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The non-tariff trade barrier between the United States and China is mentioned in the article that

I found. Non-tariff trade barriers are ones that typically prevent the import and export of products
and services that don't include tariffs because of the way they operate.

The article's major premise is that there has been a trade war between the United States and
China and that China has employed various strategies to impede or delay the entry of exported
commodities from the United States into China. But over the past few years, China has begun to
lower its trade barriers in an effort to put an end to the trade spat and make it easier for
American exports to enter China, as the trade embargo had a greater negative impact on
Chinese consumers than it had on Americans. Chang-Tai Hsieh is the article's author, and it was
published on the "Becker Friedman Institute" website.

The author's opinion is supported by evidence that it is not the first time an importing country
has struggled as a result of using a trade barrier, as he gives examples of China using trade
barriers on Canada and Australia banning 5G imports from China. The article's main opinion is
that non-tariff barriers hurt the importing country more than the exporting country. In each of the
aforementioned instances, the country that imported the goods suffered as a result of the trade

In this case, even with the trade barrier being removed, I don't believe the U.S. economy will
profit all that much in comparison to the Chinese economy, despite the fact that the article
claims that importing countries are most harmed by trade barriers. The only thing I would advise
is to avoid trade barriers unless they are absolutely necessary, such as in the case of the
Russian trade bans, where if countries continued trading with Russia, they would most likely be
supporting the genocide of an innocent country. Even in the case of Russia with the trade bans
on it, we can see the impact the trade bans have on the importing countries with the current
energy crisis.

Contrary to what I stated in my previous paragraph, American consumers are not being
impacted by the trade embargo discussed in the article, as opposed to Chinese consumers. In
the end, I agree that China has begun lowering some trade barriers with the United States
because doing business with each other is good for each country's economy.

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