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Frontotemporal Degeneration with

Transactive Response DNA-Binding
Protein Type C at the Anterior
Temporal Lobe
Marek-Marsel Mesulam, MD ,1,2 Tamar Gefen, PhD,1,3 Margaret Flanagan, MD,1,4
Rudolph Castellani, MD,1,4 Pouya Jamshidi, MD,1,4 Elena Barbieri, PhD,1
Jaiashre Sridhar, MA,1 Allegra Kawles, BA,1,3 Sandra Weintraub, PhD,1,3
Changiz Geula, PhD,1,5 and Emily Rogalski, PhD1,3

The anatomical distribution of most neurodegenerative diseases shows considerable interindividual variations. In con-
trast, frontotemporal lobar degeneration with transactive response DNA-binding protein type C (TDP-C) shows a con-
sistent predilection for the anterior temporal lobe (ATL). The relatively selective atrophy of ATL in TDP-C patients has
highlighted the importance of this region for complex cognitive and behavioral functions. This review includes observa-
tions on 28 TDP-C patients, 18 with semantic primary progressive aphasia and 10 with other syndromes. Longitudinal
imaging allowed the delineation of progression trajectories. At post-mortem examination, the pathognomonic feature
of TDP-C consisted of long, thick neurites found predominantly in superficial cortical layers. These neurites may repre-
sent dystrophic apical dendrites of layer III and V pyramidal neurons that are known to play pivotal roles in complex
cortical computations. Other types of frontotemporal lobar degeneration TDP, such as TDP-A and TDP-B, are not asso-
ciated with long dystrophic neurites in the cerebral cortex, and do not show similar predilection patterns for ATL.
Research is beginning to identify molecular, structural, and immunological differences between pathological TDP-43 in
TDP-C versus TDP-A and B. Parallel investigations based on proteomics, somatic mutations, and genome-wide associa-
tion studies are detecting molecular features that could conceivably mediate the selective vulnerability of ATL to
TDP-C. Future work will focus on characterizing the distinctive features of the abnormal TDP-C neurites, the mecha-
nisms of neurotoxicity, initial cellular targets within the ATL, trajectory of spread, and the nature of ATL-specific
markers that modulate vulnerability to TDP-C.
ANN NEUROL 2023;94:1–12

presentations, such as hemiplegia.1, 2 Each of these syn-

N eurodegenerative diseases can have common, uncom-
mon, and idiosyncratic manifestations. Alzheimer’s dis-
ease (AD), for example, is typically seen in the setting of
dromes tends to be associated with clinically concordant dis-
tributions of neurofibrillary degeneration.2–4 Similar
amnestic disorders, but can also have atypical clinical presen- heterogeneity is seen in synucleinopathies and fronto-
tations such as primary progressive aphasia (PPA) or unique temporal lobar degenerations with either tau or transactive

View this article online at DOI: 10.1002/ana.26677

Received Feb 9, 2023, and in revised form Apr 28, 2023. Accepted for publication May 6, 2023.

Address correspondence to Dr Mesulam, Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease, 300 E Superior Street, Northwestern Univer-
sity Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL 60611, USA. E-mail:

From the 1Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA;
Department of Neurology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA; 3Department of Psychiatry, Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA; 4Department of Pathology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA; and
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

© 2023 The Authors. Annals of Neurology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Neurological Association. 1
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and
distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations
are made.
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ANNALS of Neurology

