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Shruti Dasamandam [1BM20CS216]

Umang Goel [1BM20CS176]

Vishnu Kumar [ 1BM20CS190]
Vijaya Verma [ 1BM20CS187]

Literature Survey

Title Year Journal Technique Limitations Future

Neural Networks Introduction of new classifiers fo
1. Sign language Mar 2020 IRJET and Decision Trees improved accuracy.
Using Machine

2. Deepsign: Sign June 2022 MDPI Deep learning based Achieves an Improving the classes of the
Language model: LSTM, GRU accuracy of 97% dataset, the sets of words,
Detection and [feedback based in sign video samples,
Recognition learning models identification
Using Deep from the ISL
Learning custom dataset

3. Deep Learning September IEEE Naïve Bayes, Lack positional Hybrid models are emerging
for Sign 2021 random forest, information for that combine the best
Language K-nearest neighbor, the inspected characteristics of several types
Recognition: logistic regression, sequences of neural networks, and
Current and the support solutions of this type may
Techniques, vector machine. represent the most logical path
Benchmarks, recurrent neural forward with respect to
and Open networks (RNNs) advanced SLR applications.
Issues that include at least
one Recurrent layer, and convolutional
g/document/9530569?de neural networks
nied= (CNNs) that include
at least one
convolutional layer.

4. Machine November Elsevier Bibliometric There is a need Further study on a non-manual

learning 2021 analysis of research for more research sign involves the face region,
methods for progress and that fuses images including the movement of the
sign language publication pattern from multiple head, eye blinking, eyebrow
recognition: A in intelligent based devices such as a movement, and mouth
critical review sign language camera, shape.Need to address the
and analysis recognition. Feature dataglove, and recognition of signs with
Title Year Journal Technique Limitations Future
extraction and sign Kinect to acquire facial expres- sion, hand
https://www.sciencedirec image segmentation images to gestures and body movement techniques. produce better simultaneously with the better
S2667305321000454 results without recognition accuracy in
feature real-time with improved per-
extraction. formance.

5. Vision-based 2021 Core UK The It is intended to

Portuguese human-computer keep improving
Sign Language interface (HCI) for the system and
Recognition the prototype was make
System developed using the experiments with The sign language grammar
C++ language, and complete can be easily changed and the the language system configured to train the
k/download/pdf openFrameworks datasets. It is also new language gestures.
/55638597.pdf toolkit [49] with the intended to test
OpenCV [50] and systems able to
the OpenNI [51] interpret dynamic
addons, ofxOpenCv sign language
and ofxOpenNI gestures where
respectively. there is a need
for reliable
solutions for the
problem of start
and end gesture

6. Real time 2022 IAS Collected a dataset Predicting Can develop a model for ISL
Indian Sign of depth based incorrectly most word and sentence level
language segmented RGB of the time recognition. This will require
recognition image using because in real a system that can detect
Microsoft time changes with respect to the XBOX360 Kinect hand-gestures temporal space.
port/19049/real-time-ind Camera for were not placed
ian-sign-language-recog classifying 36 exactly at the
nition different gestures. center and
Used Deep vertically.
Convolutional training accuracy
Neural Network and was reduced to
achieved an 89%
accuracy of 89.30%.

7. A Real-Time 2018 IEEE Uses CNN dependence on Expanding the system to more
System For (convolutional high-quality sign language conventions and
Recognition of neural networks) video input and improving the reliability of the
American Sign with a RNN the need for a algorithm in various lighting
Language by (recurrent), accuracy large amount of conditions
Using Deep of 95.2% for training data.
Learning recognizing Additionally, the
individual signs and system may not
92.8% for be able to
recognizing entire recognize signs
sentences. that are not in the
training dataset.
Title Year Journal Technique Limitations Future
8. Sign Language 2020 IJERT CNN models were Thresholding
Recognition created for picture converted data
gathering, in which set they got exact
https://www.researchgate the model output for the
.net/publication/3418478 recognizes given input
96_Sign_Language_Rec two-dimensional gestures.
ognition data addressing an Whereas in RGB
image's pixels and converted data
concealing channels, set they did not
in a strategy called get the accurate
highlight learning. output.

