BC SET Solved

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Business Communication ( MCQ SET 1)

Q1: In the process of communication, distortion is a communication problem which refers to:
a) Faculty decoding only

b) Faculty encoding only

c) Noisy environment only
d) Both (i) and (ii)

Q2: Appeals and representations are used in communication.

a) Downward
b) Upward
c) Horizontal
d) Grapevine

Q3: Information is passed straight up or down the formal chain of command in:
a) All channels network
b) Chain network

c) Circle network
d) Wheel network

Q4: Which one of the following is not included in the sign of discomfort for speaker?
a) blood pressure and body temperature rise

b) the heart rate increases

c) breathing slowly before speaking
d) feeling mouth dry

Q5: Experts say that we listen at an efficiency rate of .

a) 25%
b) 75%
c) 0%

d) 10%

Q6: At a more micro level, there is an entire science of body movements, called .
a) Gestures

b) Posture
c) Kinesics
d) None of the above

Q7: lays the foundation of successful socialization.

a) Formal communication
b) Intrapersonal communication
c) Interpersonal communication
d) Impersonal communication

Q8: Another name of interpersonal communication is .

a) Mass communication
b) Dyadic communication
c) Virtual reality
d) Face to face public communication

Q9: The best time of proofread is:

a) After you distribute the document

b) A day or so after you finish the first draft
c) As you are writing
d) Immediately after you finish the first draft while the information is still fresh in your mind

Q10: Effective headings are .

a) unified
b) coherent
c) written in deductive order
d) informative and inviting

Business Communication ( MCQs SET 2 )

Q1: Mr. Shamim the CEO of Al Shamin ltd. Is out of country now-a-days. Mr. Ali, the head of Finance
department wants to communicate the details of recent changes in the ongoing project with Mr.
Shamim. Which medium of communication best suits in the above situation that can be adopted by
Mr. Ali?

a) Memo

b) Letter

c) Video chat

d) Report

Q2: Steve must send an email message to a client in Rome. He is carefully selecting his words to
ensure that his Italian client, who speaks English as a second language, will understand the. He is
involved in which part of the communication process?

a) idea transformation

b) message encoding

c) message decoding

d) message transformation

Q3: Formal communication within an entity takes place through approved:

a) standard official procedure

b) terms of reference
c) organizational channels

d) tele conference

Q4: “Not everyone perceives the sky as blue” is an example of:

a) Negative reaction

b) Varying perspective

c) Reduced attention span

d) Passivity

Q5: communication denotes communication with one’s self?

a) formal

b) inter-personal

c) intra-personal

d) informal

Q6: Organizing messages effectively help readers by:

i) helping them understand the message

ii) helping them accept the messages

iii) saving their time

iv) All of above

a) Option (ii) is correct

b) Option (i) is correct

c) Option (iii) is correct

d) Option (iv) is correct

Q7: When revising a document , you should:

a) first read through it to evaluate its overall effectiveness

b) first look carefully for grammatical errors

c) try to accomplish all revision tasks in one pass, in order to finish quickly.

d) pay close attention to the document’s spelling

Q8: Which of the following is not a technique for revising for clarity?

i) impose parallelism

ii) breakup overly long sentence

iii) rewrite hedging sentences

iv) All of above

a) Option (iii) is correct

b) Option (ii) is correct

c) Option (i) is correct

d) Option (iv) is correct

Q9: Most international business letters .

a) use active-voice constructions

b) should be written following generally accepted principles for writing

c) tend to be written in an informal, conversational manner

d) should conform to the conventions of the receiver’s country

Q10: The of business letter is called layout.

a) complimentary close

b) body

c) pattern

d) salutation

Business Communication ( MCQs SET 3 )

Q1: Diction is the manner in which something is expressed in words. A and shows the
conversational i-e: Middle level diction.
a) Guts and ticked off.

