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What If You Lived Fifty Years in the Future?

In my opinion I have a lot of questions about this topic, how will the life of
my son, who is now 17 years old, be like, because I don't think I will be alive

I have the feeling that the world is moving faster than ever. Every day, smart
phones are getting smarter, artificial intelligence is getting smarter, and our
environment seems to get worse every year.

1. Would robots and A.I. have taken over everything?

2. Would we still be living on Earth?
3. Would alien life finally be discovered?

In the next 50 years, humans will have begun colonizing Mars. Private companies
will even be attempting to travel to the Alpha Centauri system, the closest star
system to our Solar System, it may be a possible place for humans to colonize.

A.I. will be as smart as humans. They won’t have taken over the world just yet, but
they’ll be well on their way. A.I. will constantly be progressing in intelligence, soon
being smarter than humans could ever imagine ourselves.

Expect them to be working with us, while humans have more advanced roles in our

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