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Jessica Laws

Leslie Brown
Jenny Eis
Whitney Hansen
Kara White

Name, location, work aspirations

Kara White, Seattle Washington, and I hope to find myself in a project management role
someday. I understand that this will likely not come right away, so I’m carefully trying to
figure out the best way to set myself on that path, either in an associate project
management role, or some other role.

Jen Eis, I live in Iowa and my work aspirations are to expand my project management
skills and become a full-time PM. I’ve worked in the project field for about 20 years.
Mostly in IT but I have been added to other levels. It has been extremely rewarding and
valuable to work through this degree and learn how to become a good project manager.

Jessica Laws, Sonoma California and I hope to work in project management. My

passion is people management so maybe in a human resources role or otherwise. I’m
also a fitness instructor so I am hoping to tie my passion for cycling into project
management to some degree.

Leslie Brown, Los Angeles, CA. My work aspirations are to expand my project
management skills and work and move up in the supply chain management field. I
currently work as a logistics coordinator and would like to move up to a supply chain
manager, managing multiple sites.

Whitney Hansen, I live in rural Nebraska, and my work aspirations are really just to help
others reach their goals and aspirations. I aspire to be in some sort of project
management position; however, I also wouldn’t mind just a leadership position in
general. I don’t quite know what type of work I want to go into, but I would love the
chance to be creative wherever I go.

Connect with one another for the purpose of getting to know each other.

We’ve been in communication, shared contact information, and are working on planning
a Zoom meeting soon.
Jen - I’m fond of Zoom. I used it when I taught courses for our local college as well as
for many class assignments. I’m available CST after 5:30pm during the week and any
time on Sunday.

Late to the communication game but here now ready to get it going! Zoom call works
for me.

I’m ok with zoom meetings. I think it’s a great way to connect with and see eachother.

I’m all for texting each other or using Google chat. I also think Zoom meetings would be
incredibly beneficial to get the objectives of our project down!

Have each team member identify if they are more like "better late than never" or "the
early bird gets the worm" in terms of meeting deadlines.

Kara - I like being an "early bird" gets the worm sort of person. I don't enjoy the last
minute frenzy like I used to when I was younger.

Jen - I think I sit in the "early bird gets the work" category because I have to try and stay
ahead in my full school schedule, full mother schedule as well as my schedule as a full-
time employee.

Jessica - I fall in between a better late is never but never late is better approach,
however I’m really working on being more of an “early bird gets the worm” type of

Leslie - I am more of the “early bird hets the worm” in terms of meeting deadlines.

Whitney - Most of the time, I am an “early bird gets the worm” type of person; however,
sometimes life gets in the way and sometimes I am doing assignments right at the
deadline. It really does depend on my life schedule at the time.

Decide how you will communicate with one another throughout the course. Will you use
the Canvas? Will you use Google Docs? Will you use Zoom?

We will use our emails/google chat to keep in touch, as well as intermittent Zoom
meetings. We have exchanged phone numbers in case we have urgent questions or
information to relay.
Jen - We have been working on communications and I think we finally have a starting
point of using google docs and zoom. I had started some items on canvas but it was
hard to ensure everyone was being notified. Group Chat has always worked well for my
discussion groups so we are going to use that.

I think we should create either a discord chat or maybe a group text chat?

I think group chats and zoom meetings are good ways for communicating.

We have been communicating via Google Chat, and we just started a text message
group chat. I prefer the text message group chat because it is the fastest and easiest
way to reach me. Although, I am totally comfortable using Google Chat as well with the
weekly or biweekly Zoom meetings to get to know each other and track the progress on
our project.

Determine a leadership structure for your team that includes an editor to review your
final documents prior to submission.

We have some proactive people in our group, I'm so glad! I'm not sure we need one
established leader, but it looks like a bunch of us are willing to help out as needed.
Maybe we can share the role of editor for the different assignments so it doesn't fall to
the same person each time?

Jen - I have found that building from the skills each team member has worked well for
past ASU projects. Some are more apt to lead the group while others are great writers
for our papers. I also found that staying in communication works extremely well.
Assigning items to team members after discussions on Zoom is a great way to ensure
items are completed on time.

I agree with Jen in regards to building from the skills of each team member. I’m not the
most tech savvy however I am good at typing up papers.

I, also, agree with Jen. I think once we find a time that works for everyone to do a Zoom
call, we will be able to get a better picture of everyone’s strengths and weakness to
better assign roles within the project.

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