b) Rip off and betray

c) Line of command and inform

d) Courage and provoked

Q2: All of the following are examples of internal communication except communication with:

a) Chief executive officer (ECO)

b) Creditors

c) Team members

d) Manager

Q3: Which one of the following is not the characteristic of communication in order to maximize its

a) Accuracy

b) Appropriate language

c) Appropriate media and channel

d) Direction of communication

Q4: Non-verbal communication linked to words is called:

a) Slang

b) Super language

c) Para language

d) Multi language

Q5: Which one of the following is not the cause of faults in listening?

a) Thinking speed

b) Monotones

c) Mature evaluation

d) External distraction
Q6: Which one of the following is not a problem of listening?

a) Monotonous manner of speaking

b) Hasty conclusion

c) Self-centeredness

d) Going easy on criticism and arguments

Q7: Interpersonal communication has:

a) Both contextual and relationship information

b) Both content and relative information

c) Both content and relationship information

d) Both concrete and relative information

Q8: is one view of reality.

a) Outlook

b) Perception

c) Personality

d) Attitude

Q9: Which type of interview is less formal and unstructured?

a) Opening-ended interview

b) Situational interview

c) Structured interview

d) Casual interview

Q10: A good news plan is similar to a direct-request plan, so is a persuasive plan to plan.

a) Moderate news

b) Good news

c) Pleasant news
d) Bad news


Q1: Mr. Kamran received an email sent by the CEO of ABC company. Now he wants to confirm
or respond that the email has been received and understood. Which component of the
communication process does he have to adopt?
a) Encoding
b) Feedback
c) Transmission

d) Decoding

Q2: is the direction of communication flow that cuts across work areas and
organizational levels.

a) Downward communication
b) Lateral communication
c) Diagonal communication
d) Upward communication

Q3: Which one of the following is not a criteria for communication network?
a) Accuracy
b) Personal interaction
c) Emergence of leader

d) Speed

Q4: Non-verbal communication refers to the process of communication that facilitates:

a) Sending silent and wordless cues between people
b) Sending and receiving silent and wordless cues between people
c) Receiving silent and wordless cues between people
d) Sending and receiving silent and worded cues between people

Q5: One of the important criteria set for passing the presentation and skills course was whether
the employees demonstrated active listening. The business will benefit from improved listening
skills of its employees by:
a) Mediocre customer satisfaction

b) Lower misunderstanding and improved confidence

c) Having a lower productivity level
d) Low self-esteem

Q6: Aspects of voice rather than speech are known as:

a) Delivery language
b) Physical language
c) para language
d) personal language

Q7: The “slice concept” is related to:

a) Bar charts
b) Pie charts
c) Tables
d) Online charts

Q8: How can one become a better business writer?

a) All of these
b) Practice writing a variety of business messages
c) Follow a systematic process such as 3-x-3 writing process.
d) Study models of successful business messages.
Q9: A message can only be deemed effective when it is .
a) communicated face-to-face

b) Understood by others and produces the intended results.

c) Delivered with confidence
d) Repeated back as proof of understanding

Q10: The first opportunity to gain the reader’s attention in a direct mail letter is:
a) in the top margin
b) in the attention line
c) in the opening paragraph

d) on the envelope

Q11: When is an adjustment letter commonly used?

a) Sent after initial communication
b) Sent in response to a claim or complaint

c) Sent to others to know that they have received communication

d) Accompanies a package or proposal etc.

Q12: Which one of the following is the second correspondence?

a) An adjustment letter
b) A follow-up letters
c) A sales letter
d) Recommendation letter

Q13: For ordinary business correspondence, the suitable complimentary close with sir or
madam is:
a) yours faithfully
b) Affectionately yours
c) Yours affectionately

d) Very truly yours

Q14: The formal greeting with which a business letter begins is called:
a) salutation

b) body
c) reference
d) subject

Q15: Most business correspondence consists of:

a) Routine letters
b) Bad news letters
c) good news letters
d) goodwill letters


Q1: Which one of the following statements does not apply to an organization’s formal
communication network?

a) The chart indicates line of authority

b) Each box represents a link in the chain of command
c) Communication movies only up and down, not across.
d) Each line represents a formal channel for the transmission of messages.

