第13单元37 39讲义

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E37· behalf below

450. behalf [bi'hɑ:f] n. … be=by +half

1 On behalf of the entire company, I would like to thank you for all your work.
2 Don't worry on my behalf.

2218. half [hɑ:f, hæf] n. adj. adv. cut

4369. shelf [ʃelf] n. half

The book I wanted was on the top shelf.

4370. shell [ʃel] n.

4371. shelter ['ʃeltə] n. v. shelt+-er

1 They opened a shelter to provide temporary housing for the city's homeless.

2 We were caught in a thunderstorm, without anywhere to shelter.

4373. shield [ʃi:ld] n. vt.

1 The police held up their riot shields against the flying rocks and bricks.
2 She held her hand above her eyes to shield them from the sun.

4394. shoulder ['ʃəuldə] n. v. shoulder-blade

Teachers cannot be expected to shoulder all the blame for poor exam results.

4248. scale [skeil] n. “ ”→

1 the Centigrade/Fahrenheit scale /

2 How would you rate his work on a scale of 1 to 5? 1 5
3 He was making a scale model of the Empire State Building.
4 We don't know the scale of the problem yet.
5 the scale of G major G

4461. skull [skʌl] n.

4453. ski [skiː] n. v.

1 a pair of skis
2 He skied down the hill.

4449. skate [skeit] v. n. shake

4454. skill [skil] n. “ ”

4455. skilled [skild] adj. in

Nursing is a highly skilled job.

4456. skillful ['skilful] adj. skilful in at

1 a skillful player/performer /
2 Thanks to her skillful handling of the affair, the problem was averted.

453. behind [bi'haind] prep. …… …… be=by


2318. hinder [ˈhɪndə(r)] vt. from hind + -er

1 An injury hindered him from playing his best.

460. beloved [bi'lʌvid, -'lʌvd] adj.&n.

2874. love [lʌv] n. vt.

2875. lovely ['lʌvli] adj.

2876. lover ['lʌvə] n. pl.

456. believe [bi'li:v] vt. vi. be +lieve=love

1 I believe (in) you.

2 Do you believe in life after death? have faith in sth.

455. belief [bi'li:f] n.

His belief in God gave him hope during difficult times.

2769. leave [li:v] v. n.

She's (gone) on leave (=holiday).

1548. eclipse [i'klips] n. ec-=ex- +lipse=leave

a solar/lunar eclipse /

459. belong [bi'lɔŋ] v. to go along with

1 Who does this watch belong to?

2 This table belongs in the sitting room.
3 These papers belong with the others.
4 After three years in Cambridge, I finally feel as if I belong here. 3

161. along [ə'lɔŋ] adv. …… prep. a-=anti- +long

1 I'll bring some food along and we can have a picnic.

2 a romantic walk along the beach/river /

162. alongside [ə'lɔŋ'said] adv. prep. …… ……

2858. long [lɔŋ, lɔ:ŋ] adj. adv.

2859. longitude ['lɔndʒitju:d, -tu:d] n.

2738. latitude ['lætitju:d] n. pl.

3801. prolong [prə'lɔŋ, 'lɔ:ŋ] vt. pro-

We were having such a good time that we decided to prolong our stay for another week.

2820. linger ['liŋɡə] vi. ling=long +-er

1 After the play had finished, we lingered for a while in the bar hoping to catch sight of the actors.

2 Don’t linger away your holidays. Try to find something useful to do.
3 He lingered on for several months after the heart attack.

2873. lounge [laundʒ] n. long

2852. lodge [lɔdʒ] v. n. leaf

1 She lodged with Mrs Higgins when she first came to Cambridge.
2 Your will should be lodged with your lawyer.
3 All visitors should report to the porter’s lodge.

2844. lobby ['lɔbi] n. v.

1 a hotel lobby
2 Local residents lobbied to have the factory shut down.

461. below [bi'ləu] prep. …… …… adv. be=by +low

2877. low [ləu] adj.

