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***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382630 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:25:47

Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $150.94 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $124.01 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $140.95 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $135.49 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
harwester posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Js, As ]
cashmoneyrec raises [$2.50]
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit raises [$7.50]
Meu130598 raises [$24.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
DanoMadFerit calls [$17.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2s, 8h, Ts ]
Meu130598 bets [$115.95]
DanoMadFerit calls [$99.01]
** Dealing turn ** [ Kd ]
** Dealing river ** [ Jh ]
** Summary **
DanoMadFerit shows [ Qc, Qh ]
Meu130598 shows [ Js, As ]
DanoMadFerit collected [ $247.52 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390638 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:09:07
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $137.47 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $106 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
siegemund posts small blind [$0.50]
Iegend posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Tc, 8s ]
guapdonthelp folds
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.20]
siegemund folds
Iegend calls [$1.20]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2s, Kc, 4d ]
Iegend checks
Meu130598 bets [$1.23]
Iegend calls [$1.23]
** Dealing turn ** [ Jc ]
Iegend checks
Meu130598 bets [$9.20]
Iegend calls [$9.20]
** Dealing river ** [ Qs ]
Iegend checks
Meu130598 bets [$38]
Iegend calls [$38]
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ Tc, 8s ]
Iegend shows [ Kh, Td ]
Iegend collected [ $97.76 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555598331 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 09:59:28
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: GalfondLOL ( $100 )
Seat 4: dali24 ( $77.42 )
Seat 6: Schablaa ( $42.72 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Schablaa posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qc, Td ]
GalfondLOL folds
dali24 raises [$3]
Schablaa folds
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 4d, 2s, Th ]
Meu130598 checks
dali24 bets [$3.25]
Meu130598 calls [$3.25]
** Dealing turn ** [ 6h ]
Meu130598 checks
dali24 bets [$8.58]
Meu130598 calls [$8.58]
** Dealing river ** [ 5c ]
Meu130598 checks
dali24 bets [$19.90]
Meu130598 calls [$19.90]
** Summary **
dali24 shows [ 3s, 8s ]
Meu130598 mucks [ Qc, Td ]
dali24 collected [ $66.46 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337331 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:48:22
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $110.40 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $34.21 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jc, Ts ]
Klinskiy1 raises [$2.10]
Meu130598 calls [$1.60]
Gashead079 raises [$9.40]
Klinskiy1 folds
Meu130598 calls [$8.30]
** Dealing flop ** [ Td, 8s, 5d ]
Meu130598 checks
Gashead079 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 2d ]
Meu130598 bets [$100]
Gashead079 calls [$23.81]
** Dealing river ** [ Ad ]
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ Jc, Ts ]
Gashead079 shows [ As, Kd ]
Gashead079 collected [ $66.99 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 519415714 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 18:09:44
Table Tianjin 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: puniiisher7 ( $128.36 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
puniiisher7 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8c, Ad ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
puniiisher7 calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ Qd, Ac, 2c ]
puniiisher7 checks
Meu130598 bets [$3]
puniiisher7 calls [$3]
** Dealing turn ** [ 7d ]
puniiisher7 checks
Meu130598 bets [$6]
puniiisher7 calls [$6]
** Dealing river ** [ 6s ]
puniiisher7 checks
Meu130598 bets [$12]
puniiisher7 calls [$12]
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ 8c, Ad ]
puniiisher7 shows [ Ah, 9d ]
puniiisher7 collected [ $47 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382678 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:27:05
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $146.94 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $246.52 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $141.89 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $133.99 )
DanoMadFerit posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kh, Jc ]
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec calls [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 raises [$12]
Neerajab calls [$10.50]
cashmoneyrec calls [$10.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 7s, 3d, Td ]
Meu130598 checks
Neerajab checks
cashmoneyrec checks
** Dealing turn ** [ As ]
Meu130598 bets [$9.88]
Neerajab calls [$9.88]
cashmoneyrec folds
** Dealing river ** [ 2h ]
Meu130598 checks
Neerajab checks
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ Kh, Jc ]
Neerajab shows [ Jd, Ah ]
Neerajab collected [ $56.30 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600815 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:14:52
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $105.38 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $93.66 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jh, Jc ]
aka37 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 raises [$11]
aka37 calls [$9]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ac, As, 4h ]
Meu130598 bets [$7.92]
aka37 calls [$7.92]
** Dealing turn ** [ 3h ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 checks
** Dealing river ** [ Qs ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$19.92]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $38.84 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382015 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:11:29
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $139.10 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $100 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $134.84 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $178.82 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $144.69 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Neerajab posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8s, 8c ]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 raises [$10.50]
Neerajab folds
DanoMadFerit calls [$8.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3s, Kd, 5h ]
Meu130598 bets [$7.59]
DanoMadFerit raises [$22.77]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
DanoMadFerit did not show his hand
DanoMadFerit collected [ $36.27 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390689 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:12:06
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $71.73 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $74.21 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $137.22 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $146.78 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $103.90 )
aslordly posts small blind [$0.50]
siegemund posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kd, 4d ]
Iegend folds
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 raises [$2]
aslordly raises [$2.50]
siegemund folds
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 6d, 3d, 9h ]
aslordly bets [$3.50]
Meu130598 calls [$3.50]
** Dealing turn ** [ Qh ]
aslordly bets [$9.24]
Meu130598 calls [$9.24]
** Dealing river ** [ 5h ]
aslordly checks
Meu130598 checks
** Summary **
aslordly shows [ Ah, Qd ]
Meu130598 mucks [ Kd, 4d ]
aslordly collected [ $30.86 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555599922 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:09:27
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 2: aldvin ( $102 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $101.77 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7s, Ah ]
aldvin raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 raises [$7]
aka37 folds
aldvin calls [$5]
** Dealing flop ** [ Qd, Jc, 5h ]
Meu130598 bets [$5.28]
aldvin calls [$5.28]
** Dealing turn ** [ Jd ]
Meu130598 checks
aldvin bets [$8.76]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aldvin did not show his hand
aldvin collected [ $25.23 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390701 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:12:54
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $55.99 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $89.33 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $136.22 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $146.78 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $103.90 )
siegemund posts small blind [$0.50]
Iegend posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kc, Qh ]
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 raises [$2]
aslordly raises [$3]
siegemund calls [$2.50]
Iegend folds
Meu130598 raises [$10]
aslordly calls [$9]
siegemund folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 6c, 4h, 3s ]
Meu130598 checks
aslordly bets [$77.33]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aslordly collected [ $26.60 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684241575 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 11:02:16
Table Valladolid 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 4: Arara09 ( $100 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $104.42 )
Seat 7: Klinskiy1 ( $102.50 )
Seat 9: valvatne ( $44.20 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Klinskiy1 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ac, 2d ]
valvatne folds
Arara09 folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Klinskiy1 calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 6s, Ah, Qd ]
Meu130598 checks
Klinskiy1 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 9s ]
Meu130598 bets [$3]
Klinskiy1 calls [$3]
** Dealing river ** [ 5s ]
Meu130598 bets [$6]
Klinskiy1 calls [$6]
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ Ac, 2d ]
Klinskiy1 shows [ Ad, 8s ]
Klinskiy1 collected [ $22.80 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383000 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:34:29
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $127.09 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $104 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $261.23 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $114.67 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $169.53 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $117.06 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Neerajab posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ As, Jc ]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 raises [$10.50]
Neerajab raises [$43]
MeowMeowDie calls [$41.50]
Meu130598 folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 6s, 8d, Th ]
Neerajab bets [$125.53]
MeowMeowDie calls [$60]
** Dealing turn ** [ 9s ]
** Dealing river ** [ Qh ]
** Summary **
MeowMeowDie shows [ Ac, Ad ]
Neerajab shows [ 6c, Qc ]
Neerajab collected [ $215 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337168 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:45:09
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $104.70 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $35.96 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Td, Qd ]
Gashead079 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 raises [$7]
Gashead079 raises [$33.96]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 collected [ $16 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601653 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:20:04
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $105.38 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $104.42 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ah, 6d ]
aka37 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 7c, 2h, 2s ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$3]
Meu130598 calls [$3]
** Dealing turn ** [ 3s ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 checks
** Dealing river ** [ Td ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 checks
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ Ah, 6d ]
aka37 shows [ As, Kc ]
aka37 collected [ $11.40 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555876748 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 19:10:49
Table Wiesbaden 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Ahmus ( $39 )
Seat 2: FaceYourFear ( $124.61 )
Seat 4: NvrBluf ( $335.24 )
Seat 6: GERRYWOO ( $181.80 )
Seat 7: Makermoney14 ( $9.69 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $104.60 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Ahmus posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7c, 7d ]
FaceYourFear folds
NvrBluf folds
Makermoney14 folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Ahmus calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3h, 5s, 8d ]
Meu130598 checks
Ahmus bets [$3]
Meu130598 calls [$3]
** Dealing turn ** [ Jh ]
Meu130598 checks
Ahmus checks
** Dealing river ** [ Ts ]
Meu130598 checks
Ahmus bets [$6]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Ahmus did not show his hand
Ahmus collected [ $11.40 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383770 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:50:49
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $126.64 )
Seat 2: GERRYWOO ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $261.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $105.94 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $315.78 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $110.73 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Neerajab posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jc, Ad ]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
GERRYWOO raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 calls [$2]
Neerajab folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 7s, 5c, 2d ]
Meu130598 checks
GERRYWOO bets [$3.12]
Meu130598 calls [$3.12]
** Dealing turn ** [ 4s ]
Meu130598 checks
GERRYWOO bets [$15.91]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
GERRYWOO did not show his hand
GERRYWOO collected [ $11.63 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382854 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:30:54
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $125.89 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $261.73 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $185.78 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $117.06 )
DanoMadFerit posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4h, Th ]
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec raises [$2.50]
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ad, 5s, 2h ]
Meu130598 checks
cashmoneyrec checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 4c ]
Meu130598 checks
cashmoneyrec bets [$2.75]
Meu130598 calls [$2.75]
** Dealing river ** [ 9c ]
Meu130598 checks
cashmoneyrec bets [$3.63]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
cashmoneyrec did not show his hand
cashmoneyrec collected [ $10.45 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684241282 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:52:27
Table Valladolid 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Klinskiy1 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6h, 5d ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
Klinskiy1 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 5s, Tc, 3s ]
Klinskiy1 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 3h ]
Klinskiy1 bets [$3]
Meu130598 calls [$3]
** Dealing river ** [ As ]
Klinskiy1 bets [$9.50]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Klinskiy1 collected [ $9.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 519411296 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:36:29
Table Tianjin 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $168.73 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
PPopeyeE posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5d, 5c ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
PPopeyeE calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ Js, 4h, Kc ]
PPopeyeE checks
Meu130598 bets [$1.98]
PPopeyeE raises [$6]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
PPopeyeE did not show his hand
PPopeyeE collected [ $9.46 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576245522 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 18:32:26
Table Gloucester 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100.50 )
Seat 2: fratla ( $100 )
Seat 7: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 9: ValentinaKs ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
fratla posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, 3s ]
siegemund folds
ValentinaKs folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
fratla calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2d, Jh, Kc ]
Meu130598 bets [$1.98]
fratla calls [$1.98]
** Dealing turn ** [ 6s ]
Meu130598 checks
fratla checks
** Dealing river ** [ 9s ]
Meu130598 checks
fratla checks
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ 3h, 3s ]
fratla shows [ 6c, Ac ]
fratla collected [ $9.46 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388306 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:48:57
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $135.30 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $103.48 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $111.33 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
eqUAlizer_22 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Tc, Kd ]
AMorgenstern folds
Draeknox folds
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ Jc, Jh, 3s ]
eqUAlizer_22 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 6h ]
eqUAlizer_22 bets [$1.98]
Meu130598 calls [$1.98]
** Dealing river ** [ Qh ]
eqUAlizer_22 bets [$14.74]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
eqUAlizer_22 did not show his hand
eqUAlizer_22 collected [ $9.46 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388499 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:54:49
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $150.15 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $100 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $116.11 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $103.88 )
eqUAlizer_22 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8s, Kd ]
AMorgenstern folds
Draeknox raises [$2]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9h, 9s, 8d ]
Meu130598 checks
Draeknox checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Qs ]
Meu130598 checks
Draeknox bets [$2.97]
Meu130598 calls [$2.97]
** Dealing river ** [ 4h ]
Meu130598 checks
Draeknox bets [$6.89]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Draeknox did not show his hand
Draeknox collected [ $9.92 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601213 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:17:15
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $107.50 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $103.98 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Th, Tc ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
aka37 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 5d, 6c, Qd ]
aka37 bets [$1]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
aka37 calls [$1.50]
** Dealing turn ** [ Ah ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 5h ]
aka37 bets [$4.50]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 did not show his hand
aka37 collected [ $8.55 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676332361 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:08:19
Table Kurgan 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 2: Lukandzel ( $175.14 )
Seat 4: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Retro_iG ( $194.27 )
Seat 9: zecheese ( $100 )
Lukandzel posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jd, Qh ]
Retro_iG folds
zecheese folds
Lukandzel raises [$2]
Meu130598 calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ah, 7d, 5h ]
Lukandzel bets [$1.65]
Meu130598 calls [$1.65]
** Dealing turn ** [ 6c ]
Lukandzel checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 8d ]
Lukandzel bets [$7.23]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Lukandzel did not show his hand
Lukandzel collected [ $7.88 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602402 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:24:50
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $108.63 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $102.50 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jd, 5d ]
Meu130598 raises [$2]
aka37 calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9d, Qs, Ts ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 bets [$1.65]
aka37 calls [$1.65]
** Dealing turn ** [ 6c ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 9s ]
aka37 bets [$4.15]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $7.88 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684258463 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 18:26:08
Table La Spezia 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 4: ValentinaKs ( $100 )
Seat 6: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
emptyphases posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Js, Th ]
ValentinaKs raises [$2.50]
siegemund folds
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 8s, 3s, Ks ]
Meu130598 checks
ValentinaKs bets [$1.38]
Meu130598 calls [$1.38]
** Dealing turn ** [ Kd ]
Meu130598 checks
ValentinaKs bets [$5.45]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
ValentinaKs did not show his hand
ValentinaKs collected [ $7.85 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676386950 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:09:59
Table Lugo 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
eqUAlizer_22 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jh, Ts ]
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$1.75]
Meu130598 calls [$1.25]
** Dealing flop ** [ 8d, 8s, 5h ]
Meu130598 checks
eqUAlizer_22 bets [$1.49]
Meu130598 calls [$1.49]
** Dealing turn ** [ Ad ]
Meu130598 checks
eqUAlizer_22 bets [$2.46]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
eqUAlizer_22 collected [ $7.11 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600444 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:12:46
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $107.10 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $92.77 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7c, 4c ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
aka37 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ As, 9d, Jd ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 bets [$1.32]
aka37 calls [$1.32]
** Dealing turn ** [ 7h ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 2c ]
aka37 bets [$3.32]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $6.31 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601713 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:20:28
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $109.82 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7c, Qs ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
aka37 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3d, As, Kd ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 bets [$1.32]
aka37 calls [$1.32]
** Dealing turn ** [ Kc ]
aka37 bets [$1]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $6.31 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337064 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:43:15
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $102.80 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $37.96 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ac, Ts ]
Gashead079 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ Js, 6s, 4s ]
Meu130598 checks
Gashead079 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 6h ]
Meu130598 checks
Gashead079 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 7c ]
Meu130598 checks
Gashead079 checks
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ Ac, Ts ]
Gashead079 shows [ Ah, Kh ]
Gashead079 collected [ $5.70 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555598008 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 09:57:29
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: dali24 ( $70 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $101.50 )
dali24 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6d, 7h ]
dali24 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2d, Kh, Jd ]
Meu130598 checks
dali24 bets [$3]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
dali24 collected [ $5.70 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337239 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:46:25
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $107.10 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $36.46 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Tc, 8d ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Gashead079 raises [$8]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 collected [ $6 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602504 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:25:32
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $100 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $105.48 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $105.23 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
bifeubs posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4h, 6c ]
Meu130598 raises [$2]
aka37 calls [$1.50]
bifeubs calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 7s, Qd, 4d ]
aka37 checks
bifeubs checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Ks ]
aka37 bets [$1]
bifeubs calls [$1]
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing river ** [ Jh ]
aka37 bets [$5.94]
bifeubs folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 did not show his hand
aka37 collected [ $8.55 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383739 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:50:07
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $126.64 )
Seat 2: GERRYWOO ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $261.59 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $108.44 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $313.06 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $110.73 )
DanoMadFerit posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7h, 5h ]
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ac, 9c, 4d ]
Meu130598 checks
Neerajab bets [$1.81]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Neerajab did not show his hand
Neerajab collected [ $5.22 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388332 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:49:54
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $129.82 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $103.48 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $111.83 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $104.48 )
Draeknox posts small blind [$0.50]
eqUAlizer_22 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qd, 3d ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
AMorgenstern folds
Draeknox raises [$7]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Draeknox did not show his hand
Draeknox collected [ $6 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555598222 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 09:58:45
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: GalfondLOL ( $100 )
Seat 4: dali24 ( $77.92 )
Seat 6: Schablaa ( $40 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
dali24 posts small blind [$0.50]
Schablaa posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5d, Ad ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
GalfondLOL folds
dali24 folds
Schablaa calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ts, 6s, 2d ]
Schablaa checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Jh ]
Schablaa bets [$2.75]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Schablaa did not show his hand
Schablaa collected [ $5.22 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684244941 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 12:39:45
Table Rustenburg 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: LiFeIsBLeFF ( $193.87 )
Seat 2: Retro_iG ( $118.55 )
Seat 4: Meu130598 ( $101.50 )
Seat 6: eqUAlizer_22 ( $133.02 )
Seat 9: 3910728 ( $105.45 )
Retro_iG posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8s, As ]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
3910728 folds
LiFeIsBLeFF raises [$2.50]
Retro_iG folds
Meu130598 calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 7c, Qd, 2s ]
Meu130598 checks
LiFeIsBLeFF bets [$1.82]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
LiFeIsBLeFF did not show his hand
LiFeIsBLeFF collected [ $5.22 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684241597 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 11:03:00
Table Valladolid 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 4: Arara09 ( $100 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Klinskiy1 ( $113.30 )
Seat 9: valvatne ( $44.20 )
Klinskiy1 posts small blind [$0.50]
valvatne posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8d, Jh ]
Arara09 folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Klinskiy1 folds
valvatne calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 4d, 3s, 5s ]
valvatne checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Qs ]
valvatne bets [$2.75]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
valvatne did not show his hand
valvatne collected [ $5.22 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390607 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:07:24
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $101.50 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $34.80 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $101.50 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $104.20 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
guapdonthelp posts small blind [$0.50]
emptyphases posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jc, Kh ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
aslordly folds
siegemund folds
Iegend raises [$8.50]
guapdonthelp folds
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Iegend did not show his hand
Iegend collected [ $6.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555598767 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:02:19
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: GalfondLOL ( $138.22 )
Seat 2: heavenstrang ( $101 )
Seat 4: dali24 ( $108.15 )
Seat 6: Schablaa ( $40 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $101.50 )
dali24 posts small blind [$0.50]
Schablaa posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qs, Ad ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
GalfondLOL folds
heavenstrang calls [$2.50]
dali24 folds
Schablaa calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 7s, 4s, Kd ]
Schablaa checks
Meu130598 checks
heavenstrang bets [$2.64]
Schablaa raises [$6.60]
Meu130598 folds
heavenstrang folds
** Summary **
Schablaa collected [ $12.62 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390882 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:22:55
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $49.40 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $105.60 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $250.86 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $102.40 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aslordly posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kd, Qd ]
