20230524-20230529 Pokersola

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***** Hand History For Game 1684969093261znsjszbtmq *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 18:57:43 EDT 2023
Table Paris 123 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($50)
Seat 2: Player3 ($50.75)
Seat 3: Player4 ($80.10)
Seat 4: Player5 ($50)
Seat 5: Player6 ($49.25)
Seat 6: Player1 ($47.68)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Hero posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 3h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 1 to 1
Player1 folds
Hero calls (0.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kc, 9h, 7d ]
Hero checks
Player6 bets (1.60)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.14 Rake: $0.11
Board: [ Kc, 9h, 7d ]
Hero balance $49, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $50.75, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $80.10, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $50.39, bet $2.60, collected $3.74, net +$1.14
Player1 balance $47.43, lost $0.25 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849691605586r76k7ovaq3 *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 18:58:17 EDT 2023
Table Paris 123 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($50)
Seat 2: Player2 ($50.75)
Seat 3: Player3 ($80.10)
Seat 4: Player4 ($50)
Seat 5: Player5 ($50.39)
Seat 6: Player6 ($47.43)
Hero posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 6h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player6 calls (2)
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9h, 2d, 7d ]
Player5 bets (2.26)
Player6 calls (2.26)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ks ]
Player5 checks
Player6 bets (5.87)
Player5 raises 11.74 to 11.74
Player6 raises 37.30 to 43.17
Player6 is all-In.
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $31.12 Rake: $1.63
Board: [ 9h, 2d, 7d, Ks ]
Hero balance $49.75, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $50.25, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $80.10, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $34.39, lost $16 (folded)
Player6 balance $62.55, bet $47.43, collected $62.55, net +$15.12

***** Hand History For Game 1684969174943f6mus7ungv9 *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 18:59:24 EDT 2023
Table Paris 123 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($50)
Seat 2: Player1 ($50.25)
Seat 3: Player2 ($80.10)
Seat 4: Player3 ($50)
Seat 5: Player4 ($34.39)
Seat 6: Player5 ($62.55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, Qh ]
Player3 raises 1 to 1
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.25 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $50, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $79.60, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $50.75, bet $1, collected $1.75, net +$0.75
Player4 balance $34.39, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $62.55, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969215901uvrq25rvy5 *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 18:59:38 EDT 2023
Table Paris 123 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($50)
Seat 2: Player5 ($50)
Seat 3: Player1 ($79.60)
Seat 4: Player2 ($50.75)
Seat 5: Player3 ($34.39)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, Ks ]
Player3 raises 1.50 to 1.50
Hero raises 6.50 to 6.50
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 32.89 to 34.39
Player3 is all-In.
Hero calls (27.89)
Creating Main Pot with $ 66.53 with Player3
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jc, 3c, Ac ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Tc ]
** Dealing River ** : [ 9d ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $66.53 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Jc, 3c, Ac, Tc, 9d ]
Hero balance $82.14, bet $34.39, collected $66.53, net +$32.14[ Ad, Ks ] [ a pair
of aces -- Ad,Ac,Ks,Jc,Tc ]
Player5 balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $79.35, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $50.25, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $0, lost $34.39[ Qs, Qh ] [ a pair of queens -- Ac,Qs,Qh,Jc,Tc ]

***** Hand History For Game 16849692329831h9y3wihmig *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:00:19 EDT 2023
Table Paris 123 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($82.14)
Seat 2: Player3 ($50)
Seat 3: Player4 ($79.35)
Seat 4: Player1 ($50.25)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Hero posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, Qd ]
Player3 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player4 calls (1.25)
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2c, 4s, 7c ]
Player3 checks
Player4 bets (1.75)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.09 Rake: $0.16
Board: [ 2c, 4s, 7c ]
Hero balance $81.64, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $48.75, lost $1.25 (folded)
Player4 balance $81.19, bet $3, collected $4.84, net +$1.84
Player1 balance $50, lost $0.25 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849692509962717xoyup2i *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:00:36 EDT 2023
Table Paris 123 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($81.64)
Seat 2: Player2 ($50)
Seat 3: Player3 ($81.19)
Seat 4: Player4 ($50)
Hero posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 4c ]
Player3 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.25 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $81.39, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $49.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $81.94, bet $1.25, collected $2, net +$0.75
Player4 balance $50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849692702816g4ik7ug12o *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:00:55 EDT 2023
Table Paris 123 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($81.39)
Seat 2: Player1 ($50)
Seat 3: Player2 ($81.94)
Seat 4: Player3 ($50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 1.10 to 1.10
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.25 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $82.14, bet $1.10, collected $1.85, net +$0.75
Player1 balance $49.75, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $81.44, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969294363pu7nonmvvkf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:00:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($153.71)
Seat 3: Player2 ($77.49)
Seat 4: Player3 ($270.10)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100.44)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, Kc ]
Player5 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (2.24)
Player3 folds
Hero calls (1.24)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, 7c, 8h ]
Hero checks
Player5 checks
Player2 bets (2.44)
Hero folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.34 Rake: $0.38
Board: [ Th, 7c, 8h ]
Player1 balance $153.61, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $82.49, bet $4.78, collected $9.78, net +$5
Player3 balance $269.50, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $97.66, lost $2.34 (folded)
Player5 balance $98.10, lost $2.34 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969278646h9vonio80un *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:01:14 EDT 2023
Table Paris 123 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($82.14)
Seat 2: Player4 ($50)
Seat 3: Player1 ($81.44)
Seat 4: Player2 ($50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 3s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $82.14, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $81.19, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $50.25, bet $0.50, collected $0.75, net +$0.25

***** Hand History For Game 1684969315401bvtogqan9f *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:01:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($153.61)
Seat 3: Player2 ($82.49)
Seat 4: Player3 ($269.50)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, Th ]
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player3 folds
Hero calls (2)
Player5 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, Js, Ad ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (4.12)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ 9d, Js, Ad ]
Player1 balance $153.51, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $86.07, bet $6.72, collected $10.30, net +$3.58
Player3 balance $269.40, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $97.40, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $98.90, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969340395vl1xspmwdf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:01:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($153.51)
Seat 3: Player2 ($86.07)
Seat 4: Player3 ($269.40)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 6h ]
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $152.41, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $85.97, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $269.30, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $101.90, bet $3.60, collected $5.50, net +$1.90
Player5 balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969406662c4rzjwaba4l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:02:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($152.41)
Seat 3: Player2 ($85.97)
Seat 4: Player3 ($269.30)
Seat 5: Hero ($101.90)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, Ad ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 3 to 3
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7c, 9c, 8h ]
Player2 bets (2.21)
Hero calls (2.21)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ac ]
Player2 bets (3.61)
Hero raises 11 to 11
Player2 calls (7.39)
** Dealing River ** : [ 4d ]
Player2 bets (21.16)
Hero calls (21.16)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $72.74 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 7c, 9c, 8h, Ac, 4d ]
Player1 balance $151.81, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $48.50, lost $37.47[ Th, 2d ] [ high card ace -- Ac,Th,9c,8h,7c ]
Player3 balance $269.20, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $137.17, bet $37.47, collected $72.74, net +$35.27[ Td, Ad ] [ a pair
of aces -- Ad,Ac,Td,9c,8h ]
Player5 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849694653962q9af9or6gn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:03:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($151.81)
Seat 3: Player2 ($48.50)
Seat 4: Player3 ($269.20)
Seat 5: Hero ($137.17)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 5h ]
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player1 calls (2.24)
Player2 calls (1.74)
Player3 calls (1.24)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2c, 5s, 4c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player5 checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7h ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (6.38)
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.99 Rake: $0.47
Board: [ 2c, 5s, 4c, 7h ]
Player1 balance $149.47, lost $2.34 (folded)
Player2 balance $46.16, lost $2.34 (folded)
Player3 balance $275.85, bet $8.72, collected $15.37, net +$6.65
Hero balance $137.07, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $97.66, lost $2.34 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969488131ueavjul3jz *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:04:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($149.47)
Seat 3: Player2 ($46.16)
Seat 4: Player3 ($275.85)
Seat 5: Hero ($137.07)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, Js ]
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $149.37, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $46.06, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $275.25, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $137.97, bet $1.10, collected $2, net +$0.90
Player5 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969518193ajpredfnzwr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:04:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($149.37)
Seat 3: Player2 ($46.06)
Seat 4: Player3 ($275.25)
Seat 5: Hero ($137.97)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, Th ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player5 raises 9 to 10
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $149.27, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $45.96, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $273.15, lost $2.10 (folded)
Hero balance $137.37, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $102.90, bet $10.10, collected $13, net +$2.90

***** Hand History For Game 1684969568522osbfgq4z27j *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:05:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($149.27)
Seat 3: Player2 ($45.96)
Seat 4: Player3 ($273.15)
Seat 5: Hero ($137.37)
Seat 6: Player5 ($102.90)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, Ah ]
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 calls (2)
Player1 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9h, 6h, Qc ]
Player5 checks
Hero bets (2.03)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ 9h, 6h, Qc ]
Player1 balance $148.17, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $45.86, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $273.05, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $140.95, bet $4.63, collected $8.21, net +$3.58
Player5 balance $100.30, lost $2.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849696229223ih0adbebjl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:06:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($148.17)
Seat 3: Player2 ($45.86)
Seat 4: Player3 ($273.05)
Seat 5: Hero ($140.95)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100.30)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, 3d ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (1.50)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4h, Ah, Kd ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kc ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (3.71)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 4h, Ah, Kd, Kc ]
Player1 balance $146.07, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $44.76, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $276.18, bet $5.81, collected $8.94, net +$3.13
Hero balance $140.85, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $100.20, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849696511488xn86rgkkus *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:07:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($146.07)
Seat 3: Player2 ($44.76)
Seat 4: Player3 ($276.18)
Seat 5: Hero ($140.85)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100.20)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 8c ]
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (0.50)
Player3 raises 1 to 2
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, 7c, 3s ]
Player2 bets (1.42)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.28 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ 2s, 7c, 3s ]
Player1 balance $145.97, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $46.94, bet $3.52, collected $5.70, net +$2.18
Player3 balance $274.08, lost $2.10 (folded)
Hero balance $140.75, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $100.10, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969686763syss9x50lf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:07:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($145.97)
Seat 3: Player2 ($46.94)
Seat 4: Player3 ($274.08)
Seat 5: Hero ($140.75)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100.10)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, Ad ]
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 calls (2.50)
Player3 calls (2)
Hero raises 19.50 to 20.50
Player1 raises 143.37 to 145.87
Player1 is all-In.
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $46.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $171.87, bet $145.97, collected $171.87, net +$25.90
Player2 balance $44.34, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $271.48, lost $2.60 (folded)
Hero balance $120.15, lost $20.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969740172wzrcyp82s5j *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:08:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($171.87)
Seat 3: Player2 ($44.34)
Seat 4: Player3 ($271.48)
Seat 5: Hero ($120.15)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 7c ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, 9h, Qc ]
Player5 checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7d ]
Player5 checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 5s ]
Player5 bets (3.99)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 9s, 9h, Qc, 7d, 5s ]
Player1 balance $169.27, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $44.24, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $271.38, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $119.55, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $103.10, bet $6.59, collected $9.69, net +$3.10

***** Hand History For Game 1684969800919ww3ktr18gx *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:09:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($169.27)
Seat 3: Player2 ($44.24)
Seat 4: Player3 ($271.38)
Seat 5: Hero ($119.55)
Seat 6: Player5 ($103.10)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 9d ]
Player2 calls (1)
Player3 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Hero calls (3.50)
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (2.50)
Player2 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, Qs, 8d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (4.75)
Player3 folds
Hero calls (4.75)
Player1 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ 5c ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.28 Rake: $1.22
Board: [ 4c, Qs, 8d, 4d, 5c ]
Player1 balance $165.67, lost $3.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $59.17, bet $8.35, collected $23.28, net +$14.93[ Ad, 5d ] [ two
pairs, fives and fours -- Ad,5d,5c,4c,4d ]
Player3 balance $267.78, lost $3.60 (folded)
Hero balance $111.20, lost $8.35[ As, 9d ] [ a pair of fours -- As,Qs,9d,4c,4d ]
Player5 balance $102.50, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969827857ecb58watr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:10:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($165.67)
Seat 3: Player2 ($59.17)
Seat 4: Player3 ($267.78)
Seat 5: Hero ($111.20)
Seat 6: Player5 ($102.50)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, 3s ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9h, 6s, Ac ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (3.37)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 9h, 6s, Ac ]
Player1 balance $165.07, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $57.07, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $270.43, bet $5.47, collected $8.12, net +$2.65
Hero balance $111.10, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $102.40, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969846972gmb766iw3d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:10:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($165.07)
Seat 3: Player2 ($57.07)
Seat 4: Player3 ($270.43)
Seat 5: Hero ($111.10)
Seat 6: Player5 ($102.40)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, As ]
Hero raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $164.97, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $56.47, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $269.33, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $113, bet $3.60, collected $5.50, net +$1.90
Player5 balance $102.30, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969890578ecd2b2rblz8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:10:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($164.97)
Seat 3: Player2 ($56.47)
Seat 4: Player3 ($269.33)
Seat 5: Hero ($113)
Seat 6: Player5 ($102.30)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, 9h ]
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ac, 3h, 2s ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2d ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 2c ]
Hero bets (1.88)
Player1 calls (1.88)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.28 Rake: $0.48000005
Board: [ Ac, 3h, 2s, 2d, 2c ]
Player1 balance $169.77, bet $4.48, collected $9.28, net +$4.80[ Kc, Jh ] [ three
of a kind, twos -- Ac,Kc,2s,2d,2c ]
Player2 balance $56.37, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $268.73, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $108.52, lost $4.48[ Td, 9h ] [ three of a kind, twos --
Ac,Td,2s,2d,2c ]
Player5 balance $102.20, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969910750oomemws76g *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:11:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($169.77)
Seat 3: Player2 ($56.37)
Seat 4: Player3 ($268.73)
Seat 5: Hero ($108.52)
Seat 6: Player5 ($102.20)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, 9c ]
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2 to 2
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $169.67, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $58.27, bet $2.10, collected $4, net +$1.90
Player3 balance $268.63, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $107.92, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $101.10, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969956720covbumhb97l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:11:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($169.67)
Seat 3: Player2 ($58.27)
Seat 4: Player3 ($268.63)
Seat 5: Hero ($107.92)
Seat 6: Player5 ($101.10)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, 7s ]
Player2 calls (1)
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7c, Kh, 2h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ 7c, Kh, 2h, Jh, 6c ]
Player1 balance $168.57, lost $1.10[ 8h, 9c ] [ high card king -- Kh,Jh,9c,8h,7c ]
Player2 balance $60.02, bet $1.10, collected $2.85, net +$1.75[ Ts, 8s ] [ high
card king -- Kh,Jh,Ts,8s,7c ]
Player3 balance $268.53, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $107.82, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $100.50, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969971165tr94bk35xdg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:12:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($168.57)
Seat 3: Player2 ($60.02)
Seat 4: Player3 ($268.53)
Seat 5: Hero ($107.82)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100.50)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 5s ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $167.97, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $60.92, bet $1.10, collected $2, net +$0.90
Player3 balance $268.43, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $107.72, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $100.40, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684969994081e18fxa7olqp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:12:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($167.97)
Seat 3: Player2 ($60.92)
Seat 4: Player3 ($268.43)
Seat 5: Hero ($107.72)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100.40)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, Qs ]
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $167.87, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $60.32, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $269.33, bet $1.10, collected $2, net +$0.90
Hero balance $107.62, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $100.30, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849700083914yk76a0sa6v *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:13:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($167.87)
Seat 3: Player2 ($60.32)
Seat 4: Player3 ($269.33)
Seat 5: Hero ($107.62)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100.30)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, Ks ]
Player5 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $167.77, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $60.22, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $268.73, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $106.52, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $102.20, bet $2.34, collected $4.24, net +$1.90

***** Hand History For Game 1684970075537934xw5sy678 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:13:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($167.77)
Seat 3: Player2 ($60.22)
Seat 4: Player3 ($268.73)
Seat 5: Hero ($106.52)
Seat 6: Player5 ($102.20)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 7c ]
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, Ad, 5c ]
Player5 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Tc ]
Player5 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6c ]
Player5 checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ Td, Ad, 5c, Tc, 6c ]
Player1 balance $167.67, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $61.97, bet $1.10, collected $2.85, net +$1.75[ 2s, Ah ] [ two
pairs, aces and tens -- Ah,Ad,Td,Tc,6c ]
Player3 balance $268.63, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $105.92, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $101.10, lost $1.10[ 6d, 9c ] [ two pairs, tens and sixes --
Ad,Td,Tc,6d,6c ]

***** Hand History For Game 1684970094207w7l0thawldn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:14:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($167.67)
Seat 3: Player2 ($61.97)
Seat 4: Player3 ($268.63)
Seat 5: Hero ($105.92)
Seat 6: Player5 ($101.10)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 7d ]
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $168.57, bet $1.10, collected $2, net +$0.90
Player2 balance $61.87, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $268.53, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $105.82, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $100.50, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970154693jruo1ty25cq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:14:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($168.57)
Seat 3: Player2 ($61.87)
Seat 4: Player3 ($268.53)
Seat 5: Hero ($105.82)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100.50)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, 6h ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kc, 5d, Ad ]
Player2 bets (1.58)
Player3 calls (1.58)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Kd ]
Player2 bets (5.17)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.76 Rake: $0.40000004
Board: [ Kc, 5d, Ad, 3c, Kd ]
Player1 balance $167.97, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $65.95, bet $8.85, collected $12.93, net +$4.08
Player3 balance $264.85, lost $3.68 (folded)
Hero balance $105.72, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $100.40, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970184788tbu7j6tda58 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:15:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($167.97)
Seat 3: Player2 ($65.95)
Seat 4: Player3 ($264.85)
Seat 5: Hero ($105.72)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100.40)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, Qd ]
Hero raises 3 to 3
Player5 raises 11 to 11
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $167.87, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $65.35, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $263.75, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $102.62, lost $3.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $105.30, bet $11.10, collected $16, net +$4.90

***** Hand History For Game 1684970241471y16j491kup *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:16:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($167.87)
Seat 3: Player2 ($65.35)
Seat 4: Player3 ($263.75)
Seat 5: Hero ($102.62)
Seat 6: Player5 ($105.30)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, Jd ]
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero raises 10 to 11
Player1 calls (8.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, 4h, Kh ]
Hero bets (7.21)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $21.85 Rake: $1.15
Board: [ 3s, 4h, Kh ]
Player1 balance $156.77, lost $11.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $65.25, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $263.15, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $113.37, bet $18.31, collected $29.06, net +$10.75
Player5 balance $105.20, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849702608401hehy9vphki *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:17:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($156.77)
Seat 3: Player2 ($65.25)
Seat 4: Player3 ($263.15)
Seat 5: Hero ($113.37)
Seat 6: Player5 ($105.20)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, 2c ]
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 4 to 4
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $156.67, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $67.15, bet $4.10, collected $6, net +$1.90
Player3 balance $263.05, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $112.77, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $104.10, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970317933dbfs629ksd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:17:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($156.67)
Seat 3: Player2 ($67.15)
Seat 4: Player3 ($263.05)
Seat 5: Hero ($112.77)
Seat 6: Player5 ($104.10)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, Ac ]
Player2 calls (1)
Player3 folds
Hero raises 4 to 4
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, Kc, Tc ]
Player2 bets (3.16)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.50 Rake: $0.5
Board: [ 7d, Kc, Tc ]
Player1 balance $155.57, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $72.55, bet $7.26, collected $12.66, net +$5.40
Player3 balance $262.95, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $108.67, lost $4.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $103.50, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970374259deqoa9s01f9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:18:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($155.57)
Seat 3: Player2 ($72.55)
Seat 4: Player3 ($262.95)
Seat 5: Hero ($108.67)
Seat 6: Player5 ($103.50)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, Ah ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, 7c, Qd ]
Player2 bets (1.90)
Player3 calls (1.90)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3d ]
Player2 bets (3.10)
Player3 calls (3.10)
** Dealing River ** : [ Kd ]
Player2 bets (10.13)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.20 Rake: $0.8
Board: [ 7d, 7c, Qd, 3d, Kd ]
Player1 balance $154.97, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $80.15, bet $17.73, collected $25.33, net +$7.60
Player3 balance $255.35, lost $7.60 (folded)
Hero balance $108.57, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $103.40, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970425175rr10zcp0wc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:19:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($154.97)
Seat 3: Player2 ($80.15)
Seat 4: Player3 ($255.35)
Seat 5: Hero ($108.57)
Seat 6: Player5 ($103.40)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9d, Qh ]
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player1 calls (2.24)
Player2 calls (1.74)
Player3 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, 5d, Qd ]
Player2 bets (2.60)
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (2.60)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kd ]
Player2 bets (4.25)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.75 Rake: $0.67
Board: [ 2d, 5d, Qd, Kd ]
Player1 balance $150.03, lost $4.94 (folded)
Player2 balance $87.96, bet $9.19, collected $17, net +$7.81
Player3 balance $254.25, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $108.47, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $101.06, lost $2.34 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970469748fjoero6n8sc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:20:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($150.03)
Seat 3: Player2 ($87.96)
Seat 4: Player3 ($254.25)
Seat 5: Hero ($108.47)
Seat 6: Player5 ($101.06)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, Ac ]
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 calls (2.50)
Player3 folds
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, 4s, 3s ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qh ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3h ]
Hero bets (10.50)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.08 Rake: $0.42000005
Board: [ 5d, 4s, 3s, Qh, 3h ]
Player1 balance $147.43, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $85.36, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $253.65, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $113.95, bet $13.10, collected $18.58, net +$5.48
Player5 balance $100.96, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970551188trgxgd3c08 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:21:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($147.43)
Seat 3: Player2 ($85.36)
Seat 4: Player3 ($253.65)
Seat 5: Hero ($113.95)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100.96)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 4h ]
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
Player3 folds
Hero calls (0.50)
Player5 raises 4 to 5
Player2 calls (4)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kh, Qc, 5c ]
Player5 checks
Player2 bets (3.64)
Player5 calls (3.64)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kd ]
Player5 checks
Player2 bets (11.90)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $17.85 Rake: $0.93
Board: [ Kh, Qc, 5c, Kd ]
Player1 balance $147.33, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $94.47, bet $20.64, collected $29.75, net +$9.11
Player3 balance $253.55, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $112.85, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $92.22, lost $8.74 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970572623ksp101ktku *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:22:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($147.33)
Seat 3: Player2 ($94.47)
Seat 4: Player3 ($253.55)
Seat 5: Hero ($112.85)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, 8h ]
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $148.23, bet $1.10, collected $2, net +$0.90
Player2 balance $94.37, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $253.45, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $112.75, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970597782hbc57h58ghs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:22:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($50)
Seat 2: Player1 ($148.23)
Seat 3: Player2 ($94.37)
Seat 4: Player3 ($253.45)
Seat 5: Hero ($112.75)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Qh ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero raises 8 to 8
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $50, sits out
Player1 balance $147.63, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $93.27, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $251.35, lost $2.10 (folded)
Hero balance $116.65, bet $8.10, collected $12, net +$3.90
Player5 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970664420c8ead6xdf1u *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:23:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($50)
Seat 2: Player1 ($147.63)
Seat 3: Player2 ($93.27)
Seat 4: Player3 ($251.35)
Seat 5: Hero ($116.65)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Jc ]
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (0.50)
Player3 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4h, As, 8s ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kc ]
Player2 bets (1.58)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ 4h, As, 8s, Kc ]
Player6 balance $50, sits out
Player1 balance $147.53, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $94.55, bet $2.68, collected $3.96, net +$1.28
Player3 balance $250.25, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $116.55, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970690984si9mlwzm04 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:24:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($50)
Seat 2: Player1 ($147.53)
Seat 3: Player2 ($94.55)
Seat 4: Player3 ($250.25)
Seat 5: Hero ($116.55)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 5d ]
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
Player3 folds
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8c, Ac, 8d ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (2.85)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ 8c, Ac, 8d ]
Player6 balance $50, sits out
Player1 balance $147.43, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $96.30, bet $3.95, collected $5.70, net +$1.75
Player3 balance $249.65, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $115.45, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970715152ypl59ydez2 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:24:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($50)
Seat 2: Player1 ($147.43)
Seat 3: Player2 ($96.30)
Seat 4: Player3 ($249.65)
Seat 5: Hero ($115.45)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, Jd ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $50, sits out
Player1 balance $149.33, bet $2.60, collected $4.50, net +$1.90
Player2 balance $96.20, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $249.55, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $114.85, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $98.90, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168497073560654cxgfqdrbd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:25:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($50)
Seat 2: Player2 ($149.33)
Seat 3: Player3 ($96.20)
Seat 4: Player4 ($249.55)
Seat 5: Hero ($114.85)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, Ts ]
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $48.90, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $149.23, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $98.20, bet $2.60, collected $4.60, net +$2
Player4 balance $249.45, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $114.75, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970783815u9uj0uyovao *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:25:26 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($60.54)
Seat 2: Hero ($50)
Seat 3: Player3 ($86.54)
Seat 4: Player4 ($55.69)
Seat 5: Player5 ($50.90)
Seat 6: Player6 ($28.72)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Hero posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1.25)
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, Ac, Jd ]
Player4 bets (1.25)
Player6 raises 2.75 to 2.75
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.47 Rake: $0.28
Board: [ 2s, Ac, Jd ]
Player1 balance $60.29, lost $0.25 (folded)
Hero balance $49.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $86.54, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $53.19, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $50.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $31.69, bet $4, collected $6.97, net +$2.97

***** Hand History For Game 16849707561911dfdw7od0xfh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:25:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($48.90)
Seat 2: Player2 ($149.23)
Seat 3: Player3 ($98.20)
Seat 4: Player4 ($249.45)
Seat 5: Hero ($114.75)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, Js ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Hero raises 9.60 to 9.60
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $48.30, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $148.13, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $95.60, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $249.35, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $119.25, bet $9.70, collected $14.20, net +$4.50
Player6 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970796695as7qspd6g8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:26:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($48.30)
Seat 2: Player2 ($148.13)
Seat 3: Player3 ($95.60)
Seat 4: Player4 ($249.35)
Seat 5: Hero ($119.25)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, 5d ]
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 8.10 to 8.10
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 247.25 to 249.25
Player4 is all-In.
Player1 calls (40.10)
Player1 is all-In.
Creating Main Pot with $ 95.50 with Player1
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qc, Kc, 6d ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8d ]
** Dealing River ** : [ Jh ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $95.50 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Qc, Kc, 6d, 8d, Jh ]
Player1 balance $47.75, bet $48.30, collected $47.75, lost $0.55[ Ks, Ad ] [ a pair
of kings -- Ad,Ks,Kc,Qc,Jh ]
Player2 balance $147.53, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $94.50, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $248.80, bet $249.35, collected $248.80, lost $0.55[ Ah, Kd ] [ a
pair of kings -- Ah,Kd,Kc,Qc,Jh ]
Hero balance $119.15, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970796756znlwl2z6ezp *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:26:27 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($60.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($50)
Seat 3: Player2 ($86.54)
Seat 4: Player3 ($53.19)
Seat 5: Player4 ($50.90)
Seat 6: Player5 ($31.69)
Hero posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, 9c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $60.29, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $49.75, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $86.79, bet $0.50, collected $0.75, net +$0.25
Player3 balance $53.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $50.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $31.69, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970807930ocmmysxsb3b *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:26:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 14 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($317.61)
Seat 2: Player4 ($206.41)
Seat 3: Player5 ($160.81)
Seat 4: Player1 ($101.09)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, 9c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $317.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $206.41, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $160.81, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $102.09, bet $2, collected $3, net +$1
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849708180863l4nd76251e *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:26:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($47.75)
Seat 2: Player2 ($147.53)
Seat 3: Player3 ($94.50)
Seat 4: Player4 ($248.80)
Seat 5: Hero ($119.15)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, 4h ]
Hero folds
Player6 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $47.65, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $147.43, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $93.90, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $247.70, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $119.05, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $102, bet $2.34, collected $4.34, net +$2

***** Hand History For Game 1684970825303vs14bqv9co *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:26:40 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($60.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($50)
Seat 3: Player1 ($86.79)
Seat 4: Player2 ($53.19)
Seat 5: Player3 ($50.90)
Seat 6: Player4 ($31.69)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.25 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $60.29, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $86.54, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $52.69, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $50.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $32.44, bet $1.25, collected $2, net +$0.75

***** Hand History For Game 1684970846745e77pd2j3n9m *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:26:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 14 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($317.61)
Seat 2: Player3 ($206.41)
Seat 3: Player4 ($160.81)
Seat 4: Player5 ($102.09)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Ad ]
Player3 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero calls (1.74)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, Kc, 5h ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (1.56)
Hero calls (1.56)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9s ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (4.16)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.17 Rake: $0.43
Board: [ 9d, Kc, 5h, 9s ]
Player2 balance $316.61, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $210.78, bet $7.96, collected $12.33, net +$4.37
Player4 balance $160.81, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $102.09, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $96.20, lost $3.80 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849708543853vx80i6x31x *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:27:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($47.65)
Seat 2: Player2 ($147.43)
Seat 3: Player3 ($93.90)
Seat 4: Player4 ($247.70)
Seat 5: Hero ($119.05)
Seat 6: Player6 ($102)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, 4h ]
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player3 calls (2.50)
Player4 calls (2)
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, 7d, Tc ]
Player4 bets (7.15)
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.07 Rake: $0.53
Board: [ Td, 7d, Tc ]
Player1 balance $47.55, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $144.83, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $91.30, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $255.17, bet $9.75, collected $17.22, net +$7.47
Hero balance $116.45, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player6 balance $101.90, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970882951yucyiaa59fa *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:27:09 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($60.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($50)
Seat 3: Player6 ($86.54)
Seat 4: Player1 ($52.69)
Seat 5: Player2 ($50.90)
Seat 6: Player3 ($32.44)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 2h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player1 calls (1)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9c, 2d, 4h ]
Player1 checks
Player6 bets (1.99)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ 9c, 2d, 4h ]
Player4 balance $60.29, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $88.14, bet $3.24, collected $4.84, net +$1.60
Player1 balance $51.44, lost $1.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $50.40, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $32.44, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970905961gv1fkl0jk7m *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:27:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 14 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($316.61)
Seat 2: Player2 ($210.78)
Seat 3: Player3 ($160.81)
Seat 4: Player4 ($102.09)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Tc ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 calls (2.50)
Hero calls (2.50)
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, Jh, 4c ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (6.50)
Player4 calls (6.50)
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2h ]
Player3 bets (13.68)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $22.80 Rake: $1.2
Board: [ 4d, Jh, 4c, 2h ]
Player1 balance $314.11, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $209.78, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $174.61, bet $22.68, collected $36.48, net +$13.80
Player4 balance $93.09, lost $9 (folded)
Hero balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970955982owt5yqdwhp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:27:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($47.55)
Seat 2: Player2 ($144.83)
Seat 3: Player3 ($91.30)
Seat 4: Player4 ($255.17)
Seat 5: Hero ($116.45)
Seat 6: Player6 ($101.90)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player6 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, 3c ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, 4s, Ts ]
Player6 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6h ]
Player6 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 5s ]
Player6 checks
Player3 bets (1.96)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.95 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ Th, 4s, Ts, 6h, 5s ]
Player1 balance $47.45, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $144.73, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $93.15, bet $3.06, collected $4.91, net +$1.85
Player4 balance $255.07, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $115.85, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player6 balance $100.80, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849709253114ab4c17zgiz *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:28:06 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($60.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($50)
Seat 3: Player5 ($88.14)
Seat 4: Player6 ($51.44)
Seat 5: Player1 ($50.40)
Seat 6: Player2 ($32.44)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, Qh ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player6 calls (1.25)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (0.75)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5h, 4c, Qs ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
Player6 bets (2.50)
Player2 calls (2.50)
Player5 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9h ]
Player2 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ts ]
Player2 checks
Player6 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.55 Rake: $0.45
Board: [ 5h, 4c, Qs, 9h, Ts ]
Player3 balance $60.29, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $86.89, lost $1.25 (folded)
Player6 balance $47.69, lost $3.75[ Ac, Td ] [ a pair of tens -- Ac,Qs,Td,Ts,9h ]
Player1 balance $50.15, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $37.24, bet $3.75, collected $8.55, net +$4.80[ Qc, 7c ] [ a pair
of queens -- Qc,Qs,Ts,9h,7c ]

***** Hand History For Game 1684970917533gsg2jinsflt *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:28:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 14 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($314.11)
Seat 2: Player1 ($209.78)
Seat 3: Player2 ($174.61)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, 5c ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $315.61, bet $3.50, collected $5, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $209.28, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $173.61, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168497094416433mq7wmlh6h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:28:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 14 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($315.61)
Seat 2: Player5 ($209.28)
Seat 3: Player1 ($173.61)
Seat 4: Player2 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 5d ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (3)
Player2 raises 18.50 to 19.50
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $312.11, lost $3.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $209.28, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $170.11, lost $3.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $107, bet $19.50, collected $26.50, net +$7
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849709551558h0ouebozu *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:28:49 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($60.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($50)
Seat 3: Player4 ($86.89)
Seat 4: Player5 ($47.69)
Seat 5: Player6 ($50.15)
Seat 6: Player1 ($37.24)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 6c ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (1)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, Jd, 7s ]
Player1 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6d ]
Player1 bets (1.75)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ 4c, Jd, 7s, 6d ]
Player2 balance $59.79, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $85.64, lost $1.25 (folded)
Player5 balance $47.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $50.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $38.84, bet $3, collected $4.60, net +$1.60
***** Hand History For Game 1684971001839jpaxshxs2bj *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:29:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 14 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($312.11)
Seat 2: Player4 ($209.28)
Seat 3: Player5 ($170.11)
Seat 4: Player1 ($107)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, Jd ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero calls (2.50)
Player3 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, 5s, 8d ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (10.45)
Player4 calls (10.45)
Hero folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7s ]
Player3 bets (30.31)
Player4 calls (30.31)
** Dealing River ** : [ Kd ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $89.52 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 7d, 5s, 8d, 7s, Kd ]
Player3 balance $357.37, bet $44.26, collected $89.52, net +$45.26[ 6s, 4c ] [ a
straight, four to eight -- 8d,7d,6s,5s,4c ]
Player4 balance $165.02, lost $44.26[ Ts, Td ] [ two pairs, tens and sevens --
Kd,Ts,Td,7d,7s ]
Player5 balance $170.11, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $106.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $96.50, lost $3.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970979079nvue1rxvbwi *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:29:19 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($59.79)
Seat 2: Hero ($50)
Seat 3: Player3 ($85.64)
Seat 4: Player4 ($47.69)
Seat 5: Player5 ($50.15)
Seat 6: Player6 ($38.84)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Hero posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, 5h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (0.50)
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.25)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, Js, 7d ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player4 bets (1.43)
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.43 Rake: $0.07
Board: [ Qh, Js, 7d ]
Player1 balance $59.29, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $49.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $85.64, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $48.62, bet $1.93, collected $2.86, net +$0.93
Player5 balance $50.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $38.84, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684970990642lclgox17u *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:29:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($47.45)
Seat 2: Player2 ($144.73)
Seat 3: Player3 ($93.15)
Seat 4: Player4 ($255.07)
Seat 5: Hero ($115.85)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100.80)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 4h ]
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh, 3s, 3d ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (1.96)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.95 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ Jh, 3s, 3d ]
Player1 balance $46.35, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $144.63, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $95, bet $3.06, collected $4.91, net +$1.85
Player4 balance $254.97, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $115.75, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $100.20, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849710121281sktvv7t21m *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:29:43 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($59.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($50)
Seat 3: Player2 ($85.64)
Seat 4: Player3 ($48.62)
Seat 5: Player4 ($50.15)
Seat 6: Player5 ($38.84)
Hero posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, Td ]
Player3 calls (0.50)
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 1.75 to 1.75
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ts, Qc, Ac ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (2.25)
Player3 calls (2.25)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ As ]
Player3 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 4d ]
Player3 bets (5.54)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.32 Rake: $0.43
Board: [ Ts, Qc, Ac, As, 4d ]
Player6 balance $59.29, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $49.75, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $85.14, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $52.94, bet $9.54, collected $13.86, net +$4.32
Player4 balance $50.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $34.84, lost $4 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971021954muhsyz08mb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:29:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($46.35)
Seat 2: Player2 ($144.63)
Seat 3: Player3 ($95)
Seat 4: Player4 ($254.97)
Seat 5: Hero ($115.75)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100.20)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 3h ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, Qd, Jc ]
Player3 checks
Player4 bets (4.12)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.80 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 7s, Qd, Jc ]
Player1 balance $45.75, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $143.53, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $92.90, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $258.67, bet $6.22, collected $9.92, net +$3.70
Hero balance $115.65, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $100.10, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971046399l92ektezt4m *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:30:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 14 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($357.37)
Seat 2: Player3 ($165.02)
Seat 3: Player4 ($170.11)
Seat 4: Player5 ($106.50)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, Kd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Hero raises 9.50 to 10
Player2 calls (9)
Player5 calls (8)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s, 2h, Tc ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (19)
Player5 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $28.50 Rake: $1.5
Board: [ 4s, 2h, Tc ]
Player2 balance $375.87, bet $29, collected $47.50, net +$18.50
Player3 balance $165.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $170.11, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $96.50, lost $10 (folded)
Hero balance $90, lost $10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971049002cujuha49bki *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:30:16 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($59.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($50)
Seat 3: Player1 ($85.14)
Seat 4: Player2 ($52.94)
Seat 5: Player3 ($50.15)
Seat 6: Player4 ($34.84)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 2c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 1.25 to 1.50
Player2 raises 4 to 4.50
Player1 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, Ts, 4c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (7)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.55 Rake: $0.45
Board: [ 3s, Ts, 4c ]
Player5 balance $59.29, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $80.64, lost $4.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $56.99, bet $11.50, collected $15.55, net +$4.05
Player3 balance $50.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $34.84, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971044897eo7c9wn3ck *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:30:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($45.75)
Seat 2: Player2 ($143.53)
Seat 3: Player3 ($92.90)
Seat 4: Player4 ($258.67)
Seat 5: Hero ($115.65)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100.10)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, Td ]
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $47.75, bet $2.60, collected $4.60, net +$2
Player2 balance $142.93, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $91.80, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $258.57, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $115.55, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849710778100oilbniaxpp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:30:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($47.75)
Seat 2: Player2 ($142.93)
Seat 3: Player3 ($91.80)
Seat 4: Player4 ($258.57)
Seat 5: Hero ($115.55)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 3d ]
Hero raises 2 to 2
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 8.50 to 8.50
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero calls (6.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, 4s, 4c ]
Hero bets (5.98)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $18.15 Rake: $0.9499999
Board: [ 9s, 4s, 4c ]
Player1 balance $47.65, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $134.33, lost $8.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $91.20, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $257.47, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $125.10, bet $14.58, collected $24.13, net +$9.55
Player6 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971091557rbn1wd9gqw *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:30:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 14 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($375.87)
Seat 2: Player2 ($165.02)
Seat 3: Player3 ($170.11)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, Jh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, Tc, 7c ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kc ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3h ]
Player2 bets (1.39)
Hero calls (1.39)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.30 Rake: $0.38
Board: [ 2d, Tc, 7c, Kc, 3h ]
Player1 balance $375.37, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $168.73, bet $3.59, collected $7.30, net +$3.71[ Ac, 7h ] [ a pair
of sevens -- Ac,Kc,Tc,7h,7c ]
Player3 balance $170.11, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $96.41, lost $3.59[ 2h, Jh ] [ a pair of twos -- Kc,Jh,Tc,2h,2d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1684971080833j6h6ymg813 *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:30:52 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($59.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($50)
Seat 3: Player6 ($80.64)
Seat 4: Player1 ($56.99)
Seat 5: Player2 ($50.15)
Seat 6: Player3 ($34.84)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, Js ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 1.10 to 1.10
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.25 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $60.04, bet $1.10, collected $1.85, net +$0.75
Hero balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $80.64, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $56.74, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $49.65, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $34.84, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849711097886f22o33oiul *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:31:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($47.65)
Seat 2: Player2 ($134.33)
Seat 3: Player3 ($91.20)
Seat 4: Player4 ($257.47)
Seat 5: Hero ($125.10)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 8d ]
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 10 to 11
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $47.55, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $131.73, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $91.10, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $256.87, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $128.60, bet $11.10, collected $14.60, net +$3.50
Player6 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168497114902537itmeqvybf *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:31:24 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($60.04)
Seat 2: Hero ($50)
Seat 3: Player5 ($80.64)
Seat 4: Player6 ($56.74)
Seat 5: Player1 ($50)
Seat 6: Player2 ($34.84)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, Td ]
Player3 raises 1.10 to 1.10
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (0.60)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5s, 8s, 8c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9h ]
Player2 bets (1.25)
Player3 calls (1.25)
** Dealing River ** : [ 4h ]
Player2 bets (2.25)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.71 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ 5s, 8s, 8c, 9h, 4h ]
Player3 balance $57.69, lost $2.35 (folded)
Hero balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $80.64, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $56.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $49.75, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $37.20, bet $4.60, collected $6.96, net +$2.36

***** Hand History For Game 1684971142769l5s9dhn6r8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:31:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 14 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($375.37)
Seat 2: Player1 ($168.73)
Seat 3: Player2 ($170.11)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, 9d ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 calls (2.20)
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 11 to 12
Hero calls (9.80)
Player5 calls (9.80)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, 6h, 4h ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (26.35)
Player5 raises 363.37 to 363.37
Player5 is all-In.
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $86.20 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 4c, 6h, 4h ]
Player5 balance $423.22, bet $375.37, collected $423.22, net +$47.85
Player1 balance $168.23, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $158.11, lost $12 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $61.65, lost $38.35 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849711349790dnrmqs5y1ev *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:31:53 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($47.55)
Seat 2: Player2 ($131.73)
Seat 3: Player3 ($91.10)
Seat 4: Player4 ($256.87)
Seat 5: Hero ($128.60)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player6 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 8h ]
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $47.45, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $133.73, bet $2.60, collected $4.60, net +$2
Player3 balance $91, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $256.77, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $128, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player6 balance $98.90, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971212825l6nwk1mzl7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:32:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($47.45)
Seat 2: Player2 ($133.73)
Seat 3: Player3 ($91)
Seat 4: Player4 ($256.77)
Seat 5: Hero ($128)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, 8d ]
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 4.50 to 5
Player1 calls (4)
Player3 calls (4)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, 9d, As ]
Player6 bets (4.44)
Player1 folds
Player3 calls (4.44)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ac ]
Player6 bets (11.86)
Player3 raises 27.52 to 27.52
Player6 raises 78.60 to 90.46
Player6 is all-In.
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $76.52 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 5c, 9d, As, Ac ]
Player1 balance $42.35, lost $5.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $133.63, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $53.94, lost $37.06 (folded)
Player4 balance $256.67, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $127.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $139.46, bet $100, collected $139.46, net +$39.46

***** Hand History For Game 16849712042950cgb5a28hvnn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:32:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 14 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($423.22)
Seat 2: Player5 ($168.23)
Seat 3: Player1 ($158.11)
Seat 4: Player2 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 5c ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (3)
Player2 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, 3h, Kc ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3d ]
Player1 bets (10.97)
Player2 folds
Player4 raises 42.89 to 42.89
Player1 calls (31.92)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $93.28 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 9d, 3h, Kc, 2d, 3d ]
Player4 balance $376.83, lost $46.39[ Ts, Js ] [ a pair of threes -- Kc,Js,Ts,3h,3d
Player5 balance $168.23, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $205, bet $46.39, collected $93.28, net +$46.89[ 4d, 5d ] [ a
flush, nine high -- 9d,5d,4d,3d,2d ]
Player2 balance $96.50, lost $3.50 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971197132sbg2tlges5m *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:32:32 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($57.69)
Seat 2: Hero ($50)
Seat 3: Player4 ($80.64)
Seat 4: Player5 ($56.74)
Seat 5: Player6 ($50)
Seat 6: Player1 ($37.20)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 5h ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (1)
Player2 calls (0.75)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, 6s, Ah ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qh ]
Player1 bets (2.25)
Player2 calls (2.25)
Player4 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ 3s ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (7.84)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.84 Rake: $0.41
Board: [ 6d, 6s, Ah, Qh, 3s ]
Player2 balance $62.03, bet $11.34, collected $15.68, net +$4.34
Hero balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $79.39, lost $1.25 (folded)
Player5 balance $56.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $33.70, lost $3.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971268586knfiy96nkzq *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:33:21 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($62.03)
Seat 2: Hero ($50)
Seat 3: Player3 ($79.39)
Seat 4: Player4 ($56.74)
Seat 5: Player5 ($50)
Seat 6: Player6 ($33.70)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Hero posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 9s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player1 calls (1)
Hero raises 6.75 to 7.25
Player6 calls (6)
Player1 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, 2h, Ad ]
Hero checks
Player6 bets (6.75)
Hero calls (6.75)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Tc ]
Hero checks
Player6 bets (19.70)
Player6 is all-In.
Hero calls (19.70)
Creating Main Pot with $ 65.65 with Player6
** Dealing River ** : [ Kc ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $65.65 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 4d, 2h, Ad, Tc, Kc ]
Player1 balance $60.78, lost $1.25 (folded)
Hero balance $81.95, bet $33.70, collected $65.65, net +$31.95[ Ac, 9s ] [ a pair
of aces -- Ac,Ad,Kc,Tc,9s ]
Player3 balance $79.39, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $56.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $0, lost $33.70[ 5d, 6d ] [ high card ace -- Ad,Kc,Tc,6d,5d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1684971224852c8dt4m4ip9o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:33:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 14 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($376.83)
Seat 2: Player4 ($168.23)
Seat 3: Player5 ($205)
Seat 4: Player1 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Hero raises 10 to 11
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $376.83, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $168.23, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $202.50, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $103, bet $11, collected $14, net +$3

***** Hand History For Game 1684971302178gutnqykjfu *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:33:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($42.35)
Seat 2: Player2 ($133.63)
Seat 3: Player3 ($53.94)
Seat 4: Player4 ($256.67)
Seat 5: Hero ($127.90)
Seat 6: Player6 ($139.46)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, Qs ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Hero raises 5.50 to 5.50
Player6 calls (5.50)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qc, 3s, 3h ]
Player3 checks
Hero checks
Player6 bets (5.30)
Player3 folds
Hero calls (5.30)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Hero checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 5c ]
Hero bets (15.53)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $27.74 Rake: $1.46
Board: [ Qc, 3s, 3h, 6c, 5c ]
Player1 balance $41.75, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $132.53, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $48.34, lost $5.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $256.57, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $144.74, bet $26.43, collected $43.27, net +$16.84
Player6 balance $128.56, lost $10.90 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1684971245312xp9dnr4djdo *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:33:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 14 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($168.23)
Seat 3: Player3 ($202.50)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($103)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, Js ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $167.23, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $202.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $101.50, bet $2, collected $3.50, net +$1.50
Hero balance $102.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971312965lcdpyj5i0wa *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:34:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 14 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($100)
Seat 2: Player1 ($167.23)
Seat 3: Player2 ($202.50)
Seat 4: Player3 ($101.50)
Seat 5: Hero ($102.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 2c ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, 5s, Kd ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ad ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (3.99)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 5c, 5s, Kd, 2h, Ad ]
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Player1 balance $164.23, lost $3 (folded)
Player2 balance $205.20, bet $6.99, collected $9.69, net +$2.70
Player3 balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $102.50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168497128807580xvq5xo03t *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:34:32 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($60.78)
Seat 2: Hero ($81.95)
Seat 3: Player2 ($79.39)
Seat 4: Player3 ($56.74)
Seat 5: Player4 ($50)
Hero posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 5s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 1.10 to 1.10
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.25 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $61.53, bet $1.10, collected $1.85, net +$0.75
Hero balance $81.70, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $78.89, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $56.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971379546qmacqcr4au8 *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:34:51 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($61.53)
Seat 2: Hero ($81.70)
Seat 3: Player1 ($78.89)
Seat 4: Player2 ($56.74)
Seat 5: Player4 ($50)
Seat 6: Player3 ($50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, Kc ]
Player4 folds
Player3 checks
Player5 raises 2.25 to 2.25
Hero folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 calls (1.75)
Player3 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kd, 7h, 4h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (4.25)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.89 Rake: $0.36
Board: [ Kd, 7h, 4h ]
Player5 balance $66.17, bet $6.50, collected $11.14, net +$4.64
Hero balance $81.70, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $76.64, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $54.49, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player4 balance $50, didn't bet (folded)
Player3 balance $49.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849713626321pankry2i82 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:35:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($41.75)
Seat 2: Player2 ($132.53)
Seat 3: Player3 ($48.34)
Seat 4: Player4 ($256.57)
Seat 5: Hero ($144.74)
Seat 6: Player6 ($128.56)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 2d ]
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 calls (1.50)
Player3 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kc, 5h, Jd ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player4 bets (5.80)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.17 Rake: $0.43
Board: [ Kc, 5h, Jd ]
Player1 balance $39.65, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $130.43, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $46.24, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $262.64, bet $7.90, collected $13.97, net +$6.07
Hero balance $144.64, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $128.46, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168497138714852xszrl8j82 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:36:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($39.65)
Seat 2: Player2 ($130.43)
Seat 3: Player3 ($46.24)
Seat 4: Player4 ($262.64)
Seat 5: Hero ($144.64)
Seat 6: Player6 ($128.46)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, Ts ]
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 8.60 to 9.10
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.60 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $37.05, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $130.33, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $50.24, bet $9.20, collected $13.20, net +$4
Player4 balance $261.54, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $144.54, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $128.36, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971465573bbonry89k1k *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:36:23 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($66.17)
Seat 2: Hero ($81.70)
Seat 3: Player6 ($76.64)
Seat 4: Player1 ($54.49)
Seat 5: Player2 ($50)
Seat 6: Player3 ($49.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, Qc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 4 to 4.25
Player2 folds
Hero calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kc, Qd, 3h ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Player1 bets (4.50)
Hero calls (4.50)
** Dealing River ** : [ Td ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (12.99)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $17.10 Rake: $0.9
Board: [ Kc, Qd, 3h, 6c, Td ]
Player4 balance $66.17, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $90.05, bet $21.74, collected $30.09, net +$8.35
Player6 balance $76.64, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $45.74, lost $8.75 (folded)
Player2 balance $49.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $49.50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971453448k6hci91r64f *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:36:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($37.05)
Seat 2: Player2 ($130.33)
Seat 3: Player3 ($50.24)
Seat 4: Player4 ($261.54)
Seat 5: Hero ($144.54)
Seat 6: Player6 ($128.36)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, Qc ]
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Hero raises 4.50 to 5.50
Player3 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, Kc, 4c ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2c ]
Hero bets (6.44)
Player3 calls (6.44)
** Dealing River ** : [ Ac ]
Hero bets (18.04)
Player3 raises 37.98 to 37.98
Hero raises 91.46 to 109.50
Player3 calls (0.22)
Player3 is all-In.
Creating Main Pot with $ 98.38 with Player3
** Summary **
Main Pot: $98.38 Rake: $3.0000002
Board: [ 9s, Kc, 4c, 2c, Ac ]
Player1 balance $36.95, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $130.23, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $0, lost $50.24[ 9c, Td ] [ a flush, ace high -- Ac,Kc,9c,4c,2c ]
Player4 balance $260.94, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $192.68, bet $121.54, collected $169.68, net +$48.14[ Qh, Qc ] [ a
flush, ace high -- Ac,Kc,Qc,4c,2c ]
Player6 balance $128.26, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971508047g01dx7muq4o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:37:37 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($36.95)
Seat 2: Player2 ($130.23)
Seat 3: Player6 ($0)
Seat 4: Player3 ($260.94)
Seat 5: Hero ($192.68)
Seat 6: Player5 ($128.26)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 6h ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $36.85, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $130.13, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out
Player3 balance $262.84, bet $2.10, collected $4, net +$1.90
Hero balance $192.08, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $127.16, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971503648rpyb4oi5if *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:37:49 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($66.17)
Seat 2: Hero ($90.05)
Seat 3: Player5 ($76.64)
Seat 4: Player6 ($45.74)
Seat 5: Player1 ($49.50)
Seat 6: Player2 ($49.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, Jd ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (0.75)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, Tc, 5h ]
Player2 bets (2.54)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.62 Rake: $0.13
Board: [ 6c, Tc, 5h ]
Player3 balance $66.17, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $90.05, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $75.39, lost $1.25 (folded)
Player6 balance $45.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $49.25, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $50.87, bet $3.79, collected $5.16, net +$1.37

***** Hand History For Game 1684971540658prq2jgh0uo *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:38:27 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($66.17)
Seat 2: Hero ($90.05)
Seat 3: Player4 ($75.39)
Seat 4: Player5 ($45.74)
Seat 5: Player6 ($49.25)
Seat 6: Player1 ($50.87)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, 9c ]
Hero raises 1 to 1
Player4 raises 4 to 4
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.75 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $65.67, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $89.05, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $77.14, bet $4, collected $5.75, net +$1.75
Player5 balance $45.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $49.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $50.62, lost $0.25 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849715512230zn76oy8pbl9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:38:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($36.85)
Seat 2: Player2 ($130.13)
Seat 3: Player6 ($0)
Seat 4: Player3 ($262.84)
Seat 5: Hero ($192.08)
Seat 6: Player5 ($127.16)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, Js ]
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ts, Tc, 6h ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (2.42)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ Ts, Tc, 6h ]
Player1 balance $34.75, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $130.03, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out
Player3 balance $265.49, bet $4.52, collected $7.17, net +$2.65
Hero balance $191.98, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $126.56, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971554259ds2g9qt5iql *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:39:04 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($65.67)
Seat 2: Hero ($89.05)
Seat 3: Player3 ($77.14)
Seat 4: Player4 ($45.74)
Seat 5: Player5 ($49.25)
Seat 6: Player6 ($50.62)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Hero posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, Qh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $65.42, lost $0.25 (folded)
Hero balance $89.30, bet $0.50, collected $0.75, net +$0.25
Player3 balance $77.14, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $45.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $49.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $50.62, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971568152t8uawkm4eyo *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:39:15 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($34.75)
Seat 2: Player2 ($130.03)
Seat 3: Player6 ($0)
Seat 4: Player3 ($265.49)
Seat 5: Hero ($191.98)
Seat 6: Player5 ($126.56)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 2d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $34.15, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $130.93, bet $1.10, collected $2, net +$0.90
Player6 balance $0, sits out
Player3 balance $265.39, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $191.88, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $126.46, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971585339a1adirk6au *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:39:18 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($65.42)
Seat 2: Hero ($89.30)
Seat 3: Player2 ($77.14)
Seat 4: Player3 ($45.74)
Seat 5: Player4 ($49.25)
Seat 6: Player5 ($50.62)
Hero posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, Js ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 1.10 to 1.10
Hero raises 5.50 to 5.75
Player2 folds
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.70 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $64.32, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $90.90, bet $5.75, collected $7.35, net +$1.60
Player2 balance $76.64, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $45.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $49.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $50.62, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849716454128mm4kf310wt *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:39:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($34.15)
Seat 2: Player2 ($130.93)
Seat 3: Player6 ($0)
Seat 4: Player3 ($265.39)
Seat 5: Hero ($191.88)
Seat 6: Player5 ($126.46)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 3h ]
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.74)
Player3 calls (1.24)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, Qd, Ac ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (2.05)
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (2.05)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (15.06)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.76 Rake: $0.56
Board: [ Jd, Qd, Ac, 6c ]
Player1 balance $34.05, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $128.59, lost $2.34 (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out
Player3 balance $261, lost $4.39 (folded)
Hero balance $191.78, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $132.83, bet $19.45, collected $25.82, net +$6.37

***** Hand History For Game 16849716836861tkcpc7hkq7 *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:39:49 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($64.32)
Seat 2: Hero ($90.90)
Seat 3: Player1 ($76.64)
Seat 4: Player2 ($45.74)
Seat 5: Player3 ($49.25)
Seat 6: Player4 ($50.62)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 4c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player5 calls (1.25)
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (0.75)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s, 2c, Qh ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5h ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (2.85)
Player5 calls (2.85)
Player2 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ Jd ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (9.22)
Player4 calls (9.22)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $26.74 Rake: $1.4
Board: [ 4s, 2c, Qh, 5h, Jd ]
Player5 balance $51, lost $13.32[ Kc, Tc ] [ high card king -- Kc,Qh,Jd,Tc,5h ]
Hero balance $90.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $76.39, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $44.49, lost $1.25 (folded)
Player3 balance $49.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $64.04, bet $13.32, collected $26.74, net +$13.42[ 5s, 5d ] [ three
of a kind, fives -- Qh,Jd,5s,5d,5h ]

***** Hand History For Game 168497171514830yukchf30j *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:40:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($34.05)
Seat 2: Player2 ($128.59)
Seat 4: Player3 ($261)
Seat 5: Hero ($191.78)
Seat 6: Player5 ($132.83)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 5s ]
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 5 to 5.50
Hero folds
Player1 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, 3d, Ks ]
Player3 checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4h ]
Player3 checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ah ]
Player3 checks
Player1 bets (7.92)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.88 Rake: $0.62000006
Board: [ Jd, 3d, Ks, 4h, Ah ]
Player1 balance $40.33, bet $13.52, collected $19.80, net +$6.28
Player2 balance $128.49, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $255.40, lost $5.60 (folded)
Hero balance $190.68, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $132.73, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971719837q4iko9xrv2 *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:41:27 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($51)
Seat 2: Hero ($90.90)
Seat 3: Player6 ($76.39)
Seat 4: Player1 ($44.49)
Seat 5: Player2 ($49.25)
Seat 6: Player3 ($64.04)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, Tc ]
Player3 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (1)
Player2 calls (0.75)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5s, 2s, 2d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (2.53)
Player3 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.57 Rake: $0.18
Board: [ 5s, 2s, 2d ]
Player4 balance $51, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $90.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $76.39, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $43.24, lost $1.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $51.57, bet $3.78, collected $6.10, net +$2.32
Player3 balance $62.79, lost $1.25 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971772252fgcvcn4z4mp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:41:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($40.33)
Seat 2: Player2 ($128.49)
Seat 4: Player3 ($255.40)
Seat 5: Hero ($190.68)
Seat 6: Player5 ($132.73)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, Ac ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player5 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ts, Tc, 6d ]
Player5 checks
Player3 bets (2.42)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ Ts, Tc, 6d ]
Player1 balance $40.23, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $128.39, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $258.05, bet $4.52, collected $7.17, net +$2.65
Hero balance $190.08, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $130.63, lost $2.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971750893y6e9f13n5q *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:42:03 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($51)
Seat 2: Hero ($90.90)
Seat 3: Player5 ($76.39)
Seat 4: Player6 ($43.24)
Seat 5: Player1 ($51.57)
Seat 6: Player2 ($62.79)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, Th ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 1.75 to 1.75
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ah, Kc, 3d ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (2.75)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.57 Rake: $0.18
Board: [ Ah, Kc, 3d ]
Player3 balance $51, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $90.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $76.39, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $45.06, bet $4.50, collected $6.32, net +$1.82
Player1 balance $51.32, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $61.04, lost $1.75 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971769094ppk17eyixyq *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:42:34 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($51)
Seat 2: Hero ($90.90)
Seat 3: Player4 ($76.39)
Seat 4: Player5 ($45.06)
Seat 5: Player6 ($51.32)
Seat 6: Player1 ($61.04)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, Ac ]
Hero raises 1.10 to 1.10
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.25 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $50.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $91.65, bet $1.10, collected $1.85, net +$0.75
Player4 balance $76.39, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $45.06, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $51.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $60.79, lost $0.25 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849718041985o1kqdocd93 *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:42:52 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($50.50)
Seat 2: Hero ($91.65)
Seat 3: Player3 ($76.39)
Seat 4: Player4 ($45.06)
Seat 5: Player5 ($51.32)
Seat 6: Player6 ($60.79)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Hero posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 6d ]
Player3 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1.25)
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, Ad, 3h ]
Player3 checks
Player6 bets (1.54)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.09 Rake: $0.16
Board: [ 7s, Ad, 3h ]
Player1 balance $50.25, lost $0.25 (folded)
Hero balance $91.15, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $75.14, lost $1.25 (folded)
Player4 balance $45.06, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $51.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $62.63, bet $2.79, collected $4.63, net +$1.84

***** Hand History For Game 1684971784530mt044pvfue *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:42:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($40.23)
Seat 2: Player1 ($128.39)
Seat 4: Player2 ($258.05)
Seat 5: Hero ($190.08)
Seat 6: Player4 ($130.63)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, Kc ]
Player2 folds
Hero folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.40 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $40.23, sits out
Player1 balance $129.19, bet $1.10, collected $1.90, net +$0.80
Player2 balance $257.95, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $189.98, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $130.03, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971850218dv7la1yu8wq *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:43:28 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($50.25)
Seat 2: Hero ($91.15)
Seat 3: Player2 ($75.14)
Seat 4: Player3 ($45.06)
Seat 5: Player4 ($51.32)
Seat 6: Player5 ($62.63)
Hero posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 1 to 1
Player6 folds
Hero calls (0.75)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, Qd, 4c ]
Hero checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8h ]
Hero bets (1.33)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ Qh, Qd, 4c, 8h ]
Player6 balance $50.25, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $92.53, bet $2.33, collected $3.71, net +$1.38
Player2 balance $74.64, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $45.06, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $51.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $61.63, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684971865970ygi8fyc626s *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:44:14 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Hero ($92.53)
Seat 3: Player1 ($74.64)
Seat 4: Player2 ($45.06)
Seat 5: Player3 ($51.32)
Seat 6: Player4 ($61.63)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 2h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 1.25 to 1.50
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $92.53, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $75.14, bet $1.50, collected $2, net +$0.50
Player2 balance $44.56, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $51.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $61.63, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168497193008418s3c25ppbk *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:44:29 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Hero ($92.53)
Seat 3: Player5 ($75.14)
Seat 4: Player1 ($44.56)
Seat 5: Player2 ($51.32)
Seat 6: Player3 ($61.63)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 8s ]
Player3 calls (0.50)
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 1.50 to 2
Player3 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, 4s, 9d ]
Player2 bets (2.87)
Player3 calls (2.87)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7s ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6h ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.50 Rake: $0.49
Board: [ Qh, 4s, 9d, 7s, 6h ]
Hero balance $92.53, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $75.14, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $44.31, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $55.95, bet $4.87, collected $9.50, net +$4.63[ Ac, Qs ] [ a pair
of queens -- Ac,Qs,Qh,9d,7s ]
Player3 balance $56.76, lost $4.87[ Ah, Kh ] [ high card ace -- Ah,Kh,Qh,9d,7s ]

***** Hand History For Game 16849719583100oq81hm8fgg *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:45:33 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Hero ($92.53)
Seat 3: Player4 ($75.14)
Seat 4: Player5 ($44.31)
Seat 5: Player1 ($55.95)
Seat 6: Player2 ($56.76)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, Td ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 0.75 to 1
Player2 calls (0.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, 5s, 2d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ts ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ 2s, 5s, 2d, Jh, Ts ]
Hero balance $92.53, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $75.14, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $44.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $54.95, lost $1[ 3d, 6d ] [ a pair of twos -- Jh,Ts,6d,2s,2d ]
Player2 balance $57.66, bet $1, collected $1.90, net +$0.90[ Ah, 3s ] [ a pair of
twos -- Ah,Jh,Ts,2s,2d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1684972008373plgvz0outs *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:46:02 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Hero ($92.53)
Seat 3: Player3 ($75.14)
Seat 4: Player4 ($44.31)
Seat 5: Player5 ($54.95)
Seat 6: Player1 ($57.66)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Hero posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 6s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero raises 5 to 5.50
Player4 raises 18.25 to 19.50
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.25 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $87.03, lost $5.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $75.14, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $50.06, bet $19.50, collected $25.25, net +$5.75
Player5 balance $54.95, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $57.41, lost $0.25 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16849720229616fb4fhq4ijd *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:46:52 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Hero ($87.03)
Seat 3: Player2 ($75.14)
Seat 4: Player3 ($50.06)
Seat 5: Player4 ($54.95)
Seat 6: Player5 ($57.41)
Hero posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 9c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.25 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $86.78, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $74.64, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $50.06, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $54.95, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $58.16, bet $1.25, collected $2, net +$0.75

***** Hand History For Game 16849720621649gw4sxmu02p *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:47:06 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Hero ($86.78)
Seat 3: Player1 ($74.64)
Seat 4: Player2 ($50.06)
Seat 5: Player3 ($54.95)
Seat 6: Player4 ($58.16)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, Qs ]
Player3 raises 1 to 1
Player4 calls (1)
Hero raises 7 to 7
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.75 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $89.53, bet $7, collected $9.75, net +$2.75
Player1 balance $74.39, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $49.56, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $53.95, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $57.16, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684972113574k3njita3we *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:47:45 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Hero ($89.53)
Seat 3: Player5 ($74.39)
Seat 4: Player1 ($49.56)
Seat 5: Player2 ($53.95)
Seat 6: Player3 ($57.16)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 2h ]
Player3 raises 1.25 to 1.25
Hero folds
Player5 raises 4.75 to 4.75
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (3.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qc, 3h, Jc ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (6.81)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.74 Rake: $0.51
Board: [ Qc, 3h, Jc ]
Hero balance $89.53, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $79.38, bet $11.56, collected $16.55, net +$4.99
Player1 balance $49.31, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $53.45, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $52.41, lost $4.75 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684972186902993pazermw *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:48:37 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($50)
Seat 2: Hero ($89.53)
Seat 3: Player4 ($79.38)
Seat 4: Player5 ($49.31)
Seat 5: Player1 ($53.45)
Seat 6: Player2 ($52.41)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, Kc ]
Hero raises 1.25 to 1.25
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1.25)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (0.75)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, 8s, 9h ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
Player5 bets (2.75)
Player2 calls (2.75)
Hero folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4c ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 5s ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.03 Rake: $0.47
Board: [ 6c, 8s, 9h, 4c, 5s ]
Player6 balance $50, sits out
Hero balance $88.28, lost $1.25 (folded)
Player4 balance $79.38, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $45.31, lost $4[ Th, As ] [ high card ace -- As,Th,9h,8s,6c ]
Player1 balance $53.20, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $57.44, bet $4, collected $9.03, net +$5.03[ 7h, 7s ] [ a straight,
five to nine -- 9h,8s,7h,6c,5s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1684972202825agy11l3pvfi *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:49:50 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($50)
Seat 2: Hero ($88.28)
Seat 3: Player4 ($79.38)
Seat 4: Player5 ($45.31)
Seat 5: Player6 ($53.20)
Seat 6: Player1 ($57.44)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Player2 posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 2h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $50.25, bet $0.50, collected $0.75, net +$0.25
Hero balance $88.28, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $79.38, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $45.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $53.20, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $57.19, lost $0.25 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168497222765484m0t7kizj *****

0.25/0.50 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Wed May 24 19:50:06 EDT 2023
Table Paris 108 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($50.25)
Seat 2: Hero ($88.28)
Seat 3: Player3 ($79.38)
Seat 4: Player4 ($45.31)
Seat 5: Player5 ($53.20)
Seat 6: Player6 ($57.19)
Player1 posts small blind (0.25)
Hero posts big blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, 3h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 1 to 1.25
Hero raises 3.25 to 3.75
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $49, lost $1.25 (folded)
Hero balance $89.53, bet $3.75, collected $5, net +$1.25
Player3 balance $79.38, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $45.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $53.20, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $57.19, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684988531641oj6jvrher5 *****

0.01/0.02 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 00:21:35 EDT 2023
Table Amsterdam 124 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/8
Seat 3: Hero ($1.60)
Seat 7: Player2 ($2)
Hero posts small blind (0.01)
Player2 posts big blind (0.02)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, Tc ]
Hero raises 0.03 to 0.04
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.04 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $1.62, bet $0.04, collected $0.06, net +$0.02
Player2 balance $1.98, lost $0.02 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684988568369kuu4l8zdlf *****

0.01/0.02 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 00:22:24 EDT 2023
Table Amsterdam 124 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/8
Seat 1: Player2 ($1.60)
Seat 3: Hero ($2)
Seat 7: Player3 ($1.98)
Hero posts small blind (0.01)
Player2 posts big blind (0.02)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 5s ]
Hero raises 0.03 to 0.04
Player2 calls (0.02)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, Kd, 9h ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (0.04)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.08 Rake: $0.0
Board: [ 6c, Kd, 9h ]
Player2 balance $1.56, lost $0.04 (folded)
Hero balance $2.04, bet $0.08, collected $0.12, net +$0.04
Player3 balance $1.98, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1684988590987cuoh16qbr95 *****

0.02/0.05 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 00:22:45 EDT 2023
Table Venice 167 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($9.46)
Seat 2: Hero ($5)
Seat 3: Player3 ($7.72)
Seat 4: Player4 ($17.39)
Seat 5: Player5 ($2.97)
Player1 posts small blind (0.02)
Hero posts big blind (0.05)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, Jh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 0.15 to 0.15
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.12 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $9.44, lost $0.02 (folded)
Hero balance $4.95, lost $0.05 (folded)
Player3 balance $7.72, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $17.46, bet $0.15, collected $0.22, net +$0.07
Player5 balance $2.97, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1684988990676j40o8d3t3i *****

0.01/0.02 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 00:28:29 EDT 2023
Table Amsterdam 201 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($4.27)
Seat 2: Player1 ($1.58)
Seat 3: Hero ($2)
Seat 4: Player3 ($8.92)
Seat 5: Player4 ($2)
Seat 6: Player5 ($3.13)
Player1 posts small blind (0.01)
Hero posts big blind (0.02)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, Ac ]
Player3 raises 0.08 to 0.08
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (0.08)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, 3d, 8s ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (0.06)
Player3 calls (0.06)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3h ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (0.13)
Player3 calls (0.13)
** Dealing River ** : [ 9d ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (0.69)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.55 Rake: $0.02
Board: [ 8d, 3d, 8s, 3h, 9d ]
Player6 balance $4.27, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $1.57, lost $0.01 (folded)
Hero balance $1.98, lost $0.02 (folded)
Player3 balance $8.65, lost $0.27 (folded)
Player4 balance $2, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $3.41, bet $0.96, collected $1.24, net +$0.28

***** Hand History For Game 1685031101837inaa4jf4szp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:11:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, Tc ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.20 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.60, bet $1.10, collected $1.70, net +$0.60

***** Hand History For Game 1685031130274r315dz3kjxq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:11:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($50)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100.60)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2 to 2.50
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, As, 6h ]
Hero bets (1.66)
Player2 calls (1.66)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ac ]
Hero bets (6.22)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.19 Rake: $0.43
Board: [ 8s, As, 6h, Ac ]
Hero balance $103.93, bet $10.48, collected $14.41, net +$3.93
Player2 balance $45.74, lost $4.26 (folded)
Player3 balance $100.50, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685031143797nfhtmu2toa *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:12:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($103.93)
Seat 4: Player2 ($45.74)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100.50)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, Ad ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.80 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $105.63, bet $2.60, collected $4.30, net +$1.70
Player2 balance $45.14, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $99.40, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685031167880wqwdo2d5we *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:12:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($105.63)
Seat 4: Player2 ($45.14)
Seat 5: Player3 ($99.40)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 4h ]
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (0.50)
Hero raises 1.50 to 2.50
Player3 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, 5s, 2c ]
Player3 checks
Hero bets (1.26)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.04 Rake: $0.26
Board: [ 2d, 5s, 2c ]
Hero balance $108.07, bet $3.86, collected $6.30, net +$2.44
Player2 balance $45.04, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $96.80, lost $2.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685031198519eus6czargxn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:12:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($108.07)
Seat 4: Player2 ($45.04)
Seat 5: Player3 ($96.80)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, 3c ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 1.70 to 2.20
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, 2s, Jd ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2c ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Qs ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.47 Rake: $0.23
Board: [ 7h, 2s, Jd, 2c, Qs ]
Hero balance $105.77, lost $2.30[ 3h, 3c ] [ two pairs, threes and twos --
Qs,3h,3c,2s,2c ]
Player2 balance $47.21, bet $2.30, collected $4.47, net +$2.17[ Qh, 9c ] [ two
pairs, queens and twos -- Qh,Qs,Jd,2s,2c ]
Player3 balance $96.70, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850312079559qloc8nzt8q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:13:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($105.77)
Seat 4: Player2 ($47.21)
Seat 5: Player3 ($96.70)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 4h ]
Hero raises 2 to 2
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.80 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $107.47, bet $2.10, collected $3.80, net +$1.70
Player2 balance $46.61, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $95.60, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685031239116fuhbeqtfsyg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:13:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($107.47)
Seat 4: Player2 ($46.61)
Seat 5: Player3 ($95.60)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, Th ]
Player2 raises 2 to 2
Player3 calls (1.50)
Hero calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ks, Qd, 8d ]
Player3 checks
Hero checks
Player2 bets (4.25)
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.99 Rake: $0.31
Board: [ Ks, Qd, 8d ]
Hero balance $105.37, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $50.50, bet $6.35, collected $10.24, net +$3.89
Player3 balance $93.50, lost $2.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685031263894u63yzk4716c *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:14:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($105.37)
Seat 4: Player2 ($50.50)
Seat 5: Player3 ($93.50)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 9s ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2 to 2.50
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3c, Jd, 6d ]
Hero bets (1.66)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.04 Rake: $0.26
Board: [ 3c, Jd, 6d ]
Hero balance $107.81, bet $4.26, collected $6.70, net +$2.44
Player2 balance $47.90, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $93.40, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850312745529myzsxc9jwo *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:14:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($107.81)
Seat 4: Player2 ($47.90)
Seat 5: Player3 ($93.40)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, Qc ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.80 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $109.51, bet $2.60, collected $4.30, net +$1.70
Player2 balance $47.30, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $92.30, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685031288568gf5m36e6ygs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:14:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($109.51)
Seat 4: Player2 ($47.30)
Seat 5: Player3 ($92.30)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, Ts ]
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.30 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $110.21, bet $1.10, collected $1.80, net +$0.70
Player2 balance $47.20, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $91.70, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850313111928c01onnex1p *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:14:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($110.21)
Seat 4: Player2 ($47.20)
Seat 5: Player3 ($91.70)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, Qc ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.30 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $109.61, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $47.90, bet $1.10, collected $1.80, net +$0.70
Player3 balance $91.60, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850313694367tdbfbg9f8o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:15:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($109.61)
Seat 2: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($47.90)
Seat 5: Player3 ($91.60)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, Ad ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ah, 3c, 9s ]
Player3 checks
Hero bets (1.81)
Player3 calls (1.81)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5h ]
Player3 checks
Hero bets (6.80)
Player3 calls (6.80)
** Dealing River ** : [ Ks ]
Player3 checks
Hero bets (16.62)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $21.87 Rake: $1.15
Board: [ Ah, 3c, 9s, 5h, Ks ]
Hero balance $120.27, bet $27.83, collected $38.49, net +$10.66
Player4 balance $100, sits out
Player2 balance $47.30, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $80.39, lost $11.21 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685031396931ktqkpdozdd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:16:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($120.27)
Seat 2: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($47.30)
Seat 5: Player3 ($80.39)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, As ]
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kd, 6h, Jc ]
Player3 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qs ]
Player3 bets (1.46)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.19 Rake: $0.11
Board: [ Kd, 6h, Jc, Qs ]
Hero balance $119.17, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $100, sits out
Player2 balance $47.20, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $81.48, bet $2.56, collected $3.65, net +$1.09

