One-Shot RPG Modern Horror Rules Version 02212023

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By David Dudka
This document was created and is owned by Survive RPG and cannot be reproduced without permission. Please note that
many of the images are licensed through various stock photo sites or and cannot be used outside of this
document. As this document deals with mature themes reader discretion is advised.
These rules are intended for quick character design and play. This game uses a standard set
of dice.


The first step in character creation is to figure out what character you want to play. What is
their occupation? What are their motivations or interests? One way to jump-start character
creation is to pick an actor to portray your character.

Feats are your character’s skills and abilities. When you try to accomplish something, you roll
D100 against your ODDS of success, which ranges from 50% to 95%. Your character is
successful if you roll equal to or under the ODDS.

All Feats start with ODDS equal to 50%. When creating your character, you have 190 bonus
points to distribute across the 19 Feats. You can assign values between 0% and +30% to your
Feat bonus. Assigned values don’t need to be in increments of 10% but doing so makes the
math more straightforward (e.g., you can assign a value of +2%, +16%, +25%, etc.). For quick
character creation, assign +30% to 1 Feat, +20% to 4 Feats, and +10% to 8 Feats.

So if you have a Feat bonus of 20 in Dodge, your ODDS are 50% + 20% =70%. So, write
+20% in the bonus column and 70% in the ODDS column. Below is the standard Feat list.


Charm Technical

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Below are descriptions of the standard Feats listed on the character sheet.

• Athletics: This represents your character’s ability to run, throw, jump and climb.
• Charm: This represents your character’s ability to establish personal relationships with NPCs.
This includes both friendships and romantic relationships. Role-playing is preferred for
interactions between characters.
• Deceit: This is your character’s ability to con/lie to others. For characters and named NPCs, you
need to make a competitive roll against their Observation.
• Dodge: This represents your character’s ability to avoid being hit in combat.
• Drive: This is your character’s ability to drive a vehicle, including a car, motorcycle, SUV, or
pick-up. Depending on your character background, this feat is also used for aircraft, boats, and
other vehicles.
• Fight: This represents your character’s ability to fight unarmed and with melee weapons.
Optionally, your GM might decide that certain exotic weapons require a separate Feat.
• Fortitude: This represents a character’s physical toughness. In addition to adding to a
character’s Health and damage, the GM may ask for a Fortitude roll to resist effects like
exhaustion, poison, or being stunned.
• Hiding: This represents your character’s ability to hide and move unseen.
• Knowledge: This general category represents your character’s brainpower and accumulated
• Medicine: This represents your character’s ability to treat wounds and assist those suffering
from infections or other illnesses.
• Observation: This Feat is used for noticing things in your environment, like someone hiding in
the shadows or clues at a murder scene.
• Occult: This is your character’s knowledge of occult lore. Given the secretive and forbidden
aspects of this information, you need something in your character’s background to explain how
they were exposed.
• Persuasion: This is your character’s ability to convince an NPC using reasoning and logic. A
successful Persuasion roll does not imply trust or a personal relationship. It only means the NPC
agrees the character’s argument makes sense. Role-playing the conversation is preferred for
character-to-character interactions.
• Ranged: This is your character’s skill in the use of handguns, rifles, bows, and thrown weapons.
Rogue: This is the character’s ability to perform tasks like pick-pockets, pick locks, and sleight-
of-hand tricks.
• Self-Control: This represents your character’s mental fortitude. For example, the GM might ask
you to make a Self-Control roll when faced with a horrifying situation or to resist a psychic
• Scavenging: This is used whenever a character searches an area for useful items, secret doors,
or clues. It can also be used to find specific locations. For example, a character can make a
Scavenging roll to locate the science lab in a secret government facility.
• Survival: This represents your character’s knowledge of survival skills and ability to survive in
outdoor environments. Survival is used for activities like hunting, fishing, tracking, finding water,
building a fire (without matches), not getting lost in the forest, and avoiding death from things
like hypothermia.
• Technical: This is used when your character tries to build or fix anything mechanical or
electrical using their hands or tools.

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The default odds of success (ODDS) for any Feat is
50%+Feat bonus. More difficult tasks lower the ODDS of
success. For example, if a character has ODDS of 70% in
• and is trying to shoot someone behind cover, the GM
would apply a penalty of 20%. This lowers the character’s
ODDS from 70% to 50%.

Each character has one offensive action per round but can
make two offensive actions by lowering the ODDS for each
attack by 20%. They can make three offensive actions by
lowering the ODDS for each attack by 40%.

For example, if a character with ODDS of 70% in Ranged wants to shoot twice in the same round,
their ODDS for both attacks is reduced to 50% (-20% penalty). If they want to fire three times,
their ODDS for each attack is 30% (minus 40%). Penalties are cumulative, so making two attacks
against someone behind cover suffers a minus 40% penalty.

Your character’s Health is equal to 100 + their Fortitude bonus. For example, if a character has a
+20 bonus in Fortitude, their Health is 100 + 20 = 120.

Dodge is a Feat used to evade an enemy attack. If you are forced to Dodge multiple attacks in the
same round, each additional Dodge drops your ODDS by 10%. For example, if you have a 70%
chance of dodging the first attack, you have a 60% chance of dodging the second, a 50% chance
of dodging the third, and a 40% chance of dodging the fourth.

A character can forego their offensive action and do a full-round Dodge. Your character doesn’t
suffer any penalties for dodging multiple attacks. You must declare a full-round Dodge at the
beginning of the round.