siegemund folds
Iegend raises [$2.50]
emptyphases calls [$2.50]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
aslordly calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2h, 8h, 3c ]
Meu130598 checks
aslordly checks
Iegend bets [$7.20]
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 folds
aslordly folds
** Summary **
Iegend collected [ $9.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390873 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:22:20
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $51.90 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $105.60 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $248.14 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $102.90 )
emptyphases posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Js, Td ]
aslordly folds
siegemund folds
Iegend raises [$2.50]
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 6s, 4s, 5d ]
Meu130598 checks
Iegend bets [$1.65]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Iegend collected [ $5.22 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 519415729 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 18:10:25
Table Tianjin 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: puniiisher7 ( $151.36 )
puniiisher7 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2h, Ad ]
puniiisher7 raises [$2]
Meu130598 calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ts, 5d, 3d ]
Meu130598 checks
puniiisher7 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 6s ]
Meu130598 checks
puniiisher7 checks
** Dealing river ** [ Th ]
Meu130598 checks
puniiisher7 checks
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ 2h, Ad ]
puniiisher7 shows [ 9d, As ]
puniiisher7 collected [ $4.75 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601966 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:22:09
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $106.85 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $105.21 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6s, 3c ]
aka37 calls [$0.50]
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 2h, 7c, 4c ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Ts ]
Meu130598 bets [$1.32]
aka37 calls [$1.32]
** Dealing river ** [ 7h ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$3.06]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $4.41 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601452 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:18:47
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $103.10 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $107.33 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Th, 4d ]
aka37 calls [$0.50]
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Qd, 9s, 4h ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 5c ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$1.32]
Meu130598 calls [$1.32]
** Dealing river ** [ Ks ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 checks
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ Th, 4d ]
aka37 shows [ 2h, Qc ]
aka37 collected [ $4.41 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 519411286 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:36:13
Table Tianjin 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $166.75 )
PPopeyeE posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8s, Ac ]
PPopeyeE raises [$1.70]
Meu130598 calls [$1.20]
** Dealing flop ** [ 6s, 2c, Qc ]
Meu130598 checks
PPopeyeE bets [$3.30]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
PPopeyeE collected [ $4.18 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337361 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:48:56
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $66.99 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Klinskiy1 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Th, Jd ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.20]
Gashead079 calls [$1.70]
Klinskiy1 folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 2d, Kd, 8h ]
Gashead079 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 7h ]
Gashead079 bets [$2]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 collected [ $5.13 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390666 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:10:47
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $74.43 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $134.77 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $150.93 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $104.40 )
emptyphases posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6d, Td ]
siegemund raises [$2.20]
Iegend folds
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 calls [$1.20]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9d, Ac, 2h ]
Meu130598 checks
siegemund bets [$1.22]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
siegemund collected [ $4.65 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684250217 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:39:20
Table Sheffield 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
eqUAlizer_22 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4d, Qd ]
siegemund raises [$2.20]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
Meu130598 calls [$1.20]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ac, 2h, 9c ]
Meu130598 checks
siegemund checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 4c ]
Meu130598 checks
siegemund checks
** Dealing river ** [ 7d ]
Meu130598 checks
siegemund bets [$2.45]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
siegemund collected [ $4.65 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382763 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:28:54
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $123.94 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $246.02 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $184.28 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $134.49 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
cashmoneyrec posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9s, Ad ]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.20]
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec calls [$1.20]
** Dealing flop ** [ 6d, Ts, 3h ]
cashmoneyrec checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Qc ]
cashmoneyrec checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 8d ]
cashmoneyrec checks
Meu130598 checks
** Summary **
cashmoneyrec shows [ 4d, 3d ]
Meu130598 mucks [ 9s, Ad ]
cashmoneyrec collected [ $4.65 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555598069 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 09:57:52
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: dali24 ( $72.70 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
dali24 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ks, 8d ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
dali24 raises [$7]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
dali24 collected [ $4 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602174 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:23:27
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $107.83 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $103.70 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5d, 4h ]
aka37 calls [$0.50]
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 8c, 5h, Jd ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$1]
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing turn ** [ Qd ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$2]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $3.80 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337596 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:53:43
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $116.84 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $55.95 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $100.50 )
cherrywine posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ad, 3c ]
Gashead079 raises [$2]
cherrywine folds
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ Qd, 8c, 2d ]
Meu130598 checks
Gashead079 bets [$2.25]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 did not show his hand
Gashead079 collected [ $4.27 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555599731 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:08:21
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 2: aldvin ( $100 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $100 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
aldvin posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9h, Ts ]
Meu130598 raises [$2]
aka37 folds
aldvin raises [$12]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aldvin did not show his hand
aldvin collected [ $4.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337145 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:44:36
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $106.70 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $34.16 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ah, 8d ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
Gashead079 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ Kd, 2c, Qd ]
Gashead079 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 7h ]
Gashead079 bets [$2]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 collected [ $3.80 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601373 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:18:14
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $106.60 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $104.03 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4c, Qc ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
aka37 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 8s, 6d, Ah ]
aka37 bets [$1]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 did not show his hand
aka37 collected [ $3.80 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555599843 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:09:01
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 2: aldvin ( $102.50 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $99.50 )
aldvin posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3c, Qc ]
aka37 raises [$2]
aldvin folds
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 8s, 5s, 4d ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$2.97]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 did not show his hand
aka37 collected [ $4.27 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253366 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:55:50
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $103 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $48.01 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: sevenelevenn ( $102 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $105.87 )
PPopeyeE posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3d, 2d ]
Bumble888 raises [$2]
siegemund folds
sevenelevenn folds
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ Qh, 9s, Jd ]
Meu130598 checks
Bumble888 bets [$2]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Bumble888 did not show his hand
Bumble888 collected [ $4.27 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383481 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:44:43
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $125.44 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $256.59 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $108.24 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $293.41 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $112.56 )
DanoMadFerit posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9d, 5h ]
Neerajab folds
harwester raises [$2.50]
cashmoneyrec folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
harwester collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383322 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:41:25
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $121.59 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $262.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $109.74 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $291.28 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $114.06 )
DanoMadFerit posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jh, 4c ]
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie raises [$2.65]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
MeowMeowDie did not show his hand
MeowMeowDie collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383183 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:38:35
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $125.59 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $263.59 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $109.74 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $275.63 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $115.56 )
DanoMadFerit posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3s, 6h ]
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie calls [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 8d, Ts, 3d ]
Neerajab bets [$2.14]
MeowMeowDie calls [$2.14]
** Dealing turn ** [ Kh ]
Neerajab bets [$5.39]
MeowMeowDie calls [$5.39]
** Dealing river ** [ Jc ]
Neerajab checks
MeowMeowDie checks
** Summary **
Neerajab shows [ Jd, Td ]
MeowMeowDie mucks [ 9h, Jh ]
Neerajab collected [ $20.48 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382622 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:25:31
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $150.94 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $123.01 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $141.95 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $135.49 )
DanoMadFerit posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ts, 3d ]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
DanoMadFerit collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382462 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:21:32
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $144.27 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.79 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $138.90 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $152.89 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $137.99 )
DanoMadFerit posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5h, 7s ]
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec raises [$7.50]
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab calls [$5]
** Dealing flop ** [ Qd, 2d, 9s ]
Neerajab checks
cashmoneyrec bets [$8.25]
Neerajab folds
** Summary **
cashmoneyrec did not show his hand
cashmoneyrec collected [ $15.67 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383563 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:46:32
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $127.64 )
Seat 2: GERRYWOO ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $256.59 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $109.94 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $289.91 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $110.06 )
DanoMadFerit posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9c, 4h ]
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester raises [$7.50]
cashmoneyrec folds
GERRYWOO calls [$7.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab calls [$5]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9d, 8h, 9s ]
Neerajab checks
harwester checks
GERRYWOO bets [$7.20]
Neerajab calls [$7.20]
harwester folds
** Dealing turn ** [ Jh ]
Neerajab checks
GERRYWOO bets [$11.52]
Neerajab calls [$11.52]
** Dealing river ** [ Jd ]
Neerajab bets [$263.69]
** Summary **
Neerajab did not show his hand
Neerajab collected [ $58.37 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388401 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:52:10
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $148.93 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $101.98 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $112.43 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $104.48 )
eqUAlizer_22 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5d, 6c ]
AMorgenstern folds
Draeknox calls [$1]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 4h, 4d, Ah ]
Meu130598 checks
Draeknox bets [$1.65]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Draeknox did not show his hand
Draeknox collected [ $2.37 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382393 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:20:02
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $144.27 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.79 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $136.40 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $154.39 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $137.99 )
DanoMadFerit posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7d, Qc ]
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
JustCoins did not show his hand
JustCoins collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382140 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:14:18
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $137.60 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $122.29 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $120.75 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $170.89 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $143.19 )
DanoMadFerit posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9c, 3c ]
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
JustCoins did not show his hand
JustCoins collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253305 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:54:00
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $49.01 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $102.22 )
Seat 6: sevenelevenn ( $102 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $101.37 )
PPopeyeE posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ad, 8c ]
Bumble888 folds
siegemund folds
sevenelevenn raises [$2.50]
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
sevenelevenn did not show his hand
sevenelevenn collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337319 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:48:09
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $111.40 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $32.71 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $100.50 )
Klinskiy1 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3s, 4d ]
Gashead079 raises [$3]
Klinskiy1 folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337245 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:46:35
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $104.10 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $39.46 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9h, 2s ]
Gashead079 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676332529 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:11:07
Table Kurgan 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: 1Andrew1 ( $101.50 )
Seat 2: Lukandzel ( $177.49 )
Seat 4: Meu130598 ( $112 )
Seat 6: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 7: Retro_iG ( $182.27 )
Seat 9: zecheese ( $100 )
Lukandzel posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qh, 5c ]
MeowMeowDie folds
Retro_iG folds
zecheese folds
1Andrew1 raises [$2.50]
Lukandzel raises [$10]
Meu130598 folds
1Andrew1 folds
** Summary **
Lukandzel did not show his hand
Lukandzel collected [ $6 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390745 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:15:14
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $43.99 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $103.93 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $131.02 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $244.48 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $104.40 )
emptyphases posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kd, 7s ]
aslordly calls [$1]
siegemund folds
Iegend folds
guapdonthelp raises [$4]
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 folds
aslordly calls [$3]
** Dealing flop ** [ Kc, 4c, 7c ]
aslordly checks
guapdonthelp checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 8h ]
aslordly checks
guapdonthelp checks
** Dealing river ** [ 5s ]
aslordly bets [$6.27]
guapdonthelp folds
** Summary **
aslordly did not show his hand
aslordly collected [ $9.02 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390820 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:19:29
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $50.95 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $107.10 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $108.52 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $242.23 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $113.63 )
guapdonthelp posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4s, Js ]
aslordly folds
siegemund folds
Iegend raises [$2.50]
guapdonthelp raises [$10.50]
Meu130598 folds
Iegend folds
** Summary **
guapdonthelp collected [ $6 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576237957 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:44:11
Table Chicago 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Lordmorning ( $116.75 )
Seat 2: Lukandzel ( $101 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $121.10 )
Seat 7: Tygbiten ( $67.77 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Tygbiten posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6h, Kc ]
Lordmorning folds
Lukandzel raises [$2.30]
Klinskiy1 folds
Tygbiten folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Lukandzel did not show his hand
Lukandzel collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576236672 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:10:56
Table Worthing 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 6: zecheese ( $106.75 )
Seat 7: PPopeyeE ( $108.10 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $240.15 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7s, 5h ]
zecheese raises [$2.50]
PPopeyeE folds
harwester raises [$9.50]
Meu130598 folds
zecheese calls [$7.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 5c, 5s, Tc ]
harwester bets [$14.70]
zecheese folds
** Summary **
harwester did not show his hand
harwester collected [ $19.95 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600225 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:11:26
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $105.50 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $94.77 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9s, 4h ]
aka37 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390957 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:27:03
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $46.90 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $200.50 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $258.36 )
Seat 7: kolbasa666 ( $98.50 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $99 )
emptyphases posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ad, 2d ]
siegemund folds
Iegend raises [$2.50]
kolbasa666 folds
emptyphases raises [$10]
Meu130598 folds
Iegend folds
** Summary **
emptyphases did not show his hand
emptyphases collected [ $6 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600330 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:12:04
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $108.10 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $91.77 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Js, 6h ]
aka37 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $2 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600366 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:12:17
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $106.60 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $93.27 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2d, Kc ]
aka37 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555876546 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 19:09:09
Table Wiesbaden 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Ahmus ( $39 )
Seat 2: FaceYourFear ( $124.61 )
Seat 4: NvrBluf ( $330.94 )
Seat 6: GERRYWOO ( $177.50 )
Seat 7: Makermoney14 ( $18.69 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $105.60 )
Makermoney14 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ As, 4c ]
Ahmus folds
FaceYourFear folds
NvrBluf raises [$3]
GERRYWOO raises [$9]
Makermoney14 calls [$8.50]
Meu130598 folds
NvrBluf calls [$6]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ks, 3c, Ah ]
Makermoney14 checks
NvrBluf checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 3s ]
Makermoney14 checks
NvrBluf checks
** Dealing river ** [ 6c ]
Makermoney14 checks
NvrBluf checks
** Summary **
Makermoney14 shows [ 8h, 7h ]
NvrBluf shows [ Kd, Qh ]
GERRYWOO shows [ Td, Kh ]
GERRYWOO collected [ $13.30 ]
NvrBluf collected [ $13.30 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684241507 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 11:00:27
Table Valladolid 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: heavenstrang ( $100.50 )
Seat 2: 1200Mics ( $98.50 )
Seat 4: Arara09 ( $100.50 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Klinskiy1 ( $104.50 )
Seat 9: valvatne ( $42.50 )
Arara09 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4d, 3h ]
Klinskiy1 folds
valvatne raises [$3]
heavenstrang folds
1200Mics folds
Arara09 folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
valvatne did not show his hand
valvatne collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684241561 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 11:02:04
Table Valladolid 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 4: Arara09 ( $100 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $105.42 )
Seat 7: Klinskiy1 ( $101 )
Seat 9: valvatne ( $44.20 )
Arara09 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5h, 6c ]
Klinskiy1 raises [$2.50]
valvatne folds
Arara09 folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Klinskiy1 did not show his hand
Klinskiy1 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555603711 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:33:19
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $106.40 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $205.25 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $99 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $131.28 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $88.51 )
Klinskiy1 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jc, 4d ]
aka37 folds
bifeubs folds
Arara09 folds
Klinskiy1 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Klinskiy1 did not show his hand
Klinskiy1 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555603235 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:30:14
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $102.50 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $100 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $99 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $132.78 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $103.82 )
Klinskiy1 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2c, Td ]
aka37 calls [$1]
bifeubs raises [$4]
Arara09 calls [$4]
Klinskiy1 folds
Meu130598 folds
aka37 calls [$3]
** Dealing flop ** [ 8c, Ad, 3h ]
aka37 checks
bifeubs bets [$4.45]
Arara09 calls [$4.45]
aka37 folds
** Dealing turn ** [ Kh ]
bifeubs bets [$16.57]
Arara09 calls [$16.57]
** Dealing river ** [ Ks ]
bifeubs bets [$77.48]
Arara09 calls [$74.98]
** Summary **
bifeubs shows [ Qs, Jd ]
Arara09 shows [ 3c, 3d ]
Arara09 collected [ $201.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602646 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:26:25
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $100 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $102.48 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $110.78 )
bifeubs posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2c, 9c ]
aka37 raises [$2]
bifeubs raises [$8.50]
Meu130598 folds
aka37 folds
** Summary **
bifeubs did not show his hand
bifeubs collected [ $5 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602044 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:22:37
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $104.03 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $107.80 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6d, Qs ]
aka37 calls [$0.50]
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Td, 7h, 9s ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 7c ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$1]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1.90 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601845 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:21:22
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $102 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $110.81 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kc, 3h ]
aka37 calls [$0.50]
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 4d, 8d, Js ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$1]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1.90 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601408 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:18:27
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $104.60 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $105.83 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kd, 2h ]
aka37 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 did not show his hand
aka37 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600522 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:13:11
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $103.78 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $95.76 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qs, 3h ]
aka37 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601179 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:17:03
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $108.50 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $102.98 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2c, 9d ]
aka37 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601122 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:16:43
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $110 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $101.58 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3d, Kc ]
aka37 calls [$0.50]
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 9s, 9h, 4c ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$1.32]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1.90 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253635 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 16:02:51
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $110.46 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $28.60 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: yakuza42 ( $100 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $103.45 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $120.39 )
PPopeyeE posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7s, 4h ]
Bumble888 raises [$2]
siegemund folds
yakuza42 raises [$8]
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 folds
** Summary **
yakuza42 did not show his hand
yakuza42 collected [ $5.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600757 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:14:32
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $106.88 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $92.26 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5c, 8h ]
aka37 calls [$0.50]
