Parrafos de Ingles para Los Examens

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The good citizens comply with their responsibilities like; they help the other people, they want,

they put the trash in the correct place (bin), they follow all the rules and laws, and they are more
respectful than the normal citizen, the good citizens have good qualities like that they are
respectful, generous, obedient, and friendly. Now, the actual generation of citizens (that I
belong) are the people who write all for social Networks and do nothing to resolve the problem,
they are like a parrot, only talk and do not do, I am being part of this generation and I admit that
I do that, but I am going to change with the time. I should change the actual generation (digital
generation) that they do and not talk more for social networks about the problems

My family decided to share the chores because we thought what form is more effective than one person
(like dad or mom) doing all the chores. Last weekend, I washed the dishes and folded the clothes, my
sister made the breakfast and the lunch, my mom made the dinner, swept, scrubbed, and vacuumed the
floor of all the house and my father did the groceries, changed the sheets, and dusted the table. All
weekend, we changed the chores that the members of the family do, for example, on the first weekend
of the month, I made lunch and ironed clothes. 

Last vacation, I was in the United States of America with my family, in that vacation we were visiting the
monuments, for example Park of Disney. We arrived at the airport in Florida, and we were excited, but
first we went to eat at a restaurant called Green Flower. The next day, we visited the beach of that state,
it was a good experience, I remember that I burnt my body at the day I could not move for the pain. The
month that I stayed at the Unites states of America was the most unique experience that I have in all my
life and I wanted to repeat that experience in a future.
 How was education different back in the days? do you find out teaching was different in those days?

My education was strict and difficult because on day I had to do three exams of difficult subjects like
Chemistry, Math and Physics. That day I went to the school with a black cloud on my head (because I
was sadder than an Emo, you know the guy that only talk about the sad is the life), so, my education was
with the teacher that you did not breathe without his permission and in the exam put the most difficult
question about the theme that I was studying at that moment. The actual education is hugely different at
my education for many things, for example the present education is easier than that time or the students
can copy with their computer, when I could not copy because the teachers always discovered the paper
or pen with, I was coping.

The last trip I can do it before the pandemic was in the United States of America with my family.
During that trip we were visiting monuments, for example St. Marcos Castle. We arrived at the
airport in Florida, and we were excited, but first we went to eat at a restaurant called Green
Flower. The next day, we visited the beach of that state, it was a good experience, I remember
that I burnt my body on the day I could not move for the pain. The two months that I stayed in
the United states of America was the most unique experience that I have in all my life and I
wanted to repeat that experience in the future
My special moment

One year ago, I saw a match of the Venezuelan soccer team that was in the University Stadium
(U.C.V), in the first moment I didn’t go to the university because I was very tired,and I thought
that it didn’t deserve my time, but my mom obligated me to go. My father drove near the
university, and we walked to the stadium. When we got into the stadium, we felt the emotion and
passion of the people that stayed in that place, we saw two good seats and sat down. When the
match started all the people made silence and they only saw and screamed. The feeling that I felt
that afternoon was unique because I saw my national team playing and winning the match for 4
goals, giving hope to go to the world cup in three years. My mom only felt happy that day and
when we talked about that experience, we remembered the form of the goal, the screams and
songs the people said and my mistake to believe that it didn’t deserve my time.

In this occasion, I want to teach you about my best plate that I know how to cook, It’s Merico, that is
variant of the traditional sandwich, first you need the next aliments, chicken or meat (200g), tomatoes
(quantity, what do you want), cheese (of any type, 150g), ham (200g), lettuce, sausages (two or three),
bread and last one any sauce (¼ of cup) do you want. 

First you cook the meat or chicken and wait that is good cocking, then you clean the tomato and the
lettuce, after you put the bread and you cut in a half, later you put inside the bread the meat or chicken
that you cooked with anteriority, the next step is(to) cut the tomatoes and the lettuce and put(them)
inside the bread on the meat or chicken, after you put to cook the sausage in a pot, for that you
need(to) put water in it (the pot) and later cook the sausage.

