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CASA on Human Factors Training

September 2013

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September 2013

Cover Story Contents

Just an Oil ARSA Outlook
The Next Generation:
Change The gap between
designers, regulators and
aircraft maintainers
And it’s leading to better
By Sarah MacLeod
engine health and longer
maintenance cycles Page 50
By Ron Yungk
Page 18
18 Industry Outlook
A look inside Air BP Lubricants lab
Industry Viewpoint
Composite Aircraft
Features Damage: Assessment
and maintenance
MRO Operations AMTSociety Update require specialized
AJW Technique: Fast track Benefts and Programs training
to certifcation at the new By Ronald Donner By John Goglia
Montreal MRO Page 24 Page 41
By Charles Chandler
Page 06 From The FAA Management Matters
Where Am I Going And
06 24 Support for Human Factors
Airframe Technology Training: Look Down Under How Do I Get There?
Hey! This is Your Airplane By Dr. Bill Johnson By DeborahAnn Cavalcante
Talking to You! Innovative Page 36 Page 42
Aircraft Health Monitoring
(AHM) systems deliver
detailed data to drive predic- NBAA
tive, customized maintenance Preview
By Karen Berg
Page 12
Check out some of the events
planned for 2013 in Vegas Departments
Page 44 EditorÕs Viewpoint ................................. 4
Airframe Technology Tools & Equipment ................................ 27
The ABC’s of Composite Staying Legal AdvertisersÕ Index ................................. 49
Repair: Adherence to OEM- U.S. Constitution Dead
approved data, materials, and or Alive? Recent events Classified Advertising........................... 49
processes is imperative threaten the 4th Amendment
By Tim Wright By Stephen P. Prentice
30 Page 30 46 Page 46

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Sarah MacLeod, Tim Wright, Ron Yungk, Bill Johnson BARB ZUEHLKE ¥ ¥ Aircraft Maintenance Technology September 2013 3


The More Things Change,

the More They Really Change
The airline industry continues to
experience its share of change

pen your mobile device, tablet, Although the business model of airline
computer, or a newspaper maintenance has changed for a variety of
these days and you can’t help reasons, you also have to consider how much
but read news or commentary new technology has impacted, or will impact,
about the airline industry. aircraft maintenance programs. Examples
The subject of airline merger continues to familiar to us all are the use of advanced com-
capture the headlines. The impact of fuel posites for the major structure of an airplane,
Ron Donner, Editor prices, labor concerns, shortage of talent, fly by wire technology, and information tech-
charges for meals, baggage and in some nology (IT) relating to passenger entertain-
Ron Donner cases seat assignments, all seem to prompt ment, or how the health of new technology
has held both regular comments. We recently read how aircraft can be monitored, data collected, and
technical and the Department of Justice brought suit future maintenance activities predicted. In
management against American Airlines and US Airways this issue of Aircraft Maintenance Technology
roles in general in an effort to halt or stall the pending we examine a few new technologies and their
aviation and merger on grounds that consumers would potential impact to airline maintenance.
during his 27 have fewer travel options and face higher This month we are very pleased to wel-
years with prices after a major competitor in the come Karen Berg as associate publisher of
Northwest industry disappears. You can’t help but Aircraft Maintenance Technology and Airport
Airlines. He question why this decision comes now, at a Business magazines along with correspond-
holds FAA point well into the merger process, and after ing responsibility for
certificates as numerous airline mergers have occurred in No stranger to aviation, Ms. Berg was most
an A&P/IA and the past decade. recently the VP of Business Development
a commercial Who would have guessed a couple with Thompson Aerospace where she
pilot. decades ago an airline would operate an oil led efforts to enhance sales, public rela-
refinery, or you could go onto any number tions and business development offerings.
of internet sites and purchase inexpensive Ms. Berg joined KLM in Amsterdam, the
tickets (although most with additional fees Netherlands, in 1999, holding leadership
attached), or OEMs would actively provide positions as the Director of Operations for
maintenance services rather than only manu- Cygnific BV, KLM’s wholly owned cus-
facturing aircraft, engines, or components. tomer care subsidiary, as well as in KLM’s
I’ve heard comments like will this dynamic Information Technology and Air Freight
industry actually settle down? It doesn’t divisions. Ms. Berg was also the Director of
appear like it, but the answer to this ques- maintenance and modifications for the KLM
tion really depends on your definition of fleet and more recently, the VP Sales North
settle down. Yes, the more the airline industry America for Air France Industries and KLM
changes, the more it really changes. Engineering & Maintenance.

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4 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •

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AJW Technique
Fast track to certifcation at the new Montreal MRO

arly last April, British-based AJW AJW Group
Group invited Aircraft Maintenance The AJW Group is comprised of four
Technology to a two-day media companies: AJW Aviation, AJW Technique,
event celebrating the opening of AJW Capital Partners, and AJW Leasing.
its new component repair and AJW Aviation was started by Anthony James
overhaul facility - AJW Technique - in Walter in 1932 when he began importing the
Montreal, Canada.
By Charles Chandler We were given the opportunity to tour
the facilities, look behind the curtains,
Charles peek in the closets, meet and interview
Chandler began employees, and take some photographs.
his aviation This was as we Americans would say was
career as a a really “big deal.” It was a big deal for the
junior mechanic AJW Group of companies because they
for American can up the level of completion and service
Airlines and to their regional customers. Getting a
retired after 27 new international company and creating
years of service. jobs is very important to the Canadian
and Montreal economies. This was Photo courtesy of AJW Technique.
demonstrated by presentations from several
French Canadian Ministers, Christopher As a result of its 6S quality process, each work
Whiteside, president of AJW Group; AJW station includes a complete set of hand tools
Technique’s general manager Gavin that are outlined so it is easy to see where each
Simmonds; and other senior managers. belongs and when one is missing. This ensures all
With the conclusion of formalities, media tools are standardized, calibrated, and certified.
members representing maintenance were
able to conduct interviews with President Piper Cub to the United Kingdom. Eighty
Whiteside, Gavin Simmonds, and other AJW years later it is the world’s largest privately
Allan Pennycuick, Technique senior management and tour owned supplier of modern aviation spare
AJW Technique the new facilities. After visiting with AJW components with 800 airline customers in 115
engineering and staff we were able to sort out some of the countries and about 400 aircraft under con-
quality manager. corporate hierarchy. tract. It stocks a core inventory of spares with
a value of about $500 million for the modern
Boeing and Airbus fleets.
Photo courtesy of AJW Technique.

AJW Technique, the newest member of the

family, acquired a Montreal facility in August
of 2012 with the goal that within six months, it
would become the headquarters of the global
component repair and overhaul service and an
MRO for AJW Aviation’s 800 airline custom-
ers. Having been through certifying audits
with the FAA, EASA, and Transport Canada
Civil Aviation (TCCA), I know they can be
challenging and time-consuming. So to certify
work processes, associated documentation, IT
systems, technician training, and a facility in
six months was an extraordinary accomplish-
ment. To understand how AJW Technique was
able to fast track its certifications, I needed

6 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •

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TCCA on design concepts,

what would and would not be
in the MPM and level of detail
included.” AJW Technique also
developed their own approach
to quality performance, named
6S. After reading it, it was
easy to see how the Brits built
an empire - it was practical,
actionable, and measurable.

Photo courtesy of AJW Technique.

The primary MPM was submit-
ted for approval in late November
2012, followed shortly by the work-
ing procedures, forms, data collec-
tion procedures for tooling and test
equipment certification, and system
backup detail and documenta-
AJW Technique uses Component Control’s Quantum System to manage work
tion. AJW Technique’s technicians’
orders and production control, and the Q Pulse System for documentation control,
qualifications, prior experience, and
quality management, corrective action reporting, and tooling and test equipment
training certainly helped expedite
calibration control systems.
the process. The TCCA reviewed
to interview Allan Pennycuick, Quantum System to manage the MPM, details were explained
AJW Technique’s engineering and work orders and production and clarified, and certification was
quality manager who walked me control, and the Q Pulse System awarded in January 2013.
through the facility and explained. for documentation control, • Next certify the facilities
According to Pennycuick, they quality management, corrective beginning with a restricted
began by first considering their action reporting, and tooling scope. Pennycuick adds, “We
component business model and and test equipment calibration chose the galley equipment cell
customers, and then developing control systems. Both were and the coffee makers as the
a building plan, a capacity plan, proven, robust, paperless com- test component. This approach
and project plan for certification. puter systems.” let them present their business
In October of 2012 they began • Next write the Maintenance systems, technician certifica-
implementing their plans and six Policy Manual (MPM). This was tions, work process, tooling
months later were certified by three a “clean sheet” initiative, again and test equipment calibrations
regulatory agencies, hosting a new using a team approach with var- for a defined production unit.”
business launch event and touring ious employees and technicians An example of the 6S quality
media types through their facilities. participating in the flow chart- process was in evidence where
Per Pennycuick, “Certification was ing processes. After the work each work station included a
a team effort, start to finish.” flow diagrams and definitions complete set of hand tools that
were complete, Pennycuick were outlined so it was easy
The fast track locked himself away for a to see where each belonged
process for certifcation month to write the first MPM and when one was missing.
• Use a reduced scope process draft. He used a top-down, Pennycuick explains this
rather than trying to certify practical approach, develop- ensured that all tools were stan-
all components and the entire ing the high level process and dardized, calibrated and certi-
facility; determine what ATA then 10 working procedures for fied, and technicians would
Chapters and components to training and tooling and test not use their own tools or need
work and define their work equipment, etc. AJW Technique space for personal tool boxes.
processes. worked closely with TCCA and • TCCA conducted the audit
• Next determine what methods designed its documentation and granted certification for
and systems to use to calibrate to meet TCCA’s requirements, the coffee makers at the end of
tooling and test equipment which would also meet EASA January. Because of the bilateral
(some decisions took two and FAA requirements. agreements between TCCA
months to finalize). “We select- • Pennycuick says, “We held and the United States, they also
ed the Component Control frequent meetings to brief received FAA repair certifica-

8 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •

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Dependable Services

AJW technique’s
6S philosophy
Sort: You must first ask what
is needed in your area. If you don’t
use it, get rid of it. Keep only the
essentials for the job at hand.