response DNA-binding protein (TDP)-43 abnormalities atrophy, in vivo as well as at post-mortem, was the com-
(frontotemporal lobar degeneration [FTLD]-tau, FTLD- mon denominator for all, except one patient. Imaging rev-
TDP).5–8 Even in autosomal dominant forms of FTLD, ealed that the AD, corticobasal degeneration/progressive
the same mutation may cause distinctly different clinical syn- supranuclear palsy, Pick’s disease, TDP-A, and TDP-B
dromes in members of the same family, presumably because groups showed considerable interindividual variations of
of differences in the anatomic distribution of neu- peak atrophy sites despite the common PPA diagnosis.16
rodegeneration.9, 10 FTLD-TDP type C (TDP-C) appears For example, some AD patients had initial atrophy con-
to constitute an exception because of its consistent affinity fined to the left temporoparietal junction, whereas others
for the anterior temporal lobe (ATL). The goal of this review had peak atrophy sites also in the left inferior frontal
is to show the anatomy of this selectivity, its neurobehavioral gyrus, and still others in the left ATL. In Pick’s disease
some patients showed equally prominent atrophy in the
consequences, its neuropathological fingerprints, and the fea-
left prefrontal cortex and ATL, whereas others had no sig-
tures that distinguish TDP-C from FTLD-TDP types not
nificant atrophy in prefrontal areas. In corticobasal degen-
associated with ATL degeneration. For the purposes of this
eration/progressive supranuclear palsy, some patients had
account, the term “ATL” will be used to designate the ante-
characteristic peak atrophy in the left posterior frontal
rior third of the temporal lobe, and will encompass circum-
areas, and others in the left superior temporal gyrus. In
polar regions, the planum polare, rostral parts of the superior
TDP-A, peak atrophy sites variably included parietal, fron-
temporal, middle temporal, inferior temporal, and fusiform
tal, and temporal regions of the left hemisphere. One of
gyri, piriform cortex, periamygdaloid cortex, and rhinal corti- the TDP-B patients had atrophy confined to the left ATL,
ces (ie, perirhinal, transentorhinal, anterior entorhinal).11 but the remaining 2 showed no significant cortical atrophy
at the conventional 0.05 false discovery rate cutoffs.
The Consistent Affinity of TDP-C for the In contrast to the interindividual heterogeneity
Anterior Temporal Lobe Demonstrated in a observed in all other neuropathological entities associated
PPA Cohort with PPA, TDP-C uniformly targeted the ATL as the
A cohort of prospectively enrolled and longitudinally principal site of initial atrophy (Fig 1). In 15 patients
investigated participants with PPA offers a model system (83%), significant atrophy at initial encounter was limited
for showing the relationship of TDP-C with ATL. At the to the left ATL, except for minor extension into the
time of writing, the Northwestern PPA Program had rec- immediately adjacent ventral insula and, less consistently,
ruited 177 right-handed participants at mild stages of caudal orbitofrontal cortex. In one case, the atrophy at ini-
impairment, each fulfilling criteria for the root diagnosis tial examination was more extensive in the right ATL, but
of PPA.12 All PPA variants, agrammatic, logopenic, mixed, the left ATL also had substantial atrophy. Progression was
and semantic, are represented.13 Participants underwent slow. In 10 of the 14 patients where longitudinal imaging
biannual evaluations of object naming, word comprehen- was available, the ATL remained the predominant region
sion, sentence comprehension, repetition, grammaticality, of peak atrophy for up to a decade after symptom onset.11
and object recognition. Structural magnetic resonance imag- In many cases, external inspection of the autopsied brain
ing volumes were analyzed quantitatively by the Free Surfer identified the left ATL as the area of most extensive atro-
toolkit for showing cortical thinning (atrophy) on whole- phy, up to 12 years after symptom onset (Fig 1C).11, 17
brain surface maps, and by voxel-based morphometry14 for The predilection of TDP-C for the ATL has been
more detailed illustration of sulcal and gyral atrophy on cor- described in multiple cohorts.17–23 One study reported
onal sections. Methods used for language assessment, that the limbic part of ATL is the most vulnerable to
FreeSurfer analyses, and neuropathological diagnoses have TDP-C, and suggested the presence of a medial to lateral
been described in previous publications.15, 16 progression of neurodegeneration18; another identified
Of the 177 participants, 90 came to autopsy and 4 stages of neurodegeneration and included the amygdala
received primary neuropathological diagnoses of AD in stage 1.23 The present sample is in agreement with the
(n = 34), corticobasal degeneration/ progressive supra- overall caudal progression described in these studies, but
nuclear palsy (n = 18), Pick’s disease (n = 8), TDP-A also adds new anatomical characterization based on imag-
(n = 7), TDP-B (n = 3), TDP-C (n = 18), leukodystro- ing of earlier stages of neurodegeneration and the repre-
phy with spheroids (n = 1), and glial globular glial sentation of cortical atrophy in greater detail on coronal
tauopathy (n = 1). Two of the TDP-A patients had path- brain sections. Although the progression shown in
ogenic GRN mutations. General features of this cohort Figure 2A and B, and summarized in Figure 2C is based
have been reported previously.16 As expected in this group on individual patients, none of the remaining 17 PPA and
of right-handed PPA patients, leftward asymmetry of 10 non-PPA cases (see below) with TDP-C showed