***** Hand History For Game 1685031462526fpzwvb8klt8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:16:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($119.17)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($47.20)
Seat 5: Player4 ($81.48)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Kd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2 to 2.50
Player2 raises 6.90 to 7.90
Hero calls (5.40)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6h, 2s, 8s ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (3.85)
Hero calls (3.85)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ah ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 7s ]
Hero bets (33)
Player2 calls (33)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $87.90 Rake: $1.9999999
Board: [ 6h, 2s, 8s, Ah, 7s ]
Hero balance $74.32, lost $44.85[ Qd, Kd ] [ high card ace -- Ah,Kd,Qd,8s,7s ]
Player2 balance $143.05, bet $44.85, collected $87.90, net +$43.05[ Ac, 7c ] [ two
pairs, aces and sevens -- Ac,Ah,8s,7c,7s ]
Player3 balance $47.10, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $81.38, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685031479681hg5xdcgaje5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:17:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player2 ($143.05)
Seat 4: Player3 ($47.10)
Seat 5: Player4 ($81.38)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 8h ]
Player4 calls (1)
Hero raises 5.50 to 5.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.90 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $102.80, bet $5.60, collected $8.40, net +$2.80
Player2 balance $142.45, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $46, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $80.28, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685031494902cc0q3p898hf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:18:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($102.80)
Seat 2: Player2 ($142.45)
Seat 4: Player3 ($46)
Seat 5: Player4 ($80.28)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, Jh ]
Hero folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.90 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $102.70, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $144.25, bet $2.60, collected $4.40, net +$1.80
Player3 balance $45.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $79.18, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850315599585tbuhya0eu3 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:18:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($102.70)
Seat 2: Player2 ($144.25)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($45.40)
Seat 5: Player4 ($79.18)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 7s ]
Player2 raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, Th, 2d ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (1.28)
Hero calls (1.28)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qs ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Kc ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (1.90)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.57 Rake: $0.39
Board: [ 8d, Th, 2d, Qs, Kc ]
Hero balance $99.07, lost $3.63 (folded)
Player2 balance $148.19, bet $5.53, collected $9.47, net +$3.94
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Player3 balance $45.30, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $78.58, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685031589323oxabk1b8wdd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:19:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player2 ($148.19)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($45.30)
Seat 5: Player4 ($78.58)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 5c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.40 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $101.30, bet $3.10, collected $4.40, net +$1.30
Player2 balance $147.09, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Player3 balance $45.20, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $78.48, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685031629543gdtvivfpffq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:19:53 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($101.30)
Seat 2: Player2 ($147.09)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($45.20)
Seat 5: Player5 ($78.48)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, 3d ]
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, 8c, 8h ]
Player3 checks
Hero bets (1.28)
Player3 calls (1.28)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9d ]
Player3 checks
Hero bets (11)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.57 Rake: $0.39
Board: [ 8d, 8c, 8h, 9d ]
Hero balance $105.29, bet $14.58, collected $18.57, net +$3.99
Player2 balance $146.49, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $96.42, lost $3.58 (folded)
Player4 balance $45.10, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $78.38, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685031684511xdiz7jd87e *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:20:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($105.29)
Seat 2: Player2 ($146.49)
Seat 3: Player3 ($96.42)
Seat 4: Player4 ($45.10)
Seat 5: Player5 ($78.38)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 9d ]
Player5 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (0.50)
Player4 raises 3 to 4
Player5 calls (3)
Player3 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Tc, 8c, 3d ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qc ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 7s ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.03 Rake: $0.47
Board: [ Tc, 8c, 3d, Qc, 7s ]
Hero balance $105.19, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $146.39, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $95.32, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $45.52, bet $4.10, collected $4.52, net +$0.42[ Js, Kc ] [ high
card king -- Kc,Qc,Js,Tc,8c ]
Player5 balance $78.79, bet $4.10, collected $4.51, net +$0.41[ Jh, Kd ] [ high
card king -- Kd,Qc,Jh,Tc,8c ]
Player6 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685031730043fehw5nzjt8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:21:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($105.19)
Seat 2: Player2 ($146.39)
Seat 3: Player3 ($95.32)
Seat 4: Player4 ($45.52)
Seat 5: Player5 ($78.79)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, Td ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (2)
Player5 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, Ad, Ts ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5c ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (2.53)
Hero calls (2.53)
Player4 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ Qs ]
Player5 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.41 Rake: $0.65
Board: [ 2d, Ad, Ts, 5c, Qs ]
Hero balance $100.06, lost $5.13[ Kc, Td ] [ a pair of tens -- Ad,Kc,Qs,Td,Ts ]
Player2 balance $146.29, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $95.22, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $42.92, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $86.07, bet $5.13, collected $12.41, net +$7.28[ Ah, 9c ] [ a pair
of aces -- Ah,Ad,Qs,Ts,9c ]
Player6 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685031773464w5g8yloa5o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:22:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100.06)
Seat 2: Player2 ($146.29)
Seat 3: Player3 ($95.22)
Seat 4: Player4 ($42.92)
Seat 5: Player5 ($86.07)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player6 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, Ts ]
Hero folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player3 raises 9.60 to 9.60
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player2 raises 21 to 23.50
Player3 calls (13.90)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, 6d, 5s ]
Player2 bets (11.65)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $46.65 Rake: $2.45
Board: [ 4c, 6d, 5s ]
Hero balance $99.96, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $169.34, bet $35.25, collected $58.30, net +$23.05
Player3 balance $71.62, lost $23.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $42.82, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $85.47, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player6 balance $98.90, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685031848312mdi2agfk0r *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:22:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player2 ($169.34)
Seat 3: Player3 ($71.62)
Seat 4: Player4 ($42.82)
Seat 5: Player5 ($85.47)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, Tc ]
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, As, Td ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (1.93)
Hero raises 9.27 to 9.27
Player3 calls (7.34)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3d ]
Hero bets (7.72)
Player3 calls (7.72)
** Dealing River ** : [ 6s ]
Hero bets (12.56)
Player3 calls (12.56)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $62.20 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 7d, As, Td, 3d, 6s ]
Hero balance $130.05, bet $32.15, collected $62.20, net +$30.05[ Ac, Tc ] [ two
pairs, aces and tens -- Ac,As,Tc,Td,7d ]
Player2 balance $169.24, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $39.47, lost $32.15[ Jh, Ah ] [ a pair of aces -- Ah,As,Jh,Td,7d ]
Player4 balance $42.72, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $85.37, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850318799891t6952ak0hw *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:24:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($130.05)
Seat 2: Player2 ($169.24)
Seat 3: Player3 ($39.47)
Seat 4: Player4 ($42.72)
Seat 5: Player5 ($85.37)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, Qh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero raises 11 to 11.50
Player2 folds
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.60 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $134.05, bet $11.60, collected $15.60, net +$4
Player2 balance $168.14, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $39.37, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $42.62, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $85.27, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $97.40, lost $2.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685031944617a6vra045r0e *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:24:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($134.05)
Seat 2: Player2 ($168.14)
Seat 3: Player3 ($39.37)
Seat 4: Player4 ($42.62)
Seat 5: Player5 ($85.27)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, Qh ]
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 raises 2 to 2.50
Player3 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3c, Jh, Kc ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5d ]
Player2 bets (1.75)
Player3 raises 7.63 to 7.63
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.65 Rake: $0.45000005
Board: [ 3c, Jh, Kc, 5d ]
Hero balance $133.95, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $163.79, lost $4.35 (folded)
Player3 balance $43.67, bet $10.23, collected $14.53, net +$4.30
Player4 balance $42.52, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $85.17, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850319994094owx2844s7c *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:25:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($133.95)
Seat 2: Player2 ($163.79)
Seat 3: Player3 ($43.67)
Seat 4: Player4 ($42.52)
Seat 5: Player5 ($85.17)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, Ts ]
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player3 calls (2)
Player4 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, 4c, 7s ]
Player3 checks
Player2 bets (2.08)
Player3 calls (2.08)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4d ]
Player3 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 7c ]
Player3 bets (3.41)
Player2 calls (3.41)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.71 Rake: $0.87000006
Board: [ 9d, 4c, 7s, 4d, 7c ]
Hero balance $133.85, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $172.41, bet $8.09, collected $16.71, net +$8.62[ 8s, 8d ] [ two
pairs, eights and sevens -- 9d,8s,8d,7s,7c ]
Player3 balance $35.58, lost $8.09[ Ad, Kh ] [ two pairs, sevens and fours --
Ad,7s,7c,4c,4d ]
Player4 balance $41.42, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $85.07, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685032024075kf2x66dl89i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:26:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($133.85)
Seat 2: Player2 ($172.41)
Seat 3: Player3 ($35.58)
Seat 4: Player4 ($41.42)
Seat 5: Player5 ($85.07)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, Jh ]
Player6 raises 2.25 to 2.25
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $133.75, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $172.31, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $35.48, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $40.82, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $83.97, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $102, bet $2.35, collected $4.35, net +$2

***** Hand History For Game 1685032063610414dzrkzj73 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:27:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($133.75)
Seat 2: Player2 ($172.31)
Seat 3: Player3 ($35.48)
Seat 4: Player4 ($40.82)
Seat 5: Player5 ($83.97)
Seat 6: Player6 ($102)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player6 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, Ah ]
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (0.50)
Player6 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qs, Ad, Qh ]
Player5 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ts ]
Player5 bets (1.64)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.47 Rake: $0.13
Board: [ Qs, Ad, Qh, Ts ]
Hero balance $133.65, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $172.21, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $35.38, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $40.72, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $85.34, bet $2.74, collected $4.11, net +$1.37
Player6 balance $100.90, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685032128177hoqzh37jq1 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:27:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($133.65)
Seat 2: Player2 ($172.21)
Seat 3: Player3 ($35.38)
Seat 4: Player4 ($40.72)
Seat 5: Player5 ($85.34)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100.90)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Th ]
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 raises 4.50 to 5
Hero folds
Player5 calls (4)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh, 3c, Kh ]
Player6 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ad ]
Player6 checks
Player5 bets (11.02)
Player6 calls (11.02)
** Dealing River ** : [ 6s ]
Player6 checks
Player5 bets (31.96)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $31.96 Rake: $1.68
Board: [ Jh, 3c, Kh, Ad, 6s ]
Hero balance $132.55, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $172.11, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $35.28, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $40.62, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $101.18, bet $48.08, collected $63.92, net +$15.84
Player6 balance $84.78, lost $16.12 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685032161388aakgo4e3j24 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:28:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($132.55)
Seat 2: Player2 ($172.11)
Seat 3: Player3 ($35.28)
Seat 4: Player4 ($40.62)
Seat 5: Player5 ($101.18)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, Qs ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 8 to 8
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.10 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $131.95, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $171.01, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $32.68, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $40.52, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $101.08, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $104.50, bet $8.10, collected $12.60, net +$4.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685032199342b5hosg6ow7g *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:29:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($131.95)
Seat 2: Player2 ($171.01)
Seat 3: Player3 ($32.68)
Seat 4: Player4 ($40.52)
Seat 5: Player5 ($101.08)
Seat 6: Player6 ($104.50)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 6d ]
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero raises 2 to 2
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 6.10 to 7.10
Hero calls (5.10)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8c, 2h, 5s ]
Player3 bets (9.69)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $14.54 Rake: $0.76
Board: [ 8c, 2h, 5s ]
Hero balance $124.75, lost $7.20 (folded)
Player2 balance $170.41, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $40.02, bet $16.89, collected $24.23, net +$7.34
Player4 balance $40.42, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $100.98, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $104.40, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685032240181bla0owozf3 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:30:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($124.75)
Seat 2: Player2 ($170.41)
Seat 3: Player3 ($40.02)
Seat 4: Player4 ($40.42)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100.98)
Seat 6: Player6 ($104.40)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, Tc ]
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ac, Qc, 2h ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9d ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.95 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ Ac, Qc, 2h, 6c, 9d ]
Hero balance $124.65, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $170.31, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $39.42, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $39.32, lost $1.10[ 7h, 3c ] [ high card ace -- Ac,Qc,9d,7h,6c ]
Player5 balance $102.83, bet $1.10, collected $2.95, net +$1.85[ 9s, Jh ] [ a pair
of nines -- Ac,Qc,Jh,9s,9d ]
Player6 balance $104.30, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685032264101n0ogawxeoyk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:30:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($124.65)
Seat 2: Player2 ($170.31)
Seat 3: Player3 ($39.42)
Seat 4: Player4 ($39.32)
Seat 5: Player5 ($102.83)
Seat 6: Player6 ($104.30)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 7d ]
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 1.50 to 2
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.60 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $124.55, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $170.21, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $39.32, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $40.82, bet $2.10, collected $3.60, net +$1.50
Player5 balance $101.73, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $104.20, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685032327761rnahrcgov5o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:31:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($124.55)
Seat 2: Player2 ($170.21)
Seat 3: Player3 ($39.32)
Seat 4: Player4 ($40.82)
Seat 5: Player5 ($101.73)
Seat 6: Player6 ($104.20)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player6 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, Kd ]
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (0.50)
Player6 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, Tc, 5d ]
Player5 checks
Player6 bets (1.63)
Player5 calls (1.63)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4h ]
Player5 checks
Player6 bets (8.35)
Player5 calls (8.35)
** Dealing River ** : [ 5c ]
Player5 checks
Player6 bets (17.08)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $21.44 Rake: $1.12
Board: [ 8d, Tc, 5d, 4h, 5c ]
Hero balance $124.45, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $170.11, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $39.22, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $40.72, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $90.65, lost $11.08 (folded)
Player6 balance $114.56, bet $28.16, collected $38.52, net +$10.36

***** Hand History For Game 1685032384762b7e1cozyk2q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:32:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($124.45)
Seat 2: Player2 ($170.11)
Seat 3: Player3 ($39.22)
Seat 4: Player4 ($40.72)
Seat 5: Player5 ($90.65)
Seat 6: Player6 ($114.56)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 9d ]
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ad, 9s, 5c ]
Player6 checks
Hero bets (1.75)
Player6 calls (1.75)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ac ]
Player6 checks
Hero bets (16)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.65 Rake: $0.45
Board: [ Ad, 9s, 5c, Ac ]
Hero balance $128.75, bet $20.35, collected $24.65, net +$4.30
Player2 balance $170.01, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $39.12, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $40.62, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $90.55, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $110.21, lost $4.35 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685032417433mupnevvnxh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:33:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($128.75)
Seat 2: Player2 ($170.01)
Seat 3: Player3 ($39.12)
Seat 4: Player4 ($40.62)
Seat 5: Player5 ($90.55)
Seat 6: Player6 ($110.21)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, Th ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh, Kh, 6c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (3.86)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.80 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ Jh, Kh, 6c ]
Hero balance $128.15, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $167.41, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $42.32, bet $6.46, collected $9.66, net +$3.20
Player4 balance $40.52, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $90.45, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $110.11, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850324450242ik5i1tpl57 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:33:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($128.15)
Seat 2: Player2 ($167.41)
Seat 3: Player3 ($42.32)
Seat 4: Player4 ($40.52)
Seat 5: Player5 ($90.45)
Seat 6: Player6 ($110.11)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 4h ]
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $128.05, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $166.81, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $41.22, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $40.42, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $90.35, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $112.11, bet $2.60, collected $4.60, net +$2

***** Hand History For Game 1685032484367rx9ftvge2zg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:34:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($128.05)
Seat 2: Player2 ($166.81)
Seat 3: Player3 ($41.22)
Seat 4: Player4 ($40.42)
Seat 5: Player5 ($90.35)
Seat 6: Player6 ($112.11)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, Qh ]
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 raises 4 to 4
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, 7d, 7s ]
Player5 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8d ]
Player5 checks
Player2 bets (6.43)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.60 Rake: $0.5
Board: [ 3s, 7d, 7s, 8d ]
Hero balance $127.95, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $172.31, bet $10.53, collected $16.03, net +$5.50
Player3 balance $40.62, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $39.32, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $86.25, lost $4.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $112.01, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685032513300kp3tingd63d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:34:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($127.95)
Seat 2: Player2 ($172.31)
Seat 3: Player3 ($40.62)
Seat 4: Player4 ($39.32)
Seat 5: Player5 ($86.25)
Seat 6: Player6 ($112.01)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, Tc ]
Player6 raises 2.25 to 2.25
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $127.85, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $172.21, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $40.52, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $38.72, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $85.15, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $114.01, bet $2.35, collected $4.35, net +$2

***** Hand History For Game 1685032603624ix7vhhkvno8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:35:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($127.85)
Seat 2: Player2 ($172.21)
Seat 3: Player3 ($40.52)
Seat 4: Player4 ($38.72)
Seat 5: Player5 ($85.15)
Seat 6: Player6 ($114.01)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player6 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, Js ]
Hero folds
Player2 raises 2 to 2
Player3 calls (2)
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1.50)
Player6 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qs, Td, Qh ]
Player5 checks
Player6 checks
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6s ]
Player5 checks
Player6 checks
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 5c ]
Player5 checks
Player6 checks
Player2 bets (2.71)
Player3 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.17 Rake: $0.43
Board: [ Qs, Td, Qh, 6s, 5c ]
Hero balance $127.75, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $178.28, bet $4.81, collected $10.88, net +$6.07
Player3 balance $38.42, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $38.62, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $83.05, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $111.91, lost $2.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685032622111vjkr5hgro6 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:36:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($127.75)
Seat 2: Player2 ($178.28)
Seat 3: Player3 ($38.42)
Seat 4: Player4 ($38.62)
Seat 5: Player5 ($83.05)
Seat 6: Player6 ($111.91)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, Kh ]
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $126.65, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $178.18, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $40.42, bet $2.60, collected $4.60, net +$2
Player4 balance $38.52, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $82.95, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $111.31, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685032654982dk4ove8wr9v *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:37:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($126.65)
Seat 2: Player2 ($178.18)
Seat 3: Player3 ($40.42)
Seat 4: Player4 ($38.52)
Seat 5: Player5 ($82.95)
Seat 6: Player6 ($111.31)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, 4c ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, Jc, Ac ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2d ]
Player2 bets (3.89)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.80 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 6c, Jc, Ac, 2d ]
Hero balance $126.05, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $181.38, bet $6.49, collected $9.69, net +$3.20
Player3 balance $37.82, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $38.42, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $82.85, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $111.21, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850326849637yrspz08tg6 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:37:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($126.05)
Seat 2: Player2 ($181.38)
Seat 3: Player3 ($37.82)
Seat 4: Player4 ($38.42)
Seat 5: Player5 ($82.85)
Seat 6: Player6 ($111.21)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 4d ]
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, 3d, Qd ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8h ]
Player3 bets (3.23)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.85 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 7s, 3d, Qd, 8h ]
Hero balance $125.95, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $180.78, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $40.57, bet $5.33, collected $8.08, net +$2.75
Player4 balance $36.32, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $82.75, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $111.11, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685032746596a33kle6foic *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:38:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($125.95)
Seat 2: Player2 ($180.78)
Seat 3: Player3 ($40.57)
Seat 4: Player4 ($36.32)
Seat 5: Player5 ($82.75)
Seat 6: Player6 ($111.11)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 5d ]
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.25 to 2.25
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1.75)
Player4 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s, Qh, 9c ]
Player3 checks
Player6 bets (1.45)
Player3 calls (1.45)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ac ]
Player3 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 5c ]
Player3 bets (2.85)
Player6 raises 16.30 to 16.30
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.97 Rake: $0.73
Board: [ 4s, Qh, 9c, Ac, 5c ]
Hero balance $125.85, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $180.68, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $33.92, lost $6.65 (folded)
Player4 balance $35.22, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $82.65, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $118.43, bet $20.10, collected $27.42, net +$7.32

***** Hand History For Game 1685032759308w0ovafawmsp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:39:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($125.85)
Seat 2: Player2 ($180.68)
Seat 3: Player3 ($33.92)
Seat 4: Player4 ($35.22)
Seat 5: Player5 ($82.65)
Seat 6: Player6 ($118.43)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, Js ]
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.60 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $125.75, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $180.58, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $33.82, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $34.62, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $83.65, bet $1.10, collected $2.10, net +$1
Player6 balance $118.33, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685032861600cragiv0zjhn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:39:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($125.75)
Seat 2: Player2 ($180.58)
Seat 3: Player3 ($33.82)
Seat 4: Player4 ($34.62)
Seat 5: Player5 ($83.65)
Seat 6: Player6 ($118.33)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player6 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 6c ]
Hero folds
Player2 raises 2 to 2
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1.50)
Player6 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8c, 3d, 2d ]
Player5 checks
Player6 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9s ]
Player5 checks
Player6 bets (2.06)
Player2 raises 9 to 9
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (6.94)
** Dealing River ** : [ 8h ]
Player6 bets (7.71)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.37 Rake: $1.23
Board: [ 8c, 3d, 2d, 9s, 8h ]
Hero balance $125.65, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $169.48, lost $11.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $33.72, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $34.52, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $81.55, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $130.60, bet $18.81, collected $31.08, net +$12.27

***** Hand History For Game 16850328796093pzm7xwqfmu *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:41:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($125.65)
Seat 2: Player2 ($169.48)
Seat 3: Player3 ($33.72)
Seat 4: Player4 ($34.52)
Seat 5: Player5 ($81.55)
Seat 6: Player6 ($130.60)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, 2c ]
Player2 raises 2 to 2
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $124.55, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $171.48, bet $2.10, collected $4.10, net +$2
Player3 balance $33.62, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $34.42, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $81.45, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $130, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850329269456i3f9pf4acy *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:41:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($124.55)
Seat 2: Player2 ($171.48)
Seat 3: Player3 ($33.62)
Seat 4: Player4 ($34.42)
Seat 5: Player5 ($81.45)
Seat 6: Player6 ($130)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, Ks ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (2.50)
Player6 raises 10 to 10
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 31.02 to 33.52
Player3 is all-In.
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (23.52)
Creating Main Pot with $ 68.64 with Player3
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, Td, 8c ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jc ]
** Dealing River ** : [ 4s ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $68.64 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Js, Td, 8c, Jc, 4s ]
Hero balance $123.95, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $170.38, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $0, lost $33.62[ Ad, 7d ] [ a pair of jacks -- Ad,Js,Jc,Td,8c ]
Player4 balance $34.32, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $78.85, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player6 balance $165.02, bet $33.62, collected $68.64, net +$35.02[ Qs, Qc ] [ two
pairs, queens and jacks -- Qs,Qc,Js,Jc,Td ]

***** Hand History For Game 168503297568947yihjfk3rx *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:42:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($123.95)
Seat 2: Player2 ($170.38)
Seat 4: Player3 ($34.32)
Seat 5: Player4 ($78.85)
Seat 6: Player5 ($165.02)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, Qs ]
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (0.50)
Player3 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9h, 3h, Jc ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (2.36)
Player4 folds
Player2 calls (2.36)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7s ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 4h ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.81 Rake: $0.41
Board: [ 9h, 3h, Jc, 7s, 4h ]
Hero balance $123.85, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $166.92, lost $3.46[ 9s, Qh ] [ a pair of nines -- Qh,Jc,9s,9h,7s ]
Player3 balance $38.67, bet $3.46, collected $7.81, net +$4.35[ 8d, Jd ] [ a pair
of jacks -- Jd,Jc,9h,8d,7s ]
Player4 balance $77.75, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $164.92, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685032993974m7v68mrkizi *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:42:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($123.85)
Seat 2: Player2 ($166.92)
Seat 4: Player3 ($38.67)
Seat 5: Player4 ($77.75)
Seat 6: Player5 ($164.92)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 5s ]
Player5 raises 2.25 to 2.25
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $123.75, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $166.82, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $38.07, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $76.65, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $166.82, bet $2.35, collected $4.25, net +$1.90

***** Hand History For Game 1685033041384vf8li2wkrk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:43:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($123.75)
Seat 2: Player2 ($166.82)
Seat 4: Player3 ($38.07)
Seat 5: Player4 ($76.65)
Seat 6: Player5 ($166.82)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, Kh ]
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 calls (1.50)
Player5 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8h, Jh, Jd ]
Player4 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ts ]
Player4 bets (1.74)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 8h, Jh, Jd, Ts ]
Hero balance $123.65, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $166.72, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $35.97, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $79.78, bet $3.84, collected $6.97, net +$3.13
Player5 balance $165.72, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685033053681yd6ytz7tro *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:44:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($123.65)
Seat 2: Player2 ($166.72)
Seat 4: Player3 ($35.97)
Seat 5: Player4 ($79.78)
Seat 6: Player5 ($165.72)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Tc ]
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $124.55, bet $1.10, collected $2, net +$0.90
Player2 balance $166.62, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $35.87, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $79.68, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $165.12, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685033083888vq3t1hg3hgn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:44:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($124.55)
Seat 2: Player2 ($166.62)
Seat 4: Player3 ($35.87)
Seat 5: Player4 ($79.68)
Seat 6: Player5 ($165.12)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Hero raises 5 to 5.50
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $126.95, bet $5.60, collected $8, net +$2.40
Player2 balance $165.52, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $35.77, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $78.58, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $165.02, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685033172933g6tvw2q8q2 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:44:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($126.95)
Seat 2: Player2 ($165.52)
Seat 4: Player3 ($35.77)
Seat 5: Player4 ($78.58)
Seat 6: Player5 ($165.02)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, Jd ]
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Tc, 9c, 7c ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (1.42)
Player3 calls (1.42)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (6.30)
Player3 calls (6.30)
** Dealing River ** : [ 7s ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (30.55)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $20.37 Rake: $1.07
Board: [ Tc, 9c, 7c, Jh, 7s ]
Hero balance $126.85, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $164.92, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $25.45, lost $10.32 (folded)
Player4 balance $78.48, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $175.07, bet $40.87, collected $50.92, net +$10.05

***** Hand History For Game 1685033189486t3w28x83d9l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:46:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($126.85)
Seat 2: Player2 ($164.92)
Seat 4: Player3 ($25.45)
Seat 5: Player4 ($78.48)
Seat 6: Player5 ($175.07)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, 9h ]
Player5 raises 2.25 to 2.25
Hero folds
Player2 raises 7.50 to 7.50
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $126.75, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $169.07, bet $7.60, collected $11.75, net +$4.15
Player3 balance $24.85, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $77.38, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $172.72, lost $2.35 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850332256859exauam63jg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 12:46:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 17 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($126.75)
Seat 2: Player2 ($169.07)
Seat 4: Player3 ($24.85)
Seat 5: Player4 ($77.38)
Seat 6: Player5 ($172.72)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, Ad ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 could not respond in time.(disconnected)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $128.65, bet $2.60, collected $4.50, net +$1.90
Player2 balance $168.97, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $24.75, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $76.78, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $171.62, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685042430709c7hds4yd5v *****

0.05/0.10 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:19:26 EDT 2023
Table Barcelona 197 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($0.79)
Seat 3: Hero ($10)
Seat 4: Player3 ($14.87)
Seat 6: Player4 ($14.62)
Player1 posts small blind (0.05)
Hero posts big blind (0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 3d ]
Player3 calls (0.10)
Player4 folds
Player1 calls (0.05)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8h, Qh, Td ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3s ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (0.16)
Player3 calls (0.16)
Player1 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ 8d ]
Hero bets (0.33)
Player3 calls (0.33)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.22 Rake: $0.06
Board: [ 8h, Qh, Td, 3s, 8d ]
Player1 balance $0.69, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $10.63, bet $0.59, collected $1.22, net +$0.63[ 3c, 3d ] [ a
fullhouse, threes full of eights -- 8h,8d,3c,3d,3s ]
Player3 balance $14.28, lost $0.59[ Ks, Ts ] [ two pairs, tens and eights --
Ks,Ts,Td,8h,8d ]
Player4 balance $14.62, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685042469951pzj7z4pp7to *****

0.05/0.10 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:20:34 EDT 2023
Table Barcelona 197 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($0.69)
Seat 3: Hero ($10.63)
Seat 4: Player2 ($14.28)
Seat 6: Player3 ($14.62)
Hero posts small blind (0.05)
Player2 posts big blind (0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 4h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (0.10)
Hero folds
Player2 raises 0.25 to 0.35
Player4 calls (0.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, 3d, 7s ]
Player2 bets (0.72)
Player4 calls (0.34)
Player4 is all-In.
Creating Main Pot with $ 1.36 with Player4
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2h ]
** Dealing River ** : [ Jc ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.36 Rake: $0.07
Board: [ 7h, 3d, 7s, 2h, Jc ]
Player4 balance $0, lost $0.69[ 8s, Ad ] [ a pair of sevens -- Ad,Jc,8s,7h,7s ]
Hero balance $10.58, lost $0.05 (folded)
Player2 balance $14.95, bet $1.07, collected $1.74, net +$0.67[ Qd, Js ] [ two
pairs, jacks and sevens -- Qd,Js,Jc,7h,7s ]
Player3 balance $14.62, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685042531165n1k5nl1x71t *****

0.05/0.10 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:21:13 EDT 2023
Table Barcelona 197 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Hero ($10.58)
Seat 4: Player1 ($14.95)
Seat 6: Player2 ($14.62)
Player1 posts small blind (0.05)
Player2 posts big blind (0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, Kh ]
Hero raises 0.25 to 0.25
Player1 calls (0.20)
Player2 calls (0.15)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, 9d, Td ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (0.50)
Hero calls (0.50)
Player1 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ Jh ]
Player2 bets (1.16)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.67 Rake: $0.08
Board: [ Js, 9d, Td, 7h, Jh ]
Hero balance $9.83, lost $0.75 (folded)
Player1 balance $14.70, lost $0.25 (folded)
Player2 balance $15.54, bet $1.91, collected $2.83, net +$0.92

***** Hand History For Game 1685042573268eaw6to7ybaq *****

0.05/0.10 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:22:15 EDT 2023
Table Barcelona 197 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Hero ($10)
Seat 4: Player3 ($14.70)
Seat 6: Player1 ($15.54)
Player1 posts small blind (0.05)
Hero posts big blind (0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 4h ]
Player3 calls (0.10)
Player1 calls (0.05)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2h, Th, 8c ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player3 bets (0.29)
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.29 Rake: $0.01
Board: [ 2h, Th, 8c ]
Hero balance $9.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $14.89, bet $0.39, collected $0.58, net +$0.19
Player1 balance $15.44, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685042618148qpwerqw2mqs *****

0.05/0.10 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:22:57 EDT 2023
Table Barcelona 197 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Hero ($10)
Seat 4: Player2 ($14.89)
Seat 6: Player3 ($15.44)
Hero posts small blind (0.05)
Player2 posts big blind (0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 4c ]
Player3 raises 0.25 to 0.25
Hero folds
Player2 calls (0.15)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3h, 9h, 8d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 2d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.53 Rake: $0.02
Board: [ 3h, 9h, 8d, 8c, 2d ]
Hero balance $9.95, lost $0.05 (folded)
Player2 balance $14.64, lost $0.25[ 6h, 5c ] [ a pair of eights -- 9h,8d,8c,6h,5c ]
Player3 balance $15.72, bet $0.25, collected $0.53, net +$0.28[ Ah, 7c ] [ a pair
of eights -- Ah,9h,8d,8c,7c ]

***** Hand History For Game 16850426545685x6ceiyuv6j *****

0.01/0.02 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:23:08 EDT 2023
Table Amsterdam 219 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($2.27)
Seat 2: Player4 ($1.67)
Seat 3: Player5 ($1.51)
Seat 4: Player6 ($1.71)
Seat 5: Player1 ($1.65)
Seat 6: Hero ($2)
Player1 posts small blind (0.01)
Hero posts big blind (0.02)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 5s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.01)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kc, 6d, Qs ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9s ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ah ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (0.05)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.04 Rake: $0.0
Board: [ Kc, 6d, Qs, 9s, Ah ]
Player3 balance $2.27, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $1.67, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $1.51, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $1.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $1.63, lost $0.02 (folded)
Hero balance $2.02, bet $0.07, collected $0.09, net +$0.02

***** Hand History For Game 1685042631084jtbl7zo8c3j *****

0.05/0.10 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:23:42 EDT 2023
Table Barcelona 197 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Hero ($10)
Seat 4: Player1 ($14.64)
Seat 6: Player2 ($15.72)
Player1 posts small blind (0.05)
Player2 posts big blind (0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 8c ]
Hero raises 0.23 to 0.23
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.25 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $10.15, bet $0.23, collected $0.38, net +$0.15
Player1 balance $14.59, lost $0.05 (folded)
Player2 balance $15.62, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850426588660wdje7lz6lgj *****

0.05/0.10 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:23:54 EDT 2023
Table Barcelona 197 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Hero ($10.15)
Seat 4: Player3 ($14.59)
Seat 6: Player1 ($15.62)
Player1 posts small blind (0.05)
Hero posts big blind (0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Ad ]
Player3 calls (0.10)
Player1 folds
Hero raises 0.45 to 0.55
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.25 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $10.30, bet $0.55, collected $0.70, net +$0.15
Player3 balance $14.49, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player1 balance $15.57, lost $0.05 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685042709263diltfzeuftg *****

0.01/0.02 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:24:14 EDT 2023
Table Amsterdam 219 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($2.27)
Seat 2: Player3 ($1.67)
Seat 3: Player4 ($1.51)
Seat 4: Player6 ($1)
Seat 5: Player5 ($1.63)
Seat 6: Hero ($2.02)
Hero posts small blind (0.01)
Player2 posts big blind (0.02)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, Kc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 0.04 to 0.04
Player5 calls (0.04)
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qc, Ad, Ah ]
Player4 bets (0.10)
Player5 calls (0.10)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kd ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (0.15)
Player4 calls (0.15)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2h ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.58 Rake: $0.03
Board: [ Qc, Ad, Ah, Kd, 2h ]
Player2 balance $2.25, lost $0.02 (folded)
Player3 balance $1.67, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $1.80, bet $0.29, collected $0.58, net +$0.29[ 9h, Ac ] [ three of
a kind, aces -- Ac,Ad,Ah,Kd,Qc ]
Player6 balance $1, sits out
Player5 balance $1.34, lost $0.29[ Jd, Qh ] [ two pairs, aces and queens --
Ad,Ah,Kd,Qh,Qc ]
Hero balance $2.01, lost $0.01 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685042689635z9y92vts2c7 *****

0.05/0.10 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:24:22 EDT 2023
Table Barcelona 197 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Hero ($10.30)
Seat 4: Player2 ($14.49)
Seat 6: Player3 ($15.57)
Hero posts small blind (0.05)
Player2 posts big blind (0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, Jc ]
Player3 raises 0.25 to 0.25
Hero raises 1 to 1.05
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 3 to 3.25
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.20 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $9.25, lost $1.05 (folded)
Player2 balance $14.39, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $16.72, bet $3.25, collected $4.40, net +$1.15

***** Hand History For Game 1685042766700eu2uv2qjd1u *****

0.10/0.25 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:24:40 EDT 2023
Table Montreal 185 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($25)
Seat 2: Player4 ($19)
Seat 3: Player5 ($26.58)
Seat 4: Player6 ($12.15)
Seat 5: Player1 ($19.86)
Seat 6: Hero ($25)
Player1 posts small blind (0.10)
Hero posts big blind (0.25)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Ac ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 0.62 to 0.62
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.52)
Hero calls (0.37)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, 3d, 6d ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player4 bets (1.77)
Player1 calls (1.77)
Hero folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5c ]
Player1 checks
Player4 bets (3.42)
Player1 calls (3.42)
** Dealing River ** : [ Jd ]
Player1 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.63 Rake: $0.61
Board: [ 2d, 3d, 6d, 5c, Jd ]
Player3 balance $25, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $13.19, lost $5.81[ 6h, 9h ] [ a pair of sixes -- Jd,9h,6h,6d,5c ]
Player5 balance $26.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $12.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $25.68, bet $5.81, collected $11.63, net +$5.82[ Ks, 6s ] [ a pair
of sixes -- Ks,Jd,6s,6d,5c ]
Hero balance $24.38, lost $0.62 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685042741133kvrz59liykr *****

0.05/0.10 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:24:53 EDT 2023
Table Barcelona 197 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Hero ($10)
Seat 4: Player1 ($14.39)
Seat 6: Player2 ($16.72)
Player1 posts small blind (0.05)
Player2 posts big blind (0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, Td ]
Hero raises 0.22 to 0.22
Player1 calls (0.17)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3c, Jc, Qd ]
Player1 bets (0.52)
Hero calls (0.52)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3s ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3d ]
Player1 bets (1.51)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.51 Rake: $0.07
Board: [ 3c, Jc, Qd, 3s, 3d ]
Hero balance $9.26, lost $0.74 (folded)
Player1 balance $15.16, bet $2.25, collected $3.02, net +$0.77
Player2 balance $16.62, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685042755086x04s24r6pbo *****

0.01/0.02 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:25:09 EDT 2023
Table Amsterdam 219 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($2.25)
Seat 2: Player2 ($1.67)
Seat 3: Player3 ($1.80)
Seat 4: Player6 ($1)
Seat 5: Player4 ($1.34)
Seat 6: Hero ($2.01)
Player1 posts small blind (0.01)
Player2 posts big blind (0.02)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Td ]
Player3 raises 0.04 to 0.04
Player4 folds
Hero raises 0.09 to 0.09
Player1 calls (0.08)
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (0.05)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, 5c, 3d ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (0.02)
Hero folds
Player1 calls (0.02)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2d ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6d ]
Player1 bets (0.16)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.32 Rake: $0.01
Board: [ 4c, 5c, 3d, 2d, 6d ]
Player1 balance $2.46, bet $0.27, collected $0.48, net +$0.21
Player2 balance $1.65, lost $0.02 (folded)
Player3 balance $1.69, lost $0.11 (folded)
Player6 balance $1, sits out
Player4 balance $1.34, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $1.92, lost $0.09 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685042765427j0hv4jccwrn *****

0.05/0.10 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:25:45 EDT 2023
Table Barcelona 197 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Hero ($10)
Seat 4: Player3 ($15.16)
Seat 6: Player1 ($16.62)
Player1 posts small blind (0.05)
Hero posts big blind (0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, Ah ]
Player3 calls (0.10)
Player1 folds
Hero raises 0.45 to 0.55
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.25 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $10.15, bet $0.55, collected $0.70, net +$0.15
Player3 balance $15.06, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player1 balance $16.57, lost $0.05 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685042792554m8mucds4l1k *****

0.01/0.02 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:25:54 EDT 2023
Table Amsterdam 219 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($2.46)
Seat 2: Player1 ($1.65)
Seat 3: Player2 ($1.69)
Seat 4: Player6 ($1)
Seat 5: Player3 ($1.34)
Seat 6: Hero ($2)
Player1 posts small blind (0.01)
Player2 posts big blind (0.02)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 9d ]
Player3 raises 0.05 to 0.05
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (0.04)
Player2 calls (0.03)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, 7h, 4c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (0.07)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (0.07)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9h ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (0.14)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.28 Rake: $0.01
Board: [ 9s, 7h, 4c, 9h ]
Player5 balance $2.46, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $1.60, lost $0.05 (folded)
Player2 balance $1.57, lost $0.12 (folded)
Player6 balance $1, sits out
Player3 balance $1.50, bet $0.26, collected $0.42, net +$0.16
Hero balance $2, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850428006514byuha55kbj *****

0.05/0.10 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 15:26:09 EDT 2023
Table Barcelona 197 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($10)
Seat 3: Hero ($10.15)
Seat 4: Player2 ($15.06)
Seat 6: Player3 ($16.57)
Hero posts small blind (0.05)
Player2 posts big blind (0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, 3d ]
Player3 raises 0.25 to 0.25
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $0.25 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $10, sits out
Hero balance $10.10, lost $0.05 (folded)
Player2 balance $14.96, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $16.72, bet $0.25, collected $0.40, net +$0.15

***** Hand History For Game 1685046304905ml3h11c6mc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:25:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, 6s ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $100.60, bet $1.10, collected $1.70, net +$0.60

***** Hand History For Game 1685047527181hinkhvqsi5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:45:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($100.60)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, Ah ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $100.60, bet $1.10, collected $1.70, net +$0.60
Hero balance $100, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685047628960wi7l6xmpywf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:46:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($100.60)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, Td ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, Js, 9d ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9s ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (3.70)
Hero calls (3.70)
** Dealing River ** : [ 8c ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.97 Rake: $0.63
Board: [ Th, Js, 9d, 9s, 8c ]
Player1 balance $106.27, bet $6.30, collected $11.97, net +$5.67[ 9h, 5c ] [ three
of a kind, nines -- Js,Th,9h,9d,9s ]
Hero balance $93.70, lost $6.30[ 5d, Td ] [ two pairs, tens and nines --
Js,Td,Th,9d,9s ]
Player3 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685047654800xfhphu9wz3m *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:47:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($106.27)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, Qs ]
Player1 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player3 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5h, 3s, 8d ]
Hero bets (3)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.99 Rake: $0.31
Board: [ 5h, 3s, 8d ]
Player4 balance $100, sits out
Player1 balance $106.17, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $102.89, bet $6.10, collected $8.99, net +$2.89
Player3 balance $96.90, lost $3.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850476687254fo4zlyionn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:47:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($106.17)
Seat 4: Hero ($102.89)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 9c ]
Player2 folds
Hero folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.40 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $100.80, bet $1.10, collected $1.90, net +$0.80
Player2 balance $106.07, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $102.79, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685047685275is4gsi64zjg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:47:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($106.07)
Seat 4: Hero ($102.79)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 3d ]
Player3 raises 3 to 3
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.80 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $105.47, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $101.69, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $101.70, bet $3.10, collected $4.80, net +$1.70

***** Hand History For Game 1685047703415ankazo55n9u *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:48:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($50)
Seat 3: Player1 ($105.47)
Seat 4: Hero ($101.69)
Seat 5: Player3 ($101.70)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, Ts ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player3 raises 10.25 to 11.25
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.80 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $50, sits out
Player1 balance $102.87, lost $2.60 (folded)
Hero balance $101.09, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $104.90, bet $11.35, collected $14.55, net +$3.20

***** Hand History For Game 1685047719006ma1i25400x *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:48:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($50)
Seat 3: Player2 ($102.87)
Seat 4: Hero ($101.09)
Seat 5: Player4 ($104.90)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 9s ]
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.90 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $48.90, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $104.67, bet $2.60, collected $4.40, net +$1.80
Hero balance $100.99, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $104.30, lost $0.60 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 16850477538584rfp9s539gu *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:48:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($48.90)
Seat 3: Player2 ($104.67)
Seat 4: Hero ($100.99)
Seat 5: Player4 ($104.30)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 4c ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ah, 8c, 4h ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (1.46)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.61 Rake: $0.29
Board: [ Ah, 8c, 4h ]
Player1 balance $48.30, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $102.07, lost $2.60 (folded)
Hero balance $100.89, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $107.31, bet $4.06, collected $7.07, net +$3.01

***** Hand History For Game 16850477842101gsr2f7swjp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:49:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($48.30)
Seat 3: Player2 ($102.07)
Seat 4: Hero ($100.89)
Seat 5: Player4 ($107.31)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, 4h ]
Player4 folds
Player1 raises 2 to 2
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.90 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $50.10, bet $2.10, collected $3.90, net +$1.80
Player2 balance $101.47, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $99.79, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $107.21, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685047806877lgwz8wag0ws *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:49:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($50.10)
Seat 3: Player2 ($101.47)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($107.21)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, 2h ]
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.90 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $50, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $103.27, bet $2.60, collected $4.40, net +$1.80
Hero balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $106.11, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685047823031n9vq5qa5kj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:50:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($50)
Seat 3: Player2 ($103.27)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($106.11)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 4h ]
Player2 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.90 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $48.90, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $103.17, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $101.80, bet $2.30, collected $4.10, net +$1.80
Player4 balance $105.51, lost $0.60 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685047856366ddzb5tuw9k *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:50:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($48.90)
Seat 3: Player2 ($103.17)
Seat 4: Hero ($101.80)
Seat 5: Player4 ($105.51)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 7s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ad, Ah, 4d ]
Player1 bets (2.97)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.18 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ Ad, Ah, 4d ]
Player1 balance $50.98, bet $5.07, collected $7.15, net +$2.08
Player2 balance $101.07, lost $2.10 (folded)
Hero balance $101.70, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $105.41, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16850478838267yjchrf8z82 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:51:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($50.98)
Seat 3: Player2 ($101.07)
Seat 4: Hero ($101.70)
Seat 5: Player4 ($105.41)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 5c ]
Player4 folds
Player5 checks
Player1 raises 4 to 4
Player2 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $53.88, bet $4.10, collected $7, net +$2.90
Player2 balance $100.47, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $100.60, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $105.31, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $98.90, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850478990158y90256cpcs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:51:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($53.88)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100.47)
Seat 4: Hero ($100.60)
Seat 5: Player4 ($105.31)
Seat 6: Player5 ($98.90)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 3d ]
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $53.78, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.37, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $100, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $106.21, bet $1.10, collected $2, net +$0.90
Player5 balance $98.80, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685047913005xjwph6f043h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:51:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($53.78)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100.37)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($106.21)
Seat 6: Player5 ($98.80)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, Jd ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $53.68, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.27, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $105.61, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $99.70, bet $1.10, collected $2, net +$0.90

***** Hand History For Game 1685047973938vy2yug689cc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:51:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($53.68)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100.27)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($105.61)
Seat 6: Player5 ($99.70)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, Qd ]
Player2 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (2)
Player1 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9h, 7s, 5s ]
Player5 bets (2.53)
Player1 raises 11.52 to 11.52
Hero folds
Player5 calls (8.99)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4c ]
Player5 checks
Player1 bets (20.94)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $29.49 Rake: $1.55
Board: [ 9h, 7s, 5s, 4c ]
Player1 balance $69.05, bet $35.06, collected $50.43, net +$15.37
Player2 balance $100.17, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $97.40, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $105.51, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $85.58, lost $14.12 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850479886452m0m88fdr0k *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:52:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($69.05)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100.17)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($105.51)
Seat 6: Player5 ($85.58)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 7c ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $68.45, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $99.07, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $107.41, bet $2.60, collected $4.50, net +$1.90
Player5 balance $85.48, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850480312244m6f3ksbr9q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:53:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($68.45)
Seat 2: Player6 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($107.41)
Seat 6: Player5 ($85.48)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 2d ]
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $68.35, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player2 balance $101.40, bet $3.10, collected $4.50, net +$1.40
Hero balance $98.90, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $107.31, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $85.38, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048092953q85k5ibp0d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:53:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($68.35)
Seat 2: Player6 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($101.40)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($107.31)
Seat 6: Player5 ($85.38)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 5s ]
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player4 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Tc, Qd, Jh ]
Player4 checks
Player2 bets (1.65)
Player4 calls (1.65)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8d ]
Player4 checks
Player2 bets (2.56)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.84 Rake: $0.46
Board: [ Tc, Qd, Jh, 8d ]
Player1 balance $68.25, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player2 balance $105.99, bet $6.81, collected $11.40, net +$4.59
Hero balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $103.06, lost $4.25 (folded)
Player5 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048163936eejco6yp1tf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:54:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($68.25)
Seat 2: Player6 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($105.99)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($103.06)
Seat 6: Player5 ($99.90)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, Jh ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2.50
Player5 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, 9d, 2d ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (1.74)
Player4 calls (1.74)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 2s ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.54 Rake: $0.44
Board: [ 7s, 9d, 2d, 6c, 2s ]
Player1 balance $68.15, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player2 balance $105.89, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $107.26, bet $4.34, collected $8.54, net +$4.20[ Js, Kd ] [ a pair
of twos -- Kd,Js,9d,2d,2s ]
Player5 balance $95.56, lost $4.34[ Qs, 4c ] [ a pair of twos -- Qs,9d,7s,2d,2s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685048200636i7raijufvz *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:56:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($68.15)
Seat 2: Player6 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($105.89)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($107.26)
Seat 6: Player5 ($95.56)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 9h ]
Player2 folds
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $69.05, bet $1.10, collected $2, net +$0.90
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player2 balance $105.79, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $107.16, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $94.96, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048294574ja382loeioe *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:57:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($68.45)
Seat 2: Player2 ($105.90)
Seat 3: Player3 ($105.69)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($104.56)
Seat 6: Player6 ($92.36)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, Tc ]
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, 7h, 6h ]
Player3 checks
Player6 bets (3.86)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.80 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 5c, 7h, 6h ]
Player1 balance $68.35, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $105.30, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.09, lost $2.60 (folded)
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $104.46, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $95.56, bet $6.46, collected $9.66, net +$3.20

***** Hand History For Game 16850483143711sp1w6dbasf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:58:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($68.35)
Seat 2: Player2 ($105.30)
Seat 3: Player3 ($103.09)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($104.46)
Seat 6: Player6 ($95.56)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 6c ]
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $68.25, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $105.20, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.49, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $98.90, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $106.46, bet $2.60, collected $4.60, net +$2
Player6 balance $95.46, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048341254t8t7wm2zahm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:58:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($68.25)
Seat 2: Player2 ($105.20)
Seat 3: Player3 ($102.49)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($106.46)
Seat 6: Player6 ($95.46)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 8c ]
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $68.15, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $105.10, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.39, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $105.36, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $97.46, bet $2.60, collected $4.60, net +$2
***** Hand History For Game 168504839247405oi7sfrpdyi *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:59:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($68.15)
Seat 2: Player2 ($105.10)
Seat 3: Player3 ($102.39)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($105.36)
Seat 6: Player6 ($97.46)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player6 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 3c ]
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2h, Js, 8s ]
Player6 bets (1.93)
Player2 raises 8 to 8
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.47 Rake: $0.49
Board: [ 2h, Js, 8s ]
Player1 balance $68.05, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $110.04, bet $10.60, collected $15.54, net +$4.94
Player3 balance $102.29, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $104.76, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player6 balance $92.93, lost $4.53 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850484302921n2f78hg3el *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 16:59:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($68.05)
Seat 2: Player2 ($110.04)
Seat 3: Player3 ($102.29)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($104.76)
Seat 6: Player6 ($92.93)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 3h ]
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $66.95, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $109.94, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $104.29, bet $2.60, collected $4.60, net +$2
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $104.66, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $92.33, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048478202yf09u41z2l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:00:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($99)
Seat 2: Player4 ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($90.22)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, Ts ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 3 to 3
Player1 folds
Hero folds
Player3 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, 5s, 3h ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (1.85)
Player3 calls (1.85)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qd ]
Player3 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3s ]
Player3 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.64 Rake: $0.56
Board: [ 3d, 5s, 3h, Qd, 3s ]
Player3 balance $99.47, bet $4.85, collected $5.32, net +$0.47[ Jc, Td ] [ three of
a kind, threes -- Qd,Jc,3d,3h,3s ]
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100.47, bet $4.85, collected $5.32, net +$0.47[ 8h, Jh ] [ three
of a kind, threes -- Qd,Jh,3d,3h,3s ]
Player1 balance $89.72, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685048510060ac83ot3qxnh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:00:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($66.95)
Seat 2: Player2 ($109.94)
Seat 3: Player3 ($104.29)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($104.66)
Seat 6: Player6 ($92.33)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 2s ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5h, Js, 4s ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (4.14)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.27 Rake: $0.33
Board: [ 5h, Js, 4s ]
Player1 balance $64.35, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $108.84, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $104.19, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $108.33, bet $6.74, collected $10.41, net +$3.67
Player6 balance $92.23, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048523479t311mo90h9d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:01:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($99.47)
Seat 2: Player4 ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100.47)
Seat 4: Player6 ($89.72)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, Kc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5s, 2s, 8d ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qd ]
Hero bets (2.85)
Player2 raises 9.69 to 9.69
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.12 Rake: $0.58
Board: [ 5s, 2s, 8d, Qd ]
Player3 balance $99.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $89.72, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $94.15, lost $5.85 (folded)
Player2 balance $105.27, bet $12.69, collected $17.96, net +$5.27

***** Hand History For Game 1685048489731ji2953vh6f *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:01:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($61.97)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 7d ]
Hero raises 1.70 to 2.20
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.20 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $101.10, bet $2.30, collected $3.40, net +$1.10
Player2 balance $60.87, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048507510vlrok9s9bfe *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:01:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 2: Hero ($101.10)
Seat 6: Player2 ($60.87)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 7h ]
Player2 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.20 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $100, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $61.97, bet $3.10, collected $4.20, net +$1.10

***** Hand History For Game 1685048528325p7fxnhk9wkc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:01:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($61.97)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 7h ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player2 raises 5.95 to 6.95
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.70 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $97.65, lost $2.35 (folded)
Player2 balance $64.32, bet $7.05, collected $9.40, net +$2.35

***** Hand History For Game 1685048590861ax4qjnhwarp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:01:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($64.35)
Seat 2: Player2 ($108.84)
Seat 3: Player3 ($104.19)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($108.33)
Seat 6: Player6 ($92.23)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 4c ]
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 3
Player3 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, Qs, Kh ]
Player2 bets (2.10)
Player3 calls (2.10)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3h ]
Player2 bets (7.70)
Player3 calls (7.70)
** Dealing River ** : [ 4s ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $24.89 Rake: $1.31
Board: [ Td, Qs, Kh, 3h, 4s ]
Player1 balance $64.25, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $95.94, lost $12.90[ 5h, 7h ] [ high card king -- Kh,Qs,Td,7h,5h ]
Player3 balance $116.18, bet $12.90, collected $24.89, net +$11.99[ 2c, Ks ] [ a
pair of kings -- Ks,Kh,Qs,Td,4s ]
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $108.23, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $92.13, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850485856372fr45h35jtb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:02:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($99.47)
Seat 2: Player3 ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100.47)
Seat 4: Player5 ($89.72)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($105.27)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 8h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 4 to 4
Player5 calls (4)
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, Jc, Ts ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (7.92)
Player2 calls (7.92)
Player4 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8c ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (26.93)
Player2 calls (26.93)
** Dealing River ** : [ Kc ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (50.87)
Player5 is all-In.
Player2 calls (50.87)
Creating Main Pot with $ 180.94 with Player5
** Summary **
Main Pot: $180.94 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 4c, Jc, Ts, 8c, Kc ]
Player2 balance $190.69, bet $89.72, collected $180.94, net +$91.22[ 9c, 7c ] [ a
flush, king high -- Kc,Jc,9c,8c,7c ]
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $96.47, lost $4 (folded)
Player5 balance $0, lost $89.72[ Qd, 8s ] [ a pair of eights -- Kc,Qd,Jc,8s,8c ]
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $104.77, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048550328zw1dqq7utu *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:02:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player2 ($50)
Seat 6: Player3 ($64.32)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.30 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $101.20, bet $3.10, collected $4.30, net +$1.20
Player2 balance $48.90, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $64.22, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850485625650wzwqtm0869f *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:02:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Hero ($101.20)
Seat 5: Player2 ($48.90)
Seat 6: Player3 ($64.22)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, Kd ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.80 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $102.90, bet $2.30, collected $4, net +$1.70
Player2 balance $48.30, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $63.12, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168504860164658pcforaouv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:02:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Hero ($102.90)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($100)
Seat 5: Player2 ($48.30)
Seat 6: Player3 ($63.12)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, Ah ]
Player2 raises 2 to 2
Player3 folds
Hero calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, 3d, 9c ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kd ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Jc ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.56 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ 8s, 3d, 9c, Kd, Jc ]
Hero balance $100.80, lost $2.10[ 5c, Ah ] [ high card ace -- Ah,Kd,Jc,9c,8s ]
Player4 balance $100, sits out
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Player2 balance $50.76, bet $2.10, collected $4.56, net +$2.46[ Qc, As ] [ high
card ace -- As,Kd,Qc,Jc,9c ]
Player3 balance $62.52, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048631691bnvti1dqpzn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:03:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($190.69)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($0)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($104.77)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 9c ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 raises 8 to 8
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero calls (5.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Tc, 5s, 8s ]
Hero checks
Player5 bets (9)
Hero calls (9)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2d ]
Hero checks
Player5 bets (20.23)
Hero calls (20.23)
** Dealing River ** : [ 7d ]
Hero checks
Player5 bets (67.54)
Player5 is all-In.
Hero calls (62.77)
Hero is all-In.
Creating Main Pot with $ 198.50 with Hero
** Summary **
Main Pot: $198.50 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Tc, 5s, 8s, 2d, 7d ]
Player1 balance $190.19, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $66.21, sits out
Hero balance $0, lost $100[ 8c, 9c ] [ a pair of eights -- Tc,9c,8c,8s,7d ]
Player5 balance $203.27, bet $104.77, collected $203.27, net +$98.50[ Jd, Js ] [ a
pair of jacks -- Jd,Js,Tc,8s,7d ]

***** Hand History For Game 168504862600118akm5kztrd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:03:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($64.25)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($116.18)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($108.23)
Seat 6: Player6 ($92.13)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, Tc ]
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $64.15, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $115.58, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $98.90, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $110.23, bet $2.60, collected $4.60, net +$2
Player6 balance $92.03, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048641783pu3yelqzcuc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:03:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Hero ($100.80)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($50.76)
Seat 6: Player4 ($62.52)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, 4d, Ah ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ts ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (2.76)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.76 Rake: $0.14
Board: [ 9s, 4d, Ah, Ts ]
Hero balance $100.20, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $98.90, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Player3 balance $50.66, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $64.18, bet $3.86, collected $5.52, net +$1.66

***** Hand History For Game 1685048692473l1itvumk71 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:03:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($64.15)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($115.58)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($110.23)
Seat 6: Player6 ($92.03)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, Ts ]
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player3 folds
Hero raises 10 to 10.50
Player5 folds
Player2 calls (8)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, Ah, 5c ]
Hero bets (7.08)
Player2 calls (7.08)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kh ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 2c ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $34.93 Rake: $1.8299998
Board: [ 7h, Ah, 5c, Kh, 2c ]
Player1 balance $64.05, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $82.32, lost $17.68[ 9d, 9c ] [ a pair of nines -- Ah,Kh,9d,9c,7h ]
Player3 balance $115.48, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $117.25, bet $17.68, collected $34.93, net +$17.25[ Ac, Ts ] [ a pair
of aces -- Ac,Ah,Kh,Ts,7h ]
Player5 balance $109.13, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $91.93, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048686579k4rmxgz0pme *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:03:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($190.19)
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($66.21)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($203.27)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 4d ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, Kc, 7d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (3.80)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.80 Rake: $0.2
Board: [ Js, Kc, 7d ]
Player6 balance $189.19, lost $1 (folded)
Player1 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $69.01, bet $4.80, collected $7.60, net +$2.80
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $203.27, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685048691005hcss9rgiu2 *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:04:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Hero ($100.20)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($50.66)
Seat 6: Player5 ($64.18)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, Qh ]
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kc, 7d, Ad ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kh ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9d ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ Kc, 7d, Ad, Kh, 9d ]
Hero balance $100.10, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $97.90, lost $2.10[ 5h, 2h ] [ a pair of kings -- Ad,Kc,Kh,9d,7d ]
Player4 balance $53.31, bet $2.10, collected $4.75, net +$2.65[ 8c, 8s ] [ two
pairs, kings and eights -- Ad,Kc,Kh,8c,8s ]
Player5 balance $64.08, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048729267zwt13f18r3m *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:04:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($189.19)
Seat 2: Player6 ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($69.01)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($203.27)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, Qc ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 calls (2)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kh, 8h, 2h ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qd ]
Player2 bets (4.12)
Player4 raises 16.50 to 16.50
Player5 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $14.01 Rake: $0.73
Board: [ Kh, 8h, 2h, Qd ]
Player5 balance $187.19, lost $2 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $62.89, lost $6.12 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $211.16, bet $18.50, collected $26.39, net +$7.89

***** Hand History For Game 1685048745873eqyc3abtzu8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:04:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Hero ($100.10)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($53.31)
Seat 6: Player5 ($64.08)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 3c ]
Player5 raises 3 to 3
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, Ks, 7h ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (4.98)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.65 Rake: $0.35
Board: [ 7s, Ks, 7h ]
Hero balance $100, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $50.21, lost $3.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $67.63, bet $8.08, collected $11.63, net +$3.55

***** Hand History For Game 16850487223088b2fcssljar *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:04:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($64.05)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($115.48)
Seat 4: Hero ($117.25)
Seat 5: Player5 ($109.13)
Seat 6: Player6 ($91.93)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player6 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, 7s ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $63.95, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $117.48, bet $2.60, collected $4.60, net +$2
Hero balance $117.15, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $108.53, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player6 balance $90.83, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048759662i27ujtkmb0g *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:05:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($63.95)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($117.48)
Seat 4: Hero ($117.15)
Seat 5: Player5 ($108.53)
Seat 6: Player6 ($90.83)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, Kc ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2c, Ac, Qh ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (2.85)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 2c, Ac, Qh ]
Player1 balance $63.35, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $97.40, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $117.38, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $120.25, bet $5.45, collected $8.55, net +$3.10
Player5 balance $108.43, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $90.83, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685048756261mdip3rjt0up *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:05:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($187.19)
Seat 2: Player5 ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($62.89)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($211.16)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3 to 3
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (3)
Player1 folds
Hero raises 14 to 15
Player4 folds
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $184.19, lost $3 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $97, lost $3 (folded)
Player1 balance $62.39, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $106.50, bet $15, collected $21.50, net +$6.50
Player3 balance $211.16, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048825437u7eqr3j5egc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:05:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($50.21)
Seat 6: Player5 ($67.63)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, 4s ]
Hero folds
Player2 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player3 calls (2.20)
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8h, Th, 3d ]
Player5 checks
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ks ]
Player5 checks
Player2 bets (2.38)
Player3 calls (2.38)
Player5 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ 5s ]
Player2 bets (7.75)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.75 Rake: $0.61
Board: [ 8h, Th, 3d, Ks, 5s ]
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $107.07, bet $12.43, collected $19.50, net +$7.07
Player3 balance $95.32, lost $4.68 (folded)
Player4 balance $49.61, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $65.33, lost $2.30 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048818210ccvqieny05d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:06:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($184.19)
Seat 2: Player4 ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($62.39)
Seat 5: Hero ($106.50)
Seat 6: Player2 ($211.16)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 8c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 raises 10 to 11
Player5 calls (8.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, Td, 5c ]
Player2 bets (11.50)
Player5 calls (11.50)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ts ]
Player2 bets (23)
Player5 calls (23)
** Dealing River ** : [ 4h ]
Player2 bets (55)
Player5 calls (54.50)
Player5 is all-In.
Creating Main Pot with $ 197.50 with Player5
** Summary **
Main Pot: $197.50 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 3d, Td, 5c, Ts, 4h ]
Player3 balance $184.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $197.50, bet $100, collected $197.50, net +$97.50[ Ah, Th ] [ three
of a kind, tens -- Ah,Th,Td,Ts,5c ]
Player6 balance $62.39, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $106, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $111.16, bet $100.50, collected $0.50, lost $100[ Qh, Qc ] [ two
pairs, queens and tens -- Qh,Qc,Td,Ts,5c ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685048801655fwn8jpku02 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:06:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($63.35)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($117.38)
Seat 4: Hero ($120.25)
Seat 5: Player5 ($108.43)
Seat 6: Player6 ($90.83)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, As ]
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 3
Player3 raises 8.50 to 9.50
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $63.25, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $96.90, lost $3.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $120.78, bet $9.60, collected $13, net +$3.40
Hero balance $120.15, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $108.33, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $90.83, sits out
***** Hand History For Game 168504882415521putbgw1vh *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:06:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($63.25)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($120.78)
Seat 4: Hero ($120.15)
Seat 5: Player5 ($108.33)
Seat 6: Player6 ($90.83)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, 6s ]
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $63.15, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.90, bet $2.60, collected $4.50, net +$1.90
Player3 balance $120.18, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $119.05, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $108.23, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $90.83, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 168504885272087mo7w0tpvx *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:07:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($184.19)
Seat 2: Player3 ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($197.50)
Seat 4: Player5 ($62.39)
Seat 5: Hero ($106)
Seat 6: Player1 ($111.16)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 2h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ah, Ts, 5c ]
Player1 bets (1.88)
Player2 calls (1.88)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9s ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.28 Rake: $0.48
Board: [ Ah, Ts, 5c, 4d, 9s ]
Player2 balance $179.31, lost $4.88[ 5h, Js ] [ a pair of fives -- Ah,Js,Ts,5h,5c ]
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $197.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $62.39, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $106, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $115.56, bet $4.88, collected $9.28, net +$4.40[ Ad, 2d ] [ a pair
of aces -- Ad,Ah,Ts,9s,5c ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685048839081gwta2xuts0h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:07:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($63.15)
Seat 2: Player2 ($101.90)
Seat 3: Player3 ($120.18)
Seat 4: Hero ($119.05)
Seat 5: Player5 ($108.23)
Seat 6: Player6 ($90.83)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, 3d ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $63.05, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.80, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $120.08, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $118.45, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $109.13, bet $1.10, collected $2, net +$0.90
Player6 balance $90.83, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685048880754r95s6ld8vdj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:07:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($95.70)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($107.07)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($49.61)
Seat 6: Player5 ($65.33)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, As ]
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 folds
Hero calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5h, 2d, 3s ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (3.37)
Hero calls (3.37)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qh ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Kd ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.16 Rake: $0.58
Board: [ 5h, 2d, 3s, Qh, Kd ]
Player6 balance $95.70, sits out
Hero balance $94.53, lost $5.47[ 6s, As ] [ high card ace -- As,Kd,Qh,6s,5h ]
Player2 balance $106.97, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $55.30, bet $5.47, collected $11.16, net +$5.69[ 8s, 8c ] [ a pair
of eights -- Kd,Qh,8s,8c,5h ]
Player5 balance $64.73, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048861170xkogxun503 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:07:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($63.05)
Seat 2: Player2 ($101.80)
Seat 3: Player3 ($120.08)
Seat 4: Hero ($118.45)
Seat 5: Player5 ($109.13)
Seat 6: Player6 ($90.83)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player6 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 7h ]
Player1 could not respond in time.(disconnected)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.60 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $62.95, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.70, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $119.98, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $118.35, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $108.53, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player6 balance $91.83, bet $1.10, collected $2.10, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 1685048898509mv2i5ku4qir *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:07:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($179.31)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($197.50)
Seat 4: Player4 ($62.39)
Seat 5: Hero ($106)
Seat 6: Player6 ($115.56)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, 9d, 3h ]
Player1 checks
Player4 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8s ]
Player1 bets (5)
Player4 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.08 Rake: $0.42
Board: [ 5d, 9d, 3h, 8s ]
Player1 balance $184.89, bet $7.50, collected $13.08, net +$5.58
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $197.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $59.89, lost $2.50 (folded)
Hero balance $103.50, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $115.56, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048876870waopett8bp9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:07:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($62.95)
Seat 2: Player1 ($101.70)
Seat 3: Player2 ($119.98)
Seat 4: Hero ($118.35)
Seat 5: Player4 ($108.53)
Seat 6: Player5 ($91.83)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Kc ]
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero raises 9.50 to 9.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $62.95, sits out
Player1 balance $100.60, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $117.38, lost $2.60 (folded)
Hero balance $122.75, bet $9.60, collected $14, net +$4.40
Player4 balance $108.43, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $91.23, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850489350328vat4vkhfrl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:08:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($100.60)
Seat 3: Player2 ($117.38)
Seat 4: Hero ($122.75)
Seat 5: Player4 ($108.43)
Seat 6: Player5 ($91.23)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Ah ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, 6c, 7d ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5d ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ As ]
Player2 bets (1.51)
Hero calls (1.51)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.10 Rake: $0.42
Board: [ Jd, 6c, 7d, 5d, As ]
Player1 balance $100, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $113.52, lost $3.86[ Ts, Ks ] [ high card ace -- As,Ks,Jd,Ts,7d ]
Hero balance $126.99, bet $3.86, collected $8.10, net +$4.24[ Qd, Ah ] [ a pair of
aces -- Ah,As,Qd,Jd,7d ]
Player4 balance $108.33, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $91.13, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048896842ndzjx6inkm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:08:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($95.70)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($106.97)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($55.30)
Seat 6: Player5 ($64.73)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $95.70, sits out
Hero balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $107.87, bet $1.10, collected $2, net +$0.90
Player3 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $55.20, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $64.63, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048927158pxl4v2505sd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:08:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($95.70)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($107.87)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($55.20)
Seat 6: Player6 ($64.63)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, 9s ]
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 4 to 4
Player1 folds
Hero folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $94.60, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $107.27, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $98.90, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $55.10, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $67.63, bet $4.10, collected $7.10, net +$3

***** Hand History For Game 1685048955055lqpokoxhcpb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:08:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($184.89)
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($197.50)
Seat 4: Player3 ($59.89)
Seat 5: Hero ($103.50)
Seat 6: Player5 ($115.56)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 3s ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 3.50 to 4.50
Player3 calls (3.50)
Player6 calls (3.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, Tc, 7s ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (13.30)
Player6 calls (13.30)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5s ]
Player3 bets (42.09)
Player3 is all-In.
Player6 calls (42.09)
Creating Main Pot with $ 121.78 with Player3
** Dealing River ** : [ 2d ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $121.78 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 5d, Tc, 7s, 5s, 2d ]
Player6 balance $125, lost $59.89[ 8h, 9c ] [ a pair of fives -- Tc,9c,8h,5d,5s ]
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $193, lost $4.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $121.78, bet $59.89, collected $121.78, net +$61.89[ Jh, Ks ] [ a
pair of fives -- Ks,Jh,Tc,5d,5s ]
Hero balance $103.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $115.56, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048948850rg38sdof19p *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:08:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($94.60)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($107.27)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($55.10)
Seat 6: Player6 ($67.63)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 2d ]
Player6 raises 4 to 4
Player1 folds
Hero folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $94.50, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $107.17, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $54, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $69.63, bet $4.10, collected $6.10, net +$2

***** Hand History For Game 16850490070473qqwthyzgn8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:08:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($113.52)
Seat 4: Hero ($126.99)
Seat 5: Player4 ($108.33)
Seat 6: Player5 ($91.13)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, Js ]
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 calls (2.50)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7c, 4d, 5d ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ah ]
Player4 bets (13.30)
Player5 raises 35.46 to 35.46
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $31.92 Rake: $1.68
Board: [ 7c, 4d, 5d, Ah ]
Player1 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $112.92, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $125.89, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $92.43, lost $15.90 (folded)
Player5 balance $107.15, bet $38.06, collected $54.08, net +$16.02

***** Hand History For Game 1685048975758e9j2um82viw *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:09:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($94.50)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($107.17)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($54)
Seat 6: Player6 ($69.63)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player6 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 9h ]
Player1 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (0.50)
Player6 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9c, Ts, 9s ]
Player5 checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2h ]
Player5 checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Td ]
Player5 checks
Player1 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.42 Rake: $0.18
Board: [ 9c, Ts, 9s, 2h, Td ]
Player1 balance $93.40, lost $1.10[ Js, Qc ] [ two pairs, tens and nines --
Qc,Ts,Td,9c,9s ]
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $107.07, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $56.32, bet $1.10, collected $3.42, net +$2.32[ Ad, 3s ] [ two
pairs, tens and nines -- Ad,Ts,Td,9c,9s ]
Player6 balance $68.53, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049042389srjk52xr5h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:09:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($125)
Seat 2: Player6 ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($193)
Seat 4: Player2 ($121.78)
Seat 5: Hero ($103.50)
Seat 6: Player4 ($115.56)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 2h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (2.50)
Player5 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh, Kc, Ac ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3c ]
Player2 bets (10.45)
Player5 calls (10.45)
Player6 calls (10.45)
** Dealing River ** : [ Ts ]
Player2 bets (13.41)
Player5 calls (13.41)
Player6 raises 26.82 to 26.82
Player2 calls (13.41)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $106.40 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Jh, Kc, Ac, 3c, Ts ]
Player5 balance $97.64, lost $27.36 (folded)
Player6 balance $165.63, bet $40.77, collected $106.40, net +$65.63[ Kd, Qc ] [ a
straight, ten to ace -- Ac,Kd,Qc,Jh,Ts ]
Player1 balance $192.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $81.01, lost $40.77[ 9d, As ] [ a pair of aces -- As,Ac,Kc,Jh,Ts ]
Hero balance $103.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $115.56, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685048992201qf204z8uchi *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:09:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($93.40)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($107.07)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($56.32)
Seat 6: Player6 ($68.53)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, Jd ]
Hero folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.60 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $94.40, bet $1.10, collected $2.10, net +$1
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $106.97, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $56.22, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $67.93, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049014238obbdf0uzt8d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:09:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($94.40)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($106.97)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($56.22)
Seat 6: Player6 ($67.93)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, Kc ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero raises 10 to 11
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $93.80, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $103.20, bet $11.10, collected $14.30, net +$3.20
Player3 balance $104.67, lost $2.30 (folded)
Player4 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $56.12, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $67.83, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049050458w3w7m7f671n *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:10:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($112.92)
Seat 4: Hero ($125.89)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($107.15)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 7c ]
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero folds
Player4 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, 8s, 8d ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kd ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (3.16)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ Th, 8s, 8d, Kd ]
Player1 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $112.82, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $125.29, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $97.90, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $109.80, bet $5.26, collected $7.91, net +$2.65

***** Hand History For Game 1685049089266zzlhrtn2edn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:10:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($93.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($103.20)
Seat 3: Player3 ($104.67)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($56.12)
Seat 6: Player6 ($67.83)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 3s ]
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Hero folds
Player3 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qd, Ts, 8c ]
Player5 bets (4.12)
Player1 calls (4.12)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2c ]
Player5 checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9c ]
Player5 checks
Player1 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.63 Rake: $0.71
Board: [ Qd, Ts, 8c, 2c, 9c ]
Player1 balance $87.58, lost $6.22[ Kc, Ad ] [ high card ace -- Ad,Kc,Qd,Ts,9c ]
Hero balance $102.60, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.57, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $63.53, bet $6.22, collected $13.63, net +$7.41[ Qc, As ] [ a pair
of queens -- As,Qc,Qd,Ts,9c ]
Player6 balance $67.73, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049068703mzw00elpjam *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:10:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($97.64)
Seat 2: Player5 ($165.63)
Seat 3: Player6 ($192.50)
Seat 4: Player1 ($81.01)
Seat 5: Hero ($103.50)
Seat 6: Player3 ($115.56)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 8h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jc, Ts, Qd ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7s ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6d ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (13)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ Jc, Ts, Qd, 7s, 6d ]
Player4 balance $97.64, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $165.63, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $192.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $80.01, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $104.40, bet $14, collected $14.90, net +$0.90
Player3 balance $115.56, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049065326te5lqf7qdsg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:10:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($112.82)
Seat 4: Hero ($125.29)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($109.80)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, 6s ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $112.72, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $125.19, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $110.70, bet $1.10, collected $2, net +$0.90

***** Hand History For Game 168504912529746lbl2uve4n *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:11:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($112.72)
Seat 4: Hero ($125.19)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($110.70)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 8c ]
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero calls (2.50)
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (2)
Player1 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, 8d, 6s ]
Player5 checks
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Hero bets (5.58)
Player5 calls (5.58)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9d ]
Player5 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 7d ]
Player5 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $20.58 Rake: $1.08
Board: [ 3d, 8d, 6s, 9d, 7d ]
Player1 balance $97.40, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $110.12, lost $2.60 (folded)
Hero balance $117.01, lost $8.18[ Qc, 8c ] [ a pair of eights -- Qc,9d,8c,8d,7d ]
Player4 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $123.10, bet $8.18, collected $20.58, net +$12.40[ 9h, Kh ] [ a
pair of nines -- Kh,9h,9d,8d,7d ]

***** Hand History For Game 16850491143029ub45myu288 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:11:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($97.64)
Seat 2: Player4 ($165.63)
Seat 3: Player5 ($192.50)
Seat 4: Player6 ($80.01)
Seat 5: Hero ($104.40)
Seat 6: Player2 ($115.56)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, Kd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, 5d, Qc ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (1.28)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.28 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ 7h, 5d, Qc ]
Player3 balance $97.64, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $167.91, bet $3.28, collected $5.56, net +$2.28
Player5 balance $192.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $80.01, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $103.90, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $113.56, lost $2 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049119100kt6gr1lwsb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:11:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($87.58)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.60)
Seat 3: Player3 ($103.57)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($63.53)
Seat 6: Player6 ($67.73)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Ad ]
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Player1 calls (1)
Hero raises 7 to 7
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $86.48, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $106.60, bet $7.10, collected $11.10, net +$4
Player3 balance $102.97, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $98.90, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $63.43, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $66.63, lost $1.10 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685049187146vh4ydi4czy *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:11:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($97.64)
Seat 2: Player3 ($167.91)
Seat 3: Player4 ($192.50)
Seat 4: Player5 ($80.01)
Seat 5: Hero ($103.90)
Seat 6: Player1 ($113.56)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 calls (2.50)
Hero folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 raises 14 to 15
Player4 calls (12.50)
Player5 calls (12.50)
Player1 calls (12.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, 2d, Kh ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7d ]
Player1 bets (34.20)
Player2 raises 82.64 to 82.64
Player2 is all-In.
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (65.01)
Player5 is all-In.
Player1 calls (48.44)
Creating Main Pot with $ 252.03 with Player5
Creating Side Pot 1 with$ 35.26 with Player2
** Dealing River ** : [ Th ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $252.03 Side Pot 1: $35.26 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 8s, 2d, Kh, 7d, Th ]
Player2 balance $0, lost $97.64[ 5d, Ad ] [ high card ace -- Ad,Kh,Th,8s,7d ]
Player3 balance $167.91, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $177.50, lost $15 (folded)
Player5 balance $0, lost $80.01[ 5h, 6s ] [ high card king -- Kh,Th,8s,7d,6s ]
Hero balance $103.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $303.21, bet $97.64, collected $287.29, net +$189.65[ 2s, 2c ]
[ three of a kind, twos -- Kh,Th,2s,2c,2d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685049159358zrr8wckh28 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:12:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($86.48)
Seat 2: Hero ($106.60)
Seat 3: Player3 ($102.97)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($63.43)
Seat 6: Player6 ($66.63)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, Td ]
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (1)
Hero raises 5.50 to 5.50
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, 9d, 6c ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (6.23)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.45 Rake: $0.65
Board: [ 5d, 9d, 6c ]
Player1 balance $80.88, lost $5.60 (folded)
Hero balance $113.45, bet $11.83, collected $18.68, net +$6.85
Player3 balance $102.87, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $62.33, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $66.53, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049154100e7x15qtx2ib *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:12:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($110.12)
Seat 4: Hero ($117.01)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($123.10)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 5h ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 9.50 to 10
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $103.90, bet $10.10, collected $14, net +$3.90
Player2 balance $109.02, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $116.91, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $97.40, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $123, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049170940mgtdoqh9wi *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:12:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($103.90)
Seat 3: Player2 ($109.02)
Seat 4: Hero ($116.91)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 9d ]
Player4 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.90 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $105.70, bet $2.60, collected $4.40, net +$1.80
Player2 balance $108.42, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $115.81, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850492169294wjp1bvivwe *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:12:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($80.88)
Seat 2: Hero ($113.45)
Seat 3: Player3 ($102.87)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($62.33)
Seat 6: Player6 ($66.53)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player6 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 5h ]
Player1 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 4 to 4
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (3)
Player1 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7c, 3c, Ah ]
Player6 bets (12.45)
Player1 calls (12.45)
Player4 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3h ]
Player6 checks
Player1 bets (24.06)
Player6 raises 49.98 to 49.98
Player6 is all-In.
Player1 calls (25.92)
Creating Main Pot with $ 134.96 with Player6
** Dealing River ** : [ 7d ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $134.96 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 7c, 3c, Ah, 3h, 7d ]
Player1 balance $14.35, lost $66.53[ 8h, Ad ] [ two pairs, aces and sevens --
Ad,Ah,8h,7c,7d ]
Hero balance $113.35, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.77, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $95.90, lost $4.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $61.73, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player6 balance $134.96, bet $66.53, collected $134.96, net +$68.43[ 9d, As ] [ two
pairs, aces and sevens -- As,Ah,9d,7c,7d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685049237557dqjma3iy3yp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:12:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($105.70)
Seat 3: Player2 ($108.42)
Seat 4: Hero ($115.81)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, Th ]
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero raises 10 to 10.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (8)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, 3h, Ad ]
Hero bets (6.99)
Player2 calls (6.99)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6s ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (17.23)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $34.47 Rake: $1.81
Board: [ 2s, 3h, Ad, 6s ]
Player1 balance $104.60, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $125.30, bet $34.82, collected $51.70, net +$16.88
Hero balance $98.22, lost $17.59 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850492058851kagl42jgx2 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:13:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($0)
Seat 2: Player1 ($167.91)
Seat 3: Player2 ($177.50)
Seat 5: Hero ($103.90)
Seat 6: Player4 ($303.21)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 6d ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $0, sits out
Player1 balance $167.41, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $176.50, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $103.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $304.71, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 16850492185340akq8egc4s55 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:13:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($0)
Seat 2: Player4 ($167.41)
Seat 3: Player1 ($176.50)
Seat 5: Hero ($103.90)
Seat 6: Player3 ($304.71)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 5d ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $95.72, sits out
Player4 balance $167.41, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $176, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $102.90, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $306.21, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685049261844r12geqa7e4 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:13:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($14.35)
Seat 2: Hero ($113.35)
Seat 3: Player3 ($102.77)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($61.73)
Seat 6: Player6 ($134.96)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts ante (0.10)
Player6 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, Kh ]
Hero folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, 9s, Ks ]
Player1 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4s ]
Player1 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3s ]
Player1 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.85 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 2d, 9s, Ks, 4s, 3s ]
Player1 balance $17.10, bet $2.10, collected $4.85, net +$2.75[ 3h, Qd ] [ a pair
of threes -- Ks,Qd,9s,3h,3s ]
Hero balance $113.25, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.67, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $59.63, lost $2.10[ 8d, 6c ] [ high card king -- Ks,9s,8d,6c,4s ]
Player6 balance $134.36, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049280592pm03lc1nxw *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:13:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($95.72)
Seat 2: Player3 ($167.41)
Seat 3: Player4 ($176)
Seat 5: Hero ($102.90)
Seat 6: Player2 ($306.21)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4h, Js, 3s ]
Hero bets (1.90)
Player2 calls (1.90)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Hero bets (11.64)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.31 Rake: $0.49
Board: [ 4h, Js, 3s, 6c ]
Player5 balance $95.72, sits out
Player3 balance $167.41, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $176, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $107.31, bet $16.54, collected $20.95, net +$4.41
Player2 balance $301.31, lost $4.90 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049252706m8kyscvuotc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:14:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($104.60)
Seat 3: Player2 ($125.30)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 9s ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.80 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $104, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $124.20, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $101.70, bet $2.60, collected $4.30, net +$1.70