Straighten: Everything
has its own place and should be
located where it is to be used and
organized for a smooth flow.
Photo courtesy of Charles Chandler.
Shine: Clean and inspect Fuel pump overhaul station.
to keep up good quality. Cleaning tion for U.S. and Canadian-
every day makes it easier to see registered aircraft components.
problems before quality defects Early in 2012 Europe and the facility and their certification
occur. Canada signed a similar bilater- process discussion, it was easy to
al agreement so AJW Technique agree with that statement. We left
added some additional content the next morning but I remained
Sustain: Maintain what has and a supplement to its MPM curious as to how the new AJW
been achieved. Mark areas where
to recognize and meet EASA’s family member was doing and if
items belong and make sure they
small differences and received the next phases of the certification
stay tidy, orderly, and clean.
EASA certification by the end of process had gone as well as the
March. Pennycuick states that, first. I saw the following update
Standardize: Developing “AJW’s policy is always to work on
and maintaining new habits requires to the highest standard.”
discipline. Use schedules and During the initial audits other Paris, June 17,
checklists to make things easier. AJW Technique employees were 2013: AJW Technique
Following standard processes preparing additional component Just seven months after acquisi-
ensures repeatable quality. units for certification. The tooling tion AJW Technique has achieved
and test equipment was getting full TCCA/FAA and EASA certifi-
whatever calibration maintenance cation and was awarded the TCCA
Safety: Always arrange or replacements were necessary Design Approval Organization
work with safety in mind. Is the
to bring them to certification and (DAO) status. Allan Pennycuick
working environment dangerous?
production. The avionics suite of states: “We have worked very
Is the right equipment for the job
components was certified next and hard to ensure that the strictest
the electrical components were put standards of excellence have been
6S is a natural principle for in the queue. AJW Technique is also adhered to throughout every stage
building teams who share a pursuing AS9110 certification at of this facility start-up. Quality
common work area. It is common this time. takes absolute priority here at AJW
sense and every team member AJW Technique employees Technique and due to focused
benefits from it. We can all were gracious hosts and it was management and team commit-
appreciate the concept of a place easy to see why they have grown ment we have not missed a single
for everything and everything into one of our industry’s largest deadline. AJW Technique is look-
in its place. It frees us from the companies. AJW’s senior man- ing to strengthen its position as
aggravations that hinder our agers acknowledged that Allan a global MRO and gain regional
work and creates a real sense Pennycuick was the man of the certification for Russia, Brazil,
of achievement and pride for hour and a capable and frugal Indonesia, Thailand, and China.”
everyone. Scotsman who did not waste time The British may have an empire of
or resources. After our tour of another kind in the making. AMT

10 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •

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“HEY! This is
Your Airplane
Talking to You!”
Innovative aircraft health monitoring (AHM)
systems deliver detailed data to drive predictive,
customized maintenance

t used to be that when something wasn’t adjust their performance criteria thresholds
working quite right on an airplane, the from theoretical averages or generic hours/
technician would open up the area, look cycles to actual conditioned-based mainte-
in and find the part they thought was nance based on all the data being generated.
causing the trouble, replace the part, and “FARs lack the technological advances
send the aircraft back on its way. Savvy trou- available in 2013. They contain limita-
bleshooters knew what they were looking tions and theoretical development from
By Karen Berg for and the general performance diameters the 1960s,” points out Frank Stevens,
(cycles or life averages) causing the compo- director of engineering at Republic
Karen Berg is nents to be removed and replaced were based Airways Holdings. “As an industry, we,
a 27-year veteran on generic data. (the operators), have to push this type of
in the aviation Many of today’s new aircraft fly with a technology and say, “These advances are
industry, start- central server on board, gathering data about good for the industry and the public. Our
ing at Northwest the performance of various components on regulators need to champion the efforts
Airlines in 1986 the plane, and putting together an interesting to provide updated regulations allowing
in leadership posi- story for the ground engineers and OEMs to operators and OEMs to take full advan-
tions before join- proactively and quickly troubleshoot before tage of new technology. The technology
ing KLM Royal an event happens that could take that aircraft helps us make safer and smarter deci-
Dutch Airlines out of service. sions. Let’s learn from this and advance
in Amsterdam, While heavy maintenance per se will not our maintenance programs.”
the Netherlands. likely go the way of the dodo bird, it is gener-
More recently, she ally accepted in the industry that its footprint Helpful innovation
served as VP Sales and type of maintenance performed dur- “Aircraft health management was
North America ing those checks is dramatically changing. driven initially for the customer
for Air France Having all the performance data about a benefit,” says Linda Hapgood,
Industries and particular aircraft prior to planned downtime program manager for Airplane
KLM Engineering allows the operator to customize the check Health Solutions, Boeing Commercial
& Maintenance. contents specifically to that tail number. Aviation Services. “They helped
“We have a program ready which enables us design the system to help them
us to make the dynamic planning with the minimize their operational costs and
individual check content,” says Sebastian manage unscheduled maintenance.”
GIljohan, teamleader innovation at Lufthansa AHM started with enabling the
Technik. “But this needs regulatory agency aircraft to be the CPU and being able
approval, so this may take a bit longer to real- to have a real-time picture of how the
ize” as a shift in the way we’re working. systems were working while making
Both Boeing and many airline operators see real-time adjustments.
this as an opportunity for industry members While technology exists that allows
to lobby the respective agencies and OEMs to maintenance troubleshooting tradition-

12 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •


ally performed onboard the flight deck to be regular diagnostic trend monitoring, when
performed now from quite a remote distance, the aircraft is at an airport. However, there’s
for safety and regulatory reasons, the major- also the possibility to troubleshoot the data
ity of the troubleshooting is still done in the while the aircraft is in flight, for certain
shadow of the aircraft. “If you’re opening and fault conditions. Cost and data throughput
closing digital circuit breakers and perform- volume are the main inhibitors to a constant
ing BITE tests where you could be moving stream of all the data from the aircraft while
surfaces of the aircraft and you’re not right in flight. And while there is the ability to
there,” to see it, Hapgood points out, “if some- actually ping the aircraft and ask for specific
one gets in the way,” it could potentially be information during flight, it’s expensive and
dangerous. a data bottleneck. Once a cheaper communi-
“While the vision of a remote mechanic cation path to the aircraft is established, all
is becoming realized through technology, of the systems can send data as generated,
we foresee the result as an acceleration of including having a potential replacement of
teaming the technician on the ground with the flight data recorder.
a remote team in an operations center. This At Republic Airways Holdings, they’re cre- Technicians at
teaming via the use of real-time data and ating reports to identify and connect events. Lufthansa Technik
remote access to aircraft information will “We use tools to review aircraft data against analyze aircraft
speed up the diagnosis and decisions that get pilot/maintenance reports to confirm failure operating data using
the aircraft out of the gate and on its way.” modes and to proactively address issues not tablet computers, a
Most operators have installed WiFi at their presenting themselves directly,” says Stevens. trend the industry will
gates to enable quick downloads of data, for “In many cases, a technician focuses on the see more of.

Photo provided by Lufthansa Technik. • • Aircraft Maintenance Technology September 2013 13


Stevens says it’s been very

beneficial to creating a more pro-
active, collaborative relationship
with the OEMs, as well. “Every
day I receive emails from vendors
and OEMs such as Bombardier,
Embraer, Honeywell, and Hamilton
Sundstrand asking for the data
to be downloaded and sent in for
review. These OEM connections
create a collaborative effort to rec-
tify the situation or determine the
root cause of the event.”
Unfortunately, not all com-
ponents are yet able to transmit
data, but many OEMs are work-
ing toward that goal, by requiring
certain components to be able to
“plug and play” interface with the
onboard servers. Some compo-
nents, however, may never have
or need that capability. “There’s
always a tradeoff [of cost vs.
Photo provided by Boeing.

data need] when looking at what

systems have the most impact,”
Hapgood points out. “It’s not just
carte blanche ‘let’s just increase the
data available’,” because the data
The Boeing Operations Center assists airline customers with urgent technical problems, benefit may not always be there.
engineering issues, and maintenance requirements 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
365 days a year. Data security
With all the data hacking threats
fault and not the reason for the Others have hired specific people one hears in the news these days,
fault. We use system-based data to experienced in interpreting flight is the aircraft of the future being
narrow our search of the cause. We data, who know the aircraft well. set up to be another target? “Flight
ask ourselves ‘what if the valve is By maximizing and using the controls and that type of software
doing exactly what it was supposed right data, the operator can see are completely separated from the
to do?’ We use this to find the hid- a significant decrease of their performance data,” according to
den failure before it repeats itself. unplanned events. “With a proac- Hapgood. There are also a lot of
The direct fault may not be flag- tive review, we see about a 20 per- regulatory and OEM requirements
ging on the airplane, but by sifting cent reduction in repeat write-ups that are put in place and rigorously
through the data, they can establish and ‘soon to fail’ events. We also tested to ensure that hacking of the
a possible fault chain. Technicians believe, through a fully imple- airplane doesn’t happen. “And from
should not stare at the component mented AHM program, we can do a maintenance point of view, any of
that’s failing, they need to find out a lot better,” Stevens adds. the data that comes off the aircraft
what is telling the component to Another benefit to all the data today and is put into a system, like
fail, and go there.” is the operators’ ability to back up the Boeing AHM, is closely guard-
While some may see it as look- their operations performance “sto- ed and not public information.”
ing for the needle in the haystack, ries” for removal reasons. In this Much of the data delivered from
the operators and OEMs have case, when a repair station returns these aircraft can be entered into
come together to sift out the noise a component as “no fault found” and utilized by operators’ existing
and decide what data needs to be or the OEM indicates that the com- maintenance systems. “You do have
acted upon. Some operators have ponent “can’t do that,” the operator to think carefully how you design it
trained their front line and engi- has data to show the repair station and who has access,” says Hapgood.
neering staff to interpret the data. the fault as it occurred. It’s not the intent to have multiple