2 Volume 94, No. 1

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Mesulam et al: Anterotemporal Target of TDP-C

FIGURE 1: Selectivity of frontotemporal lobar degeneration transactive response DNA-binding protein type C for anterior
temporal lobe (ATL) shown by free surfer and at autopsy. All images are from a semantic progressive aphasia patient (right-
handed woman) with symptom onset at the age of 59 years and transactive response DNA-binding protein type C at autopsy.
Significant atrophy on the cortical surface in A and B is shown by the colored areas, at the false discovery rate of 0.05 using
the Free Surfer tool kit. (A) Atrophy is confined to left ATL, and is sufficient to cause severe and isolated impairment of word
comprehension and object naming. (B) Four years later, all significant atrophy was still confined to ATL, but had also emerged
on the right. Object naming further decreased and non-verbal object recognition started to fail, likely due to bilaterality
of ATL atrophy. (C) Autopsy specimen of the patient 12 years after symptom onset. The macroscopic neurodegeneration was
still strongly selective for the left ATL. ATL = anterior temporal lobe; E = entorhinal/perirhinal cortex; F = fusiform gyrus;
FP = frontal pole; I = inferior temporal gyrus; M = middle temporal gyrus; OFC = orbitofrontal cortex; OP = occipital pole;
TP = temporal pole.

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ANNALS of Neurology

substantial deviations from this trajectory in either the left in TDP-C. However, the leftward asymmetry of neuropa-
or the right hemisphere. Nevertheless, the progression thology and the initial sparing of the right hemisphere in
described below is descriptive, and subject to change as the majority of PPA patients offers an alternative approach.
more information becomes available. In these patients, longitudinal imaging can capture the
In TDP-A and TDP-B, mutation carriers have very onset of atrophy in the right ATL, a pattern that is
enabled the imaging of preclinical disease stages.24 In the likely to mirror the stage of emergent atrophy on the left.
absence of known causative mutations, this is not possible Through this reasoning, we identified the ventromedial

FIGURE 2: Progression of gyral and sulcal peak atrophy sites shown by voxel-based morphometry. The colored patches on rows
A and B show areas of cortical volume loss in comparison with a control group at a statistical significance of p < 0.001 and
minimum cluster size of 100 voxels. These are peak atrophy sites. The presence of additional atrophy that fails to reach statistical
significance cannot be ruled out. From left to right, each row represents increasingly more caudal coronal sections from the
same hemisphere. The mm designations refer to the distance from the anterior commissure in millimeters, positive numbers
indicating locations in front of the anterior commissure. (A, B) Left hemisphere of a semantic primary progressive aphasia patient
initially seen at an earlier stage of clinical severity than the patient in Figure 1. Images were obtained at an interval of 4 years,
and represent early (A) and moderate (B) symptomatic stages of neurodegeneration. (C) Composite illustration of progressive
atrophy. The stage of “initial a peak trophy” is inferred based on emergent right anterior temporal lobe atrophy in primary
progressive aphasia patients who had no such atrophy at prior imaging. The progression shown in C is approximated to occur
over a span of 6–8 years from symptom onset, and is based on the examination of 56 hemispheres of the 28 patients with
frontotemporal lobar degeneration transactive response DNA-binding protein type C, many with longitudinal imaging. The
arrows point to the Brodmann areas, where initial peak atrophy emerges in our collection of cases. A = amygdala; AC = anterior
commissure; ATL = anterior temporal lobe; BA = Brodmann area; C = caudate; E = entorhinal cortex; F = fusiform gyrus;
H = hippocampus; I = inferior temporal gyrus; IFG = inferior frontal gyrus (Broca’s); In = insula; M = middle temporal gyrus;
P = perirhinal area; Pu = putamen; S = superior temporal gyrus; T = thalamus.