Then, you cut the sausage in small pieces and put that on the lettuce and tomatoes, later one you put
the cheese and the ham on the sausages (in case of cheese to grate, it was grated in the beginning) and
the last one you add all the sauce.        
I prepared for the lunch was pasta and meat, I used to prepare it the next ingredients: ¼ cup of salt, pasta
(100g), meat (200g, it could be any meat) and ¼ cup of water. First, I put ¼ cup of water in a pot, then I
cooked the pot with water for two minutes after I added ½ cup of salt and I cooked it for another two
minutes, later I added the pasta in the pot, and I cooked it for seven minutes, then I waited that the pot
cooled down meanwhile I cooked the meat in a pan and put the meat in a plate, later I removed the water
in the pot and put the pasta on the plate with the meat.

The soccer is a sport that it is the most famous sport in the world, in the soccer you win when you score
more goals than your opponents. When you play soccer, you need eleven players in both teams and one
referee, the referee can confirm the goals, the offsides (when the forward is behind the defenders of the
other team) and the fouls (when you hit or kick a player of the enemy team) in the match. You cannot
score goals with your hands or arms because that is handball, and it provokes free kick to the enemy

I went to the restaurant called “Sukihana”, it was about Japanese food like the sushi, all in that restaurant
was very elegant and beautiful like the forks or the napkin. When I saw that forks, I had impressed with it,
because I could not imagine that person on the planet put forks in a restaurant that it served food that the
people ate with chopsticks, I asked about that, and they told me “for the people that preferred to eat the
Japanese food with forts.”

The food was incredibly good, I told myself “that sushi was the best on the planet.”, today I remember that
place like the best sushi in the city, but when I want to eat in that place, too I remember the prices of plate
and I forget the desire to eat in that place.

In my opinion, I prefer to eat out than eating at home, because when I eat out like a restaurant
for example, I only need to pay the food and wait for it, but, when I eat at home, I need to find
the ingredients for the recipe, I need to prepare all the food and I wash all the things like pot,
pan and dish that I dirty doing all the food. 
Another reason is that when I eat out, I can eat better food than when I cook the food in my
home because I don’t know much about cooking, that situation provokes that I only know to  do
the most basic food in the world like the sandwich or the pasta, but in a restaurant I can eat any
food that I want in that moment meanwhile I have the  I have the money to pay for it
On weekends, I spend my free time in activities about video-game or movies (like all the people
this year) for example, playing or talking about my favorite video-games, I see the movies and
series that I have in my list like Friends or the Crown, and I read some books like the Prince
from Maquiavelo or the Republic from Platon. 

I like all these activities because I think these activities don't repeat the same dynamic, for
example when you play a video-game your enemies are different than the other weekend, but
when you wash the dishes, you do every weekend the same dynamic. For that I avoid the
chores of my house or repetitive activities like cooking

My Trip

I went to U.S Two years ago, in that trip I had many problems before to take the plane
for example the people of security didn’t want to pass my luggage because it was very
heavy for that I paid for overweight or the ticket of the plane was canceling until that the
airline confirmed that the ticket was correct, but I could take the plane and flew to U.S.

When I stayed to America, the people of inmigration look me like I was the most
dangerous human on earth, when they started to ask me questions like Where did you
stay in your visit? or What was your purpose?, I thought that they were thinking that I
was a terrorist or trafficker after I responded to all that question they saw that I wasn’t
dangerous for their nation and for it, I could continue with my trip.

The vacation was very unique because I visited the monuments, for example the Parks
of Disney or the time square, too I met different places very interesting like a restaurant
called Green Flower or another restaurant that only served Venezuelan food.
So, I went to the beach of that country, it was a good experience. I remember that I
burnt my body that day because I forgot the sunscreen, for that I could not move for the
pain.  The time that I stayed in the United states of America was the most unique
experience that I have had in all my life and I wanted to repeat that experience in the

My favorite show
The rebellion of Paquito is my favorite show at this moment, I like all the plot.That is that
Paquito wants to rebel against his father because he didn’t investigate the death of his
mother and for that he thought his father was a very bad person and he didn’t want to
be his son, for that he was exiled to the part of China that his father ruled because the
father was a very important king and for consequence he was a prince (eleventh mos
specific), all that happaned in 2065 A.D.
My favorite character was Paquito because he was very interesting during his journey to
get revenge/rebel against his father, he went from begin selfish, arrogant and
empathetic, quite the opposite.  