***** Hand History For Game 1685049261676va5wqcqgj7h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:14:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($104)
Seat 3: Player2 ($124.20)
Seat 4: Hero ($101.70)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 6d ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.30 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $103.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $123.60, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $102.40, bet $1.10, collected $1.80, net +$0.70

***** Hand History For Game 1685049271987t9v5i2lyu68 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:14:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($103.90)
Seat 3: Player2 ($123.60)
Seat 4: Hero ($102.40)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 4h ]
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.80 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $102.80, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $125.30, bet $2.60, collected $4.30, net +$1.70
Hero balance $101.80, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049288016fvfm58zrye *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:14:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($17.10)
Seat 2: Hero ($113.25)
Seat 3: Player3 ($102.67)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($59.63)
Seat 6: Player6 ($134.36)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, 2c ]
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player3 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qd, 4d, 8d ]
Player3 checks
Player1 bets (1.90)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ Qd, 4d, 8d ]
Player1 balance $18.85, bet $3, collected $4.75, net +$1.75
Hero balance $112.65, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $101.57, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $59.53, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $134.36, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685049279596kc2mbrcfo9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:14:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($102.80)
Seat 3: Player2 ($125.30)
Seat 4: Hero ($101.80)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, Kd ]
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.30 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $102.20, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $126, bet $1.10, collected $1.80, net +$0.70
Hero balance $101.70, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049299319x04ime0oqfi *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:14:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($102.20)
Seat 3: Player2 ($126)
Seat 4: Hero ($101.70)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 4h ]
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero raises 8.30 to 9.30
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.30 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $102.10, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $122.90, lost $3.10 (folded)
Hero balance $104.90, bet $9.40, collected $12.60, net +$3.20
***** Hand History For Game 1685049319019xejkk7tkl28 *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:14:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($95.72)
Seat 2: Player3 ($167.41)
Seat 3: Player4 ($176)
Seat 4: Player6 ($50)
Seat 5: Hero ($107.31)
Seat 6: Player1 ($301.31)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6s, 2h, 3d ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jd ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (2.66)
Player2 calls (2.66)
** Dealing River ** : [ Qs ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (7.45)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.81 Rake: $0.51
Board: [ 6s, 2h, 3d, Jd, Qs ]
Player2 balance $90.81, lost $4.91 (folded)
Player3 balance $167.41, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $176, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $50, sits out
Hero balance $112.21, bet $12.36, collected $17.26, net +$4.90
Player1 balance $300.81, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049302724xp38vxhr6le *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:14:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($18.85)
Seat 2: Hero ($112.65)
Seat 3: Player3 ($101.57)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($59.53)
Seat 6: Player6 ($134.36)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 5d ]
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $18.75, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $112.55, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $100.97, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $100.90, bet $1.10, collected $2, net +$0.90
Player5 balance $59.43, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $134.36, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16850493082409g64yrq0m6 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:15:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($102.10)
Seat 3: Player2 ($122.90)
Seat 4: Hero ($104.90)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 8c ]
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.30 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $102.80, bet $1.10, collected $1.80, net +$0.70
Player2 balance $122.80, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $104.30, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850493348000ne0bqkuyqid *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:15:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($18.75)
Seat 2: Hero ($112.55)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100.97)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100.90)
Seat 5: Player5 ($59.43)
Seat 6: Player6 ($134.36)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Player5 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, Ah ]
Player1 calls (1)
Hero raises 5.50 to 5.50
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $17.65, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $115.45, bet $5.60, collected $8.50, net +$2.90
Player3 balance $100.87, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $100.30, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $58.33, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $134.36, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685049328134b5i6qm54mar *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:15:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($102.80)
Seat 3: Player2 ($122.80)
Seat 4: Hero ($104.30)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 7h ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.80 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $102.20, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $121.70, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $106, bet $2.35, collected $4.05, net +$1.70

***** Hand History For Game 1685049365056g84c2f0gms9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:15:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($90.81)
Seat 2: Player5 ($53.83)
Seat 3: Player2 ($176)
Seat 4: Player6 ($50)
Seat 5: Hero ($112.21)
Seat 6: Player4 ($300.81)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, Jc ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6h, 7d, 2h ]
Player1 bets (1.90)
Player2 calls (1.90)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 8d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.51 Rake: $0.29
Board: [ 6h, 7d, 2h, Jh, 8d ]
Player1 balance $87.91, lost $2.90[ 6s, 5s ] [ a pair of sixes -- Jh,8d,7d,6s,6h ]
Player5 balance $53.83, sits out
Player2 balance $178.61, bet $2.90, collected $5.51, net +$2.61[ 5c, 8s ] [ a pair
of eights -- Jh,8s,8d,7d,6h ]
Player6 balance $50, sits out
Hero balance $112.21, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $300.81, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049343633x395lp3giad *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:15:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($102.20)
Seat 3: Player2 ($121.70)
Seat 4: Hero ($106)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, 3d ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.30 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $102.10, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $121.10, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $106.70, bet $1.10, collected $1.80, net +$0.70

***** Hand History For Game 16850493781018tvi2evsf0c *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:15:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($17.65)
Seat 2: Hero ($115.45)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100.87)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100.30)
Seat 5: Player5 ($58.33)
Seat 6: Player6 ($134.36)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, Qc ]
Hero folds
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, 7d, Jc ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (1.69)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.13 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 7h, 7d, Jc ]
Player1 balance $15.35, lost $2.30 (folded)
Hero balance $115.35, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.70, bet $3.99, collected $6.82, net +$2.83
Player4 balance $100.20, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $57.73, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player6 balance $134.36, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16850493588600bz871s16ksd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:15:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($102.10)
Seat 3: Player2 ($121.10)
Seat 4: Hero ($106.70)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 4d ]
Player2 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.30 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $101, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $121, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $107.90, bet $3.10, collected $4.30, net +$1.20

***** Hand History For Game 1685049366017k9wghe7bsb9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:16:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($101)
Seat 3: Player2 ($121)
Seat 4: Hero ($107.90)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, 9h ]
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.30 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $100.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $121.70, bet $1.10, collected $1.80, net +$0.70
Hero balance $107.80, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049402642q9a72zzjq9e *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:16:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($87.91)
Seat 2: Player6 ($53.83)
Seat 3: Player1 ($178.61)
Seat 4: Player2 ($50)
Seat 5: Hero ($112.21)
Seat 6: Player4 ($300.81)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 6s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, Jd, 5c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (2.02)
Player5 calls (2.02)
Player1 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kd ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ks ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.69 Rake: $0.35
Board: [ 8d, Jd, 5c, Kd, Ks ]
Player5 balance $84.89, lost $3.02[ 9d, 6h ] [ a pair of kings -- Kd,Ks,Jd,9d,8d ]
Player6 balance $53.83, sits out
Player1 balance $177.61, lost $1 (folded)
Player2 balance $53.67, bet $3.02, collected $6.69, net +$3.67[ 5h, Jc ] [ two
pairs, kings and jacks -- Kd,Ks,Jc,Jd,8d ]
Hero balance $112.21, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $300.81, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049372835m50fe22v7uf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:16:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($100.40)
Seat 3: Player2 ($121.70)
Seat 4: Hero ($107.80)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 6h ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.30 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $100.30, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $121.10, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $108.50, bet $1.10, collected $1.80, net +$0.70

***** Hand History For Game 16850493979669wwx0u0uo36 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:16:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($121.10)
Seat 4: Hero ($108.50)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 4h ]
Hero raises 2 to 2.50
Player1 raises 10 to 11
Hero calls (8.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, Td, Ad ]
Player1 bets (4)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $21.20 Rake: $1.0
Board: [ 5d, Td, Ad ]
Player1 balance $131.20, bet $15.10, collected $25.20, net +$10.10
Hero balance $97.40, lost $11.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168504940837843rcd1bqltu *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:16:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($15.35)
Seat 2: Hero ($115.35)
Seat 3: Player3 ($103.70)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100.20)
Seat 5: Player5 ($57.73)
Seat 6: Player6 ($134.36)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Player5 posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, Kh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player1 raises 7 to 7.50
Hero folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $18.75, bet $7.60, collected $11, net +$3.40
Hero balance $114.25, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.60, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $100.10, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $55.63, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $134.36, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685049424514y9bw5iklunn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:16:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($131.20)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 5c ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5s, 4s, 4d ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (1.43)
Hero calls (1.43)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (7.50)
Hero calls (7.50)
** Dealing River ** : [ 5h ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $22.06 Rake: $1.0
Board: [ 5s, 4s, 4d, Jh, 5h ]
Player1 balance $119.67, lost $11.53[ 7s, 7h ] [ two pairs, sevens and fives --
Jh,7s,7h,5s,5h ]
Hero balance $110.53, bet $11.53, collected $22.06, net +$10.53[ Ah, 5c ] [ a
fullhouse, fives full of fours -- 5c,5s,5h,4s,4d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685049455033oz73l0xvame *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:16:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($84.89)
Seat 2: Player3 ($53.83)
Seat 3: Player6 ($177.61)
Seat 4: Player1 ($53.67)
Seat 5: Hero ($112.21)
Seat 6: Player4 ($300.81)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 9h ]
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 3 to 3
Player3 calls (2)
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2.50)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, Ad, Td ]
Player1 checks
Player5 checks
Player3 bets (3.16)
Player1 folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.50 Rake: $0.5
Board: [ 6d, Ad, Td ]
Player5 balance $81.89, lost $3 (folded)
Player3 balance $60.33, bet $6.16, collected $12.66, net +$6.50
Player6 balance $177.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $50.67, lost $3 (folded)
Hero balance $111.21, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $300.81, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049421806v0o1gtlfybr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:16:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($18.75)
Seat 2: Hero ($114.25)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100.10)
Seat 5: Player4 ($55.63)
Seat 6: Player5 ($134.36)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, Ts ]
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.40 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $18.65, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $113.65, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $100.90, bet $1.10, collected $1.90, net +$0.80
Player4 balance $55.53, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $134.36, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685049455918rfeprezyf6j *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:17:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Hero ($113.65)
Seat 4: Player2 ($100.90)
Seat 5: Player3 ($55.53)
Seat 6: Player4 ($134.36)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, Qs ]
Hero folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 3
Player3 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qc, 2c, 5d ]
Player2 bets (1.56)
Player3 raises 8.03 to 8.03
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.95 Rake: $0.47
Board: [ Qc, 2c, 5d ]
Hero balance $113.55, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $96.24, lost $4.66 (folded)
Player3 balance $59.82, bet $11.13, collected $15.42, net +$4.29
Player4 balance $134.36, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685049441933la8txb3rc5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:17:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($119.67)
Seat 4: Hero ($110.53)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, Ts ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player1 raises 9.50 to 10.50
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.70 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $122.02, bet $10.60, collected $12.95, net +$2.35
Hero balance $108.18, lost $2.35 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850494492400idxdrwpb03g *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:17:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($122.02)
Seat 4: Hero ($108.18)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 2h ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $123.12, bet $2.60, collected $3.70, net +$1.10
Hero balance $107.08, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049458309tq91uzqt55l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:17:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($123.12)
Seat 4: Hero ($107.08)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, Jh ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $123.72, bet $1.10, collected $1.70, net +$0.60
Hero balance $106.48, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850494714728elzv81zdju *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:17:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($81.89)
Seat 2: Player3 ($60.33)
Seat 3: Player4 ($177.61)
Seat 4: Player5 ($50.67)
Seat 5: Hero ($111.21)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 5s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $80.89, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $60.33, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $179.11, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player5 balance $50.67, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $110.71, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850494654628qkpizfytq3 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:17:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($123.72)
Seat 4: Hero ($106.48)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 3s ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $124.82, bet $2.60, collected $3.70, net +$1.10
Hero balance $105.38, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049517381btvcflp8zl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:17:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($124.82)
Seat 4: Hero ($105.38)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 7h ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player1 raises 9.50 to 10.50
Hero calls (8.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, 7d, Jd ]
Player1 bets (5.85)
Hero calls (5.85)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6h ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (17.90)
Player1 raises 108.37 to 108.37
Player1 is all-In.
Hero calls (71.03)
Hero is all-In.
Creating Main Pot with $ 209.76 with Hero
** Dealing River ** : [ 2h ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $209.76 Rake: $1.0
Board: [ 4c, 7d, Jd, 6h, 2h ]
Player1 balance $19.44, bet $124.82, collected $19.44, lost $105.38[ 8s, Ts ]
[ high card jack -- Jd,Ts,8s,7d,6h ]
Hero balance $209.76, bet $105.38, collected $209.76, net +$104.38[ 7c, 7h ]
[ three of a kind, sevens -- Jd,7c,7h,7d,6h ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685049517833gzudezd3hx4 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:17:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($80.89)
Seat 2: Player2 ($60.33)
Seat 3: Player3 ($179.11)
Seat 4: Player4 ($50.67)
Seat 5: Hero ($110.71)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, 5d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, 3d, 2c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (1.90)
Player1 calls (1.90)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 5h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.31 Rake: $0.49
Board: [ 9d, 3d, 2c, 4c, 5h ]
Player1 balance $75.99, lost $4.90[ Kc, 7c ] [ high card king -- Kc,9d,7c,5h,4c ]
Player2 balance $64.74, bet $4.90, collected $9.31, net +$4.41[ 2s, Ks ] [ a pair
of twos -- Ks,9d,5h,2s,2c ]
Player3 balance $179.11, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $50.67, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $110.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16850495227099dor8zy3i3c *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:18:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($209.76)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, Js ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $210.36, bet $1.10, collected $1.70, net +$0.60

***** Hand History For Game 1685049574476xhlg1yqg4n *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:18:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($75.99)
Seat 2: Player1 ($64.74)
Seat 3: Player2 ($179.11)
Seat 4: Player3 ($50.67)
Seat 5: Hero ($110.71)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, 6d ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (1.75)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, Tc, 6h ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3c ]
Player1 bets (3.48)
Hero calls (3.48)
** Dealing River ** : [ Qc ]
Player1 bets (7.89)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.84 Rake: $0.62
Board: [ 3s, Tc, 6h, 3c, Qc ]
Player5 balance $75.99, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $70.85, bet $13.62, collected $19.73, net +$6.11
Player2 balance $178.11, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $50.67, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $104.98, lost $5.73 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16850495573408ca6cscr5bj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:18:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($210.36)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, Qd ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player1 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, 8s, 3d ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kc ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Td ]
Player1 bets (4)
Hero calls (4)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.07 Rake: $0.63
Board: [ 5c, 8s, 3d, Kc, Td ]
Player1 balance $93.65, lost $6.35[ Th, 4h ] [ a pair of tens -- Kc,Th,Td,8s,5c ]
Hero balance $216.08, bet $6.35, collected $12.07, net +$5.72[ Qc, Qd ] [ a pair of
queens -- Kc,Qc,Qd,Td,8s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685049562781e266cmvga4m *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:19:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($216.08)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 5s ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $216.68, bet $1.10, collected $1.70, net +$0.60

***** Hand History For Game 1685049571468j0yjvxefal *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:19:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($216.68)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, Th ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $100.60, bet $1.10, collected $1.70, net +$0.60
Hero balance $216.08, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850495837629m1lfwy44ev *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:19:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($100.60)
Seat 4: Hero ($216.08)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 2c ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $101.70, bet $2.60, collected $3.70, net +$1.10
Hero balance $214.98, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049594373um8gi6886f *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:19:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($75.99)
Seat 2: Player5 ($70.85)
Seat 3: Player1 ($178.11)
Seat 4: Player2 ($50.67)
Seat 5: Hero ($104.98)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 8d ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $75.99, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $70.85, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $177.61, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $49.67, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $106.48, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16850496103082kx07ieaena *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:19:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($101.70)
Seat 4: Hero ($214.98)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, Ac ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player1 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kc, 6d, 3c ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4h ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Tc ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (2.23)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.47 Rake: $0.23
Board: [ Kc, 6d, 3c, 4h, Tc ]
Player1 balance $99.35, lost $2.35 (folded)
Hero balance $217.10, bet $4.58, collected $6.70, net +$2.12

***** Hand History For Game 1685049647565jf8v3sqop3 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:19:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($75.99)
Seat 2: Player4 ($70.85)
Seat 3: Player5 ($177.61)
Seat 4: Player1 ($49.67)
Seat 5: Hero ($106.48)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 9d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5s, 8h, 6h ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (1.58)
Hero calls (1.58)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7c ]
Hero bets (3)
Player4 raises 6.79 to 6.79
Hero calls (3.79)
** Dealing River ** : [ 5d ]
Hero bets (1)
Player4 raises 7.76 to 7.76
Hero calls (6.76)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $33.03 Rake: $1.73
Board: [ 5s, 8h, 6h, 7c, 5d ]
Player3 balance $75.99, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $53.72, lost $17.13[ Jd, 4d ] [ a straight, four to eight --
8h,7c,6h,5s,4d ]
Player5 balance $177.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $49.17, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $122.38, bet $17.13, collected $33.03, net +$15.90[ Qs, 9d ] [ a
straight, five to nine -- 9d,8h,7c,6h,5s ]
Player6 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685049626183rb5kly8gcns *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:20:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($217.10)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 8d ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, Kd, 2c ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (1.43)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.94 Rake: $0.26
Board: [ 5c, Kd, 2c ]
Player1 balance $102.34, bet $4.03, collected $6.37, net +$2.34
Hero balance $214.50, lost $2.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049641910rin35ha1688 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:20:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($102.34)
Seat 4: Hero ($214.50)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, Jc ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player1 raises 9.50 to 10.50
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.70 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $104.69, bet $10.60, collected $12.95, net +$2.35
Hero balance $212.15, lost $2.35 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049650863je5ghxig2ya *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:20:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($104.69)
Seat 4: Hero ($212.15)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 5h ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $105.79, bet $2.60, collected $3.70, net +$1.10
Hero balance $211.05, lost $1.10 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 16850496933710m2wgwzw667p *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:20:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($75.99)
Seat 2: Player4 ($53.72)
Seat 3: Player5 ($177.61)
Seat 4: Player6 ($49.17)
Seat 5: Hero ($122.38)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, 8s ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 4.50 to 4.50
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (3.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, 5c, Qs ]
Player3 checks
Player6 bets (7.09)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.98 Rake: $0.52
Board: [ 4d, 5c, Qs ]
Player3 balance $71.49, lost $4.50 (folded)
Player4 balance $53.72, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $177.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $54.65, bet $11.59, collected $17.07, net +$5.48
Hero balance $121.88, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049656090nzqh6xf6bah *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:20:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($105.79)
Seat 4: Hero ($211.05)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 2d ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $106.39, bet $1.10, collected $1.70, net +$0.60
Hero balance $210.45, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049679269ejwfckgz9p7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:20:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($106.39)
Seat 4: Hero ($210.45)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, Ks ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Tc, 3h, 8c ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (2.47)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.94 Rake: $0.26
Board: [ Tc, 3h, 8c ]
Player1 balance $108.73, bet $5.07, collected $7.41, net +$2.34
Hero balance $207.85, lost $2.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049692793ehn96l024vg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:21:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 47 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($347.56)
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 2c ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6h, Qc, Jd ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (1.24)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 6h, Qc, Jd ]
Player3 balance $347.56, sits out
Player1 balance $102.25, bet $3.74, collected $5.99, net +$2.25
Hero balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049689393d0tbhozqi3 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:21:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($108.73)
Seat 4: Hero ($207.85)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 7c ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $109.33, bet $1.10, collected $1.70, net +$0.60
Hero balance $207.25, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049701272ql5j29dw2uh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:21:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($109.33)
Seat 4: Hero ($207.25)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, Ks ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5h, 8d, 2s ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (1.43)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.94 Rake: $0.26
Board: [ 5h, 8d, 2s ]
Player1 balance $111.67, bet $4.03, collected $6.37, net +$2.34
Hero balance $204.65, lost $2.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049697939nku77l37xk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:21:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 47 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($347.56)
Seat 2: Player2 ($102.25)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 2d ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $347.56, sits out
Player2 balance $102.75, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850497210496pfvk027haq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:21:37 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($71.49)
Seat 2: Player3 ($53.72)
Seat 3: Player4 ($177.61)
Seat 4: Player5 ($54.65)
Seat 5: Hero ($121.88)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, Ks ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 raises 10.50 to 11
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $70.49, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $53.72, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $177.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $54.65, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $119.38, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $103.50, bet $11, collected $14.50, net +$3.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685049706436955m87dsgvb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:21:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($111.67)
Seat 4: Hero ($204.65)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 7h ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $112.27, bet $1.10, collected $1.70, net +$0.60
Hero balance $204.05, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049743819vu9yqz2lis *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:21:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($112.27)
Seat 4: Hero ($204.05)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 6c ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4h, 6s, Th ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (2.47)
Hero calls (2.47)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6d ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Kc ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (7.23)
Hero raises 25.50 to 25.50
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.60 Rake: $1.0
Board: [ 4h, 6s, Th, 6d, Kc ]
Player1 balance $99.97, lost $12.30 (folded)
Hero balance $215.35, bet $30.57, collected $41.87, net +$11.30

***** Hand History For Game 1685049806712tq08e30dtj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:22:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($70.49)
Seat 2: Player2 ($53.72)
Seat 3: Player3 ($177.61)
Seat 4: Player4 ($54.65)
Seat 5: Hero ($119.38)
Seat 6: Player6 ($103.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, Qh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ks, 5d, 5h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (2.40)
Player1 calls (2.40)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
Player1 checks
Player6 bets (3.85)
Player1 raises 9 to 9
Player6 calls (5.15)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2d ]
Player1 checks
Player6 bets (7.19)
Player1 raises 21 to 21
Player6 calls (13.81)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $69.30 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Ks, 5d, 5h, Jh, 2d ]
Player1 balance $35.59, lost $34.90[ Kc, 8c ] [ two pairs, kings and fives --
Kc,Ks,Jh,5d,5h ]
Player2 balance $51.22, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $177.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $54.65, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $119.38, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $137.90, bet $34.90, collected $69.30, net +$34.40[ Qd, Kh ] [ two
pairs, kings and fives -- Kh,Ks,Qd,5d,5h ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685049777163cos0xs8yn0e *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:22:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($215.35)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 2h ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player1 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6h, 7d, 9d ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4c ]
Player1 bets (3.35)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.47 Rake: $0.23
Board: [ 6h, 7d, 9d, 4c ]
Player1 balance $102.12, bet $5.70, collected $7.82, net +$2.12
Hero balance $213, lost $2.35 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049786843uofpail0wm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:23:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($102.12)
Seat 4: Hero ($213)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 4s ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $103.22, bet $2.60, collected $3.70, net +$1.10
Hero balance $211.90, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049855061s2olj8vh10e *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:23:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($103.22)
Seat 4: Hero ($211.90)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 9c ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player1 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jc, 8h, 2c ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (2.50)
Player1 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6d ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 7c ]
Player1 bets (6.08)
Hero raises 24.50 to 24.50
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $20.86 Rake: $1.0
Board: [ Jc, 8h, 2c, 6d, 7c ]
Player1 balance $92.29, lost $10.93 (folded)
Hero balance $221.83, bet $29.35, collected $39.28, net +$9.93

***** Hand History For Game 1685049830574pgklrugwj7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:23:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($35.59)
Seat 2: Player1 ($51.22)
Seat 3: Player2 ($177.61)
Seat 4: Player3 ($54.65)
Seat 5: Hero ($119.38)
Seat 6: Player5 ($137.90)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 6h ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 raises 3.50 to 4.50
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $35.59, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $50.22, lost $1 (folded)
Player2 balance $178.61, bet $4.50, collected $5.50, net +$1
Player3 balance $54.65, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $119.38, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $137.90, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049869699x4hm4u1r14 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:23:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($35.59)
Seat 2: Player6 ($50.22)
Seat 3: Player1 ($178.61)
Seat 4: Player2 ($54.65)
Seat 5: Hero ($119.38)
Seat 6: Player4 ($137.90)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, Ks ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, As, 6s ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (1.90)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ 4c, As, 6s ]
Player5 balance $35.59, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $52.07, bet $2.90, collected $4.75, net +$1.85
Player1 balance $177.61, lost $1 (folded)
Player2 balance $53.65, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $119.38, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $137.90, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049862154adl5nmtszco *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:24:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($221.83)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 2s ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $222.43, bet $1.10, collected $1.70, net +$0.60

***** Hand History For Game 1685049905596d3fyb2t38mj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:24:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($222.43)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 9d ]
Hero raises 1.70 to 2.20
Player1 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, Jd, Td ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (2.40)
Player1 calls (2.40)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jc ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Qd ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (4.46)
Player1 calls (4.46)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $17.41 Rake: $0.91
Board: [ 6c, Jd, Td, Jc, Qd ]
Player1 balance $90.84, lost $9.16[ 8c, Qc ] [ two pairs, queens and jacks --
Qc,Qd,Jd,Jc,Td ]
Hero balance $230.68, bet $9.16, collected $17.41, net +$8.25[ Ad, 9d ] [ a flush,
ace high -- Ad,Qd,Jd,Td,9d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685049894730mxfwq6tvszn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:24:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($35.59)
Seat 2: Player5 ($52.07)
Seat 3: Player6 ($177.61)
Seat 4: Player1 ($53.65)
Seat 5: Hero ($119.38)
Seat 6: Player3 ($137.90)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 7c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3 to 3
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, Js, 4d ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (3.09)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ 5c, Js, 4d ]
Player4 balance $38.77, bet $6.09, collected $9.27, net +$3.18
Player5 balance $52.07, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $177.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $53.15, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $116.38, lost $3 (folded)
Player3 balance $137.90, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049940763w21tm6r6g8n *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:24:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($38.77)
Seat 2: Player4 ($52.07)
Seat 3: Player5 ($177.61)
Seat 4: Player6 ($53.15)
Seat 5: Hero ($116.38)
Seat 6: Player2 ($137.90)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9d, Qs ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, As, 2c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3s ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player4 bets (3.33)
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.33 Rake: $0.17
Board: [ 6c, As, 2c, 3s ]
Player3 balance $37.77, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $54.40, bet $4.33, collected $6.66, net +$2.33
Player5 balance $177.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $53.15, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $115.88, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $136.90, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168504994902234q7yya26n5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:25:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player3 ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($230.68)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Kh ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2h, Ah, Qc ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (1.43)
Hero calls (1.43)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 4s ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.66 Rake: $0.4
Board: [ 2h, Ah, Qc, 2s, 4s ]
Player3 balance $100, sits out
Player1 balance $95.97, lost $4.03[ 7c, 8h ] [ a pair of twos -- Ah,Qc,8h,2h,2s ]
Hero balance $234.31, bet $4.03, collected $7.66, net +$3.63[ Jd, Kh ] [ a pair of
twos -- Ah,Kh,Qc,2h,2s ]

***** Hand History For Game 16850499694881fvv9zoob03 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:25:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($37.77)
Seat 2: Player3 ($54.40)
Seat 3: Player4 ($177.61)
Seat 4: Player5 ($53.15)
Seat 5: Hero ($115.88)
Seat 6: Player1 ($136.90)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, Ts ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3c, Th, 5d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (1.58)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ 3c, Th, 5d ]
Player2 balance $36.77, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $55.78, bet $2.58, collected $3.96, net +$1.38
Player4 balance $177.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $53.15, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $115.88, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $136.40, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049965774m7sfdd5xmbj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:25:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($234.31)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 7d ]
Player2 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player1 raises 11.28 to 12.28
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.80 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $103.20, bet $12.38, collected $15.58, net +$3.20
Player2 balance $97.40, lost $2.60 (folded)
Hero balance $233.71, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685049975720jkrjknwq7fj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:26:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($103.20)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($233.71)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 4d ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $104.30, bet $3.10, collected $4.20, net +$1.10
Player3 balance $100, sits out
Hero balance $232.61, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850500120699r15l9et1yq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:26:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($36.77)
Seat 2: Player2 ($55.78)
Seat 3: Player3 ($177.61)
Seat 4: Player4 ($53.15)
Seat 5: Hero ($115.88)
Seat 6: Player6 ($136.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, Jd ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Hero calls (2.50)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, As, 4c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (2.28)
Hero calls (2.28)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5d ]
Player3 checks
Hero bets (6.68)
Player3 calls (6.68)
** Dealing River ** : [ 8s ]
Player3 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $24.63 Rake: $1.29
Board: [ Qh, As, 4c, 5d, 8s ]
Player1 balance $36.27, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $53.28, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $178.47, bet $11.46, collected $12.32, net +$0.86[ Jc, Ad ] [ a
pair of aces -- Ad,As,Qh,Jc,8s ]
Player4 balance $53.15, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $116.73, bet $11.46, collected $12.31, net +$0.85[ Ah, Jd ] [ a pair
of aces -- Ah,As,Qh,Jd,8s ]
Player6 balance $136.40, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050002265o0kpdaepya *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:26:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($232.61)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 9d ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $98.90, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $233.71, bet $2.35, collected $3.45, net +$1.10

***** Hand History For Game 1685050013489bl7tsovmf9o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:26:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($233.71)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, Tc ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $101.10, bet $2.60, collected $3.70, net +$1.10
Hero balance $232.61, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050054829x8holl00rbj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:26:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($36.27)
Seat 2: Player1 ($53.28)
Seat 3: Player2 ($178.47)
Seat 4: Player3 ($53.15)
Seat 5: Hero ($116.73)
Seat 6: Player5 ($136.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 2h ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (2)
Player1 calls (1.50)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, Jc, 3c ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (4.72)
Player6 calls (4.72)
Player1 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6d ]
Player3 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3d ]
Player3 checks
Player6 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.62 Rake: $0.82
Board: [ 2d, Jc, 3c, 6d, 3d ]
Player6 balance $29.55, lost $6.72[ 4h, 6h ] [ two pairs, sixes and threes --
Jc,6h,6d,3c,3d ]
Player1 balance $51.28, lost $2 (folded)
Player2 balance $177.47, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $62.05, bet $6.72, collected $15.62, net +$8.90[ Qs, Js ] [ two
pairs, jacks and threes -- Qs,Js,Jc,3c,3d ]
Hero balance $116.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $136.40, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050026131yyzk56lpmxn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:26:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($101.10)
Seat 4: Hero ($232.61)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, Kc ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player1 raises 9.50 to 10.50
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.70 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $103.45, bet $10.60, collected $12.95, net +$2.35
Hero balance $230.26, lost $2.35 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050036743u2wi9lcb5td *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:27:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 13 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($103.45)
Seat 4: Hero ($230.26)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, Js ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.20 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $104.55, bet $2.60, collected $3.70, net +$1.10
Hero balance $229.16, lost $1.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050111920kjumlgrmk9c *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:27:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($29.55)
Seat 2: Player6 ($51.28)
Seat 3: Player1 ($177.47)
Seat 4: Player2 ($62.05)
Seat 5: Hero ($116.73)
Seat 6: Player4 ($136.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, 2d ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qc, 9h, 7c ]
Player2 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5d ]
Player2 bets (1.69)
Player6 calls (1.69)
** Dealing River ** : [ 7s ]
Player2 bets (3.97)
Player6 calls (3.97)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.13 Rake: $0.69
Board: [ Qc, 9h, 7c, 5d, 7s ]
Player5 balance $29.55, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $44.62, lost $6.66[ 5c, Ad ] [ two pairs, sevens and fives --
Ad,7c,7s,5c,5d ]
Player1 balance $176.97, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $68.52, bet $6.66, collected $13.13, net +$6.47[ 7h, 8s ] [ three
of a kind, sevens -- Qc,9h,7h,7c,7s ]
Hero balance $116.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $136.40, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050141225yojj1it913 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:28:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($29.55)
Seat 2: Player5 ($44.62)
Seat 3: Player6 ($176.97)
Seat 4: Player1 ($68.52)
Seat 5: Hero ($116.73)
Seat 6: Player3 ($136.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 4h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ As, Tc, 8h ]
Hero checks
Player5 bets (1.74)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ As, Tc, 8h ]
Player4 balance $29.55, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $47.35, bet $4.24, collected $6.97, net +$2.73
Player6 balance $176.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $68.02, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $114.23, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $136.40, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050188646119goz8x0lio *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:29:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($29.55)
Seat 2: Player4 ($47.35)
Seat 3: Player5 ($176.97)
Seat 4: Player6 ($68.02)
Seat 5: Hero ($114.23)
Seat 6: Player2 ($136.40)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 5c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 7 to 7
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, 7c, 6d ]
Player4 bets (4.91)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $14.73 Rake: $0.77
Board: [ 7d, 7c, 6d ]
Player3 balance $29.55, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $55.08, bet $11.91, collected $19.64, net +$7.73
Player5 balance $176.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $61.02, lost $7 (folded)
Hero balance $113.73, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $135.40, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050203025tm65w31c5ld *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:29:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($72.93)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($85.50)
Seat 5: Player5 ($82.77)
Seat 6: Player6 ($62.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, Td ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, As, Qh ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8c ]
Player1 bets (3.80)
Player3 calls (3.80)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2d ]
Player1 bets (8.61)
Player3 calls (8.61)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $29.28 Rake: $1.54
Board: [ 4d, As, Qh, 8c, 2d ]
Player1 balance $87.30, bet $14.91, collected $29.28, net +$14.37[ Ah, Tc ] [ a
pair of aces -- Ah,As,Qh,Tc,8c ]
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $85.09, lost $14.91[ Kc, Kd ] [ a pair of kings -- As,Kc,Kd,Qh,8c ]
Player4 balance $85.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $82.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $62.50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050233390k002y9xl9be *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:29:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($29.55)
Seat 2: Player3 ($55.08)
Seat 3: Player4 ($176.97)
Seat 4: Player5 ($61.02)
Seat 5: Hero ($113.73)
Seat 6: Player1 ($135.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 8s ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 3.50 to 4
Player2 raises 28.55 to 29.55
Player2 is all-In.
Player3 calls (28.55)
Player1 folds
Creating Main Pot with $ 60.10 with Player2
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, 6s, 6c ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ac ]
** Dealing River ** : [ 3h ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $60.10 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 7d, 6s, 6c, Ac, 3h ]
Player2 balance $60.10, bet $29.55, collected $60.10, net +$30.55[ Jh, Ad ] [ two
pairs, aces and sixes -- Ad,Ac,Jh,6s,6c ]
Player3 balance $25.53, lost $29.55[ Qc, Ks ] [ a pair of sixes -- Ac,Ks,Qc,6s,6c ]
Player4 balance $176.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $61.02, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $113.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $131.40, lost $4 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050260233ysg1ssr87s *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:30:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($87.30)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($85.50)
Seat 5: Player4 ($82.77)
Seat 6: Player5 ($62.50)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, 3c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 raises 4.50 to 4.50
Player6 folds
Hero calls (4)
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (3.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, 6d, 4c ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qd ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Jd ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.78 Rake: $0.72
Board: [ 5c, 6d, 4c, Qd, Jd ]
Player6 balance $87.30, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $95.50, lost $4.50[ 3h, 3c ] [ a pair of threes -- Qd,Jd,6d,3h,3c ]
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $85.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $92.05, bet $4.50, collected $13.78, net +$9.28[ 8h, 8c ] [ a pair
of eights -- Qd,Jd,8h,8c,6d ]
Player5 balance $58, lost $4.50[ Ah, Kh ] [ high card ace -- Ah,Kh,Qd,Jd,6d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685050313171ouviuu13d6h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:30:37 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($60.10)
Seat 2: Player2 ($25.53)
Seat 3: Player3 ($176.97)
Seat 4: Player4 ($61.02)
Seat 5: Hero ($113.73)
Seat 6: Player6 ($131.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 9s ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Hero calls (2.50)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, Qs, 5c ]
Player3 checks
Hero bets (2.03)
Player3 calls (2.03)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kd ]
Player3 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 2s ]
Player3 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.04 Rake: $0.52
Board: [ 8d, Qs, 5c, Kd, 2s ]
Player1 balance $59.60, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $24.53, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $172.44, lost $4.53[ 7d, 7h ] [ a pair of sevens --
Kd,Qs,8d,7d,7h ]
Player4 balance $61.02, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $119.24, bet $4.53, collected $10.04, net +$5.51[ 9c, 9s ] [ a pair of
nines -- Kd,Qs,9c,9s,8d ]
Player6 balance $131.40, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050373159j6jjjo6pc1h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:31:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($87.30)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($85.50)
Seat 5: Player3 ($92.05)
Seat 6: Player4 ($58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, Kd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player1 raises 3.50 to 4
Player2 folds
Player5 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6s, Th, 7h ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (3.50)
Player1 calls (3.50)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kh ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (8)
Player1 calls (8)
** Dealing River ** : [ 8h ]
Player1 bets (10.03)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $30.40 Rake: $1.6
Board: [ 6s, Th, 7h, Kh, 8h ]
Player5 balance $71.80, lost $15.50 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $114.90, bet $25.53, collected $40.43, net +$14.90
Player2 balance $84.50, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $92.05, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $58, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050379816xynvigdfw37 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:31:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($59.60)
Seat 2: Player6 ($24.53)
Seat 3: Player1 ($172.44)
Seat 4: Player2 ($61.02)
Seat 5: Hero ($119.24)
Seat 6: Player4 ($131.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 8h ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 raises 4 to 4
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player4 raises 9.50 to 12
Player5 calls (8)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ks, 9d, Ad ]
Player4 bets (6.05)
Player5 calls (6.05)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kd ]
Player4 bets (8.93)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $35.72 Rake: $1.88
Board: [ Ks, 9d, Ad, Kd ]
Player5 balance $41.55, lost $18.05 (folded)
Player6 balance $24.53, sits out
Player1 balance $171.94, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $60.02, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $119.24, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $149.07, bet $26.98, collected $44.65, net +$17.67

***** Hand History For Game 1685050403078nv2mf9t1o8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:32:53 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($71.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($114.90)
Seat 4: Player1 ($84.50)
Seat 5: Player2 ($92.05)
Seat 6: Player3 ($58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, Qd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $71.80, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $116.40, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $84, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $91.05, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $58, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050393524y9rsrq10r5e *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:33:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($41.55)
Seat 2: Player6 ($24.53)
Seat 3: Player5 ($171.94)
Seat 4: Player1 ($60.02)
Seat 5: Hero ($119.24)
Seat 6: Player3 ($149.07)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 6h ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $41.55, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $24.53, sits out
Player5 balance $171.94, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $59.52, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $118.24, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $150.57, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 168505043935759zoinf8w43 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:33:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($41.55)
Seat 2: Player6 ($24.53)
Seat 3: Player4 ($171.94)
Seat 4: Player5 ($59.52)
Seat 5: Hero ($118.24)
Seat 6: Player2 ($150.57)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, Jh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2c, Jd, 6d ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (3.45)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 2c, Jd, 6d ]
Player3 balance $41.55, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $24.53, sits out
Player4 balance $174.67, bet $5.95, collected $8.68, net +$2.73
Player5 balance $59.52, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $117.74, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $148.07, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050455931ql91dwkh02 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:33:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($71.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($116.40)
Seat 4: Player6 ($84)
Seat 5: Player1 ($91.05)
Seat 6: Player2 ($58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, Ad ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (2.50)
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qd, Kc, 4h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Hero checks
Player6 bets (5)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.50 Rake: $0.5
Board: [ Qd, Kc, 4h ]
Player3 balance $71.80, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $116.40, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $91, bet $7.50, collected $14.50, net +$7
Player1 balance $88.55, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $55.50, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050494939brjfo9tb0n8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:34:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($41.55)
Seat 2: Player3 ($24.53)
Seat 3: Player4 ($174.67)
Seat 4: Player5 ($59.52)
Seat 5: Hero ($117.74)
Seat 6: Player1 ($148.07)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, Td ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2.50
Player4 raises 6.88 to 6.88
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (5.88)
Player3 calls (4.38)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, 7c, 6c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (17.65)
Player3 is all-In.
Player4 folds
Player2 calls (17.65)
Creating Main Pot with $ 53.62 with Player3
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ad ]
** Dealing River ** : [ 5s ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $53.62 Rake: $2.82
Board: [ 4d, 7c, 6c, Ad, 5s ]
Player2 balance $17.02, lost $24.53[ 7s, 6s ] [ two pairs, sevens and sixes --
Ad,7s,7c,6s,6c ]
Player3 balance $53.62, bet $24.53, collected $53.62, net +$29.09[ 5c, 3c ] [ a
straight, three to seven -- 7c,6c,5c,4d,3c ]
Player4 balance $167.79, lost $6.88 (folded)
Player5 balance $59.52, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $117.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $147.57, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050472262jpcnxdeqkbg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:34:15 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($71.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($116.40)
Seat 4: Player5 ($91)
Seat 5: Player6 ($88.55)
Seat 6: Player1 ($55.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 4h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $72.30, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $116.40, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $91, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $88.55, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $55, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050532055kntcqvkwrmn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:34:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($72.30)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($116.40)
Seat 4: Player4 ($91)
Seat 5: Player5 ($88.55)
Seat 6: Player6 ($55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, Kd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3 to 3
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ts, 5d, Kc ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (4)
Hero calls (4)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Td ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3c ]
Hero bets (3.44)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.78 Rake: $0.72
Board: [ Ts, 5d, Kc, Td, 3c ]
Player1 balance $71.80, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $106.78, bet $10.44, collected $17.22, net +$6.78
Player3 balance $116.40, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $84, lost $7 (folded)
Player5 balance $88.55, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $55, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050518037d6ro7ng3ep *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:34:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($17.02)
Seat 2: Player2 ($53.62)
Seat 3: Player3 ($167.79)
Seat 4: Player4 ($59.52)
Seat 5: Hero ($117.74)
Seat 6: Player6 ($147.57)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 5c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $16.52, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $52.62, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $167.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $59.52, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $117.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $149.07, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685050538150fvlkbkv4427 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:35:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($16.52)
Seat 2: Player1 ($52.62)
Seat 3: Player2 ($167.79)
Seat 4: Player3 ($59.52)
Seat 5: Hero ($117.74)
Seat 6: Player5 ($149.07)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 9h ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $16.52, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $52.12, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $168.29, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $59.52, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $117.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $149.07, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050588316u43f1hbprp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:35:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($71.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($106.78)
Seat 3: Player2 ($116.40)
Seat 4: Player3 ($84)
Seat 5: Player4 ($88.55)
Seat 6: Player5 ($55)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, Qh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Hero raises 5 to 5.50
Player2 folds
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $70.80, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $108.78, bet $5.50, collected $7.50, net +$2
Player2 balance $115.40, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $84, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $88.55, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $55, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050568138op1qkw22wuc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:35:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($16.52)
Seat 2: Player6 ($52.12)
Seat 3: Player1 ($168.29)
Seat 4: Player2 ($59.52)
Seat 5: Hero ($117.74)
Seat 6: Player4 ($149.07)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 6s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Player1 raises 3 to 3.50
Player2 folds
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $16.52, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $51.12, lost $1 (folded)
Player1 balance $170.29, bet $3.50, collected $5.50, net +$2
Player2 balance $58.52, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $117.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $149.07, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050593759jbjoy0atcl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:36:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($16.52)
Seat 2: Player5 ($51.12)
Seat 3: Player6 ($170.29)
Seat 4: Player1 ($58.52)
Seat 5: Hero ($117.74)
Seat 6: Player3 ($149.07)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 16.52 to 16.52
Player4 is all-In.
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $18.02, bet $16.52, collected $18.02, net +$1.50
Player5 balance $51.12, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $170.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $58.02, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $116.74, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $149.07, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168505063707082oipkvfqnm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:36:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($70.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($108.78)
Seat 3: Player1 ($115.40)
Seat 4: Player2 ($84)
Seat 5: Player3 ($88.55)
Seat 6: Player4 ($55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 2h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $70.80, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $108.78, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $114.90, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $84.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $88.55, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $55, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050639991vsfep5h6w8i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:36:37 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($18.02)
Seat 2: Player4 ($51.12)
Seat 3: Player5 ($170.29)
Seat 4: Player6 ($58.02)
Seat 5: Hero ($116.74)
Seat 6: Player2 ($149.07)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 4s ]
Player3 raises 18.02 to 18.02
Player3 is all-In.
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (18.02)
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Creating Main Pot with $ 35.67 with Player3
Player5 Cash-out Premium % is 1.0
Player5 opted for cash-out
Player5 probabilty is 60.13
Player5 Cashout Amount is 21.23
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kc, 8h, 6s ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2h ]
** Dealing River ** : [ 3c ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $35.67 Rake: $1.87
Board: [ Kc, 8h, 6s, 2h, 3c ]
Player3 balance $35.67, bet $18.02, collected $35.67, net +$17.65[ 8d, 9d ] [ a
pair of eights -- Kc,9d,8d,8h,6s ]
Player4 balance $51.12, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 Cashed out balance $173.50, bet $18.02, collected $21.23, net +$3.21[ Ad,
Tc ] [ high card ace -- Ad,Kc,Tc,8h,6s ]
Player6 balance $58.02, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $116.24, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $148.07, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050674839ovp0gr6bxm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:37:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($70.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($108.78)
Seat 3: Player6 ($114.90)
Seat 4: Player1 ($84.50)
Seat 5: Player2 ($88.55)
Seat 6: Player3 ($55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, Qd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Hero raises 5.50 to 5.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $69.80, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $111.28, bet $5.50, collected $8, net +$2.50
Player6 balance $114.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $84, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $87.55, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $55, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050665476lg497w2doio *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:37:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($35.67)
Seat 2: Player3 ($51.12)
Seat 3: Player4 ($173.50)
Seat 4: Player5 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($116.24)
Seat 6: Player1 ($148.07)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Hero calls (2)
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 34.67 to 35.67
Player2 is all-In.
Player5 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $40.17, bet $35.67, collected $40.17, net +$4.50
Player3 balance $51.12, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $173.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $98, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $114.24, lost $2 (folded)
Player1 balance $147.57, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050721493fn1rf2b1ar *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:37:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($40.17)
Seat 2: Player2 ($51.12)
Seat 3: Player3 ($173.50)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($114.24)
Seat 6: Player6 ($147.57)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, Qd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, Ks, 7c ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (1.70)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 3s, Ks, 7c ]
Player1 balance $39.67, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $48.62, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $173.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $114.24, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $150.30, bet $4.20, collected $6.93, net +$2.73

***** Hand History For Game 1685050831203erx84ys7i6s *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:37:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($69.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($111.28)
Seat 3: Player5 ($114.90)
Seat 4: Player6 ($84)
Seat 5: Player1 ($87.55)
Seat 6: Player2 ($55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, 6s ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 3 to 3
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (2)
Player3 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, Qh, 8s ]
Player2 bets (6.41)
Player3 calls (6.41)
Player6 calls (6.41)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (9.10)
Player6 calls (9.10)
Player2 calls (9.10)
** Dealing River ** : [ 3d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player6 bets (40)
Player2 calls (36.49)
Player2 is all-In.
Player3 folds
Creating Main Pot with $ 126.01 with Player2
** Summary **
Main Pot: $126.01 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Js, Qh, 8s, 4d, 3d ]
Player3 balance $51.29, lost $18.51 (folded)
Hero balance $111.28, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $114.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $29, bet $58.51, collected $3.51, lost $55[ Ks, 7s ] [ high card
king -- Ks,Qh,Js,8s,7s ]
Player1 balance $87.05, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $126.01, bet $55, collected $126.01, net +$71.01[ Qc, 9c ] [ a pair
of queens -- Qc,Qh,Js,9c,8s ]

***** Hand History For Game 16850507778688dyblqq4ygs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:38:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($39.67)
Seat 2: Player1 ($48.62)
Seat 3: Player2 ($173.50)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($114.24)
Seat 6: Player5 ($150.30)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 3d ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 39.67 to 39.67
Player6 is all-In.
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $43.42, bet $39.67, collected $43.42, net +$3.75
Player1 balance $48.12, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $172.50, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $111.99, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player5 balance $150.30, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050840926xep5z7b6hn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:39:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($43.42)
Seat 2: Player6 ($48.12)
Seat 3: Player1 ($172.50)
Seat 4: Player2 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($111.99)
Seat 6: Player4 ($150.30)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 7h ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, 2c, 3h ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (1.72)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 5d, 2c, 3h ]
Player5 balance $43.42, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $48.12, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $172, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)
Hero balance $111.99, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $153.03, bet $4.22, collected $6.95, net +$2.73

***** Hand History For Game 1685050908451p9iwg7hwvec *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:40:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($51.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($111.28)
Seat 3: Player4 ($114.90)
Seat 4: Player5 ($29)
Seat 5: Player6 ($87.05)
Seat 6: Player1 ($126.01)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 4c ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 3 to 3
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $50.29, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $111.28, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $114.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $30.50, bet $3, collected $4.50, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $87.05, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $125.51, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050876566ywhgn4m3uyl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:40:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($43.42)
Seat 2: Player6 ($48.12)
Seat 3: Player5 ($172)
Seat 4: Player1 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($111.99)
Seat 6: Player3 ($153.03)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 7h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5h, 4c, 6s ]
Player1 bets (2.02)
Hero calls (2.02)
Player4 calls (2.02)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4s ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9d ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.61 Rake: $0.45
Board: [ 5h, 4c, 6s, 4s, 9d ]
Player4 balance $40.40, lost $3.02 (folded)
Player6 balance $48.12, sits out
Player5 balance $172, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $105.59, bet $3.02, collected $8.61, net +$5.59[ 8c, 5c ] [ two
pairs, fives and fours -- 9d,5c,5h,4c,4s ]
Hero balance $108.97, lost $3.02[ Jd, 7h ] [ a pair of fours -- Jd,9d,7h,4c,4s ]
Player3 balance $153.03, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850509185904w76aver859 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:41:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($40.40)
Seat 2: Player6 ($48.12)
Seat 3: Player4 ($172)
Seat 4: Player5 ($105.59)
Seat 5: Hero ($108.97)
Seat 6: Player2 ($153.03)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 8h ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s, Ts, 3h ]
Player3 checks
Player4 bets (1.62)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.08 Rake: $0.42
Board: [ 4s, Ts, 3h ]
Player3 balance $36.90, lost $3.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $48.12, sits out
Player4 balance $176.58, bet $5.12, collected $9.70, net +$4.58
Player5 balance $105.59, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $108.47, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $152.03, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050941662b5bic3851h4 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:42:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($36.90)
Seat 2: Player6 ($48.12)
Seat 3: Player3 ($176.58)
Seat 4: Player4 ($105.59)
Seat 5: Hero ($108.47)
Seat 6: Player1 ($152.03)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Kd ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Hero calls (2.50)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, Ts, 4h ]
Player3 bets (3.09)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ 3s, Ts, 4h ]
Player2 balance $35.90, lost $1 (folded)
Player6 balance $48.12, sits out
Player3 balance $180.26, bet $5.59, collected $9.27, net +$3.68
Player4 balance $105.59, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $105.97, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $151.53, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050967525inwbi3avg8m *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:42:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($50.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($111.28)
Seat 3: Player5 ($115.90)
Seat 4: Player1 ($29.50)
Seat 5: Player2 ($87.05)
Seat 6: Player4 ($125.51)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, Th ]
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player5 raises 8.50 to 8.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $50.29, sits out
Hero balance $110.78, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $119.90, bet $8.50, collected $12.50, net +$4
Player1 balance $29, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $86.05, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $123.51, lost $2 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685050989392ih8vvg63lc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:42:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($35.90)
Seat 2: Player6 ($48.12)
Seat 3: Player2 ($180.26)
Seat 4: Player3 ($105.59)
Seat 5: Hero ($105.97)
Seat 6: Player5 ($151.53)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, Kd ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.30 to 2.30
Player5 raises 7.50 to 7.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero raises 21.70 to 24
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $35.40, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $48.12, sits out
Player2 balance $179.26, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $105.59, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $114.97, bet $24, collected $33, net +$9
Player5 balance $144.03, lost $7.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051010569hfn8snou2ms *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:42:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($50.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($110.78)
Seat 3: Player5 ($119.90)
Seat 4: Player6 ($29)
Seat 5: Player1 ($86.05)
Seat 6: Player2 ($123.51)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 7h ]
Player3 calls (0.50)
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, 6c, Ad ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9c ]
Player2 bets (2.36)
Player3 folds
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.33 Rake: $0.17
Board: [ 8d, 6c, Ad, 9c ]
Player3 balance $49.29, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $110.78, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $119.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $28, lost $1 (folded)
Player1 balance $85.55, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $125.84, bet $3.36, collected $5.69, net +$2.33

***** Hand History For Game 1685051022095wat1osm7am *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:43:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($35.40)
Seat 2: Player6 ($48.12)
Seat 3: Player1 ($179.26)
Seat 4: Player2 ($105.59)
Seat 5: Hero ($114.97)
Seat 6: Player4 ($144.03)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, Qh ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 10.75 to 11.25
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $35.40, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $48.12, sits out
Player1 balance $182.76, bet $11.25, collected $14.75, net +$3.50
Player2 balance $104.59, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $114.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $141.53, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051053788arjujqyi9cm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:43:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($91.01)
Seat 2: Hero ($110.78)
Seat 3: Player4 ($119.90)
Seat 4: Player5 ($28)
Seat 5: Player6 ($85.55)
Seat 6: Player1 ($125.84)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 5s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3c, 3d, Qh ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (2)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.80 Rake: $0.2
Board: [ 3c, 3d, Qh ]
Player2 balance $92.81, bet $4, collected $5.80, net +$1.80
Hero balance $110.78, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $119.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $85.55, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $123.84, lost $2 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051049033ze7l15hxb8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:43:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($35.40)
Seat 2: Player6 ($48.12)
Seat 3: Player5 ($182.76)
Seat 4: Player1 ($104.59)
Seat 5: Hero ($114.97)
Seat 6: Player3 ($141.53)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 3d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9c, 6c, Kh ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Js ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Tc ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (2.38)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ 9c, 6c, Kh, Js, Tc ]
Player4 balance $36.78, bet $3.38, collected $4.76, net +$1.38
Player6 balance $48.12, sits out
Player5 balance $182.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $104.09, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $113.97, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $141.53, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051076783w4crd440b9g *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:44:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($36.78)
Seat 2: Player3 ($48.12)
Seat 3: Player5 ($182.76)
Seat 4: Player6 ($104.09)
Seat 5: Hero ($113.97)
Seat 6: Player2 ($141.53)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
Player3 posts big blind + dead (1.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, Js ]
Player4 folds
Player3 checks
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero raises 5 to 5.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $36.78, didn't bet (folded)
Player3 balance $46.62, lost $1.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $182.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $104.09, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $116.47, bet $5.50, collected $8, net +$2.50
Player2 balance $140.53, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051103190gbxnxd9p9rc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:44:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($92.81)
Seat 2: Hero ($110.78)
Seat 3: Player3 ($119.90)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($85.55)
Seat 6: Player6 ($123.84)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 5h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, 3c, 2c ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8d ]
Player1 bets (1.50)
Hero folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ 7d, 3c, 2c, 8d ]
Player1 balance $94.66, bet $2.50, collected $4.35, net +$1.85
Hero balance $109.78, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $119.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $84.55, lost $1 (folded)
Player6 balance $123.84, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051107770c1wswd1zqm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:44:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($36.78)
Seat 2: Player3 ($46.62)
Seat 3: Player4 ($182.76)
Seat 4: Player5 ($104.09)
Seat 5: Hero ($116.47)
Seat 6: Player1 ($140.53)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 7s ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, 2d, As ]
Player2 bets (2.38)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ 2s, 2d, As ]
Player2 balance $38.16, bet $3.38, collected $4.76, net +$1.38
Player3 balance $45.62, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $182.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $104.09, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $116.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $140.03, lost $0.50 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685051260197xmrcx9khkwh *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:45:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($94.66)
Seat 2: Hero ($109.78)
Seat 3: Player2 ($119.90)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($84.55)
Seat 6: Player5 ($123.84)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 3s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Hero calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5h, 9h, 4h ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2d ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (2.85)
Player4 calls (2.85)
Player6 folds
Hero folds
** Dealing River ** : [ Qh ]
Player2 bets (6.91)
Player4 raises 18.50 to 18.50
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $22.35 Rake: $1.17
Board: [ 5h, 9h, 4h, 2d, Qh ]
Player6 balance $93.66, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $108.78, lost $1 (folded)
Player2 balance $109.14, lost $10.76 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $96.14, bet $22.35, collected $33.94, net +$11.59
Player5 balance $123.84, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850512018121qt079bf4xv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:45:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($38.16)
Seat 2: Player2 ($45.62)
Seat 3: Player3 ($182.76)
Seat 4: Player4 ($104.09)
Seat 5: Hero ($116.47)
Seat 6: Player6 ($140.03)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 37.66 to 38.16
Player1 is all-In.
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (36.16)
Creating Main Pot with $ 74.32 with Player1
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, Th, Ad ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Td ]
** Dealing River ** : [ As ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $74.32 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Jd, Th, Ad, Td, As ]
Player1 balance $74.32, bet $38.16, collected $74.32, net +$36.16[ Qd, Ah ] [ a
fullhouse, aces full of tens -- Ah,Ad,As,Th,Td ]
Player2 balance $44.62, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $182.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $65.93, lost $38.16[ Kh, Js ] [ two pairs, aces and jacks --
Ad,As,Kh,Js,Jd ]
Hero balance $116.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $140.03, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850513562128codsjkrnq7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:48:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($93.66)
Seat 2: Hero ($108.78)
Seat 3: Player5 ($109.14)
Seat 4: Player6 ($99.50)
Seat 5: Player1 ($95.14)
Seat 6: Player2 ($125.34)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 9 to 9
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero calls (6.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, Qc, Ks ]
Hero checks
Player6 bets (10)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $18.53 Rake: $0.9700001
Board: [ 3s, Qc, Ks ]
Player3 balance $93.66, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $99.78, lost $9 (folded)
Player5 balance $109.14, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $109.03, bet $19, collected $28.53, net +$9.53
Player1 balance $94.64, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $124.34, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051403071ej6oystr65t *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:49:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($93.66)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($109.14)
Seat 4: Player5 ($109.03)
Seat 5: Player6 ($94.64)
Seat 6: Player1 ($124.34)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, 2s ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (2.50)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, Qs, 5c ]
Player2 bets (5.06)
Player4 folds
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.60 Rake: $0.4
Board: [ Jd, Qs, 5c ]
Player2 balance $98.76, bet $7.56, collected $12.66, net +$5.10
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $106.64, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $109.03, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $92.14, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $123.84, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051440648spvadpvj2rq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:50:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($98.76)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($106.64)
Seat 4: Player4 ($109.03)
Seat 5: Player5 ($92.14)
Seat 6: Player6 ($123.84)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 8h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3 to 3
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2.50)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, Th, 4d ]
Player1 bets (4.43)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.65 Rake: $0.35
Board: [ Td, Th, 4d ]
Player1 balance $102.41, bet $7.43, collected $11.08, net +$3.65
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $106.64, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $106.03, lost $3 (folded)
Player5 balance $92.14, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $123.84, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051476750gb1j17k7hqo *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:50:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($102.41)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($106.64)
Seat 4: Player3 ($106.03)
Seat 5: Player4 ($92.14)
Seat 6: Player5 ($123.84)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, 8d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, Ad, 2h ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (2.50)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ 9d, Ad, 2h ]
Player6 balance $103.79, bet $3.50, collected $4.88, net +$1.38
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $105.64, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $106.03, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $92.14, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $123.84, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051533193noemejgjdv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:51:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($103.79)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($105.64)
Seat 4: Player2 ($106.03)
Seat 5: Player3 ($92.14)
Seat 6: Player4 ($123.84)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, Jc ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 raises 4 to 4
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2c, 9d, 4h ]
Player3 checks
Player4 bets (6.41)
Player3 calls (6.41)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7h ]
Player3 checks
Player4 bets (15.06)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $21.21 Rake: $1.11
Board: [ 2c, 9d, 4h, 7h ]
Player5 balance $103.79, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $105.14, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $105.03, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $81.73, lost $10.41 (folded)
Player4 balance $134.64, bet $25.47, collected $36.27, net +$10.80

***** Hand History For Game 16850515431136wkqkwje7ma *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:51:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($233.76)
Seat 2: Player2 ($102.50)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100.70)
Seat 5: Hero ($113.55)
Seat 6: Player5 ($0)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 7s ]
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player3 folds
Hero calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9c, 2c, 9s ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (1.66)
Hero calls (1.66)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ks ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (5.40)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.19 Rake: $0.43
Board: [ 9c, 2c, 9s, Ks ]
Player1 balance $233.66, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $106.73, bet $9.36, collected $13.59, net +$4.23
Player3 balance $100.10, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $109.59, lost $3.96 (folded)
Player5 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685051597628c17tbpbgq9i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:52:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($103.79)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($105.14)
Seat 4: Player1 ($105.03)
Seat 5: Player2 ($81.73)
Seat 6: Player3 ($134.64)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 8c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, 6h, 3s ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (2)
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ts ]
Player1 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 8h ]
Player1 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.65 Rake: $0.35
Board: [ 3d, 6h, 3s, Ts, 8h ]
Player4 balance $107.44, bet $3, collected $6.65, net +$3.65[ 7d, 7c ] [ two pairs,
sevens and threes -- Ts,7d,7c,3d,3s ]
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $105.14, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $102.03, lost $3[ 4h, 5s ] [ a pair of threes -- Ts,8h,6h,3d,3s ]
Player2 balance $80.73, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $134.64, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051556804qybobbscbvg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:52:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($233.66)
Seat 2: Player2 ($106.73)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100.10)
Seat 5: Hero ($109.59)
Seat 6: Player5 ($0)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, Kh ]
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2 to 2.50
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.40 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $232.56, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $106.63, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $110.89, bet $2.60, collected $3.90, net +$1.30
Player5 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685051605715jak3l9f9fp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:52:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($232.56)
Seat 2: Player2 ($106.63)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($110.89)
Seat 6: Player5 ($0)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 7d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9c, 8h, Jh ]
Player1 bets (1.52)
Player2 calls (1.52)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qd ]
Player1 bets (3.44)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.17 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 9c, 8h, Jh, Qd ]
Player1 balance $235.11, bet $6.06, collected $8.61, net +$2.55
Player2 balance $104.01, lost $2.62 (folded)
Player3 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $110.79, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685051650132wws0zbo6ck *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:53:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($107.44)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($105.14)
Seat 4: Player6 ($102.03)
Seat 5: Player1 ($80.73)
Seat 6: Player2 ($134.64)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 8c ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, 2c, Th ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (2.60)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 2d, 2c, Th ]
Player3 balance $107.44, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $107.87, bet $5.10, collected $7.83, net +$2.73
Player6 balance $102.03, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $80.23, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $132.14, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168505169025501xhq1vbsfk2 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:53:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($235.11)
Seat 2: Player2 ($104.01)
Seat 4: Player3 ($99.90)
Seat 5: Hero ($110.79)
Seat 6: Player5 ($0)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, Jc ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 calls (2.50)
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ks, 4d, 8h ]
Hero bets (1.64)
Player1 calls (1.64)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9h ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 5s ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.68 Rake: $0.5
Board: [ Ks, 4d, 8h, 9h, 5s ]
Player1 balance $240.55, bet $4.24, collected $9.68, net +$5.44[ Js, Jd ] [ a pair
of jacks -- Ks,Js,Jd,9h,8h ]
Player2 balance $103.41, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $98.80, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $106.55, lost $4.24[ Ac, Jc ] [ high card ace -- Ac,Ks,Jc,9h,8h ]
Player5 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685051694676bjmyslbqvdf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:54:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($107.44)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($107.87)
Seat 4: Player5 ($102.03)
Seat 5: Player6 ($80.23)
Seat 6: Player1 ($132.14)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, Kh ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 3 to 3
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $106.44, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $107.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $103.53, bet $3, collected $4.50, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $80.23, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $131.64, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051721507xqy1306b3fs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:54:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($240.55)
Seat 2: Player1 ($103.41)
Seat 4: Player2 ($98.80)
Seat 5: Hero ($106.55)
Seat 6: Player5 ($0)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 8s ]
Player1 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.80 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $240.55, sits out
Player1 balance $105.11, bet $2.30, collected $4, net +$1.70
Player2 balance $98.20, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $105.45, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685051712498pslx1hijyhb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:54:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($106.44)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($107.87)
Seat 4: Player3 ($103.53)
Seat 5: Player4 ($80.23)
Seat 6: Player5 ($131.64)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 4c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $106.44, sits out
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $108.37, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $103.53, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $80.23, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $131.64, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051772164zurvujqklwq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:55:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($106.44)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($108.37)
Seat 4: Player2 ($103.53)
Seat 5: Player4 ($80.23)
Seat 6: Player5 ($131.64)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9d, 4s ]
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 3.50 to 4
Player2 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ad, 4h, Jd ]
Player1 bets (2.66)
Player2 raises 7 to 7
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.13 Rake: $0.69
Board: [ Ad, 4h, Jd ]
Player3 balance $105.94, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $101.71, lost $6.66 (folded)
Player2 balance $110, bet $11, collected $17.47, net +$6.47
Player4 balance $80.23, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $131.64, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051745294ekdm88yp1vl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:55:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($240.55)
Seat 2: Player2 ($105.11)
Seat 4: Player3 ($98.20)
Seat 5: Hero ($105.45)
Seat 6: Player5 ($0)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 6c ]
Player2 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player3 folds
Hero calls (1.70)
Player1 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, 9s, 5s ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (1.81)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.51 Rake: $0.29
Board: [ Js, 9s, 5s ]
Player1 balance $239.45, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $108.32, bet $4.11, collected $7.32, net +$3.21
Player3 balance $98.10, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $103.15, lost $2.30 (folded)
Player5 balance $0, sits out
***** Hand History For Game 16850517687864z87wpyy4f9 *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:55:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($239.45)
Seat 2: Player2 ($108.32)
Seat 4: Player3 ($98.10)
Seat 5: Hero ($103.15)
Seat 6: Player5 ($0)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 9s ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.40 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $238.85, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $109.12, bet $1.10, collected $1.90, net +$0.80
Player3 balance $98, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $103.05, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player5 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 168505178790011i913obvn1b *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:56:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($105.94)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($101.71)
Seat 4: Player1 ($110)
Seat 5: Player6 ($80.23)
Seat 6: Player2 ($131.64)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, Ac ]
Player3 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $107.44, bet $3.50, collected $5, net +$1.50
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $101.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $109.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $80.23, sits out
Player2 balance $130.64, lost $1 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685051809345gr7faduce4 *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:56:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($238.85)
Seat 2: Player2 ($109.12)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($98)
Seat 5: Hero ($103.05)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 7d ]
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, 2h, Kh ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9s ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3s ]
Player3 bets (2.37)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 4d, 2h, Kh, 9s, 3s ]
Player1 balance $238.75, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $108.52, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.65, bet $4.47, collected $7.12, net +$2.65
Player4 balance $95.90, lost $2.10 (folded)
Hero balance $102.95, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685051801698ozjvgq30yje *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:56:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($107.44)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($101.71)
Seat 4: Player5 ($109.50)
Seat 5: Player6 ($80.23)
Seat 6: Player1 ($130.64)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, 2h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $107.94, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $101.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $109.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $80.23, sits out
Player1 balance $130.14, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051867017x5fl5x0t33f *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:56:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($107.94)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($101.71)
Seat 4: Player4 ($109.50)
Seat 5: Player6 ($80.23)
Seat 6: Player5 ($130.14)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero raises 2 to 3
Player1 raises 8 to 9
Hero calls (6)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, Ts, Jh ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (4.30)
Player1 raises 21.43 to 21.43
Hero calls (17.13)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Js ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (14.50)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $57.86 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 2d, Ts, Jh, Js ]
Player1 balance $77.51, lost $30.43 (folded)
Hero balance $127.43, bet $44.93, collected $72.36, net +$27.43
Player3 balance $101.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $109.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $80.23, sits out
Player5 balance $130.14, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685051827889zj5st36hw9i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:56:53 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($238.75)
Seat 2: Player2 ($108.52)
Seat 3: Player3 ($102.65)
Seat 4: Player4 ($95.90)
Seat 5: Hero ($102.95)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Player4 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, 9h ]
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $240.65, bet $2.60, collected $4.50, net +$1.90
Player2 balance $108.42, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.05, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $94.80, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $102.85, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685051846914zilumuat87 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:57:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($240.65)
Seat 2: Player2 ($108.42)
Seat 3: Player3 ($102.05)
Seat 4: Player4 ($94.80)
Seat 5: Hero ($102.85)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, Td ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $242.55, bet $2.60, collected $4.50, net +$1.90
Player2 balance $108.32, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $101.95, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $94.20, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $101.75, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685051928302nnshpibtlz *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:57:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($242.55)
Seat 2: Player2 ($108.32)
Seat 3: Player3 ($101.95)
Seat 4: Player4 ($94.20)
Seat 5: Hero ($101.75)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, 8h ]
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player1 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ks, 2s, Qc ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4s ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Jd ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (2.13)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ Ks, 2s, Qc, 4s, Jd ]
Player1 balance $241.45, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $108.22, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.70, bet $3.23, collected $4.98, net +$1.75
Player4 balance $94.10, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $101.15, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685051886368hjak8gsmdw *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:57:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($77.51)
Seat 2: Hero ($127.43)
Seat 3: Player2 ($101.71)
Seat 4: Player3 ($109.50)
Seat 5: Player6 ($80.23)
Seat 6: Player4 ($130.14)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 5s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $77.51, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $126.93, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $102.21, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $109.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $80.23, sits out
Player4 balance $130.14, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850519817534pf0uatqceg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:58:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($77.51)
Seat 2: Hero ($126.93)
Seat 3: Player1 ($102.21)
Seat 4: Player2 ($109.50)
Seat 5: Player6 ($80.23)
Seat 6: Player3 ($130.14)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 5c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6s, 6d, 7s ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4c ]
Player2 bets (2)
Player4 calls (2)
** Dealing River ** : [ 9s ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (2)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ 6s, 6d, 7s, 4c, 9s ]
Player4 balance $80.69, bet $5, collected $8.18, net +$3.18
Hero balance $126.93, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $101.71, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $106.50, lost $3 (folded)
Player6 balance $80.23, sits out
Player3 balance $130.14, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850519740915st3aibms7c *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:58:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($241.45)
Seat 2: Player2 ($108.22)
Seat 3: Player3 ($103.70)
Seat 4: Player4 ($94.10)
Seat 5: Hero ($101.15)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Player4 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 4s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 calls (1.75)
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7c, 2s, Qc ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Hero bets (5.20)
Player1 calls (5.20)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.77 Rake: $0.88
Board: [ 7c, 2s, Qc, 3h, 9h ]
Player1 balance $250.67, bet $7.55, collected $16.77, net +$9.22[ 4h, 7h ] [ a pair
of sevens -- Qc,9h,7h,7c,4h ]
Player2 balance $105.87, lost $2.35 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.60, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $94, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $93.60, lost $7.55[ 6s, 4s ] [ high card queen -- Qc,9h,7c,6s,4s ]
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685051989593f937qx6i8ns *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:59:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($250.67)
Seat 2: Player2 ($105.87)
Seat 3: Player5 ($103.60)
Seat 4: Player3 ($94)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 3c ]
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.90 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $252.47, bet $2.60, collected $4.40, net +$1.80
Player2 balance $105.27, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $103.60, sits out
Player3 balance $92.90, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 168505200846896jo0n37ynr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:59:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($80.69)
Seat 2: Hero ($126.93)
Seat 3: Player6 ($101.71)
Seat 4: Player1 ($106.50)
Seat 5: Player2 ($80.23)
Seat 6: Player3 ($130.14)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $82.19, bet $3.50, collected $5, net +$1.50
Hero balance $126.93, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $101.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $106, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $79.23, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $130.14, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052009137ohvsnqmaxx *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 17:59:53 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($252.47)
Seat 2: Player2 ($105.27)
Seat 4: Player3 ($92.90)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($0)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, 9d ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ts, 2h, Tc ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (3.74)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.61 Rake: $0.29
Board: [ Ts, 2h, Tc ]
Player1 balance $255.48, bet $6.34, collected $9.35, net +$3.01
Player2 balance $105.17, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $92.30, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $97.40, lost $2.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16850520486563girg0kb5kq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:00:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($82.19)
Seat 2: Hero ($126.93)
Seat 3: Player5 ($101.71)
Seat 4: Player6 ($106)
Seat 5: Player1 ($79.23)
Seat 6: Player2 ($130.14)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 4s ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, 5c, Jh ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9h ]
Player2 bets (1.69)
Player3 raises 5.53 to 5.53
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.59 Rake: $0.29
Board: [ 7s, 5c, Jh, 9h ]
Player3 balance $85.09, bet $6.53, collected $9.43, net +$2.90
Hero balance $126.93, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $101.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $106, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $78.73, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $127.45, lost $2.69 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052018103dmtwhsasqih *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:00:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($255.48)
Seat 2: Player2 ($105.17)
Seat 4: Player3 ($92.30)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 3s ]
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.40 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $256.28, bet $1.10, collected $1.90, net +$0.80
Player2 balance $105.07, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $92.20, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850520968756c3to9e0zyg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:00:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($256.28)
Seat 2: Player2 ($105.07)
Seat 4: Player3 ($92.20)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 4h ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero calls (2)
Player1 calls (1.50)
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qc, 7h, 9h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4s ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (2.63)
Player3 calls (2.63)
Hero raises 15 to 15
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.48 Rake: $0.81
Board: [ Qc, 7h, 9h, 4s ]
Player1 balance $254.18, lost $2.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.34, lost $4.73 (folded)
Player3 balance $87.47, lost $4.73 (folded)
Hero balance $110.75, bet $17.10, collected $27.85, net +$10.75

***** Hand History For Game 1685052101823s8fqjgdxdj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:00:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($85.09)
Seat 2: Hero ($126.93)
Seat 3: Player4 ($101.71)
Seat 4: Player5 ($106)
Seat 5: Player6 ($78.73)
Seat 6: Player1 ($127.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, 5c ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7c, 9h, 8c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (3.13)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ 7c, 9h, 8c ]
Player2 balance $84.09, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $126.93, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $101.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $106, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $80.58, bet $4.13, collected $5.98, net +$1.85
Player1 balance $126.45, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168505212971544mcq0c8zaf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:01:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($254.18)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100.34)
Seat 4: Player3 ($87.47)
Seat 5: Hero ($110.75)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, 7c ]
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 3
Player3 raises 8.50 to 9.50
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.40 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $254.08, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $97.24, lost $3.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $90.77, bet $9.60, collected $12.90, net +$3.30
Hero balance $110.65, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052159608wmrco53wji *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:01:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($84.09)
Seat 2: Hero ($126.93)
Seat 3: Player3 ($101.71)
Seat 4: Player4 ($106)
Seat 5: Player5 ($80.58)
Seat 6: Player6 ($126.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, Jd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3 to 3
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 11.50 to 11.50
Player1 folds
Hero raises 19 to 20
Player4 folds
Player6 calls (8.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kd, Qh, 5h ]
Hero bets (10.33)
Player6 raises 54.34 to 54.34
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $61.16 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Kd, Qh, 5h ]
Player1 balance $83.59, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $96.60, lost $30.33 (folded)
Player3 balance $101.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $103, lost $3 (folded)
Player5 balance $80.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $157.28, bet $74.34, collected $105.17, net +$30.83
***** Hand History For Game 1685052142997dxaiufo1swi *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:02:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($254.08)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($90.77)
Seat 5: Hero ($110.65)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 6s ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.40 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $253.98, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $90.17, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $111.45, bet $1.10, collected $1.90, net +$0.80

***** Hand History For Game 1685052185986ziw42axssmr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:02:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($253.98)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($90.17)
Seat 5: Hero ($111.45)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 6d ]
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player1 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ts, Qc, 3d ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (3.31)
Player1 calls (3.31)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8s ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (7.77)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.95 Rake: $0.57
Board: [ Ts, Qc, 3d, 8s ]
Player1 balance $248.57, lost $5.41 (folded)
Player2 balance $99.90, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $95.71, bet $13.18, collected $18.72, net +$5.54
Hero balance $110.85, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052189039e4837i3y06h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:02:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($83.59)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($101.71)
Seat 4: Player3 ($103)
Seat 5: Player4 ($80.58)
Seat 6: Player5 ($157.28)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 2h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $85.09, bet $3.50, collected $5, net +$1.50
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.71, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $103, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $80.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $157.28, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052261506r2pgqwm4hk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:03:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($85.09)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100.71)
Seat 4: Player2 ($103)
Seat 5: Player3 ($80.58)
Seat 6: Player4 ($157.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 8h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, 7s, Js ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5h ]
Player2 bets (2)
Player5 calls (2)
** Dealing River ** : [ Th ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (1)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.03 Rake: $0.47
Board: [ 9d, 7s, Js, 5h, Th ]
Player5 balance $89.62, bet $5.50, collected $10.03, net +$4.53
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100.21, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $98.50, lost $4.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $80.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $157.28, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052240998x3iiz9ajhx *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:03:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($248.57)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($95.71)
Seat 5: Hero ($110.85)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, 9c ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 calls (1.75)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, Kh, Ts ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (4.30)
Player1 calls (4.30)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6h ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 2h ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.78 Rake: $0.72
Board: [ 3d, Kh, Ts, 6h, 2h ]
Player1 balance $255.70, bet $6.65, collected $13.78, net +$7.13[ Qd, Js ] [ high
card king -- Kh,Qd,Js,Ts,6h ]
Player2 balance $98.90, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player3 balance $95.61, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $104.20, lost $6.65[ 4c, 9c ] [ high card king -- Kh,Ts,9c,6h,4c ]
***** Hand History For Game 1685052289634a2ih28wrgmb *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:04:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($255.70)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($104.20)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, Qd ]
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6s, Qh, 8h ]
Player2 bets (1.97)
Hero raises 9.50 to 9.50
Player2 calls (7.53)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (7.90)
Player2 calls (7.90)
** Dealing River ** : [ Ah ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $39.10 Rake: $2.0
Board: [ 6s, Qh, 8h, Jh, Ah ]
Player1 balance $255.60, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $118.60, bet $20.50, collected $39.10, net +$18.60[ 5h, 7h ] [ a
flush, ace high -- Ah,Qh,Jh,8h,7h ]
Hero balance $83.70, lost $20.50[ 8s, Qd ] [ two pairs, queens and eights --
Ah,Qd,Qh,8s,8h ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685052289057aym7tnrh6ov *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:04:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($89.62)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100.21)
Seat 4: Player1 ($98.50)
Seat 5: Player2 ($80.58)
Seat 6: Player3 ($157.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, Ks ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $89.62, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $101.50, bet $2.25, collected $3.75, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $100.21, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $98, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $79.58, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $157.28, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052385121k01u8i2ccj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:04:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($89.62)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100.21)
Seat 4: Player6 ($98)
Seat 5: Player1 ($79.58)
Seat 6: Player2 ($157.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 5s ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, 2c, 5h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (2.50)
Player1 calls (2.50)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Tc ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (3)
Player1 calls (3)
** Dealing River ** : [ 3d ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.30 Rake: $0.7
Board: [ 8s, 2c, 5h, Tc, 3d ]
Player3 balance $96.42, bet $6.50, collected $13.30, net +$6.80[ 6s, 8c ] [ a pair
of eights -- Tc,8c,8s,6s,5h ]
Hero balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100.21, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $98, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $73.08, lost $6.50[ 5c, Jc ] [ a pair of fives -- Jc,Tc,8s,5c,5h ]
Player2 balance $156.28, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052310234ezgil4hwrqq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:04:53 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($255.60)
Seat 2: Player2 ($118.60)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 9c ]
Player2 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Hero folds
Player1 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7c, 5d, 9h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5c ]
Player1 bets (1.64)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.94 Rake: $0.26
Board: [ 7c, 5d, 9h, 5c ]
Player1 balance $258.24, bet $3.94, collected $6.58, net +$2.64
Player2 balance $116.30, lost $2.30 (folded)
Hero balance $99.40, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850523167940qph2ra6s04q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:05:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($258.24)
Seat 2: Player2 ($116.30)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 7h ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.80 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $257.64, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player2 balance $115.20, lost $1.10 (folded)
Hero balance $101.70, bet $2.35, collected $4.05, net +$1.70