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Mesulam et al: Anterotemporal Target of TDP-C

circumpolar region anterior to the limen insulae (area 38) impairments of ≤40% reflect semantic (ie, word meaning)
and its caudal extension into the adjacent perirhinal-fusi- rather than retrieval (ie, word finding) anomia, and pre-
form-inferotemporal regions (areas 20, 35, 36) as sites of sage the emergence of more severe single word compre-
emerging atrophy (Fig 2C). As no symptomatic ATL hension failures.28, 31, 32 The clinical diagnoses were
patient had such limited atrophy on the left, this band of consistent with semantic PPA (svPPA, PPA-S) in 14 of
atrophy may well reflect preclinical stages of TDP-C. Sub- the cases. In the remaining 4 cases, including the one with
sequent progression extended caudally along the ventral sur- greater right ATL atrophy, the initial diagnosis of semantic
face of the ATL, where it encompassed additional PPA was changed to semantic dementia upon further
perirhinal, entorhinal, fusiform, and inferotemporal cortices review. Both diagnoses entail severe word comprehension
(Fig 2A). A patch of ventral insula, which is known to be impairments, as detected by the Boston Naming Test and
continuous with medial temporopolar cortex,25 also showed Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test cutoffs mentioned
significant atrophy. The amygdala, primary olfactory cortex, above. The semantic dementia diagnosis requires addi-
and hippocampus were not among peak atrophy sites at tional non-verbal object recognition deficits at early dis-
these points in time (Fig 2A). At a later stage (Fig 2B), peak ease stages, as assessed by the picture format of the
atrophy expanded into the amygdala, striatum, uncus, infe- Pyramids and Palm Trees Test.11, 33, 34 This distinction
rior temporal cortex, and lateral temporal cortices, including between PPA-S and semantic dementia is frequently over-
the middle and superior temporal gyri. looked, so the two terms have often been used inter-
Despite the affiliation of ATL with the language net- changeably in the literature.
work, Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area were rarely sites of Equally pronounced semantic impairment with
peak atrophy at this stage, suggesting that atrophy starts pathologies other than TDP-C was present among 7 of
spreading by contiguity rather than through network con- the 90 PPA autopsies: 3 with TDP-A, 1 with AD, 2 with
nectivity.26 The colored patches in Figures 1 and 2 iden- Pick’s disease, and 1 with glial globular tauopathy.16
tify only areas of statistically significant cortical shrinkage. Although atrophy in all 7 included the left ATL, it also
It is important to keep in mind that there may be other encompassed other parts of the cortex, including the fron-
areas of neurodegeneration that fail to meet the statistical tal, parietal, and posterior temporal lobes. There were also
threshold, as well as areas of cellular pathology that escape 2 cases of Pick’s disease and one of TDP-B where peak
detection, because they do not cause significant cortical atrophy was predominantly located within the left ATL,
thinning. However, metabolic positron emission tomogra- but without prominent semantic deficits. Considering the
phy has shown that the pattern of hypometabolism in fact that Pick’s disease caused definite semantic impair-
these patients is generally concordant with the pattern of ment only if atrophy extended beyond ATL, the specula-
peak atrophy.27 In the future, the development of positron tive possibility arises that TDP-C may have a distinctive
emission tomography ligands for TDP-43 deposits may affinity not just for the ATL in general, but also for neu-
allow a more systematic mapping of progression. Even ronal components somewhat more critical for
without the analytical morphometry used in Figures 1 and lexicosemantic functions. There are reports of 4 TDP-B
2, magnetic resonance imaging can also be a highly infor- cases (one established at autopsy7 and 3 predicted by
mative diagnostic tool for differential diagnosis in clinical C9orf72 mutations35) in whom relatively isolated left
practice. For example, the magnetic resonance imaging ATL atrophy was observed in conjunction with semantic
pattern of severe ATL thinning in the absence of obvious impairment. However, it is important to keep in mind
frontal and parietal atrophy has a nearly 90% probability that ATL atrophy is a distinctly rare manifestation of
of being associated with TDP-C (the other 10% being TDP-B,36 whereas it is a nearly universal correlate of
associated with Pick’s disease), and can be used to rule out TDP-C. In fact, only 1 of the 3 TDP-B cases in our
AD (Fig 3A). More advanced stages of progression are cohort of 90 autopsies had selective left ATL atrophy, but
marked by the widening of the collateral sulcus and tem- without prominent semantic impairment.
poral horn (Fig 3B), and increasing atrophy of more pos- In addition to the 18 TDP-C cases that were part of
terior temporal cortices (Fig 3C). the longitudinal PPA research program, the Northwestern
Nearly all 18 TDP-C participants presented with ADRC Brain Bank received 10 cases of TDP-C from
“semantic” impairments, heuristically identified16 by word patients who had declined to participate in the longitudi-
comprehension scores of ≤60% on a subset of difficult nal investigation or who did not meet diagnostic criteria
items28 in the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test29 and/or for PPA. In each of these 10 individuals, ATL was initially
object naming scores of ≤40% on the Boston Naming the principal area of peak atrophy. Depending on the pat-
Test.30 At the early disease stages of these patients, when tern of asymmetry, and in keeping with multiple reports
other language functions are relatively spared, naming in the literature, these 10 additional individuals showed

