Drama & Theatre Handbook

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A Level

Drama & Theatre Handbook

A Level
Transition Information
A Message from the Drama Department:
Welcome to the Drama and Theatre A-Level. We are delighted that you have chosen
this subject and we look forward to teaching you in September.

Results 2023 % A*-B = 90.9 % A*-C = 100

A Level Drama and Theatre specification - A-level | Drama and Theatre

Drama and Theatre

What can I expect from studying Drama and Theatre?
The qualification emphasises practical creativity alongside research and
theoretical understanding. You will learn through experience, seeing theatre and making theatre for
yourself. You will be introduced to a wide range of theatrical styles and contexts as you explore a
variety of plays practically, devise and work on performances. Each exam paper is designed to allow
you to demonstrate your creativity and imagination in interpreting set texts and apply independent
thinking as you evaluate a live theatre production
What topics will I study?
Component 1 Component 2 Component 3
Drama and Theatre Creating Original Drama Making Theatre
This component is a written You will create and You perform an extract from
exam in which you are assessed perform your own play. a play to a visiting examiner.
on your knowledge and It comprises two parts: It comprises two parts:
understanding of how drama Working notebook Performance of Extract 3
and theatre is developed and Devised performance Reflective Report whereby
performed and on your ability you explore 3 different
to analyse and evaluate the live extracts from a variety of
theatre work of others. plays.
Year 1 Section A: Drama through the ages You will first explore a You will explore a variety of
- you will study the play Antigone variety of theatre monologues and duologues.
by Sophocles practitioners.
Section C: Live theatre production. You will then create and
- You will go to the theatre and perform your own play in
evaluate performances year 1 and write your
working notebook.
Year 2 Section B: 20th and 21st century Complete your working Explore 3 extracts from 3
drama - You will study the set text notebook. different plays. Write a
Metamorphosis by S Berkoff reflective report and perform
Revision of Antigone one extract to an external
You will continue to go to the
theatre - Section C: Live theatre
What is the workload like?
Lessons are one of the most important parts of drama, but reading and rehearsing outside the lesson
is essential, theory must guide your practice. With Drama, practice is essential to succeed and the
only situation where you can really experiment with your characters etc is in lessons with your peers.
All lessons are therefore predominantly practical. For every component you will have to work hard,
learn your lines, write up your notes and devote your own time to the piece you’re doing to bring to
the lesson. This is especially important for components 2 and 3.

What skills will I learn?

An A Level in Drama and Theatre will provide you with a wide range of
transferable skills, which are important in many career fields.

▪ Creative thinking
▪ Planning
▪ Critical evaluation
▪ Presentation
▪ Literacy
▪ Research
▪ Negotiating
▪ Teamwork
▪ Organising

You will learn to collaborate with others, think analytically and evaluate
effectively. You will gain the confidence to pursue your own ideas,
reflect and refine your efforts. Whatever the future holds, Drama
students emerge with a toolkit of transferable skills, applicable both in
further studies and in the workplace.

What careers can I do that are related to Drama?

You should consider this course if you are thinking of going into
teaching, dramatherapy, medicine, law, public relations,
journalism, diplomacy, politics, social work, hospitality, tourism
and leisure, Youth & Community Work, Personnel Management,
Marketing Management, Charities Administration and of course
any form of acting or jobs in the theatre.
For further research - Get Into Theatre is the essential website
to help you find all the information and opportunities you need
to pursue a successful career in theatre. Find thousands of ways
to get into theatre.
Why study it?
Drama is a subject that is becoming increasingly valued by
businesses, who feel that young people lack the confidence at
interviews, or the ability to present. Within drama you will not
only study the craft of acting and theatre, you will also learn
extremely valuable transferable skills for example –
collaboration, empathy, analysis, evaluation, deconstruction of a
given subject and construction of performance pieces. You are able to perform but also work on
production skills such as lighting, costume, sound, set/props etc.
Link: The Importance of Drama: Transferable Skills
Drama and Theatre- Reading List
Aim to complete at least three of these tasks by the start of the course. The two you must do is read the play Antigone
and watch a play of your choice and evaluate an actor's performance. Keep a record of your work in the form of a
review: what have you learnt? Is there anything you need explaining?

