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Customer service over the telephone

Role Play 1: Customer Enquiry - Jane Doe

(Customer: Jane Doe, calling to inquire about business coaching services.)

Customer Service and Events Manager: (Warmly) Good morning, thank you for calling Aus. Biz
Coaching. This is Balpreet Singh. How may I assist you today?

Jane Doe: Good morning. I'm interested in business coaching services to help me improve my
business. Can you provide me with some information about your offerings?

Customer Service and Events Manager: Of course, Jane. We have a range of business
coaching services tailored to meet different needs. One-to-one business coaching is designed
for personalized assistance in areas like increasing business turnover, profits, or developing
new products. The initial meeting lasts 1 to 2 hours, and we create a 90-day plan with 3 follow-
up sessions.

Jane Doe: That sounds interesting, but I'm not sure if I need that level of commitment. Is there
anything else?

Customer Service and Events Manager: Absolutely, we also offer a one-off strategy session. It's
a 2-hour intensive session focusing on key areas of your business that need attention. This
session will give you clear directions and actionable steps.

Jane Doe: That might be more suitable for me at the moment. How much does it cost?

Customer Service and Events Manager: The one-off strategy session is priced at $1,000. It's an
excellent way to experience the benefits of business coaching without a long-term commitment.

Jane Doe: That sounds reasonable. Can you send me more details via email?

Customer Service and Events Manager: Of course, Jane. I'll send you an email with all the
relevant information right away. May I have your name, company, position, telephone, and
email, please?

Jane Doe: Sure, my name is Jane Doe, and I work for XYZ Corporation. My position is the
Marketing Manager. My telephone number is 998-879-9086, and my email is

Customer Service and Events Manager: Thank you, Jane. I will send you the details shortly. Is
there anything else I can assist you with?

Jane Doe: Not at the moment, thank you. I'll be looking forward to the email.
Customer Service and Events Manager: You're welcome, Jane. Have a great day!

Role Play 2: Customer Enquiry - John Smith

(Customer: John Smith, calling to inquire about online group coaching sessions.)

Customer Service and Events Manager: (Warmly) Good afternoon, thank you for reaching out to
Aus. Biz Coaching. This is Balpreet Singh. How can I help you today?

John Smith: Good afternoon. I'm interested in your online group coaching sessions to improve
my business. Can you tell me more about them?

Customer Service and Events Manager: Of course, John. Our online group coaching sessions
are designed to provide an overview of business success principles and techniques. The 8-
week program covers various topics, such as setting the right goals, maximizing business
returns, and attracting referrals.

John Smith: That sounds intriguing. How much does it cost, and when do these sessions take

Customer Service and Events Manager: The cost for the 8-week program is $1,300. The
sessions are held over the Internet with interactive tools, and participants need to allocate one
hour per week to attend.

John Smith: That seems reasonable. Can you provide me with a schedule of the topics

Customer Service and Events Manager: Absolutely, I can send you a detailed schedule of the
topics covered in the sessions. May I have your name, company, position, telephone, and email,

John Smith: Sure, my name is John Smith, and I run a small consulting firm called Smith
Consulting Services. My position is the Managing Director. My telephone number is 898-788-
8998, and my email is

Customer Service and Events Manager: Thank you, John. I will email you the schedule shortly.
Is there anything else I can assist you with?

John Smith: Not at the moment, thank you for your help. I look forward to receiving the

Customer Service and Events Manager: You're welcome, John. If you have any other
questions, feel free to reach out. Have a wonderful day!

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Email: Referral Information

Subject: Referral Information Request

Dear John Smith and Jane Doe,

Thank you for your recent enquiry about our business coaching services at Aus. Biz Coaching.
We appreciate your interest and would be delighted to assist you.

Unfortunately, there were a few specific details in your enquiry that I was unable to provide at
the moment. To ensure we meet your needs accurately, I have forwarded your request to the
relevant staff for clarification. We will get back to you with the required information as soon as

In the meantime, please find attached the updated Customer Record Sheet with the information
we have gathered so far.

If you have any additional questions or require further assistance, feel free to reach out to me
directly or reply to this email.

We look forward to helping you achieve your business goals.

Kind regards,

Balpreet Singh

Customer Service and Events Manager

Aus. Biz Coaching

Email: Offer Proposal to First Customer

Subject: Aus. Biz Coaching - Offer Proposal

Dear Sir,

I hope this email finds you well. We are delighted that you are considering our services for your
business growth.

