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 Poetry is very different from fiction, and yet, in some ways , is quite similar to it. Aside
from the fact that, like all hiterary works, t requires for expressing or evoking emotions
and ideas, poetry may also have a diceranble “story” or situation , as in john keats ” “ on
first looking at champmans homer” or the anonymous ballad ,” lord randal ”.
 The poet shapes his “utterance” into a define number os stanza , each of which contains
a define number of lines. The length of the line them selves is determine by other
considerations besides the completeness of thought, ideas expressed, or the accuracy
and clarity of meaning.
The elements of poetry:
 Connotation- the poet has to be precise in his use of words; he consciously chooses
words not only for what they name or identify, but also for the emotional meaning or
attitude which they carry.
 Figurative language -poetry uses words in such a way that they mean something other
than what they usually mean when we use them in or dinary conversation “army’ for
example, means, as the dictionary defines it,” an organized body of men armed for war”.
 Imagery- like figurative language, imagery is another element that distinguishes
poetry from other literary types.
 Sound and rhythm – poems are meant to be read aloud; hence, the poet chooses
words not only for what they mean( their sense) but also for how they sound. Part of
the meaning of a poem is carried by the sound of words, since the sound affects our
response and thus helps evoke or suggest certain moods or feelings.
 Rhythm- is closely bound up with the sound of words, as well as with the speed in
which they are said. The length of the syllables, and the location of accents in words
affect us by the way sound when they are spoken aloud.
Narrative and lyric poetry;
poems may be broadly classified as narrative or lyric. Narrative poems are similar to
short stories in that plot and character are present to a certain extent. However, these
elements are not as clearly delineated as they are in short stories.
A narrative poem has a story and character or characters. It has also a kind of point of
view . But all these are revealed to the reader in a very indirect and condensed manner.
They are implied or suggested rather than described and narrated.
 “My last duchess,” – by Robert browning’s
Tells 56 lines the story of a duke who had caused the death of
his first young wife and was about to marry another girl. The
character of both the duke and his “ last duchess ”, his alleged
grievances against the first wife, and implications.
Lyric poems
 Are generally short and are intense expressions of personal
feelings. They are very subjective and personal, expressing
deeply felt emotions . They may be likened to utterances
which one sometimes makes when he is surprised or is
overwhelmed with joy or sorrow.
In some ways, a lyric poem is like the narrative poem , since it
also implies a kind of story, although the reader must reconstruct
it for himself from he feelings or ideas expressed in the poem.
Example of lyric poem:
 “ Go lovely Rose “ by Edmund waller
How small a part of time they share
That are so wondrous sweet and fair.

 “To the virgins to make much of time” by Robert Herrick

Old time is still a-flying
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow may be dying.

 William Shakespeare , sonnet XV

When I consider everything that grows
Holds in perfection but a little moment…
Reading poetry

The similarity between poetry and fiction has already been

This similarity, however, does not mean that both types are to be
read in he same way, for the elements in each types are to be
read in the same way for the elements in each type that engage
our attention and bring us pleasure are quite different. While plot
and characters are discernible in a narrative poem. They are not
primary source of our pleasure.

 At the end of housman’s poem we realized that the speaker is

22 years old and his therefore only a year older than he was
when he ignored the wise man’s advice “ not to give his heart
away “.
 An essay may be define simply as a composition which
discusses a single topic. It combines instructions with
entertainment, for the author presents his reader with a
discussion or exploration of ideas and experiences ( or
thoughts about these experiences) , and shares with him
the discovery of new meanings or implications which they
contain, while at the same time keeping his interest mainly
through the manner of presentation. At the end of the
essay, the reader may find that he has formed a new
opinion, changed an old one, or made a compromise
between what he has read and an opinion he used to hold.
The elements of the essay:
 Theme or content – an essay may have as theme or topic those
experience and events which the author wants to recreate or
interpret for his reader. Or, the author may write his thoughts and
opinions about these experiences or events in the form of
propositions or hypotheses about them.
 Style – people often read essays because they are attracted by the
author’s style rather than topic itself. The style and structure of an
essay is limited only by the writer ‘s personality and the topic he is
writing about. I is for this reason that the essay is often called the “
open form”. The essayist can be whimsical or serious, satirical or
humorous , if he chooses.
 The essay uses the rhythm and diction of ordinary speech. No
matter hoe seriously the author may treat his subject, he
established s comfortable and friendly relationship with his
reader. This relationship is that between equals, free of any
constraint, no matter how formal I may be. There is an illusion
of a free-flowing conversation. But whatever is weak and
ineffective in ordinary speech is avoided, since the author is
free to revise and rephrase his statements or rearrange his
facts and ideas.
 Form and structure – form and structure refer to the way in
which all parts of the essay are connected to one another to
achieve a certain impression or effect, and the arrangement
or sequence of details or facts and the transitions between
Formal and familiar essays:

Familiar essay ( or informal)- it is more subjective and

personal than the formal essay. Its seems unplanned and
spontaneous. Structure and form may seen lacking but
these are, of course, never really absent.
Formal essay – form and structure are easily discernible
. the theme and ideas may, for instant, be developed
systematically through logical arguments supported by
generalized facts and statistics. The author and how he
plans to accomplish it.
Reading an essay:
 Reading an essay then is like engaging in a conversation with the author it can
be a very formal conversation, as that between, new acquaintances , ideas. The
difference, as that between old friends exchanging bits of news or ideas. The
difference, of course ,is that we cannot interrupt the flow of idea that comes from
the author in the way that we can interrupt someone we are conversing with.
 But the relationship remains the same. We are treated a an equal by the author
who tries to keep us interested enough to keep on reading and responding to the
idea and opinions being presented, so that we can be convinced, persuaded, or
amused. Otherwise , the author very well knows , we can very easily stop reading
the essay.
 This one-sided conversation between us and the author, like ordinary
conversations, may be about anything. Whether it is going to be formal and
serious, genially humorous or satirical, will depend upon the author, and serious,
genially humorous or satirical, will depend upon the author, for he is the one who
determine the tone and pace of the conversation.

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