Family Medicine Training Curr

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Egyptian Fellowship Board

Family Medicine
Training Curriculum

T he Egyptian Fellowship Board and The Family medicine scientific council worked collabora-
tively and closely to make this curriculum available for trainees’ guidance and support.

Postgraduate medical education world wide are now governed by sets of academic stan-
dards that describe the qualities and abilities of graduates. In addition, there are standards for
The training processes , trainers’ selection and methods of assessment. standards ensure trans-
parency and clarify expectations.

The Egyptian fellowship board has already defined and published its standards for the general and
professional competencies expected from our graduates in different specialties upon successful
completion of training. These expectations are clearly reflected in the Family medicine curriculum.

The curriculum describes what trainees will know and be able to do upon completion of
training. In additions methods of teaching and learning needed to deliver the curriculum are ex-
plicitly outlined. The curriculum also describes in details, expectations from trainees during their
rotations in “The training rules and regulations section”. Methods of assessment and examination
regulations are also available in the last section of the curriculum.

All topics covered during practical and theoretical study are outlined in tables. This will help
trainees to guide their own readings and choose CME activities. In addition, all required clinical
cases and procedures are listed together with expected performance at various stages of training

To help our trainers, supervisors and maximize benefits, we provided a guide for required lec-
tures and journal clubs at various rotations and years. Mandatory courses are also mentioned and
the Egyptian Fellowship Board will ensure that they are organized and implemented at proper
training stages.

We hope that all our trainees, trainers and educational supervisors will follow the guides provided
in The curriculum and cooperate with The Egyptian Fellowship Board and Family Medicine Scien-
tific Council to implement this curriculum in The best ways.

XáÅtà T{Åxw f{xut

Secretary General
Higher Committee of medical specialties
This curriculum has been created through collaboration between The Family Medicine Scien-

tific Council and The Egyptian Fellowship Curriculum Committee.

The following members of The Family Medicine Scientific Council have made substan-

tial contribution to the curriculum development as subject matter experts

• Professor Dr Nagwa Eid Sobhy, Professor of internal medicine and Head of The Family
Medicine scientific council

• Professor Dr Gabr Metwaly Sayed , Professor of Community Medicine, El Azhar University

• Professor Dr Mohammed Fargaly Kassem, Professor of Community medicine, Al Azhar University

• Professor Dr Mohamed Mohamady, Professor of Community medicine, Suiz Canal University

The Egyptian Fellowship Curriculum Committee has made significant contribution to The cur-

riculum through Collaboration with the council in the design of the overall educational struc-

ture, copy editing, and peer revision.

• The Member who participated in The work is Professor Dr Eman Abd El Raouf , Educa-

tional consultant to The Egyptian Fellowship Board

The Committees consulted international curricula in family medicine and general practice. The

external references for the development of this curriculum are:

• The Royal college of General Practitioners Curriculum

• The American Council for graduate medical education (family medicine program requirements)

• The Arab Board curriculum for training in family medicine

• The Saudi Board curriculum for training in family medicine

• Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board UK (Guidelines for curriculum develop-

CONTENTS …………………
Scientific council …………………………………………………………………………………………………... 3
Training rules and regulations ………………………………………………………………………… 4
Specific regulations and obligations during the hospital rotation ………… 5
General rules and regulations………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Interruption of the training………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Family medicine rotations ………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Rationale for curriculum development …………………………………………………………. 8
Recommended methods for teaching and learning ………………………………… 8
Intended learning outcomes ……………………………………………………………………………. 9
Family medicine theoretical topics …………………………………………………………………... 11
Clinical cases in family health unit………………………………………………………………...……...14
Operative and procedures in family health unit……………………………………………. 15
Family medicine seminars/ journal club titles ……………………………………………………16
Specialty specific learning outcomes ………………………………………………………………… 17
Community medicine ……………………………………………………………………………………18
Internal medicine …………………………………………………………………………………………...20
Psychiatry……………………………………………………………………………………………………... 26
Pediatric………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 28
Gynecology and Obstetrics……………………………………………………………………... 31
Surgery ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..35
Emergency medicine & Orthopedic…………………………………………………………………… 38
Regulations and methods of assessment………………………………………………………… 42
‫‪Family Medicine‬‬ ‫‪Egyptian Fellowship Board‬‬

‫‪…………………..‬‬ ‫المجلس العلمى لتخصص طب األسرة‬
‫……………………‬ ‫الوظيفة‬ ‫اإلسم‬ ‫ھيئة المجلس‬
‫استاذ الباطنة العامة و طب األسرة القصر العيني‬
‫……………………‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ /‬نجوى عيد صبحى‬ ‫رئيس المجلس‬
‫……………………‬ ‫أستاذ الصحة العامة بطب األزھر‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ /‬جبر متولى سيد‬ ‫نائب رئيس المجلس‬
‫……………………‬ ‫أستاذ صحة عامة بجامعة القاھرة‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ /‬ميرفت رشدى الرافعى‬ ‫عضو‬
‫……………………‬ ‫استاذ طب المجتمع بطب األزھر‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ /‬محمد فرغلى قاسم‬ ‫مقرر التدريب‬
‫……………………‬ ‫استاذ الصحة العامة بطب القاھرة‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ /‬شفيقة صالح ناصر‬ ‫عضو‬
‫استاذ الرعاية الصحية األولية جامعة األسكندرية‬
‫……………………‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ /‬امال السيد خيرى‬ ‫عضو‬
‫……………………‬ ‫أستاذ الصحة العامة بطب القاھرة‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ .‬ليلى محمود كامل‬ ‫عضو‬
‫……………………‬ ‫أستاذ الصحة العامة بطب األسكندرية‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ .‬درية السيد مليس‬ ‫عضو‬
‫……………………‬ ‫استاذ الصحة العامة بجامعة اسيوط‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ /‬على حسن زرزور‬ ‫عضو‬
‫……………………‬ ‫استاذ طب األسرة بجامعة المنوفية‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ /‬تغريد محمد فرحات‬ ‫عضو‬
‫……………………‬ ‫أستاذ طب المجتمع طب المنصورة‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ .‬ألفت فرج على‬ ‫عضو‬
‫……………………‬ ‫أستاذ الصحة العامة بطب المنصورة‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ .‬فريدة عبد الوھاب سيد‬ ‫عضو‬
‫……………………‬ ‫أستاذ الصحة العامة بطب طنطا‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ .‬ابراھيم على كباش‬ ‫عضو‬
‫أستاذ الصحة العامة جامعة األزھر‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ .‬محمد فھمى‬ ‫عضو‬
‫أستاذ الصحة العامة بطب المنصورة‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ .‬نادية منتصر‬ ‫عضو‬
‫‪…………………..‬‬‫أستاذ طب األسرة جامعة قناة السويس‬ ‫أ‪.‬د‪ .‬محمد محمدى‬ ‫عضو‬
‫‪…………………..‬‬‫أستاذ طب األسرة جامعة قناة السويس‬ ‫‪.‬ا‪.‬د ماجد خطاب‬ ‫عضو‬
‫‪…………………..‬‬ ‫رئيس االدارة‬ ‫ا‪.‬د‪ /‬ھالة ماسخ‬ ‫عضو‬
‫المركزية للدعم الفني ……………………‬
‫الدعم الفني باالسكندرية ‪…………………..‬‬ ‫‪.‬د‪ /‬اميرة طھيو‬ ‫عضو‬
‫‪…………………..‬‬ ‫عيادة النزھة‬ ‫‪.‬د‪ /‬اميرة عوف‬ ‫عضو‬
‫صندوق صحة االسرة ‪…………………..‬‬ ‫د‪ /‬احمد الضرغامي‬ ‫عضو‬
‫مديرية الصحة بالقاھرة ……………………‬
‫الدعم الفنى بالسويس ……………………‬ ‫د‪ /‬امام موسى‬ ‫عضو‬
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board


