented. ® MONITORING-BASED COMMISSIONING BASICS Monitoring-based commissioning isthe integration of three components: permanent energy monitoring systems, real-time energy analysis, and ongoing commissioning. Ongoing Gxisa component of MBCx but should not be confused witht. When executed independently o without MBCx capabilities, ongoing Cxis a process of discrete functional performance testing and reporting over the lifetime of building. In comparison, MBCxis an ongoing performance analysis of an operational building that provides real-time equipment performance information tothe ‘building operators. In other words, MBCxallows the user to track energy consumption, detect faulty equipment operations, and identify unusual energy or power consumption patterns as they occu, -MBCx can be accomplished via systems submetering, operational points trending, and real-time analyses, such as fault detection and sequence verification. The real-time analyses canbe performed by either a service provider loranon-site energy manager who uses software to monitor data from building meters an the building automation system, Additions tothe commisstoning plan may include the following: + Roles and responsibilities for maintaining an MBCx plan throughout the first year of occupancy + Monitoring requirements + Meters and meter locations + Points tobe tracked + Brequeney and duration of tend monitoring © Software © Hardware + Dataacoess 397 ao8 Limits ofaceptable values for tracked points and metered values + Specification of faut diagnostics or predictive algoritams for tacked points and metered values, ifappropriate + Elementsused to evaluate performance, including the following: + Confictbeeween systems, suchas simulteneous heating and cooling © Outof sequence operation of systems components © Unexpected energyand water usage profiles + Action plan for identifying and correcting operational errors and deficiencies, including the ongoing. documentation of anissues log ‘Ongoing operator and occupant training o prevent errors + Planning ongoing monitoring device calibration to maintain performance + Prequency of analyses in the fist year of occupancy (atle x quarterly) MBCxis most cost-effective when the metering and energy analysis software are integrated into the inital design of building, ® BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN LEED BD+C AND LEED O+M ‘Much ofthe documentation created for EA Prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning, FA Credit Enhanced ‘Commissioning, and the LEED certification processin general an be the basis for documenting compliance for LEED OM, particularly BA Prerequisite Existing Building Best Management Practices, EA Credit Existing Building commissioning, Analysis, EA Credit Existing Building Commissioning, Implementation, and EA Credit Ongoing Commissioning ‘Table 2identifes wich documents created during building's design and constru and integrated intoan ongoing building management plan. mn phases can be adapted LEED aD+€ document LEED 0-4 document Example components ‘Ownersprojetrequrements | Curent acy requirements + Bung occupancy seheeue Space use equrerens + Preventive maicenance Bn ‘operations and altenance manual Bass of desis ‘Systems arate Deserts of the mecancal lca puma IEMBCxis implemented during initial operations and occupancy, project teams that apply for LEED O+M certification wil dit easier to achieve the energy conservation tracking and measurement requirements ofA Gredit Existing Building Commissioning, Implementation, and BA Credit Ongoing Commissioning. ® BUILDING ENVELOPE COMMISSIONING BASICS Building envelope commissioning (BECX) is used to validate that he design and performance of materi components assemblies and systems achieve the objectives and requirements ofthe owner. The process comprises modeling, observing testing, dacumentng, nd verfyingmnterials components, assemblies, and systems 0 valida donmett the cwner’sequirements Inuss performance created practices and procedures to verify thatthe projects achieving the owner's project requirements ‘Tocomplete BEG, the CxA should have accessto the enuipment required for completing all envelope-testing their useand install activities, including the following: Infrared camera Tracer smoke Water bottle Calibrated water hose Moisture meter Field mock-up Blower door assembly Examples of envelope systems tests include the following Airinfiltration| + Wateringitration xhaust reentrainment ‘Thermal performance Bullding envelope pressure Building envelope sir leakage Daylighting glare control Ideally, the CxA should have experience working with different envelope types and buildings of various sizes. The type of envelope and size of building will determine what tests are conducted and the equipmen requited For example, performing blower door test to determine the at-tightness of an envelope maybe appropriate for 820,000-square foot (1 860-square-metet) facility with brick fagade and recessed windows. However this typeof {est would be impractical for a500,c00~square-foot (46 450-square meter) commercial building witha curtain wall facade. Forlarge structures, field mock-up or thermal imaging ofthe installed facade may better prevent or detect envelope leaks See NIBS Guideline 3-2006 2012 Building Enclosure Commissioning Process BECx, Annex U for additional guidance egarding envelope systems testing equipment and procedures. ® EXAMPLES ows | training | Theory ot | Hands-on system, subsystem | specsection | Hows | Training gst oe Remarks Root raed serve nt ovo | 2 | assiaon | ves | ves | ensage cto pesenrl'o adit operate ana akewpatrant | 782-48 asian | ves | ves | Eraageactony-aunorzes service eo ast operate, ra pesenral:o ahs operate ana Genertextaurttine | oiraz-onn | 05 | avsizon | ves | ves | Ensnge facior-aahoncea serve pesenrlto adh operate ana coms-owm | os | azenon] ves | ves | Engage fctoy-sunoriea cerice Sat operate, sna wtenenestauntane | oivaz-onn | os | avsizon | ves | YES | Enange factory sanorzea serve | a8 one Desi tam | ina evn comment, comment | sheet ‘comment ‘comments, pee tesponse fenterng ats 60°F kaving ana #00 erm Monsmecal_— | engineer STeaer-00m sates $48 Kay al 3 gpm th BO ane sight dev ston m parameters acceptable 2 2a | For and cuir species asi mohat sr entering ar | Aeceptleco | tem csea ‘hows TS hath at ANI tana cones. Design fo comment fran s accept, * ‘tc | AV minimum cim specie as 600,heatng as 4000. | Noted by Firal approved subrital teehece cm asereoancy, ibm 4 ‘wae | Av2minmum cm soecieg 360, heatna 2400, | noteaby Fira approved subrital Tansmital 72087-0022 seach a 800 elm, Desgner | engineer recess 5 ‘Mic | Ts.co8 minum cocina cm spectedas 00 on wise. | Noted by Firal approved submittal cot fm ecesany. Sibmial @ RATING SYSTEM VARIATIONS coreand Shell Systems tobe commissioned nchide only those thatare included the design team's scope of work Data Centers For small projects with computer room peak cooling loads ofless than 2,000,000 Btujh (6ookKW) or tot computer room peak cooling load of ess than 600,000 Btufh (175 kW), the CxA must perform the following, activities: + During the design development or eatly construct documents yndocuments phase, review the OPR, BOD, and design + Review the design documents and the BOD at 95% completion of the design documents, + Prom construction documents through construction, back-check the review comments to ensure that were addressed hey Forprojects with peak coolingloads of,000,c00 Brujh (600 KW) or more, oF atotal computer room peak cooling Toad of 600,000 Btufh (175 kW) or more, the CxA must conduc + Daring schematic design, conduct one verification review of design documents least three verification reviews ofthe BOD: During the design documents o early construction documents phase, complete one verification review of design documents + Atthe end of the construction documents phase, conduct one final verification review of 100% complete design documents, vefying achievement of the OPR andadjudication of previous review comments. ‘Functional resting for data centers often includes rigorous failure mode testing, including prime power backup, alsoknowmn as mission-critical functional testing. The requirements of this type of commissioning often exceed the requirements of this credit ‘The CxA should work wich the owner toensute tl irements ofthe mission critical testing are appropriately addressed in the OPR. Additionally, the Cx should be aware of the mission-critical component of ‘commissioning adata center and account for those diferencesin the contract with the owner, Mission-critical testing ora data center can be completed bya CxA other than the CxA who completes the fundamental and enhanced commissioning. Healtheare Health care facilities mayhave additional testing requirements for life safety equipment, including prime power backup that would not be addressed under the LEED fundamental and enhanced commissioning scape of work, ‘The GxA should work withthe owner to ensure thatthe requirements ofthe life safety testing are appropriately addressed in the OPR. Additionally, the CxA should be aware ofthe life safety component of commissioning a health care facility and account for those diferencesin the contract withthe owner. Life safety testing for a health cae facility can be completed bya CxA other than the CxA who completes the fundamental and enbanced commissioning ® PROJECT TYPE VARIATIONS District Energy Systems (DES) Alldownstream equipment s included in the scope ofthis credit. Such equipment includes heat exchangers, steam pressure reduction stations, pumps, valves, pipes, building electrical services, and controls, llupstream equipment associated with serving the building is included in the scope ifthe project staking credit forthe efficiency ofthe DES under EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance using Option 1 (Path 20r3); fot, ‘upstream equipments exchuded from the scope of this ere Commissioning applies onlyto the DES services used by the project building. For example, ifthe building s using aly the heating services ofa district heating and cooling plant, only the heating systems of the DES mustbe included inthe scope, However, commissioning of upstream equipment applies to that entie portion of the DES, including ‘both the central plant and the transmission and distribution systems. Allupstream DES equipment associated with serving the project building subject to BA Credit Enhanced ‘Commissioning requirements may show compliance using either of he following approaches, depending on ‘whether the DESis “new” or “preexisting.” Now DES. Ifthe DESisnew, being substantially upgraded, orhas new additions, show that commissioning or recommissioning of ll relevant DES equipment has taken place within three years ofthe date ofthe project building's substantial completion, [ADES thats three years old ores at the date ofthe project building's substantial completion is considered “new” construction and should be commissionediin accordance with the requitements of BA Credit Enhanced ‘Commissioning. Similarly, any new equipment additions toan existing