14 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •

Genuine Boeing parts.
When you order genuine Boeing parts, you get the same OEM parts that are delivered on a new Boeing airplane. Parts
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The quality and support you get with genuine Boeing parts saves time and money and delivers what nothing else can:
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systems delivering and storing the you read me, HAL? onboard, some people are hav-
data, as this convolutes the message. HAL: Affirmative, Dave. I read ing flashbacks to this scene from
The systems offered are less com- you. “2001: A Space Odyssey,” where the
plex and are intended to decrease Dave Bowman: Open the pod bay HAL 9000 computer takes over
the hands-on requirement to man- doors, HAL. control of the space station. While
age and integrate the data. HAL: I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid we’re not to that stage yet, many
I can’t do that.” have a fear of automation. “I think
Revisiting the HAL 9000 With the computers doing more people are encouraged about what
“Dave Bowman: Hello, HAL. Do and humans needing to do less the airplane can do, but are leery
about letting it go,” Stevens pon-
ders. “They’re still a little bit leery
to say, OK, I have everybody’s
lives in my hands, but if I’m not
The NEW Hawkeye ®
Video Borescope! watching it, who is?”
Many aircraft, particularly in
the military sector, have become so
automation-integrated, that they are
virtually impossible to fly without
computer assistance. And that goes
right down to the maintenance,
as well. Not only has the defense
sector mandated condition-based
maintenance on their new aircraft
programs, they’re implementing
Bright, High-Res sensors all over the aircraft, includ-
Video & Photos ing structural monitoring devices.
Large Range-of-Focus “With the ability to send a low
Quality Construction current through the airframe, it
4-Way Articulation repeatedly measures the aircraft
4 & 6 mm Diameters to determine how or when a crack,
dent, or scratch happens and
Starting at only $8,995
returns a signal to the computer
with the location and extent of the
damage,” Stevens says. “I would
love to see this type of technol-
ogy in the civilian sector. There
are many maintenance tasks that
VIDEO BORESCOPES require five hours to open an area
for a two-minute inspection task.”
While the aircraft of today have
Hawkeye ®
Video Borescopes significantly changed in the past
We’ve improved the image quality in the new Hawkeye® 10 to 20 years to assist the opera-
V2 with a higher resolution, more light sensitive camera, tor in predicting events, reducing
delivering bright, crisp, clear images! The new 5” LCD downtime, and finding the true
Monitor provides comfortable viewing, and intuitive, easy- cause of a problem, many in the
to-use controls, allow photo and video capture at the industry still see it as just a start.
touch of a button! We’ve increased the 4-way articulation “Will the technician of the future
range, and improved the feel. It’s still small, lightweight, wear Google Glasses or special
portable, delivers great image quality, and is priced contact lenses that help them
starting at only $8995. Available in 4 and 6 mm
see through the fuselage?” asks
diameters. Optional 90° Prism, and Close-Focus,
adapter tips available. Made in USA. Boeing’s Hapgood.
In an upcoming issue we’ll
explore this subject more in 800.536.0790 depth. AMT

16 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •

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Than Just an
There is an oil-change happening in
the aviation industry, and it’s leading
to better engine health and longer
maintenance cycles.

here is an oil-change happening
in the aviation industry, and it’s
leading to better engine health
and longer maintenance cycles.
Air BP Lubricants’ Ron Yungk
explains what maintenance professionals need
to know as more fleets convert from standard
By Ron Yungk to high performance capability (HPC) class
Ron Yungk Over the past 15 years, while the number (SPC) class oils, the characteristics of both, and
is a chemist of civil jet engines in operation has increased the economic and technical implications of
with 34 years’ by 22 percent overall, the number using high converting a fleet to HPC lubricants.
experience in performance capability (HPC) class oils has
aviation fuels increased by a massive 150 percent. What is an HPC oil?
and lubricants. That relative proportion seems set to The core requirement specification AS5780
He started increase significantly for the remainder of the has become the new industry standard, par-
his career decade, as next generation engines emerge with ticularly for lubricants used in civil aircraft
managing Pratt increasingly high temperatures. This trend is engines. Under the auspices of the SAE, it was
& Whitney’s demonstrated in Figure 1 (on page 20), which developed jointly by engine manufacturers,
Chemistry shows GE’s new engine launches and their military specification authorities and lubricant
department. respective exhaust gas temperature (EGT) data. manufacturers and first issued in late 2000.
Yungk also This trend is even prompting some OEMs This aerospace standard combines require-
chaired the to require exclusive use of HPC oils in these ments from the MIL-PRF-23699 specification
SAE committee engines. For example, both of Rolls-Royce’s with specific requirements from the major avia-
on Aviation latest engine designs, the Trent 1000 and tion OEMs. The AS5780 standard specifies two
Propulsion Trent XWB, are only certified to use HPC classes of turbine engine oil – SPC and HPC.
Lubricants. oils. This is expected to extend to further
engine types in the Trent family either How do HPC and SPC differ?
requiring HPC class oils or strongly recom- In principle, the chemical building blocks for
mending HPC class oil use. these oils are inherently similar and, as such,
What this trend means for us in mainte- the limits for physical and chemical properties
nance terms is that it is more important than such as viscosity, acid value (TAN), flash point
ever to understand the differences between and pour point are the same for both classes.
HPC and standard performance capability Differentiation begins with the improved

18 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •

Above: Technologists review operational profile for the “Coker Mister™”
Left: Example of tube deposits from a Vapor Phase Coking Test

Comparing the value of HPC oils

Determining the value of switching to HPC oil can be a complex process involv-
ing calculations of both oil purchasing and maintenance costs. For this reason, Air
BP Lubricants has developed a value comparison tool to help airline engineering and
procurement teams consider the economics of switching to HPC lubricants.
Air BP Lubricants’ tool uses current industry data and takes into account individ-
ual airlines’ operations, including fleet composition, route patterns, and maintenance
practices. After inputting this data in a free consultation, airlines can predict how oil
costs and maintenance frequency will be impacted by a fleet oil change, thereby
calculating the bottom-line impact of an HPC conversion.
To arrange a value comparison consultation, email • • Aircraft Maintenance Technology September 2013 19


oxidative stability for HPC oils, to Oxidation and Thermal

which translates to reliable oil life, Decomposition is a good example
allowing engines to comfortably of how HPC oils can demonstrate
reach shop visits while reducing greatly improved effective oil life.
the need for disruptive oil The 250oC requirements for HPC
condition monitoring programs or class oils for viscosity increase,
oil changes. acidity increase and volatilization
Oil life is becoming an increas- loss are all roughly double that of
ingly important consideration in the SPC requirements.
civil aviation as new engine bulk Another critical differentiator
oil temperatures are increasing at between classes is improved ther-
the same time oil consumption is mal stability, or the ability to resist
decreasing. The AS5780 specifica- “coking”. Coking is essentially
tion distinguishes between SPC severe degradation of the lubricant
and HPC oil oxidative capability down to solid carbon deposits. Figure 2
through several oil stability test The use of standard class (SPC)
method requirements. The Def Stan lubricants in modern large turbo- dents of coking, with the buildup
05-50 (part 61) Method 9 Resistance fan engines has led to many inci- of these carbon deposits being
exacerbated by the lubricant’s
intolerance of very high tempera-
ture regimes.
Coke deposits can cause the
blockage of oil feed pipes leading
to starvation of mainline bearings
(see Figure 2). Coke can also block
scavenge tubes, which leads to
flooding of bearing chambers and
possible leaks into high tempera-
ture areas of the engine which can
potentially lead to engine fires. Oil
starvation can also lead to poor
lubrication of shaft spline connec-
tions causing wear and possible
disengagement of these important
mechanical connections.
The formation of these poten-
tially harmful carbon deposits
Figure 1. GE Aviation engine requires airlines to regularly
development trends related to inspect, clean or replace critical
exhaust gas temperature (EGT). lubrication system components,

significantly adding to the line maintenance work-

load and risk to aircraft downtime.
To ensure HPC oils provide improved coking
resistance, AS5780 requires HPC oils to be able to
perform in two test rigs for twice the duration of SPC
oils while producing half the amount of coke deposits.
These rig tests are the U.S. Navy ERDCO Bearing
Deposition test (FED STD 791 Method 3410) and the
Hot Liquid Process Simulator (HLPS) SAE ARP5996
coking propensity test. Figure 3 shows the performance Figure 3 HPC oil in top figure, SPC shown below
differentiation in the HLPS test. HLPS data contrasting coking performance for HPC and SPC oils.
To meet the HPC performance requirement, oils
need to combine a thermally robust ester base stock
with an optimized blend of performance additives.
When designing lubricants, manufacturers will always
look to exceed, rather than meet, the specification
requirement to provide OEMs and airlines with confi-
dence of extra thermal and oxidative protection.
By offering improved high temperature perfor-
mance, today’s HPC lubricants are augmenting the
on-wing life of the engine by reducing scheduled and,
more significantly, unscheduled maintenance activity. scheduled and nonscheduled maintenance action and
According to American Airlines repair/part develop- thus increased cost in the long-term.
ment engineer, Dan Foust, commenting on the airline’s The cost of fleet engine oils represents a compara-
conversion to BP’s HPC lubricant 2197, the maintenance tively small proportion of an airline’s operating costs,
implications can be significant. and can account for less than 0.01 percent of the annual
“Since introduction of BPTO 2197 oil into AA’s CF6- operating cost for a twin-engine, single aisle, standard
80C2 Boeing and Airbus fleets ... we have experience far body commercial aircraft. In contrast, engine and air-
less coking buildup in our turbofan engines,” Foust says. craft maintenance represents a significant percentage of
“It has eliminated two field trips per year to replace an airline’s annual operating costs. The implication of
excessively coked oil tubes. This has translated into bet- this is that, to obtain noteworthy cost savings, commer-
ter system reliability and reduced maintenance costs.” cial airlines need to use oil that will support long-term
engine performance and reduce maintenance costs both
Making the decision to convert directly and indirectly.
The decision to change to a higher performing oil Airline turbine oil procurement practices will dif-
involves both technical and economic considerations, fer depending on the airlines themselves as well as the
and can sometimes instigate a divergence between financial climate that may exist at a particular time.
engineering and procurement decision-makers. Often, In turn, the relevant drivers used by the key decision-
the cheapest AS5780-approved oil is procured to secure makers may well change. Should turbine oil be pur-
immediate financial benefit, but at the risk of increasing chased on a simple tender basis to derive the cheapest