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FIGURE 3: Magnetic resonance imaging appearance of frontotemporal lobar degeneration transactive response DNA-binding
protein type C progression shown by individual cases. (A) Distribution of atrophy at an early symptomatic stage. From a
frontotemporal lobar degeneration transactive response DNA-binding protein type C semantic primary progressive aphasia
patient (right-handed man) with onset at the age of 59 years. Significant atrophy is confined to the part of the left anterior
temporal lobe located ahead of the limen insulae. The amygdala, rhinal cortices, the fusiform gyrus, and lateral parts of temporal
cortex are relatively preserved. (B) Intermediate stage of atrophy from a right-handed woman with symptom onset at 59 years
(same patient shown in Figure 1). Atrophy of the left anterior temporal lobe has become more extensive. The amygdala has mild
atrophy, rhinal cortices are severely thinned, the anteriormost part of the fusiform gyrus has been replaced by cerebrospinal
fluid (*), and the temporal horn shows ex vacuo enlargement. (C) A more advanced stage of atrophy. There is further
neurodegeneration in the left anterior temporal lobe, amygdala, rhinal cortices, and the fusiform gyrus. Atrophy has now spread
to the lateral temporal cortices (T). A = amygdala; ATL = anterior temporal lobe; E = entorhinal/perirhinal areas; F = fusiform
gyrus; T = lateral temporal cortices.

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Mesulam et al: Anterotemporal Target of TDP-C

variable combinations of impairment in social conduct, imaging of such patients, the ATL has become transformed
naming, object recognition, person identification, and from an area of unknown function to one that is considered
word comprehension.11, 18, 37, 38 Behavioral variant pivotal for word comprehension, social conduct, person iden-
FTD (bvFTD) has become the most commonly reported tification, and object recognition.11, 43, 44
TDP-C syndrome associated with right-sided ATL atro- Functional and structural imaging of the human
phy.18 It entails profound loss of empathy, rigidity of brain, when interpreted under the guidance of experimen-
comportment, inappropriate social conduct, and bizarre tally established corticocortical connections of the
food preferences. This ATL syndrome differs from other macaque, has revealed an anatomical organization that fits
types of bvFTD by the co-occurrence of additional naming, the syndromic complexity of ATL. This research shows
word comprehension, and face recognition impairments. that the lateral and inferior ATL contain downstream
We are not aware of TDP-C cases where imaging at nodes of auditory and visual association pathways that are
early stages has failed to include the ATL as the principal likely to convey information related to auditory word-
area of peak atrophy or hypometabolism. Such cases may forms, visual word-forms, faces, and objects.11, 45–48 Inter-
well be reported in the future, but are likely to represent digitated bands of heteromodal cortex11 mediate the trans-
unusual manifestations of TDP-C. All our right-handed formation of unimodal percepts into multimodal concepts
TDP-C patients with left ATL atrophy developed severe so that words can be understood, persons identified, and
semantic deficits. The literature contains an exception to objects recognized. The medial ATL, in contrast, contains
this pattern in the form of a right-handed TDP-C case piriform, rhinal, periamygdaloid, and uncal areas. They
with non-fluent aphasia and normal word comprehension, provide gateways into core limbic structures, such as the
despite prominent atrophy in the general region of left amygdala and hypothalamus, and are likely to play critical
ATL.39 This unprecedented combination could conceiv- roles in the interoceptive modulation of behavior.11 This
ably reflect an atypical organization of the language net- overall organization is subject to laterality effects, so that
work in the affected individual. word comprehension and object naming are strictly con-
trolled by the left hemisphere, whereas social conduct,
person identification, and object recognition have a more
Synaptic Background of TDP-C Syndromes bilateral representation, but with a right-sided bias. This
The functions of ATL remained mysterious during the for- may explain why many semantic PPA patients with unilat-
mative century of neurology. Although ATL gained notori- eral left ATL atrophy also show lesser but definite behav-
ety through the Klüver–Bucy syndrome,40 analogous ioral aberrations noted above.11
clinical presentations were not identified in humans with The question may be asked whether this complex
any degree of consistency. This state of affairs changed dra- synaptology of ATL could be of relevance to selective
matically during the past two decades of the 20th century TDP-C vulnerability. One potentially relevant line of
through increasing awareness of focal ATL atrophies, many research has suggested that regional transcriptomic pat-
of which were subsequently shown to be caused by TDP- terns may characterize brain areas not only by their loca-
C.22, 41 The associated syndromes were quite striking. tion or cytoarchitecture, but also by their synaptic
Some patients were unable to understand the meaning of position within large-scale information processing hierar-
simple words, such as “pumpkin” or “grass,” at a time chies.49 To be sure, ATL is not the only site of multi-
when other functions appeared relatively intact; others modal convergence in the primate brain. Prefrontal and
showed shocking disregard of common sense and uncharac- posterior parietal cortices also contain such sites.50 How-
teristic blunting of empathy, even when they performed ever, ATL is arguably the only major multimodal conver-
normally in cognitive tests of “executive function.” These gence site that is also in monosynaptic contact with core
syndromes have introduced new entities to neurological limbic structures. This distinctive synaptology could con-
nosology. The semantic PPA of ATL atrophy is unique. It ceivably incorporate constitutive transcriptomic patterns
differs from Wernicke’s aphasia because of intact language that influence neurodegenerative vulnerabilities.
repetition, and from posterior transcortical aphasia because
of the much greater severity of the word comprehension
impairment with otherwise preserved grammar and basic Neuropathology of TDP-C and Comparison
neurological function. The behavioral syndrome of right to Other FTLD-TDP Types
ATL atrophy is equally distinctive, because the impairments Human TDP-43 is the source of the abnormal inclusions
of social conduct are frequently intermixed with impairments in all FTLD-TDP types. It is an RNA/DNA binding
of verbal and non-verbal semantics.37, 38, 42 Through the sys- nuclear protein of 414 amino acids encoded by TARDBP
tematic neuropsychological investigation and longitudinal (1.p36.22). It plays an important role in neuronal RNA

