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Definition: The essay is a literary genre that is characterized by allowing a certain

topic develop a free and personal way. Commonly , people write essays to express
an opinion or idea, without having to worry about sticking to a rigid structure writing
or document it thoroughly.

Definition in the dictionary of the RAE

The given concept is similar to the Dictionary of the Royal Academy , where the
term is defined as a "writing in which an author develops his ideas without showing
the scholarly apparatus "

How to write an essay.

Write an essay always implies that personal expression of the author in his ideas.
There is no method to follow or precise rules . However , it is possible to consider
some tips and suggestions , especially in cases for people who first want to enter
the essayistic style.

The following article : How to write an essay. Step by step guide shows the
recommended when you get to write this kind of work procedure.

Parts of a essay

Arrange the parts of a test depends on their author. In most of them appreciate the
classical division :


In the first part a presentation of the subject is done to develop. The author can
also publicize and advance their opinion or thesis and later try to demonstrate .


Here essayist presents his main arguments on the subject And it depends on the
shape and style that will write their thesis. a lot of data, examples , comparisons,
and other resources are generally used .

In conclusion the idea or the main ideas essayist summarized . Condenses and
reaffirms its position in a clear manner . For example, a test is expressed against
euthanasia , in the last part can expose a quick overview of the main arguments
against the practice

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