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Fundamental Commissioning and Verification This prerequisite applies to: New Construction Data Centers Core and Shell Warehouses and Distribution Centers Schools Hospitality Retail Healthcare INTENT To support the design, construction, and eventual operation of a project that meets the owner’s project requirements for energy, water, indoor environmental quality, and durability. REQUIREMENTS Commissioning Process Scope Complete the following commissioning (Cx) process activities for mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and renewable ‘energy systems and assemblies, in accordance with ASHRAE Guideline o-2005 and ASHRAE Guideline 13-2007 for HVACSR Systems, as they relate to energy, water, indoor environmental quality, and durability. Requirements for exterior enclosures are limited to inclusion inthe owner's project requirements (OPR) and basis ofdesign (BOD), aswell asthe review of the OPR, EOD and project design. NIBS Guideline 3-2012 for Exterior Enclosures provides addtional guidance + Develop the OPR. + Developa BoD. ‘The commissioning authority (CxA) must do the following + Review the OPR, BOD, and project design + Developandimplementa Cxplan + Confirm incorporation of Cx requirements into the construction documents Develop construction checklists Developa system test procedure. aa 2 + Verity system rest execution. + Maintain sn issues and benefislog throughout the Cx process. + Preparea final Cxprocess report. + Documentall findings and recommendations ané report directly to tie owner throughoxt the process. ‘Thereview ofthe exterior enclosure design may be performed by a qualified member ofthe design or construction team (or an employee of that firm) who isnot directly responsible for design ofthe building envelope, ‘Commissioning Authority Ly he end of thedesign developmeat phase, engage a commissioning authority with the following qualifications, + The GxA must have documented commissioning arocess experiencean at least two building projects with similar scope of work. The e=perience must extend from early design phase through at kast10 months of ‘occupancy + The GxA maybe a qualified employee ofthe owner, an independent consultant, or an employee of the designor ‘construction firm who is not yart ofthe projects design or construction team, ora disintrested subcontracor ofthe design or construction eam, © For progcts smaller than 20,000 square feet (1860 square meters, the CxA may bea qualified member of the deogn oF construc Project teams that intend to pursue BA Credit Enhanced Commissioning should notea diflerencein the CxA. qualifications: er the credit, the CxA may not be an employee ofthe designor construction firm nor a subcontractor tothe construction firm. near. In all cases the Cx must report hicor her ndings directly tothe owner Current Facilities Requirements and Operations and Maintenance Plan Prepare and maiatain a current factities requirements and operations and maintenance plan that contains the information necessary to operate the building efficient The plan must include the following: + asequence of operations for the building, + thebuildingoccupancy schedile + equipmen: run-time schedules; + setpoints forall HVAC equipmnent; + setlightinglevels throughout the buildings + minimumoutside airrequirenients; + any changesin schedules or setpoints for differen seasons, days of the week, and times cf day, +_asystems narrative describing the mechanical and electrical systemsand equipment; + apreventire maintenance plan for building equipment described in te systems narrative and + acommissioning program that includes periodic commissioning requirements, ongoingcommissioning tasts, and contiruous tasks for ertial facilities. DATA CENTERS ONLY Porsmall projects with computer room peak cooling locds ess than 2,000,000 Buh (600 KW} ora total computer oom peak cooling load less than 602,000 Brujh (175 kW), the CxA may be < qualified employee of the design or construction team, BEHIND THE INTENT ‘The commissioning (Cx) process is an integrated set of activities intended to ensure that te project meets bo:h the design intent and the owner's operational needs, An owner's goals and objectives shou d drive the projecteam, "The value of Cxlies nits powerto verify that thosegoals and objectives are met and that balding systems per‘orm asintended ‘A propetly executed Cx process clearly expresses the owner's projet requirements, often leading to fewer change orders and system deficiencies, fewer correstive actions implerrented while contrictorsare on-site, {improved planning and coordination, reduced energy consumption during building operation, and overall lower ‘operating ecsts. Another potential benefit of Cxis cccupants’ health ard comfort because afbetter temperature and ventilaton control, For amission-critical facil ikea data center,the most significant benefit is the reduced tsk of information technology (IT) equipment downtime caused by power or cooling system design or performance ‘issues, faulty installation orcaliration, or software programming errors that go undetected untilafter the buildingis online, ‘The qualified commissioning authority (CxA) chosen