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 6h, Kh, As ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$1.32]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1.90 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600706 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:14:13
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $106.88 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $92.26 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4c, 3s ]
aka37 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253466 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:58:34
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $103.90 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $43.21 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $111.63 )
PPopeyeE posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jd, 6s ]
Bumble888 folds
siegemund folds
EdyBarosanu raises [$2.65]
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
EdyBarosanu collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253601 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 16:02:04
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $111.22 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $29.36 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: yakuza42 ( $100 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $103.95 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $121.39 )
EdyBarosanu posts small blind [$0.50]
PPopeyeE posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Js, Qd ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Bumble888 calls [$2.50]
siegemund folds
yakuza42 folds
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 3d, 4s, Qh ]
Meu130598 bets [$2.14]
Bumble888 calls [$2.14]
** Dealing turn ** [ 2h ]
Meu130598 bets [$7.11]
Bumble888 calls [$7.11]
** Dealing river ** [ Jc ]
Meu130598 bets [$17.50]
Bumble888 raises [$17.61]
Meu130598 calls [$0.11]
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ Js, Qd ]
Bumble888 shows [ Jh, Qc ]
Bumble888 collected [ $28.60 ]
Meu130598 collected [ $28.60 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555598105 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 09:58:02
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: GalfondLOL ( $100 )
Seat 4: dali24 ( $74.70 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
GalfondLOL posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kh, 5h ]
dali24 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 folds
GalfondLOL calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Jc, Kc, Qd ]
GalfondLOL checks
dali24 bets [$2.75]
GalfondLOL folds
** Summary **
dali24 did not show his hand
dali24 collected [ $5.22 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555598473 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:00:23
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: GalfondLOL ( $100 )
Seat 4: dali24 ( $109.15 )
Seat 6: Schablaa ( $42.22 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
GalfondLOL posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4c, 8c ]
dali24 folds
Schablaa raises [$3]
Meu130598 folds
GalfondLOL raises [$5.50]
Schablaa calls [$3.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Jd, Kc, 2c ]
GalfondLOL checks
Schablaa bets [$6.75]
GalfondLOL calls [$6.75]
** Dealing turn ** [ 7h ]
GalfondLOL checks
Schablaa bets [$13.50]
GalfondLOL calls [$13.50]
** Dealing river ** [ 5h ]
GalfondLOL checks
Schablaa bets [$15.47]
GalfondLOL calls [$15.47]
** Summary **
GalfondLOL shows [ Qh, Jc ]
Schablaa shows [ 7c, Tc ]
GalfondLOL collected [ $80.94 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555599087 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:04:18
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: GalfondLOL ( $138.22 )
Seat 2: heavenstrang ( $103.88 )
Seat 4: dali24 ( $104.92 )
Seat 6: Schablaa ( $46.98 )
Seat 7: 2morrow2day ( $100 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100.50 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
GalfondLOL posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7d, Kh ]
heavenstrang folds
dali24 folds
Schablaa raises [$3]
2morrow2day folds
Meu130598 folds
GalfondLOL folds
** Summary **
Schablaa did not show his hand
Schablaa collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600349 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:12:11
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $107.10 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $92.77 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3s, 9s ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684289699 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:02:28
Table Vicebsk 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 6: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100.50 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
MeowMeowDie posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Td, 5d ]
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$2.25]
Meu130598 folds
MeowMeowDie calls [$1.25]
** Dealing flop ** [ Tc, 4s, 9d ]
MeowMeowDie checks
eqUAlizer_22 bets [$1.65]
MeowMeowDie calls [$1.65]
** Dealing turn ** [ Qd ]
MeowMeowDie checks
eqUAlizer_22 bets [$12.28]
MeowMeowDie raises [$26.38]
eqUAlizer_22 calls [$14.10]
** Dealing river ** [ 8s ]
MeowMeowDie bets [$69.72]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
** Summary **
MeowMeowDie collected [ $58.01 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684289688 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:02:16
Table Vicebsk 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 6: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
eqUAlizer_22 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4s, 5d ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
eqUAlizer_22 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684258489 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 18:26:53
Table La Spezia 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 4: ValentinaKs ( $103.97 )
Seat 6: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
ValentinaKs posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kc, 2s ]
siegemund folds
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
ValentinaKs did not show his hand
ValentinaKs collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253649 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 16:03:11
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $109.46 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $26.60 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: yakuza42 ( $103.50 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $103.45 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $119.89 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Bumble888 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5h, Jc ]
siegemund folds
yakuza42 folds
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE raises [$2.20]
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 calls [$1.20]
** Dealing flop ** [ Kd, Qc, 5d ]
Bumble888 checks
PPopeyeE bets [$3.67]
Bumble888 folds
** Summary **
PPopeyeE did not show his hand
PPopeyeE collected [ $4.65 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253477 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:58:52
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $102.90 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $43.21 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $101.50 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $111.13 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Bumble888 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8c, 2s ]
siegemund folds
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE raises [$2.20]
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 calls [$1.20]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9d, 3d, 6h ]
Bumble888 checks
PPopeyeE bets [$2.45]
Bumble888 calls [$2.45]
** Dealing turn ** [ 5h ]
Bumble888 checks
PPopeyeE checks
** Dealing river ** [ Qh ]
Bumble888 bets [$7]
PPopeyeE calls [$7]
** Summary **
Bumble888 shows [ Td, 8h ]
PPopeyeE shows [ Qc, Jd ]
PPopeyeE collected [ $22.61 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253382 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:56:19
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $101 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $50.28 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: sevenelevenn ( $102 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $105.37 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Bumble888 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Js, 6d ]
siegemund folds
sevenelevenn folds
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE raises [$2.20]
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 calls [$1.20]
** Dealing flop ** [ 7c, Tc, 4d ]
Bumble888 checks
PPopeyeE bets [$3.67]
Bumble888 calls [$3.67]
** Dealing turn ** [ Ah ]
Bumble888 checks
PPopeyeE bets [$15.30]
Bumble888 folds
** Summary **
PPopeyeE did not show his hand
PPopeyeE collected [ $11.63 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253320 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:54:19
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $49.01 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $102.22 )
Seat 6: sevenelevenn ( $103.50 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $100.87 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Bumble888 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6d, 3h ]
siegemund folds
sevenelevenn folds
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Bumble888 did not show his hand
Bumble888 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390824 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:19:50
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $49.95 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $107.10 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $108.52 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $239.73 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $117.13 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aslordly posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2s, 4s ]
siegemund raises [$2.20]
Iegend calls [$2.20]
guapdonthelp folds
Meu130598 folds
aslordly folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 3d, Th, Tc ]
siegemund checks
Iegend checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Qd ]
siegemund bets [$3.89]
Iegend calls [$3.89]
** Dealing river ** [ 6d ]
siegemund checks
Iegend checks
** Summary **
siegemund shows [ Ks, Qc ]
Iegend shows [ Qs, Ah ]
Iegend collected [ $13 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390759 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:16:11
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $42.99 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $108.95 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $131.02 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $244.48 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $103.90 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aslordly posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6s, 6c ]
siegemund raises [$2.20]
Iegend folds
guapdonthelp raises [$7.10]
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 folds
aslordly folds
siegemund raises [$18.80]
guapdonthelp raises [$92.90]
siegemund folds
** Summary **
guapdonthelp did not show his hand
guapdonthelp collected [ $43.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390675 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:11:16
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $72.23 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $70 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $137.22 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $150.93 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $103.90 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aslordly posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, 6c ]
siegemund folds
Iegend raises [$2.50]
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 folds
aslordly calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ac, 9d, 6h ]
aslordly checks
Iegend checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 8d ]
aslordly checks
Iegend bets [$1.65]
aslordly calls [$1.65]
** Dealing river ** [ Qs ]
aslordly bets [$5.80]
Iegend folds
** Summary **
aslordly collected [ $8.36 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600557 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:13:23
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $102.78 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $96.76 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2s, Qh ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390621 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:08:02
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100.50 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $34.80 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $101.50 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $108.20 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aslordly posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ts, 9h ]
siegemund raises [$2.20]
Iegend calls [$2.20]
guapdonthelp folds
emptyphases calls [$2.20]
Meu130598 folds
aslordly raises [$5.60]
siegemund raises [$18.90]
Iegend folds
emptyphases folds
aslordly calls [$14.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 7d, 3s, 3d ]
aslordly checks
siegemund bets [$37.68]
aslordly calls [$13.70]
** Dealing turn ** [ Th ]
** Dealing river ** [ 4s ]
** Summary **
aslordly shows [ 9d, Td ]
siegemund shows [ Qs, Qh ]
siegemund collected [ $70.77 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388418 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:52:35
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $147.93 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $101.98 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $113.80 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $103.98 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
AMorgenstern posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4s, 8c ]
Draeknox folds
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$2.25]
Meu130598 folds
AMorgenstern calls [$1.25]
** Dealing flop ** [ 8d, Kc, 2s ]
AMorgenstern checks
eqUAlizer_22 bets [$1.65]
AMorgenstern folds
** Summary **
eqUAlizer_22 did not show his hand
eqUAlizer_22 collected [ $4.75 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600689 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:14:07
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $107.38 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $91.76 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4d, 6h ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388372 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:51:13
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $149.43 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $103.48 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $115.33 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
AMorgenstern posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ad, 2h ]
Draeknox raises [$3]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
Meu130598 folds
AMorgenstern folds
** Summary **
Draeknox did not show his hand
Draeknox collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600799 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:14:47
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $105.88 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $93.16 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4c, 9h ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388323 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:49:30
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $130.32 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $103.48 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $111.33 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $104.48 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
AMorgenstern posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5c, Td ]
Draeknox folds
eqUAlizer_22 folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
AMorgenstern did not show his hand
AMorgenstern collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388232 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:46:57
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $113.15 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $100 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $105.13 )
Seat 7: emptyphases ( $117.71 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
AMorgenstern posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jc, 6s ]
Draeknox folds
emptyphases folds
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$2.25]
Meu130598 folds
AMorgenstern calls [$1.25]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9s, Qs, 8d ]
AMorgenstern checks
eqUAlizer_22 bets [$1.65]
AMorgenstern raises [$4.95]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
** Summary **
AMorgenstern did not show his hand
AMorgenstern collected [ $7.88 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383627 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:47:52
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $127.64 )
Seat 2: GERRYWOO ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $256.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $108.94 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $322.06 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $102.56 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Neerajab posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2h, Jh ]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
** Summary **
cashmoneyrec did not show his hand
cashmoneyrec collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601088 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:16:30
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $110.50 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $101.08 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7s, Qc ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383342 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:41:50
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $121.59 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $261.59 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $108.74 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $291.28 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $114.06 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Neerajab posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jd, 9h ]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 5s, 7s, 6h ]
Neerajab checks
DanoMadFerit checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 8h ]
Neerajab bets [$2.75]
DanoMadFerit folds
** Summary **
Neerajab did not show his hand
Neerajab collected [ $5.22 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382736 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:28:14
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $133.94 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $246.02 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $175.31 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $133.99 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Neerajab posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qh, 5d ]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab raises [$9]
cashmoneyrec calls [$7.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3d, Kd, 5h ]
Neerajab bets [$6.76]
cashmoneyrec folds
** Summary **
Neerajab collected [ $19.47 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601162 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:16:57
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $109 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $102.48 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3d, Jc ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601438 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:18:42
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $103.60 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $106.83 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2c, 6s ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601637 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:19:59
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $105.88 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $103.92 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8c, 2d ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601830 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:21:17
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $102.50 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $110.31 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9h, 3c ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382402 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:20:15
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $144.27 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.29 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $135.40 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $154.39 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $137.99 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Neerajab posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7d, 8h ]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
** Summary **
JustCoins did not show his hand
JustCoins collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602029 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:22:31
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $104.53 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $107.30 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8d, 5c ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602250 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:23:54
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $105.83 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $105.50 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4d, 6c ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
aka37 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382294 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:17:37
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $145.77 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $101.20 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.29 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $126.68 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $160.19 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $139.49 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Neerajab posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4d, Kh ]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab raises [$9]
JustCoins folds
** Summary **
Neerajab did not show his hand
Neerajab collected [ $5.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337684 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:55:13
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $116.84 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $55.75 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $100.03 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2h, Th ]
cherrywine folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 did not show his hand
Gashead079 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602694 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:26:45
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $103 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $101.48 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $108.78 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Th, 3h ]
bifeubs raises [$3]
Meu130598 folds
aka37 calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ac, 4h, 7c ]
aka37 checks
bifeubs checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 7s ]
aka37 checks
bifeubs checks
** Dealing river ** [ 4s ]
aka37 bets [$1]
bifeubs calls [$1]
** Summary **
aka37 shows [ Qh, Kd ]
bifeubs shows [ Kh, Js ]
aka37 collected [ $4.04 ]
bifeubs collected [ $4.04 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337622 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:54:02
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $114.84 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $58.22 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qc, 2h ]
cherrywine raises [$2.20]
Meu130598 folds
Gashead079 calls [$1.20]
** Dealing flop ** [ Th, 2d, 7h ]
Gashead079 checks
cherrywine checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Ah ]
Gashead079 bets [$2]
cherrywine calls [$2]
** Dealing river ** [ 9h ]
Gashead079 checks
cherrywine checks
** Summary **
Gashead079 shows [ As, 3c ]
cherrywine shows [ 3d, Ac ]
cherrywine collected [ $4.23 ]
Gashead079 collected [ $4.23 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337577 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:53:22
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $117.34 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $55.95 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8d, 3h ]
cherrywine raises [$2.20]
Meu130598 folds
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
cherrywine did not show his hand
cherrywine collected [ $2.50 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337443 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:50:31
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $104.07 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $63.92 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $101.77 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2h, 8c ]
cherrywine folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 did not show his hand
Gashead079 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555603450 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:31:39
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $100 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $201.50 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $98.50 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $131.78 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $99.82 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4h, Qc ]
bifeubs folds
Arara09 raises [$2.50]
Klinskiy1 folds
Meu130598 folds
aka37 calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ As, 4s, Kc ]
aka37 checks
Arara09 bets [$1.81]
aka37 calls [$1.81]
** Dealing turn ** [ 8c ]
aka37 bets [$1]
Arara09 raises [$12.10]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Arara09 did not show his hand
Arara09 collected [ $10.56 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555603772 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:33:43
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $106.40 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $205.25 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $130.28 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $88.51 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2c, Td ]
bifeubs raises [$2.20]
Arara09 raises [$7.50]
Klinskiy1 folds
Meu130598 folds
aka37 folds
bifeubs raises [$17.80]
Arara09 calls [$12.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 8s, Kd, 7s ]
bifeubs bets [$10.38]
Arara09 calls [$10.38]
** Dealing turn ** [ 8c ]
bifeubs checks
Arara09 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 5d ]
bifeubs bets [$20.54]
Arara09 folds
** Summary **
bifeubs did not show his hand
bifeubs collected [ $59.15 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337297 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:47:43
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $110.40 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $34.21 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6s, 2c ]
Klinskiy1 raises [$2.10]
Meu130598 folds
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Klinskiy1 did not show his hand
Klinskiy1 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337165 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:45:03
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $105.20 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $35.46 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5s, 6h ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337121 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:44:17
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $105.20 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $35.66 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3c, Qd ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337087 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:43:35
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $40.66 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4c, Kd ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337060 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:43:09
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $103.30 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $37.46 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8h, 5c ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555604350 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:37:26
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $140.17 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $173.37 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $86.50 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $143.28 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $84.01 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ac, 4d ]
bifeubs folds
Arara09 raises [$2.50]
Klinskiy1 calls [$2.50]
Meu130598 folds
aka37 calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 8s, 5h, 8c ]
aka37 checks
Arara09 checks
Klinskiy1 bets [$2.64]
aka37 folds
Arara09 folds
** Summary **
Klinskiy1 did not show his hand
Klinskiy1 collected [ $7.60 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337049 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:42:52
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $103.30 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $37.46 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, 6s ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337017 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:42:12
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $40.46 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, Kd ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555604928 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:40:58
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $110.44 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $198.48 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $98.50 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $143.28 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $93.54 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2h, Qh ]
bifeubs raises [$2.20]
Arara09 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
Meu130598 folds
aka37 calls [$1.20]
** Dealing flop ** [ 8h, 8d, Kd ]
aka37 bets [$2.45]
bifeubs calls [$2.45]
** Dealing turn ** [ 2d ]
aka37 checks
bifeubs checks
** Dealing river ** [ Th ]
aka37 checks
bifeubs checks
** Summary **
aka37 shows [ As, Jc ]
bifeubs shows [ Js, Jd ]
bifeubs collected [ $9.31 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676332404 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:09:01
Table Kurgan 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: Lukandzel ( $178.87 )
Seat 4: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 6: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 7: Retro_iG ( $194.27 )
Seat 9: zecheese ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
MeowMeowDie posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6d, 3s ]
Retro_iG folds
zecheese raises [$2.50]
Lukandzel folds
Meu130598 folds
MeowMeowDie folds
** Summary **
zecheese did not show his hand
zecheese collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576271338 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 15:58:32
Table Olathe 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $101.50 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