product or should it be viewed as a decision-makers can ensure the

critical engine component requiring long-term procurement goals of the
more strategic considerations? Air airline whilst achieving improved
BP Lubricants has recognized that performance for their fleet.
these two contrasting “engineer-
ing vs. procurement” viewpoints Making the conversion
may exist within many commercial Brazilian airline GOL Linhas
airlines and has developed a ‘value Aereas Inteligentes SA recently con-
comparison tool’ to assist airline verted from an SPC oil to an HPC
customers in their decision-making oil and, according to maintenance
around oil procurement (see box on director Alberto Correnti, has expe-
page 19 for more information). rienced improved operations as a
Any decision to convert to a new result of the switch to BPTO 2197.
turbine oil is generally made on “The transition to a high per-
the basis of technical benefits, and formance capable oil was part of
evaluated in terms of the financial the airline’s strategy to maintain Inside the Air BP Lubricants lab.
implications during the later stages its low-cost position while improv-
of the decision. The decision to ing operational performance and operators through the conversion
convert to an HPC oil should be safety,” Correnti says. process, which is consistent with
strategically influenced by both The Air BP Lubricants OEM requirements. A disciplined
commercial and technical consider- Technical Service team provides a change management process is
ations during the planning phase. comprehensive transition program required including the preparation
By determining the value of HPC to make the conversion process of appropriate Engineering
oil to both the “operational health” as seamless as possible. This Orders and provision of placards
of the fleet and to the business, experienced team has guided many identifying the HPC oil to be used.
As part of ABPL service, we also
offer customers post-conversion
support to ensure engineers
maximize the benefits of a HPC
oil and have access to the BP’s
on-line Turbine Oil Academy – an
exhaustive knowledge database
and modular learning tool.

The future is here

The future for HPC class oils is
looking certain as increased ther-
mal regimes within new generation
engines continue escalating, while
incentives for developing new SPC
class oils all but fade away. In evi-
dence of this increasing usage, BP
recently announced that our 2197
turbo oil had accumulated more
than 250 million hours of on-wing
experience and was chosen by
Airbus for the first test and public
flights of the A350 XWB.
So, more than ever before, it is
critical for maintenance teams to
consider the oil needs of their air-
lines with HPC oils top-of-mind,
as they become the standard in
meeting the demanding lubrication
needs of modern engines, now and
into the future. AMT
22 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •
Increasing time on wing. Putting customers first. That’s what Kelly Aviation Center is known
for. Now, with expanded in-house repair capability, we’re providing customers across the
globe with unmatched MRO service for ten engine lines — including the CF6, CF34,
and CFM56 families. With 1.5 million square feet of advanced technology, deeper parts
repair, and a highly skilled international team, we offer even greater capacity to meet
customers’ scheduling requirements, assure quality, and reduce costs. To learn more about
Kelly Aviation Center in San Antonio, a Lockheed Martin affiliate, and Kelly Aviation Center
Montreal, a Lockheed Martin Canada division, visit our website or give us a call.

Benefits and Programs

Take a step back to consider what members and industry
partners want from an organization such as ours
AMTSociety has taken the past few months to step ability to potentially collaborate on initiatives beneficial
back and review many aspects of our organization. to not only our members but the maintenance commu-
Some of the recent activities of AMTSociety have nity and the industry.
included establishing a plan to continue with the Here’s a short update on a few of the previously
AMTSociety Roadshow Consortium. AMTSociety also mentioned initiatives.
has reviewed online training offerings, current mem-
ber benefits, and current corporate sponsor programs. Member Benefts
Progress is being made. One of the important functions of an organization
In the near future, we will be sending a survey to such as ours is to offer benefits to its members. A few
our members and partners to understand what you feel of the member benefits currently offered range from
is important. discounted automobile rental, a subscription to Aircraft
One additional initiative has been outreach to other Maintenance Technology magazine, access to
industry organizations. Establishing relationships and the NCATT database, a free Snap-on screwdriver
with other industry organizations is one way of better for new members, and more. We are in discussions
understanding our industry. This also provides the with additional aviation companies and organizations,
and are looking for ways in which AMTSociety can pro-
Corporate Sponsors: vide its members with additional high-value benefits
aimed at advancing the role of the aircraft maintenance
professional. There’s more to come.

Training and Education Update

We’re pleased to announce a few enhancements to
our training offerings. As you likely know, both the
online and live education offerings are accepted by
the FAA for Inspection Authorization renewal and
for the FAASTeam AMT Awards. We are finalizing
agreements with additional speakers for all the live IA
renewal events in an effort to provide attendees with
Abaris Cessna Kroger Propellers some new, high-quality educational sessions.
Abelag Dassault Falcon NCATT Silvertronic We’ve taken a hard look at determining exactly
AMFA Dayton-Granger Nida Corporation SkyOne where and when to hold our live training events, as
Aircraft Technical Del Mar College Northrop Rice Snap-on Industrial well as the number of events. Many factors are consid-
Book Company FedEx Foundation Spartan College ered when establishing these live events, affectionately
Alberth Aviation Pratt & Whitney of Aeronautics
FlightSafety Intl.
and Technology known as the AMTSociety Roadshow Consortium,
ATEC Global Jet Pro Tech
Technologies Spirit Avionics including speaker availability, facility availability, Services
Proto Trade-A-Plane and historical attendee information. We’ve had to
Baker Aviation Globalparts
Redstone College Vincennes face the reality that not all of the past locations where
Baker’s School of Goodrich
Aeronautics Safety-Net Inc. University AMTSociety historically offered education will be con-
Haggan Aviation
Barfeld Salt Lake West Star Aviation tinued in the next series of training events.
Hartzell Engine
Bell Helicopter Technologies Community Wichita Area New and additional online training courses will
College Technical College also be made available in the months ahead on the
Boeing Hertz
CAE Honeywell
Sensenich AMTSociety website. Our goal at this time is to enhance
all the training offered by providing a greater selec-

24 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •

tion of online offerings while providing live events of The selection process begins with local FAA offices,
greater value at select locations around the country. and panels of aviation professionals from within four
The following dates and locations are confirmed: fields then select national winners from the group
• Houston, Texas, November 20, 2013 of regional winners. The winners of this year’s GA
• Atlanta, Georgia, January 8, 2014 Awards were:
• Kansas City, Missouri, February 12, 2014 • AMT of the Year:
• Aurora, Colorado, (Denver area), March 5, 2014 William “Bill” Fifles of Honolulu, Hawaii
The AMTSociety website will soon have updated • Avionics Tech of the Year:
information and registration details available, and Bruce Allen Lundquist of Willis, Michigan
we’ll announce other locations and details as they • CFI of the Year:
become available. Dean Wesley Eichholz of Soldotna, Alaska
• FAASTeam Representative of the Year:
GA Awards Program Mark Edward Madden of Anchorage, Alaska
This summer I attended the 2013 AirVenture in The nomination process for the 2014 GA Awards
Oshkosh Wisconsin. Representatives from numer- Program is open and nominations must be submitted
ous organizations and industry associations partici- by the end of September 2013. For more information visit
pated providing well-deserved recognition for the
General Aviation Awards recipients. This awards Thank you,
program is a cooperative effort between sponsors Ronald (Ron) Donner,
from the aviation industry and the Federal Aviation AMTSociety Executive Director and Business Manager
Administration (FAA).


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designed and patented to
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of industries like aviation, gas and
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Series is ideal for a variety of This rugged, simple-to-use
For more information visit
applications requiring dual
test instrument is the ideal
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such as gases and liquids netic particle inspections
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Vacuum kit and MROs with mobile
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Industrial torque wrench
The Control Tech industrial torque wrench from
Snap-on Industrial provides control torque accuracy
to within 2 percent clockwise, within 3 percent coun-
terclockwise, and control angle accuracy to within 1
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tures a large, backlit LCD screen for enhanced visibility The CircuitMaster
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vertent changes or tampering. Dual 80 Technology pro- Chrome Hazard Free Epoxy DSO and a 0.1 percent
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comes in four models. For more information visit www. two-component, corrosion- to provide multiple circuit
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28 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •

Video borescope Portable maintenance ladder
The VJ-Advance from RF System Lab is an ultra- The PF-01 Maintenance Ladder
portable, full-featured video borescope with from All Metal MS is designed to be
3.9 mm or 6.9 mm diameter insertion tube, stored inside the aircraft at all times,
joystick-controlled four-way articulation, built-in providing access to the ladder at any
3.5-inch display and on-board image and video time. The PF-01 model extends up to
capture capability. The company will ship you 10 feet and weights under 30 pounds.
a no-cost, no-obligation demo unit, so you For more information visit www.
can try before you buy. For more information
call (231) 943-1171 or visit

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of Aircraft Electronics Lista International Corp.
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of Aircraft Electronics; The Guide to Aviation Electronics Technician Series toolboxes. All drawers
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The ABC’s of
Composite Repair
Strict adherence to the individual OEM-
approved data, materials, and processes is imperative

n selecting a title for this article, I wanted Dassault, Bombardier, Cessna, Diamond,
to convey the perception that composite Cirrus, (to name a few) all rely on composite
repair is not that difficult, or at least no materials in primary structural applications.
more difficult than sheet metal repair. To In a paper written by the National Institute of
be certain, it requires training, practice, Aviation Research, it is projected that the use
and experience to become truly proficient at of composites in aircraft construction will qua-
producing well-crafted, airworthy composite druple over the next 20 years.
By Tim Wright repairs, but then so too does sheet metal repair. This rapid growth in aerospace composites
The main difference is that composite repair will not be without problems. There is and will
Tim Wright has technology most likely represents a new set of continue to be a gap between the manufactur-
been working skills, processes, and materials to which most ers’ (OEMs) development and production of
with aerospace technicians have not been exposed. these aircraft, and the maintenance industry’s
composites for 16 Should you make the effort to acquire ability to maintain them. This gap has two
years as a techni- these skills? I will let you be the judge of that, aspects: numbers and technology. There are
cian and techni- but consider the following: Boeing, Airbus, simply not enough technicians trained and
cal trainer. As a Gulfstream, Pilatus, Hawker Beechcraft, experienced in composite inspection and
technical instruc-
tor for Cirrus
Aircraft in Duluth,
MN, Tim Wright
trained more than
250 technicians,
engineers, A&P
instructors and
regulatory agents
on Cirrus Aircraft
composite damage
assessment and
repair processes.