to represent the owner'sneeds shouldbe broughtinearly {inthe design process. Asa thirdparty, the CxA can verify earlyon that tne architects’ and engineers’ designs mset the ‘owner's progct requirements, Duting the construction phase, the commissioning team, led by the CxA, will verify that contractors install and program the systems ccrrectly according tothe design, STEP-BY-STEP GUIDANCE STEP 1, DEVELOP OWNER'S PROJECT REQUIREMENTS The owner, wth he help tthe design team and other stakehciders, should devop the ital owner's project recurrent COPA inthe predesign stage Cee the neortive Process ret and Further Exloaton, Owners Project Requrements) @ Tis document establishes the one's gels andthe bulr's intended uncon and operation {The cue wil use this document as the foundation forall design, construction, acceptance, and eee tereeeee The OPR must inchde systems to be commissioned plsthe building envelope, even ful rvelope Conmiesonnals net pirsied STEP 2. DEVELOP BASIS OF DESIGN Create «basis of design (BOD) to provide clear technical guidance for the project Stat this inthe tee ee le a eee nea eee Explanation Boss of Design), > The EOD Is te prolect eam’ interpretation ofthe OPR. + Any revisions tothe OPR should also be reflected inthe BOD so that both documents alan + The EOD must include al systems tobe commissioned plusthe bulaing envelope, even If fll envelope Commissioning is not pursued. The projec: engineer, architec structural engineer and other team mmambers must werk together to document buleing envelope thermal performance load-bearing Capsitie end constaction. STEP 5. ENGAGE COMMISSIONING AUTHORITY Identitya CxA with the proper experience and credentials to develop and implement effective ommisining Thigh he Cv mur he engaged hy tha dion evelopment paca, earlier anmcement Silows the CxA tobe involved in the development of the OPR and BOD and see te design intent through to.comeetion +The GxA should have drect experince with a least two similar projects and must have been invoked from the early design phase through at least 10 mnths aftr occupancy begins (see Further Explanation. Commisscning Authonty Qunifications). > + CxA requirements differ depending on the scope and size o the project. The project team shout snoage's xa tha has mproprate ulations fr he Goals ofthe program a fA 4 The CxA wil facilitate and ultimately oversee -he Cx process forall systems to be commissioned, including the building envelope, if pursued; acditional expertise may be brought in (see Further Explanation, Systems to Be Commissioned), Work with the CxA to determine the systams that need to be commissioned for compliance with the OPR and the credit requirements, STEP 4, DEVELOP PRELIMINARY COMMISSIONING PLAN Estaleh a preliminary plan forthe Cx to outne the scope of commissioning and systems to be tested Gave Further Explanation ex Pan) > oi Preece opel fespenstl lan ecommerce ecto ont check ct Commissioning actives should al be included inthe Cx plan The Cx plan ira ling document that is updated thoughout the feof the project and wil core the eee ete fee re STEP 5. REVIEW OPR, BOD, AND DESIGN DOCUMENTS The CxA completes a review ofthe OPR, BOD, and desion document o verity thatthe programs goss dye propery included inthe design documents The iter of the review ito have thd party acting as an adwocata forthe ovr ensure thatthe 0 reflects the OPW and that te design document reflect the BOD and the OPR «The review shouldbe conducted on miesign document so thatthe polect team has time to make ary necessary changes «Enter and aditional reviews at other project milestones ae advisable and often beneficial to project performance bt are not recued Record the review comments in an sues log that deals the drawing set or docurent version tat vias use for performing the review (se Further Explanation, saves Lop). ‘STEP 6. DEVELOP CX REQUIREMENTS AND INCORPORATE INTO CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Before construction begins, develop commissioning requirements based on the systems included in the esign and incorporate them into the construction documents. Cx specifications inform the contractors of their roles and responsibilities throughout the commissioning process. ASHRAE Guideline 0-2008, Table L“. identifies titles, contents, and scopes for each commissioning~ related specification section and may be used as guidance (see Further Explanation, Example Issues Log). STEP 7. UPDATE OPR, BOD, AND CX PLAN I necessary, the ewner should update the OPR, the design team should update the BOD, and the Cx should updte the Cx plan. items such as design changes, value engineering modifications, new or reassigned team members, or updated operating conditions would warrant an update. STEP 8. CONDUCT CX KICKOFF MEETING ‘Assemble the team of stakeholders and hold a kickoff meeting to introduce the team members, review roles and responsibilities, and review all remaining Cx activities. The Cx should provide information on the process and requirements for the followins: + Installation verification (construction) checilists + Functional performance tests lesues log + Team meetings Contractors’ and subcontractors’ participation on the Cx team Schedule