eqUAlizer_22 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6d, Tc ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
eqUAlizer_22 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555876217 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 19:06:24
Table Wiesbaden 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: FaceYourFear ( $104.07 )
Seat 4: NvrBluf ( $336.19 )
Seat 6: GERRYWOO ( $196.25 )
Seat 7: Makermoney14 ( $18.19 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $103.60 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
FaceYourFear posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8c, 2d ]
NvrBluf folds
Makermoney14 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 folds
FaceYourFear folds
** Summary **
Makermoney14 did not show his hand
Makermoney14 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576237965 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:44:20
Table Chicago 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Lordmorning ( $116.75 )
Seat 2: Lukandzel ( $102.50 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $121.10 )
Seat 7: Tygbiten ( $67.27 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Lordmorning posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qd, 6d ]
Lukandzel folds
Klinskiy1 raises [$2.50]
Tygbiten calls [$2.50]
Meu130598 folds
Lordmorning folds
** Dealing flop ** [ Qc, 9s, As ]
Klinskiy1 checks
Tygbiten bets [$3.25]
Klinskiy1 calls [$3.25]
** Dealing turn ** [ 8c ]
Klinskiy1 checks
Tygbiten bets [$5.29]
Klinskiy1 calls [$5.29]
** Dealing river ** [ Kc ]
Klinskiy1 bets [$17.68]
Tygbiten folds
** Summary **
Klinskiy1 collected [ $22.40 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576237189 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:24:08
Table Chicago 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 4: PPopeyeE ( $100 )
Seat 7: Scriptius21 ( $40 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
PPopeyeE posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3c, 2h ]
Scriptius21 folds
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
PPopeyeE did not show his hand
PPopeyeE collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 519415939 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 18:20:08
Table Tianjin 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100.50 )
Seat 2: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
eqUAlizer_22 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ts, 3d ]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
eqUAlizer_22 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 9766371 *****

$0.01/$0.02 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 12:42:30
Table Olathe 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $2 )
Seat 4: mikeOmike ( $2 )
Seat 6: Clarabel84 ( $1.63 )
Seat 7: hemmut ( $0.73 )
Seat 9: anubias79 ( $2.39 )
Clarabel84 posts small blind [$0.01]
hemmut posts big blind [$0.02]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$0.02]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jd, Ts ]
anubias79 folds
Meu130598 raises [$0.04]
mikeOmike folds
Clarabel84 calls [$0.05]
hemmut calls [$0.04]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3d, 7c, Jh ]
Clarabel84 checks
hemmut checks
Meu130598 bets [$0.05]
Clarabel84 calls [$0.05]
hemmut calls [$0.05]
** Dealing turn ** [ Ad ]
Clarabel84 checks
hemmut checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 6s ]
Clarabel84 bets [$0.08]
hemmut folds
Meu130598 calls [$0.08]
** Summary **
Clarabel84 shows [ As, 8d ]
Meu130598 mucks [ Jd, Ts ]
Clarabel84 collected [ $0.46 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 9766378 *****

$0.01/$0.02 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 12:43:56
Table Olathe 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $2 )
Seat 4: mikeOmike ( $2 )
Seat 6: Clarabel84 ( $1.90 )
Seat 7: hemmut ( $0.62 )
Seat 9: anubias79 ( $2.39 )
hemmut posts small blind [$0.01]
anubias79 posts big blind [$0.02]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ts, Th ]
Meu130598 raises [$0.05]
mikeOmike folds
Clarabel84 folds
hemmut calls [$0.04]
anubias79 folds
** Dealing flop ** [ As, 2c, Qh ]
hemmut checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 5s ]
hemmut checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 5c ]
hemmut bets [$0.02]
Meu130598 calls [$0.02]
** Summary **
hemmut shows [ Ac, Kd ]
Meu130598 mucks [ Ts, Th ]
hemmut collected [ $0.15 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 9766384 *****
$0.01/$0.02 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 12:44:56
Table Olathe 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $2 )
Seat 4: mikeOmike ( $2 )
Seat 6: Clarabel84 ( $1.90 )
Seat 7: hemmut ( $0.70 )
Seat 9: anubias79 ( $2.37 )
anubias79 posts small blind [$0.01]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$0.02]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2s, 6h ]
mikeOmike folds
Clarabel84 folds
hemmut folds
anubias79 calls [$0.01]
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Qh, 4s, Js ]
anubias79 bets [$0.02]
Meu130598 folds
** Summary **
anubias79 did not show his hand
anubias79 collected [ $0.04 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 9766402 *****

$0.01/$0.02 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 12:47:25
Table Olathe 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $2 )
Seat 4: mikeOmike ( $2.05 )
Seat 6: Clarabel84 ( $1.92 )
Seat 7: hemmut ( $0.70 )
Seat 9: anubias79 ( $2.35 )
anubias79 posts small blind [$0.01]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$0.02]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7s, Kc ]
mikeOmike folds
Clarabel84 folds
hemmut calls [$0.02]
anubias79 raises [$0.03]
Meu130598 folds
hemmut calls [$0.02]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3d, Tc, 7d ]
anubias79 bets [$0.02]
hemmut calls [$0.02]
** Dealing turn ** [ 2c ]
anubias79 checks
hemmut checks
** Dealing river ** [ 2h ]
anubias79 checks
hemmut checks
** Summary **
anubias79 shows [ Jh, Qh ]
hemmut mucks [ 8h, 6h ]
anubias79 collected [ $0.13 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 9766407 *****

$0.01/$0.02 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 12:48:19
Table Olathe 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $2 )
Seat 4: mikeOmike ( $2.05 )
Seat 6: Clarabel84 ( $1.92 )
Seat 7: hemmut ( $0.64 )
Seat 9: anubias79 ( $2.42 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.01]
mikeOmike posts big blind [$0.02]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4h, 8h ]
Clarabel84 raises [$0.06]
hemmut folds
anubias79 folds
Meu130598 folds
mikeOmike folds
** Summary **
Clarabel84 did not show his hand
Clarabel84 collected [ $0.05 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555598195 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 09:58:35
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: GalfondLOL ( $100 )
Seat 4: dali24 ( $77.42 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
GalfondLOL posts small blind [$0.50]
dali24 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4h, 6c ]
Meu130598 folds
GalfondLOL folds
** Summary **
dali24 did not show his hand
dali24 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555598712 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:01:56
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: GalfondLOL ( $138.22 )
Seat 2: heavenstrang ( $100 )
Seat 4: dali24 ( $109.15 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $101.50 )
heavenstrang posts small blind [$0.50]
dali24 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8c, 4s ]
Meu130598 folds
GalfondLOL folds
heavenstrang raises [$2.65]
dali24 folds
** Summary **
heavenstrang collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555598901 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:03:09
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: GalfondLOL ( $138.22 )
Seat 2: heavenstrang ( $100 )
Seat 4: dali24 ( $107.65 )
Seat 6: Schablaa ( $47.48 )
Seat 7: 2morrow2day ( $100 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Schablaa posts small blind [$0.50]
2morrow2day posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6c, 8h ]
Meu130598 folds
GalfondLOL folds
heavenstrang raises [$2.73]
dali24 calls [$2.73]
Schablaa folds
2morrow2day folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 3d, 7c, Qc ]
heavenstrang bets [$4.52]
dali24 folds
** Summary **
heavenstrang did not show his hand
heavenstrang collected [ $6.61 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555599141 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:04:38
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: GalfondLOL ( $137.22 )
Seat 2: heavenstrang ( $103.88 )
Seat 6: Schablaa ( $48.48 )
Seat 7: 2morrow2day ( $100 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
GalfondLOL posts small blind [$0.50]
heavenstrang posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5d, 9d ]
Schablaa folds
2morrow2day folds
Meu130598 folds
GalfondLOL raises [$2]
heavenstrang folds
** Summary **
GalfondLOL did not show his hand
GalfondLOL collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555599188 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:04:57
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: GalfondLOL ( $138.22 )
Seat 2: heavenstrang ( $102.88 )
Seat 6: Schablaa ( $48.48 )
Seat 7: 2morrow2day ( $100 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
heavenstrang posts small blind [$0.50]
Schablaa posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ks, 2c ]
2morrow2day folds
Meu130598 folds
GalfondLOL raises [$3.50]
heavenstrang folds
Schablaa folds
** Summary **
GalfondLOL did not show his hand
GalfondLOL collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 9766419 *****

$0.01/$0.02 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 12:49:37
Table Olathe 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $2.07 )
Seat 4: mikeOmike ( $2.02 )
Seat 6: Clarabel84 ( $1.92 )
Seat 7: hemmut ( $0.65 )
Seat 9: anubias79 ( $2.38 )
hemmut posts small blind [$0.01]
anubias79 posts big blind [$0.02]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jh, 6c ]
Meu130598 folds
mikeOmike folds
Clarabel84 folds
hemmut calls [$0.01]
anubias79 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 6d, Kh, Kc ]
hemmut checks
anubias79 bets [$0.02]
hemmut folds
** Summary **
anubias79 did not show his hand
anubias79 collected [ $0.04 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 9766417 *****

$0.01/$0.02 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 12:49:24
Table Olathe 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $2.07 )
Seat 4: mikeOmike ( $2.02 )
Seat 6: Clarabel84 ( $1.93 )
Seat 7: hemmut ( $0.64 )
Seat 9: anubias79 ( $2.38 )
Clarabel84 posts small blind [$0.01]
hemmut posts big blind [$0.02]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ As, 8h ]
anubias79 folds
Meu130598 folds
mikeOmike folds
Clarabel84 folds
** Summary **
hemmut did not show his hand
hemmut collected [ $0.02 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684289754 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:03:50
Table Vicebsk 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: MeowMeowDie ( $127.73 )
Seat 6: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
MeowMeowDie posts small blind [$0.50]
eqUAlizer_22 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6h, 9c ]
Meu130598 folds
MeowMeowDie folds
** Summary **
eqUAlizer_22 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253719 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 16:05:04
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $108.96 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: yakuza42 ( $102.50 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $130.28 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $119.14 )
yakuza42 posts small blind [$0.50]
EdyBarosanu posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4c, Jh ]
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 folds
siegemund folds
yakuza42 folds
** Summary **
EdyBarosanu collected [ $1 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253696 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 16:04:19
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $108.96 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $28.23 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: yakuza42 ( $103.50 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $103.45 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $119.14 )
siegemund posts small blind [$0.50]
yakuza42 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ad, 2s ]
EdyBarosanu raises [$2]
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 calls [$2]
siegemund folds
yakuza42 folds
** Dealing flop ** [ Ts, 2h, 7s ]
EdyBarosanu checks
Bumble888 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Js ]
EdyBarosanu bets [$2.75]
Bumble888 calls [$2.75]
** Dealing river ** [ 8c ]
EdyBarosanu checks
Bumble888 bets [$5.50]
EdyBarosanu raises [$25]
Bumble888 calls [$17.98]
** Summary **
Bumble888 shows [ 9d, Jd ]
EdyBarosanu shows [ 6s, As ]
EdyBarosanu collected [ $55.06 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253670 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 16:03:45
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $108.96 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $24.40 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: yakuza42 ( $103.50 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $103.45 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $122.34 )
Bumble888 posts small blind [$0.50]
siegemund posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7s, Tc ]
yakuza42 folds
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE raises [$2.20]
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 calls [$1.70]
siegemund folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 7c, Ac, 6h ]
Bumble888 checks
PPopeyeE checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Ts ]
Bumble888 checks
PPopeyeE checks
** Dealing river ** [ 5h ]
Bumble888 bets [$1]
PPopeyeE calls [$1]
** Summary **
Bumble888 shows [ Kh, Th ]
PPopeyeE mucks [ Td, Qc ]
Bumble888 collected [ $7.03 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253573 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 16:01:14
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $111.22 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $29.36 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: yakuza42 ( $100 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $101.50 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $123.59 )
yakuza42 posts small blind [$0.50]
EdyBarosanu posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ks, 5c ]
PPopeyeE raises [$2.20]
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 folds
siegemund folds
yakuza42 folds
EdyBarosanu calls [$1.20]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3s, 2c, 6c ]
EdyBarosanu checks
PPopeyeE checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Ad ]
EdyBarosanu checks
PPopeyeE checks
** Dealing river ** [ As ]
EdyBarosanu checks
PPopeyeE checks
** Summary **
EdyBarosanu shows [ 7s, 7c ]
PPopeyeE mucks [ 9c, Qc ]
EdyBarosanu collected [ $4.65 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253561 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 16:00:55
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $111.22 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $29.36 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: yakuza42 ( $100 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $101.50 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $122.09 )
siegemund posts small blind [$0.50]
yakuza42 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, 4d ]
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE raises [$2.20]
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 folds
siegemund folds
yakuza42 folds
** Summary **
PPopeyeE did not show his hand
PPopeyeE collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253452 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:58:12
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $103.90 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $41.71 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $112.63 )
EdyBarosanu posts small blind [$0.50]
PPopeyeE posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5h, 2d ]
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 raises [$3]
siegemund folds
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE folds
** Summary **
Bumble888 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253423 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:57:28
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100.50 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $44.41 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: sevenelevenn ( $102 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $111.13 )
Bumble888 posts small blind [$0.50]
siegemund posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9c, 6d ]
sevenelevenn folds
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE raises [$2.20]
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 folds
siegemund folds
** Summary **
PPopeyeE did not show his hand
PPopeyeE collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253348 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:55:14
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $103 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $49.01 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $102.22 )
Seat 6: sevenelevenn ( $102 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $100.87 )
EdyBarosanu posts small blind [$0.50]
PPopeyeE posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Tc, 7s ]
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 calls [$1]
siegemund raises [$3.50]
sevenelevenn folds
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE raises [$15]
Bumble888 folds
siegemund folds
** Summary **
PPopeyeE did not show his hand
PPopeyeE collected [ $8.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253326 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:54:28
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $49.51 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $102.22 )
Seat 6: sevenelevenn ( $103.50 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $100.87 )
Bumble888 posts small blind [$0.50]
siegemund posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, Js ]
sevenelevenn folds
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 folds
** Summary **
siegemund did not show his hand
siegemund collected [ $1 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253290 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:53:29
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $50.01 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $102.22 )
Seat 6: sevenelevenn ( $102 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $100 )
EdyBarosanu posts small blind [$0.50]
PPopeyeE posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qh, 2c ]
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 calls [$1]
siegemund folds
sevenelevenn folds
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Kd, 5c, 6h ]
PPopeyeE checks
Bumble888 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 5h ]
PPopeyeE bets [$1.87]
Bumble888 folds
** Summary **
PPopeyeE did not show his hand
PPopeyeE collected [ $2.37 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253277 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:53:09
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $51.01 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $102.22 )
Seat 6: sevenelevenn ( $100 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $100 )
sevenelevenn posts small blind [$0.50]
EdyBarosanu posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jc, 6h ]
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 calls [$1]
siegemund folds
sevenelevenn raises [$3.50]
EdyBarosanu folds
Bumble888 folds
** Summary **
sevenelevenn did not show his hand
sevenelevenn collected [ $3 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253273 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:52:56
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $49.51 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $102.72 )
Seat 6: sevenelevenn ( $100 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $100 )
siegemund posts small blind [$0.50]
sevenelevenn posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jh, 9c ]
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 raises [$3]
siegemund folds
sevenelevenn folds
** Summary **
Bumble888 did not show his hand
Bumble888 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253239 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:52:00
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $50.01 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: sevenelevenn ( $100 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $100 )
Bumble888 posts small blind [$0.50]
siegemund posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8s, Th ]
sevenelevenn raises [$2.50]
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 folds
Bumble888 folds
siegemund calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ah, Kd, 9c ]
siegemund checks
sevenelevenn checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Jd ]
siegemund bets [$4.40]
sevenelevenn folds
** Summary **
siegemund did not show his hand
siegemund collected [ $5.22 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684250143 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:37:48
Table Arraijan 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: NvrBluf ( $100 )
Seat 6: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 9: mrUppercut ( $40 )
NvrBluf posts small blind [$0.50]
MeowMeowDie posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Td, 3d ]
mrUppercut folds
Meu130598 folds
NvrBluf raises [$2.50]
MeowMeowDie raises [$9]
NvrBluf folds
** Summary **
MeowMeowDie did not show his hand
MeowMeowDie collected [ $6 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684241550 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 11:01:38
Table Valladolid 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: heavenstrang ( $100.50 )
Seat 2: 1200Mics ( $98.50 )
Seat 4: Arara09 ( $100 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $105.42 )
Seat 7: Klinskiy1 ( $101 )
Seat 9: valvatne ( $41.50 )
valvatne posts small blind [$0.50]
heavenstrang folds
1200Mics folds
Arara09 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9h, 2s ]
Meu130598 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
valvatne raises [$2.50]
Arara09 calls [$2]
1200Mics folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 6s, Ad, Kd ]
valvatne bets [$3]
Arara09 folds
** Summary **
valvatne did not show his hand
valvatne collected [ $5.70 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684241499 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 11:00:03
Table Valladolid 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: heavenstrang ( $100.50 )
Seat 2: 1200Mics ( $99 )
Seat 4: Arara09 ( $101.50 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Klinskiy1 ( $104.50 )
Seat 9: valvatne ( $41 )
1200Mics posts small blind [$0.50]
Arara09 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7s, 8d ]
Meu130598 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
valvatne raises [$3]
heavenstrang folds
1200Mics folds
Arara09 folds
** Summary **
valvatne did not show his hand
valvatne collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684241482 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:59:39
Table Valladolid 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: heavenstrang ( $101 )
Seat 2: 1200Mics ( $100 )
Seat 4: Arara09 ( $100 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Klinskiy1 ( $104.50 )
Seat 9: valvatne ( $41 )
heavenstrang posts small blind [$0.50]
1200Mics posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Js, 5d ]
Arara09 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
valvatne folds
heavenstrang folds
1200Mics folds
** Summary **
Arara09 did not show his hand
Arara09 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390938 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:25:50
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $46.90 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $102.10 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $101.50 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $258.36 )
Seat 7: kolbasa666 ( $99 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
kolbasa666 posts small blind [$0.50]
emptyphases posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7h, 5d ]
Meu130598 folds
aslordly calls [$1]
siegemund raises [$3.50]
Iegend folds
kolbasa666 folds
emptyphases folds
aslordly raises [$9.50]
siegemund raises [$23]
aslordly calls [$16]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2h, 4d, 4h ]
aslordly bets [$35.97]
siegemund raises [$75]
aslordly calls [$39.03]
** Dealing turn ** [ 3d ]
** Dealing river ** [ 6c ]
** Summary **
aslordly shows [ Qd, Qc ]
siegemund shows [ Kh, Ks ]
siegemund collected [ $200.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390917 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:24:50
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $46.90 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $102.10 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $258.86 )
Seat 7: kolbasa666 ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
Iegend posts small blind [$0.50]
kolbasa666 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8d, 4c ]
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 folds
aslordly folds
siegemund raises [$2.20]
Iegend folds
kolbasa666 folds
** Summary **
siegemund did not show his hand
siegemund collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390907 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:24:21
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $46.90 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $102.10 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $101 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $257.86 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
siegemund posts small blind [$0.50]
Iegend posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5c, 4d ]
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 folds
aslordly folds
siegemund calls [$0.50]
Iegend raises [$3]
siegemund folds
** Summary **
Iegend collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390903 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:23:58
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $46.90 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $103.10 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $257.86 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
aslordly posts small blind [$0.50]
siegemund posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3d, Kc ]
Iegend folds
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 folds
aslordly calls [$0.50]
siegemund raises [$2.50]
aslordly folds
** Summary **
siegemund collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390865 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:22:01
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $51.90 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $105.60 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $247.14 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $103.90 )
Iegend posts small blind [$0.50]
emptyphases posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qc, 8d ]
Meu130598 folds
aslordly folds
siegemund folds
Iegend raises [$2.50]
emptyphases folds
** Summary **
Iegend collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390861 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:21:50
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $51.90 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $105.60 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100.23 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $246.64 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $117.13 )
siegemund posts small blind [$0.50]
Iegend posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Js, 9c ]
guapdonthelp folds
Meu130598 folds
aslordly folds
siegemund folds
** Summary **
Iegend collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390782 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:17:31
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $42.49 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $108.85 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $109.02 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $244.48 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $122.50 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $103.90 )
siegemund posts small blind [$0.50]
Iegend posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, Qd ]
guapdonthelp folds
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 folds
aslordly calls [$1]
siegemund folds
Iegend raises [$3]
aslordly calls [$3]
** Dealing flop ** [ 7d, 9c, Js ]
Iegend checks
aslordly bets [$5.61]
Iegend calls [$5.61]
** Dealing turn ** [ 5h ]
Iegend checks
aslordly bets [$13.01]
Iegend calls [$13.01]
** Dealing river ** [ Qs ]
Iegend checks
aslordly bets [$30.18]
Iegend calls [$30.18]
** Summary **
aslordly shows [ 9s, Ac ]
Iegend shows [ 9h, Ad ]
Iegend collected [ $51.05 ]
aslordly collected [ $51.05 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390775 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:17:08
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $42.49 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $107.95 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $110.02 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $244.48 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $122.50 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $103.90 )
aslordly posts small blind [$0.50]
siegemund posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4h, 3s ]
Iegend folds
guapdonthelp folds
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 folds
aslordly calls [$0.50]
siegemund checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Tc, 4s, Kc ]
aslordly bets [$1.32]
siegemund folds
** Summary **
aslordly did not show his hand
aslordly collected [ $1.90 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390725 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:14:03
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $43.99 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $103.93 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $133.22 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $145.28 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $105.40 )
guapdonthelp posts small blind [$0.50]
emptyphases posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2d, 4d ]
Meu130598 folds
aslordly folds
siegemund raises [$2.20]
Iegend raises [$6.60]
guapdonthelp raises [$19.30]
emptyphases folds
siegemund folds
Iegend raises [$28.40]
guapdonthelp raises [$80.20]
Iegend calls [$65]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3s, 5c, 5d ]
** Dealing turn ** [ 5s ]
** Dealing river ** [ Ts ]
** Summary **
Iegend shows [ Ad, Ah ]
guapdonthelp shows [ Kh, Ks ]
Iegend collected [ $199.20 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390719 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:13:48
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $43.99 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $103.93 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $133.22 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $145.78 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $103.90 )
Iegend posts small blind [$0.50]
guapdonthelp posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2c, Ks ]
emptyphases raises [$2.20]
Meu130598 folds
aslordly folds
siegemund folds
Iegend folds
guapdonthelp folds
** Summary **
emptyphases did not show his hand
emptyphases collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390659 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:10:19