***** Hand History For Game 1685052326636id2v3rv06fg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:05:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($257.64)
Seat 2: Player2 ($115.20)
Seat 5: Hero ($101.70)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, 8s ]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.30 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $257.54, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $114.60, lost $0.60 (folded)
Hero balance $102.40, bet $1.10, collected $1.80, net +$0.70

***** Hand History For Game 1685052356693h31ohuxk1yk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:05:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($257.54)
Seat 2: Player2 ($114.60)
Seat 5: Hero ($102.40)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 7h ]
Player2 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.80 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $256.44, lost $1.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $116.30, bet $2.30, collected $4, net +$1.70
Hero balance $101.80, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052362290nmq92fuqwkj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:06:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($256.44)
Seat 2: Player1 ($116.30)
Seat 5: Hero ($101.80)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, 3h ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.20 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $256.44, sits out
Player1 balance $116.90, bet $1.10, collected $1.70, net +$0.60
Hero balance $101.20, lost $0.60 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685052369152lj47xbsxhf *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:06:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($256.44)
Seat 2: Player2 ($116.90)
Seat 5: Hero ($101.20)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player1 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 3d ]
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.30 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $257.14, bet $1.10, collected $1.80, net +$0.70
Player2 balance $116.80, lost $0.10 (folded)
Hero balance $100.60, lost $0.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052432051f9axeur7p0d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:06:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($257.14)
Seat 2: Player2 ($116.80)
Seat 3: Player4 ($80)
Seat 5: Hero ($100.60)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 2d ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 calls (1.75)
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, 7h, 8h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7s ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.70 Rake: $0.35
Board: [ 8d, 7h, 8h, 7s, 6d ]
Player1 balance $254.79, lost $2.35[ 9d, 6h ] [ two pairs, eights and sevens --
9d,8d,8h,7h,7s ]
Player2 balance $114.45, lost $2.35[ Th, Qs ] [ two pairs, eights and sevens --
Qs,8d,8h,7h,7s ]
Player4 balance $80, sits out
Hero balance $104.95, bet $2.35, collected $6.70, net +$4.35[ As, 2d ] [ two pairs,
eights and sevens -- As,8d,8h,7h,7s ]

***** Hand History For Game 16850524609260k2q7ydqa7q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:06:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($96.42)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100.21)
Seat 4: Player5 ($98)
Seat 5: Player6 ($73.08)
Seat 6: Player1 ($156.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 3c ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 9 to 9
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero calls (6.75)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, 7d, Jc ]
Hero checks
Player5 bets (8)
Hero calls (8)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5h ]
Hero checks
Player5 bets (24)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $33.73 Rake: $1.7700001
Board: [ 2d, 7d, Jc, 5h ]
Player2 balance $95.42, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $84.50, lost $17 (folded)
Player4 balance $100.21, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $114.73, bet $41, collected $57.73, net +$16.73
Player6 balance $73.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $155.78, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052462917b8ht7e4autt *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:07:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($100)
Seat 2: Player1 ($42.46)
Seat 3: Hero ($116.47)
Seat 4: Player3 ($193.31)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($125.75)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, Ks ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 calls (1.70)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, Ad, 4c ]
Player1 bets (1.71)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.13 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 2s, Ad, 4c ]
Player5 balance $97.80, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player1 balance $45.39, bet $3.91, collected $6.84, net +$2.93
Hero balance $115.47, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $193.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player4 balance $125.75, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052445170cfb7q0e2ymh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:07:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 4 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($254.79)
Seat 2: Player2 ($114.45)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($104.95)
Player1 posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts ante (0.10)
Player3 posts ante (0.10)
Hero posts ante (0.10)
Player2 posts small blind (0.50)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Tc ]
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.40 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $254.69, lost $0.10 (folded)
Player2 balance $113.85, lost $0.60 (folded)
Player3 balance $100.80, bet $1.10, collected $1.90, net +$0.80
Hero balance $104.85, lost $0.10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052530988rx75ui1rbs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:07:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($95.42)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100.21)
Seat 4: Player4 ($114.73)
Seat 5: Player5 ($73.08)
Seat 6: Player6 ($155.78)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero raises 7 to 8
Player1 calls (5)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, 9h, Js ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (7.60)
Player1 calls (7.60)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4c ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (16.59)
Player1 calls (16.59)
** Dealing River ** : [ 4d ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (46.60)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $61.38 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 7d, 9h, Js, 4c, 4d ]
Player1 balance $63.23, lost $32.19 (folded)
Hero balance $129.19, bet $78.79, collected $107.98, net +$29.19
Player3 balance $100.21, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $114.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $73.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $155.78, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850525064301ckuah9r5px *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:07:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($100)
Seat 2: Player5 ($45.39)
Seat 3: Hero ($115.47)
Seat 4: Player2 ($193.31)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($125.75)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, Jh, Kd ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2d ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (3.48)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 9d, Jh, Kd, 2d ]
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $48.12, bet $5.98, collected $8.71, net +$2.73
Hero balance $114.97, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $190.81, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player3 balance $125.75, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052591415bq13rx2w9o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:08:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($100)
Seat 2: Player5 ($48.12)
Seat 3: Hero ($114.97)
Seat 4: Player1 ($190.81)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($125.75)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, Kh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Hero raises 5.50 to 5.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player5 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, 7s, 3h ]
Player5 bets (3.96)
Hero calls (3.96)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9s ]
Player5 bets (6.46)
Hero calls (6.46)
** Dealing River ** : [ 5s ]
Player5 bets (31.68)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $31.68 Rake: $1.66
Board: [ Td, 7s, 3h, 9s, 5s ]
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $63.88, bet $47.60, collected $63.36, net +$15.76
Hero balance $99.05, lost $15.92 (folded)
Player1 balance $190.31, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $125.75, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850525865617mqa164lnya *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:08:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($63.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($129.19)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100.21)
Seat 4: Player3 ($114.73)
Seat 5: Player4 ($73.08)
Seat 6: Player5 ($155.78)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 4c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player2 raises 3 to 4
Player6 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, 9d, 7c ]
Player2 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jd ]
Player2 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Qh ]
Player2 bets (6.06)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.08 Rake: $0.42
Board: [ 3s, 9d, 7c, Jd, Qh ]
Player6 balance $59.23, lost $4 (folded)
Hero balance $128.69, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $104.29, bet $10.06, collected $14.14, net +$4.08
Player3 balance $114.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $73.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $155.78, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168505261237108tygy72a81a *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:09:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($59.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($128.69)
Seat 3: Player1 ($104.29)
Seat 4: Player2 ($114.73)
Seat 5: Player3 ($73.08)
Seat 6: Player4 ($155.78)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 5c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $60.73, bet $3.50, collected $5, net +$1.50
Hero balance $128.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $103.79, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $113.73, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $73.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $155.78, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850526261180lic4421r7ab *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:09:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($100)
Seat 2: Player4 ($63.88)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($190.31)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($125.75)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Hero raises 7 to 7
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (6.50)
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, Ad, Ts ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (5.01)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.20 Rake: $0.8
Board: [ 9d, Ad, Ts ]
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $62.88, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $108.20, bet $12.01, collected $20.21, net +$8.20
Player6 balance $190.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $93, lost $7 (folded)
Player2 balance $124.75, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052650002ayeo16vo3ns *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:10:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($60.73)
Seat 2: Hero ($128.69)
Seat 3: Player6 ($103.79)
Seat 4: Player1 ($113.73)
Seat 5: Player2 ($73.08)
Seat 6: Player3 ($155.78)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, Kd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, 3d, 9h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ac ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (1.42)
Player1 calls (1.42)
** Dealing River ** : [ Ad ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.60 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ 7d, 3d, 9h, Ac, Ad ]
Player4 balance $60.73, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $128.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $103.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $111.31, lost $2.42[ 4s, 5d ] [ a pair of aces -- Ac,Ad,9h,7d,5d ]
Player2 balance $75.26, bet $2.42, collected $4.60, net +$2.18[ Kc, Jd ] [ a pair
of aces -- Ac,Ad,Kc,Jd,9h ]
Player3 balance $155.78, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052697570ccycfib10f *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:10:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($100)
Seat 2: Player3 ($62.88)
Seat 3: Hero ($108.20)
Seat 4: Player5 ($190.31)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($124.75)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 3s ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5h, 7h, Kd ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (1.88)
Player1 calls (1.88)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (6.12)
Player1 calls (6.12)
** Dealing River ** : [ Ac ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $20.90 Rake: $1.1
Board: [ 5h, 7h, Kd, 2d, Ac ]
Player2 balance $109.90, bet $11, collected $20.90, net +$9.90[ Th, Kc ] [ a pair
of kings -- Ac,Kc,Kd,Th,7h ]
Player3 balance $62.88, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $108.20, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $190.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $113.75, lost $11[ Jc, Js ] [ a pair of jacks -- Ac,Kd,Jc,Js,7h ]

***** Hand History For Game 16850527694303sfef0s4y0i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:10:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($60.73)
Seat 2: Hero ($128.69)
Seat 3: Player5 ($103.79)
Seat 4: Player6 ($111.31)
Seat 5: Player1 ($75.26)
Seat 6: Player2 ($155.78)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, Ks ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero raises 5.50 to 5.50
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (5.50)
Player1 calls (5)
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, 5h, Qd ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
Hero checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9d ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (7.28)
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $21.85 Rake: $1.15
Board: [ 5c, 5h, Qd, 9d ]
Player3 balance $77.08, bet $12.78, collected $29.13, net +$16.35
Hero balance $123.19, lost $5.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $103.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $105.81, lost $5.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $69.76, lost $5.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $154.78, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052756499dmj8k1hjovl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:11:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($109.90)
Seat 2: Player2 ($62.88)
Seat 3: Hero ($108.20)
Seat 4: Player4 ($190.31)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($113.75)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Qd ]
Hero raises 5.50 to 5.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (5.50)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kh, Kd, 8d ]
Hero checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Hero bets (9.02)
Player6 calls (9.02)
** Dealing River ** : [ 7d ]
Hero bets (14.51)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $29.02 Rake: $1.52
Board: [ Kh, Kd, 8d, 2s, 7d ]
Player1 balance $109.40, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $61.88, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $122.70, bet $29.03, collected $43.53, net +$14.50
Player4 balance $190.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $99.23, lost $14.52 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052838174z4np9aptmob *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:12:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($109.40)
Seat 2: Player1 ($61.88)
Seat 3: Hero ($122.70)
Seat 4: Player3 ($190.31)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 7h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ad, 9c, Ks ]
Player1 bets (3.80)
Player4 calls (3.80)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3c ]
Player1 bets (4.30)
Player4 calls (4.30)
** Dealing River ** : [ 7s ]
Player1 bets (21.09)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $21.09 Rake: $1.11
Board: [ Ad, 9c, Ks, 3c, 7s ]
Player6 balance $109.40, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $72.37, bet $31.69, collected $42.18, net +$10.49
Hero balance $121.70, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $190.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $89.40, lost $10.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052796706zctyi9pnhs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:12:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($77.08)
Seat 2: Hero ($123.19)
Seat 3: Player4 ($103.79)
Seat 4: Player5 ($105.81)
Seat 5: Player6 ($69.76)
Seat 6: Player1 ($154.78)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 4c ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $77.58, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $123.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $103.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $105.81, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $69.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $154.28, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052840688sp5061u0zqt *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:13:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($77.58)
Seat 2: Hero ($123.19)
Seat 3: Player3 ($103.79)
Seat 4: Player4 ($105.81)
Seat 5: Player5 ($69.76)
Seat 6: Player6 ($154.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, Jh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, Ac, 3h ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2c ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (5.50)
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (5.50)
** Dealing River ** : [ 3d ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.30 Rake: $0.7
Board: [ Th, Ac, 3h, 2c, 3d ]
Player1 balance $84.38, bet $6.50, collected $13.30, net +$6.80[ 5h, Qh ] [ a pair
of threes -- Ac,Qh,Th,3h,3d ]
Hero balance $116.69, lost $6.50[ 4h, Jh ] [ a pair of threes -- Ac,Jh,Th,3h,3d ]
Player3 balance $103.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $105.81, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $68.76, lost $1 (folded)
Player6 balance $154.28, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052878840sf6sd2l7f5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:14:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($84.38)
Seat 2: Hero ($116.69)
Seat 3: Player2 ($103.79)
Seat 4: Player3 ($105.81)
Seat 5: Player4 ($68.76)
Seat 6: Player5 ($154.28)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, 3d, Ah ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (1)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ Th, 3d, Ah ]
Player6 balance $85.76, bet $2, collected $3.38, net +$1.38
Hero balance $116.19, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $102.79, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $105.81, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $68.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $154.28, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685052872578t6vuwqheezh *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:14:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($109.40)
Seat 2: Player6 ($72.37)
Seat 3: Hero ($121.70)
Seat 4: Player2 ($190.31)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, Kd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player6 calls (2.20)
Hero raises 2.90 to 3.40
Player2 folds
Player5 calls (1.20)
Player6 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8c, 8s, 3h ]
Hero checks
Player5 checks
Player6 bets (10.64)
Hero folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.64 Rake: $0.56
Board: [ 8c, 8s, 3h ]
Player5 balance $106, lost $3.40 (folded)
Player6 balance $79.61, bet $14.04, collected $21.28, net +$7.24
Hero balance $118.30, lost $3.40 (folded)
Player2 balance $189.31, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052905583jjnuzwckgvg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:14:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($106)
Seat 2: Player5 ($79.61)
Seat 3: Hero ($118.30)
Seat 4: Player1 ($189.31)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 4s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, Ah, Qd ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (1.88)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 5d, Ah, Qd ]
Player4 balance $106, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $79.61, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $121.50, bet $4.38, collected $7.58, net +$3.20
Player1 balance $186.81, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052899524ht33h0j83vp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:14:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($85.76)
Seat 2: Hero ($116.19)
Seat 3: Player1 ($102.79)
Seat 4: Player2 ($105.81)
Seat 5: Player3 ($68.76)
Seat 6: Player4 ($154.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Ad ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $85.76, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $117.69, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $102.29, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $104.81, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $68.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $154.28, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052938266pkfw1cu7iv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:14:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($85.76)
Seat 2: Hero ($117.69)
Seat 3: Player6 ($102.29)
Seat 4: Player1 ($104.81)
Seat 5: Player2 ($68.76)
Seat 6: Player3 ($154.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 9h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Hero raises 3 to 3
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8h, 4c, Ts ]
Player4 checks
Hero bets (3.99)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.13 Rake: $0.37
Board: [ 8h, 4c, Ts ]
Player4 balance $82.76, lost $3 (folded)
Hero balance $121.82, bet $6.99, collected $11.12, net +$4.13
Player6 balance $102.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $104.31, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $67.76, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $154.28, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685052919814is29ajozc0g *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:15:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($106)
Seat 2: Player4 ($79.61)
Seat 3: Hero ($121.50)
Seat 4: Player6 ($186.81)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, 3c ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $107.50, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $79.61, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $121.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $186.81, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685053012120qflcap1h59r *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:15:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($107.50)
Seat 2: Player3 ($79.61)
Seat 3: Hero ($121.50)
Seat 4: Player5 ($186.81)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 2h ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3h, 7d, 8h ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (5.70)
Player1 raises 14.25 to 14.25
Player3 raises 42.75 to 48.45
Player1 calls (34.20)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6d ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (28.66)
Player3 is all-In.
Player1 calls (28.66)
Creating Main Pot with $ 157.22 with Player3
Player1 Cash-out Premium % is 1.0
Player1 opted for cash-out
Player1 probabilty is 70.46
Player1 Cashout Amount is 109.67
** Dealing River ** : [ 3s ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $157.22 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 3h, 7d, 8h, 6d, 3s ]
Player2 balance $106.50, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $0, lost $79.61[ 9h, Kh ] [ a pair of threes -- Kh,9h,8h,3h,3s ]
Hero balance $121.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $186.81, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 Cashed out balance $130.06, bet $79.61, collected $109.67, net +
$30.06[ 8s, 8d ] [ a fullhouse, eights full of threes -- 8s,8d,8h,3h,3s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685053003880628lou90dho *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:15:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($82.76)
Seat 2: Hero ($121.82)
Seat 3: Player5 ($102.29)
Seat 4: Player6 ($104.31)
Seat 5: Player1 ($67.76)
Seat 6: Player2 ($154.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, Jd ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero raises 5.50 to 5.50
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (5)
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, 9h, Js ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2c ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
Hero bets (9.31)
Player1 folds
Player3 calls (9.31)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2s ]
Player3 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $34.32 Rake: $1.7999998
Board: [ 3d, 9h, Js, 2c, 2s ]
Player3 balance $67.95, lost $14.81[ 6s, 6h ] [ two pairs, sixes and twos --
Js,6s,6h,2c,2s ]
Hero balance $141.33, bet $14.81, collected $34.32, net +$19.51[ Ts, Jd ] [ two
pairs, jacks and twos -- Jd,Js,Ts,2c,2s ]
Player5 balance $102.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $104.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $62.26, lost $5.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $153.28, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168505303503671ratphaucf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:16:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($67.95)
Seat 2: Hero ($141.33)
Seat 3: Player4 ($102.29)
Seat 4: Player5 ($104.31)
Seat 5: Player6 ($62.26)
Seat 6: Player1 ($153.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 5c ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 raises 5 to 6
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $69.95, bet $6, collected $8, net +$2
Hero balance $141.33, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $102.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $104.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $62.26, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $151.28, lost $2 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685053029531ec5we04629l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:16:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player5 ($0)
Seat 3: Hero ($121.50)
Seat 4: Player2 ($186.81)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($130.06)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, Qd ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $0, sits out
Hero balance $121, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $185.81, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $101.50, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $130.06, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685053048275eun5tfllycp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:17:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player5 ($0)
Seat 3: Hero ($121)
Seat 4: Player1 ($185.81)
Seat 5: Player2 ($101.50)
Seat 6: Player3 ($130.06)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 9h ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero raises 8.50 to 8.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $0, sits out
Hero balance $125, bet $8.50, collected $12.50, net +$4
Player1 balance $185.31, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $127.56, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850531108757synr7ydeh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:17:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($69.95)
Seat 2: Hero ($141.33)
Seat 3: Player3 ($102.29)
Seat 4: Player4 ($104.31)
Seat 5: Player5 ($62.26)
Seat 6: Player6 ($151.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero raises 8 to 9
Player1 calls (6)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, 2c, 5s ]
Player1 bets (11.40)
Hero calls (11.40)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6d ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3h ]
Player1 bets (25.84)
Hero calls (25.84)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $89.48 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Js, 2c, 5s, 6d, 3h ]
Player1 balance $23.71, lost $46.24[ 2h, As ] [ a pair of twos -- As,Js,6d,2h,2c ]
Hero balance $184.57, bet $46.24, collected $89.48, net +$43.24[ Th, Tc ] [ a pair
of tens -- Js,Th,Tc,6d,5s ]
Player3 balance $102.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $104.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $62.26, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $151.28, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850530967955c1j0c6czje *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:17:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player5 ($0)
Seat 3: Hero ($125)
Seat 4: Player4 ($185.31)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100.50)
Seat 6: Player2 ($127.56)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, Ks ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player1 raises 9.50 to 10
Player2 folds
Hero calls (7.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, 2s, Ts ]
Player1 bets (8.50)
Hero calls (8.50)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qd ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3d ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $36.10 Rake: $1.9
Board: [ Th, 2s, Ts, Qd, 3d ]
Player5 balance $0, sits out
Hero balance $106.50, lost $18.50[ Js, Ks ] [ a pair of tens -- Ks,Qd,Js,Th,Ts ]
Player4 balance $185.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $118.10, bet $18.50, collected $36.10, net +$17.60[ Qc, Kd ] [ two
pairs, queens and tens -- Kd,Qc,Qd,Th,Ts ]
Player2 balance $126.56, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168505316828938c9nobwl2j *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 18:18:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 55 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($23.71)
Seat 2: Hero ($184.57)
Seat 3: Player2 ($102.29)
Seat 4: Player3 ($104.31)
Seat 5: Player4 ($62.26)
Seat 6: Player5 ($151.28)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 7d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $23.71, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $184.07, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.29, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $104.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $62.26, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $152.78, bet $2, collected $3.50, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 16850605904667lfcnlsj4u5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:22:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($98.50)
Seat 2: Player1 ($108.25)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($54.10)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($110.11)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, 7c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player5 raises 7 to 7
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
Player4 calls (4.76)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, 8d, 3h ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (10.50)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $14.73 Rake: $0.77
Board: [ 9d, 8d, 3h ]
Player6 balance $98.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $107.75, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $54.10, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $93, lost $7 (folded)
Player5 balance $117.84, bet $17.50, collected $25.23, net +$7.73

***** Hand History For Game 1685060676172on2ziyfybb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:23:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($98.50)
Seat 2: Player6 ($107.75)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($54.10)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($117.84)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, 5c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 5.50 to 5.50
Hero folds
Player2 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Tc, Ac, Kd ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (3.64)
Player2 calls (3.64)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ah ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (5.95)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $17.85 Rake: $0.93
Board: [ Tc, Ac, Kd, Ah ]
Player5 balance $98.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $116.46, bet $15.09, collected $23.80, net +$8.71
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $44.96, lost $9.14 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $117.84, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850607443280ugm7nzmj32 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:24:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($98.50)
Seat 2: Player5 ($116.46)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($44.96)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($117.84)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, 7c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, Ac, 4s ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (1.99)
Player4 folds
Player1 calls (1.99)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ts ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (9.29)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.64 Rake: $0.34
Board: [ 4c, Ac, 4s, Ts ]
Player4 balance $97.50, lost $1 (folded)
Player5 balance $116.46, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $41.97, lost $2.99 (folded)
Player2 balance $103.65, bet $12.28, collected $15.93, net +$3.65
Player3 balance $117.84, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685060766865wbkyuednh8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:25:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($97.50)
Seat 2: Player4 ($116.46)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($41.97)
Seat 5: Player1 ($103.65)
Seat 6: Player2 ($117.84)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, As ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $97.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $117.96, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $41.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $103.15, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $116.84, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685060880570ykqi6inrcxn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:26:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($97.50)
Seat 2: Player3 ($117.96)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($41.97)
Seat 5: Player6 ($103.15)
Seat 6: Player1 ($116.84)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 2d ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 could not respond in time.(disconnected)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ah, Kh, 4h ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (1.66)
Player2 calls (1.66)
Player3 calls (1.66)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6s ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (4.03)
Player2 calls (4.03)
Player3 calls (4.03)
** Dealing River ** : [ Qs ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (13.03)
Player5 calls (13.03)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $44.30 Rake: $2.33
Board: [ Ah, Kh, 4h, 6s, Qs ]
Player2 balance $90.81, lost $6.69 (folded)
Player3 balance $142.54, bet $19.72, collected $44.30, net +$24.58[ 4s, As ] [ two
pairs, aces and fours -- As,Ah,Kh,4s,4h ]
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $22.25, lost $19.72[ 3d, Ad ] [ a pair of aces -- Ad,Ah,Kh,Qs,6s ]
Player6 balance $103.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $116.34, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685060896563tusgbib3ny8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:28:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($90.81)
Seat 2: Player2 ($142.54)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($22.25)
Seat 5: Player6 ($103.15)
Seat 6: Player5 ($116.34)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, Jd ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $90.31, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $141.54, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $23.75, bet $2, collected $3.50, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $103.15, sits out
Player5 balance $116.34, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685060958632v1isvprp9p *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:28:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($90.31)
Seat 2: Player1 ($141.54)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($23.75)
Seat 5: Player4 ($103.15)
Seat 6: Player5 ($116.34)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, Ac ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, 6c, 4h ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jd ]
Player1 bets (2.85)
Hero raises 16 to 16
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.27 Rake: $0.43
Board: [ 4c, 6c, 4h, Jd ]
Player6 balance $89.31, lost $1 (folded)
Player1 balance $137.69, lost $3.85 (folded)
Hero balance $104.42, bet $17, collected $21.42, net +$4.42
Player3 balance $23.75, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $103.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $116.34, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850610000186u8biuid80u *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:29:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($89.31)
Seat 2: Player6 ($137.69)
Seat 3: Hero ($104.42)
Seat 4: Player2 ($23.75)
Seat 5: Player3 ($103.15)
Seat 6: Player4 ($116.34)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, 5h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $89.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $137.69, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $103.92, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $24.25, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $103.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $116.34, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061065997vum7j0u9u2c *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:30:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($89.31)
Seat 2: Player5 ($137.69)
Seat 3: Hero ($103.92)
Seat 4: Player1 ($24.25)
Seat 5: Player2 ($103.15)
Seat 6: Player3 ($116.34)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 8c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6s, 9s, 2h ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4d ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ As ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 6s, 9s, 2h, 4d, As ]
Player4 balance $89.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $137.69, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $106.65, bet $2.50, collected $5.23, net +$2.73[ Ks, 8c ] [ high card
ace -- As,Ks,9s,8c,6s ]
Player1 balance $23.75, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.65, lost $2.50[ Js, Td ] [ high card ace -- As,Js,Td,9s,6s ]
Player3 balance $116.34, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850610963986hhzp46lnym *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:31:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($89.31)
Seat 2: Player4 ($137.69)
Seat 3: Hero ($106.65)
Seat 4: Player6 ($23.75)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100.65)
Seat 6: Player2 ($116.34)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, Js, 4d ]
Player2 bets (1.78)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ 6c, Js, 4d ]
Player3 balance $89.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $136.69, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $106.65, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $23.75, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100.15, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $117.72, bet $2.78, collected $4.16, net +$1.38

***** Hand History For Game 1685061102139pssa2whwvu *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:31:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($100)
Seat 2: Player1 ($195.53)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($114.61)
Seat 5: Player4 ($102.28)
Seat 6: Player5 ($162.14)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 3s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $196.53, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $114.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $102.28, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $162.14, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061126800xm5ujgh2wd7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:31:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($89.31)
Seat 2: Player3 ($136.69)
Seat 3: Hero ($106.65)
Seat 4: Player5 ($23.75)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100.15)
Seat 6: Player1 ($117.72)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, Ad ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ks, Js, Qs ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (2.38)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ Ks, Js, Qs ]
Player2 balance $88.31, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $136.69, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $106.65, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $25.13, bet $3.38, collected $4.76, net +$1.38
Player6 balance $100.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $117.22, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061137997s37g4ua3ep *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:31:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($100)
Seat 2: Player6 ($196.53)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($114.61)
Seat 5: Player3 ($102.28)
Seat 6: Player4 ($162.14)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 2d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8h, As, 9c ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (3.48)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 8h, As, 9c ]
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $199.26, bet $5.98, collected $8.71, net +$2.73
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $112.11, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.28, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $162.14, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061149454jtxlbzd1jap *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:32:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($88.31)
Seat 2: Player2 ($136.69)
Seat 3: Hero ($106.65)
Seat 4: Player4 ($25.13)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100.15)
Seat 6: Player6 ($117.22)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 4s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $87.81, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $137.19, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $106.65, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $25.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $117.22, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061174537vsoln4lptor *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:32:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($100)
Seat 2: Player5 ($199.26)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($112.11)
Seat 5: Player2 ($102.28)
Seat 6: Player3 ($162.14)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 9.50 to 10
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.40 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $97.80, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player5 balance $199.26, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $115.31, bet $10, collected $13.20, net +$3.20
Player2 balance $101.28, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $162.14, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061178796sf99g2ahk0r *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:32:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($87.81)
Seat 2: Player1 ($137.19)
Seat 3: Hero ($106.65)
Seat 4: Player3 ($25.13)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100.15)
Seat 6: Player5 ($117.22)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, Ts ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2 to 2
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh, Ad, Ks ]
Hero checks
Player6 bets (1.42)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.28 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ Jh, Ad, Ks ]
Player6 balance $90.09, bet $3.42, collected $5.70, net +$2.28
Player1 balance $136.69, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $104.65, lost $2 (folded)
Player3 balance $25.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $117.22, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061222413xg2yjnmtuv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:32:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($100)
Seat 2: Player4 ($199.26)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($115.31)
Seat 5: Player1 ($101.28)
Seat 6: Player2 ($162.14)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 2h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, Ah, Ks ]
Player1 checks
Player4 bets (5.70)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 2s, Ah, Ks ]
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $202.46, bet $8.20, collected $11.40, net +$3.20
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $115.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $98.78, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $161.14, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168506121984531cgirllq99 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:33:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($90.09)
Seat 2: Player6 ($136.69)
Seat 3: Hero ($104.65)
Seat 4: Player2 ($25.13)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100.15)
Seat 6: Player4 ($117.22)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, 8c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero calls (2)
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qc, 3s, 2s ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (2.37)
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.13 Rake: $0.37
Board: [ Qc, 3s, 2s ]
Player5 balance $90.09, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $141.32, bet $4.87, collected $9.50, net +$4.63
Hero balance $102.15, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $22.63, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $100.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $117.22, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061268987phy5np7fxq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:33:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($90.09)
Seat 2: Player5 ($141.32)
Seat 3: Hero ($102.15)
Seat 4: Player1 ($22.63)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100.15)
Seat 6: Player3 ($117.22)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 8d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, Jh, Kc ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jc ]
Player1 bets (1)
Player2 folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ 7h, Jh, Kc, Jc ]
Player4 balance $90.09, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $140.32, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $102.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $24.48, bet $2, collected $3.85, net +$1.85
Player2 balance $99.15, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $117.22, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061286921505ubf3nyv3 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:33:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($100)
Seat 2: Player3 ($202.46)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($115.31)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($161.14)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 2d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2 to 2
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jc, Tc, Ac ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (3.04)
Player2 calls (3.04)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9h ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (7.14)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.06 Rake: $0.52000004
Board: [ Jc, Tc, Ac, 9h ]
Player2 balance $94.96, lost $5.04 (folded)
Player3 balance $202.46, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $115.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $105.02, bet $12.18, collected $17.20, net +$5.02
Player1 balance $160.64, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061301299dd0hf0ht64l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:34:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 57 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($30.57)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($117.41)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 3h ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 calls (2)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, 4s, 4h ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (1.88)
Player1 calls (1.88)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7d ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (6.96)
Player1 calls (6.96)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2s ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $22.50 Rake: $1.18
Board: [ 2d, 4s, 4h, 7d, 2s ]
Player1 balance $19.23, lost $11.34[ 5s, 3s ] [ two pairs, fours and twos --
7d,4s,4h,2d,2s ]
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $128.57, bet $11.34, collected $22.50, net +$11.16[ 8c, Qc ] [ two
pairs, fours and twos -- Qc,4s,4h,2d,2s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685061278335zfdq7w6vrm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:34:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($90.09)
Seat 2: Player4 ($140.32)
Seat 3: Hero ($102.15)
Seat 4: Player6 ($24.48)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($117.22)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 2d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $90.09, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $140.32, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $102.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $24.48, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $117.72, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
***** Hand History For Game 1685061300805914yinis13f *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:34:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($90.09)
Seat 2: Player3 ($140.32)
Seat 3: Hero ($102.15)
Seat 4: Player5 ($24.48)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($117.72)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, 8s ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 4.50 to 5
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $89.09, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $139.32, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $102.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $24.48, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $119.72, bet $5, collected $7, net +$2

***** Hand History For Game 1685061347931vf0fhb8mmj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:34:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($100)
Seat 2: Player2 ($202.46)
Seat 3: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($115.31)
Seat 5: Player5 ($105.02)
Seat 6: Player6 ($160.64)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, Ks ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 2 to 3
Player5 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s, 7c, Jc ]
Player2 bets (6.18)
Player5 calls (6.18)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9s ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Qh ]
Player2 bets (11.94)
Player5 calls (11.94)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $40.61 Rake: $2.13
Board: [ 4s, 7c, Jc, 9s, Qh ]
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $221.95, bet $21.12, collected $40.61, net +$19.49[ Qd, As ] [ a
pair of queens -- As,Qd,Qh,Jc,9s ]
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $115.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $83.90, lost $21.12[ 7h, 5h ] [ a pair of sevens --
Qh,Jc,9s,7h,7c ]
Player6 balance $160.64, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061336452wj1ymvz4hto *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:35:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 57 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($19.23)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($128.57)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, 2d ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero calls (0.50)
Player2 raises 4 to 5
Player3 calls (4)
Hero calls (4)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, Kd, 8s ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (4.70)
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $14.25 Rake: $0.75
Board: [ 3s, Kd, 8s ]
Player3 balance $14.23, lost $5 (folded)
Hero balance $95, lost $5 (folded)
Player2 balance $137.82, bet $9.70, collected $18.95, net +$9.25

***** Hand History For Game 1685061367217l6kwqief22 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:35:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($89.09)
Seat 2: Player2 ($139.32)
Seat 3: Hero ($102.15)
Seat 4: Player4 ($24.48)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($119.72)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, Td ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 raises 6.75 to 6.75
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero calls (4.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, Jc, Th ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (6.50)
Hero calls (6.50)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ah ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (11.23)
Player4 is all-In.
Hero calls (11.23)
Creating Main Pot with $ 47.94 with Player4
Player4 Cash-out Premium % is 1.0
Player4 opted for cash-out
Player4 probabilty is 22.72
Player4 Cashout Amount is 10.78
** Dealing River ** : [ 5h ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $47.94 Rake: $2.52
Board: [ 4c, Jc, Th, Ah, 5h ]
Player1 balance $88.59, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $138.32, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $125.61, bet $24.48, collected $47.94, net +$23.46[ Ac, Td ] [ two
pairs, aces and tens -- Ac,Ah,Jc,Td,Th ]
Player4 Cashed out balance $10.78, bet $24.48, collected $10.78, lost $13.70[ Ad,
Kc ] [ a pair of aces -- Ad,Ah,Kc,Jc,Th ]
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $119.72, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850613521517g56y8vm9vt *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:35:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 57 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($14.23)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($137.82)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, Th ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ac, As, 2s ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (2.38)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ Ac, As, 2s ]
Player2 balance $11.98, lost $2.25 (folded)
Hero balance $102.50, bet $4.63, collected $7.13, net +$2.50
Player1 balance $137.32, lost $0.50 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 16850613771568izm8rfi6fi *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:35:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 57 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($11.98)
Seat 4: Hero ($102.50)
Seat 6: Player3 ($137.32)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, 5c ]
Player3 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, Tc, Jd ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Js ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ac ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ 4c, Tc, Jd, Js, Ac ]
Player1 balance $10.98, lost $1[ 7h, Qh ] [ a pair of jacks -- Ac,Qh,Jd,Js,Tc ]
Hero balance $103.40, bet $1, collected $1.90, net +$0.90[ Kd, 5c ] [ a pair of
jacks -- Ac,Kd,Jd,Js,Tc ]
Player3 balance $137.32, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061413301odalzt6wuir *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:36:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($88.59)
Seat 2: Player1 ($138.32)
Seat 3: Hero ($125.61)
Seat 4: Player3 ($10.78)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($119.72)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero raises 1.50 to 2.50
Player1 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ As, Ac, 4h ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (2.66)
Player1 calls (2.66)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8c ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (5.49)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.81 Rake: $0.51
Board: [ As, Ac, 4h, 8c ]
Player6 balance $88.59, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $133.16, lost $5.16 (folded)
Hero balance $130.26, bet $10.65, collected $15.30, net +$4.65
Player3 balance $10.78, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $119.72, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061383847ae2hczyxx94 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:36:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 57 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($10.98)
Seat 4: Hero ($103.40)
Seat 6: Player2 ($137.32)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, 5c ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $10.98, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $102.90, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $137.82, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685061396896wynlf8x0ya *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:36:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 57 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($10.98)
Seat 4: Hero ($102.90)
Seat 6: Player1 ($137.82)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 6d ]
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $9.98, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $102.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $138.82, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 1685061418737y1ot27xffbc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:36:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 57 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($9.98)
Seat 4: Hero ($102.90)
Seat 6: Player3 ($138.82)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, Th ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 calls (2)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, Ad, 6s ]
Player1 bets (5.70)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ Js, Ad, 6s ]
Player1 balance $13.18, bet $8.20, collected $11.40, net +$3.20
Hero balance $101.90, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $136.32, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061454628yipx8d17m7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:36:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($88.59)
Seat 2: Player6 ($133.16)
Seat 3: Hero ($130.26)
Seat 4: Player2 ($10.78)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($119.72)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 3c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 raises 9.78 to 10.78
Player2 is all-In.
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $87.59, lost $1 (folded)
Player6 balance $133.16, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $129.76, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $12.28, bet $10.78, collected $12.28, net +$1.50
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $119.72, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061432923b3m3dsbztzb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:36:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 57 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($13.18)
Seat 4: Hero ($101.90)
Seat 6: Player2 ($136.32)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 2h ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player2 raises 14 to 15
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $12.18, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $101.40, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $137.82, bet $15, collected $16.50, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 16850614455956cnep9ec8kd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:37:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 57 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($12.18)
Seat 4: Hero ($101.40)
Seat 6: Player1 ($137.82)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, 9h ]
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $11.18, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $101.40, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $138.82, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 168506147750042uo0r3cikf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:37:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 57 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($11.18)
Seat 4: Hero ($101.40)
Seat 6: Player3 ($138.82)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, Th ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, 9h, 5s ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (1.72)
Hero calls (1.72)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Td ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (6.37)
Hero calls (6.37)
** Dealing River ** : [ 4h ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (10.30)
Hero calls (10.30)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $40.28 Rake: $2.0
Board: [ 2s, 9h, 5s, Td, 4h ]
Player1 balance $10.68, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $120.79, bet $20.89, collected $40.28, net +$19.39[ Jc, Th ] [ a pair
of tens -- Jc,Th,Td,9h,5s ]
Player3 balance $117.93, lost $20.89[ 8h, 7c ] [ high card ten -- Td,9h,8h,7c,5s ]

***** Hand History For Game 168506152662938zlsqt0c4b *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:37:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($87.59)
Seat 2: Player5 ($133.16)
Seat 3: Hero ($129.76)
Seat 4: Player1 ($12.28)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($119.72)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, Kc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 calls (1)
Hero raises 5.50 to 5.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (4.50)
Player5 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s, 6c, Th ]
Player4 bets (4.27)
Hero calls (4.27)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9c ]
Player4 checks
Hero bets (15.91)
Player4 calls (15.91)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2c ]
Player4 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $51.17 Rake: $2.69
Board: [ 4s, 6c, Th, 9c, 2c ]
Player4 balance $61.91, lost $25.68[ 8s, 8h ] [ a pair of eights --
Th,9c,8s,8h,6c ]
Player5 balance $132.16, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $155.25, bet $25.68, collected $51.17, net +$25.49[ Ts, Kc ] [ a pair
of tens -- Kc,Ts,Th,9c,6c ]
Player1 balance $11.78, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $119.72, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168506152374542xpwgafb3q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:37:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 57 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($10.68)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($120.79)
Seat 6: Player2 ($117.93)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, 9d ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2h, Ks, 9h ]
Hero bets (2.85)
Player2 raises 9 to 9
Hero calls (6.15)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qs ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 8s ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (17.10)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $22.80 Rake: $1.2
Board: [ 2h, Ks, 9h, Qs, 8s ]
Player3 balance $10.68, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, sits out
Hero balance $108.79, lost $12 (folded)
Player2 balance $128.73, bet $29.10, collected $39.90, net +$10.80

***** Hand History For Game 168506157032704yrh9ltd55d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:38:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 57 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($10.68)
Seat 2: Player4 ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($108.79)
Seat 6: Player1 ($128.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 3h ]
Hero raises 2 to 2
Player1 raises 9.50 to 10
Player2 folds
Hero calls (8)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, 2h, 9c ]
Player1 bets (6.58)
Hero calls (6.58)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qh ]
Player1 bets (24.34)
Hero calls (24.34)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2d ]
Player1 bets (87.81)
Player1 is all-In.
Hero calls (67.87)
Hero is all-In.
Creating Main Pot with $ 216.58 with Hero
** Summary **
Main Pot: $216.58 Rake: $2.0
Board: [ Th, 2h, 9c, Qh, 2d ]
Player2 balance $9.68, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $100, sits out
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Hero balance $216.58, bet $108.79, collected $216.58, net +$107.79[ 3s, 3h ] [ two
pairs, threes and twos -- Qh,3s,3h,2h,2d ]
Player1 balance $19.94, bet $128.73, collected $19.94, lost $108.79[ Jh, As ] [ a
pair of twos -- As,Qh,Jh,2h,2d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685061560441d8c3asyn38q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:38:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($61.91)
Seat 2: Player4 ($132.16)
Seat 3: Hero ($155.25)
Seat 4: Player6 ($11.78)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($119.72)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 3 to 3
Player1 could not respond in time.(disconnected)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $61.91, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $132.16, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $155.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $13.28, bet $3, collected $4.50, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $118.72, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061586414ts312zzxlxa *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:39:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($61.91)
Seat 2: Player2 ($132.16)
Seat 3: Hero ($155.25)
Seat 4: Player4 ($13.28)
Seat 5: Player6 ($99.50)
Seat 6: Player5 ($118.72)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 7s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $61.41, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $132.66, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $155.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $13.28, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $99.50, sits out
Player5 balance $118.72, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061587277nj0snze6o8p *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:39:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 57 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($9.68)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($216.58)
Seat 5: Player6 ($50)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, Ad ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 10 to 11
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $9.18, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $103, bet $11, collected $14, net +$3
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Hero balance $216.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $50, sits out
Player4 balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16850616274657fa8t126stx *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:39:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 57 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($9.18)
Seat 2: Player1 ($103)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($216.58)
Seat 5: Player6 ($50)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 5s ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 10.50 to 11
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (8.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, Ks, Kc ]
Player1 bets (7.21)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $21.85 Rake: $1.15
Board: [ 6c, Ks, Kc ]
Player5 balance $9.18, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $113.85, bet $18.21, collected $29.06, net +$10.85
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $216.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $50, sits out
Player4 balance $89, lost $11 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061627723rv9f2oh2ey *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:39:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($61.41)
Seat 2: Player1 ($132.66)
Seat 3: Hero ($155.25)
Seat 4: Player3 ($13.28)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($118.72)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, Kc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player1 folds
Hero calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, 3c, Tc ]
Hero checks
Player6 bets (7.13)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.13 Rake: $0.37
Board: [ 8s, 3c, Tc ]
Player6 balance $65.04, bet $10.63, collected $14.26, net +$3.63
Player1 balance $132.16, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $151.75, lost $3.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $13.28, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $118.72, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685061686533j1p9dc2kauh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Thu May 25 20:40:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 38 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($65.04)
Seat 2: Player6 ($132.16)
Seat 3: Hero ($151.75)
Seat 4: Player2 ($13.28)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($118.72)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, 7h ]
Player3 could not respond in time.(disconnected)
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 calls (2.50)
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qd, Qh, 6s ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3s ]
Player2 bets (10.78)
Player2 is all-In.
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (10.78)
Creating Main Pot with $ 28.09 with Player2
** Dealing River ** : [ 9c ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $28.09 Rake: $1.47
Board: [ Qd, Qh, 6s, 3s, 9c ]
Player5 balance $62.54, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $146.97, bet $13.28, collected $28.09, net +$14.81[ Qc, Jh ]
[ three of a kind, queens -- Qc,Qd,Qh,Jh,9c ]
Hero balance $151.25, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $0, lost $13.28[ 4h, 6d ] [ two pairs, queens and sixes --
Qd,Qh,9c,6d,6s ]
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $118.72, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851373801611qxf3i9oret *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:42:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($104.04)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($108.06)
Seat 4: Player6 ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($19.61)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player1 folds
Hero raises 1.50 to 2.50
Player5 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ks, Kd, Kc ]
Hero bets (2.62)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ Ks, Kd, Kc ]
Player1 balance $103.54, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $102.73, bet $5.12, collected $7.85, net +$2.73
Player3 balance $108.06, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $17.11, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685137412600ciu568ogk7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:43:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($103.54)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.73)
Seat 3: Player2 ($108.06)
Seat 4: Player6 ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($17.11)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 6d ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 calls (2.20)
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kh, 2c, 7c ]
Player3 bets (1.85)
Player4 calls (1.85)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9c ]
Player3 bets (4.56)
Player4 calls (4.56)
** Dealing River ** : [ Qh ]
Player3 bets (11.74)
Player4 calls (8.50)
Player4 is all-In.
Creating Main Pot with $ 33.94 with Player4
** Summary **
Main Pot: $33.94 Rake: $1.78
Board: [ Kh, 2c, 7c, 9c, Qh ]
Player5 balance $103.54, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $102.23, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $107.06, lost $1 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player3 balance $116.83, bet $20.35, collected $37.18, net +$16.83[ Kc, Kd ]
[ three of a kind, kings -- Kc,Kd,Kh,Qh,9c ]
Player4 balance $0, lost $17.11[ Qc, 8h ] [ a pair of queens -- Kh,Qc,Qh,9c,8h ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685137446888o0o7xlgg4ie *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:43:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($103.54)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.23)
Seat 3: Player1 ($107.06)
Seat 4: Player2 ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($116.83)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 11 to 12
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $101.04, lost $2.50 (folded)
Hero balance $102.23, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $106.56, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $103, bet $12, collected $15, net +$3
Player3 balance $116.83, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685137532392s7oyicu5a8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:44:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($101.04)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.23)
Seat 3: Player5 ($106.56)
Seat 4: Player1 ($103)
Seat 5: Player2 ($116.83)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, Td ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 10.50 to 11
Player2 folds
Hero calls (8.80)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, Qh, Jc ]
Player1 bets (7.21)
Hero calls (7.21)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8c ]
Player1 bets (17.77)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $35.55 Rake: $1.87
Board: [ 3s, Qh, Jc, 8c ]
Player3 balance $101.04, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $84.02, lost $18.21 (folded)
Player5 balance $106.56, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $120.34, bet $35.98, collected $53.32, net +$17.34
Player2 balance $115.83, lost $1 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16851375956016zuqoqq6cqv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:45:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($101.04)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($106.56)
Seat 4: Player6 ($120.34)
Seat 5: Player1 ($115.83)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, Qd ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, 9c, Kc ]
Player2 bets (3.92)
Hero calls (3.92)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4s ]
Player2 bets (8.50)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.68 Rake: $0.66
Board: [ 6d, 9c, Kc, 4s ]
Player3 balance $101.04, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $93.58, lost $6.42 (folded)
Player5 balance $106.56, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $120.34, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $115.33, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $106.26, bet $14.92, collected $21.18, net +$6.26

***** Hand History For Game 16851376526589ugn30gex0u *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:46:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($101.04)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($106.56)
Seat 4: Player5 ($120.34)
Seat 5: Player6 ($115.33)
Seat 6: Player1 ($106.26)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, Jh ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, Tc, 7c ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7s ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 4c ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (1.90)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 5d, Tc, 7c, 7s, 4c ]
Player2 balance $100.04, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $103.20, bet $4.40, collected $7.60, net +$3.20
Player4 balance $106.56, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $120.34, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $115.33, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $103.76, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168513777469097o6emjrqz5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:49:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($149.79)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($147.18)
Seat 4: Player4 ($74.53)
Seat 5: Player5 ($202.57)
Seat 6: Player6 ($135.76)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 4c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (2)
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ac, Ts, Td ]
Player4 bets (3.71)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ Ac, Ts, Td ]
Player1 balance $149.29, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $147.18, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $77.76, bet $5.71, collected $8.94, net +$3.23
Player5 balance $202.57, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $133.76, lost $2 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 16851377864516h44zugd5to *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:49:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($149.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($147.18)
Seat 4: Player3 ($77.76)
Seat 5: Player4 ($202.57)
Seat 6: Player5 ($133.76)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $149.29, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $147.68, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $77.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $202.57, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $133.76, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685137850455o6eflrse0g *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:49:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($149.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($147.68)
Seat 4: Player2 ($77.76)
Seat 5: Player3 ($202.57)
Seat 6: Player4 ($133.76)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 2c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, Qh, Ad ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5d ]
Player1 bets (1)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.80 Rake: $0.2
Board: [ 8d, Qh, Ad, 5d ]
Player5 balance $149.29, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $149.48, bet $3, collected $4.80, net +$1.80
Player2 balance $75.76, lost $2 (folded)
Player3 balance $202.57, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $133.76, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685137863818nbjykd7tne *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:50:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($149.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($149.48)
Seat 4: Player1 ($75.76)
Seat 5: Player2 ($202.57)
Seat 6: Player3 ($133.76)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Jd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $149.29, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $101.50, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $149.48, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $75.26, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $201.57, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $133.76, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685137933255ynqx7syeb9k *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:51:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($103.20)
Seat 3: Player3 ($107.95)
Seat 4: Player4 ($112.42)
Seat 5: Player5 ($137.11)
Seat 6: Player6 ($94.47)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, Qc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (2.20)
Player1 folds
Hero raises 14 to 15
Player4 folds
Player6 calls (12.80)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, Ks, Qd ]
Hero checks
Player6 bets (23.30)
Hero calls (23.30)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8d ]
Hero checks
Player6 bets (41)
Hero calls (41)
** Dealing River ** : [ Js ]
Hero checks
Player6 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $158.30 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 8s, Ks, Qd, 8d, Js ]
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $23.90, lost $79.30[ Ah, Qc ] [ two pairs, queens and eights --
Ah,Qc,Qd,8s,8d ]
Player3 balance $107.95, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $110.22, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player5 balance $137.11, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $173.47, bet $79.30, collected $158.30, net +$79[ 7h, Kh ] [ two
pairs, kings and eights -- Kh,Ks,Qd,8s,8d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685137884711vsdx9uxa8ec *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:51:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($149.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 3: Player5 ($149.48)
Seat 4: Player6 ($75.26)
Seat 5: Player1 ($201.57)
Seat 6: Player2 ($133.76)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, Th ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $149.29, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $149.48, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $75.26, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $201.07, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $134.26, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685137895416zeu6t8f2one *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:51:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($149.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 3: Player4 ($149.48)
Seat 4: Player5 ($75.26)
Seat 5: Player6 ($201.07)
Seat 6: Player1 ($134.26)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 8s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $149.79, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $149.48, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $75.26, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $201.07, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $133.76, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685137908380y4fvrnj38d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:51:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($149.79)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 3: Player3 ($149.48)
Seat 4: Player4 ($75.26)
Seat 5: Player5 ($201.07)
Seat 6: Player6 ($133.76)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 3c ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $149.29, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $100.50, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $150.98, bet $2, collected $3.50, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $75.26, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $201.07, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $133.76, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685137919747dckhiplu0vu *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:51:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($149.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($100.50)
Seat 3: Player2 ($150.98)
Seat 4: Player3 ($75.26)
Seat 5: Player4 ($201.07)
Seat 6: Player5 ($133.76)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 9c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $149.29, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $151.48, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $75.26, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $201.07, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $133.76, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685137943972zkm0p5lwt7o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:51:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($149.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($151.48)
Seat 4: Player2 ($75.26)
Seat 5: Player3 ($201.07)
Seat 6: Player4 ($133.76)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, 6c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, Kd, 8h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (2.70)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.80 Rake: $0.2
Board: [ Td, Kd, 8h ]
Player5 balance $149.29, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $149.48, lost $2 (folded)
Player2 balance $77.06, bet $4.70, collected $6.50, net +$1.80
Player3 balance $201.07, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $133.76, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685137948385s6y44ofel2 *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:52:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($107.95)
Seat 4: Player3 ($110.22)
Seat 5: Player4 ($137.11)
Seat 6: Player5 ($173.47)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 2h ]
Player3 raises 2.30 to 2.30
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $106.95, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $111.72, bet $2.30, collected $3.80, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $137.11, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $173.47, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851379730150ivhekwot764 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:52:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($149.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($149.48)
Seat 4: Player1 ($77.06)
Seat 5: Player2 ($201.07)
Seat 6: Player3 ($133.76)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ As, Ad, 3h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (1.90)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.80 Rake: $0.2
Board: [ As, Ad, 3h ]
Player4 balance $149.29, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $149.48, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $75.06, lost $2 (folded)
Player2 balance $202.87, bet $3.90, collected $5.70, net +$1.80
Player3 balance $133.76, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685137993692p9o1gs4gj1 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:52:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($106.95)
Seat 4: Player2 ($111.72)
Seat 5: Player3 ($137.11)
Seat 6: Player4 ($173.47)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, Tc ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ad, Ks, Jc ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kc ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Js ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.66 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ Ad, Ks, Jc, Kc, Js ]
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $106.45, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $111.85, bet $2.20, collected $2.33, net +$0.13[ 8d, 7d ] [ two
pairs, kings and jacks -- Ad,Ks,Kc,Jc,Js ]
Player3 balance $137.24, bet $2.20, collected $2.33, net +$0.13[ Td, Ts ] [ two
pairs, kings and jacks -- Ad,Ks,Kc,Jc,Js ]
Player4 balance $173.47, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851379906043v7zpel9mrj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:52:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($149.29)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($149.48)
Seat 4: Player6 ($75.06)
Seat 5: Player1 ($202.87)
Seat 6: Player2 ($133.76)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 4s ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $150.79, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $149.48, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $75.06, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $202.37, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $132.76, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138032375d3qlr3lvock *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:53:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($150.79)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($149.48)
Seat 4: Player5 ($75.06)
Seat 5: Player6 ($202.37)
Seat 6: Player1 ($132.76)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 8h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, Ac, 7s ]
Player2 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qd ]
Player2 bets (7.85)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 3s, Ac, 7s, Qd ]
Player2 balance $153.52, bet $10.35, collected $13.08, net +$2.73
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $149.48, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $75.06, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $199.87, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $132.26, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138007967aq5laqrkwre *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:53:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($106.45)
Seat 4: Player1 ($111.85)
Seat 5: Player2 ($137.24)
Seat 6: Player3 ($173.47)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 5h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $106.45, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $111.35, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $137.74, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $173.47, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138025467m1npjzh4zf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:53:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($106.45)
Seat 4: Player6 ($111.35)
Seat 5: Player1 ($137.74)
Seat 6: Player2 ($173.47)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, 6d ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $101.50, bet $2.25, collected $3.75, net +$1.50
Player5 balance $106.45, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $111.35, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $137.24, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $172.47, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138052575knj68e3puck *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:53:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 3: Player4 ($106.45)
Seat 4: Player5 ($111.35)
Seat 5: Player6 ($137.24)
Seat 6: Player1 ($172.47)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 4s ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (1.50)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, 7d, 4d ]
Player1 bets (3.56)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 3d, 7d, 4d ]
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $104.45, lost $2 (folded)
Player5 balance $111.35, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $137.24, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $175.22, bet $5.56, collected $8.31, net +$2.75

***** Hand History For Game 1685138047693ocxhpmtra4 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:53:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($153.52)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($149.48)
Seat 4: Player4 ($75.06)
Seat 5: Player5 ($199.87)
Seat 6: Player6 ($132.26)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 6s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $153.02, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $149.48, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $76.56, bet $2, collected $3.50, net +$1.50
Player5 balance $199.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $132.26, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685138062054be024kmrrbd *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:54:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($153.02)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($149.48)
Seat 4: Player3 ($76.56)
Seat 5: Player4 ($199.87)
Seat 6: Player5 ($132.26)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 4c ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $153.02, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $148.48, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $78.06, bet $2, collected $3.50, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $199.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $132.26, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138081868vxix2hjc94 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:54:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 3: Player3 ($104.45)
Seat 4: Player4 ($111.35)
Seat 5: Player5 ($137.24)
Seat 6: Player6 ($175.22)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $100.50, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $104.45, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $112.85, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player5 balance $137.24, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $175.22, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851381321213ujedu2suao *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:54:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($153.02)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($148.48)
Seat 4: Player2 ($78.06)
Seat 5: Player3 ($199.87)
Seat 6: Player4 ($132.26)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.30 to 2.30
Player5 calls (2.30)
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, 4c, 6h ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (1.74)
Player4 raises 8 to 8
Player5 calls (6.26)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jc ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 2d ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $21 Rake: $1.1
Board: [ 8s, 4c, 6h, Jc, 2d ]
Player5 balance $163.72, bet $10.30, collected $21, net +$10.70[ 7c, 7d ] [ a pair
of sevens -- Jc,8s,7c,7d,6h ]
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $147.98, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $77.06, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $199.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $121.96, lost $10.30[ Ts, As ] [ high card ace -- As,Jc,Ts,8s,6h ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685138103594ppxlt4ioqpc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:54:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($100.50)
Seat 3: Player2 ($104.45)
Seat 4: Player3 ($112.85)
Seat 5: Player4 ($137.24)
Seat 6: Player5 ($175.22)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, Ad ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $101.50, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $103.45, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $112.85, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $137.24, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $175.22, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138130553oerdeyx58t *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:55:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 3: Player1 ($103.45)
Seat 4: Player2 ($112.85)
Seat 5: Player3 ($137.24)
Seat 6: Player4 ($175.22)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 9h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $103, bet $2.25, collected $3.75, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $102.95, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $111.85, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $137.24, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $175.22, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138165217w0i66rzhww *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:55:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($163.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($147.98)
Seat 4: Player1 ($77.06)
Seat 5: Player2 ($199.87)
Seat 6: Player3 ($121.96)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 5d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6s, Kd, 5h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (2.85)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.80 Rake: $0.2
Board: [ 6s, Kd, 5h ]
Player4 balance $163.72, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $147.98, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $75.06, lost $2 (folded)
Player2 balance $201.67, bet $4.85, collected $6.65, net +$1.80
Player3 balance $121.96, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138203139q3i7234bx8m *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:55:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($103)
Seat 3: Player6 ($102.95)
Seat 4: Player1 ($111.85)
Seat 5: Player2 ($137.24)
Seat 6: Player3 ($175.22)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 9c ]
Player3 raises 3 to 3
Player4 folds
Hero raises 8.50 to 8.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (5.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qd, 8d, Jc ]
Player3 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4s ]
Player3 bets (13.18)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $17.58 Rake: $0.92
Board: [ Qd, 8d, Jc, 4s ]
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $94.50, lost $8.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $102.95, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $111.35, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $136.24, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $184.30, bet $21.68, collected $30.76, net +$9.08
***** Hand History For Game 1685138204738oev9qaakfhg *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:56:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($163.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($147.98)
Seat 4: Player6 ($75.06)
Seat 5: Player1 ($201.67)
Seat 6: Player2 ($121.96)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, 4s ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (1.50)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6s, Tc, Qh ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (3.56)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 6s, Tc, Qh ]
Player3 balance $163.72, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $150.73, bet $5.56, collected $8.31, net +$2.75
Player6 balance $75.06, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $199.67, lost $2 (folded)
Player2 balance $120.96, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138218770vs004f70gd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:56:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($163.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($150.73)
Seat 4: Player5 ($75.06)
Seat 5: Player6 ($199.67)
Seat 6: Player1 ($120.96)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Tc ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $162.72, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $150.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $76.56, bet $2, collected $3.50, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $199.67, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $120.46, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851382499760nitlqpkyf5o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:56:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($102.95)
Seat 4: Player6 ($111.35)
Seat 5: Player1 ($136.24)
Seat 6: Player2 ($184.30)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, Jd ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ks, 9c, 2s ]
Player2 bets (1)
Player5 calls (1)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ As ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6d ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ Ks, 9c, 2s, As, 6d ]
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $106.13, bet $3, collected $6.18, net +$3.18[ 8s, 8c ] [ a pair of
eights -- As,Ks,9c,8s,8c ]
Player6 balance $111.35, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $135.74, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $181.30, lost $3[ Qd, 8h ] [ high card ace -- As,Ks,Qd,9c,8h ]

***** Hand History For Game 16851382293880cmpl3cc3xxe *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:56:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($162.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($150.73)
Seat 4: Player4 ($76.56)
Seat 5: Player5 ($199.67)
Seat 6: Player6 ($120.46)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, Ks ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $162.22, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $150.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $76.56, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $199.67, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $120.46, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851382572300i5ox5zn111j *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:57:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($162.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($100.50)
Seat 3: Player2 ($150.73)
Seat 4: Player3 ($76.56)
Seat 5: Player4 ($199.67)
Seat 6: Player5 ($120.46)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.30 to 2.30
Player6 raises 8.05 to 8.05
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.10 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $166.02, bet $8.05, collected $11.85, net +$3.80
Hero balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $149.73, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $76.56, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $199.67, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $118.16, lost $2.30 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138317749ytovakcm0u *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:57:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($106.13)
Seat 4: Player5 ($111.35)
Seat 5: Player6 ($135.74)
Seat 6: Player1 ($181.30)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Ah ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 7.50 to 7.50
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 21.50 to 22.50
Hero folds
Player6 calls (15)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6s, Td, 5s ]
Player2 bets (77.50)
Player2 is all-In.
Player6 calls (77.50)
Creating Main Pot with $ 200 with Player2
Player2 Cash-out Premium % is 1.0
Player2 opted for cash-out
Player2 probabilty is 92.43
Player2 Cashout Amount is 183.01
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4c ]
** Dealing River ** : [ Kd ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $200 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 6s, Td, 5s, 4c, Kd ]
Player2 Cashed out balance $183.01, bet $100, collected $183.01, net +$83.01[ Kc,
Ks ] [ three of a kind, kings -- Kc,Ks,Kd,Td,6s ]
Hero balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player4 balance $106.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $111.35, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $35.74, lost $100[ Qh, Qd ] [ a pair of queens -- Kd,Qh,Qd,Td,6s ]
Player1 balance $180.80, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138321038aha2mxr406q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:57:37 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($166.02)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($149.73)
Seat 4: Player2 ($76.56)
Seat 5: Player3 ($199.67)
Seat 6: Player4 ($118.16)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 6c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, Td, Ac ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (1.85)
Player1 calls (1.85)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3h ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (7.02)
Player1 calls (7.02)
** Dealing River ** : [ 9c ]
Player1 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.98 Rake: $1.2599999
Board: [ 4d, Td, Ac, 3h, 9c ]
Player5 balance $166.64, bet $11.37, collected $11.99, net +$0.62[ 6h, Ah ] [ a
pair of aces -- Ah,Ac,Td,9c,6h ]
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $150.35, bet $11.37, collected $11.99, net +$0.62[ 6s, As ] [ a
pair of aces -- As,Ac,Td,9c,6s ]
Player2 balance $74.06, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $199.67, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $118.16, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138338883xtmxbodboxm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:58:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($166.64)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($150.35)
Seat 4: Player1 ($74.06)
Seat 5: Player2 ($199.67)
Seat 6: Player3 ($118.16)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $166.64, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $101.50, bet $2.25, collected $3.75, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $150.35, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $73.56, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $198.67, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $118.16, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138374142ebxo6qspbq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:58:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($183.01)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($106.13)
Seat 4: Player4 ($111.35)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($180.80)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 9h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, 3s, 3d ]
Player1 bets (1.43)
Hero calls (1.43)
Player6 calls (1.43)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8c ]
Player1 bets (2.08)
Hero raises 8.30 to 8.30
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.88 Rake: $0.57
Board: [ 9d, 3s, 3d, 8c ]
Player1 balance $178.50, lost $4.51 (folded)
Hero balance $106.37, bet $10.73, collected $17.10, net +$6.37
Player3 balance $106.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $111.35, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $178.37, lost $2.43 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138371462akn84l8xve5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:58:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($166.64)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 3: Player5 ($150.35)
Seat 4: Player6 ($73.56)
Seat 5: Player1 ($198.67)
Seat 6: Player2 ($118.16)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2c, Kd, 5h ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jc ]
Player2 bets (3.57)
Player5 calls (3.57)
** Dealing River ** : [ 6h ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.16 Rake: $0.48
Board: [ 2c, Kd, 5h, Jc, 6h ]
Player3 balance $166.64, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $145.78, lost $4.57[ 9s, Qc ] [ high card king -- Kd,Qc,Jc,9s,6h ]
Player6 balance $73.56, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $198.17, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $122.75, bet $4.57, collected $9.16, net +$4.59[ 5s, 5c ] [ three
of a kind, fives -- Kd,Jc,5s,5c,5h ]

***** Hand History For Game 16851384200793qkv0hqmt36 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:59:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($166.64)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 3: Player4 ($145.78)
Seat 4: Player5 ($73.56)
Seat 5: Player6 ($198.17)
Seat 6: Player1 ($122.75)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, Ad ]
Hero folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, Qd, Ac ]
Player4 checks
Player6 bets (4.04)
Player4 calls (4.04)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4s ]
Player4 checks
Player6 bets (18.91)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.76 Rake: $0.82
Board: [ Jd, Qd, Ac, 4s ]
Player2 balance $165.64, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $138.24, lost $7.54 (folded)
Player5 balance $73.56, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $206.39, bet $26.45, collected $34.67, net +$8.22
Player1 balance $122.25, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851383911024uil198bbz *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:59:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($178.50)
Seat 2: Hero ($106.37)
Seat 3: Player2 ($106.13)
Seat 4: Player3 ($111.35)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($178.37)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, 9s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $178.50, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $105.87, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $106.63, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $111.35, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $178.37, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138408954axanmz9f5km *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 17:59:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($178.50)
Seat 2: Hero ($105.87)
Seat 3: Player1 ($106.63)
Seat 4: Player2 ($111.35)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($178.37)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 4h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $178.50, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $105.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $107.63, bet $2, collected $3, net +$1
Player2 balance $110.35, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $178.37, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851384959103tu7ywra8gn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:00:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($178.50)
Seat 2: Hero ($105.87)
Seat 3: Player6 ($107.63)
Seat 4: Player1 ($110.35)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($178.37)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 7d ]
Player3 raises 3 to 3
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 5 to 5
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, 2d, Ts ]
Player3 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6s ]
Player3 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3h ]
Player3 bets (5.46)
Player6 calls (5.46)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $21.30 Rake: $1.12
Board: [ 5c, 2d, Ts, 6s, 3h ]
Player4 balance $178.50, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $105.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $97.17, lost $10.46[ As, Qd ] [ high card ace -- As,Qd,Ts,6s,5c ]
Player1 balance $109.85, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $189.21, bet $10.46, collected $21.30, net +$10.84[ Kh, Ac ] [ high
card ace -- Ac,Kh,Ts,6s,5c ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685138510833ip0mbudkep *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:01:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($178.50)
Seat 2: Hero ($105.87)
Seat 3: Player5 ($97.17)
Seat 4: Player6 ($109.85)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($189.21)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, 9c ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $178.50, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $105.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $97.17, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $111.35, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $188.21, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138555651lt53bxir5h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:01:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($178.50)
Seat 2: Hero ($105.87)
Seat 3: Player4 ($97.17)
Seat 4: Player5 ($111.35)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($188.21)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 9d ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 raises 8.82 to 9.82
Player1 calls (7.82)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, 7d, Kd ]
Player1 bets (13.99)
Player2 calls (13.99)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (38.45)
Player1 calls (38.45)
** Dealing River ** : [ 9h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $121.52 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 8s, 7d, Kd, 4c, 9h ]
Player2 balance $237.76, bet $62.26, collected $121.52, net +$59.26[ Ac, Kh ] [ a
pair of kings -- Ac,Kh,Kd,9h,8s ]
Hero balance $105.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $97.17, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $111.35, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $125.95, lost $62.26[ Tc, Kc ] [ a pair of kings --
Kc,Kd,Tc,9h,8s ]

***** Hand History For Game 16851385805299ta76ovykc8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:02:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($237.76)
Seat 2: Hero ($105.87)
Seat 3: Player3 ($97.17)
Seat 4: Player4 ($111.35)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($125.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, 6s ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $237.26, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $104.87, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $98.67, bet $2, collected $3.50, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $111.35, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $125.95, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138630939rts4zxvi5db *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:03:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($237.26)
Seat 2: Hero ($104.87)
Seat 4: Player2 ($111.35)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($125.95)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 9s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero raises 11 to 11.50
Player2 folds
Player5 calls (9)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8c, 6s, 3h ]
Hero bets (12.80)
Player5 calls (12.80)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3s ]
Hero bets (80.57)
Hero is all-In.
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $47.12 Rake: $2.48
Board: [ 8c, 6s, 3h, 3s ]
Player5 balance $212.96, lost $24.30 (folded)
Hero balance $127.69, bet $104.87, collected $127.69, net +$22.82
Player2 balance $110.35, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $125.95, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685138659099agaid0qzcvu *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:03:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($212.96)
Seat 2: Hero ($127.69)
Seat 4: Player1 ($110.35)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($125.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 5h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Tc, 6h, 3h ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (4.45)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ Tc, 6h, 3h ]
Player4 balance $215.69, bet $6.95, collected $9.68, net +$2.73
Hero balance $127.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $109.85, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $125.95, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138700297oi89y4aymqd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:04:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($215.69)
Seat 2: Hero ($127.69)
Seat 4: Player5 ($109.85)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($125.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, Ac ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qc, 2h, 2d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (1.36)
Player2 calls (1.36)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3s ]
Player2 bets (5.85)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.81 Rake: $0.41
Board: [ Qc, 2h, 2d, 5d, 3s ]
Player3 balance $211.83, lost $3.86 (folded)
Hero balance $127.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $109.85, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $129.90, bet $9.71, collected $13.66, net +$3.95

***** Hand History For Game 1685138748129krqo39snmcd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:05:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($211.83)
Seat 2: Hero ($127.69)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($109.85)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($129.90)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, Ad ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, Th, 2c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (3.14)
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (3.14)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5s ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (10.40)
Player1 calls (10.40)
** Dealing River ** : [ 9c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $32 Rake: $1.68
Board: [ 4d, Th, 2c, 5s, 9c ]
Player2 balance $228.09, bet $15.74, collected $32, net +$16.26[ Jh, Td ] [ a pair
of tens -- Jh,Td,Th,9c,5s ]
Hero balance $127.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player4 balance $109.85, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $97.80, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player1 balance $114.16, lost $15.74[ 7h, Tc ] [ a pair of tens -- Tc,Th,9c,7h,5s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685138796176j5e4zheycnl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:05:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($228.09)
Seat 2: Hero ($127.69)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($109.85)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($114.16)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player1 raises 9.32 to 9.82
Hero folds
Player5 calls (7.82)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6s, 6d, As ]
Player1 bets (5.10)
Player5 calls (5.10)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5h ]
Player1 bets (7.62)
Player5 calls (7.62)
** Dealing River ** : [ Tc ]
Player1 bets (4.38)
Player5 calls (4.38)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $52.10 Rake: $2.74
Board: [ 6s, 6d, As, 5h, Tc ]
Player1 balance $201.17, lost $26.92[ Jc, Jd ] [ two pairs, jacks and sixes --
As,Jc,Jd,6s,6d ]
Hero balance $126.69, lost $1 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player3 balance $109.85, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $139.34, bet $26.92, collected $52.10, net +$25.18[ 3h, Ah ] [ two
pairs, aces and sixes -- Ah,As,Tc,6s,6d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685138823127yqi9u2109l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:06:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($201.17)
Seat 2: Hero ($126.69)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($109.85)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($139.34)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, Qh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $202.67, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Hero balance $126.19, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $109.85, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $139.34, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138842773p7zxyd5znp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:07:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($202.67)
Seat 2: Hero ($126.19)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($109.85)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($139.34)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, 6c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $202.67, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $127.69, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $108.85, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $139.34, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138878408o80w02nwq1 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:07:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($202.67)
Seat 2: Hero ($127.69)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($108.85)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($139.34)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, 8s ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 3.50 to 4
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $202.67, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $127.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $110.85, bet $4, collected $6, net +$2
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $138.34, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138938625oq12hjcd5g *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:08:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($202.67)
Seat 2: Hero ($127.69)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($110.85)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($138.34)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 2d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9c, 8s, 3c ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (2.61)
Player2 raises 10.44 to 10.44
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.19 Rake: $0.53
Board: [ 9c, 8s, 3c ]
Player3 balance $202.67, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $127.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $105.74, lost $5.11 (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $143.42, bet $12.94, collected $18.02, net +$5.08

***** Hand History For Game 168513895186925re0txr6a8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:09:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($202.67)
Seat 2: Hero ($127.69)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($105.74)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($143.42)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, 9d ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $203.17, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $127.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $105.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $142.92, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685138972684q827l494u6 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:09:15 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($203.17)
Seat 2: Hero ($127.69)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($105.74)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($142.92)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, 7d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.30 to 2.30
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero raises 11 to 12
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.10 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $202.67, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $130.49, bet $12, collected $14.80, net +$2.80
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $103.44, lost $2.30 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $142.92, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685139003910lo3xmltrni *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:09:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($202.67)
Seat 2: Hero ($130.49)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($103.44)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($142.92)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 7h ]
Player3 raises 2.30 to 2.30
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.30)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kh, 8h, 3s ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (2.42)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.85 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ Kh, 8h, 3s ]
Player6 balance $202.67, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $129.99, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $97.70, lost $2.30 (folded)
Player3 balance $105.99, bet $4.72, collected $7.27, net +$2.55
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $142.92, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685139043809zz09962e0d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:10:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($202.67)
Seat 2: Hero ($129.99)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($142.92)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 2h ]
Player3 raises 3 to 3
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 11.50 to 12
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (9)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, Ac, 6c ]
Player1 bets (7.84)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.75 Rake: $1.25
Board: [ 9s, Ac, 6c ]
Player4 balance $202.67, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $129.99, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $111.75, bet $19.84, collected $31.59, net +$11.75
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $130.92, lost $12 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851390673181uc8hglp6x9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:10:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($202.67)
Seat 2: Hero ($129.99)
Seat 3: Player5 ($111.75)
Seat 4: Player6 ($100)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($130.92)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, Ts ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $202.67, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $129.99, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $111.75, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player1 balance $101, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $129.92, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685139124531mpiarct9lz *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:11:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($202.67)
Seat 2: Hero ($129.99)
Seat 3: Player5 ($111.75)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Player6 ($101)
Seat 6: Player1 ($129.92)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 8h ]
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player3 checks
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kd, Kc, 9d ]
Player1 bets (2.13)
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (2.13)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5s ]
Player1 bets (5.17)
Player3 calls (5.17)
** Dealing River ** : [ Td ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.72 Rake: $0.88
Board: [ Kd, Kc, 9d, 5s, Td ]
Player2 balance $201.67, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $129.99, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $111.75, didn't bet (folded)
Player3 balance $108.42, bet $8.30, collected $16.72, net +$8.42[ 3c, Kh ] [ three
of a kind, kings -- Kh,Kd,Kc,Td,9d ]
Player6 balance $101, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $121.62, lost $8.30[ 5d, As ] [ two pairs, kings and fives --
As,Kd,Kc,5d,5s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685139146128hxye93oovm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:12:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($201.67)
Seat 2: Hero ($129.99)
Seat 3: Player3 ($111.75)
Seat 4: Player4 ($108.42)
Seat 5: Player5 ($101)
Seat 6: Player6 ($121.62)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 5d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $201.17, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $130.49, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $111.75, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $108.42, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $101, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $121.62, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685139163239jas9hps9eu *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:12:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($201.17)
Seat 2: Hero ($130.49)
Seat 3: Player2 ($111.75)
Seat 4: Player3 ($108.42)
Seat 5: Player4 ($101)
Seat 6: Player5 ($121.62)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 8d ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $201.17, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $129.99, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $110.75, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $109.92, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $101, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $121.62, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685139207219dvr8vpu17cq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:12:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($201.17)
Seat 2: Hero ($129.99)
Seat 3: Player1 ($110.75)
Seat 4: Player2 ($109.92)
Seat 5: Player3 ($101)
Seat 6: Player4 ($121.62)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, Kc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, 9c, Ad ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (2.33)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.66 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ 4d, 9c, Ad ]
Player5 balance $201.17, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $132.45, bet $4.53, collected $6.99, net +$2.46
Player1 balance $110.25, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $107.72, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player3 balance $101, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $121.62, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685139277912ospf8hir2nb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:13:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($201.17)
Seat 2: Hero ($132.45)
Seat 3: Player6 ($110.25)
Seat 4: Player1 ($107.72)
Seat 5: Player2 ($101)
Seat 6: Player3 ($121.62)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9d, Ah ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Hero raises 4.50 to 4.50
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (4)
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (3.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ts, 8c, 3d ]
Player1 bets (5)
Player3 calls (5)
Hero folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ad ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (23.28)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.28 Rake: $1.22
Board: [ Ts, 8c, 3d, Ad ]
Player4 balance $201.17, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $127.95, lost $4.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $110.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $98.22, lost $9.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $135.40, bet $32.78, collected $46.56, net +$13.78

***** Hand History For Game 16851393554070q0nnywqephp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:14:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($201.17)
Seat 2: Hero ($127.95)
Seat 3: Player5 ($110.25)
Seat 4: Player6 ($98.22)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($135.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 2c ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, 9c, 9s ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (1.73)
Player2 calls (1.73)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ad ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (5.62)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.52 Rake: $0.44
Board: [ 7h, 9c, 9s, Ad ]
Player3 balance $201.17, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $127.95, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $114.54, bet $9.85, collected $14.14, net +$4.29
Player6 balance $98.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $131.17, lost $4.23 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685139394541ckwv65f9ora *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:15:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($201.17)
Seat 2: Hero ($127.95)
Seat 3: Player4 ($114.54)
Seat 4: Player5 ($98.22)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($131.17)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 3c ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player4 raises 7.88 to 7.88
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (7.38)
Player2 folds
Hero calls (5.63)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qs, 9d, 8h ]
Player1 bets (23.41)
Hero folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.41 Rake: $1.23
Board: [ Qs, 9d, 8h ]
Player2 balance $200.17, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $120.07, lost $7.88 (folded)
Player4 balance $106.66, lost $7.88 (folded)
Player5 balance $98.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $146.70, bet $31.29, collected $46.82, net +$15.53