Proper use of
the hot bond
machine is an
important part of
the specialized
training needed
to properly
accomplish hot
bond composite
repairs. Photo by Tim Wright.

30 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •


repair to meet the anticipated engineering department for repair ing. I refer to this as “Getting your
needs. New inspection and repair support. You need to know where head around the repair.” If you do
technology skills will need to that point is. not “see” the finished repair, call
be acquired by maintenance Obtain repair data and the OEM help line for assistance.
organizations and personnel. materials. Whether you are Use only OEM-approved materi-
Compounding these issues is the using standard repair data from als within shelf-life limits for
fact that there is very little stan- the AMM/SRM (Structural Repair accomplishing the repair.
dardization of repair processes Manual) or an OEM engineered Removal of paint and
among the manufacturers. To repair, you need to fully under- damaged material. While it
overcome this gap, many OEMs stand the repair before proceed- may be necessary to remove
have developed and offer training
specific to their types.
While this may satisfy the
needs of the OEMs, it does not
lead to any standardization of
the composite repair process.
But upon closer examination,
we can place the OEM processes
within the framework of a series
of sequential tasks, recognizing
that each OEM may utilize differ-
ent procedures for completing the
task. I have identified the follow- Why Latchways WinGrip™ is
ing tasks in outlining a standard used by the world’s leading
composite repair: aircraft maintenance facilities…
assessment. Each OEM
provides inspection and damage
assessment criteria in their
publications. For the most part,
they are consistent on inspection
Portable fall protection system—no restriction
criteria: visual inspection of on aircraft location
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detailed inspection of known or Ideal for line or base maintenance tasks right
suspected damage. On a glass through to decommissioning
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damage well visually), tap testing, Quick-to-set-up access solution
or NDT inspections. Known or Minimal storage space
suspected damage to carbon fiber Single, multi-user and collective
structures usually requires NDT protection options…
inspection. …and the list goes on!
Determine repair authority. But why just take our word
What is damaged, where it on the virtues of WinGrip?
is damaged, and how large Leading manufacturers
Airbus and Boeing
is the damage are all criteria feature WinGrip within
manufacturers use when their AMMs.
providing standard repair data
in their publications. You will
find much variation among them.
See for yourself how
Some are very generous and easy it is to use by visiting
some are very restrictive in what
repairs the publications authorize,
WinGrip™ is a trademark of Latchways plc
but in all cases, there is a point
in which you must contact their • • Aircraft Maintenance Technology September 2013 31


While there is very

little standardization,
OEM composite repair
processes can be placed
within a framework of
sequential tasks.

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32 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •

paint for assessment purposes, you will now need to

remove enough paint to accommodate the repair. I
am aware of no OEM that allows the use of chemical
strippers for paint removal. Repair data will tell
you how much damaged material to remove, but
generally less is better.
Preparation of laminate surface. With most
OEMs, there are two aspects to this task. The mechani-
cal abrasion of the repair area creates a heightened
level of molecular activity on the laminate surface,
ensuring a stronger chemical bond with the repair
materials. The second aspect is the scarfing or step-
ping down of the damaged laminate to the full depth
of damage. This not only effectively reduces the height
of the repair, but ensures a better interface between the
repair materials and the damaged laminate. Each OEM
has their preference here, but both require high levels
of technician tool skill and practice.
Preparation of repair materials. This task
contains several processes that will vary among
the OEMs.

1. The OEM will specify wet lay or pre-preg

materials. With pre-preg, the resin has
been incorporated into the fabric and dried and
requires a bonding machine for curing. Consult
the AMM/SRM for the list of approved materials.

2. The number of repair plies specified is

generally a function of the number of
damaged plies.

3. The repair ply overlap is how much larger

or smaller each ply must be relative to the
damage and the previous ply.

4. When the fabric is woven, the dominant

yarns, called warp, run in one direction
and are crossed by lesser fill yarns. The OEM
designers specify which direction the warp fibers
must run relative to the structure. This is referred
to as ply orientation (0-, +45-, -45-, and 90-degree
orientations are typical).

5. Some OEMs require plies be stacked from

smallest to largest, while others require the
opposite stack.

6. If the repair requires replacement of dam-

aged core material, consult the AMM/SRM
for approved core type and thickness (as well as
ribbon direction if honeycomb).

Laminating. Most OEMs have restrictive laminat-

ing environmental conditions in regards to airborne
contaminants and temperature/humidity limitations. • • Aircraft Maintenance Technology September 2013 33

OEM publications will include The actual cure parameters are for example, you find you prefer
information on correct resin to fab- more a function of the resin man- the method of stacking plies that
ric ratio and avoiding entrapped ufacturer than the aircraft OEM OEM A uses more than that of
air (porosity) in the lamination. and include minimum/maximum OEM B, you must use OEM B’s
While these conditions are easiest temperature and time require- method when repairing an OEM
to maintain by applying the lami- ments as well as temperature B aircraft. There is no substitution
nation one ply at a time, the repair ramp rates and scheduled hold of material or procedure allowed
location may dictate that you pre- periods or dwells. without OEM approval.
stack the plies and apply the lami- Inspection. Some of the crite- Like them or not, composites
nation as one unit (to maintain ply ria set forth by the OEMs include have earned a place in modern
overlap and orientation). inspecting the repair for proper aircraft design and chances are
Curing. Pre-preg repairs curing of the resin, complete you may end up in a position
require a schedule of vacuum bag- bonding between the repair and where you will be faced with the
ging materials as well as a bond- the structure, voids or porosity in prospect of inspecting or repair-
ing machine. While you can use the repair, and evidence of correct ing them. Will you be ready?
this equipment on wet lay repairs, resin content. Tim Wright most recently
due to their expensive nature, While organizing OEM pro- developed and launched aerospace
many OEMs allow less expensive cedures into a set of related tasks composite programs at Northland
and less complex curing options. may help in developing a sense of Community and Technical College
Heat sources may include heat a standard composite repair pro- in Thief River Falls, MN, and
lamps, heat guns, or hair driers so cess, it must be emphasized that Wisconsin Indianhead Technical
long as cure temperature is moni- strict adherence to the individual College in Superior, WI. He is cur-
tored and controlled (recording OEM-approved data, materials, rently on the faculty of Wisconsin
cure data is also a good practice). and processes is imperative. If, Indianhead Technical College. AMT

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34 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •

Support for Human

Factors Training:
Look Down Under
The Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority
(CASA) has set a new international standard for
high-quality human factors training materials

aintenance organizations of workforce, qualifications of local training
are always looking for the personnel, and level of commitment from
“latest and greatest” to management. Some organizations try to do
improve their basic human as much as possible with computer-based
factors training, or to training (CBT). Others have found that the
supplement recurrent training. Well, look blend of technology-based training and
no further. The Australian Civil Aviation resident training, with an instructor, works
By Dr. Bill Johnson Safety Authority (CASA) has set a new best. When tied to a learning management
international standard for high-quality system, the trainee must complete the CBT
Dr. Bill Johnson human factors training materials. CASA before participation in the instructor-led
is the FAA Chief calls it Safety Behaviours – Human Factors training. Some authorities, like Transport
Scientific and for Engineers.
Technical Advisor Over the years I have developed,
for Human observed, and delivered a lot of Organizations should strive
Factors in Aircraft maintenance human factors training
for excellence and test
Maintenance throughout the world. I have also advised
Systems. Johnson government and industry about the to ensure that the training
is a member of the availability of products and services that delivers a specified level
Human Factors can not only meet requirements, but also
of competence and, hopefully,
Advisory Group ensure continuing safety and efficient
to the European performance. There is an abundance lasting behavioral change.
Aviation Safety of quality information available, as
Agency (EASA). evidenced by a Google search using
The group the term “maintenance human factors”. Canada, insist that CBT is not an acceptable
worked with The links lead to many excellent service human factors training alternative.
EASA to define providers for training delivery. It is Time is money in aircraft maintenance.
human factors difficult to sort through the information Thus, some organizations strive to complete
aspects of the to find the product/service that works for the training as quickly as possible. There
proposed Safety your organization. There is something for are not many requirements for a specified
Management everyone in the CASA package. training time. There are many guidelines on
System the topics that should be included for initial
regulations. One size does not ft all as well as continuing/recurrent training.
Organizational requirements for HF Organizations should strive for excellence
training materials are varied. The vari- and test to ensure that the training delivers
ance comes from the differences in orga- a specified level of competence and, hope-
nizations’ size, national aviation authority fully, lasting behavioral change.
requirements, nature and time of work The capability of the organization’s
performed, industrial agreements, stability training department affects training

