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Q5 Practice 😊

Beams of early morning light poured through the forest, weaving their way between the sturdy
trunks. A strong earthy scent accompanied the birdsong that echoed throughout the woodland; a
sense of calm seemed to wash over me. The ground beneath me was coated with a thick layer of
fallen leaves- various shades of auburn and gold lay abandoned about my feet, crunching as I made
my way through the greenery. Eyes stinging from the bitterly cold November morning, I pulled the
dubious looking flask from my rucksack. I felt a small smile creep onto my face as the piping hot
metal warmed my tingling fingers, each digit gripping tightly as though it feared the heat would
disappear at any given moment. Gingerly, I unscrewed the cap and held the rim against my lips. A
sharp burning sensation followed as the steaming liquid hit my tongue, an unruly heat working its
way down my throat to my chest and my stomach.

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