***** Hand History For Game 1685139434874ic2y9orcp4 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:16:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($200.17)
Seat 2: Hero ($120.07)
Seat 3: Player3 ($106.66)
Seat 4: Player4 ($98.22)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($146.70)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, 2c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (2.50)
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ad, 9c, Th ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (3)
Player6 calls (3)
Hero folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9d ]
Player4 bets (8.50)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.30 Rake: $0.7
Board: [ Ad, 9c, Th, 9d ]
Player1 balance $199.67, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $117.57, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $106.66, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $106.02, bet $14, collected $21.80, net +$7.80
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $141.20, lost $5.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685139498865ojg3v9tgzj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:17:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($199.67)
Seat 2: Hero ($117.57)
Seat 3: Player2 ($106.66)
Seat 4: Player3 ($106.02)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($141.20)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 9h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh, Tc, Kd ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (2.62)
Player2 calls (2.62)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jc ]
Player2 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3s ]
Player2 checks
Player6 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.21 Rake: $0.53
Board: [ Jh, Tc, Kd, Jc, 3s ]
Player6 balance $194.55, lost $5.12[ Ah, 9s ] [ a pair of jacks -- Ah,Kd,Jh,Jc,Tc ]
Hero balance $117.07, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $111.75, bet $5.12, collected $10.21, net +$5.09[ Ts, Qc ] [ two
pairs, jacks and tens -- Kd,Jh,Jc,Ts,Tc ]
Player3 balance $106.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $141.20, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685139541567761ohgye84q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:18:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($194.55)
Seat 2: Hero ($117.07)
Seat 3: Player1 ($111.75)
Seat 4: Player2 ($106.02)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($141.20)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, 6d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, 9s, 7h ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (2.60)
Player2 calls (2.60)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9d ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ As ]
Player2 bets (7)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.60 Rake: $0.5
Board: [ 7s, 9s, 7h, 9d, As ]
Player5 balance $194.55, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $112.27, lost $4.80 (folded)
Player1 balance $111.25, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $110.82, bet $11.80, collected $16.60, net +$4.80
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $141.20, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851396130264mdjiaphd4d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:19:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($194.55)
Seat 2: Hero ($112.27)
Seat 3: Player6 ($111.25)
Seat 4: Player1 ($110.82)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($141.20)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, 6d, Qc ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ad ]
Player1 bets (3.50)
Hero calls (3.50)
** Dealing River ** : [ 5c ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (3.88)
Player1 raises 11 to 11
Hero calls (7.12)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $32.68 Rake: $1.72
Board: [ Td, 6d, Qc, Ad, 5c ]
Player4 balance $194.55, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $128.25, bet $16.70, collected $32.68, net +$15.98[ 5h, Ah ] [ two
pairs, aces and fives -- Ah,Ad,Qc,5h,5c ]
Player6 balance $111.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $94.12, lost $16.70[ 3s, 5s ] [ a pair of fives -- Ad,Qc,Td,5s,5c ]
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $141.20, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851396570604jnis3ho4l7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:20:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($194.55)
Seat 2: Hero ($128.25)
Seat 3: Player5 ($111.25)
Seat 4: Player6 ($94.12)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($141.20)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, Ac ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 6 to 6
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero calls (3.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, 2h, 8c ]
Hero checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qc ]
Hero checks
Player6 bets (5.50)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.83 Rake: $0.6700001
Board: [ 4d, 2h, 8c, Qc ]
Player3 balance $194.55, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $122.25, lost $6 (folded)
Player5 balance $111.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100.95, bet $11.50, collected $18.33, net +$6.83
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $140.20, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685139715880d8b9kj7bfx *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:21:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($194.55)
Seat 2: Hero ($122.25)
Seat 3: Player4 ($111.25)
Seat 4: Player5 ($100.95)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($140.20)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 2d ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
Player5 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, 9h, 8s ]
Player1 bets (4.98)
Player5 calls (4.98)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3d ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (8)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.12 Rake: $0.84
Board: [ 5c, 9h, 8s, 3d ]
Player2 balance $193.55, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $122.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $111.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $109.09, bet $15.98, collected $24.12, net +$8.14
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $132.22, lost $7.98 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685139762453d3r22oppvio *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:21:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($193.55)
Seat 2: Hero ($122.25)
Seat 3: Player3 ($111.25)
Seat 4: Player4 ($109.09)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($132.22)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Player1 folds
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, 8d, 4h ]
Hero checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kd ]
Hero checks
Player6 bets (2.38)
Hero raises 7.80 to 7.80
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.90 Rake: $0.36
Board: [ Qh, 8d, 4h, Kd ]
Player1 balance $193.05, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $125.77, bet $8.80, collected $12.32, net +$3.52
Player3 balance $111.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $109.09, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $128.84, lost $3.38 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851397832111i7zm5r6qns *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:22:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($193.05)
Seat 2: Hero ($125.77)
Seat 3: Player2 ($111.25)
Seat 4: Player3 ($109.09)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($128.84)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, Ts ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $194.55, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Hero balance $125.27, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $110.25, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $109.09, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $128.84, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 16851398106696txhe5uvpoe *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:23:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($194.55)
Seat 2: Hero ($125.27)
Seat 3: Player1 ($110.25)
Seat 4: Player2 ($109.09)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($128.84)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, 4h ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3c, 3d, 6h ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (2.33)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.66 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ 3c, 3d, 6h ]
Player5 balance $194.55, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $125.27, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $109.75, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $106.89, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.46, bet $4.53, collected $6.99, net +$2.46
Player4 balance $128.84, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685139843435fl5g5qinaqq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:23:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($194.55)
Seat 2: Hero ($125.27)
Seat 3: Player6 ($109.75)
Seat 4: Player1 ($106.89)
Seat 5: Player2 ($102.46)
Seat 6: Player3 ($128.84)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 7d ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 raises 6 to 6
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (5.50)
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (4)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, 3s, 9c ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (18.05)
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $18.05 Rake: $0.95
Board: [ 5c, 3s, 9c ]
Player4 balance $188.55, lost $6 (folded)
Hero balance $125.27, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $109.75, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100.89, lost $6 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.46, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $140.89, bet $24.05, collected $36.10, net +$12.05

***** Hand History For Game 16851399145344qi6f4slfam *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:24:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($188.55)
Seat 2: Hero ($125.27)
Seat 3: Player5 ($109.75)
Seat 4: Player6 ($100.89)
Seat 5: Player1 ($101.46)
Seat 6: Player2 ($140.89)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, Ad ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (2.25)
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 8.50 to 9.50
Hero calls (7.25)
Player6 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, 5s, 8d ]
Player2 bets (20.67)
Hero calls (20.67)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qc ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 4s ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (42)
Player2 calls (42)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $144.09 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 4d, 5s, 8d, Qc, 4s ]
Player3 balance $188.55, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $53.10, lost $72.17[ 7d, Ad ] [ a pair of fours -- Ad,Qc,8d,4d,4s ]
Player5 balance $109.75, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $98.64, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player1 balance $100.96, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $212.81, bet $72.17, collected $144.09, net +$71.92[ Kh, Kd ] [ two
pairs, kings and fours -- Kh,Kd,Qc,4d,4s ]
***** Hand History For Game 1685139987880r1qbl5hanh *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:25:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($188.55)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($109.75)
Seat 4: Player5 ($98.64)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100.96)
Seat 6: Player1 ($212.81)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 7c ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (1.75)
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, Qs, Ad ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (5.46)
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.42 Rake: $0.33
Board: [ 9s, Qs, Ad, 4d ]
Player2 balance $192.72, bet $7.71, collected $11.88, net +$4.17
Hero balance $97.75, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player4 balance $109.75, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $98.64, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100.96, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $210.56, lost $2.25 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685140013065gwr3dg12z6f *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:26:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($192.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($109.75)
Seat 4: Player4 ($98.64)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100.96)
Seat 6: Player6 ($210.56)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 3s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, Qc, 4d ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (4)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ Jd, Qc, 4d ]
Player1 balance $192.22, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $109.75, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $101.37, bet $6.50, collected $9.23, net +$2.73
Player5 balance $100.96, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $210.56, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851400394485dsdj8hrlu7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:26:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($192.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($109.75)
Seat 4: Player3 ($101.37)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100.96)
Seat 6: Player5 ($210.56)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 5s ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $192.22, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $108.75, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.87, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $100.96, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $210.56, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685140063268xrrwd5cl9tn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:27:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($192.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($108.75)
Seat 4: Player2 ($102.87)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100.96)
Seat 6: Player4 ($210.56)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 6h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $193.72, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $108.25, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.87, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100.96, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $210.56, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168514010270752dygnzyr15 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:27:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($193.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($108.25)
Seat 4: Player1 ($101.87)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100.96)
Seat 6: Player3 ($210.56)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Kc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 4 to 4.50
Player2 folds
Hero calls (2.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, 8s, 2c ]
Player1 bets (4.50)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.50 Rake: $0.5
Board: [ 6d, 8s, 2c ]
Player4 balance $193.72, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $95.50, lost $4.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $108.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $106.87, bet $9, collected $14, net +$5
Player2 balance $99.96, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $210.56, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685140163478lvbbnv54jh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:28:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($193.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($108.25)
Seat 4: Player6 ($106.87)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($210.56)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, Jd ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9c, Tc, 7d ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (1.73)
Player2 calls (1.73)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9d ]
Player2 bets (6.39)
Player5 calls (6.39)
** Dealing River ** : [ Qd ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $20.66 Rake: $1.08
Board: [ 9c, Tc, 7d, 9d, Qd ]
Player3 balance $193.72, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $118.29, bet $10.62, collected $20.66, net +$10.04[ Js, Td ] [ two
pairs, tens and nines -- Qd,Td,Tc,9c,9d ]
Player6 balance $106.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $199.94, lost $10.62[ 7c, As ] [ two pairs, nines and sevens --
As,9c,9d,7c,7d ]

***** Hand History For Game 168514022468515b3x5xr6qw *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:29:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($193.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($118.29)
Seat 4: Player5 ($106.87)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($199.94)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, Tc ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, Ts, Jc ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qh ]
Player1 bets (7.13)
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.13 Rake: $0.37
Board: [ 7h, Ts, Jc, Qh ]
Player2 balance $191.22, lost $2.50 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $115.79, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $106.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $204.57, bet $9.63, collected $14.26, net +$4.63

***** Hand History For Game 1685140239561lkj4izd0ds *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:30:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($191.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($115.79)
Seat 4: Player4 ($106.87)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($204.57)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 5s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $190.72, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $115.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $106.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $101.50, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $204.57, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685140261811zklwg8xw5a *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:30:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($190.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($115.79)
Seat 4: Player3 ($106.87)
Seat 5: Player4 ($101.50)
Seat 6: Player5 ($204.57)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 6d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 calls (2.20)
Player6 raises 10.80 to 10.80
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.10 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $196.62, bet $10.80, collected $16.70, net +$5.90
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $114.79, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $106.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $99.30, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player5 balance $202.37, lost $2.20 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685140299806kbpnbjbkvck *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:31:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($196.62)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($114.79)
Seat 4: Player2 ($106.87)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($202.37)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9d, 8c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 4.50 to 5.50
Hero calls (3.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, Ad, 4d ]
Player2 bets (6)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.93 Rake: $0.57
Board: [ 7h, Ad, 4d ]
Player5 balance $196.62, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $94.50, lost $5.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $114.29, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $112.30, bet $11.50, collected $16.93, net +$5.43
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $202.37, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685140339968onjwrbub9m *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:31:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($196.62)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($114.29)
Seat 4: Player1 ($112.30)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($202.37)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 4c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kh, Qd, 7d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Js ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Tc ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ Kh, Qd, 7d, Js, Tc ]
Player4 balance $196.62, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $114.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $112.25, bet $1, collected $0.95, lost $0.05[ Ad, 6s ] [ a
straight, ten to ace -- Ad,Kh,Qd,Js,Tc ]
Player2 balance $99.95, bet $1, collected $0.95, lost $0.05[ 8h, Ac ] [ a straight,
ten to ace -- Ac,Kh,Qd,Js,Tc ]
Player3 balance $202.37, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685140360986se53oc39g6b *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:32:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($196.62)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($114.29)
Seat 4: Player6 ($112.25)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($202.37)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, Th ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8h, Ac, 2d ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (1.73)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 8h, Ac, 2d ]
Player3 balance $196.62, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $117.02, bet $4.23, collected $6.96, net +$2.73
Player6 balance $112.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $199.87, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685140427079uqmnk286xl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:32:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($196.62)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($117.02)
Seat 4: Player5 ($112.25)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($199.87)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, Qs ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (2.25)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 10.05 to 11.05
Hero calls (8.80)
Player5 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, 7h, 3s ]
Player2 bets (15.58)
Hero calls (15.58)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6h ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (29.79)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $53.21 Rake: $2.8
Board: [ Td, 7h, 3s, 6c, 6h ]
Player2 balance $169.99, lost $26.63 (folded)
Hero balance $126.58, bet $56.42, collected $83, net +$26.58
Player4 balance $117.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $110, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $199.37, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168514048565824cv5lc02u2 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:33:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($169.99)
Seat 2: Hero ($126.58)
Seat 3: Player3 ($117.02)
Seat 4: Player4 ($110)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($199.37)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, 2h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player6 calls (2.20)
Player1 raises 10.30 to 10.80
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (8.60)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qs, 9s, 8h ]
Player1 bets (4.71)
Player6 calls (4.71)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7s ]
Player1 checks
Player6 bets (32.51)
Player1 raises 154.48 to 154.48
Player1 is all-In.
Player6 calls (121.97)
Creating Main Pot with $ 340.18 with Player1
** Dealing River ** : [ Ts ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $340.18 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Qs, 9s, 8h, 7s, Ts ]
Player1 balance $340.18, bet $169.99, collected $340.18, net +$170.19[ As, Ks ] [ a
flush, ace high -- As,Ks,Qs,Ts,9s ]
Hero balance $125.58, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $117.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $110, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $97.80, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player6 balance $29.38, lost $169.99[ Jd, Qh ] [ a straight, eight to queen --
Qh,Jd,Ts,9s,8h ]

***** Hand History For Game 16851405136251umpq78z9tz *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:34:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($340.18)
Seat 2: Hero ($125.58)
Seat 3: Player2 ($117.02)
Seat 4: Player3 ($110)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($29.38)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 2h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero raises 10.50 to 11
Player2 folds
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $337.68, lost $2.50 (folded)
Hero balance $129.08, bet $11, collected $14.50, net +$3.50
Player2 balance $116.02, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $110, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $29.38, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168514055952382h7pcdnzkn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:35:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($337.68)
Seat 2: Hero ($129.08)
Seat 3: Player1 ($116.02)
Seat 4: Player2 ($110)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($29.38)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 4 to 4
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh, 8d, 7s ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (6.06)
Player2 raises 16 to 16
Player4 raises 19.32 to 25.38
Player4 is all-In.
Player2 calls (9.38)
Creating Main Pot with $ 56.30 with Player4
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2d ]
** Dealing River ** : [ 7h ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $56.30 Rake: $2.96
Board: [ Jh, 8d, 7s, 2d, 7h ]
Player5 balance $337.68, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $129.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $115.52, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $80.62, lost $29.38[ Qc, Jd ] [ two pairs, jacks and sevens --
Qc,Jd,Jh,7s,7h ]
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $56.30, bet $29.38, collected $56.30, net +$26.92[ 8h, 8c ] [ a
fullhouse, eights full of sevens -- 8h,8c,8d,7s,7h ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685140575122loewefctwda *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:36:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($337.68)
Seat 2: Hero ($129.08)
Seat 3: Player6 ($115.52)
Seat 4: Player1 ($80.62)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($56.30)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 6s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $337.68, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $129.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $115.52, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $80.12, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $56.30, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685140615495xm6irq0p48c *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:36:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($337.68)
Seat 2: Hero ($129.08)
Seat 3: Player5 ($115.52)
Seat 4: Player6 ($80.12)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100.50)
Seat 6: Player2 ($56.30)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 6s ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qd, 5d, 7h ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (1.73)
Player2 calls (1.73)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9d ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (6.40)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.52 Rake: $0.44
Board: [ Qd, 5d, 7h, 9d ]
Player3 balance $337.68, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $129.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $119.81, bet $10.63, collected $14.92, net +$4.29
Player6 balance $80.12, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $52.07, lost $4.23 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685140638815vwkuwxhagl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:36:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($337.68)
Seat 2: Hero ($129.08)
Seat 3: Player4 ($119.81)
Seat 4: Player5 ($80.12)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($52.07)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 4c ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, Kd, Jd ]
Player1 bets (1.90)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ 6d, Kd, Jd ]
Player2 balance $336.68, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $129.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $119.81, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $80.12, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $52.97, bet $2.90, collected $3.80, net +$0.90

***** Hand History For Game 1685140721393wjbpysexrd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:37:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($336.68)
Seat 2: Hero ($129.08)
Seat 3: Player3 ($119.81)
Seat 4: Player4 ($80.12)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($52.97)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 5h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 4 to 4
Player1 folds
Hero folds
Player4 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, 7h, 6h ]
Player4 checks
Player6 bets (16)
Player4 raises 76.12 to 76.12
Player4 is all-In.
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $39.43 Rake: $2.07
Board: [ 7d, 7h, 6h ]
Player1 balance $336.18, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $128.08, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $119.81, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $99.55, bet $80.12, collected $99.55, net +$19.43
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $32.97, lost $20 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168514075252518x5rgon2uh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:38:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($336.18)
Seat 2: Hero ($128.08)
Seat 3: Player2 ($119.81)
Seat 4: Player3 ($99.55)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($32.97)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, Qs ]
Player3 raises 4 to 4
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero calls (3.50)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, 5h, Qh ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6d ]
Hero bets (6.49)
Player3 calls (6.49)
** Dealing River ** : [ 3d ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $20.89 Rake: $1.09
Board: [ 7s, 5h, Qh, 6d, 3d ]
Player6 balance $336.18, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $138.48, bet $10.49, collected $20.89, net +$10.40[ Ks, Qs ] [ a pair
of queens -- Ks,Qs,Qh,7s,6d ]
Player2 balance $118.81, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $89.06, lost $10.49[ Kh, Ac ] [ high card ace -- Ac,Kh,Qh,7s,6d ]
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $32.97, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685140802171cio78qad7r7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:39:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($336.18)
Seat 2: Hero ($138.48)
Seat 3: Player1 ($118.81)
Seat 4: Player2 ($89.06)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($32.97)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 raises 3 to 3
Hero raises 11.50 to 11.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player4 raises 31.97 to 32.97
Player4 is all-In.
Player5 folds
Hero calls (21.47)
Creating Main Pot with $ 67.44 with Player4
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4h, 5c, 4c ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ As ]
** Dealing River ** : [ 3c ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $67.44 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 4h, 5c, 4c, As, 3c ]
Player5 balance $333.18, lost $3 (folded)
Hero balance $105.51, lost $32.97[ 7s, 8s ] [ a pair of fours -- As,8s,7s,4h,4c ]
Player1 balance $118.31, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $88.06, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $67.44, bet $32.97, collected $67.44, net +$34.47[ 8d, 9d ] [ a
pair of fours -- As,9d,8d,4h,4c ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685140847295xwt8rluj1l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:40:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($333.18)
Seat 2: Hero ($105.51)
Seat 3: Player6 ($118.31)
Seat 4: Player1 ($88.06)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($67.44)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero calls (2.50)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8h, Qh, 2d ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4s ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (6.46)
Hero raises 20 to 20
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $19.88 Rake: $1.04
Board: [ 8h, Qh, 2d, 4s ]
Player4 balance $324.22, lost $8.96 (folded)
Hero balance $116.43, bet $22.50, collected $33.42, net +$10.92
Player6 balance $118.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $87.56, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $67.44, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685140906183dprs36ay6or *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:40:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($324.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($116.43)
Seat 3: Player5 ($118.31)
Seat 4: Player6 ($87.56)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($67.44)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, As ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5s, 7s, 4s ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3h ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (1.73)
Player2 calls (1.73)
** Dealing River ** : [ Jh ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (6.50)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.52 Rake: $0.44
Board: [ 5s, 7s, 4s, 3h, Jh ]
Player3 balance $324.22, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $116.43, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $122.60, bet $10.73, collected $15.02, net +$4.29
Player6 balance $87.56, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $63.21, lost $4.23 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685140936737c5e3aftvwgv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:41:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($324.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($116.43)
Seat 3: Player4 ($122.60)
Seat 4: Player5 ($87.56)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($63.21)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 8h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, 9c, 3h ]
Player1 bets (1.42)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ 3d, 9c, 3h ]
Player2 balance $323.22, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $116.43, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $122.60, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $87.56, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $64.11, bet $2.42, collected $3.32, net +$0.90

***** Hand History For Game 16851409916705z8d6htk8hb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:42:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($323.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($116.43)
Seat 3: Player3 ($122.60)
Seat 4: Player4 ($87.56)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($64.11)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2c, Qd, 3d ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player6 bets (2.85)
Player1 folds
Hero calls (2.85)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7c ]
Hero checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9s ]
Hero checks
Player6 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.27 Rake: $0.43
Board: [ 2c, Qd, 3d, 7c, 9s ]
Player1 balance $322.22, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $120.85, bet $3.85, collected $8.27, net +$4.42[ 2d, 8s ] [ a pair of
twos -- Qd,9s,8s,2d,2c ]
Player3 balance $122.60, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $87.56, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $60.26, lost $3.85[ Ks, 8d ] [ high card king -- Ks,Qd,9s,8d,7c ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685141011045nch0nhr98i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:43:15 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($322.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($120.85)
Seat 3: Player2 ($122.60)
Seat 4: Player3 ($87.56)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($60.26)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, 3s ]
Player3 raises 3 to 3
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $322.22, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $120.35, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $121.60, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $89.06, bet $3, collected $4.50, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $60.26, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685141107230rplobgsr9xg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:43:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($322.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($120.35)
Seat 3: Player1 ($121.60)
Seat 4: Player2 ($89.06)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($60.26)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, 9c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, Js, Qd ]
Player1 bets (1.88)
Player2 raises 4 to 4
Player1 raises 11.16 to 13.04
Player2 calls (9.04)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (17.50)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $30.48 Rake: $1.6
Board: [ 4d, Js, Qd, 2h ]
Player5 balance $322.22, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $120.35, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $105.56, lost $16.04 (folded)
Player2 balance $103.50, bet $33.54, collected $47.98, net +$14.44
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $60.26, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851411457064s66t6bw40n *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:45:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($322.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($120.35)
Seat 3: Player6 ($105.56)
Seat 4: Player1 ($103.50)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($60.26)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, 4s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, 2d, 8c ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (1.73)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ Qh, 2d, 8c ]
Player4 balance $322.22, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $120.35, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $108.29, bet $4.23, collected $6.96, net +$2.73
Player1 balance $103, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $60.26, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685141178213mar73v9f3ud *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:45:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($322.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($120.35)
Seat 3: Player5 ($108.29)
Seat 4: Player6 ($103)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($60.26)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 4d ]
Player3 raises 3 to 3
Hero calls (3)
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (3)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ks, 7s, 5d ]
Player3 checks
Hero checks
Player6 bets (4.50)
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.98 Rake: $0.52
Board: [ Ks, 7s, 5d ]
Player3 balance $319.22, lost $3 (folded)
Hero balance $117.35, lost $3 (folded)
Player5 balance $108.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $109.98, bet $7.50, collected $14.48, net +$6.98
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $59.26, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685141227774pn6zq6p0wp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:46:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($319.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($117.35)
Seat 3: Player4 ($108.29)
Seat 4: Player5 ($109.98)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($59.26)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, 4s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, Td, 8c ]
Player2 bets (1)
Player5 calls (1)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9h ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (2.50)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.28 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ 4d, Td, 8c, 9h ]
Player2 balance $317.22, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $117.35, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $108.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $112.26, bet $4.50, collected $6.78, net +$2.28
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $58.76, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851412177732qa6k0em9sh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:46:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 4: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, 8h ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685141223159e8317zrnxtf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:47:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 4: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Hero ($100.50)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, 5d ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685141236975vwcqzvj7jyk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:47:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player3 ($50)
Seat 4: Player1 ($100.50)
Seat 6: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, Ah ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero raises 6.50 to 7.50
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $50, sits out
Player1 balance $98, lost $2.50 (folded)
Hero balance $102.50, bet $7.50, collected $10, net +$2.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685141262433822excfgab *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:47:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($317.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($117.35)
Seat 3: Player3 ($108.29)
Seat 4: Player4 ($112.26)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, 9s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero raises 7.50 to 8.50
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $314.72, lost $2.50 (folded)
Hero balance $119.85, bet $8.50, collected $11, net +$2.50
Player3 balance $108.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $112.26, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685141255965n6iggs6scnh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:47:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($50)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Hero ($102.50)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 2s ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ks, As, 5c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (3.92)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ Ks, As, 5c ]
Player2 balance $47.50, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.73, bet $6.42, collected $9.15, net +$2.73
Hero balance $102, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685141277873u8yec3l1uyj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:47:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($47.50)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($102.73)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Hero ($102)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, 3c ]
Hero folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7c, 3d, 5d ]
Player1 bets (2.70)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.80 Rake: $0.2
Board: [ 7c, 3d, 5d ]
Player1 balance $49.30, bet $4.70, collected $6.50, net +$1.80
Player4 balance $100, sits out
Player2 balance $100.73, lost $2 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Hero balance $102, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685141297852d8uf563w3cu *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:47:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($314.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($119.85)
Seat 3: Player2 ($108.29)
Seat 4: Player3 ($112.26)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 7d ]
Player3 raises 4.50 to 4.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $314.72, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $119.35, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $107.29, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $113.76, bet $4.50, collected $6, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685141287071rf2g5per73d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:48:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($49.30)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($100.73)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Hero ($102)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 5c ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $49.30, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Player1 balance $100.23, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $103.50, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685141359266v506mzud70s *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:48:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($314.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($119.35)
Seat 3: Player1 ($107.29)
Seat 4: Player2 ($113.76)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 7c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Hero raises 5.50 to 5.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (4.50)
Player4 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ac, Jd, 2s ]
Player2 bets (5.50)
Player4 calls (5.50)
Hero folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9d ]
Player2 bets (11.50)
Player4 calls (11.50)
** Dealing River ** : [ Qh ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (48.45)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $48.45 Rake: $2.55
Board: [ Ac, Jd, 2s, 9d, Qh ]
Player5 balance $314.72, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $113.85, lost $5.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $106.79, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $91.26, lost $22.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $125.95, bet $70.95, collected $96.90, net +$25.95

***** Hand History For Game 1685141402959z40uxogx4i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:49:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($314.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($113.85)
Seat 3: Player6 ($106.79)
Seat 4: Player1 ($91.26)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($125.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, Ad ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 raises 6 to 6
Hero raises 22.50 to 22.50
Player6 raises 106.79 to 106.79
Player6 is all-In.
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $54.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $308.72, lost $6 (folded)
Hero balance $91.35, lost $22.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $138.79, bet $106.79, collected $138.79, net +$32
Player1 balance $90.76, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $123.95, lost $2 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685141439566wr3v3e48wob *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:50:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($308.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($138.79)
Seat 4: Player6 ($90.76)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($123.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, Td ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $308.72, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $138.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $90.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $101, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $122.95, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685141484299fpfq5a4tdna *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:50:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($308.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($138.79)
Seat 4: Player5 ($90.76)
Seat 5: Player6 ($101)
Seat 6: Player1 ($122.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 3s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 raises 3 to 3
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player5 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qs, 8h, As ]
Player5 bets (3)
Player6 calls (3)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8c ]
Player5 checks
Player6 bets (4.23)
Player5 raises 14 to 14
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $20.87 Rake: $1.09
Board: [ Qs, 8h, As, 8c ]
Player2 balance $307.72, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $138.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $101.40, bet $20, collected $30.64, net +$10.64
Player6 balance $90.77, lost $10.23 (folded)
Player1 balance $122.45, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685141561699q36e1moozt *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:51:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($307.72)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($138.79)
Seat 4: Player4 ($101.40)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($122.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, Ac ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (3.50)
Player1 folds
Hero calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Tc, Jc, 7c ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (5)
Player6 calls (5)
Hero calls (5)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3d ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (10)
Player6 raises 54.70 to 54.70
Hero raises 91.50 to 91.50
Hero is all-In.
Player4 calls (81.50)
Player6 calls (36.80)
Creating Main Pot with $ 297.50 with Hero
** Dealing River ** : [ 8s ]
Player4 bets (1.40)
Player4 is all-In.
Player6 calls (1.40)
Creating Side Pot 1 with$ 2.80 with Player4
** Summary **
Main Pot: $297.50 Side Pot 1: $2.80 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Tc, Jc, 7c, 3d, 8s ]
Player1 balance $307.22, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $297.50, bet $100, collected $297.50, net +$197.50[ 9c, Ac ] [ a
flush, ace high -- Ac,Jc,Tc,9c,7c ]
Player3 balance $138.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $0, lost $101.40[ 3h, 3s ] [ three of a kind, threes --
Jc,Tc,3h,3s,3d ]
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $23.85, bet $101.40, collected $2.80, lost $98.60[ 4c, 8c ] [ a
flush, jack high -- Jc,Tc,8c,7c,4c ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685141600918i4bmx15dd9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:52:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($307.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($297.50)
Seat 3: Player2 ($138.79)
Seat 4: Player6 ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($82.39)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 6s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2 to 2.50
Player2 calls (1.50)
Player4 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qd, 7s, Qs ]
Hero bets (1.78)
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.13 Rake: $0.37
Board: [ Qd, 7s, Qs ]
Player5 balance $307.22, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $302.13, bet $4.28, collected $8.91, net +$4.63
Player2 balance $136.29, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $79.89, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685141610126q6bgg1uujgc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 18:53:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 19 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($307.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($302.13)
Seat 3: Player1 ($136.29)
Seat 4: Player2 ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($79.89)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 5d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $307.22, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $302.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $135.79, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $79.89, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146117380j62qrguv28 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:07:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player5 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($107.40)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player1 ($61.59)
Seat 6: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, 3h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7c, 9h, 3s ]
Player1 bets (1.26)
Hero calls (1.26)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6d ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9d ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (1.41)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.30 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ 7c, 9h, 3s, 6d, 9d ]
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Player3 balance $107.40, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $59.33, lost $2.26 (folded)
Hero balance $102.04, bet $3.67, collected $5.71, net +$2.04

***** Hand History For Game 1685146194074a5ly3udavif *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:08:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($107.40)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($59.33)
Seat 6: Hero ($102.04)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 7d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, Kd, 2d ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Td ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 8d ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ 6c, Kd, 2d, Td, 8d ]
Player2 balance $101.38, bet $1, collected $2.38, net +$1.38[ Ts, 3h ] [ a pair of
tens -- Kd,Ts,Td,8d,6c ]
Player3 balance $107.40, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $58.33, lost $1[ 9h, 4h ] [ high card king -- Kd,Td,9h,8d,6c ]
Hero balance $101.54, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146242263hvxqm2svumq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:09:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($101.38)
Seat 4: Player2 ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($58.33)
Seat 6: Hero ($101.54)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, Th ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kd, Qh, Kc ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9h ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (5)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ Kd, Qh, Kc, 2c, 9h ]
Player1 balance $100.88, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $59.71, bet $6, collected $7.38, net +$1.38
Hero balance $101.54, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146272522v7ps4uspx9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:10:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($100.88)
Seat 4: Player1 ($100)
Seat 5: Player2 ($59.71)
Seat 6: Hero ($101.54)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 2h ]
Hero folds
Player4 could not respond in time.(disconnected)
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $100.88, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $60.21, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $101.54, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146306281yu1n0pgzt2c *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:11:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($100.88)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Player1 ($60.21)
Seat 6: Hero ($101.54)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7c, 3s, 2d ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (1.06)
Player1 calls (1.06)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7h ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (2.97)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.92 Rake: $0.2
Board: [ 7c, 3s, 2d, 7h ]
Player4 balance $100.88, sits out
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $58.15, lost $2.06 (folded)
Hero balance $103.40, bet $5.03, collected $6.89, net +$1.86

***** Hand History For Game 1685146350501qy13thkmcsk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:11:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($100.88)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($58.15)
Seat 6: Hero ($103.40)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 6c ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 calls (2.20)
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8h, 5h, Kc ]
Player3 checks
Player4 bets (1.87)
Player3 calls (1.87)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5s ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 7h ]
Player3 bets (3.02)
Player4 calls (3.02)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $14.90 Rake: $0.78
Board: [ 8h, 5h, Kc, 5s, 7h ]
Player2 balance $99.88, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $107.81, bet $7.09, collected $14.90, net +$7.81[ Qc, Qh ] [ two
pairs, queens and fives -- Kc,Qc,Qh,5h,5s ]
Player4 balance $51.06, lost $7.09[ Ts, Th ] [ two pairs, tens and fives --
Kc,Ts,Th,5h,5s ]
Hero balance $102.90, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146404330i9rm58lx8h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:12:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($99.88)
Seat 4: Player2 ($107.81)
Seat 5: Player3 ($51.06)
Seat 6: Hero ($102.90)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, Qc ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3h, 6c, 9h ]
Player3 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kh ]
Player3 checks
Hero bets (4.69)
Player3 calls (4.69)
** Dealing River ** : [ 6h ]
Player3 checks
Hero bets (14)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.09 Rake: $0.79
Board: [ 3h, 6c, 9h, Kh, 6h ]
Player1 balance $99.38, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $106.81, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $43.87, lost $7.19 (folded)
Hero balance $110.80, bet $21.19, collected $29.09, net +$7.90

***** Hand History For Game 1685146454762gnsxqakrr1b *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:13:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($99.38)
Seat 4: Player1 ($106.81)
Seat 5: Player2 ($43.87)
Seat 6: Hero ($110.80)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, Th ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, 5c, 2c ]
Player2 bets (1.55)
Hero calls (1.55)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3c ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3h ]
Player2 bets (2.53)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.60 Rake: $0.4
Board: [ 2d, 5c, 2c, 3c, 3h ]
Player4 balance $99.38, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $106.31, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $47.72, bet $6.28, collected $10.13, net +$3.85
Hero balance $107.05, lost $3.75 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146488593hdw5tw32npv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:14:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player3 ($99.38)
Seat 4: Player4 ($106.31)
Seat 5: Player1 ($47.72)
Seat 6: Hero ($107.05)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 6h ]
Player3 could not respond in time.(disconnected)
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 calls (1.70)
Hero calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ad, 8c, 3h ]
Player1 bets (2.09)
Hero folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.27 Rake: $0.33
Board: [ Ad, 8c, 3h ]
Player3 balance $99.38, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $104.11, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player1 balance $51.79, bet $4.29, collected $8.36, net +$4.07
Hero balance $104.85, lost $2.20 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146503759qvzoa6f16mq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:14:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($99.38)
Seat 4: Player2 ($104.11)
Seat 5: Player3 ($51.79)
Seat 6: Hero ($104.85)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, Ad ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero raises 5 to 5.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $99.38, sits out
Player2 balance $103.11, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $50.79, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $106.85, bet $5.50, collected $7.50, net +$2

***** Hand History For Game 1685146510522z9yby6sohfe *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:15:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($99.38)
Seat 4: Player1 ($103.11)
Seat 5: Player2 ($50.79)
Seat 6: Hero ($106.85)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, 5c ]
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $99.38, sits out
Player1 balance $102.61, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $51.29, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $106.85, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146528314ivwf0lhdylr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:15:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($99.38)
Seat 4: Player3 ($102.61)
Seat 5: Player1 ($51.29)
Seat 6: Hero ($106.85)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, Qh ]
Player3 folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Hero raises 6 to 7
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $99.38, sits out
Player3 balance $102.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $49.29, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $108.85, bet $7, collected $9, net +$2

***** Hand History For Game 1685146563255d0cfqf082os *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:15:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($99.38)
Seat 4: Player3 ($102.61)
Seat 5: Player4 ($49.29)
Seat 6: Hero ($108.85)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, Ts ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 raises 6 to 6
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.90 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $98.38, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100.41, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player4 balance $52.99, bet $6, collected $9.70, net +$3.70
Hero balance $108.35, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146615562ffseu6xen4o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:16:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($98.38)
Seat 4: Player2 ($100.41)
Seat 5: Player3 ($52.99)
Seat 6: Hero ($108.35)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 6h ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, 5d, 2d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Jc ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ 5c, 5d, 2d, 7c, Jc ]
Player1 balance $100.23, bet $1, collected $2.85, net +$1.85[ Ac, 9d ] [ a pair of
fives -- Ac,Jc,9d,5c,5d ]
Player2 balance $99.41, lost $1[ 9s, Qc ] [ a pair of fives -- Qc,Jc,9s,5c,5d ]
Player3 balance $51.99, lost $1[ Ah, 6d ] [ a pair of fives -- Ah,Jc,7c,5c,5d ]
Hero balance $108.35, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146684768lwn05ttshqn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:16:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($100.23)
Seat 4: Player1 ($100)
Seat 5: Player2 ($51.99)
Seat 6: Hero ($108.35)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, Ts ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 could not respond in time.(disconnected)
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ac, Kh, 3c ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (1.72)
Player2 calls (1.72)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9s ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (6.50)
Player2 calls (6.50)
** Dealing River ** : [ 9h ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (6.90)
Player2 calls (6.90)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $33.96 Rake: $1.78
Board: [ Ac, Kh, 3c, 9s, 9h ]
Player4 balance $100.23, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $34.37, lost $17.62[ Ks, 8h ] [ two pairs, kings and nines --
Ac,Ks,Kh,9s,9h ]
Hero balance $124.69, bet $17.62, collected $33.96, net +$16.34[ Ah, Ts ] [ two
pairs, aces and nines -- Ah,Ac,Kh,9s,9h ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685146691973i2c0siseyd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:18:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($100.23)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Player1 ($34.37)
Seat 6: Hero ($124.69)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 4h ]
Player3 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $100.23, sits out
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $33.87, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $125.19, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851467117074fc4gzvdd1y *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:18:15 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($100.23)
Seat 4: Player2 ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($33.87)
Seat 6: Hero ($125.19)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 9h ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player2 raises 7 to 8
Player3 calls (6)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kc, 6c, Ts ]
Player2 bets (3.50)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.68 Rake: $0.82
Board: [ Kc, 6c, Ts ]
Player4 balance $100.23, sits out
Player2 balance $107.68, bet $11.50, collected $19.18, net +$7.68
Player3 balance $25.87, lost $8 (folded)
Hero balance $124.69, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146717046nnedbtpfqc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:18:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($100.23)
Seat 4: Player1 ($107.68)
Seat 5: Player2 ($25.87)
Seat 6: Hero ($124.69)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 2h ]
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $100.23, sits out
Player1 balance $107.18, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $26.37, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $124.69, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146742558evi21nzw8mr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:18:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($100.23)
Seat 4: Player3 ($107.18)
Seat 5: Player1 ($26.37)
Seat 6: Hero ($124.69)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, Jd ]
Player3 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero raises 1.50 to 2.50
Player1 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, Qd, 4s ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5s ]
Player1 bets (1.58)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 2s, Qd, 4s, 5s ]
Player4 balance $100.23, sits out
Player3 balance $107.18, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $28.62, bet $4.08, collected $6.33, net +$2.25
Hero balance $122.19, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851468173346d64ibhldpw *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:19:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($100.23)
Seat 4: Player3 ($107.18)
Seat 5: Player4 ($28.62)
Seat 6: Hero ($122.19)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, Qd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, 5s, 7d ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7h ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9d ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (4.28)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.28 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ Js, 5s, 7d, 7h, 9d ]
Player2 balance $98.23, lost $2 (folded)
Player3 balance $107.18, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $30.90, bet $6.28, collected $8.56, net +$2.28
Hero balance $121.69, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146847321a45f3tj3l2i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:20:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($98.23)
Seat 4: Player2 ($107.18)
Seat 5: Player3 ($30.90)
Seat 6: Hero ($121.69)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, Jh ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $97.73, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $106.18, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $32.40, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Hero balance $121.69, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146880289qmorbysjerg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:20:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($97.73)
Seat 4: Player1 ($106.18)
Seat 5: Player2 ($32.40)
Seat 6: Hero ($121.69)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, Qs ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3c, Ah, 4h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (1.90)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 3c, Ah, 4h ]
Player4 balance $97.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $103.18, lost $3 (folded)
Player2 balance $35.10, bet $4.90, collected $7.60, net +$2.70
Hero balance $121.69, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685146935531ejo82vgt5je *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:21:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player3 ($97.73)
Seat 4: Player4 ($103.18)
Seat 5: Player1 ($35.10)
Seat 6: Hero ($121.69)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, Ts ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero raises 2 to 3
Player1 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2h, 7c, 2s ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (3.20)
Player1 raises 7.23 to 7.23
Hero raises 114.80 to 118
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $19.44 Rake: $1.02
Board: [ 2h, 7c, 2s ]
Player3 balance $97.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $103.18, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $24.87, lost $10.23 (folded)
Hero balance $130.90, bet $121, collected $130.21, net +$9.21

***** Hand History For Game 1685146973990rirqn5gi4d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:22:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($97.73)
Seat 4: Player3 ($103.18)
Seat 5: Player4 ($24.87)
Seat 6: Hero ($130.90)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 9c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, 8s, 6d ]
Hero bets (4.30)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 3d, 8s, 6d ]
Player2 balance $94.73, lost $3 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.18, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $24.87, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $133.60, bet $7.30, collected $10, net +$2.70

***** Hand History For Game 1685146986247rkn2xw5yuxr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:22:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 10 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($94.73)
Seat 4: Player2 ($103.18)
Seat 6: Hero ($133.60)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, Qh ]
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $94.23, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $103.68, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $133.60, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685147528656qz8bzdvlz79 *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:31:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($112.19)
Seat 2: Player4 ($120.25)
Seat 3: Player1 ($67.13)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 4h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5s, 6d, Qd ]
Player1 bets (1.42)
Hero calls (1.42)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4c ]
Player1 bets (2.30)
Hero raises 11.50 to 11.50
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.97 Rake: $0.47
Board: [ 5s, 6d, Qd, 4c ]
Player3 balance $112.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $120.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $62.41, lost $4.72 (folded)
Hero balance $104.25, bet $13.92, collected $18.17, net +$4.25
Player5 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685147567845rvstli5pg2k *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:32:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($112.19)
Seat 2: Player4 ($120.25)
Seat 3: Player5 ($62.41)
Seat 4: Hero ($104.25)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 5d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 raises 4 to 4
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (1.80)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jc, As, 5s ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (4.51)
Player4 calls (4.51)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Tc ]
Player4 bets (5.80)
Player5 calls (5.80)
** Dealing River ** : [ Qc ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (21.46)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $28.62 Rake: $1.5
Board: [ Jc, As, 5s, Tc, Qc ]
Player3 balance $112.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $105.94, lost $14.31 (folded)
Player5 balance $76.72, bet $35.77, collected $50.08, net +$14.31
Hero balance $103.75, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851476279726l8br5cgwtp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:32:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($112.19)
Seat 2: Player3 ($105.94)
Seat 3: Player4 ($76.72)
Seat 4: Hero ($103.75)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3 to 3
Hero raises 10.50 to 10.50
Player1 calls (10)
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (7.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8c, Qs, 7d ]
Player1 checks
Player4 checks
Hero bets (10.19)
Player1 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $30.88 Rake: $1.62
Board: [ 8c, Qs, 7d ]
Player2 balance $111.19, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $105.94, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $66.22, lost $10.50 (folded)
Hero balance $124.13, bet $20.69, collected $41.07, net +$20.38
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player1 balance $89.50, lost $10.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851476441424l2u9ystch9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:33:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($111.19)
Seat 2: Player2 ($105.94)
Seat 3: Player3 ($66.22)
Seat 4: Hero ($124.13)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 6d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $112.19, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $104.94, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $66.22, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $124.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685147652990n9gm8vw5yg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:34:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($112.19)
Seat 2: Player1 ($104.94)
Seat 3: Player2 ($66.22)
Seat 4: Hero ($124.13)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, Qc ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $112.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $104.44, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $66.72, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $124.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685147679421m940vz38oi *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:34:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($112.19)
Seat 2: Player5 ($104.44)
Seat 3: Player1 ($66.72)
Seat 4: Hero ($124.13)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, Qh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4h, Kd, 5d ]
Hero checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5s ]
Hero bets (1.53)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.66 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ 4h, Kd, 5d, 5s ]
Player4 balance $112.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $102.24, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player1 balance $66.22, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $126.59, bet $3.73, collected $6.19, net +$2.46
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685147714271r0bq2iq0tv8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:34:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($112.19)
Seat 2: Player5 ($102.24)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Hero ($126.59)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 9c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 3 to 3
Hero folds
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, 7h, Kh ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (3.09)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ Td, 7h, Kh ]
Player4 balance $112.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $102.24, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $103.18, bet $6.09, collected $9.27, net +$3.18
Hero balance $126.09, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $97, lost $3 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685147767090v5q1d40z5w *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:35:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($112.19)
Seat 2: Player4 ($102.24)
Seat 3: Player5 ($103.18)
Seat 4: Hero ($126.09)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 9h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 3 to 3
Hero calls (3)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ah, 4c, Tc ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (4.51)
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.03 Rake: $0.47
Board: [ Ah, 4c, Tc ]
Player3 balance $112.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $102.24, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $109.21, bet $7.51, collected $13.54, net +$6.03
Hero balance $123.09, lost $3 (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $97, lost $3 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851477837904a43r9i26f *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:36:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($112.19)
Seat 2: Player3 ($102.24)
Seat 3: Player4 ($109.21)
Seat 4: Hero ($123.09)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 7h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $112.69, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $102.24, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $109.21, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $123.09, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685147803942bsdprkyem45 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:36:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($112.69)
Seat 2: Player2 ($102.24)
Seat 3: Player3 ($109.21)
Seat 4: Hero ($123.09)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9d, Qs ]
Player3 raises 3 to 3
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $112.19, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.24, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $110.71, bet $3, collected $4.50, net +$1.50
Hero balance $123.09, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685147831169s54218fysoa *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:36:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($112.19)
Seat 2: Player1 ($101.24)
Seat 3: Player2 ($110.71)
Seat 4: Hero ($123.09)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 8c ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8h, 3c, 9c ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (5.23)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 8h, 3c, 9c ]
Player6 balance $114.92, bet $7.73, collected $10.46, net +$2.73
Player1 balance $100.74, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $108.21, lost $2.50 (folded)
Hero balance $123.09, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685147850454xg8tehu408n *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:37:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($114.92)
Seat 2: Player6 ($100.74)
Seat 3: Player1 ($108.21)
Seat 4: Hero ($123.09)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, Kc ]
Player3 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $114.92, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $107.71, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $122.09, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $101.50, bet $2.24, collected $3.74, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685147906705n61dur2vmn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:37:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($114.92)
Seat 2: Player5 ($100.74)
Seat 3: Player6 ($107.71)
Seat 4: Hero ($122.09)
Seat 5: Player2 ($101.50)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Player4 could not respond in time.(disconnected)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2 to 2
Hero calls (1.50)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, 2d, Qd ]
Hero checks
Player6 bets (2.37)
Hero calls (2.37)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jd ]
Hero checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ts ]
Hero checks
Player6 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.26 Rake: $0.48
Board: [ 7s, 2d, Qd, Jd, Ts ]
Player4 balance $114.92, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $112.60, bet $4.37, collected $9.26, net +$4.89[ Qh, 8d ] [ a pair
of queens -- Qh,Qd,Jd,Ts,8d ]
Hero balance $117.72, lost $4.37[ 7d, Ah ] [ a pair of sevens -- Ah,Qd,Jd,7d,7s ]
Player2 balance $100.50, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851479512010moj9vo2r6tg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:38:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($114.92)
Seat 2: Player4 ($100.74)
Seat 3: Player5 ($112.60)
Seat 4: Hero ($117.72)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100.50)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 9s ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (2)
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ac, Ks, Js ]
Player3 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6s ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (2.61)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ Ac, Ks, Js, 6s ]
Player3 balance $112.92, lost $2 (folded)
Player4 balance $100.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $115.83, bet $4.61, collected $7.84, net +$3.23
Hero balance $117.72, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851479946461tgm8bj83ol *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:39:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($100.74)
Seat 3: Player3 ($115.83)
Seat 4: Hero ($117.72)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Js ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6s, 2s, Ac ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (1.30)
Player2 calls (1.30)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qh ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 2d ]
Player2 bets (3.85)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.70 Rake: $0.4
Board: [ 6s, 2s, Ac, Qh, 2d ]
Player2 balance $104.64, bet $7.65, collected $11.55, net +$3.90
Player3 balance $115.83, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $113.92, lost $3.80 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148026067hddao89voqj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:39:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($104.64)
Seat 3: Player2 ($115.83)
Seat 4: Hero ($113.92)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, Kc ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, 5c, Ks ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (2.60)
Player2 calls (2.60)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qc ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (7.29)
Player2 calls (7.29)
** Dealing River ** : [ 5h ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.45 Rake: $1.23
Board: [ Th, 5c, Ks, Qc, 5h ]
Player1 balance $104.14, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $115.47, bet $12.09, collected $11.73, lost $0.36[ Kh, Js ] [ two
pairs, kings and fives -- Kh,Ks,Qc,5c,5h ]
Hero balance $113.55, bet $12.09, collected $11.72, lost $0.37[ Jh, Kc ] [ two
pairs, kings and fives -- Kc,Ks,Qc,5c,5h ]
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148066998xrygx501gf8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:40:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player5 ($104.14)
Seat 3: Player1 ($115.47)
Seat 4: Hero ($113.55)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 2d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, Qs, 8h ]
Player1 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3h ]
Player1 bets (4.27)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 8s, Qs, 8h, 3h ]
Player5 balance $104.14, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $118.67, bet $6.77, collected $9.97, net +$3.20
Hero balance $112.55, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148122894u9s1sm3jds *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:41:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($104.14)
Seat 3: Player5 ($118.67)
Seat 4: Hero ($112.55)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 4c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, 6h, Qd ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4s ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ad ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.66 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ 6d, 6h, Qd, 4s, Ad ]
Player4 balance $104.27, bet $2.20, collected $2.33, net +$0.13[ Jh, Kc ] [ a pair
of sixes -- Ad,Kc,Qd,6d,6h ]
Player5 balance $118.67, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $112.05, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.13, bet $2.20, collected $2.33, net +$0.13[ Ks, 8s ] [ a pair
of sixes -- Ad,Ks,Qd,6d,6h ]
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148145927vi646b3xwe9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:42:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player3 ($104.27)
Seat 3: Player4 ($118.67)
Seat 4: Hero ($112.05)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100.13)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, 3s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $104.27, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $118.67, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $112.05, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $101.13, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148183392zmw13hm3m6a *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:42:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($423.38)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($272.64)
Seat 4: Player4 ($140.11)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, 5d ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $422.88, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $274.14, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $140.11, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851481614364r9r2yv1fqt *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:42:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($104.27)
Seat 3: Player3 ($118.67)
Seat 4: Hero ($112.05)
Seat 5: Player5 ($101.13)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 9h ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $104.77, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $118.67, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $112.05, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $101.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148197127nplik6lwcyd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:42:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($104.77)
Seat 3: Player2 ($118.67)
Seat 4: Hero ($112.05)
Seat 5: Player4 ($101.13)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 2h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ad, Ac, 9c ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (2.50)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ Ad, Ac, 9c ]
Player1 balance $104.27, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $116.17, lost $2.50 (folded)
Hero balance $112.05, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $101.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $102.73, bet $5, collected $7.73, net +$2.73

***** Hand History For Game 1685148209900q0bawtzd6xm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:43:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player5 ($104.27)
Seat 3: Player1 ($116.17)
Seat 4: Hero ($112.05)
Seat 5: Player3 ($101.13)
Seat 6: Player4 ($102.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 2d ]
Player3 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $104.27, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $115.67, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $111.05, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.63, bet $2.24, collected $3.74, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $102.73, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148246098y459o0659s *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:43:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($104.27)
Seat 3: Player5 ($115.67)
Seat 4: Hero ($111.05)
Seat 5: Player2 ($102.63)
Seat 6: Player3 ($102.73)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, 9s ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (2.50)
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, 6c, 3h ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (3.09)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ 5d, 6c, 3h ]
Player4 balance $104.27, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $119.35, bet $5.59, collected $9.27, net +$3.68
Hero balance $110.55, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.63, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100.23, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148266691libs3wup7c *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:44:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player3 ($104.27)
Seat 3: Player4 ($119.35)
Seat 4: Hero ($110.55)
Seat 5: Player1 ($101.63)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100.23)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3 to 3
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $104.27, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $120.85, bet $3, collected $4.50, net +$1.50
Hero balance $110.55, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $101.13, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99.23, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148284944pnuxsaxodr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:44:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($104.27)
Seat 3: Player3 ($120.85)
Seat 4: Hero ($110.55)
Seat 5: Player5 ($101.13)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 6h ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $104.77, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $120.85, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $110.55, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $101.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148312337sor2w28mi3 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:44:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($104.77)
Seat 3: Player2 ($120.85)
Seat 4: Hero ($110.55)
Seat 5: Player4 ($101.13)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, Kh ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, Ac, 5s ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (1.30)
Player2 calls (1.30)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qs ]
Player2 bets (3.85)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.70 Rake: $0.4
Board: [ Qh, Ac, 5s, Qs ]
Player1 balance $104.27, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $124.75, bet $7.65, collected $11.55, net +$3.90
Hero balance $106.75, lost $3.80 (folded)
Player4 balance $101.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148362009cu8es6dpr0s *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:45:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player5 ($104.27)
Seat 3: Player1 ($124.75)
Seat 4: Hero ($106.75)
Seat 5: Player3 ($101.13)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, Jd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Hero raises 10.50 to 11.50
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.90 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $102.07, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player1 balance $124.25, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $109.45, bet $11.50, collected $14.20, net +$2.70
Player3 balance $101.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148385607sispjy28gie *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:46:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($102.07)
Seat 3: Player5 ($124.25)
Seat 4: Hero ($109.45)
Seat 5: Player2 ($101.13)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, Kd ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (2.50)
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7c, Kh, 5c ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (3.09)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ 7c, Kh, 5c ]
Player4 balance $102.07, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $127.93, bet $5.59, collected $9.27, net +$3.68
Hero balance $108.95, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.13, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148403279skrkjrayqdd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:46:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player3 ($102.07)
Seat 3: Player4 ($127.93)
Seat 4: Hero ($108.95)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100.13)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, Td ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero raises 7 to 7
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $102.07, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $125.93, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $112.45, bet $7, collected $10.50, net +$3.50
Player1 balance $99.63, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148464806b51xuj3hbju *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:46:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($102.07)
Seat 3: Player3 ($125.93)
Seat 4: Hero ($112.45)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, Qd ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 9.50 to 10
Player2 folds
Hero raises 17.30 to 19.50
Player1 calls (9.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qs, Ad, 9s ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (12.54)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $38 Rake: $2.0
Board: [ Qs, Ad, 9s ]
Player2 balance $101.07, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $125.93, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $130.95, bet $32.04, collected $50.54, net +$18.50
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $80.50, lost $19.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148488601eosy5gz32ih *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:47:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($101.07)
Seat 3: Player2 ($125.93)
Seat 4: Hero ($130.95)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, 5c ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, Th, 2d ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (3.66)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 8s, Th, 2d ]
Player1 balance $100.57, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $123.43, lost $2.50 (folded)
Hero balance $130.95, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $102.73, bet $6.16, collected $8.89, net +$2.73

***** Hand History For Game 1685148508584unh5swzxx9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:48:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player5 ($100.57)
Seat 3: Player1 ($123.43)
Seat 4: Hero ($130.95)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($102.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Ts ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $100.57, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $122.93, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $131.45, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $102.73, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148548132zr5mlte6bu *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:48:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($100.57)
Seat 3: Player5 ($122.93)
Seat 4: Hero ($131.45)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($102.73)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Js ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $100.57, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $122.93, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $132.45, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.73, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148576207cyxxdgl342g *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:49:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player3 ($100.57)
Seat 3: Player4 ($122.93)
Seat 4: Hero ($132.45)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($102.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 2d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3 to 3
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $100.57, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $124.43, bet $3, collected $4.50, net +$1.50
Hero balance $132.45, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.73, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148608939j547j0nz1e *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:49:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($100.57)
Seat 3: Player3 ($124.43)
Seat 4: Hero ($132.45)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($101.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, Th ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 raises 7 to 7
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero raises 21.80 to 24
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $99.57, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $124.43, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $140.95, bet $24, collected $32.50, net +$8.50
Player5 balance $93, lost $7 (folded)
Player1 balance $101.23, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148629084rsjuzvj166r *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:50:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($124.43)
Seat 4: Hero ($140.95)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($101.23)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, Jh ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $124.93, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $140.95, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $101.23, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 168514867744073p1c4dpeui *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:50:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Player5 ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($124.93)
Seat 4: Hero ($140.95)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($101.23)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 8h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, 7c, 5h ]
Player1 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qc ]
Player1 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ts ]
Player1 bets (4.27)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 5d, 7c, 5h, Qc, Ts ]
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $128.13, bet $6.77, collected $9.97, net +$3.20
Hero balance $139.95, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $98.73, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148698430st0je8e22li *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:51:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($128.13)
Seat 4: Hero ($139.95)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Ah ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero raises 10 to 10.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $126.13, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $142.95, bet $10.50, collected $13.50, net +$3
Player4 balance $100, sits out
***** Hand History For Game 1685148737007vk5wrqedmpg *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:51:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($126.13)
Seat 4: Hero ($142.95)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 8d ]
Hero raises 2 to 2
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ As, Ks, 3d ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (1.10)
Player2 calls (1.10)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ts ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (5)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.37 Rake: $0.33
Board: [ As, Ks, 3d, Jh, Ts ]
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $123.03, lost $3.10 (folded)
Hero balance $146.22, bet $8.10, collected $11.37, net +$3.27
Player4 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685148785852aeu1g2x72ef *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:52:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($50)
Seat 2: Player3 ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($123.03)
Seat 4: Hero ($146.22)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 7c ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 calls (1.70)
Hero calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, As, Qs ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player3 bets (2.06)
Player1 raises 7.25 to 7.25
Hero folds
Player3 calls (5.19)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Tc ]
Player1 bets (15.03)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $20.05 Rake: $1.05
Board: [ 6c, As, Qs, Tc ]
Player4 balance $50, sits out
Player3 balance $90.55, lost $9.45 (folded)
Player1 balance $133.63, bet $24.48, collected $35.08, net +$10.60
Hero balance $144.02, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16851488004867vaerjoafwb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:53:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($50)
Seat 2: Player3 ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($133.63)
Seat 4: Hero ($144.02)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, Ac ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 raises 8 to 9
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $50, sits out
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $133.63, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $141.02, lost $3 (folded)
Player2 balance $103, bet $9, collected $12, net +$3

***** Hand History For Game 1685148811302j320fz3w9o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:53:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($50)
Seat 2: Player3 ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($133.63)
Seat 4: Hero ($141.02)
Seat 5: Player1 ($103)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, Jh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3 to 3
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $49, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $135.13, bet $3, collected $4.50, net +$1.50
Hero balance $141.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $102.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851488284585m6oz2mx1b2 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:53:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($49)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($135.13)
Seat 4: Hero ($141.02)
Seat 5: Player5 ($102.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 4h ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $48.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $135.13, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $141.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $102.50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148849378xqyyqov7m5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:53:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($48.50)
Seat 2: Player1 ($100.50)
Seat 3: Player2 ($135.13)
Seat 4: Hero ($141.02)
Seat 5: Player4 ($102.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, 8d ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $48.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $134.13, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $141.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $104, bet $2.24, collected $3.74, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685148891929araps0hvuz *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:54:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($48.50)
Seat 2: Player5 ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($134.13)
Seat 4: Hero ($141.02)
Seat 5: Player3 ($104)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, Jd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero raises 2 to 3
Player1 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, 8c, Qd ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (1.88)
Player1 calls (1.88)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8s ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (7.05)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.28 Rake: $0.48
Board: [ 8d, 8c, Qd, 8s ]
Player4 balance $48.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $129.25, lost $4.88 (folded)
Hero balance $145.42, bet $11.93, collected $16.33, net +$4.40
Player3 balance $104, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148910276n2l94v8nl9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:54:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($48.50)
Seat 2: Player4 ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($129.25)
Seat 4: Hero ($145.42)
Seat 5: Player2 ($104)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 3s ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (2)
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, Qc, Th ]
Player3 bets (3.71)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.26999998
Board: [ 3d, Qc, Th ]
Player3 balance $51.73, bet $5.71, collected $8.94, net +$3.23
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $127.25, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $144.92, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $103, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148926432ra8g05twj4h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:55:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($51.73)
Seat 2: Player3 ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($127.25)
Seat 4: Hero ($144.92)
Seat 5: Player1 ($103)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3 to 3
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $50.73, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $128.75, bet $3, collected $4.50, net +$1.50
Hero balance $144.92, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $102.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685148954293ko624ru746 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:55:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($50.73)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($128.75)
Seat 4: Hero ($144.92)
Seat 5: Player5 ($102.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 7d ]
Player3 raises 3 to 3
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $50.23, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $130.25, bet $3, collected $4.50, net +$1.50
Hero balance $144.92, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $102.50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851489944654ste6qpuaal *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:55:53 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($50.23)
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($130.25)
Seat 4: Hero ($144.92)
Seat 5: Player4 ($102.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9d, 8h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5h, Js, Ad ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Player2 bets (3.21)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.28 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ 5h, Js, Ad, 6c ]
Player5 balance $48.23, lost $2 (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $132.53, bet $5.21, collected $7.49, net +$2.28
Hero balance $144.92, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $102.50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149015895dem9eyu33f *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:56:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($48.23)
Seat 2: Player5 ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($132.53)
Seat 4: Hero ($144.92)
Seat 5: Player3 ($102.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 8d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 calls (1.70)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, Kd, 3d ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (2.56)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.13 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 5c, Kd, 3d ]
Player4 balance $48.23, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $102.93, bet $4.76, collected $7.69, net +$2.93
Player1 balance $130.33, lost $2.20 (folded)
Hero balance $143.92, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149035007090e4lkflmzq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:56:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($48.23)
Seat 2: Player4 ($102.93)
Seat 3: Player5 ($130.33)
Seat 4: Hero ($143.92)
Seat 5: Player2 ($102.50)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 9h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 raises 11 to 12
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.90 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $48.23, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100.73, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player5 balance $130.33, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $143.42, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $105.20, bet $12, collected $14.70, net +$2.70

***** Hand History For Game 1685149049458yrbcpv2302 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:57:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($48.23)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100.73)
Seat 3: Player3 ($130.33)
Seat 4: Hero ($143.42)
Seat 5: Player1 ($105.20)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 3d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $48.23, sits out
Player2 balance $99.73, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $130.33, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $143.42, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $106.20, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 1685149064226t29kixza33 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:57:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($130.33)
Seat 4: Hero ($143.42)
Seat 5: Player4 ($106.20)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 6h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $101, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $129.33, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $143.42, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $106.20, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149122697j95u9iombk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:57:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($101)
Seat 3: Player1 ($129.33)
Seat 4: Hero ($143.42)
Seat 5: Player3 ($106.20)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 3d ]
Player3 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player4 folds
Player1 calls (1.74)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6h, 4s, 4d ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ks ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9c ]
Player1 bets (2.60)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.21 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 6h, 4s, 4d, Ks, 9c ]
Player4 balance $101, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $132.30, bet $4.84, collected $7.81, net +$2.97
Hero balance $142.42, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.96, lost $2.24 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149134510g6xhvdm55hl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:57:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($91.20)
Seat 6: Player1 ($121.97)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 8d ]
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ah, 3s, 8c ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6d ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ks ]
Hero bets (1.56)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ Ah, 3s, 8c, 6d, Ks ]
Hero balance $102.25, bet $4.06, collected $6.31, net +$2.25
Player3 balance $91.20, sits out
Player1 balance $119.47, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149137847s4lna0jeyo *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:58:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player3 ($101)
Seat 3: Player4 ($132.30)
Seat 4: Hero ($142.42)
Seat 5: Player2 ($103.96)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, Kd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero raises 8 to 8.50
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $101, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $130.30, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $145.42, bet $8.50, collected $11.50, net +$3
Player2 balance $102.96, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149149088tqctuexj39m *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:58:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($101)
Seat 3: Player3 ($130.30)
Seat 4: Hero ($145.42)
Seat 5: Player1 ($102.96)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 8s ]
Player3 raises 3 to 3
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $100, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $131.80, bet $3, collected $4.50, net +$1.50
Hero balance $145.42, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $102.46, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851491506604lmyjwbfnt3 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:58:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($102.25)
Seat 3: Player2 ($91.20)
Seat 6: Player3 ($119.47)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $101.75, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $91.70, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $119.47, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851491836425tswezmy6bn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:59:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($131.80)
Seat 4: Hero ($145.42)
Seat 5: Player4 ($102.46)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, Kd ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ad, 2c, 5c ]
Player1 bets (2.85)
Player2 calls (2.85)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9d ]
Player1 bets (5.56)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.12 Rake: $0.58
Board: [ Ad, 2c, 5c, 4h, 9d ]
Player1 balance $105.27, bet $11.41, collected $16.68, net +$5.27
Player2 balance $125.95, lost $5.85 (folded)
Hero balance $145.42, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $102.46, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149225667sxwwfrrfqlo *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:59:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($101.75)
Seat 3: Player1 ($91.70)
Seat 6: Player2 ($119.47)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 8d ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 raises 4.70 to 5.20
Player2 folds
Hero calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, 9c, 2s ]
Player1 bets (3.61)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.83 Rake: $0.57
Board: [ 4d, 9c, 2s ]
Hero balance $96.55, lost $5.20 (folded)
Player1 balance $97.33, bet $8.81, collected $14.44, net +$5.63
Player2 balance $118.47, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851492038459weti3rkzd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 20:59:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($105.27)
Seat 3: Player1 ($125.95)
Seat 4: Hero ($145.42)
Seat 5: Player3 ($102.46)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, Kd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 calls (1.70)
Hero raises 11.50 to 12.50
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.60 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $103.07, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player1 balance $123.75, lost $2.20 (folded)
Hero balance $149.82, bet $12.50, collected $16.90, net +$4.40
Player3 balance $102.46, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149228306y0t8eh23iz8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:00:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player3 ($103.07)
Seat 3: Player4 ($123.75)
Seat 4: Hero ($149.82)
Seat 5: Player2 ($102.46)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, 4s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero calls (1.50)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, As, Th ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (2.37)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 7d, As, Th, 2s ]
Player3 balance $103.07, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $126.50, bet $4.37, collected $7.12, net +$2.75
Hero balance $147.82, lost $2 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.46, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851492575453toecs2d0cl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:00:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($103.07)
Seat 3: Player3 ($126.50)
Seat 4: Hero ($147.82)
Seat 5: Player1 ($101.46)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, Jh ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9h, 4s, Kh ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (2.38)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 9h, 4s, Kh ]
Player2 balance $100.82, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player3 balance $126.50, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $150.32, bet $4.63, collected $7.13, net +$2.50
Player1 balance $100.96, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149269090hfxtfmqddq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:00:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($97.33)
Seat 6: Player1 ($118.47)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9d, 3s ]
Player3 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ac, Qh, Qs ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (3.20)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ Ac, Qh, Qs, 6c ]
Hero balance $102.70, bet $6.20, collected $8.90, net +$2.70
Player3 balance $97.33, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $115.47, lost $3 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149264132ln2x3ct21wk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:00:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($100.82)
Seat 3: Player2 ($126.50)
Seat 4: Hero ($150.32)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100.96)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 7c ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $100.32, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $127, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $150.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100.96, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149297298eg2h9q3bya *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:01:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($100.32)
Seat 3: Player1 ($127)
Seat 4: Hero ($150.32)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100.96)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 4s ]
Player3 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player4 folds
Player1 calls (1.74)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, 3c, 9c ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9d ]
Player1 bets (3.90)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.21 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 4d, 3c, 9c, 9d ]
Player4 balance $100.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $129.97, bet $6.14, collected $9.11, net +$2.97
Hero balance $149.32, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $98.72, lost $2.24 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851492816745gacdm0tk97 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:01:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($102.70)
Seat 3: Player2 ($97.33)
Seat 6: Player3 ($115.47)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, Ad ]
Player3 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $102.20, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $96.33, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $116.97, bet $2.24, collected $3.74, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685149290176w9sbc0pcer *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:01:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($102.20)
Seat 3: Player1 ($96.33)
Seat 6: Player2 ($116.97)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 7d ]
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $102.20, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $95.83, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $117.47, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685149302434dsgswfqwkjn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:01:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($102.20)
Seat 3: Player3 ($95.83)
Seat 6: Player1 ($117.47)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, 2h ]
Player3 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $102.70, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $95.83, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $116.97, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149326763qa1mcyjav4k *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:01:37 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player3 ($100.32)
Seat 3: Player4 ($129.97)
Seat 4: Hero ($149.32)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3 to 3
Hero raises 9 to 9.50
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (6.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kh, Qc, Ac ]
Hero bets (10.64)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $19 Rake: $1.0
Board: [ Kh, Qc, Ac ]
Player3 balance $100.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $120.47, lost $9.50 (folded)
Hero balance $158.82, bet $20.14, collected $29.64, net +$9.50
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149317526hjqcx2255xf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:01:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($102.70)
Seat 3: Player2 ($95.83)
Seat 4: Player4 ($134.11)
Seat 6: Player3 ($116.97)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Th ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, 8h, 8s ]
Hero bets (2.40)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.28 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ 5d, 8h, 8s ]
Hero balance $104.73, bet $4.65, collected $6.68, net +$2.03
Player2 balance $93.58, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player4 balance $134.11, sits out
Player3 balance $116.97, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168514934722898ydzgq3sgu *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:02:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.73)
Seat 3: Player1 ($93.58)
Seat 4: Player2 ($134.11)
Seat 6: Player3 ($116.97)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, 4s ]
Player3 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Hero folds
Player1 raises 7.22 to 7.72
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.48 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $104.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $96.82, bet $7.72, collected $10.96, net +$3.24
Player2 balance $133.11, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $114.73, lost $2.24 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149342485nue01sagcme *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:02:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player2 ($100.32)
Seat 3: Player3 ($120.47)
Seat 4: Hero ($158.82)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, Jd ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $99.32, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $120.47, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $160.32, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149356867jijd7i0pgf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:02:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($120.47)
Seat 4: Hero ($160.32)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, 3c ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $120.97, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $160.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149365353y5y64ucnyw *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:02:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.73)
Seat 3: Player4 ($96.82)
Seat 4: Player1 ($133.11)
Seat 6: Player2 ($114.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 6h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $104.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $96.82, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $132.61, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $115.23, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685149379485ncyfjiny3yk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:02:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player4 ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($120.97)
Seat 4: Hero ($160.32)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 6c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, Qs, 4h ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Td ]
Player1 bets (1)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ 9d, Qs, 4h, Td ]
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $121.87, bet $2, collected $2.90, net +$0.90
Hero balance $159.32, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149382098ciawnkidlmr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:02:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.73)
Seat 3: Player3 ($96.82)
Seat 4: Player4 ($132.61)
Seat 6: Player1 ($115.23)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9d, 2d ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $103.73, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $98.32, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $132.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $114.73, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149395539t7juts61p4 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:02:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Player3 ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($121.87)
Seat 4: Hero ($159.32)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 9d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero raises 10 to 10.50
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $119.87, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $162.32, bet $10.50, collected $13.50, net +$3
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168514942625118mtyjlxo48 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:03:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($103.73)
Seat 3: Player2 ($98.32)
Seat 4: Player3 ($132.61)
Seat 6: Player4 ($114.73)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, 6s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.24)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qc, Kd, 7s ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (1.42)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.74 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ Qc, Kd, 7s ]
Hero balance $103.23, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $96.08, lost $2.24 (folded)
Player3 balance $132.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $117.23, bet $3.66, collected $6.16, net +$2.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851494266264phzk9csh9m *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:03:15 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($119.87)
Seat 4: Hero ($162.32)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, 9d ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ad, 3d, 8c ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (1.53)
Player2 calls (1.53)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5h ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (3.79)
Player2 calls (3.79)
** Dealing River ** : [ 7s ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (11.22)
Player2 calls (11.22)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $36.09 Rake: $1.89
Board: [ Ad, 3d, 8c, 5h, 7s ]
Player2 balance $137.22, bet $18.74, collected $36.09, net +$17.35[ As, 6s ] [ a
pair of aces -- As,Ad,8c,7s,6s ]
Hero balance $143.58, lost $18.74[ Kh, 9d ] [ high card ace -- Ad,Kh,9d,8c,7s ]
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149452408lymyavz4vl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:03:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($137.22)
Seat 4: Hero ($143.58)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 5c ]
Player3 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero raises 1.50 to 2.50
Player1 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9c, 6d, 6c ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (2.66)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 9c, 6d, 6c ]
Player1 balance $134.72, lost $2.50 (folded)
Hero balance $145.83, bet $5.16, collected $7.41, net +$2.25
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149478203dwalevf32hq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:03:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($103.23)
Seat 3: Player1 ($96.08)
Seat 4: Player2 ($132.61)
Seat 6: Player3 ($117.23)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Qc ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, 6d, Qs ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (2.60)
Player2 calls (2.60)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5c ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 8h ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (7.50)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.60 Rake: $0.5
Board: [ 8d, 6d, Qs, 5c, 8h ]
Hero balance $108.03, bet $12.30, collected $17.10, net +$4.80
Player1 balance $95.58, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $127.81, lost $4.80 (folded)
Player3 balance $117.23, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149487377pg9myizjhzi *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:04:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player3 ($134.72)
Seat 4: Hero ($145.83)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, As ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2h, 7s, Ah ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (2.14)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.28 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ 2h, 7s, Ah ]
Player3 balance $137, bet $4.14, collected $6.42, net +$2.28
Hero balance $145.33, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $98, lost $2 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149483796zfpmgexhca *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:04:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($108.03)
Seat 3: Player4 ($95.58)
Seat 4: Player1 ($127.81)
Seat 6: Player2 ($117.23)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 6s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $108.03, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $95.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $127.31, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $117.73, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851495007081nkkrdhwari *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:04:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($137)
Seat 4: Hero ($145.33)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 4s ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $136, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $146.83, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685149500707pr6nprq5qd *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:04:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($108.03)
Seat 3: Player3 ($95.58)
Seat 4: Player4 ($127.31)
Seat 6: Player1 ($117.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 2h ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $107.03, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $97.08, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $127.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $117.23, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149527956wjoggcctmnk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:05:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($136)
Seat 4: Hero ($146.83)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, Qc ]
Player3 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero raises 1.50 to 2.50
Player1 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kd, Qh, Ac ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Js ]
Player1 bets (2.37)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ Kd, Qh, Ac, Js ]
Player1 balance $138.25, bet $4.87, collected $7.12, net +$2.25
Hero balance $144.33, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149563806x55lvrqydla *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:05:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($107.03)
Seat 3: Player2 ($97.08)
Seat 4: Player3 ($127.31)
Seat 6: Player4 ($117.23)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 6d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.24)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, 3c, As ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9h ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Jd ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.74 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ 5d, 3c, As, 9h, Jd ]
Hero balance $106.53, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $94.84, lost $2.24[ Qc, 7c ] [ high card ace -- As,Qc,Jd,9h,7c ]
Player3 balance $127.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $119.73, bet $2.24, collected $4.74, net +$2.50[ 7s, 7h ] [ a pair
of sevens -- As,Jd,9h,7s,7h ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685149543820nd3hbbgq89 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:05:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player3 ($138.25)
Seat 4: Hero ($144.33)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 9d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $138.25, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $143.83, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685149576247xfafnze96w *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:05:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($138.25)
Seat 4: Hero ($143.83)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, Qs ]
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s, 6s, Qc ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ac ]
Player1 bets (3.99)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 4s, 6s, Qc, Ac ]
Player2 balance $135.25, lost $3 (folded)
Hero balance $143.83, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $103.20, bet $6.99, collected $9.69, net +$2.70

