5 Word Formation

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Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into the blank! (WFO69)

1. The land is very dry, which makes   difficult (FARM).

2. If you plan your journey carefully you will have an   time in India. (FORGET)

3. Even though Marty was an excellent shooter, he   missed the target. (REPEAT)

4. There are many   companies that are working on new technologies. (INNOVATE)

5. The book contains a   of poems from three decades. (COLLECT)

6. There are millions of   people all over the country. (WEALTH)

7.  brought the Plague to Europe from Asia. (SAIL)

8. Our teacher has put together some   newspaper articles for us to work on. (INTEREST)

9. Divers went down to a   of over 30 metres. (DEEP)

10. We had   deciding who to send to the compaction. (DIFFICULT)

11. The   creature has not been sighted for over a week. (MYSTERY)

12. The hotel offers a   view of the sea. (SPECTACLE)

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into the blank! (WFO68)

 have been warning us about the effects of global warming for many years. (SCIENCE)

2. The boy hit his head so hard that he lost  . (CONSCIOUS)

3. According to the weather report there is a high   of thunderstorms this

afternoon. (PROBABLE)

Pușcariu Diana

4. Antibiotics are only   of you take them for a few days. (EFFECT)

5. Stonehenge is famous for its   architecture. (ASTONISH)

6. You don't have to be afraid of the examination. It's completely   (PAIN).

7. The first settlers came from   islands in the Pacific. (DISTANCE)

8. The orchestra has given a wonderful   during the previous season. (PERFORM)

9. The judge came to the   that the witness was lying. (CONCLUDE)

10. The   of our flight was delayed due to foggy weather in London. (ARRIVE)

11. For your own  , please step back from the cages. (SAFE)

12. My sister has been suffering from a bad cough  . (LATE)

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into the blank! (WFO67)

1. My mum is the chairman's assistant. She has a lot of   . (RESPONSIBLE)

2. I have an important   to make (ANNOUNCE)

3. Jamie's early   came as a shock to all of us. (DIE)

4. When the comedian told the joke, the whole auditorium was filled with   (LAUGH)

5. I reported the   of my passport to the authorities. (LOSE)

6. The boys'   was reported to their parents. (BEHAVE)

7. When she got home she immediately filed a   . (COMPLAIN)

8. The   of flight OS2895 will be announced soon. (ARRIVE)

9. The   of the airplane was a mystery to the investigators. (APPEAR)

10. When I opened the door everyone looked at me in  . (ASTONISH)

11. There have been a great number of   in many fields of research. (DEVELOP)

Pușcariu Diana

12. When they got to the top of the mountain they made a remarkable   (DISCOVER)

Read the text on an excursion to a museum. Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits
into each blank.

Last week, we went on a fantastic trip to the Museum of   (NATURE) History, which is   

(LOCATE) only a few blocks away from our school. On   (ARRIVE) our guide was waiting for us
and told us what we were going to see.

The most exciting part of the museum was the section on   (HISTORY) animals. We stared

in   (AMAZE) at all the skeletons of species that became extinct millions of years ago.

There was a special   (EXHIBIT) on dinosaurs, creatures that have fascinated us for a long time.

The guide gave us some interesting facts about these   (GIANT) creatures. The Tyrannosaurus Rex,

for example, reached a   (HIGH) of over 6 metres. The Seismosaurus was probably the longest

dinosaur with an estimated   (LENGTH) of up to 40 metres.

The only   (ADVANTAGE) of the trip was that there was not enough time to see all the

interesting things the museum offered. Towards the end it got very   (CROWD) and our guide
informed us that it would be better if we came during the morning hours.

At the end of the tour, she thanked us for our   (PATIENT) and attention and asked for feedback.

She gave us a sheet of paper on which we could write down   (SUGGEST) and   

(IMPROVE) for future school groups. After two hours in one of the most incredible buildings I have ever
seen we went back to school.

Pușcariu Diana

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