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1. Explain design issues of distributed operating system.

2. Explain in brief demand paging

3. What is deadlock? Explain the necessary and sufficient condition for the deadlock.
4. What is deadlock? Explain how deadlock can be detected and recovered with the help of
5. What is distributed operating system and how it different from the centralized system.
6. Explain the concept of paging with the example and use of TLB
7. Describe file protection techniques and various file access methods
8. Explain process control block and process state diagram
9. Explain deterministic model and queuing model with examples
10. What is the need of synchronization? Explain n-process solution for critical section
problem, giving the proof that it satisfies all the three necessary condition for
11. Explain deadlock algorithm in detail
12. What are various scheduling criteria? Explain one non-preemptive and one preemptive
scheduling algorithm with example
13. Discuss the significance of paging and segmentation
14. Describe swapping in detail
15. Describe how OS maintains and allocates free spaces in File System
16. What is process scheduling and explain various functions performed by process
scheduler. What are the features which a typical process scheduling policy should
17. What is deadlock? Explain about the deadlock avoidance
18. What is distributed operating system? explain the various type of distributed system.
19. Explain demand page memory management technique in detail
20. What is the difference between contiguous and non-contiguous memory allocation?
21. What do you mean by process
22. Explain preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling algorithms
23. Define IPC. Explain in detail that how IPC is implemented in client -server system.
24. What is IPC? Explain shared memory and message passing model for IPC.
25. Explain the concept of segmentation with the help of example.
26. Explain queuing model and simulation model used for evaluations of CPU scheduling
27. Explain types of multiprocessors
28. What is mobile operating system? explain types of mobile OS
29. Write shotes notes on
• File Allocation table (FAT) • Features of android OS
• Demand paging • Page fault
• Semaphore • Logical and physical view of
• Simulation OS
• Memory fragmentation • Directory structure
• Layered structure of OS • Global OS
• System calls • Context Switching
• Process states • Critical Section Problem
30.Describe file protection techniques and various file access methods.
31.Explain File structure.
32.Explain Disk Management.
33.Explain Linux and its features. What are its advantages?
34.Explain any five shell commands with options.
35.Explain Linux user management commands.
36.Explain the working of Banker’s algorithm for the deadlock avoidance with
37.Describe components of RTOS.
38.Explain any 2 features of windows operating system control panel.
39.Explain applications of RTOS in detail.
40.Describe any 5 commands of Linux with example.
41.Write a shell script for reverse order number.
42.Write a shell script to print the contents of the following file.
File name:’myfile.txt’
This is my text file.
Ubuntu is Linux Operating system.
VI is the editor in Linux.
I know Linux operating system.
43.Write a short note on Kernel.

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