The rebellion of Paquito is my favorite show in this moment  

 What is my favorite show?
When is my favorite show on?
Who is the rebellion of Paquito favorite show?

Climate change
The climate change will be the worst problem that the humanity can have in the future, for that we must
try to solve the problem. The different government of the world solves this problem with new laws and
restrictions, but in my opinion that we can eliminate the climate change the governments must teach the
population about it because we only know the basic about the climate change and with this knowledge.
We can do much for solving this problem, but when we know more about the climate change, we can
more activities to stop it.

In my opinion, the best invention that has been created is the internet that was invented by Paul
Otlet, it uses to do a lot of things like communicate many persons among them with the social
network (for example Facebook), download since imagines or videos until games or programs
and research information about everything through the search engines like Google or Bing. We
are addicted to the internet in the present because we can’t live without it, for example, I need
internet to do this English course or many people work through it, and for this we can see the
important and necessary is the internet in our life.
When I will become in C1 in English (in other words, when I will graduate of C.V.A), I go to
Canada for practice my English and learn French and the difference between the British English
and the American English, because I believe that if I learn more idioms, I will have more
opportunities of having a job, so I can visit Canada and learn more about it like its history and
customs, also I can go to the United states of America across the frontier and visit the different
important and famous city that this country has like Chicago or New York

The technology is important in our life because the technology are the knowledges that permit work all
the gadgets and invented, you can imagine that we don’t use the electricity or that we don’t have
internet in our life, without the technology that will be the situation of today.

Also, we don’t survive in the ancient time because the fire is a technology or the agriculture is a
technology and without, they, we will depend on only to hunt animal to eat or in case you will have
frost, you must live with it, in few words the technology is extremely important because is the mother of
all the invention and gadgets that we are using in our life.
The most important gadget at this moment is the cell phone because the cell phone become a means to
communicate or connect to the internet, for example, in this pandemic, all the people are so attending to
the cell phone because they are waiting for the call of their boss, in other words the cellphone is the most
important gadget because with it, we can communicate among us and connect to internet in all moments
and in all places (meanwhile that the place has internet obviously).

The girl was being robbed by a man when I watched tv in the living room. This criminal  had a
gun in his left hand and he was driving on a motorcycle, I could listen that that man said “give
me your cell phone at this moment if you don’t want a shoot”, the girl obviously gave her
cellphone to protect her life, then the thief escaped in his motorcycle and the girl was standing
here for some minutes assimilating the situation while I called to police to report the theft, after a
time the criminal was arrested and the girl bought a new cell phone.

If you want a healthy relationship with family, friend, or partner, you need to have some values
like the trust, respect, and empathy, because with the trust, we can be sure that the other
person helps us when we need, the respect gives us the capacity to talk without insulting us and
with this and the empathy we can understand one another.

The characteristics of a loving relationship are like a normal relationship (trust, respect and
empathy), but we need to add affection to your partner because he needs to know that you
appreciate and love him/her. For this we need these values to have a healthy relationship, I
can’t imagine a world that doesn’t use these values because if this world exists, the
relationships don’t exist.