plant along with any controls or plant istrbution equipment that have changed.as a result of the additions must be commissioned in accordance with the requirements of BA Credit Enhanced Commissioning. Preexisting DES. Ifthe DESis in operation, show that preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, and efficiency monitoring programs have been n place for allelevant DES equipment, ensuring tha its energy efficiency aieets or exceeds the DES design intent. how that DES performance has been tested, recorded, and improved as needed under those programs within the past three years. Any reasonable efficiency metrie may be used for this purpose, such as overall system coefficient of performance or kWton, ‘ADES more than three years old with no substantial new equipment additions is considered “preexisting” Show proof that was commissioned in accordance with the requirements of LEED O+M EA Credit Fxisting Building (Commissioning —Implementation within the past three years or thatthe requirements of LEED O-M EA Credit Existing Building Commissioning —Ongoing Commissioning have been applied. ® campus Group Approach, Allbuiléings inthe group maybe documented as one ‘Campus Approach. Ineligible. Bach LEED project may pursue the credit individually 402 REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION ecumentation ‘ptons,Patht | Option, Path2 Option Tairngoutne and pation x x x Contaton af stems anual delvery x x x Ongoing Cx lan x x x Inesion of montorna andrea in x bn x Incision of evelope in Cx lan x ‘ereston of adators evens per ata Cerer x x RELATED CREDIT TIPS EA Prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification, Enhanced commissioning isan extension of fundamental commissioning and camot be completed ifthe scope of fandamental commissioning isnot fulfilled EA Credit Renewable Energy Production, Renewable energy systems installed on site must be commissioned ‘under this credit, EA Credit Demand Response, Meeting the requirements for demand response wil help project teams achieve the ‘ongoing commissioning portions ofthis credit. EA Credit Advanced Energy Metering Although notarequiemens ofthis ced achievement ofthe related eredit willeae the execution of the MBCx plan, Conversely, if projects pursuing the related credit, MBCxis a powerfal too! for extracting aditional value from the existing advanced metering system Oy CHANGES FROM LEED 2009 ‘Thisredit nowincludes monitoring based commissioning and bulléing envelope commissioning options. Oy REFERENCED STANDARDS ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005, The Commissioning Process: hrae.org ASHRAF Guideline 11-2007, HVACR Technical Requirements for the Commissioning Process:as 6.0rg NIBS Guideline 3-2012, Exterior Enclosure Technical Requirements for the Commissioning Process: nibs. org el EXEMPLARY PERFORMANCE Notavailable DEFINITIONS basis of design (BOD) the information necessary to accomplish the owner's project requirements, including system deseriptions, indoor environmental quality criteria, design assumptions, and references toapplicable codes, standards, regulations, and guidelines ‘commissioning (Cx) the process of verifying and documenting that a building andall ofits systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained to meet the owner's project requirements ‘commissioning authority (CxA) the individual designated to organize, lead, and review the completion of ‘commissioning process activities, The GxA facilitates communication among the owner, designer, and contractor to censure that complex systems ae installed and function in accordance with the owner's project requirements district energy system (DES) a central energy conversion plant and transmission and distribution system that provides thermal energy toa group ofbuildings (eg, central cooling plant on university campus). Itdoes not include central energy systems that provide only electricity. downstream equipment the heating and cooling systems, equipment, and controls located in the project building, ron the project site and associated with transporting the thermal energy ofthe district energy system (J bheated and coated spaces. Downstream equipment includes the thermal connection or interface with the DES, secondary distribution systems in the building, and terminal units, operations and maintenance (O&M) plana pan that specifies major system operating parameters and limits, smaintenance procedures and schedules, and documentation methods necessary to demonstrate proper operation ‘and maintenance of an approved emissions control device or system. ‘owner's project requirements (OPR) awritten document that details the ideas, concepts, and criteria determined bythe owner tobe important tothe success ofthe project systems manual provides the information needed to understand, operate, and maintain the systems and assemblies ‘within a building expands the scope of the traditional operating and maintenance documentation andis compiled ‘of multiple documents developed during the commissioning process, such as the owner's project requirements, ‘operation and maintenance manuals, and sequences of operation. upstream equipment aheating or cooling: stem or control associated with the district energy system (DES) but 1 of the thermal connection or interface withthe DES, Upstream equipment includes the thermal energy conversion plant and all the transmission and distribution equipment associated with transporting the thermal energy to the projectbuilding o sit. 408 404

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