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Prepared bKamyar Column Tag No. :

Checked by : Job No. :
Date : Client :
Project :

### Input Data Stream :

Packing type = Intallox saddel

Packing size = 38 mm
Packing MOC = PP
Gas pr. Drop / m bed = 20.4 mmWC / m packing height = 200.056
Total packing height = 1.5 m (including all packed beds)

Gas / Vapour Properties

Gas / Air flow rate = 5000 kg/h OR 0 m3/h
= 1.3889 kg/s = 0 m3/s

Gas pressure at entry = 1.0000 atm

Gas temperature at entry = 20.00 oC = 293.00 oK
Gas / Air mol weight = 32

Component to be scrubbed
Component Name =
Component flow rate = Kg/h
% comp. in air/gas = 8 % (v/v) (presumed) / (given by client) / (by process cal.)
Molecular weight of comp. = 64

Liquid / Scrubbing media Properties

Scrubbing media = water
Liquid flow rate, L = 124729.2 kg/h
= 34.6470 kg/s
Liquid Density, L = 1000 kg/m3 Conversion :
Liquid Viscosity, µL = 0.0010020 Ns/m2 1.002 Cp = 0.00100200

Packing factor, Fp = 170 m-1 40 ‫مالحظه‬

Charac. Packing Factor,Cf = 52 Ref. Table 6.3, Characterstics of Random packings
Conversion factor, J = 1.0 factor for adequate liquid distribution & irrigation across the bed

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Since larger flow quantities are at the bottom for an absorber, the diameter will be chosen to
accommodate the bottom conditions.

To calculate Gas density

Avg. molecular weight = 31.76 Kg / Kmol

If gas flow rate is given in kg/h If gas flow rate is given in m3/h

Gas in = 0.0437307585 Kmol/s Gas in = (m3/s) x 273 x pr. in atm

kmol = mass / mol wt T in kelvin 1.0 atm
= (kmol/s) x T in kelvin x 1.0 atm x 22.4
273 pr. In atm 1 = 0 Kmol/s
= 1.051332 m /s 3
= 0 Kg/s
mass = mol wt x kmol

Select vol. flow rate and mass flow rate from above,
Selected mass flow rate = 1.3889 Kg/s
Selected vol. Flow rate = 1.051332 m3/s 3784.8 m3/h
Selected molar flow rate = 0.043730758 Kmol/s

Therefore, gas density = 1.3211 Kg/m3 (mass flow rate / vol. Flow rate)

To find L', G' and Tower c/s area

Assuming essentially Partial absorbtion, you shoul be care about percent
Component removed = 0.2127 Kg/s (molar flow rate x % comp. x mol. Wt.)
Liquid leaving = 34.8597 Kg/s (Inlet liquid flow rate + comp. Removed)

L' G 0.5 = 0.91226

G' L

Using 0.91226 as ordinate, Refer fig.6.34 using a gas pressure drop of 200.056

G' 2 Cf µL0.1 J = 0.0135 (from graph)

G ( L -- G ) gc

Therefore, G' = 0.0135 G ( L -- G ) gc 0.5

Cf µ L

= 0.8266 Kg / m2.s

Tower c/s area = 1.6802 m2 ( c/s area = mass flow rate / G' )

Tower diameter = 1.4626 m = 1462.6 mm

= 1440.9 mm

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Corresponding c/s area = 1.6306 m2


Efficiency of fan / blower = 60 % assumed / given

To calculate pressure drop

Pressure drop for irrigated = 300.08 N/m2 (pressure drop per m packing x total ht. of packing)

For dry packing,

O/L Gas flow rate, G' = 0.7213 Kg / m2.s (Gas inlet flow rate - Component removed) / c/s area
O/L Gas pressure = 101024.91651 N/m2 (subtracting pressure drop across packing)
Gas density, G = gas mol wt. x 273 x gas o/l pr.
22.41m3/Kmol T in kelvin 101330
= 1.3165 Kg/m3

CD = Ref. Table 6.3, Characterstics of Random packings

Delta P = CD G' 2

= 0.00 N/m2

Pressure drop for packing = 300.08 N/m2 (irrigated packing + dry packing)

Pressure drop for internals = mmWC (packing supports and liquid distributors)
= 0.00 N/m2

Gas velocity = m/s

Inlet expansion & outlet = 1.5 x Velocity heads = 1.5 x (V2 / 2g)
contraction losses = 0.00 N m / Kg
= 0.00 N/m2 (divide by density)

Total pressure drop = 300.08 N/m2 (packing + internals + losses)

Fan power output = pressure drop,N/m2 x (gas in - component removed) Kg/s

O/L gas density, Kg/m3
= 268.10 N .m / s
= 0.27 kW

Power for fan motor = 0.45 kW (fan power output / motor efficiency)
= 0.60 hp

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Liq.-Vap. Flow factor, FLV = (L / V) x ( V / L )