………………… The Egyptian Fellowship Board requires three years of supervised training pro-
…. gram that must be conducted in an accredited Healthcare centers and hospitals
………………… before sitting for the final examination. It also requires the presentation of a short
…. thesis on a subject approved by the supervisors. A list of accredited hospitals and
health centers will be announced yearly by the Board.
…. The Family medicine training program follows your graduation from medical
………………… school and completion of preregistration house officer training year. It does not
…. require any further postgraduate studies as an entry requirement. It consists of
………………… three years of residency in family medicine. During the entire training program
…. the candidate must be dedicated full time and must be fully responsible for pa-
………………… tient care.
First Year
…. 1- The trainee should spend the first five months in accredited family health cen-
………………… ters, four months in internal medicine rotation and two months in psychiatry rota-
…. tion. One month could be spent as an elective at any specialty related to family
…. 2- Candidate should attend and study the curriculum of family medicine, commu-
………………… nity medicine, internal medicine and psychiatry during this year. He should attend
…. at least 75% of lectures in these subjects. He should pass successfully through the
………………… first part Fellowship Exam before being promoted to the second year of training.
…. 3- He should be actively involved and fully responsible for patient care including
………………… sharing in making decisions about diagnosis and management under supervision
…. of the consultants.
………………… 4- He must attend 75% of weekly meetings including clinical rounds, tutorials and
…. journal clubs
………………… His performance will be monitored by his trainer & his scientific supervisor and a
…. report made of his performance on monthly basis to The Egyptian Fellowship
………………… Board.
…. Second Year
1- The trainee should spend four months in pediatric rotation, one month in der-
…. matology rotation, two months in family health centers and four months in ob-
………………… stetrics i& gynecology rotation. One month could be spent as an elective at any
…. specialty related to family medicine
2- During hospital rotations all trainees will work as residents in The training spe-
cialty and they must fulfill all residents jobs defined by supervisors and trainers
…. 3- They should be responsible under supervision for outpatient and in patients'
routine work and they must take supervised shifts according to the hospitals re-
4 quirements and regulation.
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

Third Year
…………………… The trainees should spend two months in general surgery rotations, three
months in emergency medicine & orthopedic rotations, one month in each of
………………….. ophthalmology and otolaryngology rotations. In addition, they should spend
…………………… four months at family health centers. And one last month could be spent as an
………………….. elective in any specialty related to family medicine
………………….. During this year the trainees should get more responsibility for patient care and
…………………… management in health care centers.
…………………… They should be involved in the preparation of short thesis or audit on a subject
………………….. approved by the supervisor of the fellowship training program.
…………………… 1- The Admitted Patients:
………………….. The trainee will be responsible for supervised admission of patients from the
…………………… outpatient department or emergency room. He will share in the completion of
………………….. the following documents under supervision for each case:
• Complete history and physical examination form.
…………………… • Investigation requests, (laboratory, radiology, pathology, etc.).
………………….. • Results of the investigations.
………………….. • Plan of management.
…………………… • Daily progress notes.
………………….. • Order and medication sheets
………………….. • Order the necessary diagnostic procedures
…………………… • Discussion of The case with the trainer and consultants
………………….. • Discharge summaries.
………………….. • Sick leaves and medical reports.
…………………… • The Trainee should inform the senior staff of any high risk patient admis-
………………….. sion.
2- Outpatient Clinics:
…………………… The trainee should attend the outpatient clinics related to the rotation and its
………………….. subspecialties as requested by trainers and supervisory staff.
………………….. 3- Mandatory Clinical and Academic Activities:
………………….. The trainees shall be required to attend and participate in the mandatory aca-
…………………… demic and clinical activities of the department and the health center. Atten-
………………….. dance and participation should not be less than 75% of the total number of
…………………… activities within any training rotation / period including:
………………….. • Daily morning endorsement meetings.
• Clinical round presentation, at least once weekly to cover various topics,
problems, research,
………………….. • Journal club meeting.

5 • Interdepartmental Meetings
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

4- The Log Book:

……………………. The trainees shall be required to keep a Log Book where they record all activities
……………………. and skills performed and learned during the training program. The activities should
……………………. be dated and categorized to whether been performed by the trainee him/herself
……………………. or as an assistant or participant. Each activity registered in the Log book should be
counter signed by the trainer and finally the educational supervisor. The Trainer
and educational supervisor shall resign the completed Log Book at the end of
training .
5- The Research project:
……………………. The trainee shall undertake at least one research project or audit during the
……………………. training program under the guidance and supervision of his/her trainer.
……………………. Such project or mini thesis should be written before the trainee is accepted
……………………. for admission to the final certifying examination.
……………………. 6- Before the completion of the training program:
……………………. The trainee should have completed satisfactorily the Rotations described in
……………………. the structure of the program and performed him/herself and assisted in the
……………………. various requested procedures.


a) Holidays and on call duties:
……………………. According to Ministry of Health and Population regulation
……………………. b) Evaluation Procedures:
……………………. 1.Performance of the trainee shall be evaluated on regular and continuous
……………………. basis. The evaluation process should involve all aspects of the training
……………………. including theoretical, clinical and investigative procedures skills as well as
the attendance and participation.
……………………. 2. The trainers & scientific supervisors who are required to write confidential
……………………. reports of the performance of each trainee should evaluate the trainee peri-
……………………. odically. The trainee should not be allowed to proceed in the training pro-
……………………. gram and move to the next rotation unless he/she attains a satisfactory
……………………. level of performance acceptable to the responsible trainer and educational
……………………. supervisor.
……………………. 3. The trainee shall not be allowed to proceed to level 3 before successfully
……………………. passing the first part Exam
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

………………….. It is not permissible to interrupt such a structural training program except in
…………………… major unavoidable circumstances. Such circumstances should be convincing
………………….. and approved by the Secretary General. The Interruption once approved
…………………… should not be for more than one year.
…………………… Interruption of the training program for more than one year shall re-
sult in dismissal from the program and cancellation of the preceding
………………….. training period.
Subject and Duration
…………………… Family One
………………….. Internal
medicine optional
…………………… First year medicine & Psychiatry
………………….. health month as
…………………… centers an elective
…………………… 5 months 4 months 2 months 1 month
………………….. One op-
…………………… Health- Obstetric
Derma- tional
………………….. Second Pediatric care & Gyne-
…………………… tology month as
Year center cology
………………….. an elective
………………….. 4 months 1 month 2 months 4 months 1 month
………………….. Health care
…………………… center
ENT one
………………….. Emergency “four
…………………… Surgery month and
Third medicine & months”
………………….. ophthal-
Year orthopedic and one
…………………… mology
………………….. month as
…………………… an elective
…………………… 2 months 1+1 month 3 months 4+1 month
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

……………………. The family medicine scientific council approach to curriculum develop-
……………………. ment emphasize five key areas in health education and training. These
……………………. areas are:
1. Patients-physicians effective communication for successful provision of
……………………. patient-centered care
……………………. 2. The principles and organization of the health care system, how care is
……………………. managed, and the skills required for its management
……………………. 3. Teamwork management and development
4. learning across professional boundaries (multidisciplinary education)
……………………. clinical audit and reflective practice
……………………. 5. Leadership.
……………………. The curriculum development process involved participation of experts in
……………………. The field of family medicine and consultation of internationally and region-
……………………. ally recognized curricula in The specialty. In addition, Feedback from family
medicine trainees and trainers has been sought and contributed to the
……………………. process.
……………………. Teaching and learning activities will be based on the principles entailed in
different adult learning theories. Group learning and on the job training
……………………. will be the main methods for delivering the curriculum. In addition,
……………………. didactic session (lectures) will be arranged as it significantly enhances the
……………………. conceptualization of facts and principles. Activities that promote self
……………………. directed learning like research projects will also be used.
……………………. 8
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