2878. lower ['ləʊə] vt. adj.

1 He had to lower his head to get through the door.
2 Her lower lip trembled as if she were about to cry.

5162. under ['ʌndə] prep. …… …… adv.

He hid under the bed.

5171. underneath [,ʌndə'ni:θ] prep. …… adv.

They found a bomb underneath the car.

465. beneath [bi'ni:θ] prep. …… ……

We huddled together for warmth beneath the blankets.

5164. undergo [,ʌndə'ɡəu] vt.

My mother underwent major surgery last year.

2134. go [ɡəu] v. n.

5167. underlie [,ʌndə'lai] vt. …… , ……

These ideas underlie much of his work.

5169. underlying [,ʌndə'laiiŋ] adj.

Unemployment may be an underlying cause of the rising crime rate.

2801. lie [lai] vi. v. n. lay lie-lay-lain-lying lie-lied-lied-


1 A cat lay in front of the fire.

2 The river lies 30 km to the south. 30

774. cheat [tʃi:t] v. n.

Anyone caught cheating will be immediately disqualified from the exam.

2748. lay [lei] v. lay-laid-laid-laying

1 She laid the baby on the bed.

2 The foundations of the house are being laid today
3 The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests.

2749. layer ['leiə] n.

There was a thin layer of oil on the surface of the water.

2750. layman ['leimən] n. lay=learned

to explain sth. in layman's terms (=in simple language)

2751. layoff ['leiɔf] n.

The recent economic crisis has led to massive layoffs.

2752. layout [ˈleɪaʊt] n.

I like the layout of the house.

4026. relay [ ri'lei; 'ri:lei] vt. n. re- +lay

1 I was told the news first and then I relayed it to the others.
2 Relays of workers kept the machines going through the night.

1276. delay [di'lei] v.&n. de-

My plane was delayed by an hour. 1

2745. law [lɔ:] n. lay

2747. lawyer ['lɔ:jə] n.

450. behalf [bi'hɑ:f] n. … be=by +half

2218. half [hɑ:f, hæf] n. adj. adv. cut

4369. shelf [ʃelf] n. half

4370. shell [ʃel] n.

4371. shelter ['ʃeltə] n. v.

4373. shield [ʃi:ld] n. vt.

4394. shoulder ['ʃəuldə] n. v. shoulder-blade

4248. scale [skeil] n. “ ”→

4461. skull [skʌl] n.

4453. ski [skiː] n. v.

4449. skate [skeit] v. n. shake

4454. skill [skil] n. “ ”

4455. skilled [skild] adj. in

4456. skillful ['skilful] adj. skilful in at

453. behind [bi'haind] prep. …… …… be=by


2318. hinder [ˈhɪndə(r)] vt. from hind + -er

460. beloved [bi'lʌvid, -'lʌvd] adj.&n.

2874. love [lʌv] n. vt.

2875. lovely ['lʌvli] adj.

2876. lover ['lʌvə] n. pl.

456. believe [bi'li:v] vt. vi. be +lieve=love

455. belief [bi'li:f] n.

2769. leave [li:v] v. n.

1548. eclipse [i'klips] n. ec-=ex- +lipse=leave

459. belong [bi'lɔŋ] v. to go along with

161. along [ə'lɔŋ] adv. …… prep. a-=anti- +long

162. alongside [ə'lɔŋ'said] adv. prep. …… ……

2858. long [lɔŋ, lɔ:ŋ] adj. adv.

2859. longitude ['lɔndʒitju:d, -tu:d] n.

2738. latitude ['lætitju:d] n. pl.

3801. prolong [prə'lɔŋ, 'lɔ:ŋ] vt. pro-

2820. linger ['liŋɡə] vi. ling=long +-er

2873. lounge [laundʒ] n. long

2852. lodge [lɔdʒ] v. n. leaf

2844. lobby ['lɔbi] n. v.

461. below [bi'ləu] prep. …… …… adv. be=by +low

2877. low [ləu] adj.

2878. lower ['ləʊə] vt. adj.

