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Project &Exhibition

A. M. Dheepthika
Department of mathematics
🔹 A project is a problematic act carried to completion in its
natural setting.
🔹’learning by doing’, and ‘ learning by leaving’ are the two
cardinal principles of this method.
🔹The teacher acts as a guide and help the student to find the
facts and principles themselves.
Projects 🔹The project may be a constructional type such as building up a
school, running a school garden, etc....
🔹The role of a teacher is not a dictator but a friend, guide and a
working partner.
🔹providing democratic atmosphere in the classroom is an
important duty of the teacher.
🔹In project method, students have to take up certain project
🔹The total class is either divided into several group.
🔹sometimes the project divided into smaller unit.
Projects 🔹Each student or group is responsible for completing the
🔹At the end of the project, the activities are presented to the
total class in the form of reports.
 1.Sensing a problem
 2. Defining the problem
 3. Selection of appropriate methodology
Steps in  4. Data collection
 5. Process of analysis
 6. Drawing conclusion
 7. Evaluation
 8. Recording
🔹It should be useful and purposeful.
🔹It should have definite educational value.
Of a 🔹It should be practicable
Good 🔹It should not be expensive.
Project 🔹It should maximum number of activities.
🔹This Method is based upon the laws of learning
🔹law of readiness
🔹law of exercise
Merits of 🔹law of effect
Project 🔹It promotes co-operative activity and group interaction.
Method 🔹It is a democratic way of learning.
Demerits of 🔹It absorbs a lot of time.
🔹It involves much more work on the part of the teacher.
🔹Text book and materials written on these lines are not
Method available.
🔹Exhibition in environmental education means presentation to
view a display or showing off tbe materials relevant to studies.
🔹Exhibition show project work of the student.
🔹Student will take part very actively in these exhibition.
🔹 The planning and the procedure should be detailed and should
Exhibition fulfill the ambition of the members.
🔹The teacher should guide the student in organizing the
🔹The teacher should supervise the entire procedure.
🔹Evaluation of the item displayed in the exhibition should be
done by experts.
Exhibition is an organized presentation of display of a selected
Conclusion A project is a problematic act carried to completion in its natural

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