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Prepared By

DebashisPaul Deb
Nishat Anjum Eti
1. (QIMP) Book
3. Cover page + Assignment note
4. Antibiotics Insert + Non-antibiotics Insert
5. OT list
6. Morbidity Report + Mortality Report
7. Promotional materials
8. Pathology reports
9. Prescription
Purpose of this Assignment
Through this assignment, students’ communication skills will be developed a lot. They
will learn how to adapt to the new environment. Since this is a group-based
assignment, working together will strengthen their friendship, or they will know the
Generic + Brand names of many antibiotics and Non-antibiotic drugs. The interesting
part of this assignment is that the students will enjoy the Life Field Experiences.
Quick Index of Medical Products & Problems (QIMP)
Book. With the help of this book, we can quickly find out
the Generic name & Brand name of medicine. Chapter- 7
of the book is Systemic Antimicrobial Drugs & the rest of
the chapters are Non-Antibiotics drugs. We can easily find
the drugs by searching at the index.
Here, we see the cover page of the assignment note. We choose a two-note average
of page 100. Then attach the insert paper with glue. Which is available in the non-
antibiotic & antibiotics Medicine packet & Collect 50 Non-Antibiotics & 50 Antibiotics
insert paper. It is easily found in a pharmacy.
Antibiotics Insert Non-antibiotics Insert
We search in google our home district hospital local health
bulletin & found the Mortality and Morbidity report.
Example : (Health bulletin jhikargacha Upazila hospital 2016).
Morbidity Report Mortality Report
We collect an OT list. It is available in every
General hospital. If you facing any problem
contact the medical officer.
Collect 100 promotional materials. It is available in Pharmacy or Medical representatives.
Collect pathology reports
(Urine, Hematology,
Biochemistry, Microbiology
Report )

Urine Report Hematology Report

Biochemistry Report Microbiology Report
Collect 10 Prescription
International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision
The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is
designed to promote international comparability in the
collection, processing, classification, and presentation
of mortality statistics.

Link ICD-

Visiting Card

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