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Chapter 4:


[Vegas Pov]

I woke up with a slight dizziness. a feeling of emptiness as if there was nothing Whatever is
stuck in even the slightest bit of thought, it is relieved, like being in the midst of Natural fresh air
surrounds me. I moved slightly and felt that my left arm is heavy... I paused, my body staring at
the cause that made me not dare to move. Pete lay curled up in my arms. with Venice lying on
the other side with a fake cork in its mouth I reached out to pull Venice's handle off and place it
on the head of the bed before moving my hand, slowly cradling my lover's face and running my
hand over his cheek lovingly. When I was asleep, just looking at him and seeing his face made
me feel at ease. like the embodiment of happiness in my life Gathered at him until it was all
gone. Pete didn't seem as cheerful as before. Rarely talk fancifully like the first time, but one
thing that remains is probably a wide smile. Like the sun and a light that shines through my
heart Pete must have been tired lately. Venice is crashing. Where is Macau? Where is he? Pete
is no longer a bodyguard. But I felt deep down that his bodyguard instincts were still there He

tried to protect our family. Try to be a healer for every life in this house to be happy. Today's
Pete was no different from the first day I met. because warm heart his firmness and honesty are
always visible to me... "Ugh..." Pete twisted a little lazy and slowly opened his eyes to look at my

face. "You're awake?" I called out to him before leaning down to press my familiar lips lightly.
Pete took me back once. before turning to look at Venice, spread out on the side, and gently
covering it with a blanket "Wearing a turtleneck, isn't it hot to sleep?" I picked up the air
conditioner remote control to adjust the temperature a little. Pete was wearing a turtleneck

lately. wear long sleeve shirts. “No, ah.... are you hungry?” Pete slowly pushed himself up. and
pick up the phone to see it. “I'll go down and wave the pizza for you. Yesterday Macau ordered
it. “Hmmm? Yesterday?" I furrowed my brows tightly. Pick up my phone and look at the time and
date. Damn! It's 2:00 p.m. on May 2nd. So, "Did I sleep for a full day?" Pete was silent for a

moment before nodding. “You haven't eaten anything since yesterday. I'll go prepare some food
for you.” When I thought back, why was it so clear in my head? I can hardly remember
yesterday. I don't know yet

repeatedly, when did I come home and lie down on my bed? Why do I have other missing
memories? "I'm very tired" i back to sleep. "The company must be very busy.” Pete poured a
glass of water. then hand it to me and went to carry Venice put him next to the bed. "Yeah...but I
don't remember anything." “That's it! It's not too late for your brain to deteriorate. I told you not to
stress too much about work.” Pete always said this every time I woke up feeling so empty. "So
don't you see Kinn? He set up a lot more than before and look stressed. Be careful that your
face will get old too." I smiled and pulled the glass of water in my hand to drink some. Is that
so?...because I'm too stressed about work?... I try to recall yesterday's events. Before the
picture comes to the end in my head, I wake up early to go to work as usual. During the day, I
walk down to eat under the building. that Porsche? When I started meeting with
Porsche to a customer. Everything seemed normal after that, in the evening... Suddenly, a
certain memory came back to me
(flashback one day before)

"People like you deserve more death than your father…” A hoarse voice rang out. The person
conditions look physically exhausted, almost unable to maintain balance, but there are a rope
was tied behind his back and attached to the back of the chair. not to fall and fold under the
force of gravity. The tall figure stretched out a smile, the corners of his mouth slowly rising. a
sharp eyes staring at him from a small figure with such pity that dared to mouth without a single
word to convey his own figure now. “If you were more calm about your words. I'll probably
consider the matter...." A deep voice said slowly, his voice cold as far as the heart. It made the
listeners goosebumps and almost stopped breathing. with the rhythm of sentences that are very
sedated but concealed with many horrors "Don't!...Don't do anything to him. He doesn't know.”
The listener who had been tortured for several days hurriedly. Interrupted immediately knowing
what the sentence meant. "Why did you say I shouldn't even get rid of it because you know
something about the mouth my father and the main family?” The tall figure calmly stood and
looked at the person in front of him. But I can't see anything from you. The end of the sound, the
barrel of the gun was pointed at the person's forehead. "D... Wait...!"

"I don't have time to quarrel with you...wasting time." The tall figure pulled the trigger, ready to
shoot. " promise me...promise what I ask for....promise...I'll tell you everything."

"Huh... People like you have no right to bargain!!!"