36 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •


design and delivery. The May 2013 AMT

magazine covers the newly proposed EASA
requirements for a human factors trainer.
Small companies may choose to send
personnel to off-site classes offered by
external training services providers. Such
courses likely ensure an experienced trainer learn-
who will bring a variety of industry stories ers want the
to the class. The trade-off with external tested concepts to
vs. local trainers is the extent to which the look new. Worn-out graphical
content can be matched to organizational depictions from the ‘90s are insuffi-
challenges and culture. Many human factors cient. The same holds true for videos.
issues are common to the entire industry. The Canadian Defense film, about
Thus, most externally provided information the C-130 and the Dirty Dozen, has a
is relevant. great message, but can an organiza-
tion expect today’s learners/gamers to
What’s on training accept old-school edutainment?
organizations’ HF wish list? There are newer videos. Some are free on
HF training has been around for nearly YouTube and others at a fair and reasonable Figure 1: The CASA
20 years. Therefore the wish list is asking for cost. Some organizations, mostly large ones, Safety Behaviours:
fresh ideas, new graphical depictions, new have produced videos focusing on local main- Human Factors for
event scenarios, and improved multimedia. tenance events. Delta Air Lines and Lufthansa Engineers Kit
Concepts like PEAR, Dirty Dozen, and Swiss Technik, for example, have produced effective
Cheese still have high value, but trainers and videos. However, it takes a deep pocket ($10-

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Figure 2: Improving the PEAR model

15K USD for every finished quality minute) and a high endeavors are for video production companies, with
level of commitment to produce quality video within appropriate HF technical support.
an airline training organization. I suggest that such Human factors trainers use accident or event sce-



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38 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •


narios to emphasize a point or to permit students by human factors specialists; and a CD-ROM contain-
to find the human factors contributing factors. Such ing materials produced by CASA, and other National
learning experiences should probably not predate the Aviation Authorities, including the FAA. It checks and
students’ birth. While accidents and events are infre- exceeds every wish-list requirement.
quent, those used for HF training should be current. See Figure 1 for a view of the materials, which are
New scenarios are on the trainers’ wish lists. available for download free of charge at
Finally, when there are regulations, they must be International individuals/organizations
met. Therefore, organizations want to be sure that can obtain a hard copy of the kit, with DVD and CD
the chosen training methods and content meet the included, at The cost is
requirements. Many organizations do not have HF about $100 USD, including postage and handling.
training requirements, but are committed to continu- The content for the CASA training package is
ing safety and efficiencies. That goal is fulfilled by more than a repackaging of old ideas. The developers
the regulatory requirements. added value to the Dirty Dozen, to Dr. Jim Reason’s
models of error and to the PEAR Model that this
Safety Behaviours – author created with Dr. Mike Maddox. For example,
Human Factors for Engineers they enhanced the People, Environment, Actions and
CASA’s safety promotion team, with technical lead- Resources in many ways. CASA subdivided People
ership from human factors specialist Gareth McGraw, into Doing, Thinking, and Interacting, shown in
has just released the Safety Behaviours kit. It is a sub- Figure 2. That brilliant subdivision makes me ask
stantial package that includes: a 200-page resource “Why didn’t we think of that?”
guide for engineers; a student workbook; a facilita- The developers note that the content is in 100
tor’s guide; a packed DVD with a superb portrayal of percent alignment with the training requirements
a maintenance organization, as well as observations recommended by ICAO, EASA, and CASA. It appears


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that the content and excellent graphical

layout exceeds the intentions of any current
regulations. An example is Chapter 7, titled
Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD). It has 15
pages of information on this relevant topic.
Like all chapters, it follows a format that
includes: an introduction; overview, specif-
ic details; points; and further information.

And then there are

the support materials
CASA does not stop with an excellent
eight-minute video integrated with the
Resource Guide. The Workbook for Engineers
has numerous activities for each of the 12
chapters. Many of the activities are focused
on the video. The Facilitator’s Guide helps
trainers to maximize the impact of the
video as well as the printed materials. It
ensures that the video is considerably more
than an eight-minute show before break
Figure 3: A Deck of HF Challenge Cards time. If the trainer wants more expertise,
the DVD contains explanations/comments from a
panel of 12 notable HF specialists. There is more. The
deck of eight cards, shown in Figure 3, is a great pic-
torial reminder of engineering human factors chal-
We're very big lenges and solutions.
At the outset of this article, I mentioned that I have
on small parts. seen a considerable amount of HF training materi-
als over the years. I have never seen a more profes-

I have never seen a more professional

and comprehensive package than
CASA’s Safety Behaviours: Human
Factors for Engineers. It is the new
international yardstick (or metric ruler)
by which other human factors training
programs will be measured.
Long known as the industry leader in PMA carbon brushes,
we have expanded our market and product offerings to include
our new line of PMA bearings and other products for a variety sional and comprehensive package than CASA’s Safety
of aircraft motor applications. We work closely with our
customers to identify potential replacement part needs and Behaviours: Human Factors for Engineers. It is the new
have the ability to move quickly on a range international yardstick (or metric ruler) by which other
of new products from design to PMA. human factors training programs will be measured.
Dr. Johnson is grateful for the information provided
by Margo Marchbank, Section Head Safety Promotion
Communication & Managing Editor, Flight Safety
345 Rt. 17, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 Australia, Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
201-288-8877 • Fax: 201-288-7356 • email: •
For further information contact AMT

40 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •


Aircraft Damage
Assessment and maintenance
require specialized training

ithium ion batteries have grabbed will be called upon to make decisions
most of the headlines regarding that they are not trained to make. For
the world’s leading composite example, a mechanic at an out station is
aircraft, the Boeing 787. First, there called to look at an aircraft after a ground
was the fire aboard the parked vehicle has struck it. Or a pilot calls a line
JAL aircraft at Boston’s Logan Airport, mechanic out to look at what appears on
then the smoke emanating from the the surface to be slight damage. Unless
By John Goglia batteries of an ANA aircraft that forced a mechanic is aware that specialized
the crew to make an emergency landing. training is necessary, he or she may make
John Goglia And now, most recently, the fire caused a wrong call and fail to identify significant
has 40+ years by a different type of lithium ion battery damage just because it is barely visible on
experience in in the ELT transmitter of an Ethiopian the surface.
the aviation airliner at London’s Heathrow Airport. The only way to avoid problems is
industry. He But, notwithstanding these battery- for mechanics to be aware that only
was the first related headlines, most of the concerns those people with specialized training
NTSB member in maintenance circles, before these in composite damage assessment are
to hold an thermal events arose, centered around qualified to make maintenance decisions
FAA aircraft the difficulty of assessing damage to on these aircraft. These are situations
mechanic’s composite aircraft, much of which might where mechanics just need to know what
certificate. He not be visible on the surface, and the they don’t know, to stay out of trouble and
can be reached specialized training mechanics needed in keep themselves from making potentially
at gogliaj@ order to be able to properly assess aircraft bad decisions. damage and make appropriate repairs.
Concerns about the training needed Damage not just on the surface
to assess damage to composite surfaces Most mechanics know that there is
continue. Composite aircraft are still new a difference between the way damage
and their repair histories are relatively shows up on aluminum skinned aircraft as
short, certainly when compared to compared to composite aircraft. Evidence
aluminum aircraft. A lot of work is being of a strike against aluminum skinned
done to help mechanics identify and assess aircraft is likely to show up as a dent or
damage to composite aircraft. At this time, other mark; the same strike against a
mechanics who routinely work on the 787 composite aircraft could well leave no
and other composite aircraft will receive mark or a difficult-to-see mark.
the specialized training they need to help Mechanics who have not received
them identify and assess damage from the specialized training may not fully
airlines or repair stations that employ them. appreciate how a slight marring of the
surface could hide significant damage
Don’t make a wrong call below the surface. Unless and until they
However, as composite aircraft become receive composite-specific maintenance
more and more common in airline fleets, I training, my advice is that mechanics
am concerned that mechanics who do not avoid damage assessments to these
routinely work on these types of aircraft aircraft. AMT • • Aircraft Maintenance Technology September 2013 41


Where Am I
Going and How
Do I Get There?
Advances in our career will happen in
one of two ways: by default or by design

wise person once said, “If Create your own brand.
you don’t know where you are How do you want others to see you?
going, any road will take you Think about your personal brand as your
there”. This is especially true reputation. Others will recognize your name,
with respect to our personal what you offer and what you are about. Your
career. Advances in our career will happen in personal brand will persist as you move from
one of two ways: by default or by design. If it project to project and position to position,
By DeborahAnn is your choice that it is by design, specifically even through changes in employment. Your
Cavalcante your design, and not that of someone else, brand is who you are all the time, on the job
here are some strategies to help map the way. and off the job. If your brand is strong, peo-
DeborahAnn Before anything, know where you are ple in general, customers, and colleagues will
Cavalcante going. Define your objective based on the follow you making you personally a valuable
earned her values that are most important to you. What human asset, thereby enabling you to write
Masters in roles do wish to play? How far up the hier- your own ticket and steer yourself down the
Aeronautical archy do you wish to go? Are you climbing road you wish to go.
Science, with a the management ladder, or headed down the
specialization entrepreneurial path? Do you need further Build relationships
in Safety education? What is your desired income, now, with contacts that last
Management five years from now, and 10 years from now? beyond where you are now.
from Embry- These are just some of the questions that will Do anything in your power not to burn
Riddle enable you to define your objective and search bridges. You never know who may be your
Aeronautical your heart and soul for where it is you wish to future boss, or whose boss you may turn out
University in go. Now that you have a destination, you need to be. Strong relationships with co-workers,
Daytona, FL, and an action plan to take you there. Allow me to peers, customers, suppliers, and vendors
her Bachelor of share what I believe to be some of the critical will prove their weight in gold when meet-
Science from VA elements of an action plan. ing deadlines or working through challeng-
Tech in Business es. Be willing to give, as the best business
and Risk Assess your communication skills. relationships are mutually beneficial. Today,
Management. You will need the ability to translate with instant communication and social
your knowledge across many audiences. media it is easier than ever to connect and
Know how to state your message so it will maintain an ongoing network.
be received as intended. That may mean you
coming out of your comfort zone and tai- Continue to learn
loring the message to the knowledge level, throughout your career.
personality traits, and values of the receiv- Regardless of your area of expertise, we
ing party. Positive messages usually result do not live in a vacuum; all things change.
in positive responses. Developing versatile Technology has become an integral part of
communication skills will lay the founda- doing business, and those who resist being a
tion for the balance of your action plan and part of it will certainly fall behind the power
bring benefits to you both in your business curve. Take advantage of in-house training
and personal life. opportunities. Stay abreast of industry press

