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Module 6 Final Reflection

My educational experience with ASU has been a great one. My two favorite classes have

been a cultural diversity class and this one. I say this not to earn brownie points for extra credit,

since I already have an A, but to give you the feedback that you are interested in. These two

classes are something I think everyone should take. Both have been extremely informative.

My reasons for taking this class were simple. I needed to take a second class for OGL

340 and after reading through the choices I had, I thought to myself, Artificial Intelligence is

probably my weakest subject, so why not take a class to further my knowledge. I was not let

down. I went into this class, like most of us, with a limited amount of knowledge about AI. I

have enjoyed some conversations with my nephew regarding AI and implementing a Universal

Basic Income. At the time, I was against it. However, after reading Andrew Yang’s book and the

way him details a UBI, I have reconsidered my stance. I do feel we need to make some major

changes in our country if we are to survive and I agree with the solutions Yang has offered. He

has presented his argument in a specific, detailed way, that is supported by facts, evidence, past

experiences and data. His book is well written, and I think it’s a book that everyone should read.

Not everyone is going to agree with him, but it will open their eyes.

This class was well put together. Starting with module one giving us a great introduction

into what China is doing and the US. Like many Americans, I had no idea what the game Go

was. The readings gave us the background about the game and how AI has advanced so much

that it was capable of beating the worlds best multiple times. It also shows us the human

emotions that AI does not have. I think this was a great way to enlighten us and start the class.
Module two, and the next four, flow together nicely. After the introduction we read about

some of the biggest concerns. I really enjoyed the way Yang paints a picture that might be a bit

hard to grasp, but it is a possibility. He gives us the background how we arrived at this point,

which is all based on our past. The interviews and discussion with other classmates was a nice

way to get us to interact with each other and gain some valuable insights. Having both papers

shown at the end of module one was a great idea. It helped give us the opportunity to prepare for

the upcoming modules. I appreciated this. Knowing that these interviews with the two people

and the interactions with my classmates was going to be used for paper 1 helped me pay more

attention to this.

Module three paints a more elaborate picture of what is happening to our middle and

lower class. I like the approach Yang uses building a image of where we came from and the

reality of what is happening. At this point, it was hard to share in his optimism. Even after his

diagnosis, he seems like he is still trying to pat himself on the back. The evidence from the data

that Yang uses really helps me to identify with those going through these hard times. Chapter

eleven is what sat with me the most.

Module four continues a bleak outlook on what is happening and what could happen if

we do not make changes. Yang continues to paint a picture that was hard to swallow. Ending this

module with paper one was perfect timing. Both authors are at a turning point in their books, so

this wraps up the first four modules nicely. Having a 1500-word base for the paper is a low

number, in my opinion. We could easily write more with the amount of information that we were

given. I tried to keep it low because I know professors have a lot to read and grade.

Module five was a breath of fresh air. After reading about the past of our country, and

China, reading about the ideas for solutions was enjoyable. The harsh reality that runs through
the veins of this country can be disturbing. Being offered solutions to these problems was a nice

change. Some of the ideas that Yang offers, I do not agree with. However, he does support his

ideas and gives reasons for why he believes the way he does. Lee does not offer much detail

except to say that we do need to change. His lofty end result is a nice fantasy but how do we get

there? Do we all need to have a spiritual awakening like he did? This is why I enjoyed what

Yang had to say compared to Lee. Yang gives hard facts that are hard to ignore. His solutions are

based on several field studies or ideas that are being used in isolated trails. This makes his ideas

easier to see with an example to support them.

Module six sums it all up. Finishing this class with a final paper to contemplate these

solutions in our organization and our personal lives was a good idea. Again, the papers could

easily be longer. I did limit myself but still wrote more than double the minimum amount.

Considering Yang and Lee had an entire book to do this, writing 1500 words was not a problem.

I want to thank you for this class. I enrolled in this class to further my knowledge about

AI in the business world and I was not disappointed. I don’t have any suggestions on what could

make it better. I would offer any suggestions if I had any. However, if you have any suggestions

that you are considering and want another perspective, I am more than willing to lend my

opinion. This class was eye opening and something I think everyone should take considering

how many industries could be affected by artificial intelligence.

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