……………………These outcomes are expected to be accomplished during the family medicine rota-
………………….. tions
…………………… Knowledge
……………………By the end of training , trainees should have adequate knowledge and deep under-
………………….. standing of:
……………………1. The concept of health normality and the qualitative measurement of health.
………………….. 2. The concept, principles and components of basic benefit packages of health care
activities for all ages and both sexes in integration with PHC delivery at different
…………………… levels (family and community and family health unit)
………………….. 3. The management of common medical conditions.
4. The demographic, epidemiological issues and the health needs of special groups,
…………………… & the way in which these factors modify people's utilization of health care services.
………………….. 5. The impact of adverse environmental factors on health including poverty, unem-
………………….. ployment, poor housing, malnutrition, occupational hazards, and pollution.
……………………6. The population-based preventive strategies including: Immunization, health screen-
………………….. ing, and population screening
………………….. 7. The family life cycle, function and dysfunction and the expected health hazards at
…………………… different points/times of family life cycle.
………………….. 8. Health team dynamics and principles of leadership
………………….. 9. The medico-legal social legislations & their impacts on his patients and their families.
……………………10. The ethics of medical profession and their importance for the patient.
11. The basic methods of research as applied to his profession.
…………………… Professional and intellectual skills
……………………By The end of training trainees should be able to:
………………….. 1. Integrate information on physical, psychological, social and cultural factors which influ-
………………….. ence the patients and use it to construct and implement appropriate basic benefit PHC
…………………… activity packages for individuals and their families
………………….. 2. Make competent information gathering "history", clinical examination "signs", clinical deci-
………………….. sions "diagnosis" & selection of appropriate investigation &/or treatment & recognize when
…………………… no investigation or treatment is indicated and proper referral when needed.
………………….. 3. Master communication , consultation and counseling skills
………………….. 4. Balance clinical judgments against evidence-based practice guidelines
……………………5. Utilize effective methods for rationalizing drug administration for drugs currently available in
………………….. the family health units/centers.
………………….. 6. Use info. technology where appropriate as a tool for audit & quality control.
……………………7. Apply critical appraisal skills, statistical interpretation and the audit cycle to evaluate and
improve care.
………………….. 8. Possess teaching skills, including the education of patients, doctors in training and col-
…………………… leagues
9. Recognize & meet the doctor's needs as a person including self & family care "house keeping". 9
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

10. Identify his own strengths, weakness and learning needs.

……………………. 11. Manage time and workload effectively, and set realistic goals.
……………………. 12. Possess the skills and commitment to formulate practice development
……………………. Skills related to health promotion and disease prevention
……………………. 1. Perform screening tests when indicated for pediatric and geriatric dis-
……………………. eases. In addition, trainees should be able to request screening for depres-
sion and cancer appropriately.
2. Provide counseling in premarital care, family planning, adolescent health
……………………. and for appropriate nutritional requirement in health and disease
……………………. 3. Provide behavior change motivation in : smoking, obesity and drug
……………………. abuse
……………………. 4. Provide psychological support in grief, bereavement, and family crisis
……………………. 5. Provide genetic counseling
……………………. Attitudes and behaviors
……………………. 1. Recognize that a blend of scientific and humanitarian holistic ap-
……………………. proaches is required for good quality FM/PHC practice.
……………………. 2. Recognize that good medical practice depends on partnership between
……………………. doctor and patient.
……………………. 3. Be committed to provide high quality primary health care.
……………………. 4. Be able to work effectively in a team, either as a member or leader, ac-
……………………. cepting principles of collective responsibility and to consult colleagues
……………………. when appropriate.
5. Respond to criticism or complaints promptly and constructively
(including self-audit), demonstrating an ability to learn from them.
……………………. 6. Demonstrate appropriate professional values and attitudes with the pa-
……………………. tient including empathy; trust worthiness; respect for the dignity, privacy
……………………. and rights of patients; and equity of care provision.
……………………. 7. Appreciate The role of information technology as a tool for audit and
……………………. quality control .
……………………. Methods of teaching and learning
……………………. The following methods will be used to deliver the knowledge related out-
……………………. comes:
……………………. 1. Lectures
……………………. 2. Seminars
……………………. 3. Journal clubs
……………………. 4. Self directed learning
……………………. The intellectual, professional skills and attitudes will be taught and learnt
……………………. through
1. On The job training
2. Case presentations
……………………. 3. Patients encounters in outpatients
……………………. 4. Journal clubs
……………………. 5. Role models
……………………. Methods of assessment
1. First part exam
……………………. 2. Second part exam
3. Clinical exam & OSPE station
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

…………………… Topics
…………………… Medical consultation activities Family practice quality
………………….. (for all ages and both sexes): management activities include:
………………….. • Family Folder opening (Basic Fam-
…………………… • Acute and chronic illness or com- ily Data Sheet - History & Physical
………………….. plaint diagnosis, management &/or Examination Sheets for all Family
…………………… referral Members - Social and Housing
………………….. Surveying Sheets)
• regular family file completion/and
………………….. • Chronic disease follow-up
or updating
………………….. • computer feeding and register up-
…………………… • Nutritional education
…………………… • periodical PHC packages assess-
• Psychosocial management
………………….. ment
…………………… • Disability management &/or referral • periodical PHC principals assess-
………………….. and follow-up ment
………………….. • Elderly health and home care visit- • periodical PHC manpower skill as-
…………………… ing sessment
• periodical family satisfaction assess-
…………………… • Medical recording
………………….. ment
…………………… Diagnosis and treatment of in-
jury and primary management
of medical emergency activities • periodical PHC resources assess-
………………….. ment
…………………… (for all ages and both sexes) in-
………………….. clude:
• Emergency case appropriate exami-
………………….. • continuous PHC quality improve-
…………………… nation and investigation when possi-
ment activities
………………….. ble
…………………… Monitoring and follow up of en-
………………….. • immediate case management and/ vironment sanitation and
…………………… or referral of indicated cases hygiene activities include:
…………………… • Health Education (HE) and Com-
………………….. • observation and follow-up of man- munity Mobilization (CM) for essen-
…………………… aged cases tial aspects of environmental health
………………….. and food hygiene
• HE and CM field campaign recruit-
………………….. • epidemic management
…………………… ment organization and follow up
…………………… • crises management activities • Intersect oral coordination, etc.,
…………………… Medical counseling activities for
………………….. • Recording and reporting all ages and both sexes
…………………… 11
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

……………………. Women and children
……………………. primary health care activities include:
……………………. • Clinical diagnosis and management of gynecological diseases and
……………………. problems and referral and follow-up when necessary
……………………. • normal pregnancy detection
• antenatal investigations and normal pregnancy monitoring
……………………. • high risk pregnancy detection and timely referral and/or management
……………………. • timely maternal immunization
……………………. • antenatal health and nutritional education and breast-feeding orientation
……………………. • normal delivery and promotion of breast feeding
……………………. • timely referral of abnormal presentations and CS deliveries
• postnatal care and contraceptive application
……………………. • neonatal care
• infant growth and development monitoring
……………………. • infant health screening
……………………. • infant disease management
……………………. • preschool child health screening
……………………. • sick child referral
……………………. • child immunization
……………………. • child nutritional follow up and education
……………………. • child infectious, parasitic and communicable disease management activi-
……………………. ties
• child chronic, genetic and hormonal disease referral
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

…………………… Topics
………………….. Endemic and infectious disease: (for all ages and both sexes)
………………….. • individual and group health education (HE)
…………………… • community mobilization (CM) sessions
…………………… • medical early case finding screening sessions
………………….. • referral of complicated cases
………………….. • house to house case finding campaigns
…………………… • treatment sessions and cure follow up sessions
• re-infection follow-up sessions
• vector control campaign organization and follow up (an activity of environ-
mental sanitation)
…………………… • campaign quality management sessions
…………………… • Recording, registration and reporting, etc.,.
………………….. Provision of essential drugs activities as:
………………….. • Retrospective disease incidence calculations
…………………… • retrospective drug consumption rate calculation
…………………… • prospective drug requirement calculations
………………….. • prospective vaccine requirement calculation
• patient prescription explanation
…………………… • minimal drug use health education
• drug abuse control
………………….. • drug recording and report writing, or management, etc.,
…………………… 13
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board