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $74.43 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $136.97 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $153.13 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
Iegend posts small blind [$0.50]
emptyphases posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6h, 2c ]
Meu130598 folds
siegemund raises [$2.20]
Iegend calls [$1.70]
emptyphases raises [$12.42]
siegemund folds
Iegend folds
** Summary **
emptyphases collected [ $6.60 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390601 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:07:05
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $101.50 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $34.80 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $104.70 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
Iegend posts small blind [$0.50]
guapdonthelp posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ks, 6h ]
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 folds
aslordly folds
siegemund raises [$2.20]
Iegend folds
guapdonthelp folds
** Summary **
siegemund did not show his hand
siegemund collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390589 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:06:19
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $101.50 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $39.50 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $100 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
siegemund posts small blind [$0.50]
Iegend posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ad, 4h ]
guapdonthelp folds
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 folds
aslordly raises [$2]
siegemund folds
Iegend calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2s, 5d, Jd ]
Iegend checks
aslordly checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Ks ]
Iegend checks
aslordly checks
** Dealing river ** [ Kh ]
Iegend bets [$1.35]
aslordly raises [$2.70]
Iegend calls [$1.35]
** Summary **
aslordly shows [ Qd, Td ]
Iegend shows [ 5c, Ah ]
Iegend collected [ $9.40 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388457 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:53:41
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $150.15 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $100 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $111.30 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $106.48 )
Draeknox posts small blind [$0.50]
eqUAlizer_22 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2h, 9d ]
Meu130598 folds
AMorgenstern raises [$2.60]
Draeknox calls [$2.10]
eqUAlizer_22 calls [$1.60]
** Dealing flop ** [ Tc, 3c, 9s ]
Draeknox checks
eqUAlizer_22 checks
AMorgenstern checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 5c ]
Draeknox checks
eqUAlizer_22 checks
AMorgenstern checks
** Dealing river ** [ Js ]
Draeknox bets [$3.90]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
AMorgenstern folds
** Summary **
Draeknox did not show his hand
Draeknox collected [ $7.41 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388397 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:52:01
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $148.93 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $101.98 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $112.93 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $103.98 )
Draeknox posts small blind [$0.50]
eqUAlizer_22 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4d, Ts ]
Meu130598 folds
AMorgenstern folds
Draeknox folds
** Summary **
eqUAlizer_22 did not show his hand
eqUAlizer_22 collected [ $1 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388383 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:51:27
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $148.93 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $102.48 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $116.83 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
AMorgenstern posts small blind [$0.50]
Draeknox posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kc, Th ]
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$2.25]
Meu130598 folds
AMorgenstern folds
Draeknox calls [$1.25]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9s, 4d, 9d ]
Draeknox bets [$1.65]
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$6.78]
Draeknox folds
** Summary **
eqUAlizer_22 did not show his hand
eqUAlizer_22 collected [ $7.88 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388326 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:49:42
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $129.82 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $103.98 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $111.33 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $104.48 )
AMorgenstern posts small blind [$0.50]
Draeknox posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, 6c ]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
Meu130598 folds
AMorgenstern folds
** Summary **
Draeknox did not show his hand
Draeknox collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388286 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:48:24
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $135.30 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $103.48 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $104.13 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
Draeknox posts small blind [$0.50]
eqUAlizer_22 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8h, Qs ]
Meu130598 folds
AMorgenstern folds
Draeknox calls [$0.50]
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$7]
Draeknox calls [$7]
** Dealing flop ** [ 7d, 9d, 2h ]
Draeknox bets [$10.56]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
** Summary **
Draeknox did not show his hand
Draeknox collected [ $15.20 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388177 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:45:19
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $112.65 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $100.18 )
Seat 7: emptyphases ( $118.21 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
emptyphases posts small blind [$0.50]
eqUAlizer_22 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5c, 9d ]
Meu130598 folds
Draeknox calls [$1]
emptyphases folds
eqUAlizer_22 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Ts, Js, 4h ]
eqUAlizer_22 checks
Draeknox bets [$1]
eqUAlizer_22 calls [$1]
** Dealing turn ** [ Td ]
eqUAlizer_22 checks
Draeknox bets [$2.97]
eqUAlizer_22 calls [$2.97]
** Dealing river ** [ Ks ]
eqUAlizer_22 checks
Draeknox bets [$10]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
** Summary **
Draeknox collected [ $9.92 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388118 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:43:52
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $112.65 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $114.70 )
Seat 7: emptyphases ( $103 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
Draeknox posts small blind [$0.50]
emptyphases posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kc, 8s ]
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$2.25]
Meu130598 folds
Draeknox calls [$1.75]
emptyphases calls [$1.25]
** Dealing flop ** [ Qc, Ts, 2c ]
Draeknox bets [$4.45]
emptyphases calls [$4.45]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
** Dealing turn ** [ 2h ]
Draeknox checks
emptyphases checks
** Dealing river ** [ 7h ]
Draeknox bets [$7.82]
emptyphases calls [$7.82]
** Summary **
Draeknox shows [ Ks, Js ]
emptyphases shows [ 7d, Qd ]
emptyphases collected [ $29.73 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383832 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:52:02
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $126.64 )
Seat 2: GERRYWOO ( $107.51 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $261.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100.32 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $314.28 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $109.73 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
cashmoneyrec folds
GERRYWOO posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3s, 8d ]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester raises [$2.50]
** Summary **
harwester did not show his hand
harwester collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383812 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:51:42
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $126.64 )
Seat 2: GERRYWOO ( $106.01 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $261.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100.32 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $314.78 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $110.73 )
Neerajab posts small blind [$0.50]
harwester posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8d, 9c ]
cashmoneyrec folds
GERRYWOO raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
** Summary **
GERRYWOO did not show his hand
GERRYWOO collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383722 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:49:50
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $126.64 )
Seat 2: GERRYWOO ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $262.59 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $108.44 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $313.06 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $109.23 )
GERRYWOO posts small blind [$0.50]
DanoMadFerit posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3s, Ah ]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester raises [$2.50]
cashmoneyrec folds
DanoMadFerit folds
** Summary **
harwester did not show his hand
harwester collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383690 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:49:06
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $127.14 )
Seat 2: GERRYWOO ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $262.59 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $108.44 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $320.56 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $101.06 )
cashmoneyrec posts small blind [$0.50]
GERRYWOO posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2c, Qs ]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester raises [$7.50]
cashmoneyrec folds
Neerajab calls [$5]
** Dealing flop ** [ Js, Tc, 6s ]
Neerajab checks
harwester bets [$5.28]
Neerajab folds
** Summary **
harwester did not show his hand
harwester collected [ $15.67 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383670 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:48:42
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $126.64 )
Seat 2: GERRYWOO ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $262.59 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $108.44 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $320.56 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $101.56 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
cashmoneyrec posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5c, Tc ]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
** Summary **
cashmoneyrec did not show his hand
cashmoneyrec collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383642 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:48:09
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $129.14 )
Seat 2: GERRYWOO ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $256.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $108.44 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $321.06 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $102.56 )
Neerajab posts small blind [$0.50]
harwester posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, Qd ]
cashmoneyrec raises [$2.50]
GERRYWOO calls [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit raises [$10]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
** Summary **
DanoMadFerit did not show his hand
DanoMadFerit collected [ $9 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383558 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:46:21
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $127.64 )
Seat 2: GERRYWOO ( $100.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $257.59 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $109.94 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $289.91 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $110.06 )
GERRYWOO posts small blind [$0.50]
DanoMadFerit posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8c, Tc ]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
GERRYWOO raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
** Summary **
GERRYWOO did not show his hand
GERRYWOO collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383552 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:46:12
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $128.14 )
Seat 2: GERRYWOO ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $257.59 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $109.94 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $289.91 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $110.06 )
cashmoneyrec posts small blind [$0.50]
GERRYWOO posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qc, 6s ]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
** Summary **
GERRYWOO did not show his hand
GERRYWOO collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383523 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:45:33
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $125.44 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $257.59 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $109.94 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $289.91 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $113.06 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
cashmoneyrec posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2h, Qc ]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester raises [$2.50]
cashmoneyrec calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9d, 7c, Jd ]
harwester checks
cashmoneyrec bets [$1.98]
harwester folds
** Summary **
cashmoneyrec collected [ $5.70 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383503 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:45:09
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $125.44 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $256.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $109.94 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $290.41 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $114.06 )
Neerajab posts small blind [$0.50]
harwester posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Th, 5d ]
cashmoneyrec folds
DanoMadFerit raises [$2.20]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
** Summary **
DanoMadFerit collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383432 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:43:45
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $125.94 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $259.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $108.24 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $290.69 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $112.56 )
cashmoneyrec posts small blind [$0.50]
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6s, 8s ]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
DanoMadFerit calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3d, Ah, Tc ]
DanoMadFerit checks
Neerajab checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 4h ]
DanoMadFerit checks
Neerajab bets [$2.75]
DanoMadFerit folds
** Summary **
Neerajab collected [ $5.22 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383392 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:42:59
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $121.59 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $259.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $108.24 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $295 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $113.06 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
cashmoneyrec posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kh, 2c ]
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 6h, 6c, Jh ]
cashmoneyrec checks
Neerajab bets [$1.81]
cashmoneyrec calls [$1.81]
** Dealing turn ** [ Kd ]
cashmoneyrec checks
Neerajab checks
** Dealing river ** [ 8h ]
cashmoneyrec checks
Neerajab checks
** Summary **
cashmoneyrec shows [ Jd, Qh ]
Neerajab mucks [ Qc, Ac ]
cashmoneyrec collected [ $8.66 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383375 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:42:30
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $121.59 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $259.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $108.24 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $294 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $114.06 )
Neerajab posts small blind [$0.50]
harwester posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Th, 3c ]
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab raises [$2]
harwester folds
** Summary **
Neerajab did not show his hand
Neerajab collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383313 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:41:13
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $121.59 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $263.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $109.74 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $289.78 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $114.06 )
MeowMeowDie posts small blind [$0.50]
DanoMadFerit posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4c, 2h ]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit folds
** Summary **
Neerajab did not show his hand
Neerajab collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383302 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:41:02
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $122.09 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $263.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $109.74 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $289.78 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $114.06 )
cashmoneyrec posts small blind [$0.50]
MeowMeowDie posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6c, 2c ]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
** Summary **
MeowMeowDie did not show his hand
MeowMeowDie collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383288 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:40:44
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $123.09 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $263.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $109.74 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $288.28 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $114.56 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
cashmoneyrec posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7c, 2s ]
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
** Summary **
Neerajab did not show his hand
Neerajab collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383247 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:39:51
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $125.59 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $263.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $109.74 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $285.08 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $115.56 )
Neerajab posts small blind [$0.50]
harwester posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, Jh ]
cashmoneyrec raises [$2.50]
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab calls [$2]
harwester folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 5d, 9h, 7c ]
Neerajab checks
cashmoneyrec checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 3s ]
Neerajab bets [$3]
cashmoneyrec folds
** Summary **
Neerajab did not show his hand
Neerajab collected [ $5.70 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383156 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:37:57
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $126.09 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $263.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $108.24 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $275.63 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $115.56 )
cashmoneyrec posts small blind [$0.50]
MeowMeowDie posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5h, 8h ]
DanoMadFerit raises [$3.50]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie folds
** Summary **
DanoMadFerit did not show his hand
DanoMadFerit collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383032 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:35:19
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $127.09 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $261.23 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $103.67 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $280.53 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $117.06 )
Neerajab posts small blind [$0.50]
harwester posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2s, Js ]
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit raises [$2.20]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab calls [$1.70]
harwester folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 3d, 6h, 9c ]
Neerajab checks
DanoMadFerit checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 2d ]
Neerajab bets [$2.70]
DanoMadFerit calls [$2.70]
** Dealing river ** [ Qd ]
Neerajab checks
DanoMadFerit checks
** Summary **
Neerajab shows [ 8c, Tc ]
DanoMadFerit shows [ 4c, 4s ]
DanoMadFerit collected [ $10.26 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382984 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:34:05
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $127.09 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $104.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $262.73 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $114.17 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $169.53 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $115.56 )
MeowMeowDie posts small blind [$0.50]
DanoMadFerit posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7s, 6d ]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester raises [$2.50]
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit folds
** Summary **
harwester did not show his hand
harwester collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382974 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:33:53
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $127.59 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $104 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $262.73 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $114.17 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $169.53 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $115.56 )
cashmoneyrec posts small blind [$0.50]
MeowMeowDie posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kh, 2h ]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
** Summary **
MeowMeowDie did not show his hand
MeowMeowDie collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382961 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:33:28
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $128.59 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $104 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $261.23 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $114.17 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $169.53 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $116.06 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
cashmoneyrec posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8s, 9h ]
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit raises [$3]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
** Summary **
DanoMadFerit did not show his hand
DanoMadFerit collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382951 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:33:12
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $131.09 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $261.23 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $114.17 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $170.03 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $117.06 )
Neerajab posts small blind [$0.50]
harwester posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4s, 6s ]
cashmoneyrec raises [$2.50]
MeowMeowDie raises [$8]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
** Summary **
MeowMeowDie did not show his hand
MeowMeowDie collected [ $6.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602831 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:27:39
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $103.04 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $100.98 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $108.82 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
bifeubs posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6h, 9d ]
Meu130598 folds
aka37 folds
** Summary **
bifeubs did not show his hand
bifeubs collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382807 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:29:46
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $125.89 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $246.02 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $185.78 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $133.99 )
MeowMeowDie posts small blind [$0.50]
DanoMadFerit posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Js, 3h ]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester raises [$2.50]
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Jd, 5d, 4s ]
DanoMadFerit checks
harwester bets [$4.12]
DanoMadFerit calls [$4.12]
** Dealing turn ** [ Ks ]
DanoMadFerit checks
harwester checks
** Dealing river ** [ 8h ]
DanoMadFerit bets [$10.31]
harwester calls [$10.31]
** Summary **
DanoMadFerit shows [ 4c, 5c ]
harwester mucks [ 7s, 7h ]
DanoMadFerit collected [ $32.64 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382792 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:29:32
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $126.39 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $246.02 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $184.28 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $133.99 )
cashmoneyrec posts small blind [$0.50]
MeowMeowDie posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2c, 3c ]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie folds
** Summary **
Neerajab did not show his hand
Neerajab collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382757 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:28:47
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $123.94 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $246.02 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $184.78 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $133.99 )
Neerajab posts small blind [$0.50]
harwester posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3d, Ks ]
cashmoneyrec folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
** Summary **
harwester collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382668 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:26:51
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $147.44 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $103 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $247.52 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $140.39 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $133.99 )
cashmoneyrec posts small blind [$0.50]
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit posts big blind [$1]
Neerajab posts dead blind [$0.50 + $1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, Ad ]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab raises [$1.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
DanoMadFerit folds
** Summary **
Neerajab collected [ $3 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382663 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:26:39
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $148.44 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $247.52 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $134.49 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
cashmoneyrec posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8s, 4h ]
JustCoins raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
** Summary **
JustCoins collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382580 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:24:38
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $150.94 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $102 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.29 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $141.95 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $137.99 )
JustCoins posts small blind [$0.50]
DanoMadFerit posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3c, Ts ]
Meu130598 folds
harwester raises [$2.50]
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Qh, Jd, 9d ]
DanoMadFerit checks
harwester checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 3d ]
DanoMadFerit checks
harwester checks
** Dealing river ** [ 6d ]
DanoMadFerit checks
harwester checks
** Summary **
DanoMadFerit shows [ 8d, 8h ]
harwester mucks [ Ac, 9s ]
DanoMadFerit collected [ $5.22 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382573 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:24:25
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $151.44 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $103 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.29 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $141.95 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $136.49 )
cashmoneyrec posts small blind [$0.50]
JustCoins posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, Qh ]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
harwester raises [$2.20]
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins folds
** Summary **
harwester collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382533 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:23:17
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $152.44 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.29 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $141.95 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $140.39 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $136.99 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
cashmoneyrec posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5d, 6c ]
JustCoins raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
** Summary **
JustCoins did not show his hand
JustCoins collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382523 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:23:05
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $152.44 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.29 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $141.95 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $140.89 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $137.99 )
Neerajab posts small blind [$0.50]
harwester posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8d, 7h ]
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
** Summary **
JustCoins did not show his hand
JustCoins collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382450 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:21:14