= 0.9067

Design for an initial pressure drop of 20.4 mm H2O /m packing

From K4 v/s FLV,
K4 = 0.32

K4 at flooding = 0.70

Trial % flooding = ( (K4 / K4 at flooding) ) x 100

= 67.6123

Gas mass flow rate, Vm = K4 . V ( L -- V )
13.1 Fp (µL / )0.1

= 0.8687 kg/m2.s

Trial column c/s area = V / Vm

(Trial As)
= 1.5989 m2

Trial column dia., D = 1.4268 m D = (4/pi) x Trial As

Round off 'D' to nearest standard size

Therefore, D = 1.490 m

Column C/S area, As = 1.7437 m2 As = (pi/4) x D2

% flooding = 61.9990 % flooding = Trial % flooding x (Trial As / As)

Generally packed towers are designed for 50% -- 85% flooding.
If flooding is to be reduced,
(i) Select larger packing size and repeat the above steps.
(ii) Increase the column diameter and repeat the above steps.

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Norton's Correlation : ln HETP = n - 0.187 ln + 0.213 ln µ
Applicable when,
liquid phase surface tension > 4 dyne/cm & < 36 dyne/cm
liquid viscosity > 0.08 cP & < 0.83 cP
Conversion :
Input Data 0.0728 N/m = 72.8 dyne/cm
Surface Tension, = 73 dyne/cm Norton's Correlation NOT applicable

Liquid Viscosity = 1.002 cP Norton's Correlation NOT applicable

n =


ln HETP = -0.801890341

HETP = 0.4484803815 ft
= 0.1366968203 m

For separations, less than 15 theoritical stages, a 20% design safety factor can be applied.

Considering 20% safety factor,

HETP = 0.1640361843 m

For separations, requiring 15 to 25 theoritical stages, a 15% design safety factor can be applied.

Considering 15% safety factor,

HETP = 0.1572013433 m

method 2 Cornell

ΔP selecte 20.4 conventional ΔP range for absorbed or desorbed Tower ( 15-50

Nog: 12.55923598 if the equilibrium curve & operation curve be linear :

m= 28.5 if known Ok else 10 ‫مالحظات(مثال) صفحه‬

(mG_m 0.95 0.0215460789 ‫براساس پایین ستون‬/‫ ←←←مولی‬Lm= 1.9282


y1/y2= 18.475750577 if the equilibrium curve & operation curve be linear and also if s

it's curve: fig 14.5

Sheet 5 of 32
for selection helping →→→
HTU (Hog) Assumed: 0.7

Z~Nog*Hog~Nol*Hol 8.7914651858 14.152

vapor specification

D_v 0.0000145 all units should be in SI

ρ_v 1.3211 ←←←←

μ_v 0.0001812

Sc (v) = μ_v⁄ 9.459302122

(ρ_v×D_v )

Liquid Specification

D_l 0.0000000017

ρ_l 1000

μ_l 0.0010020

Sc (l)= μ_l⁄(ρ_l×D_l ) 589.41176471

ɸ 0.085 refer to Fig 5-29

Cflood 0.75 refer to Fig 5-28 by: ###

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Z (assumed 8.7914651858

H_L 0.5530698177

A 0.017
Ψ 65 refer to Fig 5-30

〖d_ 0.6 column diameter in m ( if diameter > 0.6m use 0.6)

m 1.24
n 0.6
L 20.620299641

H_G 0.6013988727 assumed Liquid is water

Z= 14.151937997 compare this with initial assumption for Z, if it's OK Finish else r

Sheet 7 of 32

(by process cal.) it's a comment

))=G_s×((y_1-y_2)/(x_1e-x_2 ))

Ls = j‫الینده‬jj‫لعاریاز آ‬j‫لویمولیحال‬jjj‫ف‬
Ns/m2 Gs= j‫الینده‬jj‫از عاریاز آ‬jjj‫لویمولیگ‬jjj‫ف‬

dom packings
gation across the bed

Sheet 8 of 32
x 1

ass = mol wt x kmol

omp. x mol. Wt.)

comp. Removed)


Sheet 9 of 32
x total ht. of packing)

nt removed) / c/s area

dom packings

Sheet 10 of 32
(Trial As / As)

Sheet 11 of 32
on NOT applicable

on NOT applicable

rbed or desorbed Tower ( 15-50 mm Water/m packing) 48 ‫مالحظات‬

ion curve be linear :

ion curve be linear and also if solvent be free of solute


Sheet 12 of 32
‫مالحظات ‪15‬‬

‫هست ‪ Berl‬این به خاطر تبدیل واحدای انگلیسی و استفاده از روابط پکینگ‬

‫‪Sheet 13 of 32‬‬
‫‪perry 5-76‬‬
ter > 0.6m use 0.6)

ption for Z, if it's OK Finish else repeat above steps again

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Table 6.2
Constant for HETP Correlation

Ref.:: Random Packings and Packed Towers ---- Strigle

Ref. : : Chemical Engineering, Volume-6 , COULSON & RICHARDSON'S
Ref. : : Mass Transfer Operation : : Treybal
L=Liquid Rate 20.6203 ←kg/m2.s 15206.71


Fig 5-30
Fig 5-28

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