……………………. Clinical condition # Clinical Condition #
……………………. Common vaginal
……………………. Hypertension 5 4
……………………. Diabetes 5 Poisoning 2
……………………. Bronchial asthma 3 Anxiety 2
……………………. Irritable bowl syndrome 3 Depression 2
Osteoarthritis 3 Sexual problems 2
Low backache 3 Skin infections 4
……………………. Hyperlipidemia 2 Psoriasis 2
……………………. Abscess 2 Acne 3
……………………. Incontinence 2 Urticaria 2
……………………. Common venereal
……………………. Falls 3 2
Eczema and contact
……………………. Family planning 6 3
……………………. Menopause 2 Seborrhea 3
……………………. Dysfunctional uterine
4 Eye infections 3
……………………. bleeding
……………………. Infertility 3 Eye allergy 2
……………………. Otitis externa &media 4 Red eye 4
Sinusitis 3 Rhinitis 2
14 Otitis externa 5
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

………………….. Procedure Name Year 1 Year 2 Years 3
…………………… IUD insertion A5 B,C,D 5 D2
…………………… ECG
A,B,C 5 D5 D2
………………….. (perform and interpret)
………………….. Ophthalmoscope exam A2 A,B 2 C,D 5
…………………… Nail extraction A,B,C,D 5
…………………… Normal labor A,B,C,D 5 D2
………………….. Suturing A5 B,C,D 5
…………………… Abscess drainage A,2 B,C,D 5
…………………… wound debridement A,2 B,C,D 5
………………….. Resuscitation A,2 B,C,D 6
…………………… Cauterization of skin
A,B 2 C,D 2
Removal of skin lesion
…………………… A,B,C 6 D2
under local anesthesia
………………….. Management of Burns A,B,C 4
…………………… Male circumcision A,B 2 C,D 4
………………….. The kind of expected performance and the number of times:
………………….. A Observation
…………………… B Assistance
…………………… C Performance under supervision
…………………… D Performance independently
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board


……………………. How to Manage Difficult Patient En-
Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes
……………………. counters
……………………. Practice guidelines for asthma man- Screening for Depression across the
……………………. agement and prevention Lifespan
……………………. The Geriatric Patient:: A
The guide to clinical preventive
……………………. Systematic Approach to
……………………. Maintaining Health
……………………. The Psychiatric Review of
Self-Monitoring of Blood
……………………. Symptoms: A Screening Tool for
……………………. Family Physicians.
……………………. Inappropriate Prescribing for Elderly Hormone Replacement Therapy in
in a Large Outpatient Population Postmenopausal women
……………………. Time Management Quality of life measurements
……………………. Infection control practical guide For Obesity: Assessment and
……………………. primary health care Management in Primary Care
……………………. Family planning Death certification
Using Peer Review for Self-Audits of Medical Record Documentation
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

The following section describes the intended learning outcomes to be attained by trainees
during their rotations in various subspecialties:

………………….. 1
Community 3
medicine in Internal
…………………… family medicine & Psychiatry
………………….. health unit geriatric

………………….. 5
…………………… 4 Obstetrics 6
………………….. Dermatol-
Pediatrics & ogy
………………….. Gynecology

………………….. 8
…………………… 7 9 10
………………….. & Ophthal- Otolaryn-
Surgery mology gology
…………………… 17
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

……………………. 1- Community Medicine

……………………. Knowledge
……………………. By The end of training, trainees should have good understanding of
……………………. 1. The basic epidemiological principles
……………………. 2. The role of family physician in prevention, and screening in different
……………………. age groups
……………………. 3. The proper nutritional health education programs
……………………. 4. Health indicators
……………………. 5. Community diagnosis issues
……………………. 6. The principles of health researches according to community health
……………………. needs
……………………. 7. The principles of total quality management and information manage-
ment .
……………………. Intellectual and professional skills
……………………. 1. Use epidemiologic principles for planning and monitoring of different
……………………. family practice programs according to quality standard.
……………………. 2. Mange and use information technology
……………………. 3. Train other health professionals for proper performance
……………………. Health promotion and disease
……………………. 1. Provide health and nutrition education to different age groups
……………………. 2. Use different screening methods appropriately
……………………. 3. Use appropriate medical counseling skills
……………………. Expected year of achievement is The
……………………. first year of training
……………………. Methods of teaching and learning Methods of assessment
1. On The job training during Written first part exam
……………………. family health center rotation
……………………. 2. Lectures, Journal clubs and
……………………. self study
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

………………….. Family & Community medicine Topics & Lectures
…………………… Topics and lectures
Elements of primary care Consultation
Screening principles School health
…………………… Community diagnosis The handicapped
………………….. Population problem Child labor
…………………… Maternal mortality survey Pollution
………………….. Health education Traveler medicine
…………………… Health reform Environmental health
Health indicators Prevention of childhood injuries
…………………… Polio eradication Referral
………………….. • All topics are expected to be covered by lectures, tutorials or journal
…………………… clubs during the first year of training.
…………………… • Prove of attendance will be signed by your Family medicine trainer.
…………………… 19
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

……………………. 2- Internal Medicine
……………………. Knowledge
……………………. By The end of training, trainees should have good understanding of
……………………. 1. The causes, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and management of
……………………. common and important medical conditions that could be encountered by a
……………………. family physician in routine settings
……………………. 2. The dangerous signs (red flags) and when referral is indicated
……………………. 3. The pharmacology of commonly used drugs, together with their indications,
……………………. side effects and interactions
……………………. Intellectual and professional skills
……………………. By The end of training in internal medicine rotation, trainee should be able to:
……………………. 1. Take proper history and perform appropriate clinical examination for patients
……………………. presented with common medical complains
……………………. 2. Select appropriate investigations and apply rational treatment strategies
……………………. 3. Provide continuing and comprehensive care
……………………. 4. Use proper consultation skills in his patients interviews
……………………. 5. Perform ECG and interpret ECG, X-ray and routine laboratory tests
……………………. 6. Appropriately refer patients for secondary and tertiary care when indicated
……………………. Attitudes and behaviors
……………………. 1. Recognize that good medical practice depends on partnership between
……………………. doctors and patients.
……………………. 2. Respect dignity, privacy and rights of patients
……………………. 3. Commit to provide equal health care services
……………………. 4. Respect the role of other members in The healthcare team
……………………. 5. Recognize the importance of time in early detection of diseases and identifi-
……………………. cation of risk factors
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

Expected year of achievement is the first year of
………………….. training
…………………… Methods of teaching and learning Methods of assessment
…………………… 1. On The job training during 1. Logbook
………………….. internal medicine rotation 2. Final exam
…………………… and self study 3. Trainer’s evaluation
…………………… 2. Lectures and tutorials
………………….. 3. Clinical rounds
…………………… Internal medicine topics and lectures
…………………… for internal medicine rotation
…………………… Hypertension Dysphagia
…………………… Ischemic heart disease headache
…………………… Hyperlipidemia Stroke
…………………… Heart failure Transient ischemic disease
…………………… Rheumatic fever & SABE Intra cranial tumor
…………………… DVT Parkinson’s disease
…………………… Peripheral arterial disease Multiple sclerosis
…………………… Diabetes Motor neuron disease
…………………… Bronchial asthma Spinal cord conditions
…………………… COPD Peripheral neuropathy
…………………… Lung cancer Epilepsy
…………………… Occupational lung disease Inflammatory bowel disease
…………………… Pneumonia Constipation & diarrhea
…………………… Hepatitis GERD
…………………… Liver cirrhosis Peptic ulcer disease
…………………… Irritable bowl disease
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