Based on your requirements, we propose to offer you our "One-off Strategy Session." This
session is designed to provide you with focused guidance to boost business growth and
success. The intensive 2-hour session will give you a taste of what coaching can do for your

Estimated cost for the One-off Strategy Session: $1,000.

Please note that an invoice will be provided once you confirm your acceptance of this proposal.
Our payment terms require immediate payment to confirm the session.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.

We look forward to assisting you in achieving your business goals.

Kind regards,

Balpreet Singh

Customer Service and Events Manager

Aus. Biz Coaching

Email: Response to Second Customer

Subject: Aus. Biz Coaching - Response to Your Enquiry

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your interest in our services at Aus. Biz Coaching.

Based on your request for online group coaching sessions, we are pleased to inform you about
our upcoming sessions. The 8-week online group coaching will cover a range of business
success principles and techniques, with each session delivered over the Internet with interactive

Estimated cost for the Online Group Coaching Sessions: $1,300.

We have attached the schedule of topics covered in the sessions for your reference. If you have
any questions or would like to proceed with the booking, please let us know, and we will be
happy to assist you further.

Looking forward to helping you transform your business.

Best regards,

Balpreet Singh

Customer Service and Events Manager

Aus. Biz Coaching

Email: Actioning the First Customer's Special Request

Subject: Actioning Special Request - Immediate Provision of Products and Services

Dear Sir,

Thank you for accepting our offer of the "One-off Strategy Session." We are thrilled to begin
assisting you with your business growth.

In accordance with your request, we will ensure the immediate provision of products and
services as soon as possible. Our team is actively preparing the necessary materials and
resources for the session to ensure it is tailored to your specific needs.

If you have any additional preferences or requirements, please feel free to let us know, and we
will make every effort to accommodate them.

We are excited to work with you and contribute to the success of your business.

Best regards,

Balpreet Singh
Customer Service and Events Manager

Aus. Biz Coaching

Email: Actioning the Second Customer's Special Request

Subject: Actioning Special Request - Provision of Products and Services

Dear Sir,

Thank you for confirming your acceptance of our offer for the online group coaching sessions.
We are eager to begin the sessions and help you transform your business.

As per your request, we will prioritize and action the provision of products and services as soon
as possible. The team is preparing the necessary materials and setting up the online platform
for the sessions.

Should you have any specific preferences or topics you would like to focus on during the
sessions, please let us know, and we will ensure they are incorporated.

We are committed to making these sessions valuable and impactful for your business's growth.

Best regards, Balpreet Singh

Customer Service and Events Manager

Aus. Biz Coaching

Email: Informing the Customer of Service Difficulties and Compensation Offer

Subject: Important Update on Your Services

Dear Sir,

I hope this email finds you well. We want to sincerely apologize for the service difficulties you
experienced during the recent session.

We have thoroughly reviewed the situation and have identified the areas that need
improvement. Rest assured, we are taking corrective actions to prevent such issues from
happening in the future.

As a gesture of our commitment to your satisfaction, we would like to offer you a 15% discount
on your next service with us. This discount will be applied to the estimated cost of the services
you have already availed.

We value your feedback and appreciate your understanding as we strive to enhance our
services for all our customers.
Should you have any further concerns or require additional assistance, please feel free to reach
out to us.

Thank you for being a valued customer, and we look forward to serving you better in the future.

Best regards,

Balpreet Singh

Customer Service and Events Manager

Aus. Biz Coaching

Email: Internal Feedback and Suggestions for Improvement

Subject: Feedback on Recent Service Issue

Dear Head Business Coach's,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention a recent service issue that we
encountered with one of our customers.

We received feedback about difficulties faced during a session, and after investigating the
matter, we have taken corrective actions to address the concerns. We are actively working to
prevent similar issues from arising in the future.

In light of this situation, I would like to suggest implementing a more comprehensive quality
assurance process to ensure the seamless delivery of our services. This could involve
additional checks and evaluations before and during the sessions.

Furthermore, we could provide enhanced training and support to our team members to ensure
they are well-equipped to meet our customers' diverse needs.

I believe that by proactively addressing these areas, we can further enhance our customers'
experience and reinforce our reputation as a reliable and customer-centric business coaching

Thank you for considering these suggestions, and I am available to discuss them further at your

Best regards,

Balpreet Singh

Customer Service and Events Manager

Aus. Biz Coaching

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