5162. under ['ʌndə] prep. …… …… adv.

5171. underneath [,ʌndə'ni:θ] prep. …… adv.

465. beneath [bi'ni:θ] prep. …… ……

5164. undergo [,ʌndə'ɡəu] vt. 

2134. go [ɡəu] v. n.

5167. underlie [,ʌndə'lai] vt. …… , ……

5169. underlying [,ʌndə'laiiŋ] adj.

2801. lie [lai] vi. v. n. lay lie-lay-lain-lying lie-lied-lied-


774. cheat [tʃi:t] v. n.

2748. lay [lei] v. lay-laid-laid-laying

2749. layer ['leiə] n.

2750. layman ['leimən] n. lay=learned

2751. layoff ['leiɔf] n.

2752. layout [ˈleɪaʊt] n.

4026. relay [ ri’lei; 'ri:lei] vt. n. re- +lay

1276. delay [di'lei] v.&n. de-

2745. law [lɔ:] n. lay

2747. lawyer ['lɔ:jə] n.

E38· benign bicycle

468. benign [bi'nain] adj. beni- =-gn-=-


1 a benign tumour
2 a benign old lady

2092. gene [dʒi:n] n.

The illness is believed to be caused by a defective gene.

2100. genius ['dʒi:njəs] n.

2511. ingenious [in'dʒi:njəs] adj. in- +-geni- + -ous

1 an ingenious device
2 He is so ingenious that he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials.

2099. genetic [dʒi'netik] adj. n. [-s]

genetic and environmental factors

2104. genuine ['dʒenjuin] adj. -genu-=-gene- + -ine

1 genuine leather
2 If it is a genuine Michelangelo drawing, it will sell for millions.

344. authentic [ɔ:'θentik] adj. aut- +-hent-+-ic

1 I don't know if the painting is authentic.

2 authentic Italian food

2095. generate ['dʒenəreit] vt. -gener-=-gene- + -ate

1 to generate electricity ; to generate profit

2 The proposal has generated a lot of interest.

2096. generation [,dʒenə'reiʃən] n.

generation gap

2097. generator ['dʒenəreitə] n.

1274. degenerate [di'dʒenəreit] v. adj. n. de-=dis-

1 Her health degenerated quickly.

2 a degenerate young man

2093. general ['dʒenərəl] adj. n. -gener- + -al

captain general

1 In general, men are taller than women.

2 My general impression of the place was good.

2094. generalize ['dʒenərəlaiz] v. generalise

1 It would be foolish to generalize from a single example.

2 These conclusions cannot be generalized to the whole country.

2098. generous ['dʒenərəs] adj. “ ”

1 It was generous of you to lend me the money.

2 a generous mind

2340. homogeneous [,hɔmə'dʒi:niəs] adj. homo-=same +-gene- +

The population of the village has remained remarkably homogeneous.

2091. gender ['dʒendə] n.

Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age or disability is not allowed.

2101. gentle ['dʒentl] adj. mild gentle

1 He's very gentle with his kids.

2 gentle exercise

2103. gently ['dʒentli] adv.

2102. gentleman ['dʒentlmən] n.

3722. pregnant ['preɡnənt] adj. pre- +-gn- + -ant

1 My mother stopped smoking when she became pregnant.

2 Her silence was pregnant with criticism.

2916. malignant [mə'liɡnənt] adj. mal-=mis- +-i-+-gn- + -ant

1 The process by which malignant cancer cells multiply isn't fully understood.
2 He developed a malignant hatred for the land of his birth.

2108. germ [dʒə:m] n.

Wash your hands so you don't get germs on the food.

2686. kin [kin] n. gene

We have notified the next of kin.

2687. kind [kaind] adj. n.

2689. kindness ['kaindnis] n.

2690. king [kiŋ] n.

2691. kingdom ['kiŋdəm] n. king +-dom=do

1454. do [ du:] aux. vt. vi.

1470. doom [du:m] n. v.