The global warming is a serious problem that is caused for different activities and behaviors like
the overusing pesticides, the deforestation or pull the garbage in the streets, it must be
prevented because if the global warming grows, the earth is going to be uninhabitable, for that
we must recycle and try to help the planet, remember that if the environment is destroyed, we
don’t have another planet to live.
My favorite app is Discord because I can talk with my friends all the time that I want, so I can
share different images or videos like in Facebook, but this app has some problems like that you
need an internet connection to use it and we know that in countries like Venezuela the internet
isn’t good. In my opinion Discord is better than google meet or telegram because it is faster to
connect, and you don’t need to connect a Google account, for these reasons Discord is my
favorite app.
The proverb “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children”
means that we need to care for the earth for our children because, in case we destroy the earth,
they don’t have any place to live. We must help the planet to try to give our sons a future where
they can live with not many problems, we must remember that they are the future, and we are
the past.
I learned many things about this world when I traveled to Canada to visit a part of my family. It
was the first time that I was outside Venezuela and with that I could learn about their culture and
life. so, I could practice my knowledge of English, too. I gained some interest in French, for that I
consider that it is the travel that I learned more things like their culture.
In my time in the prison, I learned the important that it’s obey the law, in that place you can’t see
the worst type of person like murders, but the worst is that you can be a new victim to them. I
remembered that I was arrested because I stole some groceries from the supermarket. I wish I
hadn’t stolen those groceries to evade the prison, but I must admit that it gave me a life lesson.
In the future I want to go home and see all my family, with them I am going to try to make a new
I believe that the education can change the world because if we teach a person the correct
values and knowledge, we can change the behavior of that person, so the correct education is
going to create a good citizen and with them, we can create a better world because they are
going to prevent to not do bad action that it can provoke damage or hurt another person, for that
we must remember that the education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to
change the world.
My most valuable experience with a member of my family was when I went to the famous
restaurant, Mama mia to celebrate the birthday of my grandfather during that dinner, I
remember that he was very excited to eat in that restaurant, so he enjoyed that we celebrated
his birthday, but it was the last time that I saw him because after a week he died for accident
with his car, I wish he hadn’t died for that accident. My most valuable experience with a friend
was when I talked with him after my grandfather's funeral. I remember that I was so sad
because I loved my grandfather so much, but my friend helped to surpass those feelings, for
that I believe that he is the best friend that I have.

The most important thing in a job is that you enjoy doing it, because we must remember that
you have to do it all the days of the week and if you don’t enjoy doing it, you will hate that job, so
I believe that if you like your job, you can do it better, but we should put attention to other things
like the payment or the schedule because I wouldn’t like to work in a job with a terrible payment,
although I like doing it or work it for 12 hours all the week. In conclusion, we can say that in my
opinion the most important thing in a job is that you enjoy doing it, but I believe that we need to
put attention in the payment and the schedule
I don’t agree with the phrase of John Barrymore because I believe that in all the ages we can
have regrets that it provoke that we have dreams with it, for example I had a problem to send a
chemistry exam for that I only thought about it, At that moment I was 16 years old, and this
experiences didn’t become me in an old person, for these reason I think that you are not old
because your regrets take place of your dreams, because it can happen in any age for different
reason like you can’t send an important document.

My thinks about the fashion is that it is not necessary in the life because I believe that we can
wear like we want, also the fashion don’t give a better impression for the rest of the people for
example I say people that they only wear fashion clothes because they believe that it provoke a
better impression, but in my opinion it don’t provoke nothing in me, so we must to talk about  the
shopping that it  is a hobby that I don’t like it because I believe that you don’t have to spend so
much time to choice your clothes, for example in my case I don’t spend much time in shopping
because I have the next rule “if the clothes is comfortable, I buy it”, my conclusion is that I don’t
like the fashion and the shopping because I believe they are unnecessary in my life and are a
waste of time.
The modern education system isn’t broken because the modern education system gives the
different knowledge that the students need like math or language, all the people in the world
need to know how to speak their idioms or how to do the basic math, with this knowledge the
people can be prepared for the different jobs like teacher or engineer, in conclusion, I believe
that the actual education system is effective because it learns subjects necessary in all the jobs.

we must try to save the planet of the global warming is a serious

problem that is caused for different disasters like the earthquake
that you can see in the picture , to prevent this disaster we must be
prevented because if the global warming grows, the earth is going
to have so much disaster per day, for that we must recycle and try
to help the planet.
In the year 2050, I will have accomplished so many things, for example, I will have finalized my
university career, it is going to give the opportunity to work as a lawyer, so I will have traveled to
Europe with the money that I am going to get working like an attorney, I know that I am going to
make these goals, because I will be a good lawyer, then I will have the opportunity to obtain a
good job in an important business, In the year 2050, I will have been an important attorney and
for that I am going to have the opportunity to travel a different Europe countries.
Final speech (presentation)