Q2: have a leader who decides as to what messages are to be sent and how these
messages are to be communicated.
a) circle networks
b) Y networks
c) Wheel networks

d) Chain networks

Q3: What is an active process of receiving aural stimulus?

a) thinking

b) talking
c) listening
d) silence

Q4: Arrogant and impatient listeners are:

i) information oriented
ii) people focused
iii) result oriented
iv) None of the above

a) Option (ii) is correct.

b) Option (iv) is correct.
c) Option (iii) is correct.
d) Option (i) is correct.

Q5: In which of these, should the listener be able to make connections between different
segments of speech?

a) Listening to structured tasks

b) Links between parts of the speech
c) Predicting
d) Team listening

Q6: There are two behaviors at the core of communication.

a) competency and civility

b) civility and chivalry
c) Coordination and compensation
d) collaboration and commitment

Q7: The best reason to defer or cancel a message is if:

a) your news is bad.
b) the time is wrong

c) someone else wants to deliver it.

d) your audience is highly receptive

Q8: Good email messages generally:

a) Are frontloaded

b) Are used only for internal communication

c) Are used for safely sending confidential information
d) Use a more formal tone than do other forms of communication

Q9: All seven C’s can be applied to:

a) oral and verbal communication
b) oral communication
c) effective business communication

d) written and non-verbal communication

Q10: The central concern in writing a letter of recommendation is:

a) Doing whatever is necessary to help the candidate to get the job or reward.
b) Describing the person subjectivity.
c) Being honest

d) Covering up a candidate’s weaknesses

Q11: A letter declining a job offer follows the .

a) good-news plan

b) direct request plan

c) bad-news plan
d) routine message plan

Q12: In a formal letter what is the name given to the address and date at the top?
a) Starting
b) Heading
c) Body
d) Closing

Q13: Before the widespread use of computers in business used to be informally

written paper-based messages exchanged between colleagues within an organization.
a) cover letter
b) memos
c) minutes
d) follow-up letter

Q14: The content of the report should be:

a) logical, balanced and manipulated
b) accurate, illogical and balanced
c) accurate, balanced and logical
d) clear, illogical and balance

Q15: Which one of the following is the primary source that can be used for researching the
a) colleagues
b) brainstorm meetings

c) observations
d) All of above


Q1: Which of the following is not a part of cover letter?

a) references
b) salutation
c) close

d) return address

Q2: Which one of the following would not be acceptable in a formal letter?
a) Can not
b) Do not
c) I am
d) Wouldn’t

Q3: In a letter of enquiry where will you state clearly what the reader should do and exactly
when by:
a) subject
b) opening paragraph
c) Body
d) Close

Q4: The second page to a business letter should have a page heading that includes the
following, EXCEPT:
a) Address
b) Page number
c) Reader’s name

d) Date

Q5: Which of the following is an advantage of using the direct approach with negative

a) it makes a shorter message possible.

b) most readers prefer the direct approach for such a message
c) it eases the reader into message
d) All of above

Q6: Which one of the following is not a parameter in a report?

a) Extent of information
b) Ability to acquire information
c) Age of writer
d) Quality of information

Q7: Reader, writer, objective, subject and structure are:

a) Components of an agenda

b) Components of a report
c) Components of a proposal
d) Types of letters
Q8: Knowledgeable report writers use direct quotations to:
a) Duplicate the exact wording of a source before criticizing.
b) Provide objective background data and establish the severity of a problem

c) All of these
d) Repeat identical phrasing of a source because of its precision and clarity

Q9: Which of the following is written in pre-arranged, established procedure?

a) Formal report
b) Informative report
c) Internal report
d) Informal report

Q10: The executive summary serves as a preview of report by including;

a) The major analysis presented
b) All the essential facts of the report
c) The conclusions and recommendations

d) All of the above

Q11: Scanning refers to:

a) know the goals and objectives
b) study the factors in organizational levels
c) search a specific information
d) understand the case

Q12: Flow charts should be used to show:

a) how much time is needed to complete each task of a given project.
b) location relationships.
c) the relative size of the parts of a whole.
d) a sense of steps from beginning to end.