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $142.77 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $121.79 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $138.90 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $152.89 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $137.99 )
JustCoins posts small blind [$0.50]
DanoMadFerit posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Js, 3c ]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec raises [$2.50]
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit folds
** Summary **
cashmoneyrec did not show his hand
cashmoneyrec collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382440 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:21:01
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $143.27 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $121.79 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $138.90 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $152.89 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $136.49 )
cashmoneyrec posts small blind [$0.50]
JustCoins posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4d, Jc ]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester raises [$2.20]
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins folds
** Summary **
harwester did not show his hand
harwester collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382425 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:20:43
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $144.27 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.29 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $138.90 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $152.89 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $136.99 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
cashmoneyrec posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jc, 9c ]
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit raises [$3]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
** Summary **
DanoMadFerit did not show his hand
DanoMadFerit collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382382 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:19:47
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $144.27 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.29 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $136.40 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $154.39 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $137.99 )
JustCoins posts small blind [$0.50]
DanoMadFerit posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2c, Th ]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins folds
** Summary **
DanoMadFerit did not show his hand
DanoMadFerit collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382367 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:19:29
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $144.77 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.29 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $136.40 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $154.39 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $137.99 )
cashmoneyrec posts small blind [$0.50]
JustCoins posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4s, 9h ]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
** Summary **
JustCoins did not show his hand
JustCoins collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382362 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:19:13
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $145.77 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.29 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $136.40 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $152.89 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $138.49 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
cashmoneyrec posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8d, 2d ]
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
** Summary **
Neerajab did not show his hand
Neerajab collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382245 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:16:39
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $137.60 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $104.20 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $121.79 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $123.68 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $167.69 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $139.49 )
JustCoins posts small blind [$0.50]
DanoMadFerit posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6h, Kh ]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec raises [$7.50]
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Neerajab calls [$5]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2c, Th, 3s ]
Neerajab checks
cashmoneyrec bets [$5.44]
Neerajab folds
** Summary **
cashmoneyrec did not show his hand
cashmoneyrec collected [ $15.67 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382215 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:15:56
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $138.10 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $121.79 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $123.68 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $167.69 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $141.69 )
cashmoneyrec posts small blind [$0.50]
JustCoins posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qs, 8h ]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester raises [$2.20]
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins raises [$10]
harwester folds
** Summary **
JustCoins did not show his hand
JustCoins collected [ $4.90 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382206 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:15:42
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $137.60 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $121.79 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $123.68 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $167.69 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $142.19 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
cashmoneyrec posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7h, Js ]
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
** Summary **
cashmoneyrec did not show his hand
cashmoneyrec collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382098 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:13:22
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $137.60 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $114.68 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $120.75 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $178.82 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $143.19 )
JustCoins posts small blind [$0.50]
DanoMadFerit posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4h, 3d ]
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 3s, 9s, 2h ]
DanoMadFerit checks
Neerajab bets [$1.81]
DanoMadFerit raises [$5.43]
Neerajab calls [$3.62]
** Dealing turn ** [ Tc ]
DanoMadFerit bets [$20.45]
Neerajab folds
** Summary **
DanoMadFerit did not show his hand
DanoMadFerit collected [ $15.54 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382088 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:13:09
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $138.10 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $114.68 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $120.75 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $177.32 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $143.19 )
cashmoneyrec posts small blind [$0.50]
JustCoins posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ts, 7d ]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab raises [$2.50]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins folds
** Summary **
Neerajab did not show his hand
Neerajab collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382055 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:12:26
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $139.10 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $117.68 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $116.25 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $177.82 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $144.69 )
Neerajab posts small blind [$0.50]
harwester posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7c, 4d ]
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 folds
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
** Summary **
JustCoins did not show his hand
JustCoins collected [ $2.50 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555603187 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:29:54
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $100 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $100 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $132.78 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $104.82 )
Arara09 posts small blind [$0.50]
Klinskiy1 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8s, 4c ]
Meu130598 folds
aka37 calls [$1]
bifeubs raises [$5]
Arara09 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
aka37 folds
** Summary **
bifeubs did not show his hand
bifeubs collected [ $3.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337659 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:54:44
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $114.34 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $58.25 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $100.03 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
cherrywine posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3s, 2d ]
Meu130598 folds
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
cherrywine did not show his hand
cherrywine collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337586 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:53:32
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $116.84 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $54.95 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $101.50 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
cherrywine posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6c, 9s ]
Meu130598 folds
Gashead079 raises [$2]
cherrywine folds
** Summary **
Gashead079 did not show his hand
Gashead079 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337546 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:52:39
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $112.39 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $61.42 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $100 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
cherrywine posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8s, 4d ]
Meu130598 folds
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
cherrywine did not show his hand
cherrywine collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337446 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:50:38
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $103.57 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $64.42 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $101.77 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
cherrywine posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6c, 8h ]
Meu130598 folds
Gashead079 raises [$1.50]
cherrywine calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ad, Ks, 3h ]
Gashead079 checks
cherrywine checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Kc ]
Gashead079 checks
cherrywine checks
** Dealing river ** [ 8d ]
Gashead079 checks
cherrywine bets [$3]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
cherrywine did not show his hand
cherrywine collected [ $3.80 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337383 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:49:24
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $69.92 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $100 )
Klinskiy1 posts small blind [$0.50]
cherrywine posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4d, Qd ]
Meu130598 folds
Gashead079 raises [$2]
Klinskiy1 folds
cherrywine calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ks, Kc, Td ]
cherrywine checks
Gashead079 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Qh ]
cherrywine checks
Gashead079 checks
** Dealing river ** [ Ad ]
cherrywine checks
Gashead079 checks
** Summary **
cherrywine shows [ 8s, Tc ]
Gashead079 mucks [ 5c, 5d ]
cherrywine collected [ $4.27 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555603548 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:32:16
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $100 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $206.75 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $98.50 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $131.28 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $94.51 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
bifeubs posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7h, 4s ]
Arara09 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
Meu130598 folds
aka37 calls [$0.50]
bifeubs checks
** Dealing flop ** [ 3h, Ts, 6c ]
aka37 bets [$1]
bifeubs calls [$1]
** Dealing turn ** [ Kd ]
aka37 bets [$1]
bifeubs calls [$1]
** Dealing river ** [ 5d ]
aka37 bets [$3]
bifeubs calls [$3]
** Summary **
aka37 shows [ 8c, Jh ]
bifeubs shows [ 8s, Th ]
bifeubs collected [ $11.40 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676332515 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:10:50
Table Kurgan 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: 1Andrew1 ( $100.50 )
Seat 2: Lukandzel ( $178.49 )
Seat 4: Meu130598 ( $112 )
Seat 6: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 7: Retro_iG ( $182.27 )
Seat 9: zecheese ( $100 )
1Andrew1 posts small blind [$0.50]
Lukandzel posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ts, 8d ]
Meu130598 folds
MeowMeowDie folds
Retro_iG folds
zecheese folds
1Andrew1 raises [$2.50]
Lukandzel folds
** Summary **
1Andrew1 did not show his hand
1Andrew1 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676332504 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:10:40
Table Kurgan 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: 1Andrew1 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Lukandzel ( $178.49 )
Seat 4: Meu130598 ( $112 )
Seat 6: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 7: Retro_iG ( $182.27 )
Seat 9: zecheese ( $100.50 )
zecheese posts small blind [$0.50]
1Andrew1 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9d, 7s ]
Lukandzel folds
Meu130598 folds
MeowMeowDie folds
Retro_iG folds
zecheese folds
** Summary **
1Andrew1 did not show his hand
1Andrew1 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676332422 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:09:14
Table Kurgan 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: Lukandzel ( $178.87 )
Seat 4: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 6: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 7: Retro_iG ( $194.27 )
Seat 9: zecheese ( $101.50 )
MeowMeowDie posts small blind [$0.50]
Retro_iG posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2h, As ]
zecheese folds
Lukandzel raises [$2.30]
Meu130598 folds
MeowMeowDie raises [$10.20]
Retro_iG folds
Lukandzel calls [$8.40]
** Dealing flop ** [ Jh, Ks, 5s ]
MeowMeowDie checks
Lukandzel checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 7s ]
MeowMeowDie bets [$6.49]
Lukandzel calls [$6.49]
** Dealing river ** [ Tc ]
MeowMeowDie checks
Lukandzel checks
** Summary **
MeowMeowDie shows [ Jd, Ad ]
Lukandzel shows [ Ac, Jc ]
MeowMeowDie collected [ $16.81 ]
Lukandzel collected [ $16.81 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555603629 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:32:49
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $105.40 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $206.75 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $98.50 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $131.28 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $88.51 )
bifeubs posts small blind [$0.50]
Arara09 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6c, 7s ]
Klinskiy1 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 folds
aka37 folds
bifeubs folds
Arara09 folds
** Summary **
Klinskiy1 did not show his hand
Klinskiy1 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576279085 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:34:20
Table Burbank 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: NvrBluf ( $108.05 )
Seat 6: Shaurmaaa ( $100 )
Seat 7: emptyphases ( $113.53 )
Shaurmaaa posts small blind [$0.50]
emptyphases posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6h, 9c ]
Meu130598 folds
NvrBluf folds
Shaurmaaa folds
** Summary **
emptyphases did not show his hand
emptyphases collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576279072 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:33:26
Table Burbank 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: NvrBluf ( $100 )
Seat 6: Shaurmaaa ( $100 )
Seat 7: emptyphases ( $113.53 )
NvrBluf posts small blind [$0.50]
Shaurmaaa posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ks, 3h ]
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 folds
NvrBluf raises [$2.50]
Shaurmaaa calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 4h, 9s, 5c ]
NvrBluf bets [$1.98]
Shaurmaaa raises [$5.94]
NvrBluf calls [$3.96]
** Dealing turn ** [ 9c ]
NvrBluf checks
Shaurmaaa checks
** Dealing river ** [ 5d ]
NvrBluf checks
Shaurmaaa checks
** Summary **
NvrBluf shows [ Js, Jh ]
Shaurmaaa mucks [ 4c, Qc ]
NvrBluf collected [ $16.99 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576238014 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:45:25
Table Chicago 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Lordmorning ( $116.75 )
Seat 2: Lukandzel ( $102.50 )
Seat 4: FaceYourFear ( $100 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $132.46 )
Seat 7: Tygbiten ( $56.23 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
FaceYourFear posts small blind [$0.50]
Klinskiy1 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9h, Kd ]
Tygbiten folds
Meu130598 folds
Lordmorning raises [$2.50]
Lukandzel folds
FaceYourFear folds
Klinskiy1 folds
** Summary **
Lordmorning did not show his hand
Lordmorning collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576238004 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:45:11
Table Chicago 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Lordmorning ( $115.25 )
Seat 2: Lukandzel ( $103 )
Seat 4: FaceYourFear ( $100 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $132.46 )
Seat 7: Tygbiten ( $56.23 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Lukandzel posts small blind [$0.50]
FaceYourFear posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4s, 3d ]
Klinskiy1 folds
Tygbiten folds
Meu130598 folds
Lordmorning raises [$2.50]
Lukandzel folds
FaceYourFear folds
** Summary **
Lordmorning did not show his hand
Lordmorning collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576237998 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:45:04
Table Chicago 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Lordmorning ( $115.75 )
Seat 2: Lukandzel ( $102.50 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $132.46 )
Seat 7: Tygbiten ( $56.23 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Lordmorning posts small blind [$0.50]
Lukandzel posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kc, 6d ]
Klinskiy1 folds
Tygbiten folds
Meu130598 folds
Lordmorning folds
** Summary **
Lukandzel collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 519415854 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 18:15:58
Table Tianjin 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100.50 )
Seat 2: prtywhnucry ( $101 )
Seat 4: ValentinaKs ( $100.95 )
prtywhnucry posts small blind [$0.50]
ValentinaKs posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9d, 5d ]
Meu130598 folds
prtywhnucry raises [$2.50]
ValentinaKs calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ Tc, 2s, 3c ]
prtywhnucry checks
ValentinaKs bets [$6.60]
prtywhnucry calls [$6.60]
** Dealing turn ** [ Ts ]
prtywhnucry checks
ValentinaKs checks
** Dealing river ** [ Js ]
prtywhnucry bets [$6.33]
ValentinaKs calls [$6.33]
** Summary **
prtywhnucry shows [ Ks, Kd ]
ValentinaKs mucks [ 5h, Ad ]
prtywhnucry collected [ $30.27 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555603679 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:33:06
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $104.90 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $205.75 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $131.28 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $88.51 )
Arara09 posts small blind [$0.50]
Klinskiy1 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3s, Ad ]
Meu130598 folds
aka37 folds
bifeubs raises [$2.50]
Arara09 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
** Summary **
bifeubs did not show his hand
bifeubs collected [ $2.50 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555604193 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:36:27
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $134.17 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $174.87 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $131.28 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $87.01 )
bifeubs posts small blind [$0.50]
Arara09 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6d, 4c ]
Klinskiy1 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 folds
aka37 folds
bifeubs raises [$10.50]
Arara09 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
** Summary **
bifeubs did not show his hand
bifeubs collected [ $6 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555604244 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:36:46
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $137.67 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $173.87 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $97.50 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $131.28 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $87.01 )
Arara09 posts small blind [$0.50]
Klinskiy1 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jd, 2d ]
Meu130598 folds
aka37 calls [$1]
bifeubs raises [$5]
Arara09 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
aka37 folds
** Summary **
bifeubs did not show his hand
bifeubs collected [ $3.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555604485 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:38:14
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $140.17 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $170.87 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $142.78 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $81.51 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
bifeubs posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qc, 3d ]
Arara09 folds
Klinskiy1 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 folds
aka37 calls [$2]
bifeubs folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 2h, 4c, 9d ]
aka37 bets [$3]
Klinskiy1 calls [$3]
** Dealing turn ** [ 3h ]
aka37 bets [$7.92]
Klinskiy1 calls [$7.92]
** Dealing river ** [ 9s ]
aka37 bets [$18.37]
Klinskiy1 folds
** Summary **
aka37 did not show his hand
aka37 collected [ $26.45 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555604605 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:38:54
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $139.17 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $170.87 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $142.78 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $94.54 )
bifeubs posts small blind [$0.50]
Arara09 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3c, 6c ]
Klinskiy1 folds
Meu130598 folds
aka37 folds
bifeubs raises [$2.50]
Arara09 calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9c, 9s, Kd ]
bifeubs bets [$1.98]
Arara09 calls [$1.98]
** Dealing turn ** [ 4h ]
bifeubs checks
Arara09 bets [$7.50]
bifeubs calls [$7.50]
** Dealing river ** [ 9h ]
bifeubs checks
Arara09 bets [$18.75]
bifeubs calls [$18.75]
** Summary **
Arara09 shows [ Qd, 9d ]
bifeubs mucks [ Td, Kc ]
Arara09 collected [ $59.34 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555604854 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:40:30
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $107.94 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $198.98 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $142.78 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $94.54 )
Arara09 posts small blind [$0.50]
Klinskiy1 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ah, 2s ]
Meu130598 folds
aka37 calls [$1]
bifeubs raises [$5]
Arara09 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
aka37 folds
** Summary **
bifeubs did not show his hand
bifeubs collected [ $3.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555876271 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 19:06:52
Table Wiesbaden 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: FaceYourFear ( $103.07 )
Seat 4: NvrBluf ( $336.19 )
Seat 6: GERRYWOO ( $196.25 )
Seat 7: Makermoney14 ( $19.69 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $103.10 )
FaceYourFear posts small blind [$0.50]
NvrBluf posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3s, 8c ]
GERRYWOO raises [$2.50]
Makermoney14 folds
Meu130598 folds
FaceYourFear calls [$2]
NvrBluf calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 4s, Kc, 3h ]
FaceYourFear checks
NvrBluf checks
GERRYWOO bets [$2.25]
FaceYourFear calls [$2.25]
NvrBluf calls [$2.25]
** Dealing turn ** [ Ts ]
FaceYourFear bets [$4.70]
NvrBluf folds
GERRYWOO calls [$4.70]
** Dealing river ** [ 7c ]
FaceYourFear bets [$7.80]
GERRYWOO calls [$7.80]
** Summary **
FaceYourFear shows [ Td, Tc ]
GERRYWOO mucks [ Js, Kh ]
FaceYourFear collected [ $37.29 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555876523 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 19:08:56
Table Wiesbaden 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Ahmus ( $39 )
Seat 2: FaceYourFear ( $123.11 )
Seat 4: NvrBluf ( $330.94 )
Seat 6: GERRYWOO ( $178 )
Seat 7: Makermoney14 ( $19.69 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $105.60 )
GERRYWOO posts small blind [$0.50]
Makermoney14 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ts, 8d ]
Meu130598 folds
Ahmus folds
FaceYourFear raises [$2.20]
NvrBluf folds
Makermoney14 folds
** Summary **
FaceYourFear did not show his hand
FaceYourFear collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555876876 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 19:11:41
Table Wiesbaden 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Ahmus ( $44.40 )
Seat 2: FaceYourFear ( $124.61 )
Seat 4: NvrBluf ( $335.24 )
Seat 6: GERRYWOO ( $181.80 )
Seat 7: Makermoney14 ( $9.69 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Ahmus posts small blind [$0.50]
FaceYourFear posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9s, Kc ]
NvrBluf raises [$3]
GERRYWOO raises [$9]
Makermoney14 raises [$9.69]
Meu130598 folds
Ahmus folds
FaceYourFear folds
NvrBluf raises [$29.07]
GERRYWOO calls [$23.07]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2c, 9h, 2d ]
NvrBluf checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Ks ]
NvrBluf checks
** Dealing river ** [ 8d ]
NvrBluf bets [$49.71]
** Summary **
NvrBluf shows [ Kd, Kh ]
Makermoney14 shows [ Td, 8h ]
NvrBluf collected [ $29.04 ]
NvrBluf collected [ $42.52 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555877096 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 19:13:21
Table Wiesbaden 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Ahmus ( $43.90 )
Seat 2: FaceYourFear ( $123.61 )
Seat 4: NvrBluf ( $374.73 )
Seat 6: GERRYWOO ( $149.73 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
FaceYourFear posts small blind [$0.50]
NvrBluf posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2h, Jc ]
GERRYWOO calls [$1]
Meu130598 folds
Ahmus folds
FaceYourFear raises [$3.20]
NvrBluf raises [$10.10]
FaceYourFear folds
** Summary **
NvrBluf collected [ $8.40 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 9766410 *****

$0.01/$0.02 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 12:48:41
Table Olathe 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $2 )
Seat 4: mikeOmike ( $2.03 )
Seat 6: Clarabel84 ( $1.95 )
Seat 7: hemmut ( $0.64 )
Seat 9: anubias79 ( $2.42 )
mikeOmike posts small blind [$0.01]
Clarabel84 posts big blind [$0.02]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9s, 9h ]
hemmut folds
anubias79 raises [$0.04]
Meu130598 raises [$0.18]
mikeOmike folds
Clarabel84 folds
anubias79 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $0.11 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600670 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:14:01
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $106.88 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $92.26 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Td, Jc ]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602271 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:24:01
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $105.33 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $106 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5h, Ah ]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600942 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:15:36
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $101 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $111.58 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kc, 9s ]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601558 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:19:30
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $103.48 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $106.42 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7d, Qc ]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555604899 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:40:48
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $110.44 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $198.48 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $99 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $142.78 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $93.54 )
Klinskiy1 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9s, Qs ]
aka37 folds
bifeubs folds
Arara09 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555597956 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 09:57:09
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: dali24 ( $70 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
dali24 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7c, 2s ]
dali24 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390614 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:07:45
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $34.80 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $101.50 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $108.20 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
emptyphases posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Tc, 6c ]
aslordly folds
siegemund folds
Iegend folds
guapdonthelp folds
emptyphases folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555599005 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:03:47
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: GalfondLOL ( $138.22 )
Seat 2: heavenstrang ( $103.88 )
Seat 4: dali24 ( $104.92 )
Seat 6: Schablaa ( $46.98 )
Seat 7: 2morrow2day ( $100 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
2morrow2day posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Js, 6d ]
GalfondLOL folds
heavenstrang folds
dali24 folds
Schablaa folds
2morrow2day folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 519415852 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 18:15:50
