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Community Notes

● Alma Ata
○ All people, including those who are marginalized or vulnerable,

should have access to quality health services that put their needs
at the center, without financial hardship (or out-of-the-pocket
○ To address the health and development challenges of the modern

era, PHC should:

◆  Empower people and communities as owners of their health,

as advocates for the policies that promote and protect it, and as
architects of the health and social services that contribute to it;
◆ Address the social, economic, environmental, and

commercial determinants of health through evidence-based

policies and actions across all sectors
◆  Ensure strong public health and primary care throughout

people’s lives, as the core of integrated service delivery

○ Address economic, social, and environmental determinants of

health, and aim to reduce risk factors by mainstreaming a “health in

all policies” approach
● Principles of Primary Health Care
○ Community participation
◆ Addresses felt needs of the people
◆ Ensure social responsibility, sustainability, cost sharing,

enhancement of knowledge)
○ Intersectoral collaboration
◆ Overall human development
◆ Ensures economic development and affordability
○ Integration of health care programs
◆ Coordination of various primary health care components
○ Equity
○ Self-reliance
◆ Use of technological methods that are scientifically sound that

are maintained by the community. It can be in terms of human

resources, money, materials
● WHO Health Systems Building Blocks
○ Service delivery
◆ Refers to those which provide effective, safe, quality personal

and non-personal health interventions to those who need

them, when and where needed, with minimum waste of resources
○ Health workforce
◆ Includes the main drivers of the healthcare system and is

essential for the efficient management and operation of the

public health system
○ Health Information System
◆ Ensures the production, analysis, dissemination, and use of

reliable and timely information on health determinants, health

systems performance, and health status
○ Access to essential medicines
◆ Universal provision for healthcare that is heavily dependent on

availability of affordable essential therapeutic agents, vaccines,

diagnostics, and other health technologies of assured quality,

which are used in scientifically sound and cost-effective way
○ Financing
◆ Raises adequate funds for health, in ways that ensure people can

use needed services and are protected from financial

catastrophe or impoverishment associate
○ Leadership
◆ Ensures that the health authorities take responsibility for steering

the entire health sector

● Social Determinants of Health
○ Structural: Generate stratification and divisions in society and define

positions within hierarchies

◆ Income, education, occupation, social class
○ Intermediary: Directly shape individual health choices

● Decision-making tools for Program Management

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