Reglas de Muerte IMPORTANTE

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Dropping to 0 Hit Points Death Saving Throws

Whenever you start your turn with 0 hit points, you must make a
special saving throw, called a death saving throw, to determine
When you drop to 0 hit points, you either die outright or become
whether you creep closer to death or hang onto life. Unlike other
Severely Injured, unless a creature chooses to knock you out.
saving throws, this one isn't tied to any ability score. You are in the
Instant Death hands of fate now, aided only by spells and features that improve
your chances of succeeding on a saving throw.
Massive damage can kill you instantly. When damage reduces you to Roll a d20. If the roll is 10 or higher, you succeed. Otherwise, you
0 hit points and there is damage remaining, you die if the remaining fail. A success or failure has no effect by itself. On your third success,
damage equals or exceeds your hit point maximum. you become stable (see below). On your third failure, you die. The
For example, a cleric with a maximum of 12 hit points currently successes and failures don't need to be consecutive; keep track of both
has 6 hit points. If she takes 18 damage from an attack, she is reduced until you collect three of a kind. The number of successes is reset to
to 0 hit points, but 12 damage remains. Because the remaining zero when you regain any hit points or become stable.
damage equals her hit point maximum, the cleric dies. Rolling 1 or 20. When the DM makes a death saving throw and
rolls a 1 on the d20, it counts as two failures. If they roll a 20 on the
Severely Injured d20, you regain 1 hit point.
If damage reduces you to 0 hit points and fails to kill you, you become Damage at 0 Hit Points. If you take any damage while you have
Severely Injured. While you are Severely Injured; 0 hit points, you suffer a death saving throw failure. If the damage is
from a critical hit, you suffer two failures instead. If the damage
Your movement speed is halved. equals or exceeds your hit point maximum, you suffer instant death.
You have disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and Persistent Death Saving Throws. Failed Death Saving
saving throws (except Death Saving Throws).
Throws are not immediately reset after you regain hit points. You
You cannot concentrate on spells.
remain Severely Injured, regardless of your number of hit points,
On your turn, you can use either an action or a bonus action, not
until you have reset all of your death saving throws. The DM will
track these Death Saving throws until you are no longer Severely
Your Severely Injured condition ends if you regain any hit points Injured.
unless you have accumulated one or more failed Death Saving
Throws. Resetting Failed Death Saving Throws.
Monsters and Death You can reset 1 failed death saving throw;

Most DMs have a monster die the instant it drops to 0 hit points, By forgoing the healing provided by a healing spell, potion, or
rather than having it become severely injured and make death saving similar magical effect that heals you for at least 10 hit points.
throws. At the end of a Short Rest.
Mighty villains and special nonplayer characters are common Otherwise all of your failed death saving throws are reset once you
exceptions; the GM might have them become severely injured and heal your hit point maximum.
follow the same rules as player characters.
Stabilizing a Creature
The best way to save a creature with 0 hit points is to heal it. If a
Describing the Severely Injured Condition creature receives healing from any source it is immediately stabilized.
A creature cannot recover hit points until it is stabilized.
When you are Severely Injured you are visibly
damaged and have likely suffered some type of If healing is unavailable, the creature can at least be stabilized so
trauma based on the damage type. For example if that it isn't killed by a failed death saving throw.
fire reduced you to 0 hit points you may be terribly You can use your action to administer first aid to a Severely
burned with visibly charred clothing. If you were Injured creature and attempt to stabilize it, which requires a
severely injured by the blow from a giant's hammer successful DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check.
you may have broken ribs, a concussion, or horrible A stable creature doesn't make death saving throws, even though it
bruising. These injuries are purely the visible has 0 hit points, but it does remain Severely Injured. The creature
representation of the condition and do not have stops being stable, and must start making death saving throws again,
any additional mechanical effect. DMs are if it takes any damage. A stable creature that isn't healed regains 1 hit
encouraged to allow players to role play the extent
point after 1d4 hours.
of this damage in a way that fits their characters
persona. I recommend leaving more devastating
consequences like permanent scars, missing or
destroyed body parts, or other lasting effects up to
player agency. If the player chooses to suffer a
lasting injury, reward them if the injury contributes
to the character's story, role play, or the campaign.
When you start your turn with 0 hit points you can choose to
acquiesce. You immediately become unconscious but automatically
succeed your very next death saving throw. You remain unconscious
until you regain hit points.

Last Stand
When you start your turn with 0 hit points you can choose to fail
two death saving throws to make a heroic last stand until the end of
your turn. If these additional failures would kill you, you do not die
until the end of your turn. While you are making a last stand you
ignore the penalties of being severely injured and if you hit a creature
with an attack it is a critical hit. If you are concentrating on a spell
when damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you can choose to make a
last stand the instant you take the damage in order to maintain
concentration on the spell. If you are still alive at the end of your
turn, you immediately fall unconscious. You remain unconscious
until you regain hit points.

Knocked Unconscious
Sometimes an attacker wants to incapacitate you, rather than deal a
killing blow. When an attacker reduces you to 0 hit points with a
melee attack, the attacker can knock you out. The attacker can make
this choice the instant the damage is dealt. You must make a
Constitution saving throw to remain conscious. The DC equals 10 or
half the damage of the attack, whichever number is higher. On a
failure you are knocked unconscious but are stable. If you take
damage while unconscious you immediately regain consciousness but
you are Severely Injured and must start making death saving throws.
Otherwise, you remain unconscious until you regain hit points.