***** Hand History For Game 1685149572544f15w0mxoo0i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:06:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($106.53)
Seat 3: Player1 ($94.84)
Seat 4: Player2 ($127.31)
Seat 6: Player3 ($119.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, Ts ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $106.53, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $94.34, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $127.81, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $119.73, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149590152v71m1j8tcv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:06:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($135.25)
Seat 4: Hero ($143.83)
Seat 5: Player3 ($103.20)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 6d ]
Player3 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $134.75, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $144.33, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $103.20, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 16851495999770qa9hfwo67vb *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:06:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($106.53)
Seat 3: Player3 ($94.34)
Seat 4: Player1 ($127.81)
Seat 6: Player4 ($119.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 5s ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 raises 9.50 to 10
Hero folds
Player3 calls (7.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, Kd, Ad ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qc ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (6.65)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $19.95 Rake: $1.05
Board: [ Js, Kd, Ad, Qc ]
Hero balance $105.53, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $104.29, bet $16.65, collected $26.60, net +$9.95
Player1 balance $117.81, lost $10 (folded)
Player4 balance $119.73, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685149597214q3qzhbeo3fq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:06:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($134.75)
Seat 4: Hero ($144.33)
Seat 5: Player3 ($103.20)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 9h ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $135.25, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $143.83, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.20, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685149644585fzgxa0pxqbr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:06:37 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($135.25)
Seat 4: Hero ($143.83)
Seat 5: Player3 ($103.20)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, Kd ]
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6s, Jh, Qd ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6h ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9h ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (1.42)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ 6s, Jh, Qd, 6h, 9h ]
Player1 balance $136.15, bet $2.42, collected $3.32, net +$0.90
Hero balance $142.83, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.20, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685149608614jarjbhx19jb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:06:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($105.53)
Seat 3: Player2 ($104.29)
Seat 4: Player3 ($117.81)
Seat 6: Player4 ($119.73)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, 4h ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $105.03, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $104.79, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $117.81, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $119.73, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685149616195pgd8ea94ues *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:06:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($105.03)
Seat 3: Player1 ($104.79)
Seat 4: Player2 ($117.81)
Seat 6: Player4 ($119.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, 3d ]
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $105.03, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $104.29, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $118.31, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player4 balance $119.73, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685149623385jlgclsl98r *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:07:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($105.03)
Seat 3: Player3 ($104.29)
Seat 4: Player1 ($118.31)
Seat 6: Player4 ($119.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $105.53, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $104.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $117.81, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player4 balance $119.73, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16851496326914s5bhudpomm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:07:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($105.53)
Seat 3: Player2 ($104.29)
Seat 4: Player3 ($117.81)
Seat 6: Player4 ($119.73)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 4s ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $105.03, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $103.29, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $119.31, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $119.73, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685149643924b1fiifc60ik *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:07:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($105.03)
Seat 3: Player1 ($103.29)
Seat 4: Player2 ($119.31)
Seat 6: Player4 ($119.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 6d ]
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $105.03, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $104.29, bet $2.50, collected $3.50, net +$1
Player2 balance $118.31, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $119.73, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685149654408ox9aqdcm3q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:07:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($136.15)
Seat 4: Hero ($142.83)
Seat 5: Player3 ($103.20)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, Ks ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $135.15, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $143.83, bet $2.25, collected $3.25, net +$1
Player3 balance $103.20, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16851496525477trvge253g6 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:07:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($105.03)
Seat 3: Player3 ($104.29)
Seat 4: Player1 ($118.31)
Seat 6: Player4 ($119.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, Kh ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $104.03, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $105.79, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $117.81, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player4 balance $119.73, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685149688974olrvg5zbq6p *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:07:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($135.15)
Seat 4: Hero ($143.83)
Seat 5: Player3 ($103.20)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 9h ]
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ah, 6d, 8d ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (1)
Hero raises 3.18 to 3.18
Player1 calls (2.18)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4c ]
Hero bets (3.98)
Player1 calls (3.98)
** Dealing River ** : [ 3c ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (7.75)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.51 Rake: $0.81
Board: [ Ah, 6d, 8d, 4c, 3c ]
Player1 balance $142.50, bet $15.91, collected $23.26, net +$7.35
Hero balance $135.67, lost $8.16 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.20, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685149664058zu5pl6gs8o7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:07:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.03)
Seat 3: Player2 ($105.79)
Seat 4: Player3 ($117.81)
Seat 6: Player4 ($119.73)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, 3c ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $103.53, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $106.29, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $117.81, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $119.73, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685149673603krkspdr693j *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:07:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($103.53)
Seat 3: Player1 ($106.29)
Seat 4: Player2 ($117.81)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($119.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 4c ]
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $103.53, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $107.29, bet $2.50, collected $3.50, net +$1
Player2 balance $116.81, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $100, sits out
Player5 balance $119.73, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16851496900136zwpw34ybqm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:07:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($103.53)
Seat 3: Player4 ($107.29)
Seat 4: Player1 ($116.81)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($119.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, Jh ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $103.53, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $108.79, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $116.31, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player5 balance $119.73, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685149702626bs2d0f820b *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:08:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player3 ($142.50)
Seat 4: Hero ($135.67)
Seat 5: Player2 ($103.20)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Ad ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2 to 2.50
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $142.50, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $136.67, bet $2.50, collected $3.50, net +$1
Player2 balance $102.20, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149724055h9j4ww8ezil *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:08:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($103.53)
Seat 3: Player4 ($108.79)
Seat 4: Player5 ($116.31)
Seat 5: Player1 ($99)
Seat 6: Player2 ($119.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 9s ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2h, 5h, Ad ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (3.20)
Player1 calls (3.20)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6d ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (8.90)
Player1 calls (8.90)
** Dealing River ** : [ 8s ]
Player1 bets (19.12)
Hero calls (19.12)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $65.44 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 2h, 5h, Ad, 6d, 8s ]
Hero balance $69.81, lost $33.72[ As, 9s ] [ a pair of aces -- As,Ad,9s,8s,6d ]
Player4 balance $108.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $116.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $130.72, bet $33.72, collected $65.44, net +$31.72[ Qc, Ac ] [ a
pair of aces -- Ac,Ad,Qc,8s,6d ]
Player2 balance $118.73, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149757231bmxcfxsmzit *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:08:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($142.50)
Seat 4: Hero ($136.67)
Seat 5: Player1 ($102.20)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 5s ]
Hero raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 raises 10 to 10.50
Player2 folds
Hero calls (8)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, 5c, 4c ]
Player1 bets (3.50)
Hero calls (3.50)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ts ]
Player1 bets (14.05)
Hero calls (14.05)
** Dealing River ** : [ Ks ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $55.10 Rake: $2.0
Board: [ 6c, 5c, 4c, Ts, Ks ]
Player2 balance $141.50, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $108.62, lost $28.05[ 3s, 5s ] [ a pair of fives -- Ks,Ts,6c,5s,5c ]
Player1 balance $129.25, bet $28.05, collected $55.10, net +$27.05[ 8h, Th ] [ a
pair of tens -- Ks,Th,Ts,8h,6c ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685149743398zzev36ytx9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:08:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($108.79)
Seat 4: Player4 ($116.31)
Seat 5: Player5 ($130.72)
Seat 6: Player1 ($118.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 6s ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ad, Ks, 3d ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (1.74)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ Ad, Ks, 3d ]
Hero balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $111.52, bet $4.24, collected $6.97, net +$2.73
Player4 balance $116.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $130.72, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $118.23, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851497597985qmgv02yd8a *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:09:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($116.31)
Seat 5: Player3 ($130.72)
Seat 6: Player4 ($118.23)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 6d ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jc, Kd, 3c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (1.58)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ Jc, Kd, 3c ]
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $115.31, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $132.10, bet $2.58, collected $3.96, net +$1.38
Player4 balance $118.23, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149804907eees8avypp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:09:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($141.50)
Seat 4: Hero ($108.62)
Seat 5: Player3 ($129.25)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 6d ]
Player3 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player1 calls (1.74)
Hero calls (1.24)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kd, 6s, 2h ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8h ]
Player1 bets (4.79)
Hero folds
Player3 calls (4.79)
** Dealing River ** : [ Tc ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.49 Rake: $0.80999994
Board: [ Kd, 6s, 2h, 8h, Tc ]
Player1 balance $134.47, lost $7.03[ 8d, As ] [ a pair of eights --
As,Kd,Tc,8d,8h ]
Hero balance $106.38, lost $2.24 (folded)
Player3 balance $137.71, bet $7.03, collected $15.49, net +$8.46[ Kh, 7h ] [ a pair
of kings -- Kh,Kd,Tc,8h,7h ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685149788002w3mopjoa6js *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:09:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($115.31)
Seat 5: Player2 ($132.10)
Seat 6: Player3 ($118.23)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 4d ]
Player3 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $114.81, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $131.10, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $119.73, bet $2.24, collected $3.74, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685149798593sucf0e3hiys *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:09:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($114.81)
Seat 5: Player1 ($131.10)
Seat 6: Player2 ($119.73)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, Ac ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $114.81, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $130.60, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $120.23, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851498156240vwo82f0vwu9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:10:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($114.81)
Seat 5: Player4 ($130.60)
Seat 6: Player1 ($120.23)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $114.81, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $130.60, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $121.23, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 168514982307275j6v4fnsw6 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:10:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 3: Player3 ($134.47)
Seat 4: Hero ($106.38)
Seat 5: Player2 ($137.71)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Jc ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero raises 7 to 7.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $132.47, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $109.38, bet $7.50, collected $10.50, net +$3
Player2 balance $136.71, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149872366yyjmdrf5rrb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:10:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($114.81)
Seat 5: Player3 ($130.60)
Seat 6: Player4 ($121.23)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 8d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 raises 8 to 9
Hero calls (6)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, Qs, 6d ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5d ]
Hero bets (17.10)
Player2 calls (17.10)
** Dealing River ** : [ Ts ]
Hero bets (73.90)
Hero is all-In.
Player2 calls (73.90)
Creating Main Pot with $ 198 with Hero
** Summary **
Main Pot: $198 Rake: $2.0
Board: [ 2d, Qs, 6d, 5d, Ts ]
Hero balance $0, lost $100[ Jd, 8d ] [ a flush, jack high -- Jd,8d,6d,5d,2d ]
Player2 balance $212.81, bet $100, collected $198, net +$98[ Ad, Qd ] [ a flush,
ace high -- Ad,Qd,6d,5d,2d ]
Player3 balance $130.60, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $121.23, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149836299jywio8vrj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:10:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($132.47)
Seat 4: Hero ($109.38)
Seat 5: Player1 ($136.71)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, Qh ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 raises 10 to 10.50
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $131.47, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $107.13, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player1 balance $139.96, bet $10.50, collected $13.75, net +$3.25
Player4 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16851498531289y8kxxbgffm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:10:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($131.47)
Seat 4: Hero ($107.13)
Seat 5: Player3 ($139.96)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, Kh ]
Player3 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero raises 4.50 to 5.50
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $130.47, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $108.13, bet $5.50, collected $6.50, net +$1
Player3 balance $139.96, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685149879926msedvjmvn2m *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:10:53 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player3 ($130.47)
Seat 4: Hero ($108.13)
Seat 5: Player2 ($139.96)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 6d ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player2 raises 9.50 to 10.50
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $128.47, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $107.63, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $142.46, bet $10.50, collected $13, net +$2.50
Player4 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685149905140u2ij29ybd1 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:11:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($212.81)
Seat 5: Player2 ($130.60)
Seat 6: Player3 ($121.23)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ah, 2d, 4h ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (1.20)
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ts ]
Player2 bets (2.34)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.03 Rake: $0.37
Board: [ Ah, 2d, 4h, Ts ]
Hero balance $96.55, lost $3.45 (folded)
Player1 balance $212.31, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $134.18, bet $5.79, collected $9.37, net +$3.58
Player3 balance $121.23, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851498900754v2ywbptm1s *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:11:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player3 ($128.47)
Seat 4: Hero ($107.63)
Seat 5: Player1 ($142.46)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $128.47, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $109.13, bet $2.25, collected $3.75, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $141.96, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149907171nkhyx1raqee *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:11:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($128.47)
Seat 4: Hero ($109.13)
Seat 5: Player4 ($141.96)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 2h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $128.97, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $109.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $141.96, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149915566fxm075tob8v *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:11:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($128.97)
Seat 4: Hero ($109.13)
Seat 5: Player3 ($141.96)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, 4d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $128.47, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $109.63, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $141.96, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851499616084yhif1jzlco *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:11:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($212.31)
Seat 5: Player1 ($134.18)
Seat 6: Player2 ($121.23)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, Ac ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, 9s, Ks ]
Player2 bets (3.26)
Hero calls (3.26)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3d ]
Player2 bets (7.59)
Hero calls (7.59)
** Dealing River ** : [ As ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $25.27 Rake: $1.33
Board: [ Js, 9s, Ks, 3d, As ]
Hero balance $86.95, lost $13.05[ Ad, Ac ] [ three of a kind, aces --
Ad,Ac,As,Ks,Js ]
Player4 balance $212.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $133.68, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $133.45, bet $13.05, collected $25.27, net +$12.22[ 4s, 6s ] [ a
flush, ace high -- As,Ks,Js,9s,6s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685149942755k5fu9y6p4io *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:11:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player4 ($128.47)
Seat 4: Hero ($109.63)
Seat 5: Player2 ($141.96)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 2d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3 to 3
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $129.97, bet $3, collected $4.50, net +$1.50
Hero balance $109.13, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $140.96, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685149963729txrmqixxgtg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:12:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player3 ($129.97)
Seat 4: Hero ($109.13)
Seat 5: Player1 ($140.96)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, 8h ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $129.97, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $109.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $140.46, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851500045595lliyq3m8h4 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:12:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($129.97)
Seat 4: Hero ($109.13)
Seat 5: Player4 ($140.46)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, 5h ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.24)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2h, 5s, Qs ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (3.31)
Player2 calls (3.31)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qc ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 4s ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.02 Rake: $0.58
Board: [ 2h, 5s, Qs, Qc, 4s ]
Player2 balance $135.44, bet $5.55, collected $11.02, net +$5.47[ 8d, Qd ] [ three
of a kind, queens -- Qd,Qs,Qc,8d,5s ]
Hero balance $109.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $134.91, lost $5.55[ 3d, 4d ] [ two pairs, queens and fours --
Qs,Qc,5s,4d,4s ]
Player1 balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851499781943yyzj82mdif *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:12:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($212.31)
Seat 5: Player4 ($133.68)
Seat 6: Player1 ($133.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $212.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $133.68, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $132.95, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851500109432awqd6wepab *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:13:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100.50)
Seat 4: Player2 ($212.31)
Seat 5: Player3 ($133.68)
Seat 6: Player4 ($132.95)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, Ts ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $101.50, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $211.31, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $133.68, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $132.95, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150019492rmhhfbrssqo *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:13:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($135.44)
Seat 4: Hero ($109.13)
Seat 5: Player3 ($134.91)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 7d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $134.94, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $108.13, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $134.91, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $101.50, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685150034057q75ev96o4k *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:13:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 4: Player1 ($211.31)
Seat 5: Player2 ($133.68)
Seat 6: Player3 ($132.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 7c ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 raises 9.50 to 10
Player2 raises 31.20 to 32.20
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $22.20 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $99.30, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player1 balance $201.31, lost $10 (folded)
Player2 balance $145.88, bet $32.20, collected $44.40, net +$12.20
Player3 balance $132.95, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150060131kel3ljfxdeh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:13:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player4 ($134.94)
Seat 4: Hero ($108.13)
Seat 5: Player2 ($134.91)
Seat 6: Player3 ($101.50)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, 6c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3 to 3
Hero folds
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s, Td, 6d ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (3.09)
Player2 raises 11.74 to 11.74
Player4 raises 24.91 to 28
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $28.49 Rake: $1.4900001
Board: [ 4s, Td, 6d ]
Player4 balance $148.69, bet $31, collected $44.75, net +$13.75
Hero balance $107.63, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $120.17, lost $14.74 (folded)
Player3 balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150045856ysyg923ausp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:13:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($201.31)
Seat 5: Player1 ($145.88)
Seat 6: Player2 ($132.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, Ac ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $101.50, bet $2.25, collected $3.75, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $201.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $145.38, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $131.95, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150079968a6ajnocy67m *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:14:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 4: Player3 ($201.31)
Seat 5: Player4 ($145.38)
Seat 6: Player1 ($131.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, Qs ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, 3s, Ac ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Hero bets (2.33)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.66 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ 5d, 3s, Ac, 2s ]
Hero balance $103.96, bet $4.53, collected $6.99, net +$2.46
Player3 balance $199.11, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player4 balance $145.38, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $131.45, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150074869g2u1t3u3d7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:14:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player3 ($148.69)
Seat 4: Hero ($107.63)
Seat 5: Player1 ($120.17)
Seat 6: Player2 ($101.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, 4h ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $150.19, bet $2, collected $3.50, net +$1.50
Hero balance $107.63, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $119.67, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851500849294hocrkgbjv9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:14:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($150.19)
Seat 4: Hero ($107.63)
Seat 5: Player4 ($119.67)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, Qc ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $150.69, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $107.63, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $119.67, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150102993j7q0a34o8qf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:14:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($103.96)
Seat 4: Player2 ($199.11)
Seat 5: Player3 ($145.38)
Seat 6: Player4 ($131.45)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, 8c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $104.96, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $198.11, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $145.38, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $131.45, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150134326awpa2afkyz6 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:14:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($150.69)
Seat 4: Hero ($107.63)
Seat 5: Player3 ($119.67)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 7c ]
Player3 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player4 folds
Player1 calls (1.74)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jc, 9d, Qh ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8s ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Jd ]
Player1 bets (2.60)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.21 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ Jc, 9d, Qh, 8s, Jd ]
Player1 balance $153.66, bet $4.84, collected $7.81, net +$2.97
Hero balance $106.63, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $117.43, lost $2.24 (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150128291wrbejwd5cxl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:15:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.96)
Seat 4: Player1 ($198.11)
Seat 5: Player2 ($145.38)
Seat 6: Player3 ($131.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 3h ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $106.46, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $197.61, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $144.38, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $131.45, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150143987boir9r0th8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:15:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($106.46)
Seat 4: Player4 ($197.61)
Seat 5: Player1 ($144.38)
Seat 6: Player2 ($131.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 9d ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $106.46, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $197.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $143.88, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $131.95, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685150217359iyuxd77pntl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:15:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player4 ($153.66)
Seat 4: Hero ($106.63)
Seat 5: Player2 ($117.43)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, Kd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero raises 8.50 to 9
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (7)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, 8d, 7d ]
Hero bets (4.51)
Player4 calls (4.51)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7c ]
Hero bets (6.65)
Player4 calls (6.65)
** Dealing River ** : [ 5h ]
Hero bets (22.01)
Player4 calls (22.01)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $83.34 Rake: $2.0
Board: [ 6c, 8d, 7d, 7c, 5h ]
Player4 balance $194.83, bet $42.17, collected $83.34, net +$41.17[ 3h, 3d ] [ two
pairs, sevens and threes -- 8d,7d,7c,3h,3d ]
Hero balance $64.46, lost $42.17[ Ts, Kd ] [ a pair of sevens -- Kd,Ts,8d,7d,7c ]
Player2 balance $116.43, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150154038c1516ltujdo *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:15:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($106.46)
Seat 4: Player3 ($197.61)
Seat 5: Player4 ($143.88)
Seat 6: Player1 ($131.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, As ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $106.96, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $197.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $143.88, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $131.45, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851501812465zyws2l5ctw *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:15:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($106.96)
Seat 4: Player2 ($197.61)
Seat 5: Player3 ($143.88)
Seat 6: Player4 ($131.45)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, Ad ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2 to 2.50
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ As, 8s, Kh ]
Hero bets (1.20)
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2c ]
Hero bets (5.30)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.03 Rake: $0.37
Board: [ As, 8s, Kh, 2c ]
Hero balance $110.29, bet $9, collected $12.33, net +$3.33
Player2 balance $193.91, lost $3.70 (folded)
Player3 balance $143.88, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $131.45, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851501902705eows2i9fpw *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:16:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($110.29)
Seat 4: Player1 ($193.91)
Seat 5: Player2 ($143.88)
Seat 6: Player3 ($131.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 4d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $110.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $193.41, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $144.38, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $131.45, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851502269004g8nz7senvb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:16:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($110.29)
Seat 4: Player4 ($193.41)
Seat 5: Player1 ($144.38)
Seat 6: Player2 ($131.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 9s ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, 7c, 9c ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (2.90)
Player1 calls (2.90)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jc ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Qh ]
Player1 bets (3.54)
Hero calls (3.54)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $17.37 Rake: $0.91
Board: [ 2d, 7c, 9c, Jc, Qh ]
Hero balance $101.65, lost $8.64[ As, 9s ] [ a pair of nines -- As,Qh,Jc,9s,9c ]
Player4 balance $193.41, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $153.11, bet $8.64, collected $17.37, net +$8.73[ Th, Td ] [ a pair
of tens -- Qh,Jc,Th,Td,9c ]
Player2 balance $130.45, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851502430488ngzoyr737o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:16:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player3 ($194.83)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player1 ($116.43)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 9d ]
Player3 raises 3 to 3
Hero calls (3)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3h, 8s, Js ]
Player3 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kh ]
Player3 bets (3.56)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.13 Rake: $0.37
Board: [ 3h, 8s, Js, Kh ]
Player3 balance $198.96, bet $6.56, collected $10.69, net +$4.13
Hero balance $97, lost $3 (folded)
Player1 balance $115.93, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685150249368sulwrzvnamm *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:17:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($101.65)
Seat 4: Player3 ($193.41)
Seat 5: Player4 ($153.11)
Seat 6: Player1 ($130.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 3c ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $100.65, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $194.91, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $153.11, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $129.95, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851502960765yd65lh9c4u *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:17:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($198.96)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($115.93)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, Kd ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player1 raises 9.50 to 10
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (7.76)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, 9s, 9h ]
Player1 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3c ]
Player1 checks
Player4 bets (13.96)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $19.95 Rake: $1.05
Board: [ 2s, 9s, 9h, 3c ]
Player2 balance $197.96, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $125.88, bet $23.96, collected $33.91, net +$9.95
Player1 balance $90, lost $10 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150266968f4pz8hzo1mk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:17:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100.65)
Seat 4: Player2 ($194.91)
Seat 5: Player3 ($153.11)
Seat 6: Player4 ($129.95)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $101.65, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $193.91, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $153.11, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $129.95, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150287496wzw98j4c1e *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:17:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($101.65)
Seat 4: Player1 ($193.91)
Seat 5: Player2 ($153.11)
Seat 6: Player3 ($129.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, Qc ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $103.15, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $193.41, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $152.11, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $129.95, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150299851vi2m7rtpaa *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:18:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($103.15)
Seat 4: Player4 ($193.41)
Seat 5: Player1 ($152.11)
Seat 6: Player2 ($129.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, Qc ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $103.15, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $193.41, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $151.61, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $130.45, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851503142241rd6bh335j1 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:18:15 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($197.96)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($125.88)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 4h ]
Player3 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player4 raises 7.50 to 7.50
Player1 folds
Hero folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.98 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $197.46, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $123.64, lost $2.24 (folded)
Player4 balance $103.74, bet $7.50, collected $11.24, net +$3.74

***** Hand History For Game 1685150325923zhywk2qbhzr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:18:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($103.15)
Seat 4: Player3 ($193.41)
Seat 5: Player4 ($151.61)
Seat 6: Player1 ($130.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player1 folds
Hero raises 10.50 to 11.50
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $105.65, bet $11.50, collected $14, net +$2.50
Player3 balance $193.41, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $149.61, lost $2 (folded)
Player1 balance $129.95, lost $0.50 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 168515033680451cllmiq63r *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:18:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player4 ($197.46)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player2 ($123.64)
Seat 6: Player3 ($103.74)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, Kh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero raises 10.50 to 11
Player2 raises 23 to 24
Player4 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $24 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $195.46, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $89, lost $11 (folded)
Player2 balance $136.64, bet $24, collected $37, net +$13
Player3 balance $103.74, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150356439sco0926yu8j *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:18:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($105.65)
Seat 4: Player2 ($193.41)
Seat 5: Player3 ($149.61)
Seat 6: Player4 ($129.95)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, Ac ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Hero raises 5 to 5.50
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, Td, Kc ]
Hero bets (2.90)
Player3 calls (2.90)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9c ]
Hero bets (12.80)
Player3 calls (12.80)
** Dealing River ** : [ 6h ]
Hero bets (31.50)
Player3 calls (31.50)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $104.40 Rake: $2.0
Board: [ 8d, Td, Kc, 9c, 6h ]
Hero balance $157.35, bet $52.70, collected $104.40, net +$51.70[ 7c, Ac ] [ a
straight, six to ten -- Td,9c,8d,7c,6h ]
Player2 balance $192.41, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $96.91, lost $52.70[ Ks, Js ] [ a pair of kings -- Ks,Kc,Js,Td,9c ]
Player4 balance $129.95, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851503531591ps9k54tpcv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:18:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player3 ($195.46)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player1 ($136.64)
Seat 6: Player2 ($103.74)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, 2c ]
Player3 raises 3 to 3
Hero folds
Player1 raises 11 to 11.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $192.46, lost $3 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $140.64, bet $11.50, collected $15.50, net +$4
Player2 balance $102.74, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168515037589100jik76um7zwf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:19:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($192.46)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($140.64)
Seat 6: Player1 ($102.74)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Kh ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.24)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8h, 5d, Jd ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7c ]
Player2 bets (2.37)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.74 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ 8h, 5d, Jd, 7c ]
Player2 balance $194.96, bet $4.61, collected $7.11, net +$2.50
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $138.40, lost $2.24 (folded)
Player1 balance $102.24, lost $0.50 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685150384726110vnzptcyzk *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:19:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($157.35)
Seat 4: Player1 ($192.41)
Seat 5: Player2 ($96.91)
Seat 6: Player3 ($129.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, Ks ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kd, Ad, 6h ]
Player1 bets (4.38)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ Kd, Ad, 6h ]
Hero balance $157.35, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $195.11, bet $7.38, collected $10.08, net +$2.70
Player2 balance $93.91, lost $3 (folded)
Player3 balance $129.95, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150385485vbkdbtcg4h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:19:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($194.96)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($138.40)
Seat 6: Player4 ($102.24)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, Ks ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $194.46, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $138.40, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $102.24, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150416691r5bz01iwcgq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:19:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player4 ($194.46)
Seat 4: Hero ($100.50)
Seat 5: Player2 ($138.40)
Seat 6: Player3 ($102.24)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, Qh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2 to 2.50
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $194.46, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $101.50, bet $2.50, collected $3.50, net +$1
Player2 balance $137.40, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.24, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168515042280811oyh2tuyza *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:19:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($157.35)
Seat 4: Player4 ($195.11)
Seat 5: Player1 ($93.91)
Seat 6: Player2 ($129.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 5h ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6s, 2h, Js ]
Player1 checks
Player4 bets (2.56)
Player1 calls (2.56)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ks ]
Player1 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 2c ]
Player1 bets (10)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10 Rake: $0.52
Board: [ 6s, 2h, Js, Ks, 2c ]
Hero balance $157.35, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $190.35, lost $4.76 (folded)
Player1 balance $99.15, bet $14.76, collected $20, net +$5.24
Player2 balance $128.95, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851504674257jtk6gq96go *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:20:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player3 ($194.46)
Seat 4: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 5: Player1 ($137.40)
Seat 6: Player2 ($102.24)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 2s ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Tc, Ac, 8s ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (2.14)
Player2 calls (2.14)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.35 Rake: $0.43
Board: [ Tc, Ac, 8s, 3d, 6c ]
Player3 balance $190.32, lost $4.14[ 5s, 4s ] [ high card ace -- Ac,Tc,8s,6c,5s ]
Hero balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $136.90, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $106.45, bet $4.14, collected $8.35, net +$4.21[ Js, Th ] [ a pair
of tens -- Ac,Js,Th,Tc,8s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685150464615t3n76sf7vu9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:20:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($157.35)
Seat 4: Player3 ($190.35)
Seat 5: Player4 ($99.15)
Seat 6: Player1 ($128.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, Qd ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 calls (2.20)
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5s, Jd, 3s ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
Player4 bets (2.25)
Hero calls (2.25)
Player3 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9c ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 8h ]
Hero bets (8.40)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.02 Rake: $0.58
Board: [ 5s, Jd, 3s, 9c, 8h ]
Hero balance $163.92, bet $12.85, collected $19.42, net +$6.57
Player3 balance $188.15, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player4 balance $94.70, lost $4.45 (folded)
Player1 balance $128.45, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150476745ud9y6861f8d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:21:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($190.32)
Seat 4: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 5: Player4 ($136.90)
Seat 6: Player1 ($106.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, Kd ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $190.82, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $136.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $105.95, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150484082m160vpyj1es *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:21:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($163.92)
Seat 4: Player2 ($188.15)
Seat 5: Player3 ($94.70)
Seat 6: Player4 ($128.45)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 8c ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9c, Kc, Qh ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (1.58)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ 9c, Kc, Qh ]
Hero balance $163.42, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $187.15, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $96.08, bet $2.58, collected $3.96, net +$1.38
Player4 balance $128.45, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685150504760b18kforu8m *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:21:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($190.82)
Seat 4: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 5: Player3 ($136.90)
Seat 6: Player4 ($105.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, Td ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 calls (1.70)
Hero calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ah, Kh, Th ]
Player1 bets (3.13)
Hero folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.27 Rake: $0.33
Board: [ Ah, Kh, Th ]
Player1 balance $194.89, bet $5.33, collected $9.40, net +$4.07
Hero balance $99.30, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player3 balance $136.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $103.75, lost $2.20 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150498247k58z2g6p6t *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:21:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($163.42)
Seat 4: Player1 ($187.15)
Seat 5: Player2 ($96.08)
Seat 6: Player3 ($128.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, 2s ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $163.42, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $186.65, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $96.58, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $128.45, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150509688yncnfne14b *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:21:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($163.42)
Seat 4: Player4 ($186.65)
Seat 5: Player1 ($96.58)
Seat 6: Player2 ($128.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, 5d ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $163.42, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $186.65, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $96.08, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $128.95, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851505579841li6fortpem *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:21:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player4 ($194.89)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player2 ($136.90)
Seat 6: Player3 ($103.75)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, 2d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero calls (1.50)
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, 5s, Qh ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jc ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (3.99)
Player4 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ Jd, 5s, Qh, Jc ]
Player4 balance $192.89, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $98, lost $2 (folded)
Player2 balance $140.60, bet $5.99, collected $9.69, net +$3.70
Player3 balance $103.75, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851505177684aw50wm2mw8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:21:53 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($163.42)
Seat 4: Player3 ($186.65)
Seat 5: Player4 ($96.08)
Seat 6: Player1 ($128.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, 9s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $163.92, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $186.65, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $96.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $128.45, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150555923odwtjif53w *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:22:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($163.92)
Seat 4: Player2 ($186.65)
Seat 5: Player3 ($96.08)
Seat 6: Player4 ($128.45)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, Kh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9h, Ks, 2s ]
Hero bets (1.40)
Player2 calls (1.40)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6d ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (4.18)
Hero calls (4.18)
** Dealing River ** : [ Ah ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.31 Rake: $0.85
Board: [ 9h, Ks, 2s, 6d, Ah ]
Hero balance $155.34, lost $8.58[ 3s, Kh ] [ a pair of kings -- Ah,Kh,Ks,9h,6d ]
Player2 balance $194.38, bet $8.58, collected $16.31, net +$7.73[ 8c, Kc ] [ a pair
of kings -- Ah,Kc,Ks,9h,8c ]
Player3 balance $96.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $128.45, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150576865g0ydtub9rda *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:22:37 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player3 ($192.89)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player1 ($140.60)
Seat 6: Player2 ($103.75)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, 7c ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero raises 8.50 to 8.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $190.89, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $103.50, bet $8.50, collected $12, net +$3.50
Player1 balance $140.10, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $102.75, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150587989dw2qzc2bvct *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:22:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($155.34)
Seat 4: Player1 ($194.38)
Seat 5: Player2 ($96.08)
Seat 6: Player3 ($128.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 2h ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ks, Ad, Th ]
Player1 bets (1.88)
Player2 calls (1.88)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qd ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.28 Rake: $0.48
Board: [ Ks, Ad, Th, Qd, 6c ]
Hero balance $155.34, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $198.78, bet $4.88, collected $9.28, net +$4.40[ Qs, As ] [ two
pairs, aces and queens -- As,Ad,Ks,Qs,Qd ]
Player2 balance $91.20, lost $4.88[ 7d, Ah ] [ a pair of aces -- Ah,Ad,Ks,Qd,Th ]
Player3 balance $128.45, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150596622deovntkgre *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:22:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($190.89)
Seat 4: Hero ($103.50)
Seat 5: Player4 ($140.10)
Seat 6: Player1 ($102.75)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9d, Td ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2h, 5d, 5h ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (1.16)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.66 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ 2h, 5d, 5h ]
Player2 balance $188.69, lost $2.20 (folded)
Hero balance $105.96, bet $3.36, collected $5.82, net +$2.46
Player4 balance $140.10, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $102.25, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150627567ixt4qdoiibp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:23:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($155.34)
Seat 4: Player4 ($198.78)
Seat 5: Player1 ($91.20)
Seat 6: Player2 ($128.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, Js ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5s, Jd, Ts ]
Player1 bets (5.70)
Player2 calls (5.70)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Qs ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.53 Rake: $0.87
Board: [ 5s, Jd, Ts, 5h, Qs ]
Hero balance $155.34, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $198.78, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $82.50, lost $8.70[ 8c, Ad ] [ a pair of fives -- Ad,Qs,Jd,5s,5h ]
Player2 balance $136.28, bet $8.70, collected $16.53, net +$7.83[ Tc, 8d ] [ two
pairs, tens and fives -- Qs,Tc,Ts,5s,5h ]

***** Hand History For Game 168515060444765czed6z0ue *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:23:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($188.69)
Seat 4: Hero ($105.96)
Seat 5: Player3 ($140.10)
Seat 6: Player4 ($102.25)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $188.19, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $106.46, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $140.10, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $102.25, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150655397bkqprjfzns7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:23:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player4 ($188.19)
Seat 4: Hero ($106.46)
Seat 5: Player2 ($140.10)
Seat 6: Player3 ($102.25)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Ks ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero raises 11 to 11.50
Player2 raises 23 to 24
Player4 folds
Hero calls (12.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, 8s, 2h ]
Hero bets (12)
Player2 calls (12)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Hero bets (70.46)
Hero is all-In.
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $72 Rake: $2.0
Board: [ 9s, 8s, 2h, 2s ]
Player4 balance $186.19, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $142.46, bet $106.46, collected $142.46, net +$36
Player2 balance $104.10, lost $36 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.25, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150661979ntiwiqdof7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:23:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($155.34)
Seat 4: Player3 ($198.78)
Seat 5: Player4 ($82.50)
Seat 6: Player1 ($136.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, Qh ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 calls (2.20)
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, 6s, 9c ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2d ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 8s ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.61 Rake: $0.29
Board: [ 3d, 6s, 9c, 2d, 8s ]
Hero balance $154.34, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $196.58, lost $2.20[ Ah, Ks ] [ high card ace -- Ah,Ks,9c,8s,6s ]
Player4 balance $85.91, bet $2.20, collected $5.61, net +$3.41[ 4h, 4d ] [ a pair
of fours -- 9c,8s,6s,4h,4d ]
Player1 balance $135.78, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851506814264hakkjakm7h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:24:15 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player3 ($186.19)
Seat 4: Hero ($142.46)
Seat 5: Player1 ($104.10)
Seat 6: Player2 ($102.25)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, Kd ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $186.19, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $143.96, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $103.60, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.25, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150681426ijdudia81sf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:24:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($154.34)
Seat 4: Player2 ($196.58)
Seat 5: Player3 ($85.91)
Seat 6: Player4 ($135.78)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 9c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 raises 8 to 9
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $151.34, lost $3 (folded)
Player2 balance $199.58, bet $9, collected $12, net +$3
Player3 balance $85.91, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $135.78, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851506921143r2hb98n1s2 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:24:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player2 ($186.19)
Seat 4: Hero ($143.96)
Seat 5: Player4 ($103.60)
Seat 6: Player1 ($101.25)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 5h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $186.69, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $143.96, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $103.60, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100.75, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150698613zpv4e7fdple *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:24:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($151.34)
Seat 4: Player1 ($199.58)
Seat 5: Player2 ($85.91)
Seat 6: Player3 ($135.78)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 2d ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qd, Td, 5d ]
Player2 bets (1.58)
Hero calls (1.58)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qh ]
Player2 bets (2.58)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.76 Rake: $0.40000004
Board: [ Qd, Td, 5d, Qh ]
Hero balance $147.51, lost $3.83 (folded)
Player1 balance $199.08, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $89.84, bet $6.41, collected $10.34, net +$3.93
Player3 balance $135.78, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851507218304s6uq3aryam *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:24:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player1 ($186.69)
Seat 4: Hero ($143.96)
Seat 5: Player3 ($103.60)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100.75)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, Ah ]
Player3 raises 9.50 to 9.50
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Hero raises 142.96 to 143.96
Hero is all-In.
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $19.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $186.19, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $153.96, bet $143.96, collected $153.96, net +$10
Player3 balance $94.10, lost $9.50 (folded)
Player4 balance $100.75, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851507557342r1lv7vrptp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:25:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($147.51)
Seat 4: Player4 ($199.08)
Seat 5: Player1 ($89.84)
Seat 6: Player2 ($135.78)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 8s ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 raises 7.50 to 7.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero calls (5.30)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, Kh, Jc ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jd ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6c ]
Hero bets (11.90)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.68 Rake: $0.82
Board: [ 2d, Kh, Jc, Jd, 6c ]
Hero balance $155.69, bet $19.40, collected $27.58, net +$8.18
Player4 balance $191.58, lost $7.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $89.34, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $134.78, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150771198uk6e4wi4dz8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:25:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player4 ($186.19)
Seat 4: Hero ($153.96)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100.75)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 3c ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 calls (2.20)
Hero folds
Player2 raises 13 to 14
Player3 raises 23.80 to 26
Player4 folds
Player2 raises 86 to 100
Player2 is all-In.
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $54.70 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $183.99, lost $2.20 (folded)
Hero balance $153.46, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $128.70, bet $100, collected $128.70, net +$28.70
Player3 balance $74.75, lost $26 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150773382qse9sl5b3o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:25:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($155.69)
Seat 4: Player3 ($191.58)
Seat 5: Player4 ($89.34)
Seat 6: Player1 ($134.78)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, Qc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $156.19, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $191.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $89.34, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $134.28, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150795215s50k5qa72w8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:26:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 3: Player3 ($183.99)
Seat 4: Hero ($153.46)
Seat 5: Player1 ($128.70)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, Ac ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero calls (2)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, Qs, 3d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (3.09)
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ Js, Qs, 3d ]
Player3 balance $188.17, bet $5.09, collected $9.27, net +$4.18
Hero balance $151.46, lost $2 (folded)
Player1 balance $128.20, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $98, lost $2 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851507945485eqi0dyhx5k *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:26:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($156.19)
Seat 4: Player2 ($191.58)
Seat 5: Player3 ($89.34)
Seat 6: Player4 ($134.28)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, 7d ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s, 6d, 6s ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (3.48)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 4s, 6d, 6s ]
Hero balance $155.69, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $189.08, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $92.07, bet $5.98, collected $8.71, net +$2.73
Player4 balance $134.28, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851508129564043822rpmg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:26:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($188.17)
Seat 4: Hero ($151.46)
Seat 5: Player5 ($128.20)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, 5c ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 raises 8.10 to 8.10
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.90 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $188.17, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $149.26, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player5 balance $131.90, bet $8.10, collected $11.80, net +$3.70
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150807144zs0mzhi3v1n *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:26:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($155.69)
Seat 2: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($189.08)
Seat 5: Player2 ($92.07)
Seat 6: Player3 ($134.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 9h ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $155.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Player1 balance $188.58, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $92.57, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $134.28, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150819704ui1jigeu08h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:26:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($155.69)
Seat 2: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($188.58)
Seat 5: Player1 ($92.57)
Seat 6: Player2 ($134.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, 3h ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $155.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Player4 balance $190.08, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $92.07, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $133.28, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851508290404wzei4tbf1t *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:26:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($99)
Seat 3: Player2 ($188.17)
Seat 4: Hero ($149.26)
Seat 5: Player4 ($131.90)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, Th ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $98.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $187.17, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $150.76, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $131.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150838327p0fb22pr8ug *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:26:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($155.69)
Seat 2: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($190.08)
Seat 5: Player4 ($92.07)
Seat 6: Player1 ($133.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Th ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, Ad, 6h ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (3.48)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 2s, Ad, 6h ]
Hero balance $153.19, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Player3 balance $190.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $94.80, bet $5.98, collected $8.71, net +$2.73
Player1 balance $132.78, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150893038z6w3hurj5jk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:27:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($98.50)
Seat 3: Player1 ($187.17)
Seat 4: Hero ($150.76)
Seat 5: Player3 ($131.90)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 5s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player1 calls (1.50)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9h, 5c, 9c ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (2.37)
Player1 calls (2.37)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qh ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (4.63)
Player1 raises 18.50 to 18.50
Player5 calls (13.87)
** Dealing River ** : [ Th ]
Player1 bets (22.20)
Player5 calls (22.20)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $88.14 Rake: $3.0000002
Board: [ 9h, 5c, 9c, Qh, Th ]
Player5 balance $53.43, lost $45.07[ Qc, 7c ] [ two pairs, queens and nines --
Qc,Qh,Th,9h,9c ]
Player1 balance $230.24, bet $45.07, collected $88.14, net +$43.07[ Kh, 9s ]
[ three of a kind, nines -- Kh,Qh,9s,9h,9c ]
Hero balance $149.76, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $131.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851508518298geikn0e13k *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:27:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($153.19)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($190.08)
Seat 5: Player4 ($94.80)
Seat 6: Player5 ($132.78)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, 2h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $152.69, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $190.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $94.80, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $134.28, bet $2.24, collected $3.74, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685150867021mqopo3xbdcc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:27:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($152.69)
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($190.08)
Seat 5: Player3 ($94.80)
Seat 6: Player4 ($134.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 3c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $152.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $190.58, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $94.80, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $134.28, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851508887650me4phgmbwh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:27:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($152.69)
Seat 2: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($190.58)
Seat 5: Player2 ($94.80)
Seat 6: Player3 ($134.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, Qc ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $154.19, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $190.08, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $93.80, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $134.28, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150911498np3kcuilhx8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:28:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Hero ($154.19)
Seat 2: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($190.08)
Seat 5: Player1 ($93.80)
Seat 6: Player2 ($134.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, Ad ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 7.10 to 7.60
Player2 folds
Hero calls (5.40)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh, Jc, Qh ]
Player1 bets (10.26)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.39 Rake: $0.81
Board: [ Jh, Jc, Qh ]
Hero balance $146.59, lost $7.60 (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $190.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $101.59, bet $17.86, collected $25.65, net +$7.79
Player2 balance $133.28, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851509341511e8zzymqqoa *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:28:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($53.43)
Seat 3: Player5 ($230.24)
Seat 4: Hero ($149.76)
Seat 5: Player2 ($131.90)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, Kh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 3 to 3
Hero folds
Player2 raises 12 to 13
Player5 calls (10)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ah, 4h, 7c ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3c ]
Player2 bets (17.62)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $25.18 Rake: $1.32
Board: [ Ah, 4h, 7c, 3c ]
Player4 balance $53.43, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $217.24, lost $13 (folded)
Hero balance $149.26, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $144.08, bet $30.62, collected $42.80, net +$12.18
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150949708gznr61ejjns *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:28:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($53.43)
Seat 3: Player4 ($217.24)
Seat 4: Hero ($149.26)
Seat 5: Player1 ($144.08)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 8h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero calls (2)
Player1 raises 11.50 to 12
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $53.43, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $215.24, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $147.26, lost $2 (folded)
Player1 balance $149.08, bet $12, collected $17, net +$5
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685150965933jk12z66hjer *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 21:29:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 32 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($53.43)
Seat 3: Player3 ($215.24)
Seat 4: Hero ($147.26)
Seat 5: Player5 ($149.08)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 6h ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.24 to 2.24
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 6.22 to 7.22
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.98 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $56.17, bet $7.22, collected $9.96, net +$2.74
Player3 balance $215.24, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $147.26, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $146.84, lost $2.24 (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685154075249kg6c5flnp9n *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:20:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($79)
Seat 2: Player5 ($127.24)
Seat 3: Player6 ($169.65)
Seat 4: Player1 ($130.46)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($128.08)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, Kc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
Player4 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, Kh, 8c ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kd ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 5d ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.08 Rake: $0.42
Board: [ 6c, Kh, 8c, Kd, 5d ]
Player4 balance $83.58, bet $3.50, collected $8.08, net +$4.58[ 7d, Ad ] [ a pair
of kings -- Ad,Kh,Kd,8c,7d ]
Player5 balance $123.74, lost $3.50[ 9s, Js ] [ a pair of kings -- Kh,Kd,Js,9s,8c ]
Player6 balance $169.65, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $129.96, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $128.08, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685154118180mclajv0gb5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:21:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($83.58)
Seat 2: Player4 ($123.74)
Seat 3: Player5 ($169.65)
Seat 4: Player6 ($129.96)
Seat 5: Hero ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($128.08)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 9s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, 2s, Tc ]
Hero bets (3.20)
Player2 calls (3.20)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ac ]
Hero bets (14.72)
Player2 calls (14.72)
** Dealing River ** : [ Js ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $39.75 Rake: $2.09
Board: [ 8d, 2s, Tc, Ac, Js ]
Player3 balance $83.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $123.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $169.65, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $129.96, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $118.83, bet $20.92, collected $39.75, net +$18.83[ Jd, 9s ] [ a pair
of jacks -- Ac,Jd,Js,Tc,9s ]
Player2 balance $107.16, lost $20.92[ Ts, 3s ] [ a pair of tens -- Ac,Js,Ts,Tc,8d ]

***** Hand History For Game 16851542048530ak3mhixi1ge *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:22:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($83.58)
Seat 2: Player3 ($123.74)
Seat 3: Player4 ($169.65)
Seat 4: Player5 ($129.96)
Seat 5: Hero ($118.83)
Seat 6: Player1 ($107.16)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, 4h ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, Ts, 8h ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 5c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player4 bets (3.33)
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.33 Rake: $0.17
Board: [ 4c, Ts, 8h, 7c, 5c ]
Player2 balance $82.58, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $122.74, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $171.98, bet $4.33, collected $6.66, net +$2.33
Player5 balance $129.96, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $118.83, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $106.66, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851542994931iqa4vx8h3s *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:23:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($82.58)
Seat 2: Player2 ($122.74)
Seat 3: Player3 ($171.98)
Seat 4: Player4 ($129.96)
Seat 5: Hero ($118.83)
Seat 6: Player6 ($106.66)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, Ac ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ah, Ts, 8c ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4s ]
Player2 bets (3.31)
Hero raises 14.60 to 14.60
Player2 raises 30.82 to 34.13
Hero raises 101.40 to 116
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $70.16 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Ah, Ts, 8c, 4s ]
Player1 balance $82.08, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $86.41, lost $36.33 (folded)
Player3 balance $171.98, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $129.96, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $152.66, bet $118.20, collected $152.03, net +$33.83
Player6 balance $106.66, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685154358552urokpftmhv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:25:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($82.08)
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($171.98)
Seat 4: Player3 ($129.96)
Seat 5: Hero ($152.66)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, Jh ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Hero calls (2.20)
Player5 calls (2.20)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, 8s, Jc ]
Player3 checks
Hero checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4h ]
Player3 checks
Hero bets (5.80)
Player5 calls (5.80)
Player3 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ Kc ]
Hero bets (10.50)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $18.72 Rake: $0.98
Board: [ 9s, 8s, Jc, 4h, Kc ]
Player5 balance $74.08, lost $8 (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $170.98, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $127.76, lost $2.20 (folded)
Hero balance $163.38, bet $18.50, collected $29.22, net +$10.72

***** Hand History For Game 1685154372376nzlp80ew3f *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:26:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($74.08)
Seat 2: Player5 ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($170.98)
Seat 4: Player2 ($127.76)
Seat 5: Hero ($163.38)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 2h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $74.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $170.48, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $128.26, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $163.38, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685154455721c6uzkec8lpd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:26:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($74.08)
Seat 2: Player4 ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($170.48)
Seat 4: Player1 ($128.26)
Seat 5: Hero ($163.38)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Th ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 calls (2)
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, As, 6s ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3s ]
Hero bets (3.09)
Player4 calls (3.09)
Player5 calls (3.09)
** Dealing River ** : [ Td ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (11.24)
Hero folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $14.99 Rake: $0.78
Board: [ 2d, As, 6s, 3s, Td ]
Player3 balance $74.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $94.91, lost $5.09 (folded)
Player5 balance $180.38, bet $16.33, collected $26.23, net +$9.90
Player1 balance $127.76, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $158.29, lost $5.09 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685154505763l651yuwacv9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:27:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($74.08)
Seat 2: Player3 ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($180.38)
Seat 4: Player5 ($127.76)
Seat 5: Hero ($158.29)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 3d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 4 to 4
Player5 calls (4)
Hero calls (3.50)
Player2 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kc, 8s, 7d ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (11.40)
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.20 Rake: $0.8
Board: [ Kc, 8s, 7d ]
Player2 balance $70.08, lost $4 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $191.58, bet $15.40, collected $26.60, net +$11.20
Player5 balance $123.76, lost $4 (folded)
Hero balance $154.29, lost $4 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685154543717xtcqhcjn15 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:28:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($70.08)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($191.58)
Seat 4: Player4 ($123.76)
Seat 5: Hero ($154.29)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 4d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3c, Jd, 6h ]
Player1 checks
Player4 bets (3.80)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 3c, Jd, 6h ]
Player1 balance $67.58, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $191.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $126.96, bet $6.30, collected $9.50, net +$3.20
Hero balance $154.29, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685154576792gkkgphdhr17 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:29:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($67.58)
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($191.58)
Seat 4: Player3 ($126.96)
Seat 5: Hero ($154.29)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 7c ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $67.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $192.08, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $126.96, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $154.29, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685154641462uwawxcwsze *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:29:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($67.58)
Seat 2: Player4 ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($192.08)
Seat 5: Hero ($154.29)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 3c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, 4d, 6h ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2d ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Tc ]
Hero bets (1.10)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.28 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ 7s, 4d, 6h, 2d, Tc ]
Player3 balance $67.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $98, lost $2 (folded)
Player1 balance $191.58, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $156.57, bet $3.10, collected $5.38, net +$2.28

***** Hand History For Game 1685154695730fgruuooadb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:30:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($67.58)
Seat 2: Player3 ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($191.58)
Seat 5: Hero ($156.57)
Seat 6: Player5 ($83.39)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, Jd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4h, Js, 9s ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (1.78)
Player2 calls (1.78)
** Dealing River ** : [ Jc ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.76 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 4h, Js, 9s, 6c, Jc ]
Player2 balance $70.56, bet $2.78, collected $5.76, net +$2.98[ 3d, Jh ] [ three of
a kind, jacks -- Jh,Js,Jc,9s,6c ]
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $188.80, lost $2.78[ 9d, 8d ] [ two pairs, jacks and nines --
Js,Jc,9d,9s,8d ]
Hero balance $156.07, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $83.39, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685154786633ibua7vozho *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:31:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($70.56)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($188.80)
Seat 5: Hero ($156.07)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, Ac ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9h, Ks, 7s ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (4.45)
Hero calls (4.45)
Player1 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5d ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (11.20)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $14.73 Rake: $0.77
Board: [ 9h, Ks, 7s, 5d ]
Player1 balance $68.36, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player2 balance $93.35, lost $6.65 (folded)
Player3 balance $188.80, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $164.15, bet $17.85, collected $25.93, net +$8.08
Player5 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16851548647549wdgeebnlf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:33:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($68.36)
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($164.15)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, Ts ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, 5h, Ad ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kh ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9h ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ 4c, 5h, Ad, Kh, 9h ]
Player3 balance $70.21, bet $1, collected $2.85, net +$1.85[ Ks, 8c ] [ a pair of
kings -- Ad,Ks,Kh,9h,8c ]
Player1 balance $99, lost $1[ 8d, 6c ] [ high card ace -- Ad,Kh,9h,8d,6c ]
Hero balance $163.15, lost $1[ 3d, Ts ] [ high card ace -- Ad,Kh,Ts,9h,5h ]
Player4 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685154923847al1vv89tupl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:34:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($70.21)
Seat 2: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($163.15)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, Jh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 raises 9 to 10
Hero calls (7)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, 7c, Jc ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (11.21)
Hero calls (11.21)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7d ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9h ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $40.42 Rake: $2.0
Board: [ 7h, 7c, Jc, 7d, 9h ]
Player3 balance $70.21, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $182.36, bet $21.21, collected $40.42, net +$19.21[ 8h, Jh ] [ a
fullhouse, sevens full of jacks -- Jh,Jc,7h,7c,7d ]
Player2 balance $78.79, lost $21.21[ Ac, Qh ] [ three of a kind, sevens --
Ac,Qh,7h,7c,7d ]
***** Hand History For Game 1685154986685jelj099bj2 *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:35:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($70.21)
Seat 2: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($182.36)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, Ks ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kh, 4c, Qh ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Jh ]
Player1 bets (4.33)
Player2 calls (4.33)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.93 Rake: $0.73
Board: [ Kh, 4c, Qh, 6h, Jh ]
Player2 balance $76.81, bet $7.33, collected $13.93, net +$6.60[ 5d, 4h ] [ a
flush, king high -- Kh,Qh,Jh,6h,4h ]
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $182.36, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $92.67, lost $7.33[ Ac, 9d ] [ high card ace -- Ac,Kh,Qh,Jh,9d ]

***** Hand History For Game 16851549622086ldt6k852e4 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:35:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($105.60)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($102.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 9h ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $105.10, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.90, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851549743852xles9j8jfu *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:36:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($105.10)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($103.90)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 4s ]
Player3 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $106.60, bet $3.50, collected $5, net +$1.50
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $102.90, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685154991102riaqxbjbvz *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:36:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($106.60)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($102.90)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Ah ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3h, 7s, 4h ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5s ]
Player2 bets (3.16)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 3h, 7s, 4h, 5s ]
Player2 balance $109.10, bet $5.41, collected $7.91, net +$2.50
Hero balance $97.75, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player1 balance $102.40, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155026297m2emylfnzvl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:36:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($76.81)
Seat 2: Player2 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($182.36)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 4d ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, 8d, 8c ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (2.90)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.13 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 7h, 8d, 8c ]
Player1 balance $74.61, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $185.29, bet $5.10, collected $8.03, net +$2.93
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851550053045lpr7y7awrr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:36:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($109.10)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($102.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, 5d ]
Player3 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $108.60, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $102.40, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851550252249io5iwj4a8a *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:36:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($108.60)
Seat 2: Hero ($100.50)
Seat 4: Player2 ($102.40)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, Ts ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero raises 5 to 5.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $107.60, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $102.50, bet $5.50, collected $7.50, net +$2
Player2 balance $101.40, lost $1 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685155062168mwusugjicbp *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:37:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($74.61)
Seat 2: Player1 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($185.29)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, Td ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 calls (2.50)
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, Ks, 4c ]
Player3 bets (1.50)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ 2d, Ks, 4c ]
Player4 balance $72.11, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $184.29, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.68, bet $4, collected $7.68, net +$3.68

***** Hand History For Game 1685155034596frv9w4yrth5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:37:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($107.60)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.50)
Seat 4: Player1 ($101.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 6h ]
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $108.10, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $102.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100.90, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155064148nwv7dv1aytm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:37:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($108.10)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.50)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100.90)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, Ad ]
Player3 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero raises 1.50 to 2.50
Player1 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ As, 7d, Th ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (1.18)
Player1 calls (1.18)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Td ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 8s ]
Player1 bets (7)
Hero calls (7)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $20.30 Rake: $1.06
Board: [ As, 7d, Th, Td, 8s ]
Player1 balance $97.42, lost $10.68[ Ks, 7c ] [ two pairs, tens and sevens --
As,Th,Td,7c,7d ]
Hero balance $112.12, bet $10.68, collected $20.30, net +$9.62[ 8h, Ad ] [ two
pairs, aces and tens -- Ad,As,Th,Td,8h ]
Player3 balance $100.90, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851551174054ecdre1cq0r *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:37:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($72.11)
Seat 2: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Hero ($184.29)
Seat 6: Player2 ($103.68)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 4s ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 raises 4.50 to 4.50
Hero folds
Player2 calls (3.50)
Player3 calls (3.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6h, Js, Qh ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player4 bets (9.44)
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.30 Rake: $0.7
Board: [ 6h, Js, Qh ]
Player3 balance $67.61, lost $4.50 (folded)
Player4 balance $108.80, bet $13.94, collected $22.74, net +$8.80
Hero balance $183.79, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99.18, lost $4.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155081551to0gwsqx0tj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:37:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($97.42)
Seat 2: Hero ($112.12)
Seat 4: Player2 ($100.90)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2 to 2.50
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $97.42, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $113.12, bet $2.50, collected $3.50, net +$1
Player2 balance $99.90, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851550893169b6u0ko7qyt *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:38:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($97.42)
Seat 2: Hero ($113.12)
Seat 4: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, 7h ]
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $97.92, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $113.12, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155101105j98zsz7wmbf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:38:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($97.92)
Seat 2: Hero ($113.12)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, 8d ]
Player3 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $98.92, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Hero balance $112.12, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 16851551131406brrl3w2s3k *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:38:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($98.92)
Seat 2: Hero ($112.12)
Seat 4: Player2 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, 8c ]
Player3 folds
Hero calls (0.50)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $98.92, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $113.12, bet $1, collected $2, net +$1
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155166107p5abgh6ravr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:38:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($98.92)
Seat 2: Hero ($113.12)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 5c ]
Hero calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2c, 2s, 6c ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3c ]
Player2 bets (1.26)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ 2c, 2s, 6c, 3c ]
Player2 balance $99.82, bet $2.26, collected $3.16, net +$0.90
Hero balance $112.12, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851551395843d7c4r226lc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:38:37 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($67.61)
Seat 2: Player3 ($108.80)
Seat 5: Hero ($183.79)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, As ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 raises 9.50 to 10
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.40 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $66.61, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $108.80, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $181.59, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player1 balance $103.20, bet $10, collected $13.20, net +$3.20

***** Hand History For Game 1685155161398x2qcokbtg4n *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:38:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($66.61)
Seat 2: Player2 ($108.80)
Seat 3: Player5 ($55)
Seat 5: Hero ($181.59)
Seat 6: Player4 ($103.20)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, Tc ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 raises 7 to 7
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.90 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $66.11, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $107.80, lost $1 (folded)
Player5 balance $55, sits out
Hero balance $179.39, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player4 balance $106.90, bet $7, collected $10.70, net +$3.70

***** Hand History For Game 1685155252405nm65es40ygg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:39:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($66.11)
Seat 2: Player1 ($107.80)
Seat 3: Player2 ($55)
Seat 5: Hero ($179.39)
Seat 6: Player4 ($106.90)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, Jc ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, 2c, 9d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qs ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ Qh, 2c, 9d, Qs, 3h ]
Player5 balance $65.11, lost $1[ 7h, 8h ] [ a pair of queens -- Qh,Qs,9d,8h,7h ]
Player1 balance $109.65, bet $1, collected $2.85, net +$1.85[ 4h, 3s ] [ two pairs,
queens and threes -- Qh,Qs,9d,3s,3h ]
Player2 balance $54, lost $1[ 6s, Td ] [ a pair of queens -- Qh,Qs,Td,9d,6s ]
Hero balance $179.39, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $106.90, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155184157p5rkx8fju1q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:39:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($99.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($112.12)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, Qs ]
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5s, 2s, 5d ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2h ]
Hero bets (1.44)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ 5s, 2s, 5d, 2h ]
Player1 balance $98.82, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $113.02, bet $2.44, collected $3.34, net +$0.90

***** Hand History For Game 16851551992669mkb1hypm2j *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:39:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($98.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($113.02)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, Tc ]
Hero raises 1.70 to 2.20
Player2 raises 5.60 to 6.60
Hero calls (4.40)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, Qs, Qc ]
Player2 bets (12.54)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.54 Rake: $0.66
Board: [ 3d, Qs, Qc ]
Player2 balance $104.76, bet $19.14, collected $25.08, net +$5.94
Hero balance $106.42, lost $6.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155206309nzr0dsq7tsk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:40:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($104.76)
Seat 2: Hero ($106.42)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 6d ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $104.26, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $106.92, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685155211661s4x3ldu3jke *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:40:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($104.26)
Seat 2: Hero ($106.92)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, 2h ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $104.76, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $106.42, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155220689kdonzwhrg29 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:40:15 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($104.76)
Seat 2: Hero ($106.42)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, Jd ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $105.76, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Hero balance $105.42, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155240994ww2gzz42hib *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:40:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($105.76)
Seat 2: Hero ($105.42)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, Ks ]
Hero raises 1.70 to 2.20
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8c, 8d, 7s ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9c ]
Player2 bets (4.18)
Hero calls (4.18)
** Dealing River ** : [ As ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.13 Rake: $0.63
Board: [ 8c, 8d, 7s, 9c, As ]
Player2 balance $111.51, bet $6.38, collected $12.13, net +$5.75[ 6d, 9h ] [ two
pairs, nines and eights -- As,9h,9c,8c,8d ]
Hero balance $99.04, lost $6.38[ Jh, Ks ] [ a pair of eights -- As,Ks,Jh,8c,8d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685155248332e7mymb19vor *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:40:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($111.51)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 4h ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $111.01, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851552724691v8l70zu2i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:40:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($65.11)
Seat 2: Player5 ($109.65)
Seat 3: Player1 ($54)
Seat 5: Hero ($179.39)
Seat 6: Player3 ($106.90)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 6c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 6.50 to 7
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $65.11, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $109.65, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $55, bet $7, collected $8, net +$1
Hero balance $178.39, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $106.90, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155264537vhdpxch4yf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:40:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($111.01)
Seat 2: Hero ($100.50)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 7h ]
Hero raises 1.70 to 2.20
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kh, 3s, Qh ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (1.37)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.18 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ Kh, 3s, Qh ]
Player2 balance $108.81, lost $2.20 (folded)
Hero balance $102.48, bet $3.57, collected $5.55, net +$1.98

***** Hand History For Game 1685155272282tgc9zaayfqe *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:41:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($108.81)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.48)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, Jd ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $108.31, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $102.98, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685155324322g43qyy4zru5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:41:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($65.11)
Seat 2: Player4 ($109.65)
Seat 3: Player5 ($55)
Seat 5: Hero ($178.39)
Seat 6: Player2 ($106.90)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 6s ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 raises 4.50 to 4.50
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (3.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, 9d, 2h ]
Player3 checks
Player4 bets (7.09)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.98 Rake: $0.52
Board: [ 9s, 9d, 2h ]
Player3 balance $60.61, lost $4.50 (folded)
Player4 balance $115.13, bet $11.59, collected $17.07, net +$5.48
Player5 balance $55, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $177.89, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $105.90, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155278036u6rfzeod2r *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:41:15 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($108.31)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.98)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 9s ]
Hero raises 1.70 to 2.20
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $107.31, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $103.98, bet $2.20, collected $3.20, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 1685155284329vei06jb315 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:41:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($107.31)
Seat 2: Hero ($103.98)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, 7c ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $106.81, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $104.48, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851552894806n203rrfh2b *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:41:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($106.81)
Seat 2: Hero ($104.48)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 4s ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $107.31, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $103.98, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155301776trp22rigxam *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:41:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($107.31)
Seat 2: Hero ($103.98)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, Kh ]
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero raises 4.50 to 5.50
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $106.31, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $104.98, bet $5.50, collected $6.50, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 16851553066069a14j55fmgb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:41:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($106.31)
Seat 2: Hero ($104.98)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 9c ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $106.81, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $104.48, lost $0.50 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 16851553145041l5cb6q8nl5 *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:41:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($106.81)
Seat 2: Hero ($104.48)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 6c ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $107.81, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Hero balance $103.48, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155320251x0bnkp9nsij *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:41:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($107.81)
Seat 2: Hero ($103.48)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, Kd ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $108.31, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $102.98, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155329691mje36tz855s *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:42:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($108.31)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.98)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 5s ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $109.31, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Hero balance $101.98, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851553389381v79qj2pfdp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:42:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($60.61)
Seat 2: Player3 ($115.13)
Seat 3: Player4 ($55)
Seat 5: Hero ($177.89)
Seat 6: Player1 ($105.90)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 8d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $61.11, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $115.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $55, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $177.89, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $105.40, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155335479landdxkpoif *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:42:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($109.31)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.98)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, 4h ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $109.81, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $101.48, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155371350h6iktax1kah *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:42:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($61.11)
Seat 2: Player2 ($115.13)
Seat 3: Player3 ($55)
Seat 5: Hero ($177.89)
Seat 6: Player5 ($105.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 4c ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (1.50)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, Qs, 7d ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Tc ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 9s, Qs, 7d, 6c, Tc ]
Player1 balance $61.49, bet $2, collected $2.38, net +$0.38[ 4d, Ac ] [ high card
ace -- Ac,Qs,Tc,9s,7d ]
Player2 balance $114.13, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $55.37, bet $2, collected $2.37, net +$0.37[ 3c, Ad ] [ high card
ace -- Ad,Qs,Tc,9s,7d ]
Hero balance $177.89, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $105.40, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851553523207daoldnjgpp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:42:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($109.81)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.48)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 8c ]
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, 3d, Kc ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (1.90)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ 4d, 3d, Kc ]
Player1 balance $110.71, bet $2.90, collected $3.80, net +$0.90
Hero balance $100.48, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155357448lypj1bqkum *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:42:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($110.71)
Seat 2: Hero ($100.48)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 5c ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $111.21, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $99.98, lost $0.50 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685155374441xtwzbo0p85b *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:42:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($111.21)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 7h ]
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, 7s, 2c ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4s ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Qc ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ 2d, 7s, 2c, 4s, Qc ]
Player1 balance $110.21, lost $1[ 6d, 8s ] [ a pair of twos -- Qc,8s,7s,2d,2c ]
Hero balance $100.90, bet $1, collected $1.90, net +$0.90[ 4h, 7h ] [ two pairs,
sevens and fours -- Qc,7h,7s,4h,4s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685155402872w74kifvq0ec *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:42:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($61.49)
Seat 2: Player1 ($114.13)
Seat 3: Player2 ($55.37)
Seat 5: Hero ($177.89)
Seat 6: Player4 ($105.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 2d ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 raises 6 to 7
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $61.49, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $112.13, lost $2 (folded)
Player2 balance $57.37, bet $7, collected $9, net +$2
Hero balance $177.89, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $105.40, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851553969667gsh0ciikjw *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:42:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($110.21)
Seat 2: Hero ($100.90)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, Ks ]
Hero raises 1.70 to 2.20
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, 8h, 7s ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Player2 bets (4.18)
Hero calls (4.18)
** Dealing River ** : [ 6s ]
Player2 bets (12.13)
Hero raises 39.78 to 39.78
Player2 calls (27.65)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $91.32 Rake: $1.0
Board: [ Td, 8h, 7s, 2s, 6s ]
Player2 balance $64.05, lost $46.16[ Jh, 9d ] [ a straight, seven to jack --
Jh,Td,9d,8h,7s ]
Hero balance $146.06, bet $46.16, collected $91.32, net +$45.16[ 8s, Ks ] [ a
flush, king high -- Ks,8s,7s,6s,2s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685155408518k75t3kbpgp7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:43:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($64.05)
Seat 2: Hero ($146.06)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 6s ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, 2c, 2d ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (5.70)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 4d, 2c, 2d ]
Player1 balance $66.75, bet $8.70, collected $11.40, net +$2.70
Hero balance $143.06, lost $3 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155456680ag2ltfez9ta *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:43:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($61.49)
Seat 2: Player5 ($112.13)
Seat 3: Player1 ($57.37)
Seat 5: Hero ($177.89)
Seat 6: Player3 ($105.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Ah ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 calls (2)
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jc, 8c, 4h ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ks ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Qc ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ Jc, 8c, 4h, Ks, Qc ]
Player4 balance $65.67, bet $2, collected $6.18, net +$4.18[ Kd, 5d ] [ a pair of
kings -- Kd,Ks,Qc,Jc,8c ]
Player5 balance $112.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $56.87, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $175.89, lost $2[ 9s, Ah ] [ high card ace -- Ah,Ks,Qc,Jc,9s ]
Player3 balance $103.40, lost $2[ Td, Ts ] [ a pair of tens -- Ks,Qc,Jc,Td,Ts ]

***** Hand History For Game 16851554282286lid250ccsq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:43:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($66.75)
Seat 2: Hero ($143.06)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, Qc ]
Hero calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3h, Qs, Ac ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5c ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6s ]
Player2 bets (1.90)
Hero calls (1.90)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.51 Rake: $0.29
Board: [ 3h, Qs, Ac, 5c, 6s ]
Player2 balance $63.85, lost $2.90[ Ts, 6c ] [ a pair of sixes -- Ac,Qs,Ts,6c,6s ]
Hero balance $145.67, bet $2.90, collected $5.51, net +$2.61[ 7h, Qc ] [ a pair of
queens -- Ac,Qc,Qs,7h,6s ]

***** Hand History For Game 16851554442196h80p9tn8mo *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:43:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($63.85)
Seat 2: Hero ($145.67)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, Td ]
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9h, 3h, 4s ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5h ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (1.90)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ 9h, 3h, 4s, 5h ]
Player1 balance $64.75, bet $2.90, collected $3.80, net +$0.90
Hero balance $144.67, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155455957u0nxibaw57 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:44:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($64.75)
Seat 2: Hero ($144.67)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, Td ]
Hero raises 1.70 to 2.20
Player2 raises 5.60 to 6.60
Hero calls (4.40)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qd, 6s, 4s ]
Player2 bets (12.54)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.54 Rake: $0.66
Board: [ Qd, 6s, 4s ]
Player2 balance $70.69, bet $19.14, collected $25.08, net +$5.94
Hero balance $138.07, lost $6.60 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155494552hbq7bvr6u8d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:44:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($65.67)
Seat 2: Player4 ($112.13)
Seat 3: Player5 ($56.87)
Seat 5: Hero ($175.89)
Seat 6: Player2 ($103.40)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 7d ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 5 to 5.50
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, 8d, 4c ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Hero bets (6.40)
Player3 calls (6.40)
** Dealing River ** : [ 4s ]
Hero bets (13.20)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.56 Rake: $1.24
Board: [ 9s, 8d, 4c, 2s, 4s ]
Player3 balance $53.77, lost $11.90 (folded)
Player4 balance $112.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $56.87, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $187.55, bet $25.10, collected $36.76, net +$11.66
Player2 balance $102.40, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851554629596u66btiqrs7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:44:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($70.69)
Seat 2: Hero ($138.07)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, 2h ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $70.19, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $138.57, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851554703248kgdqka57qn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:44:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($70.19)
Seat 2: Hero ($138.57)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, 3d ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $69.19, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $139.57, bet $2.25, collected $3.25, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 16851554771758bq7ey240q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:44:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($69.19)
Seat 2: Hero ($139.57)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, 2d ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $70.19, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Hero balance $138.57, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155503490criyvyswiy6 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:44:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($70.19)
Seat 2: Hero ($138.57)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Th ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8h, Td, 4c ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (2.39)
Player2 calls (2.39)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7c ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (4.93)
Player2 calls (4.93)
** Dealing River ** : [ 9h ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $18.19 Rake: $0.95
Board: [ 8h, Td, 4c, 7c, 9h ]
Player2 balance $60.62, lost $9.57[ Qh, 8d ] [ a pair of eights -- Qh,Td,9h,8d,8h ]
Hero balance $147.19, bet $9.57, collected $18.19, net +$8.62[ 9s, Th ] [ two
pairs, tens and nines -- Th,Td,9s,9h,8h ]

***** Hand History For Game 16851555406917sdpu1n8gi4 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:44:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($53.77)
Seat 2: Player3 ($112.13)
Seat 3: Player4 ($56.87)
Seat 5: Hero ($187.55)
Seat 6: Player1 ($102.40)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, Th ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kh, 3d, Ah ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (3.04)
Player2 calls (3.04)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ As ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (7.14)
Player2 calls (7.14)
** Dealing River ** : [ Ts ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (16.77)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.62 Rake: $1.2399999
Board: [ Kh, 3d, Ah, As, Ts ]
Player2 balance $41.59, lost $12.18 (folded)
Player3 balance $123.57, bet $28.95, collected $40.39, net +$11.44
Player4 balance $56.87, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $187.55, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $101.90, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155510862xerabo3nm1 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:45:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($60.62)
Seat 2: Hero ($147.19)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 2c ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $61.62, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Hero balance $146.19, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155519206mire09lyszs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:45:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($61.62)
Seat 2: Hero ($146.19)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, 8h ]
Hero raises 1.70 to 2.20
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $60.62, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $147.19, bet $2.20, collected $3.20, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 1685155533365qyfjc7prwss *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:45:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($60.62)
Seat 2: Hero ($147.19)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 9s ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qs, 7c, Jh ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (5.70)
Hero calls (5.70)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kc ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (16.53)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.53 Rake: $0.87
Board: [ Qs, 7c, Jh, Kc ]
Player1 balance $68.45, bet $25.23, collected $33.06, net +$7.83
Hero balance $138.49, lost $8.70 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155538780ymgwebyfd4 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:45:37 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($68.45)
Seat 2: Hero ($138.49)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, 2s ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $68.95, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $137.99, lost $0.50 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685155571926wpb1pf07ek *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:45:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($41.59)
Seat 2: Player2 ($123.57)
Seat 3: Player3 ($56.87)
Seat 5: Hero ($187.55)
Seat 6: Player5 ($101.90)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, Jd ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, 2d, Qs ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (1.70)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.13 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 7d, 2d, Qs ]
Player1 balance $39.39, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player2 balance $122.57, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $56.87, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $190.48, bet $3.90, collected $6.83, net +$2.93
Player5 balance $101.90, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851555447965i6olwaqpr6 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:45:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($68.95)
Seat 2: Hero ($137.99)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, 9c ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $68.45, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $138.49, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851555505231wv7p57y81b *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:45:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($68.45)
Seat 2: Hero ($138.49)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, 7h ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $68.95, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $137.99, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155557429oyhctvxm83a *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:45:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($68.95)
Seat 2: Hero ($137.99)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, Tc ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $69.95, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Hero balance $136.99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155565630jgj4e4og9dd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:46:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($69.95)
Seat 2: Hero ($136.99)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Jh ]
Hero raises 1.70 to 2.20
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $68.95, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $137.99, bet $2.20, collected $3.20, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 1685155584496ygkswi1cse *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:46:09 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($68.95)
Seat 2: Hero ($137.99)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 8h ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, 4h, 2c ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qh ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (3.80)
Hero calls (3.80)
** Dealing River ** : [ 7h ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (12.92)
Hero calls (12.92)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $38.44 Rake: $1.0
Board: [ 7s, 4h, 2c, Qh, 7h ]
Player1 balance $49.23, lost $19.72[ 9h, 8c ] [ a pair of sevens --
Qh,9h,8c,7s,7h ]
Hero balance $156.71, bet $19.72, collected $38.44, net +$18.72[ Qc, 8h ] [ two
pairs, queens and sevens -- Qc,Qh,8h,7s,7h ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685155604730whe6frgkf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:46:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($39.39)
Seat 2: Player1 ($122.57)
Seat 3: Player2 ($56.87)
Seat 5: Hero ($190.48)
Seat 6: Player4 ($101.90)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, Ks ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 3 to 3
Player1 calls (2.50)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, 5h, 9s ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (3)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.65 Rake: $0.35
Board: [ 6d, 5h, 9s ]
Player5 balance $43.04, bet $6, collected $9.65, net +$3.65
Player1 balance $119.57, lost $3 (folded)
Player2 balance $55.87, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $190.48, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $101.90, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155590891ur3pyp3iea *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:46:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($49.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($156.71)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 3s ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $49.73, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $156.21, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155611514mwrtt3ukf7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:46:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($49.73)
Seat 2: Hero ($156.21)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, Ts ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kd, 3s, 2h ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5h ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 4s ]
Hero bets (1.42)
Player1 raises 9.96 to 9.96
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.40 Rake: $0.44
Board: [ Kd, 3s, 2h, 5h, 4s ]
Player1 balance $53.71, bet $12.96, collected $16.94, net +$3.98
Hero balance $151.79, lost $4.42 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155659307rq7mdp4xfsn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:46:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($43.04)
Seat 2: Player5 ($119.57)
Seat 3: Player1 ($55.87)
Seat 5: Hero ($190.48)
Seat 6: Player3 ($101.90)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, 7c ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 calls (2)
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (1.50)
Hero calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh, 6c, Ah ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7d ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (4.30)
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.60 Rake: $0.4
Board: [ Jh, 6c, Ah, 7d ]
Player4 balance $41.04, lost $2 (folded)
Player5 balance $119.57, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $53.87, lost $2 (folded)
Hero balance $196.08, bet $6.30, collected $11.90, net +$5.60
Player3 balance $99.90, lost $2 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155616696xzjp1zq3cxd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:46:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($53.71)
Seat 2: Hero ($151.79)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 2d ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $54.21, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $151.29, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155635322lu3mwyb01lk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:47:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($54.21)
Seat 2: Hero ($151.29)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, Qd ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6h, 3d, 4s ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (5.70)
Hero calls (5.70)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9c ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 7h ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.53 Rake: $0.87
Board: [ 6h, 3d, 4s, 9c, 7h ]
Player1 balance $45.51, lost $8.70[ 6s, 8c ] [ a pair of sixes -- 9c,8c,7h,6s,6h ]
Hero balance $159.12, bet $8.70, collected $16.53, net +$7.83[ 6d, Qd ] [ a pair of
sixes -- Qd,9c,7h,6d,6h ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685155644722acau5ktjrt *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:47:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($45.51)
Seat 2: Hero ($159.12)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, Td ]
Hero calls (0.50)
Player2 raises 2 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $46.51, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Hero balance $158.12, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851556510037rqoh4zr7r5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:47:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($46.51)
Seat 2: Hero ($158.12)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 3c ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $46.01, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $158.62, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851556563120xy8t526m22p *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:47:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($46.01)
Seat 2: Hero ($158.62)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 6h ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $46.51, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $158.12, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155699171u5p46vdo6xk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:47:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($41.04)
Seat 2: Player4 ($119.57)
Seat 3: Player5 ($53.87)
Seat 5: Hero ($196.08)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, Js ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6s, Jc, Qh ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2c ]
Player2 bets (3.25)
Player5 calls (3.25)
** Dealing River ** : [ Ts ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.45 Rake: $0.55
Board: [ 6s, Jc, Qh, 2c, Ts ]
Player3 balance $41.04, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $119.57, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $48.62, lost $5.25[ Kh, 2h ] [ a pair of twos -- Kh,Qh,Jc,2h,2c ]
Hero balance $195.58, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $105.20, bet $5.25, collected $10.45, net +$5.20[ 6h, 5c ] [ a pair
of sixes -- Qh,Jc,Ts,6h,6s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685155666375xz30anl27o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:47:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($46.51)
Seat 2: Hero ($158.12)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, Ts ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $47.51, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Hero balance $157.12, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155671818yflunplwszq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:47:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($47.51)
Seat 2: Hero ($157.12)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 6d ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $48.01, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $156.62, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155680801o98m7afv83 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:47:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($48.01)
Seat 2: Hero ($156.62)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, Kh ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $49.01, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Hero balance $155.62, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851556889683zg3tu9vbzl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:48:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($49.01)
Seat 2: Hero ($155.62)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, 7c ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $48.01, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $156.62, bet $2.25, collected $3.25, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 1685155694702b9gghnc3g9o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:48:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($48.01)
Seat 2: Hero ($156.62)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, 8h ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $47.51, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $157.12, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685155724368033xmasurd6f *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:48:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($47.51)
Seat 2: Hero ($157.12)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, 9s ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, 3h, 4s ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (2.39)
Player2 calls (2.39)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Jd ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (6.70)
Player2 calls (6.70)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $21.68 Rake: $1.0
Board: [ 3s, 3h, 4s, 6c, Jd ]
Player2 balance $57.85, bet $11.34, collected $21.68, net +$10.34[ Qh, Ks ] [ a
pair of threes -- Ks,Qh,Jd,3s,3h ]
Hero balance $145.78, lost $11.34[ Ts, 9s ] [ a pair of threes -- Jd,Ts,9s,3s,3h ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685155718979oj55hxx3zs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:48:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($41.04)
Seat 2: Player3 ($119.57)
Seat 3: Player4 ($48.62)
Seat 5: Hero ($195.58)
Seat 6: Player1 ($105.20)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, Ks ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $41.54, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $119.57, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $48.62, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $195.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $104.70, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155765261k9sdbqzlrl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:48:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($41.54)
Seat 2: Player2 ($119.57)
Seat 3: Player3 ($48.62)
Seat 5: Hero ($195.58)
Seat 6: Player5 ($104.70)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, Ts ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, 4s, 2h ]
Player1 bets (3)
Player5 raises 7.44 to 7.44
Player1 calls (4.44)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qc ]
Player1 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Js ]
Player1 bets (14.88)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $19.84 Rake: $1.04
Board: [ Jd, 4s, 2h, Qc, Js ]
Player1 balance $51.44, bet $24.82, collected $34.72, net +$9.90
Player2 balance $118.57, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $48.62, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $195.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $94.76, lost $9.94 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155746731d71vgz4p7qc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:48:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($57.85)
Seat 2: Hero ($145.78)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 4h ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2c, 9c, Qh ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8h ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6d ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (3.80)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 2c, 9c, Qh, 8h, 6d ]
Player1 balance $60.55, bet $6.80, collected $9.50, net +$2.70
Hero balance $142.78, lost $3 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851557544346ikxhl6742y *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:49:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($60.55)
Seat 2: Hero ($142.78)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, As ]
Hero raises 2 to 2.50
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $59.55, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $143.78, bet $2.50, collected $3.50, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 16851557680938otn4xv0npv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:49:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($59.55)
Seat 2: Hero ($143.78)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, Js ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero raises 7.50 to 8.50
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $56.55, lost $3 (folded)
Hero balance $146.78, bet $8.50, collected $11.50, net +$3