"Vegas!” I was jumped out of my reverie by Pete's voice. That the only think i can remember
and the events after that, no matter how much I try to recall , I can't really remember “Yes…” I

responded to Pete. “What you can't remember means you don't want to remember. You don't
need to care about it... look at this frowning eyebrows, not handsome!! Go get some Botox
injections. Your forehead is starting to wrinkle.” Pete sat next to me. Then leaned forward while
gently massaging the head of the eyebrows with his hand. "really ? I'm not handsome
anymore..." I grabbed my lover's hand. "If I'm so stressed that my face is old and my hair is
gray, will you leave me?" “Leave!” Pete said in a harsh tone, that was an answer I wasn't very
happy with, causing me to immediately get angry at him

“The leave it to the young lady instead of you!" Pete came out smiling, that was still an answer
that I was not satisfied with. "I asked if you would leave me....." I asked the same sentence.
"Leave..." pete still answered with a cheerful face. “Because?” I asked him back, and my
emotions began to heat up. “Because I want to have a handsome, cool boyfriend when I'm with
him and I feel proud. And the villagers will start Gossiping behind my back, how can with that
face you have such a handsome boyfriend...,isn't that good?” Pete replied annoyingly, making
me smile. "Why, didn't you like men at first?" "I've stopped thinking about sex since living with
you. I've never been serious about this at all. Which gender to love"
“Then why didn't you have a boyfriend before?” “Well, if you know that i'm taken, then it's no fun
like this. I've been doing it since kindergarten" I stuck my forehead to Pete's forehead with all my
strength, punishing him for constantly annoying "Good mouth"

“It hurts.” He lightly rubbed his forehead and sighed heavily, “I'm not going to leave you
anywhere. But you have to take care of yourself. It's not because I care about your face or your
body, I want you to be healthy both physically and mentally." I smiled at the satisfactory answer.
before bent its head down and touched its forehead once “If you smile at me like this every day I
can't remember any suffering anymore." Pete paused for a moment. one before smiling broadly
at me Then pull my body into a tight hug "If a smile helps you I'll smile every time, Vegas." The
two of us tightened. They hugged each other tightly as if they were afraid each other would
disappear. “Er!” Pete suddenly pushed himself away and remembered something. “Smile... you
shouldn't be shocked. Then there's no need to be in a hurry because everything is normal.”
When pete opened a sentence like this, I was not feeling well. Try to make eye contact with him
to say the next sentence. “Yesterday Macau cut his wrist. I'll take him to the hospital in time."
Hearing that sentence, my body was numb and began to panic until I couldn't do anything.
“What did you say...then take me to hospital right now?” I immediately got up from the bed.

“Calm down, Vegas...Calm down.” Pete tried to comfort me. “Macau is at home

last night, when the macau wake up, he asked to returned home. The doctor saw that it was not

serious, so he had Nop watch him in the bedroom. As soon as Pete finished his sentence, I
hurriedly walked out of the room. rushed to the room of my brother immediately With Pete
following closely behind me, when I opened the door, the man sitting on the sofa startled
violently. get up and bow to me. “Hey....” When I saw Macau eating porridge on the bed, The

eyes look bright even his wrist wrapped with gauze. I immediately let out a sigh of relief. “Why
did you do this…” I walked over to sit beside the bed and asked Macau, my voice shaking. “I'm
fine.” Macau lowered his head slightly. It's like he didn't dare to face me. “Why are you doing
this, why are you doing this?” I yelled. To be honest this is not the first time Macau do this. I

know that my younger brother has depression. and I understand that We shouldn't question the
reason why he did it. Because the more we forced him it will affect him and traumatize him, but
Macau, he's the brother I love, he try to commit suicide. No... he can't leave me Absolutely no.
Macau glanced at Pete asking for help. “Vegas…Macau is better now.” Pete reached out and
gently squeezed my shoulder

“Then why did you do that?!” I accidentally made a loud noise that made Macau startled and
grabbed Pete arm tightly. "He stressed about school.... Entering a new university, meeting a
new society, he may need to adjust himself, please understand," Pete calmly said with his eyes
ready to drop tears. I tried to suppress all emotions, took a deep breath, in my head tried to
think that Macau was fine. "Don't do this again...I love you so much. I'm always by your side,
here, we are family, you don't have to be afraid...just don't leave me..." I said, my voice
trembling until Macau let go of Pete's hand and grabbed my hand. I'm flooded with tears that fills
the socket “I'm sorry, hia (brother).... I won't do it again.” I pulled Macau into a tight hug, and
Pete gave me and Macau a faint smile. Thank you that my brother is still alive. thank you
whatever Made pete always by my side at times like this. Thank you. Thank you that everyone
hasn't left me. Really thank you. I embraced Macau for a long time. He also cried until he threw
himself.l in my embrace. I lightly pulled away and slid the bowl of porridge in front of him. “Eat a
lot ... or do you want anything else? ... I'll find everything for you.” Macau held the spoon with
tears running down his face. “There is nothing to be afraid of. So I want to tell you, I just want
one thing. "don't you even dare to leave me..." I held out my hand to rub Macau's head with
affection. The love that dad never gave , The tenderness that neither of us have ever received
since we were born. A happiness.

On the day that we have each other that we will always filled with happiness and smile. I'm
going to give Macau Pete, and Venice, everything... "knock knock" “Come in!” Pete shouted
back. "Khun Pete....Grandpa and Grandma have arrived." A bodyguard walked in. He say it
before bowing head and walking away. "Pete... your grandparents from Chumphon?" I turned to
ask Pete. “Um, i'll let them on the plane. They misses venice And would like to know Macau as
well, so that the atmosphere in the house will not be stressful, right?” Pete gave me a big smile.
which I smirked. Ta Noi and Grandma Jui visited our house for the first time...haha, not really
stressful! But it will be messy, of course!!! Keep fighting Macau, they will give you the position of
their favorite nephew!

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