DocScanner 1 Jun 2023 19-05

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Directions How do get to street 21? can yout Ie this the right way to the museum? How far is it? Whereis the nearest hospital? How faris the sports complox? Restaurants@} Can 1 gee the menu, please? What do you recommend? cant get the heck, please? Can thaveaglase of water, please? Is this dish epiey? hank you for your service] thank you for waiting on me today Pe You want to try out that new restaurant around the corner? smalltalk@ asking for help 2% Offering help $4 How's the weather? Did you have e good day? what are your plans for the weekend? How was your trip? tame across your pletures, looks like you had fun 20 you have any hobbies? Or what de you like doing in your tree time? Greeting£, Hit We are meeting after solong Hey, what's up these days? Hoy, what a ceineldence, how have you been? Hoy, How are you? What's now these days? I, nice to meet you, I'm so glad to catch up with you today Offering condolences @a 'm very sorry to hear that Please accept my condolences This must be difficult for you but I'm here for anything, My heart goes out to tho families of the survivors recovery 1am praying for your q compliments and congratulations "jf ou did Congratulations! Greatjob! Well done! You wore really good at it ‘You look nice today Hove your outtit Your smile is so pretty ‘You were fantastic - in the play Your presentation was mind-blowing Courtesy phrases «3, Thank you/thanks Excuse me me the way to the nearest metro station? can youhelp me, please? Could you give mea hand? rm not sure, ean you explain that? can you show me how to do this? Would you mind assisting me? Work-related &> What's the deadline for this project? can we schedule a meeting? Could you send me the document? Til be out of office tomorrow Lot's discuss this later an we got in a quick meeting right now What time will you be in tomorrow? Socialising {iit tote coteh up ater Wont o grab ecoftoo? sre you tee tis weekend? Let's hang out sometime De you want to join us for dinn: How can |help you? Do youneed a hand? I'm here to help Shopping gy How much does this cost? can try this on? o you have this in another size/eotouri Where can find skirts? Can gota discount? Which way isthe trial room? Language-related GQ Could you repeat that, please? Is there anything | can do for you? Let me know if you need assistance don’t understand, can you please throw some more light? Can you speak more slowly, please? Do you speak Hindi? How do you say this in English? Suggestions Let's meet at..cep i 3 a How about we try..? Cappuccino today Have you considered... Taking the adjacent road Irecommend..- we try their donuts You should visit - the should try ~ thelr pizza ry I'm really happy for you o 7 2 = I'm sorry to hear that g o That's amazing! z S as 3 That's frustrating ° 2 > I can't believe it z would you lemail©® ,. Phone, Introductions: Goodbyes on? - tuesday Are you avaitab time-related © What time is it? When does it open/close? can we reschedule? Fle there in 10 minutes 'm running tate can! take a raincheck? ‘cant have your email ad ‘can you text me the d Doctor appointment ‘? net time isthe appointment? Dia you consult witha doctor? hea spectatst ora generet physician? i ee she sas 7 On One ease 93020808 ao oacctan sf a Ovi oot Ores Oren st tee Suna » Or » On ea om 7 Sree Oneneet er = Sele eee) person é Rieu Pe caumen esha on On : : On cad : 8 3, ome 4 ‘ rf Baa o4 = Pam Bae tae tartare By ba Bie Bo Bao .H & 54 Bate oo gs ops af i i Alene Btn te tate = Slee ‘y=tar‘Albnke MF ean tae + tone = 3h oe maw Sit onte 220; Kentaba CT 202) » oT Ver Fale it alias Wot te tan = Shtenee ” Bement a tye cee 2 Ortyse: a 2, fd 3 stayr=0 5 : ety tetas : -" ee 3 Oxysyetart1 aa 3, of . : Sarsyte- 120 » <, =» ae oe if ‘Senna tafe san] : ® » . 