***** Hand History For Game 1685155800718ux26b3gai1l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:49:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($51.44)
Seat 2: Player1 ($118.57)
Seat 3: Player2 ($48.62)
Seat 5: Hero ($195.58)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, Qh ]
Hero folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2h, Qc, Kd ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7s ]
Player1 bets (2.02)
Player2 calls (2.02)
Player4 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ 3s ]
Player1 bets (11.36)
Player2 calls (11.36)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $28.28 Rake: $1.48
Board: [ 2h, Qc, Kd, 7s, 3s ]
Player5 balance $51.44, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $132.47, bet $14.38, collected $28.28, net +$13.90[ 7c, 7d ]
[ three of a kind, sevens -- Kd,Qc,7c,7d,7s ]
Player2 balance $34.24, lost $14.38[ 6d, Kc ] [ a pair of kings -- Kc,Kd,Qc,7s,6d ]
Hero balance $195.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155773647qe560bal2ql *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:49:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($56.55)
Seat 2: Hero ($146.78)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 5c ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $57.05, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $146.28, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155781594m7242s5zl3 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:49:37 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($57.05)
Seat 2: Hero ($146.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, 3d ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $58.05, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Hero balance $145.28, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155797871smlflprb53 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:49:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($58.05)
Seat 2: Hero ($145.28)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, Kd ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, 6h, Jh ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qd ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Qh ]
Player2 bets (4.28)
Hero calls (4.28)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.41 Rake: $0.65
Board: [ 8d, 6h, Jh, Qd, Qh ]
Player2 balance $63.93, bet $6.53, collected $12.41, net +$5.88[ 5d, 8s ] [ two
pairs, queens and eights -- Qd,Qh,Jh,8s,8d ]
Hero balance $138.75, lost $6.53[ Ts, Kd ] [ a pair of queens -- Kd,Qd,Qh,Jh,Ts ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685155885687kq6xcy1l1t8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:50:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($51.44)
Seat 2: Player5 ($132.47)
Seat 3: Player1 ($34.24)
Seat 5: Hero ($195.58)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, Td ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player1 calls (1.50)
Hero calls (1)
Player4 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, 9d, Jc ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ac ]
Player1 bets (3.80)
Hero calls (3.80)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ 4d ]
Player1 bets (7.41)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $14.82 Rake: $0.78
Board: [ Js, 9d, Jc, Ac, 4d ]
Player4 balance $49.44, lost $2 (folded)
Player5 balance $130.47, lost $2 (folded)
Player1 balance $43.26, bet $13.21, collected $22.23, net +$9.02
Hero balance $189.78, lost $5.80 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851558046888denu31wvuq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:50:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($63.93)
Seat 2: Hero ($138.75)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 9h ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $63.43, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $139.25, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685155812224otmh174dcg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:50:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($63.43)
Seat 2: Hero ($139.25)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, Tc ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $62.43, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $140.25, bet $2.25, collected $3.25, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 1685155827603h34kzid6ny6 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:50:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($62.43)
Seat 2: Hero ($140.25)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 9d ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qs, 7c, 3d ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ah ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 5d ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ Qs, 7c, 3d, Ah, 5d ]
Player1 balance $65.13, bet $3, collected $5.70, net +$2.70[ 2c, Kc ] [ high card
ace -- Ah,Kc,Qs,7c,5d ]
Hero balance $137.25, lost $3[ Th, 9d ] [ high card ace -- Ah,Qs,Th,9d,7c ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685155833671flrtc56lgs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:50:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($65.13)
Seat 2: Hero ($137.25)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, 7c ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $65.63, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $136.75, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155848487d5nx3jvq2gj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:50:37 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($65.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($136.75)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, Qd ]
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2h, 9s, Jh ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4h ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 8d ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ 2h, 9s, Jh, 4h, 8d ]
Player1 balance $66.53, bet $1, collected $1.90, net +$0.90[ 3c, 2c ] [ a pair of
twos -- Jh,9s,8d,2c,2h ]
Hero balance $135.75, lost $1[ 5s, Qd ] [ high card queen -- Qd,Jh,9s,8d,5s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685155856741pz2ktqfqwp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:50:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($66.53)
Seat 2: Hero ($135.75)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, 3c ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $67.03, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $135.25, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155881812dg48cp5en6k *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:51:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($67.03)
Seat 2: Hero ($135.25)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Jh ]
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero raises 3.50 to 4.50
Player1 calls (3.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, 4h, Jc ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Td ]
Hero checks
Player1 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 5s ]
Hero bets (6.49)
Player1 calls (6.49)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $20.98 Rake: $1.0
Board: [ 9s, 4h, Jc, Td, 5s ]
Player1 balance $56.04, lost $10.99[ 5h, Qh ] [ a pair of fives -- Qh,Jc,Td,5h,5s ]
Hero balance $145.24, bet $10.99, collected $20.98, net +$9.99[ Qd, Jh ] [ a pair
of jacks -- Qd,Jh,Jc,Td,9s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685155917008jecv8ahmh3d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:51:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($49.44)
Seat 2: Player4 ($130.47)
Seat 3: Player5 ($43.26)
Seat 5: Hero ($189.78)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Th ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 3.50 to 4
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, 7c, 6h ]
Hero bets (2.10)
Player3 calls (2.10)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ks ]
Hero bets (9.50)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.54 Rake: $0.66
Board: [ 6c, 7c, 6h, Ks ]
Player3 balance $43.34, lost $6.10 (folded)
Player4 balance $130.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $43.26, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $196.22, bet $15.60, collected $22.04, net +$6.44
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155888855ys6kvxr3go *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:51:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($56.04)
Seat 2: Hero ($145.24)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, Qc ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $56.54, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $144.74, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155895542cuckvaiieov *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:51:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($56.54)
Seat 2: Hero ($144.74)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 4d ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $56.04, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $145.24, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685155904738t2vkcm6a2h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:51:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($56.04)
Seat 2: Hero ($145.24)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, Qc ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $56.54, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $144.74, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155923702linnc1pcqw *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:51:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($56.54)
Seat 2: Hero ($144.74)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 9s ]
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, 8c, 5s ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (5.70)
Hero calls (5.70)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4s ]
Hero checks
Player1 bets (16.53)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.53 Rake: $0.87
Board: [ 7h, 8c, 5s, 4s ]
Player1 balance $64.37, bet $25.23, collected $33.06, net +$7.83
Hero balance $136.04, lost $8.70 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155961453f3a08y2z5dv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:51:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($43.34)
Seat 2: Player3 ($130.47)
Seat 3: Player4 ($43.26)
Seat 5: Hero ($196.22)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, 4s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, 3s, 7s ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ah ]
Player2 bets (4.28)
Player4 calls (4.28)
** Dealing River ** : [ 8s ]
Player2 bets (12.41)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.41 Rake: $0.65
Board: [ 4d, 3s, 7s, Ah, 8s ]
Player2 balance $49.47, bet $18.69, collected $24.82, net +$6.13
Player3 balance $130.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $36.98, lost $6.28 (folded)
Hero balance $196.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685155960192s8lzoum3p6f *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:52:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($64.37)
Seat 2: Hero ($136.04)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, As ]
Hero calls (0.50)
Player2 raises 2 to 3
Hero raises 12 to 13
Player2 raises 61.37 to 64.37
Player2 is all-In.
Hero calls (51.37)
Creating Main Pot with $ 127.74 with Player2
Player2 Cash-out Premium % is 1.0
Player2 opted for cash-out
Player2 probabilty is 7.4
Player2 Cashout Amount is 9.35
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, Tc, 6h ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8c ]
** Dealing River ** : [ 2s ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $127.74 Rake: $1.0
Board: [ Td, Tc, 6h, 8c, 2s ]
Player2 Cashed out balance $9.35, bet $64.37, collected $9.35, lost $55.02[ Jd, Ac
] [ a pair of tens -- Ac,Jd,Td,Tc,8c ]
Hero balance $199.41, bet $64.37, collected $127.74, net +$63.37[ Ad, As ] [ two
pairs, aces and tens -- Ad,As,Td,Tc,8c ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685155980505bzirb74j19d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:52:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($49.47)
Seat 2: Player2 ($130.47)
Seat 3: Player3 ($36.98)
Seat 5: Hero ($196.22)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 2d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $50.47, bet $2, collected $3, net +$1
Player2 balance $129.47, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $36.98, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $196.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168515598050529qa79eup15 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:52:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($9.35)
Seat 2: Hero ($199.41)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 2c ]
Player1 raises 8.85 to 9.35
Player1 is all-In.
Hero calls (8.35)
Creating Main Pot with $ 17.77 with Player1
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, 7s, 7d ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4s ]
** Dealing River ** : [ 9h ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $17.77 Rake: $0.93
Board: [ 6d, 7s, 7d, 4s, 9h ]
Player1 balance $17.77, bet $9.35, collected $17.77, net +$8.42[ Td, 9d ] [ two
pairs, nines and sevens -- Td,9d,9h,7s,7d ]
Hero balance $190.06, lost $9.35[ 2s, 2c ] [ two pairs, sevens and twos --
9h,7s,7d,2s,2c ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685156008826q70709h3o0i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:53:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($50.47)
Seat 2: Player1 ($129.47)
Seat 3: Player2 ($36.98)
Seat 4: Player6 ($60.22)
Seat 5: Hero ($196.22)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, Qd ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $50.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $128.97, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $37.48, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player6 balance $60.22, sits out
Hero balance $196.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851560007417kmrccswraf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:53:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($17.77)
Seat 2: Hero ($190.06)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, Ad ]
Hero raises 1.75 to 2.25
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, 8h, 9h ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Js ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Kd ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.28 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ Jd, 8h, 9h, Js, Kd ]
Player2 balance $17.66, bet $2.25, collected $2.14, lost $0.11[ As, 4h ] [ a pair
of jacks -- As,Kd,Jd,Js,9h ]
Hero balance $189.95, bet $2.25, collected $2.14, lost $0.11[ 6h, Ad ] [ a pair of
jacks -- Ad,Kd,Jd,Js,9h ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685156015086sxvk67ihxol *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:53:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($17.66)
Seat 2: Hero ($189.95)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 8s ]
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero raises 188.95 to 189.95
Hero is all-In.
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $16.66, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $190.95, bet $189.95, collected $190.95, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 1685156050700ea7ocdwzotv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:53:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($50.47)
Seat 2: Player6 ($128.97)
Seat 3: Player1 ($37.48)
Seat 4: Player2 ($60.22)
Seat 5: Hero ($196.22)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, Ts ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4h, As, Ks ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3d ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 4d ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.13 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 4h, As, Ks, 3d, 4d ]
Player5 balance $50.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $128.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $35.28, lost $2.20[ 9c, Jh ] [ a pair of fours -- As,Ks,Jh,4h,4d ]
Player2 balance $59.22, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $199.15, bet $2.20, collected $5.13, net +$2.93[ Tc, Ts ] [ two pairs,
tens and fours -- As,Tc,Ts,4h,4d ]
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685156024081wfakrtjm0ze *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:53:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($16.66)
Seat 2: Hero ($190.95)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, Jc ]
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $17.16, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $190.45, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685156046980pgtruv7j0gs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:53:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 11 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 2/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($17.16)
Seat 2: Hero ($190.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 6d ]
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero raises 189.45 to 190.45
Hero is all-In.
Player1 calls (16.16)
Player1 is all-In.
Creating Main Pot with $ 33.32 with Player1
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kc, Kh, Qc ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8d ]
** Dealing River ** : [ 2c ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $33.32 Rake: $1.0
Board: [ Kc, Kh, Qc, 8d, 2c ]
Player1 balance $0, lost $17.16[ 5s, 9s ] [ a pair of kings -- Kc,Kh,Qc,9s,8d ]
Hero balance $206.61, bet $190.45, collected $206.61, net +$16.16[ Ad, 6d ] [ a
pair of kings -- Ad,Kc,Kh,Qc,8d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685156073299b9dwz75zmhh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Fri May 26 22:54:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($50.47)
Seat 2: Player5 ($128.97)
Seat 3: Player6 ($35.28)
Seat 4: Player1 ($59.22)
Seat 5: Hero ($199.15)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 2h ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $50.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $128.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $35.28, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $58.72, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $198.15, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $101.50, bet $2, collected $3.50, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685171860588e5rep1zri7s *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:17:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player3 ($120.66)
Seat 4: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Ts ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player1 folds
Hero raises 4.50 to 5.50
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $101.50, bet $5.50, collected $7, net +$1.50
Player3 balance $119.66, lost $1 (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685171882352fpdo17qh2ej *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:17:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 2: Player2 ($119.66)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 3h ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9c, 5h, 5d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (1.72)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 9c, 5h, 5d ]
Hero balance $101, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $117.16, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.73, bet $4.22, collected $6.95, net +$2.73
***** Hand History For Game 1685171900812k9n9331iztb *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:18:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($101)
Seat 2: Player1 ($117.16)
Seat 4: Player2 ($102.73)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, Ts ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 raises 7.10 to 7.60
Player2 folds
Hero calls (5.40)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, 6d, 3h ]
Player1 bets (15.39)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.39 Rake: $0.81
Board: [ 5d, 6d, 3h ]
Hero balance $93.40, lost $7.60 (folded)
Player1 balance $124.95, bet $22.99, collected $30.78, net +$7.79
Player2 balance $101.73, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16851719185476z7uuy6vad *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:18:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player4 ($124.95)
Seat 4: Player1 ($101.73)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, 5h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $124.95, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $101.23, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685172051095d1mnj3gwc5n *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:18:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player3 ($124.95)
Seat 3: Player5 ($50)
Seat 4: Player4 ($101.23)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 9s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 raises 10.50 to 11
Hero folds
Player4 calls (8.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s, 6c, Kd ]
Player1 bets (7.21)
Player4 calls (7.21)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Td ]
Player1 bets (24)
Player4 calls (24)
** Dealing River ** : [ 6s ]
Player1 checks
Player4 bets (59.02)
Player4 is all-In.
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $83.42 Rake: $2.0
Board: [ 4s, 6c, Kd, Td, 6s ]
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $124.95, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Player4 balance $142.44, bet $101.23, collected $142.44, net +$41.21
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player1 balance $58.29, lost $42.21 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172147126941vdrz9i19 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:20:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player2 ($124.95)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($142.44)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, Td ]
Player3 checks
Player4 raises 4 to 4
Player5 calls (4)
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, 6s, 3d ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jc ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Kh ]
Player3 bets (7.50)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.83 Rake: $0.67
Board: [ 6d, 6s, 3d, Jc, Kh ]
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $123.95, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $108.83, bet $11.50, collected $20.33, net +$8.83
Player4 balance $138.44, lost $4 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player5 balance $96, lost $4 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172184060pbay3bd67h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:22:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player1 ($123.95)
Seat 3: Player2 ($108.83)
Seat 4: Player3 ($138.44)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Jh ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Hero calls (2.50)
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8h, 9s, Kh ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (7.12)
Hero folds
Player1 raises 30.86 to 30.86
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.03 Rake: $1.21
Board: [ 8h, 9s, Kh ]
Hero balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $137.36, bet $33.36, collected $46.77, net +$13.41
Player2 balance $106.33, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $128.82, lost $9.62 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172200025forzipf2xog *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:23:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player5 ($137.36)
Seat 3: Player1 ($106.33)
Seat 4: Player2 ($128.82)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, 8c ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $138.86, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $105.83, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $127.82, lost $1 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172228736c6pdvzr413c *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:23:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player5 ($138.86)
Seat 3: Player6 ($105.83)
Seat 4: Player1 ($127.82)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, 5d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2 to 2
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 5.50 to 6.50
Player6 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, 7d, Jc ]
Player2 bets (9.62)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.83 Rake: $0.67
Board: [ 2d, 7d, Jc ]
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $138.86, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $99.33, lost $6.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $127.32, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $106.33, bet $16.12, collected $22.45, net +$6.33
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172291387exdf7tkfbj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:23:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player4 ($138.86)
Seat 3: Player5 ($99.33)
Seat 4: Player6 ($127.32)
Seat 5: Player1 ($106.33)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9d, Td ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 calls (2.20)
Player5 calls (2.20)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, 4s, 4h ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qc ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (2.56)
Player5 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.70 Rake: $0.39999998
Board: [ 6c, 4s, 4h, Qc ]
Hero balance $97.80, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player4 balance $144.36, bet $4.76, collected $10.26, net +$5.50
Player5 balance $97.13, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player6 balance $127.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $105.83, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172320152a2rpkvhrzcp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:24:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player3 ($144.36)
Seat 3: Player4 ($97.13)
Seat 4: Player5 ($127.32)
Seat 5: Player6 ($105.83)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 3 to 3
Player1 folds
Hero folds
Player4 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh, 7s, 8d ]
Player4 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Player4 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ac ]
Player4 checks
Player6 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.13 Rake: $0.37
Board: [ Jh, 7s, 8d, 2s, Ac ]
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $144.36, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $101.26, bet $3, collected $7.13, net +$4.13[ Jc, Qh ] [ a pair of
jacks -- Ac,Qh,Jc,Jh,8d ]
Player5 balance $127.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $102.83, lost $3[ 6s, 6c ] [ a pair of sixes -- Ac,Jh,8d,6s,6c ]
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851723712107298sgap1l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:25:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player2 ($144.36)
Seat 3: Player3 ($101.26)
Seat 4: Player4 ($127.32)
Seat 5: Player5 ($102.83)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, Qd ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1)
Player3 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, 2c, Ts ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (4.63)
Player2 calls (4.63)
Player3 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7d ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 2d ]
Player2 bets (9.98)
Player5 calls (9.98)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $33.94 Rake: $1.78
Board: [ 9d, 2c, Ts, 7d, 2d ]
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $127.75, lost $16.61[ Qh, 8h ] [ a pair of twos -- Qh,Ts,9d,2c,2d ]
Player3 balance $99.26, lost $2 (folded)
Player4 balance $127.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $120.16, bet $16.61, collected $33.94, net +$17.33[ Ah, Td ] [ two
pairs, tens and twos -- Ah,Td,Ts,2c,2d ]
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851724109515qhzs499c5a *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:26:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player1 ($127.75)
Seat 3: Player2 ($99.26)
Seat 4: Player3 ($127.32)
Seat 5: Player4 ($120.16)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 raises 5 to 5
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (4)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3h, 6h, 2d ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (5.46)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.93 Rake: $0.57
Board: [ 3h, 6h, 2d ]
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $127.25, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $98.26, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $127.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $115.16, lost $5 (folded)
Player5 balance $105.93, bet $10.46, collected $16.39, net +$5.93

***** Hand History For Game 1685172448055bq2pb60wu5q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:26:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player6 ($127.25)
Seat 3: Player1 ($98.26)
Seat 4: Player2 ($127.32)
Seat 5: Player3 ($115.16)
Seat 6: Player4 ($105.93)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, 7c ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh, As, Ks ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (1.78)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ Jh, As, Ks ]
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $127.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $97.76, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $126.32, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $116.54, bet $2.78, collected $4.16, net +$1.38
Player4 balance $105.93, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851724275597htsimqqy9i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:26:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($71.50)
Seat 5: Player4 ($103.39)
Seat 6: Player1 ($104.55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, 2d ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3h, Tc, Ad ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (1.42)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.28 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ 3h, Tc, Ad ]
Hero balance $98, lost $2 (folded)
Player3 balance $73.78, bet $3.42, collected $5.70, net +$2.28
Player4 balance $103.39, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $104.05, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172440053sc8ie8iavr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:27:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($73.78)
Seat 5: Player3 ($103.39)
Seat 6: Player4 ($104.05)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, Kc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $101, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $72.78, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.39, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $104.05, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172474784rpe8jnxsd9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:27:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 2: Hero ($101)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($72.78)
Seat 5: Player2 ($103.39)
Seat 6: Player3 ($104.05)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 9d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, 2h, 4s ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (1)
Player1 raises 2.30 to 2.30
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.80 Rake: $0.2
Board: [ 8s, 2h, 4s ]
Hero balance $101, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Player1 balance $74.58, bet $3.30, collected $5.10, net +$1.80
Player2 balance $101.39, lost $2 (folded)
Player3 balance $104.05, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851724592837js29thsvn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:27:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player5 ($127.25)
Seat 3: Player6 ($97.76)
Seat 4: Player1 ($126.32)
Seat 5: Player2 ($116.54)
Seat 6: Player3 ($105.93)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, 4d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $127.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $97.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $127.32, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $115.54, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $105.93, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172479166sraom924q3 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:27:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player4 ($127.25)
Seat 3: Player5 ($97.76)
Seat 4: Player6 ($127.32)
Seat 5: Player1 ($115.54)
Seat 6: Player2 ($105.93)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 3d ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 raises 8.10 to 8.10
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.90 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $97.80, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player4 balance $130.95, bet $8.10, collected $11.80, net +$3.70
Player5 balance $97.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $127.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $115.04, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $104.93, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172505705m6k21g5s1wr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:27:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player3 ($130.95)
Seat 3: Player4 ($97.76)
Seat 4: Player5 ($127.32)
Seat 5: Player6 ($115.04)
Seat 6: Player1 ($104.93)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, Qc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero raises 8 to 9
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $103, bet $9, collected $12, net +$3
Player3 balance $130.95, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $97.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $127.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $115.04, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $101.93, lost $3 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172516748jpmlo4n8ze *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:27:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($101)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($74.58)
Seat 5: Player1 ($101.39)
Seat 6: Player2 ($104.05)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, Qs ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 raises 8 to 9
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $100, sits out
Hero balance $101, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player4 balance $74.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $98.39, lost $3 (folded)
Player2 balance $107.05, bet $9, collected $12, net +$3

***** Hand History For Game 1685172540576ey36fmlbx9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:28:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($103)
Seat 2: Player2 ($130.95)
Seat 3: Player3 ($97.76)
Seat 4: Player4 ($127.32)
Seat 5: Player5 ($115.04)
Seat 6: Player6 ($101.93)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, 2h ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4d, Kh, Qs ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Td ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Qc ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (2.50)
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 Rake: $0.15
Board: [ 4d, Kh, Qs, Td, Qc ]
Hero balance $102, lost $1 (folded)
Player2 balance $129.95, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $99.61, bet $3.50, collected $5.35, net +$1.85
Player4 balance $127.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $115.04, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $101.93, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172577335x0hh7kjgeng *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:28:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($101)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($74.58)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($107.05)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, Ks ]
Hero folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, Th, 7c ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (1.58)
Player2 calls (1.58)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3d ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (3.58)
Player2 calls (3.58)
** Dealing River ** : [ Js ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.18 Rake: $0.64
Board: [ 7h, Th, 7c, 3d, Js ]
Player2 balance $106.02, bet $6.16, collected $12.18, net +$6.02[ Td, 5s ] [ two
pairs, tens and sevens -- Js,Td,Th,7h,7c ]
Hero balance $101, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player4 balance $68.42, lost $6.16[ 8s, 6s ] [ a pair of sevens -- Js,Th,8s,7h,7c ]
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $106.55, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172576344mzfh6pl2wfo *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:29:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($102)
Seat 2: Player1 ($129.95)
Seat 3: Player2 ($99.61)
Seat 4: Player3 ($127.32)
Seat 5: Player4 ($115.04)
Seat 6: Player5 ($101.93)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 raises 5.50 to 6.50
Hero calls (4.30)
Player1 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, Jc, Jd ]
Player2 bets (4.50)
Hero calls (4.50)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Tc ]
Player2 bets (12.50)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $22.99 Rake: $1.21
Board: [ Js, Jc, Jd, Tc ]
Hero balance $91, lost $11 (folded)
Player1 balance $127.75, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player2 balance $111.60, bet $23.50, collected $35.49, net +$11.99
Player3 balance $127.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $115.04, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $101.93, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172600844dt6izfv4ipa *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:29:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player6 ($127.75)
Seat 3: Player1 ($111.60)
Seat 4: Player2 ($127.32)
Seat 5: Player3 ($115.04)
Seat 6: Player4 ($101.93)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, 3d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $129.25, bet $3.50, collected $5, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $111.10, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $126.32, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $115.04, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $101.93, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172604233v6xzh9dw6nr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:29:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($106.02)
Seat 2: Hero ($101)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($68.42)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($106.55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, As ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ac, Ks, Js ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (1.58)
Hero calls (1.58)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2c ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (3.58)
Hero calls (3.58)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2s ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (12.18)
Hero calls (12.18)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $35.33 Rake: $1.85
Board: [ Ac, Ks, Js, 2c, 2s ]
Player1 balance $105.52, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $117.99, bet $18.34, collected $35.33, net +$16.99[ 6h, As ] [ two
pairs, aces and twos -- As,Ac,Ks,2c,2s ]
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player3 balance $50.08, lost $18.34[ Qh, Jc ] [ two pairs, jacks and twos --
Ac,Jc,Js,2c,2s ]
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $106.55, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172625778q101lskrypm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:30:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player5 ($129.25)
Seat 3: Player6 ($111.10)
Seat 4: Player1 ($126.32)
Seat 5: Player2 ($115.04)
Seat 6: Player3 ($101.93)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 6d ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (2.25)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, 9s, 3s ]
Hero checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3c ]
Hero bets (3.20)
Player6 calls (3.20)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2d ]
Hero bets (6.60)
Player6 calls (6.60)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $24.32 Rake: $1.28
Board: [ 7d, 9s, 3s, 3c, 2d ]
Hero balance $112.27, bet $12.05, collected $24.32, net +$12.27[ 6h, 6d ] [ two
pairs, sixes and threes -- 9s,6h,6d,3s,3c ]
Player5 balance $129.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $99.05, lost $12.05[ Qh, Ac ] [ a pair of threes --
Ac,Qh,9s,3s,3c ]
Player1 balance $125.82, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $114.04, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $101.93, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685172618801tau45saywpg *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:30:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($105.52)
Seat 2: Hero ($117.99)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($50.08)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($106.55)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero raises 1.70 to 2.20
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $105.52, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $118.99, bet $2.20, collected $3.20, net +$1
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $50.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $106.55, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172643049whvtbdfldx *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:30:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($105.52)
Seat 2: Hero ($118.99)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($50.08)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($106.55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, Ks ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $105.52, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $120.49, bet $2.25, collected $3.75, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $49.08, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $106.55, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685172689666g6w1lyz3srw *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:30:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($112.27)
Seat 2: Player4 ($129.25)
Seat 3: Player5 ($99.05)
Seat 4: Player6 ($125.82)
Seat 5: Player1 ($114.04)
Seat 6: Player2 ($101.93)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, Ks ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player5 calls (3.50)
Player6 calls (3.50)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3c, 4d, Ac ]
Player4 bets (3.80)
Player5 calls (3.80)
Player6 calls (3.80)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7s ]
Player4 bets (7.41)
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $22.23 Rake: $1.17
Board: [ 3c, 4d, Ac, 7s ]
Hero balance $112.27, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $144.18, bet $14.71, collected $29.64, net +$14.93
Player5 balance $91.75, lost $7.30 (folded)
Player6 balance $118.52, lost $7.30 (folded)
Player1 balance $113.54, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.93, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172662417i7vsdscnwo *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:30:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($105.52)
Seat 2: Hero ($120.49)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($49.08)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($106.55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 2d ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 raises 13 to 14
Player3 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $105.52, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $120.49, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $46.58, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $105, bet $14, collected $19, net +$5
Player3 balance $104.05, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172691840w19d2h1p4u9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:31:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($105.52)
Seat 2: Hero ($120.49)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($46.58)
Seat 5: Player1 ($105)
Seat 6: Player2 ($104.05)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 raises 9.50 to 10
Player2 folds
Player6 raises 28.50 to 31
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $21 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $105.52, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $120.49, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $57.58, bet $31, collected $42, net +$11
Player1 balance $95, lost $10 (folded)
Player2 balance $103.05, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172706516r3k6s159xti *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:31:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($112.27)
Seat 2: Player3 ($144.18)
Seat 3: Player4 ($91.75)
Seat 4: Player5 ($118.52)
Seat 5: Player6 ($113.54)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100.93)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 4h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 4 to 4
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $111.27, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $144.18, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $93.25, bet $4, collected $5.50, net +$1.50
Player5 balance $118.52, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $113.54, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100.43, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851727271382njk1vdy9o7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:31:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($105.52)
Seat 2: Hero ($120.49)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($57.58)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($103.05)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 2c ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 raises 4 to 4
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player5 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jc, 6c, Ts ]
Player5 checks
Player6 bets (4.51)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.03 Rake: $0.47000003
Board: [ Jc, 6c, Ts ]
Player2 balance $104.52, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $120.49, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $53.58, lost $4 (folded)
Player6 balance $105.03, bet $8.51, collected $13.54, net +$5.03
Player1 balance $102.55, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172744360v82xu3r18cg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:31:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($111.27)
Seat 2: Player2 ($144.18)
Seat 3: Player3 ($93.25)
Seat 4: Player4 ($118.52)
Seat 5: Player5 ($113.54)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100.43)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, 4c, 2c ]
Hero bets (1.40)
Player2 calls (1.40)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7c ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (2.78)
Hero calls (2.78)
** Dealing River ** : [ 9c ]
Hero bets (3.40)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.65 Rake: $0.71
Board: [ Js, 4c, 2c, 7c, 9c ]
Hero balance $117.74, bet $10.58, collected $17.05, net +$6.47
Player2 balance $137, lost $7.18 (folded)
Player3 balance $93.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $118.52, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $113.54, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100.43, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172760455qrdx1p4qfcf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:32:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($104.52)
Seat 2: Hero ($120.49)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($53.58)
Seat 5: Player5 ($105.03)
Seat 6: Player6 ($102.55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 9h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, 7h, Ts ]
Hero checks
Player5 bets (3.92)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 4c, 7h, Ts ]
Player1 balance $104.02, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $117.99, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $53.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $107.76, bet $6.42, collected $9.15, net +$2.73
Player6 balance $102.55, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172784337i917d920vzb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:32:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($117.74)
Seat 2: Player1 ($137)
Seat 3: Player2 ($93.25)
Seat 4: Player3 ($118.52)
Seat 5: Player4 ($113.54)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100.43)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, Js ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Hero raises 5.50 to 5.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (4.50)
Player4 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5h, 8d, 5s ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Player2 bets (9)
Player4 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.15 Rake: $0.85
Board: [ 5h, 8d, 5s, 2s ]
Hero balance $112.24, lost $5.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $136.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $103.90, bet $14.50, collected $25.15, net +$10.65
Player3 balance $118.52, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $108.04, lost $5.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $100.43, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172797391zjaar425jz *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:32:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($104.02)
Seat 2: Hero ($117.99)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($53.58)
Seat 5: Player4 ($107.76)
Seat 6: Player5 ($102.55)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, Qd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Hero folds
Player2 raises 9.50 to 10.50
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.90 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $101.82, lost $2.20 (folded)
Hero balance $117.49, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $102.70, bet $10.50, collected $13.20, net +$2.70
Player3 balance $53.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $107.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $102.55, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851728196989ukefcxtlqr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:33:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($112.24)
Seat 2: Player6 ($136.50)
Seat 3: Player1 ($103.90)
Seat 4: Player2 ($118.52)
Seat 5: Player3 ($108.04)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100.43)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, Kc, Ts ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Hero bets (1.60)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.60)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (7.10)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.31 Rake: $0.49
Board: [ 3d, Kc, Ts, Jh ]
Hero balance $117.75, bet $10.90, collected $16.41, net +$5.51
Player6 balance $136.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $101.70, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player2 balance $114.72, lost $3.80 (folded)
Player3 balance $108.04, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100.43, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172812255aaejvzol1j4 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:33:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($117.49)
Seat 3: Player1 ($102.70)
Seat 4: Player2 ($53.58)
Seat 5: Player3 ($107.76)
Seat 6: Player4 ($102.55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 8h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $101.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $117.49, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $102.20, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $54.08, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $107.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $102.55, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172834619qqxw0sarhja *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:33:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($117.49)
Seat 3: Player6 ($102.20)
Seat 4: Player1 ($54.08)
Seat 5: Player2 ($107.76)
Seat 6: Player3 ($102.55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 4d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $101.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $117.49, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $102.20, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $55.08, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $106.76, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.55, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851728468480l97911sdvl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:33:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($117.75)
Seat 2: Player5 ($136.50)
Seat 3: Player6 ($101.70)
Seat 4: Player1 ($114.72)
Seat 5: Player2 ($108.04)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100.43)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 calls (2.20)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3c, Js, 6c ]
Hero bets (1.40)
Player5 raises 7 to 7
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.27 Rake: $0.43
Board: [ 3c, Js, 6c ]
Hero balance $114.15, lost $3.60 (folded)
Player5 balance $141.17, bet $9.20, collected $13.87, net +$4.67
Player6 balance $101.70, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $114.22, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $107.04, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100.43, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172852311j8dqo68plti *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:33:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($117.49)
Seat 3: Player5 ($102.20)
Seat 4: Player6 ($55.08)
Seat 5: Player1 ($106.76)
Seat 6: Player2 ($102.55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 9c ]
Player3 raises 2.40 to 2.40
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $103.32, bet $2.40, collected $3.90, net +$1.50
Hero balance $117.49, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $102.20, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $55.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $106.26, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.55, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172887298rrt9fzp6fo *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:34:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($114.15)
Seat 2: Player4 ($141.17)
Seat 3: Player5 ($101.70)
Seat 4: Player6 ($114.22)
Seat 5: Player1 ($107.04)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100.43)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Ad ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 calls (2.20)
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (2.20)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, Jc, 7h ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (5.13)
Player6 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.70 Rake: $0.39999998
Board: [ 2s, Jc, 7h ]
Hero balance $111.95, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player4 balance $146.67, bet $7.33, collected $12.83, net +$5.50
Player5 balance $101.70, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $112.02, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player1 balance $106.54, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99.43, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172880937ns3klp7wbpp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:34:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($103.32)
Seat 2: Hero ($117.49)
Seat 3: Player4 ($102.20)
Seat 4: Player5 ($55.08)
Seat 5: Player6 ($106.26)
Seat 6: Player1 ($101.55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, Qh ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, 5c, As ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (3.80)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ Js, 5c, As ]
Player2 balance $102.32, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $117.49, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $102.20, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $58.28, bet $6.30, collected $9.50, net +$3.20
Player6 balance $106.26, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.05, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172902937u9tgfjf811 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:34:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($102.32)
Seat 2: Hero ($117.49)
Seat 3: Player3 ($102.20)
Seat 4: Player4 ($58.28)
Seat 5: Player5 ($106.26)
Seat 6: Player6 ($99.05)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 5h ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $101.82, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $116.49, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.70, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $58.28, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $106.26, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $99.05, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172964074v8mb0g01w3i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:34:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($111.95)
Seat 2: Player3 ($146.67)
Seat 3: Player4 ($101.70)
Seat 4: Player5 ($112.02)
Seat 5: Player6 ($106.54)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 2c ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, 9h, 6c ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7h ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Kh ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.80 Rake: $0.2
Board: [ 4c, 9h, 6c, 7h, Kh ]
Hero balance $114.75, bet $1, collected $3.80, net +$2.80[ 6h, 2c ] [ a pair of
sixes -- Kh,9h,7h,6h,6c ]
Player3 balance $145.67, lost $1[ Td, Qs ] [ high card king -- Kh,Qs,Td,9h,7h ]
Player4 balance $100.70, lost $1[ 5s, 2s ] [ high card king -- Kh,9h,7h,6c,5s ]
Player5 balance $112.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $106.54, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99, lost $1[ 3s, 3d ] [ a pair of threes -- Kh,9h,7h,3s,3d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685172933822b1wnsrxtiy6 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:35:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($116.49)
Seat 3: Player2 ($103.70)
Seat 4: Player3 ($58.28)
Seat 5: Player4 ($106.26)
Seat 6: Player5 ($99.05)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, Kc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Hero raises 10 to 10.50
Player2 folds
Player5 calls (8)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, 5s, 3c ]
Hero bets (11.70)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $20.90 Rake: $1.1
Board: [ Jd, 5s, 3c ]
Player6 balance $101.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $126.89, bet $22.20, collected $32.60, net +$10.40
Player2 balance $102.70, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $58.28, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $106.26, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $88.55, lost $10.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685172984458tllbulvintg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:35:37 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($126.89)
Seat 3: Player1 ($102.70)
Seat 4: Player2 ($58.28)
Seat 5: Player3 ($106.26)
Seat 6: Player4 ($88.55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, Js ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s, 4d, Qh ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (1.72)
Player2 calls (1.72)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9h ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (6.37)
Player2 raises 20.53 to 20.53
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $20.60 Rake: $1.08
Board: [ 4s, 4d, Qh, 9h ]
Player5 balance $101.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $126.89, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $102.20, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $68.29, bet $24.75, collected $34.76, net +$10.01
Player3 balance $95.67, lost $10.59 (folded)
Player4 balance $88.55, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851730281234bqor9cu22o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:36:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($114.75)
Seat 2: Player2 ($145.67)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100.70)
Seat 4: Player4 ($112.02)
Seat 5: Player5 ($106.54)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 4d ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 4 to 4
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, Jd, 8d ]
Player3 checks
Player6 bets (4.51)
Player3 raises 14.50 to 14.50
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $17.60 Rake: $0.92
Board: [ 2s, Jd, 8d ]
Hero balance $114.25, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $144.67, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $109.79, bet $18.50, collected $27.59, net +$9.09
Player4 balance $112.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $106.54, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $91.49, lost $8.51 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851730396824vpgzh35tqp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:36:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($126.89)
Seat 3: Player6 ($102.20)
Seat 4: Player1 ($68.29)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($88.55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, Ts ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, 8d, Jh ]
Player1 bets (1.90)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 7s, 8d, Jh ]
Player4 balance $101.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $126.89, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $102.20, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $70.99, bet $4.90, collected $7.60, net +$2.70
Player2 balance $97, lost $3 (folded)
Player3 balance $88.55, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173102218swbcjvt4ps *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:37:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($114.25)
Seat 2: Player1 ($144.67)
Seat 3: Player2 ($109.79)
Seat 4: Player3 ($112.02)
Seat 5: Player4 ($106.54)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 9c ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, 9s, Ts ]
Player1 bets (4.75)
Player2 calls (4.75)
Player3 calls (4.75)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7d ]
Player1 bets (6.89)
Player2 raises 14.50 to 14.50
Player3 folds
Player1 calls (7.61)
** Dealing River ** : [ 4c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (38)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $48.22 Rake: $2.53
Board: [ 6c, 9s, Ts, 7d, 4c ]
Hero balance $114.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $122.92, lost $21.75 (folded)
Player2 balance $136.26, bet $59.75, collected $86.22, net +$26.47
Player3 balance $104.77, lost $7.25 (folded)
Player4 balance $106.54, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851730630352e1y9ydwodv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:37:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($126.89)
Seat 3: Player5 ($102.20)
Seat 4: Player6 ($70.99)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($88.55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 8h ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player6 raises 8.10 to 8.10
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.90 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $101.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $126.89, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player6 balance $74.69, bet $8.10, collected $11.80, net +$3.70
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $87.55, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168517307736957hjdzwmru5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:37:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($126.89)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($74.69)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($87.55)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 8h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $102.32, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $126.89, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $74.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $87.05, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173131393hjsedz8ka1h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:38:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($102.32)
Seat 2: Hero ($126.89)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($74.69)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($87.05)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, Qc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qs, 4h, 8d ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (3.48)
Hero calls (3.48)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Jc ]
Hero bets (6.60)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.84 Rake: $0.62
Board: [ Qs, 4h, 8d, Jh, Jc ]
Player1 balance $101.82, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $132.75, bet $12.58, collected $18.44, net +$5.86
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $68.71, lost $5.98 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $87.05, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173135236r5hj3oz3hwg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:38:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($114.25)
Seat 2: Player6 ($122.92)
Seat 3: Player1 ($136.26)
Seat 4: Player2 ($104.77)
Seat 5: Player3 ($106.54)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 3s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 3 to 3.50
Player2 raises 10 to 11
Player1 calls (7.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, Js, 2d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (10.45)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $20.90 Rake: $1.1
Board: [ Qh, Js, 2d ]
Hero balance $114.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $122.92, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $125.26, lost $11 (folded)
Player2 balance $114.67, bet $21.45, collected $31.35, net +$9.90
Player3 balance $106.54, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173170795u0clctan01 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:38:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($114.25)
Seat 2: Player5 ($122.92)
Seat 3: Player6 ($125.26)
Seat 4: Player1 ($114.67)
Seat 5: Player2 ($106.54)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 6c ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player6 calls (3.50)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, 8h, Ad ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (3.48)
Player6 calls (3.48)
Player2 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ Jd ]
Player5 bets (11.38)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $17.07 Rake: $0.89
Board: [ 2s, 8h, Ad, Jh, Jd ]
Hero balance $114.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $133.01, bet $18.36, collected $28.45, net +$10.09
Player6 balance $118.28, lost $6.98 (folded)
Player1 balance $114.17, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $103.04, lost $3.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173146048qqirvrthg9k *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:38:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($132.75)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($68.71)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($87.05)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, Ac ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $101.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $132.25, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $68.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $101.50, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player5 balance $87.05, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173190284e32aiu44oqj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:39:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($132.25)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($68.71)
Seat 5: Player3 ($101.50)
Seat 6: Player4 ($87.05)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 7d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kh, Jh, 3d ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (3.48)
Player2 calls (3.48)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5c ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (7.89)
Player2 calls (7.89)
** Dealing River ** : [ Kd ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $26.83 Rake: $1.41
Board: [ Kh, Jh, 3d, 5c, Kd ]
Player5 balance $101.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $132.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $54.84, lost $13.87[ Qh, 2h ] [ a pair of kings -- Kh,Kd,Qh,Jh,5c ]
Player3 balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100.01, bet $13.87, collected $26.83, net +$12.96[ 6s, As ] [ a
pair of kings -- As,Kh,Kd,Jh,6s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685173210810ydrzl4v529 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:39:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($114.25)
Seat 2: Player4 ($133.01)
Seat 3: Player5 ($118.28)
Seat 4: Player6 ($114.17)
Seat 5: Player1 ($103.04)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, 5h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 3.50 to 4.50
Player5 raises 8 to 9
Player2 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, 9c, 3d ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (9)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $17.58 Rake: $0.92
Board: [ 7s, 9c, 3d ]
Hero balance $114.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $133.01, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $126.86, bet $18, collected $26.58, net +$8.58
Player6 balance $114.17, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $102.54, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $91, lost $9 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851732461829dmtwjj0d7h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:39:54 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($132.25)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($54.84)
Seat 5: Player2 ($101.50)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100.01)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, 5h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, Th, Ts ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kd ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (1.88)
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 6.89 to 6.89
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.85 Rake: $0.51
Board: [ 2d, Th, Ts, Kd ]
Player4 balance $101.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $132.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $95.92, lost $4.08 (folded)
Player1 balance $52.64, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player2 balance $107.27, bet $9.09, collected $14.86, net +$5.77
Player3 balance $100.01, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168517327619794uvqhg9rjm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:40:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($114.25)
Seat 2: Player3 ($133.01)
Seat 3: Player4 ($126.86)
Seat 4: Player5 ($114.17)
Seat 5: Player6 ($102.54)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 8c ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 calls (2.50)
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8h, Kh, 4s ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (2.53)
Player4 calls (2.53)
Hero calls (2.53)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ah ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (9.88)
Player4 calls (9.88)
Hero folds
** Dealing River ** : [ Ac ]
Player3 checks
Player4 bets (7.50)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $33.59 Rake: $1.7600001
Board: [ 8h, Kh, 4s, Ah, Ac ]
Hero balance $109.22, lost $5.03 (folded)
Player3 balance $118.10, lost $14.91 (folded)
Player4 balance $145.54, bet $22.41, collected $41.09, net +$18.68
Player5 balance $114.17, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $102.54, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851732747070sfnrye1zdxf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:40:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($132.25)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($52.64)
Seat 5: Player1 ($107.27)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100.01)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7c, Qs, 5s ]
Player2 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ac ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (1.58)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ 7c, Qs, 5s, Ac ]
Player3 balance $101.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $132.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $54.02, bet $2.58, collected $3.96, net +$1.38
Player1 balance $106.77, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99.01, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851733112025qrs024ae8d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:41:15 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($109.22)
Seat 2: Player2 ($118.10)
Seat 3: Player3 ($145.54)
Seat 4: Player4 ($114.17)
Seat 5: Player5 ($102.54)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 5c ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 raises 2.50 to 3.50
Player3 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ad, 3c, Ks ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Player2 bets (2.37)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.13 Rake: $0.37
Board: [ Ad, 3c, Ks, 2s ]
Hero balance $108.72, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $121.73, bet $5.87, collected $9.50, net +$3.63
Player3 balance $142.04, lost $3.50 (folded)
Player4 balance $114.17, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $102.54, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173286418wv8py4j3eeh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:41:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($132.25)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($54.02)
Seat 5: Player6 ($106.77)
Seat 6: Player1 ($99.01)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 4c ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $102.32, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $132.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $54.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $106.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $98.51, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173298378e3qi9c8kbvm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:41:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($102.32)
Seat 2: Hero ($132.25)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($54.02)
Seat 5: Player5 ($106.77)
Seat 6: Player6 ($98.51)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, 8c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $101.82, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $132.75, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $54.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $106.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $98.51, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173361931x8tab5goz0g *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:41:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($132.75)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($54.02)
Seat 5: Player4 ($106.77)
Seat 6: Player5 ($98.51)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 5s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, 6h, 9c ]
Hero bets (3.20)
Player2 calls (3.20)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4c ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (3.10)
Hero calls (3.10)
** Dealing River ** : [ 8h ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $17.67 Rake: $0.93
Board: [ 5c, 6h, 9c, 4c, 8h ]
Player6 balance $101.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $141.12, bet $9.30, collected $17.67, net +$8.37[ 6s, 5s ] [ two
pairs, sixes and fives -- 9c,6s,6h,5s,5c ]
Player2 balance $90.70, lost $9.30[ Kd, 5d ] [ a pair of fives -- Kd,9c,8h,5d,5c ]
Player3 balance $54.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $106.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $98.51, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173352574sj4djr80ol *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:41:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($108.72)
Seat 2: Player1 ($121.73)
Seat 3: Player2 ($142.04)
Seat 4: Player3 ($114.17)
Seat 5: Player4 ($102.54)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, Qd, 5d ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9d ]
Player1 bets (6.27)
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.27 Rake: $0.33
Board: [ 4c, Qd, 5d, 9d ]
Hero balance $106.52, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player1 balance $125.80, bet $8.47, collected $12.54, net +$4.07
Player2 balance $139.84, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player3 balance $114.17, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $102.54, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173420789rxcon45i57h *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:42:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($106.52)
Seat 2: Player6 ($125.80)
Seat 3: Player1 ($139.84)
Seat 4: Player2 ($114.17)
Seat 5: Player3 ($102.54)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player6 calls (2.50)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, 5c, Qd ]
Player4 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qh ]
Player4 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 4h ]
Player4 bets (4.63)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ Th, 5c, Qd, Qh, 4h ]
Hero balance $106.52, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $123.30, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $139.34, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $113.17, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.54, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $103.68, bet $7.13, collected $10.81, net +$3.68

***** Hand History For Game 16851733881136ilpqderqd9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:42:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($141.12)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($54.02)
Seat 5: Player3 ($106.77)
Seat 6: Player4 ($98.51)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5h, 6d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $101.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $141.12, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $101, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $53.02, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $106.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $98.51, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168517340711898q3yr7xua *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:43:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($141.12)
Seat 3: Player6 ($101)
Seat 4: Player1 ($53.02)
Seat 5: Player2 ($106.77)
Seat 6: Player3 ($98.51)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 9h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $101.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $141.12, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $102.50, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $52.52, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $105.77, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $98.51, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173418067gxsyalwmuam *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:43:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($101.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($141.12)
Seat 3: Player4 ($102.50)
Seat 4: Player5 ($52.52)
Seat 5: Player1 ($105.77)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, Ks ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $100.82, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $141.12, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $102.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $52.52, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $106.77, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 1685173460196rqtf6s8vjcd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:43:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($106.52)
Seat 2: Player5 ($123.30)
Seat 3: Player6 ($139.34)
Seat 4: Player1 ($113.17)
Seat 5: Player2 ($102.54)
Seat 6: Player3 ($103.68)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, 6h ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qc, Qd, 4d ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (7.13)
Player2 calls (7.13)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9s ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (6.89)
Player2 calls (6.89)
** Dealing River ** : [ Kd ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $33.77 Rake: $1.77
Board: [ Qc, Qd, 4d, 9s, Kd ]
Hero balance $106.52, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $105.78, lost $17.52[ As, 4s ] [ two pairs, queens and fours --
As,Qc,Qd,4s,4d ]
Player6 balance $139.34, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $112.67, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $118.79, bet $17.52, collected $33.77, net +$16.25[ Td, Tc ] [ two
pairs, queens and tens -- Kd,Qc,Qd,Td,Tc ]
Player3 balance $103.68, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173428236jdsykvtoe5l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:43:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($100.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($141.12)
Seat 3: Player3 ($102.50)
Seat 4: Player4 ($52.52)
Seat 5: Player5 ($106.77)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 3d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $100.32, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $141.62, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $102.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $52.52, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $106.77, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851734487218ckuuofn8w9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:43:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($100.32)
Seat 2: Hero ($141.62)
Seat 3: Player2 ($102.50)
Seat 4: Player3 ($52.52)
Seat 5: Player4 ($106.77)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9d, 7d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $100.32, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $141.12, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.50, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $52.52, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $108.27, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851735070528b3nlmu5oi *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:44:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($100.32)
Seat 2: Hero ($141.12)
Seat 3: Player1 ($101.50)
Seat 4: Player2 ($52.52)
Seat 5: Player3 ($108.27)
Seat 6: Player6 ($74.85)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, Jd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, 5c, Ts ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (1.39)
Player2 calls (1.39)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ac ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Th ]
Player2 bets (4.86)
Player4 calls (4.86)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.53 Rake: $0.87
Board: [ Td, 5c, Ts, Ac, Th ]
Player4 balance $100.13, bet $8.45, collected $8.26, lost $0.19[ Ah, Ks ] [ a
fullhouse, tens full of aces -- Ah,Ac,Td,Ts,Th ]
Hero balance $141.12, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $101, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $52.34, bet $8.45, collected $8.27, lost $0.18[ 9h, As ] [ a
fullhouse, tens full of aces -- As,Ac,Td,Ts,Th ]
Player3 balance $108.27, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $74.85, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16851734917477be7lblucry *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:44:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($106.52)
Seat 2: Player4 ($105.78)
Seat 3: Player5 ($139.34)
Seat 4: Player6 ($112.67)
Seat 5: Player1 ($118.79)
Seat 6: Player2 ($103.68)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, Tc ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player5 calls (3.50)
Player6 raises 12 to 12
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (8.50)
Player5 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, 3c, Jc ]
Player4 checks
Player6 bets (13.77)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $27.55 Rake: $1.45
Board: [ Th, 3c, Jc ]
Hero balance $106.52, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $93.78, lost $12 (folded)
Player5 balance $135.84, lost $3.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $128.22, bet $25.77, collected $41.32, net +$15.55
Player1 balance $118.29, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $102.68, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173581713k2ru0xdxkhh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:44:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($106.52)
Seat 2: Player3 ($93.78)
Seat 3: Player4 ($135.84)
Seat 4: Player5 ($128.22)
Seat 5: Player6 ($118.29)
Seat 6: Player1 ($102.68)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, Tc ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 raises 5 to 5
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (4.50)
Hero folds
Player3 calls (4)
Player4 calls (4)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s, 2s, Qc ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (6.58)
Player1 folds
Player3 raises 17.61 to 17.61
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 23.42 to 30
Player3 calls (12.39)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ad ]
Player3 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 5h ]
Player3 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $78 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 4s, 2s, Qc, Ad, 5h ]
Hero balance $105.52, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $58.78, lost $35[ 6s, 8s ] [ high card ace -- Ad,Qc,8s,6s,5h ]
Player4 balance $130.84, lost $5 (folded)
Player5 balance $171.22, bet $35, collected $78, net +$43[ Ks, Kh ] [ a pair of
kings -- Ad,Ks,Kh,Qc,5h ]
Player6 balance $118.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $97.68, lost $5 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173565220c9le5271irh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:45:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($100.13)
Seat 2: Hero ($141.12)
Seat 3: Player6 ($101)
Seat 4: Player1 ($52.34)
Seat 5: Player2 ($108.27)
Seat 6: Player3 ($74.85)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, Ac ]
Player3 checks
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 3 to 3
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, 5s, 2s ]
Player3 checks
Player6 bets (3.56)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.13 Rake: $0.37
Board: [ Qh, 5s, 2s ]
Player4 balance $100.13, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $141.12, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $105.13, bet $6.56, collected $10.69, net +$4.13
Player1 balance $51.84, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $107.27, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $71.85, lost $3 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173587489471qz2gbmnc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:46:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($100.13)
Seat 2: Hero ($141.12)
Seat 3: Player5 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player6 ($51.84)
Seat 5: Player1 ($107.27)
Seat 6: Player2 ($71.85)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 4d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jc, 6d, Qs ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (1.74)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ Jc, 6d, Qs ]
Player3 balance $100.13, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $141.12, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $105.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $54.57, bet $4.24, collected $6.97, net +$2.73
Player1 balance $106.77, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $69.35, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851735971720wqs5t2ngpko *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:46:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($105.52)
Seat 2: Player2 ($58.78)
Seat 3: Player3 ($130.84)
Seat 4: Player4 ($171.22)
Seat 5: Player5 ($118.29)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, Js ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $105.02, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $59.28, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $130.84, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $171.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $118.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851736192486mq67tiqokl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:46:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($100.13)
Seat 2: Hero ($141.12)
Seat 3: Player4 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player5 ($54.57)
Seat 5: Player6 ($106.77)
Seat 6: Player1 ($69.35)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 9c ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (2.20)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jc, 7d, 3s ]
Hero bets (1.40)
Player5 calls (1.40)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Th ]
Hero bets (8.30)
Player5 calls (8.30)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2c ]
Hero checks
Player5 bets (24.04)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $24.04 Rake: $1.26
Board: [ Jc, 7d, 3s, Th, 2c ]
Player2 balance $99.13, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $129.22, lost $11.90 (folded)
Player4 balance $105.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $66.71, bet $35.94, collected $48.08, net +$12.14
Player6 balance $106.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $68.85, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173621504td04zqedzl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:46:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($105.02)
Seat 2: Player1 ($59.28)
Seat 3: Player2 ($130.84)
Seat 4: Player3 ($171.22)
Seat 5: Player4 ($118.29)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $106.52, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $58.78, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $129.84, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $171.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $118.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173691953zs2l14s4z7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:47:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($106.52)
Seat 2: Player6 ($58.78)
Seat 3: Player1 ($129.84)
Seat 4: Player2 ($171.22)
Seat 5: Player3 ($118.29)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 9h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player6 calls (2.20)
Player1 raises 8.50 to 9
Player2 folds
Hero calls (6.80)
Player6 calls (6.80)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, 4s, 5c ]
Player1 bets (18.50)
Hero calls (18.50)
Player6 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2c ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (34.70)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $62 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 5d, 4s, 5c, 2c ]
Hero balance $141.02, bet $62.20, collected $96.70, net +$34.50
Player6 balance $49.78, lost $9 (folded)
Player1 balance $102.34, lost $27.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $170.22, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $118.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851736480890zw6cvcl7p5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:47:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($129.22)
Seat 3: Player3 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player4 ($66.71)
Seat 5: Player5 ($106.77)
Seat 6: Player6 ($68.85)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 9s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (2)
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, Ad, 3s ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2h ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (4.12)
Player6 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ Qh, Ad, 3s, 2h ]
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $127.22, lost $2 (folded)
Player3 balance $105.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $70.89, bet $6.12, collected $10.30, net +$4.18
Player5 balance $106.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $66.85, lost $2 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173663688rx1pyc4y0qs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:47:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($127.22)
Seat 3: Player6 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player2 ($70.89)
Seat 5: Player3 ($106.77)
Seat 6: Player4 ($66.85)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, Kc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2 to 2.50
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $128.22, bet $2.50, collected $3.50, net +$1
Player6 balance $105.13, sits out
Player2 balance $69.89, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $106.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $66.85, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173705192og7nwj8ohml *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:47:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($128.22)
Seat 3: Player6 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player1 ($69.89)
Seat 5: Player2 ($106.77)
Seat 6: Player3 ($66.85)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 6s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 calls (1.75)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2h, Ts, 9s ]
Player1 bets (1.74)
Hero calls (1.74)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3h ]
Player1 bets (5.69)
Hero calls (5.69)
** Dealing River ** : [ 5s ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (14.70)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $19.35 Rake: $1.01
Board: [ 2h, Ts, 9s, 3h, 5s ]
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $137.89, bet $24.38, collected $34.05, net +$9.67
Player6 balance $105.13, sits out
Player1 balance $60.21, lost $9.68 (folded)
Player2 balance $105.77, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $66.85, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851737327635c45vu93rkj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:48:11 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($141.02)
Seat 2: Player5 ($49.78)
Seat 3: Player6 ($102.34)
Seat 4: Player1 ($170.22)
Seat 5: Player2 ($118.29)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, 5c ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qc, 4c, 2c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (1.50)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing River ** : [ 6s ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (2.50)
Player2 calls (2.50)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.45 Rake: $0.55
Board: [ Qc, 4c, 2c, 6c, 6s ]
Hero balance $141.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $49.78, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $107.79, bet $5, collected $10.45, net +$5.45[ Js, Jc ] [ a flush,
queen high -- Qc,Jc,6c,4c,2c ]
Player1 balance $169.22, lost $1 (folded)
Player2 balance $113.29, lost $5[ 9c, 5s ] [ a flush, queen high --
Qc,9c,6c,4c,2c ]
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851737219498zhpzqlymns *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:48:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($137.89)
Seat 3: Player6 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player5 ($60.21)
Seat 5: Player1 ($105.77)
Seat 6: Player2 ($66.85)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 4s ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2 to 2
Player5 raises 7.50 to 7.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $135.89, lost $2 (folded)
Player6 balance $105.13, sits out
Player5 balance $63.71, bet $7.50, collected $11, net +$3.50
Player1 balance $105.27, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $65.85, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173786545hledzb01056 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:48:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($135.89)
Seat 3: Player6 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player4 ($63.71)
Seat 5: Player5 ($105.27)
Seat 6: Player1 ($65.85)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, Jh ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, Jd, 7d ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5s ]
Player2 bets (2.33)
Hero calls (2.33)
** Dealing River ** : [ 8c ]
Player2 bets (6.81)
Hero calls (6.81)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $22.03 Rake: $1.15
Board: [ Td, Jd, 7d, 5s, 8c ]
Player2 balance $110.69, bet $11.34, collected $22.03, net +$10.69[ 3d, Ad ] [ a
flush, ace high -- Ad,Jd,Td,7d,3d ]
Hero balance $124.55, lost $11.34[ Qh, Jh ] [ a pair of jacks -- Qh,Jh,Jd,Td,8c ]
Player6 balance $105.13, sits out
Player4 balance $63.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $105.27, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $65.35, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173752408187fixq5u7b *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:48:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($141.02)
Seat 2: Player4 ($49.78)
Seat 3: Player5 ($107.79)
Seat 4: Player6 ($169.22)
Seat 5: Player1 ($113.29)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 2d ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $141.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $49.78, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $107.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $170.72, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $112.79, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173818779dyum71xkjfc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:49:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($141.02)
Seat 2: Player3 ($49.78)
Seat 3: Player4 ($107.79)
Seat 4: Player5 ($170.72)
Seat 5: Player6 ($112.79)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, Jc ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 4 to 4
Player6 calls (4)
Player1 folds
Hero folds
Player3 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, 3d, 6s ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (6.41)
Player6 calls (6.41)
Player3 calls (6.41)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2c ]
Player3 checks
Player5 checks
Player6 bets (23.50)
Player3 raises 39.37 to 39.37
Player3 is all-In.
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (15.87)
Creating Main Pot with $ 108.47 with Player3
** Dealing River ** : [ 8h ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $108.47 Rake: $3.0000002
Board: [ 5d, 3d, 6s, 2c, 8h ]
Hero balance $140.02, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $108.47, bet $49.78, collected $108.47, net +$58.69[ 4d, 5s ] [ a
straight, two to six -- 6s,5s,4d,3d,2c ]
Player4 balance $107.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $160.31, lost $10.41 (folded)
Player6 balance $63.01, lost $49.78[ 9s, As ] [ high card ace -- As,9s,8h,6s,5d ]
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173818778sbjnpcnfefe *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:49:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($110.69)
Seat 2: Hero ($124.55)
Seat 3: Player6 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player3 ($63.71)
Seat 5: Player4 ($105.27)
Seat 6: Player5 ($65.35)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, Jh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, 4d, Jd ]
Hero checks
Player5 bets (5.23)
Hero calls (5.23)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7c ]
Hero checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 7h ]
Hero bets (8.50)
Player5 raises 23.50 to 23.50
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $31.32 Rake: $1.64
Board: [ Td, 4d, Jd, 7c, 7h ]
Player1 balance $110.19, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $108.32, lost $16.23 (folded)
Player6 balance $105.13, sits out
Player3 balance $63.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $105.27, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $80.44, bet $31.23, collected $46.32, net +$15.09

***** Hand History For Game 1685173859916hg7y5k5bp7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:50:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($140.02)
Seat 2: Player2 ($108.47)
Seat 3: Player3 ($107.79)
Seat 4: Player4 ($160.31)
Seat 5: Player5 ($63.01)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 5s ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, Kd, 6h ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (5)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.28 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ 9s, Kd, 6h ]
Hero balance $139.52, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $106.47, lost $2 (folded)
Player3 balance $110.07, bet $7, collected $9.28, net +$2.28
Player4 balance $160.31, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $63.01, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173854940g41c15s88d6 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:50:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($110.19)
Seat 2: Hero ($108.32)
Seat 3: Player6 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player2 ($63.71)
Seat 5: Player3 ($105.27)
Seat 6: Player4 ($80.44)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Ts ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Hero raises 5 to 5.50
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, 9s, 6d ]
Hero bets (6.40)
Player4 calls (6.40)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Hero bets (13.20)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.56 Rake: $1.24
Board: [ 3s, 9s, 6d, 2s ]
Player5 balance $110.19, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $119.98, bet $25.10, collected $36.76, net +$11.66
Player6 balance $105.13, sits out
Player2 balance $62.71, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $105.27, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $68.54, lost $11.90 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173886609p6859qyiqgq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:50:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($110.19)
Seat 2: Hero ($119.98)
Seat 3: Player6 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player1 ($62.71)
Seat 5: Player2 ($105.27)
Seat 6: Player3 ($68.54)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, Th ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.40 to 2.40
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.40)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, 9h, Qs ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (2.52)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.04 Rake: $0.26
Board: [ 8d, 9h, Qs ]
Player4 balance $112.83, bet $4.92, collected $7.56, net +$2.64
Hero balance $119.98, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $105.13, sits out
Player1 balance $62.21, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $102.87, lost $2.40 (folded)
Player3 balance $68.54, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851739025190o7mywo9626j *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:50:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($139.52)
Seat 2: Player1 ($106.47)
Seat 3: Player2 ($110.07)
Seat 4: Player3 ($160.31)
Seat 5: Player4 ($63.01)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, Kc ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 9 to 9
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (6.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Tc, Td, Jd ]
Player3 checks
Hero bets (9.27)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $18.53 Rake: $0.97
Board: [ Tc, Td, Jd ]
Hero balance $149.05, bet $18.27, collected $27.80, net +$9.53
Player1 balance $105.97, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $109.07, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $151.31, lost $9 (folded)
Player4 balance $63.01, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173922811oan837hcyc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:51:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($112.83)
Seat 2: Hero ($119.98)
Seat 3: Player6 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player5 ($62.21)
Seat 5: Player1 ($102.87)
Seat 6: Player2 ($68.54)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, Td ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, Jd, Ts ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (3.48)
Player2 calls (3.48)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8h ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (11.84)
Player2 calls (11.84)
** Dealing River ** : [ 3s ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (22.89)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $34.34 Rake: $1.8
Board: [ 6c, Jd, Ts, 8h, 3s ]
Player3 balance $112.83, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $119.98, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $105.13, sits out
Player5 balance $78.73, bet $40.71, collected $57.23, net +$16.52
Player1 balance $102.37, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $50.72, lost $17.82 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173945468e72altwlegb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:51:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($149.05)
Seat 2: Player6 ($105.97)
Seat 3: Player1 ($109.07)
Seat 4: Player2 ($151.31)
Seat 5: Player3 ($63.01)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 4d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, 5d, 2h ]
Player1 bets (1)
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8h ]
Player1 bets (1)
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing River ** : [ 5c ]
Player1 bets (4.50)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.60 Rake: $0.4
Board: [ 7d, 5d, 2h, 8h, 5c ]
Hero balance $149.05, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $105.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $112.67, bet $8.50, collected $12.10, net +$3.60
Player2 balance $147.31, lost $4 (folded)
Player3 balance $63.01, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173958438e44jt2wdji8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:52:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($112.83)
Seat 2: Hero ($119.98)
Seat 3: Player6 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player4 ($78.73)
Seat 5: Player5 ($102.37)
Seat 6: Player1 ($50.72)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, Jc ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, 9c, 5h ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (2.90)
Player1 raises 10.18 to 10.18
Hero calls (7.28)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kh ]
Player1 bets (10.50)
Hero calls (10.50)
** Dealing River ** : [ Qs ]
Player1 bets (27.84)
Player1 is all-In.
Hero calls (27.84)
Creating Main Pot with $ 99.44 with Player1
** Summary **
Main Pot: $99.44 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 8s, 9c, 5h, Kh, Qs ]
Player2 balance $111.83, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $168.70, bet $50.72, collected $99.44, net +$48.72[ Td, Jc ] [ a
straight, nine to king -- Kh,Qs,Jc,Td,9c ]
Player6 balance $105.13, sits out
Player4 balance $78.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $102.37, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $0, lost $50.72[ 6d, 7c ] [ a straight, five to nine --
9c,8s,7c,6d,5h ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685174000654ua4q5kgu5t *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:52:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($149.05)
Seat 2: Player4 ($105.97)
Seat 3: Player5 ($112.67)
Seat 4: Player1 ($147.31)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 5c ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player5 calls (3.50)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, 2s, Ac ]
Player4 bets (2.69)
Player5 calls (2.69)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2c ]
Player4 bets (4.39)
Player5 calls (4.39)
** Dealing River ** : [ 3s ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (12.50)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $21.53 Rake: $1.1299999
Board: [ Js, 2s, Ac, 2c, 3s ]
Hero balance $149.05, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $95.39, lost $10.58 (folded)
Player5 balance $123.62, bet $23.08, collected $34.03, net +$10.95
Player1 balance $146.81, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685173979276e48gb5cnach *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:52:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($111.83)
Seat 2: Hero ($168.70)
Seat 3: Player2 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player3 ($78.73)
Seat 5: Player4 ($102.37)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 3c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $111.83, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $168.20, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $105.63, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $78.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $102.37, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685174003700lnq7fj0fnap *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:53:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($111.83)
Seat 2: Hero ($168.20)
Seat 3: Player1 ($105.63)
Seat 4: Player2 ($78.73)
Seat 5: Player3 ($102.37)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5h, Ks, 8d ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (1.20)
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5c ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Qh ]
Player2 bets (4.62)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.94 Rake: $0.36
Board: [ 5h, Ks, 8d, 5c, Qh ]
Player4 balance $111.83, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $164.80, lost $3.40 (folded)
Player1 balance $105.13, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $82.27, bet $8.02, collected $11.56, net +$3.54
Player3 balance $102.37, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685174014612zz6gfsc8928 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:53:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($149.05)
Seat 2: Player3 ($95.39)
Seat 3: Player4 ($123.62)
Seat 4: Player5 ($146.81)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 6s ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jc, Td, Ts ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (2.38)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ Jc, Td, Ts ]
Hero balance $148.05, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $96.77, bet $3.38, collected $4.76, net +$1.38
Player4 balance $123.62, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $146.81, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174018639awnehm9at54 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:53:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($111.83)
Seat 2: Hero ($164.80)
Seat 3: Player5 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player1 ($82.27)
Seat 5: Player2 ($102.37)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, Jc ]
Player3 raises 2.40 to 2.40
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $113.33, bet $2.40, collected $3.90, net +$1.50
Hero balance $164.80, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $105.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $81.77, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.37, lost $1 (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685174043677c3fs0s0aj9t *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:53:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($148.05)
Seat 2: Player2 ($96.77)
Seat 3: Player3 ($123.62)
Seat 4: Player4 ($146.81)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, 2d, 2s ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Th ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (3.92)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 7d, 2d, 2s, Th ]
Hero balance $147.55, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $94.27, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $123.62, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $149.54, bet $6.42, collected $9.15, net +$2.73
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174032304zv2qbetorvo *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:53:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($113.33)
Seat 2: Hero ($164.80)
Seat 3: Player4 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player5 ($81.77)
Seat 5: Player1 ($101.37)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 7s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $113.83, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $164.80, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $105.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $81.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100.87, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685174044017uv39sv7lwsj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:53:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($113.83)
Seat 2: Hero ($164.80)
Seat 3: Player3 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player4 ($81.77)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100.87)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, Ad ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $113.33, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $165.30, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $105.13, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $81.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685174112292gsz8rl8k4yc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:54:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($147.55)
Seat 2: Player1 ($94.27)
Seat 3: Player2 ($123.62)
Seat 4: Player3 ($149.54)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9d, 6d ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Hero calls (2.50)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kd, 7d, Th ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (5.70)
Hero calls (5.70)
Player2 calls (5.70)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (17.88)
Hero calls (17.88)
Player2 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ 7s ]
Player3 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $57.86 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Kd, 7d, Th, 2s, 7s ]
Hero balance $121.47, lost $26.08[ 9d, 6d ] [ a pair of sevens -- Kd,Th,9d,7d,7s ]
Player1 balance $93.77, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $115.42, lost $8.20 (folded)
Player3 balance $181.32, bet $26.08, collected $57.86, net +$31.78[ Kh, Ks ] [ a
fullhouse, kings full of sevens -- Kh,Ks,Kd,7d,7s ]
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174060644a8ysq9v2am *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:54:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($113.33)
Seat 2: Hero ($165.30)
Seat 3: Player2 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player3 ($81.77)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100.87)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 2s ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $113.33, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $164.80, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $104.13, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $83.27, bet $2, collected $3.50, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $100.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685174082141rehwea1064g *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:54:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($113.33)
Seat 2: Hero ($164.80)
Seat 3: Player1 ($104.13)
Seat 4: Player2 ($83.27)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100.87)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, Jh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $113.33, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $166.30, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $103.63, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $82.27, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685174103116rjafpszwdjn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:54:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($113.33)
Seat 2: Hero ($166.30)
Seat 3: Player5 ($103.63)
Seat 4: Player1 ($82.27)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100.87)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 4s ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $113.33, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $166.30, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $105.13, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $81.77, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99.87, lost $1 (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685174173934e5qc8u3dmbb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:55:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($113.33)
Seat 2: Hero ($166.30)
Seat 3: Player4 ($105.13)
Seat 4: Player5 ($81.77)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 4s ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 calls (2.20)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5d, 2c, 6c ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jd ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (5.61)
Player4 calls (5.61)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2h ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (10.84)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.27 Rake: $0.8499999
Board: [ 5d, 2c, 6c, Jd, 2h ]
Player2 balance $112.33, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $166.30, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $97.32, lost $7.81 (folded)
Player5 balance $90.23, bet $18.65, collected $27.11, net +$8.46
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16851741753886pdciyvzsf4 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:55:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($121.47)
Seat 2: Player5 ($93.77)
Seat 3: Player1 ($115.42)
Seat 4: Player2 ($181.32)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 9s ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, Qc, 2d ]
Player1 bets (3)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.80 Rake: $0.2
Board: [ Qh, Qc, 2d ]
Hero balance $121.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $93.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $117.22, bet $5, collected $6.80, net +$1.80
Player2 balance $179.32, lost $2 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174191811a1mztkfae9f *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:56:15 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($121.47)
Seat 2: Player6 ($93.77)
Seat 3: Player5 ($117.22)
Seat 4: Player1 ($179.32)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, 9s ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $121.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $93.77, sits out
Player5 balance $117.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $178.82, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174190000jznbvepmbp *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:56:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($112.33)
Seat 2: Hero ($166.30)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($90.23)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($0)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, 6c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $111.83, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $165.30, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $91.73, bet $2, collected $3.50, net +$1.50
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $0, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685174284140pbmcgpss1u *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:56:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($121.47)
Seat 2: Player4 ($93.77)
Seat 3: Player5 ($117.22)
Seat 4: Player6 ($178.82)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100.50)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 5h ]
Hero folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 raises 5 to 5
Player1 raises 13 to 13.50
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (8.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, Tc, 7s ]
Player1 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9s ]
Player1 checks
Player6 bets (14.25)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $28.50 Rake: $1.5
Board: [ Td, Tc, 7s, 9s ]
Hero balance $121.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $92.77, lost $1 (folded)
Player5 balance $116.22, lost $1 (folded)
Player6 balance $193.82, bet $27.75, collected $42.75, net +$15
Player1 balance $87, lost $13.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174218516cfc3n9713vk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:56:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($111.83)
Seat 2: Hero ($165.30)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($91.73)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, Qd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $111.83, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $164.80, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $91.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $101.50, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
***** Hand History For Game 1685174239375n2921kldxj *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:57:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($111.83)
Seat 2: Hero ($164.80)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($91.73)
Seat 5: Player3 ($101.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, Js ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $111.83, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $164.80, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $92.23, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174283062f0to7vfb44v *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:57:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($111.83)
Seat 2: Hero ($164.80)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($92.23)
Seat 5: Player2 ($101.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, Jh ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8h, 8d, Jd ]
Player1 checks
Hero bets (1.30)
Player1 calls (1.30)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3s ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 2c ]
Player1 bets (5.06)
Hero calls (5.06)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $17.22 Rake: $0.9
Board: [ 8h, 8d, Jd, 3s, 2c ]
Player3 balance $111.83, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $173.46, bet $8.56, collected $17.22, net +$8.66[ 9h, Jh ] [ two
pairs, jacks and eights -- Jh,Jd,9h,8h,8d ]
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $83.67, lost $8.56[ 2d, Ac ] [ two pairs, eights and twos --
Ac,8h,8d,2d,2c ]
Player2 balance $100.50, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174304169e6xsxuqkbo *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:58:03 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($121.47)
Seat 2: Player3 ($92.77)
Seat 3: Player4 ($116.22)
Seat 4: Player5 ($193.82)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 2c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero raises 10 to 11
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $124.47, bet $11, collected $14, net +$3
Player3 balance $92.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $116.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $191.32, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174297646upz6z3p864p *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:58:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($111.83)
Seat 2: Hero ($173.46)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($83.67)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 8s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $112.33, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $173.46, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $83.67, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174309136yem5dniu8u9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:58:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($112.33)
Seat 2: Hero ($173.46)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($83.67)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 3h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $113.33, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Hero balance $172.46, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $83.67, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851743383554k0ooi0yhdi *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:58:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($124.47)
Seat 2: Player2 ($92.77)
Seat 3: Player3 ($116.22)
Seat 4: Player4 ($191.32)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 7c ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jc, 8d, 6d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (2.50)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ Jc, 8d, 6d, 4c ]
Hero balance $123.97, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $90.27, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $118.95, bet $5, collected $7.73, net +$2.73
Player4 balance $191.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174321002zfo0i1z55dq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:58:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($113.33)
Seat 2: Hero ($172.46)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($83.67)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, Th ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $113.33, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $171.96, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $83.67, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851743450015r8zdfdtr65 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:58:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($113.33)
Seat 2: Hero ($171.96)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100.50)
Seat 4: Player2 ($83.67)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 6.25 to 7.25
Hero calls (5)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, 7h, Qs ]
Player2 bets (14.25)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $14.25 Rake: $0.75
Board: [ Jd, 7h, Qs ]
Player4 balance $113.33, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $164.71, lost $7.25 (folded)
Player1 balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $90.67, bet $21.50, collected $28.50, net +$7
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174376729hifbx4l3r1b *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:58:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($123.97)
Seat 2: Player1 ($90.27)
Seat 3: Player2 ($118.95)
Seat 4: Player3 ($191.32)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Jd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 calls (2.20)
Hero raises 13.50 to 13.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player4 raises 24.80 to 27
Player5 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $30.70 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $110.47, lost $13.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $89.77, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $117.95, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $191.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $117.20, bet $27, collected $44.20, net +$17.20
Player5 balance $97.80, lost $2.20 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174387034w5rk6cl5pkm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:59:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($113.33)
Seat 2: Hero ($164.71)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($90.67)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 2 to 2.50
Player2 raises 7.50 to 8.50
Player1 calls (6)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, Jh, Qs ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8c ]
Player1 bets (10.76)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.15 Rake: $0.85
Board: [ Js, Jh, Qs, 8c ]
Player3 balance $113.33, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $164.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $98.32, bet $19.26, collected $26.91, net +$7.65
Player2 balance $91.50, lost $8.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851744620439p12eq54vzs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:59:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($110.47)
Seat 2: Player6 ($89.77)
Seat 3: Player1 ($117.95)
Seat 4: Player2 ($191.32)
Seat 5: Player3 ($117.20)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6s, 7c ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 calls (2.20)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9s, Jh, 6d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (2.02)
Player6 calls (2.02)
Player2 calls (2.02)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6h ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (3.75)
Player6 calls (3.75)
Player2 raises 14.50 to 14.50
Player3 folds
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.19 Rake: $1.22
Board: [ 9s, Jh, 6d, 6h ]
Hero balance $110.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $81.80, lost $7.97 (folded)
Player1 balance $117.45, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $206.54, bet $18.72, collected $33.94, net +$15.22
Player3 balance $109.23, lost $7.97 (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174404048w7nww6sxcsg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 03:59:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($113.33)
Seat 2: Hero ($164.71)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($98.32)
Seat 5: Player1 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($80)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 4d ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $112.33, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $164.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $101.50, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player5 balance $98.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $80, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16851744248556z018qnamjl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:00:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($112.33)
Seat 2: Hero ($164.71)
Seat 3: Player3 ($101.50)
Seat 4: Player4 ($98.32)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 4h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $111.83, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $165.21, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $98.32, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
***** Hand History For Game 1685174500052tboe933c5o *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:00:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($111.83)
Seat 2: Hero ($165.21)
Seat 3: Player2 ($101.50)
Seat 4: Player3 ($98.32)
Seat 5: Player4 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 7d ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4h, 7s, 3h ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6s ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (4.28)
Player2 raises 13.91 to 13.91
Player3 calls (9.63)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2s ]
Player2 bets (9.21)
Player3 raises 58.34 to 58.34
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $48.21 Rake: $2.53
Board: [ 4h, 7s, 3h, 6s, 2s ]
Player5 balance $111.83, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $164.71, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $76.38, lost $25.12 (folded)
Player3 balance $121.41, bet $74.25, collected $97.34, net +$23.09
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685174513716xiy4pcea39q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:01:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($110.47)
Seat 2: Player5 ($81.80)
Seat 3: Player6 ($117.45)
Seat 4: Player1 ($206.54)
Seat 5: Player2 ($109.23)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, Ad ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player5 calls (2.25)
Player6 calls (2.25)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, 6s, 4h ]
Hero checks
Player5 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8h ]
Hero checks
Player5 bets (2.61)
Player6 raises 5.22 to 5.22
Hero folds
Player5 calls (2.61)
** Dealing River ** : [ 7c ]
Player5 checks
Player6 bets (13.50)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $17.76 Rake: $0.93
Board: [ Th, 6s, 4h, 8h, 7c ]
Hero balance $108.22, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player5 balance $74.33, lost $7.47 (folded)
Player6 balance $127.74, bet $20.97, collected $31.26, net +$10.29
Player1 balance $206.04, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $108.23, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174536790xcgpxfvd2zt *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:01:42 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($111.83)
Seat 2: Hero ($164.71)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($121.41)
Seat 5: Player3 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, 2c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, Jh, 3h ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kh ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 4s ]
Player2 bets (3.10)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.66 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ Th, Jh, 3h, Kh, 4s ]
Player4 balance $109.63, lost $2.20 (folded)
Hero balance $164.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $123.87, bet $5.30, collected $7.76, net +$2.46
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 16851745737369t85yeh7ok7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:01:53 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($108.22)
Seat 2: Player4 ($74.33)
Seat 3: Player5 ($127.74)
Seat 4: Player6 ($206.04)
Seat 5: Player1 ($108.23)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 5c ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 3.50 to 4
Player2 folds
Player5 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qd, 8h, 2d ]
Player1 bets (2.56)
Player5 calls (2.56)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ks ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (7)
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $13.42 Rake: $0.7
Board: [ Qd, 8h, 2d, Ks ]
Hero balance $108.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $74.33, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $134.60, bet $13.56, collected $20.42, net +$6.86
Player6 balance $206.04, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $101.67, lost $6.56 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174573735gf4ild3f4wg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:02:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($109.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($164.71)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($123.87)
Seat 5: Player2 ($100)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, Ts ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 1.50 to 2
Player2 raises 5 to 6
Player1 calls (4)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8c, 5c, 7s ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ As ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Kh ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (3.76)
Player1 calls (3.76)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $18.55 Rake: $0.97
Board: [ 8c, 5c, 7s, As, Kh ]
Player3 balance $109.63, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $164.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $114.11, lost $9.76[ 7d, Td ] [ a pair of sevens --
As,Kh,Td,7d,7s ]
Player2 balance $108.79, bet $9.76, collected $18.55, net +$8.79[ Kc, Jd ] [ a pair
of kings -- As,Kc,Kh,Jd,8c ]
Player6 balance $100, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685174624284zvl0im9shop *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:02:53 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($108.22)
Seat 2: Player3 ($74.33)
Seat 3: Player4 ($134.60)
Seat 4: Player5 ($206.04)
Seat 5: Player6 ($101.67)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, Tc ]
Player3 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player4 calls (3.50)
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, 4h, Jc ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (3.48)
Player4 calls (3.48)
Hero folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9c ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Th ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $17.07 Rake: $0.8900001
Board: [ 9d, 4h, Jc, 9c, Th ]
Hero balance $104.72, lost $3.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $75.89, bet $6.98, collected $8.54, net +$1.56[ Ks, As ] [ a pair
of nines -- As,Ks,Jc,9d,9c ]
Player4 balance $136.15, bet $6.98, collected $8.53, net +$1.55[ Ah, Kd ] [ a pair
of nines -- Ah,Kd,Jc,9d,9c ]
Player5 balance $206.04, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $101.67, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174606622xj3p40u88 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:02:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($109.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($164.71)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($114.11)
Seat 5: Player1 ($108.79)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Tc, 8h ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 11 to 12
Player5 raises 34.50 to 36.50
Player2 raises 88 to 100
Player2 is all-In.
Player5 calls (63.50)
Creating Main Pot with $ 197.50 with Player2
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s, 2d, 5s ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
** Dealing River ** : [ Qc ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $197.50 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 4s, 2d, 5s, 2s, Qc ]
Player6 balance $109.63, sits out
Hero balance $164.71, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $211.61, bet $100, collected $197.50, net +$97.50[ Qh, Qd ] [ a
fullhouse, queens full of twos -- Qh,Qd,Qc,2d,2s ]
Player1 balance $108.29, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $0, lost $100[ As, Kc ] [ a pair of twos -- As,Kc,Qc,2d,2s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685174631706uvhtwhhzrri *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:03:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($109.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($164.71)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($211.61)
Seat 5: Player5 ($108.29)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, Qd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero raises 10 to 11
Player4 calls (9)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, 5d, 9h ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (14.25)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $21.38 Rake: $1.1199999
Board: [ 8s, 5d, 9h ]
Player6 balance $109.63, sits out
Hero balance $153.71, lost $11 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $221.99, bet $25.25, collected $35.63, net +$10.38
Player5 balance $108.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174777647iq5or5l3an *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:03:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.72)
Seat 2: Player2 ($75.89)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($206.04)
Seat 5: Player4 ($101.67)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 7h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 raises 7 to 7
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player4 raises 17.30 to 19.50
Player5 calls (12.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kc, 9s, 3d ]
Player4 bets (8)
Player5 calls (8)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qs ]
Player4 bets (13)
Player5 calls (13)
** Dealing River ** : [ Jd ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $79.50 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Kc, 9s, 3d, Qs, Jd ]
Hero balance $104.22, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $74.89, lost $1 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, sits out
Player3 balance $206.04, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $140.67, bet $40.50, collected $79.50, net +$39[ Ac, Kd ] [ a pair
of kings -- Ac,Kd,Kc,Qs,Jd ]
Player5 balance $59.50, lost $40.50[ Qc, Ah ] [ a pair of queens --
Ah,Kc,Qc,Qs,Jd ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685174643085vxy0bo0q4mr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:03:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($109.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($153.71)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($221.99)
Seat 5: Player4 ($108.29)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 4c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $109.63, sits out
Hero balance $153.21, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $221.99, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $108.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174668869ggwhx7rabmh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:04:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($109.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($153.21)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100.50)
Seat 4: Player2 ($221.99)
Seat 5: Player3 ($108.29)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 5c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qd, 5d, Kd ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ad ]
Player2 bets (3.10)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.66 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ Qd, 5d, Kd, Ad ]
Player6 balance $109.63, sits out
Hero balance $151.01, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player1 balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $224.45, bet $5.30, collected $7.76, net +$2.46
Player3 balance $108.29, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174681143n1oel2csysn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:04:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($109.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($151.01)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($224.45)
Seat 5: Player2 ($108.29)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 3c ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $109.63, sits out
Hero balance $151.01, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $223.95, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $108.79, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168517471315231nzip8yj49 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:04:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($109.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($151.01)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($223.95)
Seat 5: Player1 ($108.79)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 7d ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 3 to 4
Player5 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kc, 5d, 8d ]
Player2 bets (3.50)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.08 Rake: $0.42
Board: [ Kc, 5d, 8d ]
Player6 balance $109.63, sits out
Hero balance $151.01, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $219.95, lost $4 (folded)
Player1 balance $108.29, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $104.08, bet $7.50, collected $11.58, net +$4.08