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ANNALS of Neurology

metabolism, mRNA transport, transcription, differential

splicing, stress granule formation, and perhaps also
spinogenesis.51–55 In FTLD-TDP, abnormally phosphory-
lated, ubiquitinated, truncated, predominantly C-terminal
TDP-43 is deposited in the form of nuclear, cytoplasmic,
and neuritic inclusions. Depending on the morphology
and location of the inclusions, FTLD-TDP is divided into
types A–E.56 TDP-A is characterized by neuronal cyto-
plasmic inclusions and short dystrophic neurites, can be
associated with GRN mutations, and is clinically
manifested as bvFTD or non-semantic forms of PPA.
FTLD-B shows compact cytoplasmic inclusions with few
dystrophic neurites, can be associated with C9orf72 muta-
tions, and is manifested as ALS, bvFTD, or both. TDP-D
shows lentiform neuronal intranuclear inclusions and few
dystrophic neurites, is associated with VCP mutations,
and includes inclusion body myositis, Paget’s disease of
bone, frontotemporal dementia, and amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis. TDP-E is characterized by granulofilamentous
neuronal inclusions, neuropil grains, and curvilinear oligo-
dendroglial inclusions leading to a rapidly progressive
frontotemporal dementia.57 The cortical distribution of
atrophy in each of these FTLD-TDP types shows high
interindividual variability. TDP-C is different. Its patho- FIGURE 4: Frontotemporal lobar degeneration transactive
gnomonic features are the long, thick, dystrophic neurites response DNA-binding protein type C neuropathology.
that tend to be most densely concentrated in upper layers Transactive response DNA-binding protein 43 immunohisto-
chemistry counterstained with cresyl violet from the autopsy of
of the cortex (Fig 4A). TDP-C is not known to be associ-
a semantic PPA case with symptom onset at the age of 63 years
ated with gene mutations, triggers the highly distinctive and death 10 years later. (A) From the right inferior parietal
cognitive and behavioral manifestations described above, lobule, which was relatively spared. Neuronal architecture is
and shows much greater anatomical uniformity of cortical mostly preserved. There is a high density of thick, long,
dystrophic neurites pathognomonic of TDP-C, many of which
atrophy than any of the other FTLD-TDP types or most have a rectilinear orientation perpendicular to the cortical
other neuropathological entities associated with dementia. surface in an orientation consistent with apical dendrites of
In AD, atrophy is tightly correlated with the density pyramidal neurons (double arrowhead). Others are wispy and
undulating, reminiscent of interneuron dendrites (single
of neurofibrillary tangles. This relationship reflects the arrowhead). (B) The same method showing the left anterior
neurotoxicity of neurofibrillary tangles and their resistance temporal lobe (ATL), which had advanced neurodegeneration.
to subsequent clearance.58, 59 In TDP-C, the relationship There is severe gliosis and loss of neurons. The density of
dystrophic neurites is much lower than in the inferior parietal
of neurodegeneration to inclusions may deviate from this
pattern. For example, quantitative microscopic investiga-
tions of 10 autopsies found no consistent overlap between
sites of maximal neurodegeneration and sites of maximal cortex, but that they are more toxic to ATL neurons, can-
TDP-43 inclusions.60 Some cortical areas that appeared not be ruled out. Considering the numerous dystrophic
normal in neuronal number and cytoarchitecture were neurites at cortical areas with minimal neuronal abnormal-
shown to have dystrophic neurite densities higher than ity (Fig 4), there seems to be a long delay before the local
sites of maximal neurodegeneration, such as ATL neurotoxicity of the abnormal TDP-43 neurites becomes
(Fig 4B). These studies suggest that the dystrophic neu- associated with neuronal death. Greater clarity on the tra-
rites of TDP-43, having emerged and reached their jectory of TDP-43 dystrophic neurites and their relation-
highest density and neurotoxic impact in the ATL, ship to neurodegeneration is unlikely to emerge without
undergo gradual clearance from the tissue. However, it is in vivo TDP-43 imaging or the availability of autopsy tis-
currently unclear whether the abnormal TDP-43 in the sue from earlier disease stages.
dystrophic neurites is the cause or consequence of neu- Full-length TDP-43 oligomers and TDP-43 cleavage
rodegeneration. Furthermore, the possibility that the dys- products from human FTLD-TDP are neurotoxic, whereas
trophic neurites emerge simultaneously everywhere in deletion of TDP-43 in the mouse is embryonically fatal.61, 62

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Mesulam et al: Anterotemporal Target of TDP-C