Books and Reading TED Talks / Documentaries to

1. Buy, read & make Blue text contains a
notes on Antigone our hyperlink. Just click to be
set text! transported to the
The Three Theban resources.
Plays: 'Antigone',
Swot up on your theatre history
'Oedipus the King',
and theatre movements
'Oedipus at Colonus'
YouTube channel CrashCourse offers bite-size videos on
(Penguin Classics):
theatre history and important
movements in theatre, for example expressionism, epic
theatre and absurdism (to name just three). Watch these
Research the play’s historical context, genre,
informative videos and make notes on them. Search for
style and themes.
online productions of any plays mentioned. Then go
down the rabbit hole of YouTube to explore these
2. Watch a play of your choice and evaluate one
movements, plays and playwrights in more depth. Some
of the work you see may be bad. Very bad. But you need
Explain how one performer used vocal and
to see bad theatre as well as good theatre!
physical skills to engage the audience at
particular moments within the production that
The National Theatre has a YouTube channel with lots of
you have seen, and assess the effectiveness of
informative videos. Why not get lost in it all?
their performances.
Drama Online - National Theatre Collection
Tune into YouTube every Thursday to watch a play
Username: Philomena
Password: Drama from the National Theatre. The plays will
(You can also watch Antigone on this link!) be available for a week after they have been screened.
Why not choose a key moment –
Another set text - Metamorphosis By Berkoff about 2-3 minutes of footage you thought was really
The Trial / Metamorphosis / In the Penal successful – and practise vividly and
Colony: Three Theatre Adaptations from Franz analytically describing what you saw and evaluating why
Kafka: Amazon.co.uk you thought it was successful?

Antigone - free copy!

Sign up for a future learn course:-
AQA revision guide – AQA Drama & Theatre Physical Theatre: Exploring the Slap
Studies by Su Fielder and Pat Friday.
Learn about Meyerhold’s form of physical theatre,
A good book on directing – The Director’s Craft biomechanics, and perform ‘The Slap’.
by Katie Mitchell. Shakespeare: Print and Performance - Learn about
Shakespeare in print and performance around the world,
A good book on acting – An Actor Prepares by
from early modern times to today.
Konstantin Stanislavski.

Two good books by actors about acting – Being An Introduction to Screenwriting - Online Course
an Actor by Simon Callow and The Year of the This online course explores the key concepts and
King by Antony Sher. fundamental principles involved in the process of
A good practical book on becoming a better actor
– Actioning and how to do it by Nick Moseley.
Additional Information:
Greek theatre research:

In Search of Greek Theatre #1: Antigone (2012) at the National T…

The Ancient Greek Chorus in Historical Context

Greek Drama Ep.3: Ancient Greek Stage Machinery | Ancient
Theatrical Tricks
The Ancient Greek Theatre - Parts and Machinery (3D)
Ancient Greek Theater
Greek Drama Ep.3: Ancient Greek Stage Machinery (Mechane, Periaktos etc.) | Ancient Theatrical
Tricks – Helinika
Theatrical Effects: Devices
The Ancient Theatre Archive

Link to a company dedicated to productions of the Greek classics

Actors of Dionysus

Other useful Websites

Steven Berkoff biography

Alternative Careers in the Theatre Industry

The ABCs of Acting
The ABC's of acting: Matthew Gray at TEDxCMU

Drama School v University – Pros and Cons

Drama School vs University for Acting: Pros & Cons of Each Choice

A Beginner’s Guide to applying for Drama School

A beginner’s guide to applying for drama school

Successful Actors talk about their Training

Successful Actors Talk About Their Training

Studying Drama and Theatre Studies at University

Drama & Theatre Studies Courses & Undergraduate Degrees

Five-step plan on how to start an Acting Career

5 Step Plan on How to Start an Acting Career - Acting in London

Good Luck! We look forward to welcoming you onto the course. If you have any more questions
please do not hesitate to ask the Drama department.
HOD/ KS5 Co-ord - Ms K Heath
KS3 Co-ord Ms Butterfield

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