42 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •

releases, events, and innovations. Hone your skills These elements will evolve into an action plan. Think
or advance your education through online training. of the action plan as being the vehicle that you drive to
Express your desire to be involved in new projects. If the road you have chosen to go down. Just as you may
nothing else, it will keep you young and keep your change the car you drive over your lifetime, you can
brain sharp. change the action plan; it is not etched in stone. The
action plan should identify and include action steps nec-
Learn to handle stress, as it is a part of life. essary to move in the direction of your long-term goal.
Just as rain nourishes the plants to grow, the chal- Should your long-term goal change, revise the action
lenges in our life are nothing more than opportunities plan to take you to the new destination.
to grow. We cannot stretch our potential when we are Keep your employer apprised of your career
too comfortable. Identify the source of stress. It may not advancement desires. Most will applaud your motiva-
always be possible to eliminate it, but there are certainly tion and initiative toward pursuing your goal. If you
actions we can take to manage it. Sometimes it can be as can position yourself as an effective communicator, an
simple as changing how you see the situation. astute asset manager, a realistic goal setter, and some-
If it is something totally out of your care, cus- one who can build relationships and stay the course,
tody, and control, and there is nothing you can do to one morning you will wake up and realize your career
change the situation, what good does it do to worry is exactly where you dreamed it would be. AMT
or get upset? That can be wasted energy. Move past it DeborahAnn Cavalcante leads Diversified Aviation
and look for opportunities to be productive in other Consulting (DAC) and along with her associates has firsthand
ways. Energy flows where attention goes; so the more experience in air carrier operations, private charter aircraft,
attention you pay to the negative, the more energy general aviation operations, military/civilian interface, FBO
and power you give it. management, maintenance repair station training, safety
Get plenty of rest, learn to allow yourself down- training, human factors training, and customer service train-
time to decompress whether it be doing something ing. For more information on DAC visit
you love or just nothing at all. Prioritize; get the most
difficult projects, or those with the closest dead-

Your toolbox is mobile

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Keep the goal in your vision, obtain an image or pic-
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As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, you don’t need to
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Oct. 22-24, 2013, Las Vegas Convention Center

he 66th NBAA annual meeting tax changes. Registration is $1,175 for
and convention will be held at members and $1,475 for non-members.
the Las Vegas Convention Center.
Static displays will be at the Monday, October 21
Henderson Executive Airport. Inspection Authorization
Visit Cygnus Aviation at booth C11036. (IA) Renewal Course
Numerous aircraft maintenance, safety 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
and management sessions are scheduled for This Inspection Authorized Renewal
the week. Here are some of the sessions and Course meets the requirements of FAA
events planned: Part 65.93,a,4. FAA Course Acceptance
Number: C-IND-IM-121126-K-006-001.
Sunday, October 20 Expires 02/28/2015. Registration fee: $225.
Capitalize on Human Resources
7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Human Factors in
Presented by ServiceElements Corporate Aviation (Day 2)
This course is designed to get partici- 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
pants thinking differently about a flight Presented by Grey Owl Aviation Consultants
department’s most valuable resource:
its people. $550 for NBAA members and Tax, Regulatory & Risk
$700 for non-members. Management Conference (Day 2)
7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Emergency Response and Family
Assistance Planning for Business Tuesday, October 22
Aviation (Day 1) Opening General Session
7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Presented by Aviem International and the
Family Assistance Foundation IS-BAO, The Gold Standard
Participants will take away important 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
skills and materials needed to develop or Presented by Jim Cannon, International
enhance their organization’s emergency Business Aviation Council (IBAC)
response plans. $1,300 for members and
$1,475 for non-members. NBAA Safety
Town Hall Meeting
Human Factors in 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Corporate Aviation (Day 1) Presented by Eric Barfield, Hope Aviation
7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Insurance and James Lara, Gray Stone Advisors
Presented by Grey Owl Aviation Consultants The NBAA Safety Committee shares its
This course meets FAA IA 8-hour updated Top 10 Safety Issues for Business
renewal. $950 for NBAA members and Aviation.
$1,100 for non-members.
The Perfect Storm: Continuing to
Tax, Regulatory & Risk Address the Business Aviation
Management Conference (Day 1) Talent Shortage
7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
NBAA’s Tax, Regulatory & Risk Presented by Sheryl Barden,
Management Conference provides Aviation Personnel International
business aviation professionals and their
advisors practical knowledge to help An Immediate Post-Accident
ensure compliance with the myriad of Time Bomb: Properly Completing
federal, state and local regulations and NTSB Form 6120.1

44 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. SMS - Not Just for Pilots! In Part 1, working with train-
Presented by Paul Lange, Law 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. ing providers to maximize your
Offices of Paul A. Lange, LLC Moderated by Dodie Thomas, training program and ensure
Altria Client Services, Chair regulatory compliance will be
Ensuring the Highest of NBAA Flight Attendant covered. Part 2 will cover work-
Resale Value of Your Committee. ing with your FSDO and will
Business Aircraft Presented by Sunshine McCarthy, detail best practices to manag-
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Baldwin Aviation ing the regular interactions that
Presented by Jeremy Cox, occur with your FSDO as a Part
JetBrokers, Inc. NBAA2013 Second Day 135 operator.
General Session
Meet the Regulators 10:30 a.m. - Noon Safety Management
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. At this Second Day General Systems: Energizing Your
Session, the NBAA Meritorious Safety Assurance with Tools
Mitigating a Hazard: Service to Aviation Award and and Guidance for Small
Our Humanness the National Aviation Hall of Operators
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fame Combs-Gates Award will 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Presented by Gene Benson, be presented. Presented by Neil Brackin,
Bright Spot, Inc. General Mills, Inc.; Jim Cannon,
This presentation takes a Ask the IS-BAO Auditor International Business Aviation
lighthearted look at our human 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Council (IBAC); Leland Blake,
nature and provides some Presented by Walter Cummins, Inc.; and Sunshine
practical takeaways on how we Kraujalis, AeronomX LLC McCarthy, Baldwin Aviation
can reduce our own human Ever wonder how to comply Guidance, tools, resources for
errors. with some of the requirements small operators, and direct ben-
of the International Standard for efits of implementing an SMS
Operating and Doing Business Aircraft (IS-BAO) or will be shared.
Business in China whether your current procedures
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. are adequate? NBAA/CAN Soiree, an
Moderated by Jay Mesinger, J. Evening with Angels
Mesinger Corporate Jet Sales Fatigue Countermeasures 6:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Presented by Jeff Lee, The for Business Aviation Wynn Las Vegas
American Express Company 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Presented by Leigh White, Thursday, October 24
Wednesday, October 23 Alertness Solutions Careers in Business Aviation
Leadership - The Soft Stuff 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Doesn’t Have To Be The Understanding FANS Presented by BuildAPlane and
Hard Stuff 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Honeywell
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Presented by Justin Vena, Presentations will be given on
Presented by John Slieter, Duncan Duncan Aviation materials available that expose
Aviation; Steve Gade, Duncan This session will brief attendees students to all aspects of aviation,.
Aviation; and Jeannine Falter, on the evolution of FANS, how Advance registration is required.
Ph.D., Duncan Aviation FANS operates, certification and Contact NBAA’s Sarah Wolf at
upcoming mandates.
Six Shades of General Session for students
Gray – FAA and DOT Working with Training or workshop for teachers
Regulatory Compliance Providers and Your FSDO 9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. for Part 135
Presented by Gary Garofalo, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. NBAA/UAA Career Seminar
Garofalo Goerlich Hainbach PC; Moderated by Al Mann, for College Students
Aaron Goerlich, Garofalo Goerlich Reynolds Jet Management 10:00 a.m. - Noon
Hainbach PC; and Al Mann, Presented by Ashley Smith, Jet Presented by Sarah Wolf, NBAA
Reynolds Jet Management Logistics; Dave Hewitt, Hewitt and Contact NBAA’s Sarah Wolf at
Company, LLC; and Rick Bedard, for complimen-
FlightSafety International tary registration. • • Aircraft Maintenance Technology September 2013 45


U.S. Constitution
Dead or Alive?
Recent events threaten the 4th Amendment

ecently I helped a mechanic- intimidated. He got safely on his way the
pilot friend repair an older next day after he showed the FAA his paper-
private aircraft. He had work pertaining to the sale, which had
purchased it from an owner arrived overnight by fax.
who had just about abandoned I read another similar story about a guy
it at a local FBO shop after they had told flying his Bonanza from the West Coast
him how much it would cost to make it to the East Coast not too long ago. He was
By Stephen P. Prentice airworthy after they inspected it, a common similarly questioned when he landed for
event these days it seems. He spent a week servicing en route and asked if they could
Stephen P. or so working on the aircraft, doing the search his aircraft. He refused. These guys
Prentice is an usual annual work. He got it flyable, flew also were DHS guys, black SUVs, no mark-
attorney whose it around locally to check it out, and after ings, common license plate. They were
practice involves that was satisfied and proceeded en route armed when approaching the pilot but did
FAA-NTSB to the East Coast. The following stories deal not draw their weapons.
issues. He has with pilots but since many pilots are also They were also backed up by the sheriff
an Airframe mechanics, like myself and my friend, I offer and other local cops who also showed up at
and Powerplant this piece as an alert to all. the scene.
certificate and His first stop was in Texas at the major The third case I ran into was a another
is an ATP rated airport and he parked at the FBO for servic- similar story from a local pilot who I knew
pilot. He is a ing. He told me that just after he parked he who was en route to Oshkosh. He was on his
USAF veteran. was immediately set upon by people who way in his C182 to a Midwest city and was
Send comments to said they were U.S. officers and they were treated in a similar fashion at a remote small inspecting him and his aircraft for con- airport where he stopped for fuel. He was also
traband. They said they were Department flying East to West, which seems to be a “pro-
of Homeland Security (DHS) officers and file” item for an automatic stop, when other
they were soon followed by local sheriffs unknown profile items are present. Again
and other police. The FAA also showed up. these were DHS officers. These people are all
Needless to say our pilot was terrified of new at this game and are obviously learning
these very intimidating guys. They said that their trade at general aviation pilots’ expense
he somehow fell into the profile trap. and inconvenience.
The pilot did not know how he was singled The pilot also pointed out that they are also
out in this “profile” for an inspection…there very uninformed about general aviation flying
were other aircraft coming and going. He had and the rules we fly by, but he said they fake it
not filed an IFR flight plan so that ruled out a and try to appear knowledgeable but turn out
tip-off from ATC. He may have been on flight to be in error when it comes to the rules. He
following, but it is still a mystery. He was said further that they are ill-informed about
subsequently detained overnight at his own the paperwork and details of private cross
expense in a motel because he had neglected country flying. We can only speculate on the
to have a copy of his sales document with number of aircraft en route to Oshkosh that
him. His aircraft was otherwise legal. have been investigated this year.
He voluntarily permitted a casual look- Finally, the most recent story I ran into
around search. They expected him to roll was written up in a popular publication. It
over and allow them to take his airplane has been traveling around the internet and is
apart to search. That did not happen. My another real scary episode for the pilot con-
friend knew his rights and refused to be cerned. Find it on the internet and read it. He