The CxA should update and redistribute the Cx plan as necessary. The CxA is also responsible for setting up periodic Cx meetings. developing @ communication protocol, and managing the schedule for all Cx= related activities STEP 9. DEVELOP CONSTRUCTION CHECKLISTS. ‘The CxA, the design team, or the contactor prepares construction checklists (also known as installation verification checklists and prefunctional checklists) for the project Checklists provide confirmation te the CxA that the systems have been installed, started up, programmed. tested, and balanced, and that the team is ready to proceed with functional testing In general, contractors are responsibe for filing out the checklists and returning them te the CxA. + Construction checklists must be completed for all equipment, assemblies, and systems included in Cx scope. Sampling strategies are not permitted. STEP 10, CONDUCT PREFUNCTIONAL INSPECTIONS Communicate with the contractors to determine the exact schedule for prefunctional inspections to verity proper installation and handling of systems to be commissioned. Several activities that can be Considered pretunctional inspections include site visit, field observations, and review of start-up forms, construction checklists, and complete test-and-balance reports. The CxA may conduct site visits as necessary to inspect the installation of indlvidual systems and components, Site visits are an important opportunity to observe equipment installation and identity issues before a system becomes cifficult to access or change. Itis good practice to document the site vist findings in a field observation report that is distributed to the relevant parties. The CxA should report any noncompliance to the owner and project team for them to helo resolve. The number of site inspections depends on the projects size and scope. STEP 11, DEVELOP FUNCTIONAL TEST SCRIPTS Tha CxA, with the design team or contractor, mast write and develop te functional tst scripts forthe project Functional testing scot typeally follow the sequence of operations developed by the engine Ifa controls contractor creates the sequence of operations, the design engineer must approve the optrls submittal to ensure t adheres to the BOD Provide contractors and design engineers with the functional est before testna to allow therm the opportunity to review the septs, ve proper operating modes, and comment on acy modifications tomatch actual operation (see Further Explanation, Functional Performance Tests). STEP 12, EXECUTE FUNCTIONAL TESTING Perform functional performance testing once al system components are installed, energized, programmed, balanced, and otherwise ready for operation under part- and ful-ioad conditions. Some systems may require deferred or seasonal testing er verification for proper operation in each mode. The systems or modes that require seasonal or deferred testing must be noted In the Cx report. A report addendum discusses the deferred testing results can then be issued. + The funetional performance testing follows the functional performance test scripts developed by the CxA in Step T + The CxA generally oversees the testing; the contractors execute the testing, ‘Sampling ztrategies may be implemented for functional testing. An accentable sampling rate iz "10 or 10%" meaning that for multiple units of the same type with the same components and sequences (e.9 {an coil units oF variable air volume systems), the commissioning tear may test only 10 units or 10% of the units, whichever is greater \When possible, inclucle the building engineer or owner in the testing execution to provide training for future operation of the systems. STEP 15. DOCUMENT FINDINGS Use the issues log to track any deficiencies discovered and any benefits identified through functional testing, ‘The CxA is responsible for documenting the test results and maintaining the issues log. Documentation should include the status and responsible party for the correction or improvement actions. STEP 14, PREPARE CX REPORT The CxA should write the Cx report after installation inspections and functional performance test verification. The report covers all compenents ef the commissioning process, including the following Executive summary of commissioning process and results, system deficiencies identified and resolution, and outstanding issues Project directory 5 26 cx process overview + Owner's project requirements Basis of design + Submittals + Design review log x specifications «List of systems commissioned Installation verification checklists Functional performance tests + Issues log, detalling open and closed issues STEP 15. COMPILE CURRENT FACILITY REQUIREMENTS AND OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN. Prepare and maintain a current facility requirements (CFR) and operations and maintenance (O&M) plan that contains the information necessary to operate the building efficiently. This information is cavered! In the OPR, 80D, and functional test scripts, but more information may be taken from specific submittals or equipment operations and maintenance manuals. The plan must include the following: + Sequences of operation for the building + Bullding occupancy schedule + Equipment