Your character starts with an Action Pool of 100. Before making a roll, you can use points from
your pool to increase your ODDS. For example, if your character tries to Dodge an attack and
their ODDS are only 60%, you can use 20 points from your pool to increase their ODDS to
80%.The maximum that the ODDS can be increased using Action Pool is 95%. The points are lost
whether you make the roll or not. Action Pool points are reset at the beginning of each game
session. Characters cannot lend other characters points from their Action Pool unless they have
an appropriate Edge.

If a character fails their Dodge and takes damage, they can Cheat Death using their Action Pool.
Basically, the character can reduce the damage taken by 1 point for every point of the Action Pool
they spend. So, for example, if a character takes 60 damage and decides to spend 30 points to
Cheat Death, they only take 30 damage (60 minus 30). A character can only Cheat Death during
the round they take damage. So, you can’t use Action Pool to heal. Obviously, a character can’t
Cheat Death if they have no points left in their Action Pool.

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As characters are exposed to supernatural forces, there is a chance they gain Dread if they fail
a Self-Control roll. For example, if a character reads a book of forbidden knowledge, they may
have to make a Self-Control roll or gain Dread. The maximum amount of Dread someone can
accumulate is 100.

❖ Minor horror: 1d10 Dread

❖ Medium horror: 2d10 Dread
❖ Major horror: 1d4 x 10 Dread
❖ Cosmic horror: 1d8 x 10 Dread
❖ World-Ending horror: 1d12 x 10 Dread

You can use Dead in two ways. The first is during the game session. After someone acquires
Dread, they must make a Dread Check by roll D100. If the roll is equal to or less than the
character’s Dread, they are struck with an overwhelming sense of impending doom. They loose
an amount of Action Pool equal to their Dread. For multi-session games, characters must make
a Dread check at the beginning of the next session. If they fail, they lose Action Pool. If they
succeed, their Dread is reduced by their Self-Control bonus. If they have no Self-Control
bonus, it is reduced by 5.

Incapacitation occurs when your character takes damage that reduces them to 0 Health. The
character dies in 10 rounds unless someone makes a successful Medicine roll. An
incapacitated character who is revived receives 10 + Medicine Feat bonus in Health. If the
person making the Medicine roll fails, they can try again, but the ODDS for each failure lowers
by 10%.


Occasionally, the GM will ask you to roll the LSkull Die. You roll 1d6, and if you roll a one (the
Skull), something bad happens. For example, while searching an apartment for clues, the GM
might ask you to roll the LSkull Die to see if the owner arrives home early.

At the end of each session, each player can choose one of the following rewards. For one-shot
adventures, the player can save the reward for a new character in the future.

❖ Increase your bonus and ODDS for one Feat by 5% (maximum +45%).
❖ Increase Health by 5 points (maximum 150+Fortitude).
❖ Increase Action Pool by 10 points (maximum 200).

Optionally, players can keep track of the number of game sessions they’ve played with the
character and gain the following bonuses.

• After 5 game sessions, the character gains an additional Edge (Max of 4).
• After 10 game sessions, the character gains an additional offensive action (Max of 3).

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Each character starts with one Edge. Some Edges have a limited number of uses or provide a
permanent bonus to some Feats.

• Adrenaline Surge: Once per game session, your character can instantly recover 30 Health so
long as they are not at 0 Health.
• Action Surge: Your character’s Action Pool is 130 instead of 100.
• Ambidextrous: Your character only suffers a 15% penalty instead of the usual 20% for taking
multiple offensive actions.
• Assassin: Your character does +60 points of damage on a surprise attack (instead of +20).
• Avenge Me: If another character is reduced to 0 Health or is killed, your character gains access
to their remaining Action Pool (in addition to your own).
• Back-to-Back: For one encounter per session, your character can go back-to-back with
another character/NPC. The two combine their Health into a single pool. Neither falls unless the
pool is depleted. At the end of the encounter, the remaining Health is divided in two.
• Coup De Gras: Any no-name NPC with 10 Health or less remaining after taking damage from
your character is automatically reduced to 0 Health.
• Designated Marksman: Your character does double damage on a surprise attack with a non-
automatic rifle.
• Double Tap: Your character can rapidly fire two shots into a target (body then head). They do
+20 to damage with pistols but consume two bullets for every attack.
• Extra Life: Once per session, if your character is reduced to 0 Health, they are reduced to 20
Health instead (at no Action Pool cost).
• Frenzied Attacker: Once per game session, your character can make three offensive actions in
a single round with no penalty.
• Hard to Hit: Your character doesn’t suffer penalties for dodging multiple attacks.
• Iron Fisted: Your character does an extra 10 points of damage with melee attacks.
• Iron Willed: Whenever your character gains Dread, half it.
• Irresistible Allure: Your character is extremely attractive to others. They never suffer penalties
to Persuasion, Charm, or Deceit rolls.
• Now You See Me: Once per session, the character can escape an encounter without having to
make any rolls.
• I am the Chosen One: The character doesn’t acquire Dread from failed Occult rolls when
attempting to wield magic.
• Lucky Bastard: Your character can reverse the order of the % dice twice per session. So if they
roll 91%, they can change the roll to 19%. They must declare before rolling.
• One in a Million: Your character automatically succeeds on any Feat roll once per session. This
can be used after a failed roll.
• One Tough Bastard: Your character takes 10 less damage from any attack.
• Hard to Kill: When using your Action Pool to Cheat Death, the cost is halved.
• Martyr: Your character can use their Action Pool to Cheat Death for another character/NPC.
• Master Escape Artist: If your character is handcuffed or bound and has at least 1 minute, they
automatically escape their bonds. If they are being watched, they’ll need to make a Hiding roll
to avoid detection.
• McGuffin: Once per adventure, your character finds a random object that helps them in a given
situation. The item grants a +10% bonus to related Feat rolls for the rest of the session.

