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Dushyant Kumar Sahu

Contact No.: (+91) 998-5677-445

Email Id:

Career Objectives

To achieve high carrier growth through a continuous learning process and keep myself dynamic,
visionary and competitive with the changing scenario of the world.

Professional Summary

 10.9 years of experience in design, development, enhancement and support of web

applications based on Java, Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate, web services and Microservices.
 Experience on Docker and Jenkins.
 Hands on Experience in Spring Core, AOP, Web, MVC, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Spring Data
JPA, Spring security, Spring Integration, JMS, and IBM Websphere MQ.
 Experience in leading a team of 8-10 members.
 Excellent analytical thinking, quick learner, problem solving ability, good communication skills.
 Sun Certified Java Programmer SCJP (1.4) and Web Component Developer SCWCD (5.0)

Employment Summary

Organization Band-Sub band/ Designation Duration

EPAM Systems Senior Software Engineer Mar-2018 to Till Date
Tata Consultancy Services Assistant Consultant Jul-2016 to Mar-2018
Genpact Headstrong India Pvt. Ltd. Lead Consultant Nov-2014 to June-2016
Accenture Services India Pvt. Ltd. Senior Analyst Nov-2011 to Oct-2014
iGATE Patni Senior Software Engineer July-2010 to Nov-2011
Nucsoft Ltd. Software Engineer May-2008 to July-2010


Course University Specialization Percentage Year

B.E. GGDU Bilaspur CG ET&T 76% 2006
HSC State Board Mathematics 83% 2002
SSC State Board General 82% 2000

Technical Skills

LANGUAGES AND SKILLS Core Java, J2EE, Spring REST, Jersey REST, Microservices, SOAP,
Junit, Mockito, EasyMock, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, XML, XSD, UML,
Design Patterns, TDD, Quartz Scheduler, SQL, PL/SQL, Jenkins
CI/CD, JMS, Docker
FRAMEWORKS Spring Boot, Spring Core, AOP, Web MVC, Spring Batch, Spring
Data JPA and Spring Integration, Spring Security, Hibernate, JPA,
Struts, JSF (Icefaces)

Internet Technologies Angular2, Ajax, JavaScript, JSON, JQuery, JQuery Mobile,

Highcharts, HTML, DHTMLX, Polymer – Android UI framework
Databases Oracle 9i/10g/11g, Postgres, IBM Content Manager
Application & Web Apache Tomcat 6, JBoss 7.0, IBM WebSphere 6.1.0
Project Build Tools Maven, Ant
Tools & Utilities Eclipse, JBoss Studio, EA tool (Enterprise Architect), IBM RAD
(Rational Application Developer), Netbeans, SOAP UI, Postman
REST client, Advanced REST client, Toad, Tortoise SVN, GIT,
CVS, SQL Developer, PL/SQL Developer, Firebug, Developer
tools, Squirrel SQL Client, PG admin tool, IBM Rational
ClearQuest, HP Quality Center, Team City Build Agent, Crucible
Code review tool, Confluence- Team Collaboration software,
Jenkins, Sonar cube
OPERATING SYSTEMS Unix, Linux, Windows 7, Windows 10

Awards and Recognition

 Awarded for the best Team in EPAM.

 Nominated as Spring Hero several times for critical deliveries on time at EPAM.
 Received Silver Cheers Points award from Genpact for my valuable contribution to the Projects
as a team player, team lead and for knowledge transfer activities.
 Received Bronze Cheers Points award from Genpact for successful delivery of Accounts
module with high quality and delivery excellence.
 Received Customer Kudos from the client for my dedication and promptness to accept new

Professional Experience:

Project #1 Publishing Pathway

Client Thomson Reuters
Domain Legal
Role Senior Developer
Organization EPAM Systems
Duration Mar 2018 to till date
Platform and Platform: Windows 10, Linux
Technology Technologies: Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring REST, Spring Integration,
Docker, Jenkins (CI/CD), Sonar cube, Junit, Mockito
Web Server: Tomcat
Database: Oracle database, H2
Tools: Eclipse, Postman, SOAP UI, SQL developer, Swagger
Project Description
Publishing Pathway is a content processor, which processes the input samples received from CAMS
(Cobalt Authority Management System) and generates load zip files. It basically transforms the input
sample xml files into output xml files using XSLT. Input samples can be XML, Doc, PDF or Image

Publishing pathway have various steps like packageComplete, FTP Complete, Send To LTC, Load
Complete. Novus load process starts from running executor on various samples (Legislation,
Assented Leg, Bills and Commentary) on incremental/full mode. Publishing Pathway generate load
xml for different collection types (Doc, Image, TOC) into an output folder. Post packageComplete,
ftpLoad process starts, which reads load file name from database and sFTP the generated load files
into destination folder. Next step is LTC Load, which push the sFTPed load files into request MQ.
Pathway uses XSLT to transform input XML into output XML. Thomson Reuters has got external
authors and In-house editors to feed headnotes, catchwords, Digest summaries to raw samples.
Once these contents are moved to CAMS, pathway start processing those samples in incremental
mode until the processing completes
 Involved in dockerizing various java projects into docker projects using S2I.
 Involved in creating Jenkins jobs for CI/CD operation for all the projects.
 Involved in various development/enhancement tickets using Spring integration,
Spring Boot, Spring REST, Junit and Mockito.
 Involved in requirement gathering and code review activity.

Project #2 MPS – Pharmacy 3.0 (Mckesson Pharmacy System)

Client Mckesson
Domain Healthcare
Role Technical Lead
Organization Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.
Duration July 2016 to Mar 2018
Platform and Platform: Windows 7
Technology Technologies: Java 8, Microservices, Spring Boot, Spring REST, Spring
Core, Spring data JPA, Spring Integration, Spring Batch, ElasticSearch,
Junit, Mockito, JQuery, Angular2, CSS3, HTML5.
Web Server: JBoss Application Server
Database: Postgres database
Tools: JBoss Studio, Eclipse, EA tool (Enterprise Architect), Crucible
Code review tool, PG admin tool, Advanced REST client, Postman REST
Project Description
MPS (Mckesson Pharmacy System) also called Pharmacy 3.0 is a Pharmacy system being developed
for the Pharmacy users (Pharmacy Admin and Technician). It is basically modernization of existing
legacy Pharmacy application called Pharmaserv. It helps pharmacy users to create Rx (including
ePrescription), edit Rx, Rx Transfer, Save Preference, create/edit Patient profile, add/edit drugs to
existing Rx, Add/edit suppliers, create third Party, Add/edit Third party to new or existing Rx,
Add/edit Prescriber to new or existing Rx, RxTranslation functionality etc.
 Involved in designing of batch jobs for prescriber, product, supplier, and pricing
modules using EA tool (Enterprise Architect).
 Involved in development of create Rx, Rx maintenance and Settings module using
Spring data JPA, Spring REST, Spring Integration, Batch, Junit and Mockito.

Project #3 SVP (Store Vision Platform)

Client Wells Fargo India
Domain Banking
Role Lead Developer
Organization Genpact Headstrong India Pvt. Ltd.
Duration December 2014 to March 2016
Platform and Platform: UNIX and Windows 7
Technology Technologies: Java 8, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Spring 4.0, Struts 1.1, AJAX,
HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Polymer, Highcharts XML, SOA, REST
Web Server: Tomcat Web Server
Database: Oracle 11g
Tools: Eclipse, Firebug, Developer tools, SQuirreL SQL Client, IBM
Rational ClearQuest, Team City Build Agent, Crucible Code review tool,
Confluence- Team Collaboration software

Project Description

SVP (Store Vision Platform) is a banking project used by banker to perform various banking
operations like opening Savings/Checking accounts, opening Credit Card account, opening
Primary/Joint owner account etc. SVP is primarily used by bankers and administrators to create new
Individual/Business accounts and add/modify existing individual and non-individual accounts based
upon customer needs.
 Extensively worked on Struts to Spring migration activities.
 Involved in production defect resolutions.