Q13: makes use of a set of skills that are meant to interpret the content and
purpose of the message being conveyed?
a) visual literacy
b) verbal communication

c) oral communication
d) visual communication

Q14: Tables are ideal when an audience needs to understand .

a) the relative size of the parts of whole.

b) the interaction two variables.
c) detailed information.
d) changes over time.

Q15: An intranet:
a) a network of network.
b) The part of internet that can accommodate graphics.
c) An organized network that allows people to communicate and exchange data within a
secured network.
d) A private corporate network that connects company computers to various locations.


Q1: Which one of the following type of interviews is not likely to be held on campus by a recruiter?

a) group interview
b) screening interview

c) video interview

d) selection interview

Q2: Which of the following is least likely to be a reason to use written communication instead of
verbal communication in the workplace?

a) For retaining a communication record.

b) To assist the receiver in memorizing complex information.

c) due to availability of instant feedback.

d) to communicate with a busy person at their convenience

Q3: Conciseness is very important for effective business communication. It can be achieved by:

a) Avoiding verbosity

b) Including only relevant information without limiting other 7c’s

c) cutting down on the information keeping it to minimum.

d) using bullet points.

Q4: Effective business managers are:

a) practical, objective, concise, clear and persuasive.

b) entertaining, blunt, direct, opinionated, persuasive.

c) personal, clear, short, catchy and challenging

d) All of above

Q5: An unstructured committee is a good example of network.

a) interpersonal

b) circle

c) all-channel

d) wheel
Q6: An effective listener tries to practice in an effort to hear and understand what the
other party is saying.

a) emphatic listening

b) selective listening

c) content listening

d) active listening

Q7: Selective listening refers to:

a) A highly focused form of listening

b) Listening only long enough to form an opinion

c) Letting one’s wind wander until something personally relevant is said.

d) A form of defensive listening

Q8: The key reason that short term mediated communication can not match the quality of face to face
communication is because:

a) people always lie when communication is mediated.

b) the number of emoticons is still too low to be effective.

c) is mediated communication there is a reduced level of non-verbal cues.

d) people change their personalities when they communicate by email and by phone.

Q9: Which one of the following is least likely to be a factor that influences intra-personal

a) self-perception

b) self-assertive

c) self-esteem

d) self-confidence

Q10: Concreteness in business communication stands for:

a) including specific, vivid, clear, and explicit details.

b) including general, vivid and authentic details

c) including definite details.

d) including specific, vivid and imaginative details.

Q11: Ahmad is giving a presentation to the company about possible global expansion. As he prepares
his power point slides, he chooses a background showing a world map. Ahmad is involved in which
part of the communication process?

a) Evaluating the message

b) selecting the channel

c) Encoding the message

d) decoding the message

Q12: The letters which are written to the customers to persuade and prompt to buy the products are

a) letters of application

b) sales letter

c) information letters

d) order letters

Q13: The purpose of a persuasive message is:

a) establish credibility before presenting a request

b) convert the receiver to your ideas or to motivate action

c) motivate the reader to finish reading

d) ask logical questions

Q14: The most effective goodwill messages:

a) avoids details and focus on emotions of the situation

b) always try to find an angle that benefits the sender in addition to the receiver.

c) are sincere and honest.

d) All of the above.

Q15: Which one of the following steps are important to construct a persuasive message or circular?

a) identify the problem, purpose and audience.

b) Decide what you want to say.

c) Making an outline and structure of the letter.

d) All of the above.

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