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• Mighty: You characters gains +20 Health.
• Mensa: Your character gains 20 extra Feat points during character creation.
• Mentor: Any time your character forgoes their action to give instruction, a fellow
character/NPC gains a +10% bonus to their Feat roll. You can also give them points from your
Action Pool to increase their ODDS.
• Nancy Drew Intuition: At any point during the session, the player can ask the GM to provide a
clue or insight that would otherwise not be available.
• Needs of the Many: Your character can create a single combined Action Pool with their team.
Anyone on the team can draw from the pool at any time.
• Never Draw the Short Straw: Your character is automatically excluded when the GM
randomly selects a character to receive a negative effect or attack.
• Nothing to Lose: Your character can spend Health to increase their ODDS if their Action Pool
is depleted.
• One with the Dark: Your character suffers no penalties for fighting in the dark. Normal
penalties are -20% for low light and -40% for darkness.
• Parkour: Your character excels at scaling or descending vertical structures and moving
through urban environments. This works like Run Forest Run, except it applies to vertical
• Rapid Reloader: Instead of spending their offensive action to reload, your character can reload
and attack with a -20% penalty.
• Riposte: Anytime an attack would reduce your character to 0 Health (even if they avoid the
damage by using Cheat Death), they receive an automatic free action at no penalty.
• Run Forest Run: Your character is a trained runner and can outrun anyone who doesn’t have
this Edge.
• Signature Weapon: Your character has a custom-designed personal weapon that grants a
+5% bonus to related Feat rolls and +10 damage.
• Sixth Sense: Your character is uncannily aware of their surroundings and receives a +4 bonus
to initiative during the first round of combat. They gain a +1 bonus on every other round.
• Slow Motion Moment: Once per session, your character gets a whole round of combat to
themselves where they are the only person who can act (including other PCs).
Name: ___________________________________
Gender: _________ Age: _______________
Height: __________ Weight: ______________
Nationality: _______________________________
Occupation: ______________________________

FEATS (Roll D100)

Assign 190 bonus points. ODDS = 50% + Feat Bonus


Athletics Knowledge
Dodge Medicine
Drive Observation
Fight Occult
Fortitude Scavenging
Hiding Self-Control
Ranged Survival
Rogue Technical


Persuasion ARMOR


Add Feat bonus to damage

❖ 1 Extra Action: All rolls at -20%
❖ 2 Extra Actions: All rolls -40%
❖ Dodge: = -10% for each additional dodge
in the same round.
❖ Cheat Death: Reduce damage by 1 per
point of Action Pool spent.
❖ Auto-Fire: +2 damage for every bullet
❖ Healing (1/day): Medicine roll to heal 30
points. Heal 10 on a failed roll.

Name: ___________________________________
Gender: _________ Age: _______________
Height: __________ Weight: ______________
Nationality: _______________________________
Occupation: ______________________________

FEATS (Roll D100)

Assign 190 bonus points. ODDS = 50% + Feat Bonus


Athletics Knowledge
Dodge Medicine
Drive Observation
Fight Occult
Fortitude Scavenging
Hiding Self-Control
Ranged Survival
Rogue Technical


Persuasion ARMOR


Add Feat bonus to damage

❖ 1 Extra Action: All rolls at -20%
❖ 2 Extra Actions: All rolls -40%
❖ Dodge: = -10% for each additional dodge
in the same round.
❖ Cheat Death: Reduce damage by 1 per
point of Action Pool spent.
❖ Auto-Fire: +2 damage for every bullet
❖ Healing (1/day): Medicine roll to heal 30
points. Heal 10 on a failed roll.

Athena Armitage
Name: ___________________________________
F 28
Gender: _________ Age: _______________
Height: __________ 134 lbs
Weight: ______________
Nationality: _______________________________
Private Detective
Occupation: ______________________________

FEATS (Roll D100)

Assign 190 bonus points. ODDS = 50% + Feat Bonus


Athletics +15% 65% Knowledge +10% 60%

Dodge +20% 70% Medicine - 50%
Drive +15% 55% Observation +30% 80%
Fight +10% 60% Occult +10% 60%
Fortitude - 50% Scavenging +10% 60%
Hiding +20% 70% Self-Control +20% 70%
Ranged +30% 80% Survival - 50%
Rogue +15% 65% Technical +5% 55%


- 50% ACTIONS 1

Deceit - 60%
Persuasion - - ARMOR None
Sixth Sense: +4 to initiative
on the first round DREAD EQUIPMENT
Add Feat bonus to damage

P226 (1d6x10+20)
3 clips (Ammo 15)
1 clip silver bullets (Ammo 15)
Knife (1d4x10 +10)

❖ 1 Extra Action: All rolls at -20%
❖ 2 Extra Actions: All rolls -40%
❖ Dodge: = -10% for each additional dodge
in the same round.
❖ Cheat Death: Reduce damage by 1 per
point of Action Pool spent.
❖ Auto-Fire: +2 damage for every bullet
❖ Healing (1/day): Medicine roll to heal 30
points. Heal 10 on a failed roll.

This section provides the GM with extra rules to run One-Shot RPG adventures.


Please be respectful, but as the GM, try to avoid lengthy debates about rules, as it can drain the
fun out of the game. Make a decision and move on.

A Feat check comes into play whenever a character wants
to accomplish a task. Only ask a character to make a Feat
check when failing the check has consequences.
Otherwise, the character automatically succeeds.

The standard ODDS of succeeding on D100 Feat check is

50% + Bonus. More complicated situations or challenging
opponents lower the ODDS of success.