1 A sense of doom hung over the entire country.

2 The plan was doomed to failure.

3880. queen [kwi:n] n.

478. bewilder [bi'wildə] v. be- +wild +-er

1 The instructions completely bewildered me.

2 She was totally bewildered by his sudden change of mood.

5415. wild [waild] adj.

1 wild animals/flowers /
2 a wild, mountainous region
3 He made a wild guess at the answer.

3025. mild [maild] adj. gentle mild

1 She can't accept even mild criticism of her work.

2 a mild woman who never shouted
3 a mild climate

2990. melt [melt] v.

1 The sun had melted the snow.

2 The tension in the room began to melt.

4520. soft [sɔft, sɔ:ft] adj. Microsoft

1 soft ground/pillow /
2 a soft/gentle voice
3 a soft skin
4 If you’re too soft with these kids they’ll never respect you.
5 soft drinks

2914. make [meik] n. vt.

1828. fake [feik] n. adj. v.

1 Experts revealed that the painting was a fake.

2 He was charged with possessing a fake passport.
3 He faked a heart attack and persuaded prison staff to take him to hospital.

2322. hire [haiə] vt.&n.

1 I was hired by the first company I applied to.

2 How much would it cost to hire a car for the weekend?
3 She's our latest hire.

1914. fire ['faiə] n. vi. vt.

He fired his gun into the air.

1915. fireman ['faiəmən] n.

2046. fuel ['fjuəl] n. vt. …… fire

1 Wood, coal, oil, petrol, and gas are all different kinds of fuel.
2 Reports in today's newspapers have added fuel to the controversy (=made it worse).

3 Our heating is fuelled by gas.

1890. fever ['fi:və] n. fire

1 He's got a headache and a slight fever.

2 He waited for her arrival in a fever of impatience.

1930. flare [fleə] v.&n.

1 The match flared and went out.

2 There was a sudden flare when she threw the petrol onto the fire.

2416. ignite [iɡ'nait] v.

1 Gas ignites very easily.

2 His words ignited their anger.

483. bicycle ['baisikl] n. bike vi. bi- +cycle=circle

908. combine [kəm'bain] v. n. com- +bi(ne)

1 As a writer, he combined wit with passion.

2 a Chinese industrial combine

907. combination [,kɔmbi'neiʃən] n.

1372. dilemma [dɪˈlemə] n. di-=bi- +lemma

She faces the dilemma of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves.

1206. cycle ['saikl] n. v.

1 life cycle
2 I usually cycle home through the park.

3982. recycle [,ri:'saikl] v.&n.

1 Denmark recycles nearly 85% of its paper. 85%

2 He recycled all his old jokes.

1628. encyclopedia [ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpiːdiə] n. encyclopaedia en-=in- +cyclo=circle +-ped-=boy +-ia

1207. cylinder ['silində] n.

1 Deep-sea divers carry cylinders of oxygen on their backs.

2 a six-cylinder engine

811. circle ['sə:kl] n. v.

812. circuit ['sə:kit] n.

1 They test the car tyres on a motor racing circuit.

2 A defect was found in the electrical circuit.

813. circular ['sə:kjulə] adj. n.

1 a circular building
2 Circulars and other junk mail go straight in the bin.

814. circulate ['sə:kjuleit] v.

1 Hot water circulates through the heating system.

2 I tried to circulate at a party and not just stayed with the friends I came with.

815. circumference [sə'kʌmfərəns] n. circum=circle +-fer- + -ence

1 the circumference of the earth

2 chest circumference

816. circus ['sə:kəs] n.

4287. search [sə:tʃ] v.&n. for

1 The police searched the woods for the missing boy.

2 After a long search, they eventually found the missing papers.

4080. research [ri'sə:tʃ, 'ri:s-] v.&n. re-

1 She's researching into possible cures for AIDS.

2 scientific/medical research /

892. collar ['kɔlə] n.

white/blue collar workers /

5385. wheel [wi:l] n.

1199. curve [kə:v] n. v.