Table Tianjin 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: prtywhnucry ( $101.50 )
prtywhnucry posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jh, 2s ]
prtywhnucry folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576237836 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:41:07
Table Westonaria 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Klinskiy1 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8c, Td ]
Klinskiy1 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601764 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:20:50
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $112.81 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6s, 9h ]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600428 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:12:40
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $106.60 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $93.27 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ah, 3c ]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576245520 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 18:32:15
Table Gloucester 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: fratla ( $100 )
Seat 7: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 9: ValentinaKs ( $100 )
ValentinaKs posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9h, Ac ]
fratla folds
siegemund folds
ValentinaKs folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576271335 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 15:58:28
Table Olathe 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $101 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
eqUAlizer_22 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6h, 7d ]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388229 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:46:49
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $112.65 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $105.13 )
Seat 7: emptyphases ( $117.71 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
eqUAlizer_22 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jd, 4d ]
Draeknox folds
emptyphases folds
eqUAlizer_22 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337022 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:42:19
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $40.96 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ts, Qc ]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337052 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:43:00
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $102.80 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $37.96 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jd, Th ]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337090 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:43:42
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $41.16 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9c, 4d ]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337162 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:44:57
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $104.70 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $35.96 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9h, 7h ]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337214 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:45:57
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $103.80 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $39.96 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ts, 6h ]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337259 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:46:52
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $104.10 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $39.46 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ah, 3s ]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382993 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:34:18
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $127.09 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $104 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $261.73 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $114.17 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $169.53 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $117.06 )
DanoMadFerit posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ As, Qd ]
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337488 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:51:29
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $103.57 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $62.42 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $103.57 )
cherrywine posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7s, Ad ]
Gashead079 folds
cherrywine folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601595 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:19:44
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $104.98 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $104.92 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5h, 7c ]
aka37 calls [$0.50]
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Kh, 6h, 9h ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 6s ]
Meu130598 bets [$1.32]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $1.90 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390966 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:27:29
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $45.90 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $255.86 )
Seat 7: kolbasa666 ( $98.50 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $102.50 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Iegend posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kd, 2s ]
kolbasa666 folds
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 calls [$0.50]
Iegend checks
** Dealing flop ** [ Ts, 2d, Kh ]
Meu130598 checks
Iegend checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 2c ]
Meu130598 bets [$1]
Iegend folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $1.90 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600639 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:13:52
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $105.88 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $93.26 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6h, Kh ]
Meu130598 raises [$2]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601800 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:21:05
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $101.50 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $111.31 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4s, 3h ]
aka37 calls [$0.50]
Meu130598 raises [$3]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684250258 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:40:10
Table Sheffield 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $102.45 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
siegemund posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kh, Qs ]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
siegemund folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601576 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:19:36
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $103.98 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $105.92 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qs, Ac ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602085 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:22:52
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $103.03 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $108.70 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4s, 3d ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576236693 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:11:23
Table Worthing 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 6: zecheese ( $100 )
Seat 7: PPopeyeE ( $108.10 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $250.10 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
zecheese posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6h, Kh ]
PPopeyeE folds
harwester folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
zecheese folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600909 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:15:27
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $112.58 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kd, Td ]
Meu130598 raises [$2]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576271327 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 15:58:20
Table Olathe 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
eqUAlizer_22 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ts, Qh ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601779 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:20:56
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $100.50 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $112.31 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qh, Qd ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337029 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:42:25
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100.50 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $40.46 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8s, 9d ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337181 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:45:23
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $43.96 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8s, Qc ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337209 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:45:49
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $102.80 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $40.96 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8d, Ks ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337221 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:46:03
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $104.30 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $39.46 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qd, Kd ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337252 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:46:45
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $103.10 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $40.46 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6h, 5c ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676386979 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:10:57
Table Lugo 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $103.37 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
eqUAlizer_22 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kd, 7c ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602371 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:24:39
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $107.63 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $103.50 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ac, 3s ]
aka37 calls [$0.50]
Meu130598 raises [$2]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382161 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:14:44
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $137.60 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $121.79 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $119.75 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $170.89 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $143.19 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Neerajab posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ As, 8s ]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Neerajab folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383240 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:39:41
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $125.59 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $263.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $108.74 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $286.08 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $115.56 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Neerajab posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qd, 8s ]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 raises [$1.70]
Neerajab folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555597976 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 09:57:15
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: dali24 ( $70 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100.50 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
dali24 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ah, Jd ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
dali24 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600407 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:12:31
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $105.60 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $94.27 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7d, 9h ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600105 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:10:41
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $100.77 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8d, Ad ]
aka37 calls [$0.50]
Meu130598 raises [$3]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600727 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:14:21
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $105.88 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $93.26 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Td, 8c ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602465 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:25:17
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $104.48 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $106.23 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8d, Jc ]
aka37 calls [$0.50]
Meu130598 raises [$2]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253338 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:54:53
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $101.50 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $49.01 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $102.22 )
Seat 6: sevenelevenn ( $102.50 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $100.87 )
sevenelevenn posts small blind [$0.50]
EdyBarosanu posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, 3s ]
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Bumble888 folds
siegemund folds
sevenelevenn folds
EdyBarosanu folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253333 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:54:36
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $49.01 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $102.72 )
Seat 6: sevenelevenn ( $103.50 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $100.87 )
siegemund posts small blind [$0.50]
sevenelevenn posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ad, As ]
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Bumble888 folds
siegemund folds
sevenelevenn folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684244923 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 12:39:25
Table Rustenburg 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: LiFeIsBLeFF ( $194.37 )
Seat 2: Retro_iG ( $119.55 )
Seat 4: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 6: eqUAlizer_22 ( $133.02 )
Seat 9: 3910728 ( $105.45 )
LiFeIsBLeFF posts small blind [$0.50]
Retro_iG posts big blind [$1]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ks, As ]
Meu130598 raises [$2]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
3910728 folds
LiFeIsBLeFF folds
Retro_iG folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684258497 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 18:27:02
Table La Spezia 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 4: ValentinaKs ( $104.47 )
Seat 6: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
ValentinaKs posts small blind [$0.50]
siegemund posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ts, Qc ]
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
ValentinaKs folds
siegemund folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555598664 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:01:39
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: GalfondLOL ( $138.72 )
Seat 2: heavenstrang ( $100 )
Seat 4: dali24 ( $109.15 )
Seat 6: Schablaa ( $40 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
GalfondLOL posts small blind [$0.50]
heavenstrang posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3s, Ad ]
dali24 folds
Schablaa folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
GalfondLOL folds
heavenstrang folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390582 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:05:59
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $40 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $100 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $100 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $100 )
aslordly posts small blind [$0.50]
siegemund posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9d, Ks ]
Iegend folds
guapdonthelp folds
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.20]
aslordly folds
siegemund folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388548 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:56:20
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $149.38 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $100 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $120.06 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $103.38 )
Draeknox posts small blind [$0.50]
eqUAlizer_22 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qs, Jd ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
AMorgenstern folds
Draeknox folds
eqUAlizer_22 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388541 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:56:05
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $147.88 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $100 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $121.06 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $103.38 )
AMorgenstern posts small blind [$0.50]
Draeknox posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2h, Qh ]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.20]
AMorgenstern folds
Draeknox folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383169 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:38:14
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $125.59 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $264.59 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $108.24 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $275.63 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $115.56 )
MeowMeowDie posts small blind [$0.50]
DanoMadFerit posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6h, 6s ]
Meu130598 raises [$2]
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555656457 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:49:21
Table Deltona 9 Max (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 7
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $105.10 )
Seat 3: CmDog ( $99.50 )
Seat 4: HiiamGlavir ( $100 )
Seat 5: Cryptazavr ( $97.50 )
Seat 6: dolorousATM ( $100 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $100 )
Seat 10: PPopeyeE ( $100 )
HiiamGlavir folds
Cryptazavr folds
dolorousATM posts small blind [$0.50]
guapdonthelp folds
PPopeyeE posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6h, 7h ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.20]
CmDog folds
dolorousATM folds
PPopeyeE folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602976 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:28:34
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $100 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $108.98 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $105.32 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
bifeubs posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4c, 4h ]
Meu130598 raises [$2]
aka37 folds
bifeubs folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337307 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:47:59
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $109.90 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $33.21 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $101.50 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Klinskiy1 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ As, Tc ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.20]
Gashead079 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337265 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:46:58
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $104.60 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $38.96 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Klinskiy1 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5d, Qd ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.20]
Gashead079 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555604152 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:36:12
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $135.17 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $174.87 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $129.78 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $87.51 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
bifeubs posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Th, Qs ]
Arara09 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
aka37 folds
bifeubs folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602129 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:23:11
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $106.03 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $105.70 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9d, Qd ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
aka37 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 8d, As, 8s ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 bets [$2]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $3.80 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337193 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:45:32
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $101 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $42.96 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Js, Qs ]
Gashead079 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ad, 5s, Jd ]
Meu130598 checks
Gashead079 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 7s ]
Meu130598 bets [$1.32]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $3.80 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602287 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:24:08
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $105.83 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $105.50 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6s, 7h ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
aka37 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9s, Td, 2d ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 4d ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 9h ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 bets [$5.64]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $3.80 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600962 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:15:42
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $101.50 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $111.08 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kh, Ks ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
aka37 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9s, Js, 4d ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 bets [$2]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $3.80 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337032 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:42:32
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $101.50 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $39.46 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9c, Jh ]
Gashead079 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 7d, 2d, 9h ]
Meu130598 checks
Gashead079 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Qc ]
Meu130598 bets [$2]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $3.80 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337227 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:46:09
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $105.30 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $38.46 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Td, 4d ]
Gashead079 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ts, Qh, 3c ]
Meu130598 checks
Gashead079 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 7s ]
Meu130598 checks
Gashead079 checks
** Dealing river ** [ Jh ]
Meu130598 bets [$2]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $3.80 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337129 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:44:22
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $104.70 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $36.16 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jh, Kd ]
Gashead079 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 raises [$7]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $4 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337107 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:44:01
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $103.20 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $37.66 )
Gashead079 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kc, Qh ]
Gashead079 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 raises [$9]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $4 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602103 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:23:00
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $104.03 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $107.70 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qd, Td ]
aka37 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 raises [$7]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $4 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390846 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:20:57
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $49.45 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $106.10 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $102.43 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $246.64 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $117.13 )
aslordly posts small blind [$0.50]
siegemund posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7d, Ah ]
Iegend folds
guapdonthelp folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.20]
aslordly folds
siegemund calls [$1.20]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2s, Jh, Qc ]
siegemund checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 5s ]
siegemund checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 6d ]
siegemund checks
Meu130598 checks
** Summary **
siegemund shows [ 4s, Ks ]
Meu130598 shows [ 7d, Ah ]
Meu130598 collected [ $4.65 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555876486 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 19:08:37
Table Wiesbaden 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Ahmus ( $40 )
Seat 2: FaceYourFear ( $123.11 )
Seat 4: NvrBluf ( $331.44 )
Seat 6: GERRYWOO ( $179 )
Seat 7: Makermoney14 ( $19.69 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $103.10 )
NvrBluf posts small blind [$0.50]
GERRYWOO posts big blind [$1]
Ahmus posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ad, 9c ]
Makermoney14 folds
Meu130598 raises [$5]
Ahmus folds
FaceYourFear folds
NvrBluf folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $3.50 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337668 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:54:52
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $114.34 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $57.75 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $100.53 )
cherrywine posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ks, Ad ]
Gashead079 raises [$2]
cherrywine folds
Meu130598 raises [$11]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $4.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684241521 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 11:00:43
Table Valladolid 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: heavenstrang ( $100.50 )
Seat 2: 1200Mics ( $98.50 )
Seat 4: Arara09 ( $100 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Klinskiy1 ( $104.50 )
Seat 9: valvatne ( $44 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Klinskiy1 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kh, Jd ]
valvatne folds
heavenstrang folds
1200Mics folds
Arara09 folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Klinskiy1 calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 7s, Ks, 7h ]
Meu130598 bets [$1.98]
Klinskiy1 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $5.70 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388522 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:55:35
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $145.18 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $100 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $121.06 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $103.38 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
AMorgenstern posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8d, Kd ]
Draeknox folds
eqUAlizer_22 folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
AMorgenstern calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ Kh, Ad, 9h ]
Meu130598 checks
AMorgenstern checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 7s ]
Meu130598 checks
AMorgenstern checks
** Dealing river ** [ 4d ]
Meu130598 bets [$1.98]
AMorgenstern folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $5.70 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337097 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:43:49
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100.50 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $40.66 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kc, 6h ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Gashead079 calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ Kd, 6s, Qh ]
Gashead079 checks
Meu130598 bets [$1.98]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $5.70 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383488 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:44:53
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $125.44 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $256.09 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $107.24 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $293.41 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $114.06 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Neerajab posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ah, Jc ]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Neerajab calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 4d, Kc, As ]
Meu130598 bets [$3]
Neerajab folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $5.70 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601512 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:19:12
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $100.78 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $109.42 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2h, Qh ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
aka37 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9c, Qs, 2s ]
aka37 bets [$1]