For example, if a character has a 20% bonus in Ranged,

their ODDS are 50%+20%=70%. If they fire at an enemy
who is behind cover, you would apply a 20% penalty to the
ODDS. So, 70% - 20% = 50%. If the enemy is running away
through thick foliage, it might be an Extreme shot, so the
ODDS would drop to 70%-40%=30%. Finally, suppose the
character wanted to fire at an enemy two miles away with a
sniper rifle. In that case, the ODDS would be Impossible
(70% - 50%=20%).

When making a Feat check, note the following:

• A roll of 01 (1%) is always a critical success. In combat, the attack does double damage.
• A roll of 00 (100%) is always a failure. The character’s next Feat roll has a -20% penalty.

You can assign a situational bonus or penalty to any Feat check. For example, suppose a
character makes a successful Hiding roll to sneak up on an enemy. You might give them a +10%
to +20% bonus to their attack roll or give the character an automatic success.

Alternatively, you can assign a situational penalty of -10% to -20% if a character is

disadvantaged. For example, a character wants to Dodge an attack, but they are in a narrow
hallway. The GM might give a 20% penalty to the ODDS.

PLAYER VS. PLAYER: For non-combat rolls, the lowest successful roll wins. For example, if two
characters are in a foot race, the GM would assign the same ODDS (e.g., 50%+Athletics bonus)
to both characters. Whoever makes the lowest successful Athletics roll wins. So, a 21 beats a 34,
even though both are below the ODDS. If both fail, each player rolls again until someone

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The ODDS for both characters can be different. For example, the character making the
Observation roll might receive a penalty if it’s dark. Alternatively, if the Hiding character is wearing
camouflage, they might get a bonus.

If a player comes up with a good idea, give them an ingenuity bonus of +10% to +20% to their
ODDS. If it’s an excellent idea, give them an automatic success. You can also reward good role-
playing and ingenuity with bonus Action Pool points.
Below is a list of penalties to the
ODDS for some combat situations:
Combat is carried out in the following sequence: Enemy behind cover -20%
Bypass Armor -20%
1. Roll Initiative: Each player/GM rolls 1d10. For Extra attacks -20% per
quicker play, you can use group initiative, where Long Range -20%
players take turns rolling for the entire group. Extreme Range -50%
The person with the highest roll goes first. Low-Light -20%
Characters win ties against no-name NPCs, while Darkness -40%
named NPCs win ties against players.
2. Roll to attack: Most characters/NPCs have one
offensive action per round or can take multiple DAMAGE
actions by lowering the ODDS by 20%. An Use your judgment when determining
offensive action is an attack or action that affects non-weapon damage. For example, a
an object (e.g., firing a gun, or pushing fall might cause 20 damage per 10
something over). feet.
3. Dodge: In response to any attack, a character
can make a Dodge roll. The ODDS are 50% +
Dodge bonus. The ODDS can be lowered
depending on the adversary or situation. A If a character makes a successful
character can Dodge additional attacks in the Medicine roll, the injured person
same round, but each subsequent Dodge receives Health equal to 10+
reduces the ODDS by 10%. NPCs cannot Medicine Feat bonus. For example, a
Dodge. character with a Medicine bonus of
4. Damage: If the Dodge fails, the character takes +20% would heal 30 points (10+20)
damage. If the character wants to avoid taking on a successful Feat roll.
damage, they can Cheat Death using their Action
Pool. Characters can only regain Health
once per day through conventional
medical practices. Characters heal
10 Health per day without medical
Self-Control is like a mental dodge. When a character is placed under extreme stress, they need
to make a Self-Control roll. If they succeed, they can act normally. If they fail, they might lose
initiative, suffer a -10% penalty for the encounter, or acquire Dread. Depending on the situation,
the GM can give between 1d10 Dread (mutilated body) up to D12x10 (Exposed to an elder god).
In extreme situations, characters may acquire some Dread, even if they make their roll. For
example, 1d4 x10 Dread on a failed roll and half as much on a successful one.

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When calculating damage for weapons, add the character’s Feat bonus to the base damage.

• Unarmed strike 5 + Fo or Fi
• Improvised club 10 + Fo
• Small blade/blunt d4 x10 + Fi
• Medium blade/blunt d6 x 10 + Fi
• Large blade/blunt d8 x 10 + Fo
• Chainsaw d10 x10 + Fo

Fo = Fortitude
Fi = Fight bonus

If someone makes a successful surprise attack, they inflict an extra 20 points of damage.

Statistics for most firearms are available online. Typically, revolvers have 6 rounds, pistols have 7-
15 rounds, shotguns have 6-10 rounds, rifles have 10-30 rounds, and heavy machine guns have
100-250 rounds. Armor piercing rounds ignore 30 points of protection.

Reloading takes up a character's offensive action.

Automatic weapons cause more damage on a successful
attack but consume a lot of ammunition(see right). Instead of
concentrating on a single target, an attacker can spray
multiple targets by shooting a minimum of 20 bullets. The
number of potential targets equals the number of bullets fired
divided by 10. So, 30 bullets can spray 3 targets.

Spraying requires taking multiple offensive actions, but the penalty is only 20%, regardless of the
number of targets. The attacker rolls separately for each target. A successful hit means each
target takes damage equal to a single bullet (no automatic weapon damage modifier).

Suppressive fire is when a character/NPC rapidly fires bullets at a target, making it difficult for
them to return fire. If a character expends at least 5 bullets, the target suffers a -20% penalty to
the ODDS. The character can also roll a L Skull Die. If they get the Skull (1L), they land a lucky
shot and roll damage. You don’t need to make an attack roll to use suppressive fire. You can
choose to use suppressive fire, even if you lose initiative. If the character fires 10 bullets instead
of 5, the penalty increases to -30%.

