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the statement tells us that whatever happens in our lives may or may not affect us.

However, it is up
to an individual how he/she responds or reacts to such events, which will probably determine the
consequences of the response.
We humans are rational beings; hence, we have the power to think and control our emotions. We
can always choose to think rationally in every situation and believe in something positive.
In other words, a positive response equates to a positive outcome, while a negative response
equates to a negative outcome.
ara na sa nature sang humans to think rationally or irrationally, para e feel ang different kinds of
emotions, and if gusto ta or gina desire ang isa ka bagay that can either leave us satisfied or not.

Living as rational beings, gapanumdom, ga-experience, and ga learn kita something new every day
that can influence our beliefs. We tend to learn, relearn, and unlearn as we become cognizant of the
reality around us.
so tanan ini are simply part of our nature as human beings.

As we live, it is inevitable to encounter difficulty, especially in dealing with every event nga ga
involve sang aton emotions.
According to Ellis, amo ni sila ang mga Sources of Difficulty

And also, the moment nga ga start kita panumdom irrationally or illogically dira tanaman ina dason
ma experience ang psychological disturbance or distress.
The goals of REBT pok para ma lessen ang psychological distress sang individual ang self defeating
behaviors kay diba the therapy is done through abcde nga ginapabaylo ang irrational idea to rational
with that maga change iya behavior so ma about nya ang self actualization kag mas happy.

Ang sub goals is gina pa clear gd sa mind sang individual nga nd bangud nag fail sya sa isa ka
bagay the whole life nya failure na sa. No. Mas ma realize nya nga if nag fail sya dati thats normal
kay before maabot ang success, maka agi gid danay failure.
REBT focuses on changing irrational beliefs to rational ones in order for an individual to change his/
her perception of events that might occur.
> E ask mo si client sang mga basic nga irrational ideas nya nga ga cause man sa iya sang emotional
distress ex. Failure sya as a person siling nya

> Ask mo siya ngaman muna iya napanumdom ( ang gina mean di ang irrational idea nga gin hambal
nya) kung paano sya nag arrrive sa muna nga pagpati ex. Bcs wala sa kapsar sa exam, muna bi sya
failure ngd sya as a person

>Ikaw nga counselor, imo sa dason saysayan bala hahahaha about sang ginhmbal nya nga irrational
idea nya. Hambalan mo sya sang mga nabal an mo nga idea man about sinang hmbal nya ex. Indi
lang man ikaw ang naga fail, biskan ang mga successful na ynda halin man na sa failure, di bangud
sa isa mo ka faiilure the whole life ko failure ka na

>As a counselor nya explain ka sang mga rational idea about sa failure, ipaintindi mo sa iya nga that
is part na sang life.
ex. Imo ihambal sa iya tanan kita naga fail man sa kabuhi kay indi tanan diretso sa pag asenso so
natural lng mag fail sa process nga may gina abot ka nga dream in life

>explain mo dason if pano nya na ma change ang irrational idea nya to rational idea nga instead of
panumduming nga failure ngd sya ya asta mapatay sya , ngaa di nya try manumdom nga ang failure
indi gd makapaiban simo pagkatawo so it is okay to experience it kag u can try again naman until u
reach that goal. Explain ka pa other scenario about failure as part gd sang reality bcs everyone
encounters it

>tudluan mo sya sang steps if ano hinuon nya para the next time she will encounter failure nd sya
maging irrational manumdom

>lastly, recommend ka or encourage mo sya to do something nga makapabaylo sinang thought nya
nga nag fail lng sya once failure na sa dason bilog nga life nya, like try to watch true to life stories,
documentaries, or observe nya ang life sang iban how they deal with failures
Gina hambal mo ang illogical nga napanumdom sang client with humor, wla mo sina sugar coat

Active ka kag ikaw gahatag advice, daw ikaw ga dala sang discussion

Biskan ano ginahambal sang client mo wala ka ga kontra or napabay an ang client mag vent out


Shmpre kabalo ka mag analyze sang situation kag mag explain sang possible solution sa concern ka

“The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do
not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own

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