***** Hand History For Game 16851747835498c7tlmmn1zt *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:05:17 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($109.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($151.01)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($219.95)
Seat 5: Player6 ($108.29)
Seat 6: Player1 ($104.08)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, 5c ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, 7d, 4c ]
Player2 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ As ]
Player2 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 2h ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (2.61)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 6c, 7d, 4c, As, 2h ]
Player2 balance $107.13, lost $2.50 (folded)
Hero balance $151.01, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $219.95, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $111.02, bet $5.11, collected $7.84, net +$2.73
Player1 balance $103.58, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174813632h95fflriupc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:06:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.22)
Seat 2: Player1 ($74.89)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($206.04)
Seat 5: Player4 ($140.67)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 4d ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3s, Jd, 8d ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Td ]
Player1 bets (5.70)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.70 Rake: $0.3
Board: [ 3s, Jd, 8d, Td ]
Hero balance $104.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $78.09, bet $8.20, collected $11.40, net +$3.20
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $203.54, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player4 balance $140.67, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174823832bxjysroj2j8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:06:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($107.13)
Seat 2: Hero ($151.01)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($219.95)
Seat 5: Player5 ($111.02)
Seat 6: Player6 ($103.58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Ac ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero raises 10.50 to 11.50
Player4 calls (9.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, 7s, 7c ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kc ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (7.44)
Hero calls (7.44)
** Dealing River ** : [ 5d ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (24.31)
Hero calls (24.31)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $84 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 2s, 7s, 7c, Kc, 5d ]
Player1 balance $106.63, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $191.76, bet $43.25, collected $84, net +$40.75[ Qd, Ac ] [ a pair of
sevens -- Ac,Kc,Qd,7s,7c ]
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $176.70, lost $43.25[ Jh, 8h ] [ a pair of sevens -- Kc,Jh,8h,7s,7c
Player5 balance $111.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $103.58, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174854406ukcmulin63 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:06:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.22)
Seat 2: Player6 ($78.09)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($203.54)
Seat 5: Player3 ($140.67)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qh, 3s ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 8.10 to 8.10
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.90 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $104.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $81.79, bet $8.10, collected $11.80, net +$3.70
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $202.54, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $138.47, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685174833055aat9yotc26 *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:07:07 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($106.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($191.76)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($176.70)
Seat 5: Player4 ($111.02)
Seat 6: Player5 ($103.58)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5d, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $106.63, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $191.26, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $176.70, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $111.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $103.58, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174850023dm6gih0w7id *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:07:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($106.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($191.26)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100.50)
Seat 4: Player2 ($176.70)
Seat 5: Player3 ($111.02)
Seat 6: Player4 ($103.58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jc, 5d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $106.63, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $191.26, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $177.20, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $111.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $103.58, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685174880448rmkdh2ocpld *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:07:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($106.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($191.26)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($177.20)
Seat 5: Player2 ($111.02)
Seat 6: Player3 ($103.58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 3s ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Hero calls (2.50)
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Th, Kc, Js ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Player1 bets (3.16)
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.50 Rake: $0.5
Board: [ Th, Kc, Js, 6c ]
Player4 balance $106.63, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $188.76, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $184.20, bet $5.66, collected $12.66, net +$7
Player2 balance $108.52, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $101.08, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174882847ramky5hxm4p *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:07:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.22)
Seat 2: Player5 ($81.79)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($202.54)
Seat 5: Player2 ($138.47)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, Jh ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $104.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $83.29, bet $3.50, collected $5, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $202.04, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $137.47, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174929332ej5c630t5do *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:08:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($106.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($188.76)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($184.20)
Seat 5: Player1 ($108.52)
Seat 6: Player2 ($101.08)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 2s ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, 4c, 8c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
Player2 bets (8)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.66 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ Qh, 4c, 8c, Jh ]
Player3 balance $104.43, lost $2.20 (folded)
Hero balance $188.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $184.20, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $108.02, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $103.54, bet $10.20, collected $12.66, net +$2.46

***** Hand History For Game 1685174924354pszuoaz2ij *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:08:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.22)
Seat 2: Player4 ($83.29)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($202.04)
Seat 5: Player1 ($137.47)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 5c ]
Hero folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 3.50 to 4.50
Player4 calls (3.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ac, Kd, Kc ]
Player2 bets (2.97)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.03 Rake: $0.47
Board: [ Ac, Kd, Kc ]
Hero balance $104.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $78.79, lost $4.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $202.04, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $136.97, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $104.53, bet $7.47, collected $12, net +$4.53

***** Hand History For Game 1685174961803p58v5oka0ji *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:08:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.22)
Seat 2: Player3 ($78.79)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($202.04)
Seat 5: Player6 ($136.97)
Seat 6: Player1 ($104.53)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 2h ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 13.50 to 14
Hero folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $103.22, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $77.79, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $96.50, lost $3.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $202.04, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $136.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $110.03, bet $14, collected $19.50, net +$5.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851749470434jadmy35fzv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:08:53 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($104.43)
Seat 2: Hero ($188.76)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($184.20)
Seat 5: Player6 ($108.02)
Seat 6: Player1 ($103.54)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 6d ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $103.43, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $188.76, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $185.70, bet $2, collected $3.50, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $108.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $103.04, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174997537whdhofjanb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:09:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($103.43)
Seat 2: Hero ($188.76)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($185.70)
Seat 5: Player5 ($108.02)
Seat 6: Player6 ($103.04)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, 7h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 raises 6.50 to 6.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
Player4 calls (4.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3h, 3s, Ks ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (4.54)
Player4 calls (4.54)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6d ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $22.41 Rake: $1.17
Board: [ 3h, 3s, Ks, Jh, 6d ]
Player1 balance $102.93, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $187.76, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $185.87, bet $11.04, collected $11.21, net +$0.17[ Ac, 4c ] [ a
pair of threes -- Ac,Ks,Jh,3h,3s ]
Player5 balance $108.18, bet $11.04, collected $11.20, net +$0.16[ Td, Ah ] [ a
pair of threes -- Ah,Ks,Jh,3h,3s ]
Player6 balance $103.04, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685174987986z8e0oe4f80l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:09:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($103.22)
Seat 2: Player2 ($77.79)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($202.04)
Seat 5: Player5 ($136.97)
Seat 6: Player6 ($110.03)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 9d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $104.22, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $76.79, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $202.04, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $136.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $110.03, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175004531abps8kp8cop *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:09:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.22)
Seat 2: Player1 ($76.79)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($202.04)
Seat 5: Player4 ($136.97)
Seat 6: Player5 ($110.03)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7s, 6h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $104.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $76.29, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $202.04, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $136.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $111.53, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685175017457fujjr4sjnxs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:10:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($102.93)
Seat 2: Hero ($187.76)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($185.87)
Seat 5: Player4 ($108.18)
Seat 6: Player5 ($103.04)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, Kc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $104.43, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Hero balance $187.26, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $185.87, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $108.18, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $103.04, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168517503243172letxofod *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:10:08 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.22)
Seat 2: Player6 ($76.29)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($202.04)
Seat 5: Player3 ($136.97)
Seat 6: Player4 ($111.53)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4s, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $104.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $77.79, bet $3.50, collected $5, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $201.04, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $136.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $111.53, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175047919a1ntjjipmk9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:10:21 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($104.43)
Seat 2: Hero ($187.26)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($185.87)
Seat 5: Player3 ($108.18)
Seat 6: Player4 ($103.04)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 5h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3h, 8s, 9c ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8c ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Th ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.66 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ 3h, 8s, 9c, 8c, Th ]
Player5 balance $104.43, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $189.72, bet $2.20, collected $4.66, net +$2.46[ Ac, 5h ] [ a pair of
eights -- Ac,Th,9c,8s,8c ]
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $183.67, lost $2.20[ Qs, Ks ] [ a pair of eights --
Ks,Qs,Th,8s,8c ]
Player3 balance $108.18, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $103.04, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175056496ajzjfj1gpoa *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:10:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.22)
Seat 2: Player5 ($77.79)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($201.04)
Seat 5: Player2 ($136.97)
Seat 6: Player3 ($111.53)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 7d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, Js, Jc ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (1.58)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ 2s, Js, Jc ]
Hero balance $104.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $79.17, bet $2.58, collected $3.96, net +$1.38
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $200.54, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $135.97, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $111.53, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175069005c69b1v9crmb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:10:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($104.43)
Seat 2: Hero ($189.72)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($183.67)
Seat 5: Player2 ($108.18)
Seat 6: Player3 ($103.04)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Js, 4s ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $104.43, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $189.72, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $183.17, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $107.18, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $104.54, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685175081946ibrnfclsla9 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:11:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.22)
Seat 2: Player4 ($79.17)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($200.54)
Seat 5: Player1 ($135.97)
Seat 6: Player2 ($111.53)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 4c ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.40 to 2.40
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $104.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $79.17, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $101.50, bet $2.40, collected $3.90, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $200.54, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $135.47, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $110.53, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175081944vriu6jflhb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:11:12 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($104.43)
Seat 2: Hero ($189.72)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($183.17)
Seat 5: Player1 ($107.18)
Seat 6: Player2 ($104.54)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, Qh ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $104.43, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $189.72, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $184.67, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $106.68, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $103.54, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175094803mxv9sc73hg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:11:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($104.43)
Seat 2: Hero ($189.72)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($184.67)
Seat 5: Player6 ($106.68)
Seat 6: Player1 ($103.54)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, 9s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $103.43, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $189.72, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $186.17, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $106.68, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $103.04, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175101482afgws056gg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:11:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.22)
Seat 2: Player3 ($79.17)
Seat 3: Player4 ($101.50)
Seat 4: Player5 ($200.54)
Seat 5: Player6 ($135.47)
Seat 6: Player1 ($110.53)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 7s ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $103.22, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $80.67, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $200.54, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $135.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $110.03, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175118515we9q7mgj9hn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:11:38 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($103.43)
Seat 2: Hero ($189.72)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($186.17)
Seat 5: Player5 ($106.68)
Seat 6: Player6 ($103.04)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero raises 9.50 to 10.50
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $102.93, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $192.72, bet $10.50, collected $13.50, net +$3
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $186.17, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $104.18, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $103.04, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175155631h2u3vx997ak *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:11:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($103.22)
Seat 2: Player2 ($80.67)
Seat 3: Player3 ($101.50)
Seat 4: Player4 ($200.54)
Seat 5: Player5 ($135.47)
Seat 6: Player6 ($110.03)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 8d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, Kh, 9d ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4c ]
Player2 bets (1.74)
Player4 calls (1.74)
** Dealing River ** : [ Th ]
Player2 bets (2.84)
Player4 raises 7.50 to 7.50
Player2 calls (4.66)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $22.79 Rake: $1.19
Board: [ 6d, Kh, 9d, 4c, Th ]
Hero balance $102.72, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $91.72, bet $11.74, collected $22.79, net +$11.05[ Kc, 8c ] [ a
pair of kings -- Kc,Kh,Th,9d,8c ]
Player3 balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $188.80, lost $11.74[ Qd, Qs ] [ a pair of queens -- Kh,Qd,Qs,Th,9d
Player5 balance $135.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $110.03, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175145717g8p5guxkts *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:12:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($102.93)
Seat 2: Hero ($192.72)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($186.17)
Seat 5: Player4 ($104.18)
Seat 6: Player5 ($103.04)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, Ad ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 raises 7.50 to 7.50
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (5)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d, Ah, 2c ]
Player3 checks
Player4 bets (5.17)
Player3 calls (5.17)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9h ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 9s ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $25.50 Rake: $1.34
Board: [ 9d, Ah, 2c, 9h, 9s ]
Player6 balance $102.93, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $192.22, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $173.50, lost $12.67[ Kh, Qd ] [ three of a kind, nines --
Ah,Kh,9d,9h,9s ]
Player4 balance $117.01, bet $12.67, collected $25.50, net +$12.83[ 7c, 7s ] [ a
fullhouse, nines full of sevens -- 9d,9h,9s,7c,7s ]
Player5 balance $103.04, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175203533urvnqij0x2 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:12:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($102.93)
Seat 2: Hero ($192.22)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($173.50)
Seat 5: Player3 ($117.01)
Seat 6: Player4 ($103.04)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, As ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero calls (2.50)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, Ks, 5s ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ad ]
Player2 bets (2.53)
Player3 raises 10 to 10
Hero calls (10)
Player2 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ Ac ]
Player3 checks
Hero bets (22.04)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $29.01 Rake: $1.52
Board: [ 3d, Ks, 5s, Ad, Ac ]
Player5 balance $102.93, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $208.73, bet $34.54, collected $51.05, net +$16.51
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $168.47, lost $5.03 (folded)
Player3 balance $104.51, lost $12.50 (folded)
Player4 balance $103.04, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175211381j35xbys89b *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:12:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($102.72)
Seat 2: Player1 ($91.72)
Seat 3: Player2 ($101.50)
Seat 4: Player3 ($188.80)
Seat 5: Player4 ($135.47)
Seat 6: Player5 ($110.03)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 6c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero calls (2.50)
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3c, Th, 2h ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (4.75)
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.50 Rake: $0.5
Board: [ 3c, Th, 2h ]
Hero balance $100.22, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $89.22, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $188.80, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $135.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $117.03, bet $7.25, collected $14.25, net +$7

***** Hand History For Game 16851752211802kpacs5f6pe *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:13:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($102.93)
Seat 2: Hero ($208.73)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($168.47)
Seat 5: Player2 ($104.51)
Seat 6: Player3 ($103.04)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Tc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $102.93, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $210.23, bet $2.25, collected $3.75, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $167.97, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $103.51, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.04, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 1685175240937tgoq80grelc *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:13:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100.22)
Seat 2: Player6 ($89.22)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($188.80)
Seat 5: Player3 ($135.47)
Seat 6: Player4 ($117.03)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $100.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $90.72, bet $3.50, collected $5, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $187.80, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $135.47, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $117.03, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175234323zqae7yvpaz *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:13:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($102.93)
Seat 2: Hero ($210.23)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($167.97)
Seat 5: Player1 ($103.51)
Seat 6: Player2 ($103.04)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qc, 4h ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $102.93, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $210.23, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $167.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $104.51, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $102.04, lost $1 (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 168517527663242hgib6grvo *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:13:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($102.93)
Seat 2: Hero ($210.23)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($167.97)
Seat 5: Player6 ($104.51)
Seat 6: Player1 ($102.04)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, 2s ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (2.25)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9h, Js, 4c ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
Player5 bets (6.89)
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.89 Rake: $0.36000004
Board: [ 9h, Js, 4c ]
Player2 balance $100.68, lost $2.25 (folded)
Hero balance $207.98, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $172.61, bet $9.14, collected $13.78, net +$4.64
Player6 balance $104.51, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $101.54, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175285607skh0ig7s74 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:14:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100.22)
Seat 2: Player5 ($90.72)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($187.80)
Seat 5: Player2 ($135.47)
Seat 6: Player3 ($117.03)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, Kc ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Hero balance $100.22, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $90.72, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $188.80, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $134.47, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $117.03, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175292245uzsrem1c4dl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:14:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($100.68)
Seat 2: Hero ($207.98)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($172.61)
Seat 5: Player5 ($104.51)
Seat 6: Player6 ($101.54)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 8h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $100.18, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $208.48, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $172.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $104.51, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $101.54, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175353208g0upyvt8lwr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:14:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100.22)
Seat 2: Player4 ($90.72)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($188.80)
Seat 5: Player1 ($134.47)
Seat 6: Player2 ($117.03)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 2c ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player4 calls (2.25)
Player5 calls (2.25)
Player6 raises 13.50 to 13.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero calls (11.25)
Player4 calls (11.25)
Player5 calls (11.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, 4c, 4s ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (17.57)
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero calls (17.57)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7s ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (29.21)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $87.64 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 6d, 4c, 4s, 7s ]
Hero balance $69.15, lost $31.07 (folded)
Player4 balance $147.29, bet $60.28, collected $116.85, net +$56.57
Player5 balance $86.50, lost $13.50 (folded)
Player6 balance $175.30, lost $13.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $133.97, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $116.03, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851753254475bpqggdh9ps *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:14:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($100.18)
Seat 2: Hero ($208.48)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($172.61)
Seat 5: Player4 ($104.51)
Seat 6: Player5 ($101.54)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 7c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9h, Kc, 9s ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Player2 bets (1.56)
Player5 calls (1.56)
** Dealing River ** : [ 4c ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.19 Rake: $0.43
Board: [ 9h, Kc, 9s, 2s, 4c ]
Player6 balance $100.18, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $207.98, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $104.13, bet $4.06, collected $8.19, net +$4.13[ 5s, 5c ] [ two
pairs, nines and fives -- Kc,9h,9s,5s,5c ]
Player3 balance $172.61, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $104.51, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $97.48, lost $4.06[ Ts, Ah ] [ a pair of nines -- Ah,Kc,Ts,9h,9s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685175362059w7hvie44hui *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:15:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($100.18)
Seat 2: Hero ($207.98)
Seat 3: Player1 ($104.13)
Seat 4: Player2 ($172.61)
Seat 5: Player3 ($104.51)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 8d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7h, 3h, 8h ]
Player2 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7d ]
Player2 bets (3.10)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.66 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ 7h, 3h, 8h, 7d ]
Player5 balance $97.98, lost $2.20 (folded)
Hero balance $207.98, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $103.63, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $175.07, bet $5.30, collected $7.76, net +$2.46
Player3 balance $104.51, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851753837897oqixzhaun *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:15:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player3 ($147.29)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($175.30)
Seat 5: Player6 ($133.97)
Seat 6: Player1 ($116.03)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, Ks ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero raises 5 to 6
Player3 calls (5)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7d, 2c, Th ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qd ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (3.96)
Hero calls (3.96)
** Dealing River ** : [ 9c ]
Hero checks
Player3 bets (6.46)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $19.40 Rake: $1.02
Board: [ 7d, 2c, Th, Qd, 9c ]
Hero balance $90.04, lost $9.96 (folded)
Player3 balance $156.73, bet $16.42, collected $25.86, net +$9.44
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $175.30, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $133.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $115.53, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175375630x1630jpu0b8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:16:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($207.98)
Seat 3: Player6 ($103.63)
Seat 4: Player1 ($175.07)
Seat 5: Player2 ($104.51)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 9c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $207.98, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $103.63, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $174.57, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $105.01, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851754263544qympldm6jc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:16:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($207.98)
Seat 3: Player5 ($103.63)
Seat 4: Player6 ($174.57)
Seat 5: Player1 ($105.01)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 3c ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5h, Th, 4h ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qc ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ah ]
Player2 bets (1.50)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 5h, Th, 4h, Qc, Ah ]
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $205.73, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player5 balance $103.63, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $174.57, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $104.51, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $102.50, bet $3.75, collected $6.25, net +$2.50

***** Hand History For Game 16851754455820xgw1qt38pma *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:16:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($100)
Seat 2: Player2 ($156.73)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($175.30)
Seat 5: Player5 ($133.97)
Seat 6: Player6 ($115.53)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 8c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero calls (2)
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, 7c, Jd ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6h ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 5h ]
Hero bets (4)
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.13 Rake: $0.37
Board: [ 6d, 7c, Jd, 6h, 5h ]
Hero balance $104.63, bet $6.50, collected $11.13, net +$4.63
Player2 balance $154.23, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $172.80, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $133.97, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $115.53, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175442776617raqusy7l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:17:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($205.73)
Seat 3: Player4 ($103.63)
Seat 4: Player5 ($174.57)
Seat 5: Player6 ($104.51)
Seat 6: Player1 ($102.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, 4s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $205.73, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $103.63, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $174.57, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $106.01, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $102, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685175516049cq1qethe05o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:17:26 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($205.73)
Seat 3: Player3 ($103.63)
Seat 4: Player4 ($174.57)
Seat 5: Player5 ($106.01)
Seat 6: Player6 ($102)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Jd ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, 9h, As ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ad ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (1.58)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ 5c, 9h, As, Ad ]
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $204.73, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $103.63, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $175.95, bet $2.58, collected $3.96, net +$1.38
Player5 balance $106.01, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $102, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851755175975ntfj4kmlr7 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:17:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.63)
Seat 2: Player1 ($154.23)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($172.80)
Seat 5: Player4 ($133.97)
Seat 6: Player5 ($115.53)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 4d ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 raises 7.50 to 7.50
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 calls (7)
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (5)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh, 8s, 7c ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Player1 bets (14.88)
Player3 raises 32 to 32
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $50.60 Rake: $2.66
Board: [ Jh, 8s, 7c, 2s ]
Hero balance $104.63, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $131.85, lost $22.38 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $201.02, bet $39.50, collected $67.72, net +$28.22
Player4 balance $126.47, lost $7.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $115.53, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16851756097553g5gpqhh3pf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 04:18:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 22 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Hero ($104.63)
Seat 2: Player6 ($131.85)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($201.02)
Seat 5: Player3 ($126.47)
Seat 6: Player4 ($115.53)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, Ac ]
Player3 raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 calls (2.20)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qs, 6s, 8c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player6 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9c ]
Player2 bets (9.50)
Player3 calls (9.50)
Player6 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ 2d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $24.80 Rake: $1.3
Board: [ Qs, 6s, 8c, 9c, 2d ]
Hero balance $104.63, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $129.65, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $214.12, bet $11.70, collected $24.80, net +$13.10[ Qd, Kh ] [ a
pair of queens -- Kh,Qd,Qs,9c,8c ]
Player3 balance $114.77, lost $11.70[ 7s, 8s ] [ a pair of eights -- Qs,9c,8s,8c,7s
Player4 balance $115.53, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685206496646swk72kur6ti *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 12:54:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($222.14)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($83.43)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, Js ]
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $221.64, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $83.43, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685206592641e2225iw9ehs *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 12:55:00 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($221.64)
Seat 4: Hero ($100.50)
Seat 5: Player1 ($83.43)
Seat 6: Player4 ($50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, Qc ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ac, 2h, 5s ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (1.53)
Player2 calls (1.53)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4c ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ah ]
Player2 bets (3.78)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.57 Rake: $0.39
Board: [ Ac, 2h, 5s, 4c, Ah ]
Player2 balance $225.48, bet $7.51, collected $11.35, net +$3.84
Hero balance $96.77, lost $3.73 (folded)
Player1 balance $82.93, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player4 balance $50, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685206607466mpyp9agy26 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 12:56:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($225.48)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($82.93)
Seat 6: Player4 ($50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 7s ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $224.98, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $84.43, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $50, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685206630157nhdrogs3dfl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 12:56:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($224.98)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player2 ($84.43)
Seat 6: Player4 ($50)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, As ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 calls (2)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8c, 2s, 2h ]
Hero bets (1.42)
Player2 calls (1.42)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qh ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (4.20)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.40 Rake: $0.44
Board: [ 8c, 2s, 2h, Qh ]
Player3 balance $224.98, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $95.58, lost $4.42 (folded)
Player2 balance $88.41, bet $8.62, collected $12.60, net +$3.98
Player4 balance $50, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 168520666177805yqctvyobxg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 12:57:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($224.98)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player1 ($88.41)
Seat 6: Player2 ($50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, 3d ]
Player3 raises 2.29 to 2.29
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $226.48, bet $2.29, collected $3.79, net +$1.50
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $87.91, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $49, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168520673841188e9d5edwvd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 12:57:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($226.48)
Seat 4: Hero ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($87.91)
Seat 6: Player1 ($49)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6d, 8d ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 calls (2.20)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, 4h, 6s ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (3.78)
Player4 calls (3.78)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jd ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (11.50)
Hero calls (11.50)
** Dealing River ** : [ 4c ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (21.50)
Hero calls (21.50)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $78.66 Rake: $2.0
Board: [ 2d, 4h, 6s, Jd, 4c ]
Player2 balance $224.28, lost $2.20 (folded)
Hero balance $139.68, bet $38.98, collected $78.66, net +$39.68[ 6d, 8d ] [ two
pairs, sixes and fours -- Jd,6d,6s,4h,4c ]
Player4 balance $48.93, lost $38.98[ Td, Ah ] [ a pair of fours -- Ah,Jd,Td,4h,4c ]
Player1 balance $48.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168520675271197u5ypbd4ra *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 12:59:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($224.28)
Seat 4: Hero ($139.68)
Seat 5: Player3 ($48.93)
Seat 6: Player4 ($48.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player1 folds
Hero raises 7 to 8
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $223.78, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $142.18, bet $8, collected $10.50, net +$2.50
Player3 balance $56.16, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $46.50, lost $2 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16852067668664m9zee1j8ui *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 12:59:16 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($223.78)
Seat 4: Hero ($142.18)
Seat 5: Player2 ($56.16)
Seat 6: Player3 ($46.50)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 8h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $225.28, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Hero balance $141.68, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $55.16, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $46.50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685206779522079glk3m9o2 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 12:59:30 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($225.28)
Seat 4: Hero ($141.68)
Seat 5: Player1 ($55.16)
Seat 6: Player4 ($46.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, 9h ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 11 to 12
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.90 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $227.98, bet $12, collected $14.70, net +$2.70
Hero balance $139.48, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player1 balance $54.66, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player4 balance $46.50, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685206802597xal2iv9sef *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 12:59:43 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($227.98)
Seat 4: Hero ($139.48)
Seat 5: Player3 ($54.66)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 8c ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player1 folds
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, Ac, 7c ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Tc ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ As ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.38 Rake: $0.12
Board: [ Td, Ac, 7c, Tc, As ]
Player1 balance $227.48, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $140.86, bet $1, collected $2.38, net +$1.38[ Ah, 8c ] [ a fullhouse,
aces full of tens -- Ah,Ac,As,Td,Tc ]
Player3 balance $53.66, lost $1[ 7s, Ks ] [ two pairs, aces and tens --
Ac,As,Ks,Td,Tc ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685206844444ga92ysg8myr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 13:00:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($227.48)
Seat 4: Hero ($140.86)
Seat 5: Player2 ($53.66)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9d, 4s ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7s, 2c, 8d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (3.48)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ 7s, 2c, 8d ]
Player3 balance $230.21, bet $5.98, collected $8.71, net +$2.73
Hero balance $140.36, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $51.16, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685206855087xk0ba9vrld *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 13:00:47 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($230.21)
Seat 4: Hero ($140.36)
Seat 5: Player1 ($51.16)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 6s ]
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $230.71, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $140.36, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $50.66, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685206878521zha50oyfl5a *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 13:00:58 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($230.71)
Seat 4: Hero ($140.36)
Seat 5: Player3 ($50.66)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3d, Qd ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8d, Jd, Ks ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3c ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ah ]
Hero checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.28 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ 8d, Jd, Ks, 3c, Ah ]
Player1 balance $230.21, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $142.64, bet $2, collected $4.28, net +$2.28[ 3d, Qd ] [ a pair of
threes -- Ah,Ks,Qd,3d,3c ]
Player3 balance $48.66, lost $2[ Qs, 6s ] [ high card ace -- Ah,Ks,Qs,Jd,8d ]

***** Hand History For Game 16852069131227radkf9zvot *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 13:01:22 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($230.21)
Seat 4: Hero ($142.64)
Seat 5: Player2 ($48.66)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, Qh ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jc, 7s, 4d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 bets (3.48)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ Jc, 7s, 4d ]
Player3 balance $232.94, bet $5.98, collected $8.71, net +$2.73
Hero balance $142.14, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $46.16, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685206935875xa593yzja4l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 13:01:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 3/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($232.94)
Seat 4: Hero ($142.14)
Seat 5: Player1 ($46.16)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, 7c ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player1 raises 6 to 6.50
Player2 folds
Hero calls (4.30)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4c, Kh, 7d ]
Player1 bets (6.65)
Hero calls (6.65)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2d ]
Player1 bets (12.97)
Hero calls (12.97)
** Dealing River ** : [ Kd ]
Player1 bets (20.04)
Player1 is all-In.
Hero calls (20.04)
Creating Main Pot with $ 91.32 with Player1
** Summary **
Main Pot: $91.32 Rake: $2.0
Board: [ 4c, Kh, 7d, 2d, Kd ]
Player2 balance $231.94, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $187.30, bet $46.16, collected $91.32, net +$45.16[ 7h, 7c ] [ a
fullhouse, sevens full of kings -- Kh,Kd,7h,7c,7d ]
Player1 balance $0, lost $46.16[ Ad, Ac ] [ two pairs, aces and kings --
Ad,Ac,Kh,Kd,7d ]
***** Hand History For Game 16852165110079dd98qe7hck *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:41:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($144.40)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($108.27)
Seat 6: Player6 ($80)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qs, 2s, 4d ]
Hero checks
Player5 bets (1.42)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.28 Rake: $0.22
Board: [ Qs, 2s, 4d ]
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $98, lost $2 (folded)
Player3 balance $144.40, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $110.55, bet $3.42, collected $5.70, net +$2.28
Player6 balance $80, sits out

***** Hand History For Game 1685216555753u1f76sldwa *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:41:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($144.40)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($110.55)
Seat 6: Player3 ($80)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
Player3 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 5d ]
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2 to 2
Player3 calls (1)
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Td, Jd, Jc ]
Player5 bets (1.74)
Player3 calls (1.74)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 4s ]
Player5 checks
Player3 bets (4.27)
Player5 calls (4.27)
** Dealing River ** : [ 8s ]
Player5 checks
Player3 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.65 Rake: $0.87
Board: [ Td, Jd, Jc, 4s, 8s ]
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $143.40, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $102.54, lost $8.01[ 3c, 3d ] [ two pairs, jacks and threes --
Jd,Jc,Td,3c,3d ]
Player3 balance $88.64, bet $8.01, collected $16.65, net +$8.64[ 4c, Kd ] [ two
pairs, jacks and fours -- Kd,Jd,Jc,4c,4s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685216609008mcn2xgr1i5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:42:39 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($100)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($143.40)
Seat 4: Player2 ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($102.54)
Seat 6: Player4 ($88.64)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 4 to 4
Player5 raises 10 to 10
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player4 calls (6)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, 3s, 8d ]
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (4.09)
Player4 calls (4.09)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7s ]
Player4 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 2d ]
Player4 bets (14.10)
Player5 calls (14.10)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $54.99 Rake: $2.89
Board: [ Jd, 3s, 8d, 7s, 2d ]
Player5 balance $126.80, bet $28.19, collected $54.99, net +$26.80[ Ts, Tc ] [ a
pair of tens -- Jd,Ts,Tc,8d,7s ]
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $142.90, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $102.54, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $60.45, lost $28.19[ 9c, 9h ] [ a pair of nines -- Jd,9c,9h,8d,7s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685216650378w44ko1wcsic *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:43:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($126.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($142.90)
Seat 4: Player1 ($100)
Seat 5: Player2 ($102.54)
Seat 6: Player3 ($60.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, 6d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 2 to 2
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9h, Qc, 2s ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (1.42)
Player2 calls (1.42)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8s ]
Player2 checks
Player6 bets (2.32)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.98 Rake: $0.36
Board: [ 9h, Qc, 2s, 8s ]
Player4 balance $126.80, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $146.46, bet $5.74, collected $9.30, net +$3.56
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99.12, lost $3.42 (folded)
Player3 balance $60.45, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16852167011614ctt1ro1m9j *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:44:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($126.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($146.46)
Seat 4: Player6 ($100)
Seat 5: Player1 ($99.12)
Seat 6: Player2 ($60.45)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, As ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (1.70)
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ks, 9s, 3c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7c ]
Player1 checks
Player2 bets (3.13)
Hero calls (3.13)
Player1 calls (3.13)
** Dealing River ** : [ Qc ]
Player1 checks
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $15.20 Rake: $0.79
Board: [ Ks, 9s, 3c, 7c, Qc ]
Player3 balance $126.80, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $94.67, lost $5.33[ 3s, As ] [ a pair of threes -- As,Ks,Qc,3s,3c ]
Player5 balance $146.46, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $93.79, lost $5.33[ 8d, Jc ] [ high card king -- Ks,Qc,Jc,9s,8d ]
Player2 balance $70.32, bet $5.33, collected $15.20, net +$9.87[ Tc, 7s ] [ a pair
of sevens -- Ks,Qc,Tc,7s,7c ]

***** Hand History For Game 16852167238993o30vhwhv1i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:45:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($126.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($146.46)
Seat 4: Player5 ($100)
Seat 5: Player6 ($93.79)
Seat 6: Player1 ($70.32)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, Qh ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 3.50 to 4
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $125.80, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $146.46, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $93.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $71.32, bet $4, collected $5, net +$1

***** Hand History For Game 168521676575549aya4j0v72 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:45:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($125.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($146.46)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($93.79)
Seat 6: Player6 ($71.32)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 8d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2 to 2
Player1 folds
Hero calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6c, 6d, Jc ]
Hero checks
Player6 bets (2.14)
Hero calls (2.14)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3d ]
Hero checks
Player6 bets (4.17)
Hero calls (4.17)
** Dealing River ** : [ Ts ]
Hero checks
Player6 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.27 Rake: $0.85
Board: [ 6c, 6d, Jc, 3d, Ts ]
Player1 balance $125.30, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $91.69, lost $8.31[ Ad, 8d ] [ a pair of sixes -- Ad,Jc,Ts,6c,6d ]
Player3 balance $146.46, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $93.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $79.28, bet $8.31, collected $16.27, net +$7.96[ Td, 8s ] [ two
pairs, tens and sixes -- Jc,Td,Ts,6c,6d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685216797950h5y27yv5dua *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:46:10 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($125.30)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($146.46)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($93.79)
Seat 6: Player5 ($79.28)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero calls (2)
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8s, 3h, Ad ]
Hero checks
Player2 bets (2.37)
Player4 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.13 Rake: $0.37
Board: [ 8s, 3h, Ad ]
Player6 balance $125.30, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $151.09, bet $4.87, collected $9.50, net +$4.63
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $91.29, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $79.28, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685216812171ttf69pw0jn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:46:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($125.30)
Seat 2: Hero ($97.50)
Seat 3: Player1 ($151.09)
Seat 4: Player2 ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($91.29)
Seat 6: Player4 ($79.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, Jd ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $125.30, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $97.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $150.59, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $92.79, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $79.28, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16852169327908ded320mz1n *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:46:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($125.30)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($150.59)
Seat 4: Player1 ($100)
Seat 5: Player2 ($92.79)
Seat 6: Player3 ($79.28)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qd, 8h ]
Player3 raises 4 to 4
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 calls (4)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kd, 6d, 6c ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player6 bets (2)
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 9.94 to 9.94
Player6 calls (7.94)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jh ]
Player3 bets (15.38)
Player6 raises 32 to 32
Player3 calls (16.62)
** Dealing River ** : [ 8s ]
Player3 checks
Player6 bets (31.12)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $93.38 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ Kd, 6d, 6c, Jh, 8s ]
Player4 balance $125.30, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $198.03, bet $77.06, collected $124.50, net +$47.44
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $88.79, lost $4 (folded)
Player3 balance $33.34, lost $45.94 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685216971857rj7uy8wozm *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:48:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($125.30)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($198.03)
Seat 4: Player6 ($100)
Seat 5: Player1 ($88.79)
Seat 6: Player2 ($33.34)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, 7d, Js ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kd ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 3s ]
Player2 bets (2.33)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.66 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ Qh, 7d, Js, Kd, 3s ]
Player3 balance $125.30, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $97.80, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player5 balance $198.03, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $88.29, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $35.80, bet $4.53, collected $6.99, net +$2.46

***** Hand History For Game 16852170002505nwgk1ol4ri *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:49:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($125.30)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($198.03)
Seat 4: Player5 ($100)
Seat 5: Player6 ($88.29)
Seat 6: Player1 ($35.80)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, Td ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $124.30, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $198.03, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $89.79, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $35.30, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16852170244115724ti5i18r *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:50:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($124.30)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($198.03)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($89.79)
Seat 6: Player6 ($35.30)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7h, Jc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $123.80, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $198.03, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $89.79, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $35.30, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217157192pm28tc171l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:50:28 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($123.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($100.50)
Seat 3: Player2 ($198.03)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($89.79)
Seat 6: Player5 ($35.30)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, 8h ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 calls (2.50)
Player5 raises 4 to 4
Player6 folds
Hero folds
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 7.50 to 10
Player4 calls (7.50)
Player5 raises 24 to 28
Player3 calls (18)
Player4 calls (18)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, 2s, 3s ]
Player3 checks
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (7.30)
Player5 is all-In.
Player3 calls (7.30)
Player4 calls (7.30)
Creating Main Pot with $ 104.40 with Player5
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qd ]
Player3 bets (64.70)
Player3 is all-In.
Player4 folds
** Dealing River ** : [ Tc ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $104.40 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 6d, 2s, 3s, Qd, Tc ]
Player6 balance $123.80, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $197.03, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $169.10, bet $100, collected $169.10, net +$69.10[ Ad, Ac ] [ a
pair of aces -- Ad,Ac,Qd,Tc,6d ]
Player4 balance $54.49, lost $35.30 (folded)
Player5 balance $0, lost $35.30[ Ks, Kh ] [ a pair of kings -- Ks,Kh,Qd,Tc,6d ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685217203858qrgaj6xm3oj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:52:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($98.98)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($101.50)
Seat 4: Player4 ($101.50)
Seat 5: Player5 ($47.84)
Seat 6: Player6 ($101)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, 2s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Player6 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player1 calls (3)
Hero folds
Player5 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5c, 7c, 4h ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (5.46)
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (5.46)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8s ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (1)
Player1 raises 8.76 to 8.76
Player5 calls (7.76)
** Dealing River ** : [ 6c ]
Player1 bets (40.50)
Player5 calls (30.12)
Player5 is all-In.
Creating Main Pot with $ 97.18 with Player5
** Summary **
Main Pot: $97.18 Rake: $3.0000002
Board: [ 5c, 7c, 4h, 8s, 6c ]
Player1 balance $51.14, bet $58.22, collected $10.38, lost $47.84[ 3d, Kd ] [ a
straight, four to eight -- 8s,7c,6c,5c,4h ]
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $97.18, bet $47.84, collected $97.18, net +$49.34[ 8h, 9h ] [ a
straight, five to nine -- 9h,8h,7c,6c,5c ]
Player6 balance $97.50, lost $3.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217165400zjcci3r33g *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:52:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($123.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($197.03)
Seat 4: Player1 ($169.10)
Seat 5: Player2 ($54.49)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9h, 6c ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $123.80, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $197.03, sits out
Player1 balance $168.60, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $54.99, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685217189236incf22cu09 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:52:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($123.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($197.03)
Seat 4: Player4 ($168.60)
Seat 5: Player1 ($54.99)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 3d ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $122.80, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $197.03, sits out
Player4 balance $170.10, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $54.49, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217221276whbxposg4it *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:53:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($122.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($197.03)
Seat 4: Player3 ($170.10)
Seat 5: Player4 ($54.49)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 3c ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player1 balance $122.30, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player5 balance $197.03, sits out
Player3 balance $171.60, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $54.49, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217241604hazudgevml6 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:53:23 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($51.14)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($101.50)
Seat 4: Player3 ($101.50)
Seat 5: Player4 ($97.18)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3c, 4s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kh, Th, 7c ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (1)
Player6 calls (1)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9h ]
Player4 bets (2.61)
Player6 calls (2.61)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2s ]
Player4 bets (10.19)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $10.19 Rake: $0.53
Board: [ Kh, Th, 7c, 9h, 2s ]
Player6 balance $46.53, lost $4.61 (folded)
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $102.76, bet $14.80, collected $20.38, net +$5.58
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217248991rcamdboo409 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:53:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 37 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 4/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($122.30)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($197.03)
Seat 4: Player2 ($171.60)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, 8s ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero raises 10 to 10.50
Player2 folds
Player3 raises 23.75 to 26.25
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $22 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $133.80, bet $26.25, collected $37.75, net +$11.50
Hero balance $89.50, lost $10.50 (folded)
Player4 balance $197.03, sits out
Player2 balance $170.60, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217272951x8vp7z8zmko *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:54:01 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($46.53)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100.50)
Seat 4: Player2 ($101.50)
Seat 5: Player3 ($102.76)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8s, 4c ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 4.50 to 4.50
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (3.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 7c, Js, Qd ]
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (42.03)
Player5 is all-In.
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $9.98 Rake: $0.52
Board: [ 7c, Js, Qd ]
Player5 balance $52.01, bet $46.53, collected $52.01, net +$5.48
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $98.26, lost $4.50 (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 16852172965546ktb4qo8tng *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:54:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($52.01)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($100.50)
Seat 5: Player2 ($98.26)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8d, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $52.01, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $101.50, bet $2.25, collected $3.75, net +$1.50
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $97.26, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217334243gnhiqrmrg0u *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:54:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($52.01)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($100)
Seat 5: Player1 ($97.26)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4h, 3s ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s, 6c, 6s ]
Player1 bets (1)
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (1)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ As ]
Player1 bets (2.37)
Player3 calls (2.37)
** Dealing River ** : [ Qs ]
Player1 bets (1)
Player3 calls (1)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.16 Rake: $0.58000004
Board: [ 4s, 6c, 6s, As, Qs ]
Player3 balance $52.22, bet $5.37, collected $5.58, net +$0.21[ Ah, 3c ] [ two
pairs, aces and sixes -- Ah,As,Qs,6c,6s ]
Hero balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $97.47, bet $5.37, collected $5.58, net +$0.21[ Ad, 9h ] [ two
pairs, aces and sixes -- Ad,As,Qs,6c,6s ]
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217378961wrzbo4kz5be *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:55:34 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($52.22)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($100)
Seat 5: Player6 ($97.47)
Seat 6: Player1 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, Kd ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (2.25)
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ah, Td, 3s ]
Player2 bets (2.29)
Player4 folds
Player6 calls (2.29)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6c ]
Player2 bets (7.49)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.24 Rake: $0.59
Board: [ Ah, Td, 3s, 6c ]
Player2 balance $58.92, bet $12.03, collected $18.73, net +$6.70
Hero balance $101.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $97.75, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $92.93, lost $4.54 (folded)
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217439084au2n7l4wec *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:56:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($58.92)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($100)
Seat 5: Player5 ($92.93)
Seat 6: Player6 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, As ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8c, 2s, Th ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8d ]
Player1 bets (1.26)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ 8c, 2s, Th, 8d ]
Player1 balance $59.82, bet $2.26, collected $3.16, net +$0.90
Hero balance $100.50, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $92.93, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217469727ku5ejnvbjgh *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:57:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($59.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($100.50)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($100)
Seat 5: Player4 ($92.93)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, 2d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $59.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $100.50, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $92.93, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 16852175154041q7mcc0yk2r *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:57:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($59.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100.50)
Seat 4: Player2 ($100)
Seat 5: Player3 ($92.93)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Hero raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player5 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qs, 6d, Ad ]
Player5 checks
Hero bets (2.02)
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.08 Rake: $0.42
Board: [ Qs, 6d, Ad ]
Player5 balance $56.32, lost $3.50 (folded)
Hero balance $104.58, bet $5.52, collected $10.10, net +$4.58
Player1 balance $100, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $92.93, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217535734m8bvr1q1tl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:58:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($56.32)
Seat 2: Hero ($104.58)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($100)
Seat 5: Player2 ($92.93)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, 8h ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 7.50 to 7.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $56.32, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $104.58, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $104, bet $7.50, collected $11.50, net +$4
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $91.93, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $97.50, lost $2.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217558699truprzenz9m *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:58:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($56.32)
Seat 2: Hero ($104.58)
Seat 3: Player5 ($104)
Seat 4: Player6 ($100)
Seat 5: Player1 ($91.93)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kh, Kc ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $56.32, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $106.08, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player5 balance $104, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $91.43, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168521757745002sq7p9gropt *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:59:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($56.32)
Seat 2: Hero ($106.08)
Seat 3: Player4 ($104)
Seat 4: Player5 ($100)
Seat 5: Player6 ($91.43)
Seat 6: Player1 ($99)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5s, 2s ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player5 raises 8 to 8
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $55.32, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $106.08, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $101.75, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player5 balance $103.75, bet $8, collected $11.75, net +$3.75
Player6 balance $91.43, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $98.50, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217625801itbe8pts7g *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 15:59:37 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($55.32)
Seat 2: Hero ($106.08)
Seat 3: Player3 ($101.75)
Seat 4: Player4 ($103.75)
Seat 5: Player5 ($91.43)
Seat 6: Player6 ($98.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, 9h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Hero calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3h, 7d, Qh ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
Player4 bets (2.35)
Player1 folds
Hero calls (2.35)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qd ]
Hero checks
Player4 bets (7)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.59 Rake: $0.61
Board: [ 3h, 7d, Qh, Qd ]
Player1 balance $52.82, lost $2.50 (folded)
Hero balance $101.23, lost $4.85 (folded)
Player3 balance $101.75, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $110.49, bet $11.85, collected $18.59, net +$6.74
Player5 balance $91.43, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $98.50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217656057vxhy1kaz68p *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:00:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($52.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.23)
Seat 3: Player2 ($101.75)
Seat 4: Player3 ($110.49)
Seat 5: Player4 ($91.43)
Seat 6: Player5 ($98.50)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ah, 7s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $52.82, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $102.23, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $100.75, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $110.49, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $91.43, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $98.50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217701651w6dtqvfqwb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:00:55 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($52.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.23)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100.75)
Seat 4: Player2 ($110.49)
Seat 5: Player3 ($91.43)
Seat 6: Player4 ($98.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7d, 6c ]
Player3 raises 2 to 2
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (2)
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3c, 5d, 4c ]
Player3 bets (2.61)
Player5 calls (2.61)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Tc ]
Player3 bets (5.09)
Player5 calls (5.09)
** Dealing River ** : [ 6s ]
Player3 bets (2.50)
Player5 calls (2.50)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $24.61 Rake: $1.29
Board: [ 3c, 5d, 4c, Tc, 6s ]
Player5 balance $65.23, bet $12.20, collected $24.61, net +$12.41[ 5c, As ] [ a
pair of fives -- As,Tc,6s,5c,5d ]
Hero balance $102.23, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100.25, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $109.49, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $79.23, lost $12.20[ Ad, Jc ] [ high card ace -- Ad,Jc,Tc,6s,5d ]
Player4 balance $98.50, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217786183weuclvkcvk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:01:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($65.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.23)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100.25)
Seat 4: Player1 ($109.49)
Seat 5: Player2 ($79.23)
Seat 6: Player3 ($98.50)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 7s ]
Player3 raises 4 to 4
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (3)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Js, Tc, Ts ]
Player2 bets (4.04)
Player3 calls (4.04)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3d ]
Player2 bets (3)
Player3 calls (3)
** Dealing River ** : [ 9c ]
Player2 bets (4.50)
Player3 calls (4.50)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $30.01 Rake: $1.57
Board: [ Js, Tc, Ts, 3d, 9c ]
Player4 balance $65.23, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $102.23, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $108.99, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $93.70, bet $15.54, collected $30.01, net +$14.47[ 8c, 9d ] [ two
pairs, tens and nines -- Js,Tc,Ts,9d,9c ]
Player3 balance $82.96, lost $15.54[ Qc, Ad ] [ a pair of tens -- Ad,Qc,Js,Tc,Ts ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685217831264shwggufeesa *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:03:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($65.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.23)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100.25)
Seat 4: Player6 ($108.99)
Seat 5: Player1 ($93.70)
Seat 6: Player2 ($82.96)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2c, 5d ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 raises 10.88 to 11.88
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $65.23, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $102.23, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $106.49, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player1 balance $93.20, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $85.96, bet $11.88, collected $14.88, net +$3

***** Hand History For Game 16852178651077as15p54fxr *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:03:51 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($65.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.23)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100.25)
Seat 4: Player4 ($106.49)
Seat 5: Player5 ($93.20)
Seat 6: Player1 ($85.96)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, Ts ]
Player3 raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $65.23, sits out
Hero balance $101.23, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $101.75, bet $2.25, collected $3.75, net +$1.50
Player4 balance $106.49, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $93.20, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $85.46, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217884232agvehobfq7o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:04:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($65.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.23)
Seat 3: Player2 ($101.75)
Seat 4: Player3 ($106.49)
Seat 5: Player4 ($93.20)
Seat 6: Player5 ($85.46)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Ah ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $65.23, sits out
Hero balance $102.23, bet $3, collected $4, net +$1
Player2 balance $100.75, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $106.49, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $93.20, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $85.46, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168521789710086k1ltss5ai *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:04:44 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($65.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.23)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100.75)
Seat 4: Player2 ($106.49)
Seat 5: Player3 ($93.20)
Seat 6: Player4 ($85.46)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6c, 3h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $65.23, sits out
Hero balance $102.23, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $100.25, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $106.99, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $93.20, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $85.46, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168521791944187hyzzmyvxx *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:04:56 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($65.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.23)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100.25)
Seat 4: Player1 ($106.99)
Seat 5: Player2 ($93.20)
Seat 6: Player3 ($85.46)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.20)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kd, Qc, 4d ]
Player2 checks
Hero bets (1.53)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.66 Rake: $0.24
Board: [ Kd, Qc, 4d ]
Player6 balance $65.23, sits out
Hero balance $104.69, bet $3.73, collected $6.19, net +$2.46
Player5 balance $100.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $106.49, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $91, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player3 balance $85.46, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217940972i03c24lshpk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:05:19 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($65.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($104.69)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100.25)
Seat 4: Player5 ($106.49)
Seat 5: Player1 ($91)
Seat 6: Player2 ($85.46)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ts, Qs ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 8 to 8
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.90 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $65.23, sits out
Hero balance $102.49, lost $2.20 (folded)
Player4 balance $100.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $110.19, bet $8, collected $11.70, net +$3.70
Player1 balance $90.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $84.46, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685217959566ydghfvuu6lk *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:05:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($65.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($102.49)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100.25)
Seat 4: Player4 ($110.19)
Seat 5: Player5 ($90.50)
Seat 6: Player1 ($84.46)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, Qc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2 to 2
Player5 folds
Player1 raises 9.90 to 10.40
Hero folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $65.23, sits out
Hero balance $101.49, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100.25, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $108.19, lost $2 (folded)
Player5 balance $90.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $87.46, bet $10.40, collected $13.40, net +$3

***** Hand History For Game 1685218011110sn8t8e0vnt *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:05:59 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($65.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.49)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100.25)
Seat 4: Player3 ($108.19)
Seat 5: Player4 ($90.50)
Seat 6: Player5 ($87.46)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 8s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Hero calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, 6s, 5d ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (1)
Hero calls (1)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2c ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Jd ]
Hero bets (3.61)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 3d, 6s, 5d, 2c, Jd ]
Player6 balance $65.23, sits out
Hero balance $104.24, bet $5.61, collected $8.36, net +$2.75
Player2 balance $99.25, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $108.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $88.50, lost $2 (folded)
Player5 balance $87.46, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685218051786a4ldwof0mv *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:06:50 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($65.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($104.24)
Seat 3: Player1 ($99.25)
Seat 4: Player2 ($108.19)
Seat 5: Player3 ($88.50)
Seat 6: Player4 ($87.46)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4c, Qc ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, Ts, 9s ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3d ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 6s ]
Player2 checks
Player4 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.23 Rake: $0.27
Board: [ Qh, Ts, 9s, 3d, 6s ]
Player6 balance $65.23, sits out
Hero balance $104.24, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $98.75, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $105.69, lost $2.50[ 5c, 5s ] [ a pair of fives -- Qh,Ts,9s,5c,5s ]
Player3 balance $88.50, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $90.19, bet $2.50, collected $5.23, net +$2.73[ As, 9d ] [ a pair
of nines -- As,Qh,Ts,9d,9s ]

***** Hand History For Game 1685218072618judldhrk07d *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:07:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($65.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($104.24)
Seat 3: Player5 ($98.75)
Seat 4: Player1 ($105.69)
Seat 5: Player2 ($88.50)
Seat 6: Player3 ($90.19)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kd, Ts ]
Player3 folds
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $65.23, sits out
Hero balance $105.74, bet $2.20, collected $3.70, net +$1.50
Player5 balance $98.75, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $105.19, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $87.50, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $90.19, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685218083086z1fynhh2tkl *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:07:52 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($65.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($105.74)
Seat 3: Player4 ($98.75)
Seat 4: Player5 ($105.19)
Seat 5: Player1 ($87.50)
Seat 6: Player2 ($90.19)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 8s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $65.23, sits out
Hero balance $105.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $98.75, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $105.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $87, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $90.69, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685218120361i2js2x4ufxd *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:08:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($65.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($105.74)
Seat 3: Player4 ($98.75)
Seat 4: Player5 ($105.19)
Seat 5: Player6 ($87)
Seat 6: Player1 ($90.69)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 9d ]
Hero folds
Player4 raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player5 folds
Player6 calls (2.25)
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qh, Js, Tc ]
Player4 bets (2.85)
Player6 calls (2.85)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6h ]
Player4 bets (16.68)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.12 Rake: $0.58000004
Board: [ Qh, Js, Tc, 6h ]
Player2 balance $64.23, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $105.74, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $104.77, bet $21.78, collected $27.80, net +$6.02
Player5 balance $105.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $81.90, lost $5.10 (folded)
Player1 balance $90.19, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168521817010437xv9yhlvr5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:08:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($64.23)
Seat 2: Hero ($105.74)
Seat 3: Player3 ($104.77)
Seat 4: Player4 ($105.19)
Seat 5: Player5 ($81.90)
Seat 6: Player6 ($90.19)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, Qh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Hero checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kd, Td, Jh ]
Player1 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Kc ]
Player1 bets (1.26)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1.90 Rake: $0.1
Board: [ Kd, Td, Jh, Kc ]
Player1 balance $65.13, bet $2.26, collected $3.16, net +$0.90
Hero balance $104.74, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $104.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $105.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $81.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $90.19, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685218236115eknr7ap9oie *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:09:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($65.13)
Seat 2: Hero ($104.74)
Seat 3: Player2 ($104.77)
Seat 4: Player3 ($105.19)
Seat 5: Player4 ($81.90)
Seat 6: Player5 ($100)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 3h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero calls (0.50)
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4h, Ad, 4c ]
Hero checks
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (1)
Hero calls (1)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2h ]
Hero checks
Player4 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Kh ]
Hero bets (2.66)
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 4h, Ad, 4c, 2h, Kh ]
Player6 balance $65.13, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $107.49, bet $4.66, collected $7.41, net +$2.75
Player2 balance $103.77, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $105.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $79.90, lost $2 (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16852182647546cyakse2ej *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:10:36 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($65.13)
Seat 2: Hero ($107.49)
Seat 3: Player1 ($103.77)
Seat 4: Player2 ($105.19)
Seat 5: Player3 ($79.90)
Seat 6: Player4 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, 3c ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player1 calls (0.50)
Player2 raises 6 to 7
Player3 folds
Player5 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $64.13, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $107.49, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $102.77, lost $1 (folded)
Player2 balance $108.19, bet $7, collected $10, net +$3
Player3 balance $78.90, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685218280571x9x4xjsw5l *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:11:04 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($64.13)
Seat 2: Hero ($107.49)
Seat 3: Player6 ($102.77)
Seat 4: Player1 ($108.19)
Seat 5: Player2 ($78.90)
Seat 6: Player3 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, 3h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $64.13, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $107.49, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $102.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $107.69, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $79.40, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685218306920b748kc4pgfg *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:11:20 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($64.13)
Seat 2: Hero ($107.49)
Seat 3: Player5 ($102.77)
Seat 4: Player6 ($107.69)
Seat 5: Player1 ($79.40)
Seat 6: Player2 ($100)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Th, 9s ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $65.63, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Hero balance $107.49, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $102.77, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $107.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $78.90, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16852183382025p4w3zi00oq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:11:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($65.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($107.49)
Seat 3: Player4 ($102.77)
Seat 4: Player5 ($107.69)
Seat 5: Player6 ($78.90)
Seat 6: Player1 ($99)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Qs, Th ]
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player4 raises 6.75 to 6.75
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 raises 19.75 to 20.25
Player2 folds
Hero folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $16.75 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $64.63, lost $1 (folded)
Hero balance $105.24, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player4 balance $96.02, lost $6.75 (folded)
Player5 balance $107.69, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $78.90, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $109, bet $20.25, collected $30.25, net +$10

***** Hand History For Game 16852183778334u807ez3zm5 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:12:18 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($64.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($105.24)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($107.69)
Seat 5: Player5 ($78.90)
Seat 6: Player6 ($109)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ad, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 calls (2.50)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Hero raises 12 to 13
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (10.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, Js, Jh ]
Hero bets (6.88)
Player5 raises 48.19 to 48.19
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $40.63 Rake: $2.13
Board: [ 2d, Js, Jh ]
Player1 balance $64.13, lost $0.50 (folded)
Hero balance $85.36, lost $19.88 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $105.19, lost $2.50 (folded)
Player5 balance $99.65, bet $61.19, collected $81.94, net +$20.75
Player6 balance $109, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685218411312q2mhcq4iovb *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:12:57 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($64.13)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($105.19)
Seat 5: Player4 ($99.65)
Seat 6: Player5 ($109)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 7c, 6c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 calls (1)
Player5 raises 5.20 to 5.20
Player6 folds
Hero calls (4.70)
Player2 folds
Player4 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, Tc, 9h ]
Hero checks
Player5 bets (5.89)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $11.78 Rake: $0.62
Board: [ Jd, Tc, 9h ]
Player6 balance $64.13, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $94.80, lost $5.20 (folded)
Player2 balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $105.19, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $98.65, lost $1 (folded)
Player5 balance $115.58, bet $11.09, collected $17.67, net +$6.58

***** Hand History For Game 1685218429144nd4kedoqs1q *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:13:31 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($64.13)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($100)
Seat 4: Player2 ($105.19)
Seat 5: Player3 ($98.65)
Seat 6: Player4 ($115.58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9c, Js ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player5 balance $64.13, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $101.50, bet $2.25, collected $3.75, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $104.19, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $98.65, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $115.58, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685218465002osyvsl12seq *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:13:48 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($64.13)
Seat 2: Hero ($101.50)
Seat 3: Player6 ($100)
Seat 4: Player1 ($104.19)
Seat 5: Player2 ($98.65)
Seat 6: Player3 ($115.58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8h, Kh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.25)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, As, 8d ]
Player2 checks
Hero checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9c ]
Player2 bets (2.37)
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $4.75 Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 2d, As, 8d, 9c ]
Player4 balance $64.13, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $99.25, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player6 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $103.69, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $101.15, bet $4.62, collected $7.12, net +$2.50
Player3 balance $115.58, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 168521852525247q97otbsbn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:14:24 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($64.13)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($100)
Seat 4: Player6 ($103.69)
Seat 5: Player1 ($101.15)
Seat 6: Player2 ($115.58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jh, 7h ]
Player3 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4h, Jd, Kh ]
Player3 checks
Player6 bets (2.66)
Player3 calls (2.66)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Qd ]
Player3 checks
Player6 bets (9.84)
Player3 calls (9.84)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2h ]
Player3 checks
Player6 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $31.83 Rake: $1.67
Board: [ 4h, Jd, Kh, Qd, 2h ]
Player3 balance $48.13, lost $16[ Ks, 8s ] [ a pair of kings -- Ks,Kh,Qd,Jd,8s ]
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $119.52, bet $16, collected $31.83, net +$15.83[ Js, Jc ] [ three
of a kind, jacks -- Kh,Qd,Js,Jc,Jd ]
Player1 balance $100.65, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $114.58, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685218540794s95v75a28i *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:15:25 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($48.13)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($100)
Seat 4: Player5 ($119.52)
Seat 5: Player6 ($100.65)
Seat 6: Player1 ($114.58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2h, 9s ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player2 balance $48.63, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $119.52, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $100.65, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $114.08, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16852185957140e6xyewqch4 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:15:40 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($48.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($100)
Seat 4: Player4 ($119.52)
Seat 5: Player5 ($100.65)
Seat 6: Player6 ($114.08)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2d, Kh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player5 raises 4 to 4
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (3.50)
Hero folds
Player4 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 3d, 8s, 4s ]
Player1 checks
Player4 checks
Player5 bets (6.17)
Player1 folds
Player4 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $12.35 Rake: $0.65
Board: [ 3d, 8s, 4s ]
Player1 balance $44.63, lost $4 (folded)
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $115.52, lost $4 (folded)
Player5 balance $109, bet $10.17, collected $18.52, net +$8.35
Player6 balance $114.08, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685218625909n4clr0tn3qn *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:16:35 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($44.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($99)
Seat 3: Player2 ($100)
Seat 4: Player3 ($115.52)
Seat 5: Player4 ($109)
Seat 6: Player5 ($114.08)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, Qs ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero raises 2.50 to 3
Player2 raises 8 to 9
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $44.63, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $96, lost $3 (folded)
Player2 balance $103, bet $9, collected $12, net +$3
Player3 balance $115.52, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $109, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $114.08, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16852186694094jtdnlh5ab8 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:17:05 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($44.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($103)
Seat 4: Player2 ($115.52)
Seat 5: Player3 ($109)
Seat 6: Player4 ($114.08)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Kc, Kd ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Hero raises 5.50 to 5.50
Player1 raises 18 to 18.50
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero raises 94.50 to 100
Hero is all-In.
Player1 calls (81.50)
Creating Main Pot with $ 199 with Hero
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2s, Ac, 2h ]
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Jc ]
** Dealing River ** : [ Qd ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $199 Rake: $3.0
Board: [ 2s, Ac, 2h, Jc, Qd ]
Player5 balance $44.63, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $0, lost $100[ Kc, Kd ] [ two pairs, kings and twos --
Ac,Kc,Kd,2s,2h ]
Player1 balance $202, bet $100, collected $199, net +$99[ Qh, Qc ] [ a fullhouse,
queens full of twos -- Qh,Qc,Qd,2s,2h ]
Player2 balance $114.52, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $108, lost $1 (folded)
Player4 balance $114.08, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685218707958irigs6izrid *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:17:49 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($44.63)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($202)
Seat 4: Player1 ($114.52)
Seat 5: Player2 ($108)
Seat 6: Player3 ($114.08)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 6h, 5h ]
Player3 folds
Player4 raises 3.50 to 3.50
Hero calls (3.50)
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (2.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kh, Ks, 7h ]
Player2 checks
Player4 bets (6.96)
Hero calls (6.96)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Td ]
Player4 bets (34.17)
Player4 is all-In.
Hero folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $23.68 Rake: $1.24
Board: [ Kh, Ks, 7h, Td ]
Player4 balance $57.85, bet $44.63, collected $57.85, net +$13.22
Hero balance $89.54, lost $10.46 (folded)
Player6 balance $202, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $114.02, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $104.50, lost $3.50 (folded)
Player3 balance $114.08, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685218773731spapyfkt5o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:18:27 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($57.85)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($202)
Seat 4: Player6 ($114.02)
Seat 5: Player1 ($104.50)
Seat 6: Player2 ($114.08)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3s, 4c ]
Player3 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (2)
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4h, Ts, Ad ]
Player1 bets (1)
Player3 raises 6.13 to 6.13
Player1 calls (5.13)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 3d ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 8c ]
Player1 bets (2.50)
Player3 raises 24.85 to 24.85
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $22.10 Rake: $1.16
Board: [ 4h, Ts, Ad, 3d, 8c ]
Player3 balance $68.82, bet $33.48, collected $44.45, net +$10.97
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $202, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $114.02, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $93.37, lost $11.13 (folded)
Player2 balance $113.08, lost $1 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685218832202bfswobthrn4 *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:19:33 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($68.82)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($202)
Seat 4: Player5 ($114.02)
Seat 5: Player6 ($93.37)
Seat 6: Player1 ($113.08)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 8c, Kd ]
Hero folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (1.50)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qd, As, Js ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (1.72)
Player2 calls (1.72)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ac ]
Player2 checks
Player5 bets (6.37)
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $8.50 Rake: $0.44
Board: [ Qd, As, Js, Ac ]
Player2 balance $64.60, lost $4.22 (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $202, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $118.30, bet $10.59, collected $14.87, net +$4.28
Player6 balance $93.37, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $112.58, lost $0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16852189070639ixz37a737u *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:20:32 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($64.60)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($202)
Seat 4: Player4 ($118.30)
Seat 5: Player5 ($93.37)
Seat 6: Player6 ($112.58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Jd, 5s ]
Player3 raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (1.75)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 6d, Kd, Qh ]
Player1 checks
Player3 bets (1.41)
Player1 calls (1.41)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Js ]
Player1 checks
Player3 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ 4d ]
Player1 bets (5.27)
Player3 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.91 Rake: $0.41
Board: [ 6d, Kd, Qh, Js, 4d ]
Player1 balance $68.85, bet $8.93, collected $13.18, net +$4.25
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $198.34, lost $3.66 (folded)
Player4 balance $118.30, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $93.37, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $112.58, didn't bet (folded)
***** Hand History For Game 16852189346486azwtvdy0dw *****
0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:21:46 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($68.85)
Seat 2: Hero ($99)
Seat 3: Player2 ($198.34)
Seat 4: Player3 ($118.30)
Seat 5: Player4 ($93.37)
Seat 6: Player5 ($112.58)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ks, Kh ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Hero raises 2 to 2.50
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2 Rake: $0.0
Player6 balance $68.85, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, bet $2.50, collected $3.50, net +$1
Player2 balance $197.34, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $118.30, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $93.37, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $112.58, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685219009403lq0s5alvlxc *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:22:14 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($68.85)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($197.34)
Seat 4: Player2 ($118.30)
Seat 5: Player3 ($93.37)
Seat 6: Player4 ($112.58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 5c, Ts ]
Player3 calls (1)
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player1 folds
Player2 checks
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2d, Jc, 8d ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player5 checks
** Dealing River ** : [ Ac ]
Player2 checks
Player3 checks
Player5 bets (2.22)
Player2 folds
Player3 calls (2.22)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.55 Rake: $0.39
Board: [ 2d, Jc, 8d, 2s, Ac ]
Player5 balance $73.18, bet $3.22, collected $7.55, net +$4.33[ As, 3c ] [ two
pairs, aces and twos -- As,Ac,Jc,2d,2s ]
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $196.84, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $117.30, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $90.15, lost $3.22[ 3s, 3h ] [ two pairs, threes and twos --
Ac,3s,3h,2d,2s ]
Player4 balance $112.58, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685219025177dwgoy5xwfwf *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:23:29 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player4 ($73.18)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player6 ($196.84)
Seat 4: Player1 ($117.30)
Seat 5: Player2 ($90.15)
Seat 6: Player3 ($112.58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ As, 3c ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Hero folds
Player6 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 Rake: $0.0
Player4 balance $73.18, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $198.34, bet $2.50, collected $4, net +$1.50
Player1 balance $116.80, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $89.15, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $112.58, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685219047066dosyw03guuj *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:23:45 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player3 ($73.18)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player5 ($198.34)
Seat 4: Player6 ($116.80)
Seat 5: Player1 ($89.15)
Seat 6: Player2 ($112.58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 4d, 9c ]
Player3 folds
Hero folds
Player5 folds
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $1 Rake: $0.0
Player3 balance $73.18, didn't bet (folded)
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $198.34, didn't bet (folded)
Player6 balance $116.80, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $88.65, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $113.08, bet $1, collected $1.50, net +$0.50

***** Hand History For Game 1685219113604oosg4b4qvck *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:24:06 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player2 ($73.18)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player4 ($198.34)
Seat 4: Player5 ($116.80)
Seat 5: Player6 ($88.65)
Seat 6: Player1 ($113.08)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Td, Tc ]
Hero raises 2.20 to 2.20
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 8 to 8
Player6 folds
Player1 folds
Player2 calls (7)
Hero raises 97.80 to 100
Hero is all-In.
Player5 calls (92)
Player2 folds
Creating Main Pot with $ 205.50 with Hero
** Dealing FIRST Flop ** : [ 2s, 3c, Jc ]
** Dealing FIRST Turn ** : [ 5s ]
** Dealing FIRST River ** : [ 5h ]
** Dealing SECOND Flop ** : [ Qs, 8d, 8s ]
** Dealing SECOND Turn ** : [ Qh ]
** Dealing SECOND River ** : [ 3s ]
** Summary **
Main Pot: $205.50 Rake: $3.0000002
Hand was run twice
FIRST Board: [ 2s, 3c, Jc, 5s, 5h ]
Player2 collected $0 (folded)
Hero collected $0 [ Td, Tc ] [ two pairs, tens and fives -- Jc,Td,Tc,5s,5h ]
Player4 didn't bet (folded)
Player5 collected $102.75 [ As, Ad ] [ two pairs, aces and fives --
As,Ad,Jc,5s,5h ]
Player6 didn't bet (folded)
Player1 collected $0 (folded)
SECOND Board: [ Qs, 8d, 8s, Qh, 3s ]
Player2 collected $0 (folded)
Hero collected $0 [ Td, Tc ] [ two pairs, queens and tens -- Qs,Qh,Td,Tc,8d ]
Player4 didn't bet (folded)
Player5 collected $102.75 [ As, Ad ] [ two pairs, aces and queens -- As,Ad,Qs,Qh,8d
Player6 didn't bet (folded)
Player1 collected $0 (folded)
Player2 balance $65.18, lost -$8 (folded)
Hero balance $0, lost -$100
Player4 balance $198.34, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $222.30, bet 100, collected $205.50, net +$105.50
Player6 balance $88.65, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $112.58, lost -$0.50 (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 16852191626562ylcwatcai *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:25:13 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player1 ($65.18)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player3 ($198.34)
Seat 4: Player4 ($222.30)
Seat 5: Player5 ($88.65)
Seat 6: Player6 ($112.58)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Hero posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 2s, 5h ]
Player3 raises 2.25 to 2.25
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (2.25)
Player6 folds
Player1 calls (1.75)
Hero folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kc, 9d, 4d ]
Player1 bets (2.45)
Player3 folds
Player5 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $7.37 Rake: $0.38
Board: [ Kc, 9d, 4d ]
Player1 balance $70.30, bet $4.70, collected $9.82, net +$5.12
Hero balance $99, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $196.09, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player4 balance $222.30, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $86.40, lost $2.25 (folded)
Player6 balance $112.58, didn't bet (folded)

***** Hand History For Game 1685219201311mi0el0vo2o *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:26:02 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player6 ($70.30)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player2 ($196.09)
Seat 4: Player3 ($222.30)
Seat 5: Player4 ($86.40)
Seat 6: Player5 ($112.58)
Hero posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 3h, 7d ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 raises 2.50 to 2.50
Player6 calls (2.50)
Hero folds
Player2 folds
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 2c, 4d, 9d ]
Player5 bets (3.09)
Player6 folds
** Summary **
Main Pot: $6.18 Rake: $0.32
Board: [ 2c, 4d, 9d ]
Player6 balance $67.80, lost $2.50 (folded)
Hero balance $99.50, lost $0.50 (folded)
Player2 balance $195.09, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $222.30, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $86.40, didn't bet (folded)
Player5 balance $116.26, bet $5.59, collected $9.27, net +$3.68

***** Hand History For Game 1685219254090ovaee7907id *****

0.50/1 Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) - Sat May 27 16:26:41 EDT 2023
Table Rio de Janeiro 36 (Real Money) -- Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6/6
Seat 1: Player5 ($67.80)
Seat 2: Hero ($100)
Seat 3: Player1 ($195.09)
Seat 4: Player2 ($222.30)
Seat 5: Player3 ($86.40)
Seat 6: Player4 ($116.26)
Player1 posts small blind (0.50)
Player2 posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ 9s, 2s ]
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 calls (1)
Hero folds
Player1 raises 4.50 to 5
Player2 folds
Player5 calls (4)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh, 4c, 7d ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (3.48)
Player1 calls (3.48)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ As ]
Player1 checks
Player5 bets (5.69)
Player1 calls (5.69)
** Dealing River ** : [ Kd ]
Player1 checks
Player5 checks
** Summary **
Main Pot: $27.88 Rake: $1.46
Board: [ Jh, 4c, 7d, As, Kd ]
Player5 balance $53.63, lost $14.17[ 6c, 7c ] [ a pair of sevens --
As,Kd,Jh,7c,7d ]
Hero balance $100, didn't bet (folded)
Player1 balance $208.80, bet $14.17, collected $27.88, net +$13.71[ 8s, 8d ] [ a
pair of eights -- As,Kd,Jh,8s,8d ]
Player2 balance $221.30, lost $1 (folded)
Player3 balance $86.40, didn't bet (folded)
Player4 balance $116.26, didn't bet (folded)

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