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A character might be hit with an attack with no reasonable expectation of survival (e.g., being
shot by a tank). You can spare their life by reducing their Action Pool to zero (0). They should still
take some damage. If they have no Action Pool left, then they are killed.

A standard bulletproof vest reduces the damage a character takes from firearms by 30 points.
Full tactical armor reduces damage by 70. For improvised armor, use your discretion. Armor that
doesn’t cover 100% of the body can be bypassed by lowering the ODDS to hit by 20%. Armor
piercing rounds reduce the effectiveness of armor by half.
• Light armor (e.g., bulletproof vest) 30-point reduction
• Medium armor (e.g.. vest with ballistic plates) 50-point reduction / -10% Athletics
• Heavy armor (e.g., level 4 body armor) 70-point reduction / -20% Athletics/-10% Dodge

Some equipment can give a character a bonus to Feat rolls. Use your discretion, but as a rule,
specialized equipment can provide a +10% to +20% bonus, depending on the situation. For
example, having a metal detector would increase the chances of finding a land mine.

Weapons can also be of masterwork (or magical) quality and warrant a damage bonus. For
example, a katana made by a master sword maker would do an extra +10 damage, or Excalibur
might avoid armor.

Like characters, vehicles have Health. You can assign different Health to different parts of the
vehicle. For example, if a character is trying to shoot out a tire, you might give the tire 50 Health.
In some situations, Health doesn’t matter. For example, if a character fires their pistol at a tank,
the damage should be 0. Below are some general guidelines.

• Standard Sedan: 500 Health

• Humvee: 1,000 Health. Armored Humvees reduce damage by 50.
• Tank: 10,000 Health, Ignores attacks that do up to 100 damage.


Like characters, NPCs have a stat for Feat Bonus, ODDS, and Health. They do not have an
Action Pool and cannot Dodge. Some NPCs can take multiple actions on a round at no penalty.
NPCs also have a Threat rating. This penalty applies to the ODDS of any attack made against
them. For more lethal adventures, you can also apply this penalty to Dodge rolls when trying to
avoid their attacks.

Use the quick-reference chart below for common opponents.

• Low-level Minion: Feat Bonus/ODDS: +0%/50%, Health: 40, Actions: 1, Threat: N/A
• Mid-level Minion: Feat Bonus/ODDS: +10%/60%, Health: 60, Actions: 1, Threat: N/A
• Elite-level Minion: Feat Bonus/ODDS: +20%/70%, Health: 80, Actions: 1, Threat: -10%
• Mini-boss (Named NPC): Feat Bonus/ODDS: +25%/75%, Health: 120, Actions: 2, Threat: -20%
• Boss (Named NPC): Feat Bonus/ODDS: +30%/80%, Health: 140, Actions: 2, Threat: -30%
• Arch-Villain named NPC: Feat Bonus/ODDS: +30%/80%, Health: 160, Actions: 3, Threat: -40%

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While characters don’t typically start wielding magic, they might learn some spells or rituals or
discover artifacts with magical properties. Some examples of the types of magic include:

Elemental Magic: This involves manipulating the elements of nature, such as fire, water, earth,
or air. Elemental magic is often associated with specific spells or abilities that deal damage,
control, or otherwise affect the environment.

Necromancy: This involves manipulating the power of death and the undead. Necromancers
can raise the dead, summon spirits, and cast spells that drain the life force from their enemies.

Divination: This involves seeing into the future or the past and gaining knowledge or insight.
Diviners may use spells, tarot cards, or other means to gain information about the world around

Illusion: This involves creating illusions or changing the perceptions of others. Illusionists can
create illusions that deceive the senses, hide objects or people, or make things appear different
than they really are.

Enchantment: This involves influencing the minds or emotions of others. Enchanters can cast
spells that make people fall in love, become more suggestible, or even forget their own

Transmutation: This involves changing the nature or properties of objects or creatures. For
example, transmuters can turn lead into gold.

Healing: This type of magic involves restoring health or vitality to others. Healers can cast spells
that cure diseases, injuries, or even death itself.

Demonic: This may involve making pacts with demons or other evil beings, and drawing on their
power to perform magical feats. It may also involve the use of spells or rituals that involve
sacrifice, blood magic, or other forbidden practices. Characters who use demonic magic may
find themselves slowly becoming more evil, or may attract the attention of malevolent
supernatural entities that seek to use them for their own purposes.

Wielding all magic is dangerous. When a character casts a spell or ritual, they need to make an
Occult roll. Depending on the spell, the GM might apply a penalty to the roll. On a failed roll, the
character gains 2d10 Dread. If they roll a 100 (00), they gain 1d8x10+20 Dread.

Magic that doesn’t affect someone can be handled narratively. If the character succeeds on their
Occult roll, they cast the spell. Use the following for spells cast against unwilling targets.

• All Feat rolls are modified by the target’s Threat rating.

• Damage from magic ranges from 1d4x10 to 2d10x10 + Occult feat bonus.
• Mind-affecting magic can be resisted by making a Self-Control roll.
• Defensive magic provides protection equal to the caster’s Occult feat bonus x 2.
• Healing magic can restore 1d4x10 + Occult feat bonus in Health.
• Fear-inducing magic forces the target to make a Self-Control roll or gain Dread.
• Some Magic items may give a bonus to certain Feats. For example, a demon-possessed gun
might give the wielder a +10% to Ranged.