Special Interactions
Path of the Zealot’s Rage Beyond Death feature.
While you're raging, you ignore the penalties
associated with being Severely Injured and
Martyrdom only requires you to sacrifice one
death saving throw.
Undying Warlock Patron Defy Death feature. You
can instantly stabilize yourself and regain hit
points equal to 1d8 + your Constitution
modifier (minimum of 1 hit point) when you
succeed on a death saving throw
There may be other unintended interactions
that will need to be added over time.
Additional Optional Rules
Healing Potions Falling
You can use your Bonus Action to drink a healing potion. If you do This optional rule makes falling more dangerous and arguably more
so you recover hit points equal to your roll. Alternatively, you can realistic.
use your Action to use a healing potion on yourself in order to At the end of a fall, a creature takes 1d6+1 bludgeoning damage for
receive the maximum hit points. Using a healing potion on another every 10 feet it fell, to a maximum of 30d6+30. The creature lands
creature requires your action and the creature must roll to determine prone, unless it avoids taking damage from the fall.
the hit points recovered. When a creature takes damage from a fall equal to or greater than
half its hit point maximum, it must roll on the Impact table.

Opportunity Attack Impact Table

Withdrawing a potion from a backpack or d12 Effect
consuming a potion using your bonus action,
The creature drops to 0 hit points, falls unconscious, and
provokes an opportunity attack from any enemy 1
automatically fails two Death Saving throws.
within 5 ft.
The creature drops to 0 hit points, falls unconscious, and
automatically fails one Death Saving throw, but is stable.

Healing Spells 4-5

The creature drops to 0 hit points, and is stunned until the
end of its next turn, but is stable.
The creature drops to 0 hit points, but is stable.
When casting a spell that restores hit points you can focus more The creature can’t take reactions and has disadvantage on
magical energy to make it Restorative. The restorative version of a attack rolls and ability checks until the end of its next turn.
spell takes 10 minutes longer to cast than normal but the spell 10- The creature can’t take reactions until the end of its next
restores the maximum possible roll. 11 turn.

Raising the Dead 12

Miraculously the creature managed to have something
break their fall. The creature suffers half damage. If the
reduced damage is still sufficient to kill the creature
outright, the creature instead drops to 0 hit points, falls
Casting a spell that brings a dead creature back to life is very taxing unconscious, and automatically fails two Death Saving
on the spell caster. The spell caster accumulates 1 level of exhaustion throws, but is stable.
and takes damage equal to 1d4 times the spell's level plus the
character's level. If the caster doesn’t have the necessary components
available, the spell can still be cast but the caster takes double damage
and accumulates 2 levels of exhaustion.
Impact Table
When a creature returns to life it is considered to have 2 failed The effects listed in the Impact Table are based on
death saving throws and is Severely Injured, unless the spell restores the Dropping to 0 Hit Points House Rule outlined
all of the creature's hit points. in this document. If you do not use the Dropping
These effects are in addition to any effects listed in the spell's to 0 Hit Points house rule, you can instead use the
System Shock table found in the Dungeon Master’s
Workshop section of the DMG.

Limited resurrections
A character can only be resurrected by a spell or
spell effect with longer than a 1 action casting
time, a number of times equal to their proficiency
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2000, Wizards of the Coast,
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E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Change Log V3

House Rule:
Changed the format of the Severely Injured
condition to match that of other conditions.
Added saves made against your spells have advantage to
the severely injured condition

Dropping Added If a creature receives healing from any source it is

immediately stabilized but does not recover hit points. A
creature cannot recover hit points until it is stabilized. To

0 Hit Points
the Stabilizing a Creature section.
_ Removed the
hidden Death Saves.
Added If you are concentrating on a spell when damage
reduces you to 0 hit points, you can choose to make a last
stand the instant you take the damage in order to maintain
concentration on the spell. to the Last Stand feature.
Added Undying Warlock Patron Defy Death feature.
​I have always been a little unsatisfied with the You can instantly stabilize yourself and regain hit points
equal to 1d8 + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1
rules for death and dying in 5e. This is my hit point) when you succeed on a death saving throw to
revision to the SRD for playtesting. the special interactions.
Added limits to resurrections
Added opptional rules for falling
It’s nothing revolutionary or ground breaking but Theorycraft Feedback and Critique
I wanted to share it to encourage theory craft All critiques and comments are encouraged, welcomed,
and considered! Thank you for the encouragement and
discussions and critique. My intention is to make
also for pointing out unintended consequences and
characters feel more heroic and give them balance concerns!! My homebrew is continuously
revised based on feedback and playtesting.
opportunities to avoid going unconscious
Special thanks to Reddit users FreezingHotCoffee,
(which I always feel is boring for a player). oddly-tall-hobbit, IntrinsicGiraffe,
CommodorePineapple, AnthonycHero,
AsmodeusOfTheNine, Bloodgiant65, QuesoFundid0,
I attempted to balance this out by having the IlstrawberrySeed, DMsWorkshop, Infernite583,
NormalDistrict8, and many others
death saves hidden from the table, adding some
Special thanks To Instagram users snuffles504,
lingering consequences, and by also making it a norobotyet, hanandlia, jokal_25, and many others
little harder to bring a dead character back to life.
I apologize in advance if I missed a user name, all
contributions are appreciated!!

This Is Playtest Material

The homebrew material is presented for
playtesting. The game mechanics are in draft form,
usable in your campaign but not refined by
feedback and editing. All critiques and comments
are encouraged, welcomed, and considered.
This work may contain material that is copyright
of Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such
material is used in good faith with every intention
to comply with Community Content, Fair Use, and
Fan Art Agreements. All other original material in
this work is copyright 2020 by Feralborn Trading
Company and/or Design Team members.

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