……………………. (Cntd) Internal medicine topics and

……………………. lectures for internal medicine rotation
……………………. Thyroid disorders Anemias
……………………. Parathyroid gland Bleeding tendency
Adrenal disorders Leukemia
……………………. Pituitary disorders Lymphoma
……………………. Urinary tract infection Osteoarthritis
……………………. Renal failure Osteoporosis
……………………. Gout Low backache
……………………. Rheumatoid arthritis Vasculitis & Temporal arteritis
……………………. Connective tissue diseases
Internal Medicine Cases
Clinical condition # Clinical Condition #
……………………. Hypertension 10 Rheumatoid arthritis & SLE 3
……………………. Diabetes 10 Osteoarthritis 3
……………………. Bronchial asthma, COPD 8 Osteoporosis 3
……………………. Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis 8 Low backache 3
Peptic ulcer disease & GERD 5 Gout 2
……………………. Abdominal pain 3 Peripheral arterial disease 3
……………………. Tuberculosis , pneumonia 5 Leukemia & bleeding tendency 2
……………………. Irritable bowl syndrome 8 Lymphadenopathy & Lymphoma 2
……………………. Inflammatory bowel disease 2 Anemia 5
……………………. Ischemic heart disease 5 Peripheral neuropathy 3
Heart failure 5 Coma 3
……………………. Stroke & transient ischemic • Cases are expected to be seen during
……………………. disease
internal Medicine rotations
……………………. Chest pain 3
• The number mentioned is the mini-
……………………. Temporal arteritis / vasculitis 1 mum number of cases to be seen by
Cushing syndrome 2 the trainees under supervision of
……………………. Thyroid disorders 4 trainers and to be signed in the log-
Urinary tract infection 4 book
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

2b- Geriatric Medicine
………………….. Knowledge
…………………… By The end of training, trainees should have good understanding of :
………………….. 1. The underlying physiological "normal aging" changes in the various body
…………………… systems, including diminished homeostatic abilities, altered metabolism
…………………… and effects of drugs, and other changes that directly relate to the assess-
………………….. ment and treatment of elderly patients.
…………………… 2. The normal psychological, social and environmental changes of aging,
…………………… including reactions to common stresses and changes such as retirement,
………………….. bereavement, relocation and ill health, and the changes in family relationships
that affect health care of the elderly.
…………………… 3. The unique modes of presentation of elderly patients for care, including altered
………………….. and nonspecific presentations of specific diseases.
4. The tendency of elderly patients toward iatrogenic disease, immobilization and
…………………… its consequences, dependency or long-term institutionalization while in the
………………….. process of receiving medical care
………………….. 5. The place of the house call, its indications and benefits.
………………….. Intellectual and professional skills
…………………… By The end of training in internal medicine rotation, trainee should be able
………………….. to:
…………………… 1. Take history and perform appropriate clinical examination for elderly
…………………… patients presented with various complaints to The family health center.
………………….. 2. Manage common elderly medical problems and refer appropriately to spe-
cialist care when indicated
…………………… 3. Identify the various types of long-term care facilities, foster homes and alter-
………………….. native housings available to the elderly
4. Manage the pitfalls of geriatric care such as poly-pharmacy, iatrogenic illness, over-
…………………… dependency, inappropriate institutionalization, non-recognition of treatable illness,
………………….. over treatment, inappropriate use of high technology and the unsupported
………………….. family.
…………………… 5. Evaluate the functional status of the elderly patient
………………….. 6. Identify the various types of long-term care facilities, foster homes and alter-
………………….. native housings available to the elderly and The specific regulations related to The
…………………… care of patients in long term facilities
………………….. 7. Evaluate the financial aspects of health care of the elderly and the way these
………………….. influence health care patterns and decisions.
…………………… 23
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

…. Attitudes and behaviors
………………… 1. React with compassion and humanism, balancing realism and practicality in
…. the consideration of inevitable decline and loss.
………………… 2. Promote dignity through self-care and self-determination.
………………… 3. Recognize the importance of family and home in the overall life and
…. health of patients and the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach to
………………… the enhancement of individualized care.
………………… 4. interfere minimally with appropriate limitation of investigation and treatment
…. for the benefit of the patient with care to cost containment.
5. Appreciate and commit himself for continuity of care and accessibility to his/her
………………… patients
…. Skills related to health promotion
………………… and disease prevention
…. 1. Promote and maintain elderly people health through screening, preven-
………………… tive care, early diagnosis and assessment of health factors
………………… 2. recognize The range of services available to promote rehabilitation or
…. maintenance of an independent lifestyle for elderly people
………………… 3. Identify means to actively promote health in the elderly through exercise, nutri-
………………… tion and psycho-social counseling.
…. Expected year of achievement is the
………………… first year of training
…. during health center and internal
…. medicine rotations
Methods of teaching and learning
………………… 1. On The job training and self- study
…. 2. Lectures and tutorials
…. 3. Patients encounters during family medicine center training
………………… Methods of assessment:
…. 1. Logbook
…. 2. Final exam
………………… 3. Trainer’s evaluation
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

…………………… Geriatric Medicine Topics

………………….. Topics and lectures
………………….. Normal aging
………………….. Common presentation of elderly patients
………………….. Long term care facilities
…………………… Intellectual impairment and Alzheimer
…………………… Incontinence
…………………… Falls
………………….. Immobility and mobility deterioration
………………….. Iatrogenic drug reactions
Fecal impaction
………………….. • All topics are expected to be covered by lectures and journal clubs during
…………………… The family health center and internal medicine rotations.
• Prove of attendance will be signed by your family medicine trainer.
Geriatric Medicine cases
…………………… Cases #
…………………… intellectual impairment (dementia) Alzheimer 5
………………….. incontinence 5
………………….. Falls, stroke and TIA (Internal medicine) 5
………………….. fecal impaction 1
…………………… Parkinsonism 2
…………………… Nutritional problems 2
…………………… • Cases are expected to be seen during Internal medicine and healthcare
…………………… center rotation
…………………… • The number mentioned is The minimum number of cases to be seen by
………………….. The trainees under supervision
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

……………………. 3- Psychiatry
……………………. Knowledge
……………………. By The end of training, trainees should have good understanding of
……………………. 1. The emotional, intellectual, and social development of the individual from in-
fancy to adult life
2. The clinical manifestations of common psychiatric disorders affecting
……………………. adults, elderly and children
……………………. 3. Important mental and emotional disorder and in particular:
……………………. • Acute disorders that are threatening life of the sufferer (suicidal
……………………. depression) or of others (aggressive reactions in the psycho-
……………………. pathic patient).
……………………. • Disorders which if recognized early may be managed or whose
complications may be reduced e.g. school refusal, psychosomatic
……………………. illnesses and postnatal mental illness
……………………. • Disorders that are not normally dangerous but become dangerous
……………………. in certain situations
……………………. Intellectual and professional skills
……………………. 1. Recognize mental disorders through accurate history taking , The proper
……………………. use of consultation skills and assessment of mental status
2. Initiate treatment in some cases through drug prescription and appropri-
……………………. ately use relaxation techniques
……………………. 3. Advice family and arrange for interviews to modify behavior if indicated
……………………. 4. Referral for specialist advice to ascertain what further investigations are required and
……………………. to make an accurate diagnosis
……………………. Attitudes and behaviors
……………………. 1. appreciate The therapeutic value of doctor patient relationship
……………………. 2. Be aware of the effects o£ the- attitudes of the- doctors and those-who-work
with him upon the patient and the management of the illness
……………………. 3. Work in collaboration with psychiatrists and mental health professionals
……………………. 4. Be aware of national regulations and acts regarding drug misuse and men-
……………………. tal illness
……………………. Expected year of achievement in
……………………. the first year of training
……………………. Methods of teaching and learning Methods of assessment
……………………. 1. On The job training during 1. Logbook
……………………. psychiatry rotation and family 2. Trainer’s report
……………………. health center 3. Summative exam
……………………. 2. Lectures, tutorials and self
……………………. study
26 3. Clinical rounds
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

………………….. Psychiatry Topics and Cases
…………………… Topics and lectures Cases #
………………….. Somatization Psychosomatic disorders 5
…………………… Anxiety Anxiety 6
…………………… Depression Reactive Depression 5
………………….. Eating and sleep disorders Eating & sleep disorder 3
…………………… Psycho Sexual problems Sexual disorders 5
………………….. Mental illness e.g. Schizophrenia. Major psychotic disorders
………………….. • Schizophrenia
Hyperactive disorders, 5
…………………… • Manic-depressive illness
………………….. learning difficulties and mental
disorders. • Paranoid state
…………………… The effect of bereavement and
Dementia and Alzheimer 5
………………….. loss and their complications.
………………….. Continuing care of chronic con-
ADHD, autism and learning
…………………… ditions (manic-depression illness 5
………………….. disabilities
or mental handicap).
…………………… Topics and cases are expected to be covered during The psychiatry rotation.
Prove of attendance and trainer signature is mandatory
…………………… Suggested titles for psychiatry journal clubs
………………….. 1. Screening for depression across the life span
…………………… 2. Avoiding Pitfalls in Diagnosing and Managing Major Depression
………………….. 3. Depression in Children and Adolescents
…………………… 4. Postpartum Major Depression: Detection and Treatment
5. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
…………………… 27
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