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The vate ofcox"#( —!)among the folowing i corte taints equals a oale c ° ° oly ers ‘Tha vakue of wet) fortes) ten o1 On OQ: 4 6, ost 9 stan andebe-1.then (0-8) in el to of z © tone of ese o. cos () - 4tan-4(—1) equats om 1 om 7 om 2 om 7 (08.The sotuion set of te equation tan *r-cot escos Y2-Is Opa Onn Ona O Nene of rece @. ‘The smallest and the largest values oftan=! (= 2)ocrsime Oon of i OnE on 10, H tango t}etarr ebtan’Tfet)ston 9x, then rhs oi 2 1 Oy Cox 4 Oost (sar) ° O none oftece he value of cos [2 cos“*{cos(zin~* hic ans ° x aH an os. mth gin WA =2tan"¥(2V7— 1) and B= 3sin“tL + sin One Ones Ons none of rece , wodceg Sehen sitar —artequais Osents Onasn'y Onnaaivte None of rece a7. Th javaticn 2eos"*x + sinter =" has ON setution Ocnyor tw scutions tion © Thee solutions oe. Mfsec™! Vi x? + cosec™! aa toot? vthenx + y +s equalto Om Oawe Om? Ore o. Matas? yo wrt 2) +0" Eo) eae Oo O none nese ae, ‘The equation zc0s-*s + sin-tx = pas © nosotuion O cnyoresettion Owe eeutens © Tee soutons Qt. Itwe consider ony the pepe vale of holaveretgoromete functlens then the vale of ° ° 2 3 ° z ° 3 B a, Ia > b >0,then the value oftan™ ’) depends on OC somesnae O parenata O endnotes O Netter anor b a Ifsin(2xVTo 32) — 2 cin O,then x belongs to the interval Onn Opvewa Onaa Ctwan — ee eee (07-Tme wae of: fr which xs eoss)>3x24x Is ° os. ‘The olution oftan”+28 4 ton“! 36 ° oo ° 09.cos tan “fsin(cot') Hts equal to Oneneatnese a0. Fescx 5 tateasin¥(23VT= HF) uals Ooite Onasi's O -n2cints 1 eam @ ‘The equation sin“! O No stton © Uniguecetsion (tele numer chizone O mone of ane omen x? + yt ye equat 3 cnet valne of 7+ a. Ube re Linens Hosa? ycquae Osen'x Onsavx O-nase'x (© None of ese a The vata oft floor”! (S)]. 4 om Oss 1 Clown © None of nese 1 the mapping f(x}-axtb 2-0 maps [-1,1] onto [0,2] then cotf eat "7ecot 's+cot18] is equal to Of Oto Om ow aio. Mx > Athen 2tan x + sin“? (2 is equal to O Ares One On of a, ‘The equation sin”! x ~ cos” Onreauten O une catiten teen numer ot etutons Ontoncef te above co Reon coaty =Zandtanty = tan-ty 0 maps [-1,1] onta [0,2] then cot{ cot"*7+cot T8rcot-718] Is equal to On O to) Om O fa @. M-1 1, then 2tan“#y 4 sin“? (24.) is equalto O trans Oo Om On Bert ( aa Gorvade og OF of 2 + a ‘The equation sin”? x ~cos™ CO no setuton| © vane sotaion O inriterumber of soktions O Wet he above a, Hee ty pcan”! = Zaeta tant a hen 134 n9-4 yi agua a tata ty sein ta = 3, hare vat ofa 07+ yg 28 os. Whe a Lea dar&s 40%) equ Ossnty Onsante Onsen's Oneneet ere a. Tae value oft Se as oF Ows 1 ° 709) O Monee ese O yews) O None of these a. Eertan™ (—27)is equal to ay fmt tnt? wn ete O None of these Q8.if the mapping f(x) =ax¢b,a20 maps [-1,1] ento [0,2] then cotf cot "7+e0t '8cot' 113] Is equel te Onn © tio) Om Of) O 2tan'x O -w2tan'x O ma2tan'x O None ofthese ato. fx Lsthen 2tan~*x + sin! (25) is equal to O arent Oo Onn On a tant (2) + tat (2) » on of 2 * On of i oe ‘The equation sin“ x —cos™ Oniocetton C vee sotcen O nine numberof sttions O tlone ct ne above tant = other st +ayt ya egalio as iss 1uansl"1— 40) ols Osenk Onsen: Onan O tianeaf hese Ca ™ woton{for (2) = om ons 1 °° 370Na, O Nonwot nese ix+b,2>0 maps [-7,1] onto [0, 2 then colf cot" 7rcot TB+cot""12] is equal to @. Wnt Clove none of nese 9 Fe © None of these a tenn (ERE? an O None of these 8.1f the mapping f(3}=axtb,a>0 maps [-1,1] onto [0, 2] then cot cot '7+cor 'e+cor 18] 1s equal to Ou © Om Ota 9. W-1¢x<1thenon (Fp)euats O 2tenx © one? ton O neztante O None of these a0. = (2) fx & 1, then tan"! x + sin"! (75) te equal to © srantx

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