1 a curve in the road ; the curve of a graph

2 The road curves round to the left.

1189. curb [kə:b] n. vt.

1 You must try to put a curb on your bad temper/spending habits.

2 The government should act to curb tax evasion.

1193. curl [kə:l] v. n.

1 Does your hair curl naturally, or is it permed?

2 Curls of smoke were rising from the chimney.

1162. crisp [krisp] adj.

1 Bake until the pastry is golden and crisp.

2 The sound from the new speakers is very crisp.
3 I breathed in deeply the crisp mountain air.

468. benign [bi'nain] adj. beni- =-gn-=-


2092. gene [dʒi:n] n.

2100. genius ['dʒi:njəs] n.

2511. ingenious [in'dʒi:njəs] adj. in- +-geni- + -ous

2099. genetic [dʒi'netik] adj. n. [-s]

2104. genuine ['dʒenjuin] adj. -genu-=-gene- + -ine

344. authentic [ɔ:'θentik] adj. aut- +-hent-+-ic

1 I don't know if the painting is authentic.

2 authentic Italian food

2095. generate ['dʒenəreit] vt. -gener-=-gene- + -ate

2096. generation [,dʒenə'reiʃən] n.

2097. generator ['dʒenəreitə] n.

1274. degenerate [di'dʒenəreit] v. adj. n. de-=dis-

2093. general ['dʒenərəl] adj. n. -gener- + -al

captain general

2094. generalize ['dʒenərəlaiz] v. generalise

2098. generous ['dʒenərəs] adj. “ ”

2340. homogeneous [,hɔmə'dʒi:niəs] adj. homo-=same +-gene- +


2091. gender ['dʒendə] n.

2101. gentle ['dʒentl] adj. mild gentle

2103. gently ['dʒentli] adv.

2102. gentleman ['dʒentlmən] n.

3722. pregnant ['preɡnənt] adj. pre- +-gn- + -ant

2916. malignant [mə'liɡnənt] adj. mal- +-i-+-gn- + -ant

2108. germ [dʒə:m] n.

2686. kin [kin] n. gene

2687. kind [kaind] adj. n.

2689. kindness ['kaindnis] n.

2690. king [kiŋ] n.

2691. kingdom ['kiŋdəm] n. king +-dom=do

1454. do [ du:] aux. vt. vi.

1470. doom [du:m] n. v.

3880. queen [kwi:n] n.

478. bewilder [bi'wildə] v. be- +wild +-er

5415. wild [waild] adj.

3025. mild [maild] adj. gentle mild

2990. melt [melt] v.

4520. soft [sɔft, sɔ:ft] adj.

2914. make [meik] n. vt.

1828. fake [feik] n. adj. v.

2322. hire [haiə] vt.&n.

1914. fire ['faiə] n. vi. vt.

1915. fireman ['faiəmən] n.

2046. fuel ['fjuəl] n. vt. …… fire

1890. fever ['fi:və] n. fire

1930. flare [fleə] v.&n.

2416. ignite [iɡ'nait] v.

483. bicycle ['baisikl] n. bike vi. bi- +cycle=circle

908. combine [kəm'bain] v. n. com- +bi(ne)

907. combination [,kɔmbi'neiʃən] n.

1372. dilemma [dɪˈlemə] n. di-=bi- +lemma

1206. cycle ['saikl] n. v.

3982. recycle [,ri:'saikl] v.&n.

1628. encyclopedia [ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpiːdiə] n. encyclopaedia en-=in- +cyclo=circle +-ped-=boy +-ia

1207. cylinder ['silində] n.

811. circle ['sə:kl] n. v.

812. circuit ['sə:kit] n.

813. circular ['sə:kjulə] adj. n.

814. circulate ['sə:kjuleit] v.

815. circumference [sə'kʌmfərəns] n. circum=circle +-fer- + -ence

816. circus ['sə:kəs] n.

4287. search [sə:tʃ] v.&n. for

4080. research [ri'sə:tʃ, 'ri:s-] v.&n. re-

892. collar ['kɔlə] n.