9. Sign Language 2019 ACM Linguistics is Datasets,

Recognition, essential for Recognition &
Generation, and identifying the Computer Vision,
Translation: An structures of sign Modeling &
Interdisciplinar languages that Natural language
y Perspective algorithms must Processing,
handle. Natural Avatars and Language Computer
1145/3308561.3353774 Processing (NLP) Graphics,
and machine
translation (MT)
provide powerful
methods for
analyzing, and
Computer vision is
required for
detecting signed
content, and
computer graphics
are required for
generating signed
content. Finally,
Interaction (HCI)
and design are

10. SIGN 2018 OpenCV is used to SVMs require a Training with more detailed
LANGUAGE Internatio process a video feed. white datasets with images in a
RECOGNITIO nal SVM is used. background , variety of lighting conditions,
N USING Journal of similar symbols hand orientations and skin
MACHINE Pure and were tones. Include image
LEARNING Applied misinterpreted pre-processing (contrast,
Mathemati cropping)

11. American Sign 2014 Recognizing inaccuracy of plan to combine the sensor
Language IEEE gestures using a Leap Motion with a webcam, which
Recognition Conferenc Leap Motion Sensor, sensor, limited provides a separate data
Using Leap a small, portable datasets source for hand gestures,
Title Year Journal Technique Limitations Future
Motion Sensor | e device that tracks developing a web application
IEEE hand and finger with a back-end database to
Conference movements in real collect more data from
Publication time. Used KNN & multiple signers.
SVM classifier. ~96% accuracy.

12. A Deep 2018 Uses VGG-16 None, authors Creation of new sign language
Learning IEEE network, pre-trained have proved that dataset that will be suitable for
Approach for on ImageNet & their method a DL framework.
Analyzing FlowNet2 outperforms
Video and other SoA
Skeletal technologies and
Features in Sign is robust enough
Language for a variety of
Recognition | datasets.

13. Comparing ANN, 2019 IEEE using wearable

SVM, and HMM motion sensors and It may be increasing the dictionary size
machine learning possible to of gestures while also
based Machine
techniques.using improve the incorporating non-manual
Learning Methods Artificial Neural training time of markers such as head tilts,
for American Sign Networks (ANN) the ANN by facial gestures as well as
Language and Support Vector pruning input shoulder movements in the
Recognition using Machines (SVM), to nodes which gesture recognition
compare their means reducing framework. Full recognition
Wearable Motion accuracy with the the number of of sentences using HMM
Sensors Hidden Markov features used. Model (HMM)
g/abstract/document/866 results from their
6491 previous work to
recognize ASL

2021 Springer
14. Sign Language
Recognition System
using TensorFlow
Object Detection
Title Year Journal Technique Limitations Future
2016 IEEE The algorithm
15. Sign Language devised is capable of There are further areas of
Recognition. extracting signs improvement such as
from video increasing
sequences under minimally cluttered the system performance under and dynamic robust and unfavorable
.jsp?tp=&arnumber background using
=7507939 skin color environment (lot of clutter,
segmentation. It poor lighting).
between static and
dynamic gestures
and extracts the
appropriate feature
vector. These are
classified using
Support Vector
Machines. Speech
recognition is built
upon standard
module - Sphinx.

2015 IEEE The system perform

16. Sign Language different stages of
Recognition image processing
steps. The captured
image has to be
identified by the
system accurately of the best result. The
g/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=& ANN will help the
arnumber=7192910 system to identified
the image without
any complex
calculation .

2014 ARPN Neural network and

17. SIGN LANGUAGE HMM variations Current systems are mainly
RECOGNITION: [51] are widely used focused on static signs/
by the researchers manual signs/ alphabets/
due to their numerals.
ART popularity in terms
of recognition Standard dataset not available
percentage. for all countries/sub continents
https://www.researchg / languages.
187093_Sign_languag A need for large vocabulary
e_recognition_State_o database is the demand for
current scenario.
Title Year Journal Technique Limitations Future

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