Flight Planning Keys Notes

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• A fixed quantity of fuel for:

▪ 30 minutes holding at 1500ft (Jets)

• NAM⁄TAS = NGM⁄GS ▪ 45 minutes of cruise flight (Pistons)
▪ NAM = Nautical Air Mile • Using this constitutes a fuel emergency
▪ NGM = Nautical Ground Mile • Amount of fuel legally required to complete
a flight
• NGM = NAM + (WC x Time⁄60 )
• Includes Taxi, Trip and Reserve Fuel
▪ WC = Wind Component • Fuel for unusual operations
▪ Time in Minutes • i.e. ETOPS or isolated aerodrome procedure
• Mach No. = TAS⁄LSS
• For all pre-departure operations
• LSS = √Temperature (°C) - 273
• Does not include taxiing at arrival airport
• VHF Range = 1.23√Altitude • Fuel for 15 minutes flight time
• Heights in feet, Range in nm • It is only required when Trip + Contingency
+ Alternate + Final Reserve is insufficient
• Fuel used between take-off and landing to proceed to an alternate in the case of an
• ERA – En-Route Alternate engine failure or loss of pressurization
• MAPt – Missed Approach Point
• SEP – Single Engine Piston • Fuel for unexpected changes en-route
• MEP – Multi Engine Piston • It is the higher of either: • Extra fuel carried at the PICs discretion
• MRJT – Medium Range Jet Transport ▪ 5% of trip fuel • i.e Fuel Tankering
• SG – Specific Gravity (1 for Water) ▪ 5 minutes at holding speed at 1500ft
• For other definitions/acronyms, use GSPRM above the destination aerodrome
• 5% trip fuel may be substituted by 3% trip
fuel (if ERAs are available) or 20 minutes of • Use TTCAFA
trip fuel (based on trip fuel consumption) to • Includes Taxi, Trip, Contingency, Alternate,
• Kg to Lbs – x2.205 Final Reserve and Additional
reduce the required contingency fuel
• Lbs to Imp. Gallons – x10 xSG (NOT IN CAP)
• Imp. Gallons to Litres – x4.546
See CAP General Notes Section 5
• Fuel from MAPt to the destination • Adequate Aerodrome – Considered to be
Other conversions can be done on the CRP-5
alternate satisfactory including ancillary services
• Highest amount if 2 alternates are required • Suitable Alternate – An adequate
• Excludes missed approach at the alternate aerodrome where Wx reports indicate it will
be safe to land
• Minimum 1 alternate for IFR flights, unless: • Formerly Last Point of Diversion
▪ Going to an isolated aerodrome • Used when it is impossible to carry enough
OR fuel to fly from the destination to the • a.k.a Critical Point (CP)
▪ Remaining flight time < 6 hours AND 2 alternate • Point at which it will take the same time to
runways are available, ceiling > 2,000ft • A point is picked where a decision to divert get to the destination as it would to return
(or circling height + 500ft) and visibility or not is made – the Pre-Determined Point • Used for onboard emergencies
> 5km within ±1 hour of ETA • Isolated aerodromes use the PDP • Always moves into wind
procedure • X = D x H⁄(O+H)
• The additional fuel includes final reserve • X = Distance to PET (nm)
• Used if fuel is particularly expensive at arrival • Choose the greater of PDP-1 or PDP-2 • D = Total Distance (nm)
• Fuel penalty – Fuel used to carry extra fuel • H = Groundspeed to get Home
• FPR – Fuel Price Ratio • O = Groundspeed Outbound
Price at Departure • Taxi Fuel • Taxi Fuel
• FPR = ⁄
Price at Arrival • Trip Fuel (B via • Trip Fuel (C via
• Must be <1 to consider tankering PDP) PDP)
• Contingency Fuel • Contingency Fuel • Distance - use OEI TAS (both ways)
(A to B) (A to C) • Time - use AEO TAS
• a.k.a Decision Point Procedure • Additional Fuel • Additional Fuel
• Means of reducing the contingency fuel to - Pistons – 45 mins + - Pistons – 45 mins
extend range or reduce fuel burn 15% flight time or 2 - Turbines – 30 mins • Total time an aircraft can remain airborne
• Choose the greater of RCF-1 or RCF-2 hours (the LEAST) (holding speed) using all FOB (except final reserves)
- Turbines – 2 hours • Extra Fuel
flight time
• Taxi Fuel • Taxi Fuel • Extra Fuel • a.k.a Point of No Return (PNR)
• Trip Fuel (B via DP) • Trip Fuel (C via DP) • Last position to return with reserves intact
• Contingency Fuel • Contingency Fuel • Used for isolated aerodromes
(DP to B) (A to C) • Accounts for decreasing fuel flow in cruise • Any wind decreases PSR distance
• Alternate Fuel • Alternate Fuel • More precise than using fuel flow as it • X = E x O x H⁄(O+H)
• Final Reserve • Final Reserve considers different fuel consumptions • X = Distance to PSR (nm)
• Additional Fuel • Additional Fuel • Only applies in the cruise • E = Safe Endurance (Hours)
• Extra Fuel • Extra Fuel

• X = E⁄SFC
• A new FPL must be filed for changes to:
▪ Callsign
• Current Flight Plan – Flight plan including ▪ Departure Airport • LO – Locator
amendments and clearances ▪ Arrival Airport • SVC – Service
• EOBT – Estimated Off Blocks Time • Flights may go to VFR from IFR at the • TEMPO – Temporarily
• ATFM – Air Traffic Flow Management commander’s discretion • PN – Prior Notice
• Use the phrase “Cancelling my IFR flight” • LGT – Light
• U/S – Unserviceable
• Any flight provided with ATC • TRZ – Temporary Restricted Area
• IFR flights • Filed for flights on the same route at similar ▪ Valid 30 mins before sunrise to 30 mins
• International flights times on consecutive days for: after sunset
• Where required by an ATCU ▪ IFR only
▪ Flights on >10 occasions
▪ FPLs covering the whole flight • Dates/times formatted as YY MM DD HHMM
• Normally 60 minutes prior to EOBT • All times are in UTC
• 30 minutes for unforeseen circumstances
• 3 hours prior to an Atlantic/Pacific crossing • All answers in the ATC section of the GSPRM!
or into ATFM airspace • S – Standard Equipment is considered to be • NOTAMN – New
• 10 minutes prior if airborne VHF Radios, VOR and ILS • NOTAMR – Replacing
• NOTAMC – Cancel

• Deviations should be reported ASAP

• For track errors, pilot should adjust heading
to regain track ASAP
• Variations in TAS >5% or ETAs with
difference > 2 minutes must be reported
• EOBT delay >30 minutes (controlled) or >60
minutes (uncontrolled) requires FPL to be
cancelled or amended

• Closed ASAP after landing within 30 mins

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