Today, in this presentation, I am going to discuss the relationships in the movies against the real
relationships, because the movies create an image about the couples very romantic or in some unreal
cases, the people can use this like reference when they are in a relationships, this situation provokes
that the people realize some actions that can cause problems to your partner, they want to do some
activities like in the movies, although this can be completely unreal, or they may believe that some toxic
behaviors are normal because they see these actions in a movie.

for example in the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, we can say how a couple breaks up
because they discuss so many times and this difference causes that they hate one another, but in the
end of the movie they decide to come back and give another opportunity, in the real life if you are in a
relationship like that, you must go out, because you are in a toxic relationship, and this can cause a lot of
problems to your person and your mental health, or maybe you like to live with a person that you fight
and discuss all the days and all time.

Another example is that the movie always happens that the people have love at first sight, for
consequences they know the person that they see in the street is the perfect person to be their partner,
this is the case of the movie the notebook, because the main characters fall in love when they see one
another, this love is like an obsession that they have for the other person, but in the reality we know
that the people become in a couple when they trust one another, for this habitually the couples are first
friends that partner, and this trusting provoke that they can develop a feel for the other person.

The last instance is that the movies says the message that only being yourself, you can have a girlfriend
or get the love of your wished girl, it happens in the movie called The 40-Year-Old Virgin where a virgin
man tries to act like another person to get a girlfriend, but only when he is himself, he can obtain the
love of the girl, but in the reality in so many occasions the people act like another person and they can
obtain the love of their wished girl, although it can provoke problems in the future because you are
hiding certain information to your partner and it can cause that you couple starts to doubt you.
In my opinion, we must know the difference between the reality and the fiction, because if we use the
movies like a reference, we are going to have some strange behaviors, for example you can be in a toxic
relationship like in the first instance or believe that the perfect person is going to appear in the street
and when you see that human, you are going to know that he or she is the choose one, for that we must
remember that the movies, books, or games are unreal, and we don’t have to use it like a reference for
any action or situation.

Paragraphs advances class

what’s the worst environmental problem in your community?
My community and the solid waste

My community has a problem with the solid waste, and it can cause some problems at the
environment, the garbage is watched in many parts of my community when so many refuse is in
the same places we can say that it’s a solid waste, and it can cause pollution in the ground or
rivers, for example in different parts of the seas or oceans we find bottle plastic, glass, paper,
etc. The majority of these objects are from city of the world like Caracas, and these mountains
of garbage provoke water pollution, then this situation causes problems to marine animals, if the
people of my community know about this circumstance, they are going to put the garbage in the
recycle bins or avoid leaving the refuse in the streets with these actions they can prevent the
solid waste and help the environment, so we can have a community cleaner than before, so that
we need to start teaching the people of my community about the different problems that cause
the solid waste, we must remember that we need to protect and take care about our world.

In this letter, I am going to inform you about my interest in the opportunity to become the janitor
of your company. I learnt about this chance across the different advertising that your business
has posted in all the social media, also my uncle is working to you and he said that this
company can help me to become a better worker, but I decided to search for more information
about it and I found the mission of the company which was to become the better travel agency
of the country, it gets my attention and interest. I believe that I can give your company a new
point of view how you can stay the different work places in good condition and clean in all
If you need the best janitor in the country, I am your man. My skills are the cleaning of anything
you can imagine like a horrible restroom or the most disorganized Officine and I am able to
understand different languages like Italian and a little of English, so that if you need a translator,
you can call me and I assure you that your translation is going to be ready in less than thirty
minutes, so that you can’t have problem talking or writing with any people that speak Italian,
also I can show the different documents that confirmed my capacity to talk Italian if you don’t
I thank you for reading this letter and hope that you see the reason to employ me. To end, I
decided to talk a little about myself, I like listen to music and watch some sports like the tennis
or baseball and I become a janitor because I like so much cleaning any space. If you decided
employ me, you can contact me answering this mail, call my personal number which is 0424-
2561265 or checking my resume where you can see all the information about me in a card, then
you are going to employ the best janitor that you can think.

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