Neurodegeneration in FTLD-TDP may, therefore, reflect undergo different post-translational modifications that
the loss of normal TDP-43 function, as well as the toxic- mediate the distinctive patterns of neurotoxicity.
ity of the abnormal TDP-43. The relative impact of these Immunohistochemical studies suggest that the dys-
two factors may vary across different FTLD-TDP types.52 trophic neurites in TDP-C may be of dendritic origin.67
The identification of distinct molecular forms or strains of In support of this suggestion, the present observations on
the pathological protein, as has been done in whole-hemisphere sections processed for TDP-43 immu-
tauopathies63 and synucleinopathies,8 has not yet been nohistochemistry and counterstained with cresyl violet
reported for FTLD-TDP. At the present, the biological (Fig 4) show that a substantial number of the thick layer
mechanisms that distinguish TDP-C from other types of II neurites have perpendicular orientations reminiscent of
FTLD-TDP, or that underlie its unique affinity for the apical dendrites ascending from large pyramidal neurons
ATL, remain incompletely understood. This will be a of layers III and V, as seen in Golgi preparations of the
challenging question to address, because TDP-C, in con- human cerebral cortex.68 Thinner and less rectilinear
trast to TDP-A and TDP-B, is not associated with TDP-43 neurites are also seen and may represent den-
disease-causing mutations, making it difficult to generate drites of local circuit inhibitory neurons, which are known
animal models. At the descriptive level, however, features to show very complex dendritic arborizations throughout
that differentiate TDP-C from the other two most com- cortical layers.69
mon types, namely TDP-A and TDP-B, are being The possibility of dendritic origin for the dystrophic
reported with increasing frequency, and offer potential neurites is of interest, because TDP-43 is also thought to
pointers for future research directions. be an activity-responsive factor that colocalizes with the
Along these lines, F-box protein 2 was found to be a post-synaptic dendritic protein, PSD-95, and that may
marker of astrocytes in TDP-A, but not TDP-C.62 Immu- participate in synaptogenesis.55, 70 Whether all dystrophic
nohistochemical experiments also showed that an antibody neurites are of dendritic origin or if some also represent
raised against TDP-43 phosphorylated at serine 375 is dystrophic axons or glial processes remains to be
immunoreactive in tissue from TDP-B and TDP-C, but established. Axonal origin appears unlikely, because the
not TDP-A, and that heterogeneous ribonuclear protein hemispheric white matter and the anterior commissure,
hnRNP E2 antibodies bind abnormal TDP-43 inclusions which interconnects the ATL on each hemisphere, have
of TDP-C, but not TDP-A.64, 65 Furthermore, TDP-C no substantial concentration of dystrophic TDP-43 neu-
aggregates showed lower polyubiquitination and a more rites. The possibility that TDP-C causes the degeneration
protease-resistant C-terminal when compared with either of dendrites of deep pyramidal neurons is of particular
TDP-A or TDP-B.62 Perhaps as a consequence of these interest, as these neurons have been singled out for their
factors, pathological aggregates from TDP-A were found strategic role in the feedforward–feedback interactions that
to be more neurotoxic and more likely to show seeding underlie integrative cortical function.71 Although Pick’s
activity than those isolated from TDP-C, a finding in disease also affects large pyramidal neurons of layers III
