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Ding! Ding! Went the chimes on the door.

I was standing at
the front desk of Helping Paws Animal Shelter. A lady carrying a soft white cat walked in. To tell the truth, the lady looked quite like the cat. Her hair was as white and puffy as its was, and she was wearing white jeans, a white t-shirt, and a fake fur coat (at least I hope it was fake). Hello daaaahling! the lady droned in a honey-sweet voice, This is Princess Pruella Rosemary Ellena. Does she have a shorter nickname? I asked. No. The lady said. I nodded and typed her name in the computer. What is she here for? I asked. She needs a grooming! Cant you tell? the lady said dramatically, calmly finishing the sentence with a sugary smile. Of course. I nodded and clicked the box one the computer that said grooming, Would you like a cut, bath, and nail clipping? I asked. Yes please dear. The lady smiled. And your name? I asked. Penelope Gepetta. The lady replied. I filled it in and Penelope left her long-named cat on my desk. She walked away, high and proud. Hi Princess! I said sweetly to the cat. I decided just to call her Princess for short. I glanced over at the five animals behind the glass. Today on display were Rusty the German Shepherd, Finnigan the pug, Naomi the Siamese cat, Snow White the bunny, and Chi the lovebird.

Today Chi was being awfully noisy because Ping, her lovebird friend was getting his medical shots today. Naomi hated birds, like most cats, and she hated them especially when they made loud noises, so she was screeching and mewing. Finnigan always got excited at the slightest things and he was jumping and barking happily. That caused Rusty, the old dog, to wake up from his nap and whimper. Snow White, timid as ever, hid behind a cat scratching post. She was the only quiet one. The noise had been getting to me all afternoon and I was really annoyed by then. Alice, the secretary on the desk beside me, covered her ears and groaned. Being a sixteen year old and owning a pet shelter with your friends wasnt easy sometimes. Do you have the information from that lady? Alice shouted to me over the noise. What? I shouted louder. I said, do you have the information from the lady! Alice shouted. All I heard was muffled sounds. What? I asked. Alice rolled her eyes and grumbled something. Then, she walked over to the animal area, and banged as hard as she could against the plastic. The animals were instantly silent. Alice and I smiled, satisfied, but then a few seconds later, the noise erupted again. Whats that noise? Cameron asked crossly, entering the room. He was the veterinarian here, and the hottest one ever. He was also part of my friends. Everyone who worked here (except Jimmy the geeky assistant) was my friend. We had all started this, but it was my idea, so I was manager. I cant give Ping his shots with all this noise! Cameron continued. He was my boyfriend, and looked cute when he was angry.

Before I could explain, Jeff and Dan, Camerons best friends and my friends, appeared through the door. Were trying to clean the hamster cage! Jeff said. Jeff was the animal feeder/cleaner/walker/player. Dan was the comanager and helper. Jessica also appeared, Im trying to give Princess a bath! she was holding a sopping wet, soapy, cross-looking cat. I almost laughed at the sight of Princesss grumpy face and soaking fur that dragged her down. I tried to make a serious face and said, Jeff, please bring Chi back to her cage in the back area. Cameron hurry up with Pink, Chi misses him. Everyone went back to what they were doing when I said, Oh and Jeff, get a new animal out to replace Chi. A quieter one I suggest. Jeff nodded and went to remove Chi from the display area. Just as I was back in my seat, Alice asked, As I was saying earlier, do you have the ladys information? Yes, Ill send it to you and you can print it and file it away. I said, clicking the save and send button on my computer. Alice got it a few seconds later, and she pressed print. The noise from the printer always scared Snow White, so I had to give her a bunny treat to calm her down temporarily. Soon later, Jeff appeared with Squeak, one of the hamsters in a newly cleaned cage. Wheres Pompom? I asked. Pompom was Squeaks soul mate, like how Ping was Chis. Thats what I was going to tell you about, Jeff said, Cameron believes that Pompom is sick.

How does he know? I asked. I was also an animal expert, and I filled in for Cameron sometimes. Suddenly, Cameron came running out of the room, grabbing his coat. Im sorry! Ive got to go! I promised my mom that I would help my grandma today. She needs to do some shopping and Cameron gasped. I waved him along, and he air kissed me. I air kissed back. Jeff sighed, and led me into the vet room. Minor emergency. Dan said, who was hovering over Ping. What? I asked. Well first of all, can you finish off Pings shots? Dan asked. Yeah. I nodded, grabbed the needle, and loaded it. Then, as Jeff calmed Ping down, I slowly pushed the needle in Pings stomach, how I had been taught to at vet school. After I finished his shots, I cleaned Pings fur from blood and put on little bandages on the areas of the shots. Then, I put him back in his cage with Chi and they both let out a cry of happiness. Now what? I asked Dan. Well, Pompom looks very unhealthy lately. Jeff explained. What do you mean unhealthy? I asked. Dan got Pompom and showed him to me. He looked a lot less furrier than before. Oh and one more thing, Jeff popped his head in the room, She hasnt been eating a lot lately either. I nodded and turned back to Pompom, Why arent you eating? I whispered to her, as if I would get an answer. I waited for one anyway. Then, I checked under her fur. I