……………………. 4- Pediatrics
……………………. By The end of training, trainees should have good understanding of
……………………. 1. The causes, clinical manifestations and management of common pediat-
……………………. ric conditions ( at different pediatric age groups) that could be encoun-
……………………. tered by a family physician in routine settings.
……………………. 2. The causes and clinical manifestations of common pediatric emergencies
and life threatening conditions
3. The clinical presentation of neonatal and childhood disorders that needs
……………………. early identification and intervention or otherwise leads to permanent
……………………. disability
……………………. 4. Common adolescents physical and psychosocial problems
……………………. Intellectual and professional skills
……………………. By The end of training in Surgical rotation, trainees should be able to:
……………………. 1. Take proper history and perform appropriate clinical examination for pe-
……………………. diatric patients at different age groups.
2. Select appropriate investigations, interpret them and apply rational treat-
……………………. ment strategies
……………………. 3. Use proper consultation skills that are appropriate for children in his pa-
……………………. tients interviews
……………………. 4. Recognize the various steps of child growth and development and de-
……………………. tect any deviation from normal including the use of screening tests.
……………………. 5. Manage childhood and adolescent nutritional problems
……………………. Attitudes and behaviors
……………………. 1. Adopt positive attitude towards the influence of culture and environ-
ment on the incidence, presentation and management of different pediatric ill-
……………………. ness.
……………………. 2. Work effectively in multi professional team and Accept the responsibility of being
……………………. available and accessible to patients.
……………………. Expected year of achievement is
……………………. the second year of training
……………………. Methods of teaching and learning Methods of assessment
……………………. 1. On The job training during 1. Logbook
……………………. pediatric rotation and family 2. Trainer’s report
……………………. health center 3. Final exam
……………………. 2. Lectures, tutorials and self
……………………. study
28 3. Clinical rounds
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

Pediatrics Topics
• Common symptoms of childhood • Important Cardiac problems in
…………………… children:
diseases and approach to physical
examination • Rheumatic fever
…………………… • The cyanosed infant
• VSD and ASD
…………………… • The normal neonate ( assessment
………………….. • Innocent murmurs
and care in The delivery room)
………………….. • Common neonatal problems: • Assessment of growth for infants
…………………… • Neonatal jaundice and children and important growth
………………….. • Colic problems
…………………… • GER
………………….. • Skin and umbilical acre • Nutritional assessment and protein
…………………… • Establishment of breast feeding
………………….. energy malnutrition
• Breast feeding problems
………………….. • Failure to thrive
• Psychosocial troubles
…………………… • Important neonatal problems: • ADHD and Autism
………………….. • Sepsis • Sleep troubles
…………………… • Fever • Nocturnal enuresis and enco-
………………….. • Respiratory distress presis
…………………… • Cyanosis • School refusal and learning
………………….. • Neonatal convulsions problems
………………….. • Genetic counseling for important
…………………… childhood genetic diseases
…………………… • Vaccination:
………………….. • Compulsory vaccination pro-
…………………… • Identification of The critically ill in- gram
………………….. fant and child using The IMCI clas- • Polio eradication program
…………………… sification
• Vaccine related complications
………………….. • Non compulsory vaccines
…………………… • Common presentations in the out-
………………….. patient clinic:
………………….. • The Febrile child
…………………… • Upper respiratory tract infec-
………………….. tions • All topics are expected to be cov-
…………………… • Allergic disorders ered by lectures , tutorials or journal
• Gastroenteritis with and with- clubs during The pediatric rotation.
………………….. out dehydration • Prove of attendance will be signed
…………………… • Parasitic infestations by your pediatric trainer
………………….. • Convulsions
• Pneumonia
…………………… • Anemia
………………….. • Rash
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

……………………. Pediatrics Cases
……………………. Clinical condition # Clinical Condition #
……………………. Normal neonates in The Convulsions due to
5 5
……………………. delivery room various causes
……………………. Neonates coming for
……………………. 10 Headache 2
routine care
Rheumatic fever and
……………………. Neonatal jaundice 10 5
……………………. rheumatic heart
……………………. Congenital cyanotic heart
Gastroesophageal reflux 5 3
……………………. diseases
……………………. Congenital non
……………………. Colicky infants 5 3
cyanotic heart diseases
Nappy rash 5 Failure to thrive 4
……………………. Anorexia and appetite
Neonatal fever 3 5
……………………. disorders
……………………. Neonatal respiratory Protein energy
……………………. 5 5
distress malnutrition
……………………. Neonatal sepsis 5 Rickets 5
……………………. Neonatal cyanosis Anemia due to
5 8
various causes
……………………. Breast feeding
……………………. 2 Nocturnal enuresis 5
……………………. Weaning food and artificial milk
5 Encopresis 2
……………………. consultations
……………………. Fever with rash due to
……………………. 10 Learning disabilities 2
various causes
……………………. Sore throat, pneumonia, croup
……………………. 10 ADHD 3
and stridor
……………………. Wheezy infants and
5 Autism 1
……………………. bronchial asthma
……………………. Allergic rash (eczema and Trisomy 21
……………………. 10 4
urticaria) (Down Syndrome)
……………………. Urinary tract infection 5 Cerebral palsy 2
……………………. Otitis media and otitis
……………………. Gastroenteritis 10 5
……………………. Constipation 2
……………………. • Cases are expected to be seen during The pediatric rotation and at The
……………………. health care centers.
……………………. • The number mentioned is The minimum number of cases to be seen by
……………………. the trainees under supervision of trainers and to be signed in the logbook.
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

5- Obstetrics and gynecology
………………….. Knowledge
………………….. By The end of training, trainees should have good understanding of:
………………….. 1. The causes, clinical manifestations and management of common gyneco-
………………….. logic and obstetric problems presented to the healthcare centers
…………………… 2. The family planning and counseling principles and their problems
3. common problems in The antenatal period
………………….. 4. The principles of auditing of antenatal and family planning programs
…………………… Intellectual and professional skills
………………….. By The end of training in Obstetrics and gynecology rotation, trainees should
…………………… be able to:
………………….. 1. Take history, and perform thorough gynecologic exam to identify and man-
…………………… age common gynecological problems mentioned in the clinical case list
…………………… 2. Provide family planning and counseling services
………………….. 3. Run antenatal care clinic and manage common and important medical
problems during pregnancy
…………………… 4. Manage normal labor
………………….. 5. Participate in auditing of women's health program and quality improve-
ment activities
…………………… Expected year of achievement is the
…………………… second year of training
………………….. Methods of teaching and learning Methods of assessment
1. On The job training during obstet- 1. Logbook
rics and gynecology rotation and 2. Trainer’s evaluation report
………………….. family health center 3. Final exam
…………………… 2. Lectures, tutorials and self study
………………….. 3. Clinical rounds
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

……………………. Obstetrics and gynecology Topics
……………………. • Antenatal care program • Family planning and counseling
……………………. • High risk pregnancy • Amenorrhea
……………………. • Dysmenorrhea
……………………. • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
• Vaginal infections
……………………. • Sexually transmitted diseases
• Medical problems during
……………………. pregnancy
……………………. • Menopausal problems
……………………. • Infertility
……………………. • Infections in pregnancy
• Drugs in pregnancy
……………………. • Nutritional requirements in
……………………. • Vaccination in pregnancy
……………………. • Bleeding in early pregnancy • Normal labor
……………………. • All topics are expected to be covered by lectures , tutorials or journal
clubs during The obstetrics and gynecology rotation .
……………………. • Prove of attendance will be signed by your obstetrics and gynecology
……………………. trainer
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

