Practice Set 1

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Practice set 1

In Questions 1 to 7, select the correct answer A, B, C or D.

1 For what values of r does the limiting sum of a geometric series exist?
A r > 1 B r < 1 C r ≥ 1 D r ≤ 1
2 The transformation of y = f (x) to y = 3f (2x) is:
A Vertical dilation scale factor 3, horizontal dilation scale factor 2
B Horizontal dilation scale factor 3, vertical dilation scale factor 2
C Vertical dilation scale factor 3, horizontal dilation scale factor
D Horizontal dilation scale factor 3, vertical dilation scale factor
sin θ
3 Simplify .
cos2 θ sec θ
A cot θ B tan2 θ C tan θ D cot2 θ

4 The nth term of the sequence 7, 49, 343, … is:

A 7n B 7n − 1 C 7n − 1 D 7n

5 y = cos (x + π) + 3 has a phase shift of:

A π units to the right B 3 units up
C 3 units down D π units to the left
3 2 4
6 Find the limiting sum of + + +…
5 5 15
1 9 4 6
A B C 1 5 D
5 10 15
7 The formula for the sum 1 + 1.03 + 1.032 + … + 1.03n − 1 is:
1.03(1.03n − 1 − 1) 1.03(1.03n − 1)
A S = B S=
1.03 − 1 1.03 − 1

1.03n − 1 − 1 1.03n − 1
C S= D S =
1.03 − 1 1.03 − 1
8 a Sketch the graphs of y = x2 and y = −(x + 2)2 on the same set of axes.
b Describe the transformations that changed y = x2 into the transformed function.

114 MATHS IN FOCUS 12.  Mathematics Advanced ISBN 9780170413220

9 Solve each equation for [0°, 360°].
a tan 2x + 1 = 0 b 2 cos 3x = 1
c 2 sin (x − 90°) = 3 d tan (x − 180°) = 3
e 2 cos (x + 45°) = 1

10 Describe the amplitude, period, centre and phase shift of each function.
 π
a y = 4 cos 5x b y = −2 sin  x −  + 1
 6
x 
c y = tan  + 2
4 
3 3 3
11 Find in index form the 10th term of , , , …
4 16 64
12 Copy the graph y = f (x) and sketch: y
a y = 2f (x) 4
b y = f (x) + 1 y = f (x)
c y = f (x − 2)
d y = f (2x)
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4

13 The 2nd term of a geometric sequence is 52 and the 4th term is 13.
Find 2 sequences that satisfy these requirements.

14 Find which term −370 is in the series 17 + 8 − 1 − …

15 Describe the transformations on y = x3 if the equation of the transformed function

is y = 4(x − 1)3 − 3, and state whether any dilations stretch or compress the graph of
the function.

16 Solve each equation for [0°, 360°].

a 6 sin2 x − 7 sin x + 2 = 0 b 2 sin[2(x − 30)] = 1

17 A moving sculpture has a ball on the end of a wire that oscillates backwards and
forwards between 2 points. The equation of the distance d cm of the ball from the
centre of the sculpture at time t seconds is given by d = 6 cos (2πt) + 10.
a Find the centre of motion and the maximum distance of the ball from this
centre in both directions.
b How long does it take the ball to complete one complete cycle between the
2 points?

ISBN 9780170413220 Practice set 1 115

18 Find the equation of the function if y = x is dilated vertically with scale factor
4, dilated horizontally with scale factor , translated vertically 1 unit down and
translated horizontally 7 units to the left.

19 a Find the 50th term of 3, 7, 11, …

b Calculate the sum of 50 terms.

20 The nth term of a series is given by 7n − 3.

a Find the first 3 terms and the 12th term.
b Evaluate the sum of the first 20 terms.
c Which term is equal to 200?

21 a Sketch the graph of f (x) = 5x − 2− 3.

b From the graph, solve each equation.
i 5x − 2− 3 = 2
ii 5x − 2− 3 = 7
iii 5x − 2− 3 = −3

c State the domain and range of f (x).

22 Find the exact value of:

a cos 120° b sin 300° c tan 225°
d cos (−135°) e tan 690°

23 The 4th term of an arithmetic sequence is 18 and the 8th term is 62.
Find the formula for the general term of the sequence.

24 Evaluate x if sec x = cosec (2x − 30°).

25 Sketch the graph of each function in the domain [0, 2π].

a y = −7 cos x b y = 2 sin x
 π
c y = cos x + 1 d y = tan  x + 
e y = 3 cos 2x f y = −4 sin + 3
26 Prove each identity.
a cot x sec x = cosec x
b sin2 x cosec2 x − sin2 x = cos2 x

116 MATHS IN FOCUS 12.  Mathematics Advanced ISBN 9780170413220

27 Find the equation of the transformed function of y = sin x if the function has:
a amplitude 2
b period 4π
c centre −3
d a reflection in the x-axis and amplitude 5
e a phase shift units to the left
f amplitude 5, period 6π, centre 1 and a phase shift of π units to the right

28 The geometric series x + x2 + x3 + … has a sum to infinity of 5. Find the value of x.

29 Solve each equation for [0, 2π].

a cos x = 0.62 b tan2 x = 1 c 2 sin x − 1 = 0
d cos x = 0 e 4 sin2 x = 3 f 2 cos 2x + 1 = 0

30 Find the first value of n for which the sum of the sequence 20, 4, 0.8, … is greater
than 24.85.

2 2 2
31 Evaluate + + + ...
25 125 625
32 The average temperature T over t months is given by T = 20 cos + 18 where
January is t = 0.
a Find the amplitude, period and centre of the function. What do these features
mean in terms of maximum and minimum temperatures and cycles?
b Find the month with an average temperature of −2°C.
c What is the month with the highest average temperature?
d What is the average temperature in September?
e When is the average temperature 18°C?

33 Solve graphically (x − 1)2 − 4 ≤ 0.

34 Show that f (x) = 3x2 − 2 is an even function.

35 a Show that log 3, log 9, log 27 … are terms of an arithmetic sequence.

b Find the exact sum of 20 terms of the sequence.

36 a Sketch the graph of y = 3(x − 2)2 − 4.

b From the graph, solve each inequality.
i  3(x − 2)2 − 4 ≥ 8 ii 3(x − 2)2 − 4 < 8

ISBN 9780170413220 Practice set 1 117

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