46 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •


also refused to allow DHS officers not pursue it any further. They mind that the Homeland Security
to search his airplane; they did will also ask for your voluntary team has only recently been
not have a warrant. Keep in mind permission to search and you can established by the President and
that the 4th Amendment to our U.S. obviously say yes or no; under is a growing army of people with
Constitution is still black letter law. the law they can’t force you. If extensive equipment to conduct
they have evidence of contraband full-scale military actions.
The Fourth Amendment on your aircraft, they will have One final important point when
“The right of the people to be already procured a search you’re flying East to West or West
secure in their persons, houses, warrant from the appropriate to East, across portions of our won-
papers, and effects, against unrea- authority and show it to you. derful country, or North to South
sonable searches and seizures, They may also ask if they can or South to North, close to the U.S.
shall not be violated, and no look into your aircraft from out- border, try to avoid stopping at
Warrants shall issue, but upon side, and they most likely have any “international” airports. The
probable cause, supported by done that already without asking reason being that no matter how
Oath or affirmation, and par- you and/or search around it with close or far from a border, that air-
ticularly describing the place to the aid of dogs. Simply say that port is considered as a “functional
be searched, and the persons or you do not consent to any kind of equivalent of a border” and that it
things to be seized.” a search visually, or with dogs, or is assumed you crossed it. There
Some pilot organizations any other detection devices. is practically no way to prevent a
including AOPA, are presently search at a border.
attempting to put a stop to these Administrative inspections
type of random attempts to Keep in mind that adminis- Legal searches
investigate and search general trative inspections, e.g., health We also have to keep in mind
aviation aircraft whenever they departments, housing authorities, that not every search without a
see fit. I have been informed that Federal Aviation Administration, warrant is invalid under the Fourth
these officers, whether they be and similar organizations also Amendment. Actually, a moving
Homeland Security, DEA, Border have a type of right to inspect. vehicle (aircraft that can be moved
Patrol, ICE, FBI, FAA, sheriff We can usually expect some sort quickly) can be searched and in fact
department, local police, (did I of ramp inspection during our seized without a warrant, if, and it’s
leave out anybody?) all have a flying career by FAA people but a big if, there is probable cause for
general right to ask for your pilot certainly not DHS swat officers. the search.
documents and medical certificate Inspection without a warrant as For example, if a pilot was
and to see the aircraft registration. an adjunct to a regulatory scheme, detected with alcohol on his or
However, when you address such as FARs, for the general wel- her breath (DUI), a limited search
them, you should ask whose fare of the community and not as incident to a valid arrest for the
authority they represent and a means of enforcing the criminal DUI or any other alleged crime
demand to see their badges and law, is well established. is permissible, but there could be
identifications. If possible, you You should contact one or difficulty with the scope of such
should also ask for names, phone more of the pilot organizations a search. If the search showed
numbers of the agencies, and their and through your Congressman, evidence of a crime in “plain sight,”
immediate supervision. Many or woman, the various aviation it could also be seized at the time of
recommend that you take pictures committees and inform them of the arrest and search.
with your camera although they as much of the details as you can Border crossing inspections
may object and attempt to take recall. Above all, include the time and search as mentioned above
your camera away. Don’t fight and place of the incident and who are all legal with little argument
with them, you will lose, just try was present. to be made against them; i.e. stay
to make a good record for future With enough pressure brought away from international airports
use. And by the way, they will not to bear on this rogue organization, for fueling or overnights, unless
allow you make any phone calls. that is just learning its trade weather or other problems exist.
Above all keep your cool, be at your expense, maybe these The Fourth Amendment created
polite, calm, and answer their random inspections will cease, and a huge body of law surrounding
questions as best you can, when they can hone their policing skills it; there are many interpretations
and if they ask if they can search some other way. We don’t need of the various parts of the 4th
your aircraft simply say no. anymore black-suited swat teams Amendment. It keeps armies of
They know better and should harassing our citizens. Keep in lawyers working. AMT • • Aircraft Maintenance Technology September 2013 47


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48 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •


Adverti se rs’ I ndex Softwa re Fac ilitie s/Facilities

Ad ve r tis er Page # Mainten an ce
ACE S Sy s t e m s... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 38
A ll M et al M a in t e n a n ce Sta n d s . . . ....................... 48
A M T Bo o ks t o re .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 29
A M TS oc i et y .. . ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 35
AVGRO U P . . . .. . ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 52 MANY DESIGNS AVAILABLE
Avi at io n Pr o s L IV E . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. ............. 17
B oe i ng .. .. . . . .. ... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. ............. 15
C es s na .. .. . . . ... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. ............... 2
C or r i d or Av i a ti o n S e r vi c e So f twa re .................... 11
C r ib Ma s te r . ... . ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 33
E ll i o tt Avi a t io n .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... 7
G lob a l Pa r t s .. . ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 51
G ra di e n t L e n s Co r p ora ti o n . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .........16, 48
H ea tco n C o mp o sit e Sy ste ms . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. ............. 38
J L G . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. ................ 5
Aircraft/Engin e Pa r ts
Ke l l y Avi at i o n Ce n t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 23

Ke t t Tool . . . . .. ... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .............. 39
K la s s i c Too l Cr ib . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 48
L at ch ways Fa l l Pro t e c ti o n . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. ............. 31 //&
Ma c hi d a. . . . . .. ... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .............. 39 WR RII
Mi ra j . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .............. 40 &HVVQD3LSHU&RQWLQHQWDO/\FRPLQJDQG0DQ\RWKHUV
Manufacturer of PolyMax5000AC
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Pen ta g o n 2 0 0 0 . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 20-21, 48
P F F i s hpo l e H o ist s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 28
P ra t t & W hi t ney ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. ................ 9
R F S ys te m L a b . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .............. 22
S na p - on . . . . . . ... . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .........26, 48
Advertise Here
Contact Josh Jones
S pe c tro n ic s Co r p o ra ti o n. . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 34
for more information.
S pe n ro A ir cr a ft To o ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .............. 25
Phone: 800-547-7377 X 1307
S t re am li gh t , In c. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 37
Ta ug h ann o ck Avi a ti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... 43
Wel d o n P u m p s . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .............. 32

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The Next Generation

The gap between designers,
regulators and aircraft maintainers

s the operational side of compliance when the regulations have
aviation safety struggles with not caught up with the technology being
NextGen positioning technol- used? The number and amount of “special
ogy, maintenance is strug- conditions” attached to new aircraft are
gling with highly complicated evidence of gaps in design requirements.
and interwoven design standards used to If these gaps exist, how do maintenance
substantiate composite and special coating providers establish their action to return the
By Sarah MacLeod technologies. article (in this case the aircraft) to at least its
In order to fix a degraded condition, one original condition?
Sarah MacLeod must understand the certification basis and The regulations require the designer
is executive the impact maintenance actions might have to ensure the gaps can be addressed
director of the on the original and continued in service when creating fixes for damage to
Aeronautical condition. The ability to withstand “damage composites or contemplating replacing
Repair Station tolerance” can only be “tested” in the field, special coatings during the maintenance
Association and then only after process. The air carrier
(ARSA), an potential mistakes and its maintenance
organization she have been made in The maintenance provider must have an
helped found “fixing” damage that understanding of the
more than 25 instead impacted provider must have an design requirements,
years ago. continued operations. understanding of the special conditions, and
As the engineer- design requirements, the technology before
ing departments creating maintenance or
in airlines decline special conditions, and the alteration actions of their
and the sophistica- technology before creating own. The technology
tion of the design alteration actions. must not outstrip
standards increase, the ability to ensure
maintenance of com- continued operations; the
posite structures and standards for the new
articles that have special coatings become generations of materials (composites) and
more and more the purview of the designer. coatings must be decipherable by airlines and
Unfortunately, designers are not always their maintenance providers. AMT
familiar with operational impact, nor are the Sarah MacLeod is a managing member at
regulators — witness the “design changes” the law firm of Obadal, Filler, MacLeod & Klein,
required to bring the Dreamliner out of its P.L.C. and is engaged in the legal representa-
nightmare. These design changes basically tion of foreign and domestic air carriers, aircraft
said when the fix is developed, we will let maintenance and alteration facilities, distributors,
you know; the type certificate holder did pilots, and other individuals and companies in fed-
develop a fix acceptable to the regulators. eral court and before federal administrative bodies.
Only time will tell if the design change She also serves as assistant chair for Air Carrier
fixed the issue or created another one. and General Aviation Maintenance of the FAA’s
The regulator is on the horns of a Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee, a
dilemma; how does it determine if post she has held since 1996. A globally recog-
the applicant met the burden to show nized expert in aviation regulatory compliance,
compliance with the regulations if it is Ms. MacLeod is a sought-after speaker and has
unfamiliar with the technology being appeared a numerous aviation and MRO events.
used? How does the certificate holder show She is admitted to the bar in Virginia.

50 September 2013 Aircraft Maintenance Technology • •



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