Page 13

GLOCK 17 (9 mm) Taurus G3 (9 mm) SIG P226 (9 mm)

Damage: 1d6 x 10 + FA Damage: 1d6 x 10 + FA Damage: 1d6 x 10 + FA
Ammo: 17-shot magazine Ammo: 17-shot magazine Ammo: 15-shot magazine
Range: 50 yards/meters Range: 40 yards/meters Range: 50 yards/meters

.50 Desert Eagle Colt 1911 (.45) Walther PPK (.32)

Damage: 1d8x10+10+ FA Damage: 1d6 x10+10 + FA Damage: 1d4 x 10 + FA
Ammo: 7-round magazine Ammo: 7-shot magazine Ammo: 8-shot magazine
Range: 100 yards/meters Range: 50 yards/meters Range: 30 yards/meters

Walther P99 (9 mm) Beretta M9 (9 mm) HK45 (.45)

Damage: 1d6 x 10 + Pistols Damage: 1d6 x 10 + FA Damage: 1d6 x10+10 + FA
Ammo: 20-shot magazine Ammo: 15-round magazine Ammo: 10-round magazine
Range: 50 yards/meters Range: 50 yards/meters Range: 50 yards/meters

Ruger GP00 (.357) .38 Special CAT-9 (9 mm)

Damage: 1d8 x10 + FA Damage: 1d4 x 10 + FA Damage: 1d6 x 10 + FA
Ammo: 6-shot cylinder Ammo: 6-shot cylinder Ammo: 7-shot magazine
Range: 75 yards/meters Range: 15 yards/meters Range: 25 yards/meters

Page 14
HK MP5 (9 mm) H&K MP7 (4.6 mm)
Damage: 1d6 x 10 + FA (+Auto) Damage: 1d4 x 10 + FA (+Auto)
Ammo: 30-shot magazine Ammo: 20-shot magazine
Range: 200 yards/meters Range: 200 yards/meters

MAC-10 (.45)
Damage: 1d6x10+10+ FA (+Auto)
UZI 9 mm Ammo: 30-shot magazine
Damage: 1d6 x 10 + FA (+Auto) Range: 50 yards/meters
Ammo: 32-shot magazine
Range: 200 yards/meters

PPK 20 (9 mm) FN P90 (5.7 mm)

Damage: 1d6 x 10 + FA (+Auto) Damage: 1d4 x 10 + FA (+Auto)
Ammo: 30-shot magazine Ammo: 50-shot magazine
Range: 100 yards/meters Range: 200 yards/meters

Remington 12 Gauge
Damage: 1d10 x 10 + FA
Ammo: 7-shot cylinder
Range: 40 yards/meters

Buckshot: 1d8 x10 +FA

+10% Ranged

Remington 700
Damage: 1d10 x 10 + FA
Ammo: 6-shot internal magazine
Range: 1,000 yards/meters

Page 15
M4 (5.56 mm)
Damage: 1d8 x 10 + FA (+Auto)
Ammo: 30-shot magazine
Range: 600 yards/meters

AK-47 (7.62 mm soviet)

Damage: 1d8 x 10 + FA (+Auto)
Ammo: 30-shot magazine
Range: 300 yards/meters

FN-SCAR (7.62 mm NATO)

Damage: 1d10 x 10 + FA (+Auto)
Ammo: 20-shot magazine
Range: 700 yards/meters

HK G36 (5.56 mm)

Damage: 1d8 x 10 + FA (+Auto)
Ammo: 30-shot magazine
Range: 600 yards/meters

Barrett M82 (.50)

Damage: 1d12 x 10 + FA
Ammo: 10-shot magazine
Range: 2,000 yards/meters

M249 SAW (.556 mm)

Damage: 1d8 x 10 + FA (+Auto)
Ammo: 200-shot belt
Range: 700 yards/meters

Page 16
Health: Chassis: 300 Health: Chassis: :500
Engine: 75 Engine: 100
Tires (4): 40 Tires (4): 50
Armor: None Armor: None
Range: 350 miles Range: 400 miles
Top Speed: 100 mph Top Speed: 130 mph

Health: Chassis: 650 Health: Chassis: 800
Engine: 150 Engine: 200
Tires (4): 75 Tires (4): 75
Armor: 10 Armor: 20
Range: 500 miles Range: 500 miles
Top Speed: 120 mph Top Speed: 120 mph

Health: Chassis: 650 Health: Chassis: 100
Engine: 150 Engine: 50
Tires (4): 100 Tires (4): 30
Armor: 30 Armor: None
Range: 450 miles Range: 300 miles
Top Speed: 150 mph Top Speed: 160 mph

Health: Chassis: 1,500 Health: Chassis: 1,000
Engine: 300 Engine: 250
Tires (4): 100 Armor: 10
Armor: 30 Range: 400 miles
Range: 2,000 miles Top Speed: 180 mph
Top Speed: 100 mph

• Penalty to target the engine (-30% ODDS)
• Penalty to target tires (-50% ODDS).
• If engine is reduced to 0 Health, the vehicle stops.
• If a tire is reduced to 0 Health, the driver needs to make a Drive roll (ODDS: -20%) or lose
control. A vehicle can continue driving on flats at ½ speed. The vehicle becomes disabled
on any failed Drive roll.

Page 17
FEATS: Fight 30%, Observation 20%,
Athletics 20%, Hiding 50%.
ABILITIES: Ignores 50 points of
damage. Can be killed instantly by
destroying the brain. Targeting the
brain, lowers the ODDS by 20%.
ATTTACK: Bite 1d10+10 damage. The
victim must make a Fortitude roll or
become infected, dying in 1d10 hours.