Obstetrics and gynecology Cases

…………………… Obstetrics # Gynecology #
…………………… Routine antenatal care 10 Amenorrhea 5
………………….. High risk pregnancy 5 Dysmenorrhea 5
…………………… Dysfunctional uterine
………………….. Pre-eclampsia 4 5
………………….. Gestational diabetes & Diabe-
5 Vaginal infections 5
…………………… tes Mellitus with pregnancy
…………………… Sexually transmitted
………………….. Anemia in pregnancy 5 3
…………………… diseases
………………….. Urinary tract infection during
4 Menopausal problems 5
…………………… pregnancy
…………………… Hypertension and preg-
………………….. 5 Infertility 5
………………….. Bronchial asthma and preg-
5 • Cases are expected to be seen
…………………… during Obstetrics and gyne-
………………….. Hepatitis and pregnancy 2 cology rotations and at The
………………….. healthcare centers
…………………… Bleeding in early pregnancy 5
………………….. • The number mentioned is The
…………………… Infections in pregnancy 5 minimum number of cases to
…………………… Normal labor 10 be seen by The trainees under
…………………… supervision of trainers and to
………………….. Family planning & IUD 20 be signed in The logbook
…………………… Suggested titles for the Obstetrics and gynecology journal clubs:
………………….. • Family planning
………………….. • Perimenopausal management
• Early cancer detection
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

……………………. 6- Dermatology
……………………. Knowledge
……………………. By The end of training, trainees should have good understanding of the
……………………. principles of diagnosis and management of common dermatological
……………………. problems encountered in healthcare centers
……………………. Intellectual and professional skills
……………………. 1. Perform clinical skin exam, apply correctly differential diagnosis, and man-
……………………. age common skin diseases in the community
……………………. 2. Perform cauterization, and removal of skin lesion under local anesthesia.
……………………. Topics and Cases
……………………. Topics Cases #
……………………. Skin infections (bacterial,
……………………. Skin infections 10
viral and fungal)
……………………. Psoriasis Psoriasis 2
……………………. Acne Acne 5
……………………. Urticaria Urticaria 5
……………………. Eczema and contact Eczema and contact
……………………. 5
dermatitis dermatitis
……………………. Seborrhea Seborrhea 5
……………………. Skin manifestations of Skin manifestations of
……………………. 3
systemic diseases systemic diseases
……………………. Topics and cases are expected to be covered during dermatology rotation.
Prove of attendance and trainer signature is mandatory
……………………. Expected year of achievement is
……………………. the second year of training
……………………. Methods of teaching and learning Methods of assessment
……………………. 1. On The job training during derma- 1. Logbook
……………………. tology rotation and family health 2. Trainer’s report
……………………. center. 3. Final exam
2. Lectures, journal club and self study
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

…………………… 7- Surgery
………………….. Knowledge
By The end of training, trainees should have good understanding of the
………………….. causes, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and management of
………………….. common and important surgical conditions that could be encountered by a
…………………… family physician in routine settings
………………….. Intellectual and professional skills
………………….. By The end of training in Surgical rotation, trainees should be able to:
………………….. 1. Take history and perform appropriate clinical examination for patients
presented with surgical complaints to the family health center.
…………………… 2. Perform competently minor surgical procedures mentioned in The
…………………… procedure list
………………….. 3. Differentiate between various causes of common and important surgi-
………………….. cal complaints
………………….. 4. Refer to surgical care where appropriate
…………………… 5. Educate patients and their families about healthy life style modifica-
…………………… tions that might prevent or help in the treatment of surgical problems.
This include diet control, smoking prevention and exercise
…………………… Attitudes and behaviors
…………………… 1. Recognize the importance of the family physician and surgeon col-
…………………… laborating as partners in the evaluation of and decision making for the
…………………… care of surgical patients.
………………….. 2. Be aware of the principles involved in differentiating the causative ori-
………………….. gin of clinical symptoms resulting in the need for medical versus surgi-
cal intervention.
Expected year of achievement is the
…………………… third year of training
…………………… Methods of teaching and learning Methods of assessment
………………….. 1. On the job training during surgical 1. Logbook
…………………… rotation and self study 2. Trainer’s report
………………….. 2. Lectures and tutorials 3. Final exam
3. Clinical rounds
4. Theatre attendance
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

……………………. Surgery Topics

……………………. Topics and lectures
……………………. Differential diagnosis of swellings Varicose veins
……………………. Differential diagnosis of ulcers Diabetic foot
……………………. Differential Diagnosis of sinuses
……………………. and fistulas
……………………. Edema Acute abdomen
……………………. Generalized Lymphadenopathy Hematemesis and melena
Common Surgical emergencies Gall bladder diseases
……………………. Thyroid gland diseases Anal and rectal problems
……………………. Neck swellings Urinary tract infection
……………………. Breast and axillary swellings Nephrolithiasis
……………………. Inguinoscrotal swellings Retention of urine
……………………. The Jaw and temporomandibular
……………………. Varicocele
The salivary glands Epididymitis
……………………. Infection control precautions for mi-
Peripheral ischemia and gangrene
……………………. nor surgical procedures
……………………. • All topics are expected to be covered by lectures or tutorials during
……………………. The surgical rotation.
……………………. • Prove of attendance will be signed by your surgical trainer
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

…………………… Surgical Cases
…………………… Clinical Condition # Clinical Condition #
…………………… Peripheral edema 5 Epididymitis 2
…………………… Neck swellings 5 Diabetic foot 3
…………………… Breast problems 3 Abscesses 6
…………………… Gall bladder problems
………………….. Inguinoscrotal swellings 5 4
and/or emergencies
…………………… Peripheral ischemia &
………………….. 3
…………………… Varicose veins 5
• Cases are expected to be
Dysphagia 3 seen during surgical rota-
………………….. tion and during healthcare
…………………… Acute abdomen / acute center rotation.
………………….. appendicitis
………………….. Hematemesis 5
………………….. Melena 5 • The number mentioned is
…………………… The minimum number of
………………….. Abdominal swellings 4 cases to be seen by The
trainees under supervision
Jaundice 5 of trainers and to be signed
………………….. in The logbook
Anal and rectal problems 5
………………….. Renal stones 3
………………….. Voiding disorder 5
………………….. Surgical Journal Clubs / Seminars
………………….. • Cancer screening Guidelines (including colorectal and prostate can-
• The role of mammography and self examination in The diagnosis of
………………….. breast cancer .
…………………… • Management of lower extremity venous ulcers.
………………….. • The differential diagnosis of acute abdomen / appendicitis.
…………………… 37
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

8- Emergency medicine &
……………………. Knowledge
……………………. By The end of training, trainees should have good understanding of the
……………………. causes, clinical manifestations and initial management of common surgi-
……………………. cal and medical emergencies that could be encountered by a family
……………………. physician in health care centers.
……………………. Intellectual and professional skills
……………………. By The end of training in emergency rotation, trainees should be able to:
……………………. 1. Take proper history and perform appropriate clinical examination
……………………. for emergency medical and surgical conditions presented to The
……………………. health center
……………………. 2. Work effectively within multidisciplinary teams to request appropri-
……………………. ate investigations and initiate management for acute emergency
……………………. cases
……………………. 3. Identify emergency medical and surgical services that are available
……………………. for referrals at his discrete
……………………. 4. Take valid decisions regarding referral to secondary and tertiary
……………………. care emergency facilities
5. Perform immediate life support measures when indicated
……………………. 6. Integrate and efficiently utilize various community resources for The
……………………. management of emergency cases
……………………. Expected year of achievement is
the third year of training
……………………. Methods of teaching and learning Methods of assessment
……………………. 1. On the job training during 1. Written and Clinical exam at the
……………………. emergency rotation and fam- end of training
ily health center 2. Logbook
2. Lectures, tutorials and self 3. Trainer evaluation
……………………. study
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