Project #4 APON Business Services

Client Express Script Inc.
Domain Healthcare
Role Senior Developer
Organization Accenture Services India Pvt. Ltd.
Duration June 2013 to October 2014
Platform and Platform: UNIX
Technology Technologies: Core Java, J2EE, Spring, JPA, Hibernate, WebSphere MQ,
Mule, Jersey REST, SOAP (Apache CXF), XML, XSD, Agile Methodology
Application Server: WebSphere Application Server
Database: Oracle 10g
Tools: Eclipse, Toad, SOAP UI
Project Description
APON (Automated Proactive Outbound Notification) is outbound notification systems which
communicate with different middleware systems and send notifications to active members. It
Communicates with Eligibility and POLAR system, check whether to honour member preference or
not and based upon this flag retrieve member contact preference and contact info. Post retrieval it
sends outbound notifications to members and update Disposition (Response) status to APON
 Involved in creation Detailed Design for electronic Literature Packet delivery
Involved in electronic EOB notification and Config UI.
 Worked independently on member Litpack preference redesign CR.

Project #5 A2B (Application to Booking)

Client DLL (De Lage Landen)
Domain Lease Management
Role Senior Developer
Organization Accenture Services India Pvt Ltd.
Duration November 2011 to June 2013
Platform and Platform: Windows 7 and Mac
Technology Technologies: Core Java, J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, Servlet
Web Server: Tomcat Web Server
Database: Oracle 10g
Tools: Eclipse, SQL Developer
Project Description
A2B (Application to Booking) is a Java based Application which is used by the Sales Support Rep to
Book the Lease contract. It involves creation of Credit application, Credit decision, Funding, Billing
parameter set up and finally booking. A2B provides the front end where user can add assets,
guarantors, Promotions, subsidies and submit the app.
 Involved in defect fixing and implementation new CR's and Enhancements.

Project #6 Swiss DMS (Document Management System)

Client GE Switzerland
Domain Banking
Role Senior Developer
Organization iGATE Patni
Duration July 2010 to November 2011
Platform and Platform: Windows XP and Linux
Technology Technologies: Core Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlet, JSF 1.2, Spring, Jboss 4.0
Database: IBM Content Manager
Tools: NetBeans
Project Description
Swiss DMS is a Document Management System which used by the business team for their back-
office operations. It allows back office team to login to application, work on existing ticket and close
them. The entire application comprises of two modules –
1. Repository: IBM Content Manager is used as the data storage tool
2. Web Application: A web interface being developed using JSF and Spring framework
 Involved requirement gathering, detailed functional and non-functional requirements
gathering, presentation of understanding and query resolution.
 Involved Data model design, HLD and LLD and Use Case creation.
Project #7 iBall Lil book Web Store
Client iBall India
Domain Retail
Role Software Developer
Organization Nucsoft Ltd.
Duration May 2008 to June 2010
Platform and Platform: Windows XP
Technology Technologies: Core Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlet, JBoss 4.0
Database: Oracle 10g
Tools: Eclipse, SQL Developer
Project Description
iBall Lil book Web Store is an online shopping application for launching their new product Lil Book. It
allows customer to select a product and configure it using product configurator. It also allow user to
compare product, search a product, filter a product and do online payment. It has provision of online
cancellation and tracking of order as well.
 Integrated of payment gateway.
 Implemented of Search and compare functionality that allows user to search for any
product by name.

Personal Details

Name Dushyant Kumar Sahu

Gender Male
Marital Status Married
DOB 19-Jul-1984
Passport K9146202 (Valid till 24-Mar-2023)

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