HEALTH: 300 (Regenerates 20/rnd)
FEATS: Physical Feats 90%, Mental
Feats 80%, Social Feats: 80%.
Hypnosis (Self Control roll to resist –
ODDS: -20%) ⚫ Flight or gaseous form
⚫ Control vermin and wolves ⚫ Held at
bay by holy symbols ⚫ Sunlight inflicts
1d4x10 damage per round.
ATTACK: Strike 1d4x10+40 ⚫ Bite
1d10+40 + victim must make a Self-
Control roll (ODDS: -40%) or become

FEATS: Athletics: 80%, Fight 80%,
Fortitude 90%, Hiding 80%,
Observation 80%, Survival 95%.
Run at 50 mph ⚫ Can escape or
appear at will in woodland setting ⚫
Howl triggers Self-Control roll or suffer
-20% penalty ⚫ Silver does +40
ATTTACK: Claws/Bite 1d6x10+40
damage. Shreds armor after one hit.

Page 18
FEATS: Fight 70%, Hide 80%, Athletics
80%, Observation 60%.
ABILITIES: Crawl on any surface ⚫
Web - Fortitude roll (ODDS: -20%) to
break free ⚫ Leap 20 feet ⚫ Sense
motion 60 feet.
ATTTACK: Bite 1d4x10 damage. The
victim must make a Fortitude roll or
suffer partial paralysis (-20%). Effects
are cumulative.

FEATS: Fight 80%, Fortitude 90%,
Observation 60%, Athletics 70%,
Hiding 60%
Can always track victims ⚫ Ignores 20
damage from each attack ⚫ Kills NPCs
with one strike ⚫ always wins initiative
⚫ When reduced to 0 Health, regains
50 Health 1 round later (once)
ATTACK: Blade 1d6x10+40. Victim
must make a Fortitude roll or be killed

HEALTH: 2,000
FEATS: All Feats 90%.
Despair – Appearance triggers a Self-
Control roll (ODDS: -20%) or Action
Pool reduced to 0 ⚫ Impart knowledge:
target gains +10% to Occult but always
has 10 Dread.
ATTTACK: Tentacle 1d6x10+40
damage. Victim is entangled. Fortitude
roll (ODDS: -30%) to break free.
Entangled victims automatically take

Page 19
FEATS: Athletic 90%, Fortitude 80%,
Hiding 70%, Observation 70%
ABILITIES: When attacking someone in
the water, the shark automatically hits -
the target must Dodge ⚫ Swim at 35
mph (56 kph) ⚫ Smell blood from 3
miles away.
ATTTACK: Bite 2d10x10 damage.

FEATS: Fight 80%, Fortitude 80%,
Observation 70%, Athletics 60%, Hiding
Tough hide - ignores 20 damage ⚫
ODDS to detect in swamp are -40%
ATTACK: Bite 1d8x10+40. Once a
victim is bitten, the crocodile enters a
death roll inflicting an automatic 40
damage per round. Target must make a
Fortitude roll (ODDS: -20%+) to escape.

FEATS: All Feats 70%. Hide 90%
Disappear – can chose to escape
instead of attacking. To find the toy
requires an Observation roll (ODDS: -
50%). ⚫ Stalking – Toy gains +30
damage on a surprise attack.
ATTTACK: Knife: 1d4x10 damage (+30
damage on surprise).

Page 20
FEATS: Athletic 70%, Observation
60%, Fight 70%
ABILITIES: Unless an area affect,
damage against a swarm is divided by
10 (represents the number of rats
killed). ⚫ Smell blood from 100 feet
ATTTACK: The swarm can make one
attack against each target and inflicts
2d10 damage. Once hit, a target is
stuck in the swarm and automatically
takes damage each round.

FEATS: Fight 70%
Incorporeal – cannot be harmed
physically and can pass through solid
objects ⚫ Body must be found and
buried in consecrated ground ⚫
Frightful presence – Self-Control
(ODDS: 30%+) or –20% to Feats.
ATTACK: Death Touch: Target must
make a Self-Control roll (ODDS: -10%)
or die from fright.

FEATS: All Feats 80%.
Copy appearance of any human they
tough ⚫ Read thoughts – Self-Control
(ODDS: -20%) to resist. ⚫ Predatory:
Must eat one human per week to
ATTTACK: Touch: Neurological attack
inflicting 1d4x10 damage. Victim must
make a Fortitude roll (ODDS: -20%) or
be immobilized ⚫ Can use weapons.

Page 21
Below are some ideas and inspirations for adventure seeds.

• The characters are members of a search party looking for someone lost in the forest. When
they find an abandoned cabin, cave, or wrecked airplane, they find something unexpected.
• The characters are investigating the murder of an elderly man. When searching the crime
scene, they discover a secret door. When they step through, things take a turn for the weird.
• The characters are part of an anti-terrorism unit. When they raid a terrorist cell, they discover
something unexpected and horrifying that leads to another mission.
• The number of abandoned homes in Detroit is over 20,000 and growing. The characters have
identified the epicenter of urban decay using mapping software and decide to investigate.
• While on a transatlantic flight, the characters notice that when the flight attendants disappear
behind the curtain into the food service areas, they don’t come back.
• The characters work on a remote oil rig. A cargo ship appears out of nowhere and crashes
into the rig, becoming entangled with the superstructure. Control can’t raise the mainland, and
the characters are a part of the team sent to investigate the ship.
• The characters are members of an archaeological team digging up Gobekli Tepe in Turkey.
They break through into a vast subterranean cavern underneath the ruins.
• While on vacation in the Caribbean, the characters learn of an abandoned resort on a remote
island. A boat captain offers to take them there, promising their own private paradise.
• The characters work in a research lab when the facility goes into lockdown. Everyone is now
trapped inside with the experiment until an exfil team arrives in 24 hours.
• The characters are neighbors who live in the same apartment building. When they wake up
the following day, the city is deserted, and electronic devices no longer function. In reality,
they all died during the night and must navigate their way to the afterlife.
• The characters are on a road trip when their vehicle breaks down in a desolate area. They
don’t see any other vehicles for hours until a mysterious RV with tinted windows appears.
• The characters are fictional people who live in the player’s hometown and find themselves in
the middle of a zombie apocalypse.
• The characters are co-workers at a 300-person call center (cube-land). When they return from
their break, everyone is sitting still, staring blankly at their screens.
• The characters are siblings who have inherited their great-grandmother’s estate, including her
extensive doll collection.
• The characters wake up in an empty white room with some NPCs. No one remembers how
they got there. Then, a number suddenly appears on one wall. It’s one less person than there
is in the room. If the characters do nothing, one of the NPCs kills another NPC, opening a door
into another identical room.
• The characters live in a small town, cut off from the outside world by a blizzard. Then people
start turning up dead – frozen solid despite being inside heated homes.
• The characters are FBI agents tasked with stopping a serial killer who takes body parts as
souvenirs. But, unbeknownst to the characters, the killer is using the body parts to create
something horrifying.
• While passing through a town, the characters notice that none of the homes have windows
facing east. A large cornfield, growing wild, lies in that direction.
• A global pandemic or disaster drove the characters into a bomb shelter. They’ve had no
contact with the outside world for six months, and food is running low.
• The characters are survivors of a plane crash in a remote mountain range. When searching for
other survivors, they find a strange monolith.
• People are going missing. So when the characters witness a friend being dragged down
through a manhole cover, they decide to investigate.