checked everywhere. The only difference I noticed in her was that she was getting a lot fatter. Especially on the stomach. My head shot up, realizing something. Her and Squeak had been together for a month, and they seemed to get along very well. Now Pompom wasnt eating, and getting a fat stomach. She also slept a lot. I knew what this meant. Pompom, was pregnant. I called to the others. Soon, everyone (except Cameron and Dan who werent there) came running in the room. What? Jessica asked. I heard an angry cat scream from down the hall in the grooming room and claws scratch on the floor. Shes getting out! Jessica left, and then came back in a minute later looking worn out and messy. Catfight, Jessica explained, Continue. Pompom is pregnant. I explained. Everyone gasped and gave excited murmurs. Questions rang out in the room. How long are hamsters pregnant for? How long has she been pregnant so far? How long until we get to handle the babies? How many will be born? How does she give birth? Do we have to help? I calmed everybody down and did my best on answering the questions. Hamsters are pregnant for two to three weeks, and it looks like shes been pregnant for about four days. She will have the babies on her own, Im not sure how many will be born, but the normal for hamsters is about seven, and we

wont be able to touch them or care for them for about a month. I explained all at once. Everyone nodded, still in awe that we would have a new litter of hamsters. Now, everyone get back to work. And Jimmy, I looked at Jimmy once everyone was gone. I handed him thirty dollars, Go buy another hamster cage. Well need it once the babies are older. Jimmy nodded and left the shop. I put Pompom back in her cage and went back to work. The next day it was early when I arrived at the shelter with my little sister Megan, who I was babysitting. I opened the door, nobody was there yet. I looked into the shelter area. All the animals were there, and Pompom looked fine. Squeak was cuddling her. I made a mental note not to disturb them until Pompoms babies were old enough to be alone for a little while. I picked up Pompom despite her will and carried her into the vet room. Megan followed me, silent as usual. She cant talk. Shes deaf. She wont be able to hear herself if she talks, and she wont be able to hear me. In sign language, I told her that Pompom was pregnant. Megan smiled and clapped her hands together, doing a little jump. She loved animals almost as much as I did. I checked to make sure Pompom was doing ok, then I fed her some hamster nutrients that would keep her and the babies healthy, then I put her back in the cage. I signed Megan to stay in the back area and help Jeff when he arrived. Until then, do not touch anything. Megan nodded and signaled promise, by crossing her heart.

Okay, I mouthed, and went back into the front area. Jessica and Dan arrived just then. They were laughing, and Jessica was carrying a puffy, angry, looking cat. Princess! I cried. Then I turned to Jessica, Whats she doing here? I asked. We met up with her owner halfway down the block, and she said that Princess doesnt act like other cats. Jessica explained. What do you mean doesnt act like other cats? I asked. Well, Dan explained, She said that Princess had always been like that. Like, she never came when called, and never reacted when a dog barked. She often looked confused when the owner was telling her stuff also. I nodded, I think I know whats wrong. I stared at the white cat with pale blue eyes. I took Princess and took her into the vet room. Just as I went there, Cameron arrived he went in the room and kissed my cheek. Sorry I had to leave early yesterday, my mom was getting angry. Cameron explained apologetically. I grinned and said, Could you go in the other room and call out Princess? I asked. Cameron nodded, looked confused. Then, he looked at the cat, and nodded more surely. He smiled, knowing exactly why I was asking him to do this. He went into the hallway and called, Princess! Come here! a few times, in a happy, energetic way. Princess laid there motionless. A few minutes later, he came back in the room, carrying some metal. Cameron banged the medal together. I plugged my ears. Everyone came rushing into the room (except Megan, who

couldnt hear the noise). Princess lay calm and motionless. Cameron and I nodded at each other, now sure that we knew what was wrong with Princess. Whats that noise? Dan ran in. Jeff and Alice followed. I hadnt even realized that they had arrived yet. Why did you do that? Alice asked. To test something, I explained. The group looked thoroughly confused. We think that Megans not the only deaf one in this shelter right not. Cameron explained. Everyone looked confused for a second, but then let out an, Ohhhh. Shes deaf? Jessica asked, staring at Princess. I would have never guessed. Jeff said. Well, white cats with blue eyes usually ten to be deaf. In fact, it is rare to find one of these type of cats that arent deaf. And this proves us right. I explained. Megan, confused at why everyone was in the room, came walking in. I signed at her what happened. I was the only one who knew sign language. Well, of course I did, I had a deaf sister. Alice suddenly became aware of Megan, Hey, wheres Alyssa? she asked. Shes at her summer camp. I explained. Alyssa was Megans twin sister. She had no disabilities whatsoever. She was normal, and looked very different than Megan. I told everyone to get back to work in words, and in sign language. I walked back to my desk and told Alice to make a phone call to Princesss owner and tell her about our discoveries.

Oh, and tell her one more thing. I said to Alice. What? Alice asked. My lips curled into a smile, Princess is not a female. Later that day, when the shelter was closing, Cameron asked me to go to the movies with him. I said yes, as soon as I dropped Megan off home. As Jeff drove us in his car, he said, I dont understand how you can talk that fast with your hands. Its crazy watching you talk to her. I giggled and explained to Megan what he said. She just giggled and signed back to me. I turned to Cameron, She said that she doesnt understand how our lips can move so fast. In the movie, with Camerons arm wrapped around mine, I felt better. It was a rather scary movie and I enjoyed cuddling up and being protected. That night after Cameron dropped me off I couldnt keep my mind off him. It was weird. Usually I would have maybe gone for another walk or gone to bed, on logged on my computer, or had a late night snack, but I wasnt in the mood for none of that. I just lay down, thinking about Cameron.

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