run-time schedules Setooints for all HVAC equipment + Lighting levels throughout the building + Minimum outside air requirements CChanges in schedules or setooints for different seasons, days of the week. and times of clay {Systems narrative describing the mechanical and electrical systems and equipment + Preventive maintenance plan for building equipment described in the systems narrative Cx program that includes periodic Cx requirements, ongoing Cx tacks, and continuous tasks for critical facilites Oe ® SYSTEMS To BE COMMISSIONED ‘The rating system refers to commissioning of HVACR systems “as they relate to energy, water, indoor environmental quality and durability" Thais, energy-and water-consuming equipment must operate efficiently and according tothe design intent and owner's operational needs. ficient operations can be defined as the controlling of equipment such that it uses the minimum amount ofenergy or water to maintain setpoints and comfort levels. Controls generally accomplished via «building automation system and per the sequences of operation, with setpoints that are correct for the design and equipment schedules. Por indoor environmental quality, the equipment must meet the OPR, BOD, and environmental codes and standards. For durability the equipment must not eause unnecessary wear and tear on the system, ‘Systems that must be commissioned for this prerequisite include the following: ‘Mechanical, including HVACR equipment and controls + Plumbing including domestic hot water systems, pumps, and controls + Electrical including service, distribution, lighting, and controls, including daylighting controls + Renewable energy systems The envelope must be coveredin the OPR and BOD, but full envelope commissioning is not required unless the project team pursues BA Credit Enhanced Commissioning, Option a, ‘ystems that are not required to be commissioned under this prerequisite but maybe added to the Cxscope at the request of the owner include the following: Envelope + Life safety systems + Communications and data systems Fite protection and fre alarm systems + Process equipment ® COMMISSIONING AUTHORITY (CXA) QUALIFICATIONS: ‘The CxA must have documented commissioning process experience on at least two building projects witha similar scope of work. The experience must extend from early design phase through at least 10 months of occupancy. The similar scope of work may be defined by the size of building, the types of equipment being commissioned, or the ‘function ofthe space. However, the appropriate or acceptable level of “similar experience” should be defined by the ‘owner. Examples include the following: + Newrconstruction commercial building, less than 100,000 square feet (9 290 square meters), with direct expansion rooftop units, + New construction commercial building, more than 100,000 square feet (9 ag0 square meters), with built-up air andling units and chilled water central plant. + New construction school, less than 100,000 square feet (9 290 square meters), with mixed-mode ventilation. and steam boilers, + New construction refrigerated warehouse with ammonia chillers for process cooling, solar thermal domestic hot water heating photovoltaic solar panels and commercial-grade wind turbine. [the projects pursuing fundamental commissioning only, the CxA may bea qualified employee ofthe owner, an independent consultant, an employee of the design of construction firm whois not partof the projects design or construction team, or disinterested subcontractor ofthe design or construction team, Special circumstances include the following: + For projects smaller than 20,000 square feet (1860 square meters), the CxA maybe a qualified member ofthe design or construction team, + Ifspecialized knowledge of speciic systems is required (eg, manufacturing, datacenters), the CxA maybea qualified employee ofthe design or construction team, provided the project has computer room peak cooling Toad ofless than 2,000,000 Btujh (600 kW) or atotal computer room peak cooling load less than 650,000 Beujh (75KW). + Ifan owner requiresa single contract through one entity (such asa government agency contracting througls general contractor) the CxA may be aqualfied employee ofthe design or construction team for this rerequisite. Ifthe project team isalso attempting the enhanced commissioning credit, however, the CxA must ‘be independent ofthe design o construction frm. Inall cases, the CxA must report findings directly to the owner a m8 ook be CHA ter can whois. ndamental Ex enhanced member ofthe desan eam (eg.a | No, unless prlectis Frodeler uno sabeme unc designe) | (360m) tnsreerns tem LEED adminisatror eer eer We No whos nat prepaing nine des), Simembe ofthe design team (eg. | No, unless projet is a subeoncutansto she arcitecie or | 278660 naire Fem hots member of e design tam (ea. 9 rose aneenloye or subcontractor ofthe | seme ofthe consvuctan tam irae 20.000 No Sere contactor or contucton 960% > OWNER’S PROJECT REQUIREMENTS The owner, CA, and project team must complete the OPRbefore any contractor submittals for Cxequipmentor systems are approved, eal, the initial documentis completed atthe erly stages of predesgn. Updates during the design and