Page 22
• While on a hiking trip, the characters decide to camp inside an old circle of standing stones.
When they hike out in the morning, they’ve gone back in time several hundred years.
• The characters are hiking when they are stalked by a predatory bear or mountain lion.
• The characters keep seeing the apparition of a ghost that always points in the direction of their
body. The problem is they were murdered, and the body is inside the murderer’s lair.
• Several nights in a row, the characters see someone standing on the roof of a partially
constructed office tower. They stand there for hours staring directly at the characters’ window.
• The characters are hired by a billionaire who believes his wife had their child without his
knowledge (he travels a lot). He wants the characters to discover the truth. When they do, his
wife reveals she hid the pregnancy and birth because she found a contract where her
husband promised their firstborn to the devil.


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Page 23
Athletics Knowledge Charm
Dodge Medicine Deceit COMBAT
Drive Observation Persuasion Combat is carried out in the following sequence:
Fight Occult
Fortitude Scavenging 1. Roll Initiative: Each player/GM rolls 1d10. For
Hiding Self-Control quicker play, you can use group initiative, where
players take turns rolling for the entire group.
Ranged Survival
The person with the highest roll goes first.
Rogue Technical Characters win ties against no-name NPCs, while
named NPCs win ties against players.
RULES 2. Roll to attack: Most characters/NPCs have one
❖ 1 Extra Action: All rolls at -20% offensive action per round or can take multiple
❖ 2 Extra Actions: All rolls -40% actions by lowering the ODDS by 20%. An
❖ Dodge: = -10% for each additional dodge in offensive action is an attack or action that affects
the same round. an object (e.g., firing a gun, or pushing
❖ Cheat Death: Reduce damage by 1 per point something over).
of Action Pool spent. 3. Dodge: In response to any attack, a character
❖ Auto-Fire: +2 damage for every bullet can make a Dodge roll. The ODDS are 50% +
❖ Healing (1/day): Medicine roll to heal 30
Dodge bonus. The ODDS can be lowered
points. Heal 10 on a failed roll.
depending on the adversary or situation. A
❖ Enemy behind cover -20%
character can Dodge additional attacks in the
❖ Bypass Armor -20%
❖ Long Range -20% same round, but each subsequent Dodge
❖ Extreme Range -50% reduces the ODDS by 10%. NPCs cannot
❖ Low-Light -20% Dodge.
❖ Darkness -40% 4. Damage: If the Dodge fails, the character takes
damage. If the character wants to avoid taking
damage, they can Cheat Death using their Action
❖ Unarmed strike 5 + Fo or Fi
❖ Improvised club 10 + Fo
❖ Small blade/blunt d4 x10 + Fi
❖ Medium blade/blunt d6 x 10 + Fi
❖ Large blade/blunt d8 x 10 + Fo VILLAINS
❖ Chainsaw d10 x10 + Fo • Low-level Minion: Feat Bonus/ODDS: +0%/50%,
❖ Lt bow/crossbow d4 x 10 + Ra Health: 40, Actions: 1, Threat: N/A
❖ Hvy bow/crossbow d6 x 10 + Ra • Mid-level Minion: Feat Bonus/ODDS: +10%/60%,
❖ Light pistol d4 x10 + Ra Health: 60, Actions: 1, Threat: N/A
❖ Medium pistol d6 x 10 + Ra • Elite-level Minion: Feat Bonus/ODDS: +20%/70%,
❖ Heavy pistol d8 x 10 + Ra Health: 80, Actions: 1, Threat: -10%
❖ Shotgun d10 x 10 + Ra • Mini-boss (Named NPC): Feat Bonus/ODDS:
❖ Light rifle d6 x 10 + Ra +25%/75%, Health: 120, Actions: 2, Threat: -20%
❖ Medium rifle d8 x 10 + Ra • Boss (Named NPC): Feat Bonus/ODDS: +30%/80%,
❖ Heavy rifle d10 x 10 + Ra Health: 140, Actions: 2, Threat: -30%
❖ Anti-material rifle d12 x 12 + Ra • Arch-Villain named NPC: Feat Bonus/ODDS:
Fo = Fortitude bonus +30%/80%, Health: 160, Actions: 3, Threat: -40%
Fi = Fight bonus
Ra = Ranged bonus

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