Pink Tax Outline

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Jordan Wagner

Persuasive Pink Tax Speech

Sierra College

Introduction: Good morning everyone today, I stand before you to shed light on a pressing issue

that affects us all – the Pink Tax. You may have heard of it, but do you truly grasp the profound

impact it has on women's lives and our society as a whole? The Pink Tax is not just an economic

burden; it's a symbol of gender bias that we must address collectively. Today, I urge you to join

me in taking action against this insidious form of discrimination.

Background: The Pink Tax refers to the unjust practice of charging higher prices for products and

services targeted at women than similar products and services for men. This means that women

often pay more for everyday essentials like razors, shampoo, clothing, and even healthcare

products, solely based on their gender. It's a blatant inequality hidden in plain sight, perpetuating

gender bias and further widening the gap between men and women.

Thesis statement: Today, I urge you to join me in taking action against this insidious form of

discrimination through awareness, advocacy, and conscious consumer choices.

I. Show examples of the Pink Tax in action:

A. Ex #1, Bic “For Her” pens, (Maloney, 2016).

B. Ex #2, Microsoft mouse price difference in pink vs. blue, (Maloney, 2016).

II. Far-reaching Consequences of the Pink Tax

A. Exatrabates the gender pay gap: “Women already earn less than their male

counterparts for the same work. Women earn 82 cents for every dollar that a man

is paid, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,” (Foster, 2022).


B. “Californian women pay an average of about $2,381 more, for the same goods

and services than men per year. That can add up to about $188,000 in pink tax

throughout a woman’s life,” (Gillespie, 2023).

III. Why does the Pink Tax persist?

A. Mention the societal norms and expectations that shape our perceptions of gender


B. Point out limited awareness and data on this issue.

IV. Call to Action.

A. Raise Awareness

1.Utilize Social Media.

2.Engage in Conversations.

B. Support Gender-Neutral Pricing

1.Petitions & Letters.

2.Boycott Gender Biased Brands.

C. Legislation & Policy

1.Contact Legislators.

2.Join Advocacy Groups.

D. Consumer Choices

1.Educate Yourself.

2.Reward Fair Practices.



The Pink Tax is not just an economic burden; it's a manifestation of the deeply rooted gender

biases that hinder progress toward true equality. It's time to dismantle this symbol of

discrimination and create a society where everyone, regardless of gender, can thrive. Let us stand

together, raise our voices, and take meaningful action to eradicate the Pink Tax once and for all.

Remember, the change starts with each one of us. By working collectively, we can break free

from the shackles of inequality and create a brighter, fairer future for all. Thank you.


Foster, S. (2022, March 8). 11 ways women can shrink the gender pay gap to better achieve their

financial goals. Bankrate.

Gillespie, L. (2023, February 27). The pink tax: Latest updates and Statistics. Bankrate.

Maloney, C. B. (2016, December). The pink tax how gender-based pricing hurts women’s buying

power. The Pink Tax.


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