construction process are he primary responsiblity ofthe ovmer: The OPR detalls the functional equitements as wells the expectations ofthe building's use and operation, ‘The incentionis to document the owner'srequirements and objectives forthe project to verify tha those goals are carried through the if of the project. There i no required format;an OPRoutline might inchade the following Key project requirements. Items that the Cx process will focus on and thet the owner has deemed critical to the proj + Occupant requirements, Punctions, number of occupants, and schedules for the building. Budget considerations and limitations. The expected cost restrictions and considerations for the project's design, construction, and commissioning process. + Target goals. The owner's overall goals, such a energy efliciency and sustainability team, Each criterion + Performance criteria, The standards by which the project willbe evaluated by the should be measurable and verifiable, Potential topics include general, economic, user requirements, construction process, operations, systems, andassemblies, Operations and maintenance requirements. Established criteria for ongoing operations and maintenance, as wellas raining requirements for personnel ® BASIS OF DESIGN ‘Te design ceam must document the basi of design before any contractor submittals for commissioned equipment or systems are approved. Updates during the design and construction pracess are the primary responsibility ofthe design team, ‘The BOD explains how the construction and other devals will execute the OPR, The intention isto document the ‘thought processes and assumptions behind design decisions made to meet the OPR. Theres na required format; BOD outline might include the following me + Systems and assemblies. A general overview ofthe systems and assemblies and how they are intended to cet the OPR. Performance criteria and assumptions. The standards that the system was designed to meet and the ‘expectations regarding system operation andmaintenance, both linked tothe OPR. + Descriptions. A description ofthe general building, envelope, HVAC, electrical, water, and other systems, and statement of operation that desribes how the facility is expected to operate under various situations and modes. + Governing codes and standards. Specific codes, standards, facility and the designer's response tothese requirements und guidelines considered ding the design of ‘Owner directives. Assumptions regarding usage ofthe facility + Design development guidelines. Concepts, calculations, decisions, and product selections; the speciic design methods, techniques, and software used in design; information regarding ambient conditions (climatic, geologic, structural, existing construction) used during design; and specific manufacturer makes and models "used as the basis of design for drawings and specifications, + Revision history. summary of changes made throughout the project phases, © cx PLAN ‘The commissioning team develops the Cxplan with input from the project team. Updates during construction process are the primary responsibility of the CxA, the Cxplan begins with a program overview: + Goals and objectives + General projectinformation + Systems tobe commissioned Is describes the Gxteam: + Team members, roles, and responsibilities + Communica on protocol, coordination, meetings, and management Finally, it summarizes the Cx process activities: + Reviewing the OPR Reviewing the BOD + Developing systems functional test procedures + Verifying system performance + Reporting deficiencies and the resolution process + Accepting the building systems @ ISSUES LOG FOR THE DESIGN REVIEW [tis useful toinclude the following information inthe design review issues log: ofthe review + Drawing number or page where the issue was found + Comment Party responsible for addressing the issue + Response theissue was closed ® FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE TESTS: ‘The functional performance test reports typically have the following sections + Dateandtime oftest + Individuals present during testing 0 + Visual inspection observations, Before testing the CxA should perform a visual inspection and document any issues or relevant observations. Sensor checks. The sensors are checked individually to make sure they are reading properiyand are in the correct locations, per the design documents. + Device checks. Zach device is checked to verify thatit can open, close, modulate, start, stop, energizein stages, ee + Operating mode tests system is run through each typeof operating mode including but not limited to startup, shutdown, capacity modulation, emergency and failure modes, alarm seenarios, occupied mode and ‘unoccupied mode, and interlocks with other equipment, Results. Indicate whether the system passed, filed, or requitesretesting, ® PROJECT TYPE VARIATIONS Data Centers Selecta Gea who meets the credit requirements for commissioning datacenters. “The OPR should address the overall energy efficiency goals ofthe projec, including the prtial-andfl-load power usage etfectiveness (PUE). Information on how the datacenter ville operated and by whom wil help ensure

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