Emergency Medicine Topics

…………………… Topics and lectures
………………….. chest pain
………………….. Poisoning
…………………… Coma and disturbed level of consciousness
…………………… Trauma Patients ( abdomen, head, chest, bone and spine)
………………….. Acute abdomen
…………………… Acute breathlessness
…………………… Soft tissue injuries
………………….. Convulsions
………………….. Anaphylaxis
…………………… Stridor
…………………… 1. All topics are expected to be covered by lectures and journal clubs
………………….. during The family health center and emergency medicine rotations.
2. Prove of attendance will be signed by your trainer
………………….. Emergency Medicine cases
…………………… Cases #
…………………… Chest pain 5
………………….. Coma and delirium due to various causes 5
………………….. Convulsions 5
Acute abdomen 5
…………………… Multiple trauma 10
…………………… Soft tissue injury 5
………………….. Poisoning due to various causes including drug
…………………… 5
…………………… Respiratory distress 5
………………….. Allergic Reactions including anaphylaxis 5
………………….. Sprain, fracture 5
…………………… Burns 5
………………….. • Cases are expected to be encountered during emergency medicine ro-
…………………… tation and in healthcare centers
• Signature of trainers in The logbook to prove case attendance and par-
ticipation in management is mandatory
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

……………………. 9- Ophthalmology
……………………. By The end of training, trainees should have good understanding of
……………………. 1. Common eye infections
……………………. 2. The role of family physician in management of eye trauma
……………………. 3. The causes and methods of screening for and prevention of visual
……………………. impairment
……………………. 4. Common causes of red eye
……………………. 5. Ophthalmic manifestations of systemic diseases
6. The principles of ophthalmic therapeutics
……………………. Intellectual and professional skills
……………………. 1. Take history, diagnose and initiate management of common ophthalmic
……………………. diseases.
……………………. 2. Perform visual acuity testing.
……………………. 3. Perform ophthalmoscopic examination at the primary healthcare center
……………………. to differentiate between normal and abnormal fundus.
……………………. Topics and Cases
Topics Cases #
……………………. Eye infections Eye infections 5
……………………. Eye allergy Eye allergy 5
……………………. Red eye Red eye 5
……………………. Visual impairment Visual impairment 5
……………………. Cataract Cataract 3
……………………. Glaucoma Glaucoma 2
……………………. Common ophthalmologic
ophthalmological signs of
……………………. manifestations of systemic dis- 5
systemic diseases
……………………. eases
……………………. All topics and cases are going to be covered by lectures and clinical on The
……………………. Job training during The ophthalmic rotation in The third year of training.
Assessment will be through end of training clinical and written exam.
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

10- Otolaryngology
………………….. Knowledge
By The end of training, trainees should have good understanding of the princi-
………………….. ples of diagnosis and management of common otolaryngology problems en-
…………………… countered by family physicians in healthcare centers.
…………………… Intellectual and professional skills
………………….. 1- Take history, perform clinical exam, and manage common ENT Problems
…………………… 2- Refer appropriately in risky, complicated cases or when second opinion is
…………………… needed
………………….. Topics and Cases
…………………… Topics Cases #
………………….. Rhinitis Rhinitis 5
………………….. Polyps Polyps 2
…………………… Epistaxis Epistaxis 3
Otitis externa& media Otitis externa& media 5
………………….. Sinusitis Sinusitis 4
…………………… Deafness Deafness 2
…………………… Vertigo Vertigo 4
…………………… Topics and cases are expected to be covered during The ENT rotation. Prove of
………………….. attendance and trainer signature is mandatory
………………….. Expected year of achievement is
…………………… the third year of training
………………….. Methods of teaching and learning
…………………… 1. On The job training during ENT rotation and family health center
………………….. 2. Lectures, tutorials and self study
…………………… 3. Clinical rounds
………………….. Methods of assessment:
…………………… 1. Logbook
………………….. 2. Final exam
………………….. 3. Trainer’s evaluation

Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board


……………………. The general rules and regulations of assessment approved by the Egyptian
……………………. fellowship board and published at the training handbook and also at the
……………………. board web site applies for the Family medicine specialty. In addition to the suc-
……………………. cessful completion of the training program, all candidates must successfully
……………………. pass three exams in order to get the fellowship certificate.
……………………. First part Exam
……………………. The first part exam is a written exam. Trainees are allowed to sit for the first part
……………………. exam after six months of training. Each candidate has three chances to pass
……………………. the exam and one more additional chance may be granted in some special
……………………. circumstances approved by the secretary general of the higher committee of
……………………. medical specialties.
……………………. It is to be noted that after one year of training each time the candidate will
……………………. choose not to enter the exam will be calculated as one of his three attempts.
……………………. Second part exam
……………………. The second part exam is a written exam. Trainees are allowed to sit for the sec-
……………………. ond part exam after passing successfully the first part and after completion of
……………………. the training period (three years). In addition, each candidate must submit his
……………………. log book for final assessment. The log book requirements must all be com-
……………………. pleted and signed by the trainer and educational supervisor. Each candidate
……………………. has three chances to pass the exam and one more additional chance may be
……………………. granted in special approved circumstances.
……………………. Clinical Exam (third part)
……………………. The third part exam is a clinical and oral exam. Candidates who pass success-
fully the second part are allowed to sit for the third part. Again each candidate
……………………. has three chances to pass the clinical exam and an additional fourth chance
……………………. may be granted in special approved circumstances.
The structure of the examination
……………………. The first part exam aims to test trainee's knowledge in the basics of family
……………………. medicine and community medicine. The scientific council has make it clear in
……………………. The curriculum , which parts of The family medicine must be studied in The
……………………. first year and these parts will be The subject of assessment in The first part
……………………. The second part exam aims to test trainees' knowledge and skills in family
……………………. medicine. In this exam, all the curriculum will be covered
……………………. The structure of the first part exam:
……………………. Part I examination consists of two papers:
……………………. 1. Paper I (2 hours): Multiple choice questions with a single best answer
……………………. format.
2. Paper II (2 hours): Multiple choice questions, short assay questions
42 and /or problem solving questions.
Family Medicine Egyptian Fellowship Board

…………………… The structure of the second part exam

………………….. Part II examination consists of four papers:
…………………… 1. One paper consists of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) in two hours.
………………….. 2. One paper consists of Short Essay & Problem Solving in two hours.
………………….. 3. One paper consist of: Critical Reading & Evidence based medicine.
…………………… 4. One paper consist of: Modified essay questions
………………….. The structure of the third part exam
………………….. part III exam is a clinical, OSPE and oral exam and is composed of the fol-
…………………… lowing components:
A. Clinical exam
The clinical exam remains the most important part of the examination as It
…………………… evaluates the potential performance of the candidate in clinical practice
………………….. and his clinical examination skills in various system. The candidate will ex-
………………….. amine two clinical cases. For each case the examinee will be allowed:
…………………… 1. Thirty minutes for performing History taking, Physical exam, Counseling
………………….. and Health education. In addition, He will demonstrate his Referral
………………….. management abilities.
…………………… 2. Fifteen minutes for case discussion conducted by two examiners.
B. The Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)
• It consists of 8– 20 stations each for 5-10 minutes. Each station is
…………………… prepared and approved by three examiners. The OSPE evaluates
………………….. procedural skills, data interpretation skills, written communications,
…………………… • Examples of Stations' Topics: ECG – X-Ray – Lab. Interpretation –
………………….. Slide Discussion – Referral Letters – Prescriptions – Family Files
…………………… C. VIVA (oral examination):
…………………… • The oral exam tests the candidates’ ability to manage patients and
………………….. explores his/her knowledge of making an accurate diagnosis, critical
thinking and whether he/she understands the essentials of thera-
…………………… peutics. It also assesses his attitudes and interpersonal communica-
………………….. tion skills.
………………….. • This examination consists of two parts, each of 20 minutes duration.
…………………… Each session will be conducted by two examiners, ten minutes for
………………….. each examiner to evaluate critical thinking and decision making abili-
………………….. ties using Viva Cards.
…………………… • Questions and answers are prepared in writing and approved by
………………….. three examiners.

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