5385. wheel [wi:l] n.

1199. curve [kə:v] n. v.

1189. curb [kə:b] n. vt.

1193. curl [kə:l] v. n.

1162. crisp [krisp] adj.

E39· bid blast

484. bid [bid] v. n. beg

1 She knew she couldn't afford it, so she didn't bid.

2 A French firm will be bidding for the contract.
3 I made a bid of $150 for the painting. 150
4 Sydney made a successful bid to host the Olympic Games.

1971. forbid [fə'bid] v. forbade, forbidden for- +bid

1 He forbade them from mentioning the subject again.

2 He is forbidden from leaving the country.

487. billion ['biljən] num.&n. bi- +million “ ”

3032. million ['miljən] num.&n. mill + -ion “1000 ”

3033. millionaire [ˌmɪljəˈneə(r)] n. million+ -aire

3026. mile [mail] n.

3031. millimeter [ˈmɪlimiːtə(r)] n. millimetre

3028. military ['militəri] adj. -milit- + -ary

military training

3027. militant ['militənt] adj. n.

1 militant extremists
2 Student militants were fighting with the police.

3030. mill [mil] n. vt.

1 a pepper/coffee mill /
2 a cotton/paper/steel mill / /
3 The grain is milled locally.

488. bin [bin] n. be+in

a rubbish/bread bin /

561. box [bɔks] n. v. ……

1 a toolbox
2 a box of chocolates/matches /
3 I boxed up some clothes and books to donate to charity.
4 He used to box every weekend.

2638. jar [dʒɑ:] n.

a jam jar

2660. jug [dʒʌɡ] n.

a milk/water jug /

4871. tank [tæŋk] n. vt.

1 a fuel/petrol tank /
2 He tanked up and drove away.

4872. tanker ['tæŋkə] n.

5126. tub [tʌb] n. bathtub

5127. tube [tju:b, tu:b] n. Youtube“ ”

1 test-tube baby

500. black [blæk] adj. n.

502. blackmail ['blækmeil] n.&vt.

1 If you are in a position of authority, any weakness leaves you open to blackmail.

2 They used the photographs to blackmail her.

505. blank [blæŋk] adj. n.

1 a blank sheet of paper

2 a blank stare/expression /
3 Fill in the blanks on this form.

506. blanket ['blæŋkit] n. vt.

508. blaze [bleiz] vi. n.

1 Within minutes the whole building was blazing.

2 The sun blazed down from a clear blue sky.
3 Firefighters took two hours to control the blaze.
4 The garden is a blaze of colour in autumn.

514. blind [blaind] adj. vt. n.

1 blind faith/obedience
2 When she went outside she was temporarily blinded by the sun.

511. blend [blend] n. v.

1 Their music is a blend of jazz and African rhythms.

2 Blend the ingredients into a smooth paste.
3 The carpet blends well with the colour of the walls.

509. bleak [bli:k] adj. “ ”

1 The house stands on a bleak, windswept hilltop.

2 The economic outlook is bleak.

524. blunder ['blʌndə] v. n. blind

1 The government had blundered in its handling of the affair.

2 I could hear him blundering around in the darkness.
3 I made a blunder by getting his name wrong.

525. blunt [blʌnt] adj. vt.

1 a blunt knife
2 She has a reputation for blunt speaking.
3 Age hadn't blunted his passion for adventure.

1928. flame [fleim] n. vi.

1 The flames grew larger as the fire spread.

2 The fire suddenly flamed (up).

503. blade [bleid] n. blood

1 a sword with a steel blade

2 a propeller blade ; windscreen wiper blades

516. blood [blʌd] n.

517. bloody ['blʌdi] adj.

510. bleed [bli:d] vt. vi.

1 My ex-wife is bleeding me for every penny I have.

2 Your arm is bleeding.
512. bless [bles] vt.

May God bless you.

507. blast [blɑːst; blæst] n. v.