keeping with significantly longer survival times in type C and V, the tauopathy is cytoplasmic and has not been
than in type A.16, 57, 62 shown to extend into dendrites, at least according to one
The field of tauopathy has greatly benefited from immunohistochemical investigation addressing this ques-
the structure-based classification of abnormal tau spe- tion.72 Such differences in the circuitry targeted by the
cies through cryo-electron microscopy.66 The same principal proteinopathy may conceivably help clarify why
methodology has been applied to TDP-B, where abnor- neurodegeneration confined to ATL consistently under-
mal TDP-43 has been shown to have a filamentous mines word comprehension in TDP-C, but not necessarily
structure with a core that spans residues 282–360 in Pick’s disease.
arranged in spiral shaped folds.63 It will be of great Distinctive molecular and structural properties of
interest to see if cryo-electron microscopy can reveal TDP-C cannot by themselves explain the selective predilec-
structural details that differentiate TDP-B from TDP-C tion of TDP-C for ATL. Additional constitutive or disease-
to explain why TDP-C is the only type of FTLD-TDP related factors unique to ATL or to the affected persons are
with a preponderance of dystrophic neurites. Based on also required. Such putative factors could include somatic
currently available information, it is reasonable to mutations within ATL, transcriptomic fingerprints that res-
conclude that each type of FTLD-TDP reflects a dis- onate with the distinctive pathogenicity of TDP-C, or
tinct pathophysiological cascade that converges upon a patient-specific risk factors. As noted above, the unique syn-
common proteinopathy. In each type, the abnormal aptology of ATL may have distinctive transcriptomic
TDP-43 retains some common properties (such as markers that modulate vulnerabilities. Furthermore,
phosphorylation and truncation), but also appears to genome-wide association studies encompassing 4,308

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controls and 2,154 clinically diagnosed FTD cases identi-

fied a network of 64 risk genes associated with “semantic Acknowledgment
dementia,” a diagnosis strongly correlated with TDP-C.73 R01 AG077444 (MM); R01 AG062566 (TG), P30
It would be of considerable interest to see whether distinc- AG072977 (RV) from National Institutes on Aging.
tive expression patterns of these genes can be linked to the
ATL of TDP-C cases. Compared with control, AD, and Author Contributions
other FTLD datasets, proteomic analyses in 15 patients M.M.M. contributed to the conception and design of the
with TDP-C also found increased cell adhesion proteins of review, drafted the text, and prepared illustrations.
the cadherin–catenin complex at the synaptic junction in A.S.K. prepared Figure 2C. M.M.M., T.D.G., M.E.F.,
samples from TDP-C.74 However, this analysis was limited R.C., P.J., E.B., J.S., S.W., C.G., and E.R. contributed to
to the dentate gyrus, which contains mostly Pick-like round the acquisition and analysis of the data.
TDP-43 inclusions rather than the thick long dystrophic
neurites, making its relevance to the cortical ATL degenera- Potential Conflicts of Interest
tion unclear.
Nothing to report.
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in fresh frozen middle temporal gyrus and hippocampal
tissue from 16 TDP-C patients.21 In 2 cases, somatic vari-
ants in the TARDBP gene were identified and linked to
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