Meu130598 raises [$4]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $5.70 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684241535 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 11:01:07
Table Valladolid 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: heavenstrang ( $100.50 )
Seat 2: 1200Mics ( $98.50 )
Seat 4: Arara09 ( $100 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $102.70 )
Seat 7: Klinskiy1 ( $101.50 )
Seat 9: valvatne ( $44 )
Klinskiy1 posts small blind [$0.50]
valvatne posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Td, 9s ]
heavenstrang folds
1200Mics folds
Arara09 folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Klinskiy1 folds
valvatne calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2d, 6c, 8h ]
valvatne checks
Meu130598 bets [$2.75]
valvatne folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $5.22 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388439 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:53:14
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $147.43 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $100 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $113.80 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $106.48 )
AMorgenstern posts small blind [$0.50]
Draeknox posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Td, As ]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
AMorgenstern folds
Draeknox calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 6c, 9d, 5s ]
Draeknox checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 9h ]
Draeknox checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ Qh ]
Draeknox checks
Meu130598 checks
** Summary **
Draeknox shows [ 4d, 3h ]
Meu130598 shows [ Td, As ]
Meu130598 collected [ $5.22 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382173 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:15:04
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $137.60 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $121.79 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $120.75 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $169.89 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $143.19 )
Neerajab posts small blind [$0.50]
harwester posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, Kh ]
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.20]
Neerajab calls [$1.70]
harwester folds
** Dealing flop ** [ Kc, Tc, 4h ]
Neerajab checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Js ]
Neerajab checks
Meu130598 bets [$2.70]
Neerajab folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $5.13 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382273 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:17:14
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $145.77 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $103.70 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.79 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $123.68 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $160.19 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $139.49 )
DanoMadFerit posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ad, 5d ]
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 raises [$11]
JustCoins folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $5.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388097 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:43:28
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $109.40 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $115.70 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Draeknox posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8h, Ah ]
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$2.25]
Meu130598 raises [$10.50]
Draeknox folds
eqUAlizer_22 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $5.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253430 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:57:43
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100.50 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $43.91 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 6: sevenelevenn ( $102 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $100 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $112.63 )
siegemund posts small blind [$0.50]
sevenelevenn folds
EdyBarosanu posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6s, 6d ]
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.20]
Bumble888 calls [$2.20]
siegemund folds
EdyBarosanu folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 5d, Qh, Ad ]
Meu130598 bets [$1.48]
Bumble888 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $5.60 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555876029 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 19:04:53
Table Wiesbaden 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: FaceYourFear ( $104.07 )
Seat 4: NvrBluf ( $336.19 )
Seat 6: GERRYWOO ( $196.25 )
Seat 7: Makermoney14 ( $22.19 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Makermoney14 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8h, Jd ]
FaceYourFear folds
NvrBluf folds
Makermoney14 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ Jh, Ad, 8c ]
Makermoney14 bets [$2]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Dealing turn ** [ Ac ]
Makermoney14 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 3c ]
Makermoney14 checks
Meu130598 bets [$4]
Makermoney14 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $7.60 ]
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601319 *****
$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:17:53
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $103 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $108.03 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7s, Ad ]
aka37 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 7d, 7h, 6d ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$2]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Dealing turn ** [ Js ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 2d ]
Meu130598 bets [$4]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $7.60 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600247 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:11:33
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $104.50 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $95.77 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kh, 8s ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
aka37 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ Kc, 2s, 2d ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ Ac ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ As ]
aka37 bets [$2]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Summary **
aka37 shows [ 8h, 9d ]
Meu130598 shows [ Kh, 8s ]
Meu130598 collected [ $7.60 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600572 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:13:29
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $102.28 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $97.26 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qh, Ks ]
aka37 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ Td, 6h, Jd ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$2]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Dealing turn ** [ 5d ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 7d ]
Meu130598 bets [$4]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $7.60 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602930 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:28:16
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $101.54 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $104.98 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $106.32 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kc, Ad ]
bifeubs raises [$3]
Meu130598 raises [$10.50]
aka37 folds
bifeubs folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $7 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382410 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:20:23
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $144.27 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $103 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.29 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $134.90 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $153.39 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $137.99 )
Neerajab posts small blind [$0.50]
harwester posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kh, Qh ]
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 raises [$8]
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
JustCoins folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $6.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555602857 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:27:49
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $103.54 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $100.98 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $108.32 )
bifeubs posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 3h, Kc ]
aka37 raises [$2]
bifeubs calls [$1.50]
Meu130598 raises [$13]
aka37 folds
bifeubs folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $6 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382490 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:22:16
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $152.44 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.29 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $137.90 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $145.39 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $137.99 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Neerajab posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ts, 9d ]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Neerajab calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2d, 8c, Qc ]
Meu130598 bets [$1.50]
Neerajab calls [$1.50]
** Dealing turn ** [ 3s ]
Meu130598 bets [$11.25]
Neerajab folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $8.55 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337417 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:49:59
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $67.92 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $102.27 )
cherrywine posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ad, 2s ]
Gashead079 raises [$2]
Klinskiy1 folds
cherrywine folds
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ Qs, Kd, 2h ]
Meu130598 checks
Gashead079 bets [$2]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Dealing turn ** [ Tc ]
Meu130598 checks
Gashead079 checks
** Dealing river ** [ As ]
Meu130598 bets [$4.68]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $8.07 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337273 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:47:09
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $106.10 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $38.46 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $100 )
Klinskiy1 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 7s, 4s ]
Gashead079 raises [$2]
Klinskiy1 folds
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2h, 3c, 9c ]
Meu130598 checks
Gashead079 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 3s ]
Meu130598 bets [$2.25]
Gashead079 calls [$2.25]
** Dealing river ** [ Td ]
Meu130598 bets [$14.94]
Gashead079 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $8.55 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676323574 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:55:52
Table Culiacan 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 2: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 6: Klinskiy1 ( $101.10 )
Klinskiy1 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ad, 8s ]
Klinskiy1 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ Kc, Jh, 4d ]
Meu130598 checks
Klinskiy1 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 8c ]
Meu130598 checks
Klinskiy1 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 8d ]
Meu130598 checks
Klinskiy1 bets [$1.98]
Meu130598 raises [$24.96]
Klinskiy1 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $9.46 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555600137 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:10:53
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $101 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $99.77 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9d, Kh ]
Meu130598 raises [$2]
aka37 calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Th, 4d, 4s ]
aka37 bets [$2.50]
Meu130598 calls [$2.50]
** Dealing turn ** [ Qs ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 bets [$3.30]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $9.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382071 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:12:40
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $139.10 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $101.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $117.68 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $116.25 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $177.32 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $143.69 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
cashmoneyrec posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ks, As ]
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit raises [$3]
Meu130598 raises [$9]
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
DanoMadFerit folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $7.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676383088 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:36:31
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $127.09 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $266.59 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $103.67 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $275.63 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $116.06 )
harwester posts small blind [$0.50]
cashmoneyrec posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ac, 3c ]
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit raises [$3.50]
Meu130598 calls [$3.50]
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 4s, Tc, 3s ]
DanoMadFerit checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 2s ]
DanoMadFerit checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 8h ]
DanoMadFerit checks
Meu130598 checks
** Summary **
DanoMadFerit shows [ Qs, Ah ]
Meu130598 shows [ Ac, 3c ]
Meu130598 collected [ $8.07 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337551 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:52:51
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $112.39 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $60.92 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $100.50 )
cherrywine posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 4c, 2c ]
Gashead079 raises [$2]
cherrywine folds
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 6c, 8d, Js ]
Meu130598 checks
Gashead079 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 3s ]
Meu130598 bets [$2.97]
Gashead079 calls [$2.97]
** Dealing river ** [ 4s ]
Meu130598 checks
Gashead079 checks
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ 4c, 2c ]
Gashead079 mucks [ Qd, Kd ]
Meu130598 collected [ $9.92 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555656327 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:48:45
Table Deltona 9 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: borken87 ( $69.06 )
Seat 3: CmDog ( $100 )
Seat 4: HiiamGlavir ( $100 )
Seat 5: Cryptazavr ( $100 )
Seat 6: dolorousATM ( $100 )
CmDog posts small blind [$0.50]
HiiamGlavir posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qd, Jc ]
Cryptazavr raises [$2.50]
dolorousATM folds
Meu130598 calls [$2.50]
borken87 folds
CmDog folds
HiiamGlavir calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 7d, Qh, Td ]
HiiamGlavir checks
Cryptazavr checks
Meu130598 bets [$4.40]
HiiamGlavir folds
Cryptazavr folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $7.60 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601878 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:21:35
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $101 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $111.71 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
aka37 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jc, 7h ]
Meu130598 raises [$1.50]
aka37 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9c, 4h, 6s ]
aka37 bets [$2]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Dealing turn ** [ Kd ]
aka37 bets [$1]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
aka37 calls [$1.50]
** Dealing river ** [ 3h ]
aka37 checks
Meu130598 bets [$11.58]
aka37 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $12.35 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555843086 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 15:49:29
Table Pyeongtaek 9 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: anthony_lwr ( $142.13 )
Seat 4: HaJluM ( $100 )
Seat 6: TELENOK ( $110.13 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 10: FaceYourFear ( $136 )
TELENOK posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 2d, 4d ]
FaceYourFear folds
anthony_lwr folds
HaJluM raises [$2.60]
Meu130598 calls [$1.60]
** Dealing flop ** [ 6h, 5c, 2s ]
Meu130598 checks
HaJluM checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 7h ]
Meu130598 checks
HaJluM bets [$4.10]
Meu130598 calls [$4.10]
** Dealing river ** [ 5h ]
Meu130598 checks
HaJluM checks
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ 2d, 4d ]
HaJluM mucks [ Ad, 9c ]
Meu130598 collected [ $13.20 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555601013 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:16:01
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $103.30 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $109.08 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6d, Kd ]
aka37 raises [$1.50]
Meu130598 calls [$1]
** Dealing flop ** [ 4c, Kh, Ks ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$2]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Dealing turn ** [ Ac ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 bets [$4]
Meu130598 calls [$4]
** Dealing river ** [ 5d ]
Meu130598 checks
aka37 checks
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ 6d, Kd ]
aka37 mucks [ 9s, Ah ]
Meu130598 collected [ $15.20 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684296672 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:11:08
Table Guelph 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 4: PPopeyeE ( $100 )
PPopeyeE posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Jh, Jc ]
PPopeyeE raises [$1.70]
Meu130598 raises [$7.80]
PPopeyeE calls [$6.60]
** Dealing flop ** [ 8h, 3c, Kd ]
Meu130598 bets [$5.81]
PPopeyeE folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $16.72 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676337498 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:51:37
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $104.07 )
Seat 2: Gashead079 ( $62.42 )
Seat 7: cherrywine ( $103.07 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Gashead079 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Th, Ts ]
cherrywine raises [$2.20]
Meu130598 calls [$1.70]
Gashead079 folds
** Dealing flop ** [ Jc, 3h, 6d ]
Meu130598 checks
cherrywine bets [$2.54]
Meu130598 calls [$2.54]
** Dealing turn ** [ 2h ]
Meu130598 checks
cherrywine checks
** Dealing river ** [ 5d ]
Meu130598 bets [$3.45]
cherrywine calls [$3.45]
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ Th, Ts ]
cherrywine mucks [ Kc, 6c ]
Meu130598 collected [ $16.51 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684250177 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:38:33
Table Arraijan 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: NvrBluf ( $97 )
Seat 6: MeowMeowDie ( $103 )
Seat 9: mrUppercut ( $40 )
MeowMeowDie posts small blind [$0.50]
mrUppercut folds
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qd, 8h ]
NvrBluf folds
MeowMeowDie raises [$2.40]
Meu130598 calls [$1.90]
** Dealing flop ** [ 9d, Js, 6s ]
MeowMeowDie bets [$1.74]
Meu130598 calls [$1.74]
** Dealing turn ** [ Jh ]
MeowMeowDie bets [$4.64]
Meu130598 raises [$18.56]
MeowMeowDie folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $17.63 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676390802 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:18:37
Table Subotica 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $42.49 )
Seat 2: aslordly ( $107.10 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $108.52 )
Seat 6: Iegend ( $242.73 )
Seat 7: guapdonthelp ( $122.50 )
Seat 9: emptyphases ( $103.90 )
Iegend posts small blind [$0.50]
guapdonthelp posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Kc, Ah ]
emptyphases folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
aslordly folds
siegemund folds
Iegend folds
guapdonthelp calls [$1.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2s, 3s, 5h ]
guapdonthelp checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 9d ]
guapdonthelp bets [$1.81]
Meu130598 calls [$1.81]
** Dealing river ** [ 6d ]
guapdonthelp bets [$4.56]
Meu130598 raises [$38.18]
guapdonthelp folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $17.33 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684253518 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 15:59:54
Table Baku 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $102.40 )
Seat 2: Bumble888 ( $31.56 )
Seat 4: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 7: EdyBarosanu ( $101.50 )
Seat 9: PPopeyeE ( $122.09 )
Bumble888 posts small blind [$0.50]
siegemund posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qh, 8h ]
EdyBarosanu folds
PPopeyeE folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.20]
Bumble888 calls [$1.70]
siegemund calls [$1.20]
** Dealing flop ** [ 7h, 6d, As ]
Bumble888 checks
siegemund checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 9s ]
Bumble888 checks
siegemund bets [$5.28]
Meu130598 calls [$5.28]
Bumble888 folds
** Dealing river ** [ 9c ]
siegemund checks
Meu130598 bets [$29.45]
siegemund folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $16.30 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388079 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:42:47
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $115.70 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
eqUAlizer_22 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 6d, Qc ]
Draeknox folds
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2h, 6c, 9h ]
eqUAlizer_22 checks
Meu130598 bets [$3.30]
eqUAlizer_22 calls [$3.30]
** Dealing turn ** [ 3d ]
eqUAlizer_22 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 2s ]
eqUAlizer_22 bets [$4.15]
Meu130598 calls [$4.15]
** Summary **
eqUAlizer_22 shows [ 7s, Ts ]
Meu130598 shows [ 6d, Qc ]
Meu130598 collected [ $19.85 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382304 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:17:56
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $145.77 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $120.29 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $126.18 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $163.19 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $139.49 )
Neerajab posts small blind [$0.50]
harwester posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ As, 7d ]
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.20]
Neerajab calls [$1.70]
harwester folds
** Dealing flop ** [ 8c, 3h, 9s ]
Neerajab checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing turn ** [ 3d ]
Neerajab bets [$2.70]
Meu130598 calls [$2.70]
** Dealing river ** [ 4c ]
Neerajab bets [$5.40]
Meu130598 calls [$5.40]
** Summary **
Neerajab shows [ 5h, Jh ]
Meu130598 shows [ As, 7d ]
Meu130598 collected [ $20.52 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 576245537 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 18:33:08
Table Gloucester 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 2: fratla ( $104.48 )
Seat 7: siegemund ( $100 )
Seat 9: ValentinaKs ( $100 )
fratla posts small blind [$0.50]
siegemund posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ks, 8s ]
ValentinaKs folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.20]
fratla folds
siegemund raises [$10]
Meu130598 raises [$22.55]
siegemund folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $22.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555605077 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:41:49
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $115.10 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $198.48 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $98.50 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $142.78 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $88.89 )
aka37 posts small blind [$0.50]
bifeubs posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ad, As ]
Arara09 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
aka37 folds
bifeubs raises [$10]
Meu130598 raises [$22]
bifeubs folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $22.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555604277 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:37:00
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $140.17 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $173.37 )
Seat 4: Klinskiy1 ( $96.50 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $131.28 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $86.01 )
Klinskiy1 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qd, Qh ]
aka37 raises [$2]
bifeubs folds
Arara09 folds
Klinskiy1 raises [$9.50]
Meu130598 raises [$130.28]
aka37 folds
Klinskiy1 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $22 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676332477 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 14:10:14
Table Kurgan 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: Lukandzel ( $178.49 )
Seat 4: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 6: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 7: Retro_iG ( $193.27 )
Seat 9: zecheese ( $101.50 )
Retro_iG posts small blind [$0.50]
zecheese posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Qc, Qd ]
Lukandzel folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
MeowMeowDie folds
Retro_iG raises [$10.50]
zecheese folds
Meu130598 raises [$97.50]
Retro_iG folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 collected [ $23 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676382915 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:32:20
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $131.09 )
Seat 2: MeowMeowDie ( $100 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $261.23 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $185.78 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $117.06 )
Meu130598 posts small blind [$0.50]
Neerajab posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8c, Qd ]
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
MeowMeowDie folds
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
Neerajab calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2s, 4d, Kh ]
Meu130598 bets [$1.50]
Neerajab calls [$1.50]
** Dealing turn ** [ 5d ]
Meu130598 bets [$11.25]
Neerajab calls [$11.25]
** Dealing river ** [ Ad ]
Meu130598 bets [$52]
Neerajab folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $29.92 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388346 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:50:18
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $127.32 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $103.48 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $115.33 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $103.48 )
eqUAlizer_22 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8c, Qd ]
AMorgenstern folds
Draeknox folds
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$2.50]
Meu130598 calls [$2]
** Dealing flop ** [ 5c, 8d, Ad ]
eqUAlizer_22 bets [$4.02]
Meu130598 calls [$4.02]
** Dealing turn ** [ Qc ]
eqUAlizer_22 bets [$17.55]
Meu130598 raises [$120.30]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $46.68 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 1555603037 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 25 05 2023 10:28:55
Table Formosa 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 1: bifeubs ( $100 )
Seat 2: Arara09 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Meu130598 ( $110.48 )
Seat 9: aka37 ( $104.82 )
bifeubs posts small blind [$0.50]
Arara09 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 8d, 8h ]
Meu130598 raises [$2.50]
aka37 folds
bifeubs folds
Arara09 raises [$11]
Meu130598 calls [$9.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ 2s, Th, 3s ]
Arara09 bets [$12.25]
Meu130598 calls [$12.25]
** Dealing turn ** [ 4d ]
Arara09 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Dealing river ** [ 7s ]
Arara09 checks
Meu130598 checks
** Summary **
Arara09 shows [ Qh, Ad ]
Meu130598 shows [ 8d, 8h ]
Meu130598 collected [ $46.55 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676388253 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 18:47:29
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Meu130598 ( $112.65 )
Seat 2: AMorgenstern ( $103.98 )
Seat 6: Draeknox ( $105.13 )
Seat 7: emptyphases ( $117.71 )
Seat 9: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
AMorgenstern posts small blind [$0.50]
Draeknox posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 5d, 6d ]
emptyphases folds
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$2.25]
Meu130598 raises [$7.75]
AMorgenstern folds
Draeknox folds
eqUAlizer_22 calls [$5.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Qd, 8c, 7s ]
eqUAlizer_22 checks
Meu130598 bets [$5.61]
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$15.83]
Meu130598 raises [$99.29]
eqUAlizer_22 folds
** Summary **
Meu130598 did not show his hand
Meu130598 collected [ $46.23 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 684297097 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 20:38:39
Table Hengelo 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 1: eqUAlizer_22 ( $100 )
Seat 9: Meu130598 ( $100 )
eqUAlizer_22 posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ Ac, 8d ]
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$1.75]
Meu130598 calls [$1.25]
** Dealing flop ** [ Ad, Kc, 5c ]
Meu130598 checks
eqUAlizer_22 bets [$1.49]
Meu130598 calls [$1.49]
** Dealing turn ** [ 6d ]
Meu130598 checks
eqUAlizer_22 bets [$5.61]
Meu130598 calls [$5.61]
** Dealing river ** [ Ah ]
Meu130598 bets [$4.68]
eqUAlizer_22 raises [$20.83]
Meu130598 calls [$16.15]
** Summary **
eqUAlizer_22 shows [ 6h, Qh ]
Meu130598 shows [ Ac, 8d ]
Meu130598 collected [ $59.36 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 676381956 *****

$0.50/$1 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 26 05 2023 16:10:12
Table Rio Rancho 6 Max (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: cashmoneyrec ( $139.10 )
Seat 2: JustCoins ( $103.50 )
Seat 4: DanoMadFerit ( $100 )
Seat 6: Meu130598 ( $100 )
Seat 7: Neerajab ( $178.82 )
Seat 9: harwester ( $144.69 )
DanoMadFerit posts small blind [$0.50]
Meu130598 posts big blind [$1]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Meu130598 [ 9s, 9c ]
Neerajab folds
harwester folds
cashmoneyrec folds
JustCoins raises [$2.50]
DanoMadFerit folds
Meu130598 raises [$11]
JustCoins raises [$21]
Meu130598 calls [$11.50]
** Dealing flop ** [ Jc, 9d, 6d ]
Meu130598 checks
JustCoins bets [$14.68]
Meu130598 calls [$14.68]
** Dealing turn ** [ 7h ]
Meu130598 checks
JustCoins checks
** Dealing river ** [ Js ]
Meu130598 checks
JustCoins checks
** Summary **
Meu130598 shows [ 9s, 9c ]
JustCoins mucks [ Ac, 4c ]
Meu130598 collected [ $73.02 ]

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