1 A blast of hot air hit us as we stepped off the plane.

2 a bomb blast
3 They had to blast a tunnel through the mountain.

521. blow [bləu] vi. n.

1 The wind was blowing harder every minute.

2 His car had been blown to pieces.
3 Losing his job was a severe blow to his confidence.

2504. inflation [in'fleiʃən] n. in- +-flat-=blow + -ion

high/low inflation /

4837. swell [swel] v. n.

1 It was obvious she had broken her toe, because it immediately started to swell (up).

2 Last year’s profits were swelled by a fall in production costs.

3 The boat was caught up in a heavy swell.
4 a swell of pride

518. bloom [blu:m] n. vi.

1 The apple trees are in full bloom.

2 These flowers will bloom all through the summer.

519. blossom ['blɔsəm] vi. n.

1 The cherry tree is beginning to blossom.

2 apple/cherry blossom /

540. boom [bu:m] v.

1 The leisure industry is booming.

2 This year has seen a boom in book sales.

541. boost [bu:st] n.&vt.

1 Passing my driving test was such a boost to my confidence.

3 The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices.

1949. flower ['flauə] n. vi. flow=blow+ -er blow bloom

When does this plant flower?

1946. flour ['flauə] n. “ ”

He added some flour to thicken the soup.

1947. flourish [ˈflʌrɪʃ] vi. flour=flower + -ish

1 My tomatoes are flourishing this summer.

2 Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.

1934. flavor ['fleivə] n. flavour v. ……

1 We sell 32 different flavours of ice cream. 32

2 This sauce is flavoured with garlic.

3695. powder ['paudə] n. pollen l-u-w

A packet of white powder was found and police scientists are analysing it.

484. bid [bid] v. n. beg

1971. forbid [fə'bid] v. forbade, forbidden for- +bid

487. billion ['biljən] num.&n. bi- +million “ ”

3032. million ['miljən] num.&n. mill + -ion “1000 ”

3033. millionaire [ˌmɪljəˈneə(r)] n. million+ -aire

3026. mile [mail] n.

3031. millimeter [ˈmɪlimiːtə(r)] n. millimetre

3028. military ['militəri] adj. -milit- + -ary

3027. militant ['militənt] adj. n.

3030. mill [mil] n. vt.

488. bin [bin] n. be+in

561. box [bɔks] n. v. ……

2638. jar [dʒɑ:] n.

2660. jug [dʒʌɡ] n.

4871. tank [tæŋk] n. vt.

4872. tanker ['tæŋkə] n.

5126. tub [tʌb] n. bathtub

5127. tube [tju:b, tu:b] n. Youtube“ ”

500. black [blæk] adj. n.

502. blackmail ['blækmeil] n.&vt.

505. blank [blæŋk] adj. n.

506. blanket ['blæŋkit] n. vt.

508. blaze [bleiz] vi. n.

514. blind [blaind] adj. vt. n.

511. blend [blend] n. v.

509. bleak [bli:k] adj. “ ”

524. blunder ['blʌndə] v. n. blind

525. blunt [blʌnt] adj. vt.

1928. flame [fleim] n. vi.

503. blade [bleid] n. blood

516. blood [blʌd] n.

517. bloody ['blʌdi] adj.

510. bleed [bli:d] vt. vi.

512. bless [bles] vt.

507. blast [blɑːst; blæst] n. v.

521. blow [bləu] vi. n.

2504. inflation [in'fleiʃən] n. in- +-flat-=blow + -ion

4837. swell [swel] v. n.

518. bloom [blu:m] n. vi.

519. blossom ['blɔsəm] vi. n.

540. boom [bu:m] v.

541. boost [bu:st] n.&vt.

1949. flower ['flauə] n. vi. flow=blow+ -er blow bloom

1946. flour ['flauə] n. “ ”

1947. flourish [ˈflʌrɪʃ] vi. flour=flower + -ish

1934. flavor ['fleivə] n. flavour v. ……

3695. powder ['paudə] n. pollen l-u-w


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